Mayo Miner 1940 07 2
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fENSJOM <§KOWS 3ffW&W US&JAJftN KENO BACK MONDAY KIMBEL RAFT DELAYED 25^ a oopy VOL. 6 NO. 8 MAYO, Y. T. SATURDAY, JULY 27f_lg40_ r r1 - c,Ai TIC 0 srer h y r r t J&PU3 JC - i XT? RUSSIANS MAKE DEMANDS OK TURKEY FOR CONTROL OF SMALL SON OF VITAL SEA PORTS YOUNG MAYO COUPLE (By Radio) July 21 - The Baltio States of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to-day decided DROWNED tc become part of the Soviet Republic and a new communist government is being established DEMANDS ON TURKEY - Russia was reported to 1 Billy Wood, smiling, chubby little 4-year-i be making demands on Turkey this week, asking jold son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Wood of Mayo joint control of the Dardenelles and other was drowned on Monday night when he foil off! vital sea ports. Latest Soviet moves in the the airplane landing float in east Mayo wh-j Balkans are interpreted by military observers ile playing there with four small oompanions. as steps taken by Russia to further fortify Little Billy's drowning is one of the & strengthen her own defences in case of a saddest and most tragic accidents that Mayo later German drive against the Soviet Union. has ever known. The heartfelt sympathy of BRITISH BLOCKADE RUMANIA, July 26 - The this entire community goes out to the grief British fleet has extended its sea blookade .. stricken parents who are one of Mayo's most to include Rumania in view of recent develop - 'popular young couples. The sudden, tragic ments there. [loss of their loving little son has come as a terrible blow - a burden of sorrow that? BRITAIN, GERMANY no words of consolation can ever alleviate. CONTINUE AIR RAIDS. Although the little fellow met with his tragic fate sometime between 5 and 7 o'clock LONDON, July 26 - Britain and Germany con Monday evening, it was not until 11 o'clock tinue to wage war on eaoh other-s territories Tuesday night that it became known that he with incessant air raids, planesof the Royal had been drowned. Air Force swept across Germany in waves on Quite a few people had seen Billy playing Monday night to unleash one of its most des near the landing float late Monday afternoor tructive bombing attaoks to date. RAF pilots along with Karl, Alex and Gordon Mervyn and report direct hits with grave resultant dam Harvey pelland. It is believed that the aoc- age over a wide area of Holland. Belgium and ident occured around 6 o*clock. Germany where countless oil depots, airplane It was often customary for little Billy factories, supply depots and other military to stay overnight with his grandmother, Mrs. objectives were blown up. J. H. Mervyn and, consequently, his parents Squadrons of German planes continued daily were under the impression that he was at attacks over wide-spread area of the British the Mervyn home Monday night. On Tuesday Isles. forenoon, however, when they found out that Billy had not been at his grandmothers, thejj USA THREATENS became worried and started looking all over ECONOMIC WAR, town for him. JAPAN. The other small kiddies, who had been play ing on the float with Billy, became scared WASHINGTON, D. C. July 26 •• The united St after they saw the little fellow fall into ates has threatened an economic war against the river, and fearing they might be punish-* Japan by virtue of its new embargo on oil, ed, would say nothing about the accident. gasoline, metals and scrap iron to all for At 11 o'clock Tuesday night they finally ad-j- eign countries. Japan has threatened to meet mitted to Lce-Cpl. W. W» Sutherland, RCMP., these strict new measures by cutting off sup that little Billy had fallen off the float plies of tea and rubber to the States and by and had been carried downstream. Young Gordon extending her powers over the International Mervyn had tried to pull Billy out with a Settlement in Shanghai. stick, Alex, the oldest of the children beii^g President Roosevelt has explained that the absent at the moment. new measure was put through so that the State Had the other children yelled out a warn could conserve its supplies and resources of ing when Billy fell off the wharf,there was formerly exported goods for national defence. every possibility that he might have been Additional war news on Page 6» (Cont'd, on Page 5) * The Mayo Miner Sat. July 27, 1940 OCA I a -PERSONA THE MAYO MINER GEORGE ANDISON, Manager for Burns & Co. Ltd., "Mayo's Home Newspaper n who has been spending the past several weeks on a holiday outside, is due back on the