I-5 to Medina project construction sequencing

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Evergreen Point Bridge and Eastside Transition areas*

West Approach area March 2012 Update: Bridge area Funding not secured for these project elements. Construction Montlake Interchange area schedule to be determined I-5 Interchange area when funding becomes available. New Bascule Bridge (Montlake) Source: I-5 to Medina project Final Environmental Impact Statement, Exhibit 1-5 - “Preferred Alternative Construction Durations and Stages” Note: * Bridge opening as early as 2014; construction would be finalized in 2015. Final completion in 2016.

• We are committed to completing the SR 520 corridor from I-5 to Redmond, with funding needed for I-5 to the floating bridge. We are actively pursuing federal funding for the next phase of construction. West connection bridge • As shown in the I-5 to Medina project final environmental impact statement, the next phase of construction would likely be a new West Approach Bridge. Given that the new floating bridge includes a west connection bridge (interim) to the old structure, WSDOT plans to replace the vulnerable West Approach with a new structure as soon as possible. West connection bridge Floating bridge and west connection bridge West approach bridge

March 2012 How will we fund I-5 to the floating bridge? Preferred Alternative

I-5 Interchange Portage Bay Bridge Montlake Interchange West Approach

Union Bay

Montlake Cut

5 Portage Bay



Montlake Arboretum

Earlier this year, WSDOT received direction from the Legislature to analyze how I-90 tolling could manage traffic and provide funding for SR 520 projects from I-5 to the floating bridge. By passing ESHB 2190, the Legislature has provided $1.5 million in funding to begin the environmental process and community outreach to study I-90 tolling.

Additionally, we have also applied for a federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan, which would provide funding to construct the north half of the West Approach bridge.

We will continue to work with the Legislature to seek additional funding for construction west of the SR 520 floating bridge. WSDOT is committed to implementing the full corridor shown above in the I-5 to Medina project preferred alternative. North half of the West Approach bridge Why would WSDOT move forward with the West Approach bridge next? The two remaining vulnerable, unfunded structures in the SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program are the West Approach and the Portage Bay bridges in . Moving forward with the north half of the West Approach 520 bridge would continue to build the corridor westward, replacing a portion of the vulnerable West Approach Bridge Arboretum and maximizing available funding to begin closing the Montlake program’s $2 billion funding gap. North half of West Approach bridge would be funded by What additional work would be funded with West TIFIA loan. Approach bridge construction? Construction of the south half of the west approach and Montlake lid would be built with additional future funding. If the north half of the West Approach bridge were funded, construction would also begin on the following mitigation projects: • Public park at Bryant Building site • Union Bay Natural Area restoration • WSDOT Peninsula wetland restoration and ownership transfer • Park Arboretum improvements • West Approach Community Construction Management Plan

How will the public be involved in the West Approach bridge? More work will be done through the Seattle Community Design Process and through the City of Seattle Memorandum of Understanding to determine other design features that could be included in the West Approach bridge. Future design discussions will help determine how or whether we: • Integrate the stormwater pond with a park • Create usable space under the bridge structure • Improve the buffer between homes and highway • Separate the historic Boulevard from arterial traffic • Evaluate traffic operations at the Montlake Interchange • Connect bicycles, pedestrians and transit to SR 520

March 2012 SR 520 Sustainability The SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program is the first program in the U.S. working to implement measurable sustainability criteria across an entire corridor. These criteria seek to improve the environmental, social, and economic welfare of communities affected by construction and operation of public infrastructure. SR 520 Golden Thread

The SR 520 Program includes a Golden Thread of Reuse, reduce, or recycle construction materials Sustainability, four key sustainability goals that are woven Reclaim existing sites and facilities for new uses through the design, construction, and operation of the new SR Reduce greenhouse gases during construction and for the life of the corridor 520 corridor. These goals are: Improve access for all users to transportation options and community space

Eastside Transit and HOV Project Floating Bridge and Landings Westside Design and Construction Enhance public open space. Reduce stormwater pollution discharges to the lake. Assure integration of urban and sustainability Improve transit access and quality of Minimize in-water impacts. design principles. experience. Reduce construction duration. Increase transit and HOV access. Recycle construction materials. Increase structural durability and life cycle costs. Increase access to public open space. Improve fish passage. Reuse and recycle materials. Reduce infrastructure impacts on the natural Provide continuous HOV lanes. Decommission the existing floating bridge. environment. Use existing industrial sites. Reduce construction-related noise and pollution.

Rendering of the new path on the floating bridge that will connect cyclists Rendering of Evergreen Point Road lid with Pontoon construction under way at an New and wider culverts will provide better and pedestrians to regional trails on improved transit operations and new open existing site in Tacoma. fish passage on the Eastside. both sides of Lake Washington. space. March 2012 SR 520 Sustainability+Urban Design Strategies and Outcomes for Westside Design and Construction

The SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program is the first program in the U.S. working to implement measurable sustainability criteria across the design, construction, and operational phases of the project as well as across an entire corridor. These criteria seek to improve the environmental, social, and economic welfare of communities affected by construction and operation of the corridor.

The Westside project is the final segment of the SR 520 Program and represents nearly 50% of the cost of the entire program. The project is a unique opportunity to fully integrate urban design and sustainability principles into design and construction. Strategies to accomplish this are identified for the following areas and lead to three primary outcomes.

CONNECTIVITY ECOLOGY MATERIALS OUTCOMES Increase transit and HOV access. Restore natural habitat. Reduce use of new materials through Improved transit, cycling, and walking Complete regional bicycle and Collect, treat, and return water run-off use of recycled materials and product options can lead to more economically walking facilities. to the natural environment. innovation. robust and ‘livable’ communities. Connect communities situated north Reduce noise and pollution during Obtain ‘locally sourced’ materials to Increased modal options, decreased and south of the corridor. construction and for the life of the help the regional economy and reduce congestion due to construction, Help complete the Olmstedian vision corridor. transportation-generated GHG. improved long-term operations of the of connected parks and greenways. Reduce the accumulation of Reduce the use of carbon-intensive highway, and use of lower carbon Improve public access to Lake greenhouse gases (GHG) from materials. intensive materials can lead to Washington and Portage Bay construction materials, traffic delays Select materials and systems on a improved short-term and long-term air shorelines. during construction, and on-going life-cycle cost basis. quality. operation of the corridor. Life cycle material and systems selection leads to better long-term value.

