The Nesting Season June 1-July 31, 1989
Thc Nesting Season June 1-July 31, 1989 ATLANTIC PROVINCES REGION Bruce Mactavish ummeris the season when traditionally birdwatchers in this Region do the least amount of birdwatching. The Maritime Breeding Bird Atlas, in its third year, has donea lot to changethat. New discoveriesabout everyday commonspecies make them exciting. Many people were o out in the field this summer in the three Maritime Prov- PIERRE inces: New Brunswick. Prince Edward Island, and Nova ET MIQUELOt Scotia. Brian Dalzell, coordinator of the project, sent a comprehensivereport of this summer'sfindings and they make up the bulk of this summer season report. The weather was about averageover the Region. Rarities were few, but two firsts for the Region were recorded, one long overdue and the other not even dreamed about: Sandwich Tern and Marbled Murrelet. BRUNSWICK ABBREVIATIONS -- S.P.M. = Saint Pierre et Miquelon. • FredericIon LOONS TO HERONS -- Red-throatedLoons in breeding plumagesouth of the breedingrange during the summerare ATLANTIC OCEAN not unexpected,but one July 8 severalkm up River Hebert, NS. was unusual becauseit was inland (TE). The only 2 locationssouth of Labradorin the Regionwhere the species hasbred are Miquelon,S.P.M.. which hada nestwith oneegg June16 and a pair with two youngJuly 17 0VIB),and the Gray Islands,NF, where adultswere seenin late June(JW). Map Illustration/Denise L. O'Brien Adult Pied-billed Grebes in Newfoundland--where rare, especiallyin summer--were one July 7 into Augustat St. this promisingsite (RE). Manx Shearwaterswere said to be John's{m.ob.) and one July 17 at Loch Lomond (BMt). An "commonerthan ever" around Brier I., NS (fide IM).
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