129 STREET DIRECTORY, 1914. GRE 35 Penny Sidney John 36 Elder Thomas Greenvale road. Eltham 60 Morrison Thomas, dinin~ rooms 324 Ferrari Giovannf, confectioner 37 38 Bolingbroke Henry Charles (S.E.)(WooLWICH),WellHaU Gidden William James 64 Victoria Wine Co 332 & 334 Hinde Alan Hamilton, 39 Prendergast Morris William 66 Morris Mrs. Sophy, ladies' apartmentA 40 Francis Frederick William parade to Eltham Park. H Wooster William Thomas underclothing outfitter • • • • here ia W oodberry grOfJe •••• SOUTH SIDE. 43 White Charles •• , •••• here is .&den gro1'e ••••••• 336Finsbu1•yPark hote>l, DavidMarks Greenlng st. A bhty Wood, 22 Finch Miss 45 Wr1ght William 68 Chaplais Charles, beer retailer 340 Brown ffenry Arthur Plumstead (S.E.) (WooL­ 24 Cnmmings Geo. William 47 Bruin Waiter John 26 Richards John David 72 Powell Fredk. Sydney, hosier 342 Castiglione Mrs WICK), Ji'ederation road to 49 Channer Alfred George 74 McNay Waiter, hairdresser 344 to 354 Northumberland Hse. 28 Prosser Miss 51 James .Alfred George 76 Slatter George, greengrocer Private Lunatic Asylum, A.bbey Wood road. 30 Woo:l James William 53 Langton Edwin Simmons, 78 Shadforth & Matthews, corn Harold Stocker, proprietor; ••• , • • here is M cLeod road, ...... 32 Hive John pho~apher merchants Berna.rd Hart M.D. med. supt L.O.C. Temporary TechnicalSohool 34 Bayly W'alter Ewart 55 Ashcroft J ohu SO Graf Andreas, baker • • • • • here crosses ••••• 36 Arnold Wm. James 57 Stevens Alfred Samuel 82 Hamburger Nathan SI. butcher 356 Grifli ths Mrs Green's end,Woolwich(S.E.) 38 Moore J oseph 59 Beales Henry William 84 Pattenden Richd. Hy. confctnr 356 Reichert Albert HenrY (WOOLWICH), WeUington 40 Doddrell Arthur 61 Hol'ilwill Herbert William 86 Welford & Co. Dairy Farmers 360 Lapthom John 42 Doddrell Mrs . 63 Francis Charles Thomas Ltd. dairvmen • • • • • here ia Hermitage road ••••• street to Beresford square. 44 Daniel Ohar>les Langham 65 Eade John Thomas 88 Dale HerbertJn. neckwear mnfr 380 Wade Alfred, oilman NORTH SIDE. 46 Roberts Thos. Henry 67 Butcher William Edward '90 Scrase J. & Sons, bootmakers 382 Shakespeare Harry greengrocr 1 Davis D. & Co. house furnishers 50 Phillips Edwin Purclul.l:le 69 Jarrett Richard 112 Young & Harrison, chemists 384 Swainston Miss Mary, confctr 2 Southgate S. E.& Son, tobccnsts 52 Tarleton Ernest 71 Oxbrow Frederick John 94 Wade Bros. fruiterers 386 Cox Miss Margaret, dairy 3 Bradshaw Alfred, confectioner M Smith Waiter 73 Cackett .Arthur "96 Sydney & Co. grocers 388 Dixey William, chimney cleanr 4 Francis Wm. J. & Co. grocers 56 Sauuders Abraha.m 388 Manville Henry, hairdresser 5 Mayp..,le Oairy Co. Ltd • • • here ia Grange hill road •• , • "96 RogersHenryP.wine& sprt.mer 58 Flood Herbert Harry 75 Rogel'il Arthur Ja.mes Audley [The remainrler of names for this 6 Milld La.cey, military tailor 60 Wood Harry • • • • here ia S pringdale road •••• 77 Cbapman Miss { Allardyce Thos. Jsph. baker thoroughfare are in •Iuded in the 6 Provident Clothing & Supply 62 Lidstone Vern•m Ba.rtlett 98 Directory of Middlesex:.] Co. Ltd. drapers 64 Harris Albert Edward 81 Wilson Miss • POST, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B 83 Weary Thomas Samuel lOO Egleton & Sons, china dealers 6 Tyne Main Coal Oo. Ltd 66 Page Alfred Richard 7 Davis D. & Co. trunk makers 85 W a.llis J osiah 102 Egleton & Sons, oilmen 68 Crickard James 87 Moxham Ashley George Green Hundred rd. Peel· 8 & 9 Davis D. & Co. jewellers 70 Munro James 104 Jeans Misses Alice & Amie, 89 Shearn-Tho:nas Edwin linen drapers ham (S.E.) (CAMBERWELL), 10 DavisD.