Community connections Collect and treat run-off Locally sourced materials Multi-modal options February 2012 Sustainability Strategies for Westside Design This diagram illustrates the connections between desired sustainability outcomes and the associated criteria for the design and construction phases of the corridor.


Improve Connect Enhance Restore Treat regional Reduce multi-modal community natural stormwater Evaluate carbon options places bike / ped habitat run off material system intensive life cycles materials Improve

PHASE access DESIGN Link activity centers to public shorelines Reduce Use noise Reduce Reduce locally and air GHG use of new obtained pollution materials materials STRATEGIES PHASE CONSTRUCTION

BENEFITS KEY GHG reduction (air quality & Human health Robust and livable Social equity health benefits) benefits communities

March 8, 2012 Seattle Community Design Process - How it all Connects Public Session Dates by Discussion Areas 1 e 10th and Delmar/I-5 Public session date: To be determined d Time: To be determined 3 Location: To be determined JUNE c

Portage Bay Bridge You Are a Public session date: Saturday, May 19 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Here Location: To be determined 2 MAYMAY b

Shelby/Hamlin and Lake Washington Boulevard Montlake Lid and All West Side Public session date: Thursday, April 12 Time: 4:30-7:30 PM Area Update 1 Location: Museum of History & Industry Public session date: To be determined APRILAPRIL 4 Time: To be determined Location: To be determined JULY

1a b CONNECTIONS c d e East Lake Washington Shoreline Canal Reserve Montlake Boulevard Boulevard and Lid Maintenance and Stormwater Facility East and Operations Facility

DRAFT April 2012 SR 520 Bicycle, Pedestrian, Transit and Water Network Partnering to Connect the Gaps between Seattle’s Neighborhoods, Parks and Activity Centers Description Design Goals Seattle has a vibrant and growing bicycle and pedestrian network. Existing Access and mobility Health and safety Character and clarity routes help people to connect safely and efficiently to work, home, parks and other activity centers. The Mobility between and through neighborhoods with convenient travel options Safe and interesting cycling and walking routes to attract the Building connections to and through green open space networks SR 520 Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Shared Use Path will improve mobility in the local and and routes. most users for recreation and health. which can support multiple uses. regional network by filling gaps in the network with a major new east/west Use of paths to activate open spaces and lids, and make easy connections to activity centers. non-motorized link between Redmond and Seattle. The SR 520 non-motorized path Access to all levels, abilities and needs through best practices and Reduction of potential conflicts among cyclists, pedestrians and vehicles compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. to prevent accidents and promote traffic calming. complements proposed improvements by the City of Seattle, Washington Park Arboretum Master Plan, Clear wayfinding (good signage) to promote cycling and walking as an everyday activity for and the .The character of the SR 520 Regional Path and its connections to the travel. Capacity for current and future non-motorized traffic volumes. Promoting commute-trip reduction (CTR) , congestion, and greenhouse gas (GHG) local Seattle network will be shaped by public feedback and interagency cooperation. to reduction.

Fremont to Ballard and Puget Sound Ballard Locks and Puget Sound North Passage 12 Point Park boat launch

NE 40th St Lake ROUTES/DESTINATIONS Union NE Pacific St WSDOT Planned Facilities UNIVERSITY NEIGHBORHOOD NE Boat St 1 Regional Bicycle/Pedestrian Shared Use Path planned EASTLAKE University Ave NE NEIGHBORHOOD PORTAGE 8 - WSDOT Regional non-motorized transit facility Brooklyn Ave NE 14.5 miles of new dedicated path between Redmond to downtown Seattle BAY Sakuma Eastlake Ave E NEIGHBORHOOD Viewpoint - Identified in City of Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2007) Rogers Fuhrman Ave E Playground Agua Verde Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Shared Use Boat Rental 2 Seward Harvard Ave E Path to UW/ULink/Burke-Gilman Elementary to existing with planned improvements 4 E Roanoke St 10 - City of Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2007) Boylston Ave E University of Roanoke orth to Washington N Park Seattle and - WSDOT Sammamish owntown River Trail Arboretum Multi-Use Path Connection D planned Seattle NE Columbian Rd 3 Roanoke - WSDOT area Burke NE Pacific St Rainier Gilman - Washington Park Arboretum Master Plan (2004) Harvard Ave E Portage 10th Ave E Vista Trail completion of Arboretum Waterfront Trail E Miller St 5 Bay CAPITOL 4 Federal Ave E Delmar Lid and Roanoke I/5 Path Connection HILL 4 planned NEIGHBORHOOD 11th Ave E Queen City - WSDOT Yacht Club 10 Seattle Prep High School Ravenna Roanoke Steps/Boyer Connection 2 Creek 5 existing with planned improvements West Union Bay - WSDOT Seattle Montlake Natural Area Yacht Club Park Trail - City of Seattle Pedestrian Master Plan (2009) University of Washington Multimodal HUB Delmar Drive E Boyer Ave E 11 ULink Burke Gilman Trail E Everett St E Shelby St WSDOT Supported Facilities Lake Washington Ship Union Bay Interlaken Canal WatersideTrail Natural Area Waterfront Park Park 10 6 Montlake Blvd NE Gravel Trail/Boardwalk 9 E Hamlin St planned 2 - WSDOT Shoreline Permit Requirement - City of Seattle Parks and Recreation National Oceanic and Montlake Atmospheric Historic - Friends of South Portage Bay Reclamation Project Administration Boulevard 6 (NOAA) UW - Fuhrman/Boyer Neighborhood Improvement Association (FABNIA) Montlake Cut Open Space E Shelby St Arboretum Waterfront Trail 12 7 existing with planned improvements Montlake E Lynn St Bill Playfield - WSDOT Shoreline Permit Requirement Dawson Trail E Hamlin St Union - Washington Park Arboretum Master Plan (2004) 16th Ave E Montlake Bay Mobility HUB UW Canoe Canal House Reserve East Bryant Building Site E McGraw St 8 Montlake planned Park E Calhoun St - WSDOT Mitigation - University of Washington Campus Master Plan 18th Ave E 9 (2003) proposed waterfront improvements Montlake Lid 2

