-Taxonomic Studies on Indian Species of the ()




•M. D3QIQ ,S


Itils IB to certify that the 4issex:t^tion entitled "Tixonbralc StaAieg on Indian Species o£ the gentts Ixora CEobiaceae) * submitted to ttm Alisaiti «ttsliin University, Aliaarft^ imder oar siip^rvieion in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the awara of the degree of Master of Philosspl^, is a bonafide work carried oat by Mr* Tariq liu&ain* Mo part of the dissertation has been pt&lished or EuOsmitted for any other degree or diploma*


I mt fchanicftti to my sapervieors Car. S«R« taal^ Sci^itist,,, National Botanical Research Instlt^ite, l.ucKm>w arid Or« Haizahafc Htieain, Depars^eiit ©f Botany, JUlgarh ijiislia ttrii'^ersifcy, Migarh, for suggesting the pmhlem^ guiaance «in

I am further iadefetea to the c«S.l«8« for a tTunior Research ipeliowship and to th© Mr-ector, National Botanical Research ICnstitiit© for pro*vi4iii9 laboratory facilities*

Msiny thanks are due to Mrs* Vlffila l^adhya anJ m* S»H* ¥islM»akarma for preparihg the illustratJUms and to *&•• A»K* l>i:toey for his help with the scanning Electron fttcroecopf •

I tender my sincere thanks to Mr* T.K* shajEwa an<3 to Mr* I'rflsmod Kt^ar for the help in photography anS to 1 pr* D*K# l^reti and or* S*K« srivaetava for their healthy ( Btiggestions and kind help* 1 I mf sincere thank© are extended to Wr* S«li* Kapoor, kead, TaxonoiBif and Herbarium Discipline, N.B.R*!*, to or* P*S*H* Wian, Scientist, N*8*R*1*, and to or. H.^ Khan, Scientist,, Birljal Safcsii feetitute of Palaeobotany for their sontinuoQs encouragement* Xn &Mlt,iou^ I mi most gratefal 60 the Dlrecfeor.

I ari4 curators of the following herbairia who loaned speclB^ns i eria niaae th< facilities available for study* Central National M©rbarl«m iCM4j mthaxivm^ Botanical ^arey of lijdia, Shillong iMsm)t Herbarina Botanical sarv^ of Iiiaia, OolKbatore (MH)i i»rbar±«ro. Botanical survey of Inila,

port Blair (&BIJ); liejEibarliim of the forest Research Institute, Deliradan (JDD)/ Kerberitaa, Birbal Bmfmi Instltate of pala^^botaciy CBS1I») . CONTENDS ^ttm «*»* •«» mm 4MK HMT «iw» 4ti» Page !*>•

2. aaril^ OF I,ITE8ATaRE •••, 4 3. Oi^lSSlFICAtSOH •••. IS 4. Har£R2Al, -MD MEmODS •••• 21 5. NOTES OH l«OI8?H01^Gy .••• 33 6. WOOD m^mm •»•• 38

7« tEi^ ^mmmL STUDIES •..• 40 S. POLLEN mmW&lD^ .••. 42 f. mi^RMWixm Mm EaJLooy ••*• 43 io« crioLDOir .... 48 II. msckwwaw op IHE eaius .... so 12. iSUMERATlO« OF SPECIES .... 52 13. SUSQESTIONS lOa flJRtHlR WORK .... 5f 14« R£F£a£»CES •••• 61 t| . . I M f R o p u c y I o K.

The prm&omlRimtly fcropieal geotis lyara 1,. m»mpritmm abo«t ^O si^ciejB, which the

flowers ©£ m^ms of the jspeci®e ^r^ Q£i&c®4^* It ^^U3MS Ite mmXm «3istxibtttloB iti tihe toa^aan & Mioofoair Islands, astifchern and wesfcena ^artg of India MI^ IS r€pjpesente4 by c«*3i ^>ecies in &he Indi®!} auiaosntifi^iit*

Sl»»w# fiowers of various si^eies, arranged in csompaql; branches mak@ many g^^;l©s of ©ils gen as fa-wsarit© g&rdmn thrutos* fh© «r\rergr®®n foliag© and jh ro«n

M^art from Ita ornamental Qualities,, Xxora h* i© iKport«nt ffle^icinallf too. Fio«srs of Ixora ftav®tta Jtedr. tvt !• arbor©* Rosds* ®x Sm*y po«nm exsim % yellow jalce «ith a -ilsagre^l© x«ricid odtowr. They sr# refortei to Ijos^s seS&tive end 8toaa» In thilli|»iii«s the infusion of t fjre^ floware of l^ra cbiHensis liaro* is comsi&ere^ beitlfIcial in inelpleiife tiib«c«gulosis snQ h&^morxfh&g&m (Weall^Ji of Iniia, 1959}•

With a view to stuSy tlie g&nms Ixora l^ fr<» the jQadiau sabooatlnefsfe, all the aiateirlal lodged In varJkstas Indian herbaria -m^B exesftiisecl antS it becaa»e evMent, that the geatts B©esis revlslom* The coaf^sioa te noiseficlatare and «ais*ir«pjp©seiitatioii of loformatioii 6t«e t^ »iai^ei3tl£lcatioi3 of d largs laun^r of tn^imi Gpsci&B is another important faetor that proE^ta^ to take i^ e5^st®»atic stadies of the

Hool5»r*6 "flora of Briti^ I«4ia*, the Bsapitira optis Oil InsSi^i © served tti^fttl purpose for it© perted* Vaetlf changed floristle as well as vegetatioual pattern© now have reo^red this work out*dated« Pijfoliehed i^ientlfie interest in Ixora %• has been aoBtlf of descriptive aceoonts of soii^ new ^©siea €End ctmck lists in ffiaatiai and regional florlstic ^QoowmtB* tlmm hav© hmen th© prlmarf s>iarc« of iafor^atioiQ aboat ti^ geniis bat the^ have be«n regiooal in lEbope and provide limited ingight into the variability within tim various species, never iijvol^ins a asaipreheneiv® ^nthetic @&u4y of Mil %h& Incilaa ^eeies* i?6t%h«w (lf?8), Jeio (lit©2) moQag others Isav© eaphaalzetf fctse iiee

ror the s9k& of convenience review of IXteratuire has been divided into three periods to facilitate distinctioti o£ different eras*

period 1 <«Jpto 1882 M» Carl liinnaetts (1707-1778) regarded as ^e father of taxoi^osiic botany ai^d zooloqf ^vised a nev ^etem of classi­ fication knoMa as his so-called sexual i^stent* £.ate in 1737 Linnaeus' well known *Qtnara Bl&ntanum* Mas published* In 1 this book for the fir^t time ti^ definition and description of the genus ti^ra L* was yiven* Later his farooue bcxsk the * Species gjantanutn * appeared in 17S3« the two specie® of lacora t- he described were !• cocscinea l

Williaro f^xburgh had arrived in Madras in 1776 as an Aciny surg^n in British Service* la 1793 Itoxburgh was sent to Calcutta fes succeed Robert Kjfd (first Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Oarden)* In 1814 when ill health drove hiia to leave ln^i&^ the record of the which he kept was easily transformed into his ,'ltortus Bengalensis* or a catalogue of the Plants growing in the honourable East India soapany Sotanic Garden at Calcutta* In this book he listed about fourteen species of Ixora t,* also u^riaer Tetrandria 'Flora Sndica* <182D, 1832) or the aescriptlon of Itiaian 9ls.nt.e toy William aosOdurgh was publisftea after the ddath of Ro3{i>yrgh« Ho^^urgh mUrm^ tim gmnuB Ixora L* a£ follows* "£Rft>ryo er«^t, ctirveiS. and furaishea with a pericaarp". Eighteen species of I^ra h» wei« Ascribed in this book inclufiing thirteen new* ttm new ^>eeie6 ©f the getiu8 Ixora I^ publi^ed by him are. X» falgene Roids., !• ooiReifolia ao3ds«, J« brachiata Rcaeb., £• ba^efeata aosib*, 1* <^h^^3.ata Rosda., J» villosa Itoxb., jC« acMsainata Roxb., iL rogea «all« in m%h* I

tbs^m&B Henry C&le»brooke <17§S-1837> succeeded i^3^ux^h «lu> ajide^ to the Flora Indioa the vernacular names of the plante alrea*^ dtescribed.

Nathaniel wallich succeeded Btachanan as the fiuperintendent of the Calcutta Garden. He made extensive coil«:tions in Kumaon, Nepal, Penang, Singapore and other places. He added with hi© own ©»1 lections the collections of various other coil^stors and bailt up the wallich herbariiim, which was distributed in sets to various European herbaria, under the auspi^ses of the East India I C^n^any. liallich wrote a nu»erical list ©f these dried specifflans preserved in the East India Company's ma seem. Though this i© often called as "^allich Catalogue^ or in short "^all. Gat.», it j»ay be more aorcurately cal led 6

i«Matlllch*s ottwsri^al list" or "wall, list** CSfcaflea^ jraxonoiaic I«iterafetir©, ffegntim "Wfegefe^lle 52»4^« lt#7)« 'thlB cafcalovjue consists of 914© s|^cl@s« Tim species of %h& g©n«s iKora !»• ar© listed ficsro RUR^jeris 6l20-6t66» M«s#a of so»e new ^>eci©g aj@uti«n«d SM this Catai^go© Wc&t !• iKatoniana wail* ex 0. Don, !• aqteiseiBsilIs Wall* mx 0» &5IJ, J» oKyphylla wall. <^ a. Oon, ^u flnlay^niana »all- ex S» Bon.

