Islamic Studies Revision Sheet

Name: ______Grade: 6

Identify the picture and write khushoo or no khushoo

………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………. Fill in the empty blanks to complete the table

Prayer Regular Rakaat During Travel Rakaat

Fajr 2

Dhuhur 4


Maghrib 3

Ishaa 4

Arrange the sentences in order

1. Shortening - prayers- Qasr – the – is


2. Combining - prayers- the –is –Jame’


3. Not- pray – – a – is – the- traveler- required – prayer –to


4. Person –combine – but- a could –sick- it – shorten –cant

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Choose the meaning from the box

(Believe, punishment, pray, depend, mercy)

………………………رحمة .1

..……………………اب كعذ .2

………………………ن ؤمن .3

………………………ن ص لي .4

………………………ن توك ل .5


Read the following hadeeth an answer it.

Othman ibn affan narrated that he heard rasoolullah saying:

Any Muslim who observes obligatory prayer perfecting the wudoo the khushoo and the rukoo, will forgive his or her sins, except Al-Kabair or the major sins and that is forever.

Reported in Muslim

Match the following

ح سني Obligatory .1

ك ب يرة Sins .2

ك فارة Perfect .3

ذن وب Major .4

م ك توب ة Forgive .5

Choose the word from the box

( ك بائ ر – wudoo - rukoo - م ك توب ة صالة - خ شوع )

1. The obligatory prayer…………………………

2. Washing the parts of the body………………………

3. Having our heart and mind thoughtful of Allah………………..

4. Bowing down in the ……………………

5. The major sins…………………………..

Answer the following

1. What happens when a Muslim offers salah without khushoo?




2. Will major sins be forgiven through the salah with khushoo?



3. Who narrator this hadeeth? Who reporter this hadeeth?



4. How can we develop khushoo in our salah?




Complete the duaa

ال لهم إ ن ي .…………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. O Allah I seek your protection …………………………………………………………………



Fill in the blanks

1. Salah is one of the pillars of …………………

2. Pray in a…………….place

3. Rasoolullah used to ……………..prayers all the time

4. Tahmeedah means………………….

5. The salat ul means……………

6. Allah is ………………..and kind

7. Allah allows Muslim travelers to ………………..and ………………….some of their prayers.

8. Allah will not ask us to stand in …………….. if we cant or make ………….and ………

…………….if it is painful or harmful

True or false

1. You can pray sunnah at any time…………………

2. prayer is prayed night ……………………

3. Qasr means combining prayer……………

4. You should pray 4 rakaat after ishaa and 4 before fajr…………

5. Scholars also call tatawwo prayer salat un nafl………………

Answer the following

1. List the time that not are good for salat ut tatawwo?



……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What did Bilal do wrong in salah?



3. Name three salat ud tatawwo that have fixed time?



4. What are the benefits of performing salat ud duha?


……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.When is witr prayer performed? How many rakaat in witr prayer?



6. What does salat –ul-musafir mean?


7. Describe what a sick person should do in the following situations?

* He could not stand in prayer

*she could not stand make rukoo or sujood

*she could not stand or even sit




8. List three ways to pray salat ul witr