stormwater Lake facility Washington Non-WSDOT Network Facilities E Lake Washington Blvd 9 Delmar and Downtown Local Connection 3 existing - City of Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2007) MONTLAKE NEIGHBORHOOD

E Montlake Pl E Portage Bay Loop 10 portions existing with proposed improvements - City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Bands of Green Plan (2006) Lake Washington - City of Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2007) Historic 7 Boulevard - University of Washington Campus Master Plan (2003) proposed waterfront improvements Marsh Island 1 - Seattle Neighborhood Greenways Plan (2012)

3 Community-Requested Portage Bay N 11 Bridge Connection requires further study to 24th Ave E to - identified in City of Seattle Bicycle Master Plan (2007)

to Capitol Hill Arboretum - Seattle Community Design Process (SCDP) (2011) and downtown and Madison Public Feedback neighborhood Eastside Communities LEGEND Lake to Locks Water Trail 12 existing Planned SR 520 non-motorized route Existing City of Seattle on-street bicycle Transit Tunnel or underpass - Washington Water Trails Association routes (sharrows, striped lanes, or Possible SR 520 non-motorized route being evaluated - signed arterials and non-arterials) Existing water trails/routes Existing City of Seattle green network may be part of the project or developed with or by other agencies Proposed City of Seattle bicycle routes Proposed water trail Proposed green network enhancements

6392 Legislative Work Group Recommendations for Existing City of Seattle or other Existing and-carried boat launch bicycle and pedestrian routes dedicated nonmotorized routes Proposed hand-carried boat launch 6392 Legislative Work Group Recommendations for Proposed City of Seattle non-motorized further study routes improvement projects

DRAFT April 2012 East Lake Washington Boulevard - Baseline Design


East Lake Washington Boulevard is a historic Olmsted Boulevard that provides connection through the Montlake neighborhood and the Arboretum Function Design Goals Sustainability Opportunities

Accommodate traffic accessing SR 520 and local streets Integrate design elements that reflect the character of a historic boulevard Connectivity - Complete key regional connections Maintain existing on-street parking and access to adjacent homes Establish a new gateway to the Arboretum Ecology - Increase green and open spaces Create new and improved bicycle/pedestrian connections Improve bicycle/pedestrian linkages to the Arboretum and the surrounding Materials - Reduced paving materials Provide access to the Montlake lid operations and maintenance building neighborhoods Provide a planted median to buffer traffic, noise, and visual effects Buffer noise, visual, and traffic effects of the project from adjacent homes and surrounding neighborhoods Reduce opportunities for “cut-through” traffic in the neighborhood




Existing parallel parking and single eastbound lane

Planted median


ARBORETUM Opportunity for Arboretum Single westbound lane entrance feature

Meandering shared-use path

Edge of SR520 tunnel 24TH AVE E and lid structure LID VENTILATION North

Bird’s eye looking south

autoaua t traffictraafficfiicc circulationcirciciirrculaccuulaationtit n parkingparkparkarkkinging plantedplanpplalana tededd medianmediddianan

ParalleParaParallelarrallalle Parking aarr ng l Parkiarkarkingn ParallelParallP Parking ParallePaParallelaall l ParkingParki eastbound road elevation arallallellPa ParPaPararkingking ParallelParallParaaalallllele ParParkingParPaPararkingk ng One-wayOne-waOnee wa-wway LocaLocalLocaL llAcce AcceAccAcAAccesscccccecess RoRoaRoaRRoadooad

Two-wTwoTwo-way w ayay Parallel Planted One Shared-use parking median westbound path with one lane eastbound North lane Landscaped lid Automobile traffic circulation Perspective section looking west, see location above DRAFT April 2012 East Lake Washington Boulevard - Option A Parkway

Refinement Opportunity Benefits Considerations Maintains the couplet (split two-way traffic) roadway Wider median creates additional planted buffer from Explore improved bike and pedestrian linkages to Arboretum and design and introduces a wider planted median westbound traffic on East Lake Washington Boulevard adjacent neighborhoods Enhances the Olmsted character of the boulevard Opportunities for how the wider median is designed and utilized Enhances an opportunity for an Arboretum entrance feature Opportunities for elevation change at median and westbound lane to help buffer noise and views of traffic




Existing parallel parking with single eastbound lane Wider planted median


Single westbound lane Opportunity for Arboretum entrance feature

Meandering shared-use path

Edge of SR520 tunnel 24TH AVE E and lid structure LID VENTILATION North

Bird’s eye looking south

auto traffic circulation parking planted median

nngg ParallelParallarar el ParkingParP king Parallel ParkingParallelParallarall lele ParkingParkinginn Parallel Parking eastbound road elevation

Parallel parking Planted One Shared-use with one median westbound path eastbound lane lane North Landscaped lid

Automobile traffic circulation Perspective section looking west, see location above DRAFT April 2012 East Lake Washington Boulevard - Option B Local Access Road

Refinement Opportunity Benefits Considerations Reconfigures roadway with eastbound and westbound Enhances an opportunity for Arboretum entrance feature Restricts through traffic on 24th Avenue across East Lake lanes north of the planted median Separates local traffic from regional traffic Washington Boulevard Maintains existing historic roadway as one-way eastbound Buffers majority of traffic from adjacent homes May be perceived as less Olmsted (historic) in design character local access with parallel parking May result in additional paved area