KobejTt Wight CltSfe-lSia) <|aall£ie«l in Jteaicloe at

Edinburgh aod George iynaott walker fl79f-l@68> e ^IKJOI felloM of wiyht^ wiGtit conjointly their ejjcetlleat *»CQ&womuB rlora« peoinsulc® Indiae Oriental is* ©n tlie «at#rlala that Wigtet had ferougfet back iiith lii« fra« Indiii. fte first ^p»ltm@ appeared in 1834* Mt@r Wight*# rettarn tc? I«4ia the work was arrested at a poiot which would hsw® bees one-third of the *iiol©- ^i?eiite©n ss»ecles of Iscora !,• were described in this hooK alongwlth eritical not®©* l^m tw©

While in «ss©cistloii with Williaia If^aker^ Wight ^©^©loped & aesire fco iiiastrate the flora of te^la* Oat of that aeslr© were born mahy of the books, thm moBt Important being th« *Xeon&e plantarmn iodia© Qri@Qtalis* p^li^#d in 183S*S3 ifi ©ix volJM@s» Qeorf© Con <1798-1856) a Brifeii^ plant ©oH^:tor mn6 aurserym^n poblij^ed hie fanous boolc often cited &B *

Aagastin de f^ndoll^s (1778-1841 > a S^iss botanist publishe«l his book *pr©dromQs Syetaroatis oatiiralis reqni v#Qetabilis*« Voiiaae four that app®are

* iiortas Siubarbanas Calcattensis* or a catalogue of the plants which «ere cultivated In the Hon* East loaia COi^any's Botanical Garden, Calcutta mad !« the ^raanpore Botanical Garden w&tm cleecrlbed hy J*o. yoight in the year { i845« "Twenty ^ecles of Ixora !.• were 4^«}erlbed in this book.

George ffenjcy Kendriek l^waites (I8l!-t882), as a young laan eamea his living by accxsuntancy* He was appsintea to succeed SariSier ixi Osylon* sir Jogeph Hooker nan^d Ixora ithwaitesii Bimkm f. to this renowned botanist. 8

Mlexsn^t 0ihmn tiho had be^^ incfctarge of t!ie Dapari Oard^sn in Foorts tjcom iBM to 1647 pt&>li£hea several p&pece on ecotiosiic plants* In 1847 he eosservator of Forests for the Presiaer^sy. »•*• Dalzell lias un<^r oibsofi* It was not antii i86t that their joint Piora* appeared* Four species® ©f labors L. were aesc^rilaed in this book. i

suipia lotra (1833-1878) was appointed to the post of curator of the Hexbariwi, at the aayal Botanic Garden, Calcutta* After taking service in Calctttta he started 1 piablishing through the Asiatic Society on Indian plants 'chiefly of Bengal, m his *gorest Flora of British Bnrma* I(1877) and «a>ntributions towards oyr knowledge of the Burraese Flora* (pt. 2) Kurz records twenty six i^pecies of Ixora h» from Burma. Sir *?oi^ph Dal ton Ijtooker CiSio) eairaerated thirty- seven i^secies of the genus Ixora x». Four new species were also Ascribed. Csily t%io n^nely !• thwaitesii Hk.f. and X. ^ohneoni l&»f. are found in the Indian suiba^ntinent.

Period XI <18S3-1932) The eetahlislsnent of the Botanical Survey of India, Calcutta un^r iSeorge King in 1890 as its first director and Centres for botanical motk at Saharanpur, Wx^mbs^ alongwith 9

%h& ooQtrlbiitions of Oooke, Duthie, Gapaible,^ and others marked the highlights during the closing of the ifth osntwcy* Mm Iffiportant aGhlett^iRent was the completion o£ the seven volumes o£ the iffi^numental * Flora of British India* under the general ^"' III II I ir liliiTi liiiimi ^ • »i ii II «>Mii«M«>MaaK ^ editorship of Hooker at Kew.

Henry frJjnen published his fanoas *iianook of the Flora of Cteylon'* Vte enumerated five species of Ixora L- wiyi dem;riptions and Keys in part II that appeared in 1894» f

I I King was succeeded fey uavid S>rain in l©97« [•Contributions to Indian Botany* which was a ^ampiiation of reprints from Periodicals was published in 1906» In this book five ^ecies of Ixora h* were mentioned. i The exploratory phase and the floristic invectigatlra pavetta mdr»i^ ("J* pafviflofa Vahl)« J Theodore Cooke (1906) published * Flora of the l>residency of I Bombay** Seven i^pecieg of the genus Is^J^a !<• are dealt in ! Vol* 2* Brandis (1906) in his 'Indian Trees* mentioned 17 species from Burma end 3 from the ^damans* Haines <19io, 1922), e*F* Fyson (1915, 1932), Talbot <1912>, Parker (1918) and Parkinson (1922) included the genus Ijaara L. in their 10

regional floras. J.s» g^ible*g •Piora of the pgeeiaency of ^4raa* parfc 4 (1^21) contained the dej^rlptlon of 17 sp^sles of ^e geims Ixora t>« eulongwith a k©y to the

The early part of the 2oth Oentory however, raarikeGl th« <^ciijie of fcotanical activity in the various regional *parfca©sta arjd %hm vlxtaai aiaolltion of the Botanical survey of Incii®^ E^urlog 1937, th^-@ S(r«i8 ® temporarf lull in interest §o£ taxonoiBic etadies ^hfi exploratory i»ork. l^erio atibiac@ae tma differentiated mmi^, new epsci&B of th© genus iKora L. In his F«P®^ entitled 'The Ijg&ra species of Bmma and thi ^daaaa Islanije* in idie Joantial of Botany, lajiri^ five j^^clee i»©re entmer©t#d fro® Burma and seven from the jtfKiaraana» He retaarlced, «ae tto© c»llectl©iis OR which thlg sta% was based wer® not very large, these figures, two, are to be takea as provisional only** BreB^kiamp (1938, 19S§) adde^ eo«a© wore species to tim oM list of the Ixpras ixxm larma mid ^^ernmi Islands* v^ provide


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E.J.H. Oa£mer Ci94l> i4iHe x^vlsinq ^^ Malayan I^or«e In •Oar^en*® Ballefein Slmapor©' prepared « key based aaiuif^ «ti tJi© <^Xoar of %he aot&lls. ana th^ frsgrauce or scenteleesoess of the flow@r«« m% ©f twentf-ofje sur»@se s^eeies lie r®v4sei§ aiK>«fc eigljfe are cowson to the

Qopal cJiano*"® Mlfcra (tt48l tevestlgateJ the i^rphology of tti« stipule® frora the ptaoa point of origin and development.

1?hothathri (1960) recorded Ixora appcin@a !»• ffisra ^daffldfi Islands during a botanical ^jscploration tour in 1959* Santapaa and Merchant (I9fel) s#hile re^igJteg fete RubJacea^ of ^Borobey gave iKsmexielafcuaral eh&ag&s for .©osi© of the i^ecie® I of the g©ntis«

faritosh dhtaJtraborty (1979) laade Intewslve sary^ey of Katchai Islands daring the years 1974 to if77 which resulted ia the ptiblication of *A cootrlhmtican to the Flora ^of Katchal IslandB in ^daman and Nlcobars*, £. grandifolia %oll» & Hsrr. was reported by him from Kartehal Islands. Bljoy Kjrishna m\4 Ratna Datta (1979) reported !• nigricatsa ,R. Br* from ^slpaigari and Darjeelihg district© of west

Kar & Panisrahi <1963) stated that the family 'mMi&c^^<& Is best represented ia th© tropical and stfts^tropical ,evergr«eii aad seinieyergraen forastg, eoa^erativaly l#e« 14

abimdiaat. ,ia a«cl'«|yo«c f©.rests aniS frssslau-d vegs^tafcion* It is ffl©st pDorLy i'ep£«-.0@nteia In tefflperate altifciKleg anei

^Itogettoer abseisfe from^ sufoaiplne- MI.I3 alpine sltaatloii;s» ^Ijco-gf fiisl.ay,^Qi.ai3Q Sf.sil« eu s. ©ois fees ;be®u reporte©^ fey %^mi &B 'S n@W''reeo£'4 for Mmm^^rn India*

^19815 E.R* Rao m& Biml (1981)^ YoganarsiiaJja (ItSl) are the other jc^lcjaai floristic-; aecso-yftts dealing' als© nith varlo«© specie© of tfee g«nmB* 15


