09 20 No.1515 European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions Topicality of the Declarations of Lima and Mexico: the independence of SAIs as a guarantee of democratic States I - ARA SA B O O R S U A I E 9 P 0 A 0 R 2 IS rs · 30-31 ma Organización de las Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores de Europa European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions Organisation des Institutions Supérieures de Contrôle des Finances Publiques d’Europe Europäische Organisation der Obersten Rechnungskontrollbehörden Европейская организация высших органов финансового контроля ISSN: 1027-8982 ISBN: 84-922117-6-8 Depósito Legal: M. 23.968-1997 EUROSAI magazine is published annually on behalf of EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions) by the EUROSAI Secretariat. The magazine is dedicated to the advancement of public auditing procedures and techniques as well as to providing information on EUROSAI activities. The editors invite submissions of articles, reports and news items which should be sent to the editorial offi ces at TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS, EUROSAI Secretariat, Fuencarral 81, 28004-Madrid, SPAIN. Tel.: +34 91 446 04 66 - Fax: +34 91 593 38 94 E-mail:
[email protected] - tribunalcta@tcu. es www: http://www.eurosai.org The aforementioned address should also be used for any other correspondence related to the magazine. The magazine is distributed to the Heads of all the Supreme Audit Institutions throughout Europe who participate in the work of EUROSAI. EUROSAI magazine is edited and supervised by Manuel Núñez Pérez, EUROSAI Secretary General; and María José de la Fuente, Director of the EUROSAI Secretariat; Pilar García, Fernando Ro- dríguez, Jerónimo Hernández, and Teresa García.