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Fira Funis, £720,093. Lif j Faai WW*. Total FuaIs,£l,80O,00!>.


Scottish Office—W HOPE i T, GLASGOW, and Agents. W. M'GAVI-K ITLLOCH, Local Manager. AGENT


Established 1839 I CAPITAL, ONE MILLION 120 PRINCES S~ ET EDINBURGH. TR BM. The Right Hon. The Earl of Gl- Lord Clerk-Register of Scotland.

The Right Hun. Lord Moncreifi • Justice-Clerk of Scotland. Tne Honourable Lord Adam. Edward Kent Karslake, Esq., Q.C.

The Honourable Mr Justice Field. William Smythe, Esq , of Methven. Sir Hardinge S' - Giffard. Q.C, M.P. Ma nage r— W I LL I ITH, LL.D., F.I.A. THE ASSOCIATION transacts all the .ascriptions of LIFE and ANNUITY Bnsi- ness, and also secures ENDOWMEi ayable during Life, as PROVISIONS FOR OLD AGE. NINE-TENTHS (90 percent.) of the PR are divided among the Assured every FIVE YEARS. Seven Divisions of Profits h; sady taken place, at each of which BONUS AUDITIONS, at Rates never lower than t iund Ten Shillings per Cent per Annum,

were made to all Participating Policies ( I for the Whole Term of Life. THE EIGHTH DIVISION OK PROF LL TAKE PLACE AT CHRISTMAS 1S85. Polices effected during 1SS3 will then'bf d to Four Years' Bjiius Additions. FAMILY ' r POLICIES. NON FORFEITURE POLICIES are s.-aed under the "Married Women's Policies of Assurance Scotland Ac 0," securing Family Provisions free from control of Creditors, and witl separate Trust Deed. LOANS are granted, in connection wil Assurance, on Life Intekest, Reversions, Personal, and other approved Securities*. ANNUAL INCOME, - - - £1S5,0)0 EXISTING ASSURANCES. £4,330,000 TOTAL FUNDS, - • - - - £1,190,00.- TOTAL CLAIMS PAID, £1.88 1,000 GLAS. '.RANCH. 105 ST. VINCENT STREET OHN OSWALD, Secretary. Agent at Rothesay— V. MADDEVER, Writer. —.


MM 2.

, public Officials ; Militia and Volunteer Officers ; Clergymen ; B .inkers Law.

yers ; Teachers ; Office-Bearers of Joint Stock Companies, Benefit, and Societies Fast Days Fairs Valuation Communications and other ; ; i ; ;

Postal Arrangements :

County of Bute, isle of bute, Parish of Rothesay, .. BuaoH of Rothesay, Parish of N >rth Buth, Parish of h.iNOARTH,

ISLEOFARRAN. 19 Parish of Kilbride, 19 Parish of Kilmory, 20


' BurGh of Millport, . 21

Valuation and Population, 24: Constituencies, 24 Assessments, Fiar3 Prices,

County of Ayr, 26 Largs District, 27

County of Ar jyle,.. 29 Dunoon District, 3) Tiuhnabruaich, 33 Campbeltown,., 34 Tarbert, 37 Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead, 38 Inveraray, 41 Oban, .. 43 1«lf, of islay, 47

Isle. of Mull,,. . . .. 49

County of Dumbarton, 51 Helensburgh,.. 51

County of Renfreav,.. 54

County of Inverness,. 55

County of Ross, .. 56 —

County of Cromarty, 57

County of Sutherland, 58

County of Caithness, .. 59

County of Wigtown, .. 60

County of Kirkcudbright, 61

County of Dumfries, .. 62


Householders Alphabetically Arranged : County of Bute, ISLE of BUTE, .„ Rothesay, 67 North Bute, 94 Kingarth, 99 ISLE of ARRAN, Kilbride, 103 Kilmort, 103

THE CUMBRAES, . Millport, County of Argyle, Oban,


A Street List giving the Names of the Inhabitants of the different Houses :— County of Bute,

Rothesay,...... „ ...... , .=. ..131 c i :, o SOUND WHITS TEETH. t B3: o :m: jp s o isr 's

AS a Dentifrice it Stands pre-eminent —unrivalled for its efficacy in removing tartar and all other impurities and in imparting a pearly whiteness t) the teeth, a refreshing too ness to tha mouth aid a mosi d lightful and fragrant odour to the brc.th It is very agreeable in tjste, and possessing the most valuable astringent and ircevative properties, hir ens and brightens the

. of the Gums an arrests the decay Teeth. Jarj, 1^. Cd. each ; by Post & stamps extra. Each genuine pot of this celebrated Tooth Paste has on the cover a' fine engraving of Glasgow Universe. Prom M. F. Thompson, Central Phar- macy,'OOD17 Gordon Street, Glasgow. Pre ^snt'y becomes burdensome to the system, not because it is heavy for the dege t ve organs, bat on acsount o: an undae accumulation of acidity in the stomach, and as a remedy lor t lis nothing equ.ils Thomp- son s PODOPHYLLUM ESSENCE. It is mild in it; action and dispels Flatulence, corrects a 1 sluggishness of the Liver, and induces its Healthy Action, Aids Digestion, and Strengthens the Stomach and Liver, and cures Constipation Botths, Is., Ts. od., 2s. 6d. each; by OLDSPost One Sta np extra. Are the cause of hal" our diseases. Th^ best reoiedy for Common Cold, Cold in the Head, Influenza C'hil ness and Shivering, Cramp, &c. is Thompson's CONCENTRATED CAMPHOR PILULES, also useful for Cramp Diarrhjea, &c. No Family shou'd be without th's va^^ble

lemedy. Pott es Is , Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., each ; by Post, Two Stamps extra.


Bottles, Is. e ch ; by Posi one Stamp extra. COMFORT for the FEET. CORNS, BUNONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS, Effectually Cured with Thompson NEW FRENCH CORN PLASTER, It i thin as silk, and comfortable to the fo.t. No Pain. Packe's Is. each ; by Tost one Stamp extra.

The i?J>ove Celebrated Preparations can be had Genuine only from M. F. THOMPSON, THE CENTRAL HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, 17 Gordon Street, Glasgow. ^"Carefully Aote the Address. ;


W& iff BAY IkT?


Five Minutes walk from the Quay on the Esplanade.

* 99a>B®®®aaa9c ™ ,

R D. MACPHERSON (for 29 years Lessee of the Arms Hotel, Inveraray) begs to announce that he has just succeeded to this old Established and First-Class Family and Commercial Hotel, which comprises magnificient Dining Saloon (one of the finest in Scotland), Ladies' Drawing Rooms, Elegant Sitting Rooms, Smoking and Billiard Rooms, Bath Rooms, and over Forty Bed-

Rooms— all furnished in the most Modern Style.

Tourists will find the Queen's Hotel a most suitable and con- venient resort for breaking their journey.

Several pleasure excursions can be had from Rothesay at conven- ient, hours every afternoon by " Columba," " Lord of the Isles,'' "Ivanhoe," "Gael," " Bonnie Doon," "Sultana," and other Steamers, for Arran, Cumbrae, Campbeltown, Inveraray, Ardrishaig, Ayr, Arrochar (Loch Lomond) and other places on the Firth of Clyde returning to Rothesay in the afternoon.

A variety of beautiful Drives, can also be had to various places of interest in the Island.

Table d' hoteat 6.30.

Beautiful Gardens and Pleasure Grounds.

Letters and Telegrams punctually attended to.

Parties Boarded by the Week or Month. -

sn r I i a i hi u h u e 45 MONTAGUE ST., ROTHESAY.

S tfimfi en WEIGHTS & BUILDERS, 26 Bridge Street, Rothesay.

All kinds of work Estimated for.

mMMJ'^^ilJ-,%^ m

^famili) Kreab, Biscuit, .'dnh Jfastrg 3Mier, GUILDFORD SQUARE, ROTHESAY, o Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Oake made to Order. Confections.

•Bojmems, Gla&iers,

Funeral Undertakers,


North British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 18 OQ Incorparated by Royal Charter. Capital £2,000,000. Reserve Fund, £1,636,850. FIRE-LIFE-AND ANNUITY BUSINESS- ROBERT MACKIRDY, Agent, Bank of Scotland, Rothesay.

Rothesay and Glasgow Carrier, 47 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY

Glasjow Offices—22 Jackson and 90 Argyle Streets

Parcels Received from and Forwarded to all Parts of the World.

.Organist of tije 3Iera jrartsi) CjjfurcQ, Begs to announce that he is prepared to enter into Engagements for Lessons in the above Branches of Music. Pianoforte Tuning also undertaken, in single Tunings, or by Annual Contract. Terms on application. Croft Lodge, West Bat, Rothesay. .

[^, ^-v--g .£^:.S— .^V^,^^ i-3i_ 5^?^^^r=^?_. >=^^2L

1§ [Extension of the Bute County Directory.] I i .Ell I J a



If ©1©B©1 J30.©'©31-1 9 <-"WEg¥-:-ce'/i S¥-:-j6ai^^ii''-:-0KEiCE.> J ROTHESAY & LOCEIGIPHEAD.

f/^S97 GLASGOW & THE HIGHLANDS Royal Route via Crinan and Caledonian Canal. Tourists' Special Cabin Tickets issued, entitling the holder to sail during the time specified, in any or all of the fleet of (19) Steamers, to any part of Highlands at which they may call. One

Week £3 ; Two Weeks £5 ; or Six separate Days, £3 10s. PLEASURE~SAILING BY ROYAL MAIL STEAMER "€«iMBT«®& or KMK&" From ROTHESAY, Daily at 10-15 a.m., for Eyles of Bute, Tarberfc, and Ardrishaig, (Returning in the Afternoon,) RETURN :o:TICKETS— COLINTRAIVE IS. Is. TlOHNABRUAICK, Is. 6d. Is. Tarbert, Ss. 2s. Ardrishaig, 3s. 6d. 2s.

A WEEK'S TOUR to SKYE and ST0RN0WAY by Steamship " Claymore," or " Clansman." LeavingGlasgow every Monday and Thursday at 12 noon, and Greenock about 5 p.m. Cabin Fare for the round, with superior sleeping accommodation,

45s ; or including meals, 80s. The route is through scenery rich in historical interest, and unequalled for grandeur and variety.

The New Steam-Ship CAVALIER or l"ea'v< s Glasgow every Monday and Thursday at 11 a.m. and Greenock at 4 p.m., for Inverness. From Inverness every Monday and Thursday morning; Cabin Fare for the Trip, with First-class Sleeping Accommodation,

30/ ; or including Meals, by Steamer leaving Glasgow on Monday 56/, on Thursday 60/.

Official Guide, 3d ; Illustrated, 6d ; Cloth Gilt, Is. Time Bill with .Map and Fares, free at Mr Robert Watson, Agent, Rothesay, or post free from the owner, DAVID MACBRAYNE, 119 Hope St., Glasgow. INTRODUCTION.

m|]kE have much pleasure in placing before an appreci- J5SRo» ative public another issue of our Directory, —the title of which, in keeping with its growth, we have altered from " The Bute County Directory " to "THE WEST COAST DIRECTORY."

The enlargement of this edition is by the insertion of Official Lists of the surrounding districts, and a List of Householders of that plucky and rising iArgyleshire town, Oban. We are prepared to still further lengthen our cords if we are assisted to strengthen our | stakes. new Official List of each District can be had separ- | The ately for Id.]

"For a Business Directory of the West Coast, we refer to our West Coast Illustrated Commercial Almanac, Cal- endar Diary and Business Directory, published at the low price of 2d.

To resist the tear and wear, to which we are glad to

know the Directory, from its constant perusal, is sub- jected, we have supplanted the cloth-backed cardboard covers for limp cloth.

We are thankful for the increased orders for the Directory, and hope to see the advertising orders corres- pondingly increased in the future.

June, 1883.

P. S. — The increased and urgent demand for this issue of the Directory having taken us somewhat by surprise, we have, in order to meet it, been unable to devote the time to the more careful printing that we would have liked. H"3

m 9p w H D o H F 0) o 1 05 N w o

t> FIT fD Q

w td o 53 o 2 Q H DELICIOUS D w 2 &> M



Faid-up Capital, Reserve Fund, Total Assets, £448,275. £310,000. £3,292,177 7/1.

This Corporation has granted Fire and Life Assur- ance for more than a Century and a Half.

Influential Agents wanted in Unrepresented places, apply to ROBERT MTJIR, District Manager.




Valuation of Buteshire, including Burgh of Rothesay, ^63,713. Popu-

lation^ 1871, 16,965 ; inl88i, 17,489. Parliamentary Constituency, 1503.

Population— Bute, 10,971; Cumbrae, 1845; Arran, 4678—17,489.

County Assessment?, 7d per £1.

Lieutenancy. —Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff, Lieut-, Colonel James Frederick Dudley Crichtou Stuart. Vice-Lieutenant, General Chas. Stuart. Deputy-Lieutenants— E. H. Crawford of Auchenames; Ma-

jor George .Douglas ; A. S. Fiulay of Cjistle Toward ; Earl of Glas-

gow ; James Lamont of Knockdhu ; Lord Mure, Edinburgh ; the

Provost of Rothesay ; Thomas Russell of Ascog; Herbert Crichton

Stuart ; Right Hon. James Stuart Wortley. Clerk, John McEwen, Rothesay.

Member of Parliament.— Charles Dalrymple, Esq. of New Hailes and Ardencraig.

Oommissioners of Supply.— Convener, The Right Honourable the Earl of Glasgow. Clerk of Supply and Collector of County Rates, John T, Wilson, writer, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor, and Assessor under the County Voters Registration Act, John Muat, Greenock. Keeper of Court Houses, Angus McAlpine. Analyst, J. W. Biggart, Greenock.

Sheriff Court. —The Court meets at Rothesay on Tuesdays aid Thurs- days. Small Debt Courts, Thursdays. Circuit Small "Debt Courts meet Quarterly at Brodick an-i Millport. Sheriff, Hon. Henry J. Moucrieff, advocate. Sheriff-Substitute, Robert (Jrr. Hon. Sheriff- SWa, Arch. Mackirdy. Procurator-I-lscal,WX ..'W., Maddever. Clerk,

Dan. el Macbeth ; Clerks-Depute — Brodick, Johu Fullarton ; Mid- port, James Carmichael and James Ross. The Circuit Court for Buteshire meets six times a year at Glasgow. B I —

County of Official Directory. JBute.

6th Brigade Scottish Division Royal Artillery. Meets annually for drill at Campbeltown.— Lieut.-Col. Commandant, Smollet M. Eddington, late Lieut, and Adjutant, 78th Foot, Hon. Colonel! Major, George Hewson. Adjutant, E. J. de Lautour, Major, r.a! Captains, J. W. McDougall, C. N. Lamont, James W. Mutter A.! W. Jones, and James T. Nicol. Lieutenants, D. B. Harriugton' Hector Macneal, Simpson Duguid, aud A.C.Baldwin. Surgeon- Major, Wm. Gibson, Sergeant-Major, Robert Jamieson.

Argyle and Bute Artillery Volunteers.— Lieut.-Col. Commnadant The Marquess of Lome, k.t., g.c.m.g. Lieut-Col, Fred. Campbell- Majors, James Bett, and Dugald MaeLachlan. Adjutant, Captain T. S. Howie, r.a., Rothesay, Brigade Surgeons, J. Hunter, m.d., Lochgilphead; and Wm, Hunter, Rothesay.

No 8. Battery, Rothesay.— Captain, James Heron. Lieutenant, John Windsor Stuart. Chaplain, Rev. J. F. MPherson, Green- ock. Drill- Instructor, Sergeant-Major George Madden, ra.

No. 9 Battery, Millport. —Captain, John Eaton Reid. Lieutenant, John Stewart. Drill-Instructor, Battery Sergeant-Major Thomas Henry.

Renfrewshire Rifle Volunteers.—-Hon. Colonel, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart. Lieutenant- Colonel, David M. Latham. Majors, William Ross, and W. O, Leitch. Adjutant, Major John Joseph Grier. Surgeon-Major, John C. Maddever, m.d. Chaplain, Rev. Peter McFarlane, b.a.

I. Company (Bute) — Captain, John McEwen. Lieutenants, John T. Wilson, and John Mclsaac. Drill Instructor,Sergetxnt John Lonald.

Justices of the Peace. Isle of Bute—Chas. Dalrvmple, m p., Arden-

craig ; Provost Robt. Sharp, ex-Provosis Charles Duncan, Arch. Mackirdy, J. A. Mackechnie, John Orkney, John McEwen, Dr Hunter, John Jamieson, Captain Hector Mactie, John Mackirdy, Dr M*d' lever, James Miller, John Windsor Stuart, aud John R. Thomson, Rothesay; R.J.Bartholomew, P. J. .Hamilton, Robt. McAlister, Thomas Russell, Drtvid A. Smith and William Spencer,

jun., Ascog ; Duncan Macrae, North Bute; and Andrew A. Mac- farlane, Glasgow.

Island of Arran— Jas. Allan, Lamlash ; Patrick Murray, Brodick ;

J. C. Spiers, Beunecarrigan ; Donald M'Allister, Tormore ; John

Morton, Mauchrie : and Wm. Tod, Glenree. Ctjmbrae. —The Earl of Glasgow, James Brown, Archibald Mackay,

John Eaton Reid ; Robert Bobertson, Breakough ; Archibald

Scott, Ardenlea ; and Alex. Smart, Clifton House, Millport.

Hjc-Officiis, The Sheriff, and Sheriff-Substitute ; the Provost, Bailies

and Dean of Guild oi Rothesay ; the Baron Bailie of Mouutstuart 2 — —

County of Official Directory. Bute.

(Charles Duncan, Rothesay), and the Chief Magistrate of Millport (Lord Glasgow.) Procurator-Fiscal, Wm, C. W. Maddever. Clerk, [Darnel Macbeth. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James McNab. Officers, Peter Campbell and AVilliam Grant.

Property and Income Tax Commissioners.—Provost Sharp, Badie McLean, Bailie McMillan, Charles Duncan, and Archibald Mac-

kirdy, Rothesay ; and Thomas Russell of Ascog.

County Licencing Committee. —Provost Sharp, Charles Duncan, Archibald Mackirdy, John Orkney, and John Mackirdy, John William Hunter, Captain Macfie, McEwen, Dr Hector Rothesay ;

James Allan, Lamlash ; Arch. Mackay, and John Eaton Reid, Millport.

Contagious Diseases (Animals) Board- Isle op Bote— The Lord Lieutenant and Sheriff of the County, Provost Sharp, Bailie McMillan, Badie McLean, ex-Provost Chas. Duncan, and J. W.

Stuart, Rothesay ; F. Pitman, Edinburgh ; Thomas Russell of

Ascog ; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains; James Duncan, Kil-

chattau ; Thomas Haig, Rothesay ; Robert McAlister, Mid-Ascog;

John McConnechy,Largivrechtan ; Thomas Stevenson, Ardmaleish; J. C. Stewart, Upper Ardroscadle; and Charles Duncan,jKilmory.

Arban—Patrick Murray, Brodick ; John Wallace, Whiting Bay,

John Brown, Shedog ; and William Tod, Glenree.

Cumbrae— Earl of Glasgow, Robert Robertson, Breakough; W. J. Armstrong, Fairlie.

Clerk, John T. Wilson. Inspector, John Mackay, Chief Constable. Veterinary Inspector, W Moodie, m.r.c.v.s.

County Police Committee.— Chairman, Sheriff Orr ; the Lord Lieu-

tenant ; the Sheriff ; and the Provost and two Bailies of Rothesay, John W. Stuart, Charles Duncan, Wm. Hunter, Rothesay ; Thomas Russell, Ascog ; James Duncan, Rlmbodach ; Archibald Lamont, Port -Bannatyne- John dimming, Kilchattan ; Patrick

Murray, Brodick ; Arch. Scott, Wm. Wishart, Millport ; and W. J. Armstrong, Fairlie. Clerk, John T. Wilson. Chief Constable, John Mackay.

District Board cf Lunacy. Chairman, Thomas Russell ; Provost Sharp, Bailie McLean, Charles Duncan, John W. Stuart, and

John McEwen, Rothesay ; and James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains. Clerk and Treasurer, William Auld Wilson.

County Road Board.— Chairman, The Earl of Glasgow. Bote- Sheriff Orr, Charles Duncan, J. W. Stuart, Malcolm Weir,

Rothesay ; John Cuniming, Kilchattan Bay ; Charles Duncan, 3 —

County of Official Directory. Bute.

Kilmory ; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains; James Duncan,

Meikle Kilchattan; Daniel Macbeth, Ardascog ; aud Thomas Bus- sell, Ascog, Arran — Junes Allan, Clauchlands; D. McAllister, Sannnx ; Patrick

Murray, Brodick ; James Allan, Baluacuole ; and James Currie, Dnimadoou. Ccmbrae—Dr M''Tlown, Wm. Allan, Arch. Scott, and Wm. Wishart,

Millport ; aud W. J. Am strong Fairlie. Clerk and Treasurer— John T. Wilson, Rothesay.

Prison V: siting Committee.—Sheriff Orr, and John Windsor Stuart.

Taxe?. — Collector of County Rates, John T. Wilson. Collector of Income Tax, Peter Longrigg, Greenock. Surveyor, Ji hu Muat, (ireen- ock. Clerk to Income Tax Commissioners, W. C. W. Maddever.

Stamp Office.- -Sub- Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Taxes, Robert Mackirdy, Bank of Scotland, Rothesay.

Excise. —Supervisor, James Crombie. Officer, Peter Henderson, Barone Road, Rothesay.

Fishery. Officer, John Skinner Bute Insurance Company Limited.—ChairmaD, Ex-Provost Mackech-

• nie. Secretary and Treasurer, Daniel Macbeth. [See Advt.

Political Associations.-— Buteshire Liberal Association, Estab- lished. 1879. — President, Thomas Russell, Esq. of Ascog. Secy., John McEwen, Rothesay. Buteshire Conservative Association— Established 1880. Presi- dent, J. W. Stuart, Secretary, Wm. Mcintosh. Treasurer, J. K. Comrie. For Branches, see Districts.

Buteshire Wine, Spirit, and Beer Trade Association.— President, D. W. McQueen. Vice-President, James Bojle. Secretary, Dat-iel Ferguson.

Jpor District Officials see District Lists. ISLE OF BUTE. o Lord of the Manor. — John Patrick Crichtbn Stuart, Marquess of Bute, k.t. Factor on Bute Estate, Jolin Windsor Stuart. Baron Bailie of Bute, Fred. Pitman, w.s., Edinburgh. Baron Bailie of Mountstuart, Charles Duucau Woodend.

Bute Farmer.:;' Society. — Patron, Marquess of Bute. President, Thomas Carswell, St Colmac. Vice Pre*., Js. Lyon, Drumachloy. Committee — Aruh.Muir, Barone Park; James Duncan, Rhubodach;

Wrn. Crawford, Acholter ; Arch. Mackay, Brucha'> ; D. Gemmill, as. M^AIister, Meikle Ktlmory; and Bailie McLe in. Ken-ytoiilia ; J Secretary, John iVIcEwen. Treasurer, Robert Watson, steamboat agent.

Horticultural and Aparian Society of Bute. —Hon. President, The Marquess of Bute. H n. Vice-Presidents — C. Dalryrnple, Esq.M.P.; Thns. Russell, Ksq. of'Ascog; G. R. Srephson, Esq. of Glen Caladh.;

Sheriff Orr ; Wm, Spencer, Esq. of South Park ; Major Macrae, Karnes Castle; D. Macbeth, Esq. of Ardascog; P.J. Hamilton, Esq., Ascog. Pies'dent —The Provost of Rothesay. Vice-Presidents D. Smith, Esq. ot Millb-u.k; J. W. Stuart. Esq.; D. M. Taylor, Esq.; Rev. Ross; John T. Wilson. Wm. Herbert, Esq Wm. Esq.; ; Bailie MMillan; Bathe M'Lean; Capt. Campbell; ex- Bailie Heaton. Sec- retary —Mr David WalLce, Lincoln Villa, Ardbeg. Treasurer— Mr John Kidd, B shop Street. And a Commictee of 10 Gardeners and 10 Amataers. Annual exhibition on 24th August

Archssological and Physical Society of Bute.— (Museum,Chapelhill.) — Hou. President, Marquess of Bute, k.t. Hon. Vice President*,

Charles Da'rymple, M r. ; Thomas Russell of Ascog ; and George R. Stephenson. Esq., of Glen Caladh. President, lev. William Rosa, t.s.a.s.. m.r.i. a. Vice Presidents, John Mackay, and John Kussell Thomson. Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Treasurer, Wm. Mcintosh, Meteorologist, James Kay, Barone Cottage. Recorder, George lunes. Curator, Sergeant Anderson.

Koyal Northern Yacht Club. -Club House, Argyle Street, West Bay. —Commodore, 'lhe Right Don. the Earl ot Glasgow. Vice-Com- modore, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart. Rear-Commodore, James Galbiaith, s.s. Queen. Stewards, James L. Mitchell, David Todd, and James Lilburu. Hon. Secretary, R. Hope Robertson, 68 Sc Vincent Street, Glasgow. Club-Master, William Burton. Fix- tures—Opening cruise, 24th, 25th, and 26th May ; Regatta at Rothesay on 7th and 9th July ; and closing cruise on 6th, 7th, and 8th September. —

Isle of Official Directory. Bute.

Bute Auxiliary to the National Biblj Society of Scotland. land.— Hon. President, Eev. Dr Elder, West Free Manse, Rothe- say. President, Rev. Peter Macfarlane, U. P. Manse. Secretary, Eev. Robert Thomson. Treasurer, John Russell Thomson, High Street. Colporteur, D. Mackay, Montague Street.

Bute Women's Temperance Prayer Union.—Meets in Good Templar Hall, Bridge-End Street, Rothesay, on Thursday Afternoons at four o'clock. Hon. President, Mrs Miller, Hillside House; President,

Mrs Robertson ) vice Presidents, Mrs Mansfield ' and Mrs Ormsby;

Treasurer, Miss Macdonald ; Secretaries, Mrs Garraud and Mrct Lowe; and a Committee of 18 members.

Glasgow-Bute Benevolent Society.—Funds in hands, £1271 11/2.— President, Bailie Wili-cn, Glasgow. Vice-President, Bryce Martin. Treasurer, James Lamout.

Coast Guard.—Three men at Rothesay. Head-Quarters, Seabank Buildings, West Bay.


Duke of Rothesay—H. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Feace and County — Boards, see County List.

Parochial Board— Chairman, Daniel Macheth. Inspector and Collec- tor, John Kidd. Medical Officer, Dr John Coombo Maddever. Clerk to the Heritors— Daniel Macbeth, writer. Session Clerk—John Kidd, Bishop Street.

Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriasres— P. B. Ferguson, Victoria St. BURGH OF ROTHESAY. Municipal Constituency 1630—1066 males, and 565 females—increase of 557 over last year. Town Council.— Provost. Robert Sharp. Bailies, Captain Alexander MLeau, Donald M'Millan, and John M'Kinhy. Dean of Guild, John Russell Thomson. Treasurer, William Brown. Councillors, James Anderson, Robert Burness, Captain Campbell, John Cum- ming, Daniel Duncan, John Duncan, John M'Ewen. Peter B. Fer- guson, Wm. L. Leckie, Lachlan Milloy, D. W. M'Queen, and James A. Walker. 6 Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Burgh Officials, &C. — Town Clerk, John T. Wilson. Procurator- Fiscal, W. C. W. Maddever. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor, Robert MacAlpine. Master of Works and Gas Manager, James C. Sinclair. Water Manager, Bryce Ferguson, East Princes Street. Police Officers, Matliew Waters, Superintendent; William Baxter, Serjeant; John Baxter, Daniel Morrison, Malcolm M'Lean, Andrew Clark, and Kenneth McKay, constables. Inspector under the Food and Drugs Act. Mathew Waters. Analyst, J. W. Biggart, Greenock. Superintendent of the Cleansing De- partment, James M'Alister. Sheriff-Officers, Peter Campbell, and William Grant. Inspector of Weights and Measures,James M'Nab, Eden- Place. Town Weigher, John S. Black. Town Crier, Robert Brown, Montigue Street.

Harbour Trust. —The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council along with tin following four gentlemen elected by the shipowners, viz, Captain James Hill, Messrs John Duncan, George Halliday,

an I Neil Blue. C'erk, John T. Wil-sou. Collector, Robert Mac- Alpine Harbourmaster, Robert McFie. Master of Works. Jamea C. Sinclair.

Committees. —Burgh Lands—Dean of Guild Thomson, (convener), Councillors L. Milloy (sub-con vener). D. Duncan, Burness, Leckie, Anderson, M'Kwen, M'Queeu, and Walker. Gas— Bailie M'Millan (convener), Badie M'Kinlay, Dean of Guild Thomson, Treasurer Brown, Councillors Milloy, Ferguson, Leckie, aud Walker. Water—Provost Sharp, Bailies M'Lean, M'Millan, and M'Kinlay* Councillors D. Duncan, Anderson, Milloy, Burness, Cumming, Campbell and M'Ewen. Finance—-Treasurer Brown (convener), Provost Sharp (-ub-coavenr), Bailies M Lean, M'Millan, and M'Kinlay, Dean of Guild Thomson, Councillors Anderson, Burness, J. Duncan, M'Ewen, and M'Queeu. Bills—Provost Sharp, Bailies MLean, and MMillan, Councillors J. Duncan, D. Duncan, M'Ewen, and Captain Campbell.

Public Health.— Bailie M'Kinlay (convener), C mucillors Walker (stib- convener), M'Ewen, Burness, J. Duncan, Leckie, Thomson, Ander- son, and Ferguson. Harbour—Bailie M'Lean (convener). Councillor Milloy (sub-convener), iailie M'Millan, Councillors M'Queen, D. Duncan, Leckie, dptain Campbell, J. Duncau (coal merchant), C ptain Hill, Ned Blue, and Ge< rge Halliday. Police— Provost Sharp, Bailies M'Lean, M'Millan and M'Kinlay, Councillors D. Duncan, J. Duncan, Milloy, and M'Queen. Lunacy— Provost Sharp, Bailies M'Lean, and M'Millan.

Prison Visiting— D. W. McQueen, i 7 Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay .

Licencing Committee.—Provost Sharp, Bailie M'Millan and M'Lean, Charles Duncan, Dr Hunter, and Archibald Mackirdy.

School Board.—Ex-Prnvost Mackechnie, (Chairman). Charles Duncan, John M'Ewen, Dr Maddever, John Orkney, Provost Robert Sharp, and John W. Stuart. Clerk and Treasurer, John T. Wilson. Officer, Eobert M'Kinnell.

Churches. — Rothesay Parish, High Street. — Pastorate vacant. Hours of Worship, 11 am., and 2 p.m. Session-Clerk, John Kidd. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Precentor, John Halbert. Officer, John Leitch. Young Men's Guild (meets on Tuesday Evenings at 8 o'clock) - President, Charles Duncan. Treasurer, John MKirdy. Secretary, DavidBlack. Parish Mis-ion Sabbath School, Bishop Street— Superintendent, James Stewart/

New Parish Church, Argyle Street, Eev. William Macloy, Minister. Hours of Worship, 11 and 6.30. Session-Clerk, James Heron. Chairman of Managers, Eev. Wm. Macloy. Clerk, James C. Sin- clair. Treasurer, James McBride. Seat-Letter, John Orkney. Organist, J. M. Nisbet. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Jas. Fisher. Officer, Eobert Fisher.

Established Gaelic Church, Russell Street. —Pastorate vacant. Hours of Worship, (Gaelic) 11 and (English) 2. Sabbath Evening Sermons fortnightly. Precentors, (Gaelic) Colin Currie, and (English) Adam D. Martin. Officer, James Kirkland.

Free Parish Church, Castle St., Rev. David Somerville, M.A. Mission- ary, Eev. Mr Eamsay. Hours of Worship, 1 1 and 2. Session. Clerk, Daniel Macbeth. Clerk of Deacons' Court, John McKay. Treasurer, John E. Thomson. Seat-Letter, Wm. Brown. Superin- tendent of Sabbath School, John M'Kay. Conductor of Psalmody, Wm. MPntosh. Officer, Thomas Anderson. Temperance Society —President, Eev. D. Somerville. Secy., A. Burnie. Band of Hope — Superintendent, T. Mitchell.

West Free Church, Argyle Street, Eev. Eobert Elder, d.d., and

W. E. W. Brown m.a. Hours of Worship, 1 1 and 2. Evening Ser- mon, fourth Sabbath of month Session-Clerk, Robert Mac;«lpine. Clerk of Deacons' Comt. A. Mackirdy. Superintendent ot Sajbbath School, Eobert Macalpine. Erecentor, John Cunningham. Officer, Robert Duncan. Chapelhill Free Church, Eev. William Eoss. Hours of Worship, (Gaelic) 11 and English 2. Evening Sermon, 2nd Sabbath of month. Session-Clerk, L. Macpheison. Seat-LeUers, Messrs Johnstone, McLachlan, Dewar, and J. Hunter Superintenden'.s of Sabbath Schools, Archibald M'Lachlan,and Gavin Fleming. Precen- tors,(Gaelic) JohnJohnston, and(English) EdwardM'Nab.Chairmen 8 Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

of Total Abstinence Societies,' (English) E. M'Nab, (Gaelic) P. M'Bride. President of Band of Hope, David Robertson. Officer, N. Dewar. High Street Mission Free Church (in connection with the Free Farish Church), Hours of Worship, 11 and 6.30. Rev J. Bowles, ; missionary.

- Town Mission Meeting House, Hitrh Stree* , Services conducted by Mr Fleniiug and teachers connected with the West Free Church. Free Gaelic Church Mission Hull, Bridoe-End Street, English services every Sabbath Forenoon at 11 o'clock. United Presbyterian Church, Bridge-End Street, Rev. Peter Macfarlane, b.a. Hours of Worship, 11 and 2. Communion Seasons in January, May, Augu-st, and October. Session-Clerk, George Biggie. Chairman of Managers, Robt. M'Laren. Clerk P. B. Ferguson. Treasure*", John M'Kwen. ;~e;u- Letter, Peter Leith. Superintendent", of Sabbath School, George fliggie. Har- inouiumist, Arthur S. Christie. Chairman of Temperance Society, Alex. Duncan. President of Band of Hope, John MKiulay. Officer, James Cumming, 63 Montague Street.

Craigmore Road U. P., Church, Rev. John Rutherfurd, m.a..b. d. Worship in the Aquarium at 11 and 6.30. S°ss ; ou-Clerk, Thomas Hutton. President of Managers, John Jamieson. Precentor, Charles John Blue. Officer, Walter Macpherson.

Baptist, Ardbeg Road, Rev Samuel Crabb. Worship at 11 and 2, Evening Sermon, rirst Sabbath of mouth. Superintendent of Sab- bath School, Rev. Mr Crabb. Precentor, Thomas Fyfe. Officer. James M"Lean. St Paul's Episcopal Church, Victoria Street, Rev. R. Gascoigne Wel- don, M.A., Canon. Hours of Worship, 11 and 7, and on Fasts and Festivals at 11.30.

'1 litre are Prayer Meetings in the Protestant Churches on Wednesday Evenings at Eight o'clock.

St Andrew's R^man Catholic Church, Columshill Street, Rev. George J. Smith. Hours of 'Worship, 9, 12, and 7. Organist,

Miss MArthy. Mass on Hobdays at 9, 12 ; on Week Days at 9. Instruction and benediction on Thursday Evenings. There is a private chapel at Balmory served from Rothesay. Mass

generally on Sundays and .holidays at 10 ; on Days of Devotion at 9.

Lawyers.—Thomas W. Alexander, kf, Crstle Street. Wm. Herbert

N.P., Wateryatb street. Dai iel Macbeth. >\r , Watergate Street. Adam Dick Macbeth, Ca>tle Sireeti. ^ lthil aid Macfie, Castle

Street. John i homas Wilscn, n. p.. Castle Street. William Auid Wilson, n.p., Castle Street. Geo. Thomson, Albert Place.

Medical Practitioners. —Andrew J. Hall, m.a., m.d., Battery Blace —

Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

William Hunter, m.d., Battery Place. John Cionibe Maddever. M.D., Battery Place. William Philp, l.r.c.s.e. Glen burn. Daniel Beid, L.R.c.s.E., and l.m., East Princes Street. Veterinary Sctrqeons—William Mood.ie, m.r.c.v.s., Battery Place. James Donaldson, m.r.c v.s., High Street.

Bank Agents. -Bank of Scotland, Guildford Square—Robert Mackirdy' Clydesdale, Guildford Square—Peter Stewart. Royal, Victoria Street—John T. Wilson and Robert MLaren. National Security Savings Bank, High Street— Robert Mackirdy,

Treasurer -. William Brown, Actuary, Post Office Savings Bank, Victoria Street— J. Mackinlay.

Insurance Agents.—Thomas W. Alexander, Gistle Street. William Brown, Montague Street. Archibald. Burnie, High Street. Arch. Campbell, Minister's Brae. J. Carmich ] el, Gallowgate Street. J. K. Comrie, Bishop St. Wm. Duncan, East Princes Street. P. B. Ferguson, Victoria Street. Cha^. Hicks.Victoria St. Geo, Higgie, Bridge Street, Prudential and Lancashi e. John Kid<% Bishop St. W. C. W. Maddever, Watergate. William Montgomerie. Ardbeg William Morton, Victoria Street. Robert M' Alpine, High Street Dauiel Macheth,Watergate. John C. Harvey .Watergate. Hector M'Kinnon, Victoria Street. John M'Ewen. Victoria Street. James Macfie. High St. William MTntosh, Bishop St. John M/Kinlay, Victoria St. Robert M'Kirdy, Guildford Square. John MKirdy, Bishop St. RoLert M'Laren, Victoria Street. Alexander M ; Nab, Russell Street. John C. Stewart, High Street. John R. Thomson, High Street. Robert Watson, Craigmore John T. Wilson, Castle Street. Robert Wilson, Castle Street. Wm. A. Wilson, Castle St.

Newspapers. The Buteman (Liberal), Published every .Saturday Morn- ing. W. A. Wilson, Publisher. Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative) Published every Saturday Morning Harvey & Co., Publishers. Rothesay Express (Independent) Published every Wednesday Morning, M. Mackenzie, Publisher. The West Coast journal, (Useful Information and Instruction) Pub- lished at the beginning of every Mouth, George Higgie, Publisher. Monthly, (Temperance), published in the middle of each month. Rev. Wm. Ross, editor.

Newspaper Correspondents.— P. B. Ferguson, Victoria St. George Higgie, Bridge St. M. Mackenzie, Dean Hood Place. Educational Institution.— Rothesay Acadfmy and Thomson In- stitute. — Classical Master and Rector, William Mack ay, A.M. Mathematical Master, A lex. M'Gaw, a.m. Engl sh, A< amPrimrose Assistant Classical, HughMackay. .Drawing, Walttr "i till. Piano- Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

forte, J. M. Nisbet. Infant and Industrial Departments, Miss Brown. Janitor, Sergeant Anderson. Public School.— Head Master, John M'Kay, f.e.i.s. Assistants, David Black, Alexander Cunningham, Alexander Smith, and J. N. Watt. Infants' Department, Miss Orr. Industrial, Miss Alexander. Drawing, Walter Yuill. Janitor, Robert M'Kinnel'. Drill Instructor, Sergeant-Major Madden, r.a. Cormack's Private Academy, East Bay, for Board and Education. Bute Certified Industrial School.—Chairman, Provost Sharp. Secretary, John M'Ewen, Treasurer, John. T. Wilson. Superin- tendent, Owen Milne. Matron, Mrs Milne. Roman Catholic School, Mistress, Miss Kerr.

Rothesay Aquarium Co. (Ltd.)— Chairman .Robert Heaton. Secretary and Treasurer, John T. Wilson. Manager, Hugh Macfarlane.

Craigmore Pier Co. (Ltd.)— Chairman, Chas. Dalrymple, m.p. Secre- tary J. C Mitchell, Glasgow. Piermaster, Archibald Turner.

Rothesay Tramways Co. (Ltd).— Chairman, Jas. Lindsay, Edinburgh. Secretary. John M. Cook, accountant, 37 George Street, Edinburgh. Mauager, R. B. Goody er.

Royal Rothesay Aquatic Club.— Club-House, in the Skeoch Wood) West Bay. Patron, H. R. H. Prince Leopold. Commodore, Major Heys, Schooner "Amy." Vice-Commodore. James Hamil- tou, Esq. Rear-Commodore. Robert J. Bartholomew, Esq. Hon. Secretary, John M'Eweu, Victoria Street. Hon. Treasurer, Robert Orkney, jun., Victoria Street. Club-Master, Magnus Park.

The Robeitson-Stewar t Hospital.— The subscribers towards the fund for keeping the hospital op^n for non-intections cases appointed the following committee of management :— SheriflOrr, Provost Sharp, John Orkney, Archibald M'Kinly, John Kidd, John W.

Stuart, and John Cruickshanks. Daniel Macbeth, Secretary ; and Peter Stewart, Treasuier. Eliza Srnitn, Matron. Free and Accepted Masons.—PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF ARGYLE AND THE ISL&S.— P. G. M., Charles Dalrymple, Esq., of Arde ncraig. J). P. M., Henry Gerard F. Newall, Eilyer House. S. P. M., Quiiitin M. Wright, writer, Inveraray. P. G. Secretary, Archibald Morrison, Rothesay.

~ Lodge Rothesay St John, No. 292. —Meets in Lodge Room, Bishop street, on last M.rnday of everv Month from September till April R.W.M., Jame, Hea'on. D.M., Lachlan Milloy. S.M., H. G. F. Newall. S.W., D. C. Murray. J.W., W. M. 'Leckie. Chaplain, Martin Inues. Treasurer, D. W. M'Queen. Secretary, Thomas Gilchrist. S,D., John Miller. J.D., John Keith. S.S., John it —

Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

M'Callum. J .S., John M'Lellan. B.B..A. Stewart. SB., Ronald Livingstone. J eweller,jS. Wilson. Architect, J..Ckristison. Marsh- all, Allan Gilchrist. Inner Guard, Archd. Walker. Tyler, James Anderson. RawcuffEj No. 658.—Meets in Lesser New Public Hall on Monday Evenings.— R.W.M., C T. Hicks. P.M., Dr Maddever. D.M., J. C. Stewart. S.M., Allan Smith. S. W., Win, Miller. J.W., Robert Gibson. Secetiry, Thomas M'rcliell. Irea'suier, Joseph Yates. S.D., 0. Milne. J.D., Robert ^tewaH. Chaplain, P. M'Adam. Marshall, MaOiew Waters. S.S., Peter Camp ell. Inner Guard, John Morris n. Tyler, W. Piper:

St Blank's Royal Arch Ohapti-r, No. 163.— Meets in Chapter Room, Bishop street, on Thursday Kveningsv— 1st Principal Z., Lachtah M'lloy. 2nd Principal H, Gorge Innes. 3rd Principal J., James Park. Scribe E.', James' Heatoa. Treasurer, Simon Wilson.

Ancient Order of Foresters. — Rothesay Bute and Aroyle District. — Meets half yearly for business last Friday in April and first Friday in October alternately in Foresters' Hall, Roih s-iv — ; and Free Church School Room, L chgilphead, — L>, C. H., Coliu Campbell, Port -Banuatvne. D.D.C. B., John Brown, Rothesay. D.T., James Stewart,Rothesay. D.S., Thomas Hogg, Rothesay.

Court Bute, No. fi630. —Meets iu the East Free Ch >rch School-Room on alternate Wednesday Evenings, at 8 p.m.—G R., J. Speme. S.C.R., John Slaven. S.W., Hugh Thomson, J.W., Bryce M'Bwen. S.B., Alex. M'lntosh. J. '.. R. Livingstone. Treas., J. Paterson. Secy., T. Hugg. Medical Officer, Dr Maddever. A\ ditors, James Stewart, D. Buchanan, Wm. Lyk, aud Alex. Lamont. Ancie-t" Ordev of Shepherds. — Sanctuary, Bote, No. 5630.

— Meets in the East Free Church School-Room, Last It- street, every

fourth Wednesday, at 8 p.m. —Pastor, D. Buchanan ; Secretary, T.

Hogg ; Treasurer, T. Murray.

Loyal Orange Society. Rothesay Lodge No. 345. —Meets in the Masonic Hall. Bishop street, on the first Fri ay tveuing of every Month.—E.W.M., J. M Clellan. P.M., J. M'Gnvern. D.M., M. Beattie. S.M., J. Gemmell. Secy., Wm. MMillan. A.S., L). M'Lellan. Treas, J. Turner. D.G. R, Crawford", W.C., H. Kerr. S., R. MTntyre. B.B., J. Simpson. CM., S. Harvev. M., A'.' Saw- yers. 1st H., A. M'Lennan. 2ml H., A. Clark. S.B., J. Harvey. P.S., J. M'Millan. S., D. Beattie. 2ndS,J. Derby. 3rd S., S. M'G.vern. 4th S., J. Cunningham. D.M., J. Ilyndman. R.A., J. Keith. I.G., A.J. Wyllie. Tyler, J. M'Clellan, sen.

. Black Chapter of^ Ireland. —Rothesay.'' St Paul's" R. B. Prk- ceptory. —Meets on the Third Friday of every Month. —R. W. M. John M'Govern. Secy., Wm.'JMMillan. Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Sons of Temperance. — Kothesay's Effort Division, No. 467. Meets iu the Bute Temper in ce Hotel on alternate Monday even- ing 8. at p.m. W. P., D. Black. W. E. S.j N. Lamond. WT J. E. Hunter.

Independent "Order of G-obd Templars.—District Lodge of Bute and Cowal, N",o: 13. D. D., Wm. W. Whitelaw. D. S., Catheiine M'Kenzie. D. S. J. L., W. Hunter.

George St.'-phenson Lodge, No. 122. —Meets in Good Templar Hall, ' Bridge End Street, on Tuesday Evenings at 8 p.m. W T T. M'Crae. W. S., C. b W. Harvey. W. L. D., D. Devvar. Eotiiesay's Freed -m LoM*,; No. 228.—Meets in Music Hall, Water- gate street, on Thursday Evenings at 8 p.m. W. C- T., Chas. Black. W. S., Sis;er C. Dnneau. W. L. D., A. Duncan. Hope of Bote Juvenile Lodge, No. 252.- Meets in the Good Tem- plar FIall Bridge-End street, on Saturday Evenings at ; 6 p.m. Superintendent, Edward McNab.

Band of Hope and Sav;ngs Ba'ik.— Meets in the Mission Hall, Bridge- end Street on Fridays aD-7 p.m.. Superintendent, D. Eobertson."

Gospel Temperance and Blue Ribbon Army.— Meets in the Mission .Hall, Bridge-end Street on Saturdays at 8 p.m. Conductor, Esv. Wm. Eoss.

Bute Abstainers' Union, (composed of representatives of all the above). —Me-ts is Mission Had on the First Monday of everv month. Pres., Eev. William Eoss. Sec, A. Burnie. Tr^as., D. Eobertson- Working Men's Club I :stitu.e.—President, Allan Gilchrist. Vice* President, Councillor Anderson. Secretary, George Higgle. Trea- surer, H. R. Campbell. Directors, Andrew Holm*, (reading room). John Paterson, (billiard room). Eobert Macfie, (games).

Literary Association—Meets on Tuesday Evenings, from October till March. — Hon. President, Charles Duncan, Woodend. President, Wm. S. Macfie. Vice-President, Duncan Macdonald. Secretary, James N. Watt. Assistant Secretary, James Fisher. Treasurer, H. Mackinnon. Directors, Hugh Mackay, Thomas Aitchison, and Alex. Campbell.

political! Associations.—Eothesay Junior Liberal Association —Inaugurated 1882—Hon. President, The Earl of Fife, K. T. Hon. Vice-Presidents, George Otto Trevelyan, Fsq., M.P., Charles Cameron, Esq.,-M.P. L.L.D., William Holmes, Esq., M.P., Thomas Eussell, Esq., of Ascog,John Trayner, Edinburgh. President, Adam D. Macbeth. Vice-Presdent, James A. Walk -r. Secretaries, Wm. Cuthbertson, and Arch. Burnie. Treasurer, Wm. Lyle. Executive Committee, Messrs M'Kinuon, Buchanan, Slaven, Brown, Dewar, D. Miller, Henderson, E. M'Nab, and A. Duncan. is —

Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Bute Junior Conservative Association. —Fouuded 1882.— Hon. Prvsiient, Charles D airy ro pie. Esq., M. P. Hun. Vice-President, H. G. F. Newall, Esq. President, James Fisher. Vice-President, D. Black. Treas., John C. Harvey. Secretary, James M Crone, Committee, T. Gdchrist. D. Ferguson, J. Cruickshauks, M. Duncan, James Malcom, Arch. Maclea, Charles M'Kay,°and J. Connolly. Young Men's Christian Association.—Meets in the Mission Hall, Bridge-End street, every Sabbath Morning at a Quarter iefore Ten o'clock. —Hon. President, Eev. Wm. Macloy. President, Edward M'Nab. Vice-President, Andrew Kerr. Secretary, Charles John Blue. Treasurer, William Garrett. Librarian, J. Watson. Repre- sentative to General Council, Alexander Robertson. Shorthand Writers' Association.—President, George Higgie. Secre- tary, R. A. Mackinlay.

Boys' and Girls' Religious Society.—Meets in School of Industry, Higl) street, and Music Hall, Watergate street, every Sabbath Morning, at 11 o'clock.— Supported by voluntary contributions. Hon. President, James Miller. President, Wm. Hunter. Vice- President, James Thomson. Secy., Wm. Stewart. Treas., Adam Hunter. A staff of 24 workers connected with the various evan- gelical churches in town. Permanent Funeral Society.—President, Neil M'Kellar. Secretary, Peter Couper.

Yearly Frienily Society.—President, Neil MSEellar, Secretary, Wm. Morrison. Treasurer, James M'Alister. Dbectors, Messrs John M'Fie. Robert Brown, and Angus Walker. Arbiters, Treasurer Brown and Councillor M'Ewen. Auditors, Messrs Wm. Mackirdy and JSeil M'Lean. Rothesay Dorcas Society.—Patronesses,Lady Bute and Lady Clasgow. President, Mrs Henry Stuart. Vice-Presid(-ut, Mrs Dalrymple. Treasurer, Mrs Wm. Hunter. Secretary, Mrs John T. Wilson.

Bute Band Committee.—Chairman, Provost Sharp. Secretary, Peter B. Ferguson, Victoria street. Rothesay Brass Band Committee.—Chairman, Jn. Duncan, Wood- end. Secretary, Geo. Madden.

Curling Club.— Patron, Marquess of Bute, K. t. President, Sheriff Orr. Vice-Presidents, Messrs J. W. Stuart and Lachlan Milloy. Representative Members, Messrs John Lyle and John Gray. Chaplain, Rev. Robert Thomson. Treasurer, Dugu,ld Weir. Secre- tary, John R. Thomson. Ofiicer, W. H. Ellis.

Bowling Club—President,, John M'Ewen. Secy., E. M'Nab. Green- Keeper, James Cunningham. U — —

Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Quoiting Club. — President, Daniel Ferguson, Russell street. Secretary Angus Douglas. Treasurer, John Baxter.

Football Clubs.—Association.—President, R. Wilson. Secy., D, Grant. Roth fs ay. —Captain, R. Wilsou. Vice-Captain, Wm. Docherty. Secy, aud Treas., Donald Grant. Captain of second eleven, Alexander Campbell. Bute Rangers.—Captain, John MTaggart. Secy., Alex. Cunning- ham St Blave's.—Captain, Thomas M'Guire. Secy., Alex. Crawford. Brandanes.— Captam and Secy., Jemes Brown.

Cricket Clubs. — Rothesay Caledonian.— Captain, J. E. Wilson, Secretary, Dugald M'Intyre.

Fast Days.—Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and second in October.

Fairs. —Thursday before 27th May, third Wednesday and Thursday in July (St I3vux day), Thursday before 23rd November, and Tuesday before KilbarcUan December Fair.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Post Officr, Victoria St.—Postmaster, John Mac- kinlav. Despatches to Glasgow, Edinburgh, and all parts (box closes

at) 6.50 ; Cohntraive, Tighnabruaich, and the West, 10 ; Ascog, Port Banuatyne, and Kingarth, 10 a.m.; Glasgow, Edinburgh, and

all parts, 2.25 ; Innellan, Dunoon, &c, 3. JO ; Glasgow, Edinburgh,

and all parts, 4.20 ; Port-Bannatyne and Ascog, 5.30 p.m. Deliveries from Glasgow, Edinburgh, and all parts, about 11.15 a.m.; and 6 p.m. Extra delivery in June, July, and August, at 8.45 a.m. Postal Orders issued and paid at Telegraph hours. Post Office Savings Bank open at the same hours. Telegraph Office open on week da\s from 7 a.m; till 8 p.m. (Open in June, July, August, and September, till 9.) Messages can be sent at a later hour by paying 2s extra. The Post and Telegraph Offices in the Isle of Bute are shut on Sundays. Ascog.—Sub Postmaster, John M'Callum. Deliveries and despatchea to suit Rothesay arrangements. Communications.— Steamers to Greenock, Glasgow, Weruyss Bay. and intermediate pons, and through the Kyles, several times a-day, In Summer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Campbeltown, and Helensburch, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Tram- way cars to Port-Bannatyne, and Omnibuses to Mountstuart and Kilchattan Bay daily. Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc, see West Coast Almanac. 15 1;

Parish Official of Directory. North Bide.


For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County List.

Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, James M'llraith.

Churches—North Bute Parish. Hours of Worship—(Gaelic) 11.1/5, English) 1.15. Minister, Rev. Peter Dewar, m.a. Session-Clerk, James M'llraith. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. Peter Dewar, m.a. Precentors, (Gaelic) Donald M - Donald, and (English) Robert Blue. Church Officer, Neil Campbell.

North Bute Free Church, Port-Bannntyne. Hours of Worship, 1 aud 2. Minister, Rev. John 1'. M'Le;tn. Session- Clerk, Chairman ?nd Clerk of Deacon's Court, Rev. John T. M'Lean. Superinten- dent, of Sabbath School, Archibald Smith. Precentor, Da v. Baird. Church Officer, James Lusk.

Medi al Practitioner-—John M. Adam, m.b., Ardentigh.

Parochial Board. — Chairman, John W. Stuart,. Inspector of Poor and Collector of Rates, Thos. C&rswelL Medical Officer, Dr J. C. Maddever, Rothesay. Sanitary-Officer, Hugh Smith.

School Boarrl. — (North Bute and Rothesay Landward.) Charles

Duncan, Woodend, (Chairman) ; Rev. Poter Dewar. m.a., Rev. J.

T. M'Lean; Captain James Rose ; and Arch. Smith, Omaha House ; Clerk and Treasurer, John R. Thomson, Rothesay. Officer, John Currie, Port-Bannatyne.

Schools. — Public School, Port-Bannatyne, Peter White, master Miss Craighead, assistant. Ballanlay School—James Duncan, master. Kildavannan School— Miss M'Morran, mistress.

Kamesburgh Gas Light Co. — Chairman, James Duncan. Secretary,

Swanstonhill Hydropathic Establishment.— Chairman, Bailie Dick- son. Secretary, D. Hill Jack, lilasgow. Manageress, Miss Mal- colm. Medical Adviser, Dr Hall.

A.O.F.— Court North Bute, No. 6216.— Meets in the old Free Church, School-Room, Port-Bannatyne, every alternate Tuesday.— Chief Ranger— W. Dallas. Secretary—James Macfarlane. Surgeon— Dr J. C. Maddever, Rothesay.

S.Q.G-.T—North Bute.—Lodge, No.649.— Meets in the old Free Cburch 16 Parish of Official Directory. North Bute.

School-Eiiin, Port-Bannatyne, on Saturday Evenings at 8 p.m. — W. Chief Templar, J. Alexander. Secretary, A.Brown. W.L.D. J. R. Hunter. Port-Bannatyne Lifeboat Juvenile Lodge, No. 50. — Meets in Free Church Schoolroom, Port-Bannatyne, on Saturdays at 6.30. J. R. Hunter, superintendent. Port-Bannatyne Mutual Improvement Association.— Meets in the Public School, Port-Bamatvne, every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. from the beginning of October until the end of March. Honorary President, James Buchanan, Esq. President, B. M'Currie. Vice- President, James Kirk. Secretary, Archibald Brown, Junr. Trea- surer, Archibald Malcolm. Committee — William Dallas, John Thomson, James Alexander, Angus Murray, James Kirk, convener. Football Olub. —Captain James Loch. Secretary, Arch. Brown. Postal Arrangements.—(For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.)—Post Office, Port-Bannatyne.— Sub-Postmistress, Miss Frazsr. Despatches to all parts via Rothesay about (in June July, August, and September, 1.30 p.m.;) 3.15 a.m.; and 8 p.m. (in Winter, the regular afternoon despatches is about 2 instead, of 3.15 p.m.) Deliveries from, all parts via Rothesay about (in June, July, August, and September, 10 a.m.;) 12 Noon, and 7.15 p.m. In Winter at 1 and 8 p.m.

Fa&t Days. —Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and second in October.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.


For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County List. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriage?, Wm. L. Thomson.

Churches. —Kiugarth Parish Hour of Worship, 12 o'clock. Minister. Rev. John Saunders, m.a., b.d. Session-Clerk, William L.Thomson, Superintendent &f Sabbath Schools, Bryce Bannatyue. Pjrecentor, Isaac Scott. Church Officer, John Reid. Kingarth Free Church, Ascog. Hour* of Worship—Summer, 11.15 c 17 — — —

Parish of Official Directory. Kingarth.

and 2 : Winter, 12. Minister, Eev. Robert Williamson, d.d. Ses- sion-Clerk, Robert M'Alister. Seat-Letter, J. M'Callum, Post Office. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Mis3 Smith. Precentor, John MTntyre. Church Officer, Malcolm Martin, .Rothesay. South Kingarth Free Church, Kilchattan Bay. Hours of Worship- Summer 11 and 2: Winter 12. Minister ami Session-Clerk, Rev. William Meiklejohn. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Thos. Gilmour. Precentor, John M'Kay. Seat-Letter and Church Officer, John Morrison.

