OBSERVATION Subcutaneous Trigger Point Causing Radiating Postsurgical Pain

Ali Hendi, MD; Peter T. Dorsher, MD; Thomas D. Rizzo Jr, MD; Lawrence E. Gibson, MD

Background: The immediate onset of severe postop- ate postoperative period with referred (distant) pain ex- erative pain, especially pain radiating distant from the in- tending down the ipsilateral arm that was caused by a cision site, is uncommon after dermatologic surgery. thoracic subcutaneous trigger point.

Observation: A 37-year-old woman undergoing exci- Conclusion: Surgeons and pain management specialists sion of a nevus from the left side of her midback had an should be aware of this potential cause of immediate post- exquisitely tender spot along the incision lines. This ten- operative pain to prevent unnecessary medical or surgical der spot was hard to anesthetize and was clinically vis- interventions in the postoperative period. ible, after excision of the nevus, as a fibrous bundle in the subcutaneous plane. She presented in the immedi- Arch Dermatol. 2009;145(1):52-54

HEN A PATIENT HAS gins was planned. Local anesthesia con- severe incisional sisted of , 1% (Xylocaine), with pain after a derma- 1:100 000 epinephrine buffered with so- tologic surgical pro- dium bicarbonate. The buffered anesthetic cedure, several pos- agent was prepared by adding 3 mL of so- sibilitiesW should be considered. Immediate dium bicarbonate to 27 mL of lidocaine. postoperative pain (0-24 hours) may be a While receiving the injections of local an- sign of an acute hematoma, which is a sur- esthetic, the patient complained of a par- gical emergency. Alternatively, inci- ticularly tender focal site superior to the ne- sional pain in the immediate postopera- vus. A total of 6 mL of buffered lidocaine tive period may be a normal sequela of the with epinephrine was used preoperatively. procedure. Postoperative edema may cause Intraoperatively, the patient complained of painful distention of the local tissues. De- sharp pain at the same site superior to the layed postoperative pain (5-7 days) is of- nevus, which necessitated injection of an ad- ten a sign of , which is associ- ditional 2 mL of anesthetic agent into this ated with marked redness, drainage, area before the nevus could be excised. The warmth, fever, or a combination of these surrounding skin was undermined to re- clinical signs. We describe a patient with move tension from the wound margins. unusually severe intraoperative and post- Electrocautery (electrodesiccation) was used operative pain attributable to a subcuta- to obtain hemostasis. Application of the elec- neous thoracic trigger point that was noted trosurgical needle to the same tender site su- during excision of a nevus. The pain was perior to the nevus caused severe pain de- associated with marked incisional ery- spite the anesthetic injections. On close thema, hyperesthesia, and referred (dis- inspection of this area, a white fibrous tant) pain extending down the ipsilateral bundle of tissue measuring approximately Author Affiliations: arm to the hand. 0.5 to 1.0 cm was visualized in the deep sub- Department of Dermatology cutaneous fat. An additional 1 mL of local (Dr Hendi) and Department of anesthetic was injected into this area. The Physical Medicine and REPORT OF A CASE patient again complained of severe pain with Rehabilitation (Drs Dorsher and the injection. The defect was then closed in Rizzo), Mayo Clinic, A thin 37-year-old woman was referred for a layered manner using buried 3-0 polygly- Jacksonville, Florida; and Department of Dermatology excision of an atypical nevus on her left mid- colic acid (Vicryl) sutures and superficial 5-0 (Dr Gibson), Mayo Clinic, back. On physical examination, the nevus fast-absorbing gut sutures. The deep Rochester, Minnesota. Dr Hendi was 1.0ϫ0.8 cm and was located on the left and underlying musculature were not vio- is now in private practice in midback below the scapula. An obliquely lated at any time during the surgical Chevy Chase, Maryland. oriented elliptical excision with 3-mm mar- procedure.


©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 Figure 2. Photograph taken on the first postoperative day shows the wound medial to the left scapula. Note severe peri-incisional erythema.

with pain radiation above and below the incision site on the left side and into her left upper limb. On examina- tion, she was in moderate distress due to the pain and demonstrated diffuse co-contraction of her muscles (el- evation and protraction of both shoulders, clenching of her toes, and slow deliberate movements accompanied by reports of pain). Findings from the neurologic exami- nation were normal, as was passive range of motion, once the patient began to relax. was diagnosed, and ace- taminophen with codeine and cyclobenzaprine hydro- chloride were prescribed. The analgesic was provided for the severe postoperative pain, and cyclobenzaprine was added as a sedating muscle relaxant, given the muscle co-contraction and psychological distress noted on ex- amination. A transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula- tion (TENS) unit for pain relief was recommended be- Figure 1. Myofascial pattern of the latissimus dorsi muscle. cause the patient was familiar with this modality and had Reprinted with permission from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education a unit available for her use. and Research. She was seen 1 week later and referred for consisting of , desensitizing mas- The patient returned the next day and reported se- sage, active/assisted range of motion for the shoulder and vere pain at the left thoracic surgical site that radiated thoracic spine to decrease the pain, and aerobic exer- from the low thoracic and upper lumbar regions near the cise. She was also referred for a trial of . She surgical site to her left upper back and scapular region was seen for 5 sessions in physical therapy for 2 weeks and intermittently down her left arm to her hand (radi- and experienced marked (Ͼ80%) improvement in her ating pain pattern is shown in Figure 1). She had not pain symptoms as well as improved tolerance to mas- been able to sleep the night after surgery because of her sage and exercise. She was seen by a physiatrist trained severe pain. The postoperative surgical bandage was re- in acupuncture (P.T.D.) approximately 6 weeks after sur- moved. There was marked erythema superior to the clo- gery. The physiatrist documented more than 80% im- sure; yet inferior to the incision, there was at most mild provement in her pain as well as continued normal neu- erythema (Figure 2). The area superior to the surgical rologic examination findings and only minimal tenderness incision was exquisitely tender to light touch (hyperal- at the site of the surgical incision. Given her ongoing gesic), while the inferior aspect of the closure was sub- marked clinical improvement and mild pain reported, acu- stantially less tender. There was no incisional drainage, puncture was not thought to be indicated by the clini- fluctuance, swelling, or bruising, and the area was not cian or patient. warm to the touch. That is, there was no clinical evi- The excisional biopsy accomplished complete re- dence of postoperative infection or hematoma at the sur- moval of a compound nevus and extended to the pan- gical site. The patient was afebrile. To help assess this niculus. The nevus showed focal areas of confluence and unusual postsurgical complication, the patient was evalu- mild cytologic atypia. The underlying dermis was oth- ated by one of us (T.D.R.) in the Department of Physical erwise unremarkable. Immunostaining for S-100 pro- Medicine and Rehabilitation at Mayo Clinic in Jackson- tein demonstrated the nevus cells but also was other- ville, Florida. wise unremarkable. No abnormality of nerves or other The patient was examined because of her complaints structures was noted. Congo red and sulfated alcian blue of increased pain at the site of the left thoracic excision stains for amyloid were negative.


