When applying for a new job or a position of promotion, the job often requires that you complete an application, submit a resume, and complete a series of exams. However, there are rare opportunities in life where a position becomes available where you are Chosen for an assignment that you may not immediately recall applying for. The Lord was in need of someone to use to demonstrate His power to work miracles, and I was Chosen. I do not recall submitting my application; resume or completing a series of test but the Lord reminded me of the day that I prayed a simple prayer: “Lord use me. For your Glory, Lord use me. Amen.” I was Chosen for this assignment, and I thank God that he found me worthy of the position. Please allow me to share my story………

It’s every woman’s dream to have a man take her out on a date transported by a private jet. Little did I know the Lord would fulfill my dream as a means of life flight transportation after suffering a near-death brain aneurysm on my mother’s 72nd birthday on August 15, 2011. Unfortunately, I have suffered short- term memory loss as a result of my aneurysm and have little to no memory of the events that took place on that day. I do recall preparing myself for work and having what I thought was the worst ever. Hours later, my youngest daughter, Wendy then 14, found me in my bedroom unresponsive, in a puddle of vomit. Wendy ran to get help from her sister, my oldest daughter, Lyndsey then 20, and my daughters made every attempt to revive me. Thank God my children were home, but unfortunately, I did not respond to their efforts to mobilize their mother. Their immediate response led them to do what most children do, call their grandmother for help. It was probably one of the worst telephone calls that my mother has ever received.

My mother became their personal 911 operator and instructed the girls to dial 911 immediately and to call their Uncle Brother (my brother and his family live right around the corner from my family) with great hopes he would be able to see exactly what was going on. I was transported by ambulance to St. Elizabeth hospital, where for hours no one could determine what was wrong with me. The paramedics were certain I had overdosed on drugs. It was after several extensive tests were completed that a small bleed was located in my brain on the right side, and the medical staff determined immediate help was needed to save my life. The doctors informed my family that I had about 3 hours to live, and the closest doctors trained to handle the severity of my medical condition were available at Memorial Hermann Hospital – Houston, TX. Within minutes my 3-hour window to live was reduced to 2 hours, and the life flight ambulatory team was contacted.

Upon my arrival at Memorial Hermann, a team of doctors led by neurosurgeons Dr. Peng Roc Chen and Dr. Arthur L. Day performed a seven-hour surgery making every effort to get to the bleed in my brain. Discovering the aneurysm was difficult due to its small size and its location. Three days after arriving at the hospital, my doctors performed a stent-assisted coil embolization to stop the bleed in my brain and to secure my aneurysm. An abnormal accumulation of known to many as “water on the brain” required placement of a cerebral to be inserted into my brain as well. I was then placed in the Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit for the next 19 days. This was a challenging time for my family. Due to the nature of my case, visitation was restricted and those that were allowed visitation had to sign in and wear a gown and gloves. I spent most of my days in the hospital highly sedated and attached to many devices monitoring the pressure on my brain, checking for any new bleeding, and determining how my body functioned after having brain surgery. It was harrowing for my family to see me in this condition, to witness me having seizures, and to see my head all bandaged not knowing if the surgical procedures had secured the ruptured vessels. The doctors initially informed my family that I would more than likely require at least two years of rehab, but the Lord blessed me that I never set foot in a rehab center. After being discharged, I returned to my home to begin my rehabilitation with home health care, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and my mother moved in to oversee my family caring for me.

