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Papers Management of Pain

Peter Baldry

This paper is based on a lecture given at the BMAS Spring Scientific Meeting, Bournemouth 2001

Peter Baldry Summary emeritus consultant Successful management of myofascial trigger point (MTrP) pain depends on the practitioner finding all of the MTrPs from which the pain is emanating, and then deactivating them by one of several currently [email protected] used methods. These include deeply applied procedures, such as an injection of a local anaesthetic into MTrPs and deep (DDN), and superficially applied ones, including an injection of saline into the skin and superficial dry needling (SDN) at MTrP sites. Reasons are given for believing that DDN should be employed in cases where there is severe muscle due to an underlying . For all other patients SDN is the treatment of choice. Following MTrP deactivation, correction of any postural disorder likely to cause MTrP reactivation is essential, as is the need to teach the patient how to carry out appropriate muscle exercises. It is also important that the practitioner excludes certain biochemical disorders.

Keywords Myofascial trigger points, deep dry needling, superficial dry needling.

Introduction may be obtained from carefully noting the For the successful management of myofascial distribution of pain and by observing which trigger point (MTrP) pain it is essential to first movements are restricted as a result of it. identify all of the MTrPs from which the pain is The search should be carried out by means of emanating, and to deactivate them by one or other the palpating finger being drawn across each part of several methods currently employed. of a muscle in a manner similar to that employed Following this, measures should be adopted as when kneading dough. necessary to prevent reactivation of the MTrPs. In Some authorities advocate the use of flat addition, treatment should be started as early as for any muscle where only one of its possible, before pain-perpetuating changes take surfaces is accessible for palpation, and pincer place, in particular spinal cord neuroplasticity palpation where both sides of the muscle are (central sensitisation). accessible, such that it is possible to grasp it between the fingers. The difficulty with Systematic Search for Pain-Producing MTrPs employing the latter technique, however, as Sir The identification of all of the active MTrPs is Thomas Lewis pointed out over 50 years ago,1 is mandatory, because if only one of them is that normal healthy muscle is extremely tender overlooked the persistence of a certain amount of when firmly squeezed. Because of this, it is my pain is inevitable. personal preference to use flat palpation for all It is therefore necessary to locate MTrPs not muscles. When doing this the pressure applied only in the primarily affected muscles, but also in with the examining finger must be very firm their synergists and antagonists (secondary MTrPs). (approximately 4kg), or the characteristic ‘jump’ In addition, it is necessary to search for any (involuntary flexion withdrawal) and ‘shout’ (the satellite MTrPs that may be present in the primary utterance of an expletive) reactions at an active or and secondary MTrPs’ zones of pain referral. latent MTrP site will not be elicited. It cannot be Guidance as to where to look for these MTrPs emphasised too strongly that one of the