Parochial Board— Rev. J. Saunders, Chairman. Inspector and Collec- tor, William L. Thomson. Medical Officer, William BLuuter, m.d.

School Board. — Rev. John Saunders, (Chairman) ; William Barr,

K>rrylamont ; Hugh Duncan, Langalchorad ; Joha Macfie,

Lubas ; and Rev. William Meiklejohn. Clerk and Treasurer John T. Wilson, Rothesay. Officer — D. Ferguson, Kilchattan Butt.

Schools. Kingartii Public School—-William L. Thomson, master. Miss C. Campbell, mistress. Birgidale Public—Duncan C- Stewart. Kerrycroy Public—William A. Fulton.

Ichattan Bay Pier Co.—Chairman, James Dunean,Meikle Kil- chattan. Secretary and Treasurer, Piermaster, Win. Grierson.

I.O.G.T.— St Blank's Lodge, No. 914.—Meets in Workmen's Hall, Mountstuart, on Wednesdays at 7.30.—W.C.T., Brother Win. Russell. W.S., Win. Smellie. W.L.D., J. G. Geddes.

ehattan Gospel Temperence Society and Band of Hope.—Meets in Free Church Hall, on Fridays at 7p.m. — J. Hainshaw, conductor.

Football Clubs. Mountstuart Athletics.— Captain, J. White.

Postal Arrangements. —(For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.)—Sub Postmaster—D. M'Fie, joiner, Kingarth; Sub- Postmistress, Miss Jane Currie, Kilchattan Bay. Box closes at 7-40 a.m. Despatches to all parts via Rothesay, about 8 a.m. De- liveries from all parts via Rothesay, about 12 noon.

Fast Days.— Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and second in October.

Fair.--Friday bef >re Largs Fair. Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-hearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac. IS —

Isle of Official Directory. Arran,

ISLE OF ARRAN. o Lord of the Manor—Will mm Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c Factor—Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick.

Arran Farmers' Society. —President, Duke of Hamilton and Bran- don. Vice-President, Ebenezer M' Abater, of Carbeth Guthrie. Secretary and Treasurer, William Tod, Glenree.


For Courts and Court Offi-cials, Justices of the Peace and County Boards, see County List.

Churches. Established Church.—Brodick— Rev. M. M'Lean, jr. a. b.d. Kilbride—Rev. Peter Robertson. Free.—Kilbride—Rev. A. Cameron. Whiting Bay— Rev. Angus Stewart.

School Board.—Patrick Murray, Esq., Strabane, (Chairman) ; Robert

Hamilton, Brodick ; and Rev. Angus Stewart, Whiting Bay ; John Bannatyne, and Neil Fullarton m.b., cm.

Parochial Board. —Chairman— James Allan, Esq. Inspector—John R. Thomsou. Collector—Janif-s Macintosh, Bank Agent. Surgeon—Dr Jami-eson, Brodick. Postal Arrangements.— (For Bates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.)— Brodick. —Sub-Postmaster— E. Rebbec.

Lam lash.— Sub-Postmistress, Miss M'Meish. Despatches at 6. 1 5 a.m, and 2.30 p.m., in Summer; and at 2.20 a.m.; on Mondays, Wednes- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, in Winter. Deliveries in Summer at 1.40 and 7.10; in Winter, 11.40; on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Money Order and Savings Bank Office open from 9 a.m.; till 6 p.m. Telegraph from 7.30 a.m.; till 8 p.m.

Past Day.—First Thursday in May. — — — —

Isle of Official Directory. A rran.

Fairs. Brodick—First Tuesday after 20th June. Lamlash— Third "Wednesday in April, and Wednesday before Falkirk October Tryst

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible. For list of 'Iradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.

PARISH OF KILMORY. - For Courts and Court Officials. Justices of the Peace^ and County Boards, see County List.

Churches. Established.—High Kilmory— Rev. Duncan Black. Free.—Kilmory—Vacant. Lochranza—Bev. Dugald M'Cormick. Shisken —Rev. John M'Lean.

School Board. —William Tod, Glenree, (Chairman) ; Matthew C.

Speirs, Clachag ; John Speirs, Bennecarrigan ; Alexander Mac-

Bride, Shedog ; JohD Mnrtou, Mauchrie ; James Allan, Balua- coolie, and Bev. D. M'Cormack, Lochranza. Clerk—Peter MKen- zie, Torbeg.

Parochial Board.—Chairman—William Todd, Glenree. Inspector John R. Thomson. Collector— Peter M - Keuzie, Tormore. Medical. Omcer —Dr J. A. Jamieson, Brodick. Postal Arrangements.—(For Bates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac ) Kilmory—Sub Postmistress, Miss M'Kenzie. De- spatches daily in Summer, at 9 a.m. Deliveries at 4 p.m. In Win- ter on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, aud .Saturdays, at same hours. Pirn Mill—Sub-Postmaster, John Cook. Despatches in June, July, and August 10.20 a.m.; the rest of the year 9.30 p.m. Deliveries in Summer at 3 p.m.; the rest of the year 2 p.m. Locftranza—Despatches twice daily in Summer, to Greenock and al] parts.

Fast Day.— First Thursday in July.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac. —;

Burgh oj Official Directory. Afillport.

THE CUMBRAES. o For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County List. Lords of the Manor—George Frederick Boyle, Earl of Glasgow; and the Marquess of Bute. Factors—W. J. Armstrong, Fairlie; and J. W. Stuart, Rothesay. Registrar— James Boss. Session- Clerk— Win. Crawford. BURGH OF MILLPORT.

Corporation.—Provost—The Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow.

Magistrates—William Allan, Glasgow Street ; and Archibald Scott

Ardenlee. Commissioners — Robt. Robertson, Breakoiigh ; William

Wishart, Kelburne Street ; J. M'Gown, m.d., Bute Terrace

George Y. Henry, Tourville ; Alex. Brown; and Wm. Paterson.

Public Officials. —Procurator- Fiscal—James Patrick, writer, Largs, Clerk to Commisioners— William Mactie. Sanitary Inspector aud Inspector of * Works, John Fraser. Collector and Treasurer, David Wishart, Post Office.

CHURCHES.— Established—Hours of Worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Kev. J. S. Macnab. Free—Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Rev. Alex. Walker, m.a. United Presbyterian —Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Rev. Robert M'Lean, m.a. Baptist—Vacant. Scottish Fpiscopal. —This Collegiate Church was opened for Divine service at Whitsunday 1851, was consecrated and declared to be the Cathedral of the Isles on May 3rd, 1876. Hours of Sunday services—S a.m. (altered to 8 30 in Winter), 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Visitor. — Bishop of Argyle and the Isles. Members of Chapter. —Provost—Very Rev F. R. H. H. Noyes, d.d. Canons—Bev H. F. Beckett, m.a.; Rev J. P. Keigwin, m.a.; Rev

J. A. Ewing, m.a. ; Rev H. Brown, m.a.; Rev H. H Richardson, M.A.; and Rev J. R. A. Chinery-Haldane, l.l.b. Honorary Can- ons—Rev G. C. Whyte, m.a.; Hon. and Rev H. Douglas, m.a.; Rev W. Bright, d.d. ; Rev R. G. Weldon, ma., Rev. W. Bell ; Rev E. Meynell, m.a.; Rev H. M'Coll, t.c.g.; and Rev. R. J. M'George. Missionary—Rev Ernest Geldart, m.a. Tutor and Lecturer Vacant. St Andrew's Church— Hours of Sunday services, 11 a.m., and 2-15 p.m. Curate in charge—Rev. John Rose Dakers, t.c.g. Si —

Burgh of Official Directory. Millport.

Cumbrae School Board. —William Crawford (chairman), John Stew art, Archibald Scott, Alex. Brown, and G. Y. Hendry. Clerk and Treasurer—James Ross, Union Bank.

Schools. —CuMBRAni Public School.—Teachers—A. C. Steven. J. MA dam. Cumbrak Academy, Karnes House. —Principal, Win. Macfie. Episcopal—Miss Taylor.

Surgeons.—John MacGowan, m.d. Joseph Kerr.

Bank. Union, James Ross. Stuart st.

Kelburne Masonic Lodge, No. 459. —Meets on the first Friday ofeach month in the Cumbrae Hotel at 8 p.m.—R.W.M., W. B. Wallace. P.M., Alex. Hunter. S. S., Rev. H. H. Richardson, m.a. S. M. W.M'Lauchlau. Treasurer—James Ross.

Gas Light Company.—Chairman—The Right Hon. the Earl of Glas- gow. Vice-Chairman—Wm. Hunter. Secretary—Wm. Hunter. Treasurer—D. Wishart. Manager of Works—Robert Rae.

Parochial Board.— Chairman—Archibald Scott. Inspector aud Collector—David Wishart.

Co-Operative Society, (Limited..)—President—John Burns. Secre- tary—R .Caldwell."

Glasgow Cumbrae Benevolent Society.— Patrons—The Most Noble

. of Glasgow the Marquis or Bute ; the Right Hon- the Earl ; Reid, S'rahoun Lodge, Charles Dalrymple, Esq., m.p. ; John E.

Millport; Niman Crawford, Guildford, Surrey ; Thomas Russell,

Ascog, Bute ; and John Kennedy, Millport.

Directors—(Glasgow) Robert Anderson, 22 Ann Street ; Robert Brown

125 Norfolk Street ; A.. H. Ewing, 135 Buchanan Street ; William

Gordon Street ; and J. Kyle, Uddingstone ; D. M. Nebon, 48 Wallace, 305 Argyle Street (Cumbrae) M. Crawford, builder, James Finnie, James Robertson, John Fraser, James Grant, jun., Robert Bobertson, and James Ross.

Cumbrae Horticultural Society.—Patrons— The Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow, the Most Noble the Marquis of Bute, Charles Dalrymple, m.p., and Thos. Russell of Ascog. Secy, and Treas., Alex. Brown.

Penny Savings' Bank.—Trustees—Rev. Alexander Walker, Rev. J. S. Macnab, Rev. R. M'Lean, D. Wishart, Archibald Scott, Andrew C. Malcolm, Ninian Crawford, James Robertson, John Thorn, jun., and James Grant, Glasgow. Cashier—W. Clark. Secretary—A. C. Steven. Auditor—Jamea Ross. ^22 —

Burgh of Official Directory. Millport.

Insurance Agents. —James Ross, ami David Wishart.

Pier and Harbour Company.—Chairman—John E. Reid. Secretary — D. Wishart. Harbour Master and Treasurer—Alex. Cameron Western Yacht Club.—Patrons—The Most Noble the Marquis of Bute, The Right Hoc. The Earl of Glasgow. Charles Dalrymple, m.p. Commodore—Andrew Buin, cutter Rival, 15 tons. Vice-Com- modore— Patrick Rattray, cutter Maggie, 20 tona. Rear-Com- modore—T. H. Kirk, cutter Volga, 10 tons. Stewards—J. R. Geddes J. Thomson, jr., A. H. Ewen, Archibald Livingstone, John Somers, and Robert Campbell. Official Measurer— G. L. Watson, 141 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Auditors—T. Robertson, and D. Hill. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer— John Ingram, 108 W. George Street Glasgow. Cumbrie Sailing Club.—This Club has been in abeyance for some time- The last office-bearers were. —Commodore—Robert Robertson, J- P. Vice Commodore—Arch. Livingstone. Rear Commodore Andrew Russell. Treasurer— Alex. B. Anderson. Secretary James Taylor. Curling Club.-- President— John Eaton Reid. Vice-President—John Frazer. Secretary and Treasurer— Win. Allan.

Cumbrae Bowling Club. — President— Robert Tyre. Vice-President —Ninian Crawf >rd. Treasurer—James Ross. Secretary—Win. Allan. Cumbra3 Conservative Association. — Hon. President, the Right Honourable the Earl of Glasgow. President, Captain John E. Reid. Vice-President?, Ex-Bailie Wm. Wishart, and Mr William Crawford. Hon. Secretary aod Treasurer, Alex. Brown pro tern. General council of thirty members, and a sub-council of seven. Postal Arrangements.— (For Bates of Postage &c, see West Coas Almannc.) —Post Office, Guildford St. — Sub-Postmaster, David Wishart. Despatches iu June, July, August, and September, at

6.55 am.; and 2.15 ; and 6.55 p.m. The rest of the year at 6.55 and 2.15. Deliveries at 11 a.m.; and 6 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings Bank open from 10 a.m.; till 8 p.m. Telegraph Office open from 7.30 a.m.; till 8 p.m. Sundays from 9 till 10 a.m.

Fast Bays. —Thursdays before the first Sabbaths of May and Novem- ber. Communications.— Steamers daily to Glasgow, Greenock, Wemyss Bay, and Fairlie.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers or societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

for list of Tradesmen, Skofkeepe? ,s etc^ see West Coast Almanap, l County of Valuation, Population, &c. Bute.

RENTAL OF BUTESHIEE. 1880-1 1881-2 1882-3 Eothesay Parish (excluding burgh),... £2,450 £2,444 £2,417 Kingaith Parish, 9,943 10,462 10.517 North Bute Parish, 12,196 12,116 12,659 Meikle Cumbrae Parish, 15,947 16,909 17,271 Little Cumbrae (Ardrossan Parish),... 298 308 317 Kilbride Parish, Arran, 9393 9,548 9577 Kilmory Parish, Arran, ... 10.765 10,904 10,959

£60,992 £62,700 £63,717

Total "Value of County of Bute and Burgh of Rothesay.

County of Bute, ...... £60,992 £62,700 £63,717

Burgh of Eothesay, ...... 55,135 51,704 55,409

Grand Total, ... £116,127 £117,580 £119,126

POPULATION OF THE COUNTY, 1871 and 1881. Bute—Eothesay, 7800 8291 North Bute and Eothesay landward, 1393 1415 Kingarth, 901 1265 10,094 10,971 Cumbrae— 1,613 1,845 Abban— (1) Brodick, 928 (2) Kilbride, 1276 Kilmory, 2278 Lochranza,... 777 5,259 4,673

(Population in 1861, 16,311.) 16,966 17,489

PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY, 18S2-3. Bute—Eothesay, ...... 737 North Bute, ...... 138

Kingarth, ...... 96 971

CUMBBAES— ...... 289

Abean—Kilbride, ,.. „ ...... 92

Kilmory, ...... 151 243

1503 Being an increase of 18 over previous year.


Eothesay— ...... 1630

Increase over previous year, ...... 557

Millport— ...... , 700

Increase over last year, ...... 23Q Cmmty of Assessments, Fiars Prices, &c. Bute. ASSESSMENTS

County. —General AsFesment, ... 2d per £1, which yielcb abut £528 Registration of Voters, ...O^d „ „ 66 Lunacy, ...... 2d ,, „ 526 Contagious Diseases (Animals), ...Ojd „ „ 66 Pilica, ...... 2id „ „ 660

Total, 7d per £1, which yields about £1848 The Registration of Voters Assessment on the Burgh of Rothesay will yield about £ 15 additional.

Eoad Money, for Arran, . .Is Cd per £1

Do., Bute and Cumbrae, 7d ,,

ROTHESAY.- Police, ...... ; 8d „

r ...... Lunac3 , 2d „ Valuation of Lands, ...... 4,d „ Municipal Registration, ... ^d „

Public Health, ...... id ., Is Sd per £1

On Proprie- ) County Voters Registration, ^d per £1 tors only, \ Cess, and Registrar of Births, 4d „ —2d Is 3J per £1 Water, ...... 6d and id per £1

Poor Kate, ...... , 9d „

School Rate, ...... 4d „

Gas, ...... 1 9 per 1000 cubic feet.

North Bute. —School Rate, ...... Sd per £1

Poor Rate, ...... Sd ,, Kjngarth. — School Rate, 7d Poor Rate, 6d KlLMORY. — School Rate, lOd

Poor Rate, ... Is lCd Kilbride. — School Rate, l£d Poor Rate, is ed Millport. — Police, £d General Im] rovement, Id General Sewers, Id

Special Sewers,,.. ... Id to id Registration, Id Poor Rate, 2d School Rate, Sid FIARS PRICES. 187! 1880. 1881 1882 Wheat, oer Quarter, No return £2 2 £2 £1 13 3 Barley, „ £1 10 8 1 11 2i 1 6 1 5 g Bere, „ 16 1 8 1 5 1 4 9 Cats, 1 1 1 1 ;> 64 104 1 2 2i 1 1 2 Beans, 2 4 0" 2 1 2 10 2 2 Oatmeal per 140 Lbs. 17 7£ 15 o 17 8 18 2 Population in 1871, 200,509 ; in 1881, 217,504. Valuation, £1,326,459 19/5.

Parliamentary Constituencies. —North Ayrshire, 3836 ; R. W. Cochran-

Patrick, m.p. (Conservative). South Ayrshire, 4038 ; Colonel Claud Alexander, m.p. (Conservative).

Lieutenancy.—Lord -Lieutenant and Sheriff-Principal, The Ear' of Stair, k.t. Vice-Lieutenant. Richard Frederiek Fotheringham Campbell of Craigie, m.p. Clerk of Lieutenancy, Willi im Macrone, Ayr.

Sheriff and Commissary Court. —Sheriff and Commissary, Comrie Thom- son, abvoca'e. Sheriff-Subs, and Coin. Deputies, Win. Alexander Orr Paterson. adv. Sheriff Clerk, Evan Allan Hunter "W.s. Depute Clerk for Ayr District;, John Lock hart. Denute Clerk for Kilmarnock Dis- trict, Thos. Fulton. Commissary Clerk, R«>bt. Goudie. Pr'-c. Fiscal* for C unity, Robert Dousrlas Murdoch, Ayr, and J. P. Stevenson, Kilmarnock. Auditor, JohnLockhart. Macer, Hugh Arthur.

Commissioners of Supply. —Convener, Captain David Boy'e, of Shewalton, p.N. Clerk to Cpmniss pnsrs, Chas. George Shaw. As-Bessor, George Buchanan. Collector of County Kates, James M. M'Cosh, Da'ry.

County Pot.'ce Committee. —Colonel Alexsnder, of Ballocbmyle, m.p. Sir E, H. Blair, of Blairquhan, Bart. Capt in David Boyle, of Shewalton. E.N. Qaptain Campbell, of Auchmannoch. Colonel Campball of Nether- place. R. F. F. Campbell, of Craigie, m.p. W l'iam S. Cooper, of i ail- ferd. W. C. S. Cunninghame, of Caprington. William Finnie, of New- field. R. B. Robertson, Glasgow, of Mountgreenan. Hu h Hamilton, of Pinmore. R. A. Oswald, of Auchencruive. R. W. G. Patrick, of

Ladylan 1, m.p. l.l.d. W. Ralston P tick, ofTreavns. The Marquess of Aiha. Provost Wiight, of Irvine. The Lord Lieutenant, the Sheriff of Ay shire, W. A. Orr Paterson (in absence of Sheriff), and Sherirf-s'ubsti^uta, ex-o$ciis. Clark, Charles G. ^haw. Ohief-Consta de, Commander Hardy M'Hardy, e.n.

County Goal.—Governor, James Taylor, Chaplain and Teacher, John Duncan. Surgeo.i, Robert Debbie, m.d. Matron, Mrs Reid.

District Lunacy Board. —Chairman, Major-General Burnett, of Gadgirth. Three a quorum. Sir E. H. Blair, of Blairquhan, Bart. Capt. Davi.l Dole, of Shewa'tw, r.nj Major-General Burnett, of Gadgirth.

( o'onel C. V. Hand ton Campbell, of Netherplacs. Copt. Campbell, of Auchm iiinoch. William S. Cooper, of Failford. W. C. S. Cunuing- ha'me, of Capvington. 'Idiom is M. Gcmmell, of Frankviile. R. M~ Pollok, of Midd.eton. The Provost of Ayr. The Prove st of Irvi e. The Irovrat of Kimarn ck. Clerk, Charles George Shaw.


District Asylum. —Medical Superintendent, G. H. Sitae, m.d. Chaplain, John Duncan. Matron, Miss Roy. Hoase Steward, D. M'Ooll.

Local Authority. — (Contagious Diseased Acts.) Chiirman, Hon. G. R. Vernon. Clerk to the Local Authority, Charles G. Shaw.


Population of Town and Parish in 1871, 4084 ; in 1881, 5137 (3533 in Lairs, 884 in Skelrnoiiie, and 720 in Fairlie). Purdatnentary Constitu, ncy, 462

For County Boards, $c, see Count)/ List.

Corporation. — Cl.iof Magistrate, Peter Morris. Junior Magi4raW, Dewar Paton, and P. t r Wat?on. Commissioner's, Alexander Eraser, lds., John Ramsay M'Coll, John Hill Malcolm, John Cars well, James Patrick, aud William Blyth.

Burgh Officials. — Clerk to Commissioners, James Fleck, jun. Collector and Treasurer, John K. Boyd. Supeiintendent of Water Works, M'st'rof Works, and Inspector of Cleansing, James Easton. Medie.U Officer,

John Moyes, m.d. Procurator-Fiscal for Burgh, Robert Simpson ; for Parish, James Patiick.

Largs is in the Kilmarnock District of the Sheriff-Court.

Justi'CES of the Peape re id nt in the District. —George Elder, Kn-ck Castle;

Major Eckford, Elm Bank; Captain Launder, r.n. ; Rob.rt. Auki-n,

Woodburn ; Robero Kirkwood, m.d. ; and W. J. Armstrong, Fairlie.

Justice of Peace Court for Small Debts is held on the first Monday of every month at 11 a.m. Depute-Clerk of the Peace, James Y. tiimpson.

1 Clergymen.—Chure ! Of Scotland, John Kinross, a.m. Stip nd of La-gs Parish 23 eh. Thomas Goldie, Assistant. Fairlie, J. Richmond V\ ood. Skelmorlie, John Kerr. F'ree, Charles Watson, t-airlie, Jn. G mined, a.m.,d.d., William Fleck, colleague. United. PreSDy terlail, John B. K. M'Intyre. Skelmorlie, John Boyd. St CoIuiTlba'S EpisCQ- pal, W. L. Lowe. Roman Catholic, Hiidam Gallaghar. Session- Clerk, D. G. Glen. Kirk Treasurer, D. G. Gkn. Clerk to Heiitars, James Patrick.

School Board. —Dewar Paton, Chairman. Thomas DufT, Thomas Clark, John Carswed, John Knox Boyd, Alexand -r Fraser, and Rev. J. R. Wood. Secretary and Treasurer, Alexander Hid. Officer, John Orr.

Schools.— Public School, Miss Barclay, an 1 Miss Kerr. Bii bane Academy Public Scicol, George Jeffrey, R. K, Huwie, and Jas. Stewa t. School of Industry, Miss Lyon.

Law Agents.—John Bovd, & n.p.; James Fleck, jun.; Simpson, Kirk, and Doaaldson, & n.p.; James Patrick, & n.p., and Alexander Hill. 27 District of Official Directory. Largs.

Surgeons—William A. Caskis, a.m., M.D;.John Moyes, m.d.; and Wm. Gibb, Assistant to Willirm A. Ca

Post a-jd Telegraph Office. — (For Rates of Postage &c, $ee\West Const Almanac.) — Depute Jj'o.tniistress, Mns Mury June Wood. Ariivals, 6.30.

10 a.m., and 6 p.m. Departures, 7.30, a.m., and 2.30,' p.m.; also 6.30 in June, July, and August.


Banks. —Union Li i itel, Major A. H. Eckfurd, and Alex. Young, joint agents Koyal, VV. J. Airn.trong and J. K. Boyd, joint agents.

Insurance Agencies. —Ca'.edon"an, Alex. Hill. Imperial Fire, James Patrick. Insurance Company of Shetland, J. Jaok. Life Association, Alexander Young. Nort ern, D. G. Glen. North Biitish and Mercantile, James Fleck, jun. Phoenix, Jehn K. Boyd. Royal, Bryee L'arr. Scottish Acci- dent, Limited, Major A. H. Eckford and Alexander Young. Scottish Amicable Life, Jas. Patrick. Scottish Provincial, J. Y. Simpson. Scott- ish Union and National, Major A. H. Eckford. Sun, Alexander Young. and Temperance Pro v id -fit, J. Y Simpson.

Parochial Board. — Chairman, John Caiswell. Deputy do., John Robertson, Inspector, John Wat on. In pector ofNuisancs, John Jack. Collector. Alexandtr Fraser. Suigeon, William A. Caskie.

Registrar of Births, &c— David Goudie Glen.

Gas Light Company. — Convener, William Barclay. Treasurer, John M. Hill Clerk, James Y. Simpson.

Coast Guard. — (One man) at Largs Captain A. J. Day, Divisional Offic.r' Cca-t Guards, Greenock.

Ayrshire Mission to the Deaf and Dumb. — Treasuier, Eev. Jchn Kinross. Conveyances.—Steamers ply between Largs and Glasgow, and other ports on tb.3 Clyde, and also in connection with the Weiuyss Eay Railway. 'Bcs runs to Fairlie in connection with railway tliere. Goods sieamer "Bute" betwesn Glasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, Largs, and Millport, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sa.urdaya.

Harbour. — Ciiaiiman, W. J. Armstrong. Secretary, John Boyd, writer* Treasuier, David Coudie Gen. Harbour Master, Roboit Wright.

a Fair.—Cmh's Day, first Tu.sday of Jun , aft r the 12th, n.s.

Fast Days. —Thursday b.fore last Sabbath cf Apiil and before Sabbath near- est full moon in Octuber.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed, or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully, solicited so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

Fur list «f Tradesmen, Shcp/ceepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.

2S Population of County in 1871, 57,659 ; in 18S1, (Mal.-s, 37,846; Females, 38,594) Total, 76,440.

Valuation of Shire, £45S,S51 14/10.

Parlimehtafy Constituency, 3548. Membar of Parliament for the C >unty, Lorl Colin Campbell (Liberal.)

Lieutenancy. —Lorl Lieutenant and High Sheriff, The Duko of Argyll, k.t. Clerk, William Douglas, Inveraray.

Commissioners of Supply. —Conveuer, Jnlm Wingfi Id Malcolm, yr., of P,>1- talloch. Clerk, Wm, Douglas, Inveraray. Collector, David Murray Max- tone, Campbeltown.

Argyle and Bute District Lunacy Board.—W. J. B. Martin of Ormaig,

Cnairinan ; Alexander Campbell, of Auchindarroc i ; Captain Duncan

Cunpbell, of Inverneill ; Lt.-Ool. Dune in Camnbell, of Southall ; Capt. James C. Camnbell, of Ar.lpatrick, R.N.; Duncan Colville, Campb ltown •

Thirnas G. Gordon, Forlong, of S >uth Krins ; Lieut. -C donel C. A.

M'Dougall, of Dnnollie ; Hector MacNeal, of Ugadale ; W. J. B. Marfcinj

of Ormaig ; Donald N. Nic >1, of Ardmarnock ; S r J. W. P. Campbell

Orde, Bare., of Kilmorv ; and John Ramsay, of Kildalton, m.p. Repre- sentatives of Bute District —Charles Duncan, Rothesay. Provost Sharp,

Rothesay ; John W. S fcuart, Rothesay. Clerk of Lunacy Board, Archibald M'E wen, Lochgilphead. Medical Superintendent, John Cameron, m.d., Medical Assistant, Duncan R. fetewarc, m.b., Edinburgh.

Sheriff and Commissary Court.— Sheriff and Commis-ary, Alexander Forbes Irvine, of Dram. Slier .ff-Sub. and Com. Deputes. At luveraray, George Campion, Advocate; at Campbeltown, George S. Dundas; at Tobermory, Hugh Ros?, w.s.; at Fort-William, James Simpson.

Sheiiff and Commissar/ Clerk, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. j Sheriff and Com. Cljrk Dep., at Inveraray, Archibald Henderson. Sheriff-Olerk 29 — —

County of Official Directory. Argyle.

De>>. at Cam obeltown, Robert Giffen. Do., at Tobermory, Duncan Mackenzie. Do\, at Fort-William, Donald Fraser. Procurator-Fiscal, John Camnbell MacLullich, s.s.c. Clerk of Supply and County Road Clerk, William Douglas, Inv< rar iy. Auditor of Court, Arch. Henderson. Sher.ff Courts for Small Deo s held quarterly at Oban, Lochgilphead, and twice a year at Bow-more and Bridgend in the Island of Islay, and at Dunoon once every six weeks.

DUNOON DISTRICT. Population of the United Parishes of Dunoon and Kilmun in 1871, 6824 ; 1881, 7968. Municipal constituency, 1145.

For County Boards' cj-c, see Cov.nty List.

Commissioners of Police. —Provost, Hugh Duncan. Badies—Archibald M'lityre, an I James Lyall. Commissioners —David Doig, Al xander G-. Graham, John Marfciu, John Thomson, William T.ulloch, Alexander Weir, Alexander Melville, William Whitelaw, and Walter Smith.

Borgh Oeficals. — Clerk, William Munro. Collector and Treasurer, Jam^s Hunter. Procurator-Fiscal, Daniel Anderson. Medical Officer, Dr. Banks. Saniary Inspector, Thomas Ker.t. Snp rintendeut of Police D. Fraser. Inspector of Common Lodgings, D. Fraser.

Justices of the Peace.—Dunoon—Peter Bald, Archibald Oswald, Rdrrb Clark, Wdliau Muuro, Joseph Daltou, John A. Locket-, and Archibald Mitchell, Dunoon. Innellan—John Donald, John Hunter, John Mowatt, and Alexander Smith, Inn llan. Sandbank— Rjbt Hunter, David Kiughoru, and Robert Smith, Sandbank. Kirn—Alexander Harvie, David Oufcram, A. G. Graham, James E. Graham, A. H. M'Lean, and John Thom-on, Kirn. Hunter's Quay—Fra;,cis B Lcckie. Toward.—A. S. Finlay, Castle Toward. Depute Clerk—NeilM'Kechnie Procurator-Fiscal—D. Anderson.

Rifle Voulnteers.—Hon. Colonel—Duka of Argyle, k.t. Lieutenant- Colonel—J. W. Malcolm. Major—Ak xander F. Mackay. AeijutaLt— William Jas. Halk Surgeon—J. Deiinistoun. Captain Lieutenant— William Munro. Clergymen— Church Of Scotland—John Cameron, Dunoon. Robert Cra'g, m.a., Ardentiuny. James Hay, Kiro. George Mathieson, d.d., Innellau. J. M'Corkindale, Lochgoilkead. Gavin Mason, Sandbank, John B. Service, m.a., Strone. J. M. M'Archur, Toward. Free Robert M'Morar, and D. M'Nicol, Dunoon. J. Irving m.a., Iuuellan. D. Kerchar, Kilmun. John Headrick, Sandbank. United Presby- terian—J. C. Johnston, Dunoon. Adam Gray, Kirn, R. Henderson. Innellan. Scottish Episcopal—Henry Harrison. F. N. Oxenham, Innellan. Roman Catholic—H. Van Baer. 'I he English Episcopal and Baptist denominations have various officiating Clergymen during the Summer months. 30 District of Official Directory. Dunoon.

School Board.—Chairman, J. Edward Graham. Rev, Hermin Van Ba r, Alexander Smith Bairtlj Rev. J hn C

Duncan M'Nic 1, R^v. Gavin Mason, Archibald Oswald, Robert Leslie

Smi h, James Willia n Tnra r. OScevs :—For Damon, Wm. W

Registrar of Births, &c. —Robert G. Barr. Stamps and Taxe^.—Distributor and Collector—Thomas Scotland.

Banks. —Clydesdale—John Dob : e. Union—Wm. Munro. Briti h Linen. Co.

Parochtal Board op the United Parishes op Dunoon and Kilmun.— Chairman, Archibald Clark. Inspector and Collector, John Russell: Medical Offices Dr Murray, Dunoon. Dr John Didiie, Kilmun. Dr George Boyes, Innellan.

Dunoon and Cowal Liberal Association. —President, J. Edward Graham Duncultha. Secretary, William Munro. Tr

Glasgow Cowal Society. —Hon. President, James Duncan, Benmora. Presi- dent, Duncan Whyte. Vice-President, Moses Hunter. Tr -asurer, Jas, M'Kellar. Secretary, William Tavlor. Directors— Colin Brown, Alex. M'Kellar, Thomas Dunlon, Peter M'Lean, John M'Fie, Duncan Currie, Capt. A. M-Lean, John P. M'Phun, and Janies Waddel. Dunoon and Kilmun Cemetery. —Superintendent, John Russell.

District Riad Trust.— Chairman, Archibald Gilchrist. Clerk, William Annau, Glasgow. Collec:or, Johu Russell. Surveyor, Richard Callen.

West op Scotland Convalescent Sea Side Homes. —Promoter, Miss Beatrice Clugston. Chairman of Directors, Sir Peter Coats. Superinteudeit, J< ha Campbell. Surgeon, James Denniston. Si-cratary and Treasurer, R. Hillhouse, Geoigj Square, Glasgow.

Gas Company. —Chairman, Archibald Oswald. Secretary and Treasurer William Munro. Manager, D. B. M.;ek;nzie. Collector, Hugh Duncan'

Agricultural Society. —President, James Duncan, Benmore. Secretary and Treasurer, John Debie.

District Licencing Committee. — Sir John Dougla>, g.c.b. ; Archibald Clark, Peter Bald, A. S. Finlay, Alexander M'Phcrson, Duncan Buchanan and Lieut. -Colonel Campbell.

Surgeons. —John Banks, James Gemmel, m.d., A. T. Wilson, Hugh Murray, M.D., James Denniston, Dunoon. Dr Boyes, Innellan. Dr Dickie, Strone.

Piers. —Dunoon—Alexander Cameron, manager. Kirn—Fred. Brown, lessee

Bowling Club.—President, Charles Morrison. Secretary, George Muir. Si District of Official Directory. Dunoon.

Ccrlinj Club.—President, Robert Clark. Secretary, D. M. Reid. Treasurer John Martin.

Horticultural Society.—President, W. F. Burnley. Treasurer John Martin. Secretary, James Bruc -.

Coffee House Co. —-Secretary and Treasurer, Robert Mitchell.

Dunoon and Kirn Benevolent Association.—President, Rev. John Cam-ron. Secretary, Rev. J. C. Jounst m. Treasurer,

Musical Association.—Conductor A. Galloway. Secretary, W. A. Oswald. Treasurer, J. R. L. S.nit >.

Young Mens Christian Association. —President, Jas. WJson. Secretary William Gray.

Society. Bible —President, Rev. John Cameron. Secretary, Rev. J. C. Johnston.

Good Templary.— "Star of Cowil," " Heatherfi eld," and "Star of Cowal Juvenile" Lodges.

St Andrew Society.—President, J. Phillips. Secretary, George Chalm «ra. Treasurer, Alexmder Cameron.

Masonic Lodge. —"Argvle." 335.—R.W.M. Thomas A. Cooper. Treasurer' Thomas Paterson. S cretary, R)bert M'Laren.

Shepherds. —"Star of West Lodge'' 1705. —W. Pastor, Wm. Reid Criag. Secretary, Walter Grieve. Treasurer, James MKell.

Athletic Sports Committee.—Chairman, Wm. M'Leol. Seay., A. M Her. Treas., W. Warner.

Postal Arrangements — (For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Postmaster —Thomas Smith. Despatches, 7.30 a.m.; 2.20 and 3.45 p.m, Deliveries, 9.45 a.m.; and 5 20 p.m. Extra deliveries during June, July. and August at 7 a.m.

Fairs. —Third Thursday in January, and third Thursday in February.

Fast Days. —First Thursday in May add third Thursday in November.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-hearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list

may be c miplete an 1 thoroughly reliable as possible.

For List of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac. TIGHNABRTJAIOH.

For County Boards, §c.,see County List. Justce of the Peack resident in the District —Dr Mackenzie. School Board of Kilfi^nan—Nathan Ure (Chairman), Ronald McCallum, J. L. Davidson, John Scdular, and Andrew Irvine. Clerk and Treasurer, Dr Mackenzie. Ocficer, Alexander Stewart. Scaools. —Tighnabruaich —Ham. Nisbet, Miss Rankin. Millhouse —Mr Cjunor, Mrs Tan ) ill. Kilfinnan—Mrs St3\vart. Ardlamont—Mrs Alexander. Otter—Miss Campbell. Royal Bank. —Dr Mackenzie, Agent.

Clergymen.—Ciiurch of "Scotland, Rev. Angus M : Pliee, Kilfinnan. Rev. Norman M. Maede, m.a., b.d., Tighnabraaich. Free, Rev. James Young, Tighnabruaich. Rev. Duncan Campbell, Millhousd. Physicians. —John M'Kenzie, m.d.

Parochial Board. —Cnairman, Donald Nicol of Ardmarnoch. Inspector an I C. Hector, Alexander Stewart. Medical Ohicjr, Dr M'Kenzie.

Registrar of Births, &c, Alexander Stewart.

Piers.—Tighnabruaich, T. Scoular. Auchenlochan, R. Duncan. Karnes, A. Douglas. Agricultural Society. —S:cretary, Neil Nicolson.

Horticultural Sojiety. —Secretai-y, William Thomson. Curltng Cluss.—Tighnabruuch— Secretary, Thomas Dobbie. Kilfihnan— —Secretary, Peter Wilson. Sanitary Inspector.—Akxander Stewart.

Postal Arrangements. —(For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Postuistir, D. Cunn. Despatches, to Glasgow, Edinburgh, and all parts at 10.20 a.m.; ci Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday's. Rothesay, Greenock, Glasgow, and all parts, 2. 15 daily. Tarbert, Ardrishaig, Oban, and the West, 10.20 daily. Kames, Millhouse, Kilfinnan, &c, 11 daily. From Wail Box at Tighnabruaich Pier, 2.35 pm. From Kames at 9;55 a.m.; and 1.33 p.m. Deliveries from Glasgow, Greenock, and all parts about 11.45 a.m.; daily. From the West about 6.45 p.m. Extra delivery in June, July, August, September, and October about 6.45 p.m.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed oi\inadvertentl}r omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as. complete and thoroughly. reliable as possible.

For Hit of Iradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.


Population in 1871, 6628 ; in 1881, (Males, 3576; FemaLs, 3982) 7558.

The Burgh along with Ayr, Irvine, Inveraray, and Oban, returns one Member to Parliament. Ayr is the returning Burgh. R. F. F. Camp- bell, of Craij.ie, m.p., (Libtral.)

Parliamentary Constituency, 1882, 618.

Municipal Constituency, 1882—Male, 618 ; Female, 158—776.

For County Boards, cfc, see County List.

The Corporation.—Provost, Duncan Cdville. Senior Biilie James ? M'Pherson. Junior Bailie, John Muir. Dean of Guild, J. M'Kersie, Treasurer, James Dunlop. Councillors—John RaLton, John Brown. Robert Hogartb, Robert Armour, V. Clemeutson, James W. Greenlees, Gavin Tnomson, Robert M'William, Charles M'Eachran, PeterM'Kay, Archibald Campbell, and William G. C. Paul.

Burgh Officials. —Town Clerk, Daniel Mactaggart. Town Chamberlain, Andrew Hamilton. Burgh Procurator-Fiscal, John Murray Collector of Burgh Assessments, And. Hamilton. Harbour Master, Duncan M'Eachran. Burgh Assessor, Colin Hart.

Sheriff Court.— (Sits on Friday.] Sheriff, Alexander Forbes Irvine, adv. Sher ff-Subsiitute, G-orge Smythe Dundas. advocite. SheriiT-Clerk, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, Rob rt G ffan. Pro- curator-Fiscal, Daniel Mactaggart. Auditor of Cour.", Rib^. Giffen.

Justice of the Peace Court. — (Sits first Monday of every Month.)

Justices of the Peace, ragiderit in the District—Provost and Bailies of Camp- beltown for the time being (distillers excepted); John Col vide of Muas-

dale; Robert Colville, Drumore ; Donald Cprkindale, Ballygreggan ; Robert Crawford, Lochanish; Daniel Greenlees, distiller; Samuel Green- lees of Moy; David M'Dougall, banker; Sheriff-Substitute of Argyllshire

for the time being ; Duncan Stuart, Knockiioch ; Charles C. Greenlees,

; distiller ; Peter M'Kinnon, Rosemount Peter M'Kinnon, Devaar ; M. Andrew, Anderston; David M' Gibbon, Chamberlain; D. J. K. Mac-

donakl, of Sanda ; and Captain Scarlett of Gigha.

Clerk of the Peace, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. Depute Clerk, Robert Giffen. Procuator-Fiscal, Daniel Mactaggart. County Police Superintendent, D. M'Kechnie.

Clergymen.—Church OfSootland, (1st Charge), Jas. Curdie Russell, D.D., Do. (2nd Charge), George Walter Strang, a.m. United Presby- terian, John Thomson. Free, Lochend, vacant. Do., Lome at. Duncan Graham. Episcopal, S. H. Rowson. Roman Catholic, Archibald J. J. M'Donell.

School Board.—Chairman, Rev. Dr Russell. Dr William Gibson, Rev 34 District of Official Directory. Campbeltoivn.

Duncan Graham, Rev. John Thomson, Dr John Cunningham, Charles M'Eachan, and Joseph Tait. Clerk and Treasurer, Dav. M. Maxton.

SCHOOLS.—Burgh Grammar School, Hugh Lee, b.a. (London), Rector ; j,Wm.

Miller, Robert Aird, and John M'Innes, assistants ; Miss Frances Dickenson, Infant and Industrial Teacher. Daliutober Bjys', A. Montgomerie, Do. Girls', Miss Jessie Lothian Fem. Sch. of Indus- Argyle street, Miss Mary Munro. Millknowe Pullio School, John Kirkwood, Mai. Campbell, and Miss Margt. "Weir teachers. United Female School of Industry, Glebe Street, Miss Isabella M'Callum.

Session Clerk and Registrar of Births, &c. —John M'Isaac.

Law Agents. —J.Murray &n.p.; John B. Clark ; Daniel Mactaggart & n.p. Thomas Macfadzen, and Charles Harvey & n.p.

Surgeons. —John Cunningham, m.d., W. Gibson, m.d., and W. Wotherspoon.

Custom House. — Superintendent of Customs an I Mercantile Marine, James Barnes. Assistant Examining Officer, Alexander Mitchell.

Excise, Stamps and Taxes. —Collector and Distributor, Donald Mathieson. Chief Clerk, Thomas Groves. Clerks, Arch. Fu liar ton, and T. Lyne. Supervisors, Robert Bdl, S. D. W. Offen, James Proctor and W. Borthwick.

Peopeett and Income Tax.— Clerk, David Murray Maxtono. Assessor. Alexander Young, Dunoon.

Office of Supply foe Argyll. — Colleotor, David Murray Maxtone. Assessor for Argyllshire under the Valuatunof Lands Act, D. M. Maxtone. Road Assessment Collector, David Murray Maxtone.

Banks.—Commercial, Limited, Join': Agents, Daniel Mactaggirt and Alex. Duncan. Clydesdale, L ; mited, David M'Dougall. Royal, James Hamilton. Provident Savings Bank—Treasurers, Jamss L. Rae, and Colin Hart,

Insueance Agencies. —Britannia Fire, Archibald Montgomerie. Briton Medical, Archibald Montgomerie. Insurancs Co. of Scotland Fire, James M'Pherson, and Robert Watson. Lancashire, James Hamilton. Life Association, Daniel Mactaggart. Liverpool, London, and Globe. John Ralston. London and Lancashire, R. M'Kelvie, and J. Bruce. North British and Mercantile, David M'Dougall. Northern, Daniel Mactaggart. Scottish Amicable Life, D. M. Maxtone. Scottish Equitable, Robert Hendry. Scottish Imperial, John C. Boyd, and Thomas 'Macfadzean. Scottish Provident, D. M'Dougall. Scottish Provincial, Alexander Barton, and Jam3s Campbell. Scottish Union and National, D.;M. Maxtone. Scottish Widows' Fund, John Murray, Standard Life, James Hamilton. Sun, John Murray. Wateb Works.—Manager, William Findlay.

Fisheet Office.— Officer, Robert Hendry. 85 District , of Official Directory. Carnpbeltown K

Pabochial Board.—Chairman, Charles C. Greenlees. Inspector, John

Stewart. C i Hector, John M'Isaac. Chaplain, John Carson. Medical Officer, William Gibson, m.d, Governor of Poorhouse, Peter M'Neil. : Matron, Mrs M'Neil.

Athenaeum. —Secretary, Archibald Fullarton. Treasurer, J. Colville. Kintyre Agricultural Society. —Secretary, Jame3 Lothian.

National Life-Boat Establishment. —(One Boat at Campbeltown and another in Southend.) Chairman, Charles C. Greenlees. Secretary, Alexander Mitchell.

Corporation Gas Works. —Secretary, Andrew Hamilton. Manager, Wra Jljbertson.

Agent for Lloyd's, and for the Underwriters of Liverpool and Glas- gow. — John Muir.

Steamboats. —to Glasgow daily in Summer, and three times a week in Winter. Ayr, Friday, but not regular.

Postal Arrangements.— (For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Postmaster, John Muir. Despatches, 6 a.m. Deliveries, 6 p.m. The steamers carry au additional mail.

Newspapers.—Argyllshire Herald, published on Saturday by A. M'Ewing. and Courier, published Saturday by R. Wi.son, jr.

Fairs. —First Thursday in February, second last Wednesday in May, second Thursday in August, and Third Thursday in Kovember.

Fast Days.—Thursdays before third Sabbath in June, and first in December,

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, xtc, see West Coast Almanac.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible. TARBERT.

Justices of the Peach resident in the District. — Colin G. Campbell of Stonefield. John Campbell yr. of Stonefield. John Campbell of Kil- berry. James Campbell of Ardpatriek. Hugh M'Lean, factor, Rhu. Hugh M'Lean, Glenveasdale. 'J'homas Furlong, of Arones. W. .M'Kiunon of Balanakill. Archabald Turner, Kilchamaig.

School Board.— Colin G. Campbell of Stonefield (Chairman) ; James E.

M'Larty ; Duncan M'Machlan, blacksmith ; Dr D. M'Millan ; and Wm. Hay, flshcurer, Tarbert.

Parochial Board.— Alex. M'Dougal (Inspector).

Postal Arrang-emenjs.— (For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac. 1 ) Postmaster, James Brown.

Bank.—Bank of Scotland—George K. Aitheson

Clergymen. —Eev. John M'Lean, Parish Church. Eev. M. M'Queen, Free Church.

Doctor, Duncan M'Millan,

Grotnd- Officer, John Allan, East Pier. iNStJRANcE Agents. —George K. Aitheson, Alex. Mitchell, and John M'Leod. Newsagent, James Brown.

- : i : - ' - . • ' • . I . —


Population in 1871, 3492 ; in 1881, Lochgilphead, Quoad Sacra Parish 3586;

(Lochgilphead Burgh, 1679 ; Ardrishaig, 1209 ; Landward, 698.)

For County Boards, cfc, see County List.

BURGH OF LOCHGILPHEAD.—Corporation. —Provost, A. M'Ewan. Bailies,—J. Menzies and 1). M'NicoI. Councillors—Colin Campbell, John Campbell, John Fletcher, Colin M'Kay, Thomas Pomphrey, and Wm. Jack.

Burgh Officals.—Clerk, Dugald M'Lachlan. Treasurer and Collector, D. W. V. Lambe.

Sheriff Court. — (Held on«e a Quarter.) Sheriff, Alexander Forbes Irvine, Adv. Sheriff-Sub., r George Campion, Adv. Sheriff-Clerk, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. Clerk-Depute, Duncan Mackenzie.

Justices of the Peach, resident in the District. — (Court held Wednesday after first Sunday of every month.) Justices, Dr John Cameron, Jol n Hunter, Arch it aid MacEwen, and Dugald M'Lachlan, Loch« gilphead. HughM'Lean, Tarbert. Sir J. Camubell Orde of Kilmory. W. J. B. Martin of Ormaig. John Malcolm of Pultalloch. J. W. Mai- colm, yr., of Poltalloch. Colin S. Campbell, of Stonefield. JohnCamp* bell yr., of Stonfield. John S. Campball of Sliirvan. J. P. Clerk, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. Depute-Clerk, Duncan Mackenzie. Procura* tor Fiscal, Colin M'Kay. Burgh Fiscal, James Eraser.

Law Agents.—Dugald M'Lachlan N.p.,Archibald MacEwan n.p., and Robert, Kinloch w.s.

South Argyll District Road Trust.—Chairman, Sir J. P. Campbell Orde Bart., of Kilmory. Clerk, Archibald MacEwan. Surveyor and Col- lector, Donald Gillies. Clergymen.—Chureh of Scotland, Alexander C. Robertson, Loch» gilphead. Malcolm M'Coll, Ardrishaig. Free, William Fraser, and J. M. Sheriff*, Lochgilphead, and John Stewart, Ardrishaig. Scot- tish Episcopal Church, Incumbent of Chnst Church, Fred. Ernest Ramsay, m.a. Baptist, John Knox. Banks.—Clydesdale, Limited, Dugald MaoLachlaa; A. Campbell, Joint" Agent. Union, Limited, Archibald MacEwan.

Glassart and South Kkapdalh Cemetery.—Chairman, Sir John W. P. Campbjll Orde, Bart. Secretary and Treasurer, Dugald MaoLachlaa, Superintendent, Lachlaa M'Fudyen. 33 Lochgilphead and Official Directory. Ardrishaig,

Lochgilphead School Boa^d (for qmal sacra Parish.) Chairman, Rev William Fraser. Clerk and Treasurer, A. MacEwan. Officer, James M'Gilp.

Schools.—Public, Lochgilphead, Thomas Shearer, and Misa E. K. Brock. Public, Ardrishaig, William Ramsay. Episcopal, Miss Isabella Mm- kenzie.

Sutt3E0NS.— John Cameron, m.d., Daniel Carmichael, m.b., John Hunter, aad Duncan R. Stewart, m.b.

Registrar of Births, &o. —John Alexander. Excise.—Supervisor, Donald Cameron, Ardrishaig. Officers, Jamea Caul-

field, Lochgilphead ; and Thoma3 P. Chiuk, Glengilp.

Stamps and Taxes.- -Sub-Distributor, Archibald MacEwan.

Fishery Office.—Officer, Tarbert and Ardrishaig, James Davidson. Customs. —Ardrishaig, John Lindsay, Officer.

Insurance Agencies. —Caledonian, Donald Sinclair. Commercial Union, John Lawson. Lancashire, Dugald M'Laoiilan. Life Asso. of Scot, land, A. MacEwan. Liverpool & London, and Globe, Angus Campbell. North British and Mercantile, D. Gilli Is. Royal, John Hunter, sur-

geon. Scottish Imperial, William Jack. Standard Lif •, Dugald Mac Lachlan. Sun, Archiball MacEwan. W. of England, D. Maclaehlan. Prudential, and London Corporation, P. Wilson, Argyle st.

Argyll and Bute Lunatic Asylum. —Chairman, W. J. B. Martin of Ormaij;. Medical Superintendent, John Cameron, m.d. Assistant Medical Superintendent, Duncan Robert Stewart, m.b. Clerk and Treasurer, Archibald MacEwan. Steward, John Young.

Combination Poor House. —Chairman, Sir John W. P. Campbell Orde, Bart, of Kilmory. Secretary and Treasurer, Dugald MasLachlaa. Governor, Alexander Ronaldson.

Crinan Canal. —Superintendent and Resident Engineer, John G. Davidson. Collector, William Mackenzie. Harbour Master, Peter Maclullioh.

Gas Company. —Secretary and Treasurer, D. W. V. Lambe. Manager, Robert Dewar.

Parochial Board.—Lochgilphead—Chairman, Sir J. Campbell Orde. Inspeo tor, Hugh M'Diarmind. Medical Officer, Dr CarmichaeL Ardrishaig— Chairman, W. J. B. Martin of Ortnaig. Inspector, Coll M'Dou* galL

Foresters. —Court " Royal Crown, " No 6313, meets in Free Mission Hall, Loch- gilphead, every alternate Friday. —Chief Ranger, Peter Wilson. Secretary Win. Smith. Treasurer, D. Sincliar. Surgeon, Dr. D. CarmichaeL

Templars.— Western Star" Lodge, No 654, Lochgilphead, meets in theOMPa. rish School on Tuesday evenings. —W .Chief, Dougald M' lavish. Secry., Duncan M'Vean. W. L D. W. M'Quistan. 89 Lochgilphead and Official Directory. Ardrishaig.

Postal Arrangements—Lochgilphead. — (For Rates of Postage &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Postmistress, Mary Miller. Despatches, Steamer at mid-day, overland in the evening. Deliveries, from overland in the morn- ing, from steamer at mid-day. Ardrishaig"—Postmistress, Ann H. Scott. Despatches and deliveries same ,as Lochgilphead.

. Communications. —Steamers—Daily to Greenock and Glasgow, and parsing Ardrishaig and Lochgilphead, through the Criaan Canal, to and from Oban, Fort-William, Inverness, Tobermory, Skye, &c., daily, in sum- mer, and bwici a week in Winter. Coaches.—Kilmar.in to Ardrishaig Daily to suit steamers; and in Summer, Daily by Lochawe to Oban, and Daily to Cuilfail.

Markets.— Eorse—Spring Market, third Thursday of March. Martinmas- Market, second Thursday after the fourth Thursday of November. Autumn Kilmartin Horse Market, fourth Thursday of November. Cattle —'Whitsunday, Kilmichael, last Wednesday in May. Whitsunday, Lochgilphead, Wednesday, fourteen days after Kilniichael. Halloday Kilmichael, Tuesday before the last Wednesday of October. Halloday Lochgilphead, Wednesday, fourteen days after Kilmichael.

Fast Days.—Thursday before fourth Sunday of June, and Thursday before first Sunday of November.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.

. —


Population in 1871, 9S1 ; Population in 1881, (Males, 406; Females, 457) 863.

Inveraray along with Ayr, Irvine, Gampb ltiwn, and Oban, returns one Member to Parliament. Ayr is the returning Burgh. P irlia-uientary Constituency, 107; Municipal do., 138. R. F. F. Campbell, of Craigie, M.P. (Liberal.)

For County Boards, cfc, see County List.

Corporation.—Provost, John MacArthur, of Barbreek. Bailies—Alcxxpder Guth rie and Walter Malcolm. Dean of Guild, Rob; rt Hally. Treasurer, John Napier. Councillors—Angus M'Kay, James WylliV, Arch. M'lu- tosh, John Rodger, David Stewart, Robert Buntain, Donald M'Vicar.

Burgh Officials.—Procurator-Fiscal, John Campbell MacLullich, s.s.c. Town Clerk, Arch. Hendjrson. Burgh Chamberlain, John Thomson.

Justices of the Peace resident in the Burgh of Inveraray and neighbour-

hood.—John MacArthur, of Barbreek ; James Wyilie, Chamberlain of Argyll; William Douglas, writer, Inveraray; Francis R. Macdonald, M.D.,

Inveraray ; Archibald Campbell, surgeon, Brenchoilly ; William E. Oliver,

farmer, Benbuie ; and the Provost and two Bailies

Prrcurator-Fiscal, John C. MacLullich, s.s.c. Do. for Islay, Duncan Macniven. Clerk, Scipio Mactaggart, w.s. Depute Clerk, Archibald Henderson.

Burgh Licensing Committee.—Alexander Guthrie, Walter Malcolm, James Wyilie, and John MacArthur.

Clergymen.—Church Of Scotland, 1st charge. Neil M'Pherson ; 2nd do., Pettr Ned M'Kichan. Free Church, Robert Rose. United Presbyterian Church, Gilbert Meikle!

School Board. —Chairman, James Wyilie ; Rev. Neil M'Pherson, John C. MacLullich, Robert Macfailane, and Rsv. Gilbert Meikle. Clerk afll Treasurer, Archibald Henderson.

Schools.— Church Square School—Teacher, Henry Dunn Smith, a.m. New-

ton School—Teacher, Hugh Kirkland ; assistant, Miss Janet Baxter.

Law Agents.—William Douglas, John C. MacLullich, s.s.c, and Quintin M. Wright.

Insurance Agents.—Britannia Fire—John Buchanan. British Medical John Buchanan. Caledonian—Q. M. Wright. Life Association—Q. M. Wrigiit. North British and Mercantile — William Dou^l-s. North- ern Counties Fire—Mrs John Rose. Queen Fire—John Buchanan. Royal—John C. MacLullich, s.s.c. Scottisb Amicable—John Rodger. 41- District of Official Directory. Inveraray.

Surgeons—Archibald Campbell, Brenchoille, Francis Robertson Macdonald, M.D., and Thomas Greer, m.d.

Stamps and Taxes—Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Taxes Q. M. Wright.

Registrar op Births, &c. —Henry Dunn Smith, a.m.

Parochial Board.—Chairman, Jame3 Wyllie. Inspector and Collector) John Rodger.

Gas Company.—Chairman, James Wyllie. Treasurer and Clerk, Archd. Henderson. Manager, Lachlan Ferguson.

Masonic—St John's Lodge, No. 50.—R.W.M., Q. M. Wright. D.M., Nicol Lemon. S.M., William M'Brayne. S.W., Alexander M'Kay. J.W., D. Henderson. Secretary and Treasurer, John M'Callum. Chaplain, Rev. Neil M'Pherson. Bard, William Rhynd. S.D., Duncan Bell. J.D., Malcolm Munro. S.S., James Maitland. J.S., Donald Luke. P.M., John Campbell. Praxy, James Guthrie, Edinburgh. Tyler And. Paterson.

Inveraray Pastoral and Agricultural Socifty. —Secy., Hugh Smart.