CPR Published Weekly at Mayo,Y.T« boat of August 7th. and is expected to come over from YThitehorse by plane next day. T*C A. A. Gillespie - Ed. and Mgr» Richards, Yukon manager for Burns & Co. Ltd., is scheduled to pay a visit to Mayo at the Devoted to the Interests of Mayo, same time. Keno, Galena and Surrounding Dis MR. AND MS. JOHNNIE KAZINSKY and daughter Beverley paid a short visit to Mayo Thursday, tricts. returning by oar the same afternoon. Following SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $1. a month, advancei the proposed close down of the TY oamps this fall, the Kazinsky brothers - Johnnie, Louis and George plan on going to Dawson to take DR. HOMER GOING over their father's rich placer ground on TO DAWSON. Last Chance creek. Johnnie & George will also move their families over to Dawson. Doctor Geoff. Homer, Mayo's popular phy MR. AND MS. ALEX SMITH and baby son came in sician, expeots to leave the first of next from their home at the Elsa Tuesday. Babe week on a combined business and pleasure trip and young son are staying until Saturday. On to Dawson for about 3 weeks. yfednesday "Smithy" made a trip on his motor It will be Dr. Homer's first holiday since bike - his first by the way, to Highet Creek, coming to Mayo, from Dawson, August 1st. last to see that part of the country before ret year. urning to the Elsa to go on shift. During his absence Dr. Homer's duties here MR. and MRS. CHARLEY TAYLOR and daughter will be taken over by Dr. Frank Kells who . Barbara returned to Mayo Monday after a very was due to arrive here to-day by plane from \ enjoyable outing at Mayo Lake where Charley the Gold Metropolis. Ireports fine fishing, especially grayling & 1berries everywhere. The Taylors spent another SIME LEAVES FOR i three days' holiday at Five Mile before Chas. THE SOUTH I went back on duty at the local T&D store. «. „' .a. ' » 4. „ i ^j. SPENDING AN ENJOYABLE vacation at Mayo Lake Wm. Sime, Gov't. Assayer at Keno, left on . °"ir,i'J-^ „ L -.^^nv, n-n/t Ui*n. Jpan'sj . southboundj_i t_ j planei for.o T.nWhitehorse.ij. i ; lastx , weekWOK3B- were. * Don^. "r-l&orrisonm,^ anrive^<!ana i^rs.rvm jetmw&q .....Bill itold,, the«. ,,I^ner K,that. ,he expected. , to. *be .i ^oolsev."^f^fAccording:hSgetowaveSour scoutson the Donlakewaswith beingaTe%%tarfficV^leshandled by Mrs. ConatCarthumKeno arewhonowwas"ta^gjg,- *^*^^£S£dd^vfhis^ife^d«*Mrs.~ ornted Keno Postmisstress about three weeks j ^ ™ L ke on Wednesday where the everago. Mr.sinceSimeCharleyhad beenRosenbergactingleftas P0stmasterlast winter;., JSiS^^i^t™ Jggthere spend.P the next several days HAGGART fWK T?nAD ' MRS. GEORGE KAZINSKY and daughter Georgia toSt^ST have been guests this week of i*. and Mrs. FROffffSgSg. jack Andison at Five Mile lake. They planned •i on returning home to the Elsa this Saturday. Good progress is being made on the new ""hts"trUotYiLED bigh with provisions and Gov't, road around the foot of Lookout Mount-'tount-i f. j^ tackle and berry pails, George "Pop" ain to the McQuesten where road foreman Neil l! ?", 6, .£ f£° S?„w«,r JpLqflav for Mavo busyKeobkethe jackpastSmithfew weeks.and CarlIt Milleris understoodhave been |! gg^^ke on on ^^^a^fSkfngou i g *p ^ ^^ ^ 5°W*m. that en effort is being made to put the new "llffrl°V sZ°Zdg^anSson Billy Jeffrey. They stretch through to the log jam on the McQuest) "jl"^ £r stay gntii this Saturday. It was enFromby thistherefallit isif possible.only 14 miles into Haggart ^a^^L^D's?S first holiday informanytheagenialmoon andmercantile"Jeff" CreekIn view and ofthetheBarkerplacercamp.operations now being I• *«managerlo£kinSoi imjforward& x t0 'enJoyl*Sinvin- it^ to the S^M!yj^7Lb£7^t °%T ;^S MY and FRED HUFFMAN, pioneer trapp- on Haggart, the new road leading into that )' ers, hiked in to Keno from their headquarters district will prove a great booh. | on the Hart River this week; Ray coming on tl to Mayo where he boarded Thursday's plane for PERSONALS j Dawson. Jack "Hardrock" MacDonald, who left Rev. Father A. Monnet, genial padre of i barf in the spring with Ray and Huffman, is Mayo Catholic Church, left on the S. S. Keno jstill over in that country Prospecting. Tuesday en route to Dawson where he will spc-A ED. BARKER hiked in from HaSgart Creek on nd avisit with Father LeRay for the next 3 r Monday and left again on the return trip^back weeks. J i! to his camp on Wednesday. Ed. figured on Mrs. Alex McCarter was the guest this week Ij taking his truck in as far as the end of for a couple of days of Mrs. Jean Woolsey,at fj the new Gov't, road.