235 bus time schedule & line map

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The 235 bus line Bootle has one route. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Bootle: 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 235 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 235 bus arriving.

Direction: Bootle 235 bus Time Schedule 56 stops Bootle Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Bootle Bus Station Tuesday 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Hornby Road, Bootle Wednesday 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Marsh Lane, Bootle Thursday 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Marsh Lane, Liverpool Friday 9:22 AM - 3:22 PM Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (C) Saturday 9:22 AM - 5:22 PM Street, Bootle

Stanley Road, Bootle

Well Lane, Bootle 235 bus Info Park Street, Liverpool Direction: Bootle Stops: 56 Langdale Street, Bootle Trip Duration: 56 min Line Summary: Bootle Bus Station, Hornby Road, Hateld Road, Bootle Bootle, Marsh Lane, Bootle, Bootle Strand Shopping Centre (C), Park Street, Bootle, Stanley Road, Bootle, Well Lane, Bootle, Langdale Street, Bootle, Hateld Harrison Drive, Bootle Road, Bootle, Harrison Drive, Bootle, Derby Park, Bootle, Leicester Road, Bootle, Road, Bootle, Derby Park, Bootle Vaux Crescent, Bootle, Spence Avenue, Bootle, Ballantyne Grove, Orrell, Ballantyne Grove, Orrell, Leicester Road, Bootle Menai Road, Orrell, Orrell Road, Orrell, Thackeray Gardens, , Eccleshall Avenue, Litherland, Aintree Road, Bootle Kirkstone Road North, Litherland, Boundary Road, Litherland, Dunnings Bridge Road, Litherland, Vaux Crescent, Bootle Captains Lane, Litherland, Bridle Road, Bootle, Orrell Lane, Bootle, Pennington Avenue, Bootle, Wolfenden Spence Avenue, Bootle Avenue, Bootle, Riley Avenue, Bootle, Aintree Road, Spence Avenue, Liverpool Bootle, Somerset Road, Bootle, Derby Park, Bootle, Harrison Drive, Bootle, Oxford Road, Bootle, Ballantyne Grove, Orrell Worcester Road, Bootle, Langdale Street, Bootle, Well Northeld Road, Liverpool Lane, Bootle, Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle, Stanley Road, Bootle, Bootle Bus Station, Irlam Road, Ballantyne Grove, Orrell Bootle, Tennyson Street, Bootle, Chaucer Street, Road, Liverpool Bootle, Marsh Lane, Bootle, Atlantic Road, Bootle, Pleasant Street, Bootle, Derby Road, Bootle, Bootle Menai Road, Orrell Oriel Road Station, Bootle, Gardens, Bootle, Strand Road, Bootle, Vulcan Street, Bootle, Rimrose Orrell Road, Orrell Road, Bootle, Tennyson Street, Bootle, Chestnut Grove, Bootle, Bootle Bus Station Thackeray Gardens, Litherland

Eccleshall Avenue, Litherland

Kirkstone Road North, Litherland Church Road, Liverpool

Boundary Road, Litherland

Dunnings Bridge Road, Litherland Netherton Way, Liverpool

Captains Lane, Litherland

Bridle Road, Bootle

Orrell Lane, Bootle

Pennington Avenue, Bootle

Wolfenden Avenue, Bootle

Riley Avenue, Bootle

Aintree Road, Bootle

Somerset Road, Bootle

Derby Park, Bootle

Harrison Drive, Bootle

Oxford Road, Bootle

Worcester Road, Bootle

Langdale Street, Bootle

Well Lane, Bootle Park Street, Liverpool

Bootle Strand Shopping Centre, Bootle Back Stanley Road, Liverpool

Stanley Road, Bootle Marsh Lane, Liverpool

Bootle Bus Station

Irlam Road, Bootle Bromyard Close, Liverpool

Tennyson Street, Bootle

Chaucer Street, Bootle Marsh Lane, Bootle Rimrose Road, Liverpool

Atlantic Road, Bootle

Pleasant Street, Bootle Pleasant Street, Liverpool

Derby Road, Bootle

Bootle Oriel Road Station, Bootle Oriel Road, Liverpool

Church Gardens, Bootle Irlam Road, Liverpool

Strand Road, Bootle

Vulcan Street, Bootle

Rimrose Road, Bootle

Tennyson Street, Bootle

Chestnut Grove, Bootle Aylward Place, Liverpool

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