Existing parallel parking and single eastbound local Entrance to single Planted median access lane eastbound local access road

Single westbound and ARBORETUM E. LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD single eastbound lanes Opportunity for Arboretum entrance feature

Meandering shared-use path

Edge of SR520 tunnel 24TH AVE E and lid structure LID VENTILATION North

Bird’s eye looking south

one way local access lane auto traffic circulation parking planted median

Parallel Parking eastbound road elevation Parallel Parking One-way Local Access Road

Two-way Parallel parkingPlantedPlantedOne Two-way road Shared-use Shared-use parkingwith eastboundmedianmedianwestboundwith one lane in path path withlocal one access lane either direction eastboundlane North lane Landscaped lid Automobile traffic circulation Perspective section looking west, see location above DRAFT April 2012 Montlake Lid Operations & Maintenance Facility - Description & Program Summary Description O&M Facility Program Summary* The length of the Montlake lid requires ventilation, fire and life safety equipment, and an

Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Facility. The project will continue to coordinate with Mechanical/Electrical Shops & Parts Electrical Room & Generator (7000sf) Storage (1400sf) FHWA and the City of Seattle on the specific requirements. Two potential locations for this Electrical Room requires 15’ height Generator Room assumes single 250kW Control & Operations, Office, Meeting Room, facility have been identified: 1) on top of the lid just east of 24th Avenue East, or 2) set into generator Restrooms (1200sf)** Environmentally-controlled rooms for datacom, the slope at the SE corner of the lid. The requirements include two large vent stacks that computer stations, security; meeting room/lunchroom, office, unisex restroom need to be located on top of the lid to the east of 24th Avenue East.

Function Contain electrical and mechanical equipment and shop space requirements of both Windows/daylight regular and emergency ventilation for the tunnel under the lid as well as maintenance desirable requirements of the west approach bridge At-grade Seattle City Light Provide a minor amount of required office and work space for daily staff necessary for access Equipment (1200sf)** required Pad-mounted equipment the lid and west approach bridge Parking & Loading (600sf)** inside fenced enclosure Secure storage for three At-grade maintenance vehicles Design Goals access required *Program requirements and sizes are Reduce visual impacts from East Lake Washington Boulevard preliminary and may change with lid design **Requires less space if located outside Integrate the building into the landscape as much as possible Total program area is approx. 11500sf

Montlake Boulevard East

O&M Site 1: At grade, one level, on top of tunnel lid View 1

800’ from tunnel edge Area of lid that requires emergency ventilation fans in addition to emergency egress, fire suppression - approximately 70% of the O&M Facility program SR 520 illustrated (greater than 800’ tunnel length) 300’ from tunnel edge Area of lid that requires emergency egress and West edge of tunnel lid fire suppression equipment for tunnel below - approximately 30% of the O&M Facility program illustrated (300’-800’ tunnel length)

Tunnel wall below Vehicular access O&M Site 2: Partially underground East Lake Washington Boulevard and stacked at SE corner of tunnel lid

View 2

Vehicular access North

24th Avenue East

DRAFT April 2012 Montlake Lid Operations & Maintenance Facility - Potential Locations

Site 1: On top of tunnel lid Site 2: SE corner of tunnel lid

Emergency ventilation stacks Union Bay

Operations & Maintenance Facility Emergency ventilation - stacks and O&M Facility

Vehicular access

East Lake Washington Boulevard Vehicular access SR 520

Boulevard North East Lake Washington North Potential location for hand-carry boat launch parking Bird’s-eye view looking NW Bird’s-eye view looking NW

HOV Direct Access

East Lake Washington Boulevard North 24th Avenue East North Arboretum Waterfront Trail

Pedestrian view from 24th Ave. E. (View 1 on plan diagram - see O&M Program Description board) Pedestrian view from Arboretum Waterfront Trail (View 2 on plan diagram - see O&M Program Description board)

O&M Facility O&M Facility Precedent - Precedent - On Top of Lid Under Lid View of Operations & View of Operations & Maintenance Facility for the Maintenance Facility for 3,400’-long Mount Baker the 2,600’-long I-90 Mercer tunnel and lid. The facility is Island lid with vent stacks located on top of the tunnel shown in background. The lid within Sam Smith Park. Montlake Lid facilities will be smaller due to the shorter 1,400’ lid length.

DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Shoreline - Baseline Design View 2 Description Union Bay The East Montlake shoreline includes the area under the western landing of the new west approach bridge structure that connects the Arboretum to East East Montlake Park Montlake Park. The abutment is located approximately 20’ from the water at its narrowest spot at the northeast corner, with approximately 10‘ of clearance. Head Height approx. 10’ Function Accommodate the abutment foundation for the west end of the new west approach bridge Bridge Accommodate a new 14’-wide bicycle/pedestrian path connection along the shoreline between East Montlake Park and the Arboretum Abutment

Design Goals Provide an inviting and safe experience for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling under the SR 520 bridge and along the edge of the shoreline Discourage undesirable and unintended uses by providing adequate sightlines and encouraging active public uses of the areas near and under the bridge Integrate the highway with the surrounding park and natural landscape Arboretum Waterfront Trail Sustainability Opportunities View 1 Connectivity – Provide a pedestrian and bicycle connection from East Lake Washington Boulevard and the Arboretum to East Montlake Park Operations & Maintenance North Ecology – Minimize project effects on the adjacent shoreline Facility Arboretum Materials – Use permeable paving to the extent possible for required access, parking, and loading areas for the lid operations and maintenance facility Eas t Lake Wa Key shi ng vehicular route ton Bl pedestrian/bicycle route vd . bridge abutment location of abutment in PA

East Montlake Park The Tunnel Portal has Tunnel Operations & Maintenance (O&M) not yet been designed. Existing hand-carry See East Lake Washington Facility: Houses mechanical, electrical The I-90 Portal is shown Subarea for views from here and control spaces for tunnel operations; here as a reference boat launch located partially below grade to reduce for approximate portal visual impact (one of two potential locations). scale and configuration. The O&M Facility has not yet been designed. (Image courtesy Flickr user Mel Murphy) Approximate size and potential locations of the facility are shown.

