


approved i Movie magic i Treasure Mountain Even tidal action produces i begins local shoot

UES~HECHIEF Re-watering1. q limited water movement, imm work to begin with the multiple narrow cul- verts across thi channel creat- this fall- ing a series of silt-choked BY DARRENGAL1,AGHER stagnant ponds. The Chief “The main goal is to have some kind of better habitat What is now blind could between Loggers Lane and ion be free. the railway tracks,” said The first major phase in the Michalski. “You’d like to :-watering of the Mamquam have a nice area there. You lind Channel will happen don’t want to have an invita- is year via a funding part- tion to a dumping ground.” xship between the District Re-watering of the Squamish, Fisheries Mamquam Blind Channel enewal BC and the was a primary reason the dis- pamish River Watershed trict created the environmen- iciety. tal co-ordinator position in 4t their meeting July 3 October 1998. i Stormy skies luamish council approved “By the end of August I i Ultra trail run set for : Squamish e $27,500 agreement, to would expect to have the PHOTOSBY IAN JACQUES~HE CiiiEi-‘ qich the district will con- detailed design,”. Michalski The 3rd annual Squamish Lantern Festival drew more than 1,500 participants bute another ...... said of this for a procession around Alice Lake on Saturday night. Karen Worsley (above left) year’s plans. 0,000. “You don’t led the procession, Shannon Grantham and her niece Lisa Grantham (top right) pro- The money 1 “They may see a vided background music along the dock, while Ian Brown (bottom right) and the 11 go towards h Want t0 have new culvert, Squamish United Church singers provided music on the beach throughout the night. tailed design an invitation they may see a Index increase water 7 . new bridge. : Topstory 3 ,WS through to a dumping What they ,x channel, ” should see is 10 ground. i OpinionLetkrs :dge the chan- more water as Sign vandalism dangerous, costly i 11-1 2 I along Carson -Jas Michalski far as Buckley, ...... Kintyre Drive. dealing with the individuals i SQni 1915 Ice and under- perhaps as far as $8,000 in During the 200 1 budget who are responsible.” ike an awareness program the rail line.” damages and process council voted to dou- Squamish’s penchant for i Ahwt Town 17

dhHowe Sound Secondary While the current grant is ble the sign vandalism budget sign vandalism, rather than SWtS U-21L chool and the youth centre, insufficient to do a11 the work, thefts in two to $10,000 from $5,000, due graffiti, seems unusual, said i Classifieijs 22 0th of which back onto having the detailed plan will weeks to the amount of money Mayor Corinne Lonsdale, larson Place. make it easier to find more already spent on 1:epair-s and who recently attended a con- “It’s a pretty big thing,” dis- - money. BY DAHRENG;AI,I,AGHE:K replacements by March. ference with mayors of com- ict environmental co-ordi- “When you have a specific The Chief “We’re well.&e(.thnt bud- munities in the Cascadia .i. , ., ator Jas Michalski said project with specific costs 2“et now,” district adm i nis tra- region. hursday of re-watering the and benefits ... you’re The District of Squamish tor Kim Anenia said “Where are these stop tiannel. “You can’t just open halfway to getting the grant,” has run out of money to Thursday. signs’? Are they in sonie- up to the water for a nuni- said Michalski. replace vandalized signs only He’s workinelon a report to body’s bedroom’?”she asked. L.. :r of reasons.” Plans could call for larger, halfway through the year, council ...... ,to :request .additional “This is a huge cost to thc tax- FEATURE OF H i s t ori ca I I y both t hc 1ow e r c u I vert s, dredg i ng , despite doubling its budget fuii.dir@;’fhow.... much is uncer- payer, and it’s illegal, and it’s THE WEEK 1larnquarn and Squamish removal of some culverts or t for ras tied signage. taiii .at this point. I i fe - t h rea t en i n g .” 1996 Ford Explorer vers fed into the channel, reconnecting the channel to Two recent incidents where If counci I approves dou- ”We’re going to do every- Limited. sating excellent fish habitat the Squamish River. municipal signs were stolen, bling the budget again - thing we can to apprehend the Loaded, leather, id a pleasant appearance. Residents have expressed a damaged or destroyed aloiie with almost half the year still perpetrators ,” S/Sgt . CI i ff’ moonroof, 6x CD, owever, the Mamquam was desire for a footbridge to will cost the district approxi- to go - sign vancir:lisni will Doherty, Squamish RCMP V8,4x4, automatic, ked in the 192Os, while the replace the culvert between mately $8,000. eat up about 0.25 per cent of de tac ti men t coni niandei-, said low, low Kms. punish River training dike Carson Place and the youth Over the Canada Day long the d i strict ‘s tax re ve n Lies. Thursday. ”We are working as installed in the t970s, centre, but there are no deci- weekend IS stop signs were “What we need is more par- on several possible leads.” $23,975 LIS adding the word “blind” sions on specifics as yet. stolen from the Garibaldi t i c i pa t i on froni t he citizenry,” The trick with such crimes, the channel’s name. The district will solicit input H i g ti I nnds a rea. Anenia said. “Reporting Doherty noted, is sufflcient 4s a result the channel’s from those living in the area, On the June 23-23 weekend [missing or damaged] signs evidence. Nine tiiiics out of’ ily consistent source of both on what the channel vandals wrecked a series of will help cope with the issue 10, that mcnns cithci- catching iter is the ditch aloiig the used to be and what thcy sticet name signs, primarily and reporting incidences that thcm in the act or having ;I )nt of the Business Park. would like it to be. along Mamquam Road aiid are witnessed will help with wi tncss conic forw;ir-d. 2 Tuesday, July 10,2001 IThe Chief ISquamish, B.C.


Bits-& Pieces, I Weather Watch ! . Salmon-Arm inspires need to develop a decisive third year. The municipality Speech on and shared economic, social picked up the remainder. economic and environmental direction Through an action plan ‘and the appropriate initia- developed with the commu- Mainly A mixture of Mainly sunny. Sunny with i development tives for Salmon Arm.” nity, the SAEDC formed Low 13. sun and cloud. Low 12. cloudy periods. i stirs Chamber The result was a depressed partnerships with various High 28. Low 13. High 23. Low 13. economy and a depressed organizations and completed BYDARREN GALLACHER community outlook, McKay a series of public/private pro- The Chief said. jects designed to stimulate Consultation with the entire the economy. An eerily familiar speech community led to the cre- This grass-roots approach liom Salmon Arm’s econom- ation of the Salmon Arm ended up with about a thou- ic development officer Economic Development sand citizens involved. (EDO) to the Squamish Corporation (SAEDC) in Some elected officials have Chamber of Commerce lun- November 1997. difficulty with a bottom up cheon June 19 has inspired a “We needed some form of approach, fearing it will cost number of the members .of structure at ...... them their Squamish’s business com- arm’s authority, Ncw Moon First Quarlcr Full Moon Last Quarter “All we’re in a munity. length, McKay said. Jeff McKenzie July 20 July 27 August 3 July 13 “It secms Salmon Arm was frompoliti- position to do is s a I m o n in the same kind of spot cal or vest- Arm’s expe- “All we’re in a position t Squamish is in, without an ed interest lobby the council ___----r j e n c e do is lobby the council fora The Tides EDO or economic develop- organiza- for an ED0 or and proves that ED0 or iki ED0 ~om men t co m m i s s i on ,” s ai d ti on s -’’ to be untrue. sion,” McKenzie said. ‘ Chamber president Jeff truly- repre-to ED0 commission. “There is chamber that’s what we’ll Mc Ken zi e. sent the -Jeff McKenzie never a doing over the next In his speech Bob McKay ...... months.” . .. . social, eco- quick fix or a Date Low Tide (feet) High Tide (feet) quoted from a report present- nomic, and single Squamish council I I ed to Salmon Arm’s council environmental interests of answer to resolve economic, asked the Chamber July IO 4:17 a.m. (10.25) 8:32 a.m. (I 1.89) ‘in 1997: community from youth to social or environmental Commerce to consider act 321 p.m. (4.64) 10:43 p.m. ( 15.16) “Former lack of economic seniors” he told the audience. issues as all of these work in as an economic developm direction, objectives and “We needed results; not a balanced harmony with agency shortly after it dec July I I 5:04 a.m. (9.66) 9:32 a.m. (I 1.45) strategies combined with more studies and research each other,” McKay told The ed against hiring a new EL 359 p.m. (5.72) I I : I4 p.m. (14.99) recent government cutbacks, programs to accompany the Chief July 3. The Chamber’s role as both provincially and feder- other that we piled up on “Each community is unique advocate for its memb July 12 552 a.m. (8.92) 10:43 a.m. (I I .09) ally have left Salmon Arm in shelves gathering dust.” and different and deals with would have made that 4:40 p.m. (6.92) I I :45 p.m. (14.80) a very tenuous position. A three-year agreement its own social, economic, and untenable situation. With heavy reliance on exist- with Human Resources environmental issues and “Say you’ve got competi July 13 6:41 a.m. (8.02) 12:OS p.m. (10.96) ing core industries (forestry, Development Canada solutions differently.. What businesses coming to. tohn 526 p.m. (8.17) - tourism, and retirement) and arranged funding with the we did for our community might not be in the beSt.int July 14 - 1:16 a.m. 714.60) .the subsequent down-sizing, federal agency providing 100 worked for us. It may not est of some of the membl peeting! 7:27 a.m. (6.95) 1 :34 p.m. (1 I .24) of gQYernment controls per cent funding in the first work in otherx‘ommunities ship, even though it might i fferen t 6:24 p.m. (9.38) - affecting these. core indus- ,year, two-thirds in the.seconil as’the dynamics. may be dif- in the best’ interest ,:of’;{ Lard m