Communications. —Steamboats. —Between Glasgow and Inveraray—by the Kyles of Bute and Lochfyne—daily in Summer and Winter. By Loch- goil daily. Minard Castle, thrice a week. Harbour Master, Captain Bell. Coaches—From Tarbert, Lochlomond, to Oban, by Inveraray and Dal- mally, daily during Summer. From Lochgoiltiead, via St Catherine's daily. To and from Lochawe, during Summer, in connection with Loch- awe steamer.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Rates of Postage, &c, see West Coast Almanac.) —Postmistress, Mrs John Ros-e. Despatches— 6.10 and 10.30 a.m.; and 10.15 p.m. Deliveries — 3.30, 5.35, and 9.30 p.m.

Fast Days. —Thursdays before last Sabbath in April, and second last in October.

Markets. — Cattle —Friday after last Wednesday in May, and last Thursday in October. Wool—Friday after second Thursday in July.

Banks. —National, Limited, John MacArthur. Union, Limited, Quintin M. Wright.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

42 OBAN.

Rental in Extended Boundaries, £26,914 13/7. Population in Parliamentary

Boundaries, in 1871, 2413 ; 1881, 3986—in the extended Municipal Boundaries, 4330.

Oban along with Ayr, Irvine, Campbeltown, and Inveraray, returns one Mem- ber to Parliament. Ayr is the returning Burgh.

Municipal Constituency, 593. Parliamentary Constituency, 441. R. F. F. Campbell, of Craigie. m.p., (Liberal.)

Corporation. —Provost, William Menzies. Senior Bailie, Neil M'Coll. Junior Bailie, John Livingston. Councillors.—John M'Dougall, John Living, ston, George Drummond, Alex. Campbell, Donald Macphail, Dugald M'Caig, and John M'Isaac.

Burgh Officals. —Procurator-Fiscal and Treasurer, Donild Campbell. Town Clerk, Robert Lawrence. Sanitary Inspector, William Campbell. Burgh Officers—Robert Macfarlane, and Duncan Carmichael.

Justice of Peace Court Meets at Oban. R.A., of Mac- „ Justices in the District.—Lieut-Col. Charles Allan Macdougall, Alexander dougall ; Thomas William Murray Allan, of Glenfeochan ;

; Peter Cumstie, Brown, banker, Oban ; James .Nicol, banker, Oban merchant, Oban; Provost Menzies, Bailie M'Coll, Bailie Livingston; and Alexander James Henry Campbell, of Durnstaffnage. J. P. Clerk, James Black. Fiscal, Robert Lawrence.

Sheriff Court— (Court held in March, July, September, and December). Sheriff Substitute, Hugh Ross, w.s., Tobermory. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, James Black. Sheriff-Officers, Duncan Carmichael, and Robert Mac- farlane. County Police Inspector, Peter Campbell. Messenger at arms, Robert Macfarlane.

For County Boards, cfc, see County List. Clergymen.—Church Of Scotland, Quoad Sacra, John Smith, a.m. St Columba, Quoad Sacra, W. C. Taylor, a.m. Free, John Mack ay, a.m. United Presbyterian, William Proctor. Congre- gational, James M'Lean, b.a. Roman Catholic, The Right Rev. Angus M'Donald, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Scottish Episcopal, Arthur Ingilby.

John Smith, a.m.; SCHOOL Board.—Dr N. M. Campbell, Chairman ; Rev, Rev. John Mackay, a.m.; Donald MacGregjr, and John Craig. Clerk and Treasurer, Robert Lawrence. Officer, Lachlan M'Laren.

SCHOOLS.—Oban High (Public)—Hugh Skinner, Head Master. Junior Department—Miss Mary M'Dougall. Infant Department—Miss A. L. Fraser. 43 ;

District of Official Directory. Oban.

School Board of Kilmore and Kilbkide.—Allan M'Culloch, Chairman Rev. John Maokay, a.m.; Rev. P. M'Kercher, a.m.; William Hossack, and Rev. John !-mith, a. m!'" Clerk and Treasurer, John Stuart M'Caig. Officer, Peter M'Intyre.

Parochial Committee of Burial Ground. — Convener, A. J. H. Campbell of Dunstaffnage. George Drummond, and John Caddow. Clerk and Treasurer, John Stuart M'Caig.

Law Agents.—Robert Lawrence, James Nicol & N.P., Alexander MacArthur; Donald" Macgregbr & n.p., Peter Maclenn & n.p., John Fleming M'Laren & n.p., Archibald Mitchell & n.p., and Hugh M'Callum.

Surgeons.—Neil M'K Campbell, m.t>., and Robert B. M'Kelvie, m.d.

Valuator under the Valuation of Lands and Heritages Act for the Burgh,

, Donald M'Dougall.

Parochial Board.—Chairman, Lieut. Col. M'Dougall; of M'Dougall, r.a. Inspector of Poor, John Stuart M'Caig. Assistant Inspector, Donald M'Dougall. Collector, Donald Cam bell. Medical Officer, R. B. M'Kelvie, m.d. Sanitary Inspector, John M'Douga'i.

Lorn Combination Poorho use. —Chairman, A. J. H. Campbell, of Dunstaffnage Clerk and Treasurer, John Stuait M'Caig. Medical Officer, R. B M'Kelvie, m.d. Governor George Sinclair. Matrou, Mrs Sinclair.

Post and Telegraph Office. —Postmaster^ Donald M'Lean. Arrivah, 7-a.m., and 1-30, 7-0 p.m. Departures. 12-15, 3-40, 4-30 a.m., in Winter. De- partures, 4 3o, 12-15, 3 35, and 6-0, in Summer.

Customs.—Principal Coast Officer and Land Waiter, Robert Fry.

Excise.—Supervisor, Earnest William. Benwell.

Stamps.—Distributor. John Robertson, Greenock Sub-Distributor, Robert, Lawrence.

Taxes. —Collector, E. W. Benwell, Supervisor of Excise in Oban.- • -

Banks. —Bank of Scotland, Alexander Brown. Commercia', Limited, Alex- MacArthur. National, Limitel, [Richard Watson. North of Scot- land, D. & J. S. M'Cag. Clydesdale Limited, James NicJl.

Insurance Agencies.—Accident Insurance* .Co., A. Black. Caledonians Eobert Lawrence. Commtrcial Union, J. H. Wilson, and J. R- \oungson. Insurance Co. of Scotland, Alexander Brown. Law Life* John Hunter. Life Association, Donald Campbell. Liverpool, London; and Globe, James Black, and Peter MaoLeao. Liverpool Plate Glassr Samuel Lawrence. London Guarantee and Accident, Rob 4 it Lawrence- Manchester Fire, Lachlan Maclean. North British and Mercantile, James Nicol. Queen, George Buchanan. Reliance Life, Alex. Black- Royal. Fire and Life, John Stuart M'Caig. Scotti A Amiffable, Arch- Mitchell, and Wjn. Cumstie.& Sous. Scottish Equitable, A. MaeArthur. Scottish Imperial Fire Life, Thomas Scottish Glass, U and Corson. Plate District of Official Directory. Oban.

J. M'Douga'l. Scottish Provi lent, Alex. Brown. Scottish Provincial Fire, Donald Campbell, and D. M'Gregor. Scotish Union and National, Archibald Mitchell, Sim ant M'Laren. Scottish Widows' Fund, Duncan C. Brown. Standard Life, B.obert Lawrence. Reliince Life, Robert Macfarlaue.

Registeae of Bieths, &c. —John M'Dougall.

Gas Company. — Secretary, John Stuart M'Caig. Collector, Don. Campbell.

Calandee and Oban Railway.—Reg'stered Office., 58 Bath Street Glasgow. j Traffic Manager's Offic , Lochside Place Oban. Chairman, J. C. Bol- ton, m.p. Secretary, John Anderson. Local Law Agent, R. Lawrence. Traffic Manager. John Anderson.

Aegyllshiee Gatheetng. —Preses, The Ma-quess of Lorn, k.t. Convpner, J. W. Malcolm, yr., of Po talloch. Secreta-y and Treasurer, J. Fraser Sim. Balls and Games held annually in September.

Highland Yacht Club. —Commodore, The Earl of Breadalbane. Vice- Oommor'o -e, James Houldsworth, of Glencruitten. Rear-Co nmodore, J. Wingfield Malcolm, yr., of Poltailoch. Secretary and Treasurer, J. Fraser Sim.

Loen Ageicultural Society. —Pr se?, Lieut.-Col. M'Dougall of M'Dougall, e.a. Vice-Pieses. A. A. L. Campbell, of Lochnell, and A. J. H. Campbell, of Dunstaffuage. Secretary, Donald Macgregor.

Oban Scientific and Litesary Association. —Joint Preses, Rev. William Proctor, and Dr Campbell. Vicu-P.es., Do:iald M'Gregor. Tiea^urer, Alex mder M'Lenuan. Secretary, Hugh Skinaer. Librarian, John Brown.

Agent foe Lloyd's and the Underwriters of Liverpool, Alexander Brown.

House Agents. —Robert Macfarlane and James Nicol.

Communications. —Steamers—Eegularly to and f om Glasgow, Inverness

Mull, Morven Toherm iry, Skye, anw, owner. S.S. " St Clair " and " Lady Ambrosine" to and from Glasgow, Sound of Mull, Tobermory, Loch Suiuart, Bun j ssan, Co'l, Tyrte, Barra, Uist, &c, "St Clair" calling at Oban on the outward voyage every Friday, and on the inward voya. e " " every Tuesday ; and Lady Ambrosine calling at Oban on the out- ward voyage tvery Tuesday, and on the inward voyage every Friday. John M'Callum & Co., 62 Jamaica Street, Glasgow, owners. Local Agent, Lachlan MacLean.

Newspapers.— Olan Times, Weekly, Friday and Saturday. Publisher—Dun- Camercn. Oban Telegraph, Weekly, Friday. Publisher— Alex. Black. 45 District of Official Directory. Oban.

Mabkkts. — r attle—Monday before last Wednesday in May, and Friday before last Wednesday in October. Sheep and Wool—Wednesday after Inver- ness July Market. Hiring—Second Tuesday in April and first Friday in November. Horse—First Tuesday in March, first Tuesday in Sep- tember, and Tuesday before fourth Thursday in November.

Fast Days.—Thursdays previous to first Sabbaths in May and November.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible.

For list of Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac.


Population in 1871, 8156 ; in 1881, 7574. Parliamentary Constituency, 286.

For County Boards,

Justices of the Peace resident in the District. —Jas. S. R. Ballingal, Ealabus,

John Ramsay of Kildalton, M.P. ; Colin Hay, Ardbeg; Jas. Stein, banker;

Port-Ellen ; John Cullen, banker, Bridgend ; Angus M'Indeor, surgeon,

Sunderland, Bridgend ; Kirkman Finlay, of Dunlossit. Depute Clerk of the Peace, Archibald Henderson. Procurator-Fiscal, John C. MacLullich, s.s.c, Inveraray.

Sheriff Court.—Held twice a year at Bowmore, and following day at Bridgend. Sheriff Clerk Depute, Archibald Henderson. Sheriff Officer, Murdoch M'Taggart.

Justice of Peace Small Debt Court.— Held first Wednesday of every Month.

Clergymen. —Church of Scotland, John M* Gilchrist, Killarow. James M'Coll, Kilchoman. James M'Fadyen, Kildalton. John A. Campbell, Portnabaven. Alexander Duff, Kilmeny. Duncan M'Dougall, Oa. Free, Peter M'lver, Biwmore. Donald M'Master, Kildalton. James M'.Millan, Kilchoman. refer Stewart, Kilmeny. John George M'Neil, Portna- haven. Baptist, Donald Ross, Bowmore.

School Boards.— Kildalton— Colin Hay, Chairman ; Be v. Don. M'Master Lachlan M'Cuaig, William Morrison, and Farquhar Macrae. KLUarOW

—James S. R. Ballingal, Chairman ; Peler Carmichael, Alex. M'Connechy, J. A. Nicholls, Rev. J. M'Gilchrist, Rev. Alexander Duff, and Rev. Peter

M Iyer. Kilchoman—J. S. R. Ballingal, Chairman ; Dr A. M'Indeor, Rev. James M'Coll, Rev. James M'Millan, Rev. John G. M'Neil, James M'Taggart, and John H. Macdonald.

Surgeons.— Angus M'Indeor, Bridgend; Angus M'Aulay, Port-Ellen; and James Ross, Bowmore.

Post Office.—Postmasters (all sub. to Greenock), John M'Indeor Bridgend;

Donald M'Fadyen, Bowmore ; Archibald Clark, Port-Charlotte ; Malcolm Bell, Port-Askaig ; Mrs M'Dougall, Ballygrant ; Jas. Brown, Gruinart ;

James M'Aulay, Portnahaven ; and Alex. Campbell, Port-Ellen. Arrivals and Departures Daily, except Sundays. Assessor of Income Tax. —Alexander Young, Dunoon.

Sub-Collector of Property, Income, Land, and Assessed Taxes, and Distributor of Stamps, John Cullen, National Bank.

Banks.— National Limited, J. Cullen, Bridgend. Royal, James Stein, Port Ellen. Savings Bank, Post Office, Bridgend, John M'Indeor. Savings Bank, Post Office, Port-Ellen, Alex. Campbell. Savings Bank, Post. Office, Bowmore, Donald M'Fadyen. SaviDgs Bank, Post Office, Port- askaig, Malcolm Bell. 47 Island of Official Directory. May.

Parochial Boards. —KillarOW—Chairman, James S. R. Ballingal. In- spector and Collector, Peter .J3hish,ol'fl. Surgeon, James Ross. Kil- chom^n-Chairman, James S. R. Ballingal. Inspector and Collector, Peter Chisholm. Su^eon, Angus Macfndeor. Klldalton — Chairman, Colin Hay. Inspector and Collector, Peter Chisholm. Surgeon, A. M'Aulay. Islay Combination Poor-House.—Chairman, James Mitchell Mutter. Gover- nor, A. MIntyre. Medical Officer, James Ross. Matron, Mrs M'Intyre.

Registrars of Births, &c. —Parish of Portnahaven, James M'Aulay, Parish of Bowmore. Peter Chisholm. Parish of Kilmeny, John Inch Parish of Kilchoman, Neil M'Indeor. Parish of Kildaltou and Oa, Peter M'Dmgall.

Insurance Agencies. —Imperial Fife, John CuHen. North British and Mercantile. James Stein, Port-Ellen; and David Brock, Bridgend. Ocean, Railway, and General Travellers' Assurance Co., John Cullen. Royal, Charles MacAffr. Prudential—C- Campbell, Port-Ellen ; D- McLiver, Bowmore.

Customs.—Princip-d Coast Officer, Joss, Bowmore.

Excise. — Supervisors, Wm. M'Carthy, Port-Ellen; Hugh Thomson, Bowmore.

Schools and Teachers.— Bowmore, D. M'Bean. Gruinart, Donald M'Gilp. Port-Ellen, George Ross. Ardbeg, Hu^h Bisset. Oa, Malcolm M'Niven. Gleneigidale, Miss Janet M'Kenzie. Mulindry, Miss M'Gilvray. Gorten, Miss M'Leod. Port-Charlotte, Wm. Campbell. Bridgend, Tnos. Mackie, Keils, Miss Brown. Portnahaven, Roderick M'Diarmid. Kilchouian. Kinture, John Marnie.

Kildalton and Oa Branch Highland Temperance League.— President, Rev. Don. M'Master. Vice-Presidents, Messrs Don. M'Kenzie and Neil M't'adzen. Treasurer, John Torrie. Secretary, Colin Campbell.

Port-Ellen Abstinence Society, Scottish Temperance League. —President Donald M-Kenzie. Treasurer, N. Gilchrist. Secretary, Colin Campbell'.

Port-Ellen Cricket and Athletic Club. —Captain, Thos. Winsby. Vice- Capt. Allan M'Dougall. Treasurer, Dug. Kerr. Secretary, Colin Campbell

Markets and Fairs.— Cattle and Sheep Market, last Wednesday of every niO'ith, Port-Ellen the day before, during summer and autumn. Last Cattle Market in October, second last Wednesday at Bridgend only. Fair and Horse Market at Bowmore, 12th August and 12th November ii

a Friday ; if not, the first Friday after. Horse Market at Bowmore on the 12th February, if a Tuesday; if not, the first Tuesday after.

Conveyances. —Steamers to Glasgow daily, via Tarbert, except Sunday, and twice a week via Mull of Kintyre. Conveyance waits for the Steamer, at Port-Ellen each trip, for conveying passengers to Bringend.

Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers of societies newly formed or inadvertently omitied, are respectfully solicited, so that the list may be as complete and thor mghly reliable as possible. 1 For List of ' ralesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., see West Coast Almanac. .48 ,


Population n 1S71, 1259 ; in 1S81, 1284. Parliamentary Constituency of Parish, 118. For County Boards, cfc, see County List.

Corporation.— Chief Magistrate, Alex. Allan of Aro^. Bailies, Ang. Cameron and John Fletcher. Police Commissio vers, Alex. Allan Angus Cameron, John Fletcher, Arch. Brown, Caarles Parker, and George Robertson.

Burgh Officials.— Clerk, Jrhn M'Lachlan. Collector, Joha Massoa. Sani- tary Inspector, John Stewart. •> Sheriff Court. — (Sits on Wednesdays for ordinary and small dabfc nnd debts recovery cases). Sheriff, Alex. Forbes Irvine, Adv. Sh ritf-Substitute, Hugh Ross, w.s. Sheri T-Clerk, Scipio Mactag^art, w a. Sheriff-Clerk, Depute and Auditor, Dun. Mackenzie. Procurator-Fiscal, Wm. Sproat.

Justices of the Peace; resident in the District.—Alexander Alton, of Aros ;

Dugald Campbell, Tobermory ; Walter Gr.ahim, Knock ; Chief Magis- trate of Tobermory, (brewer excepted), and ihe Sheriff Substitute.

7 Depute-Clerk of the Peace, Dun. Mackenzie. Procurator Fisca , Wm. Sproat. Govern >r of Prison, John M'Leod. Matron, Mr3 M'Le >d. Surgeon, James Maxwell, m.b. Chaplain, Rev. John Cameron. Inup ctor of Police, Allan Cameron. Inspect jr of Nuisances, Neil Morrison.

Clergymen.—Church of Scotland, John Cameron ; (stipend of the Par- ish £120. Free, Charles Ross. Baptist, Alex. Black. Roman Catholic, Anselm Rob rtson.

Registrar of Births, &c. —Hector M'Coll. Assistant, James M'Coll.

School Board. —Alexander Allan, of Aro?, Charman ; Rev. Duncan Turner;

Wm. Lang, of Glengorn ; George Ulack Sproat ; John Masson ; John

M'Lean, of ; and Rev. C'harl s Ross. Clerk and Treasurer, Angus Cameron. Officers, Alexander M'Lean, and Lachlan Kennedy.

Tbachirs. —John S. Levack, Miss Amelia Richardson, D. MacLucasb, John G. Macb th, av.d Mis Joanna Murcheson. Queen Adelaide School of Industry. —Teacher, Miss Campbell.

Banks.—North of Scotland, Sproat and Cameron, Agents. Clydesdale, Limi- ted, Dugald Campbell and John M'Lachlan, Agents.

Law Agents.—Angus Cameron, John MacCallum & n.p., John M'Lachlan, & n.p., Wm. Sproat, George B. Sproat & n.p.

Surgeons.—Hector M'Coll, and James Maxwell, m.b., cm.

Post Office.—Postmaster, James M'Coll. Mails arrive by Steamer from Oban at 4 p.m., and are despatched at 8 a.m. dai y, Sundays excepted. Mails per Steamers going and returning from Glasgow via Greenock, on Mondays and Thursdays from April till January ; and on Thursdays from January till April. District of Official "Directory. Tobermory.

Stamps and Taxes.—Sub- Distributor, Jo'in MacTVIum. Excise.—Inland Revenue, Charles Macintosh. Sub-Collector, John Mac* Calium. Officer, John M'Kenzie.

Insurance Agencies.—Caledonian, John MacCallum, and Wm. Sproat. City of G'a^gow, John M'Lachlan. ( ity of London, Georga 13. Sproat Lancashire, John T. Taylor. Life As'Oiirtion, D. Caiipbzjl. Mu ual Fire, W.Spo t. Nation 1, Jn. T. Taylor. No th British andMercatiti/e. Du

MacCallum. Scottish Metro; o'itan, Archibald M'Donal 1, and John M'Calham. Sottish Provid nt, Wm. Sproat. Scottish Provincial, John Masson. Scat i.h Union, and National, John MacCallum. Stand- ard Life, John MacCal urn.

Road Trustees.—Convener, A. G. Guthri -, of Duart. Clerk and Treasurer William Sproat. Road Surveyor, \\ iiliam M'Brdn. Parochial Board. —Chairman, James N. M. Forsyth, of Quiaish. Inspector, and Collector, Neil Mori

Tobermory Union Poor-House.—Chairman, Wm. Lang, of So ne. Vioe- Chr.irm an, David Thorburn, Calgarry. Secretary \\ m. b'proat. Chap- lain, Alexan ier Black. Surg on, James Maxwell, M.B., cm. Governor, John M'Kinnon. Matron, Mrs M'Xinnon.

3 Moll Fishery Board. —Chairman, Lt.-Col. G. Gardyn . Lord Compton, F.

V\. Clark, A. G. Guthrie, of Duart; A. J. MaeLean, Carsaig ; Jaiue3 Wyllie. Clerk and Treasurer, Angus Cam ron, wiiter. Shipwrecked Mariners' Royal Benvolent Society. —Patron, Hujh Robs, w.s., Sheriff-Substitute. Honorary Treasurer and Agent, John Mac- Callum. Agricultural Association. —Northern District of Argyl'shire. President, The Duke of Argyll. Vice-President, Wm. Lang, o Some. Chairman Walter Graham,"lvnock. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Robert Lang, Ledmore. Agent for Lloyd's and fob Liverpool Association of Underwriters. — John Masson. Coast Waiter.—D. White. Pilots.— Captain Beaton, John Cameron, and John MacDonald.

Steamboats.—From Oban daily, > er mail steamer, at 1 p.m. Fron Glasgow April till January and every Mo ,day and Thursday at 12 noon, from ; Thursday from January till April. From Ob n to Staffa, tix times a w-.ek duiing Summer. Pier and Haruour Master, and bteamboat Agent for David MaoBrayne, John Masson. Agent for S.S. "Hebri- dean," John Fletcher. Agent for S.S. "Aros Castle," James M.&cColl. Fast Days.'—Thursdays before last Sundays in June and December. see West Coast Almanac. For list of Iradesmen, Shopkeepers, etc., of newly- Notification of alterations, and also lists of office-bearers softies Tie 1»* formed or inadvertently omitted, are respectfully sol pij • may be as complete and thoroughly reliable as possible. in Population 1871, 58,857 ; in 1881, 75,333. Increase in ten years, 16,476 Valuation of the County. —£185,586, 7/3

Member of Parliament, Archibald Orr Ewing (Conservative). (Parliamentary Constituency of the county, 3197).

Lieutenancy. —Lord Lieutenant, Humphrey Ewing Crum-Ewine: of Strathleven" Vice- Lieutenant, Win. Cunninghame Bontine Grahame, of Gartmore. Clerk of General Meetings, Alex. Dickjun., 176 W. George St., Glasgow.

Sheriff Court. — Sheriff, William Ellis Gloag, adv. Sheriff-Substitute, Fran- cis Gebbie, adv. sheriff Clerk, .Robert Craig. Proc. -Fiscal, William Babtie.

Depute Procurators- Fiscal, Robert P Mitchell an 1 Joseph Jenkins, junr. Auditor, Robert Craig Sheriff Cicrk Depute, Alexander Campbell.

Commissary Court.—Commissary, Win. Ellis Gloag, a rlv. Commis.- Dep, Francis Gebbie, adv. Commissary-Clerk, William Babtie. Commissary Clerk Depute, Joseph Jenkins, jun.

Commissioners of Supply. — Convener, Patrick B Smollett, Clerk, William Babtie. Collector of County Rates, Wm. Craig. Assessor, James S Miller, Glasgow.

Taxes. —Collector, James MacFadzean, Glasgow. Sub Collectors, Alex* Campbell, Dumbarton, and James Spalding, Helensburgh. Surveyor, James S Miller, Glasgow. Clerk, William Babtie. Sub-Distributors of Stamps, George Langiands, Dumbarton, & James Spalding, Helensburgh*

Excise.—Supervisor, George Boyd, Bowling.

Chief Constable. — Joseph Jenkins, Dumbarton.


Population in 1881, 7585; Row Parish (including Helensburgh), 9972.

Parliamentary constituency of Parish, 736. Minicipal 1550.

Valuation of the Burgh.— £61,-734 1/6. Valuation of Landward, portion , of

Row Parish ; £18,856 11/3.

Corporation. —Provost, John Stuart, Bailies Donald M'Callum, and WiWsm Burgh of Official Directory. Helensburgh.

Bryson. Commissioners, John Dingwall, J W M'Culloch, David Miller, Wm. Green'e^s, George Harvie, William Tait, Alex. Breingan, Adam Host on, William Logan, Burgh Officials. — Town Clerk, George Maclachan. Treasurer and Collector Edward Butt. Police Surgeon, T J F Messers, m D. Sanitary Inspector, Police Superintendent, Procurator-Fiscal and Inspector under Food Adul- teration Act, ChaMes M'i aidy Public Analyst, D'r Clark. Glasgow. Man- ager of Water Works and Surveyor, Thomas Mur.ay. Inspector of Clean- sing, C M' Hardy. Harbour Trustees. —The Police Commissioners. Harbour Master, William Carrick. Lessees, North British Railway Coy. Clerk, George Maclachlan, Treasurer, Edward Butt.

Justices of the Peace resident in Helensburgh. —Jarcrs Alexander, John Anderson, Alex. Anderson, A Breingan, John Brown, Wm. Adam Corbet, John Black Cowan, MD, Alex. Dick, James Finlay MD,Ricli. Kidston, Wm. Kidston, John M'Grezor, Thomas M'Alicking, Robert M'Nico,lRobert Duncan Orr, Andrew Oswald, Thomas Steven, James Stilling, Robert Walker, J C White, Provost Stuart, and Lord Provost LTre.

Parochial Board.—Chairman, John Cramb. Inspector of Poor, Alex. Kin- niburgh.

Row Water Supply. —Chairman of Committee, John Gilmour. Clerk, George Maclachlan. Row School Board. —Chairman, Alexander Breingan. William Kidston. Rev. J. M. Webster, am. Rev. L J C MTntyre. John M'Intyre. John Gilmiiir. Alexander M'Kenzie. Clerk and Treasurer, George Maclachlan. Officer, Wm. Taylor.

Teachers. —Row Public, Wm Fraser. Hermitage, David Buchanan. Gare- lcchhead Public, John Connor. Grant Street Public, George Mair. Glen- fruin Public, Alex. D. Pithie.

Clergy. —Church Of Scotland—Row, J M Webster, a m ; Helensburgh, John Lindsay, and John Baud, b d. Episcopal, John Stuart Syme, vv vv. Free Church, West, Leitch, ba; Park, H . Carslaw. a m. United Presbyterian, A. Hislop, a m. Congregational, James Troup, a m. Baptist, N Macleod. Roman Catholic, L. J. C. Maclntyre,

Lawyers.— George Maclachlan, & n p. James Spalding, &sp,

Medical Practitioners.—James Finlay, md. James M'Ewan, MB cm, William Mackie. T J F Messer, md W R Sewell, m b, c m, Geo, VVm. Noad, md. Douglas Reid, m d.

Registrar of Births &c. —Alex. Kinniburgb.

Postal Arrangements.— (For Rates of Postage &c„ see West Coast Almanac.) Postmaster, Wm. Brysou. Deliveries, 6.45, 9.10 a m, 3 20 and 7. 20 pm- Despatches, 8,35, 10,20 am, and 12.25, 3,25, 5, 6,35, 9.30 pm. Sundays' 2,35 pm ft* Burgh of Official Directory. Helensburgh,

Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Su3-

— Clydesdale Bank, Limited, Bankers. Bank of Scotland', Alexander Breingan. Robert D. Orr, Union Bank, Limited, James Milne.

Insurance Agents. — Caledonian, James Spalding. Craw.li Life, A. Breingan. 'Edinburgh Fire, James Spadiing. Edinburgh Life, A J Bain. English and Scottish Law Lite. George Maclachlan. Imperial, TC. Watt. Life Assoc- of Scotland, Win. Taylor. Lcndon and General Plate Gla

Gas Light Company. —Directors—P. Walker, jr., (Chairman), Wm. Swanson David Waddell, L. M'Lachlan, Alex. Anderson, John Black,- Alex. Breingan, Wm. Smith, A.Forrester. Clerk, George Maclachlan, Treas., R. D. Orr, Surveyor, Robt. Smith, Manager of Works, W. Smith.

Cemetery Company. —Chairman and Secretary, Alex. Breingan. Superintend- ent, John Combe.

Agricultural Society. —Pres., Sir James Colquhoun, Bart. Sec., Lt-Col. Colquhouii, Arrochar. Treas., Robt. D. Orr.

Auxiliary to National Bible Society of Scotland. — Pres.. Sir James Col- quhoun, Bart., of Luss. Sec, James Spalding. Treasurer, William Bonthrone.

Town Mission.— Secy., Wm. Kidston, Treas, Alex. Breingan. Missionary, Alex. Ralston.

Reading Room. —Macneur and Bryden.

Public Library. —Pres., Hon. John Ure, Lord Provost of Glasgow. Vice-Pres., Alex. Breingan. Treas., J. Mitchell. Sec., James Spalding.

Circulating Libraries—Macneur and Bryden, (Established in 1860).

Fast Days—Thursdays proceeding first Sundays in May and November,

Conveyances— North British Railway to Glasgow, Edinburgh, &c. ; Steamboats to Dunoon, Kilcreggan, Clyuder, Blah-more, Koseneath, Garelochhead,

! Greenock, Arrochar, Rothesay and Arran. Omnibus to Row and Shandon, in Connection with trains, once daily euch way. In Summer to Tarbetand Lochlomoud. Carrier—Thos. Osborne (for parcels), to and from Glasgow- daily.

Newspapers — The Helensburgh and Gareloch Times and Property Circular (Wed- nesday) Macneur & Bryden, publishers, Helensburgh. Ihe Helensburgh

News; Thursday ; R. G. Blair, publisher, Greenock. —

Litf ^tenancy.—Lord-Lieutenant—Sir Michael Shaw Steuart, Bart. Vice- Lieutenant—Sir Arch. C. Campbell of Blythswood.

Convener of the County—Sir Arch. C. Campbell of Blythswood. Member of Parliament—Alex. Crum, Thornliebank.

SkeriPF Court. —Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute—H. J. Moncrieff b.a., l.L.b., advocate. Paisley—Sheriff-Substituts, Hugh Cowan, adv. Sheriff-Clerk —Joseph M. Lochhead. Sheriff-Clerk Depute —Wm. Brown. Greenock —Sherirf Substitute.—Harry Smith, m.a., adv. Sheriff-Clerk Depute John Brough.

Procctrators-Fiscal for the County—George Hart, Paisley ; Robert Blair,

Greenock ; Deputies—Colin M'Culloch, and J. Dunlop.

Clbrk of Supplt—James Caldwell.

Commissary-Clerk—John Bartlemore. Commissary-Clerk Depute—J. Brough Greenock.

Taxes.—Collector of Inland Revenue for County—John Roberton. Surveyor, —Alexander Msbet. Sub-Collector for Paisley —Wiiliam Alexander. Collector of County Rates—James Caldwell.

Justices of the Peace—Clerk, John Bart'emore. Deputies at Paisley—Thos. M'Robert ; Greenock — J. I. Macdi u^all ; Johnstone —Walter Holmes^ Barrhead Pollo/cshaws— — Arch. Brownlie ; Port-Glasgow—Alex. Lade ; William Gillies. Procurators-Fiscal, at Paisley—T. Campbell ; PoUoh-

shdws — J. Campbell ; Lochwinnorh —-Wm. Logan ; Greenock—William

Auld ; Port-Glasgow— John Anderson and Xavid Scoble.

Assessors under the Va'uatibn Act—Alexander Nisbet, Paisley ; John Brown, Glasgow, and John Maut Greenock. o Inspector of Weights and Measures, Inspector of County Police, and Clerk t

. District Lunacy Board —J. ti. Dunn.

Income Tax. —Clerk to Commissioners, F.Dunlop, Greenock,"for Lower Ward; Paisley for Upper Ward

Surveyor and Assessor—Upper Ward— Alexander Nisbet ; Lower Ward John Muat.

Chief Constable— Robert Hunter. —P

Libotenancy.—Lord-Lieutentant—Lord Lovat. Clerk—W Taylor Rule, soli, citor, Inverness.

Member of Parliament—Donald Cameron of LocheiL.

Convener of the County—Earl of Seafield.

Sheriff Court.—Sheriff—Wm. Ivory, advocate. Sheriff-Substitutes—Patrick Blair, adv. Sheriff- Clerk— Henry C Macandrew, solicitor. Sheriff-Clerk Depute—William Macdonald. Procurator-Fiscal—Jas. Anderson, solic- itor. Depute Procurator-Fiscal- --Duncan Shaw, w s. Auditor of Court —W R Grant, solicitor. For Lochaucr—Sheriffs-Substitute, &e. —James - Simpson. Sheriff-Clerk Depute —D Frasei , Fort-William. Procurator- Fiscal —D M'Niven, solicitor. For Island of Skye — Sheriff-Substitute — A Spiers, ba, advocate. Sheriff-Clerk Depute— Dugald Maclauchlan. Procurator-Fiscal —Joshua M'Lennan, so'icitor. For i\or/h l/ist, Itarrl?, and Barra— Sheriff- Substitute—James Gray Webster, adv. Sheriff Clerk Depute—Donald Dott, Lochmaddy. Procurator-Fiscal—A A Chisholm.

Justicjss. —Procurators-Fiscal—Hugh Eose, Lochaber ; Dun Macniven

Other County Officials—County Auditor—Jame3 Rose, solicitor. Com- missarv -Clerk—John Mackenzie, solicitor. Commissry-CIerk Depute F W Grant. Clerk of Supply, and Clerk t© the Heritors—James Anderson, so'icitor. Collector of Land Tax —John Bright, Inland Revenue Office, Clerk of tl.e Peace—Andrew Macdonald, solicitor. Clerk of the 1 eace for Lochaber—D.Iraser. Assessor under County Voters Act —W H Balde.ston, Assessor under Lands Valuation Acts—W H Balder- etoi, and Fianc's Foster for the County of Ross. Distributor of Stamps- John Bright. C'erk to Income Tax Commissioners—W R Grant, i oiictor. Clerk to District Lunacy Board—RDavidson. Coilejt r of County Assess- ments—W R Grant solicitor. Secretary to Police Committee—W R Grant, so ictor. Collector of Fxcise—John Bright. Chief Constable and Inspector

Member of Parliament—Alexander Matheson of Lochalsh, Bart.

Sheriff Court.—Sheriff—Wm. M'Int sh, m.a., adv. Sheriff-Suhstitute of the Mainland of Boss and Cromarty, C. Hill Advocate. Assistant at Dingwall — Harvie, Gex Duncan and David Boss, bankers ; at Tain. —D. A. M'fiean Boss, banker. Lewis- Sheriff -Substitute, John Black, M.A. adv. Afsistants — K.Mackende, banker, and B. Millar M.D., Stornoway. Sheriff- Clerk of Boss— Charles Innes. Depute Sheriffs -Clerk at Dingioall—JnmeB Maclenn in ; at 'l'ain—W. J. Macdonald ; at Stornoway— J. Boss. Depute Sheriff-Clerk for isssuing Small-Debts Complaints for Sheriff's Circuit Courts, at Jeantown —B B Mackenzie, bank agent ; at Fvrtrose —John Smith, jun. ; at Invergordon —Murdo Mackenzie; at Lllapool—Kav Mac- kenzie, bank agent. Comhissary-Cleiik of Ross and Cromarty—E H M Matheson, Tain ; Deput* Dingwall at —James Maidennan ; ai Stornoway —John Boss.

Procurator Fiscal for the Western District—John Shaw ; for the Eastern

District— Gr. P. Munro ; for the Lews District—WLliam Boss. Depute, John Boss.

Clerk of the Peace— G. ,T. Munro, Tain. Deputes at Dingwall —Alex- solicitor; at Tain at Dewar, —John Mackenzi3 ; Munlochy— A P Smith ;

at Muir-of Ord —J. M'Gil'ivary ; at Stornoway—John Ross ; at Lochalsh

—David Logan ; at Invergordon—James Gilchrist ; at Uolapool —A. Mackenzie; at Fortrose—Kenneth Mackenzie. Procurators-Fiscal for Justices. —At Dingwall —William Mackenzie; 'at Stornoway—William Ross.

CHER'S of Supply—Andrew Smith, solicitor, Dingwall ; and W. J. Duncan, solicitor. Taxt:3, &c. —Surveyor for Ross, and Assessor of Property Tax. —-Francis Foster;

Inverness ; Clerk to Commi soner.s of Property Tax—John "-haw, solicitor?

Dingwall ; Collector of Cess and Distributor of Stamps — Ed. Hay Mac-

kenzie Matheson, Tai i ; Sub-Distributor of .^tampsforthe Western District

—G. H. Duncan, bank agent, National Bank, Dingwall ; Sub-Distributor of Stamps at Imergordon—Andrew Munro. B©\.ds.—County Boad Clerk —Andrew Smith, solicitor, Dingwall; Connty

Boad Surveyor— John Maekay, Conon Biidge ; County Assessor—Francis

Fo ter, Inverness ; Collector of Road Assessments for Bos? and Cromarty,

and for County Assessments in Boss- hire—Davi 1 Boss, bank agent,

Ca'edonian Bank. Dingwall ; Deputy-Collector of County and Boad Bates —D. A. M'Bean Boss, bank agent, Tain. Chief Constable and General Inspector of Weights and Measures —Donald Munro, Dingwall. 66 Lieutenancy.—Lord-Liexitenant, Duke of Sutherland, K. G. Vice Lieut., R. B. M. Macleod of Cadboll. Clerk—John Taylor.

Convener of the County— G. W. H. Ross of Cromarty.

Member of Parliament—Alex. Matheson of Ai dross and Lochalsh.

Sheriff Court.— Sheriff, Win. Mackintosh, m.a., adv. Sheriff-Substitute, Crawford Hill, adv. Sheriff-Clerk, Johu Taylor. Procurator-Fiscal, Jas' Gregor.

Taxes &c. - Clerk to the Commissioners of Property Tax, Joseph Williams. Surveyor of 'faxes, Francis Foster, Inverness. Distributor of Stamps and Collector of Cess, E. H. M. Matheson, Tain. Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Cess, J. Williams.

Peace. —Clerk, George T. Munro. Depute Clerk, James Ross. Commissai v- Clerk, E. H. M'K. Matheson.

Supply.—Clerk, and Collector of County Rates, Joseph Williams.

Assessor under Lands Valuation Act, John Taylor. LrBXJTENANCT.—Lord-Lieutenant—Duke of Sutherland. Vice-Lieutenant, Evan C. Sutherland Walker, of Skibo.

Contenbb of The County—Sir Arnold B. Kemball, k.c.b., Uppat Houbo.

Member of Parliament.—Marquis of Stafford.

Sheriff Codbt—Sheriff—Wm. M'Intosh, m.a., adv. Sheriff- Substitute— Thomas Mackenzie Assistant Sheriff-Substitute—Thos Barclay. Sheriff. Clerk—Donald Taylor. Clebk of the Peace—Donald Taylor. Procurator Fiscal and Commissary Clerk—W S Frassr.

Collector of County Assessments and Clerk of Supply—W S Frasei

Clerk to Income-Tax Commissioners—D. Taylor

Couwtt Assessor—Francis Foster.

Taxes.—Surveyor, Francis Foster ; Sub-Distributor of Stamps—Mrg Mackay at Dornoch, and W. Ross, at Golspie.

Roads.— County Clerk —D Taylor.

It —


Lieutenancy.—Lord Lieutenant and Vice Admiral—Earl of Caithness. Vice- Lieutenant— Sir John George Toliemache Sinclair of Ulbster, Bart M p. Clerk—Bobt. M'Lauchlan, Sheriff Clerk.

Convener op the County—Alex. Henderson of Stemster.

Member of Parliament—Sir John George Tollemoche Sinclair of Ulbster Bart.

Sheriff Court. — Sheriff—George Hunter Thorns, adv. Sheriff -Substitute Chas. Gray, Spittal, Adv. Sheriff-Clerk—Kobt. M'Lauchlan. Sheriff - Clerk Depute—Jas. Campbell. Depute at Thurso—Alex. M'Kay. Depute at Lybster—Robson Mackay. Clerk of the Peace —John M'Donald Nimmo. Depute Clerk to the Peace, at Thurso—James Brims.

Clerk to the Commissioners of Supply —James Brims, Thurso. .

Glerk to the Police Committee—James Brims.

Clerk to the Eoad Trustees—Wm. Paterson Smith.

Gejteral Surveyor of Roads—James Harrison.

Clerk to District Lunacy Board—David Corihack; Auditor of Accounts —Wm.

. P. Smith.

Procurators-Fiscal. — At Wick*—M. M'Lenn'm ; at Thurso—James Brims; to the Justices—Alex. Mitchell, Chief Constable.

County RatE3. —Collector and Treasurer—Alex. Henderson, Wick.

Stamps and Taxes.—Clerk to Income Tax Commissioners —John S utherland, Wick; Assessor of Income Tax—A Mackay, Thurso; Distributor of Bruce, Wick, Stamps—E & M Mathieson, Tain ; Sub -Distributors —Mrs A J Macdonald, Postmaster. Collector of Cess—E H M Mathes^n. Pur- veyor of Taxes—Benjamin Corke.

Chief Constable—A Mitchell, Wick^ ;

Libotenancy.—Lord-Lieutenant—Earl of Stair, K T. Vice-Lieutenant—Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochnaw, Bart.

Member of Parliament—Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, Bart.

Cokveneb of the County—Robert Vans Agnew of Sheucban and Barnbarroch.

Sheriff Court. — Sheriff, Norman Macpherson, ma, lld, adv. Sheriff - Sub.,

Macduff Bhind, adv. Hon. Sheriiis-Sub., John Doi , and Win. Mackie, Wigtown; and Wm. M'Gibbon, Stranraer. Sheriff-Clerk, R. H. ISniith. Depute,^ William Hawthorn. Sheritf-Clerk Depute, at Stranraer, M. Jeflray. Official Shorthand Writer of Court at Wigtown—Gordon Eraser at Stranraer—John Moodie.

Commissaby-Clerk—R. H.Smith. Depute, Wm. Hawthorn.

Olhrk op the Peace —J. M. Adair, Stranraer. Deputes, Wm. Hawthorn,

Wigtown ; Robert C&rson, JS'ewton-Stewart; and R. C. Lawrie, Whithorn.

Pkocdbators-Fiscal. —For the Upper District, J. Marquis Rankin, Stranraer. For Lower District, Ebe

for Justices : Wigtown, ~E S Black; Newton-Stewart, A B Matthews.

Stamps and Taxe?. — Distributor of Stamps, D Guthrie, Stranraer ; Sub- Distributor for Wigtown- Stewart,,— Kobert —J W Husband ; for Newton J. Carson ; for Whithorn—W C Lawrie ; Collector of County Rates — W 'Leau,|Wigtown Surveyor of Assessor of Income- ; Stamps and Taxes, and

Tax—F S Allan ; Clerk—J M'Lean, Wigtown.

Supply. —Clerk, and Clerk to Road Trustees —J M'Lean, Wigtown.

Auditors of Court at Wigtown—William Hawthorn; at Stranraer— Murdoch Jeflray.

Chief Constable.— Cornelius Murphy.

(i OR DON FRASER Chemist and Druggist, Printer and Stationer,The Square, Wigtown, JI Wigtown-shire, '' Sketches Anecdotes of Wigtown and Whithorn," cloth, 3s 6d and ;

' Lowland Lore," cloth, 2s 6d, paper, Is 6d ; "Guide to Wigtown and Neighbourhood. "Id. 60 Lieutenancy.—Lord Lieutenant, Earl of Selkirk.

Convener, of the County, W. II. Maxwell of Munches.

Member of Parliament, John Maxwell Heron.

Sheriff Court. —Sheriff, Norman Macpherson, m. a. ll. d., adv. Sheriff-Sub., Alex. Nicolson, ll. d., adv. Assistant Sheriffs-Substitute, R. M. Gordon and Alex. Dunbar. Sheriff-Clerk, George Hamilton. Depute Sheriff-Clerk, Wni Nicolson.

Commissary Clerk, Robt. M. Gordon.

Procurator Fiscal, Wm Milroy. Procurator Fiscal of Justice of Peace Court?, Alex. Davidson. Clerk of the Peace, Wm Nicolson.

Stamps and Taxes. —Distributor of Stamps and Collector of Cess, D. Guthrie. Sub Distributor and Collector S. Cavan. Collectors of Stewarty Rate* and Taxes, R. M. Gordon and A. J. Gordon.

Supply. —Clerks, R. M. Gordon and Alex. GordoD.

Auditor of Accounts, for the Stewarty and Sheriff Court, Wm Nicolson.

Road Trustees. —Clerk and Treasurer, George Hamilton.

Lunacy Board.— Clerk to District Board, David Fenton.

Valuation Act, Assessor, F. S. Allan. Collector, David M'Lellan.

Inspector of Weights and Measures— Alex. Davidson.)

Chief Coustable. — Alex. Davidson, Lieutenancy. —Lord-Lieutenant, Earl of Dalkieth k.t. ; Vice -Lieutenant,

Sir John Heron Maxwell, Bart. ; Clerk, John Synons, solicitor Du;nfrie3.

Convener of the County. —Sir Alex. Jardine, Bart, of Applegarth.

Member of Parliament—Robt. Jardine of Castlemilk.

Sheriff Court.—Sheriff, Norman Macpherson, m.a., adv.; Sheriff-Sub., David

Boyle Hope, : dv. Honorary Sheriffs-Sub., George Whitelaw and Wm. Jardine Maxwell, adv. Sheriff-Clerk, Henry Gordon. Sheriff- Clerks Dep., Chas. M'Kie, and David Senton, Auditor of Sheriff Coart, Chas. M'Kie.

Supply.—Clerk, Henry Gordon Road Trustees. —Clerk, T B Anderson.

Peace.—Clerk, J H M'Gowan. Depute Clerks, T H M'Gowan and T A Muir

County Roads.—Collector, T B Anderson. Assessor, John Clark.

Stamps.— Distributors, A Tait.

Weights and Measures, Inspector, J. Jones.

Lunacy.—Clerk District Board, David Fenton.

Prison.—Clerk to Visiting Committee, David Fenton.

Income Tax.—Clerk to Commissioners, Wm. Craig.

Constabulary. —Chief Constable, and Superintendent, David Poole. Inspectors

of Constabulary, John Stevenson, Lockerbie ; P. Ci'.rk; Thornhill ; W. Shorburn, Annan; Caleb Dobie, Dumfries; and Alex. M'intosh, Langholm

i% —— — — — —



Sold by all Booksellers and News Agents, and to be had Everywhere. o The Contents include — Business Directories for Whole of Buteshire,—Fairlie,—Largs,—Skelmorlie,— Sandbank, — Hunter's Quay, — Kirn, — Dunoon, — Innelian, —Toward,— Tighnabruaich,—Oampbeltown, —Tarbert,— Ardrishaig, — Lochgilphead,— Inverara37", —Oban,— Isle of Islay, — .— Isle of Sky e, Ullapool,—& Stornoway.

The West Coap.t Aimanac, Calendar, Diary, and Business Directory. —Mr George Higgie, printei and publisher, Rothesay, has just iss-.ied his rtma;Lauiy .;:»_-;';> and handy commercial almanac for the W.est Coast, which, besides the information contained in -similar publications, lias complete business directories for at least a score of towns and districts on the West Coast.. Edinburgh Courant. "The West Coast Illustrated Commercial Almanac for1SS3."- This neat little annua --published by Mr George Higgle, of Rothesay, froiii whose hands are issued quite a number of publications — is a handy volume. In addition to the ordinary useful information con- veyed through such channels, this work, consisting of 120 pages, gives (lie names of the merchants and tradesmen at most of the towns and villages on the West Coast. The mass of information given appears to have been carefully selected an'! compiled. Besides being illus- trated, it contains blank diary pages for each month in the year. It is the cheapest and best local Almanac it has lu-en'our lotto come across, and the spirited publisher is to be congratulated upon the get-up of the book. This year-book, which costs but twopence, ught to have a very wide circulation. Argyllshire Standard. The West Coast Almanac and Directory for 1883.— This bulky almanac eoutains a vast amount of usetul information, besides directories for Buteshire, and a large number 01 towns on the West Coast. In it there is also a diary for each month of the year, and there are 'numerous illustrations. This almanac is published at the low price of twopence, and the publisher is Mr Geo. Higgie, printer, Bridge Street, Rothesay. Greenock Advertiser. The West Coast Illustrated Commercial Almanac and Eusiness Directory, published by George Higgie, Rothesay, is a very useful production. It contaius business directories of ail the townships and villages .in the West Coast, from Ul.apool and iStomoway to Largs and Fairlie. The names of the residents in ail these places are given, with details of the various public, boards. It also contains a useful diary, with the memorable days marked, as well as information on all subjects of general interest. Glasgow News.

The West Coast Illustrated Commercial Almanac includes, besides much miscellan- eous information, business directories for -.Buteshire, Skelmorlie, Largs, Hunter's Quay, Dunoon, Tarbert, Ardrishaig, Oban, the Isle of Mull, Skye, and other towns and districts on the west coast. Scotsman. '•The " West Coast Illustrated Commercial Almanac (Rothesay : Geo. Biggie) is over- stocked with, advertisements, and the illustrations though interesting, are not local.—Dqity Review, Established 1780.


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Allan Thomas, mason, 11 Bishop St Anderson, AlX-, cabinet-maker, 74 Montague St

Anderson, Hu. , flesher, terpentine B Adam, Mrs Helen, 22 Ardbeg Rd Anderson. Jas., builder, Earone Rd Adam Archibald, Craigrnore Anderson, James, janitor, Academy Mrs Adams, Ach., 76 Montague St Anderson, John, boot-maker, 15

Adainso i John, Royal ter Bridge-End St Adaroson, Jn.,& Son, photographers, Anderson Isa, 25 Bridg'-end st Chapelhill Ed; Showrooms, 43 Anderson, Margaret, Marine Pi Vi. toria S t; Ho. 16 Bridge St : Anderson, Mrs Janet, Belmont Agnew, Margaret, 13 StuartStreet Anderson Scott,seaman, 48Ladeside Agnew, Mrs, 2 Columshill pi Anderson, Thomas, tailor, 20 Castle Aitcheson, Daniel, spirit- dealer, 13 St 'lower St Andrews, Mrs, Canada Hill Aitcheson, Jas„ 12 columshill st Andrews, Mrs. Hi.h oraigmora Aitcheson, Thomas, grocer, 12 Co- Andrews, Mrs, 24 Castle St

lumshill St : shop 30 Mill St Angus, Eobert H., Serpentine Rd Aitcheson, Mrs Js.,21 Oallowgate St Angus, Mrs, 18 Columshill St Aitktnhe;:d, Miss, Ferguson p1 Archaeological and Physical Society Alexander, Miss, Geelong Buildings of Bute's Museum, Chapelhill Alexander, Miss Gray, 18 Battery PI —James Anderson, curator Alexander,Hiss Jjinet, 26Ardbeg Ed Armour, Miss Annie, Marine PI Alexander, Robert, draper, 38 Mon- Arnot, Margaret, 10 Gallowgate St

tague St ; li' Earone Ed Alexander, Thomas W., writer

Castle St ; ho. 12 Bridge fcjt Algie, Mrs Eliz., 18 Argyle PI Allan, Alex., cow-feeder, C.- If ward Jb'aillie, Mrs, Bal'ochgey Ter * Allan, Arch:, ironmonger, Marine PI Bain, John, clerk. 6 JJillhouse Rd Allan, Elizabeth, 28 Ardbeg Rd Ballard, Mrs John, 13 Victoria St Allan, Miss, 2S Ardbeg Rd Bannan, Mrs Mary, 18 Bridge St, & Allan, Mrs, 107 High St 3J Victoria S'treet Allan, Mrs John, 111 High St j 6T Parish of Hous 3 holders. Rofhesav.