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commonest reasons for MTrPs being overlooked body for therapeutic purposes had been a long is that palpation has been carried out too gently. established practice, first in China, and then in When palpating a superficially placed muscle Japan, reached Europe in the 17th century, in the manner just described it is often possible to principally as a result of the Dutch physician feel a MTrP-related taut band. Should this be Willem ten Rhijne.6 Whilst working as a medical ‘snapped’, by drawing the examining finger officer on the staff of the Dutch East Indies across it at a TrP (trigger point) site in a manner Company in Java, he wrote a book describing what similar to that employed when plucking a violin he had observed. string, a transient contraction of the muscle fibres His contemporaries in the Western World, may be evoked. This local twitch response may be however, viewed this type of treatment with either visible, or felt under the examining finger, considerable incredulity, particularly as, by that or both. time, renaissance anatomists such as Vesalius, When pressure is applied for about 10-15 had, during the course of dissecting the human seconds to a pain-producing MTrP it is possible to body, failed to find evidence of channels reproduce the patient’s spontaneously experienced corresponding to those containing Qi (vital pain. It might be thought that it is worthwhile energy) that had been described by the Chinese. doing this routinely in order to confirm that the Consequently, Europeans took no further TrP is in an active phase. However, carrying this interest in acupuncture until the early 19th century, out at a number of MTrP sites is liable to cause the when, somewhat surprisingly, books recommending patient considerable discomfort. As Hong et al its use appeared in France, Italy, and England. have shown,2 this pressure-induced pain referral is In England, the London medical practitioner not confined to active MTrPs, for it may at times JM Churchill drew attention to the merits of dry be observed with latent trigger points. needling by writing about it in two books, the first My pragmatic approach therefore,3 is to avoid published in 18217 and the second in 1828.8 this test, for when, in the absence of any other It is obvious, from reading Churchill’s books, obvious pain-producing disorder, MTrPs with their that he restricted himself to treating the disorder characteristic ‘jump’ and ‘shout’ reactions are found, that he called rheumatalgia, which today is called in a region of the body affected by a persistent dull the MTrP pain syndrome. It is equally clear that he aching type of pain, and the latter is relieved by employed a strong acupuncture stimulus, for, from one or other of the MTrP deactivating procedures looking at the length of the flanged needles he to be discussed, it is reasonable to assume that the used (see figure 1), he clearly inserted them deeply pain must have been emanating from them. into muscle at points of maximum tenderness, and There is no general consensus as to the then left them in situ for five to six minutes. essential criteria for the diagnosis of the MTrP Although Churchill reported good results with pain syndrome. In view of this unfortunate state of this treatment, its use for the rest of the 19th affairs, and in an attempt to rectify it, the century was restricted to a few centres, seemingly International Myopain Society has been recently because no one could offer a plausible explanation engaged in conducting a large-scale multi-centre as to how it might work. One of its most study.4 Its findings are awaited with great interest. distinguished exponents, however, was Sir William Osler,9 who, in the 8th edition of his Treatment of Pain-Producing Myofascial student text book, published in 1912, at a time Trigger Points - Historical Review when he was Regius Professor of Medicine at Historically, the method which must take pride of Oxford University, wrote, place as having been the first to be employed, in “...For lumbago, acupuncture is in acute cases the 7th century A.D. by the Chinese physician Sun the most efficient treatment. Needles of from three Ssu-Mo, is dry needling, of what he called Ah- to four inches in length (ordinary bonnet needles, Shih points.5 Clearly, from his description of them, sterilised will do) are thrust into the lumbar they are what are currently referred to as MTrPs. muscles at the seat of the pain and withdrawn News that insertion of needles into the after five to ten minutes...”

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alleviated, by injecting 1% (Novocain) into them. These extremely important observations were largely ignored in Britain, and might have been lost sight of completely had they not, together with those made by others,13;14 come to the attention of the American physician Janet Travell. Travell, from the 1940s onwards, made a life time study of the subject of myofascial pain, introducing this term and the term MTrP, and showing that each muscle in the body has its own specific pattern of MTrP pain referral. With respect to treatment, Travell was quick to realise that the analgesia produced by injecting procaine into a MTrP could not, as Kellgren had assumed, be due to its nerve blocking effect, as it lasted too long. In addition, she found that pain relief of a similar duration could be obtained by simply inserting a needle into the MTrP.15 She also found, however, that the latter is an extremely Figure 1 Needles employed by JM Churchill, painful procedure, and in order to suppress this from his book ‘A treatise on acupuncturation…’ ephemeral treatment-evoked pain, decided to published in 1821. continue to employ Kellgren’s method of injecting a local anaesthetic through the needle. From his description, he, like Churchill, was A disadvantage of using a local anaesthetic for clearly employing strongly applied deep needling, this or any other purpose is that it very occasionally at what today would be called MTrPs. leads to the development of an allergic, or even Despite the high esteem in which Osler was life-threatening, anaphylactic reaction. held, his teaching concerning acupuncture for For this reason, during the 1950s, the the treatment of pain from the disorder which, American physician Anders Sola and his co- during the 19th century, was called muscular workers decided to see whether it was possible to rheumatism, and which from the beginning of the deactivate MTrPs by simply injecting saline into 20th century was for some time called fibrositis,10 them. Sola and Kuitert carried out this procedure was largely ignored. There were two reasons for on 100 consecutive patients and concluded that, this; a lack of understanding as to how acupuncture ‘the use of normal saline has none of the might work, and ignorance concerning the disadvantages often associated with the use of a pathophysiology of this muscle pain disorder. local anaesthetic but appears to have the same Insight into the latter was not gained until the therapeutic effect’.16 Sola and Williams then 1930s. In London, Sir Thomas Lewis and his carried out the same procedure on 1000 young assistant Jon Kellgren investigated the consecutive patients and confirmed its efficacy.17 referral of pain from a noxious stimulus (hypertonic Despite these encouraging results, which, in saline) applied to various muscles in healthy retrospect, were likely due to the effect of the volunteers,11 and then, Kellgren studied similar needle rather than the saline injected through it, no pain in patients suffering from what he called further interest seems to have been taken in the myalgia.12 technique until 1980, when Frost compared the Kellgren observed that the spontaneously effect of injecting saline with that of the long- occurring pain in this disorder may be reproduced, acting local anaesthetic mepivacaine into MTrPs.18 by applying sustained pressure to points of Frost had decided to use saline in one of the two maximum tenderness in muscle, and may be groups on the assumption that it would have no