& Oo.govrnmt.contrctrs 72 Parker Frank H 106 Roylance 0. & Co. laundry • • • • here ia the Railway bridge •••• 74 Downing Ric'Jard Nosworthy 91 Purves Mrs 21 Peckham Park roar/, to 93 108 Ridler Charles, butcher 11 Home & Colonial Stores Ltd 76 Francis Alfred William Flower Manby Bird-in-Bush road. 12 Stephenson & Co. hatters 95 Morgan Tbomas 110 Robinson Robert, confectioner EAST SIDE. 78 Edwards Rd. civil service tutor 114 Morgan Thomas Geo.dairyman 13 Woodford .John, tailor 8} Robinson Miss 97 Cackett Geor~e 1 Nixon HPnry, hairdresser 99 l:lutler George Frederick 116 Davies Charles Spurgeon, 14 Alien William Ohevins, tobccnst 82 Lavender Mark 3 Hunter Thomas, chandler's shop 15 & 16 Purvis Brothers, grocers 101 Hubbard James physician & surgeon 9 Ash by Mrs. Elizabeth, wrdrbe dlr 84 Hughes John Alfred ••.•.• here is Po1ci8 street .•••.• 86 Cochrane Oavid Wood 103 Smith William George 118 Alexander Albert, hairdresser 35 Judd James. beer retailer 105 Terry Walter James 120 Barrell John, greengrocer SOUTH SIDE. 88 Cattell James William B ...... here is Edurin' & row .•.••• 122 Singer Sewing Machine Oo.Ltd 18 Barton H •rry Bridges, beer ret 90 Pennell Frederick George 107 Osborne Mrs 37 Clare James, greengrocer 109 Ohapman Charles John 124 Schonfeld Rev. Victor 19 Trodd William, coffee rooms 92 Masters George Finch •••••• here ia Do11mea .ftreet • , •••• 20 Capital & Counties Bank 111 AlmondFre -v. John Weslt>y 22 Banks & Bryan Ltd. mourning 100 Gee Leonard William 119 Ashby S.vdney Robert 55 Wilson Mrs. Ann, chandlr. 's shp warehouse 121 Pi• ter Waiter Charles 134 Barry Mrs. Caroline B.A.. school 57 Hunt Joseph, beer retailer 102 Stammas Tnomas Htnry 138 Young Sydney 23 Faith Bros. hosiers 123 Fros~ George • • • • .. here ia Trirriby street ...... 106 La.wson Miss Ethel, music tchr 140 Blok Moses, surgeon 24 & 24.A., Kill wick D. & Co. furni­ 108 .Marshall Fred.erick Augustu.s • •••• here is WeJtmount road ••• , • 65 Flood Sylvester John, pro· ture dealers 145 Steel Richard Chas.Lieut. R.N 142 Ford Rev. Walter vision stores 110 Gory William Cotton 144 McCulloch Mrs 25 to 27 Birts&SonLtd.ho.fumishrs 112 Keough Frederick James 147 Collins Alfred George •••••• here ia .drthur street •••••• 28 Duchess of Wellingion, Thomas ••••• here ia l'ltatham grove ••••• 67 Mellish John, cats' meat dea.lr 114 Oattell Waiter Hill Galpin 149 Jeffrey E I ward G. Bonrl 151 Pritchard Edward Austin 146 Bunker Frederick James, dairy 79 Healy William, bootmaker 116 Bennett Geurge 148 Fletcher Mis>e3 Caroline & 30 Prudential Assurance Oo. Ltd. 118 Nash Frerlerick 153 Bishop Arthur Thomas Florence, linen drapei s WEST SIDE. W. Hales, supt 120 Barham Harry 155 Randall