July IS - I a.m. ( 14.4 I )e. :49 tries, there is now a %critical year and one-third in the ferent.” ; town,” McKenzie‘said. then Sep 8: I2 a.m. (5.75) 3:02 p.m. (I I .9S) The tru 1.m. Jul! Up to 24 teams could-be Chamber of Commerce best costumes will.‘ be Reaching The Chief **v competing in the newly office or through the awarded a special prize, he BSS de Bed races revived Squamish Days Bed Squamish Days web site - said. The dc By Mail: BY BY Race this August long week- w ww.squamishdays.com, Beds for the race will be I 3rackenl Box 3500 Phone: Fax: end, said organizer Rob Ryan said. supplied and the entry fee Squamish Ryan. ichool ii Organizers are hoping has been set at $30 per team. rustee ai B.C. VON 3GO 604-892-9 16 I 604-892-8483 re-born Entry forms are now avail- competitors will wear cos- “Lots of people are ary -t rea: able at the Squamish tumes for the event and the E-mail: [email protected] expressing interest,” he said. inal, si hairwon ound Sc f trustee RACE & COMPANY Barristers, Solicitors & Mediators “We’re EST. 1973 le motic ng to tl rg meeti “The ! amed econdar Ross ir A great excuse to Bard to 1 extend your weekend! ier consi In a let1 printed day’s CI s mind FREE CONSULTATION Glen McEachran mour.- #201’ - 1365 Pemberton Ave. Ph. 604-892-5254’ LO01

Email: g[[email protected] 5 Fax: 604-892-5461 YOUR BI 01 Pia retl next If yc sa: e $500. P1 604. -Prir The Chief W Squamish, B.C. B Tuesday, July 10,2001 W 3 - THE CHIEF Editorial enquiries? Please contact The Chief / Box 35W, 381 17 Second Avenue, Squaniish, VON 3GO Phone: M)4-892-9161 Fa: 604-892-8483 E-mail: sqchief@uniserve. corn www squamishchiejcorn ., Top, Story

BC Rail train8 callides with truck he couldn’t. Squamish man “They were both very charged in lucky.” “The office is not closing i The force of the impact sent Friday accident groceries and items in the back of the truck across the . BY IANJACQUES road. The Chief Mainman added that the dri- ver was charged with failing A Squamish man thought he to proceed with caution at a could outrun a train on Friday railway crossing under the morning, but unfortunately he Motor Vehicle Act. lost the race. Traffic was tied up for about izie e only change due to the i Just before noon, a 45-year- 40 minutes as rescue crews ew Liberal government i old Squamish man and his attended the scene and inves- 1 be to signage. father were turning south tigated the accident. from Hunter’s Place when Friday’s incident was the unci1 cuts meeting, f they crossed over the BC Rail second accident involving a tracks and were struck by an BC Rail train in the past oncoming train. week. The train hit the rear of the Last Thursday (June 28) 38- Council will meet only i truck, spinning it completely year-old Dean Warren Isard around, with the truck finally of New Westminster and his coming to rest on the other dog were both killed along side of the tracks on Loggers the tracks near Shannon Falls. Lane. Isard and a friend were out IAN JACWES~HE CHIEF Cpl. Greg Mainman of the walking the dog when it ran A 45-year-old Squamish was charged after his pick-up truck and a BC Rail train Squamish RCMP said both out on to the tracks in front of collided on the tracks near Hunter’s Place on Friday morning. men were fortunate to not the oncoming train. “The whistle was blowing, an incident, they have a right of ways in July of 2000 have been hurt more serious- Isard attempted to rescue the the signal lights were on and tremendous impact on our after a series of near-misses, ly* dog, but was struck and our people did everything people. including $ I I5 tickets for “They were. both taken to thrown approximately 20 possible to avoid an accident,” “We want to urge people to anyone caught walking on the

hospital, I treated.. for .,minor metres. said Alan Dever, director of be safe. Railroads are very railway. injuries and, released,” Although Friday’s incident communications for BCR dangerous. There are reasons “It seldom happens that Mainman said. , ended without serious Group of Companies. “We’re why we have signals and when someone takes on a “The driver was crossing injuries, BC Rail officials are very concerned about safety crossings.” train in a vehicle they win,” and when he realized it [the encouraging the public to take and we’re all incredibly BC Rail began increasing Dever added. “These people train] was coming he tried to better precautions around rail relieved we didn’t have anoth- enforcement of the laws should consider themselves get out of the way in time, but crossings. er tragedy. Anytime there is against trespassing on rail very lucky.” 7p.m.July 11. 11’ be Ap,peal court halts Fulbers’ eviction notice by Squamish RCMP when they raided licence from health Canada that we ...... Britannia Beach three homes looking for a marijuana can grow marijuana for health rea- “We’re not talking residents fighting growing ope rat ion. . sons.” -treasurer Don Ross is f All three were charged with produc- Ralph contends that there are other about major grow-ops said Amy Shoup, .i court battles tion of a controlled substance. forces at work and that here, we’re talking irwomari of the Howe BY IANJACQUES The court has stayed Filomena’s PricewaterhouseCoopers wants the The Chief case, while Ralph and Ronald Fulber’s Fulbers out of town because of their about a tray of ~ cases go to court later in the year. stance on environmental issues and cuttings.” After almost 16 months of fighting Both plan to tight the charges the cleanup of the Britannia Mine site. -Ralph Fulber for his rights in court, Britannia Beach against them. “This is a witch hunt and they want ...... resident Ralph Fulber finally got a The landlord, Pricewaterhouse us out,” he said. “If a landlord can piece of good news on Thursday. Coopers, tried to evict the Fulbers, but demonstrate that his interests have Without the court extension the The province’s top court gave a they challenged the eviction notice been compromised then they have a Fulbers would have had to be out of reprieve to Fulber, who was ordered before a Residential Tenancy Branch case, but that hasn’t happened. We their homes by July 21. evicted from his home earlier this tribunal. The arbitrator ruled that have been living in this community “The decision on Thursday is a bit of year. borowing marijuana in a rental home aooing on 16 years. We both have fam- a reprieve,” Ralph said. “It’s been a B.C. Appeal Court Justice Mary should only warrant an eviction if the ilies and the last thing that we would devastating year for us. We’ve got er consideration. Southin decided to delay the eviction operation could damage property. do is put our home and families at families to SUPPO~~and evervthing: has .I d U In a letter to the trUStCeS, order until Aug. 3 to allow Fulber’s “We’re not talking about major risk.” been tied up in legal fees. on page I 1 of j lawyer to tile an appeal of a lower grow-ops here, we’re talking about a Ralph estimates that he has spent “This is all so fundamentally unjust, ay’s Chief, Ross changed f Court dCciSiOn. tray of cuttings,” Ralph said on Friday more than $20,000 renovating their but I’m hopeful and confident that the is mind and accepted the f Fulber, his brother Ronald and his morning. “Under the new health laws, homes and would not start grow-ops courts will be reasonable in this deci- an onour. i wife Filomena were arrested last year both of us qualify to apply for a that could potentially damage them. sion.”