Bannatyne, Mrs, 1 4 Store Lana Black, miss Mary, 11 Bridge-End Barbour, Isabella 74 Higb St St Barr Jas, 4 Argyle st Black, Miss Cath., 35 Bridge St Barr, John, joiner, 56 High St Black, Mrs Em hernia, 62 High St Barr, Mrs John, fishmonger, 33 Black, NVil, labourer, 2 Croft Lane GaKowgate St Black, Walter, potato-dealer, 14 Barrie. Jn., plumber, Wyndham Rd W. Princes St Baxter, Daniel, coal agent, 1 King Black, Wltr., labourer, 31 Bridge

St ; ho. 14 Kast Princes St St Baxter, Hugh, grave-digger, Town- B'ack, Wm., carter and carriage- heal Hirer, 16 Castle St, ani 10 Baxter,Jn., police officer,16Cast!eSt Tower St Baxter, John, stoker, Stnart St Blaekie, Wm., hotel-keeper, 7

Baxter, Wm., police-serjeant, 3 Co- - Watergate St lumshill PI Blair, Ad., gardener, 7I£ Ardbeg Rd Beaton, Ann, 13 Stuart St Blair, David, prin er, D an Hood PI Beattie, Ann, 113 High St Blair, Dn., joiner, Mountpkasant Beattie, Dv., labourer, 19 Russell St Rd Beattie, Maxwell, dyke-builder, 121 Blair, Hugh cab-driver, 36 Bridge High St St Begg, Mrs, 3 Craigmore Rd Blair, James, mason, 29 Bridge St Beith. Hug"h, flesker, cleihead Blair, Jn., merchan^l Mountstuart Bell, Arch., mason, 1 Hillhuiise Rd Rd Bell, Duncan, steamb at captain, 8 Blair, Ptr., gentleman, Crlchton Rd Muuntplea ant Rd Blue, David, carter, 89 High St Bell, Dun., shipmaster, 45J Ardb g Blue, Akx., join r, 16 King St Bel), Mrs John, t-taffa PI Blue, Duncan, b'atman, 5 Castle St j-ieil, John, 1 Hillhouse Rd Blue, John, car er, 93 High St Bill, mis John, 18 Watergate Blue, Neil, labourer, 10 Ladeside St B ack, Catherine, 9 High Ft Blue, Robert, mason, 7 B shop St

Black, Colin, cooper, 22 Bishop St ; Blue, Wm., sadmaker, 28 Mill St l.o. 24 do Bone, Jas., 76 mo ila^ue sc Black, Dugald, M'A., grocer, 2 Cas- Bone, Jessie, 75 Hiyh St

ile St ; ho. 15 do. Bone, Mrs, 1 Mill St Black, Duncan, cab-proprietor, 13 Bone, Robert, mason, Russell St Bishop St Bone Wm., 7 1'ontague st Black, Duncan, potato-dealer, Booth David, tinsmitu, 17 Mon- st.iffa place tattue st Black, Hugh, bakerand provisi. n Borland, Mrs Wm., 10 Ardbeg Rd

merchant, 6 Argyle Ss ; hou>e Boston, Mrs Margt., 50 Ardbeg Rd Park C< ttage, 32 Columshill St Bow, Mrs Jane, 18 Craigmore Black, Hugh, Ji-en., cat tk- dealer, Bow.es Richard, Hav-rlcck ter 29 Bridge St Bowman, Wm., joiner, 14 Mi 1 St Black, John, grocer, 51 M.ntague Bowie, Ang., labourer, L7 Bridge-end

St ; ho Adelaide House, Mounl- st atuart Rd Box, Jas. A., labour r. 31 Bridge st Black, John, efigaiwer, Argyle Ter Boyes, Mrs Bellinda, 2 C'astlehill St Black, John Stewart, town-we'g'ier, Bojle, Hugh, labourer, 111 High st Charles, steward. rridge s King St Eo\l !, 27 Black, Joseph, gentlem n, AlmaTr Boyle, James, spirit-dealer, 23 25 12 w. princes st, Black, Miss, 14 Galkwgate Watergate --A ; Boyle, James, porter, 17 Montague st Black, Mvs f Agnes, 24 Argyle PI Bojd, Adam, carter, 38 Bishop st Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Boyd John, labourer, 70 High st Brownlie, Wm , fresher, Albert place; Bradey, Patrick, 107 High st ho 3j vie or a st Bradley, Mrs, 11 E. princes St Bruce, Cha?. F., 6 Elysium Brodie, John, carpenter, 11 Hillhouse Biuce, Mrs A., T7 Tower st Ed Bruce Mrs, G. F., 38 Mouustuart rd Brookman G-ao., 2£?Bridge-.end st Bryce, Mrs, 110 High st pi >, Brooks, Mrs Mary, 1 1 Bridge St Buchan, Misses Isa. & Chris., Marine Brown, Alex., se irnan, 1 uishoD Ter Buohanan., Did., baker, 9 Gal- Brae lowttate Brown, Arch., & Son. drapers, 31 Mon- Buchanan, Mai., grocer, 59 Montague

tague st, and 2 Albert p1 ; ho st; ho 8,Argyle st 11 Mountpleasaat Buchanan, Malcolm, grocer and shoe-

Br>wn, Buncan C, gentleman, 15 make-, 13 Mill St ; ho. 9 Mill st Mountpieasant Rd Buchanan, Miss, wimtleton Brown G o., bil poster, 104 Monta- Buchanan, miss Janet, 1 M'Kinlay st gue st Buchanan, Mra Eliz., 2 Ardbeg Bd Brown James, Royal ter Buchanan, Mrs Isabella, 4 Bishop Ter Browu, Js., ironmonger, Albany Ter Buchanan Mrs Janet, spirit-d-aler ,0

Brown, James C, dyer, 13 Argyle St Montague st ; ho. 15 Argyle st Brown, John, gardener, Btirgon, Jn., ns'ieiinan, 19 High st Brown John, Grocer, 30 Ardbeg rd Burgoa, Wm., fisherman, 4 Bishop st Brown, John, joiner, union st ho. 89 High st Brown, Ju., labourer, 105 High St Burness, Robert, saddler, 29 High st Brown, John, seaman, 10 Ardbeg Rd ho. 23 victoria st

Brown, Mairgaret, 1 Bridge-End st Burnett, William, 29 Bridge St Brown, Margaret, 22 Mill st Burn e Arch. M., Bar n rd Brown, Miss, Bishop Terrace Brae Burnie, Miss, 21 Battery rl Brown, Miss, Marine Kl Burnie, Mrs Janet, 3 Bridge St Brown, Miss, Mouutpleasant Rd Burn:e, mis Thomas J., Bar ne Rd Brown, Miss teacher, 15 Bridge st Burns, Andrew, spirit dealer, 9 East Brown, mLs Oath., Bishop Ter princes st Brown, Miss Eliz., 10 Ardbeg Rd Burns, Grace, mill-worker, 1 Mill st, Brown. Miss Mary, Arg le Pi Burton, Helen, 27 Bridge-end st Brown, *Miss My., coal dealer, 5 King Bur on, Win., club-master, R.N. Y.O. St Argyle st Brown, Mrs, 7 Mill st Brown, Mrs, 25 Gallowgate st , Brown, Mrs Ann, 15 Battery pi C Brown, Mrs Ann, 13 Moun,s:uart Rd Brown, Mrs Cath., 13 Mountstuart ad Cadenhend, m'ss, 3 Elysium Brown, Mrs M., confectioner, 6 Gal- Cairuie, Hugh 74 High st lowgate st Cairns, Margaret, 111 High st Brown, Mrs Susan, 97 Montague St Cameron Captain John, Ada villa, crichton Rd ^ Brown, Neil, coal airent, lb' Bishop st ho. 3 Battery place Cameron, Duncan, seaman, ^5 castle Brown Rev W F W, Argyle Ter st Brown, Robert, grocer, 17 King st Cameron Hugh, 105 nigh st BPOWll, Eofot., ironmonger, 68 Cameron, Js,, baker, ll^Hillhouse Rd Montague st Catneror, John, labourer 32 Mill st Brown, Kobt., tenter, 16 castlehill st Cameron, John, stok r„ 18 water- Brown, Robert, shoemaker a/ud town- < ate «j crier 97 Montague st Cameron, Mary, 24 Ea>t pffhees st Brown, We, drape.-, Montague st Cameron, Miss Christ,, Ferguson pi Parish of Householders. Rothesay

Cameron, Mrs Robitiaj 2 Bishop Ter Campbell, Thomas, tobacconist, 45 Brae victoria st ; ho. 2 3 M'sinlay st Campbell, capt. Alex., steamboat Campbell, W., flesher, 95 Montague

owner, Auchanross, craigmore st ; ho. 97 do. Campbell, Alex., gardener, staffa Pi, Canning, Dl., shoemaker, 11 Mill st Hlllhouse Ed Cardwell, James, cotton-spinner, 11 Campbell, Alex., labourer, 32 Millst High St Campbell, Alex., shoemaker, staffa pi Carlin, Manua, labourer, 36 Mill st Campbell, Arch., gentleman, chapel- Carmichael, James, grocer, 4 Gallow- hill Rd gate st, and Hillhouse Rd Campbell, Aoh., grocer, Dean Hood pi Carmichael, Mrs, 104 Montague st

1 Campbell, Barbara, 16 Tower st Carswel , Jame^, 50 Lidtside so Campbell, Cath., 18 Bishop st Carswell, Joh i, fisherman, 4 Mill st Campbell, Colin, Argyle Lodge Cassidy, Js., labou er, 22 Ladeside st Campbell, Colin, carter, 97 High St Oassidy, Pk., labourer, 157 Highst Campbell, Dd., shoemaker, Hillhouse Chalmers, Js., fisherman, 26Bishopsfc Campbell, Dnncan, gentleman, 16 Chalmers, Mrs £uphemia,30 Ladeside Mountstuart Rd st Campbell, Dn,, labourer, 22 Ladeside Chalmers,Mrs Janet,grocer, 115 Mon-

st tague st ; ho. 43 Argyle st Campbell, Dn., labourer, 1 Mill st Chisholm,Dn., gardener, 45Ardbeg Rd Campbell, Hugh, gardener, 17 Mon- Chisholm, Roderick, gardener, 6 co- tague st lumshill pi Campbell, Hugh, R,., lately prison Christ e, M sses, Alma Ter governor, ctup.lhill rd Christison, Jn., joiner, 13 columshill Campbell, James, mh. st! 46 st. Campbell, Js., labourer, 13 stuart st Cn.ristison and Scott, joiners, 83 Campbell, Jane, 55 Montague st Montague st Campbell, John, labourer, 14 Kingst Clark, Alex., 9 High st Campbell, Jn., labourer, Meadowcap Clark, Andrew, clerk, 65 victoria st

Campbell, John, labourer, 70 Highst Clark An Irew, policeman, h llhous : Campbell, Jn., letter-carrier, 28 Mon- rd t*a_;ue st Clark, Jn., aerated water manufac-

Campbell, John, mason, 13 stuart st ture •, 28 Bishop st ; ho. 38 do. Campbell, Miss, hosier, 53 victoria st Clark, Mrs Thomas, union st Campbell, Miss Margt.,7 Montague st Clark, Mrs Wm., 52 Montague st Campbell, Mrs,j27 Bridge st Clunas, Hugh, se iman, 5 Minister's b CampbeH, mis, 14 store Lane Ciunas, Mrs Mary, 22 Argyle st Campbell, Mrs, 2 Hillhouse Rd Cochrane, Jn., jun., plasterer, 1 Mill dm bell, Mr.-, 12 w 'st ira s st st Campbell, Mrs, 13 stuart st C chrane Wm. 10 castle st

Campb. 11, Mrs Alex., 3 Mill st Colman, Catherine, 51 High st Campbell, Mrs Eliz., 25jBridge-End st Colville, Ths., grocer, 25 Mill st; ho. Campbell, Mrs Eliz., 40 Argyll st L-3do. Campbell, Mrs John, spirit- dealer, 18 Comrie, James K., stock-broker, 13 oastlehiil st Bishop st; ho crichton Road Campbell, Mrs Margt., green-grocer Comrie, Mrs Ann, a1 any Ter 9 Montague st Connel, Mrs, 67 High st Campbell, Pr., Sheriff officer, Inker-, Connel, Peter, shoemaker and boat-! man ter man, 15 Argyle st Campbell, lit,, bottle-blower, 44 Ard: Connor, Hugh, labourer, 22 Kill st beg Rd, Connor, Margaret, 22 Mill st Corrigan, Dl,, labourer, 19 Russell H st Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Corrnack Miss, teacher Battery rl Cunningham, Ts., 119 High st Cosgrove, Jn., labourer, 105 High st Cunningham, Wm., labourer, 12 Cotes Miss, fancy repository, 7 Ar- Tower st gyle sb Curley,»Mrs, 17 Russel st Couper, Peter, tailor, Gowanfisld pi Curran, Jas., mason, 71 High St Crichton, Geo., 10 Hillhouse Rd Currie, Arch., fisherman, 31 Bridge st Crabb, Eev. Samuel, 6 Ardbeg Rdj Currie, Colin, labourer, 17 Russell st Crearer, Miss Agnes, 10 Mill st Currie, Did., labourer, 106 Montague Creith, Geo., plasterer, 111 High st st Crawford, Alex., 83 Montague st Currie, Dd., cab propietor, 51 Ardbeg Crawford, Alex., coal merchant, 9 Currie, Dm, joiner, Glenrosa place,

John st ; ho 54 tadeside st Ardbeg Crawford, Catherine, 22 will st Currie, Jn., seaman, 18 Watergate st Crawford, Dun., flesher, 13 Bishop st Currie, John, farmer, Ardber*

Crawford, Js , brick-layer, Ferguroa Currie, John, jun., farmer, westland Pi Carrie, Margaret, 89 High st Crawford, Malcolm, gardener and Currie, Mrs, 31 Bridge St boatmaD, 17 Gallowgate st Curr e, Mrs Hu., 56 High st Crawford, Ma]., joiner, crichton Ed Cuthbert, Mrs, 10 Ardbeg Ed Crawford, Neil, flesher, 3 Bishop st Cuthhertson, Michael, florist, Crawford, Kobt., steward, 8 Mon- Ropework pi tague st Cuthbert: on Miss, dressmaker. 21 Cromb, George, gardener, 1 21 High s Argyle st Cromwell, Jos., labourer, 75 High st Cuthbertson, Wm., gardener, 21 F, Crossbie, Mrs Mary, 14 Argyle st princes st Cruikshanks, John,plumber, 35 High Curtis, Caroline, 19 Mill St

st ; 33 do. Cumming, Jas., porter, 63 Montague st Cumming, Ja*,, jun., porter, 28 Bridge >X Cumming, John, joiner, 7 Stuart St Dalgleish capt, 14 Monntstuart Rd

Cunningham Alex., Lilly oak ter Dairymple, Charles, M. P. , Ardencraig Cunningham, A?ex., plumber, 13 Dalrjmple, W. H., 23 Gallowgate

columshill st Daly, W.T ., spirit-merchant, 8 castl©

Cunningham, DL, plumber.^ 02 fct ; ho 6 do.

Montague st ; lio. 10 Bridge st Dalztll, Miss Jane, 30 te. Princes st * Cunningham, Js.. grocer, 81 Monta- Darroch, Mary, 19 Bridge-End st gue st Davidson, Js., labourer, 89 High st Cunningham, Jas., keeper of Bowl- Deas, John, fisherman, 4<3 High st

ing Green ; ho. 7 Argyle st Derby, Henry, carter, 15 King st Cunningham, Js., stoker, watergt Derby, James, painter, 19 castle st Cunningham, John, aerated water Derby, Mrs William, 40 Bishop st * JSfnii manufacturer, New Hall Bldgns Dewar Francis, carpenter, 19 Mi 1 Cunningham Missses, dressmakers, st 7 Argyle st Dewar, Neil, labourer, 147 High st Cunningham, Mrs, 2 w. Princes st Davidson, Miss Isa., 27 Bishop st Cunningham Mrs, grocer, 80 High Dick ie ; Mrs Agneg, grocer, ill

st Montague st ; ho. 12 Bridge st Cunningham, Mrs Agnes, 4 Mount- Dobbie, James, gardener, High st pleasant Ed Dobbie & Co., seedsmen & florists, Cunningham,Mrs Mary, 22 Battery pi High st Cunningham, Rt., carter, Meadowcan Dobbie, Wm., french polisher, 22 71 ;

Parish of Householders. Rothesctv.

columshill st Duncan, Isabella, 18 Bishop st Docherty, John, 32 Mill st Duncan, James, farmer, Lillyoak Ter Docherty, Jn., labourer, 1 John st Duncan, James, tailor, 7 Bishop St Docherty, John, porter, 32 Mill st Duncan, Janet, 3 Hillhouse Rd Docherty, Mr?, 107 High st DuncaD, John, baker, chapelhill Rd Dodd, Miss Robina, 1 1 Battery pi Duncan, John, gentlemen, woodend Dodd=, Andrew, joiner, Bridge-End Duncan, John, coal merchant st ; ho 33 victoria st Watergate st Dodds, W., spirit merchant, Duncan, Jn., joiner, Dean Hood pi; Donald, Fred., labourer, 22 Mill st ho. 13 Argyle pi Donald, John, drill instructor, 1st DuncaD, Jn., labourer 47 Montague B. B. v., 22 Argyle st st Donaldson, Mrs, Macnab's br Duncan, Jn., watchmaker, 7 west Donaldson, Ts.,fisherman, 21 Bridge princes st Dougan, Martin, labourer, croft Ln Duncan, John, quarrier, 75 High st Dougan, Mrs, 28 Mill st Duncan, Margaret, 1 Bishop rer Brae Dougan, Susan, 35 Brid e End st Duncan Miss, 23 High st Douglas, Mrs, 49 High st Duncan Miss, 11 columshill pi Douglas, Mrs Ann, 4 Hillhouse rd Duncan, MiSS C, milliner, 77 Mon- Dove, Mrs, dressmaker, T; rk Ter tague st Do wall, Wm .,gentleman, 3 Minister's Duncan, miss Catherine, 5 Argyle st Br Duncan, Miss Chris, 3 E. princes st Downie, Rt., dyer, Adelaide rl Duncan, Miss Janet, 37 Montague st Doyle, Jas., labourer, 105 nigh st Duncan, Mrs, 42 Bishop st Drysdale, Mrs Ag., Windsor pi Duncan, Mrs, crichton Rd Drysdale, Mrs Ts., grocer, 94 Monta- Dincan, MrsgAgnes, 28 Mill st Duncan, Mrs James, 6 columshill pi gue st ; ho. 90 do Duncan, Mrs Jane, 1 store Lane Dnthie, James, 4 Hillhoiife Rd Duncan, Mrs Janet, mou itstuart rd Dunbav, Catherine, 10 Mill st Duncaf, irrs John, 5| East princes Dunbar, Robina, Ar^morag st Duncan, Alex., cartwright, 95 High Duncan, Mrs Margaret, 2 Bridge st st ho. Boslin pi ; Duncan, Ninian, potato-dealer and Duncan, Alex., mason, Meadowcap seed-merchant, ,> Duncan, Alex., tailor and clo$iier,50 ho 19 columshill st Montague st ; ho. Hawthorn prk Duncan, Peter, shoemaker, 13 Gal- Duncan, Alex., wt aver, 66 Montague lowgate st st Duncan, Rk', shoemaker, 18 Argyle st Duncan, Arch., farmer, Airdscalpsie Duncan, Robt., farmer, Kilwhinleck Duncan, Ah. joiner, 28 East princes St Duncan, Robert Crag, Lilly oak Ter Duncan Archd., 8 Watergate Duncan, R. M., confectioner, 8 Ar- Duncan, Arch., mason, 115 High St cyle st Duncan,Arch., potato merchant, Duncan, Wm., boatman, 84 High st ! Duncan, Catherine, 82 High st Duncan, Wm., druggist, 13 East Prin- Duncan, Cs., farmer, Little Kilmory ces st ; ho. 1 Battery pi Chas,, merchant, 27 Duncan, Duncan, Win., plumber, 17 store L victoria ho. woodend st ; Duncan, Wm., plumber, 13 colums- Duncan, Daniel,merchant, 27 victor- hill st ia st ho. Bogany bo ; Duncan, Wm., tailor, 16 store Lane Duncan, Daniel, porter, 2 Mill st Dun lop, James, 12 King st Duncan, Elizabeth, 82 Hit;h St Dunlop, Jn., gardener, Ascog Duncan, Grace, 21 Mill st Dunlop, Mrs John, 11 Watergate st Duncan, Isabella, 19 Bridge-End st Dunlop., Pr. grocer, 2 columshill st 72 Parish of Householders. Rothesav.

ho 6 Hillhouse Rd Ferguson, Miss E., draper, 27 Mon- Dymock, Thomas, 54 Ladeside st tague St Ferguson, Miss Sn., 29 E., princes st Ferguson, Mrs Maiy, 7 w. princes st FergUSOJl, P- JbS., auctioneer and E house agent, 9 victoria St ; ho. 9 ilysium Edgar. J

Gillies, Mrs. Agnes 27 Bridge-End st G Gillies, Mrs Eliz., 25 and 37 Ardbeg Gillies, Pr., labourer, 32 Mill st Gilbraitb, Alex., 7 Hillhouse Ed Gilmour, Dav. labourer 29 Bridge st Gilbraith, Arch., b";itman,Bishop st Girdvvood, Thos., farmer 5 Elysuim Galbraith. James. 75 Ardbeg Rd Glass, Miss Isa., Albany Ter Galbraith, Sam., metal merchant. 1 -Glen, Alex., Mrs 21 castle st Craigniire Ed Glen, Jas., fisherman, store Lane G-allocher, Chs., labourer, 81 High st Glen, John, seaman, Lishop st Galloway James, spirit merchant, Glen, M ss, 71 victoria st Guildford sq Glen, Mrs Christina, 21 craigmore Galloway, Wm„ gentleman,15 castle Ed st Glen, Pr., gentleman, 15 craigmore Glen, Pr., Gardiner, Jas., baker, 7 Bshop sfc jun., fisherman, 4 croft Ln Garrett, John, hosier, 19 High st Glen, Pr., sen., fisherman, 4 croft Ln Garrett, Wm., baker, 13 High st Glen, Robert, 40 Bishop St Garrand, Mrs Andrew S., Hillhead, Godwin, John g., gentleman, 43 serpentine Ed High st Gemmell, Jas., labourer, 56 High st Goklie, W., grocer, Russell's Build- Gemmell Miss, Boot shop, 75 Mon- ings tague st Goodwir, Mrs Marion, 1 Rnyal Ter Gibson, John, fresher, 35 victoria st Goold, Miss Christina, 33 Ardbeg Rd Gibson, Jn., Lath-splitter, 6 King st Goold, Miss Jane, 33 Ardbeg Rd Gibson, Miss Christina, Ardmory Goold, Miss Jessie, 33 Ardbeg Rd Gibson, Miss Janet, Ardmory Gordon, Janet, 14 King st Gibson, Mrs Margt., 19 Bridge-End Gordon, Dun., labourer, 112 High st Gibson, Robt., steamboat agent, salt Gordon, John, dairyman, 105 Mon- tague st and whitning merchant, Quay ; Gnudie Jo'ir, Ballochgoy house, west princes st ; stores 5| East Princes st Gray, Mrs, Isabella, Hillhouse Rd Gilchrist, Mrs Alex., stationer, &c, Gray, Miss Isabella, 76 Montague st 52a Montague st Gordon, Wm., mason, 7 w. Princes Gilchrist, Allan, sculptor, High st Gough, Mrs, Catherine, 65 victoria st &Townhead ; ho. 110 High st Gilchrist, Dav., teacher, 111 High st st Gilchrist, John, 7 Montague st Gough, G. W., 1 6 castle st Gilchrist, Mrs, 8 Gallowgate Graham, Ann, 75 victoria st Gilchrist, Mrs, 2 Bridge St Graham, Archibald, bathman, 30 E. Gilchrist, Mies My., 22 e. princes st Princes st Gilchrist, Moore, shipmaster, 21 Ar- Graham, Duncan, shipmaster, 12 gyle st Battery pi Gilchrist, Mrs Margt., wyndham Rd Graham, Margaret, 75 victoria St Gilchrist, Thomas, spirit-merchant, Graham, Miss C'ath., 29 E. Princes st Graham, Mrs, 5 Minister's Braa 8 and 10 High st ; ho 8 Monta- gue st Graham/Mrs Peter, grocer & coal- dealer, shop 5 Mill Gillan, Mrs, 5 castle st st ; yard 8

King ; Gillespie, Mrs Margaret, 11 Mill st st ho 3 Mill st Gillies, A gnes, 4 Macnab's Br Graham, Peter, 43 Ardbeg Graham, Thos., Gillies, Alexander, 27 Bridge st tailor, 14 Gallowgate Granger, Iasbella, Gillies, Christina, 1 1 Bridge st Marine pi Gillies, Daniel, farmer, Quogach Granger, Jessie, Marine Pi Grant, Gillies, John, dyer, 12 Bridge-End st Donald, Law clerk, Mt-plesnt. Gillies, Miss My., 8 Royal Ter Parish of Householders. Rothes&v.

Grant, "Win., sheriff-officer, and Harvey, Jn., dyke-builder, 119 High auctioneer, &c, 3 Tower st ; ho st 16 Mountpleasant Kd Harvey, John, seaman. 24 <">astle St Gray, Geo., blacksmith. 22 Argyle St Harvey, & Co. printers, & insurance Gray, John, 27 Bridge-End st agents, Rothemii Chro'tiide office,

Gray, mssS., 71 victoria st 12 Watergate ; ho 2 2 Argyle st Gray, Miss Euphemia, 18 Bridge st Hastie, Jas., shoemaker, 14 Tower st Gray Miss Isa, 71 Victoria st Hay John, 45 w.itergate Gray, Mrs, 32 Mill st Htaney, Mrs Mary, Gray & Son, boot manufacturers, Heatherington, Mrs, 3 craigmore Rd montague st Heaslit, Mrs, mangier, 51 High st Grayson, Mrs Ann, 121 High st HeatOll, James, spirit-merchant,

Green, Mrs Wm., 4 castle st 7 victoria st ; ho Barone Rd Gimn, Mrs Tonald, 9 ArdbegRd Heaton, Robert, spirit-dealer, 12 E.

Guthrie, John, 6 columsbill Pi princes sfc Guthrie, P., grocer, Ardbeg Heaton,William, spirit-deelyr.Barone Guthrie, Wm., joiner, 21 Russell st Rd Gutztner, Mrs 3 wimbledon Henderson, Arch., steamboat pilot, 7 Bisho:i st Henderson, Dan., seaman, 6 store Ln Henderson, John F., gentleman, 51 and 53 Ardbeg Henderson, Matthew, fisherman 24 E. Princes st Haegerty, Jos., barber, 21 nigh st; Henderson, Peter, excise, officer, Ba- ho 41 Montague st rone Rd Haig, Andrew, labourer, Mill St Hendeison, Mrs, 13 Bridge st Haig, Thomas, seed-merchant;, 12 Henderson, Mrs Mary, 28 Mill st Watergate st Henderson, W., grocer, 30g Ardbeg r Halbert, Jn., mason, 4 Hillhouse Rd Hendry, Mrs Peter, 11 Bridge-End Hal, Andrew, m.a., md, Battery pi st Halliday, G eo, wood merchant, union Henry, Mrs Mary, 76 High st st; house do Herbert, Miss Agnes, new Hall Bdgs. Hamill, M., laundry, 103 High st Herbert Mrs Wm., Beechwood Hami ton, James, 79 nigh st writers Hamilton, Ja^., ar;h tect, Marine pi Herbert & Maddever, Watergate Hamilton, James cotton-spinner 4 Heron, Jas., grocer, and wine mer- croft Lane chant, and artificial manure Hamilton, Mr?, 13 Gallowgate st agent 17 E. Princes st; ho Bishop Hamilton Mrs, Wyndham rd Ter Br Hannah, Miss Ann, 45 Ardbeg Rd Heron, M. & J., bakers, 20 e. Princes Hannay Miss toy dealer, 113 Mon- st tague st Hewitt, Jn., warehouseman, Ardbeg Hannay, Mrs, 6 Argyle pi Hicks, Charles, (of George hicks Hanson, Geo., clergyman Ascog & son), druggist, Montague st Harkness, Miss Ann, Elyium 22 Hieks, Geo. & dmggi.t, Harkness, Miss, Bj e. princes st Son, 1 victoria st 2 High st Harr son, Mrs, Argyle Ter & Hicks, John, auctoneer, Russell st Hart, Miss, 16 High st Hart, Miss Mary, 33 Gallowgate Higgle, Gee, printer, reporter, correspondent, insurance Hart, Thomas, Argyle ler and agent, 22 Bridge st Hartley," Wm., engineer, Burnside, Ascog Higgie, Mrs Agnes, 78 High st Highgate, Mrs, 12 King st Parish of Householedra Rothesay.

Hill, Arrh,. labourer. 28 Mill st Hyndman, Mrs Ag„ store Ln Hill, Charles, 109 Montague st Hyndman. Mrs Euphemia, 13 Argyle Hill, Daniel, labourer, st Hill, E., 6 wiicbet-n Hyndman, Mrs Mary, 7 Mill st Hill, George, tenter and hosier, 78 Montague pt HiP, Tames, n 8 n, Hill, Js., steamuuat owner, 19 Argyle Pl Hill, Mrs Wm, 3 Gallowgate Ingleton, Mrs, Ferguson pl Hill, Neil, seaman, 29 Bridge st IlllieS, Geo., house-furnisher, and

Hislop, Mrs Eobert, 21 Russell st pawnbroker, 6 w. castle st ; ho Hodge, Thomas stock-broker, crich- 22 Argyle st ton Rd limes, Martin, pawnbroker, 4 Hogg, Thomas, joiner, 11 E. Piinces west castle st st Inne -, M- & J., furniture deal- Holmes, An !rew, grocer, 5 Albert ers, 43 Montague st pl Irvine,Samiiel, shoemaker, 5 East Holms, Miss,crichton Rd princes st Hope, John, brass-founder, crichton R<1 Hope, Mrs, ^ Ardbeg Howard, Mrs Jn., 2 croft Ln Howie, Margaret. 4 Albert pl David, Hunter, Adam, grocer," 47 vic- Jackson, temperance hotel, toria St; ho 8 Mouutple; sant bJ 33 Argyle st J ackson, Miss, 6 Mountstuart Rd Hunt r, Andrew, drape •, 41 victoria Jago, Edwin B.,commercial traveller st ; ho 22 Argyle st Hunter, James, grocer, 10 w. princes Jamieson, Arch. & Son, florists and gardenfr-, 7 Arg\ le«et st ; ho 1 1 Argyle pl Jamies' n, John, fisheurer, Bogany Hurt r John, staffa pl wo tiuuter, Jn., joiner, 20 columshill st Jameson, John, gardener, HillhuMse Hunter, Miss, 56 Ladeside St Ed pla^terer,25 Bridge- Hunter, Mips Eliz., 27 E. princes st Jamieson, Jn. C, End st Hunter, Miss ,] a iet, crichton Rd Hunter, Miss Janet, 11 Argyle st Jamieson. Mrs Jane, grocer, 8 we9t princes Hunter, Mrs Annie Y., 13 Argyle Tcr st st Hunter, Mrs Margt., 30 E. Prii.ces St Jamieson, Mr3 Margt., 32 Bridge Hunter, Robert, baker, 15 Highst Jamieson, Neil, wood-cutter, 15 cas- Hunter, The mas, chimney tle st sweeper, 20 Watergate Jamieson, Wm., gardener, serpentine Hunter. Wm., builder, staPFa place, Rd Hilihouse Rd Jarm^n, Mrs, Havelock Ter Hunter, William, druggist 64 Mon- JeiTrey, Js. hsherman, 24 Watergate Jenkins. Mrs innes, 24B'shop St tague st ; ho 7 Towe" st Hunter, Wm. M.D., 5 Battery Pl .iohubtene, Arch., fie-her, 1 Mill st Hutcheson, Mary, 10 columshill st Johnstou, Alex., carter, Towiihead Hutchison, John, 11 chapelhill Rd Johnst n, Hugh, joiner, 11 colums- JHutchison, Mrs, 44 Mill st hill st shoemaker, Bi- Hutchison, Mrs Isa., draper, Monta- Johnston, Hugh, 17 gue st shop st Hutton, Mrs, 10 Ardbeg Rd Johnston, John G., 54 Ardbeg Hyuumau, Malcolm, oO High at st 76 ;

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Johnston, Jn., shoemaker, 56 Lade- Kidd, John, inspector of poor, 31 side st Bishop at ; ho 15 Mountstuart Rd Johnston, Mrs, 17 Battery pi King, Mrs Janet, 4 King st Johnston, Miss Ann, 24 Bridge st Kinloch, Cs., gentleman, 9,Argyle Tr Johnston or Ee Ipath, Mrs Sophia, KirkLnd, Js., labourer, 14 Ladeside Marine pi st Kirkpatrick, William, tailor, 2 Hill- house Rd^ Kirkwood, Mrs Isabella Watergate Kirkwood, Mrs Janet, 34 Argyle st j Kay, James, forester, Barone cot Kay, Robt., crichton Rd Kean, Archibald, 28 Mill at Kean, Mrs, 111 High st L Kean, Wm., v ndriver, fioslin il Kexst Sam., 21 Laidlaw, plasterer, oostguard, Argyle st Jas , 7 Bishop st Keith, Alex., joiner, 29 victoria st Laird, A -dw„ cook, 16 Gallo^gate Keith, Daniel, plasterer, Barone Bid Lambie, Bit,, gardener, 24 E. princes Keith, Elizabeth, 49 High st st Keith, John, bottler, 76 High st Lamont, Dun., gardener, Hillhouse

Kell. Mr i Joseph, 4 Bridge st Rd Kelly, Agnes, Russell st Lamont, John, baker, 19 Gallowgate

Kelly, Jame , Eden pi st ; ho 21 do Kelly, John, 42 Bishop st Lamont, Jn., fisherman, 30 e., princes Kelly John L, hotel-keeper, st victoria Hotel, 59 victoria st Lamont, Mrs John, tailor, 15 Gallow- Kelly, Miss, 11 Mountstuart Rl gate; ho 22 Argyle st Kelly Mrs. 29 Bridge st Lamont, Neil, gardener, 23 castle st Kelly, Mrs Elizabeth, 3 Minister's Br La uont, Normai.|printer, wi ds r pi Kelvie, Robert, 105 High st Lin Oiit Miss, 57 Montnue st Kennedy, Angus. 3 Stuart st Lamont, Mrs D., eric hton Rd Kennedy, Mrs, 50 Ladeside st Lamont, Mrs, 22 Argyle st Kennedy, Jarnes, 11 Alb. r pi Lao g Mrs Ardbeg rd Kennedy, Misses Alice and Jane, Lang, Mrs Thomas, 21 Ga'lowgatest " Duke of Rothesay" Hotel, 6 & Lauder, Hugh, jeweller, 8 Albert il 8 Battery pi ho crichton Rd Kemp, Mrs, 20 Mill st Lauder, Mrs, 19 nussell st Kemp, T., Montague ft Law, Mrs Mary p., 13 Ardbeg Rd Kennedy, Mrs flora. 38 Ladeside st Lawrie, Dan., engineer, 8-i High st Lawrie, Kennedy, Mrs Mary,j71j Ardbeg Rd Miss, 43J r Ineg Rd Ktir, Alex., eating-house keeper, 7 Lawaon, David, baker, 87 Mon-

Bridge at tague st ; ho 89 Montague st Ker, John, 13 Marine pi Lee, jViary, Macaiister's ct Kerr, Arch., stoker, Hillhouse Rd I ee. Mrs Catherine. 1 6 castle st Kerr, Andrew, mason. 36 Bridge st Leggatt, Mrs C, 12 Bridg st Keir, James, labourer, 1 Mill st LiCsie, Wm, M., slater^ 35 Kerr, Jas., seaman, 20 Watergate st Bridge st sculptor, Leshauaa m ss Jane, w. princes ft KuIT, Jas., Townhead ; ho Edei pi Leiper, Robt., fiesher. Mountpleasant Kerr, John, joiner, 24 Bishop st Leitch, Dugald, joiner, 24 castlehill Kerr, Mrs. 26 columshill *t st Kerr, Mrs Andrew, 18 columshill st Leitch, James, 79 High st Kerr, Mrs Mary, 20 Bridge- nd st Leitch. Jn. shoemaker, 8 Hillhouse Rd '

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Leiteh, Miss Catherine, 71 ArdbegRd Lt-itcli, Misses, Greenock cottage Leiteh Mrs. 30 Ardbeg rd Leiteh, Mrs Christina, 19 Ardbeg nd Leiteh, Neil, gardener, Meadowcap Madden, George, sergeant-major Leith, Peter, druggist, 4 Albert pi Argyle and Bute Artillery vo- Lennox, Mrs James, "2 Bridge st lunteers, Barone Rd Letters, John G>, Lilyoak Ter Maguire John, delf dealer, 48 High Liddle, Williamson H., Lome Hotel st Lightbody, Jas., baker, 21 Eussell st Maitland, Mrs Jane, 27 Bishop at Lilster, Mrs Agnes, Aidmory rd Maddever, Dr John Coombe, 19 Bat* Lindsay, Wm., painter, Ladeside, tery pi ho colunishill st Maddever W CW, procurator-fiscal, Lister, Alex., t.orist, etc., 7 Dean Watergate Hood p'ace and Gayfield Nursery Maitland, John, labourer, union Liston, Allan, chapelhill Ed st Little Mrs, dairy-keeper, Dean Hood Mansfield, Mrs John, crichton Eoad

pi ; ho Geelong bidgs Marquess of Bute's Estate office, 41 Livingston, Edward, crichton Ed nigh st LivingStonia Temperance Hotel, Marshall, Jas, tailor, 4 Mountp less- Guildford sq ant Ed Livingstone, Geo., saddler, 14 castle - hill Marshall, John, mason, 79 High st st ; Livingstone, Mrs, 89 High st Marshall, Miss, 19 Bridge st Lloyd, Mrs, 5 Argyle st Marshall, Wm., joiner, 103 High st Lochhead, Mrs, 4 wimbleton Martin, Mai., tailor, 4 Albert pi Lockhart, James, letter-carrier, 26 Mai tin, Mary, confectioner, 1 water- Biidge st gate st Lockhart, John, joiner, 8 Hillhouse R Martin, Mary, 18 Gallowgate Locke, liobt., Elysium Martin Miss Eden pi Logan, Agnes, 23 Ardbeg Rd Martin, Miss, 10 store Lane Logan, William & son, grocers, 9 Martin, Miss ( atherine, 45 Argyle st - Martin, Ladeside st Montague st ; ho 8 Mountpleasant Mrs, 10 Lorrain, Miss Eliz., 36 Ladeside st Martin, Mrs Eliz.,. 22 Argyle st Love, Mrs Daniel, 14 e. princes st Martin, Bodger, 35 Argyle st -

Love, Mrs, 1 1 columshill st Mason, David, grocer, 65 High st; Jjowe, Captain James, crichton Ed Mason, Thomas, Barone Rpad, Lugton, DL, baker, 16 sillhouse Rd ho Barone Ed Lugton, Mason, Mrs, grocer, Argyle st Miss, Mary, 11 p ridge-End 17 ; st ho 16 do " Lugton, Mrs Eliz., 11 Bridge-End st Masonic Halls— St Johns," 12 Bi- Lundie, Mrs Peter, 105 High st shop st ; "Rawcliffe," 11 Mon- Lusk, John, labourer, 2 croft Ln tague st Lusk, Mrs, VO mgh'st Masterton, Ths„ bathman, Glenburn Lusk, Mrs, Wm., 27 Bridge-End St Mathew, Miss Mary, Marine pi Lyell, David, 29 Battery pi Middleton, Mis, 7 Bishop st Lyle, John, mason, Townhead Mathieson, Alex., 13 Gallowgate st Lyle, st Wm , di uggist, Tower st Mathieson, John, mason, Bridge Lyon, Charles, Mathieson, joiner, crichton Ed princes of wales Wm , Lodge, Royal Terrace Maxwell, Jas., confectioner, E prin- Lyon, Mrs, 70 High st ces st Lyons, John, labourer, 22 Ladeside st Maxwell, Jas. Shaw, 3 craigmore Meikle, Mrs, 8 Mountpleasant Kd 78 Parish of Householders. Rothesay

Mellon & Black, plasterers, 1 stuart Mitchell. David, gardener, 13 Stuart

st st ; house Braeside cot., ASJOg Melrose Mrs A.. 13 Stuart sfc Loch Melrose, Mis !51eanor, 17 Mill st Mitchell, Margaret, 18 callowgate

Menzies, Thos , labourer, 89 High st Mitchell, Misses, 6 craigmore Rd Mercer, Alex., labourer, 22 Mill st Mitchell, Misses A. & E., milliners, Milieu, Mrs. 114 High st 15 e. prince? st

Milleti, Mrs Mary, 13 Bridge-End at Mitchell, Mrs Mary, 1 Mackinlay st Millar, W.J., civil engineer, Marine! pi Mitchell, Peter, carpe"nfcer,29!vic'tbria Millar, Alex-, chimney-sweeper st 44 High st Mitchell, TllOS., upholsterer. 81

Miller, Alexander, joiner, columshill victoria st ; ho 29 Russell st st Monocman, Mrs Thomas, 19 Bridge- Miller, Dan., cab owner, 70 Ardbeg End st

Miller, Daniel, fJesher.^Alma Ter Montgomeiie, Francis, innkeeper 3, Miller-, George, late harbour-master, w. princes st

ho 2 Roslin pi Montgomery, i unningham, painter, Miller, James, gentleman, serpentine 21 Russell st road Montgomery, John baker, 39 High st, Miller, J. & Son, slaters, 5 Co- and 10 e. princes st ; ho 13 lumshill St 13 Bishop st Miller, John, flesher, 28 E. Princes st Montgomery, Mrs, 25 columshill st Miller, John, slater, 2 Hillkouse Ed Montgomery Wm. Auctioneer, 1 Ard- Miller, Matthew, 18 Bridge sfc beg Miller, Mont£omerieWm Maxwell, merchant, High , baker,10 colums- craigmore Ed hill st Miller, Miss Agnes 7 Elysium Moodie. Archibald, blacksmith, 19

Miller, Miss Beckwith, 10 liillhouse High st ; ho 16 castle sfc Kd Moodie John, blacksmith, 19 High

Miller, Miss Elizabeth, 7 Elysium st ; ho Ballochgoy Miller, Miss Jane, 7 Elysium Moodie, Miss, dressmaker, 11 Aro-yle

Miller, Mrs, 17 Watergate st st : Miller, Miss M., 22 Argyle st Moodie Wm., veterinary surgeon, 15 store Miller, Mrs, 111 High st Lane ; ho Batter*y pi Mil er Mrs, Alma ter MoOCde AWallaee.carriage-hirers, Miller, Mrs Arch, 18 Watergate st 15 store Lane Miller, Mrs Catherine, 24 columshill Moore, David, 5 Bridge st st M o e, Jas, tailor, 7 Gallow^ate Miller, Mrs Eliz., 28 E. princes st Morrell, Jn., basket-maker. 89 High s Miller, Mrs Mary, 11 craigmore Rd Morris, David. I., baker, °109

Miller l spirit Montague st Sarnu a merchant, 3 ; ho Barone Rd

Bridge-E,nd st ; ho inkerman T Morris, Wm., Ill High st Miller, Neil, seaman, Hiilhouse Rd Morrison, A., draper, 67 victoria Miller, Wm, slater, 5 columshill st st ; ho 65 do Miller, & Co., drapers, 57 Montague Morrison, Arch., farmer, Windyhall st windy hall Milloy, Morrison, Arch., Lachlan, ironmonger, 47 labourer, 62 High St Morrison, Montague st ; ho Elmbank, Hill- Brothers, builders, Barone house Rd Morrison, Daniel, police constable Milne.Oweil, superintendent,Bute 18 castle st certified Moivison, industrial school, 37 Don., baker, 38 Ladeside st Mill st Morrison, Dug. gardener, 39 Craio- moi e rs ;

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Morrison. Dun., labourer, 113 High st Muiphy. Owen, labourer, 2 John st Morrison, James, joiner, 8 Towe/ st Murray, Areh,, carrier, 47 Mon- Morrison, John, engineer, 27 craig- tague st more Murray. D. C, glazier and paint-

Morrison, John, gardener, 4 King st er, 86 Montague st ; he 84 do. Morrison, John, mason, 7 stuait st Murrav, Mrs Elizabeth, re guson Pi Morrison, Miss, Marga et. Bishop rer Murray, Mrs Helen, Hilihouse Rd

Morrison Mrs, crichtou i d Murray, Mrs Mary, 84 Montague st Morrison, Mrs. Russell s' Murray, Thomas, jOii er, 13 colums- Morrison, Neil, gardener. 11 Hillhouse hill ,t Rd Murray, Wm., carrier, 19£ Bridge st; Morrison, Robe it, architect and ho 49 Montague st.

joiaer, 35 Watergate st ; ho Murty, Peter, bviil ie , Marine pi Eden place Myine, Misses, H. A., J., & M., High Morrison, Koderick, shipmaster, craigmore Rd crichtou Rd Morrison, William, joiner, 15 uillst; ho 4 do Mac. Morton, mi., grocer, 62 Montague =)t McAdam, Jas., gardener, nigh st Morton, W., snt> rinfctn ent, Pru- McAlaster, Ja r.es, 56 Hgh st denrial insurance Co., 13 vic- McAlister. Arch., labourer, 32 Bridge toria st st Mouat, Miss Jane Eliza, retired McAlister, Jas., farmer, Mkl. idlmoy, schoolmistress, 15 Argyle pi McAlister, Miss Grace, dressmaksr Muir, Arch., farmer. Barone Park P \ 71 victoria st Muir, Gtias., baker, Guildford sq McAlister, Miss Grace. 27 Bishop st Muir, Charles, sen., plumber, 16 McAlister, Miss Mt ., 28 tolumsh'.ll s High st McAlister, Robt.. farmer, Mid-Ascog Muir, M- stationer, 10 Albert pi McAlister, Rt., farmer, Mkl. Kilmory h I 17 E. Princes st McAllister, A .drew, measurer, 22 Muir, Miss Jessie, 9 Argyle st Argyle st Muir, Mrs, Bridge st McAlpine, Agnes, 28 Ladeside st Muir, Mis Jane, Foley House, High st McAlpine, Ang., court-house keeper, Muir, Thomas, farmer, Mechnoch 33 High st Muieii Wai., 103 High st McAlpine, Dan., cab-proprietor, 110 Mullen, o Jhn, weave;.", 36 La ] es:de st High st Mullholland, Elizabeth, 12 Laieside McAlpine. John, confectioner, 63 st victoria st ; ho 8 Argyle pi Mullholland^John, labourer, Russell McAlpine Mrs, milliner, 5 Mon- st tague st M unn, Ann, 42 Ladeside 3t McA.lpine, Mis Mary, 9 argyle st Muun, Wm, Ardbeg McAlpine, fit-, trargh-collector, Mu iiv, He ry, Russell street 31 High st ; ho navieock Ter MuDro, Jas., IS castle st McAlpine, Rt., oab-j roprietor, 7 l.ill- Muidoch, Alex., labourer, 5 Jiini- house Rd ster's Br McArthur, Arch., carter, 29 Mill st Muruoch, Angus, shoemaker, 9 & 11 McArthur, Dl., slater, 26 Ladeside st Bridge-End st McArthur, Donald, draper, 10 Albert Mudroch, John, 74 Ardbeg r pi ; ho Alma rer Murdoch, Mrs Mary, 52 Ardbeg Rd McArthur, Dugald, coal agent, 56 Murdoch, Mrs Wm, 3 stuart st High st Murray, At drew B., Argyle Ter McArthur, Jn., cutler, 22 Ladeside st Murray, J ohn, baker, 86 High st 80 Parish of Householders. Rothesav,

McArthur, Jn.,'van-driver, 55 Mon- McCarthy, Mrs, 31 e. pr'nce^ sfc York Ter tague st Macloy, Rev. William shf and boat- McArthur, Mai., labourer.. 5 colums- McCiellan, Jn,, e naker hill st man, 9 Argyle sfc McArthur, Mrs, 2 columshill pi McClure J s., 41 victoria st -nt igue McArthur, Mr-, 52 Ai-dbeg Ed McCoil, John, carter, 109 M McArthur, Mrs, 6 stord Laae st McArthur, Mrs, milliner, 69 victoria McCoil, Mrs I a Bahttry pi McCoil, Mrs Jean, 25 Montague st st ; ho Glenfaulds Kd McArthur, Murdoch, labourer, 89 McCombe, Daniel, eng neer, serpen- High st tine Kd Pi inces McArthur, Robert, fisherman, sfc McConechie. Mrs Cafch., 2 4 E. Ninian's Bay st McAulay. Charles, 79 High st McCord. John, mason. 48 Montague s McAulay, James, wyndhan ud McCorkm lale. Dagall, a cog Alex., eman, 23 McAulay, Js.s., clerk, a wan-field p1 McCormick, gent McAuslmd, James, 3 Mil Jt victoria st McCormick, Ed., mason, st fta pi Macbeth, Adam D., writer, castle McCormick, John, sen., mason, Ba-

st ; ho Ard-Ascog ron* Rd

Macbeth, Daniel, writer, Watergate ; McCormick, Mathew, 68 nigh St ho Ard-AS.og 9 McCormick, Mrs, 3 Bridge st Macbeth, Miss Janet, denhead p1 McCormick, Mrs Mary, 19 ;Bridge- McBean, Miss, 3 Dean Hood pi End st IVLcurayne, David, steamboat McCrae, Tho3. cabman, staffa pi owner, office on pier McCrone.James, shipmaster, wimble McBrayne, Donald, 21 Russell st cottage McBride Hugh, 75 A-'dbeg rd McCulloch, Wm., hotel -keeper, 81 MeBride, Jas., joiner, John st victoria st McBride, Mrs Mary croil, 1 2 Ardbeg McDade, Js., labourer, 19 Bridge-End

McBride, Pr. , labourer 1 B stuai t st st McBride, i-iobt., blacksmith, McDav d, Jn., labourer, 113 High st

John st McDearmid, ^amie , 105 High st McDeimifc, James, 26 Mill st McCabe, Catherine. 34 Mill st McDeruiot, Flora, 79 High st McCabe, Mrs, 9 i.adeside st McDonald, Aiex.Jabourer 46 High st McCaig Miss Mary. 27 bridge st McDonald, Ann, 111 High st McCall. Jn.. shoemaker, 2b casile st McDonald, Dun., carter, 89 High st McCall, jMiss, cnchton Rd Mc.Dona d, Dun. gro.-er, 32Moa.ague M'Callu.n, Duncan, Adelai e p! s , and W. irinces 3t McCallum, Malcolm, gentleman, Ma- McDonaid, Rl z., 22 columshill st rine Pi McDonald, Frederick, 22 Mill st McCallum, Eliz., 47 Montague st McDonaid, fiu„ labourer, nillhouse McOallum, John, 3S Bishop st McDonaid, Hu., labourer, 14 Lade- MiCallum. Jn., joiner (of McCallum, side st & Marshall), 98 Montague st McDonald, Jas., labourer, 12 Kingst McCallum, Juiia, 2 King st McDonald, Jn gar iener,Meadowcap , McCallum, Miss Isa., 38 Bishop st McDonald, John, labourer, 22 Mill st McCallum, Mrs Wm., staffa pi McDonaid, Mrs, 4 Hillhouse kd McCallum, Peter, Little Gienach McDonald, Mary, 82 High -st McCallum, Robin. 89 Montague st McDonald, Miss 24 Ardbeg u.dj MeCalium & Marshall, joiners, 50 McDonaid, Mrs naveiock Ter j High st McDonald, Mrs, 36 Bridge st 81 Parish of Househol ders. Rollie.say.

McDonald, Mrs, 15 Argyle pi McEarlane, Js., gentleman. Marine pi McDonald, Mrs cath., 23 Ardbeg Ed Macfarlane, Jas., sawyer, Barone Kd McDonald, Mrs Hugh, 26 Ladeside McFarlane John Argyle tr McDonald, Mrs Isabella, 35 Bridge Mcfarlane. Jn., mason, 112 High st st McFarlane, Miss Cath,, 5 Bridge Sb McDonald, Mrs Margt., 58 Hi h st McFarlane, Mrs Angus, 13 Budge st McDonald, Neil, seamsn, 11 Albert p Mclarlane, Mrs, Neil, 58 High st McDonald, Sarah, 56 Ladeside st M icfarlano, R-v. Pr., united Presby. Macdonnell, Misses, Loch Gavoieh, terian mane, Bishop rer westlaud Kd McFarlane, Robt., farmer, Lochend McDougall, Allan, 36 Bishop st McFie, Arch., shoemaker, 151 High •" McDougall, Alex., fisherman, st st -° Kinian's Bay McFie, Arch., writer, 14 castle st McDougall, Allan, 30 Bishop st Mactie, Donald, 27 Br .ig -end st McDougall, Arch., joiner, 5 Argyle st McFie Dug., painter, 38 nigh st ; ho

McDougall, Arch., shoemaker, . 30 12 c:istle at Bishop st McFie, Hec, shipmaster, 12 m mat- McDougall, Dl.,fisherman, wyndham stuart Kd ad McFie, James., grain dealer, 66 High McDougal, Hugh, farmer, Eastwood sb McDougall, 12 McFie, James, Argyle st James, grocer, 8 High st ; ho McDougall. James, 89 High s 22 Battery pi McDougall, Joan, Serpentine Kd McFie, Jane, 9 Mill st

McDougall, Robert, fisherman, st M Fie. Janet, 11 Bridge-End -st Kinian's Bay McFie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie McDougall, Miss Ma^, 14 Argyle st McFie, John, taiEr,,46 Montague st McDougall, Mrs A., 20 Bri !ge st McKie. Malcolm, labourer, 22 Mill st McDougall, Mrs Aroh., 3 Minister's McFie, Miss, 7 castle st McDougall, Mrs Marion, 27 High st McFie, Mis- Ann. 47 Ardbeg r! McDougall, Pr., engineer. 56 Ardbeg Me Fie Miss Betsy, 11 Bri ige-End st p.d M;Fie, Miss Eliz., mill-worker, 10 McDougall. Robt., farmer, ^Barnauld Hillhouse Kd McDougall, Wm., labourer, 4 John st McFie, Miss Helen, 82 Montague st McFie, Miss Janet, 29 e. princes st McEwan ur?, Montague st McFie, Miss Mary, 24 castle st McEwen. Jas., gentleman, 56 Ardbeg McFie. Miss Mary, Mill-worker, 10 McEwen. John, a-..coun ant Hillhouse Kd McEwen, John, Gienhead McFie, Miss Mary, 59 Ardbeg Rd McEwen, Miss Tea., 8 ladeside st M^Fie, Mrs, Barone Ed McFie, Mrs, 56 Ladeside st McFadyan Jo' n, 27 Byjlge-end st McFie, Mrs Jane. 16 Argyle st McEadyen, Mrs. 9 Mill st McFie, Mrs Janet, 82 Montague st] McFadym. Mrs. 59 Montague st McFie, Mrs Martha, 71 victoria st McFa'lyen, Mr 105 High st McFie, Rt., joiner, 6 columshill pi McEad en, George, 21 Watergate st McFie, Rt., shipmaster. 4 Battery pi McEarlane, Ang., carter, 14 Bridge- McFie, Thcs., shoemaker, 7 castle st End st McCallagley, Corneilius, 70 Ardbeg McEarlane, Catherine, 5 Bridge st McGaw, Mrs 17 Argyle pi McEarlane, Chas., seaman. Eden plj McGeachy, Mrs James, Barone Rd McEarlane, Christina, 7 Bishop MoGee, Michael, 2 John st Ktrry- M'Farlane, Duncan, farmer, McUee, Robert, grocer, 1 Ar- crui.-Qch gyle st ; ho 2 do McFarlane, Hugh, manager of McGillivray, Dugald, 22 Mill st Aquarium, ho 2a Batte.y pi 82 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McGillivray, Martin, sheriff-officer, Mclntyre, Malcolm, Meadowoap East Burgh lands Mclntyre, Mrs Arch., 8 Mill st Mc Jilp, Acii., cairier, 25 Montague Moln.yre, Mrs Neil, 23 victoria st sc Mclntyre, Pr., boatman, 35 Bridge s McGilp, Arch, bootmaker, west Mclntyre, Peter, farmer, Eal'anlay prmces st Mclntyre, Rt., farmer, serpentine Rd McG-ilp, A. & D. fleshers, 18 west Mclntyre, Eobert, ground- officer, 41 princes st High st MeGrilp, A., & R-, jewellers, 20 Mclntyre,Wm., woodman, 32 Mill sfc

Montague st Mclsaac, Jn., draper, 3 Argyle st ; ho McGlashan, Mrs Eliz, Mar'ne pi 45 do McGlinchy, John, 105 High st Mclver, Alex., labourer, 17 Bridge st McGovern, Jn., tailor, 7 GaUowgate Mclver, Patrick, 67 High st McGovern, Sam., labourer. 89 High s Mclver, Thos,, quarrier, 10 oolums. McGregor, Andrew, mechanic, Hill- hill pi house Rd Mclver, Thomas, 20 Mill st McGregor, Jag., labourer. 32 Mill st McGregor, Jn., labourer, 29 Bridges McKay, Agnes, 49 High st McGregor, Mrs chris., 10 Ladeside st McKay, Ann, 22 Mill st McGowan,Rt., seaman, 77 Montague McKay, Arch., Hilihouse Rd st McKay, Archibald, 19 Russell st McGuggan, Sarah, 26 Ladeside st M'jKay, Cs., clothier, 80 Montague st McGuinness, Ross, spirit-dealer, 11 McKay, David, colporteur & grocer,

99 Montague st ; ho 27 High st GaUowgate st ; ho Bar. ne Rd McGuire, Charles, spirit-dealer, 10 MKay, Don., boatman, 28 Bridge st Argyle pi McKay, Jane, 22 Argyle t>1 McHaJ3e, Dav., iron-merchant, 35 McKay, John, boatman, 12 Tower st Ardbeg Rd McKay, Jn., chief- constable, 37 High

st ; ho clyde view, upper craig- Mclloon, Mrs 32 Bridge st more MIndoe, Mrs Mary, 71 victoria st McKay John, 17 Marine pi Mclnnes, Mrs, 42 Argyle st McKay, John, gentleman, Ardbecj B Aivh., Macintosh, druggist, 21 Mon- McKay, Jn., labourer, 34 Mill st tague st lio ; 17 Argyle Ter McKay, Jn., teacher, park Grove, Mcintosh, Mrs Jame^s, 22 craigmore Crichton Rd sd McKay, Miss Cath., dressmaker, 13 Mcintosh, MissMargt .,17 Argyle Ter Bishop st Mcintosh, My., Miss salt-deaier, 20 McKay, Miss Flora, 26 Bridge st castlehill st McKay, Miss Jane, dressmaker, 13 Miss Mclnlosh, Mary, 5 Minister's Br Bishop st Mcintosh, Mis trichtonRd McKay, Miss Margt., dressmaker 13 Mcintosh, Mrs John, ciichton Rd Bishop Bt Mcintosh, Willm., accountant, 13 McKay, Mrs, 21 Ardbeg Rd Bishop st 39 st ; ho High McKay, Pr., labourer, 22 Mill st Mclntyre, Arch., carpenter, 11 Mon- McKay, Ronald, painter, water ats tague st McKay, William, 68 High st McIntyre,^Charlotte, 76 High st Mackay, William,rector of Academy; Mclntyre, Daniel, farmer, nunalunt ho 1 wirnbleton Mclntyre, 1 Id., labourer, Hilihouse McKeau, Mrs, Francis, 111 nigh st Rd McKecbnie, Aln , labourer, 10 Mill st Mclntyre, Edw., engineer, 97High st McKechnie, Arch., porter, Hi'g.i st Mclntyre, Ju., carpenter. 20 mUl st McKecbnie, DL, labourer, 105 High Mclntyre, J ohn, cow-feeder, 84 Mon- st tague st a S4 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McKechnie, Mis3, crichton Rd MoKinlay, R., A-, member of McKechnie, Mrs Grace, 25 Gallow- phonetic society, shorthand gate writer and certified shorthand McKechnie, John A., 3 Mountstuart teacher, secy, of choral society, Kd &c, Rodin pi McKellar, Arch. ,fisherman, 19 Mill st McKinlay, Misses, Argyle Ter McKellar, TJld., gardener, millhole McKinuel, Ma"y, 11 Argyle st McKellar, Jas.,seairjan,48 i.adeside st McKinr.el, Rt., school board officer, McKellar, Jn., seauian, 19 Mill st and janitor, pub.ic school, High McKellar, Mrs, 40 Aigylest st McKellar. Mrs, 2 croft in McKinnon, Alex., 10 Marine p1 McKellar, Mrs Martha, 5 wimbleton McKinnon, Alex., fisherman, 32 McKellar, Jn.. slater. 22 Mill sfc Bishop st McKellar, Kl, bat'mian, 17 colunis- McKicnon, Arch., seaman, 18 water- '' hillst gate st McKendrick,Jas, seaman, 22 water- MeKmnon, H., bookseller, etc.,

gate 11 victoria st ; ho. 41 do McKenzie, Clm.seaman, Billhouse Rd McKir.non, Js., labourer, 121 Hi^jhst McKenzie, JHector, seaman, 8 Tower McKinnon, Malcolm, shoemaker, st watergata McKenzie, Miss Margt., 3~mi11 st McKinnon, Margt., 34 Mill st McKenzie, Mrs Mary, 1 Mill st McKinnon, Mrs, 11 Argyle st McKenzie, Mrs Agnes, 119 High st McKinnon, Mrs, 11 Albert p! McKeri2ie,Murdoeh, shorthand writ- McKinnon, mis 6 Bishop st er and reporter, Rothesay tx- McKinnon, Mrs Margt., 7 Bishop st

prcss office °, ho 13 Bridge st Mackirdy, A. & J., manufacturers, McKenzie, Kich.,shipmaster, crichton 10 King st, "Sd Broadcroft, High Rd st; ho B'shop Ter MoKil'op, Dugald, farmer, Quein & McKirdy, An 1. cab-hirer, 5 Bishop s " scalpsie McKirdy, Finlay, joiner, 78 High st McKim,"Johu, spirit-dealer, 3 Vic- McKirdy, Jn., blacksmith, 32 Bridge toria st ; ho 32 Argyle st st McKim, iSam., nillhouse Rd McEiPdy, J., contractor,33 Bishop Daniel, tobaccon'st, 16 st Mclviolay, : Albert Pi McKirdy, Jn., druggist, 85 victoria st MacKiiiiay, John, bookseller, McKirdy, Jn., mason, 28 Mill st stationer, and postmaster, 21 McKirdy, Miss, 5 Mount tuart Kd

victoria- st ; ho 14 Battery pi McKirdy, Miss Ann, 10 Elysium McKinlay, John, temperance hotel- McKirdy, Miss Cath., lOtElysium keeper, 4 High st McKirdy, Miss Mary, 1 Bishop Ter Br McKinlay, mIss Agnes, furnisher, McKirdy, Mrs Christ., 7 Bridge st 5 w. rrinc s st McKirdy, Mrs Isa.. 5 Bishop st McKinlay, Miss Isabella, 7 water- McKirdy, mis Janet, 7 Bridge st gate st McKirdv, Robt., bank agent, columshill Scotland, Guildford sq McKinlay, Mrs Bry.. 30 Bank of ; st McKirdy, Miss Margt., crichton Rd McKinlay, Mrs Catli., Marine pi McKirdy, miss Mary, Marine pi McKinlay, Mrs Helen, 19 High st McKirdy, Miss My., 30 e. princes st McKinlay, Mrs Janet, 67 High st McKirdy, mis May, 24 Battery pi McKinlay, Mrs Marion, 23 Argyle st McKirdy, Rt., blacksmith, straad McKinlay, Mrs, Robt.,windsor Lodge McKirdy, Thos., blacksmith, 97 High McKinlay, Robt., shoemaker, Dean st Argyle Hood f1 ; ho 5 st Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McLaohlan, Andrew, grocer, McLean, Hii., labourer, 32 Mill st Barone Ed McLeau, Hu. & Co. coal-merchants, McLachlan, Arch,, grocer, 96 Mon- Watergate

tague st ; ho 11 Argyle st McLean, Jame3, cotton spinner, 71 McLachlan, Arch.,paviper, West pirn- Ardbej Ed ces st McLean, James, labourer, 19 Mill st McLachlan, Berd., quarrier, 37 Mill McLean, Janet, 3 castle st st McLean, John, painter, 28 Bridge st McLachlan, DL, grocer, 14 colums- McLean, Jn., labourer, 21 Russell st hill st McLean, Jn., labourer, HO High st McLachlan, Bonald, labourer, Mac McLean, Jn., ploughman, Ballanlay alister s ct McLean,La Man, cab driver, 1 mill s McLachlan, Did., labourer 8 Towers McLearr.Mal.. carter, 35 Mill st" McLacblaUj Dun., mason, 5 ca tl: s McLean, Malcolm, police olficer, 24 McLachlan, Hu^b, gardener, Bridge st 17 callowgate McLean,Miss Cath., 66 Montague 3 McLaohlan, John, 1 8 Bishop st McLean, Mrs Christina'; 14 Argyle t McLachlan, Jn., labourer, 8 Mill st McLean, Mrs Catherine, 76 High st McLachlan, Jn., labourer,-17 Bridge- McLean, Mrs, 43 Ardbeg Ed En 1 st McLean, Mrs Peter, sen., New Hall McLachlan Lachlin, %\\ Montague Buildings

st ; ho 27 B idge-st McLean,Neil labourer, 21 Mill st McLachlan, m's* My., 9 colnmshill p1 McLean, Nl., steamboat agent Quay; McLac' Ian, Misses, 1 Albany Ter ho 12 Castle st McLachlan Mis-, Royal ter McLean, Wm., labourer, 34 M 11 st McLacblan,Mi"s Ann, 109Montagne s McLeish, Hector, taper, 11 Montague McLachlan, Mis' Isa., 26' E. princes st' st McLachlan. Et. farmer, serpentine u McLeish, Mrs 10 store tn McLaren Alexander, letter-carrier, 4 McLeish, Mrs Mary, 8 Ladeside st