East Lake Transit/HOV Direct Access Washington View 1 Boulevard Off-ramp Off-ramp Vehicular access to tunnel Operations & Maintenance facility

Pedestrian/bicycle path through Arboretum follows shoreline to East Montlake Park

Potential location for hand-carry boat launch parking On-ramp On-ramp North Arboretum SR 520 Waterfront Trail View 2

DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Shoreline - Option A Stepped Abutment Refinement Opportunity Option A modifies the baseline design into two adjacent ‘stepped’ abutments which increase the width for the path along the shoreline Incorporates changes to the bridge column and beam designs that maximize headroom and views toward the water Allows for a required tunnel Operations and Maintenance building at the southeast corner of the lid (one of two potential locations) Benefits Provides a more inviting space under the bridge structure for the path Increases the visual sightlines along the path (abutment changes) and toward the water (column/beam design changes) Considerations Reduces the area of the lid at the northeast corner Creates a larger covered space than the baseline to accommodate both potential public View 1 activities under the bridge and to maintain appropriate maintenance and security access

View 2

Location of Union Bay East Montlake Park Abutment in Baseline Head Height Design approx. 8’6”

Bridge Abutment View 2

Precedents for public spaces below bridge structures View 1

Key vehicular route Operations & pedestrian/bicycle route Maintenance bridge abutment Facility location of abutment in PA

Eas t Lake North Was Arboretum hin gto Waterfront Trail n Arboretum Bl vd . “Moodwall,” Amsterdam Marsupial Bridge, Milwaukee Zaanstad, The Netherlands Light sculpture Public seating, outdoor movie screen Kayak launch (image courtesty Flickr user Golfstromen) (image courtesty La Dallman Architects) (image courtesty a+t ediciones) DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Shoreline - Option B Larger Setback Refinement Opportunity Option B modifies the baseline design by shifting the entire abutment to the west and creates a large space under the bridge Incorporates changes to the bridge column and beam designs that maximize headroom and views toward the water Allows for a required tunnel Operations and Maintenance building at the southeast corner of the lid (one of two potential locations) Benefits Provides a more inviting space under the bridge structure for the bicycle/pedestrian path Increases the visual sightlines along the path (abutment changes) and toward the water (column/beam design changes) Considerations Reduces the area of the lid along the entire eastern edge Creates the largest covered space compared to the baseline potential public activities View 1 under the bridge

View 2

Location of Union Bay East Montlake Park Abutment in Baseline Head Height Design approx. 11’

Bridge Abutment

View 2

Precedents for public spaces below bridge structures View 1 Key vehicular route Operations & pedestrian/bicycle route Maintenance bridge abutment Facility location of abutment in PA North Arboretum East Lake Waterfront Trail Was hin gto n B Arboretum lv d. Buffalo Bayou Promenade, Houston North False Creek, Vancouver, BC North False Creek, Vancouver, BC Multi-use trail Secure kayak storage Soccer/basketball court, playground (image courtesty Flickr user D.Foss) (image courtesty Davidya Kasperzyk, WSDOT) (image courtesty Davidya Kasperzyk, WSDOT) DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Shoreline - Transit/HOV Off-ramp Options Refinement Opportunity Benefit The Transit/HOV on/off-ramps are lowered at the east end of the lid Reduced visual effects from both East Lake Washington Boulevard and East Montlake Park

Consideration The useable area of the lid is reduced

Design Option: Baseline Transit/HOV Off-ramps Design Option: Lowered Transit/HOV Off-ramps

View 2 View 2

Useable program space on and adjacent to lid Useable program space on and adjacent to lid View 1 View 1

View 1 View 1

View 2 View 2

DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Park - Baseline Design Constructed Wetland Concept Description Function Design Goals A planned west side enhanced stormwater treatment facility will occupy the • Treat all stormwater runoff from new SR 520 west approach bridge and floating • Integrate functional requirements with the current design of East Montlake current site of McCurdy Park and the Museum of History & Industry. bridge as well as the Montlake lid area Park and shoreline Currently all stormwater is untreated and discharged into Lake Washington. • Facilitate regional bicycle/pedestrian path and north-south bicycle/pedestrian • Reduce visual and noise impacts on the adjacent homes along East The baseline design calls for a constructed wetland type of facility to treat connections at 24th Avenue E Hamlin Street and East Park Drive E stormwater runoff. East Montlake Park, to the north, is retained as a • Provide access to the Arboretum and waterfront trail • Preserve and provide scenic viewpoints neighborhood park and intended to serve the surrounding neighborhoods. • Replace the existing hand carry boat launch with new facility • Potential location of tunnel fire suppression and spill containment vault Sustainability Options Access and Circulation Diagram • Connectivity - accomodate the bicycle/pedestrian path • Ecology - treat stormwater and enhance shoreline habitat Key Materials - lowered westbound off-ramp and potential alternative parking bike/ped connections • E HamlinStreet vehicle connections access reduces amount of material needed

24th Ave E stormwater

Opportunity to steepen or eliminate East Park Drive E 24th Avenue E vehicular access to reduce infrastructure and allow for aP gnikr 24th Ave E. greater visual and green connectivity Right of W ay to and from Canal Reserve Relocation of stormwater presettling pond improves Inflows E Hamlin St. area safety HOV/Transit direct access Presettling East Montlake Parking cell East Park Drive E Park Opportunity to relocate and/or E. Shelby St.