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more than a placebo effect. He was therefore MTrP pain,22 in view of its ability to relax muscle, surprised to find that 76% of patients in the saline and its usefulness because of this in treating group had pain relief, in contrast with 57% in the dystonia. In his small study, four out of six local anaesthetic group. This led him to comment, patients with MTrP pain had a pain reduction of at ‘The study raises questions about the mechanism least 30% with this form of therapy. by which local injections into muscles relieves Yue then carried out a retrospective study of pain, since there is a possibility that a similar 112 patients who had had their myofascial pain effect might also be achieved by merely inserting treated by this means.23 He found that 86% had a needle into the trigger point.’ reported fair to excellent pain reduction but 17% A conclusion that, seemingly unbeknown to had reported moderate to severe side effects, which him, had been reached many years previously. included impaired motor function and the eventual development of muscle atrophy. Clearly, there is no Currently Employed Methods - Deeply Applied place for this procedure in the routine treatment of Techniques this type of pain. These include injection into MTrPs of a corticosteroid, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Injection of a Local Anaesthetic drug, or botulinum A toxin; injection into MTrPs The manner in which this technique has been of a local anaesthetic; and deep dry needling employed over the years has recently been (DDN) of MTrPs. considerably modified. It has long been known that when a needle is rapidly inserted into a MTrP Injection of a Corticosteroid a local twitch response (LTR) can be evoked. Hong Bourne compared the effect of injecting into recently observed that when he either injected a MTrPs a corticosteroids/local anaesthetic mixture local anaesthetic, or inserted a needle, into a with local anaesthetic alone and found that the MTrP, he could produce a succession of LTRs.24 mixture gave better results.19;20 However, a From this he concluded that a MTrP is made up of corticosteroid repeatedly injected into tissues is a number of individual loci, and that for its liable to damage them. Therefore its use for the successful deactivation each of these loci has to deactivation of MTrPs cannot be recommended. be penetrated, with the consequent production of numerous LTRs. Carrying out of this technique Injection of a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory requires considerable manual dexterity. It is a very Drug painful procedure, and gives rise to appreciable Drewes et al carried out a double-blind study post-treatment soreness that is generally considered comparing the relative pain-relieving effectiveness to be due to needle-induced bleeding into the tissues. of injecting prednisolone or diclofenac into MTrPs.21 Thirty-eight patients completed the study, Deep Dry Needling (DDN) and it was shown that both drugs are equally DDN has been used intermittently over the effective, with 84 % of patients being significantly centuries, but the first person in recent times to improved. It has to be pointed out, however, that become a strong advocate of its use was the Czech injection of a into a muscle is liable to physician Karel Lewit. In his classic paper on the damage its fibres, and when given into superficial subject, published in 1979,25 he described the tissue is liable to cause the skin to become results of treating myofascial pain in 241 patients, depigmented. Also, injection of diclofenac into by inserting a needle into what he variously called superficial tissue may produce skin . The sites of maximal tenderness, trigger zones, and pain routine use of either of these two treatments spots, or what, from his description, would be cannot therefore be recommended. currently called MTrPs. He admitted that deep needling of this type gives rise to a considerable Injection of Botulinum A Toxin amount of pain, but, undeterred, stated that its Cheshire explored the possibility of employing effectiveness is related to the intensity with which injection of botulinum A toxin in the treatment of the pain is felt at the trigger zone, and that this in