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in the induslrvY ICBC & otlikr injury claims Art Tichauer Mention this ad & receive $10.00 OFF Squamish: 604-892-2211 Tires Call #. #. Whistler: 604-9351142 Alignments .. Douglas B. Chiasson Brakes 604-892-1070 [email protected] 38 14.1 Sccond Avc., Fax: 604-892-2278 4 B Tuesday, July 10,2001 IThe Chief H Squamish, B.C. News blowers Wil in full mak g( bloom co IAN JACuUE$mtIE CtIIEF BY Di Marina McMaster poses in a poriion of hcr garden on thc wcekcnd. McMaster’s The pi display was onc ofsevcn have nc gardens that wcrc on display Squamisl during thc third annual rage of ( Syuamish Gardcn Tour. Thc that time cvcnt raiscd niorc than The en $1,200 and tickcts wcrc sold clear in tl out fiir thc cvcnt. Money ti oweve r, raiscd will bc distributed an actij txtwccn tlic club, thc library i nvari ab1

~~ ~ and thc Brackcndalc Fa11 Adults $7, Students $6, SeniodChild $5 kbate th Fa i r. 24 Hour Info: 604-892-3313 iessed febate ot leas the c The ele ought o Charges dropped in shooting ike visit :conomic off’cnder contacted The of conviction and how the charges from assualt, to Barristers & Solicitors he perce, YounE offender Chief last week and was public interest is served by breaking and enterting and less- fri en upsct with the way police charges, a trial or conviction. weapons charges. releGed from Howeve had handled his son’s case. “We don’t lightly propose The charges stem from an custodv : three lowntowr J‘ “I don’t know what’s charges to Crown counsel,” incident on May 6 when a he airpor wrong with this police Doherty said. “We propose group of men arrived at a suspects still in rofile. A departmcnt.. .somethings not charges when we feel com- house party and began dam- jail right,” said the father, who fortable the person has com- aging the home and commit- The fir$ also added that his son was mitted the offence.” ting assaults. ouncil re BY IANJACQUES on of The Chicf kicked out of school and lost As for the other three adult Five men and one woman his job bccause of the suspects, Cockfield said they were taken to hospital with a ill i ch the ttempted Chargcs against a 15-year- c hargcs. would be in Squamish variety of.iniuries from cuts Shawn Jones late. The: old young offendcr in con- S/Sgt. Cliff Doherty of provincial court on July 17 and wounds: while one was Free Initial Consultation iise with Squamish RCMP said he to fix a date for trial. treated for multiple gunshot ncction to a shooting at a Squamish: 604-892-9311 :gi stratic house party on May 6 have didn’t want to speak for the Dalbir Singh Ghuman wounds. Whistler: 604-938-6444 2wer anc bcen dropped. Crown, but did note that Jason ’fasbinder Haer and ie buildii Crown counsel Trevor Crown must balance evi- Gurbinder Singh Toor are dence against the likelihood each facing a variety of e enforcc Cockficld confirmed on dated Friday that all charges xeived. against thc youth were HIGHLANDS DENTAL CLINIC q uami s h staycd on June 22 and the 1 ii te owne youth was relcased from DR-ANDREW CHENC 1 pay uti11 AND ASSOCBATES custody. The air, The young offender was Dr. Monica Morgeli Dr. Mark Kwon ised at originally charged with a variety of offcnces including Office Hours Eagle’s Nest assault with a weapon, . Mondays 9:00 - 7:OO Missed aggravated assault and pos- Tues - Thurs 9:00 - 5: Irz the A session of a weapon for the Saturdays by appoi vieetings, purpose of committing an The foli assault. New Patients Welcome! weetirigs The father of the young mail: highlandsdentaRdirect.ca -9557 www.highalndsdental.com Restaurant IName .- I SCUlnsurance Services Ltd NOW OPEN


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rinne Lonsdale Cheryle Bass Raj Kahlon Rick King Paul Lalli Wendy Magee Shelley Smith Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor

Dec. 7,1999: Granting a fitness centre a two-year commercial use permit to set up shop in the then-Ciidustrial Park. YES YES NO YES YES YES b. 29,2OOO: Enacting an 80 per cent utility fee on secondary suites, and making bylaw enforcement complaint-based. YES YES YES YES NO YES YES 0 Ail4; May 9,2ooo: Applying BC Rail’s grant in lieu to industrial and commercial taxes, raising residential rates six per cent. YES YES YES YES YES YES - May 2,2lM)t: Approving a development permit for a woo d chip handling facility proposed for the Cattermole Slough. - YES YES ’, NO NO YES YES NO - June 26,2001: Declining a proposal by Pattison Outdoor to erect two billboards on Hwy. 99 for lack of municipal land. YES - YES absent YES NO YES YES rn

