2019 | Discussion No. 23 Traces under water Exploring and protecting the cultural heritage in the North Sea and Baltic Sea Christian Anton | Mike Belasus | Roland Bernecker Constanze Breuer | Hauke Jöns | Sabine von Schorlemer Publication details Publisher Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina e. V. – German National Academy of Sciences – President: Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker Jägerberg 1, D-06108 Halle (Saale) Editorial office Christian Anton, Constanze Breuer & Johannes Mengel, German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina Copy deadline November 2019 Contact
[email protected] Image design Sarah Katharina Heuzeroth, Hamburg Cover image Sarah Katharina Heuzeroth, Hamburg Fictitious representation of the discovery of a hand wedge using a submersible: The exploration of prehistoric landscapes in the sediments of the North Sea and Baltic Sea could one day lead to the discovery of traces of human activity or campsites. Translation GlobalSprachTeam ‒ Sassenberg+Kollegen, Berlin Proofreading Alan Frostick, Frostick & Peters, Hamburg Typesetting unicommunication.de, Berlin Print druckhaus köthen GmbH & Co. KG ISBN 978-3-8047-4070-9 Bibliographic Information of the German National Library The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography. Detailed bibliographic data are available online at http://dnb.d-nb.de. Suggested citation Anton, C., Belasus, M., Bernecker, R., Breuer, C., Jöns, H., & Schorlemer, S. v. (2019). Traces under water. Exploring and protecting the cultural heritage in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Halle (Saale): German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Traces under water Exploring and protecting the cultural heritage in the North Sea and Baltic Sea Christian Anton | Mike Belasus | Roland Bernecker Constanze Breuer | Hauke Jöns | Sabine von Schorlemer The Leopoldina Discussions series publishes contributions by the authors named.