Arxiv:1508.01563V1 [Math.FA] 6 Aug 2015 R 05”Ihrivrat.Itrcin Ewe Arithme Between Interactions Invariants

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Arxiv:1508.01563V1 [Math.FA] 6 Aug 2015 R 05”Ihrivrat.Itrcin Ewe Arithme Between Interactions Invariants CLOSED GRAPH THEOREMS FOR BORNOLOGICAL SPACES FEDERICO BAMBOZZI Abstract. The aim of this paper is that of discussing Closed Graph Theorems for bornological vector spaces in a way which is accessible to non-experts. We will see how to easily adapt classical arguments of functional analysis over R and C to deduce Closed Graph Theorems for bornological vector spaces over any complete, non-trivially valued field, hence encompassing the non-Archimedean case too. We will end this survey by discussing some applications. In particular, we will prove de Wilde’s Theorem for non-Archimedean locally convex spaces and then deduce some results about the automatic boundedness of algebra morphisms for a class of bornological algebras of interest in analytic geometry, both Archimedean (complex analytic geometry) and non-Archimedean. Introduction This paper aims to discuss the Closed Graph Theorems for bornological vector spaces in a way which is accessible to non-specialists and to fill a gap in literature about the non-Archimedean side of the theory at the same time. In functional anal- ysis over R or C bornological vector spaces have been used since long time ago, without becoming a mainstream tool. It is probably for this reason that bornologi- cal vector spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields were rarely considered. Over the last years, for several reasons, bornological vector spaces have drawn new atten- tions: see for example [1], [2], [3], [5] and [15]. These new developments involve the non-Archimedean side of the theory too and that is why it needs adequate founda- tions. Among the classical books on the theory of bornological vector spaces, the only one considering also non-Archimedean base fields, in a unified fashion with the Archimedean case, is [10]. But that book cannot cover all the theory, and in partic- ular it lacks of a unified treatment of the Closed Graph Theorems. This work comes out from the author’s need for a reference for these theorems and also in the hope that in the future bornological vector spaces will gain more popularity and that this work may be useful for others. The Closed Graph Theorem for Banach spaces over R and C is one of the most celebrated classical theorems of functional analysis. Over the years it has been generalized in many ways, for example to Fr´echet and LF spaces as a consequence of arXiv:1508.01563v1 [math.FA] 6 Aug 2015 the Open Mapping Theorems. Although it is a classical argument that the Closed Graph Theorem can be deduced from the Open Mapping Theorem, people have understood that the Closed Graph Theorem can be proved in an independent way, with argumentations that also work when the Open Mapping Theorem fails. The two most famous examples of this kind of proofs are given in [19] by Popa and [7] by de Wilde. In particular, de Wilde’s Theorem is probably the most general Closed Graph Theorem for locally convex spaces, and states the following: The author acknowledges the University of Regensburg with the support of the DFG funded CRC 1085 ”Higher Invariants. Interactions between Arithmetic Geometry and Global Analysis”. 1 2 FEDERICO BAMBOZZI Theorem 0.1. (De Wilde’s Closed Graph Theorem) If E is an ultrabornological locally convex space and F is a webbed locally convex space over R or C, then every linear map f : E Ñ F which has bornologically closed graph with respect to the convex bornologies on E and F that are generated by all bounded Banach disks in E and in F , respectively, is continuous even if regarded as a mapping into the ultrabornologification Fuborn of F . The terminology of the theorem will be explained in the course of this work. What is interesting to notice is that, although we would like to prove a theorem for locally convex spaces we are naturally led to talk about bornologies and bounded maps. Popa’s Theorem, on the contrary, is an explicit bornological statement which is the Archimedean case of our Theorem 2.7. The content of the paper is the following: in the first section we give an overview of the theory of bornological vector spaces. In particular, since we adopt the unusual attitude of discussing the Archimedean and non-Archimedean case of the theory at the same time, we spend some time in recalling basic definitions and discuss in details the notions from the theory bornological vector spaces that will be used. In the second section we will introduce the notion of bornological nets and then give the main examples of bornological vector