6 E Tuesday, July 10, 2001 lBR The Chief IIM Squamish, B.C. *..

News -

...... -...... “....*. <..,A,,,., ...... - .,.. *.? ...... ” ...... , .. , ’. I

.. VancouverMrhistler 20 IO Bid Other opportunities to gath- 1 Chamber laying Corporation and to maximize er feedback from Chamber C plans in the long-term economic members and the general pub- opportunities for the lic are in the works. antici ation of Squamish area. “The mandate of the P1 20 I {winter “If the bid is successful, the Chamber of Commerce is to - Olympics will happen if represent the business com- Games bid .. Squamish participates or munity,” added Chamber of ’.. c z-. not,” said Greg Gardner, task Commerce president Jeff - BY IAN JACQUES force chairman. “We can McKenzie. “We hope to use A The Chief watch from the outside or the strength of our unified man choose to get involved and voice to help both the bid cor- fond The year 2010 may seem support the games right from poration and our community.” four light years away, but the the beginning. Only by fully The first event planned for On Squamish Chamber of participating wi I I the commu- the task force takes place on Greg Gardner walk Commerce is already getting nity benefitthe most.” Friday (July I3)as a breakfast Paris, France. the prepared in anticipation of a The task force will be look- meeting isslated. If wins the games, it Man . 2010 Olympic Winter Games ing at ways to support the bid Chamber members can would be a fabulous event for eastt: bid. corporation, support opportu- enjoy their morning cup of Canada. However, if they are east The board of directors of the nities for the local business coffee, breakfast and network not successful;‘ having the ‘‘TI Squamish Chamber of community as well as act as a with other members while 2008 Summer Games hosted and Commerce has approved the communication bridge hearing the ‘International outside North America ’sub- rema establishment of a Squamish between both groups. Olympic Committee’s stantially increases the chance Cpl . 2010 Olympic Bid Task Already planned is an announcement of who will of the /Whistler bid procr Force. update at thekhamber annual host the 2008 Summer to be successful. in pl, The two primary goals of general meeting luncheon in Olympics. Cost for the meeting is $10 Mho the task force will be to sup- September and sign-up sheets The top three contenders are plus GST. To RSVP, call the ’PPO port the efforts of the to support the bid. Toronto, Beijing, China and Chamber at 892-9224. PUBLIC I BY1 nan vom Council consulted on LRMP process INFORMATION 3ove plans? Well, it’s like any official commu- “This is the industry’s only choice to Request for nity plan, it’s to build a vision,” said not necessarily end up with what we Hi community b Jones. “Planning is seen as being an want, but to end up with what we need,” MEETING dc important tool in bringing stability to said So0 chairman Mike Wallace. -.. cornunity stu provincial forests:’ The LRMP area’s proximity to B.C.’s The first issue councillors raised was major metropolitan region places a pre- 01 , issued The SEA TO SKY UNIVERSITY is being pro- the question of new ...... mium on local input, posed to be located in the District of Squamish. th BY DARRENGALLAGHER parks in the Jones said, agreeing The Chief Squamish Forest “Thixis the industry’s ideally sociq-eco- - Howe Sound Educational Foundation invites-.. District. only choice lo not nomic information - Squamish council wants to hire a con- Jones emphasized - for each community the communi< to a meeting to present and sultant to represent the corridor in the with the’ 1996 pro- necessarily end up with would be available. discuss the ongoing planning process undertak- land and resource management plan tected areas strategy what we want, but to On a motion from (LRMP) process - and they want the (PAS) complete Lonsdale, council- en by the District and the Foundation to realize province to pay for it. more parks were not end up with what we lors voted to call on the approval of the University Project. of Land the province to do Peter Jones B.C.’s Use Co- in the LRMP’s man- need. ” ordination Office met with councillors at date. socio-economic Date: Tuesday, July 17th, 2001 TI a committee of the whole June 26 to dis- It was also noted ...... - Mike Wallace assessments of each cuss the LRMP and its current status. when the parks were community before Location: District of Squamish Building at Other participants included the created the province. failed to enact most going further, and bring the PAS recom- 37957 - 2nd Ave. Chamber of Commerce, So0 Coalition of the other recommendations out of the mendations to the LRMP table for inclu- for Sustainable Forests, Community PAS. sion. Downtown Squamish . Futures Development Corporation of The primary discussion, however, cen- They also asked the government con- Time: 4:OO pm to 8:OO pm Howe Sound and International Forest tred on local input into and local impact sider funding a consultant who would ProdlJcts Ltd. of the LRMP. represent the corridor on the LRMP plan- - Open House Due to the rearrangement of the provin- “We need a socio-economic impact ning team. cial government, Jones’ role as co-ordi- [study] done ... in that it needs to break “In many ways we may be better off if This is not a Public Hearing. nator for the inter-agency committee down to communities in the corridor,” the local governments ... choose a con- Council will receive a report from staff on issues overseeing the LRMP is now under the said Mayor Corinne Lonsdale. sultant to represent us,” said Lonsdale. Minis try of Sustainable Resource “Definitely don’t want to see this She pointed out local government staff raised at the meeting and will formally consider Management. LRMP impacting on existing businesses specialize in urban planning, not region- the proposal at a later date. “What’s the point of strategic land use in these areas,” said Coun. Paul Lalli. al resource development. -.. The Chief Squamish, B.C. Tuesday, July 10,2001 ## 7 .. News

FUNERALHinds SERVICES% CHAPEL The man was arrested by then sank them in the water. personal effects and two pass- A Name You Can Trust New police and will make his first All the canoes were later ports were stolen. crime &)DEI‘S court appearance in Squamish recovered undamaged. Police On the same day between Iet us help provincial court on Aug. 14. have not identified any sus- 2:30 p.m. and 6 p.m., a vehi- phonea numbr He faces one count of pects or witnesses. cle was broken into at the you with implemented engaging in an indecent act. . ;m Alice Lake Provincial Park “It’s a pretty alarming case,” Sometime between 9:30 parking lot. your pre-arrangemeements. p.m. on July I and 7:30 a.m. A 35mm Canon camera, BY IANJACQUES Byrne said, adding that police The Chief are still investigating. on July 2, the Garden Center climbing gear, wallets and Locally owned on Mamquam Road was bro- clothing~weretaken. & o erated A 30-year-old Squamish Sometime between 10 p.m. ken into. Police have no suspects and by t1 e Hinds family man faces charges after on June 30 and 8:30 a.m. on Suspect(s) gained access are still investigating. fondling himself in front of July 1 a yellow kayak was inside by leaning wood pal- 604-872-3683 LYLEHINDS four women last week. stolen near Mamquam Road. lets up against the fence of the A new Crime Stoppers num- 38121 2nd Ave., Squamish Licenced Funeral Director On June 30, a man was seen The kayak, a Wave Sport compound of the business. ber has been implemented to walking with a large dog on was yellow with the orange A number of hanging bas- help the public provide tips- to the south side of the letters E2 and the word kets and plants plus a 6.5 the police. Mamquam River heading DEMO in black letters on the horsepower Scotts lawn The new number, 1-800- eastbound about 300 metres back, was stolen from a trailer mower were stolen. 222-8477(TIPS), requires the Sunrise east of the train bridge. parked at the kayak tours The total cost of the theft is public to only remember one Jap~eseRestaurant “The male first laid down, parking lot. estimated at $1,200. phone number that will auto- and then stood up and The kayak has a dent on the Police have no suspects and matically dial to the nearest .. . . , . .._.::$:.:...... ( Please come ,<:;;;:;:;;. ;::::+:: :;:;$.:::...... removed his clothing,” said front and is valued at $1,500. are still investigating. Crime Stoppers centre. Cpl. Mike Byrne. “He then Police have no suspects or a- The local Crime Stoppers in and try our proceeded to fondle himself witnesses. The rash of thefts from vehi- phone numbers will still be in in plain view of four women U cles continued last week use, including the Greater exciting new who were situated on the Police are investigating an around Squamish. Vancouver number of 669- ipposite side of the river.” act of Canada Day vandalism. On July 3 around 1:40 p.m., 8477(TIPS). Sushi Bar ,Byme added that the same Just after 7 p.m., a group of a vehicle was broken into the ’ The new toll-free number nan was later seen by the suspects stole four canoes parking lot at Shannon Falls allows people across the and Menu. women entering a home on from a landing at Evans Lake, Provincial Park. country, to call the organiza- 3overnment Road. took them across the river and Numerous items of clothing, tion at no expense. We looh firward to seeing all of our

Howe Sound Secondary launch their own outdoor should be consumable goods. valued customers this summer! High school School students will have the excursions, thus encouraging The program will debut opportunity to add hiking and lifelong fitness. with an overnight trip to the Saturdav Lunch & Dinner: 12:30 to 1O:OO P.M. debuts new camping to their course list Via $5,000 from the Red Heather and Elfin Lakes iues. &Wed. & Sun: 5:OO P.M. to 1O:OO P.M. I I with the introduction of an school’s pop machine fund, area of Garibaldi Provincial Thurs. & Fri: Lunch: It30 to 2:OO P.M. outdoor class all-grades program this equipment such as backpacks, Park, leaving Sept. 2 1. Dinner: 5:OO P.M. - 1O:OO P.M.

Sentem-- her. tents~ and stoves will be Dro- The triD is for Grade 8s, but L L CLOSED MONDAYS DINE IN OR TAKE OUT The program will train stu- vided. some senior students may be - thisfall - dents to safely organize and The only cost to students brought along to assist. Canada’s 134 Birthday Celebration Success The Squamish Chamber of Commerce would -like to thank the sponsors, supporters and participants for helping to create a fun family event for Canada’s 134 birthday celebration.

Thanks also to the Royal Canadian Legion Diamond Head Branch #277 for organizing the official flag raising ceremony and the Squamish Lions Club for organizing the children’s races.