Senfehai and Hookjer <1873) divided tbe £s«lly Rytol^seae into thra# series* Series A im further aivicteiS lot© t«o sab- series, s<3te»erles ©ti« is representad by mix tribes &nd subseries two by four tribes- Series B is repre^uted by only two tribes whereas Series C is agaiti divided Into tMQ Si3tos®rleg» S«bssries one is represented by ii'^m trib«g sai& Subs^rle® two by eight tribes* Tli«© fainlly Rt^laceae is r^pressntei by ti*©nty five tribes in all, Oeous .^ora i,. ,bas been placed under the tribe Iiseri®s two. Wook. £• (1880) divl^^d tbe family Robiaesae Into three Series* Series h QouBl&tB of six tribes, ^ries B consists of only two genera of t»i<^rt^ln affinity and lories c« Wne letter is fttrtJier dlvMed lot© two stJtogsrlea* sato®erl@s a eonglsts of four tribes #R6 subseries b of ®iic tribes* i:tje total tiuirber of tribes representing the family ar« sixteen* The genas Ixofa L* (SOfflBB ontfer tribe ^Ixorgafe which la the elev@rith tribe of the family and the first trlb« of Safej^ries b of series c. Mil t^® &pmcL®s of the geaius Ixora h* «r@ classlfl^J ander section Sttixora on the basis of the flowers which &r@ mmi&lly 4 " very rarmly S-iaeroas, 2 br«ct«solat® ari4 corolla t^@ very slender* Hoolte* f* (|.*«*) fartber dlirldea sect ion ^Sni^ora into thr@@ diyiglons ©« th© basis of th@ length of the ealyx teeth 16

Comparing it with tli€ ovary and the slia|» of the calyx teeth. the third groii^ has been ftyurfchar divi^a Into tn© on the b&sls ©£ fefee lengtlt of the p^

it fittidser ©f ®iM*s©ilial classifications have been pjToposea for tfm R^iaceae. m^y are^ in general^ he separat^Ql iofco two gcoups* @ traditional one which was ^4yocate«

fttore refin©a treatiaents of tr^iSitional classification ar« thos© of De omiolle ClSJO) and Schuaiiam C1891). werhaia I (1912) and Standley (1930) have each adopted, with minor iaodifications, gchtaasnn*® classification. Sch*wiann diviaed the f i«ily into two Sabfarailies according to the number of seeds per loeule. siibfaroily cinctonoideaTS was defined by the presence of numeroag seeds per locule, end StAjfamily cspffepideae by the pre^nce of one seed ^r locale. The tribes were based principally upon the type of fruit and nature of the seeds. The genera broaght together by thesse characters are in aiany cases unrislated (Ver^oont l§58, lireaekanq? 1§©6).

Th® b>, tmd^rm ciossifications are those proposed by VsracoiJsnt (I9se) and by Ir^R^kaiap (1946). V6r^teK3«rt divided the family into tt»r®a stja&farailies, n«m«ly atateioidgae. CinGhonoi<3eae and aiettardoid©«#. h&ms4 on the presenc® or 17

^sence of rapMds and of albufiaen which are correlated with other cdiaracfc^rs sach as ^sgfclvatioQ of corolla, ^lltilar i strtKitore of the toirg, Imtecoetyly^ ntintoer of ovules per locale, tfp® of fruit and tesfe^ cell stracture* tlie tribes i«@r© dfeflne<3 bf th© ottiuber of OW^I&B per locale, plaeent&tJon, type of fralt and pollen atructor*. This Bymt^mn wms based I principally tjpon a iitaited liuradber of geoera from th® old «oria (Brei^lc^np lf66. Petit 1964, V^r^ieourt itS8). The •aenas Ijfora L« h^s be^n placed in st^fawlly cinelionoiaeae •under the tribe Qaffeea©.

Br^^i@kaap*s classification (1966) is similar to jthat of ¥er«Scottrt, mm t.tm B&^ character© wer# mtilized. i-The fflain sSiff^&renc® is that Br^nelcsiap recogulssefi eleimn sida-ffaille6 instead of tbrse. Tim Etisioldeae aofi the qtaet t^ar<^i#e^@ are «alntslnect mor« or 1©SB as circii«

^'^^^ ^M^SSB* ^ Mvided th® geatts lat© the fellowiag sectlonst 18

sectla«i It Ixorastg^a Brea. •WiiMMmiii wiwmniwmmmimmmmimmr

lafloreisceac© eubsessile or aKi><3terafcely peaooctilate^ ©rect* Calj^ t-sftae i^ort^ hm% aistinet. Cferolla rea, orange, of ^^fep yellow, in ctiitlvatedt varieties mm&%iMBB white* atsmens nitcii shorter tliai t!i@ icor©lia»lol>fesi «i»ti»r - c^ll ©isort* i) !• Jayaoiea CB1*> DC.

3) 1-

2n£lore£6i^K;& mbseesile er nodierately |»e<3tan€iilmte, ereet -or j»>^ing* Bri^ts & Irrd^steolee narctw* Flowers white ©r pinlt* Stsaens asaally about as long ds id4« corolla - lol^si anther - cells long. Styl@ gleibroos» 1) I* «n€laii^asi« Brem« 2) 1* tilsetitoa 8rei». 3> jL# rc^^barghii Balii^r. 4) J* oigricaBg Sr* 19

6) !• &cvmin&ta fiosds* 7) J» tigriomusfcaac Brmm* 8> _!• goalpageoais Erem.

section Ills cailainydanfehufi 83?^B« Typust J* utri£^llafca Kds. et Val. This section M>i1rt WHlWWIiiH IBM ifypust J. palufgosa (Bl.) Kara, •fills section differs from Sr^l^pua by its pfsSdulotis, generally long - peittnctalate inflorescences, am the presence of a ^©rt internode, either with redticed and cilf ferently j^sped leaves or yilth rudlfRentajry leaves, at the base of the pe<3uncl«. 1) 1- barbata Roxb. 2) J» j^roenpphylla Brem. 20

Secfeion Vs ismphorion Bcem*

JjEifiojtascence siiortl/ pedunculate^ sifepaalculafee. Flowers BBJalli csorolla rst at all bearaed afc the throat* 1) 1* arborea Ro^lbM ©34 ^« 2> X« iorachieta Itoxb. 3) !• notoniane wall, ex G« Don

section Vis Payettopsis Breai. T/pusj J. blumei goll* et itor. Inflorescence subsesglle, trlchotofsouslF or, rarely pentactotornouel/ corymbose/ the basal branchletB subtended by rudimentiary leaves ccaanec- ted by enlarged stipules* Corolla tube never bearded* 1) !• grand!foila 2oll* et Mor.

M* Crietiua Sajxia Kirkferlde (1982) presented a pi-eliralnary phylogeny for the Neotropical Rublacese* The sequence of su^famiiieB Clnchonoideae, JtetArheotdea© and R<±>ioideae, atteropts to stow their natural affiisities and phylogeny* Ascordlng to his classification l3cora L* comes tiiider subfamily cinchotioideae tribe Coffeeae* 21

41 m.M.t- & mt ,a-i,.....Ji w s « © ^ » # © s I



list ey.^iiga:j» B^a^im li»itfe )8^»ii^«>

*SSJSM. * fiexfesf'lw..,, eotaa4e#l aairv(^ #f W^Mm^ milling*

;t® « .ae^-«ri

§M& -'•*' ^f^iriiffli^ 'iiai.l^ii«l, mQtmM^^ umm&^eti tmm%.i%mtM^ Pi. IS Map n^smimg impQttm&% Xn^iaii i^M^^iM tsQamXt^M dicing tlm ^u^* PLATE - 1

if 72° 7^ 80° IF arf" 92^ 96° his IMPORTANT INDIAN HER&ARIA CONSULTED

KM 100 0100 300 -32° 1 1—I—I—I

/•^ ^ \ l,OEHRADUN

^''^^ '^ r^">'^-, @ LU

(3)ALLAHBA-0 •" \. , SHILLONG 22

«) Le^ Epidecmal Studies (SEMi

0«e or fe«o sp^slmens wera stuale^ for the ieai epidermal and follen stttdlea in tite ca^ of species with restricted aietribution or those which «iere represeDted by only a few herbariuwi sheets* on the other hand^ for the tmicit v.ari^le an^ «iGiee|}resd species ap to as inany %& five spectoene per species were tise^ for sttidy*

&mXl pieces of leaf

B% KOH solution was prepared ^id the dried leaf samples were placed in t^is solution for 24 hours* this was done to clear the leaf samples from dirt and to f ree it from any fungal ^owthe what^sever* Mt®r clearing with $% K©M, the material wes ^hydrated through ethaiol series (froia 30 percent to absolute)• pollar pieces were then placed on microscope slides and the excess alcohol blotted*. J^other slide 23 was placed on top sn6 ellpj^d to tije feci;feem slide by 'Jsa ^llp*. th® leaf material, fiefetenei betvire^ ^fewo elides, was ariea in an oven at 60^C for about two h©«rs«

After oven cfryinf, small pities ol leaf, aboat o.a cai .^:aare were c«it from the strips* Two pieces of ma'terial, one facing abaxial surface &nS the other a^axial were mouRteS side by sifiie pn tbe speciaien with thf lielp of stubs using 4lot«ible side«l adhesive tape* %eci%ei}s were then coated with a thin film of goia Caboot ^30**^) in as Ion spatter coater i^mh - ^fC - lia3>* <^atei fipeeimsas were exaroine^ with ^B0'I*«JSH*3'S€ scannihg electciori' microscope at ao accelaratisg voltage of lo K¥' at joo pa- apertiire. The Imafe was observed at different magnifications, and photographs were taken on 6wm 120 filro ttsing 100 seeon

^^ ^Q3.1en ntorphologj^ (ss^ For pollen laorphological studies pollen grains from dry hejifeariara materials were selected, care was taken to ^lect only BJature buds and not open flowers to extract the anthers, &B there is a possibility of contaminatioii of the anthers iti an open flower*

imthers were selected fro» the .raateriai and crushed on a finely unshed brass scret^n spread on a fuiaiel, standing in a test tube* 7C^» alcohol was added to the test tube 24 containing the anthere* Tim Mxfcare WAS centrlfuged for 2-S fltinutes at oormal g^ieed* ^oshol was decanted a£t@r centri£uglng« (Eaciai acetic aci4 was then added to the ttest tybe containing the anthers* Hie process of centri^aging wae repeated« tmtil acetic acid was also decanted*