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turn is dependant on the precision with which the flouri-methane.32 This is not universally available, site of maximum tenderness is located by the and therefore it is not widely used. Those who needle. continue to employ it do so mostly in combination Since that time Chan Gunn in Vancouver has with exercises designed to stretch muscles that written extensively and lectured widely about the remain shortened despite carrying out some other myofascial pain-relieving effect of this type of MTrP deactivating procedure. treatment.26 He calls his particular technique intramuscular stimulation. Intradermal and Subcutaneous Injections During the early 1990s Byrn and his co-workers DDN’s Proposed Neurophysiological Mechanism found that injecting sterile water into the skin As stated previously one of the effects of rapidly overlying MTrPs in the neck and shoulder girdle inserting a needle into the substance of an active muscles of patients suffering from whiplash MTrP is to produce a local twitch response, with , relieved the pain emanating from these consequent alterations taking place in the length points for significant periods of time.33;34 and tension of muscle fibres. This in turn leads to Unfortunately, one important disadvantage of the arousal of mechanoreceptive activity and the injecting water into the skin is that it gives rise to development of a large diameter sensory afferent an intense and very distressing burning sensation. input to the dorsal horn. Chu has postulated that Byrn et al therefore carried out a trial comparing this sensory input has the ‘gate’-like effect of the relative effectiveness of injecting sterile water, blocking the intra-dorsal horn passage of noxious or normal saline, into the subcutaneous tissues at information generated in MTrP nociceptors, with MTrP sites in patients with this type of . A consequent alleviation of the myofascial pain.27 subcutaneous injection of water proved to be the Both Chu28;29 and Hong30 believe that evoking most effective treatment, but again, as when inserted multiple twitch responses increases the effective- into the skin, it gives rise to a transitory but ness of DDN. For this reason Chu now refers to it intense burning sensation similar to that produced as twitch-obtaining intramuscular stimulation by a wasp sting. They concluded, however, that (TOIMS). despite this, ‘most patients tolerate it because the DDN is not only a very painful procedure but treatment works’. They have since used this method is liable to damage neighbouring structures, widely in the treatment of the MTrP syndrome. including nerves and blood vessels. As stated The myofascial pain relieving effect of this earlier, it is because of the latter that there is a high technique must be due to water having a incidence of post-treatment soreness. stimulating effect on A-delta nociceptors in the In my opinion, because superficially applied skin and subcutaneous tissues, in a manner similar techniques have none of the disadvantages of deep to that brought about by SDN, but with the stimulation, and seem largely to be equally effective, important difference that with the latter there is no I recommend the use of the former, in particular discomfort other than the production of a superficial dry needling (SDN), for the majority of transitory pricking sensation. cases. DDN should be reserved for those cases where a particularly strong stimulus is required, Superficial Dry Needling (SDN) such as when a paravertebral muscle is in severe When first starting to treat MTrP pain in the late spasm as a result of an underlying radiculopathy. 1970s it was my practice to employ the deep Currently Employed Methods - Superficially needling technique advocated by Lewit.25 Applied Techniques In the early 1980s, however, a patient was Stretch and Spray referred to me with pain down the arm from a Kraus first introduced this technique in 1941,31 but MTrP in the scalenus anterior muscle. In view of its main protagonist for the deactivation of MTrPs the proximity of the apex of the lung, rather was Janet Travell. Initially ethyl chloride was than push the needle deeply into the muscle, I sprayed on to the skin, but because this is highly considered it more prudent to insert it into the inflammable Travell introduced the safer alternative subcutaneous tissues immediately overlying the

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MTrP. This proved to be sufficient, for after and subcutaneous tissues at a MTrP site is because leaving the needle in situ for a short time and then it stimulates A-delta nerve fibres, with the withdrawing it, the exquisite tenderness at the consequent release of opioid peptides from MTrP site disappeared and the spontaneously enkephalinergic inhibitory interneurons in the occurring pain in the arm was alleviated. dorsal horn.36 These peptides then inhibit the This SDN was then used to deactivate MTrPs intra-dorsal horn transmission of nociceptive in other parts of the body, where it was found to information conveyed to the cord via group IV be equally effective, even when the muscle sensory afferents from the MTrP (see figure 2). containing the MTrPs was deep lying. Furthermore, Confirmation that needle-induced analgesia is any palpable bands found to be present before the opioid peptide mediated, comes from it having treatment disappeared after it. been shown that it is abolished by the administration At about the same time Macdonald et al of the endorphin antagonist naloxone.37 confirmed the efficacy of SDN in a well conducted A needle inserted into the skin and trial on patients with MTrP pain in the lumbar region.35 subcutaneous tissues stimulates A-delta fibres not only mechanically, but also by setting up a low- Mechanisms Responsible for SDN’s Pain- intensity galvanic current of injury, brought about Suppressing Effect as a result of the difference in electrical potential Bowsher has explained that the MTrP pain that exists between the needle and the skin. relieving effect of inserting a needle into the skin This current is generated not only whilst the