Sponsors and Supporters P Participants BC Celebrate Canada Committee Royal Canadian Legion Diamond Head Branch #277 The Department of Canadian Heritage The Lantern Festival The District of Squamish The Sea to Sky Canine Sports Club E-Sound Production Services Squamish Lions Club IGA Plus Marketplace Heather Donaldson - massager Only Deals $1 Store Angela Brown - children‘s entertainer Save-On-Foods

The Sea‘to Sky Voice

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Shawm@Home. High-speed Internet Ra The Squamish Chief i This lem is published every i sound scci Tuesday by yuently pr Whistler Printing and i Publishing Ltd. Dear An Thank y Box 3500 pesolving Squamish, B.C. Ross Seco 3G0 VON When I I ;hock and ’urther COJ to SUPplUS Since thc pate thou Wh Editor; e think we may have a solution for Premier Once ag Gordon Campbell’s surplus. Not the budget sur- ourism en Wplus - there isn’t one - but his surplus of back- s looking bench MLAs. [me-of di While perusing some recent issues of U.S. newspapers, we ewage trc Tim Shoults came across an article pointing out that about two-thirds of Ediror & Pitidisher i he Cheak; President George Bush’s cabinet and sub-cabinet officials - I 1: In spite ( about 240 of some 360 positions - have yet to be appoint- ed-unit 1 ed. nen t -in thc The reasons for the delay vary - cabinet appointees must nity plan tc be confirmed by the U.S. Senate, and Bush has been as slow .agreed to a to forward nominations as the Senate has been at confirming that limit them. Added to that is a cumbersome process of FBI back- sewage trei ground checks, financial disclosure requirements and parti- Those ir san bickering in the U.S. Senate. ’m going to take my journal- If the Squamish Arts Council istic life in my hands this was able to get enough money Gord Derouin It’s estimated that the entire administration won’t be com- week, and compare from the District of Squamish for Adverri.siricqMmiager i plete until Feb. 15 of next year - more than a year after I to pump th ...... Squamish to Whistler. a study, let alone ongoing fund- Bush takes office and less than two years before the next summit tc know, comparing us to the ing, they’d be ecstatic. As it presidential campaign gets into full swing. I Cheakamu! stands right now, the Squamish Compare that to Canada, where government forms within Big W is ill-advised at the best This mea AssistaritIan :‘ditor Arts Council is one hand a month of an election - but is formed at the whim of a pre- of times - unless, of course, merely go out the Darren Gallagher i out a long begging mier or prime minister with no confirmation by an elected you’re demonstrating Squamish’s in line of community Katnleen Brcnnan i clear and unchallenged superiori- community groups before coun- THE VIEW FROM HERE K eiio rlers body. Such are the costs of checks and balances...... drainage a cil every year as it hands out By comparison to our American neighbours, Campbell’s tY. lsuffer the e Nancy Warwick But I have to admit, they’re grants-in-aid. In fact, this past for that maker. Ad Representative i cabinet - the largest in B.C. history, with 21 full-fledged ’ In a publi miles ahead of us on this one. year the SAC didn’t even go Growing the arts is part and Justin Glen ministers and seven ministers of state - looks positively ling. in. 195 And besides, I’m out of town before council after having been parcel of becoming a world-class Brent Morrison tiny. But it’s still not big enough to keep his caucus of 77 raised reco; Brian Thompson i MLAs completely occupied, and that could spell trouble visiting family in Edmonton as rebuffed in years past. resort community. Benefits to the Graphic designer.^ i ing effects 1 you read this, so at least the fall- The arts in Squamish have been local population, while impres- down the road. md Squan out won’t be immediate. through some lean times. With sive, are generally secondary to Laila Michell Here’s a modest proposal; why not rent out extra back- with qiiesti A year-long study by a pair of different groups representing the looking good compared to elite Audrey S enccr i benchers to President Bush? It’ll keep them happy and occu- 5ty Whistic Janeane I: rdiel consultants - funded by the visual, performing and theatrical world ski towns like Aspen. But A ccoirnlirig pied - and out of trouble in Victoria. And if we can get a y grow to 1 Resort arts in this community, co-ordi- emphasis on the arts is important decent rate, it’ll help with the budget crunch we know is As a res .Jill Smith Municipality of Whistler - has nation has been a problem, and for Squamish, too. It makes eco- Office Manager coming once Finance Minister Gary Collins finishes going x-occss wc over the books. recommended the Whistler although some large-scale com- nomic sense as well as artistic Jac uelineSiemens i sense. What about a community f only one Distri4 xttion Srtiiervisor i We already ship surplus power to the States; why not sur- Community Arts Council be rec- munity projects have come together (like the Howe Sound arts centre that could, say, double Diane Soares plus politicians? ognized as the community’s sin- Denise Conway gle co-ordination body for the Performing Arts Association’s as convention space on down- Ci rcii Irr I ion arts in Whistler and expand its grand piano), money has been town Squamish’s waterfront? Jo-Ann Daffern paid staff, and that the munici- scarce (see above for one of the How about tying it to a museum Bus. Crrstonier Service lantern Festival pality, Tourism Whistler and reasons). showcasing Squam i sh ’s forestry ...... I =, I Intrawest contribute financial I y But the dreams of Squamish’s . heritage and rich community his- This lettei tory? And with Canada’s first Tc.lep/lone to the arts council for the next arts community are as big as vqloi- md 604-892-9 16 I IS a nit again few years. Whistler’s. The Squamish (or private non-profit secular univer- oi- prrbliciil Fax Lirie .What’s more amazing is that insert your name here, favoured sity coming to town in the next Yo1rr wors 604-892-8483 ravo Squamish! You have gone and done yourselves Whistler council has adopted the benefactor) Centre for the Arts is decade, the opportunities for I am reprc proud once again. on the drawing table - a multi- partnering to build community . ‘ornmunity E-mriil plan of action, agreeing to pony facilities go beyond athletics and We are as sqc h ie f @ un iserve.com B up for the arts in the community. use, fully accessible community ...... : With a huge turnout (some 1,500 strong) on Saturday Add to that the newly-opened facility featuring studio and into the arts. Funding the arts inie guideli night, the Squamish Lantern Festival was a smashing suc- $6-million Maurice Young workshop space, display areas shouldn’t be just another part of IO in the Bi Yearly Subscriptions i cess for the third year in a row. Families.and friends came Millennium Place, with state-of- for the visual arts and perform- the supplicant dance known as ncnts to tht Home Deli very together and a fun night was had by all. Here’s hoping that the-art performing arts space and ing spaces we can be proud of in the grant-in-aid process. It’s an We requer (Squamish Area) i the rest of this summer’s events are just as successful. investment in the future. Council $42.80 studios available for community every way. iublic hear Canadian Mail Delivery i use, and Whistler’s arts commu- Yes, Whistler is a different and the community - need to hen. $85.60 nity isn’t exactly starving. community - a different world, look at it more seriously. I am sure U.S. (Second Class) i $130.00 CDN LEllER OF THE WEEK letters policy ~ Overseas $24 1 .OO CDN The Chief welcomes letters to the editor: Please mail them ...... to Box 3500, Squamish B.C. VON 3G0, fax them to 892- Generosity beyond the Test Canada Post 8483 or e-mail to: sqchief@unisenle. coin by noon Friday. as I was volunteering for the Test Publication Mail Sales i Letters must be signed with first and last names, and Editor; my point as a marshall up on VANCOUVER WI Product Agreement i I would like to take this oppor- Race Cafe which is up from Alice of Metal. include an address and phone nuniber so they can be veri- ’ No, 400 1227 1 I would like to thank Dave and 38 fied. Addresses and pliorie numbers will not be published. tunity to share with you an extra- Lake and north of Garibaldi Mekt We reserve the right to edit any and all letters for brevity, ordinary act of kindness that‘ Highlands just off of Thunderbird the rest of the guys at Corsa and vote for a r Reproductionwofany i say you guys rock! material containid in this i clarity, legality and taste. Only iii exceptional cases will enabled me to take part as a vol- Ridge. Antonio Sl publication is expressly i The Chief withhold tlze name of the writer; at the discretiorz unteer in the 2001 Test of Metal Anyway, I had lots of fun and I It sure was worthwhile to vol- ofice. forbidden without the prior i of the editor: Even in those cases, the writer must disclose mountain bike race. was able to enjoy watching the unteer and the experience would Throu consent of the publisher. i I do not have a personal bike as racers including the locals take never have been as great if you .. his or her name, ciddress and telephone riunzber to the edi- of thc Olyr tor: Letters sent anonymously without any irzformation for I had mine stolen quite some time the Test and witness their accom- guys weren’t there! promote ur verijicatiori will riot be published under any circumstances. ago, but when I went into Corsa plishments. This would not have Hope to see everyone at next Movcincnt tional non-: We also ask that you keep your letters as short arid con- Cycles to rent a bike for just the happened it1 did not have a bike. year’s Test of Metal where I hope finances. C cise as possible. race day, Dave was able to get me When it was all over, I returned to volunteer again, if not join the a bike and a helmet with no prob- the bike to Corsa and found a 800 riders in the test! years of bo The letters to the editor are the opinions of the writers was throug only, arid do riot reflect tlze opinions or policies of Tlze lems. very generous man saying that I Mike Enders On race day I was able to get to did not have to pay just this time Squamish Lausannc i Chiefi Five c ef renue, 'ON 3GO '-892-8483 ,corn - . rt

Since then I have learned that the board did indeed give ade- pate thought before reaching the decision.

