Republican Members of Congress Who Signed the Letter in Support of OPT and International Students 6/4/2020

Background: On June 2, Congressman Steve Stivers (R-OH) led a Dear Colleague letter signed by 20 of his House Republican colleagues to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Acting Secretary of Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf demonstrating the powerful contributions of international students to the U.S. and urging preservation of Optional Practical Training (OPT). The education and/or immigration staff of the Members of Congress are listed below.

Member of Congress District Education Staff Email Immigration Staff Email

David Schweikert AZ-06 Chad Michaels [email protected] Tiffany Angulo [email protected] Georgia

Rob Woodall GA-07 Nicholas [email protected] Nicholas Scoufaras Scoufaras

Rodney Davis IL-13 David Ross [email protected] David Ross

John Shimkus IL-15 Brian Looser [email protected] Chase Clanahan [email protected]

Clay Higgins LA-03 Robert [email protected] Kelsey Wolfgram [email protected] Shewmaker Michigan

Fred Upton MI-06 Stephanie [email protected] Alec Zender [email protected] DeMarco

Ann Wagner MO-02 Molly Burke [email protected] Molly Burke

Trent Kelly MS-01 Adam Grubbs [email protected] Adam Grubbs

Don Bacon NE-02 Jeff Kratz [email protected] Jeff Kratz

Pete King NY-02 Deena Tauster [email protected] Deena Tauster

Tom Reed NY-23 Logan Hoover [email protected] Tom Hyland [email protected]

John Katko NY-24 Tristan Southard [email protected] Tristan Southard Ohio

Steve Stivers OH-15 Nick Bush [email protected] Nick Bush Pennsylvania

Brian Fitzpatrick PA-01 James Longley [email protected] Mike McCabe [email protected] South Carolina

Joe Wilson SC-02 Emily Saleeby [email protected] Leah Denny [email protected]

Chuck Fleischmann TN-03 Holly Hendrix [email protected] Daniel Tidwell [email protected] Texas

Bill Flores TX-17 Christopher [email protected] Christopher Taylor Taylor

Pete Olson TX-22 Michael Richards [email protected] Michael Richards Virginia

Morgan Griffith VA-09 Emily Mace [email protected] Emily Mace Washington

Dan Newhouse WA-04 Aaron Larson [email protected] Sean O'Brien [email protected]

Cathy McMorris Rodgers WA-05 Kendall Dehnel [email protected] Kendall Dehnel