Figure 2 Diagram to show mechanisms considered to be responsible for the blocking of intra-dorsal © Reprinted from horn transmission of MTrP group IV nociceptive information as a result of segmental superficial dry Myofascial Pain needling of A-delta nerve fibres. and Enkephalinergic inhibitory interneurons (Eii) in the dorsal horn become activated as a result of A-delta Syndromes, Baldry nerves having a direct link with them (1), and an indirect link with them (2). The latter being a result of PE, p. 113, 2001, the neospinothalamic pathway (NSTP) up which A-delta sensory information is transmitted having a by permission of the collateral which projects to the periaqueductal grey area (PAG) in the midbrain at the upper end of the publisher Churchill serotonergic descending inhibitory systems (DIS) which, from the nucleus raphe magnus (NRM) in the Livingstone. medulla, descends in the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF), and which, on reaching dorsal horns, projects to Eiis. Opioid peptides produced by these Eiis then inhibit activity in the transmission cells (Tc) that are projected onto by group IV sensory afferents.

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needle is in situ, but also for an appreciable time introduced and left in place for an even longer after it has been taken out. This sustained effect, period, whilst at the same time being vigorously as Karavis has pointed out,38 is because ‘after twirled. withdrawing the needle, the unequal distribution For those who are very strong responders, of electrical potential as a result of the high even a 30 second period of stimulation may prove concentration of potassium ions round the edges too much, and in such cases all that may be required of the injury creates an electrical flux potential is to insert the needle and then to immediately field which acts as a stimulator of the free nerve withdraw it. Every patient who undergoes SDN endings in the skin for 72 hours’. for the first time should therefore be informed that It follows, therefore, that when a needle is the initial treatment may temporarily exacerbate inserted into the skin and subcutaneous tissues the pain, although admittedly any such flare-up overlying a MTrP, for the purpose of deactivating usually lasts for only 12-24 hours. the latter, A-delta nerve fibres are stimulated Providing that there has not been a flare-up of briefly mechanically, and more long-lastingly by pain following the first treatment, which should be the development of an electric current. the case for the most part, where the graduated approach just described has been followed, the Strong, Average and Weak Responders time for which needles should be kept in situ on As Mann has pointed out,39 patients are either subsequent occasions should be either the same, strong, average or weak responders to acupuncture. or increased if the pain relief has not been as good A person who is a strong reactor to dry needle as might have been expected. stimulation is liable to have a temporary exacerbation of MTrP pain should the needling be Indications for the Use of SDN. carried out too vigorously. Conversely, a weak The author contends, based on 20 years of reactor obtains pain relief only if the stimulus experience, that SDN, because it is safe and applied is a strong one. There is no way of telling readily carried out, should be used in the majority into which category a patient belongs, other than of cases for the deactivation of MTrPs. DDN by practising a graduated approach to dry needle should be reserved for that relatively small stimulation the first time it is carried out. number of cases where a particularly strong stimulus is required, either because the patient is Determination of Optimum Superficial Dry an exceptionally weak responder, or because there Needling Stimulus is particularly severe muscle spasm, such as not When treating a patient for the first time it is infrequently occurs in the paravertebral region my practice to insert an acupuncture needle due to an underlying radiculopathy. (0.3x30mm) into the tissues overlying a MTrP to Before leaving this subject it should be pointed a depth of about 5-10mm, and to leave it in situ, out that the deactivation of MTrPs should be without any form of manipulation, for about 30 carried out as early as possible, before various seconds. This is to produce the minimum neural pain-perpetuating mechanisms, including in stimulation required to abolish the exquisite particular central sensitisation resulting from tenderness which, before needling, had given rise neuroplasticity in the dorsal horn, (see figure 3) to a pressure-induced wince (the jump sign), and in have had time to develop.3 some cases the utterance of an expletive (the shout sign). On withdrawing the needle, pressure equal Post-MTrP Deactivation Procedures to that applied before needling is applied to the It is essential that measures should be taken to MTrP site, to see whether this has been achieved. correct such MTrP reactivating factors as postural If so, then the patient is a strong responder. If not, disorder, relative shortness of an upper limb and the needle has to be re-inserted and left in situ for leg length inequality. It is also necessary to stress 2-3 minutes. Occasionally, even this is not sufficient, the importance of teaching post-deactivation due to the patient being a very weak responder. In muscle stretching exercises. Biochemical factors such a case the needle has to be once again re- may also have to be corrected. Gerwin has drawn

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