Whistler,m keepI vourI sewaaew Hurray for Editor; on the Cheakamus was to ser- get permission from the Once again the industrial vice all' of Whistler that the Ministry of Environment for trio of ourism enterprise in Whistler waste water management plan changes to the plan agreed to s looking to increase the vol- would include a 52,000 bed- in 1993. [me. of discharge from their unit limit to development and This includes eliminating thouahtful lewage treatment plant into an emergency holding lagoon the requirements for an emer- he Cheakamus River. would be built at the treat- gency lagoon. youths In spite of having a 52,000 ment plant. In spite of claiming to have red-unit limit for develop- The lagoon was to avoid the best sewage treatment it Editor; nent-in their official commu- discharges of untreated or seems it is still not adequate Hats off to three young tity plan to date they have not poorly treated sewage, which for Whistler to do what other men in a Jeep who came tc greed to our requests to have had occurred in the past dur- communities do and dis- my rescue when my cai hat limit built into their ing plant overload or mal- charge in the same drainage stopped dead on Hwy. 95 ewage treatment facilities. function. area where the water originat- near Furry Creek on mj dI Those involved with the A pipeline has been con- ed. way home from original development plans structed from Emerald The Squamish River Vancouver on the evening .. .:.:. for Whistler made a decision Estates at the north end of Watershed Society maintains of June 25. to pump the sewage over the Green Lake to the Cheakamus all safeguards must be built We hear and read sc summit to a plant on the plant, eliminating the possi- into the treatment plant and many negative things 'Cheakamus River. bi I i ty of the once-proposed any volumes in excess of about young people This meant effluent would second treatment plant. 52,000 bed-units must be dis- through the media, but 1 go out the back door of the The Cheakamus plant has charged in the Whistler have a different story tc at HERE community and the Whistler been built over capacity by 75 drainage area where they tell...... drainage area would never per cent and in some areas by origi naled. These three young men Howe Sound suffer the effects of pollution. 300 per cent. This is the best assurance were on their way to a rt and In a public process conclud- One has to question the we have that the highest level campground north of Equipment )rid-class ing, in. 1993 concerns were logic of spending millions of of treatment will be main- Whistler, and even though fits to the raised recognizing the pollut- dollars on building treatment tained. it was getting dark, and I ;mpres- ing effects on the Cheakamus capacity over the 52,000 bed- This request amounts to knew they would have to idary to and Squamish rivers along unit volume if it is not intend- Whistler giving the same pitch their tent in dark- to elite with qirestions as what size ed for use. respect to the Cheakamus and ness, they still took the 3en. But 5ty Whistlcr would evcntual- Having the infrastructure in Squamish area as they do time to stop, push my car mportant iy grow to be. place to cxceed thc Official their own. safely off' to the sidc of thc tkes eco- As a result of' thc 1993 Community Plan growth Lyle Fenton road, and check undcr the irtistic x-occss wc wcre assured that limit, Whistler has now start- Squamish River hood. imunity f' only one trcatmcnt Facility ed a ncw proccss in order to Watershed Society A fi c r try i ng every t h i ng . y, double .}icy phoncd BCAA fi)r jown- IlC. ront? Thcy wcnt on thcir way museum Bus. Park rezoning needs extra time if'tcr making sure niy forestry lashers wcrc on. During thc half-hour I inity his- This letter WNS sent to IJistr-ict of Sqiiciniisli we live in a democratic country and province ; first M~cyoi-md Coirncil wdcopied to The Chitf and would hope for the saiiic rights in our own ;at in my car waiting for Mini Excavator and Lr Lr univer- "0- prrbliciitioit : community. he tow truck, many cars he next Yoirr worship, Dcmocracy takcs ti mc; please ensure that Ncnt by, but not one othcr Skid Steer Loader s for I am reprcscnting thc Coalition for a Healthy you will give the people of Squamish just that. driver stopped to sec if' I nunity .'ommunity (CHC) - Squamish. We need time to articulate our thoughts and needed help. :tics and We are asking that council commit to some feelings; whether we represent a group or are Thank God for these Come in and see our :arts inie guidelines regarding thc rezoning of Lot individuals concerned about the issues at hand. young people with their - part of IO in the Business Park as well as thc amcnd- Monica Staff cell phones. new line up! bwn as ncnts to the OCP. Squamish This was a heartwarming experience for a 77-year- It's an We request that lour wccks notice of any (Editor's note. Tiie groirp reJer.iz.d to iii this HOWE SOUND EQUIPMENT Counci I )ublic hearings surrounding these issues be letter is itot aflliated with the Healthy old senior. Erna Rudolph 40330 Government Road :dto .,, hen. Coriiiiiirtt ities Cotiiriiittee.) I am sure that most of us feel fortunate that Squamish 604-892-52 I2