- W. castle st McLeish, Robert, portei , 6 castle st McLaren, J ames, 12 Argyle st McLeisle,' John, 56 High st

McLaren, miss Catherine, 10 store L McLe.l m Alex. IS b ; s fop st v T McLaren,!. is , anet, 104 Montague s McLellan Arch, 6 w. princes st

McLaren,. Root., ayeut. Royal McLellan, Alexander, po.ter, 20 bi'' Bank of srotiand, 37 victo.ia st; s lop st ho 1 Tower st McLellan, Geo., gardener, 14 Ring st McLea, Miss Janet, 22 Blidge st McLellan,Kelen, poulterer, 4 E.Prin- ; MoLaa, Miss_ Ma g"fc., dress- ces st ; ho 27 Bishop st - st make' , 20 Biidge McLellan, James port r, 4 castle st McLea, Miss Mary, 22 Bridge st McLellan, Malcolm, Staffa Pi McLean, Alex., steamboat owner, McLellan, Miss Helen, 27 Bishop st Glendermott Ho.,craigmore McLellanVMiss My., 26 e. princes st McLean, Allan, blacksmith, s-affa pi McLellan, Peter, cooper, 15 store Ln;~

McLean, Allan, ]. aioter, 24 Bridge st McLellan, Quintain, 5 Bridge st McLean, Ai-chibald, 18 castle st McLellan, Thos., carter, 75 High st McLean, Chas., (of LTrie & M'Lean, McLennan, Alex., fiesher, 12 Mill st; joiners), Gowaufield pi McLuskie, Sarah, 161 High1 st McLean, Charles, labouier, 14 Lade- McMenemy, Eo-e Ann, 21 Russell st side st McMillan, Alex., quarrier, 19 Mill st '' McLean, Don., shoemaker, 78 High s McMillan; Mrs Angus, 11 Watergate McLean, Duncan, shipmaster;' crich- McMillan, Arch., carter, 21 store Ln McMillan, tonKd Bryce, joiner, ' Russell st; McLean, Flora 42 Mill st ho 13 Stuart st 85 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McMillan,Bryce, carpenter,20 Bishop McNicol, George, 121 High st John, engineer, 45 Ardbeg st McNicol, McMillan, Charles, shoemaker, 24 McNicol, Peter, 7 columshillfpl Watergate McPhail, Alex., 9 High st McMillan, Donald, joiner, &c, McPhail. Miss Mary,31 callowgate st McPhail Mrs, 15 High st 11 Bishop st ; ho Lenzie villa, Windsor crichton Ed McPhail, Mrs Marion, pi dairy-keeper, 36 McMillan, Don., joiner, 16 castle st McPhail, Mrs Mary, McMillan,Geo., mason, Hillhouse Ed Bridge st McMillan, John, cab proprietor, 62 MePhee, Jn. engineer, 21 Mill st farmer, 17 E. prin- High st McPherson, Arch., McMillan, John, carter, 70 High st ces st McMillan, John, farmer, Knockan- McPherson, Alexander, 46 Montague reooch and Larkhall st McMillan, John, shipmaster, 16 Bat- McPherson, D., Queen's Hotel, 40 Argyle st tel y p1 Jas., farmer, 17 E. prin- McMillan, John B., soldier, 8 Mon- McPherson, tague st ces st Gartna- McMillan, Miss Mary, 27 Bridge st McPherson, Archd., farmer, kelly McMillan, Miss Margaret, 14J b. prin- 'John, fisherman, 29 ces st McPherson, McMillan, Mrs, 27 Bridge-End st Bridge st , bookseller, 23 Mon- McMillan, mis Agnes. 2S Mill st McPheisou, L. McMillan, Neil, bricklayer, crichton tague st Ed McPherson,Mrs Alexander 53 High st McMillan, Wm., Balloohgoy Ter McPherson, Mrs Daniel, Alma Tr McMillan Wm., cabman, 30 Mill st McPherson, Walter N., clerk, 53 McMurchy, John, labourer, 38 Mill High st w., spirit dealer st McQueen, Donald st; 25 do McMurchy, Mrs Janet, 4 Elysium 27 Gallowgate ho McMillan, Dun., seaman, 14 Tower McQueen, Mrs Margaret, 72 Monta- McNab, Alex, and Edw., joiners, 5£ gue st James, plasterer, Minis- e. princes st McQuistan, McNab, Alex., joiner, (of A., and E. ter's Br Mc^iab), Russell st McQuistan. Jas., plasterer, 10 John McNab, Edward, joiner, (of A. and st 100 E. McNab), 16 castle st McQuistan, Miss, confectioner, McNab, James, tinsmith, Baron e Ed Montague st McNab, 5John, tinsmitb, 5J East McEae, Miss, 104 Montague st princes st; ho 21 oallowgate McEobie, John, mason, Gowanfield p McNab, Thomas, tinsmith, tl5 Mon- McTaggart, John, labourer, 7 Mill st tague st ; ho 20 Eattery pi McTaggart, John, painter, 7 Bishops McNaughton, John, gardener, 54 McTaggart, Mrs Christina, 30 craig- sigh st more Ed McNeil, James, labourer, 54 High st McTaggart, Mrs Mary, 21 will st McNeil, Mrs, inkerman Ter McTaggart, Murdoch, labourer, 10 McNeill, mis Elizabeth, 19 Mill st Mill st McNicol, Archibald, seaman, Ardbeg McTaggart, Neil, seaman, 89 High Ed McNicol, Donald, seaman, chapel- st McTavish, Edward, tinsmith, 40 hill Road Montague st ; ho B< slin pi McNicol, Duncan, cab-driver, 7 Bi- McTavish, mis, 31 oallowgata st shop st Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McVean, John, labourer, 22 Lade- O'Neill, Hugh, fishmonger, 11 High s side st O'Neil, Jn., labourer, 20 Bridge-End McVey, James, labourer, 17 Monta- Orkney, Captain Alex., yairfield, gue st crichton Bd McVey, Miss, 20 Argyle pi Orkney, John, draper, 89 and 91

victoria st ; ho Rosehill, York Ter McWhirter Mrs, Eose Bank Buildings Orkney, Miss Janet, 4 Mountstuart k Orkney, Robert, draper, 4 Mount- stuart Rd N Ormsby, Hy., Temperance Hotel, Ormsby, Thos,, shoemaker, 19 castle Napier, Mrs Janet, 8 Tower st st Napier, Mrs Thomas, coiifeotioner,26 Orr Miss, Adelaide pi Montague st. ; ho 8 Hillhouse Kd Orr, Mrs, Marine, pi Neilson, George, seaman, 37 Bridge S Orr, Robert, sheriff-substitute, Tigh- Neilson, Jane C, 38 Mill st na-Mara, Ardbeg Ed Neilson, John, grocer, 80 High st Orr, Samuel, seaman, 19 castle st Neilson, Mrs, Ella villa, craigmore Nelson, iiiss, confectioner, & green- grocer, 1 Gallowgate st Neilson, Mrs, 28 Ladeside Neilson, Mrs, 38 Mill st Page, Samuel, flesher, 30 Bridge st Neilson, MrsWilliam, 25 Montague st Park, James, spirit-dealer, 4 Bridge-

Nethercote, Wm., mason, 21 Mill st End st ; ho Argyle Ter Nethercote, Mrs, 22 Mill st Park, Magnus, seaman, 9 Argyle st Nevin, Mrs Bridget, ;Macalister's ct Park, Mrs, 7 W. princes st Newton James, Mountpleasant rd Parochial Board offices, 31 Bishop st Nicol James, Barone rd —John Kidd, inspectoi and col- Nicholson, Alexander, 'mason, 11 Al- lector! bert pi Paterson, Alex., 26 Mill st Nicholson, John, gentleman, 6 Ard- Paterson, Christina, 161 High St Kd Paterson, John, bank agent, serpen- Nicholson, Mrs John, Lome Hotel, tine Ed Guildford sq Paterson,John,draper, 31 victoria st; 25 Argyle st Paterson, John, slater, 15 castle st Nisbet, Alexander, carter, 6 Bridge st Paterson, Miss, 10 Ardbeg Nisbet, John,carriage-hirer,6 Bridge Paterson, Miss Martha, 43 Ardbeg st Patience, John, shoemaker, 12 Gal- Nisbet, Mrs, 11 Mill st lowgate st Nisbet, Mrs, 17 Gallowgate st Paton, Mrs And. H., -29 Argyle st Nisbet, Mrs Walter, 3 stuart st Paton, George, dyer, High st Nisbet, J. M., professor of music, Paton, Jas,, farmer, Kilwourkie Paton, t croft Lodge, west Bay Robert, farmer, Kilwourkia Patrick, James, porter, 28 Mill st Patrick, Wm., gentleman, 20 Ardbeg Peacock, Alex., plumber, 53 Ardbeg O Pearce, mis, 26 Ladeside st Pendreigh, John, woodman, 159 High Oatman Francis, Ardbeg rd st O'Donald, John,labourer,Macalister's Pepper, Dennis, ct shipmaster, 28 r.

Ogilvie, A. S., retired excise officer, Ballochgoy Ter PERCY, WILLIAM McK., boot maker, 42 Montague st Oliver, Mrs, 2 John st *7 s

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Perry, Alexander, grocer, 12 Mill st; Reid, Jas., hatter, 58 Montague st ho 2 John st ho 11 Argyle st David 1 colums- Reid, Jessie, 23 craigmore Rd Perry, ; store-keeper, hillpl Reid, Susan M.J Marine place

Perry, John, grocer, 14 Mill st ; ho Reid, Mrs, Henrietta, Marine Pi

Baroue K>.1 Reid, Mrs Janet, 48 Ladeside st . Reisberg, Mrs, 1 Bishop xer Perston,"Wm , carrier, 58 Monta- gue st Reynolds, Mis Mary, 1 9 High st Petrie, Jas. A., commission agent, Reynolds, William, mason, 28 Mill st Marine place Rice, Mrs, 15 Bridge-End st Peirpoint George, Coastguard, 21 Richmond Misses, 8 Royal Ter Argyle st Rilev, Michael, labourer, 22 Ladeside * Philp, Andrew, Glenburn "st Philp, Dr, Glenburn Rippie, Samuel, labourer 12 Mill st Pollack John, 8 Argyle P Roache, Thos., commercial traveller, Pollock, Mrs, craigmore Hawthorn park, Argyle P Price John, boatman, 9 victoria st Robertson, Alex., carter, 23 colums- Price, Mrs Elizabeth, 73 victoria st hill st Primrose, Adam, teacher, 4 wimble- Robertson, Colin, 22 Bridge-end st ton Robertson, David, baker, 7 E. Princes

Primrose, Alexander, 41 Ardbeg Ed st ; ho 24 Bhisop st Pringle, Thomas, joiner, 14 Bridge Robertson, George, 43 ^rgy'e st End st Robertson, John, baker, 27 High st Provan, Miss Jane, Marine p1 Robertson, John, carrier, 6 colums-

Puivi.s, mason, 6 castle sfc hill pi Purvis, miss Isa., dressmaker, Albert Robertson, John, labourer, 26 Lade- P1 side st Robertson, Jn., labourer, Macalister's ct Robertson, John, tailor, 10 castlehill st Rae, Mrs, 7 w. princes, st Robertson, Miss Mary, 97 Montague st Railton, Mrs Jane, milliner, 36 Mon- Robertson, Mrs, 6 columshill pi tague st ; ho 23 victoria st Robertson, Mrs, 19 Bridge st Rankine, Alexander, fruiterer, 9 Al- Robertson, Mrs Margt., 4 Mill st bert pi ho 12 Argyle pi ; Robertson, Mrs Margaret,43 Argyle Rankin, Al x., clothier, 25 victoria Robertson, Mrs Jane,116 High st Rankine, George, seaman, 19 Bridge- Robertson, Robt., ironmonger, & End st Argyle st John, Rankine, fishmonger, 1 Dean Robertson Stewart Hospital, Town- Hood place head Rankine, Mrs 'Edward, 20 Watergate Robison, Mrs John, grocer, 2 Gallow- sj gate st ; ho ,5 columshill st Rath^e, W- W., Windsor pi Rockspring iErat d Water Com- "Rawcliffe" Masonic Hall, 11 pany, New public Halls Montague at Rodger, Mrs, 45 Ardbeg Ed Reading Room, 9 victoriafst Rodger, Thomas, gentleman, 6 Boyal Reid, Daniel, boatman, 4 Albert pi & Ter 17 Bishop st Ross, Ann, 10 Ladeside st Reid, 1)1., surgeon, 25 e. Princes st Ross, Catherine, 10 Ladeside st Reid, Duncan, shoemaker, 34 Bishop Ross, Rev. William, cbapelhill Free Bt . Gaelic Manse, ivy Bank, Bridge Reid, Georgina, 23 ci aigmore $d Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Ross, Wm.. painter, 20 Bridge-End st Sharp, Hugh, grocer, 22 High st; ho Rowan,, Miss 16 easiest 15 Bridge-End st Rowan, Mrs Mary, 48 i.adeside st Sharp, J. G, diaper, 29 Montague st; : Roy, Alex., ma on, Gowanfield pi ho 9 Battery p1 Roy, John, veterinary surgeon, Sharp, Mrs Matthew, 9 castle st Royfil Aquarium, Battery pi Sharp, Mrs KHz., 15 Argyle st Royal Rothesay Aquatic Club Sharp, Mrs James, 23 Bridge st House, skeo^h wood — Magmi3 Sharp, Mrs Margaret, 147 High st Park, clubmastec Sharp, Neil fisherman. 74 High st Royal Northern Yacht Club House, Sharp, Robert, gentleman, Maryfield, Argyle st—W. Burton, club- MOuntstnart Rd master Shaw, I>nl., blacksmith, 84 Bridge st Ru?sell George, draner, 7 Argyle st Shaw, John, carter, 42 laltsidest Russell, Misses, oreadia Shaw, Miss, 18 co'umshill ot R issell Win., 43 Ardbag rd Shaw, Mrs Daniel, union st Rutherford, Adam, glazier, 90 Mon- Shaw, Neil, carter, 2 Mill st High st tague st Shearer, Robe t, seaman, 27 Ter Rutherford, Joseph, mason, Russell Sherriff, Miss Mary, 1 Argyle st Shields, Geo., gardener, Meadowcap- Rutherford, Mrs, 5 John st Shieids, Rob I"., shopman, 13 Gallow- Rutherfurd, Rev. John, m.a.,b.d., gate Mouutstuart Rd Silver Andrew Y., 83 victoria st Simpson, Hugh,farmer, High Bogany Simpson, Mrs Charles, grocer, 7 High

st ; ho 24 castle st Smpson, Thomas, sen., carter and Savage, Christopher D., gentleman' cariiage hirer, 12 Argyle st Barone Rd Simson, James, labourer, 7o High st Scott, Isaac, china dealer, 30 Mon- Sinclair, James C, gas manager, 1 tague ©t Ladeside st Scott, James, orichton Road Sim, John, boatman, 105 High st S.ott, Jas., 6 Columshill st Sim, William, 105 High st Scott, John, chinaware dealer and Sinclair, Dugald, flesher, 37 Biidg st

broker, 50 Montague ; ho 55 do Skimming, Mrs Robert, 20 BridgeEad Scott, John, joiner, 6 Hillhouse Rd st Scott, Matth., farmer, stewarthall Slaven. Henry, fishmonger, watergt Scott Matthew, glazier, 4 Hillhouse Slaven, James, labourer, King st rd Slaven, John, slat.r and chimney Scott, Miss Eliz., 24 Watergate st sweeper, 6 castle st Scott, Mrs, 11 Ardbeg Rd Sloan, Margaret, 38 Ladeside Scott, mis William, Eden pi Small, Miss, 1 well? ark coinage Scullion, William, store Lane Smith, Alex., coal merchant, 17 Sellers. John.gentleiiian, 14 Hillhouse castle si Rd Smith, Alexander, mason,2 Bishop Tr Sellars, Eup'nemia, Bridge st Br Sellars, Mrs Janet, 18 Argyle st Smith, Duncan, labourer, 34 Mill st Service, Alex., s., Barone Rd Smith, James.baker, 69 Montague st; Service, Mrs Margaret, florist, 69 ho 15 Bridge st

victoria st ; ho Barone Rd Smith, James, tailor, 17 Montague St Service, Robart, seaman, 12 castle st Smith, John, fishmonger, 4 Albert Pi Shand, Joseph, coach-painter, Hill- Sinclair, Dugd.,20 Bridge-End st

house Rd ; ho 2 Rxissdl st Smith Alex., 17 castle st Sharp, Geo., Ardmory Raai Smith Andrew, upholsterer, ~&c.\ 3 89 Patish of Householders. Rothesay.

Bridge st ; ho 20 Argyle st st ; ho crichton Ed Smith, John, joiner, 11 Bishop st Stewart, Miss, Ardbeg Smith, John M., spirit-dealer, 1 Mon- Stewart, Miss, 2 E. Princes st

tague st : ho 7 w. princes st Stewart, Miss Agnes, 2 E. princea st Smith, Margaret, 3 Minister's Br Stewart, Miss Christina, Lilyoak xcr Pmith, Mrs, 109 Montague st Stewart, Miss, Margt., 75 /rdbeg Saiith Mrs, 43 Ardbeg rd Stewart Miss Mary, 22 Battery pi ^mith, Mrs. Robt., 7 w. princes st Stewart, Miss Sarah, 22 Battery pi Smith, Rev George J.,Boman catho- Stewart Mrs, Argyle st lic jDriest, 1 columshill st Stewart, Mrs, 36 Bishop st Smith, Robert, seaman, 1 Mill st Stewart. Mrs Jessie, 17 Montague st Smith Robt., Bute Arms Hotel, Guild- Stewart.Peter,agent,clydesdaleBank, ford square Guildford sq Smith, Robert, shoemaker, 6 Albert Stewart. Robert, seed-dealer, victoria Pi Hall Buildings, store Ln

Smith, Robt., baker, castlehill st Stewart, R. B., co : tractor ArdbegfB Somerviile David, umbrella Stewart, S. Mary, Marine pi maker, 77 "victoria st; ho 73 do Stewart, "William, painter (of W. & J Somerville, George, spirit-dealer, Stewart), Roslin pi chapelhill Kd Stirling, Mrs Alexander, 54 Ladeside Somerville, Rev. David, Free parish Stiiton, Jam -s, joiner, 11 Albert pi Manse, serpentine Ed Stoddart, Alex., mechanic, Staffa pi Speirs, Miss, Ferguson pi Stout, Mrs, 35 Bridge st Speirs, Mrs, Ferguson pi Strachan, Mrs Eliz., Ardb?g Ed Spence, George, barber, 90 Montague Stuart, John Windsor, factor, Bute

st E^ate ; office, 43 High st ; ho Spence,Halliday, painter, crichton Ed

Spence, John, slater, stuart st ; ho Stuart, Mrs Henry, Montford 52 Montague st Sutherland, Mrs, wyndham road Spiingett, Thoinas.general dealer, 19 Swan Matthew, Ballochgoy castle st Swan, Walter, wood-merchaut, Ba- Sproul, John, joiner, 10 Ardbeg Ed rone Ed Start, John, painter, 17 Gallowgate Swanston,Arthur, !! grocer, 26 w. prin-

Stevenson, John, labourer, 98 Mon- ces st ; ho Mountpleasant Ed tague st Sweenie, Jas., shoemaker, 6 store Ln Stewart, Miss Abigail, Marine pi Stewart, Alex., labourer, 20 Lade- side st T Stewart, Alexander, miller, 17 co- Tait. Tsa., lumshill st 41 Ardbeg Stewart, Alexander, van-driver, 18 1 aylor, Daniel M.,wine-merchant, 4 Bishop st & 6 Tower st ; ho culevin House, Stewart. Ann, 74 Highst Argyle Ter Stewart, Barbara, Marine pi Taylor. George, boatman, 46 High st Stewart, Catherine, Marine pi Taylor, James, rope-spinner, 17 Rua- Stewart, David, stevedore, 56 High sell st Stewart, Ebenezer, cork-cutter, 117 Taylor, James, flesher, 2 Bridge st Taylor, James, gentleman, 13 Bishop Montague st ; ho 2 Argyle pI Stewart, Elizabeth, 121 High st st Taylor, Stewart, James, painter (of W. & J. Margaret, 9 Hillhouse Ed Taylor, Mrs C., 17 Gallowgate st Stewart), w. princes st ; Wxnd- Taylor, Mrs Eliz., Albany Ter s >r pi Taylor, Stewart, John craig, grocer, 17 High Mrs, Joan, 7 Mill st 90 Parish of Householders. Rothesctv,

T&,yl:?r, Pobt., flesher, 5 Gallovv- beg

gate st ; ho 8 Bridge St Turnbull, Miss, crichton Rd Taylor, Robt., gentleman, 16 craig- Turnbull, Miss Mary, 40 Ardbeg more Rd Turnbull, Mrs, 27 Ardbeg Taylor, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 22 Turner, Archibald, peir-master, bo- columshill st gany colums- Taylor, Thomas, grocer, Argyle st ; Turner, Archd., seaman, 8

ho Gowantitl I pi hill street Telfer, Win, John, serpentine Rd Turner, Colin B., purveyer,cri:htonR Thompson, D-, bootmaker, 55 Turner, Ja?. B., wine -merchant, Al-

victoria st ; ho 41 do bany Ter Thompson, Hugh, postman, 11 Ar- Turner, John, innkeeper, Argyle gyle st Arms' Hotel, 27 Watergate st Thompson, Jas.,£bootmaker, 94 Turner, Mrs Edward, 107 His*h st

Montague st ; ho columshill pi Turner, Robt.cowfeeder, 161 High s Thompson, Tb'\mas, gentleman, Ba- rone Rd Thomson, Paniel, 40 Argyle st Thomson, Eliz., 4 Albert pi U Thomson, Eliz., 29 Ardbeg Thomson, Hugh, cabinetmaker, 90 Urie & McLean, joiners, 19^ Bridge Montague st st Thomson, Isa. 10 Montague st Urie, Matthew, joiner, (of Urie & Thomson, Isabella, 18 Mountstuart R McLean), Gowanfield pi Thomson, James, 19 craigmore Rd Thomson John, seaman, 6 Bishop st Thomson, J.R., architect, 5 High V st ; ho Fairmont, Argyle Ter Thomson, Margt., 29 Ardbeg "Vallanoe, Misses, 10 Royal Tr Thomson, Miss, bootmaker, 10 Mon- Volunteers, Artillery and Rifles, ague st drill hall, croft Lane, High st Thomson, Miss Christina, 10 co- lumshili st Thomson, Misses Elizabeth, Margaret, W and Mary Ann, 29 Ardbeg Thomson, Mrs, 17 Montague st Wace, James, labourer, 44 Mill st Thomson, Peter, seaman, 79 High st Waddell, Eliz., 21 Russell st Thomson, Robert Burns, Mount- Walker, Archibald, blacksmith, 40

pleasant Rd Ladeside st ; ho 8 columshill pi Thomson, Win., draper, 13 Mon- Walker,Uuncan, carter, 2 columshill tague st pi Thomson, William, joiner,21 Mill st- Walker Henry, coastguard, 21 Thorburn, John, fisherman, Roslin pi Argyle st Thorburn, Mrs John, sen., 25 Mount Walker, James A., grocer, 2 Bridge- pleasant Rd End st, and 6 E. princes st ; ho Thorburn, Thomas, Rnslip p1 22 Argyle st Thorburn, William, Roslin pi Walker, John, engineer, 34 Mill st Tomley, Andrew, 80 High st Walker, Mrs James, spirit-dealer, 3

Towart, Alex., 20 Watergate st E. princes st ; ho 9 Bishop st Turnbull, Mrs And., giocsr, 62 High Walker, Mrs Eliz., 27 Bridge-End sb st Wallker, Mrs Mary, Hillhoivc Rd Turnbull, David,plumber, 121 High s Walker, Richard, 26 columshill st TurnbulLMatth., gentleman, 39 Ard- Walker, William, labourer, 21 Mill st .

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Wallace, David,manufacturer,Marine White, Mrs Catherine, Bishop st Pl White, Robert, shoema'rer, 44 Mon*

Wallice, James, boat-builder, 44 tacjue st ; ho 17 Bishop st Mill st Whiteford, Robert, hedger, Bush Jas. carriage-hirer, Wind- Whitehil-1, Wallace, ; John, 23 High st sor pl Wilkie,Duncan, seaman, 10 colums- Wallace, Mrs Ann, 30 Bridge st hdl st Wallace, Thos., 35 Bridge-End st Wilkie,sMrs Hugh, 9 castle st Ward, -Ed., -saddler, 24 castlohill st Williamson, A lex., steamboat-owner, Ward, Daniel, Ardbeg Koad Rock villa, Ai'obeg Wardrop, Thos., {grocer, 23 Gallow- Will auison Miss, 23 Bishop Terrace gate Brae Waters, Mathew, superintendent of Williamson, Miss Ann, 5 craigmore R police, 33 High st Wilson, Ax., baker, 101 Montague

Watson, Dan., blacksmith, 11 casble st ; ho 22 Bridge st st Wilson, Annie, 10 Battery place Watson, Miss, dressmaker,Gallowgate Wilson, Culin, gardener,' Eden pl Watson, Miss Eli, abeth,25 Montague Wilson, David, accountant, 163 High Watson, Robt., agent for David st

Biacbrayne's steamers, Quay ; ho Wilson, John, blacksmith, 80 High st 32 Argyle st Wilson, John T., writer &town, Watson, Robert, gentleman, High clerk, 3 castle st ; clerk of sup-

craigmore ply, 35 High st ; ho undercliff, Watson, William, mechanic, 38 co- craigmore ^ lumshill st Wilson, E. John, rigger, 67 Ardbeg Waugh, Mrs James, sen., 27 Battery pl Wilson Jas., 18 Argyle st Waugh, Mrs John, Eden pl Wilson John, 80 High st Webster, John, 1 Mount -tuart Ed Wilsoh, Mrs Jos-, spirit-dealer, 20

We' stei%John, shoemaker, 4 colums- callowgate ; ho 11 Bri.ige st hill st Wilson, Mrs, 42 b shop st Webster, Mrs Mary, 65 Ardbeg Wilson, Mrs Hugh, 24 Bridge st Weir, Dug aid, shoemaker,? 1 Monta- Wilson, Mrs Margt., 31 Arg( le st gue st ; ho 38 Bridge st Wilson, Mrs Mary, chapelhill House, Weir, Dugald, steward, 27 Bishop st Wilson, Mrs, Mary, 14 Eridge st Weir,Duncan, labourer, 149 High st Wilson, mis William, craft lodge Weir, Hugh, seaman, 36 Bishop st Wilson, Wm., tailor, 12 w. Priace3 Weir, Malcolm, ironmonger,65 Mon- st tague st Wilson, William ^..printer, Buteman

Weir, Margaret, 2 Bridge st office. 10 castle st ; ho 34 Weir, Mrs, 38 Mill st Mountpleasant Ed Weldon, Rev. Canon B. Gascoigne, Wilson,Wm.,Auld.wiiter, 3 castle st Episcopal clergy man, 6 liahop Tr Wilson, Peter, blacksmith, 19 High s Welsh, Mrs Margaret, 7 R03 al Ter Wilson, Rt., law-clerk, Town-C*rk's Wels-i, Thos., 19 Bndge-end st office, 3 castle st White, Alexander,boatman, 89 High Wilson Robert, painter, 3 stuart White, James, engineer, 11 E. rrinces st st Wilsons, & Co., fruit-growers, 17 vic- rasrk, White, Miss Helen, Hawthorn toria st ; Nurseries, Eden pl Argyle Pl Wiseman, Mrs, 39 Montague st Whyte, MissJMargaret, Montgomery Wishart, John, painter, 5 castle st House, craigmore Working Men's; Club, 41 White Mrs, 104 Montague st Montague st White, Mrs, 24 watersate st Wood, James, carver and gilder, j Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

w. pr'ncs st; ho 28 castle St Yates, Miss, eating-house-keeper, 106 Wood, John, slater, 11 e. princes st Montague st Wood, Mrs, Isabella, 5 Argyle st Yell, Peter, seaman, 18 Argyle st Woods, Mrs Mary, 17 Bridge-End st Young, Catherine, 51 High st Wright, Misses, 8 Elysium Young, Miss Grace, 104 Montague st Wright, Mrs Alexander, draper, 88 Young, Miss, 13 columshill st Montague st ; ho 71 victoria st Young, Miss, 6 Hilihouse Ed Wright, Mrs Robert, 4 King st Young, Miss Marion, Earone Ed Wyatt George, sho man, 4 Mill st Young, Mrs Euphemia, 16 Ardbeg Wyllie, Mrs Margaret, 18 Argyle st Young, Rubt., mason, 84 High st Yuill, Isabella, 70 High st Yuile, And., photographer, 9 vic- Y toria st Yates, Jas., hill-poster, &c, 8 Gal- lowgate Yates, Joseph, imperial restaurant, Montague st




Printed and Publishbd by GUOItaU HIGG-IE, S5t

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fl^J jHk 2-13.2 PARISH OF


A c Adam, Dr John, Ardentigh Campbell, Mrs Annie, peir Terrace Adam, James, boatman, quay st Cameron, John l., straad Adam, Mrs E. C, Ardentigh Campbell, Mrs Margaret, victoria p1 Alexander, James, shoemaker, Front Campbell, Neil, church-officer, Back st st- Cameron, Robert, fishernian,Kilmich- ael Carswell, Thomas, fanner, East st colmac Clerihew, mis Mary, ligh-an-Traigh Eannatyne, Peter, pi Clydesdale, Miss Christina, iona pl Baird, Arthur, gold-dealer, Karnes Bk Cockburn Mrs, victoria pl Barr, John, grocer, Front St Connel, James, farmer, olenmore Barr, Mrs Janet, Eskechraggan Corkindale, Duncan, baker, Kingston Barr, Thomas, farmer, "Kskechreggan pl Baird, David, shoemaker, Quay st Craighead, Miss Margaret, teacher, Bell, Margaret, Front st Kingston pl Black, Hugh, omnibus-driver, Front Crawford, David, farmer, st Crawford, Mrs Catherine, Crown ho» Brodie, James,, baker, Front st tel, Front St Brown, Archibald, fisherman, shore Crawford, William, farmer, Acholtsr st Currie, John, ma?on, iona id Brown, Duncan, shore st Currie, Robt., spirit-merchant, Front Brown, James, ship-master,idngstoa st pi Currie, Jean, Back st Brown, Miss Elizabeth Pl

B own, Miss Margaret, shore sfc Brown. Mrs Robert, Back st Brownlie,Williarn, commissionagent, victoria pl Bruce, Alexander, fisherman, iona pi Dallas, Walter, gardener, Kingston Pl Bruce, George, fisherman, shore st Davidson, Thomas, Kingston pl Bruce, George; salmon-hsher, victoria Davidson, William, Crawford st pl De war, Rev. Peter, the M nse Buchanan, James, Ardgowan villa Dickie, Mrs Agnes, farmer, cranslag- Buchanan, Mrs Francis, spirit -dealer, vourity Lamont's Land Douglas, mis Betsy, victoria pl Buckingham. Peter, Front st Duncan, James, pannatyne Mains 94 Duncan, James, teacher, Ballanlay Parish of Householders. North Bute,

Duncan, James and John, farmers, H/ndman. Edward, fisherman, vic- Rhubodach toria pi Duncan, Mrs Mary, shalunt Hyndman, Ja*rjes, Baok st Hyndman, Peter, straad F Hyndman, Sarah, sack st Ferguson, Daniel, fisherman, Back st Ferguson, Duncan, fisherman, shore St Johnston, William, farmer, west colmac Ferguson, Miss. Margaret, qu y st Fergus m, Mrs Elizabeth, Back st Ferguson, Neil, farm servant, shalunt Fisher, Mrs Jane, victoria pi Fletcher, Tho uas, Fardinia p1 Fra=er, Miss Isabella, Sardinia pi Kean, Norman, gardener, sack st Fullarton, James, Back st Fyfe, Jam.es G., boatbuilder, Yard, ArJmaleish

Lamont, Archibald, Kamesburgh inn Lamont, Archibald, farmer, stuck Lament, Colin, fiesher, Frunt st Lamont, John, farmer, Lenniehall Lamont, John, fisherman, Quay st Gilchrist, William, m.e>., Tsa park Laoiunt, John, merchant, st Gray, Andrew, joiner, Sardinia Pi Quay Lamont, Maggie, grocer, Front Gray, James, sculptor, victoria pi st Lamont, Miss Ann, shore st Guthrie, Agnes, victoria pi Lawson, Andrew, carpenter and gro= cer, victoria st Leitch, James, yachtsman, shore st Le^tch. John, fisherman, shore st Loch, George, coal-merchant, oak rank; Halliday, Duncan, grocer, shore st Halliday, Loch, Walter, victoria pi Catherine, sliore st . Logan, Wilh'am, Ettrick Halliday, Herbert, joiner.cartwright Bank Lusk, James, wright, Bajk st ,.aud sawiniller, Back st and Karnes sawmill Lyon, Dugald, Alpine villa Lyon, Halliday, John,\stoieReld Bank he'rs of John, farmer, Acha- voulag Ha liilton, Mrs C., Karnes cottage Lyon, James, jun., farmer, Drum- Hamilton, Robe -t, S afield a;hloy Hende.son, Alexander, .victoria pi Lyon, Miss Rachel, Front st Hill, James, fisherman, pack st Hogarth, Ja-.nes, Front st Hogarth, James, fisherman, st Ion- ian's Point I. Hogarth, John, fisherman, st Kin- Maitland, John, iona.pl ian's point Malcolm, Archibald, fisherman, pack Hunter, James, pier-master, victoria st pi Malcolm, heirs of Gilbert, farmer, Hunter, William, farmer, upper Et- Edinbeg and Hilton tr ck Malcolm, Mary, Kingston, rl Hyndman, Alex., publican, straad 95: Parish of Householders. North Bute.

Malcolm, Miss, superintendent, McEwen, John, police-constable,\ic- swanstonhill Hydropathic Es- toria p1 tablishment Martin, Bryce, farmer, decknabae McFarlane, Margaret, Alva pi Marshall, Miss, Ardenlea McFarlane, William, victoria pi Miller, Archibald, cabman Back st MsFie, iJaniel, farmer, Inchmarnock Miller. Miss Catherine, Back st McFie, Hugh, farmer, Ballioaul McFie, Moffat, William, Crawford f-t James, farmer, Inchmarnock Montgomerie, William, farmer, Ach- McFie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie enteerie McFie, Robert, farmer, inchmarnock Montgomerie, Wm., farmer, shalunt McFie, Robert, farmer, Lower Ettrick Moodie, Catherine, Front st McGee. Daniel, shaluut Morrison, Alexander, Lome pi McGlashan, Mrs Catherine, shore st Morrison, Margaret, Back st McGregor, Duncan, Ettrickdale Murdoch, William, spirit-dealer McGregor, William, gardener, point- shore st house Murray, Angus, fisherman, Back st Mcllraith, James, retired Murray, Dugald, fisherman, Back st school mastei, Doon Murray, Helen, Back st Bank villa Mclntyre, Angus, Back st Murray, James, fisherman, shore st Melntyre, David, fisherman, Mylne, George, Ardlamont villa Quay st Mclntyre, James, shore st Mclntyre, John, Kildavannan Mclutyre, Miss Catherine, Back st Mac Mclntyre, Miss Mary, grocer, Back st Mclntyre, Mis Margaret, Front st McAlpine, Dugald, ploughman Kil- davannan McKay, Alexander, engineer, King- ston pi McArthur, spirit-dealer McKay John, ulva b! painter, Ettrick Bank McKeehnie, Miss Mary, shore McArthur, Miss Catherine, victoria ?1 St McKeith, Mra Margaret, McArthur, Miss Isabella, peir Ter shore st McKellar, Mrs Mary, McArthur, Peter, ploughman, straad straad McKenzie, Thomas, McAulay, Daniel, boiler-maker, chap.-l House i McKinnon, Front st Dugaid, fisherman, Back st McBride, Mrs Wm., Dome pi McKinlay, Alexander, shoemake-, straad McCallum, Malcolm, Alva pi McKinnon Gilbert, Bishop Tar et McClure, Miss Lllen, Sardinia Pi McKinnon, Sarah, Quay st McConnechy, Archibald, farmer, Milton McDean, Charles, straad McCone-hie, Jn., farmer, Largivreeh- McLean, Hugh and Lacblan, far- t n mers, oranslagloan McCorkindale, Dugald, pointhouse Maclean, John T., Free church McCrae, Duncan, Karnes castle manse McCunn, James, Back st McLeo i, Mrs, Kingston pi McCunn Miss, Post Office, Front st McMillan, Alexander, joiner, Back st McDonald, John, clrton villa McMillan, Archibald, ploughman, McDonald, Miss Mary, pack st shalunt McDonald, William, shalunt McMorran, Esther, school-mistress, McDougall, Duncan, Front st & Back Kildavannan st McDougalL Janet, Back st McNab, Miss Elizabeth, victoria pi

• MaNicol, 9S I Catherine, Back st Parish of Householders. I'North Bute.

McN"col Helen, pro t st Scoular, Th mas, Back st T MoXicol, a ne^, f's'ie mai, Front at Slwr.., M-'>r pry Ba.k st McNicol, Jo n lishevman, i:a;kst Sh.arer, Malth^w, fisherman, Front sr. r McPha l, Duncan, Ballan'ay Fhie'ds Jarnes. en^ine^r. Ton* pi ' at le ine iil M Phail, Mrs avaimn Sim Alex., Fer i i:a ak otta e McP.iail, ilube t, nsi.e man, Back ^t Si upsoa, John, firmer I .ar^ivrech"

1 t n md .*< uth t col n io

McQua'Tif, Archibal 1, no _, a . Hotel, Smith, Arch., o.uaha h >use s.iore sfc Smi h Ar h., i>lo ighman, st col nao S uiih, Feter, blacks uith, McT!a3, Robsrt, Front st Ettrick Smith, Wm. iona pi MoTaggart, Archibal 1, iloujhma-i, imnalunt Sole eet, rs An.i Ti h-an-^ra^h

Staele, J hn, « atch maker, : hore :-.t Steve _s n, John, farmer, nil >rde N btevj son, Th nnas, farmer, Ar.Ima- leish Re wall, H. G. F., Eiljer Hou-e Stewart John, farmer, Ballua:ra';h (upp r ArJ os a !ale) S ewari, Mrs Ann, Fdina villa fate wart Rob rt farmer, EallFrach O (Neth-r Ardrosoadale) Swaa^tonhill Sanatorium Co., Ltd.— Orr, Daaiel, Ardlainoct villa spiers and jack, agents T

r Tayl'T John, Faton, Pobert and James, arine:s, engineer, victora pi GreenaT Taylor, iirs A., iota rl

Peacoc , Alexander, plumber, Karnes B_nk Thomson, Arch, bla :k«mith, Back st Thomson, Uharles, blacksmith, Alva pi Thomson, David carter, Faik st Thomson, Ja ues, Hydropathic E8- Gray, /rdlamont villa tabh huicnt lit. hie, Joan S., stockbroker, pierrr Turner, CoLn, carter, Back st

Fobe tscn, Jr.mes, joiner, iniilpark, Greenan T Poberism, . a nes, pattern designer, "Wallace, Annie, victoria pi Arde ;lea Wallace, James, tobacconist King- Poberts >n, i homas, Ft tneTeld rot ston pi Fo e, Oajitain Jaine-, Ro.-e cottage Wallace, Alexander, gamekeeper, Fothesav i ram a ay C m a y— H. Tighantuuer B. Goodye.-, manager a ables, ; Walktr,

Wark, Mrs Mary, Front st

*We"r, Mrs Martin, shore st Wilson, James, quarrier, iona El Weir, Neil, rack st Winlaw, Miss ISarah, Ettrick Eank White, .Peter teacher Eack st "Wilson, Archibald, engineer, Eack st Wilson, Ja'nes, iona f1 Yuill, William, merchant, Kame3 Ek Wilson, James, contractor, Fort-Ean- natyne PARISH OF

Agnew, Peter, gardener, Ascog Caldwell, David, Kilchattan Bay Campbell, Archibald, Pipe, hall Camp ell, Oath., teacher, kilchat- B tan Bav Campbell. Miss, tailorcs8,Kilehat;an Paiire, Ts., farmer. L.;n allminoch B-v

B;-in. John, Kil. matjta.il I a.v C .mpbe.U; Mass M. Kilchattan Bay Baird, Wm, Kilch;.tt..n Bay Gi,m; bell Pet r, er .cer md baker; Ba r i, '.-. in., clerk, kii ha tan Bay Kilchattan Bay Bailcch, Wm, St Blano'd Hote], Crawford, _L>., Ki ^arth H ->fcel L ii hattan Lay * o is ii, Allan, baker, Kiloliattan By Bai.uaiyne, Bryce, joiner, Kilchat- Cowie, .iohn, forester, Kerrycroy tan Butts Crawford, Bobt., Little Kilchattan Barker, Peter, ' 'oy, ICilchattan Bay dimming, John, joiner, Kilchattan

Bar , Mrs Rebecca, Kerrylaniont Bay Barr, Win., fanner, Kei rylampht Currie Miss Oath., Gatehouse Bateman, Ed. L., The Hermitage, Ourrie, Miss Janet, grocer a:id ba- Ascosj ker Kilchattan Bay Eeeton Mrs Kilchattan Buy Oume, Miss Mary, Kilchattan Bay

Beil, Oilb , ma.-on, Kileha tan Bay Currie, Wrn'i, Kilchattan Bay Bell, Duncan, .in., mason, Piperhall Bel], Duncan, en., 'ma^on, Piperhall Bel), Mai., mason, Kilchattan Mill Bell.- Mies J,ane K lchatl n Eay B.-H. Mrs, E., KilciU't.iil !; y Dean, Jfeh'nj carter. TT nttnart

Becn,-t Miss Eilchattan Bay i •ca s, ii.!;>:, rab i ei fci etej Kil- Bi^' k, John, Kerr^i 6y eha t: Kilchattan Black, John, Bay . ..,'.. I - fell beaver attend ail f, t Black, Jos!, Kil- Duncan, Arch., [ keif', kxid eplrii- ciiatf.,iu Bait delile ,'Kiich Pail e, Gto., fesher; Kilohat'fah By Duncan, Alex., farmer. Birgklale, Blaik, Mrs Jt.,Ba

Marquess of, Balniory • £ 99 Parish ol Householders. Kinmrth.

Duncan, Kebert, Kilchattan Bay Helderwick,Rt., the Retreat. Abcoj r Duncan, Y\ ui., shoemaker, Kilchat- Heudrv, George Scott, Kilchattan taa. Bay Bay Henn, William, Lieut,, R.N., Ann's, Bodge HenJiy, Win,, Kilchattan Bay

Ewaa, Miss, Kilchattan Biy

Jaiiieson, Tames, boitman, Kilchat- tan Bay Ferguson, Ar tubal 1, Pipa:hall Jamiesou, .)n., farmer, Ambrhmore Ferguson. !L>u -'., Kilchattan Bucfs Jamieson, Robert, Kerrycroy Ferguson, Js., carter, Kilchattu Hay Johnston, Al <.. gardener, Kerrycroy Fer^usDn, Jo' n, Hasina Pla e, Kil- Johnston; Wm., Li -jib Ki.n, Kilchat- cha'.tan Bay tan Mill Fisher, And., Kerry'amont Oottage Fisher, James, Kerrylamont Fulto.i, Win., schoolmaster, Kerry. croy s

Kelso, Mrs Janet. Kilchattan Bay Keith, Mrs May, P perhall Kerr, F., police constable, Kilchat- Galbraith, John, carpenter, Kilcbat- tan Bay tau Bay Kerr, John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay T Garvan, J., Kilchattan Bay Kerr, Neil, mason vii hattan Buy Kinuaar, Mrs Kilchattan Bay Geumnell, Daniel, ve . rytonl'a Geninaell, M.sKobert, Kilchattan Bay Gill, Hugh, tile works, Kilchattan Bay Goodfellow, John, tile works, Kil- Lamnnt. Jas., mole-catcher, Piper- chattan Bav hall Gimo e G., Kilchattan Bay Lamont, Mai,, farmer, Stravannan r Gil. i. our, lho:., tiiemaker, Kilchat- Lin '1 en, A., Kilchattan Mid tan Bay Linden, James, Birgidale G'en, Allan, Ki'chat'an Bay Lochhcad, Mrs, Ki chatiati Bay Glea, Joseph, Kitcbattan Bay Logan J s., gaaie- watcher, Birgidah Gow Miss, Ki chattan Bay Butt Grant, Mrs A:ex. Kilchattan Bny Ljle, Jn., watchmaker, Kilchattan

Giiera.n, Capt. Wm.; piermr&ter Bay

Hasting', David, farmer, Plan ar:d Kelspoke Mackie, J., Kilohattan Bay Hastings, Haddow, farmer, Flan Marshall, John, iroulounder, Kil- and Kelspoke, chattan Bay Martin, Arch., farmer, Hamilton, Js., L'atr., Ascog Bank Largizean Hamilton, Js., slater, Kitchatt&u By M rtin, John, fa mer, Arduahoe m Martin, John, farmer, Kervvuieooci* Kingarth. Parish of Householders.

Martin, Moses, engineer, Kilchattan M'Fi»>, Miss Mary, Kilchattan Bay Bay MVie, Mrs My., grocer, Kilchattan Meiklejohn, Rev. William, Free Bay Church Manse, Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Mrs John, Cosson Mitklleton, RodJen, dyke-buikler, M'Fie, Mrs Mary, spirit dealer, Pipe, hall Kilchattan Bay MiVar, E.E. Ki'chattrn Bay M't'ie, Robert, g trdener, Kerrycroy Morrison.Miss Chris., Kilclia'tan By M'Gibbon, Rich. Forsyth, jeweller, Morrison. Mrs Janet, Kilchattan Kilch itt. n Bay

Morrison, Miss Mar t .-, Kilcha tan M'Gilp, Cath., Kingarth Moor Bay M'Gregor, Da del, Biperhall weaver.Kilchattan By Morrison, Jn., M 'Intosh, Arch., quarrier, Kilchat- i), Robert, fisherman, Kil- Morris t n Bay chattan Bay M'Intosh, Jas., Kilchattan Bay villa Morri on Wax, Ashgrove M'Intosh, Jn., tailor, Lilly Bank, Muir, James, ploughman, Birgidale Kilchattan Bay Butt M'lntyre, Daniel, Kilchattan Bay Muir, John, builderj Kilchattan By M'lntyre, DugaM, Cleved..n Rnad Murray, ]\Ji?s Ki'ch.attan Bay Mclntyre Bougal, Ki chatt n Bay M^lue, Thos., gardener, Mid-Ascog Mi'intyre, Mrs Alex., Ascog M li M'lntyre, Stewart, foreman, East Lod>6 e, Mountstuart Mac M'lntyre, Wm., grieve, Mountstuart M'Kay, Arch., farmer, Bruchag M, Mister, Rt., farmer, MH-Ascng M'Kay, Charley Kilchattan Bay Win,, Kilchattan Bay M'Alister, M' n ay, John, farmer, Quochag Macbeth, Daniel, Ard-Ascog M'Kinlay, Dugaid, farmer, Dixon's M'Callum, Jn., post-master, Ascog Dam M'Calium, Dugald, boatman, Kil- M'Kinnon, Alex., roadman, Birgi- cliattan Bay dale Butt M'Cready, Nathaniel, coachman, M'Kinnon, Dl., carter, Mountstuart Blair Lodge, Ascog M'Kiinon, Mrs Marg., Kilchattan M'Donald,Alex., Kilch;.ttan Bay Bay M'Donaltl, Don., sawyer, Kerrycroy M'Kirdy, Aug., shoumaker, Ki chat- M'Donald, Miss Jaue, birgidale tan Bay M'JJoiigali, Robt., farmer, Baruald M'MdL n, Arch., ploughman, Kerry- Hector, Kil- M'DoualJ, quarty-man, t nl a chattan Bay M'Millan, Miss Janet, Kilchattan Kerrytonlia M'Dou^a 1, In., farmer, Bay

Lou^al, ttan Bay : Mc Jou ald Kilch M Kinlay, Mhs, Kilchattan Bay M'Farlane, vlx., farmer, jJiumreucii M'.ir.ly, Mrs Jane, East Lodge, Ban., car enter, lUount- M'Farlane, t Mountstuart fituart M'Kirdy, Mrs Nicholas Jane, hotil- farmer, fi el 1 M'Farlane^ Di., Bare ke per, King irth M'Fariaue, Duncan, iarmtr, Kerry- M'Kirdy, Robert, roadman, Upper crnsarh t-coulag M'Failane, Miss Ct, Kilchattan By M'Lean, Angus, farmer, Duuagoyla M'iie, Arch., carter, Kdchatlan By M'Lean, Hugh, farmer Upper A.3-

ie, Ba.i.el, i Kuchaitan M'i oatma , cog B-y M'Lean, John, Ascog Cottage M'Fie, Daniel, joiner, Kingarth M'Lean, Mrs My. , Wid., Biperhall M'Fie, Ferg., mason, Kilchattan By M'Lennan, Mrs Dan.,i Kerrycroy M'Fie, John, farmer, Lubaa

^LIBRARY^) Kingarth. Parish of Householders.

M'Millan, Wm,, Kilchattan Bay, M'Millan, Wm., jun., boatman Bit chattan Bay Ta~art, Arrh. ploughman, Upper tta amian Thom, Mrs Anua Maria, Millburn, O Asc"g Thomson. David, engineer, Kilchat- Orr, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay tan Bay Thomson, With Lawrence, school- master, Kingrarth

Thorbm-n.D 1., fisherman, Kerrycroy Ferry, Alexander, Kilchattan Bay Todd, Rev. H. H. Ascog Lodge, and Castle Street, Edinburgh

Reid, A., Kilchattan Bay Reid, John, postman, Kilchattan By Walker, Wm., Aucharton villa Rob-rtson, James, farmer, Birgidale Wallace, DL, rabbit-catcher, Pip* r- Crieff hall Russell, Thos., Ascog House Wardrop, Thos.. gardener, Mid- Ascog West, Daniel, Kilchattan Bay S Williamson, Rev. Robert, D.D., Free Church Manse, Ascog Parish Manse Saunders, Rev. John, Wilson, Jn., jun., gamekeeper, East Scott, The-?., farmer, Gallachaa Lod^e, Mountstuart Shaw, Angus, kerrycroy Wilson, John, Mdlbrae, Ascog bank, Ascog Smith, Dav. Adam, Mill Wilson, Neil, gardener, Vineries, Ascog Spencer, Wm., South Park, Ascog Bay Sproul, Andrew, Kilchattan Wright, John, Kilchattan Bay Tileworks Steel, Robert, forem n, Wvll.e, Mrs, Kilchattan Eay Stewart, Mrs A. B., Ascog Hall Stewart, Alex., blacksmith, Aiubush Stewart, Dun., teacher, B r^idale Y Stewart, James, jun., Kerrycroy Stewart, Wm., farmer, Kerrycroy Yuili- John, Gatel.ousa PARISH OF

Currie, Arch., Glencloy, Brodick Cur.ie^ Bon. blacksmith, Brodick Curr e, John, Brodick Curre. Jn., joiner, Glencloy, Brod- Allan, Jf me-,, sen., farmer, Clauoh- ick lands Cur/e, Neil, Glencloy, Brodick Alkn, Bob;'rt. King's Cross Cu r'e, Neil, King's Cross All n, William, G'encloy Curr e, Widow Marv, North Kis« Allan, , Clauehlands Wm cadale, Whiting Bay Allison, Mary's heirs, Brodick

Davidson, And., teacher, Lamlaah Binratjm, John, Lrmlash Davidson, John, Brodick ick, D: niel, King's Cross B Davidson Robt., Brodick Black, John, C

Came-on, Rev Alex., Free Chur-h w Mi'SJ, S'ra hwiiliam Brodick Campbell, William, Co lie Fleck, Mrs Margt., Glencloy Co ik. Arch., Co riegil s Brodick Fiew, Win., Largymore, Whiting Convhe:r, Jas., cast -guard, Lam- Bay la h Fullavton, Ad., boat-builder, Lrm- Cook John, King's Cross lrsh Cooper, Ir Alf., Cooper Anr,us, Fu"art n, Alex, sen., West Fnnwe Whiting Bay FullS on, Alex. ju->.. East I n we,

f ! Craw ' r.l. Miss 'li7., North His lullaron, Alex.'s heirs, Glencloy, cad§ e. Whiting Bay B odi.-k Craw o :d, P., u.d.rkespr, Kings Fnlla'toa, Archibald Anc'.enca'rn C r ss Fu.la'on, loaad B'. '.iro.g, JJKm-i

Crawfor 1 Widow Jances Alma Ter. lash

Brodick Full it i, Br "Ml I amH'sh'

II :. i I |uH Alma Cuinmln , Jni. Au diertuiwrn, II In j's T n , /"r;>Si Terrace, Brodick Cumining, Neil, Clauehlands, Lam- Fuilarton, Eers u s, North Blairmore, lash Lamlash 103 c

Parish of Householders. Kilbride.

Fullarton, Janet, Brodick Hamilton, Wm., Largyhcg, Whiting Fullarton, John, West Glencloy Eay Bro< ick Hasti.i^, Jn., miliar, Moneymore, Fulkrton J> hi, sheriff ol rk A pule, Lama n Alma Ttrra&e, Erodick Hay, Win . ea^h ", f'orn'e 'ick Pulk.rtvn, Ju., shoemaker, Em. Heddle, M ss Ja et. t ache", Mill- Fullarton. Miss Jessie S.,Kilniic' ael, hiil, Lamia: h Erodick Heir/, John. Gl< n loy, Brodick Fullaron, Kisca- Miss Mgt., North Herri ag, George i,.'s heirs, West dale, Whiting Eay May is h Fullf rton, Mrs Lbenezer, Bro lick Hodge, Marl ha, Lrm^aih Fullar.oa Miss, Au.hranie, Brod- Alex joiner, 1 rodick Hunter, , i'k Huaier, Mrs Liu., Corrle Fullartm, Thomas, Alma Ttrrace, Erodick

G Tnglis, Jo^n and widow, Lamlath Gibson, Mrs Mary, Lam.aih Inglis, Lavid, Gleruloy Gray, John, King's Cross, Gray, Mrs Eoht., Coriie Gray, Wm., forester, WeLt Glen- cloy, Erodick Jam'eson, John A.. M.D., Gle- : oy JamLson, Mrs Mary, Altachorvie, Lan Ips'i Jones, James, Emit', Lcmlash

Ealley, Misi Eliz., teacher, Erodick Hamilton, Ad;.m, shij master Gleii- K c'oy, Brodick Hfm'Iton, Alex., King's Cro^s Kenaely, Dav.d, irnkeepsr, South

H. milvon, Arch , King's Cio^s Kiscadale Ham iton, Gavin, Ccrr e iils, Erod- Kelso, Jtmes, fVherman, Cirr'e ick Kelso, J: rues, bo. tin^n, Alma Ter., HamiltcmGav., Aiv enca'rn Brodick Hamilton ar.d Brandon, Willirm Kels<>, i.ibt, Cerricgills, Erolick Alexander Louis Stephen Dcu- Kenne y, John's hiir-., Ivo.th Ki3-

glass Hanoi ton, 12tli Luk of, ca-. a e, \\ I it n 1 ay

Caste, Eridick KeiT r ex, Souti.i i ewton Ham ten, aues, South K'scadale Kerr, Cka'es Au ••! emaira Wl.it ng E&y K<.rr, Loi.a'd, Coirie.