Acetol/eis fixture was th^in prepared* jicetoiysie mixtt;^^ wee adi^d drop by drop to the powder collected in m® teat tiibe and stirred thoroughly with a glaes rod* ttm mixttire thvus prepared was t^ated caatiouely to the l»olling point in a water bath* stirring was done at regular intervals* ttm mixture was then allowed to stand for a few ininutes* Zt was centriftiged as previoasly and then decanted*

-fteefeslyeis was mainly ^ne %iO clear the poil®ti grain® and to make the sculptoring pattern of the exlne clear for viewing* After acefeolyeis, acetic acid was again added to the test tube contaljsing the pollefi grains, centrifuged and decanted ultiaiateiy, the pollen grains were washed with distilled water 3 to 4 tiaiee*

For SJEH studies the pollen grains were dehydrated in the alcohol series (30%, S0^# 10%^ 90%^ ^solute alcohol)^ Th& pollen grains were kept in -^solute alcolK3l for ftirther studies* 25

fiolien grains »er® fl«>uut€d on the specl^ti st-obs with the help of fine €aplllerl@a using double si^S adhesive tape. sp©elB»eas i^re men coated with a thin film of gold (about 200 A) in an Ion <^iitter coater <^iGl,-JFC»100>• Ctoated specimens were examined with JiEOS»--^SW-35 (Scanning electron micris(KJpe at an acc^l erst log voltage of lo KV* at lOO pn aperture* The image was observed at different magnifications, and photographs were taken on OR^O i:^ film using too seconds scan time*

2* Organisational Work a) Card Index i> Indi®K to Mames of Taata Ml pta>llshed na»es frora the index Kewensls and relevant floras and monographs^ if any, ^ere scrutinized and listed on sheets* Eaah p«dblished name with a taxonomic status froro family down to subforma w^a put on a separate sheet and the sheet® arranged alph^setic^illy* Th& following detadls were entereds The latest correct nsme according to the I*c*B*N* (ed* l§75) with full reference of author(s), basionym, if any, and synonyms to the names accepted in the "Flora of British India*, and references to the latest n^nographe/revisions, if any. S>lant neraes wilth coniblnation mt validly published, ambiguous or confused aaa^s, illegitimate or invalidly publi^ed n&&&s and naaaeB if any, unacooBjpanled by a deecrlption of 26

4c«eMerattlon &mS ear®f ally ..eriter©)3* • *Jie tf p® of tlse t,^©ia

^"^^ _^

•Site foiJUawiag la.lio,nii«t.li3n was imem£^t®%&A' Ja tbe- fef-pe

|is> l^foeit^ in ifliic^ Ii^rliari^ {€> Pie&rlkti^ioa €t@»

till m m»i\w mivmimmmmirmkmmammmiim The f«.ilow:lii9 it®R,s of iiife'ina©t.l®,a w®'S:& -entered, on tfe* ^©sifisn earas* • f the c©lIee;«.or i$ol3mw@S hf initials)., coil«s:feioa a-iMtomir, 0g {mhm telj@se aiB- Misgin§> #£ fetes lisfb-airlaim sceessiQa nwtoer (b> . JferiaerlOTi «he'r@ fehe i,p8cli®o is Zoigje^ wltli l;1t© Itidlcatioii <# f^e f ioaiif #s©epfce6 flame of the fea^oii*

Hi) In^fe3ir to &iter&fc4ur® W?sife« it«5rf eapSs «rj:ang#

aafe#fs> (•©> the •^bi^-visfclon ©f tiae |i«(bl4€at,.,i©a*

tfm piito.liGiit.l.©ag tier© sea^eliid fciaerotiglilf: ifa

Giur«m©l©fi€ial ofsec :t»siRtalfiin.t •# list ©f anavaiiabl^ boeks for later gearetaliag)" &*r t*ie f©ll0iiinf i^i#ilst

^ItatiQns la %tm ta^mm of fta»»s as feo naB©^ of tbe sMfeter, f«&r of ptitollcafclen.,, ^lareirlstion ®f title^. ais4 paf#© ©l»eeltel

iGi©t.«s «iier® ii#€#g®a-r^ f

1) Mafeegiais at,., fe:Siijg

S®for« oaBweaeing fcit* *K»rk a sefficien.tlf r@pr#s®ofca* tl¥e dti-i ^liS'tia'ate ciolli^iti^ U&B- tosrt«it to wake sure tlj^at c^aris iof •sil the types are ineltt^ei In the gpeci^eo- iii,d@3s«:' the ioliswtog igef^iieiice of

separat® aper> felitr, festto for safety #f t.h# spssAfflea 28

sm^ for ret^m-^te^ o£ mn^cMently braken parts i,h} M&^h ^®@% was ch@cke

ffee Rteatiiaaed pRsesd^ures »«r@ followed for all *iiicoiiing* ra^fceriai* ifeen lacorparatlag new raafcerlsl,,, it w«B m&^m' s«r« that, the •owuer^ip ©f tfae gteeet was elrea-ely marked 011 ifei if •j:i©fe •alrealtf markejl^ s speeial •pfeueii mark •«©s maae %©• f aeiiifea;fee- «.te©-ir separation


li> I

3. St-ijiy of.itdfeeri-^ a) ^rtii» of material. tim. h^is. ©f the material was sorted

liisited ^6»3tiD:i^. of 03fl^3Jt:^l@ {na%€rial t-laat. 'cspmlci' hm easily

,E«gioii wer® ^srfeed: ©'iit. into the saall@sfe i»J a»st teo^o^geneoa-g «mlt-s whicli were ^ieftM^t from' Bmi^h &%hm^* ?r@@.amttl@n was

%lie It©£lbair4iam l^el-ojr in litejr^i».yre wMcit @©yl.4l res^r ao-es

is«@rk tme^riticai an^ ^^^cotii ham^* It wae ©onvenleMt. tm stsrt

ij)itii 3 feif fCK^d fiitd ^^itpJL«t@' speciffien agaii^^t -«fli:iei% %be otiner

consisti^i of ti©:SKSge^®©tts .©peclwens*, ISios© wiilGh. -^©wea the m&Bt j:«®@nd9Jlsiiea t^ @^}i. other w%£®. plaeeil ^lose.'St*' fe) Aii-aiysie of.. .aiategial ,m&_,&m^'ieiiQm&l it-l#o

Baeli pile of jj^^teitaiens was a»alyz-ei

(detail witlioiit flialclo-g. m^f iMiSg®msut oa its ta^DO«»Rie rask, afloptifjg d ©eh'Kne f-oir th& 4e:i^3jripti!^i- ©f ® iie©tyl©^J©no--tts plaat* Ml t^ ,^3@c,la«tn6 -of each file v®£® mn&lyzmS mm feh« final

•Ma3-i»ot4c«o eh^M«i€ter aigfet :^

.to fee jBigii,if.ic«iit^ ©r at l«#-.st a new-, ©n®. .stigtot prave »g.®f^l for airea:af JcaO'iwi. efeareG.ter,sw :• flie^: .wisre stii#le^ in: .d©tail« 30

•espeelallf of tft© f lowejrs w*s raeHeessACf • This -wae 'i©!!©

,3?^ expan^log tim mst&tt&l ta Jsolllag water for 2*3 mimutes*

•'The .planfe par^s were -ejeaKiliie^S' -onjer a- Mi»3c#lar dlss«it.it^^

wier<^sc©pe» -M,! ^S^fe^ils- ^tsepfc mol&m: aa

:flow«r s»ece stasied -ftoa, ^«telp4« Ciritieal ©b!iterva.fei©,iis ©n

variations of ^^jti&uB parfe.© «©!»• ©©%«4 and •eorrelafce^ •©gainst

%..lje toaefegiswiijl ©f tflfi.e.ir@rafc b^lfe#%e .©laa g^ofraphi^al feat«ires«

Tile ais^secfcesi perfes were thea Jrieere,

feldedi .in a cle«ri sjap^r and kmpt !«%© «to© enveieps afct«che

to tiae- glseefe* Provi..gio.Bal teat pre©l.s@, isiilforffl. 4#.^;ripfcions

were prepared!. "Skis i^rvai a® a #«Me for d#l imltafelos aad

evalasfeion ©f feiie t«K@ -asa felie soiaree fer ttee iiaal dteeeriptlon.

e> £vala#%ioQ o.£ ch&raet'ers snd #eiialfcafcion ©f tax's ' ,j„.il,.._[jwiwwlinii«—•••••••iiiiiii—iiw^M iinanrrf'f • ••fin-'iiiiit-BiiirMnrritiiiimniiiiiiTirrfti" mr ii' •iWnnT-irm"'—T'-Trmiiir'MM.i •niniiiiiWiiiri Tr""ir-ifn'irr liim n—iiT-mi Ithim was ^^ crax of the wiml^ w©rJc« ©aallfeafelve

cheraefeers mere glireii preferenee over

Bimfi as th® BOBEtoer of lateral nerves mn tim leav«s^ whl^h were

laore sigiil£leao,t iia «aeli groap w®re #ta<3i«sdi febafe mrm often

miss©<3« l^r fclae •ieilialfcatioii of .sp«el#s,- tfe@ prowistenal

.•^e'^srl^tlons thiis prepares froii tlie asalysls of raafc-erials was

t^lie basis for d-et,©e.tiiig, break In eo-etiaaifey- ©f variation.

