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' / ' . ' . " -i,; /' ■ 1 ‘ ' f . ' ' ■ 'I . ■ f ■ P r :" '-■'■ ■' •’ •.> 'l^ {y ■ , .. /■■ iZ ' '■' MONDAY, MARC® 19, 1981 |- PAQB FOURTEEN ATtrate DWUy Preaa Ron The Weather ’ Far tha Week Ended F nreeaat o t B. Weather Baraaa illanctrfister ft»tttns If^raUt Ifareh 17. ItS f OonittmMd fair tonight Tha Emma NetOeton Group of 13,556 Wedneeday, little, tetaapemtime Ceutar Omgragatlonal Church will little Theater change. Low tonight 38 ta SO. About Town meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the Member of the Audit Robbins Room of the church. Mris. T o Pla)T Scenes Barean ot. Otrenlation HIgheat Wedneadajr 48 te 50. Pvt. St«vm T. Rob«rtt, »on of Uoyd Hobron will show color Menchenter—-A Cky of Village Charm Mr.' wid Mw. Frank ,T. Robortn, elides of the West and Bryce Can- 4!i 8. Main 8t„ participated In In Wethersfield >«»- . ___ Wlntar triala. a stX'Klay 7Ui Army VOL.LXXXI, NO, 143 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES-IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1962 (Clamtflwd Adverttring on Page 14) PHICE n V E CENTS medical field tnUntaiK exercise In M ra Betty Schuets, 18 Sunset Three soenes ttm p 'T b s Women" Germany which , ended March 8. Isu, Bolton and M!rs. Sue Wallace will be presented by the UtUe The The exercise tested evacuation and of Glastonbury returned Saturday ater of Manchester at a meeting treatment procedures under sim trom a cruise to Naeaau in the' o t the Wetherefleld Flayers tomor- ulated field combat conditions. Batomas on the M. S. Italia. Vote Angers Military Roberta Is an ambulance driver In nnk at 8 p.m. ln Mitchell Sdibol State N ew s the (W0th Medical Company In auditorium, ‘Wethersfield. The Lydia Circle, Emanuel Mambere participating and the Baumholder and entered the Army Churchwomen, of Emanuel Luther In June IMl. He attended Man Bcenea are Unda Burgess, and an Church will meet tomorrow at Penny Richter in the hairdresser S ta m p D s y Roundup chester High School. 7:30 p.m. in Luther Hal]. Mrs. scene;. Betty Lundberg, Jeanne Frondizi Halts .....\ , Mark Hewett and Mrs. Albert Adams,. Barbara' Burgisa and Robert J. Custer, Chief avlaticm Robinson will he hostesses. electronics technician, U.S. Navy, Jayne Newirth in the gym aoene; eon ot Louis H. Custer, 98 Haw and Jeanne Adame and Kay Shee Navy Will Move Miss Margaret M. McGinnis, han In the hospital scene. AT YOUR ST0P*SH0P thorne 8t., la serving with Fighter da\ighter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. N-Power School Squadron 164 aboard the attacx McGinnis, 16 Main St., Vernon, a Peronist Rule aircraft carrier U88 Coral Sea, senior at Meirimack College, • . - which was scheduled to arrive In N orA Andover, Mads., has been Lutz Asks Funds 6. 59?M From Sub Base Tokosuka, Japan, Friday. selected to appear in the 1961-62 CLIP THIS COUPON BUENOS AIRES (AP)— ehu four-year-old civilian regim* edition of “Who’s Who Among From Civic Units President Arturo Frondizi alive, but across the street from WASHINGTON ,(AP) — Pvt. Royal A. Isham Jr., son of Students in American Universi his executive mansion in the War Mr. and Mrs. Royal A. Isham. 47 moved today to outlaw all The Navy has announced ties and Colleges." She is a lib Dr. Charles E. Jacobson, chair Ministry, the chiefs of the armed plans to transfer the training Waddell Rd.,’-a member of the 26th Peronist activity in Argentina services forged a three-man junta eral arts major. man of the finance committee of 100 S tam ps division 1st Battle Group, 35th In- again in an effort fo stave off to coordinate military plans to deal facilities of the nuclear power fantiy. is participating In train the ' Lutz Junior Museum, an fTN Whan yai buy any whola ar ait*up The Past Chief’s Daughters, of military leaders angered by with the gravest crisis Argentina school at Groton, Conn., to Moslems Riot, Battle French U.S. Under Pressure ing teets at the POhakuloa training nounced that letters were mailed area on the Island of Hawaii. He Scotia, will meet tomorrow at 7:46 has faced since Peron’s ouster in Bainbridge, Md. the elation gains of the ex 1955. is a rifleman in Co. B of the in p.m. at the home of Mrs. George to 42 organizations In Manchester dictator's followers. ■ The announcement was made fantry's 1st Battle Group. Isham Torrance, 18 Eldgerton St. recently Inviting them to , join the BRO ILER The military was reported split yesterday through Rep. Thomas Government aourcea said Fron between one faction apparently F. Johnson, D-Md., who said he entered the Army In 1960 and was museum by taking' out aii organl- at Stop I Shop thru Mar, Si. dizi was drafting a decree to nulli Death Toll 5i T o R ed u ce