Iton, oame.i, pair ter, GlencL K.e r I uu i, Narahan Ham y ; a Hamilton, Janet, d^e^m-w^er, Lum- K' rr, 1 iulay, Lot; r.ur/.a

lash K rr. ' n'av. P ut \ e»ton Hamilton, John, Knockankelly Kerr, Jame?, £ou:h Newloa

Eamlton, Lewis, King's Cro^s K ir J li i, Coir e Haujiltou, Er., Knock auiielly, Whit- Ksir, on n King's Cross ing Bay Ksr.-, Jn., A ucbe.i

Hamilton, Widow John, Blairbeg K-.rr, Eobtrt, • Ncrtii KkcaJale. Lamlash Whiting Bay 104 Parish of Householders. Kilbride.

King, James, quarrhr, Corrie McEride, Jobil, West Glencloy, Bio lick McEride, John, Oakbsnk, Lamlash

McEride, M.ss Eli .. Cordon, Lcm- lash Leitch, Mrs Marion, Mid Kiscadale, McEride, Miss Helen, Letter. Lam- Whiting Bf y lash Lighthouse, Holy Die Mcl'r'de Miss Jane, Eoreen Lam- Livingston, Robeit, Glencloy lEfh McBri e Thomas, South Kkc a ale Whiting 1 ay McEride \\ idow Jn's. heirs, Corrie gills, Irodick Fa'r, Thomas, carter, Lamlash

Martin, Mis J. h 1, t'outhKisiadale, McCarlrae, Mrs Jane, Glens' irraig Whiting Eay McDorad T> ter, hotel keeper Mathie, Janet, Letter Douglas Hotel, Biodi k Mathie, Miss Jei.n, Knockankelly M'Dougail, Lev Allan, Mid-Sanr.ox

Mathie, Mrs Margt., Knockankelly McGilp, A]ex., Corr'e Millar, Miss, Mid-Kis ada'.e, W bit- McGregi r, CI arl^s, Lamlash

ing Bay McGLl, James Camphe I, joiner, Miller, Miss Mary, Brodick Knockankelly, King's Cr.>s3 M ller, Mrs Eli '., Mid Kiscadale, ting Eay Wh Mcjlntyie, Mrs, Cordon, Lrmlash Mill r, Tl onias, Mid Kiscadale, Macintosh, Jt me , a_eut, Lank Whiting Bay of [Scotland, Lumiasa Millec, Wm., Larryrneana h, Whit* ing Bay McKey.MaTcoItn uncLr gamekeeper, Mont om;rie. Alex., joiner, Lam- L' ciiraiza lash McKe !ar, Mrs Duncan, Blairbeg, Morrison Mrs, C'orr'e Hotl la ulash Mouatt,Wm. CarchngMill Brodick McKelvje, Alex., Mid Kiscadale, Mathie, < ha-!., h e . aker, Lamlash Wh ting Lay Mathie, Ge... t >iW, Lamlash McKelvie, Anguj, Corrie^ ills, Erod- Murray, Patrick, fa.tor, fct.abane. icic B-odick McKelvie, A., Largymcra, Whit- ing Eay Mac McKelvie, Donald, King's Cross McKelvie, John, Corrie McAlifter, Ale:;., Alina Ter., Brod- McKelvie, John, Lar^ymore, Whit- iik ing Eay McAli Ur, Alex., South Newton McKelvie John, Mid Kiscadale, McAlister, Donald, Kortli, hAA, & Whiting Bay

Sou ( Sarmojc MeKelvie, Wm., shoemaker, Lrm-

M< AL-te , N-il, < or'rU lash

McAl i f ter, Angus, Blairbeg, Lam- McKelvie, Mrs DonaM, Lamlash lasii McKelvie, Neil,Auch« ncaira McAlpire, Donald, I est and W«st McKeivie, Neil, Coirie C cks McKelvie, Robert, Mid Kiscadale, McAslan, David, West Glencloy, Whiting Bay Brodick McKenzi^, Arch., jun., King's Cross xu McXenzie, Hugh, Glencloy Pai-lsh of ij.ouseiiOiu.ers. Kilbride.

; Carding Mill, MbKerizi'e, Jn., Auch3nca m Kind's McNicol, Nicol, dyer, Gos; Lamlash

McKe i ie, John, Fin g's Cross McKenzie, Jr., Lanark Villa, Lrm- lash McKenzie, Robt., King's Cross Nairn, Rohert's heirs. Corrie MeKil'op, J;. me-. Pro ick Nicol, Arch., Largybe^,. Whioing Mel innon, Alex's! heir:, Strath- Bay whil.'an Brodick Nicol, Mi s Margt., Largybeg Whit- McKinnon, Chares Glencloy ing Bay Mci' nno;i, Jame/i, Kn» kankelly McEinnon, John, Wet Glencloy, Brodick Mc" innon, John, Prodick McKinnon, Miss, Alma Ter., Erod- Bateron, Adam, South Kiscadale, ick Whiting Bay McKinnon, Mrs Mary, Coriis

McLean, Bev Maltolm,BD, Most end, Brodick Ramsay, Allan, Larybeg, Whiting Bay McMillan, Angus' heirs, South New- Lei!, Thomrs tocher Brwdi k ton RibVe.;k, Ernest, P. st QffitSejEr » ick McMiil n, Ax., Auchencairn Ril beck, Henry, sad !Lr Brod ck MeMi 1 n, Andre w,Woodhead, Lam- Bolets n, Ale'., ta 1 r, Larnl sh lash Robaitson, Mis Wra., L;-ml ish McMillan,* Arch., Knockankelly Robertson, Mrs Junes, Larnksh McMillan, Arch., North Kiscadale,, Daniel, Gorton Alister, Whiting Bay Robertson, Lamlash McMillan, Arch., Lochranza Robertson, Rev. Betir, manse, Lam- McMillan, Euncan, Ballaiia, Loch- lash ranza McMillan, Fn., Auchencairn McMillan, Jn., Auchencairn McMillan, John, Lochranza Sillars, Alex-, Brodick McMillan, Neil, South' Newton, and Si-llars, Janet, Tempe ance Hotel, Lochranza liotel Lamlash McMillan, Mrs Ai'exander, Corrie Sillars, J ohn, jun., Glencloy McMillan, Wm., Cordon, Lamla&h Sillers, John, sen., GlenoLy Shaw, .Arch, pierira ter, Lavnlash McNaugHt, Miss R., SeaSeld, Lam- Shaw, Miss Margt;, North Blair- lash more, lamlash Bank, McNe'sh, Mrs, Lily Lamalsh Shaw, Neil's he rs, North Kiscadale, McNeiJi, Mrs, Cordon, Lanilash Whiting Bay MoNeLh, Mrs Janet, Post Office, Shaw, Robt, carter', Glencloy Lamlash Sinclair, Alex., West Glencloy, Brod- McNeish, Thbinas, baker, Lamlash, ick McNicol, Arch., Seaview, Lam ash Smith, Ge-rge, gar loner, Lamlash McNi ol, Mrs, Gorton Ali.ter, Lam- Smith, Jaine;, overseer of roads, lash Cordon, Lamlash McNicol, Tsa., Alma Ter.', Brodick Stevenson, Miss, Brodick McNicol, Misses Largynure, Whit- Stewart. Arch, joiner, Lamlash ing L'ay 108 Parish of Householders. jailori u.c.

£t:wfrt, Mrs, North Kisacadals, Thomson, Alex., dyker, Cordon, Whiting Bay La'mYash Etewrrt, Jn., Mid Kiscadale, Whit- Thcm;on, Flcra, Larjybeg, Whit- Bay ing Bay Stswait, Mr; Aiex., Lamlash Thomson, John It., inspector, of Stewart, "Rev Angus, Aueheocairn, Potr, Lamlash Whitiog Bay Tod, Jas., Glenkill, farmer, Lamlash Stewart, Thos., shipmaster, Knock- ed kelly £t T rii-ig, John, jun. Lrrh'ash Stoddart, Mrs Mary, Strat.iwbillan, Wallace, John, but h r and farmer, Erodick Whiting Bey Sweet, John, accountant, Eank, Watjon, Adam, Orrie Lamlash Watson, Ge rge C rre Watson, Male tan Lochranza W; t .on, John, L rmer Glen lov Wooley, Aiex., jun.j baker, Brjdick Taylcr, Rev Euncan, Erodick PARISH OF

Cock, Cileries, Slid

< Ook, John, Cloined Baird, Andrew, "Tormore, Shiskan, Cook, Jchn, Drimlab ?.ra Bannatyne, Alexander, Norih Fecr- Ccok, John, West Eenoan line, ShLkan Cook, John's heirs, Slidderie Bannatyne, Daniel, Norbh Fecrline, Cook, Mi;s M: ry, £outh Fecrlina Sniskan Cook, Mzs, Auchenhew Bannatyne, Ann, Nor'.h Feorline, Coo 1.-, Mr? Neil, Auchareocli ShLkan Cock, Neil, Tcryli in Bannat>ne, Donald, Tormore Shis- Cook, Do' ert's he.rs, Cloined kan, Cojk. Widow Archibald's lieir3, Bannatyne, Ebene.-er, North Fecr- C'.< lined line, Skibkan Cook, Widow John, jun., C'oinel Bannatyne, John, Drimghinar, Shis- Cook, Widow My., North Fecr.ine, kan, Shiskan Barn-tyn«>, Neil, No.th Fecrline, Cook, William, Cloinel Shiskan Craig, Alex., Krpt ick, Fhiskan Bannatyne, Widow Mary Brim- Craig, John, Dcu^xr e, Shiskan

g;inar, Shiskan Craig, John, Mat-hre, SI i kan

Black, i ev. Duncan, Mi.nse, Kil- Cr.iwfcrd, Donalo, Killemoie lnnry Crawf rl, Donald jun., 'Jl;c'.:aig

Black, ltobert, Corr!e< iuv:e Crawn r 1, Mm Ann, We t Eennan Big.am, Bouald, Oriubeg, Crawfi rd, ]?ol t., Lien Sucrradale Boa, WalUr, Dipping Crawford, Widuw Ms ry. Weit Een-

Brodie, John, Pe: rio 1), nan Brown, Duncan, Crxw Cummh g Ar b., Dipping Ir.iwn, Duncan, Mid Thundergay dimming, Dun. an, Dipt ing Brown, Jaiiiej, Cr;.w Ccmmi lg, Jane:, Dipping Brown, John, farmer, Shedo2r, £his- Cumming, Wil:iam, Dippiag kan Cunie, Akx., Bennh'; rr -; n Brown, Mr3 James, Sliddcrie Cur i-, Donah', Whiteiarland

J.rjw.i, Neil, carpenter, Cr.nbeg Cu re, Jas , Diu nado n, Si.i. kan Cm re, Jame3, We t Bennan Cr,rrio, John, T< rm re Phiskan Cirrie, Jchn jun., bcutb Feor ir.e, Shitkan Cameron, Miss Flora I., Perriich Currie, John ten., South Feorline Ckrk, Neil, smith, Urinbeg, Loch- ShLkan ranza Currie, John, sen., Mid Thunder- Cook, A., teacher, Slidderie gay Cock, Arch., West Bennaa 1M Parish of Householders. Kilmory.

Currie, Mr,s Margt., Clauohag Henlry, Rsbt., Perm ch Shiskan P.u iter, Arch., Leveuorraoti Cu-r'e, Neil, Mi I Thun iergay Huter, Donal !, We t Bennan Curr e, Peter, G en'oig, Sh .lean Hyaiimo, Jamas, North Pejrlina Carrie, Pet r, She-log, Shi; km Cnriis, Robert, Mid Thunder'ay Shiskan Carrie, Ronald, TormKrs, SI i kan

Cuivi , Widow John, Tormore, Shis- kan

Cti re, Wm , Ballygowan, Shi-kan Jamieson, Jas., inn-keeptr, Kildonan Currie, William's heirj, Turbjg, Sh'skan D Kelso, Pi day, Nrrth Thunderjay

1 Dewar, Ja ?., hota'-kepper an 1 farm- Kebo, I i day, Ori lheg er To.'yl n, Lagg Ke'.so, Wid.iw Ja.et, O^bibeg Downie, John, High Ki3m,">ry Kennedy, Ohas., 1'ien, Shi kan Diw lie, Donald, O rriecravie Ke r, Alex., Ni r h Thu ide gay

Downie, Neil, teacher, Aue'aagallan, Kerr, Gharles's I eirs, Wid efariand

Shiskan Kerr Da : iel, Per.ric'i, Shiskan

Kerr Dam.l's heir j, Ball-ykine, Shis- kan F Kerr, Pa id, '"'atacol Kerr, Dunean, lalicu er, Dougarie Ferns, Jn., coast-guard, Pladda Kerr, Finlayj Killimne Pe g'ison, Dane., Toibeg, Shiskan Kerr, Jame^',-:, heirs, Penr'och Pe gu>on, Isabsila, We^t Feman Keir, Joim, Margnahegli.h, Lcoh- Fe: c u'.on, Jamei, fm t"'i. Si i ie: ie ranza - Pergu ion, Miss Mary, We t Pe \nan Kerr; Jn., North Pe rPch ler.mon, Peter, Levancorrach Ke;r, K< bt , Mid-i i.u uler ;ay

P> r uson, Wm., Wet l.eman Pe r 11 bt postmaster, t riiiheg , Pudarton, Miss Jai.e S., Whitafar- Kerr Rolit., shipmaster, Mai-gnahe-

lond 1: ih, Lochranza

Kerr ir Stei i, Mrs Isa., Orinbsg Kerr Widow Oath., Oirnl.e ••

Greig, James's heir?, Pieii, Shiskan Greig, John, Penrioch, Shiskan L Pe : tch, Cafch., Slidderie Limpuy, R. chard, coattgmrd,Pl dda LightUoUje, Piadda Island Ham'lton, Alex., Kildonan Hamilton, James, Ballvmeanach Hamilton, John, f aimer, l_a-iinlabi>ra, Hamilton, Malcolm, Balgowu, blns- kan Mathie, James, Corriecravio Hamilton, Jas., Durnai:e„ch, Shis- Miller, Alex., Maignahegiih, Loch- kan ranza Henderson, Donald, Torbeg, Shiskan Miller, John, Drimlibara Henderson, Mrs Mary, Clauchag Millar, John, Margunsh Henderson, Widow Oath., Slidderie Miller, Peter, Dipping Miller, Mrs isa., Auehanbejw Parish of Householders Kilmory.

Morion, John, Machrie, Shi kan McBride, Eob'^., \ Earnx-hie Munhy, Alexander, Auchenhew McCermick, Rev D. gald, Free Mu/rehy, Aich.bald, jun., Shen- Church Manse, Csfc.col nochie McCurlie, Bonald, Bally nun ach Murchy, Archibald, jun., White- f^rland McDonald, John u.v Past Bennan Murc'iy, Archibald, sen., Sh;n- McDonald, INti West Sonnan ncchie McDonald, Widow Cath., Levan- Murchy, Donald, Kilpatrick, SLb- coir; ch kan McDongald, DuguM, L

Feorline, ! hiskan McFadyen, Campbell, Dr mghinar Murchy, Pinky, Whke r arland, Cat- acol McGregor, Duncan, Torbeg, ShLkan Murchy, John, Kiltrile, Eennan Mclr.tyre, Ar h., teaeher, Bally- Murchy, John, Clauchag g^wan, ShLkan Mur hy, Peter, AuLhagallan, Shis- kan Mclrityre; John, SliddeLe

1 Muiciiy, Widow Jane ;, Kilpatrick, Shiskan McKelvis, Alex., Di; ping Mu 'chy,Fin'ay's heirs Whitefcrland, McKeliia, Alex., Kiipatrick, Shis- Murphy, Peter, Clauchag kan McKelve, Donald, Kildonan McEelvie, Neil, North Feorline, Shiskan MAC McKelvie, Robt., Kilpatrick, Shis- McAllister, Angus's heirs, To:beg kan M< Allifter, Archibald, Clauchag McKenzie, Angus, Tormore Iv! c Mister, Charles, Sliddtiie McKenzie, Arch., Drimlabara MAllirter, Donald, Auchagallan McKen-'ie, Donald, East Bennan ShLkan McKenzie, Gilbert, jun., Tormore, McAlist r, Donald, Brirngiinar, SShisk&n Shi kan McKenzie, James, High Kilmory McAlist r, Donald, farmer, Kilpat- McKenzie, Jn., Eallymiehr.el, Shis- rick, Shiskan kan McAli t r, Duncan, Slidderie McKenzie, John, game-keeper, Dcu- M'AUister, Hector, jun., Glaister, garie, Slukan Skiskan McKenzie, John, T&rheg, Shiskan McAlU ter, Hector, sen., Glaister, McE'en; ie, John's heirs, Souta Feor- Shiski n line, Shiskan McAlist r. Arch., t acher, Margna- McKenzie, Miss Mary, Pest OfT.ce, hegli h, Lxchranza Ei h Kilmory McAlli.ttr, io n, Ch;u -ling McKenzie, Peter, collector of rates,

McAllister, John, Ballykine, Shis- , Termer.-, Shiskan kan McKrtiiie, Widow Mr.rgt., Shen- McAlister, Jn.J Kilpatri k, Shiskan l.ocliie McAlister, John. Bliddeiie M'Allilter, Matlhe.., Tcrbcg, Skis- McKinnon, Alexander, East Bennan ken McKinnon, Alexander, Kilpateiek, Shiskan McBride, Alex., merchant; Shedog' McEinnon, Alexander, Cataol Shiskan McKinnon, Archibald, teacher, McBride, Alex., registry, Margna- X>uuilabara 1" heoliih, LochV:" 101 Parish of Householders. Kilmorv,

McKinnon, Charles, West Eennan McKinnon, John, fmur'ig McKianon, Mrs Eli?.', Gle r-e Nairn, Jrmes, mii'le?; Shedog, Shis- McKinnon, Peter, C

McLachlan, John, grocer, Catacol McLarty, Donald, 'l\rbeg. Shi&kan Reaside, Geo., under game-kesper, McLarty, John, Bennicarrigan Kilpatrick, Siiia'can McLean, Rev. John, Fre3 Church, Reid, Pete,', Shannochie Torb:g, Shiskan Robertson, Arch., North Fejrline, Shiskan

McMaft r, John, Pien, Shiskan Robertson, Arch., Torbeg, Shiskan McMaster, Widow Donald, North Robertson, Don., Altg Jach, Shiskan Feerline, Shisken Rojertson, Don., Torbeg, Shiskan McMillan, Angus, Whitefarland Robertson, John, Torbeg, Shiskan McMillan, Ann, North Feorline, Robettson, Mrs William, Kilpatiick Shiskan Shiskan McMillan, Donald, Imachar Robertson, Wm., Ballykine, Shiskan McMillan, Donald, North Feorline, Robertson, Wm., Torbeg, Shiskan Shiskan Robertson, Wm., roadman, Bally- michael, ShLkan McMillan, Donald, Penripch Royal National Lifeboat Institution kan Station of, Kildonnan McMillan, G lbert's heirs, Mi.gna- heglish, Lochranza McMillan, Neil, inn-keeper, Loch- s ranza Shaw, John, Drimlabara McMillan, Pet^r, South Thundergay Shaw, John, East Bennan McMillan, Rjbt., Machrie, Shiskan Shaw, Miss Mary, North Feorline, McMillan, Ronald, Toimore, Shis- Shiskan kan Shaw, William, EiMonan McMillan, Widow, North Feorline, Sillars, Angus, Ballykine, Shiskan Shiskan Pillars, Alex-, Au.-hagallan, Shiskan Sillars, Ah. jun., Ballykine, F .iskan McNeil, Allan, Ballymenoch Sillars, Daniel, North Thundergay McNeil, Robert. Ballymenoch Sillars, John, Imachar, Shiskan McNeil, Widow Janet, Drimlabara Sillars, Jn's. hehs Toim ore, Shiskan McNeish, Alex., West Eennan Si lars, Peter, Ballykire, Shiskan McNeish, John, Slidderie Sillars, Walter, Auchagallan, ShL- Mf-Nicol, Alex., Moniquil, Shiskan kan McNisol, Arch., Ballymichael, Shis- Sim, Arch., Auchagallan, Shiskan kan Sinclair, James' heirs, Ballj m.chael, McNicol, Jas., Moniquil, Shiskan Shiskan Speirs Matthew C, Clauchag, McPherson, S eirs, Widow John, North Feorline, : Jane, Clauchag Shiskan Stewart, Alex., Corriecravie 111 Stewart, Alex., East Bennan Parish of Householders. Kllmory.

7 Stewart, A ex , Ei'.donan Taylor, 1 Nei , Lsveioorrach Stewart, A ex. j n., Olauchag Taylor, Tuomis, L v«n TOrrach r Stewart, A'ex. ten., Clanehag Ih:m? n, Alex., Auohadiar, Shio- Stewait, Charles. Clo'r.el kan Ste ait Donald, Aik ha lhev Them ;on, Donald, Aujhancar, £his- Sievait, Donald, Co,' i.vnwie kan F te vart, John, Altgola'ch, Shwkan Thorn ion, Donald, Shedog, Shi kan, Ste va. t, John, Cor iecavio Thorn on, I'u i., Anc' e icar, Shi -.kan S'ewait, John, I i



Baillie, John, joiner, 14 Glasgow st A Baillie. Margt. K., 14^ Glasgow st Baillie, Mrs Janet, 5 Cardiff st (back Agnew. Andrew. Glasgow street land) Alexander, David, photogra; her, 8 Baillie, Mrs Marion, 4 crichton st Bute Cardiff st eet ; sea view, Bailie, IioLt., engineer, 30 btuart st

; Ttr Bai;l e, Tlomas, 4 ciicntm st Miss Agnes. 1 9 Glasgow st Baillie, labouier, 8 crichton st . Alexander, Wm.,

Alia >, Archibald cab-hirer and car- Bannermau, Mrs Margt., 49 GLsgow ter, 43 Glasgow St., and 2 how- st

- aid Street Barbou' , John, farmer, Balliek Hot Allan, Janes, inland revenue officer, Barclay, Mrs Helen, 1 Kelburn st 6 Cardiff stieet, and 20 Millbrae, Barlas, Misses, .Bute .Ter we^t End Barr, Mrs Mary, 22 George st Allan, James, carter, 10 Glasgow st Bartholomew, James, cab-hiier, 38 and 8 George st Glasgow :-t Allan, James liesher, 27 Glasgow st Baxter, 1 aniel, Stanley House, Fia- Allan, Mrs. 6 Cardiff street t'ry ray Ed Allan, Mr; Mary, Howard st Beaton, Robert, quarrier, Barrend st

AUan, Mrs .. ;tr/. 26 Kelbii n ft Bell, Alex., missionary, 26 Glasgow st

Alia i, William, baker and grocer, Bell, Allan, missionary, 32 Geo ge St 9 clas ov strees Bell, Miss Margt., 6 Kelburn It Ande son, James, shoemaker, 23 Bennett, John! grocer, 2 crawfo d Et Eelburn st Black adder, Wm., glass merchant, 20 Ander on, Jai., printer, Ashfield, Kelbum st Fames Bay Blair, Daniel, baker, 32 George st Andeieoa, Mi;hael, 9 KeH>u:n st Blair, Miss H, 33 Glasgow st" Anderson, Robert, pi inter, lairlie 1 lair, Wm.. carter, rarrend st

rank, Lute Te race Bonthron Mrs Annie. 1' it lay, Karnes Andeison, Thomas, 22 crichton sd Eay

Auld, John, ma^oE, 22 Ritchie tt Boyd, William, 15 stuart £]t Boyle, Charles, 32 Geer e st Boyle, James, joiner, 3 Crawford st Bowman, MisMgt.. Spence, Karnes Bixden, Henry, 8 carciff st Biown, Francis, Baillie, Thomas, farmer, upper Kirk- Maryhill cot., Bute ton Ter Brown, James, Baillie. James, 25 Glasgow st C. E., 18 Kelburn st Brown, Miss Annie, 25 Glasgow Bai.he, .' ames, baker, 7 and 8 Quay- st Brown. Robert, head st 47 Glasgow ,«t Brunton Alex., Ba'llie. Jaare3, mason, 5 Cardiff st Rev 25J Glasg ow at Bry.e, Mrs Agnes, 8 crii (back lan.i) htou ,-_t BryBori; Williarn, 24 All.'.n, James, 27 Glasgow st Glasgow st lu iting, Miss Badl.e. John, gieeu-grocer, 14 Glas- Annabdla, 10 crichton et gow tt Jas., IdS I Burnie, mason, Mountstuart p1 Parish of Householders. Cumhrae.

Burns, J. P., 14 Stuart E« Crawford, Miss Eliz., Springfield, Boitcl a-d, Alex., carpenter, 22 Car- Bute Ter diff Bt Crawford, Ninian, draper, 2 cuill- Byers, George, shoemaker, 10 Guild- ford ^t fosd St Crawford Wm., Eut^ Ter Vi aw ord, Win., builder, 10 Miller st Creed, Mrs Hizabetb, Rutland cot., C 23 Gtorge st CuunitiTham, Andrew, butler, 5> Caldwell, Kobt., mason, 20 Millbrae Gnil Ifoid st Calendar, James, Kilmichail House, Cnnn'n ham, John, baker, 4 Guild- Bnte Tar for

• cot., west cay Cunningham, Thomas, 9 Guildford st Cameron, Miss Isabella, 1 4 Kelburn st Campbell, Colin, blacksmith, Miller st Cam be'l,Tames Edward, writer, ivy Davidson, Ja3., st3ward, 3 Crawford

Biuk . st Campb.il. Peter, jun., sugar refiner, Pavidcon, Mrs Robert, 4 Ke'burn St

Si i 'Ja-igo v st Djwar, Jo n, giocrr, i.ill r st Carm i.chael, James, grccer, 14 car- Lick, Mrs Margt., Auc^ngrer, Bute ditf at Tor Casse Is, Mrs Mar:.,t., 12 Guild ord st Dickson, D. J,, hotel-keeper, 1 Quay-

Chamberlain, Mrs Marion, 45 Glas- h=a 1 st gow st Dickson, William, 21 Cardiff st Cla;k, Duncan, labourer, 11 Cardiff st Don, Miss Annie Thomson, 43 Glas- Clark, J..B. MeA, Karnes Kay gow st Clark, Win., tinsmith, Kilmichajl, Dojnley, Archibald. 12 c'asgow st Hou e, Bute Ter Dove, Miss Jan t L. 20 cr chton st

Clark, YVui., We-.twooi west Bay i ou: a;, Mrj Cath., 15 caitiff st Cochrane, John, gr cc r, 12 car liri St I owuie, Jo.iu, Luwn crai^ Cook, George, dou las villa, tames B Drumn.ond, Miss Isa., 'si George st Cook, Mis Chr stina, rarlaud craig Dry adate, Mrs Agnes. Sihna ho Kame; ray Dumaa, Thomas, jun., wr.ght, rar- Cvopeiative Society, Ih, Cardiff st rend st Cooper, Andrew, Bartend St Duncan, Thos., sen., 24 Gla gow st Coveut y, Andrew, vane merchant Luulop, Lavid, 'Ia Clyde tt lo' cardilf st Craig, • ames, west Bay Ciaig. Jau.es. glai .er, 3 Crawford st K Ciaig, Mrs Mar^ou, 14 Miller st Ea-torj, Mrs Margaret, drapsr, 3 Craic, Wa, tna i reer, 3 crichton st " C;awford, J as., lar ner, l-iggatocli Cric-iton st George st Craw ord, Miss ^ath., Springfield, Episcopal t'ehooihousg, buoo Ter Ewing, Mrs Mary JL., 19 G.agc.wstj Crawford, Miss Margt.. Howard st lowing, Wm., engineer, 16 Gia^^ovv s Crawford Mrs Jean. 1 Mjller st Crawford. Mrs Margaret, 20 Millbrae 114 Parish oj Householders. Cumbrae.

Graham, John, forester, Balloch Bay Graham, Mrs Margt., 18 Barrend bt Gra:it, James, Kamea Bay Fergus, Jessie A., 32 Geo-gp st] Grant, John C., 14 stuart st on, A.c'i., s Gra..>t, Pet,r, gra.n merchant, 17 Fer L u aman, Miller st Fer^u on, C >iir, seaman 2)Milib-ae Gias^.j 5 st Cardiff Ferni ), Willia a : ., tn_;ii,e3r, 44 and Grant, WilTam, 16 st 46 Glasgow st Gray, Mrs, VVojdUnds ho

F nnn.

st and 1 Barren 1 st

Fulla ton, Archibald, | blacksmith, Haddon, Ge or:;e, 32 George st Howard st Hall, Alexander, sheriff common Fyie, Miss Jmia, 24 Kelburn st Hall, James, labourer, 12 Miller st Hall, John, mason, 1 Miller st Hall, Mrs Jane, Mdler st G Halliday, Thos., fisher, 42 Glasgow Gall, Mrs Elk., 13 Glasgow st Hamilton, Chars, labourer, 14 George Gardiner, Jn,, s(jii:t-dealer, 34 Glas- st gow tt T Hamilton,, Janet, Dumfries bo, Gardm^r, \V m., bak.r, Dumfries ho Mrs Hamilton, Jessie, Craigevrug Gibb, Alex, coal-merchant, 5 clyde Mrs ho st Kr;mes Bay Hamilton, Martha, Gibb, James, seaman, 13 Glasgow st Mrs 11 Kelburn st Gibb, John, 2 Barren ! st Hannah, John, pattsrn-makei',2 Gibb John, ma on, 4 Cardiff Et Gibb, John, weigher. Crawford st Hardy, Karnes Gibb, Miss Agnes, 23 stuart st Mrs Mary, Bay Harley, Eliza, carlton ho, Gibb, Miss Jan.t, 4 Cardiff st Mrs Bute ter Gibb, Mrs Eiiz., 2 churchiil stj Harriott, 13 Miller Gibb, VVni., teaman, Arthur, st Hastie, Gi.kisoa, Janus, staman, 22 Cardiff Wm., painter, 13 Guild* ford st st Gilkiion, John, seaman, 6 Quayhead Hazjlhurot Chas, Harrison, organ* st 1st, George st Hen. ry, Y., Tourville, west Gilkison, Mrs Eliz., 3 cuayh=al st G. Bay Xxomiry, Ferry Rd Gilleside, John, ironmonger, 24 clydte James Young, Hendry, Thomas, drill-instructor, st Ke.endaie Cottage Gillie?, Jas.-, Kilmicha^l House, Bute Ter Hill, John, cab-hirer, moss Bank Hill, Mrs Jans, 12 Glasgow st Gillies, John, shipma t ;r, crossbura Hill, Robert, cab-driver, moss Giimour, Mrs Jautt, 16 Ke-burn s* Bank, Kamss Bay Glasgow, Earl of, the Garrison Hill, Kobt., gardener, 20 Miller St Glass, Margt , and Mary, Temper- I, Eobt., Keiburn ance Hotai, stuart st Hi grocer, st !;in5, Hugh, 16 Glasgow st Goldie, George F., draper, 15 Guild- Ho^ od, ba-cer, st lord st H- Thomas, B&rend greengrocer, 13 stuart Goldie, Miss Maggie, Ferry nd Hook, st Houston, Miss Sarah, 19 Kelbura at Goldie, David, carter, 1 woodhead st 115 Houston, Mrs, 9 Clyde st Cumbrae. parish of Householders.

' McGown. John, M.D , 18 Guildford s {Houston, Mrs Barbara, 19 and 11 aid carlton House, Eute Ter Ban-end st McGraw, ., coal merchant, Barr- Houston, Mrs William, B% sttiart st Wm end st Hughes, John, baker, 17 Kelburn st McSuckin, pawnbroker, Fairley Bk Hunter, Alex., joiner, 28 and 33 criehton st McHaig, Hugh, weit End Hunter, Alex., yachtsman, 22 stuart Hunter, Andrew, joiner, 20 Miller st Mclndoe, Alexander, collector, 22 Hunter, Charles, mason, 13 clyde st criehton st Hunter, Jas., 1 Cardiff st McTnnes, Angus, Beverley ho Hunter, James, jo'.ntr, churchhill st Mclunes, Malcolm, pilot, 22 Clyde st Huuter, Jas., sen., shipmaster, c.uay- Mclnnes, Robert, 22 criehton st head st Mcintosh, James, 19 Glasgow st Hunter, Jane, 22 George st Melutosh, James, 19 Glasgow st Hunter, John, seaman, 15 Cardiff st Mclntyre, John, iron-meiehant 2 Hunter, Miss Eliz. M'Neilage, Crawford st craig-en-rua, Karnes ray Mclntyre, John, mason,"15 Cardiff st Hunter, Miss Jane, 25 Glasgow st Mcintyre, John, gardsner, 8 Car- Hunter, Miss Janet, lamrs Bay diff st Hunter, Miss Mary, 15 Glasgow st Mclntyre, Miss Euph., 1 Guildford s Hunter, Miss Mary, cross House Momtyre, Stewart, carter, 2 criehton Hunter,. Miss Mary M., Karnes nay at Hunter, Mrs James, 49 Glasgow st 16 stuart st Hunter, Miss Margt., McKay, S Alex., painter, 7 Mount- Auchengree,Bute Hunter, Mrs Violet. stuart p1 Ter McKay, Arch., pawnbroker, 5 crieh- Ninian, joiner. 29 stuart st Hunter, ton st fisherman. 5 stuart st Hunter, Kobt., McKay, John, 32 stuart st 'master, cross- Hunter, Robt., ship McKean, James, college st and Glas- house gow st McKean, Mrs Margt., 13 clyde st McDonald, Janet, 11 Kelburn st McKechnie, Mrs Janet,14 West End McDougal, Dun., farmer, Balloch- McKellar, Miss Mary, 34 Glasgow st martin and craigangaur McKellar, Mrs Elizabeth, 32 Glas- gow st McEwan, James, Ferry Eel MoKenzie, Dun., mason, Windsor ter McKenzie, Mrs Agnes, 37 Glasgow st watch- McFarlane, Andrew Greig, McKenzie, Mrs Sarah, grocer, 14 Car- and 36 stuart st maker, 34 diff st Guildford st McFarlane, Jane, 8 McKinlay, David, cashier, Burnside grooer, 9 Kelburn st Mctarlane, Jn„ dot 21 Kel- McFarlane, Miss Matilda, McKirdy,John, farmer, n ether, Kirk- burn st ton Wm., butcher, 19 and McFaxIane, McKirdy, Miss Eli'/., 2o stuart st 20 Guildford st McKiroy, Mrs Margt.. 18 and 20 James, 12 car 'iff st MeFie, criehton st McFie, John, 9 Cardiff st woodland st MeFie, Wrx,, teacl.er, 1 McLaohlan, Daniel, rort r, Miller st McLachlan, Mrs Isabella, 13 Kel- MeGlashan, Duncan, sewing mach- burn st ine manufacturer, Beverley ho MoLfchlan, Wm., builder, Crawford McGill, Arthur, lauourer, 2# George it st US Parish of Householders. Cumbrae.

McLachlan,Wm., labourer,Ritchie Bt Liddle, Matbew, 32 George st McLean, Alex., Karnes Bay Lister, Miss Jane, 13 Glasgow st McLaren; Daniel, joiner, 19 stuart st Little, Alfred, seaman, 1 Cardiff st McLean, Rev Robert, U. P. Manse Little, David, shoemaker, 6 stuart|3 Hunter, Thos., quarrier, 42 Glasgow Livingston, Mrs Jane., 36 Glasgow et St Livingston, Robt., brass founder, (of paterson st, Glasgow,) Fintry Bay Bd Lochhead, Wm., hatter, Barrend st Jack, Mrs Margt., crichton st Love, Robert, 12 Miller st Jeffrey, John, mason, Barren d st Lumsden, Mrs Janet, 5 miller st Jess, Thomas, mason, 14 George st Lyon, James, clothier, 12 Kelburn st Johnston, J., 2 Quay Head st Jones, James, furniture-dealer, 17 clyde St M

Maitland, Mrs Ann, 7 Mountstuart pi Kelso, Mrs Janet, 32 Stuart st Malcolm, A.C,, grocer, 33 Stuart st K-ennedy, Jas., engineer, Lome villa, Marchbiink, We, Barrend st Fames Bay Marshall, Miss Janet, 17 Kelburn st Kennedy, J,>bn, westbourne Marshall, Miss Margt., 17 Kelbumfst' Kennedy, Mrs Thos., wellpark cot Martin Miss Jane, 21 Guildford st Kerr, Bryce, porti ftiesj 19 caidiff st Martin, Mrs Mary, 21 Guild "ord st Kerr, George, f esher, Kerrsland Martin, Wm., gardener, Ferry Rd Kerr, John, fisherman, 5 Cardiff st Martin, Wm., Freeland, Karnes Bay Kerr, John, seaman, 5 Cardiff st Men/ies, D. J. H., csborne villa Kerr, Joseph, surgeon, 11 Kelburn st west Bay and Farrend st Miller, Alex., baker, 14 crichton si Kerr, MissEli/., Kerrsland Miller, James Kames cot Kerr, Miss Jessie, 9 Cardiff st Miller, John, Millerston House Kerr, Walter, fisherman, 9 Cardiff st Miller, Kenneth M» J., teacher, 10 King. James, M'E., engineer, 1 Car- Glasgow st- diff st Miller, Mrs Mary, 10 crichton st King, Mrs Jane, 2 Cardiff st Milligau, David, mason, 24 George st Knox, George, draper, 16 Cardiff st Mills, Alex., engineer, 11 Cardiff st Knox, James, engineer, 17 Cardiff s Mitchell, Mrs Ann, Grove cottage, Kames Bay Mitchell, Wm., Redcliff, Kames Bay Mitchell, William W. residenter, 17 Cardiff st Laird,°Henry, grocer, 13 clyde st Morris, Hugh, 10 Guildford st I Lane, Win., seaman, Howard ht Morrison, Joseph, Lang, John, jun., ^iron-merchant, 17 38 Glasgow Bt Cardiff st Morrison, Mrs Jessie, Stuart st William Lawson, .John, 34 Glasgow st Munro, B., Bar-rend st Leek, James, Thomba.-.k, West Bay Munro, Miss Agnes, 48 Glasgow st Murphy, Neil, artist, juliburh Lemon Mrs Jane F., 20 cly.'.e st Lennox, John, measurer. Ferry Ed Muidoch, Donald, grocer, 22 Glasgow Letham, James, confectioner, and st Murdoch, baker, 2 Quay Head st John, 11 Barrend st Murdoch, Miss Liddle, Martha, 32 George st Janet, 22 clyde »t nr Parish of Householders. Cumbrae.

Nairn, Miss Mary, Burn side cottage Mac Nebon, Daniel M., traveller, Kelburn st McAlister, Arch., goccer, 1 Cardiff st Nis'et, David,' labourer, 22 George and 21 Stuart st st 1 McAli. ter, Miss Mary. 21 stuart st Nisbet, Hay, re burn st McAlister, Ronald, lawyer, 15 Car- Noyes, D.D., Rv F. R. H., Craig- diff st encross ©eor_.e st

McCall, John C, clerk, 10 crichton st McCallum, H., seaman, rurnside McColl, Mrs Mary, 5 Cardiff st O'May, Robt., craigton villa, west McCoinechie, James, 14J Glasgow st McConnechie, James, jun., gardener Orr, William, tinsmith, 14 George 30 Glasgow st st McConechie, Mr3 Agnes, 7 Mount- stuart st P McDermaM, John shipmaster, 29 stuart st Paterson, Alex;,'calenderer 22 crich- McDermaid, Miss Cath., 26 stuart St ton st McDermai \ Peter, hotd-keeper, 11 Paterson, Hugh W., drysalter, cross Stuart st House, George st McDonald, Alex., plumber, Millbrae Paterson, James, 12 Miller st ho Paterson, James, spirit dealer, 27 McDonald Don., 23 Cardiff" st and 28 stuart st McDonald, James, engineer, 16 Car- Paterson, M ss Margaret Blair, 33 diff st Glasgow st Paterson, Mrs Gavin, 32 George st shipmaster, Eel- McMillan, .Alex., Paterson, William, grocer, 32 Glas- turn st gow st shipmaster cross- McMillan, James, Paton, Mrs Hannah, IS Cardiff st burn Paton, Walter, carpenter, 4 Btuart McMillan, Miss Mary, 5 Quayhead sfc McMillan, Wm., 32 George st Pattman, Robert, shipmaster, 7 Kel- burn pi McNab, Rev. J. t\, 'Manse, Bute Ter Perston, John, compositor, Windsor I.JcNair, Colin, 30 stuarfc st Tor McNairj Mi*s Hel n. 6 Guildford st John, Balmoral cottage, McNaughton, Malcolm, shipmaster Phillips, vv\ st say - la Glasgow st Pi illips, Robert, 37 Glasgow sfc McNeil, Wilson, fisherman, 40 Glas- Porter* ; ed, Wil i im, feainan, 6 gow st crichton st, and 5 Quayhead st 3 Glasgow si McVe:.n, Neil, labourer, 5 GurMford Porte us, t\lr; He'en,3 L Prennce, Rob r 7 Clyde st McVey,Mrs Mar t., 9 plyde tt , Printing House, George st McWha, Mrs Eliz., 25 Cardiff sfc

Rae, John, joiner, 6 Cardiff st Nairn, Cutb., grocer, Newton House, Rae, Robert, labourer, 2 George st and 20 21 alaagow st US Parish of Householders. Cumbrae,

Beid, Dr Thomson, reru Bade Shanks, Matthew F., 25 atuart at Beid, Joseph, contractor. 15 Cardiff 8 Sharp, Andrew, Esk Bank, Kamei By Beid, J. Eaton, strahoun cot, How- Sharp, Miss Margt., dressmaker, 13 ard t* Cardiff st Beid, Miss, Cath., fruiterer, 21 Guild- Sharp, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 13 ford ^t Cardiff tt EeiJ. Ivir,j J. M., fVIvus Shaw, Mi;ses, 6 Glasgow st Beid, Eev. James Watson, Bellvue Sliaw, Mrs Eli'/., 6 rarrend st

1 st Bei

Bichavdson, Ilev H. H., St Andrew SheaTCr, Jt Shields; Mrs Margt., 4 Barrend st Biddle, Alex,, ironfonndcr, 2 Bartend Shields, Thomas, builder, 4 Barrend

it >i, Erddell, Hugh, 32 George st Shrubb, Mrs Margt., 37 Glasgow st Lisk, Lavid, mate, Burnsidr cot Sim, David, cabinet maker, 7 ownt- Kit hie, John, (H. M,, Cu&toaas, stuart rl Greenock', 2 Edward ft Sinclair, Mrs Jane, 25 h 'GlaagoW st 2' Eitchie, Mafjr, 2 cu.ldford it, and Sin lair, Miss Maggie, 32 George st Howard st Sinclair, Miss Mary, 1 chuxchill st Eitchie, Mis? Janet, Hillside Cut., Smart, Alex., cli ton, Karnes Bay Howard ,-t Smith, Dr J, W., wiudsir villa, E"tcbie, Mrs Hugh, 2 Howard st west Bay llobe ton, Charles, pilot, mrnsida Pmith, Mjss Janet 34 ftuart st cot Smith, Mrs Agms, Gain ck villa, Robe t on, David, rem Bank west Bay j ltol'trto i, I unc n. 6 Barrend st Somers, John, printer, 25 h Glasgow Kober s >n, George, plumber, vind- st so.- ttr Somerville, Margt. W., 44£ Glasgow WL 'be tso i, Jame^j Ne-sliank st Robertson, James, IS m librae Fome-vi'D, Martha, 44^ Gl.wnw st Rohe ts-on, Kohert, fariifer, Brekourh Staniivilb, Miss Jauet, hot 1-ketp- Robert on Miss .lantt, 20 iii brae er, stua t st Eobertsbn, MissMargt., SGlasfo.vs 8 Som tviile, \<-m., 22 George st B be tsoa, Mn Ma: git., 20 Clyde & Sp~irs, Allan, bak^r, 2S ttu.-.rt et B be: to '., 'ih ma\, Barrend st Spe.rs, Mts l.'^len, 15 kelburn Robertson, "VYm., t.avelle.-, 9 clydes st and 4 Barr n I tt Eos?, Jar., union, panic, 21 stua*t st Steven, Alex. C, teacher, school- Ross John, 8 cricit n ;t honse Roxburgh, Miss Marion, 10 crioh- Stevtnsoa, to.i st Tho3 , mill r, 40 Glasgow st Eussell, Alex., manager, 13 Cardiff st Stevenson, Fobert, 3'2 Ge< rje st Buaell, ewart, Alex Win, broker, 11 Cardiff st S ., porter.

Stewart, Jaine-, 15 Glasgow tfb Stewait, dames, joiner, Jiibrst Ftewa t, Alex., painttr, Barrend st k:3 Stewart, John, sub-factor, itclhtun Cot garrison, Mrs Mary, 6 Kelburn st Stewart, Miss^Janet, Howard st Beott, Arch.. Ardenlea. Stewart, Mrs, Eliz., 12 Karnes BayJ Eel! urn st 118 Stswart, Mrs 13a., grocer. 1 i acd 18 Parish of Householders. Cumbrae.

Guildford st Turnbull, Mrs Ann C, but, side cot Stewart, Eobt., salesman, 2 college Turnbull, Mrs Oath,, 14 killer st st Turner, Edward, fireman, 13 Miller. Stewart, W., lithographer, 32 George st

.st - Tyne, John, clerk, Barrend st Stirling, Miss Margt,, 6 Guildford st Tyre, Eobt., 2 Crawford bt Stirrat, Mrs Mar-t., wood side cot, 44^ Glasgow st Stobo, Miss En., Atlanta, Kames By Stobo, Peter, plumber, 13 Glasgow s Straehan, Wm, carter, 10 car.liff st Walker, Swan, Matthew, portioner, Gawanbk James, Grove House, Kames Bay Walker, James, tailor, cuayheadj Walker, Mrs, 1 Kelburn st T Walker, Mrs, Ferry Kd Walker, Bey. Alexander, M.A,, Tait, Wm., Eavencraig, Kames By Millburn Taylor, James, baker,' 3 Glasgow st Wallace, Charles M., boatman, 29

Ta} lor, Jas., , shuttle-manufacturer, and 31 Glasgow st wellpark WaIlaee,T John, 7 Glasgow st Taylor, John, 21 ; Cardiff st Wallace, Mrs John 32 George st Taylor, John joiner, 11 Barrsnd st Wallace, Mrs Agnes, 40 Glasgow st Taylor, Miss Margt., George st Wallace, Mrs Agnes, 32 George st Taylor, Mrs Jane,- 17 Guild "ordst Wallace, Wm., boat-hir;r, 32 George Ta>lor, William, 21 Cardiff st st Telfer, James, plasterer, 3 Crawford 7 Ware, Miss Eli ., 35 Glasgow st st Watson, Alex. L., 49 Glasgow st Templeton, John, joiner, 2 Crawford Watt, Allan, woodend, Kame? Bay st Weir, John, fireman, 6 Grichton st Templeton, jun., Wm 6 Miller st Willock, Bojde, merchant, clare- Telfer, Wm„ 21 Guildford st niont Thorn, John, jun., farmer, portyre, Wilson, Andrew, 4 Barrend st Downcraig, and Balloch Bay Wilson, George, drugg'st, 44^ Glas- Thom,.. John, sen., farmtr, Portyre, gow st Downcraig, and Balloch Bay Wilson, James, joiner, we~t End Thorn, Wm., plasterer, 28 Glasgow s Wilton, John, commercial agent, 3 Thomson, Duncan^ 1 George st Kelburn st Thomson, Isaac, 6" Cardiff tt Wilson, Miss Mary, 14 Crichton sfc Jas., traveller, Thomson, 37 Glasgow Wilton, Eobt., grocer, Br.rread st sfc Wishart, David, post-master, 9" Thomson, Miss Agnes, Ferry Rd Guildford st Thomson, Miss Annie, Wishart, Miss Christina, 11 Kelburn Thomson, Mrs John, cliff, Bute Ter st Thorn,: on, Rubt., tobac- oi:ist, Hazel- Wishart, Miss Margt., 7 Kelburnsfc cot., Rd bank rintry Bay Wishart, MissEIt'., 26- Glasgow st Thomson, Wm., b' Qjayhead st Wishart, Eev. Eobt., 2S Glasgow st Thomson, fisherman, ,stnart Wm., st Wishart, Wm., 26 Glasgow eft Thorburri, James, engineer, Eellvue Wishait, Wm., builder, Kelburn st^ Towers, James, 1 Guildford st Wood, Mrs Ann. 3 crlehton st Train, Mrs Eliz.., spirit-dealer, 3 Wright, Andrew, traveller, Barrend Cardiff st st Turnbull, John, carpenter, 21 stu- Wright, Mrs Ann, 11 clyde st

, art st 120 Parish of Householders. Cumbrae.

Wright, Wm., c'erk 2 Crawford st stu- rt p! Wright, Wm., church officer, Eute Yuill, Mrs Mpry, crichton st xer Yuille, Wm., painter, 1 Mountstuart Pi

Young, Geo., labourer, 7 Mount-


Kerr, I) ligh*-honpe, keeper Wallace light-house keeper McNeil, James and J ohn, farmers 6 D - ~ > = " » S p. g o

K p '^ (J, ; o H

2 ST --*-* •a S- o -

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oP n So ^ cr c - — B= — £. C p.© ps ja y> a ' 33- © o O - p. EE

S- gglH

P =- = 8= S> BURGH OF

Brown Alx., bank agent, Alexandra Pi Erown Dun. C, bank agent, Dana Alcorn John, Mason,"High st] cot Stafford st Anderson Jobn, Burnbauk ho Brown Hugh, slater, bookseller, S afford st Andrew Rober;, pensioner, Craig- Brown Jas., Buchanan, Dug., Merchant, Geo. st more pi Buc'ianan Dun., port r, shore st Angus Mi»3 A., Imperial hotel inhanan Geo., Merchant,Eirgrove Buchanan Jas., joiner, Combi; a* Buchanan John, fLher, Argyll sq Eunting Mrs Ellen, Fernieknowe st Banks A., printer, Battery ter Burns Alx., mason, Combij B^a'on John, Com Lie st B a' on John, fireman, High st Bell John, )'Ort: r, High st C Bennie John, labourer, Back Argyll Caidow John, gardener, Mossfield Sf] Aw., gatfitter, Geo. st Benwell E.W.. supervisor, Columba Cahleiwood Alx., labr., High st ter Cameron Cameron Alx., Merchant, Argyll sq Befhune Don., labour r, shcra st Cameron Alx., stableman, Tweed- Black Alx., p infer, George st Black Archd., Al.xandra pi dale st Chs., painte:-,Brcadalban6 Blauk Don., tobacconist, Geo. st Cameron Black Don., tiesher, Craigi lei villa st Don., steamboat captain, Blac'; Duncan, laboure-. High st Cameron Strat; aven ter Black Jam s, s-eriff-clerk depute, Cameron Dun., Sorcba road Aig 11 sq ; r., Argyll sq Black John, Lodiissale Cam roil Dun., la Hugh, port r, Geo. so Elack l.ac Ian, joiirr, High st Cameron Cam.ronHu^li, Woodhurn Black Mai., flesiier, Tweedare sfc coaea driv r, Argyll Black Mrs C, grocer, Argyll sq Cam ron Jn., • Bla klcck, C.E.H., iarmer, Steven- st eMalest son ter Cameron MrsM., Tw Mrs Marj., Lorn;t r Boyd Aix., labr., High st Cameron Sam., flesher, Siiore st Boy'i James, baker, Gorge st Cameron Cam >b-ll Alx., hotel-keeper,Geo.st Boyd, Tnos., bookseller, Geo. st ; Campbell Ax., innkeeper, Coubi st Brenan George W. , civil engineer, Cam: bsll Angus, sen., contractor, Craigvarran ; ho Stevenson ter 133 High st T

Biirgh of Householders. Oban.

Campbell Ang., jn., jome^, High st Clark RoVt., Combie st

Campbell Angus, Merchant, Graig- Cochran Jas , Marhn r, Charles st more place Collins Sir Wm., Corron Esplanade Campbell Ann, Battery ter Conn, Jo n, Mason, Tweeddale st Campbell Arch., Tweeddale st Connel Nvil, Dalriaeh Campbell Arch., Mariner, Twead- Coop r E. W., timber meacbant,

n al • st; Soroba road ; ho Athole villa, Campbell Cath, Charles st Oban Hill

Cam bell Don., smith, High st Corson Thos. , auctioneer, Steven- Campbell Donald, burgh treasurer, son te:-; ho 1 Athole villa,Oban Al xandra pi Hill Campbell Don., cooper, Octavia pi Cowan Mrs Ann, Braehead villa Campbell Don,, Wood side hotel % Cowan Mrs Susan, Raslie croft Campbell Don. A., Dungallan ho Craig Jas., smith, Lome Buildings Complied Dun., bank accountant. Craig John, faim^r, Glencrufcten Geo. st Crawford Duncan, Longsdale Campbell Duncan, Dalinr'art farm Creelman Pt., shoemaker, Tweed- Campb 11 Dun., Mevcht., Argyll sq dale st Campbell Dr N M'Nab, Albert vil Cullen Mich.,inland revenue officer, Campbell Eliza, Eatery t r Geo. st Campbell Gilbert, smith, Argyll st Cummiug Js., coach driver, Tweed- Campbell John, labr., Combie st dale st Cam b 11 John, Mason, Combie st Cumstie Jas. Geo., Hollymount vl Campbell John, shoenak r, John Cr.msiie Mrs Char., George st Campi). 11 John, cl rk, High st Gums tie Mrs E., Hollymounfc villa Campbell Jn., shipmaster, Dunach Cums + i-Pt,, Merchant, Viewbank Campb 11 Miss Julia, Argyle cot Cumstie Peter, Viewbank Campbell Mrs Cath., Lorn villa Cunningham W., labr., Quarry rd Campbell Mrs Chris., Station hotel Currie Ax., join- r, vvk dlale st Campbell Mrs M., Springbank cot Currie Hu. , Mariner, Stafford st Cam. bell Mrs Mary, Lorn ter Downie Wm., mason, Longsdale Campbell Neil, grocer, High st

Campbell N . McN., m.d., Alb' rt vil Campbell Peter, inspector of police, Argyll sq D Campbell VVm., burgh Inspector, High st Davidson Miss M., Victoria pi Campbell W.A., m.d., Geo. st Dawon Jas.,com.traveller,Arg\ 11 st Canipa Laz., Merchant, Ejigh st Dickson W., watchmaker, shore st Carmichael Aeh., smith, Airdscros Douglas Jonn, labr., Tweddale st Carmichael Coll, Mason, High st Drummond G.,iruiterer, S< afford st Carmichael Dug.,groc r,Oc"aviapl D-ummond George, Stafford st Carmichael Duncan, sluriff officer, Duncan Alexander, printer, Longs- Back Shore st dale Carmichael John, steamer captain, Combie st K Carmictiael J., Mason, Back Shore st Cart- r John, postman, shoi-e st Ellard Sergt. Bichd., Geo.. Chisholm Dun,, Curling Pond cot at Emslie Alx., Dana cot Chisholm Jn., porter, High st Chisholm Thomas Longsdala Emslie. Marg.,Geo. st Imslie Mary Geo. st Clark Dun., m reliant, Geo. st Clark Miss Jane, Strathaven ter . Burgh of Householders. Oban.

