Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

What should I do if…. I don’t want to be contacted about the study? Please phone the BiBBS project office or let a member of staff at the maternity reception it’s really good, it’s desk know when you something special and attend for your Glucose different that’s never Tolerance Test. happened to me before in my life, it’s special to be part of the research. I have questions or problems? Sonia – a BiB mum You can ask questions about the research when you meet a BiBBS researcher if you attend your Glucose Tolerance Test. You can also phone the BiBBS project office and speak to someone We would like to invite you What will happen to the tell the relevant services, for from the team. If you to take part in the BiBBS samples you collect? example your GP, hospital have any questions about Your blood, urine and hair or social services. your general health or research study. This leaflet samples will be stored and pregnancy, you should explains why the study is kept for use by researchers. Information and samples will be contact your GP or your being done and what taking We will not feedback the stored for use by researchers in the midwife or health visitor. results of analysis of samples UK and both inside and outside part would involve for you. to you individually. the European Economic Area. Some of these countries do not I want to withdraw Please read this information How will you keep have the same data protection from the study? carefully and ask us if you information confidential? laws as in the UK, however, the Please contact us. The have any questions. When you take part you will information they receive will only BiBBS project contact be given a study number and be labelled with a study number, details are as follows: only authorised members of so it cannot be linked to you. the BiBBS project team will Phone: 01274 383941 Information sheet be able to identify you from Will I get to know the Website: www.bibbs.co.uk your study number. All the findings of the project? information we collect about The findings will be published in Address: you, and the samples we scientific journals. We will also BiBBS Project Office, take from you, will be stored make sure they are reported in Temple Bank House, For pregnant women securely and in strict confidence newspapers and on the radio. , using this study number. We will also hold public meetings Duckworth Lane, living in Bowling and , and send findings to community Bradford BD9 6RJ However, if we have concerns groups and Children’s Centres that you, or someone else, is in Bradford. None of these will & at risk of harm then we may identify individual people.

@BiBBSParents This study is organised and run by the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub, a part of Born in Bradford based at the Bradford Teaching Born in Bradford’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. This study is funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund. The sponsor for the study Better Start is Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The study has been approved by Bradford and Research Ethics Committee. Registered charity no: 1061753 Information sheet for Pregnant women v3 16.02.16 Information sheet for Pregnant women v3 16.02.16 (15/YH/0455) (15/YH/0455) 04 wwww.bIBBS.co.uk “I am very proud that my family is part of the BiB study. It is good to know that our information is being used by researchers to Born in Bradford’s improve the health of children in Bradford and Better Start project elsewhere.” JANET – a BiB mum

A WHAT IS BiBBS? the reception desk when you 2 Shortly after We would like to ask these BORN IN BRADFORD’S go to your GTT appointment. your baby is born organisations to share relevant BETTER START PROJECT Agree to some measurements information about you and BiBBS is inviting all pregnant B TAKING PART IN BiBBS for your baby: your child with BiBBS. This women and their families who If you agree to take part n Measurements of your helps us to understand your, live in , we will ask you to: baby’s arm and back and your child’s, health and Bradford Moor and Little development as they grow up. Horton to take part in our 1 When you join Give some samples: study. Better Start Bradford is the study n A small amount of hair offering exciting new projects (at your Glucose Tolerance Test from your head All of this information for families in these areas. BiBBS or another appointment) n Some of the blood left will be confidential. will look at how these projects in the umbilical cord help to improve children’s Complete a consent form after it has been cut health and development. and questionnaire with We would like to send you the help of a Community newsletters from time to BiBBS will collect information Research Assistant If you don’t want us time to let you know about about your pregnancy and your to take any of these how BiBBS is getting on, and children as they grow up. This Have some measurements measurements or invite you to take part in other will help us understand how to taken: samples please let us research related to BiBBS. give children the best start in life. n Your height and weight know. You will still n Measures of your arm be able to take part. Do I have to take part? BiBBS is run by the Born in n Measure your vitamin levels No, it’s up to you. Whatever Bradford study. The study using a simple sensor on you decide, your health care has successfully followed the palm of your hand. 3 As your child will not be affected in any up 13,500 children and grows up way and you will still be able their families since 2007. Give some samples: Many organisations regularly to take part in the Better us to understand more about You may be offered the chance n A urine sample collect information about Start Bradford projects. how to improve children’s to take part in Better Start How can I take part? n A small amount of extra families, including: health and development. Bradford projects. If lots of Someone from the BiBBS blood, at the same time If you decide to take part and families want to take part in research team will explain the as your blood test at the Healthcare Organisations, e.g. then later change your mind, you The study will not harm you projects, there may not be study to you when you go to Glucose Tolerance Test clinic, n GPs and health visitors can withdraw using the details or your baby. If there are any enough places for everyone. your Glucose Tolerance Test, at or other appointment. n Hospitals on the back of this information parts of the study that you If this happens, families may 26-28 weeks of your pregnancy. n Midwives sheet. If you become unable to are worried about a researcher be selected for projects If you do not attend a Glucose n Dentists consent in the future, we will not can discuss this with you. by chance (randomly), like Tolerance Test we will contact If you don’t want us collect any further information. using the toss of a coin. you to arrange to meet you at to take any of these The Local Authority (council), e.g. C HOW WE WILL another of your appointments. measurements or n Children’s services (including Are there any benefits or USE THE BIBBS If your family are not selected samples please let us children’s centres and social care) risks for me or my baby? INFORMATION to take part in a project we If you don’t want to be know. You will still n Schools There are no direct benefits to We will use your information may compare your information contacted about this research be able to take part. you and your baby. The main to understand children’s with families who have been please ring the BiBBS team or tell Better Start Bradford Projects benefit is that you will be helping health and development. selected to take part in a project.

02 www.bIBBS.co.uk www.bibbs.co.uk 03