Even after returning home, my family had to bring me back to Memorial Hermann Houston each week for routine cerebral angiograms to check the treated aneurysm. Two weeks after returning home, a routine cerebral angiogram showed that I had a recurrent aneurysm, and again, I was bleeding on the brain. At this time, a decision to either have my aneurysm clipped or try coiling it again was necessary. Clipped or coiled, the risk included potential bleeding on the brain, temporary or permanent neurologic problems, seizures, or death. I was readmitted to the hospital again. My doctors attempted to perform another stent-assisted coil embolization, and again, they were unsuccessful. At that time, my family was asked to allow me to participate in a Humanitarian Use Device (HUD) project called “Cordis Enterprise Vascular Reconstruction Device and Delivery System – Humanitarian Use Device” being conducted by Dr. Peng Roc Chen and his research staff of the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston. A Humanitarian Use Device is a device that is “intended to benefit patients in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases or conditions that affect fewer than 4000 individuals in the United States. This HUD was FDA approved but experimental because there were too few patients with this type of an aneurysm to allow for traditional clinical trial testing to be performed in a timely manner. I have become a case study for the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, TX. and I and thankful to God that the stent is holding and after three brain surgeries and ten cerebral angiograms my aneurysm has been successfully repaired.

Life for me after my aneurysm has been difficult, but God has been good to me. After studying my case, it was determined that a hereditary trait exists within my family. My grandfather, my great uncle, and my aunt all suffered brain aneurysms. Unfortunately, my grandfather and my aunt both died from their aneurysms, and my uncle later died of other health challenges. As a means of prevention, my family members will all be tested. About 30,000 people in the United States suffer a brain aneurysm rupture each year. Studies have shown that there is a rupture every 18 minutes. Ruptured brain aneurysms are fatal in about 40% of cases. Of those who survive, about 66% suffer some permanent neurological deficit. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord’s hand is upon my life. People see me and are amazed that I possess no physical evidence of suffering such a loss. My speech is not slurred, I am walking without the aid of a walker or a Brain Scan of Survivor Arlicia R. Albert The white dot is the coiling that repaired my aneurysm and the long white line is the VP Shunt and tubing that was inserted into my brain after developing (water on the brain). cane, and now that my hair has grown back, the deformities to my are not seen by the physical eye. Initially, I suffered the inability to use my right leg, but after extensive physical therapy, I am making strides in high heels. I lost central vision in my right eye due to a Valsalva hemorrhage, but today my vision has been restored, and with the help of contact lenses, I now see 20/20. I have suffered short-term memory loss and my doctor’s report that I may never regain it but with the help of repetition, sound alarms in my cellular phone, color-coded to-do list and a host of sticky notes everywhere I have learned to recall day to day events. It has been reported that I am a prime candidate for Alzheimer’s disease, but I am fighting to WIN this race! For a while, I could do very little for myself, BUT today, I am thankful for the Grace of God! Today I am walking, talking, cooking (just a little LOL!), I can dress myself, I am driving, I am traveling, I have written my first book, participated in the Oxford Round Table and I travel across the globe preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and delivering messages of hope and healing to remind the world that God still performs miracles.

Some days are better than others, and there are yet still some hurdles in life that I have not yet climbed, but God has been good to me. In a moment of frustration I asked my doctor when will I do this and when will I do that and can I do this and can I do that and my frustration turned into immediate thanksgiving to hear my doctor say, “Arlicia I honestly don’t know. I have only had five patients with similar aneurysms to participate in the HUD program, and of the five patients, two of them have died, and two are in a vegetation state of living – YOU are the ONLY ONE that I have that is walking and talking!” He said, “When you ask me those questions, I honestly don’t know. I do not have a patient that I can refer to; you are the one, so we will have to learn together. “ I left the doctor’s office in tears and rejoicing because without a doubt, my life proves that GOD still works miracles!

The Lord has demonstrated His Power, Provisions, and Promises and today, I AM HEALED!!!

Aneurysms are a silent killer and often appear with little or no warning. It could happen to you! Early detection can save your life.

Arlicia R. Albert MYE320 Founder & Executive Director Married to Lt. Col. Wendell M. Albert who serves as a Deputy Commanding Officer in the U. S. Army Mother of 2 beautiful daughters Lyndsey – 28 and Wendy 22 Web Address: www.ArliciaAlbert.com www.MYE320.com Email: [email protected] Twitter: arliciaalbert Facebook: Arlicia R. Albert Instagram: arliciaalbert