Hunter Jn. Rangitarapl Hunter Jn., slater, T>veeddaL st Hutton Jas., shoemaker. Brea la 1 Fairgrieve W., hawker, quarry rd bane pi Fer uson Alx., carter, Com ie st Hutton Jas., labourer, Combie st Ferguson Aon., joiner, Combie st Ferguson Jas., Binith, Lochside pi Ferguson Mai., c'ar'twright High st Fer uson Mrs Cath., St Columba vl Fisher, Rt., tobacconist, Argyll sq Ingilby Rev. Arthur, parsonage Fletcher Hu., joiner, Hi«h st 'For. .ts Bcv. Ja--., Dunnoran villa Forbes, Rbt., Mercfit., Argyll sq Forrest Jhn., pierinaster, Argyll sq Fotheringham R., joiner, Hign st Jackson Colin, f esher, Combie st Fox, C.H., hotel keeper, 'Stafford st Johns. one Mrs Chris., Airds eras Fraser Rod., Mason, Hi.h st Johnstone Thos., smith, High st Fry John, joiner, Longsdale Fry, Rt., customs officer, Sylvan vl

Kenuedy Jhn., Mason, Longsdale Kerr, John, Mason, Longsdale Galbraith Ach., bookseller, Geo. st Kilgonr, G, painter, .Stevenson ter Gardener Cath., S afford st Ivihjour, J., painter, Stevenson ter Gillies, D., strapper, Tweeddale st Kirkland Miss Mg. D., St John's ho Gilli s, Don,, waiter, Hign st Kirkwood, Jn., baker, Combie st Gillie =, Jhn., pa^i ry cook, Argyll st Gillies W., distiller, Ardconnel lad Graham, A, Mason, Tweed .ale st Grant W., tailor, Argyll st Giegorson M-iss Ann, Eurnban't ter Laidlaw Alx., High st hawker, Argyll sq Grubb Ham., Laidlaw T ., res anrateer, Station

Lam on t Arc , shoemaker, High st Laren Mai., boot., Stevenson ttr Lauder John, boatman, Argyle sq Lawrence Rbt., solicitor, Stevenson ter ho. Haggart Jn., Mason, Shore st ; Cawdor pi Haggart P.., sn., Mason, Faun cot Lees Mrs Mary J., Rochfield villa Hagjart P:., jn., Mason, Combie st Livingston, Ax., Marine?-, Battery tr Hamilton, Jn., Craig cot Livings on Alii., labr., Lorn tpr Hardie, Robe, Combie st Livingston Ach., labr., Combie st Hend' rson, Geo., plumber, Geo. st Livingston Don., flesher, Argyll sq H-ndeison Mary, Longsdale Livingston Don., tailor, High st Hend rson Mrs Marg., Quarry rd Livingston Don,, labr., Airds crea H'. nderson, W., M re ant N, Pier Livingston Dun,, vintner, Airds or Henratty Per., hawker, Argyll sq Livings: on Dun,, labr., Airds pi Hi-gins, R.E.H., editor Sunnvside Livings- on John, Geo. st Hcbb Al„ coach driv r, Laurel lod Livingston John, drapei, Geo. st HosackWm,, Ian daaeiit Dalrig-h ho Livingston Jn., labr., Tweeddale st Hunt Colonel Andrew, Manor ho Livingston John, High st Livings; Hunter, Jas., weaver, High sfc on Mrs Agues, Combie at 125 Livingston Rbt., Mariner, Chas at Burgh of Householders. Oban,

McCaig John, labr., Geo. st McCaig John C., b inker, Geo. Mc( ag st Mathieson Ann, High sh Mies Oath., Gsor^ st M.Cail Dun., fish Ma hissba Don, lab, Argyll sq r, EackViore st McuaU Ac:.i, cabinet, Mathieson Mrs Isa., Euri.b >nk ter ,ak >r, Geo.st '1 McCallum AIx paint r, Ma Aw, railrr, High st , Hi r h st MeCallum Colin, May W. E., fis Lu nhutel.S.eveii- msnge , G>o st Soii tt'T Meazies, D R, joine , Alexandra pi McCallum Don.,s>> M jiizit-s Wiu. sn, buiidar, Strath- amboat captain, aven tcr Burnbauk ter McCalluiu Don., Menzies Wm.jn, joinjr, Hawthorn s:eamboat captain bank Br a lalbane st McCallum Miller .Mis«, Corron esplanade Don., Mas m, TweedJale st Mitchell Hn., lab, Dalri.ich McPallum Dun., farmer, Moxic'ri ff Laurence, Mason, High st Mill farm McCallum Dun, Miartgotfi r/ John, Mason, GLn- port a-, Nursary McCallum Dn., sh. allach ter carter.Back Shore s M Callum Da?., clerk, Morrison Jon, clerk, Alexandra pi Longs ,ale McCallum Hu., solicitor, Monn Arch., firmer, I ongsdale Claremoat place; ho Munn Dim., jo ner, Lorgsdale Dimvorgan v. 11a McCallum, Mmiu Mi.s M.. Lonsdale Jas., joiner, Lorn ter McCallum, Jn . Munro. Am*, ironmonger, Argyll sq s^amboat captain, St Kilda villa Munro J n, iromn >n»er, Geo \.t McCallum Jn., Munro N, coaonbuikL r, Stevenson cabinetmaker, Vic- ter toria pi Munro L McCallum John, labr., Rb , saddter, Geo st High st 1 McCallu n John., Muir Miss Lucy, Alexandra pi labi\, Quarry rd McCallum Mrs Munro Mrs Chris., Burnbank ter Marg., Lorn villa McwaJlmu Mrs Murcheson ur.i J., Tweiddale so Mary, Soroba rd McCalman Dun., Murray Rbt, cabinet maker, Bread- tailor, Stevenson ter alb.mj il McCalman Dim., carter, Charts st McCalman Jas., tailor, Oraigmcrd McColl Pp Mac Agnes, High st ° jf^^J. labourer, Combie st McColl Dan., mineral McAlpine Aw.., sailor,Tvve3ddale manufacturer st Argyll sq McAri u Ax., bank r, Siaffor I st McColl Don., McAr.hur, labr., Shore st Angus, laud steward, McrollDon., Haz 1 cod lab„T,/e,.dlal. st Aicoll Joon, grocer, MoArc ,ur Archd., plumber, S ore st Crai*.a McColl John, Wore pi joiner, Battery ter McColl JN"\il, buil . r, Crescent McArthur Ac'.., grcc r, ri Soroba rd oil Me Pt., tailor, Geo. st McAr hur Chris., Victjria pi Mconnacher Dmul i, M Artnur L. G., Alekan ra j,iner, Glen- hotel s eallacn McAit ur Miss Mary, ter George at McConnacher Mrs McArihur Mary, Victoria Catherine.Gl n- pi sheolla h McAr hur Mrs Ann, ter G orge sfc McConnacher McAnh. r Mr; Isa., High st Mrs Mary, Victoria pi McAr hur McCormiek Ang, carter Hr.h Peter, farmer Pol vinster st McCorquodale A v., labr., McArthur Sarah, Balmoral Quarr -, ri villa McCorquo, aleHu., McCaig Dug., bak draper, Geo. st r, Geo. st McCorquodale MoGalg John, scavenger Dun., banker, Geo. at Shore st 126 ,

Oban. Burgh of Householders.

jn., baker, Vic- MeOrquodale Mai., Mariner, Shore McDougall Dun., st toria id Isr.b 11a S In a cot McCor;]u d els Mrs Janet Ce r je b: McDov.gall Jaie', George ^t MeCo»an Hii., roc r. Argil sq MeDcttgall fei'e Selma c t ' J' C, McCr e Ei>. n., pain r,r, Eat;, r t r McDcugdl all Jn., builfhr, Cjn blesfc Mc'eub >in Mrs Ax., Si raihaVen ter McD u McDougall Jn., carter, Cj'h ie st i Allan, Alrds pi M . Guile c McCullocu Arch., joiner, Corrybag McDougall Jn., fis::er, fc> ere st Jn,, » ewar I, Hi li st cot; M< Doueail McCulloc'i Chas., haib:>ur master, McDougall Jn., labr., Ar yll st regis r:r, fen lmacot Gen. st McDougall Jn., McOullocn John, joinei, Geo. ^ McDo i gall Lien .-Col.; D mollie McDougall Mary, Se ma cot M -lOnlloch Jn., tail r, Tw.e Utales tr McCnllocti Jn., Maun, ('onibie st McDougall Mary Ann, Bat-ry McDougall Miss Louisa, Dunollie McCulLe ' Jo.n, Arg 11 sq ss Marg.. Carrick vl McCulloch John, grcc r, HLjh st McDougall M Mc Julloch Mary, Gex st McDougall Mrs Eliz., Geo. st Flora, Geo. st MeDenirid Ax., labr., G o. st McDou .all Mrs Cora >ie st McDo.a d Aln., lab., Tweeildale st McEwan Mrs Ann Miss Alexandra McD maid Angii', joiner, High st McFadyen Ann pi McDonald Oath., High st McFadyi n Jn., lab, Shore st McFarlane Don., lira tr, Geo. st McDonald Don., por.«r, Nursery \ McDonald Don., lab., Quarry rd McFarlane Don., porter, Ar.-yll st j Duncan, coal Merchant, McDonald Jan. t, Ooluun a fcer McFarlane McDonald Hu.,stjr man, Stafford s Argyll sq McFarlane Hu. d raver, Scrba rd McDonald Jas., mason, Soicba rd ; McDona d Joiin, po,tteri S or st McFarlane miss J Ann, George st rlane Jn., Mason, Bk Argyll st McDonald. Jn., briai bull it r, Suore s McKf McDonald Jn., lab., High st McFarlane Robt., house

McDonald Jn., bak r, Argyll sq agnr- an I mess n er-at-arms,

McDonald Mrs Cath., Oc avia pi &c, Ste • enson ter ; ho Blair

McDonald Mrs, Chris., Airds cres vih , ola i Hi 1 McDonald Mrs Flora, Geo. st McGeac. an Jn., biker, Geo. st McDonald Mur, Mason, Dabiac'i McGdlivray Cath., tiattt ry ter McDonald Right Rev Eis .op Ang., McGillivray Jn., joiner, Sout'i Pier u.d., Loyola vil McGillivray John,te;npeiance hotel

McDonal L Rod., ar I ner,0onibie s C are m on. pi

McDonal I W., lab. Goiubi s, McGillivray John, lab., Shor3 st McDoa^all Ax., grjeer. Combi; st McGillivray Jn., watchmaker, Geo. McDou all R>v. Ax, Scr^ba rl st McDougall Aln.,builoer, Cotnbie st McGillivray Mrs Mary, Argyll sq McDougall Air?., steau.boai, capt., McGillivray Mrd., restaui ant-keep- Ai-.> 11 st er, George st McDougall Ang., builder, Crescent M'Gilvray Ach., Mariner, Stafford s 1 McJou all Ann, Cawdor | McGregor. Ax., Mason, Shore st

McDougall Arc. ., bo.thr, Huh st MeG.r .. cr Don., solicitor, Argyll st; M Dougall Lin., Mason, (Jon bie si. ho Lllemlee villa r, Geo. sc McDougall Coll f r„c McGr gor Don., coach proprietor, McDou .ail Du.d., tna!>oii,Ar_;yle sq Craigni re pi McDou ail Dun., grec r, Geo. st McGregor Dun., draper, Geo. st McDougall Dun., sn., saiich, Vic- McGregor Dun., waiter High st toria pi McGregor Joen, tailor, High &t

litf McGregor Mary, Airds crescent Burgh of Householders. Oban.

McGregor miss Mary Marg., Euro- McKillop Dun, tailor, Geo. st bank ter McKillop Jhn, watchmaker, Geost McGuill, Js., Mercht., Argyll sq McKillop Mrs Rcsy, Sdrofea rd Mclnnes Ax., tailor, Stafford sfc McjCinnon Ax, lab., T a ddale st Mcmnes Dan., shoemaker, Gecrge McKinnon Chs, lab., Shore st st McKinm>n Din, ua,i r, S ore st Mclnnes Dun., lab., Bk Shcre st McKinnon Mrs Jane, Affyle sq Mclniies Miss Ellen Caw dor pi MoXinnon Jhn, lab., Combie st Mclnr.es Mrs Erph., Eurnside cot McKinnon Ne., ironmonger, Car- Mclnnes Miss Flora, Battery ter lick villa * Moiiiiii-B Joen, steward, Combi"st McKinnon W, lab., Kirk st Mcli nes, Jomi, carter, South Pier McLachlan Ax, fl sher, High st Mclnnes Rev. Dim., Battery t r McLachlan Ann, Couobie st Mclmosh Jas., railway agent, Oe- McLachlan Ms C th., Argyle Sq

• tavia i 1 McLachlan Don, ^r cer, Combi st Mclnrosh John, Mas n, Argyll sq McLac dan Dag, dra er Lornebdgs

Mcloet r: Ax., slater, Ea'.t ry ter MoLacidan Hu, joine , Lome b gs Mcln yre Aln., Mail driver, Tweed- McLac Ian Jhn, fisi.er, 7 Slur: st

ii ale st Mc Lac dan J n, fis cr, 10 S ore st Mclntyre Acli., fisher, S' ore st McLachlan L, weaver, Ar yll sq Mcintyi e Ach., fisher, Higii st McLaggan Mrs Har., btrathaven tr Mclntyre Dan., iarnur, Cabraehan McLaine. L., cl.rk, HLh so MclntN re Dun., tailor, Lorn ter McLaurin Mrs Ag., Craig-A' d hot Mclntyre Dan., Mariner, Burnbank McLean Ax, Mason; S n ba, rd ter McL an Aln, <:a ter, HilLide cot

Mclntyre Bun.,baker, Breadalbane Mc! e.in sirs Ca h , T.ve ddale st st McLean Don, join r, Lorn ter

Mclntyr • Jas., tailor, Scroba rd Mc em Don, 1 b, Tweeddale st Mcimyie Mrs Jane, Alexandra pi McLean Miss Hi:., Het.th c< t age Mclntyre John, Lcclrvoil villa McL an H cfc., sailor. C- mbie st Mclntyre. Jo.n, tailor, Shore st McLean Mrs Isa., Si! Columba vil Mclnt; re Jo in. Mason, Ax yll sq McLean sirs Jane, Rockfiel villa Mcliity,e Isabella, High st McLean Jhn, pie master; S. Pier JVIcLiio, r M., i.air> man, Soc. bard McLexn Jhn, lab., Qwarrv rd Mclntyre Pc, carter, Hign st McLean Jhn, sn, lab, Combie st i Mclsaac John, baker-, Ar yll sq McLean Jhn, Mason, Lorn t McKelvie, R B, md, Argj 11 sq McLeod Don, Mason, Combie st McL od Dun, qnarrier, Sko'eat McKenzie Dag, lab ., High st Bk McKenzie Fin v., Lb., Quarry rd Mc eod Gab., gar ;enei , Bakery tr McKenzie Mrs Max*y, Stevenson tr McLeod Ho, Merchant, HKh ,-t McKemie W, architect, Faun cot McLi cis Ang, cooper, Ste\ ensontr McJ'Tercher Pt, druggist, Geost McLucas Ang, s,mith, Shore sc McKichan Agms, Tweeddale st McLucas Mrs Jessie, S rathaven tr McKillop, Ax, porter, High st -McLucas Sarah, "V ic oria pi McKillop Dun., shopman, Tweed- McMaster Don, lab., Park Gate ct dale st Burgh of Householders. Ohan.

M'-Mast t Ma y, Cdumba to r McMillan Alex., farmer, higb st McMillan J n, kb., Ek Shore sb McKevin Ma ilda Hitrh s't Papers -n Dun, Masor. rpipr'v rl McNab Aoh, Mariner, C aijm re pi Pat is n A D., adv .cite, Oi!bjv\ie McNab Pr, care!', Sir ha rd lod£e McNair Ann, Ab re v 11a Pender Ax, b ii!d r. Geo st McNair fcutih), Alb Tt villa Poison Mrs Jane , Airds c -escent McNangkton Don, arc ijiie. r, Ceo Por : r, Pb:, gardener, Rosjueathv st Proctor L.e/ W, U P inxnse McNeil Don, shremiker, Bat erv t McNeil Rev Jim, Da^sy Bank v.I

McNe in Ax , Gw r e hot. 1

McNicrtl Don, • < r r Geo st T Mc hail Ann Cjn.bi st Riach Ge">., rda-tere-, DaMarh Mc'r'hail Ac!i, joiner, Ce~> st Rankine G s, Laiid.e5ser, Steven- Son ier McFhail Don, irerc an , N. Pier

1 McP ail Don. i r'Slft Aelmas tic lio Rankine D n., g-oc '-, Geo st McPhail Dug, fisl er Kikh st Rankin • Pt sn, G aremDiir cot

: > Ee d Dan, haker mbie st MflPhiiil Dun, | or r H'g s; C McBhail Hu., coal MvrcJ;, Steven- R bb wiss L'Oas Rbstbank cot son Wr Rib r: s m Jas, forme:, Gallaha'ch MePhal Mrs Isa., G- org' 1 st Po Le't'J n, i'aiior, Bfeala b"iifepl r McPhail J. n. fi ; .< r, Shor st Rodg' W., mad sur ey< r, Batti ry Ier McP is n Ax, fis >r, S • r i sb McP tr; n Dun, Merc it, Argyll sq Ross Kb*-, lab T.vpelda'e st

McP.) ison D i", lab., T*Ve l.ial s Ron an Dun, i r c r, Ell ns'ea vil Mcpherson Mrs Eliza, Airds pi Rutherford Jolm, photographer McPhe s n Hct, iiumi n, Gimbias Gar m >n pi McPherson Jim, Mason, Geost Ryan John, ti»h merchant, jiigh st McQ e i Ax, ns r, Geo st

McQue n Dun, tish> r, S .<• e sfc Mo'l ig art Ax, join -r, Air s pi s Mc'J'avish Ax, no el k ep B r, Geo st Sc nler Rribt., proprietor, quarry rd McTavia Acn, cjal Me.ch , ti^rj- She Idun Hu., Mason, Arg il s" ba rd Sim Jn Fr, i.an i rg nt, Uavvdrr pi McV an m:'ss Ann, Cawdor pi !Li ,cln r D n., b ;ii er, Ba cry er McVica Ac , GreentLtrden cot S ncl; ir Hu., lab n rer, (Ji mhie si Mc\ ier Don, Gr enGi.rJeii cot Siac'air Jo n, sere an', SiaffirJst

Sinclair Miss Cbr^s , Staffi rd a; &i iclair miss Jai.et, S afford sb L > i ic air Be r. Si atf rl s

Skc en Jas., 1 N vin Adw, Mason, Higb st bjikse r, Haw.hora bank N.vin Jim, p'ast ier, Quf.r y rd Skinner Hu., sc'ionlmisfer, Nicholson Air, Mas.m, G'ena elach Geo sb Sir.eiton Pt, Quay re,\ Nicholson D n, lab., So iba rd kbr. Gejsb Smi .ii Ax., cnac Nil hols in Jn, b >atman, Soioba id man, Eurobank tr

1 Smioh Ax., inspector, A!mi cr.s Nichols n Ma ., bja in n, Geo nt Nicol Jas, solici Smich Jos., smi h Long dale o , George st ; ho fcm cli Ciiiigiovar villa Rr:v Jim., S G , mans3 Swm rvilie Rich., coachman Noble Don, photographer, Geo st Tweet- dale so 120 K Stevens jn Jas, builder, Firgrova Burgh of Householders. Oban.

Stevenson, W. shoemkr., Argyll sq Stewart Chs, slater, High st V Stewart Don, labr, High st Stewart Don, vintner, Airds pi Vass Ax., sculptor, Gowan brae Stewart J F, grocer, Bread albanes Stewart, Rod, fisher Shore st St attan A., gardener, Hydropathic W Sutherland Dvd, Gt Western hot Wallace Mrs Emelia, Combie st Sutherland Jhn, Battery ter Watson Geo., painfr r, Lome bdgs Chris., Charles st Swan Miss Watson Rich., banker, Geo st Whyte Dun., watchmaker, Geo st rp Woyte Miss Cath., George st Whyte Rev Chs., Glenlyon lodge Whyte W., baker, Tayh r Rev W C, A'exancra pi Sor.'ba rd Thorn W, Grand hotel Whyte W C, slater, Shore st Thomson Dug., cartwright, Combie Wilson Fran, Mason, Breadrdbanest Wilson John, joiner, st Bellevue ho Thorn on Jhn, inspector, Burnbank Wilson, John, Crown Hotel, Caw- ter dor pi Tod John, Stevenson ter Wilson W., engineer Breadalbane st Wright, Ax., baker, Turner Lewis. Mariner, Argyll st Lome bldngs Wyllie John, quarrier, High Turner sirs Cath.. Glensheallach tr st Turpie John, Ba' moral vil Turpie Mrs Agnes, Balmoral villa Tyson Jaa., Mason, Dahiach Young David, joiner, Lcrn ter PART III.


STREET LIST. Size—17 by 13 Inches, Drawn from Ordnance Survey, 4 Miles to 1 In eh.

ROTHESAY: GEORGE HIGGIE, PRINTER, Sec, i \9 -) 22 Bridge Street. v _. n


Mrs McKinnon 75 Jas. Galbraith, gar- 12 Mich. Muir, stationer Albany terrace dener 13 Wm.Browniie, flesher 81 Neil McNeil Mis3 MoLaclila-i 14 Rbt. Watson, gioctsr 74 Miss Mgt. Bannatyne Jamjs Bi'ovvu Mrs Mary Stewart 74 Mrs Cath. Turner Mi s Glass Gilbert Fleming, 74 John S. McAndrew Mrs Tayl' r sheriff officer 74 Allan Munro John Adam son 16 Daniel McKinlay, 74 William McLaggan, Mrs Cumrie tobacconist librarian Jas B Turner 74 Dn. Currie, cab owner Alma terrace. 74 James Finnie, grocer 74 Jas. G. Finnie, clerk Albert place. Hugh Moiton, grocer Donald McArthur Cor. McGallagray 2jA. Brown & Son, dra" draper Mrs McLean p.-rs Joseph Black, grocer 71^Aw. Blair, gardener John Smith, fish- Mrs Isabella Black James McLean, coal- monger Mrs Miller dealer And. Holmes, grocer 69 Miss Martha Paterson L Daniel Reid, boatman Ardbeg road. 65 J. G. Johxs on Isabella Purvis, dress- Mrs M >ry Webster maker Henry G. F. Newall, 61 Miss Rosina Hagart Peter Leith, druggist gentleman, Eilyer h William Barrett 5 And. Holmes, groc;r Hugh Urquhart, spirit 59 Mrs McLean 6 Robert Smith, shoe- dealer Mary McFie maker Francis Oatman 58 John Kiston Wilson 7 Hugh Lauder Mrs Strachan 57 James McEwen 8 Hu. Lauder, jeweller Arch. McNicol, sea- Mrs Sarah Hope 9 Alexander Raukine, man 54Joiin G. Johnston, fruiterer Miss Janet Ewing gentleman 10 Donald McArthur, Pt. Guthrie, grocer Mrs Hupe 11 Neil McDonald, sea- R BStewart,|contrac- 56 Pd. McDougal, engin- man tor eer Alex. Ross, joiner 75 Quentin Kean, ship- 53 Ax. Pt acock, plumber Ax. Nicholson, joiner master 52 John F. Henderson, Jas. Stirfcon, joiner 75 Margaret Stewart gentleman Jas.Kennedy, seaman Hugo McBride 131 & h

Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

51 Miss Jane Murdoch 21 Miss Frnser 20 Miss McVey Daniel Miller, cabman 20 Wm. Patrick, seaman 19 T o nas Cr.rri 19 Mrs B c .an an 18 Tho "as Roach, cum- Mrs Mario 1 McAr hur 16 Mrs I'upb. Ynmg in jrcial trav Her 50 Mrs J n t Gu in 14 tto. t. Or, s enffsub. Mr- El.z. Lockie, or 49 Mi-s Margt. B is oa 13 M s Mu-y Li Liw Al ie. 47 Miss Auii'MoFie 12 Mrs Mary Croil or Mrs J. L. Kelly Jn. Eowler,geut e nan Mac bride » 17 Mrs M Gaw joiner 11 Mrs Slott 48 D . Lim>nt, 16 Miss. Wales 44 Dm. C lisolm, gar- WiilmmWorthin^to-i, 15 M ss Jane Mouafc

dener W. Heiil'rs* i. grocer 14T.ios. Fyfe carpenter 43 Mi^s Ann Hannay Wm. Mil doc 13 K bt. B.rcl ty Mrs Ann Rjdgers Ju. Brp_w.ii, seaman G p.S. C inbe, eu^iu- c

Miss Young Mrs B vati I i-er in. - Mrs Smith D G irrie, join or Am . Hunter, draper Wm Russell J hn Br 'vvu, sea, nan 12 Ahxand r Rankiue,

Peter Giyham E^v. Samuel Gabo t muter r

My. Ann McKechuie Mr . La g 11 Jas. Hunter, grocer 4*2 M.s Ja e Stone Miss Eliz. B own 10 Co . M Guire, spirit- 41 Miss A. Primrose Miss K.iz. Eouids dealer J ssie A. Gray Mrs J an Hu ton 8 Joioi MA'pine, con-

1 40 Miss Mify TurnlTull Ju. Sproua, j iner fectioner 39 Match wTir ibull 6 Jn. Brown, se iuiu John Pollock 38 Peter Diiaj ar, artist 6 Jn. Niehul on, geoile- 6 Jo n Pa e^son, ''rap r 37 Mrs E iz. Gil s man 5a Mrs Hau.iay 35 Dav.a McH iihe, iron 5 Ax. Williamson, sbip- 5 merchant ma.-t r 4 John Duncan. ;o: >er

33 Ch ist nn, Jan?, and 2 Mrs Eliz. B. Buch- 3 Ju. G.bso. , uuither

Je;-id G old anan 2 E ' n. St wait, curk 32 Mrs Brand 1 M,ss Mary Buchanan cutler l^Janet Stewart Miss Helen Br, \vn

.' Rt. Campotii, bottb- Ardmory road. 1 Tiio a j Ci . pue 1, blower tobacconist Jas P. trie, shipping : A hfr t -r Win. Mu ". ag n lvie Mrs Beu y McK Mrs H:in:l on ner N.Oimubeil, gard' Earquhar Finlayson, Argyle sirest. 89 John Hrown, grco-ii- shipmaster 45 Mrs j&olsa c 29 Mrs Leitcli Arch, t'r.iWlo d, wri- 41 M -s Uh. Martin Mus E iz. Ti ornson ter 43 Mrs Stew aru Miss Mi i-t. Thomson J. ih i B>v\ie, dyer Mr C; a in is Miss E;iz. Alian Ch istin i, Janet an I o bereson Agues Lo ;an Gi R 23 Miss A ins Gioson Mrs Mccaniay Mrs Eliz. Giuies Geo Sharp 42 Mrs iu I i ea Mrs C..U. McDonald 41 n m. Burton; club- M.s Jane A am oia.sr r M sses Ehz., Margt., Arrjyh place. 40jJani 1 T.omp on M ry Am Ti.o.ns u R ya. Roto. A'putic Mr M -iv a a- 27 Mrs Au.i Turnuili CI ili-House M s jaiiouell M ss J ue:, Alexander /. Mar in Mio Nedl Miss McDonald Mrs E. Duncan, t i or Mrs M.rti i Mrs EuK.on Alex. Llaiy Mui.a-h'an Mrs Ana Marshall M ss HjIcd Whyte Mass A&ues B ack 39 Royal Noitnern Yacht 182 21 G-ul' Hou»e Rothesay. Bur°h of Street List. James Cnnnin-jham, D. Macpherson, hotel Peter Yen, Seaman green keepeT s Wils >n I owing k epeij . Jam M.ilcom Bachauan, 36 Neil Oi.-irkson, grocer 17 Mrs Janet Ma-cb 16 M'S Miry Mas m g'rAcPr 35 It ' e. M rtiu Russell, draper 34 Miss Jmet Kirkwood M s Ja et Mactie 6a Ceo ooal- 6 Hu. Black, baker 33 David J"cksou Josep i Yates, Black, restau- J hn McKun, spirit- d aler 5 Hu.h deafer 15 Pe er "Council, shoe- ra : et Mrs Robt. McKinlay shoe- Miss G orgl a C.a s Jt. B caaa.;n, spirit- maker 30 J M.Nisb t, or auist dealer Mrs Ma gt. Barr 30iM i.e. & Jo. Howie 14 Mrs Mary Crossbie Jn. Mcls.-ae, drape* 29Mri Wilson Mrs My. McD m all Robt McGee, grocer 28 Henry O tusby MsC V sth-uMcLean 3 Ceo. Mil/er> harbour- 27MsgAw. H. Patou Miss E Hyndmih ma-t r Mr- Mo w >i 13 Mrs Ja l A itklS 'U 1 Robt. McGee, grocer Mrs M Wh it r Jame M Lien lii'i 1# i<;., ai:, larm-er 12 M-s Ami Fe-ai r Janet Dru'.ng >yie Miss Agnes Wy.lie Arqyle terrace. s i Mi T. o.nso W- . (Jj.il y, ma>on son, joiner John Black, engin- 25 Hen y Oru:s >y, hotel Geo. Eo )»r eer keener Ihnm - Simpson New Parish Church Lay M^i.ean T omasHart draper 22 Mis Hi- vey Js. Mcl.ea Jn. McAlpine, John McFarlane Mis L in mt 11 Hgb. Thompson, post- James Paik^ spirit- Joan Bonaldj dri 1 man d. aler I l-pector Arfch. MeLaehlan Mrs Margt Anderson Ge ige G ay, black- Mrs Mary McKin el ion.son smith M*ss Ann Eraser John R. T Robert Wbliamson, Andrew McAlIis 1 1 r, Janet Hunter engineer iLed/S-aer Jam s Re:d Andrew B. Murray, George itiues, pawn- 10 I'm s. Taylor, grocer heritor broker 9 John McChdlan, boat- joiner Janus McClur-i man John Duncan, Archibald Mcintosh, Mrs Mary Camas s M iry McAlpine M druggist Mrs Mi ier Win. Miteheil, gentle' Miss Mt£. Mcintosh VI oi a Gr; ham man Aunie Y. Hunter Mh Laratdnt R,. R. bertson, spirit- Mrs Win. H. EUis, salmon 21 Moore Gi-christ, ship- deaer fi her mater Mr; Jt-si-ie Bittle Mis Ca h. McK nlay cOr.s; Mrs Han nay Samuel Keas , Jessie, Alexa der Missts Cans., gui . Miss r and Margaiet Mc- my Walker, do. Hugh Morton, g-oc-r H Kinlay Gu<> ±^ierp"iit.tn John B ck, baker s.ainan Miss Mary Sheriff 20 John Si., k painter Ma,on,s Paik, ; M. Taylor, wine ; Di. Ai'Cii. Be ..«:, ship Miss Je. sit Muir niei cuant piug agent 8 R M. Duncan, c n'ec- IS R >o it Duncan, snoe fcici er makt r 7b s, ti y-dcaler Ascog. Mrs Janet Sellara 7AArch. Jainieson, gar- portioiier Miss Margt. Wyllie dener I Jn. Renney, t Rev. John Hanson 133 7 Do Burgh of Street List. Rothesay. Dugald McCorkindale G-avin Fleming, gar- 26 Do. Mrs Ceclia Stuart, dener 27 Mrs Waugh Mont ford Jas. Anderson, mason 28 David Lyall Peter Brown, gardener Thomas Thomson, 29 Rt. McKirdy, banker W. Hartley, engineer, spirit-dealer 30 Dani 1 Baxter Millhole Mrs Marion Gilmour Royal Aquariam Rev. J. H. M. Fia er Glenbnrn Hydropathic George Madden, drill- Establshment Ballocngoy ter. instructor Provost Sharp Mrs M. Knox Mac- Peter Hendeison, ex- John Webster, shoe adam cise office maker John Gowdie James Heaton, spirit- Mrs Bailie dealer Bishop street. Js. Kay, forester Adam S. Ogilvie, ex- I Neil Crawford, flesher Bellevue — Roman excise officer McKirdy, car- Catholic Orphanage 3 Andw Matthew Swan riage-hirer William McMillan And. Mackirdy, jun., Jn. Moodie, black- joiner smith Battery place. Neil Crawford, flesher 1a Mrs McColl Robt. Blue, mason 1 Win. druggist John Wilson, black- Barone road. Duncan, 2 Dr. And. Hall, m.d. smith Rt. Alexander, draper 2a Hugh McFarlane Js. Laidla^v, plasterer Jn.McCormick, mason 3 Nl. Brown, coal agent Mrs Isa. McKirdy Andrew McLachlan, 4 Robt. Macfie, janitor Mrs Mary McKinnon trocer 5 Wm, Hunter, m.d. Miss MaryMacfarlane

- Mis A. S, Ferrier 7 Alice Jane Kennedy James Duncan, tailor John Perry, grocer Isabella Kennedy 5 Mrs Ann Middleton

, Js. McFaxlane,farmer 9 John C. Sharp, draper Magaret McKinuon, Walter Swan, wood- 10 Miss Anuie Wilson midwife cutter 11 Miss Robina Dodd Neil Crawford, flesher Wra, Heaton,, shop- 12 Miss My. Ann Brown Dl. Henderson, sea- man. 13 Wm. Moodie, v.s. man Mrs Ferguson Jn. McKmlay, post- 7 James Black,gardener

1 D . Keith, plasterer master Mrs James Middleton, Thomas Mason 15 Mrs Ann Brown dressmaker Dav. Mason, grocer 16 John McMillan, ship- Robert Blue, mason Isaac Kolden, tin- master Mary Crawford smith 17 Mrs Johnston John McTaggart, t John Barr, tenter Miss Gray Alexander painter Mrs Hammond 19 Jn. Coombe Maddever Archibald Henderson, Ax. S. Service, joiner sen., surgeon steamboat pi ; ot McKirdy, junior, . Christopher D. Savage, 20 Thomas McNab, tin- And. gentleman smith joiner Dav. I. Morris, baker 21 Miss Burnie G. McKirdy, fisher- Jas Nicol 22 My. and Srh. Stewart man Jas. McNab, gasfitter Mrs My. Cuuningham Duncan McNicol, cab Mrs Mac fie Miss Burnie man Mrs Marion Young Thomas McKinnell And. McKirdy, cab Jos. Leighton, farmer My. & Sarah Stewart owner Mrs Thsv J. Burnie 23 James Macfie, grocer 9 Mrs Walker, spirit Ross McGuiness, 24 Mrs Mary McKirdy dealer

' spirit-dealer 1 25 Do. 134 Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

11 John Smith, joiner Alex. McDonald labr. Thomas Allan, mason 38 Adam Boyd, carter Bogany. Did. McMillan, joiner John McGallum, shop- D. Duncan, merchant 13 Misses Cath., Jane, & man Margar it McKay, Cath. McCallum dressmakers Mrs Gibson Bridge street. Duncan Black, cab- Mrs Fullarton 2 Jas. Taylor, flesher owner Mrs Mary Gillon Mrs Sarah Lennox Js. K. Comrie, stock- Donald Campbell, it. Weir broker quarrier Mar Mary 4 Mrs Kell William Mcintosh, Alex. Roy, mason accountant Watson & McKirdy, 6 Alex. Nisbet, carter Miss Mrs Jane Cochrane contractors McLean Robt. Taylor, flesher James Taylor, gentle- Arch. Logan, grocer 8 10 Daniel Cunningham, man James Wood, carvjr plumber John Montgomerie, John Orkney, draper 12 Mrs Agnes Dickie baker 40 Mrs Wilson Thomas Alexander, 17 Hugh Johnston, shoe- Mrs Mary Brooks W writer maker Neil Ferguson, labr. Mrs Leggatt 19 Robert White Janus Glen 1 4 Mary Wilson 23 Dugald Weir, steward Mrs Bone Mrs 16 John Adamson, sen., 27 Mips Helen McLsllan Duncan Cameron, sea- Mrs Janet MaitJand man photographer John Adamson, jun., Miss Grace McAlister 42 John O'Kelly, labr. photographer Miss Janet Davidson Robt. Kemp, labourer 18 Aln. Gilchrist mason 31 Parochial Board John Kelly, painter Offices—John Kidd, Miss Euphemia Gray Miller inspector Matthew _ 33 John MoKirdy, con- Bishop terrace. 20 Miss Margt. McLea . 22 Geo. Higgie, printer tractor Misses Smith Miss Jaiiet McLea 4 Wm. Burgeon fish- Miss Margt. Morrison Wilson, baker monger Arch McKirdy, manu- Alex. 24 Aln. McLean, painter 6 John Glen, seaman facturer Sergeant Donald George Smith, mason John McKirdy. manu- McL?an, policeman John Thomson, mason facturer M Miss Ann Johnston, 8 Rothesay St John's James Heron, grocer mill- worker Masonic Lodge Robert Gascosgne 16 Neil Brown, coal Mrs Wilson, washer- Wtldon, m.a., canon woman merchant Rev. Pr. Macfarane, Jn. Campbell, labourer 18 Br. McMillan, wright B.A. 26 Jas. Lochart, Janet Duncan Mrs Wm. Herbert letter- 18 Alex. Stewart, van- carrier driver Bishop Terrace brae. 28 Mrs Mary Flannigan John Clark, bottler Flora McKay Jn. McLachlan, grocer Alex. Brown, seaman 30 Mrs Ann Walace 30 Ach. McDougall, shoe Mrs Margt. Lambie 32 Jas. dimming, jun., maker Miss Cath . Brown John McKirdy, black- 32 Ax. McKinnon, semn. 27 Miss Margt. Duncan smith Miss 34 Dncu. Reid, sen., shoe Mary McKiHy 36Mrs Margt. Jamieson maker John Heron, baker Archibald McAlister, 36 Mrs Stewart Miss Eliz. Reisb-rg labourer Alex. Smith, mason 43 Mrs Mary 36 Hugh Weir, seaman McPhail Miss Mary Gilchrist Andw. Kerr, mason 135 Gilbsrt McKinnon Miss Ag. McCallum B7irvh of Street List. Rothesav.

Hugh Blair, cabman Mrs Macfarlan^ 27 Peter Muir

7 Duijald Weir, boot- Ferguso i & Si n, joia- Dn-aldMa fio

mi ker i rs ail bu 1 ler; J^ hi McFadym

40 KaV. Wiffiatri Ross 13 Lie a i For^uson. Mrs Walker

> 37 Wit. B a-k, labourer j ner J .R nk i •, fisher. nan

Dujal 1 Sincla'r ill Miss Car's. M.-Kirdy John G ay Js. A. B x, labourer 9AK-x. K>ir, eatiug- G<' Bio knan Joiin Mfftjuieson, la- hou^e-keep r » Mrs Lusk T)o a re r 5 Cath M Fa lane 22 Colin L'obe-tsin Arch. Cnrrie, cabman Jn. McPh.rsou, fish- Wit. M u>hid, mill- J s. A. Lck.Lt.', slater erman worker 35 Mrs K by Mrs Burma Don. M lis. drys dter Junes D. Trance Thos. D.rby, painter 20 M s McMillan, wash- Mrs Isa M-. Dm a^d DJ. Shaw, blackspjiti erw n P^rerMcIuty re, boat- Qu.ntin B. MeLeJan, John O N -il, labourer man blacksmith Ms M-Doujall Hu. B'aok, sen., Dav d Moors 11 >n. L vingsuon, tan- cattle-dealer 3 Andw. Smi: h.broker ner James B air, mason 1 West End Halt Mrs Marv K rr Win. Burnett Wm. Boss, painter Mrs Stout Dngald S ncla'r S'san Do gal Bridge- End street, Neil B. own Thos Wallace 14 Allies G .ies -1 Dun. Fletciier, tailor iA.cn. Ferguson, joiner Aug. McFarlane, car- hernia Nicholson 33 Mrs Cath. B'ack Eu t r Arch. C'nnpingham, Neil Hill, seaman T..o-. P, in^le, j liner loner Eliz a C mLter, John Gillies, U)er Mi*s Brown G- o. Neilsou, ss'aman Flora McLean 3 Samuel Miller, spirit- 31 Will am Mrs Gal ..n M. L.ckie, m rchant slater 16 4 Good T'ehiplaPs Hall 29 Do. 18 Yard 9 An". Murdoch, suoe- 27 Miss Mary McMillan 12 Mrs Acnes Dickie maker Ang. McFarlane, car- Clia. Its ioyle 11 Miss Mary Black ter T oni s Lona!dson, Mrs E iz. Li jtort rislier.iau Jn. Paterson'a slater's Miss Jan t Macfie LachlaiiMcI.aehlin \ ar.i Miss Ma y Lugton AndwDodds', joiner's 25 Une & M.Ljan, Mis; Kli:.'Maefe \ ard j'fiiuers 13 Mrs M ry M.llen Win. U. P. C inch Murray, carrier 15 John Anderson, boot- 23 Mrs Sharp 4 Jama j P.,rk, spirit* maker dealer Mrs K'lbLi't- on M s R ee 2 Jc. A. Walker, grocsr Jane Mc Still Hugh Sharp, gmcer E i . McKie 17 Area. B ac'k, labourer 19 Mrs Brown kif$. 1;» M s Mary Darroch Castle street, 17 Ja . S:iiitli, baker Ge >. Eankine, seaman 15 Js. Soott.sj irit-ilealer Angns Biown, musun P.iblic Btii'dings—John Murdoch McKcnzie, 23 Angus Bowie T. Wilson, town- reporter 25 Mrs Cm piull clerk Mrs Joseph Wilson, John C. Jamieson, 5 J net McLean, gr err spirit- kaler plasterer 7 Duncan Biue, boat- Agues W. Henderson Mrs Cameron ni an William Hay Is i Anderson Duncan McLrhlan 136 John Shields Mrs Hugh Wilkia -

Bvrgh of Street List. Rothesav.

13 Daniel Wat3on, black- ut, boris acr Co'uwsliill place. smi h Al xau 'e- Galhrait'i, 2 Dmv. Walker, c ireer 15 Marg .. Thon.s-n fpiiit dealer Nei J mii son, njrood- 8 Wm. T. Daiy, spir t- Mrs Agne .v 9 Mr. Isa-ella Sli-.rp (ieii, r Mrs Mc '.r.lmr

o I rick Tn s. M.cti-, shoe 6 Jo ii S'ivei, s'ater 6 CfbisbrollH Mrs Roi e tsQu m.k r J s. S juart, suir I cut r deal r Jh.R in. rtsou, oarriar A. 'am D. Ma::heth Win. T. D.dy, spirit B ibti M icSe, joiner J Uu Pat rsi'.u, skater d j.a! r 8 Arch. Walker, bL.ck- Dag.iU MoA. Mack, 4 Jas. McL Han, pert r smith yr cer Mrs Green 10 J liiti Ward rope Thomas Mclver, la- Will. am G lovvay, Dug . id McA. Bi. ck, manuf c urer grocer b ur r

• MaryMcLachlan 198Sa :. Orr, s a ran 2 Do. 9 M s Mr Juiiii Tiio.iison 7 Boo r M :N.c , grocer Tiios. Ormsby. shoa 5 Mrs Jn. Bouison, hill in k r Castle street. 3 Wm. Baxter, police- effi-r Jan.es D rby, painttr Mrs Miry R >b rtsnn Jas. Tnomson, shoe- Iavi i 1 Kirkwood Js. Johasto , m.i-i n Duncan McLieuu, la- 14 Genres L.vu.gst m, maker bour r saadler Alex. Smith, mason 16 Mr Jean Campbell, Co lu m sh ill street. £3 Nl. Lament. ;_ar Linr s)> rib d ai r 2 Duolon, grocer ts. Piter 28 J Wo >d, cabjiiet- Bob . Smith, baker 4 Mrs B i rit- Arc.i.McLsin, se.iman ileaier L deder Arc . M. odi,, black smith Jas. Aitchisou, gi-ocer ChapeUiill mad. T>. Auchison, gr.ocer Jam s Munro 16 G^r.e W. Gouyh, Jn. Duncan, nuker 14 D.. McLa; h a..,groccr Joi u in iin dia gi.icr.man Cunningham, 16 Do. to'i a nils", M ss Rosvap C 18 Mrs Kerr A-chiaid Campbell, Miss Shaw Wo,. B no. , carter cashier A" x. Miller, iner J 'I'll Tayl r j Wm. Luid.r, joiner Mrs A gns Mr.. Cain. Lee Allan L -ton 20 Eo Win H. Jago, com- George rt< ncal tra\ eller Join B xitr, jjolici mmerville, m ppkit.-d ater Joiin Hunts r, joiner < ffic r Hn. Campbell, rtird. 22Wm. Dobbie, jciner Don. McMillan, join r, jailer Miss Eiz. McDonald 4 Arc . cie, wriu r J M Wm. D rroch Diigajd Mcfie, painter 12 WiMiapi A. \\ LbOu, John Adamson & Son, Dai.i 1 Hope pi inter photographers Mrs Bolini St°"'art 10 Neii McLean, steam- Mrs W. C. Harvey 137 .

Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

Thos. Taylor, joiner 3 J- s Shaw Maxwell John Cameron, ship- 24 Mrs Cath. Miller Mrs Jt. Wlliamson owner 26 Mrs Jean Kerr Mrs Margt. Hether- Dun. McLean, ship- Ax. Robertson, carter ington master Margt. Mc A lister 4 Mrs Cath. Blair Richard McKenzie, 32 Geo.' H. Gavill, sea- 6 Misses Mitch ill shipmaster m n Arcli Adam » Js. Kennedy Comrie William Macfie 18 Mrs M iry Grant or stockbroker Thomas Bryson Miller Ed Livingston Wm. Watson, mecha- 14 Alex. McLean, ship- Mrs Mar^t. McKirdy nic owner Mrs Margt. Mdler Wm. Lindsay, painter 15 Peter Glen, Richard Burns, rigger Mrs Erskine 16 Robt. Taylor, builder Wm Morrison Mrs Miliar 17 Mrs McNab Wm. Brown, gentle- Mrs El.z. Yuille 18 Mrs Janet Bow man Archibal I Kaye 19 Ja. Thomson, gentle- James Brown, iron- Hugh Black, baker man monger 25 Mrs Moutgomerie 20 Jn. T. Wilson, town- Wm. Pjttigrew, con- 19 Nmiau Duncan, cow- clerk fectioner feeder 21 Mrs Christina Glen Alex. Crawford, coal- 22 Mrs Mcintosh Croft lane. dealer Jessie Georgina 25 & blacksmith 17 Aiex. Stewart, miller Reid 2 Jobn Lnsk, quarrier Neil McKellar, bath- 28 Mrs F. Stark Keller man Dugald Morrison, gar- Mrs M Blick, labourer Mrs Mary Brown dener 4 Neil Peter Glen, senior, 15 Ninian Duncan, cow- Mrs Chris.McTag?art nan feeder Jn. Morrison,tngineer fisher. Pet-r Glen, jun., Ro'ot. Stewart & Co., fisherman seed dealers' store Alexander McMillan, 11 Daniel Duncan, plas- Crichton road. iagourer . terer Morrison, la- Alex. Cunningham, W M. Leckie Wm. plumber James Robertson bourer Hamilton, la- Robert B nine Miss Cath.McKechnie James bourer Thomas Murray, joiner James Hunter Drill Hall W in. Duncan, piuinbc-r James Scott Mrs Henderson Nl. McMillan, brick- Alexander Robertson, student Mrs Young . layer CareyMansfield, Ha. Johnston, joiner Hugh Gordon joiner Wm. Mrs Love Thos. Hodge, stock- cl rk Annie Mcintosh G. Allan; blacksmith broker Mrs Misses Margt., Agnes, J. Miller & Son's Miss Mary McCall Isabella, & Martha slaters' yard Miss Jane McKinlay Gemmell 5 Wm. Miller, slat' r RobtSte art Miss Rnbina Dunbar 3 Roman Catholic Mrs Lamo it Robt. Kay, farmer John Windsor Stuart Ch:, P

138 Mr* Bliz. Neilson purveyor . -

Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

Andrew McCunn, Ah. McEwen, seaman 28 Mrs EKz. Latta or gentleman Win. J. Blackwood, Miller Did. McMillan, joiner engineer Miss Eliz. Miller MrsFanny M.Dnncan Mrs Margt Bradley Dennis Pepper, ship Miss Jessie Turubull James Young master Hugh Lauder 12 Robfc. Heaton, spirit Miss Grace Duncan ileal=r Arch. Duncan, joiner Dean Hood place. 13 Wm. Duncan, druggist 29 And. Holmes, grocer 14 Daniel Baxter, coal Susan Ferguson

- Alex. Listef, gardener dealer Miss Janet McFie Arc). Campell, grocer Mi s Daniel Love, Miss Agnes Graham. Mrs Little, dairy- Dirclrick Uuverzact Mss Cath. Graham keeper I Mich. Muir, stationer Ann Ross Rt., McKinlay, shoe- 14*Miss Mrgt. McMillan 30 John Lamont, fisher- maker tobacc mist man Miss McBain, eating 15 W W Rathie Miss Dalziel house-keeper Mis3. s A.&E. Mitchell Mrs Margt. Hunter Rothesay Express milliners Miss My. Ann Duncan Office — Murdoch Miss Eliz. Jessamine Miss Mary McKirdy Mackenzie Walter M. Rankine, Arch. Graham, bath- John Raukine, fish- cook man monger Peter McAdam, gent. 31 Miss Margt. Heron John Duncan, joiner Robert Orr, stationer Bryce Ferguson, Miss Agnes Herbert water managar East Princes st. Miss Jessie King Mrs McCarthy 1 Miss Robertson Janet Aitken 2 Miss Agnes Stewart Arch. McGilp, shoe Eden place. maker 3 Mrs Walker, spirit Js. MiKirdy, dyer New Public Halls- dealer Alexander Farquhar Charles Duncan 4 Miss Helen McLellan Miss Emily McPner- 19 James Heron, grocer 5 Samuel Irvine, shoe son 20 Margaret and John maker Alex. McKendrick, Heron, bakers 5J MissDuncan mason 21 William Cuthbertson, Miss Helen Harkness Waugh, coal- gardener John Samuel Irvine, shoe dealer 22 Miss Mary Gilchrist maker Rbt. Morrison joiner 23 Jas Maxwell, con fee Robert Gibson, salt Janet Duncan lioner Mrs agent Colin Wilson, gar- 24 Mrs My. Cunningham 171 • Aiex.,&Edw.McNab, Robert dener joiners Lambie, gar- dener James Kelly, painter Jn. McNab, tinsmith \ Mrs Scott Mathew Henderson 6 J, A Walker, grocer shoemaker David Henderson 7 Dav. Robertson, baker George McDonald, 8 Jn. Smith, fishmonger Andrew Bums tailor Elysium. James Mrs Cth. McConechy McGlashan, 1 Thos. Rodger, gentle- engineer Jane Lamb e, spinster man 9 Andrew • 25 DaDiel Reid, surgeon Burns, srpiit 2 Thomas Graham dealer Bryce Ferguson 3 Miss Cadenhtad John 10 Montgomerie, 26 Mrs Mary McLellan 4 Mrs Janet McMurc'iy baker Miss Isa. McLachlan 5 Thi s. Girwood, farmer Robt. Good, rigger Mrs Margt. Hunter 6 Chas Bruce Thomas Hogg, joiner Angus McAlpiue, 13? , I

Bivgh of Street List. Rothesay.

7 M ss El z. Mill r John McAlpine con- Miss Jane Mill r fcc "ioner Guildford square'

M s ! Agw s M ller R bert S jields, shop- SPeier B.¥ Ferguson, in ai Bute Anns H -tel—R >t. auctioneer 11 Ross McGuinnes, So ith lOAun&Ca-D.McK rdy spirir-deal. r Binko Scotland —Rbt. 9 DM. Buchanan, l>aker McK rdy, ayeut William Dodds, spirit- 7 J h i MuGove-rn, tailor Ferguson place. Au re\v Laird, shop- deaier Livino'sto 1 Mi s Yuill man ii Temper- 2 Mis. Chris. Cameron John Patience shoe- ' n e Mo el — Pt/ti'- Miss Ai enht a' m;.l; r Scewirt, banker Clydesdale 3 Mrs li/,. Murray Jas Monro, tai'nr B .nk— P^ter ; S.ewarc, 4 Mrs I gie.on Robt. L d e c ook agent 5 James Henry 5 R uu. F.s.,ir tailor, 7 't. 6 Ms ; Mary Spiers R> Taylbr, flesber 3 i a nes da \ for. I 'Mrs Wmi Hill, Ha.velock terrace M ss Allkeuuead i Mrs Janet Neils n Rt. McAlpine, burgh- 20 Mrs Joseph Wiispn, collect or 18 Alex. Stewart, tailor Mrs McDonald Galloivgute street. Mary Ma tin R ok in 31 M s M -ry MP .ail Jo Campbell, shoe- 14 T .os. Gr bam, t iior Mrs MoT .v.di m ker 12 Join Patieuce, shoe- M ss Hart M s Jannan maker 29 John T. Harvey, stew- Richa d liowles 10 Miss Mnrgt. ard A'nott 8 J. hn Murray, 27 Donald W. M Queen &ruc--r P. W. Hay, d„e.- spirit merchant High Craigmore. MlSS .ce 25 Do. Gr Yai.es Mr. Gilchrist Gias. lrymiple, 23 Miss Gre. M. Kechnie D m.p., ... Jn. Rankine, Ardei craig W. G. Dalrymple, seaman merchant J . CJaphueHiel, grocer M;.x. M 11 r, gen 1 mm 6 Mrs Brown, grocer Hugh Simpson, Mr Ja. ec Brown farm-r 4 Js. C-irmiohaei, grocer P.. Watson, gentleman Mittlie.v Cioggie, gas 2 Mis Joim RouisoD, Mr3 Anna M. Br. c = ilispi ctor tobacconist MLs A^nes J. Joim Murray, grocer Le Neve M'-s Jessie E. 21 J hu Lament, baker My Lie Mrs Miss M.rgt. M. M.Lie James Aitehison Glcnhead place. Mrs L.ng Miss Jessie A drews Joiiu Brown, Jauics Cnniiingliam Dl. Tliomso ., heritor ^araeuer Hngii Beitii, ILsher J u. McNa •, tinsmith J iii. M'fcj .\ en 19 Joim Laini n , i aker Miss Janet Macbeth High street. 1 7 John a lark, Daincer 16^ Maieoin Grawiord, 1 A. McGdp, watch- u- boati i Go an'field place. a mak i s

Mr, C. Taylor fitcr, Caliper, tailor 5 J 'ii ii R. Thomson, 14 s M Lament T o-. T 1 1 It, _i o : r aicbiteit lo Peter Duuean, shoe- Jam 's McAuly, clerk 7 Mrs Chas. Simpson rii .k. r John M.Robb.e, 3.a^oa 9 Joseph Halbert, slater Al.xa n-.er Roy 11 Hu^b O'Neil, fish- Wa'ter Fisher Mathew Uiie, joiner merchaut 140 Chas. McLean, joiner 13 Win, Garrett, baker —-

RothesML Burgh of Street List. labourer 15 Robert Hunter.baker 49 Allies Eaye 51 Walt. v .Maeph2rson, 91 Mrs Brid efc 17. J. C. Stewart, groce" 93 Joliii Blue, ca'-ter 19 A. and T. Moodie, stoker MePherson 95 Alexander, Da.ican, I. a ksmirJiH Mrs Dobbie, gar can wii.'Mt s H le- McKtnav 57 James M 97Cln. Canipl ell, carter fislieir- do e- Hugh ONji , Tno nas MeKudy, man 65 D ivid Masjp, grocer blacksmith Pe r Wilson, black 67 Patrick MJ>. r, la- bou er Edwa d Miln tyre, a it i mac iuist John Givrett, hosier Mrs Ho-ney 99 Mrs Ann McK r ly 2*1 Jo^ Haggerty, b rber Mr Mcfie Hi .h Street Mission 23 Mis: D.nci'. Mrs M ry Conn 11, h Fred C uiic i 1 1 • i stole- r 25 Alexin ;.-! Gdbraitk, J . G ; spirt dealer 69 James Cur, an, la- 1)5 Dmiel MiiCay la-

27 J-i. Ferguson, spirit bour . r bourer dealer 71 Michael Cut-ran, la- Al -xinder Weir,, la- Mrs Marion McD.m- bourer b uirer gali 75 Ju. Duncan, labourer Ac libald Balls la- .Tn. Robertson, barker 77 Jamns Caiimn^Iiam, '..otir-r Mcfiltyrs R > rt Snearex, sea- stoker. M is ady, la- man 79 G o g" Ptton, d er P.cick B saddl r boun r 29Rbt. Burn.^ss, 81 J i. H iry, labourer 31 Bar hOifi.it— R>be:t Jo. Marshall, m cson Donald MiPhers »n, ; >litetor labour r M Alpine, c Mr Ami Tayl ».r stoker 33 Pohee Oifipe, Math- Mm A„n w Js. Wad ce, eu Waters, au^erin- Willi mi Hendry J.is. B iyie. l,abou er inn Br.ebuer, la- teildent C ou-lis Gal oc'ier, Wil 35 Co tuty Offii.;— Job» labourer bourer T. Wilson, clerk of Miss Flora MoD--ar- T noma's Me'izies, la- supply oud i 'on • r 37 Comity Po'ice Offie Mrs Canni: ghun, Jo in M -D ivit, labr. Jn. McLync i, labr* —J, i. Me-Kiy, oap- proper Wiiio >, labo .ier ta n 83 Du a d McArthur, Ju. MiUermit, Angus Me Alpine, coal dealer Samuel office keeper 87Rjthesav Town Mis- labourer labourer 39 Jo in MoJtgomerie, sion Had Daniel Si n, Laker M i Tn n r 89 Samuel McG >vevn, Win. Fa i. I , carter 39a John Cuickshmks, labourer Tli mas Campoeil, p linn er Tho ua- MjLdsh la o ir r tosh, tli. s unan Will am Md R 1) . Sm Hi. B>. 1 , liboarer accountant Jn- Reyn la, mas n ro.ia Uii pure lllGior-e Cr.je.li, pias- Miss Davm i In , ter -r 3De J -h i Cruiokstiahks, J in s M r /ell, baa-; senior, gliiinber bet maker M s Aim Mirpby John Cru.ekshauks, Mr Lmn.sto'ie Mrs D M.DfHE Docnei-iy ju. ;o , plumb r Mrs James Anderson Mrs M^iunoi!, la- 41' but Estate Office K toer Dou^as Paul i.iiura' J hu W. Suuvt, All x. Scott, mas n factor Mrs McA bur Junes Cannin^iiam Robert Mclutyro, Mrs My. M Derinot: D m.el Gi.christ, tsaoner giound < ffiier Wul am Bar-eon, 43 Joon G. Goiyin, fisherman John Cunuingham, Btoker 1*1 Charles McAulay, Burgh of Street List. Rothesav.