HOV/ W estbound off-ramp B reduce parking to create

T Constructed Montlake ransit direct-access spill containment vault greater visual connectivity with Fire suppression & wetland cell Opportunity to improve visual Lid quality of south edge of subarea the park and neighborhood by lowering Westbound off-ramp A profile and associated wall East Montlake Park Stormwater facility CONSTRUCTED WETLAND SUBOPTION WITH VAULT

Arboretum Waterfront Trail An underground presettling cell Outflows eliminates open N water and allows for Opportunity to shape stormwater alternate program Westbound off-ramps facility edges or alternative uses on top of the configurations to create a more presettling Precedents naturalist fit with the adjacent park and shoreline cell vault.

Arboretum Union Bay Waterfront Enhanced Trail N hand carry boat launch

Baseline design Open presettling cell Constructed wetland cell

Tunnel Ventilation Shafts

EL. 52.0 ft

EL. 40.0 E Hamlin St EL. 23.0 EL. 21.5 24th Ave E EL. 23.0 EL. 18.0 Bicycle/pedestrian & vehicular WetlandRegional bicycle/ Westbound connection between park & lid EL. 21.5 Presettling cell Montlake Westbound Regional bicycle/ cell pedestrian shared off-ramps (open water) EL. 20.0 off-ramp off-ramp at pedestrian shared Presettling cell Viewpoint Wetland use path EL. 18.0 24th Ave E use path (open water) cell B Section B looking south A Section A looking west DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Park - Option A Modified Bioswale

Refinement Opportunity Considerations • This design option evaluates the opportunities associated with a • This option also illustrates a reduced number of parking spaces for the • Less wetland habitat modified bioswale to treat stormwater park as well as alternate parking access from local streets • Bioswale areas are not accessible to public except by boardwalks • The bioswale treats stormwater to the same standard as the constructed Benefits • Requires further technical evaluation by regulatory agencies before it can be wetland proposed in the baseline design, but in a smaller area and does an approved option • Reduced facility area and meadow-like character allows for more not require standing water opportunities to integrate the design with the adjacent park Access and Circulation Diagram • Parking location maintains usable green space in the neighborhood park • Better visual and physical connections to and from Canal Reserve E HamlinStreet Key bike/ped connections E ShelbyStreet

vehicle connections 24th Ave E Pedestrian- and bicycle-scale entry stormwater maintains views to and from park and Canal Reserve, with greater Canal Reserve green connection and more in East Park Drive E 24th Ave E keeping with typical neighborhood Parking park access

Right of Way E Hamlin St. HOV/Transit direct access B Boardwalk paths integrated Parking Fire suppression & spill containment vault among modified bioswales serve East Park Drive E Inflows E. Shelby St. East Montlake shared function A Park

HOV/Transit direct-access

Montlake Westbound off-ramp Lid Modified Reduced footprint of modfied Bioswale bioswale allows for larger buffer and better integration with park East Montlake Stormwater Park facility

Arboretum Waterfront Trail

Outflows Neighborhood-scale park parking with N Alternative 12 spaces provided for hand carry parking area? Westbound off-ramps boat and trail access wtih potential to alternatively locate parking on southeast side of lid Precedents

Union Bay

Arboretum Enhanced Waterfront Modified bioswale increases safety hand carry Trail through the elimination of areas of standing water N boat launch

Modified Bioswale Modified Bioswale with sediment trap

Tunnel ventilation shafts

EL. 24.0 ft EL. 24.0 ft E Hamlin St EL. Varies EL. Varies Pedestrian & bike Regional bicycle Integrated connection Montlake 24th Ave. E pedestrian shared Modified Westbound Modified Planted off-ramps bioswale buffer paths between park & lid off-ramp off-ramp use path Bioswales Section B looking south A Section A looking west B DRAFT April 2012 East Montlake Park - Option B Modified Media Filter Drain Concept

Refinement Opportunity Considerations • This design option evaluates the opportunities associated with a • This option also illustrates a reduced number of parking spaces for the • Larger stormwater facility footprint; less available green space for modified media filter drain concept design to treat stormwater park as well as parking access from local streets integration with the park • This design treats stormwater to the same standard as the constructed • Provides less habitat value for wildlife wetland proposed in the baseline design, but with a different method of Benefits • Character of facility is most “urban” aesthetically in contrast to other facility filtering the stormwater that does not result in standing water • Opportunity for more public access stormwater facility using boardwalk paths alternatives and meadow-like adjacent park • No standing or open water • Requires further evaluation by regulatory agencies for approval Access and Circulation Diagram • Parking location matains usable green space in the neighborhood park • Better visual and physical connections to and from Canal Reserve Key bike/ped connections E. HamlinStreet E ShelbyStreet vehicle connections Pedestrian- and bicycle-scale entry 24th Ave E stormwater maintains views to and from park and Canal Reserve, with greater green connection and more in 24th Ave E Canal Reserve East Park Drive E keeping with typical neighborhood Parking park access

Right of Way E Hamlin St. Boardwalk paths and amphiteater HOV/Transit direct access Inflows B like space integrated among Parking East Park Drive E. E Shelby St. Fire suppression & spill containment vault modified media filter drain terraces help provide more A East Montlake activated space Stormwater HOV/Transit direct-access Park Westbound off-ramp Modified facility Montlake Media Filter Introduces an element of distinction Lid with creative mixture of stormwater treatment, planting pockets and East Montlake paths Park

Arboretum Waterfront Trail

Outflows N Neighborhood-scale park parking with Alternative 12 spaces provided for hand carry parking area? Westbound off-ramps boat and trail access wtih potential to alternatively locate parking on Precedents southeast side of lid

A Union Bay

Arboretum Modified media filter drain increases N Enhanced Waterfront safety through the elimination of hand carry Trail N areas of standing water and reduces N boat launch risk of exposure to heavy metals