Dick Pound (Canada). A native of Ocean Falls, BC, envoy of the South Korean President, and member of the coun- I Pound has been a member of the IOC since 1978 and has held cil of advisors in Korean unification. Bid News: - -- I 2RlO' the office of vice president. He's the chairman of the IOC Anita DeFrantz (United States). DeFrantz has been a Commission for television rights negotiations and marketing. member of the IOC since I986 and IOC vice president since the Test. IOC to select new president His sporting achievements include being a swimming finalist 1997. She was vice president of the organizing cornmittcc of aVANCOUVER WHISTLER in the 100 meters freestyle at the 1960 Summer Games in the 1984 Summer Games in Los Angeles. Her sporting lave and Me;nbcrs of thc International Olympic Cotnmittce will Rorr;e: He won a gold medal at the 1962 Commonwealth achievements include a bronze medal in Rowing at the 1976 ma and vote for a new prcsidcnt on July 16th to replace Spain's Juan Games. He is a lawyer and lecturer. Summer Games in Montreal and World Championship silver Antonio Samaranch, who is stepping down afier 2 I ycars in Jacques Rogge (Belgium). Rogge has served on the IOC medallist in 1978. She is an attorney. : to vol- ofice. since 1991. He is a member of the IOC Medical Commission Pal Schmitt (Hungary). Schmitt became a member of e would Throughout his tcnn, he conccntrated on the dcvelopmcnt and chief coordinator for 2000 Sydney Games and 2004 the IOC in 1983 and has held the ofice of vice president. Hc .t if you of thc Olympic Movement and camed out reforms designed to Athens Games. He is a three-time Olympian in Yachting was a member of the coordination commission for the 1992 promotc unity, dcvclopmcnt and modcmization of the (I 968, I972 and 1976). Rogge is an orthopedic surgeon and Winter Games in Albertville and 1994 Winter Games in at next Movcmcnt. Samaranch secured the IOC's status as an interna- former sports medicine lecturer. Lillehammer. Schtnitt is'a team cpdc (fencing) gold mcdallist tional non-govemmcntal organization and restructured its Kim Un-Yong (South Korea). A member of the IOC at the 1968 Summer Games in Mexico City and I972 Gamcs e I hope since 1986, Kim has served on the executive board as vice in Munich. He was Hungary's ambassador to Spain from 1993 join the financcs. Hc kept the Olyiiipic flame alive during the crisis years of boycotts (Moscow 1980 and Los Angelcs 1984). It . president. He was vice president of the organizing comniittce to 1997. of the 1988 Summer Games in Seoul. He competed at taek- fl Enders' was through his efforts that thc Olyinpic Muscum was built in TOURISM Lausannc in 1993. wondo, judo and athletics at the national.championship level. ]Rxc3Ilh/p;;;;;~ Community Contributor uamish Girrutq ro Nrmdi -ohtidm Fivc candidates arc in thc running for thc IOC presidency: Kim was a United Nations General Assembly delegate, special i// 12 It Tuesday, July IO, 200 I The Chief .i Squamish, B.C. 1 letters -1 Suggestions on esthetics Bantam win no victory IC-ai This letter was copied to Howe Sound Minor Ball. - ICanir Editor; Just think that whcn you allow a busi- res tau rants gave tickets so parti ci pat i ng Editor; Thcrc wcrc two issues in The Chid on ness to erect these signs on district lands, kids could have a drink and a doughnut. I am writing this letter to say how disappointed I was to 1 Club June 19 that I felt very strongly about. In would you legally be able to stop a pri- It really looked like it was a good thing see the girls’ Bantam team win both the Bantam team tro‘ fact both subjccts warranted a first copy vatc land owner from putting them up for the community anchored by our kids. phy and the girls’ Peewee tournament trophy. My point is for a letter to the cditor. But I was too also? The Chamber of Commerce at the time, there was only one Bantam team so I kind of understand the busy to fine tunc my thoughts and “the My second issue, not that it really mat- headed by Wendy Magee, missed the Bantam trophy (even though throughout the season they what’s the usc” framc of mind took ovcr. ters, is about the free dump day. Fully whole idea and adopted the annual were not playing by‘Bantam rules). When it come to the .w-- First off, I’d likc to applaud Lornc realizing that a lot of people, including Clean-up Day for Squamish. All of a Peewee tournament trophy I get confused. Robson for his thoughts on the billboard friends, were more than happy to let all sudden here were a handful of volunteers rforming I ThroughoutU the season we were told the Bantam team issuc. Although the original proposal their junk pile up so they could dump it and the event sort of just fizzled out. games did not count. There was only one team and they just spccified only two signs, thcy will mea- for free. Call me stupid, I was in this Somehow’we ended up with this free wanted to day. borts Club sure IO feet x 20 fect. How many dump twice at the start of that week pay- dump day idea. The first year was a com- Besides (he; are all about two years older than any Peewee :w membe Squamish locals would like their usual ing $60 to dump job sitc materials. plete disaster with loads of drywall corn- team members so playing with the Peewees all season -invent itsc sccncry altercd by hugc obstructions Think of thc money it cost the district in ing from Whistler and North Vancouver should havebbeen for fun and practice. Establ i s hec which pertain to subjcct rnattcr which lost revenue. Enough to pay for those to be dumped at our landfill. Although The Peewee,Fireballs won 3-3 games including winning r’ib has set takes visitors’ moncy clsewherc? huge signs. that was not so this year, I feel that if peo- against the Bantams one game. As they were playing a embers I have been many places in thc world What makes me perturbed about this is ple acquire stuff they should pay to get round robin, the Fireballs had to play one more game which t’s basical and let me tell council that tourists apprc- I started a Squamish clean-up day in rid of it. Let’s educate the children by they should have played against a Peewee time, but for some ’t dogs an ciatc the natural beauty and surroundings 1985 before Expo was coming to the getting them involved regularly, let them reason they played again against the Bantam team. Which ’t for exerc that we have to sharc. Do not spoil it. Lower Mainland. The whole idea was to learn by seeing an area they recently they lost unfortunately. ,gs to do In southern , and many other educate the youth about littering and in cleaned. Get strewn with litter. Now this is the hard part. The Fireballs won the Peewee ey usually places, the sign war is so ugly. They turn let them put pressure on their par- In closing, I did see some companies, championship, winning 3-3 games but the Bantams took -’ lib me makc them higher, wider, flashy, whatcv- ents for throwing garbage. like Carney’s workers picking-up litter at home the Peewee trophy because of the last game which e wman. ‘‘P cr it takes for someone to notice. Whcn Don Ross supported it at the school the side of the road. Thanks for that. they should not have been playing because they were re keen pc therc are hundreds on somc streets, you board, as did all the principals. Carney’s Ian MacDonald Ban tams. get i nvol vc couldn’t find a sign for looking. dropped off bins and a couple of local Brackendale If the Bantam team wanted to play with the Peewees for ve the dol real, shouldn’t they have split the girls up between the other m pe te .” teams so the Peewee teams would not have been playing ,f you,ve against a stacked team? I hope the Bantam team coaches ’ .perdogs F Dogs helping to make daffodils bloom this week cifc Natic realize that what happened was not only wrong but it just 2 wasn’t right. NE) then y Big Brothcrs and Big Sistcrs cable and parents for their ing our thirst quenched at Name withheld by request good idea \ would likc to send daffodils to advertising efforts for parent- each and every game. ub is all ab Davc of Corsa Cycle for tot drop-in. H ‘The Super donating a bikc for our fund- ‘H An awesome doggie wash raiscr and also to the volun- A parking lot full of daf- station filled with bubbles to History, hiendships will tcers who helped sell the tick- fodils to all the volunteers that Lyle at Suds’R Us for staying cls. helped out at the parent-tot late so I could wash my suruive BSS name change.l H drop-in garage sale as well as pooch. Now that’s small-town Editor; memories, achievements, A bunch of wild flowers to to the community of service. I hesitate to write this letter friendships? These will thc preteens and teenagers Squamish for all its support. m simply because the renaming disappear or diminish. who came out to the A preschool room full of Mamquam Road full of daf- of Brackendale Secondary The school, what it Squamish Nation Recreation Canada Day daffodils to daffodils to all the Tot Time fodils, both sides, to Val and has already been frequently for, what is dances. A big bouquet of Capilano Highways for not parents. Thank you for your Jim Aseltine for saving addressed. I do so because I here, will continue. flowers to thc stores who only replacing the flags at enthusiasm and support. It Maxwell (Houdini) after his find it difficult to understand Students should take pric (prints. Je donated prizes for the your Whistler works yard, but was another great year. escape from a friend’s yard. the adverse reaction of some. in attending a school namc 1Idren’s pro€ Squamish Nation Recreation also the flagpoles! It’s great to Eleanor and Janice We are sure he would not Mr. Ross deserves to be for one so selflessly dedicatc iave No, Tr: Dancc. takc pride in our province and have made it home without honoured for his years of ser- to youth and quality educ lrning how ( country, but even better to A Valleycliffe gym full of your assistance. vice and his continued dedi- tion, rather than one namt rm wildlifc Daffodils to all those who show our visitors that we’re daffodils for the amazing The Modes cation to education in this simply for location. One zrs and wh helped with thc Friends of thc proud to live here! Good for retirement party. Huge heart- H school district. No one can the important aims in educl Jut it. Library book sale. A special you. felt thanks to all the students, A car full of daffodils to argue that. tion today is to encouraj 30 p.m. H thank you to all the air cadets staff and parents who have Teresa for driving between us I fail to see how a name flexibility and acceptance 4 vive. Know who helped move the entire To the Shoppers Drug staff, made Valleycli ffe Elementary and the attacking dog and for change is “cutting students change. Past and present sti at to do if: heavy book boxes. We cer- a googolplex of daffodils for School such a wonderful calling the police. Don’t know adr i f t .” dents should be encouraged I woods. tainly appreciated your help. your wonderful personality, place for me to have fun for what would have happened if The school remains - it accept this change and do s at u rd ay, J u 1) H caring and excellent service. the last 21 years. you didn’t come along. Many will not “cease to exist,” as with pride. mock bake A fence full of daffodils to Lynda, Jim and George Love Sandi Paterson thanks. Ms. Jacquard suggest. How Laurel Luc I campfire s Gari baldi Electric and H H Shawn and Tom can a name change erase Garibaldi Highlanc ry the Moos McDonalds for their donation A slo-pitch diamond full of ritage Fes towards fencing and outside daffodi Is to our dedicated ;ht is co-si play equipment for the parent- coac h/manager Jeanne Taylor. Tender requested for man Par1 tot drop-in. Your optimistic outlook has ARCHITECT for the itre. H got us where we are today. A AMENDMENT TO THE 1998-2002 FOREST day, July An ad full of daffodils to cooler full of daffodils to Royal Canadian legion it be me. J( Mountain FM, Channel IO Sherry and Darren for keep- DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR FOREST LICENCE A19217 Diam0n.d Head Branch #277. An amendment to this plan is in process to adjust timber BE harvesting blocks. Forest licence A19217 is located within the Preliminary plans are available at TE Sealed Tenders, addressed to: So0 Timber Supply Area - Squamish Forest District. 40383 Tantalus Road, Garibaldi Wendy Mitchell Squamish River Watershed Society Cutblock No. Hectares Adjustment Geographic location Highlands, B.C. VON 1TO PO Box 1791 70 13.0 New So0 River drainaae or by calling Squamish BC VON 3G0 91 116.0 I New I So0 River drainaae I Install an And marked: 92 130.0 I New I So0 River drainage 1 604-898-3233 Tender for Squamish Area Fisheries Projects energy Will be received up to: from 9:OO A.M. to 3:OO P.M. Air Coni 2:OO p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, on July 13,2001 The 199812002 Forest Development Plan and the All-found hourly equipment charge-out rates are required on the All costs for architecture, structural, ;ALE 01 proposed amendment will be available for review on following specific pieces of equipment. Terms P 1. Tracked Excavator (Approx. Wt. 90 0001bs) mechanical and electrical engineering 2. Tracked Excavator (Approx. Wt. 50 000 Ibs) July 10,2001. The plan is available at JCH Forestry 3. Dozer (110-1 19 kW, 148-160 FWHP) Ltd. at No. 2 - 1160 Hunter Place, Squamish B.C. VON including inspections must be included. 4. Front End Loader (rubber tire 4x4, 3.5m’ bucket) 5. Tandem Axle Dump Truck (8.4m’ capacity) 360. - (604) 892-5484 or the Ministry of Forests - Squamish Forest District at 4200 loggers lane Closing dates for bids is For technical enquiries contact Harold Beardmore, P. Eng., Senior - Project Engineer at (604) 666-3602 or Jess6 Neri, Project Squamish (604) 898-2100. Written comments must July 16, 2001 at 1:00 P.M. Engineer at (604) 666-8182. Call be received at JCH Forestry Ltd. within 60 days of The Squamish River Watershed Society reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest tender will not necessarily be this date (July 10, 2001). accepted. Please call for an appointment. DOCUMENTS: Tender documents may be obtained from Joanne lsidro at (604) 666-6479. ‘I The Chief B Squamish, B.C. illslt Tuesday, July 10,2001 Ill 13