4) t^piflcation aQji. €iQ«pletio-ft. -of . ie^weatatlQii

(«) ftae eorrecfc naaje w©s est«bll©h©a fey w3-£kliif ©at

•ti»@ ,^:tt©a|fmy of each taxou frcwa, tbe lii<3©x of ra.fi®©3i#: ^ thoiot^h 31 saaixli of fei^ ^TP^ of each taxon isas fflade hy aoasoltiing I ©rlglnal profeologues, Icones efcc.^fl 4eei@iiafeed« I

l^plf Icatlofi W&8 ea^ eBOogls if « l^lofeFpe had been originally elesiguafced? else a l.ec'feotyije m&m cteogen fEoW' I sfflong tlie orlgioal collectione» tisle. Msjrk r#<|eiired bath khe material. .a«-

TMs part ©DtisletB of iiifcc©<3uefcioii^ ireview of llterafeiiire^ ijofeee oij. elasslfie^tion, aafeerlal & methods ihorphological criteria, an«t©my^ psiyaoloff, aistirltettfei©n ana ecol©^ and .eyt©lofy»

a ^tailed generic de^^ripfel^R is followed by erjianerafeiGa of species* Tim name of felie tas;©n recogfiiaed is menfciorae^ first^ followed fey its fe^sionpss and i^noeyias* flowering tsnfl fraiting tijne and ^istribatien of each tajton is briefly iii Refar^eaices Meferera:e« from biological detracts ana relevant floras and aoiKjgrajfes are cited in cliros^logicdl ordor. 33

•M O f 1 S OH m & SL W M # t # © If ga|4fcs f?tje hd< of Iag»ra JU isj^eie-s is si#.»ejr.lbe(i ©s that <®f 3 asidli tree ititi) # ffail, .ti©t le&smlf mw^smh&% eraokei '6%effi aeil. % i^mimglf h3s:muGh&i cr&im* species atfeatetfi^. the ;d3.ii@ji^slQBs of a. ineilltiis-sisBea tree- ai*e less o@pi»0'f}^ Mt :iiot [9@£y £-

:m«li«ble iiif©im.ati©Q- with £mg&M to tlie o©-^ ©f Isranehin© ie

^aw&ss ffee Xm&v®B are o^|^)0.sit#» A p©t,jL©le l# tuittally 'preseiJt,, ibiit 'ee«sile i«aves «r© lievisrfeheless i«»t '^'sj^ rajre* •la several mpsmXmm^^ irs- -ifiMcfe aoimiillf tb# ieav®® are |>etiolete^ 'a pair of i^seile iea'snt© is foaa^ at the Nt.se' ©f the- peaaocle* 'Mi^ri tJfee- teaeai brafjcjiilets of tlie ieflorese^nee &tm siibtenaed •fef leavss^ tiie; latter tcso .are as « rule mssM&i they re^enble in this .res|>ect to the or4ina£ir toraefe and bractolec,. which are alwaye sessile* ']^e petiole is &mn&llf more or l@£'s ^ooBOdve or oatialiiC(il'at#, the froo^^@''@Kt@{3#ifi3@ as- ^a- .rtiie ,@^Aewhat Q|ttO' the lai^rib*' f)^; bliiid# ie hs-jettaseome to -oariaceon'S •itt textar© varies in .£or» froia feeDa

ife Is i©ffi@felia«s sllflifeif fc&iciiensd*

protrn^&s &n %h& apper gide as « rule* Ttoe l.«%ersl i»©irv®-s

©re ttsttallf essilf ^igtiiifal.#ii^.ie,, e^spe©l.ally ©a t^ie l©wer sMe* The tmrti^f neinres af« .lax-ir ©^ ffl©ie® ©r lees a<&nselr reiULa«tla^ei inonf %bose i^ajriogijig from i,h^ midrlQ^

Stipalesa tlie s.tipiil@e m£B -of th'# saess' kliiS ae ^o^ found iu fctee mtimic genejra of -febe Ix©g#ae* • It

.envelope-. Ila.ira M:& ^m sQwmtlM&B pKBn^t^ -omS in m^m

•$^mi®B a lsir@© pacfe^ of the lfjii#:r starface Is covered l>^ a

Ulll^f p«fe@seeij©@*, fl» pje©.sei*se- ©r ^afeseiice of these haijre is pc€^&hly 0f feaxoaomie l»p3urt:«@©#«., la Ix#re.ag 9reii,er,ally fel*e^ gfclpmles itire -nsa-i?® ©,r less pe£®ist,e!jrife4 ftoe lower feffacts are s©E^feto©s pr©vi4®^ wltfe rtt4ira®n%srf <31sjancfc sttpales,^, the

•apper l3rac-2.ti.© ao^i br$ct^e©iee are mlm&.fe ex^tipalafee* lafloreeeeia©©-!- ftee .imilQ-re'm&m&m is always %ei»iiial* 1te# ehoofee hf vhMM the lhfl©r©'®ceii€?« 1© prQ^oee^ is always fjr^-©a#

.In majoritf ©f the species fcli® liifloreEcettce. is trtehotaffionsly 35 i2©ry^3os©^_ feliafe is thm fiffBt pair of hxtmtmhlmt amA.Mb® are .j^saj^iliafc l

HJ® length ©f tlie 'p^^taael© .riiow« a wi^ rauf-e of v.ariaMllfef« ^ some groaps th© InfloreseiSiiee im nm&clf sessile ©r stiortiy |>e#ttnelate., lis ©tteer groape th© peaancle i®. Bi:tKsii laager, «i

M, mm& grottps the isaift pair or se>^i^tifl^s felie two main .pairs of fcr©ncrhl#t.s #r# tfee ©alf ©oe# nhicJa #r# ©ppG».site MiA a«t.t«2«iat®^j fete Oi'tfeer feraiieliii.ete-feelaif ii€sl^fil«&r. • .art,icialate.., tor ®i^r ^ffipietely ©pppglt®* S>'«.rall©.l wittj this etiaag® Ira etrtactttjee gQe.s -a re^aetlaa,' ©f tjje_ brisete arad '.fera^gtsal^s. fim redttctio-ti, ©f the bracts is farfelMir @mmmp&mi®d. by a efe.aB#e in- fehe,ir :posltJtea» tis^ -ar^ no' Xmigm^ •bo«i®^@d: t# the bit:g@ of tJje torasaGhlets erwS ^dieels, byt tJ»ey are, -©speeiallF towards tl^ peripli@.£f, «©ra ©r lesis lrregti,.larif seatter€si over the fersuchlets an.d pedieei® stteieh. thef are ®ttfip©seil t# sabteiid* fh© froctps ia whidfe •this tfp® of Infioregeiejic© oeetirs Is io«na In- Jlsi.s -aaii f arttier, #««twar«S'.s« ISils re^iBb.l@s that of |iayetta.»- Ttie baeal braoGhlets ©f tlie iiifiore,seefiee Is ©ftea g.abt©ad©# bf re^iae-^ er raiiaeatsr^- leay-ts* 36

b@£fis#pli£'odite^, l>r<0&4S'd£%»i2a.^, M^'tiB&mQSphiG.,^ ^mal&mm@l*

aiviiei t& feto« bds«, hmt la -s^e f.roaps a •ilstltiet %^m Is

less pofall©! wl%h fcfe^fe #f fehe to£-®ste end braet-^©!©*. te

©p^s atsfelvafeJUsn i» fflor® -coiwion* la S&SB® 6p©ci©« t&h©y are

©earIf ItivIsifol® &r r#pl«e@i 1^ siiert, fe.@«t.h. ffea msjpf iu Is

^3cfejr©r6«lif eofilortee#« IPI^ ssl'^sc-i^^^peil c©r©ll.a la ommallf

is filled mltM n&fs%-ms»

t.b© eocolla- fe^e Is alviaf s sferalght au4 usttalif rather aar«jw» Ife© Isagtta- ranges imm & $mw iBllliaie'fereg fe© several c®©tlia©-tres» la seversl G&E©® it hsa b®®© f©uii4 tM%

It i« evea ,sterti#r i;h«i feto« lofees #c as loag .«.s %lie latter, the feifla© Is U:sm«llf gl^roas la.glie» It «af be pwb@sc-enfe or tlabr©«:® oafe®!^* fti© tt-pp>er pai'fe liowever is ^>«®%iae® deadly feear#e^»

fj^e l«^5©s 1© fead &m ^xtm^mlf c©afcr©.%eJ# in ©pee flower thmf are ©Ifelier spreadlaf &md tl&%^ ©r .je^fl«:s#i and 37

tteis asttally revolute. they vacy fjroR* llnaair t© aei|rly ^rbicaiaJTv 7iie top is obttiee^ eubobtaee or actite» They are sometimes sliglitly beared near <&h€ entraiace o£ tlie t^e«

l!he stamfeQs are either as long or nearly as long as the corolla lobes or much shorter* fheir filaments are jBhort &n4 ttsually glabrous* The iitnthere «iire segittate and the Gonnaetlve is ©piculate or aristate* sessile anthers hav^ also be<^ observedi in sofl^ ^ecies*

The fllifona style may be entirely glabroas or the Inolia^ed part is sometimes <:overe(§ with ^rea^ing heirs* The escserted |>drt {the sti^al is as long as or slightly longer than the etemeos^ completely separate mtA usiaslly distinctly recr*srve<3.