Charles Martin 150 Fishman Abraham, provsn. dlr • • • • • here is Grainge r street ••••• 29 & 30 Habershon, Watts & 122 Roberts Herbert William 157 Lewis Emest George 152 Rice William Hooton,confectnr 26 Watts Herbert, grocer Co. solicitors 124. Broad Edgar Frank 159 Buttery Mrs 15! Tebbs William Richd.hairdrssr 28 Ranalde Gerard. bootmaker 29 & 30 Wickham Lane Estate 126 Banks Francis George 161 Pett Alfred William 156 Channou Thomas, tobacconist .here are Bexley place J: Dovmes at. Co. Ltd 128 Jarvis David Henry 163 Elphick George Tom 158 Phipps Edward, greengrocer 36 Donau Peter, baker 29 & 30 Habershon Alfred Eustace, 130 Cackett William 165 Ford Mark 160 Coles Mi'>BEJR Ada & Susan, 68 Bateman A.. & Son. basket mas architect 132 Jameson Miss 167 Osborne Charles Alfred booksellers 29 & 30 Kent&::!uburbanEstatesCo. 134 English Edward Ja.mes 169 Hodgkinson Thomas Walter Llm. A. E. Habershon, sec 171 Paler William John 162 Hobbs Frederic, chemist Green­ 136 Cluse George Edward Greenfell st, East 31 Tufnell H. & Sou, auctioneers 138 Keeble Henry 173 Clark Arthur Leslie 162 Reed Miss Hannah,. servants' (S.E,) (GREENWICH), registry office wich 32 Hughes-Narborough & Thomas, 140 Lawson M:rs 175 Ayley Ambrose •••••• here ia Church street •••••• Tunnel av. to Blackwalllane. solicitors 142 Beecham Albert Ed win 177 Gardiner John Laird •••• here ia PARK •••• South Metropolitan Gas Co 32 Modem Permanent Building •••• here ia Weatmount road .... 179 Weller Mrs Giles Richard John, supt. SO<'iety, 146 Sanll'Ster Edward Milne 181 Bacon Harold Edgar (Clissold Park lodge) Wm. Narborough, sec 1-!8 Lee Thomas Frederick 183 Gard William 182 Stroud & Oo. florists Greenholm road, Eltham 32 Plumstead House, Land · & 150 Fisher Edward Ohristopher 184 Webb MisS Florence, teacher (S.E.) (WooLWICH), Buley Property Investmnt. Co. Ltd 152 Bellamy Harry L 32 Suburban Property Co. IJm. of music roacl to Glenwre road. 154 Oliver William Edward 188 Lam Charles W. E. Hughes-Narborough, 156 Sangster Da vid Greenwich market, Green­ WEST SIDE. m.lnaging director 190 Plato Raphael 1 Symes Mrs 158 Lee Edwin James wich (S.E.) (GREENWICH), 194 Sions Ascher Louis 33 Salter Joseph R. & Co. wine 160 Crump Walter Edwin 3 Powell ~Ii-s & spirit merchants Clarence st. to Nelson st. 196 Burn Colin 5 !cough Henry 162 Radr·Iiffe Miss 1 Elms William, fruit salesman ••.••• here i8 'l.'ho'TIUl& 1treet .•.•• 164 198 Rich Herbert Charles 7 West Gordon Brooks Sydney Herbert 2 Martin George A. fruit salesman 200 Loewenstein Bernhard 9 Pengelly Mrs 166 Bell Charles Edward 5 Mullen Jeremiah, fruit salsmn 202 HillLeopold. Geo.phys. &surgn 11 Bishop George Greensfde road, 8hephe;rd's 168 Grittith Ed ward 7 Glad win & Barnes, fruit salesmn ••••• here is Lordship park •••••• 13 Pearce Henry John 170 Oouper James Bush (\V,) (HAMMERSMITH), 172 Redgrave Rerbert James • • • • here ia Dum ford &treet •••• 204 Morris Robert Edmund 15 Shearing Samuel Charles 256 Goldhawk road to Good­ 9 Dyer Hy. Alfd. fruit salesman Metropolitan Water Board 17 Howieson Alfred 174 Adams Edwin win road. 176 Leggatt William Edward 10 Underwood J«B. fruit salesman