©2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: https://jamanetwork.com/ on 10/02/2021 COMMENT the procedure. The presence of this referred pain pat- tern in a soft-tissue structure overlying the latissimus dorsi muscle, rather than in the muscle itself, is not explained To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a trig- by current theories of pathogenesis of myofascial trig- ger point located in the subcutaneous tissue overlying ger points.5,6 However, this presentation would be con- the latissimus dorsi muscle that produced a referred pain sistent with a neurophysiologic basis for myofascial pain pattern across the ipsilateral upper back and arm in a dis- syndrome,3 which suggests that trigger points are neu- tribution similar to that described for the latissimus dorsi rally mediated. The report by Shah et al7 provides fur- muscle.1,2 This trigger point was in a focal area superior to the surgical incision that was physically visible dur- ther evidence that trigger points are neurally mediated. 7 the authors found elevated biochemical ing dermatologic surgery, was unusually sensitive (hard In that study, mediators of pain and not only proximate to anesthetize), and produced marked local autonomic to active trigger points in the trapezius muscle but also cutaneous changes in color and swelling (Figure 2). in the distant gastrocnemius muscle in their subjects dem- Myofascial pain syndrome refers to pain originating onstrating active trigger points in the trapezius muscle. from muscle or its associated fascia, which is character- These elevated levels of biochemical mediators of pain ized by trigger points.1 Trigger points are hyperirritable foci located in taut bands of muscle or its associated fas- and inflammation were not present in the trapezius or cia that are tender to and may generate re- gastrocnemius muscles of subjects who did not have ac- ferred (distant) pain and local autonomic changes, in- tive trigger points in their trapezius muscles. These find- cluding vasoconstriction, pilomotor changes, erythema, ings are consistent with central sensitization in subjects swelling, and abnormal sweating.1 Trigger points, how- with active trapezius trigger points (ie, a neurologic ba- ever, may also occur in periosteum, tendons, ligaments, sis of chronic myofascial pain). It is important for clini- skin, or other soft-tissue structures.1 The diagnosis of trig- cians who perform cutaneous surgery to be aware of this ger points is based on clinical examination because there potential cause of immediate postoperative pain so that are no specific diagnostic tests. an accurate diagnosis can be made and treatment can be Treatments described to have efficacy for treating myo- implemented should it occur. fascial pain syndrome include range-of-motion exer- cises (eg, stretches, ) and local or 3 Accepted for Publication: March 17, 2008. anesthetic injection of the trigger points. Medications Correspondence: Ali Hendi, MD, Barlow Bldg, 5454 Wis- demonstrated to have efficacy in myofascial pain syn- consin Ave, Ste 725, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (DrHendi drome include tricyclic antidepressant drugs, although @MohsSurgeryMD.com). nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relax- Author Contributions: Dr Hendi had full access to all ants, and mild opioids are often used in clinical prac- 3 of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the tice. TENS treatment for myofascial pain syndrome has integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analy- had conflicting results in clinical trials but demon- sis. Study concept and design: Hendi and Rizzo. Acquisi- strated efficacy in a study of patients with chronic back 3 tion of data: Hendi, Dorsher, Rizzo, and Gibson. Analy- pain. TENS delivers a low-level electrical current, which sis and interpretation of data: Hendi, Dorsher, Rizzo, and is thought to attenuate pain perception via stimulation Gibson. Drafting of the manuscript: Hendi, Dorsher, and of large cutaneous sensory afferent nerve fibers that in- Rizzo. Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- hibit input from A␦ and C pain fibers in the dorsal horn 4 tellectual content: Hendi, Dorsher, Rizzo, and Gibson. Ad- neurons of the spinal cord. ministrative, technical, and material support: Dorsher, Rizzo, The unusual sensitivity of this patient’s subcutane- and Gibson. Study supervision: Hendi. ous trigger point during surgery and its associated local Financial Disclosure: None reported. hyperesthesia and autonomic changes noted in the im- mediate postoperative period suggest that this trigger point may have been a cutaneous nerve branch of the REFERENCES dorsal ramus of a segmental spinal nerve seen intraop- 1. Travell JG, Simons DG. Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual. eratively during nevus excision. In accordance with the Vol 1. 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