Zurich Kantonalbank

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By: BankTrack Created before Nov 2016 Last update: Oct 31 2016

Contact: Johan Frijns, BankTrack

About Kantonalbank

ZKB (the Zurich Cantonal ) is the largest and fourth largest bank in Switzerland, as well as the leading provider in the Greater Zurich area, with total assets of over CHF 158 billion. Our core activities include financing businesses, asset and wealth management, trading, capital market transactions, deposits, payment transactions and card business.

ZKB, as an independent, incorporated public-law institution, is wholly owned by the Canton of Zurich. Ultimate supervision of ZKB is the responsibility of the Cantonal Council of Zurich, whose duties are laid down in Zurich's Cantonal Bank Act.

Under the law, the canton of Zurich bears responsibility for all ZKB's liabilities should the bank's resources prove inadequate. This cantonal guarantee acts as a stabilizing force for the financial market as a whole, particularly in times of economic uncertainty.

Website http://www.zkb.ch/de/center_worlds/englishwindow.html

Headquarters Bahnhofstrasse 9 8001 Zurich Switzerland

CEO/chair Mr. Martin Scholl CEO


Annual Sustainability Report 2014 (German only) reports Annual Report 2014

Ownership Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) is wholly owned by the canton of Zurich.

Complaints and grievances


Voluntary standards Zurich Kantonalbank has committed itself to the following voluntary standards: Carbon Disclosure Project Global Reporting Initiative Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) UNEP Finance Initiative

Investment policies

Group Sustainability Policy Apr 3 2013 | Zürcher Kantonalbank Good moves