New River District(Edmund 19 Fletcher Edward Irving Coach&: Hor11es,John T. Hodgson Robert Morris, res. enginr) 21 Hanson Miss EAST SIDE. 178 Broadhurst Alfred James • • • • here Neu; River c7·osse11 •••• 2A, Pine & Hayes, builders 180 Maeers Edwin Knillht •••••• here is Turnpin lane •••••• 23 Marshall James 15 Turner Frank, fruit salesman 210 Alexander 25 H>trgreaves Arthur William 2 Miles Mrs. Ethel, laundry 182 Stables William Ashburner 16 Wood Waiter Wm. fruitsalesmn 212 Wallington Howard 27 Wardlaw Mrs 2 Quy William Alfred, bootmaker 184 Haynes Henry B 214 Granville William Puddicomb 29 Johnson Charles 4 Rnmsey Wm. Jn. chandler's sh 1~6 Bamford William •..•.• here is TM Arcade ••.••• 216 Whitaker Alfred 31 Pig~ott William Edwin • • • • . • here is Talbot mews •••••• 188 Pratt Alfred 17 Weiss Mrs. Elizabeth. confectnr 218 Bagley Arthur Robert 33 Barton Alfred Penrose ST. ANDREW'S. PRESBY- 190 Wallbank Charles Frederick 18 & 19 Harper Walt. fruit salesmn 246 Edmondson James 35 Taffs Herbert William TERIAN CHURCH 192 Roffey Aran John 20 Freeman Miss Florence, coffee 2-!8 Collis Alfred 37 Broad water Guy •••••• here is Leysjkld road •••••• 194 Wakelen Richard rooms 250 Paros Woolf 39 Robison Donald Armoured Tubular Flooring 196 Graves Sidner Albert 22 Harris Alfred, dining rooms 252 Reeves Oliver EAST SIDE, Co. Ltd 198 Cocks Rowland Arthur 23 Harris Miss A melia, fruiterer 254 Blockley Miss 2 Rowe Percy 28 Percy Reuben & Son, contrctrs 200 Weeks Henry Charles 24 Harris Zacchreus,fruit salesman Phi!lips William Moreton 4 Home John 34 Perry Charles 202 Pearson Arthur 211 Harper James, fruit salesman (Marlborough house) 6 Stamford Charles 42 Morrison Mrs 204 McGovarin William 26 Goulding John Richard, potato 8 Lane Arthur James • • . • . • here u LeOern road .••••• 206 Buxton Miss salesman • • • • • • here are W oodberry clown J: ST. MA.R¥'S MISSION HAT.L SetJen Sisters road. • ••••• 10 Ohalmers Mrs NORTH SIDE. 27 & 28 Turner Percy Hy. fruit 12 Wise Wi!liarn Thomas WEST SIDE. 316 .Manor House hotel, Mrs. 13 A.dams Charles Hayes salesman 14 Hartley Alfred .Kdwin 1 Smart Harry E. boot repairer Amelia C. Swinyard 15 Martin Henry 30 Greener Hy. Jn. fruit salesman 16 Guy William lA, Stevens Geo. stone&mrble.ma Metropolitan Electric Tram· 17 Gunncll Miss ways Ltd. Depot 18 Dickinson John Thomas 3 Walton Miss Alice L.M.dressma 7 Wade Waiter Richard 19 Henshall George Henry 318A., Standard Petroleum Oar· 20 Key John 21 Baker W illiam buretter Co. Ltd 22 Oasartelli Lrmis 9 Spong Thomas (S.E.) 11 Hooker James Turner 23 Baker Willia'll James 318A, Boswell Robert, bootmaker 24 Dudeney Frank Mansfield 27 Scroggs Charles James (GREENWICH). 318 Thomas Titus, refrshmt. rms 26 Gant Wilfred Robert 19 Pavitt Joseph ROYAL OBSERVATORY, Frank 23 Wheeler Charles 29 Hoare George 320 Rose Eugene, tobacconist 28 Richards Frank Herbert 31 Dell William Charles Watson Dyson :w:.A., LL.D.1 F.R.So 30 N eale Miss 37 Stibbs Samuelffy. decorator Astronomer Royal f savage Wm.Albert,stationr. 99 Hawker Waiter, rag dealer 33 Lown George Alfred 322 t POST, M.O., T.O., S.B 32 Hawkins John Gunning L. C. SUBS. 9