D em a n d s sent to Hawaii in 1961. He at The Professional Women's Club rational membersl^p at a cost of satisfied with the measures Fron was told the new location would will meet tomorrow at 7:46 p.m. Only one Step & Shop fy all victories of Peronist candi dizi was taking and another group provide more classroom space than tended Howell Cheney Technical $60 a year. dates who scored a njlUonwide High School. upstairs in the Whiton Memorial coupon per b(trs Stamp demanding absolute repudiation of now available at Groton. An additional appeal« Is being Sweep In guhem atorial'uid con Claimed in Om Library. Robert Vader, music made, on behalf of the museum,' by fomlly Bemii all Peronist movements Immedi The school is now quartered In ■WASHINGTON (A P)—Two influential senators said to Dr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn of teacher' of Manchester High gressional elections Sunday. ately, backed up by military force three buildings at the Submarine day the United States should not be trapped into delaying Harvey King and his committee, Frondizi already has decreed Hutford. community ambassadors School, will direct a program of for corporate membershlpa. If neceeaaary. Base in Groton. federal control in five o f the 10 Algerian Clash atmospheric nuclear shots by resumption of test ban negoti to Europe last year, will speak at choral and instrumental music. The Civitan and Kiwanle Clubs Frondizi displaced the governors The Bainbridge facilty is f a meeting of the Rotary d u b provinces where fdUoweta of de pected to open In July. ations with the Russians. have . taken organizational mem o f five of the provinces in which Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey, D-Minn., and George D. Aiken, tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. at the Man St. Francis Xavier Mothers' Cir berships. The Jaycee Wives have posed dictator Juan D. Peron won the Peronlsta won control and put The Ne'vy said the pew demands ALGIERS (AP) — One or chester Country dub. cle will meet Wednesday at 8:30 donatrij ,1160; the Soroptlmlst Club govemorahipz and placed army the local army commanders In on the b u lc submarine school, more mortar shells were fireo’ R-Vt.. made the point in separate interviews that the Sovieta p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ernest and Manchester Evening Heralo, ^oharge. He ^ao named clvUian including intercontinental ballis today into a crowd of Moslems may he preparing a propaganda drive aimed at embarrassing MaJ. Alfred P. Werbner, 40 Green, 49 Winter St. ‘ $26;.and the Royal Ice Cream Co- The beleaguered preeldent was intervenors. tic mlasUe training, have created this country if it carries out scheduled tests while talks go on. Marlon Dr., Is on a two-week tour North Coventry firamen found an ample supply of water under the thawing ice of the third Bolton HO. reported drafting a new decree Early today is was learned that an urgent need for more facilities. not far from Algiers’ main of active duty for the TT.S. Air Mrs. Estelle Connlff, a Simsbury Lake Saturday but oould use it only to wet down the smoldering ruins of the David Saxby cottage. The museum has a budget of ap- which would not only cancel oirt the military commanders were to Transfer of the nuclear power mosque at the foot of the By JOHN M. HIOHTQWe B Force Reserve at the state head artist, will give an oil painting The Albert J. Carroll house, about 20 feet west of the ruins, was scorched as a result of the blaze. proximgtely $9000 which It hopes Peronist election victories but ban turn over the reins of government training school to Bainbridge will Casbhh, or Moslem quarter. quarters of the selective service demonstration at a meeting o f the (Herald photo by Satemis). .slni^ng of Peronist songs, display ------------------------------------ ,--------------A ---------- to meet by Interesting people, or to the dvllian iq>potntees when be a step toward relieving the Early reports said some 30 GENEVA (AP)-^Britain told Russia today that it ia will system. He served as a bombar East Hartford Art League Thurs ganizations and Industrial con ing of Peronist banners and any they reached the inrovindal capi crowded conditions at the Sub dier-navigator during World War day et 8 p.m. at the Veterans’ Mo- other demonstrationa by followers tals. Some military' leaders were marine Base, the Navy said. persons were killed or wound ing to cut enforcement machinery to the absolute minimum moria} Clubhouse, Sunset Ridge, The Washington School PTA cerns. In participating In its niem- n and v ^ l com pletk'^ yearn of will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Coventry Digan to Speak bership program. o f the ex-presldent.