113 John McFarlane, 96 Late New Parish ' John McNaught mason Cnurcb Manse 54 Join. F.uildd carter 115 Archibald Duncan, 82 Public School—John 52 Mrs Mary Harvey mason McKay, F. B. I. s., 50 Jn. McC alum, joiner John McKinlay head-master 48 John McGuire, 119 Js. Cardell, labourer Robert McKinnell, 48 Geo. Tavlor, boatman Sam. Harvey, dyker janitor • Jas. McD .na'd, labr. John Harvey, dyker Grace McFie Alex. McD an aid, labr. George Crambe, gar Js. Macfie, engineer 46 William Pi diiTton, dener 80 Dugald McLachlan, 44 A'x. Miller, chimney 121 John Craig, mason fisherman sweeper Dl. Ferguson, gar- John Neilson, grocer 42 Arch. McKechnie, dener William Thorburn, p >rt^r David Turnbull, fisherman 36 D^d. Macfie, painter plumber Malcolm Hyurlman, 24 Hugh Sharp, grocer Elizabeth Stewart Fnly. McKirdy,joiner 22 Thos. Gilchrist, sp;rit John B. Harvey, sea- 76 C!n. M'Ke'izie, stoke - dealer man Alexander Mclntosli, 20 Do. Js. McKinnon, labr. mason 16 James Young, tailor, John Campell, mason John Keith, bottler MissHart, dressmaker Maxwell Beattie, Mary Hendry Charles Muir, sen. dyker Charlotte Mclntyre plumber Mrs Taylor Catherine McLean 6 Jas. Macfie, groesr 147 John Pendreigh Dnl.Lawrie, engineer 4 John McKinlay, Tem- Neil Dewar 74 Neil Sharp, fisherman perance Hotel 2 Duncan Weir, wood- 70 Js. McNeil, labourer George Hicks & Son, cutter William Shields, la- druggists Rt. Ferguson, drainer bourer ' M s Mary Sharp Donald McLaan Foley House — Mrs labourer Hillhouse road. Jane Muir 68 Jn. McMillan, grocer 2 John Miller, slater 161 Christina Paterson, 66 J. & C. Macfie, grain Andw Clark, police- Mis Turner dead rs officer 163 David Wilson, clerk 62 Mrs Robert Brown William Kirkpatrick, Public Park John McMillan, cab- tailor 116 Michael Cuthbert- man Mrs Balfour son, gardener Pet. Thomson, fisher- Mrs Campbell 114 Do. Do. man 4 Mrs Douglas Mrs Jean Robertson William Morrison, la- Jamts Duthie 112B;oad (Jroft Weaving bourer Mrs Dickie Factory— A. & J. 60 Mrs Andrew Turn- Matth Sco;t, glazier McKirdy bull, grocer John Halbert, mason HOAln. Gilchrist, sculp- 58 Mrs And. Turnbull, Mrs Margt. McDonald tor ."fleer I Mrs Fleming Mrs McDonald Mrs Ntil McFarlane Samuel McKirn Daniel McAlpine, 56 Js. Gemmel, drainer .John Bayue, clerk painter Mis Hugh Currie John Scott, joiner Mrs Matilda Bryce Jas. McAlas.er, late Miss Mary Young Mrs Janet Russell police officer Peter Dunlop, gi ocer Mrs Margt. Leckie Mrs Mary McDonald 8 John Leitch, shoe*. Dn. McEwen, black- David Stewart, Stevi- maker smith dore Mrs Mary Napiei Allan G-Lbrist, sculptor John Barr, joiner 140 Burgh of Street List. Rothrsav.

1 Isabella Gray- 7 Alex Crawford 10 Charles McLean, la- Arch. Bell, mason 5 Jas. McBride, joiner bourer John Bell, porter Bt. McBride, black- Hugh McDonald, la- Duncan Morrison smith bourer " 5 Mrs My. Maci'ariane 18 Neil Blue James Duncan 20 Dav. Perry, potato- Robert Macalpine, King street. dealer butcher 2 Daniel Baxter, coal- Sarah McDougall James Moir, tobac- merchant Jn. McArthur, cutler conist 22 Stirratt, stoker Jn. Gall och fir, pauper paint r Daniel Js. McFyden, 3 A ex. Mclver Mckechnie, la- 7 Jos. Shand, painter Mrs Jauet King bourer 9 Alex. Galbraith 4 Mrs Eliz. Brown Duncan Campbell, la- 11 John Brodie, carpen- Miss Crawfoid bourer ter John Morrison, gar- 26 Mrs H. McDonald Mrs Mirgt. Taylor dener Miss Ann McAlpine Mrs Brenmer Mrs Eliz. Frew Marion McDonald Jas. Cameron, baker Mrs Cath. Brown, 20 Walter Duncau, gar- 10 ler Mus Beckwith Mi 6 Mrs Graham dener Daniel Lugton, baka* Ladeside Cotton Fac- 80 Dl. McArthur, slater John Sellars tory—Arch. & John Jn. Curran, labourer Eliz. & My. Macfie Mackirdy 34 Peter Fletcher, la- Mrs Isa. Patersou 11 Wit. Gibson, lather bourer George Chrichton Thomas Simpson,^car- 36 Francis Dewar, car- penter Lachlan Milloy, iron- riag i hirer monger 12 Mrs Ronald Archibald McMillan, Mrs Highgate labourer Jas. McDonald, la- Mrs McNeil Inkerman terrace. bourer Mrs Grayson Samuel Miller, spirit Mrs McFarlane 40 Archibald Walker, dtaler 14 Geo. McLellan, gar- blacksmith Mrs Jane McPherson dener Wlm. Lindsay, coach- Mrs McNeill Patrick Torpey, sea- painter John Edgar, tanner man 42 Mary M'Ewen Peter Campbell,sheriff- Dl. Duncan, porter John Shaw, carter officer Jas. Slaven, dealer Mrs Isabella Ferrier Misses Mary & Anne Janet Gordon 44 Charles McDonald, Stewart 15 Jas. D* rby, baker labourer 16 Rob*. Biown, grocer 48 James McKellar, sea- John street. Alex. Currie, labourer man 2 Mrs Oliver Hkly. Spence, painter 46 Mrs Jemima Faulds D: niel Miller, grocer John S. Black, town Mrs Janet Reid Jas. Cnssbie, mason weig ler James Gray Mrs O'Neil Alex. Blue, joiner 50 Mrs Flora Kennedy

1 Jas. McQuistin, plas- 17 Rob't. Brown, grocer ^Jas. Carswel , seaman terer 52 Mattliew Lkincau, 6 Wm. McDougal, labr. plasterer Ladeside street 8 54 Mrs Alex. Stirling 10 Jas. McQuistin, plas- Mrs Martin Thos. Dymock terer 12 Mrs McGregor Alexander Crawford 9 Jas. McKirdy, manu- 14 Slaughter house Mrs Jauet Marshall facturer Jae. Kirkland, la- 56 Jo ;n Johnston, shoe- 143 bourer maksr Bur^h of Street List. Rothcsav. Mrs Campbell 23 David Wadace, manu- Alx. Duncan, mason er M s Macfie" fnc'u — Alex. Ciawfurd, coal- 23 Mrs Kl z. A'ide -sou Mill street. Hamilton dealer 20Mrs Airnes Rd. McKay, fisher- Mr> M< Cabe 19 I a. & Jane Grander m in 3 Gas Works 18 Wm. McGee, engineer Pck. Ere], labourer Armour 1 James C. Sinclair, 17 3VJ ss A*vi' Malcolm Fisher, la- gas manager 17 John Fefrie, manu- bourer facturer Mrs R11I1. miaB'nck Jo n McXay 4 Win. M< mfe.ci , jo.ner terrace. Miss Susan It id Lily Oak 16 J h-11 parswill Miss Mary Maohew A-x Cunuingharii, tea- Mrs R iber s >n Robertson, por- 15 Aw. w n , ma' cti r Jams Bi oa tion?!- Christina Stewart Mrs Campbell Eliz. Allan Aithibud C.unpbell, Miss 8 Jas. Miller slater Jane Wilson carpenter Murdoch M'uTag- Tnos. Nish t, bedding Jas. Duncan, farmer ijart, 1 ibonrer manufacturer la. Mr- B rr. 11 Allan McKeehaie, 14 Cath. K. Stewart Ihos. Let.ers bourer Barb. K. C Stewart 10' Alex. Perry, sr/ocer 13 Mar t. McMillan or Alex. M'Lenuan, McAUstcrs court. 12 Lynch iiesher labourer Sun. lvi pi*, 12 John Ker 14 Rbt. MeBride, cartn- Arch. McKay, rishei- in A ex. McKinion Wm. B iwmao,joi >er man 9 Miss Anuria! Stewart Jas. MeBtide, jomer J ,hn Robertson, labr. 9 Mis- Jaii" Pro van 20?Arch. M'lntyre Cur ie 8 s MoWl -shaii Widow M Alex. Pi er ,0 1 McLachlan, -7: Mrs Fariely Donald Th > .'.a- M'ivr al our r Niiss M irgt. Brown Mr, K-mi. labr. Jn. O'D > aid Jam s Fyfe, carpenter Wm. McMillan, cab- 1 It. Murdoch, 6 Miss McKirdy in in Miry L -e 5 Jas. Hamilton, archi- 22 Mi'. MPhe ,lab ur. tect Alex. Cimpbed R t,.Fe.r uson, arinr. PeUr Mullen, l.dr. 4'Misses Christina and Mr Ne he cote Is nella B.iciiau siao r 11 . Der y, 3 Math. Fou.os, ge. tle- Mackinlay street. 24 Ma . M Fie,r,roc r mati la- Buchanan 26 Ja . M'D rmo.t, Miss Jane 2 Mrs Sophia Belpath Mrs Margr. MLc.ll 1 Oil er or Jolufston • 25 J is. P trick, o- ter

Jn.M d Lo iati , lish- Maenad's brae. Meadowcap. 1 riiiau Mrs Donal.lson Mi tii. McC.irinack, Ro ert Cauningjiam, Cat... Gilies, drcss- mis m career n. alter Js. Wallace, ca-pentr.

i boirr r J.ihn Dune 11; coal P.n.Ciss'd.v , a. ens Arch.lia d C mpoell Marine place. J... McDonald, gar- Jo. .11 C .s_r >vb Aitchison, 28 dener 30 Thomas grocer 27 MaWm McCallum Nei Laitcli, gardener Mclnfcyie, laUr. 25 Aith.r Aba.', iron- Ann L isk 32 Wm. monger Robv re Brown Mai. M'M lau nil Adj,m D.MartiD, r. 24 James Macfarlane, Malcolm Mclntyre, gentleman labourer 144 Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

Jn. Docherty, porter 3 Do. Robt. Brown, town- Js. McConechy, labr. Robt. Fowlis, mason crier Peter Gillies, stoker Js. McAuslan, cook William Campbell, Don. McLsan, labr. Mrs Cam obeli fi shsr John M'Kay, labr. 1 Mrs M-Ewen Mrs Susan Brown 84 Jn. Walker, engineer Miss Mary Black William Weir Jas. Campbell, stoker John Cochrane, jun., Jn. McKay-, labourer Dun. Smith, labourer plasterer 95 Wm.Campbell,fksher Duncan McMillan 93 John Brown, green- 33 Jn. McMurchy, labr. Minister's brae. grocer Wm. McLean, labr. 3 Mrs Cath. Graham 91 Mrs Margt. Forrester, Mrs Janet Neilson Mai. Martin, tailor green-grocer 44 JSeil M'Leod, m son Mrs Kelly 89 Mrs Wiseman, wash- Arch. Kerr, engineer Wm. Dowall, gentle- erwoman man 46 And. Hai , farmer 87 Dav. Lawson, baker Fran. McCombe, labr. Alexander Murdoch, 85 Mrs Isa. Hutchison Corn Mill- labourer 83 Cnristison & Scott, Bute Crt Tied Indus- 5 Mrs Ach. McDougall joiners trial School—Owen Thomas Tweedale, Mr-s Jjmes Stewart Milne, supenutndt. labourer Aiex. McB. Crawford, 31 HughClunas, seaman manure agent T-. Mitchell, uphlstr. Archibald Campbell, Caroline Curiis DLL Bec'iaiiaa,b iker insurance agent 81 Lachlin McLachlan, 27 Hu. M.Mi!lan,oarber James MeQuistan, flesher 25 Taos. Colviile, grocer plasterer 79|Jame3 Cunningham 23 Do. grocer 21 Wm. Thomson, joiner Montague street. 79 Catherine Duncan, milliner Tho's We sh 117 Eber.ezer Stewart, 77 Robert McGowan, Ed. McNab, joiner cork-cutter seaman MrsM'ry MTaggart 115 Mrs Janet Chalmers Mrs Margt. Roddia Wm. Walker, labr. grocer Mri Jame; Fallow, John McKellar 113 Miss Huinay Mrs Oath. Warden James Kerr, sculptor 1] 1 Mis Agues Dickie, M'S Foirest Daw Dalglislij game- grocer 75 Miss Gemmill keep r 109 Mrs Ann MeLichlan 19 McMillan, 71 Dugald Weir, shoe- Ax. quar Jn. McF ulyan, mason maker rier Mrs Smith 6^ Jas. Smith, baker Arch. McXellar Mrs Gouriay Ach. 65 Mil. Weir, tinsmith Ar nour, seaman Ciiaries Hill Sus'di Dougan 63 Jas. dimming, tea., James Ihomson, la- mil I l!o s porter D bon rer Hu. an, Miss Eu ph. McL labr. Miss Mary Young Hyndman Janet Gieu 61 Misses E nma and I. T 10/ David Morris, ,. Eiiz. McN oil Helen Clark, con- I a :er Wm. Thomson, iner fectioners j John McCall, carter 59 Malcolm Buchanan, 17 Ts. Colviile, grocer 105 John Gordon, dairy- 13 Ml. Buchanan, mcer man grocer 57 Miller & Co., drapers 11 Dd. Canmiiuj, shmkr 103 Robt. Laidlaw, sen., 55 Jane Campbell 9 Janet McFieT hosier John Scoct, Mi. Buchanan, grocer.^ 101 Alex. Wilson, baker china- dialer Miss Joan Taylor 99 D .v. McKay, grocer John McArthur, van- Jn. MeTaggart, labr. 97 Mis3 Eliz. Robertson • driver , 5 Mrs Ptier Graham 149. Burgh of Street List. Rothesay.

61 John Black, grocer 106 Miss Yates, eating- John Scott, china 49 Bryce Ferguson, sta- house keeper dealer tioner 104 Mrs McLaren 56 Do. 47 Arch. Murray, carrier \ Geo Brown, billpostsr 52aAlexander Gilchrist, Eliz. Campbell Miss Grace Young stationer iron- Carmichael 45 Lachlans Milloy, Mrs 52 John Spence, slater monger Misst Helen McRae Thomas Rankin 43 M. & G. Innes, fur- 102 Daniel Cunningham, 50 Alex. Duncan, tailor niture dealers plumber 46 John Macfie, tailor 41 Working Men's Club 100 Mrs McQuistan, con- Alex. McPherson, Joseph Haggerty fectioner seaman 39 Jas. Hunter, grocer 98 Jn. McCallum, joiner 48 John McCord, confec- 87Lachlan Milloy, iron- Robiua McCallum tioner monger Archibald Campbell, Thomas Mitchell 85 Charles Muir, baker seaman Grace McFie S3 A. Brown, & Son, John Cunningham, James McKay drapers painter Arch. Lamuuc, tailor 29 Ju. C. Sharp, draper Wm. Piper, labourer 44 Robert White, shoe- 27 Eliz. Ferguson, hosier 96 Arch. McLachlan, maker 25 Mrs Eliz. Watson grocer 42 Wm. H. Ellis, jun., Mrs Jean McColl 94 Jas. Thompson, shoe- tishmonger Arch. McGilp, sen., maker 40 Edward McTavish, bootmaker 92 Mrs Drysdale, grocer tinsmith's workshop

Arc' . McGilp, jun., 90 Gjo. Spruce, barber 33 Robert Alexander, carrier 88 Geo. Spence, barber draper Mrs Marion Neilson Hugh Thomson, cabi- 36 Mrs Jane Railton, Ali-x McGilp net-maker milliner Ad:im Rutherford, 32 Duncan McDonald, 23 L. McPnerson, sta- tioner glazier grocer Wright 30 Isaac Scott, china- 21 Archibald Mcintosh, 88iMrs druggist 86 Donald C. Murray, dealer 26 Mrs T. Napi.r, con- 19 And. H. McNaught, painter ironmonger 84 Do. fectioner 24 Joseph Yaks, res- 17 Hugh Campbell, gar- 82 Miss Isa. R >ss dener Janet Maciie taurater watch- James Boyle, porter Chas. McKay, clothier 22 Alex McGilp, Mrs Robert Brown 80 Mrs Mary McArthur maker 20-| Gray & Son, shoe. 15 Thomas McNab, tin- 78 Geo. Hiil, hosier smith 76 James Bone makers 13 W. Thomson, draper Mrs Arch. Adams 20 Cnarles T. Hicks, 74A'exander An ierson, druggist 11 Hect.McLeish, tenter cabinet-maker Arch. Mclntyre, car- 10 Isa. & Jnt. Thomson, penter 70 Mrs Jessie Buchanan, shoemakers " Rawcliff e, " [Masonic spirit- dealer 8 John B. McMillan, Halt 68 Robt. Brown, iron- soldier 9 Miss Mgt. Campbell munger Miss Martin 7 Miss Margt. D. Bain 66 Mrs Eliz. McLean Miss Isa. Thomson John Gilchrist, shoe- Alex. Dun jan, weaver Miss Cameron maker 64 Wm. Hunter, drug- Mrs Fraser Gilchrist, 5 Mrs McAlpiue, milli- gist Tnonias grocer spirit- dealer 1 John M Smith, inn- 62 Hugh Morton, keeper 60 Wm. Reid, hatter Jas Frew, manufac- 146 58 Wm. Perston, carrier tuter m —

Burgh of Street List. Rothesav. Miss Burns Miss Orr Ths. Thorburn, fiaher- Robert Wallace Mrs Jones man 6 Wm. Logan, & Son, luv. Jonn Rutherfurd Wm. Stewart, painter grocers Mrs Duneaa Mrs Th r'ourn Robt. Downie, dyer R. A. Mackinlay Mountfleasant rd 11 Miss Mary Kelly Wm. Kean, vanman 12 Capt. Hector Macfie Arthur Swauston, Wm Thorburn 13 Mrs Ann Brown grocer Mrs McArthur 14 Op'ain Dalgleish 15 John Kidd, inspector Royal terrace. i^dam Hunter, grocer of poor Wm. Logan, gr cer 1 Miss MarionGoodwin Campbell, gentl.- Jas. 16 Dn. 3 Mrs Miller Marshal], tailor, man Mrs Cunningham- 4 Charl s Lyon, inland 18 Miss Mary Thomson laundress revenue officer Miss Margt White. Duncan Be ship- 6 11, John Jamiesou, mer- in ister 7 Miss Margt. Welsh c .ant Mrs Eliz. Ewing 8 Misses Richmond Ax. Campbell, st< Mrs Meikle am- 10 Miss Georg.Valla.nce boat owner Mrs Stewart Craigmore Pier Mrs Ewing Wm. Grant, s'.eriff- Arch. Turner pier- Jn. McLay, plumber- officer master Mrs Small Mrs Allies Brown Dcna'd Graut James Forfar Orcadia. Russell street VviIL.l,. A. Wilson, 1 Rev. Robert Jackson 3 G. Davidson, gardnr. prmt r McGeor^e Dom. McGarr.ty, lal can Brown,gentle- Du: 3 Miss Agnes Russell Estab. Gaelic Ch-uro m m Miss Ewing —Rv. G.H.M.Frasei Mrs Kliz. Fulton Matthew D. Goodwin 17 Js. McDonald, lab. Alex. Perry, ruc.r fc 5 Jn. Campbell, lab. 6 John Orkney, draper Js. Connell, lab. Movnistuart road. Mrs Curley Cin. Currie, lab. e»Juay, 1 John Blair, in rchant Ax. Gilmour, lab. Caledonian Railway 2 Provost St-arp 19 Arch. McKay Ticket Office 3 John A. Mack, chnie, Isa. Johnston Neil McLean, steam- gentleman Eliz. Hicks boat agent 4 Rob -rt Orkney, sem, Jos.Rutherford, msn. Robt. Watson, steam- dra er Eliz. Waddell boat agent R< bert Oi-kney, juo., John McLean Joseph Yates, steam- draper Dd. B attie, lab. boat agent M.ss Janet Orkney Mrs Ferguon, Ax. Rankine, fruiterer 5 M.ss Cath McK/rdy 25 Dul. Firguson, spirit Robt. Gibson, steam- 6 Miss Isa. Jacks dealer 7 ijlenb.irnHydropathic boat agent Esiabl shineut liusselVs buildings. Dr Philp lioslin place. Dld.McBrayne, msn. Thomas Master';on, John Thoijurn, fisher- Jos. jShand, painttr bath man man Wm. Gooldie, grocer 8 John Black, gri.cer Alex. Duncan, cart- Mrs Hisiop Duncan McCalium wright Montgmry. Cunning- William Blackstock, George Mill.r, ship ham. p;iin;i r fW rr r

Burgh of Street List. Rothesav. Joseph Hende r;on Don. McArthur, gar- Robt. Tyre, slater Geo. Johnston, msn dener Mrs Ann Hyndman mason ]7 W. Duncan, Js. Wallace, joint- r, Ths. Johnston, plumber Jn. McRobbie, msn. Wm. Hunter, mason Victoria Hall Pt. B;ue, gar lent Js; Stevenson,labourer Stewart & Co., seed Js. Liglitbody, baker John Watson, niason mere lauta Mrs Brown J Wm. Mrs McLeish, man ber 8 H-nry Slaven, fish- Duncan Black monger Rev. Dv. Sommerv 11 ^ Rt. Mclntyre. frn.er M dcolrn Bowie, la- 6 Daniel Henderson, MrsDorotn- aG .rraui bourer seaman John Paters u Don. Stewart, gar- Mrs McArthur WiLiam Jamieson dener 4 Wm. Scullion, con- Alexander Le ten. Mrs Mary Walker tractor Robeit Meaton Alex. Duncan, gar- 2 John Birr, joiner Hu. Anderson, fksher dener Matthew Leitch, gold Mrs Lang beater [Mrs MNeil Shaw Stuart street. William McArthur, John McCulloch Mrs A. Melrose Robert McLachlan, ploughman John Baxter, stoker Geo. McBridge, la- farmer 11 D. Mitchell fruiterer bourer James Carlisle 9 J, hnCammin -,' joiner Donald Grant, law- Neil Miller, boatman Dan. McAlpiue, paint- clerk Mrs MeCallum er Dl. Black, carpenter Mrs Jean McDougall 7 John Spencp, slater Ti;os. Wallace, agent James T. Donald, sur- John B a ck, cabman Joseph Coinley ten., . geon 3 John Fauids, Martin MeG-illivray John McLean, mason carter sheriff ofceer Fianc s Murphy lachlan McLean cab- Ko ert Angi a photo- Duncan McDonald, man grapher grocer Meilou and Black, Mi s Hel/a Cnristie plasterers Store lane. Staffa place. Tower street Jas Carmiciiael, grocer 21 Archibald McMillan, Taylor, Johu Jamieson, baker carter 4 Daniel M. Mrs Lundie 19 Angu3 Walker, shoe wine merchant joiner Alex Weir, fisherman Tnaker 8 Jas. Morrison, Mrs Mary Blaok Mrs Janet Napier Rothesay, Burgh of Street List. Di. Thompson, boot- Hector McKenzie ; maker b amaa Hector McKinnon, x. Scott, flesh er street Al Victoria stationer Ale v. Clark, bottler I Geo. Hicks & Son, 43 Jn. Adamson & Son, 10 William Black, gro e? druggist's photographers 12 Jn. McKay, labourer 3 John McKhn, spirit- 45 Thomas Campbell, 14jWdliam Cunningham dealer tobacconist lal "oarer 3£Mis.3 Noble 47 Ad. Hunter, grocer Mrs Derby W. Brownlie, flesher 49 Mis* Campbell, hosr. Mrs Ke n George Weir 55 Dl. Thompson, boot^ 16 Wm. Lyle, druggist Mrs Jtit. McKinlay maker Ms? Mary and Jane Jo:m Price; b latman 57 "Victpria Hotel-John Campbell James Heaton, spiiifc- I. Kelly Hector McKinnon, 7 deah r 63 Jilin McAlpiue, con- stationer 9 Reading'Rcom con "eetione.r 1 . AitckisoD, D spirit- Peter Blr. Ferguson, 65 A. Morrison, draper dealer auctioneei*, house- Mrs Cath. Gough, Tiylor, 6D1. M. wine agent, &c. Bryce Ferguson, sta- merchant Andw. Yuill, photo- tioner Wm, G-r.,int, auction- grapher Andw. Clark, clerk ner II Hector McKinnon, Mrs Dd. Somerviila 1 Rt. McLaren, banker stationer 67 Mrs Morrison, milnr. 13 Mrs Fleming 69 Mi-sMcArthur.mlnr. Townhead. Mrs B.ilUrd 71 Miss Grc. McAllUtejc 15 Mrs A. Ferrier, to- Miss Martha Maclie Hugh Baxter, grave- bacconist Mrs Wright digger 17 Wilsons & C?., fruit- Miss Glen Roht. Bush— White- erers Mrs Miry Mclndoe ford, hedgei; 19 Conservative Associ- 2 Mrs Margt. Service, John L'de, mason ation fruiterer Ax. Johnstone, carter Dantl Ferguson, gar- 73 Mrs Eiiz. Price den :r David Sommerville, Parish Church 75 P)-c Offi.-e — John toy-dealer Robertson Stewart 21 McKinlay, p.m. Charles Lyon, excise Hospital 23 Re Burness, saddler officer Mrs Railton 76 Mgt. & Ann Graham, Alex. M'Cormick, re- milliners Union street. tired policeman 77 David Sommerville, Rothesay Saw Mills Mrs Jessie Mclntyre toy -dealer — George Haliiday, 25 Alex. Raykin,clpthier 79 St. Paul's Episcopal wood me; chant 27 Dl. Duncan, mercht., Chinch — R v. I{. Mrs Margt. Shearer 29 Peter Mitchell, car- G. Wei Ion, Canon, John Maitiaad, quari- penter incumbent er Al x. Keith, ji iaer 81 Thomas Mitchell, Mrs Thos. Clark 31 Jn. Peterson, draper upholsterer Geo. Haliiday, wood 33 Audw. D-

MrsfBell Daniel McGilp,flesher Watergate. Wm. Stewart, hawker John Leitoh 1 Mary Martin, confec- Arch. McKinnon, sea- W. & J. Stewart, tioner man painters 3 Lome Hotel—Mrs Jn Mrs Gardiner 24 James Wood, carver Nicholson Morrison 26 Arthur Swanston, 5 Bute Temperance Mrs McFarlane erocer Hote'-Wm. Blackie 14 Thos. Haig, farmer Mrs Jn. Nicholson, Malcolm McKinnon, 12 spirit-dealer 11 Angus McMillan, car- 10 ^Rothesay Chronicle 3 Francis Montgomerie penter Office — Harvey & spirit dealer 13 Mrs McMillaD, milli- Co., printers 5 Agnes M'Kinlay,fur- ner 10 Henry Slaven, fisher- nisher 15 Dl. McCleary, cook man 7 Wm. Gordon, mason 17 Mrs Isabella Miller Mrs McDonald Mrs Mary Ferguson Duncan, 21 George McFadzean, Miss Margt. McKay John watch grocer 8 Aroh. Duncan, spirit maker 23 James Boyle, spirit dealer Mrs Robt. Smith dealer Jn. M. Smith, spirit- 27 Argyle Hotel — John dealer Turner West Castle street. Mrs Rae seaman 29 Music Hall— Daniel Mrs Mary Brown James Kerr, Robt. Gibson, steam- Duncan John Scott, dealer 31 John Duncan, coal Martin Innes, pawn- boat agent dealer broker 35 Robt.Morrison, joiner Jos. Ross, shopman^ 37 Hugh M'Lean, and co., Alex. McLaren, post- Wimbleton. coal dealers man James McCrone, sen., 39 Martin & Geo. Innes, ship-master 4.1 Ronald McKay pawnbrokers 1 Wm. McKay, rector 45 Mis David Kirkwood John Edgar, tanner 2 Misses Buchanan Peter McLellan Arch. Duncan, potato- 3 Miss Jessie Gutzmer Mrs Neil Turner dealer 4 Mrs Helen Loch h fad. Duncan Black 5 Mrs Martha McKellar Scott 6 E. Hill 39Sheriff Clerk's Office West Princes st. 8 Mrs J. C. Ferrier Fiscal's Office ' 4 Mrs Jane Jamieson 24 James Jeffrey, fish- 6 Arch McLellan erman Arch McLachlan Windsor place. Alex. Towart, post- 8 Mrs Jane Jamieson man 10 Jas Hunter, grocer Miss Ann Young McColl Chas. McMillan, shoe- 14 E. & J. Chalmers, Mrs maker grocers Agnes and Elizabeth Mrs Edward Ran kin e 12 Wm. Wilson, tailor Mitchell Miss. EHz. Scott Waiter Black, store James Wallace, oab- Mrs White keeper owner 22 James McKendrick, Mrs Alex. Bruce Miss Marat. Dick seaman Robt. Kmnaird Andrew Martin 20 James Sweeney shoe Helen Clark Colin Wilson Bathie maker 16^11}. Gardiner, barber W. W. Lamout, printer 18 Jn. Cameron, stoker I8*A. & D. M«Gilp, Norman Js. Walker, grocer Jn. Currie, ataman fleshers A. 150 20 Mrs Murray Burgh of Street List. Rothesay. Miss Grace Readman Wyndham road. Bryce Martin, cabinet York terrace. Mrs Eliz. Duncan maker J?. Anderson, janitor Mrs Henrietta Reicl Mrs Christina Binnie Miss Cuthbert John Barrie, plumber Dan. McDougal, fish- Archaeological and Mrs Sutherland erman Physical Society's Mrs MeKinnon Jas. McAulay, joiner Museum John Fyfe, carpenter John Orkney, draper Peter Guthrie, grocer Mrs M. Dove Malcolm McCallum Rev. W. Macloy Mrs Margt. Gilchrist Mrs Mary Wilson

isi Printed and Published by

^©I©[E©I (H]D©(§Oif9 !» ^v- "WEST COAST JOURNAL" OFFICE. w


'.V ^f if'i kjw\> M- * wi,'A it .«1 A-


-fof (9% HAT T E R, £o§>- IEf, © a) Opposite the ^'*^ Stand -RqTHESAY ' <§»!

gfe afe ?S? &> '£m <^& s^ s|s 9 7 && && & ft©^ ft®I 'W>ft®l


This Establishment is situated in front of the Pier,

where Steamers arrive and depart almost every half- hour, and affords Magnificent views of the Bay> Loch Striven, and the Kyles of Bute. Tourists by

the IONA, COLUMBA, LORD OF THE ISLES, Will find the BUTE ARMS one of the most comfortable resting-places on the West Coast of Scotland. ROBERT SMITH, Proprietor. MRS A. DICKIE, Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 111 Montague Street, Rothesay. JOHN SPENCE, Slater and Cement Worker, 9 STUART STREET, ROTHESAY. M'CALLUM & MARSHALL, Joiners, and Funeral Undertakers, 50 High Street, Rothesay. JOHN M'NAB, Tinsmith and Gasfitter, 5| East Princes Street, Rothesay

A. & E. M' Joiners, Glaziers, and Funeral Undertakers, 5£ East Princes Street, Rothesay. JOHN EDGAR, Tanner, Currier, and Leather Merchant, West Oastle Street, Rothesay. Always on hand a Good Assortment of all kinds of Leather.

BRYCE M'MILLAN, Joiner, Cart Wright, and Funeral Undertaker, 6 Russell Street, Rothesay. Dog Carts, 'Chapel Carts, Waggonettes, Gigs, &c, always on hand. ALEXANDER PEACOCK, Plumber, Gasfitter, and Zinc Worker. 53 Ardbeg Road, Rothesay. Branch from 133 Great Western Road, Glasgow. House— Karnes Bank, Port-Bannatr/Tie. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bellhanging, Pumps, Rones Ridges, 4c. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, MUSIC-SELLER, NEWS-AGENT, & LIBRARIAN, 11 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY.

Always on Hand a Carefuly-Selected Stock of Fancy, Com- mercial, and General Stationery—at Glasgow Prices. A Large and Beautiful Assortment of White Wood Goods with Local Views from the best Makers. Valentine's and Wilson's Views of Scottish Scenery.

Music, well Assorted Stock in Songs, Pieces, and Dance Music ; also cheap at 3d each, or Six for One Shilling. All School Books used in Eothesay kept in Stock. Book-Binding in all its Branches. Periodicals, Newspapers and Magazines Delivered. Circulating Library now opened.

era m


Vi g „ « S

"? ^ S »" I-1 ~£-&"T3

"fl H-l JH a^^.S<3?l.TA-a-E3 HIRER, opt,. Ejf 111 B p ^™ .5 £ 5 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY, s? f 1 2 « £. :*<< Begg to intimats to the Visitors to. and Eesidenfcers, of p c <* p 2. Rothesay and Surrounding District, that he has at ^3 & =^» •" o S § •- ff F a- THE ROTHESAY LIVERY STABLES, 5' ^ p- o <3 I-! P^ tel 7 m O >rf BISHOP STREET, First-Class Horses, Superior Waggonettes, &c, and l-K* 60 to ti Steady Drivers. u 03 First-Class Hearse and First-Class Mourning Coach.

to. o o ,_ Orders Punctually attended ' <

p INSURANCES ON LIFE - PROPERTY Effected at Moderate Premiums.

i"4 ^ ol |o J H &-' ,_, 9l * c 3 53 re o b hi'.p i Jc O O ea *3 as 33 b s; SO ^SS &. 5 P- » re «• B 3 2 o o • y -o?^-' 1 5 l to a. 1 XTj l_t CD el- •> ~ 2 b i o Bi CD £ b w p * o ri" ! re P § B m

I—J *^ Q ~;W

re" MO t-> ZL, I en O 5-1 ^ W

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"" i p ! >> CJ CD i s ^° t-Ll ^.. ^- *1 w s > a ! a n >r- "- -d A re >« 7 CD -j — • z CO 1 w HD o B _ CO ^^ Sg 03 jwct H p &d i-3 | — 1_;| t=H si re" < E ^gJ P ! 05 — -5 GO : O f e5 3 B S 1 re CL 3 -\f\ j? i 3 i= HI 1 ^ £- re re£ i o ] ^ ^ "t" o a ._. ^ * — 6" P ^ s nj_ p g B 8» wLI ^e 1 lb a. | •P rr 5L : Pr ' €**!<» 0= Cfi r-H

1 ' *J i "T3 3 W_ ! n hi jl '.- 2 50 re » H g: b D3 i B o : P- e* H bd — "B « S H 3' p >— B CJ=i ; f . n> i p 2 ^ "lb 1 C3 L PL >"d ! o S> CD .a is re j re |'j- 1 ;

Slaters, 5 Coiumshill Street, Rothesay.

TINSMITH, BELL- HANGER, & GASFITTER, 15 Montague Street, Rothesay-

DU GALD MAG F I E , r*«*« mm Gcorge mutoh), Painter and Paper Hanger, cormr of stuart street, 38 High Street, Rothesay.

Always on Hand a Select Stock of Paper-Hangings, Oils, Colours, <&c. ANDREW DODDS, Joiner, Cabinet Maker, and Funeral Undertaker, Bridge-End Street, Rothesay. Glazing, Picture Framing, &c. House—35 Victoria Street.


Opon Daily from 10 to 3 o'clock, and on Saturday Evenings from 7 to 9.

WATSON & M'KIRDY Contractors, Lochfyne Steamboat Office, Rothesay Pier, and 38 Bishop Street. —Furniture and other Goods Carefully Removed. Parties removing can depend on every care and attention being given to their orders.

lM®1he§e& Carrier, Archd. JVPGilp,

65 St Enoch Sq. 5 Glasgow ; 25 Montague Street., Rothesay. Orders left with Mr Ar.cHD M'Gilp. Bootmaker, East Princes Street, will be promptly ' attended to. Parcels forwarded to all parts of the "World by Globe Parcel Express.


" !7J YZ~ T^ *v n T . t?, m;v t r


Founded 183S. For Life Assurance and Annuities.

Funds in Hand, £2,507,000. Annual Revenue, £435,000. SPECIAL REDUCED RATES OF PREMIUM.

For Prospectuses and other information, apply to

JOHN T. WILSON, Agent in Rothesay.

SCOTTISH UNION AND NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ^IRIB J^ISTID LIFE. Established 1824. CAPITAL £6000,000 Distinguished for Prompt and Liberal Settlement of all Claims. Prospectuses and every Information to be had from JOHN T. WILSON, Agent in Rothesay.

QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY— Capital, £1,000,000. Home and Foreign Fire and Life Insurance of Every Description, at Moderate Rates- Losses Settled Promptly and Liberally. EDIMSURUH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY.—Established 1S32, and Incorporated by Act cj Parliament. — Very Moderate Rittes of Insurance, with or without Participa- tion, the latter equal to a present Bonus of a considerable amount. Nine-tenths of the whole Profits realised since last Investigation will be divided among the Participating Policy- Holders. GLASGOW PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE COMPY.—Incorporated by Act of Parliament. BLUE INSUBaJNCE COMPANY. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CORPORATION, Limited.- Guaranteed Fund, £1,000,000. UNKN PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY.

j? Prospectuses and Proposal Forms may be had gratis from ROBERT MaeALPINE, Agent, Burgh Office, Rothesay. ; hm**



o iO

Goods Delivered by Van to Ascog and Port-Bannatyne,


Furniture Stored, and all Kinds of Work Estimated for. ALEXANDER ANDERSON, CABINET AND CHAIR MAKER, Upholsterer, Polisher, and Ficture-Framer 74 MONTAGUE ST.,

Repairs &c, punctually attended to. Feathers, Wools, Beds, and Bedding always kept in Stock. Furniture Stored. PL Ml &§*%& wm WtflM JM Mb



1 r u o i u i r i u ii



Respectfully invites the charge of the various classes of Heritable Property in Dunoon and District. Proprietors may rely upon thorough management, and their interests in all points being attend- ed to.

Always on hand a complete List of Villas and Cottages for Sale, and Furnished Houses to Let.

Out-Standing Accounts and past due Bills Recovered in all parts of Argyllshire on moderate terma. BUCKIE'S BUTE TEMPERANCE HOTEL Fronting the Pier, Watergate and West Princes Street Corner,

Well-Aired Beds and Moderate Charges.

\mmt%% JJii


OBAN. House Agent —Robert Macfarlane, Stevenson Terrace. News Agent—Daniel Mackay, George Street. ISLE OF ISLA Y. Merchant—John Joss, Bowmore. Insurance Agent— Colin Campbell, Port-Ellen. Insurance Agent—D. M'Liver, Bowmore. ISLE OF MULL. Merchant—George Robertson, Tobermory. INVERARAY. News Agent —John Rodger. Newspaper Correspondent—Peter Campbell. L O CHGILPHEAD. Merchant and Commission Agent—Peter Wilson, 3 Argyle Street. ARDRISHAIG. Insurance Agent—Coll M'Dougall, inspector. News Agent— J. M. Stevenson. TARBERT. Tailor and Clothier—A. Shaw. CAMPBEL TO WN. Insurance Agent—William Thomson, Old Quay Head. News Agent—Messrs Ralston, Main Street. TIGUNABR UAICH. Merchant—Andrew Irvine, Auchenlochan and Millhouse. News Agent—D. Gunn, Post Office. DUNOON. Grocers and Wine Merchants—A. Oswald & Sons. House Agent, Insurance Agent, &c. —William Warner, 65 Argyll St. House Factor and Property Agent—Thos Scotland, Argyll Bldgs. KIRN. Grocers and Wine Merchants—A. Oswald k, Sons. LARGS. Printers, Newsagents, &c. —A. E. Barbour & Co., Main Street. FAIRLIE. News Agent— J. P. Jamieson, the Library. BUTE

ROTHESA Y. Chimney Sweeper—Thos. Hunter, 20 Watergate Street. Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant—D. M'Lach- Ian, 16 Columshill Street. Family Grocer—Peter Guthrie, Ornatus Terrace, Ardbeg Road. —Orders Punctually attended to. Ironmonger—Robert Brown, 68 Montague Street. Milliner—Mrs McMillan, 13 Watergate. Milliner—Mrs Railton, 36 Montague Street. Osborne Temperance Hotel—87 Victoria Street. Printer, Publisher, &c. —George Higgie, 22 Bridge Street. (See Advt. Register Office for Servants—H. & E. Clark, Grocers, 61 Montague St. Slater and Cement Worker—John Paterson, 10 Bridge-End Street. House 15 Castle Street. Slater and Chimney Sweeper—John Slaven, 6 Castle Street, opposite County Buildings.

r Temperance Hotel—Ormsby s,25 Argyle Street, (Next the New Parish Church.) MILLPORT. Teacher—William Macfie, Cumbrae Academy, Karnes House. News Agent—David Wishart, Post Office. LAMLASH. Merchants and Newsagents—M^Neish & Son. ERODICK. Saddler and Newsagent—H. Ribbeck. WIO-TOWN\ WIGTO WN. Chemist and Druggist, Printer, etc., G. Fraser, The Square. [Adv. The West Coast

[(Enlargement of Bute County Directory.)

The "Directory" -is an unequalled medium for posting

up the public regarding the best Businesses, as it is there theynatiwally look for information. It circulates wherever there is an interest felt in the Coast, and announcements appearing therein are, for a ivhole year, repeatedly brought face to face ivith the thousands of residentefs, Summer Visitors, and others interested in the locality.

ADVERTISING SCALE. Whole Page, £i Half Page, 12 6 Quarter Page, 7 6 Eighth Page, 5

Per Line,... 1 Special positions by agreement.

To insure insertion application early in May is necessary.

— The Scotsman says : " The Bute Directory for' 1SS2-3 is a handy little volume." — The Evening Citizen says : " The Bute County Directory is in every respect a most Credit- able production, cheap, and we should imagine indispensable to all who are in any way in- terested in the district." — The Daily Review says : " The Bute County Directory for 1SS2-3 contains much informa" tion, which will be found valuable to all inhabitants and visitors to this popular resort on the west coast." J^7, : /J> WEST COAST

A 20 page Extra Crown 4to Illustrated Magazine of Useful Information and Instruction for the leisure hour, issued at the begin- ning of every Month. Id.


A Crown Svo Annual, issued A Crown Svo Annual issued at Whitsunday, and containing in December, and containing the Officials, &c., in District, Local Business Directory, Cal- Householders in Buteshire, endar, Diary, and useful Gen- and Oban, and Street List for eral and Postal Information. Rothesay. Price, It. Price 2d.


For all kinds of PRINTING Smartly, Neatly, and Cheaply Executed, come to HIGGIE. He can suit the taste and the purse of everyone.



HUMOUROUS, (Illustrated,) and LITERARY. Issued at the approach of Winter. Humourous and Profitable Reading. Id each. MONUMENTS, TOMB-STON WALL -TABLE S, and every description of CEMETERY MEMOR IALS In Freestone, Marble, Red or Grey Granite.

Granite Monuments from £6, including Fitting- up.

Erected, or Delivered in all parts of the Country.


Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Company. Capital, £2,700,000. Prudential Life Assurance Company, The Largest Life Assurance Company in the Weald, This Company has brought the benefits of Life Assurance within the reach of all. London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Accident Assurance Company. JOHN MACKSNLAY, ^oofiseffa*, Stationer, 3Ie«)saijcnt, ant) UtOrautan POST OFFICE, MYBSBMh



Mtiming< ami Mvemmg Papei*s Delivered on Arrival of Steamers. A WELL-SELECTED ili.®lLIfili illMif Has been added to the Establishment ORDERS FOR

Promptly forwarded to GEORGE HIGGIE, PRINTER and PUBLISHER, 22 Bridge Sjceeet. "



I j ij i , ^b m




All the leading • Periodicals' and JPlonlhlg

r on hand.

Mools, MMimdiMg in all its Branches. - -

Morning. and .Evening Papers delivered on arrival of Steamers.

All articles in the Stationery Department at unsurpassed. Prices, and of good quality.

JBihles and Testaments in great Variety, Also Revised Version of Jfew Testament.

Printing.—Orders received for, and promptly for- warded to, €}eo,Higgie, Printer and Pub- lisher, 22 Bridge Street, —

" MACNIVEN & CAMERON'S 3**3 ARE THE BE ST." — PMic Opinion.


The 'Big Waverlet' Pen. The 'Bio J'.Pen.

Bft ,t pE.N I : ' u^i.h'fJit- . .'.AWLS'

'They come as a boon and a blessing to men ; The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Wayerley Pen.' These NEW PENS completely eclipse all others. "-Argus. "They are a treasure, "standard.

For fine writing, try The Commercial Pen. The Pickwick Pen. The Waverley Pen. The Hindoo Pen. The Nile Pen. The Owl Pens— Nqs. i,2,&i.

6d. and Is. per Eox, Bold by all Stationers. Sample Box with all the Kinds by Post 1b. Id.

patentees of Pens and Penholders— MACNIVEN AND CAMERON, Old Queen's Printers Buildings, 23 to 33 Blair Street, Edinburgh. ( Established 1770.)

The world at large owes a debt of giatitude to the Patentesa for their ex- cellent inventions.' Grantham Journal.

ttdTBewart of the Party ojjering Imitations of these Pens.



Established and Registered under the Companies Acts 1S62 and 1867.

Subscribed C ap it al — £100,000.

OFFICE-26 WATERGATE STREET, ROTHESAY. o — Directors. John Duncan, Woodend, Rothesay. Hector Macfie, Mountstuart, Rd. Rothesay. Robert Sharp, Manufacturer, Rothesay. Thomas Russell, Ascog. John A. Mackeoinie, Builder, Rothesay. John Black, Merchant, Rothesay. Robt. HeatON, Wine Merchant. Rothesay. William Herbert, Writer, Rothesay. Hugh Lauder, Watchmaker, Rothesay. James Smith, Baker, Rothesay. Hubert Macalpi.ne, Collector, Rothesay, John M'Kwkn, 5 Argyl* Flace, Rotheiay. Secretary—Damei, Macbeth, Sheriff Cleric.

TABLE OF RATES. First-Class Property, and Goods therein not Hazardous — la 6dand 2s percent. Hazardous Insurances, including Goods not Hazardous deposited in Hazard- ous Buildings —2s 6d to 3s per cent. Doubly Hazardous Insurances, including Hazardous Buildings in which Hazardous Trades are carried on, or Hazardous Goods Deposited— 4 s €d to Es per cent.

Special Risks at Hates to be 'fixed in each Case.

Agists for this Company. William Brown, Drapwr, Rothesay, W. Auld Wilson, Writer. A. Burnie, Clydesdale Bank. John M'Ewen, 6 Argyle Place. Wm. Duncan, Druggist. Robert Mackirdy, Agent, Bank of Scotland. P. B. Ferguson, Argyle Place. John R. Thomson, Architect. "Wm. Herbert, Writer, Rothesay. Robert Wilson, Town Clerk's Office. C. T. Hicki, Druggist. James Ross. Bank Agent, Millport. of Allan, Grocer, Millport. . John Kidd, Inspector Poor. William Robert Macalpine, Burgh Collector. A. G. Macfarlane, 13 Stuart Street, Millport. F. Macbeth, Sheriff Clerk. D. Wishart, Post Office, Millport. P. K'Laren, Royal Bank of Scotland. John Halliday, Port-Bannatyne. I). C. Miller, Diaper. Robert Watson, Cralgmore. M HOT I M I :•

' • i ROYAL


.000,0 rfn&


Of the Mighty Deep in Spacious Tanks,

Holding Many Thousand Gallons of Sea Water. TRAINED SEALS From the Arctic Eegions Sporting in their Capacious Pond. CAMERA OBSCURA. OPEN DAILY TILL TEN F\M


JOHN T. WILSON, Secretary HUGH MACFARLANE, Manager. Established Twenty IVears. . . THOMAS MITCHEL,


-iohbing .carefixliy iiad speedily, attended to.


§oohbiubing |Jeatto (fcxtaxttis, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING.



Auction Sales conducted, Valuations effected, and Insurance Claims adjusted on every description pf Property—Heritable and Moveable—on reasonable terms.

Bill-Poster and Circular Deliverer, 104 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY, Bcs to intimate that he retains the exclusive right to all the Leading Bilt-Postinjf Stations in the Burgh of Rothesay, and Village of Port-Barmatyne. Personal Attendance given to the delivery of Funeral Letters. Charges moderate. Robert Taylor, BUTCHER 5 G-allowgate Rothesay. John Gibson,BUTCHER 35 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

DANIEL CUNNINGHAM, Plumber and Zinc Worker, 102 Montague Street, Rothesay

ALEXANDER WILSON, Family Bread and Biscuit Baker, 101 Montague Street, Rothesay.

JAMES HUNTER, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 10 West Princes Street, Rothesay. Adam Hunter, FAMILY GROCER, 47 Victoria Street, (Opposite the Esplanade).

Orders Punctually Attended to.

DONALD BUCHANAN, Family Bread and Biscuit Baker, and Confectioner, 9 Gallowgate Street, Rothesay. Hot Pies Every Saturday Night. SOMMERVILLE'S 77 Victoria Street, Rothesay. Umbrellas, Combs, Brnshs, Toys, Fancy Goods) and other Useful Articles. Umbellas, Made, Covered, and .Repaired. * ^AKGMBAW) TURNERS HOUSE AGENT, and PIERMASTER,

Auctioneer and House Agent, 9 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. mnAw wmtmstt

Bishop Street, Rothesay.

SJIIBIP tlllfll,' Glasgow and Rothesay Carrier, 20 & 28 HOWARD STREET, GLASGOW; 58 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY.

Parcels received from and forwarded to all parts of the "World. _ , -

Wir*- 4 pewWAmA^m* •ryi< g l >jj


Cargoes contracted for with Builders, Plasterers, Contractors, Farmers, &c.

, - — — — ———.,


" Sole Proprietors of the Celebrated New Perfume— "THE ISLE OF BUTE BOUQUET,"




ilgent, : (Clgbesbale Vanft, 3Iof§esat),

IMI IR, S .A. . DPEflE.IEK., TOBACCO If I ST, TOY, AND FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM 15 Victoria Street, Rothesay, jusfc received a Large and Beautiful Assortment of WHITE 'WOO?* HASGOODS with New Views this Locality. Travelling, JPic-Nic, Satin Lined, and all Kinds of Fancy BASKETS, COMBS and BRUSHES. A Fine Assortment of ALXING STICKS. FISHING RODS andTACKLEr VALENTINE *nd SONS PHOTOGRAPHS of this District. Mechanical and all kinds of TOYS and TOT CHINA, «ne MODEL DOLLS. j?#&SES, POCKET-BOOKS, NOTE-BOOKS, andT-ADIES COMPANIONS. .ROLL *nd CUT TOBACCOS. CIGARS »nd CIGARETTES, WEEK* CHAUM and BRIAR PIPES, silver *nd jet jmstimj. LIEBI G-'S


Made from Port Wine, Liebig's Extract of Meat and Extract of Malt ; Nutri- tious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming and Health=restoring ; suitable for the Robust in Health, as well as the Invalid. Strongly recommended by

the Medical Faculty* An immediate Benefit is experienced after taking it ; the Frame is Invigorated, and lio ilheffeGts follow.

IEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND ation," and will OmltiiO opportunity of recoup L MALT WINE (Coleman's). mending it to his patients; and to general and permanent invalids. Important Testimonials from Medical Men. Sudbury, Suffolk, Sept. 13th, 1880.

Rowley House, Messrs., Coleman & Co. . • Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Gentlemen,— I am much pleased with your October 16th, 1S82. preparation of "Extract of Meat and Malt Gentlemen, —I have much pleasure in testi- Wine," having tried it in several cases of de- fying to the good result to be obtained tl-rough bility. I can recommend it as -an easily assi- the use of your ''Liebig's Extract of Meat and milated food and tonic, and of special use in Malt Wine." I have used it with considerable cases of consumption. benefit in the case of my own child, and con- Yours truly, sider it a very valuable dietetic agent. J. SINCLAIR HOLDEN, M.D. I remain, Gentlemen, Yours respectfully. Hertford, Nov. 16th, 1882. FENWICKHELE,lM.RC.S., ilS.A, Messrs. Coleman & Co. Gentlemen, — I have tasted and recommended Cleveland House, Bowes, Park, your Extract of Meat and Malt Wine 'which Dec. 2nd, 1882. vou were good enough to send to me, and I Messrs. Coleman & Co. have much pleasure in informing you that it Gentlemen, -I have used your "Liebig's gives great satisfaction. You have a good

Extract of Meat and Malt Wine'' (Coleman's) Agent in this town, Viz. , Mr. Lines. and can bear testimony to its value in all cases Yours faithfully, of general and stomach debility. Where there THOMAS ODELL, M.R.C.S., &c. is waste'of body—as in the period of oqnvab escence from illness of a wasting [Character — I believe it to be an invaluable remedy,- I Harpenden, Nov. 24th, 1882. shall certainly prescribe it extensively. Messrs, Coleman & Co. I am, Gentlemen, yours truly, Gentlemen,— I am obliged for sample of your C. E, HOCKEN, M.D., U.B., M.R.C.S. Wine. I have used it for one of my children, and have recommended a patient to make a trial of it, and he has promised to procure Sept. 1st, 1882. some and do so. Mr. Merry, of Shottesham, thanks Messrs. Very truly yours, Coleman for the bottle of "Liebig's Prepar- F. R. SPACEMAN, M.R.C.S.

Pints, 30s per dozen ; Quarts 50s per dozen. Carriage paid to any Railway Station in Great Britain. Sample Bottle sent for 33 stamps.

P.O. Orders to be made payable to COLEMAN and CO., MUSPOLE STREET, NORWICH.

Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom, in Bottles, 2s Sd, and 4s 6d, each. Ask for Coliman's Lierjg's Extract op Meat and Malt Wine, and " see that you get it." Also, if you wish for Liebig's Extract of Meat, ask for Coleman's Genuine. NOTV OPEN, WEST-END HALL, BRIDGE & BRIDGE-END STREET CORNER, EOTHE SAY. . o Seated for Over 400 Persons, and Furnished in the most Complete and Comfortable Manner.

Suitable for Marriage Parties, and Meetings of a Social or Public Character.

For Terms, apply to JAMES PARK, Bridge-End Street.


Wine anb Spirit 3Tteix(jant,

Park's Famed Blend, 3s per Bottle, 1 7s 6d per Gallon.

Bass,' Allsopp's, and Guinesses' Stout, 2s 6d per Doz.

Finest Old Brandies, 5s per Bottle.

Rums, Gins, and Cordials all of the Best Qualities.

Orders from Families, Yachts, and Pic-Nic Parties receive Immediate attention. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER, 20 Bridge Street Rothesay.

. o

Trimmings, Furnishings, etc., kept in Stock, MRS M0RIS0N,



Millinery, Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Laces, Ties, Scarfs, Vevets,, Collars, Cuffs, Wools, Underclothing, &c., &c. Agent for P. & P. CAMPBELL, Dyers Perth.


BLACKSMITH, 1 JOHN STREET, ROTHESAY. o Horse Shoeing and General Smith Work, JOHN ORKNEY.9

18 r




THOMPSON'S Goads admittedly combined Ea.se with Elegance, Lightness with Durability, and Thorough Protection, attends gets his from Damp. He personally to the Bespoke Trade ;

Lasts made by best Makers ; and in all cases Gaarante^s a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation.

Every Novelty in the Trade kept in Stock, or procured on the Shortest Notice.


Furnished Villas, Cottages, and Houses to Let in Oban and Surrounuing Country of every description during season. Valuations Effected. DONALD BLACK, FLESHER, Queen's Buildings, OBAN.

OBAN".—PKIVATE LODGINGS by the Night, Week or Month, with or without Attendance. View Unsurpassed. Mrs Macfarlane, Blair Villa, and Queen's Buildings, in the : vicinity of the Post Office and Free Church.

SOLICITOR-, Estate Shooting, Fishing, and House Agency,

LOCHGILPHEAD.3 AROfYLE STREET, PRINTER, GENERAL MERCHANT, COMMISSION AGENT, fxxt anfr fife Insurance J|0cnt. o Agent for the Singer Sewing Machine,

,, Swiss and American Clocks,

,, Halliday's Famed Packet Teas, and „ Tonga, a cure for Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, ant Gout. o All orders executed with despatch. OF

ssed in Quali

Public Analyist says it's ti Pure, Wholesome, & Good.

M»®© a i mi


JEl O T IE3I E S A"2\ (Successor to Andrew M'Lachlan,) FA MI LY GROCER,

;i &.u.*? *i*^* 9 am f w»>m op** *» vfo-uv* 59 MONTGUE ST., ROTHESAY.

Established 28 Years ST BLAME'S HOTEL,

This New Hotel is now Open to Visitors, 'Bus from Rothesay twice Daily. W. BALLOCH, Proprietor.


Jobbing in House and Cabinet Work promptly attended to. JAMES GALLOWAY, mmt $ ^f GUILDFORD SQUARE, K"in nhbrii.

Galloway's Famed Blend, 3s per Bottle, 17s Gd"per Gallon. Bass', Allsopp's, and Guinesses' Stout, 2s 6d per Doz. Finest Old Brandies, 5s per Bottle. ' w. Having the Largest Retail Shoe Stores in Scotland 124, 126, 128 and 132 TR01TGATE, o 2 EGLINTON STREET, > 183 2TELSOT STREET, 179 COWCADDENS, 2 FERGUSON STREET, and


55 S 9

^~i i-5 •~| g*i J «

03 ^> "g

^ <° H m 3 -rH S o 8)1

I s r i E-i ipH .slo rdPn *» -^ ^ ^ rf ai d

O „ d o

Tennis Shoes, Every Novelty in Yachting . Shoes, Evening, Marriage, and Dress Slippers. Much the Largest Stock in Rothesay. At ye Signe of ye BIGE RED TEAPOT over against ye olde TRON STEEPLE in ye Citie of GLASGOW, TRONGATE, (No. 70) is ye Grete CHINA MARTE of

ge JHtessrs THOMAS NAISMITH, and Company,

toljo seffe ge 33cst


©fuss &[(£f)i}\a 4. Ill lA at ge ^^wf oerg Horaest prices

in ge Cttic. 4 1osh IWe! Sic Bargains" UM SMITH'S *®*

Dinner Sets, 9s 9d. Tea Sets, 4s lid. Bedroom Sets, 2s lid. Tumblers, Id.

Glasses, Id. Goblets 2 Id, Salts, Id each, *


Tborouglily waterproof Thoroughly waterproof

Ladies' Waterproof Canton Capes, 21/- The "Zephyr Siphonia" Cape. The Patent " Electro " Proofed Coat, The lightest and best made. OILSTI/IZ- TO BE HAD FROM:

O (— CD 6 £ TIGMTO CTJERE *~ O «. '<>') (?*~ f-4 -• +14, j."^ n - ** CD

g« 45.YjAMAjfcA ST,f 45. •