The ovary shows the same str^icttire as that of Pavetta L« It is always bilocular and the flesi^ placeritas in which the ovales are deeply immersesi, ae^ inserteiS on the tapper part of the septiiB. Tte ovules in JKora hm are always iKJlitary*

•fraitst ttee drupe is either globose or somewhat eompresse*!* It is tasyially red or green* 38

.#:::0-D.-?m'W M.Tm «.ir

jiia@iri©:i^: ftii^i^da^ liicsJLiiiIng t^te g^fiiiB jjifflafe 1&« ilam$^\.^tmm

l€m 'msmt M -"iini;iii|-|»llllifilil.

3m .#ii>gii».i*iii^II.jiu IiRr piiii»i»y -iiMiiiiM>ii«!#iji!iP!<>Hi^ -m0M"'«^*'i^\f**** iyifDilliwHi.TftwBj'grrijijiiiiiiipiiit,- •'m^.mi^\immmm•'


iijiTCiin'iiiiii niiniinii in fiiiinir:iiiiiiii.Tiiirii|i>ni.>» -iiujir iiim njniimiiiinuvj.; • • -^, ..' . • ^

' mmmimmmmtpmi'jimiamie ^^ ^^»« Wt^' «*i?^fcii«t® ®f .sel#i^tii« uls® varies ,ift il*ii^

h M AW BP I © -E R M A. h S t W » 1

Fiaa% tait©.n©injf to&m mnimt^mm a gresfe manQf chaoges since It w-as flr#fe ^reets^. as a ®ei®n.fcl£,ic' 41sc:lpllae in fch@ seveataeitM eerafcurf, #»« ©f ttws m«Jojr 6©ntjrll>y,t.,teg factors bmimq ti4€ ilseio¥@£y of -ta^e u-&m of r»®%*' f.l#14e ©f iuvestlf atloa to eti^l@fl^»t the ol#»

Mtix>ttfli .many #arlle,jr ^ttl^rs h#id Indicated the posaitol© iral.tt® of anstomisal <:^araejt®-jrs la ©lassifiedtlon, it wa.s thm y#ar 1863 ttet flr.tt sam th© pMa^lleatters ©.f a treatise., ia which th© anatoi^ of fch@. plant was «mpl©f«i ia s;p@elfle ^Istiijctlott*. tto© mslwrn^B ©f lisglef it fr«iitl*ii Pirn n&turllG^n Plmammm^ f«ffiillen Ci8S?*i9lS) li*eltt:iad a r@lati¥alj Isjrg® atto««it oj ®i#ts3a»lc#l ani tregetativ© i^rpho- logle-al .ii«t#lls« Prltsdh (li©S} #av© ais ac^s^unt of th© ase •o:f, .anatoffile-«l chsraet&rs f©ir sfstematle ptirp©ses, sui th® t.iaxoiK3i»le -y.al.a@ ®f ©pMeiaB'al iwrpltelogy, ,is well :#sss'ifflent®d li3 botaalciii literature whleh imm h&mi reviewed fey staee <196S)« ii(3.yi«3©4 (If71) Mmw attentloa to Vim lrap©j?tanee anS iaipact of S-IM im th® st«% of isyst««atiG problewt*

Ia©§f siirface ©tiiiy of ,M^J^ coGclti^a t» <»!•• 2., Figs* 1, 2) revealed that th@ l#«vr©® ©rg Wfpoet©ro«tie J;»@« stoaata air# laeklog on tto«s «ff>er surfaee. W^ i© te the fo£» 0f fl»s f£^aiittles &m the apper ©lirise® #alyi stem-ata arm 41 feltjisfee'd at fctoe- l^vel ©f leaf siirfa©ei st^mafc^ ©llltJfeieal t© globose &m4 mm££mmtM4 hy cafeteulsr gtrlafeiofi,®? «ell feo-an.di«ri®S' ar© clesir oa the tt^>®r ettrfaee ©alf.^ Fig* «<• l« M&Kidl surfaoe.^ n &Q©s 1* ^dx:iai mr.£«c@, X #@©* PLATE-2 42

B g,„o I., u E n M 0 a g w 0 i o ® f

Foil eft 'Hiorptoeilogy of Ryi)iaGiea#' tmm been jefeaMea

(19S8>. BahasSttT ii.S§4>, I*ewl© (l©i4), SaJx , ^Ifalii and MaiiiSa Clf66> m& &m «B4 Lee (1970) •

figs 1, 2> has jfeveale^ thafc. the pallea grains are Froiafce Sph^roiial

j fig* - !• ^li^tie wl^i, K 4©©®f PLATE-3 43

9 m t. B t ttt m ti t t&n, h m w E C 0 % .© © ¥

Braehfpyis Btem*, met* 0s!^.m&f$mt.TmB M-mm*^ mmt,m mi^bm&tmm^

plm^ 4* timsm are -fereatiii .ae ^i^iri-

!• seel^* jE^gjgfcirtjp lipiffi* ^msiste of five ^iNsJi^s* :l^Qg»

Ba^gl^a i^ji) 'iU ^^ ^^#^ ^spS t& Mii«(#i3 & wS^ms^m-ie Iml&fi&m in tke ^^h MmB%» tmosM. irnvmimm

iit san^^,. tmm^ smA mim^ «@il««

2* Mim%* B!tm^tw^m WxmA*. esn^iats €»€ @%bt, Bpmims^ iGvtr ef irj^.ieh mmmlf iM^iem jaas^ttrgteij S&li^r*. Z« a@di@si%»'«i« Bi^^*. i:* ae^iti«^'# Ho^bo aii4 ^* l;igri^^i?fegQi Bsm^*- ^% £&m%rM%B& to %hB i?oirt^ "mmtmmi ..regions of M^im.,, >^fa gf^j^aggfaii Bai

a slightly wiser range of distxilHition from Matiipar, west Bengal to Bangla Dei^ while t* fcigriomastax Br^tt* is confined to Bangla Oe^i« Xaiora nigricans R* Br« show a wiae range o€ diGtribution* Its area extends from South India (KamataJca, T^ail fiadta, Kerala) to Nest (Maharashtra) i^to ilorth Eastern region

Ixora andaroensie Brem* is en^^ic to the Andaman & Nioobar Islands whereas J* ptlhirama Br^i* extends its distribution to «©st Bengal and Sangla Desh. Xxora tibetana area, has only been recorded from llbet*

Scora tibetana Brem., %• yoalparensis Br®B., I* tigrio' mtist^t Breni., 1* rsad&argbii Balakr. and 1* aetiainata Roxb. are usually ^ond at hig^ altitades from 1S00-2G©0 r^tres. I^e altitudinal range of Ixora pateir^wia Brem. is from ^a level to ^^O metres*

3. s^^t. Chlaroydanthus Brem* consists of three species. Ixora capitaaliflora Brem* and J« maltibractesta Pearson ex King & Oaable occurs in Jyndaman & uio^bar Islands* the latter is andeoaic to the Island and extends to Soath 1?s»nas@erini, Mal€^ peninsula and !^rth Sumatra*

Ixora f inlayeoniana Kail* is usually encountered in KaoiataXa, Kerala and Tamil Hadu in the Sotath, Uttar PradesJi in the Korth, West Bengal and Assaai in the msrth East ®n& the 45

AQd^nan & Hios^bar Islands in the South Eastejcti region*

iKora iBttltibraefceata pdarson ex King and dfaiBfele and X,« capitulifXpra B£^» are uetiall^ foisfid at low altitutias from sea tevel to 20 metres. Ixora fihlaysoriia»a Wall, ie £ound at high altitudes &B well ae low altitudes from Sea Le^ei to ISOO iiaatres.

4« s»:t« Otobactrata Brem. consists of only t,w> species naa^tly iKora hyiaenopfaylla Br<^« and !• baxbata llojRb* fhe fooser is endamic to the Andaman & l^ic^ar Islands Klwreae the latter occurs in the mdm^&n ^ llicobar Islands and Uttar Pradesh*

Data ©n tl» ecology of varioyjs species representing this section is in-j^fficient, and no field studies are at h^}d, to help reach a conclusion*

5* sect* j^pltorion Br^^a* is represented by five ipecies in India* Three o£ its secies niraely la^ra ipai^tta jytdr*, ]L* by^cfaieta Rcatb* and jt* andalata i^xb* occur in partically the whole of India

several 6p€»sies o£ this section occur in Clay*ioaiit soils {Z* pavetta todr*, !• brachiata iloxb* and J* bruanescens Kurz) and flouri^ in red sails of South India* Ixora notoniana 46 wkll« mi ©• tiOR grows best la jc©^ coil* Ixora teirtmnesGeng Karss is foaai growinf in coaseal limes%©fie© of tlm ^^emat* & Nic^bair Islands* Ttm aitit'ttfiieal rs^fe o£ ^i^oirs, i»jraeliia%it: ^xb* is t£©m Sea l^vel to 1^)0 m@tr©e, #£ 1* tio^niana witll* friMft 1?00 to ^ISO nitres an4 !• mj^Mlatm l&xfc* froai 4 as to 12S© metres*

