PF Vol21 No1.Pdf (14.14Mb)
PRAIRIE FORUM Vol. 21, No.1 Spring 1996 CONTENTS ARTICLES Introduction: Placing Prairie Drama Anne Nothof v TownHall vs. the Barracks: Theatre in Nineteenth-Century Regina PatrickB. O'Neill 1 uThe Actors Excelled-Their First Efforts": Amateur Theatre in Lethbridge, Alberta, 1885-1900 Ches Skinner 17 Spaces and Choices: The Theatre in Calgary from 1944 to 1968 John A. Hawkins 29 Necessary Adjustments: The Problem of CommunitySolidarity in Paper Wheat, The Fighting Days and TheShipbuilder Foxy Persons: Transformation of Narrative Mode in the Prairie Theatre ExchangeProduction of MargaretSweatman's Fox ChrisJohnson 55 Reacting to the Right[eous]: The Political Plays of FrankMoher, Lyle Victor Albert, Raymond Storey, and Greg Nelson Anne Nothof 75 Canada East, Canada West: The Cultural Politics of Geography Revisited Moira Day 99 REVIEWS URSELL, Geoffrey, Saskatoon Pie; MITCHELL, Ken, ThePlainsman; KERR, Don, Talking Back; SAPERGIA, Barbara, Roundup by Don Perkins 121 MANN, George, Theatre Lethbridge: A History ofTheatrical Productions in Lethbridge, Alberta (1885-1988) by Ross Stuart 124 FRASER/Brad, TheUglyMan: A Play; FRASER, Brad, Poor Super Man by Debby Thompson 127 JOHNSTON LEWIS,[acqui and WARREN, Diane, comps., Eureka! Seven OneAct Plays for Secondary Schools by Joyce Doolittle 129 CONTRIBUTORS 132 INDEX 133 PRAIRIE FORUM: Journal of the Canadian Plains Research Center ChiefEditor: Patrick Douaud, Education, Regina Editorial Board: I. Adam, English, Calgary D. Gauthier, CPRC, Regina P. Ghorayshi, Sociology, Winnipeg S. Jackel, Canadian Studies, Alberta M. Kinnear, History, Manitoba W. Last, Earth Sciences, Winnipeg A. Leger-Anderson, History, Regina P. McCormack, ProvincialMuseum, Edmonton A. Mills, Political Science, Winnipeg F. Pannekoek, Alberta Culture _______--.:an=.:.=d=-:M~u=lt=ic=..:u=l~tu""""'r__=alism,-E-dmQnlQn---~---.-.~. D.
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