spaces endowed with nets. We will then deduce our first Closed Graph Theorem, which is the unified version of Popa’s Theorem (cf. [19]), stated as follows: Theorem 0.2. Let E and F be separated convex bornological vector spaces, where E is complete and F has a net compatible with its bornology. Then, every linear map f : E Ñ F with bornologically closed graph is bounded. In the subsequent section the notion of bornological net is generalized by the notion of bornological web and the analogous Closed Graph Theorem for webbed bornological vector spaces is proved quite easily as a consequence of the previous discussion. In this case our theorem is the direct generalization, for all base fields, of the Closed Graph Theorem proved by Gach in [8], Theorem 4.3. In the last section we discuss some applications of the theorems we proved. We will see how one can deduce Isomorphism Theorems from Closed Graph Theorems and following [8] we will see how de Wilde’s Closed Graph Theorem can be deduced. We would like to remark that for non-Archimedean base fields we need to add some restrictions, that do not affect the Archimedean side of the theory. Our generalization of de Wilde’s Theorem is the following: Theorem 0.3. If E is an ultrabornological locally convex space and F is a polar webbed locally convex space defined over a spherically complete field K, then every linear map f : E Ñ F which has bornologically closed graph with respect to the convex bornologies on E and F that are generated by all bounded Banach disks in E and in F , respectively, is continuous even if regarded as a mapping into the ultrabornologification Fuborn of F . Therefore, in order to deduce de Wilde’s Theorem for non-Archimedean base fields we needed to suppose that the base field K is spherically complete and that F is a polar locally convex space (cf. Definition 4.16), conditions which are always satisfied when K is Archimedean. We remark that these hypothesis on K and F are only used in Lemma 4.19 and in Lemma 4.20; one might ask if it is possible to prove that lemmata without these restrictions. We do not address this problem in this work. CLOSED GRAPH THEOREMS FOR BORNOLOGICAL SPACES 3 Finally, in the last part of the paper we show how to use the Closed Graph Theorems for bornological spaces to deduce that all algebra morphisms between dagger affinoid algebras, as defined in [1], are bounded. This application, and others coming in [3] and planned in future works, are our main motivations for this study. 1. Bornological spaces and Closed Graph Theorems Closed graph. Let u : E Ñ F be a map of sets, then the set Γpuq “ tpx,yq P E ˆ F |y “ upxq u is called the graph of u. If E and F are Hausdorff topological spaces and u a continuous map, then Γpuq is a closed subspace of E ˆ F endowed with the product topology. This is a basic property of Hausdorff topological spaces. If E and F are vector spaces over a field K and u is a linear map, then Γpuq is a vector subspace of E ˆ F . If E and F are separated bornological vector spaces over a complete, non-trivially valued field K and u is linear and bounded, then Γpuq is bornologically closed in EˆF endowed with the product bornology (see below for what it means for a subset of a bornological vector space to be bornologically closed). This assertion is pretty easy to check. Let pxn, upxnqq be a sequence of elements of Γpuq which converges bornologically to px,yq in EˆF . Then, by definition of product bornology, xn Ñ x in E and upxnqÑ y in Y . Since u is bounded, the sequence pupxnqq converges bornologically to upxq and since Y is separated, we must have y “ upxq. Therefore px,yq P Γpuq and Γpuq is bornologically closed in E ˆ F . The Closed Graph Theorems are converses of the above statements for some special class of bornological or topological K-vector spaces. Here we pursue the main ideas of [8] for which the bornological Closed Graph Theorems are of more fundamental nature and extend it for non-Archimedean base fields. The statements of our Closed Graph Theorems assert that if u : E Ñ F is a linear map which has bornologically closed graph then it is bounded when E and F belong to some particular classes of bornological vector spaces: we will prove it when E is a complete bornological vector space and F a separated bornological vector space endowed with a net, in Section 2, and when F is endowed with a web in Section 3. Both the proofs of these sections are adaptations of results from [11] and [8] on bornological vector spaces over Archimedean base fields to any non-trivially valued, complete base field K Archimedean or not. Bornologies. Bornological vector spaces are well studied objects in functional anal- ysis over R and C.
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