§• Sect* g-ayettopsis Brem* a ifej:y irap^rtaat section is ir'^|»reseBt««3 ia ladla toy only Iscoga. graaiifolia ®&11* & Morr* alongwith it© varieties* Ml m£e endemic to th© fetdaman aisd Mieobar Islaa^s* Data on the eeology of thi© speeies Is not available*

Distribtitl^ii ©I ixora "L* speeieg in India has been sfioifn in -Qharfc 2* o in 47

«^S9TJfO ra

©X©5aM Oi

n^eM TT®^il "*

•Mi»«BiMniMaB ©5(5^«i2jr®X

t^aa^p^jr^ ©jntipisr «

spiiexsi SA'FpesKye'i 18 »Ta ^ uecBwa *««® CM C o 9jf?ms©jre^^ O

qsi^ej^d o a tiet^siefe^ w o q>BJf»fllD « o u Q misQ^tH O K o M jfidfO^j « 0 C paex®6^i @ o o *3 i|S^i&j<3 leqaeuttJ^

inpr^S en

I t&6«0g %99m m o J^TS «^ 0 ©

tistfpeja J©%5|i| © mr^ 9tmta^n

10 ClfTO h Q Q t

Fagerlind it921f}^ Shaiasa mn4 Cha^terje® iimo}^ Mitra and I3ufeta (1S&?5 «a»fi Hehra aana Sawa (1969) have made chramosoroe coanfcs for various species of the geaas I.xpra t.« They have e©u«i«3 fthe basic ctiroiaoEome nimber for the geitas to be K « 11 (tabJL® 3 ^«

liable 3 Sisaroory of chroiuosoitte nuaiser of the genus

Is^ra h*

fSemom ) <:hr$»^£ome { Re£©r^ences

unH iirinri nnriTiiini.-iiiiii ..i » m in 22 Witra lu, fiufeta if. 1967#

22 «ehre, P»tu ^ Bawa K«s,. 19i©-: f« Gocclft^^g Llnii« 22 Fagerlina 1937. !• acumiti^ita Roxb« 22 Fagerllnd 1937 GhatterJl,T. 1960em

22 ChattfsrJi^T* I9^c.

22 Fagerlifid 193? chatterji.t. tf60c. I* congeeta f^:^* 22 fatgerllnd 1937 1 Im flniaysotiiana Mall« 22 Rafhuan^ f*&» ftaiig#is#ainy, 1941 <3jattejrjl,T. i96GC9 49

^n- ilTiii -I II I ji 'ill] III r I1..I1I. in • 22

it Matter j, l,,f** i#®3(e«.- 22 ' faf^rlind if37 2a FagerLiiid- 1937

22 '

iSw' «?|-iiiri Hill iiiijiiiiiiiiaiii liii*

I • I« :fo®@a Wmil* 33

22 fagerllniS* if$? aa Faf©rlifii it3t#

f.* si^.a^ssilis MIIH 12

I 22 ffiaerllnd. 1937 50

11 o B s jg » I r y. I 0 m .0; r ir n n .0- s is p g ,.

f 1754) I M* -mil m^mtm sm&mBR, ik ti7S9)i m* m 2mm%& cmtm mmsmm^^ m (ii3o),i pc», pmm* m^ 4.Si (is3o|.f wmm*m% mm*- «••. ^M* PI* ti, i, us rtetaii

»I1L. «fe-^ FSi^m^ Wat* l>m.. «ai8. 1^, 4, l©ir, -

.••ml ••! «•—M • ,»• w

saroachia tm*^ WmOrm m.. 478 (t©3c^^ i

p-anefaeria Msfi«oiiK. in ^em» :te^. hftm Ji^ 2231 i

jdaan^atleirg viell* irt Bw.U. so©;.. •'Iiia.ia.- 'HQBIS* IK.

frpti®:i J* coe^gjuea i,. in Ife. eetiaaEifil. (^>. »tis«^ Srife*)

Emct jshrjisa <>r ^siialJl tjreeg. i»esve,e opposite, :alin&«% k •i^oi'fe ©faeatli^ aeedle • lilt®, acoffltnat®* teflejceecenctt 51

ojT 4*nfeorfee

Fig* '^ !• Habit, x 3 ; 2» Fortiori of 'IT a twig, K 3 7 3« Innei: siirfac*! o£ a gtipuie, X 7? 4« Calyx with bracteoie, X 10? S. Flower, X 2i 6« Jtofclner and filam^ife, X 10^ SfeigHia and stFle, X 3? Frttit, K 5. PLATE -5

I • I 52

12 , S M W HE R„A t I 0 n 0 F SPECIES

^ora £KstaiiinatiitfiniH()i«iiiiiirt»*ffl^'i*i « $io3^<

glowers it gjrialtsi ^«mary*- BeG;®ifeei:, I:sistrij5atl0nt Maoipor, West Bengali Bangla ©e©h.

!• I9^r4t a«i(^aBe£i$ie M3P(m»

3* I»pgj3 gaitfagaantlaa Brass*

Flowerg & Friiitet April • •^'anaary. MstrAJbttfciont «e©t Bengal-

4'« Ixora barba^a ft^b» ex SB« 1 iniiii jg. Millar ilir'iir.r' 'iM. iSSS

gjoyere 4 graltei lipril *• fseceaiber*



J* *»lcraofcha ifef ae Flow

R©rala^ Cfea, Baman & ©ia, Oijarat, Rftjasthsn^ west Seagal. 53

&* l3sora fejrynrteacene Kurm

ylowecs .fe.ymitet (January - l^casb?^. Msfcfibtatioiii JtewS^an & Nleobar Islands.

Mstrlbat^ns Aesaw, »r


9* laiora cbinfeogis i^Wft*

Sisfeglbtttiona Ufcfcar Praiesh; Bangla )£^gh. China*

arnonyras !• graaSiflora tKer-aiail.l

]!3istrifoiAfeion8 Mahsrastiferik Karoataka. fsaraXl Nedu. Kerala^ Qos 1>aman & Blu, t^ecadlve Islands^ m&m&mi & Micobair Xsl@»dfi^ Utt«r tradeiJi; Sengla De^ an4 all 54

Fioigecs & Frttitsi iS&nm&Sf'^ Ifeceiaber. BlstirAi>titiGii$ Kerala, Kai?iata&a, *r«nil Nadw*. t2» j^y

Pisfcrlbtttioitt m^&K&mtr^^ K^mataka, Kerala, Islands, llttar tradle^, west Bengal^ Assimi all tsx^i&^l tsovmtti&e*

Flowers. & Fraits^ «aF * Deceatoer. Distribtifciogg 46s^tt, nest'Bengal. t4» l3{Qg# .gr^ndli^lle soil* & Hor»

2* crassi^lM Rl^l«y X* odorata fBl»> Flowers .& Fryit®8 ^anaairy '• Decea^er. Dietribgtiosrai ^SaiRMi & liic©bar Islan^is* f^* ^xogg hyaietiogliylla Bran.

Flowers & Fraitst ^ril - isecember*

l^* lx0£g jQvaoica 0C»

Basiontyaia gavefcta Jayaii^,ic,f Bl» gynonymt J« aa3,

Floyers & Fruij&si February - Nov^aber- gistributioni Maharai^i;ra; Tenafiserla. Malay peninsula, Sumatra, l^st Java. i'7' Xacora jQhngoni Hook. £•

Flowers fe Fruit.s> Jartaary - Deceirtser* DiBtrlbtttions Kerala. iiLi II Ml • »iii III MiiiiW—iiifiii •no—

•III *<»>•• Willi nilllii -MMMMMWMMMmMCMHMMIMW WlQu&rs & Fruits 8 January - Deceiver. Plsfcribation? ^harashtra, Karnatafea, Tamil Hadu, Kerala, Assam.

Flowers & Fraits^ May - December. Oistributlofis Bangls 1^^. •m liiiiiimiiMwwwwiiiiiiwiim PUM UIIL iiunri '*'

^» ^ssora ffiacrothyrsa (Teyisn. et Binn.) t, teore

Basi^Bya? gavetSa roacrothyrsa'1*6/^1. et Binn. SyDon|f«g Payette anjboiialca SI., var* cel©brlca Mlq» Flowers ife Fruit ss «Ianaary - i^cemhmr* Distribiationi Taiail Had«, Kamataka. fl* 3:xora iaalabarica (osnrist.) M^berley

Basionym* chiopcca malabariea Dennst. Sfm>^ms t* laaceolaria (oolebr.) Itoxb. Flowers & Fry it 6 s May « December. l3i€tribtftiont Maharashtra, Kamataka, Tanll Nadu, Viest Bengal, JissaQ. 56

22« Ixora fnoetticola iSamble

Flowers & gralts* H&f - Secentoer* Distribtttioo t Tamil Nadu, Kerala.

23* Ix©ra multlbracfeeatta Pearson ex King & Qanibl©

synonyms J[« appellate vsr» multlbracteata Corner Flowers & FruitCI April • December. Bietribationi ^datnan & Hicobar Islands; South Tenassevlm, Malay Peninsula, North Sumatra.

?^* ^3{Qra nigrlGaos R* Br.

gynonym* l. affinis wall. J. erufoescens Hall* L' Pl<^®^ Riaiey Flowers & FraitBf janu^^F - I3©ee»ber. Bistrifoutions Maharashtra, Kamataka, Tamil Kada, i^rala, hssm^f Burma, Malay Peninsula, soiaatra, «Java, Ball.