Media Drain Filter without boardwalk Boardwalk

Tunnel ventilation shafts

E Hamlin St Westbound Bicycle/pedestrian Montlake Regional bicycle/ off-ramp to shared use path off-ramp pedestrian shared Modified Media Modified Media 24th Ave. E use path Filter Drain Filter Drain B Section B looking south A Section A looking west DRAFT April 2012 Canal Reserve - Baseline Design

Description Function Design Goals

The Canal Reserve area contains original Arboretum specimen plantings Accommodate the new SR 520 westbound off-ramp configuration Determine the most appropriate configuration and use of the public space along its northwest edge. Currently public access is from the existing Provide a safe and usable connection for the new regional bicycle/pedestrian path Reduce visual and noise effects on the adjacent homes adjacent alley behind East Hamlin Street Buffer traffic noise and visual effects Preserve the maximum number of trees Create an inviting and safe bicycle and pedestrian environment

Canal Reserve Area E Montlake Park 24th Ave E ramp access Stormwater Arboretum Waterfront Trail Trail/path connection to E Montlake Park parking E Park Dr E Facility x x Existing chain link fence

East N E Shelby St Montlake SR 520 regional B Park bike/ped path E Shelby St E Park Dr E Marsh Landscape area B Island 24th Ave E Montlake Blvd E to buffer visual and E Hamlin St noise effects

Museum of History and Industry x x Westbound off-ramps rise x x to meet at 24th Ave E and x x E Hamlin St x x x continue to Montlake Blvd E x x x x Preserve as many existing 24th Ave 24th Ave E SR 520 trees as possible

To Bill Dawson Trail/ Montlake Playfield A Montlake lid transit area Plan view of existing condition

Stairs access to regional bike/ped path from Montlake Blvd E Montlake Blvd E A Transit/HOV direct-access

Westbound off-ramps Existing south edgeExisting west edge Existing looking east Sustainability Opportunities

Connectivity – Make important pedestrian and bicycle connections Tunnel connection Ecology – Preserve existing trees to Bill Dawson Trail Materials – Requires less material than the baseline off-ramp configuration Montlake Blvd E

Tunnel to Bill Dawon Trail Dawon Bill to Tunnel N

Canal Reserve Area

Arboretum Waterfront Trail Trail/path connection Section A Looking east Section B Looking east N Elev. +100 ft Elev. +100 ft East Regional Eastbound E Shelby St Montlake bike/ped path bus bay 24th Ave E ramp Park to tunnel to E Montlake Park Regional (in distance) bike/ped path E Park Dr E Marsh Elev. +75 ft Elev. +75 ft EMontlake Sh Island rel

Montlake Blvd E i ne Tr ail E Hamlin St Stormwater Facility Existing landscape at Canal Reserve SR 520 Regional bike/ped path Existing Elev. +50 ft Elev. +50 ft residence Regional Westbound Transit/HOV Westbound off-ramps Stairs access bike/ped path off-ramps direct-access Existing Tunnel Existing Retaining Westbound Transit/HOV Transit/HOV direct-access residence to regional alley wall off-ramps direct-access Montlake Lid bike/ped path Montlake LLidid Elev. +25 ft Elev. +25 ft

24th Ave E To Bill Dawson Trail/ Montlake Playfield Plan view of baseline design DRAFT April 2012 Canal Reserve - Option A Path Adjacent to Off-ramps

Refinement Opportunity Benefits Considerations Modifies the baseline design by lowering the westbound off-ramp under Reduces noise and visual effects from the westbound off-ramp Design of the regional bicycle/pedestrian tunnel entrance 24th Avenue East and realigns the bicycle/pedestrian path closer to the Increases opportunity to preserve existing trees Coordination with the Arboretum for potential usage of the area westbound off-ramp Opportunity to better activate the area and connect to adjacent greenspaces

Bike/ped only access to CanalCanalR Reserveeserve AreaArea Enhance connection from E Montlake Park E Montlake Park Arboretum Waterfront Trail Trail/Trail/pathpath connection Canal Reserve area to Stormwater E Park Dr E E Montlake Park and trails Facility

N Direct connection from/to regional bike/ped path on East E Shelby St Montlake B the 24th Ave E overcrossing Park E Shelby St SR 520 regional bike/ped path Landscape area connection E Park Dr E Marsh to buffer visual and 24th Ave E EMontlake B Sh Island rel noise effects

Montlake Blvd E i ne Trai l E Hamlin St StormwaterStormwater FFacilityacility th kek /pped pat egional bi SR 520 RegionalR bike/ped path Westbound off-ramps E Hamlin St lowered to pass under Westbound off-ramps 24th Ave E and continue Tunnel Transit/HOV direct-access Preserve as many existing to Montlake Blvd E MontlakeMontlaake Lid Montlake LLidid trees as possible

To Bill Dawson Trail/ Montlake Playfield A Plan view of Option A


Montlake Blvd E Montlake lid transit area Transit/HOVA direct access

Westbound off-ramps

Montlake Blvd E

Public access to Canal Reserve area Tunnel connection to Bill Dawson Trail Montlake Blvd E Tunnel to Bill Dawon Trail N

Example of a tunnel connection that is safe and pleasant to travel through (photo source: Prein & Newhof) Section A Looking east Elev. +125 ft Section B Looking east Elev. +100 ft

24th Ave E overcrossing Transit/HOV (in distance) direct-access

Regional Eastbound Elev. +100 ft Elev. +75 ft bike/ped path bus bay to tunnel Transit/HOV direct-access

Elev. +75 ft Elev. +50 ft

Existing Canal Reserve residence Existing Existing Canal Reserve Westbound residence landscape Elev. +50 ft Elev. +25 ft off-ramps Existing Regional bike/ped path Westbound alley to Canal Reserve off-ramps

Example of a park-like environment with path and open space (photo source: Chris Devers, Flickr) DRAFT April 2012 Canal Reserve - Option B Path on Lid