'^^* ^Q^# notoniana tfall.

S^mmvmi I* wiglitiana l^all. Flowers & Fruits« January « Decefrfoer* Distribution* KarnataXa, tarail Madu*

26« Ixora pavetta Andr.

aynonyiai I. arboree Rrocb. {noa Lodd. 1822) !• parviflora Vahl (non hm» 1791) 57

WXpw®em & yrttitat JMimajey • tmGmw&s%£»

N«d«^ Kerala, iia^ihra Prsaesh,

Bibari l^Eigla lis«h, Ceylon*

i«MliW«Wil> •niniii~wi*« MM mtfciMtiiifciiTii (Will laiiiri iMirialim "* Flower® & Fruits f ^anaacy • oeeeaber* Plstrlbntloni M^arasfotira, Rismntdtea^ Kerala.

28* txom pttblr^a Br«so»

Flowers & Fruifcss ilsaaary • Dee«aber« .m» •••*wiiM>i iwi nun 'ttmtrmnmwiwim i m i I'l ' m n M rmi * OiBUrjyb>it.ioiii ftidsMan & Nto3b®r Islaads, wm@% Bengal Bimaa, Banglm Desh.

^^* ^^aara ra.®e.a Wall*

PigterAfoitifcioni «aharii3*fera^ Uttar Pradeshi C«»ltivafcea In ail feraplcal countries.

WWPHIMi|IIM>i)l«l ^IIIMWIIHWlii :r U" lliWIUI»ir

Flowers & Frtiitsf January • necemfc^r. mill jl iiiiiiii Ill 11 Miililliliiii-iiliiilliiti I II liMiiiMl lii "^

31* l3»r® aaal©irei <^aable •'••"••••' "'1'—•'^•'•"' iwi».-iiM>wwiiii. II III will III n iiiiiiii iiitfiiMi»iiiiii inmiLimMi Digtrltotttionj famil Ma

^'^* ^3to^^ subsessilis W&ll* synonym8 I.Qxypjhylle Wall, ex 0. Ooii Flowers & Fraitsa May - December- DistrJJoufcloni Aeeaa, "Trlpura^, Meghalaya, jirunfichal Pradesh, Manipur, Ragalandi Bangla Dei^^ tJ^l^r Barma*

33* laoora tigriomustax Brera*

rlowere & Frtaitsa ^rll - Janyairy. Dletributioti t Bangla o@Bh*

34* Ixora thsfaitesil Hook*£«

Flowers & pgaitss January - May* DistributlQgn »^rala; Ceylon*

35* 2:Kora Jimdulata Eoxb«

gynooymt J^. canjia Mail*

pAstributiont T^ll NaJu, An^ra Pradesh. Assam. • Ill •••iiiMiTii lu I I. iiijinii iir I II _,,,, • * ^ • Sikkijn, Arunachai Pradesh, Bihar, orisse. West Bengal? Bhutan^ %per Borma*

36^ - ^ixora MilliJE^sil Sandwitch

Flowers^ & Fruit St ^January - »6ceinber* PAstrlbafcion t Uttar Prade^; Hot houses In Europe and i^* i^erica* 59 id soQoss^ipMs r o R r 0 a f » E a no R K

shown only too^cleaJflf horn ba^ly a s^vision ©f fche species 0f I3IOI-4 L* from fl» feiiisafi JTi^loB i© nedilei* .Mare' auphasis Irlll toe glv0Bt feo fleiJ s^tiaids that iwlli mM 4© the ctsdersl^indirif >£ %h6 ecology an<3 mi t.he hibologlaal relafei^Ptships of th& tioia.

AsGt^ate cUcI^toffiooe keys «n<3 <^tailed descriptioiie ifhieh iiere earlier ba^d on scarity sidterial will toe prepares f©r each taxQn« interestlnf €iel4 otoeervatlons andl critioal lote© on ncMRenclature, affinities ana range ©f irariatione will be aidea to» Dot »apB i^oiring ttMB aistribiition pattern l^r each taxon will be prepared* Xn the enumeration of the species fall original references to each ts^on will be ifellowea by names and references to basionjpie

an<2 6tiyi.es> pher*ol©Qf and phf^fcofeograplsy*

A starve^ of mpi^smml leaf surface cl^aractere hmB&& @j3 SIM ^xaminatjU}!} of all. the apeci^d will b@ «tii(lertaken witli an aln t:o sppllcstim} in taxonomf of the ^enuis*

Poll^i fflorpiaology of dll ttm j^eciers of the gesitis will be cta^Sliea and lnveatigat

14 ^ .it.B.f 8 RE H € E S ^

§Qr eK^mlDirag p&ll<^ wider ttm Seiiimi»i Electron isieroecope* Poileti et, %>0res 14 s 2at*2l2.

Paris* Viftceat.

M«xaniSer, «.?• ^ lf&9* Differential efcainliif «>f aborted and tis^{ii33Qrte4 pollen* Staii} T%dA* 44» 117-122. jsBaafi, S«K. ^ul M,is, 8haii4#jri, if 83* F©lleu fflorpbology ©£

Jottm* Bsont* Tax* lot« 4 s 335»341* inoQ, Its?* l»iarl«B ffiounte Carolina s« 203 3S«

. trii43ated* Mofcas on {»i3ii& c©ll#efei3Bg» Rofsl Botanic aara«^8, K^H^ 4 i^*

t ^E^fiimcms, 1SS9* tx^m M§ Itoe nealtli of Indiia. ooiinwsii ©f

New OelM S» 275'.276. 62

Bac3ter, C.A« anoi R«0» B^hal2«n vao Den Birlfik Jr«, 1S65« a^ineeae* Ins Plord o£ J«va. Ie2?4en« 2» 324*327«

Bahadur, B«, 1964* ^ilen {6xi£ie) diiiio£|^i@ii in bete£ostyl#d oiaealandia uinbellata

Itee. Ifeterostyiy in Rtiljtiacese. A review Jotum* Oimania Ooiv.

Baker. H*0*. 1956« P«silen Qimncphitm in the E^iaceae. Evoltit^Q tot 23*31*

Bakhiiisen Van V&n 8* *lr*, 197S* A ^noptic hmy to the Oanera of tbe Kubiaceae of llialland* Hial Forest Byill* 9* 15'»55*

BelakrishRan, !J*P*, 19S1. Stt^iaceae* ini Flora o^ »lowai atid vicinity, Weghalafa* B<>ta«ical mrvef of India, Hoi^rah. it 232-233*

Ballard, F*, 1936* K@i:l>ariaia i^eciraene end gae |)oi«3alng. Kew Bull'. 397-399.

Barthiotfc n* 1981* ^idermal and seed s«r£aee characters o€ plants* systeiRatlc applicability and ac«ne evolutionary aspecte* Nordic; 3* Bot* 1« 345*355.. 63

B©f, »«!.• aEt# f-i-B. .i^isada, 19S4* mam hemm%imkl ladlan

Hataral »iet«irf Sici#tf, .l©iibay«

J-937fe» ^Rs© :lKOga speeles #1 ©aisma ^aai the Jteia«R«n i,[riiiiliiriii:iniiiiii-iiini-|iiiii- """ " ' " •••""" :iiuiriiii * "; ' Islands. 0^mm» M&t* ISt l©8-|ll,. 64

Brea^k^iEip^ €«E»B», ltS9# New ixQisra speeie© fr©« l^^gal, 8ur»a Slid tfee Mcobar IslaiijSs. Ifi<3* rorestBr SSs 171*375•

. I0fe6- aomarJcs o» fet^ posit^u, the Mlimit&tlcm aud the sifc^Siu-isiDn of the Rt^iae@d#.

Brid^n, 13*M., if78.«' Studies te .feora (Mt^^iacsede ewMaas. €li5cb<»ioidfeaeJ for part t of

*F2^M:S &i Tftjplcal Ea«t JMPrlee* mi^l&Qmm*' mm Ball* 321 603-^7«

Ill I III l«llj ** II I U iflliili in II UlillllKul 11111,111 Ctoehc^^i^ae) for part 2 ©f •Flora of tropical last Africat Rt^iacea(i»* JCew Biill» 351 823-62 •

C9)akrai>Qrtf^, F«, 1979« A contribtttioii t© the Flora of Katclial

Bull* Bot» surv* indl* 2if 1*17* dtiang^ 1fitig»Pe, l$Sl« Anatomy ©£ MOO«I and bark In the

211 32©.

Oin, S.€», 19e2» fhe Maastone Mil Flora of n^^&fa 111* 0ar4. Smli. Sing. 35t 137-1SO. 65

oof f#© a®eearcfe 41 50*39-»

«_ ^^ , ItSlfe. iPolXen worpisokjgy ^^ ^^® gmasts Coffee


Cooke, t*^ 1S03# aatolaeeae* Int !R« Plojca ©f t-lie Freeidimg of Bcni^ay* Taylor and Fr^icl®^ liOnSon 11 €11*&15« deraar^ S.O'-H*, 1938* Hofcee on the ^sti^aty anfl Dietrlbatieri

Bull* &ing» tot 46*4&«

, lf41» Notes 0IS the sf st^fta^y a»i Matrib^tioti of

fdarfi* @all« sijif* m 177-23S. crl«cl, iff«V. en

©ar me ifeofcr«|iical Saibi^j^a©. M. ^st. B^ol. t41f tl5-l2l.

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