Refinement Opportunity Benefits Considerations Modifies the baseline design by lowering the westbound off-ramp under Reduces noise and visual impacts from the westbound off-ramp Design of the regional bicycle/pedestrian tunnel entrance 24th Avenue East and realigns the bicycle/pedestrian path from the Increases opportunity to preserve existing trees Coordination with the Arboretum for potential usage of the area Canal Reserve area onto the Montlake lid Opportunity to better activate the area and connect to adjacent greenspaces Potential adverse imapct at Montlake interchange area More direct connection to the Montlake lid transit stops

Bike/ped only access to CanalCanalR Reserveeserve AreaArea E Montlake Park E Montlake Park Arboretum Waterfront Trail Trail/Trail/pathpath connection Stormwater Direct connection from/to E Park Dr E Facility regional bike/ped path on Enhance connection from the 24th Ave E overcrossing N Canal Reserve area to East E Montlake Park and trails B E Shelby St Montlake E Shelby St Park

E Park Dr E SR 520 regional Marsh 24th Ave E EMontlake B Sh Island bike/ped path connection rel

Montlake Blvd E i ne Trai l E Hamlin St StormwaterStormwater FFacilityacility Westbound off-ramps th kek /pped pat egional bi lowered to pass under SR 520 RegionalR bike/ped path Landscape area to buffer visual and 24th Ave E and continue to Montlake Blvd E E Hamlin St noise effects

Westbound off-ramps s

s Tunnel s cces e Transit irect-a Preserve as many existing /HOV d MontlakeMontlaake Lid c Montlake LLidid trees as possible c a - t To Bill Dawson Trail/ c Montlake Playfield A e ir d Plan view of option B

Precedents Transit/HOV

Montlake Blvd E Montlake lid transit area Westbound off-ramps A

Montlake Blvd E

Public access to Canal Reserve area Stairs access to tunnel from Montlake Blvd E

Tunnel connection to Bill Dawson Trail Montlake Blvd E N

Tunnel to Bill Dawon Trail Opportunity for wall and landscape treatment along bike/ped path Section A Looking east B Looking east Elev. +125 ft Section Elev. +100 ft

Transit/HOV 24th Ave E overcrossing direct-access Elev. +100 ft (in distance) Elev. +75 ft Regional Eastbound bike/ped path bus bay to tunnel

Elev. +75 ft Elev. +50 ft

Existing Canal residence Existing Existing Reserve Canal Reserve Westbound residence landscape Elev. +50 ft Elev. +25 ft off-ramps Existing Regional bike/ped path Westbound alley to Canal Reserve off-ramps Stairs access to regional Transit/HOV bike/ped path tunnel direct-access Opportunity to incorporate bicycle facility on the lid and DRAFT (photo source: Steven Vance, Flickr) near the regional bike/ped path April 2012 Montlake Boulevard East - Baseline Design

Description Function Design Goals

Montlake Boulevard East north of Lake Washington Boulevard is designated as part Accommodate multi-mode mobility (pedestrian, bicycle, transit, Improve pedestrian and bicycle continuity, safety, and experience of the historic Lake Washington Boulevard, a state route, and serves regional and freight, and vehicle) for movement through and to this area Enhance the Olmsted features and character of the designated multi-modal connections. Montlake Boulevard near SR 520 and the ship canal is a Coordinate requirements of SDOT, King County Metro, Sound Transit, historic boulevard busy crossroads of activity for local and regional travel. and WSDOT Create a more cohesive and less cluttered visual environment

600’ to UW T light rail station Second Bascule Bridge to be designed according to state historic preservation requirements 18’-0” shared-use path

Opportunity for pedestrian and landscape improvements P E SHELBY ST P water L


E ROANOKE ST ROANOKE E Existing trees and curbs to ST NORTH E remain. Opportunities for E HAMLIN ST Opportunities for pedestrian, bicycle, pedestrian, bicycle, and and landscape improvements Ramp to bike/ped landscape improvements T P Opportunities for underpass tunnel L pedestrian, bicycle, and landscape T E. LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD improvements P Lid over SR520 ADA T P P P P P L P P P T

T Reconfigured intersection improves pedestrian safety Existing trees and curbs to Bike and remain. Opportunities for pedestrian tunnel pedestrian, bicycle, and Opportunities for pedestrian, bicycle, and landscape improvements landscape improvements P

MONTLAKE BOULEVARD E MONTLAKE MARKET P P Pedestrian and bicycle connections Opportunities for pedestrian, bicycle,

UW and landscape improvements P LRT WEST PORTAL station TO UW CAMPUS Current and planned bike/ped connection LTR STATION BURKE G TRAIL Current and planned bike/ped connection under structure Stairs to bike/ped Potential bike/ped connection underpass tunnel for Opportunities for pedestrian, bicycle,

Signalized crosswalk crossing Montlake Blvd and landscape improvements ADA SYMBOL KEY New ADA ramp to P PEDESTRIAN SAFETY FEATURES underpass tunnel for (such as textured paving and/or lighting) crossing Montlake Blvd




Areas of Opportunity on Montlake Boulevard East

Three unique areas exist along the boulevard where a variety of program uses or design ideas are possible. The areas are: 1.) Adjacent the future second bascule bridge 2.) Both sides of Montlake Boulevard at the new lid 3.) Public property adjacent the Montlake Market Further exploration of the design opportunities on Montlake Boulevard will occur in coordination with the City of Seattle, King County Metro, Sound Transit, the Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation and the University of Washington.

BASCULE BRIDGE APPROACH - access down to water edge - landscaped buffer area - opportunity for open space - new median landscaped LID + TRANSIT

- potential activity ST ROANOKE E - transit stop - entrance to the Arboretum - landscaped area E SHELBY ST SOUTHERN TRIANGLE

E. LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD - transit stop T - open space opportunities






LID + PORTAL - portal design - overlook - potential landscaped edge



DRAFT April 2012