- Communitv Check out The Chief online at: - 1 w wwsquam ishc h ief xom 1


3 to ClubseesRp“s ng trol members t is - ~~ the BY IAN JACQUES hey The Chief the t is more than just dogs pt/: 604 938-1213 rformi ng tricks. :am TAX: 604 938-1252 rhe Sea to Canine just Sky Ill- EMAIL: COM f 0 R TlNCOL0 U R @HO TMAlL. COM borts Club is searching for uee w members as it tries to son invent itse I f. 3stablished in 1993, the ling rb has seen a drop-off in :mbers as of late. ga iich ’s basically a chance to )me t dogs and their owners iich t for exercise and for the gs to do something that uee :y usually all love,” said Bok ib member Sheri iich wman. “We seem to have ‘ere )re keen people who want CONTRIBLJEDn)THE CHIEF get involved, but we don’t Sea to Sky Canine SportsClub member Scooter scene in action at a recent event. for ie the dogs out trying to her npete.” primarily on speed, but our Drive) for practice and the be held in Spruce Meadows, ing ‘ you’ve ever seen the dogs do a lot more when club regularly attends com- AI berta in September. hes perdogs perform at the they go through the obstacle petitions, The club is holding and iust ;ific National Exhibition course and compete,” In fact, Newrnan’s dog informational meeting on - qE) then you have a pret- Newman said. ‘Scooter’ has just qualified July 18 at 6 p.m. for any new WE LEND MONEY TO hard-working business people wfth lest 5ood idea what the Canine The club meets every for the Canadian Nationals members. in dog agility and will be For more information, call Innovative Ideas and comprehensive - ib is all about. Wednesday night at 6 p.m. at business plans. The Superdogs are based ‘Little Fillies’ (1 00 I Finch going to the competition to Newman at 892-9809. if you believe you have an excellent business idea that requires financing contact our office TEL: 604.8925467 FAX: 604.89205227 DIl”ImI Yhat’s on tap at BC Provincial Parks pWPM€Nl le Y.OIPOUTION Maw SOUHD email: [email protected] 3, c Programs at Alice Lake children’s program earn your Clean up the site. Jerry’s 7:30 p.m. In the zone. After nc Provincial Park Let it be sticker and find out Rangers children’s program a day exploring the beach, -ogr-unzs start at. the how you can help wildlife. earn your People Pleaser you may have many questions Update of the Recreation Features tanc uhitheatre I Learn about the past and pre- sticker by learning what you as to what those strange iday,: July. 13, 3:00, p.m. sent animals that. call Alice can do to help everyone enjoy things that live there are. Inventory for Tree Farm License 38. she I e only pictures leave only Lake their home. Porteau Cove, including all Come rebuild the intertidal prid ’prints. Jerry’s Rangers Programs at Porteau the animals that live here. zone. Request for Public Input ime dren’s program, earn your Cove Provincial Park International Forest Products Limited (INTERFOR) is con- ;ate ve No, Trace sticker, by Psogrurns start at the ducting an update of the Recreation Features Inventory of iuci ning how our actions can Ampiiit/ienti-e the public lands in Tree Farm License (TFL) 38. located ime n wildlife, parks and Friday, July 13 3:OO p.m. north of Squamish and including the Squamish, Ashlu and ie c r-s and what you can do Veggie Walk. Enjoy a walk Elaho Rivers, Sims Creek and the Pemberton Icefield. gt around the park whi Ic Icarn- iuci it. The inventory update is being undertaken by RRL rrag 30 p.m. Hug a.tree and ing how to ID the native Recreation Resources Ltd., a consulting company special- :e c five. Know the basics of plants and trees of Porteau izing in outdoor recreation and visual landscape inventory . st1 t to do if you gct lost in Cove. Be prepared to walk to and planning work. The updated inventory will be used by ed t woods. the look-out point behind the INTERFOR and by the Ministry of Forests in future planning lo s turday, July 14, 7:30 p.m. walk-in sites. and management activities. nock bakc, butter churn 7:30 p.m. Bug mania. Peep campfire sing-along with into the wonderful world of To ensure important recreation features and activities are JUC SQUAMISH GAS CQ. LTD. (24 hours) at 604-892-5455 recognized and recorded, public input is requested. and y the Moose. This special bugs! Find out what makcs a BEFORE COMMENCING ANY EXCAVATION itage Festival bug a bug and what adapta- If you have information regarding specific features or - Family in downtown Squamish, Dentville, North Yards, Government Rd it is co-sponsorcd with tions they have to different Garibaldi Estates, Hospital Hill and Valleycliffe subdivisions. recreation activities that you would like to share, we want to hear from you! man Park Recrcation habitats. Experience mcta- We’ll mark buried gas lines. tre. morphosis through, guided Remember,. Safety First. To obtain a map of TFL 38, contact RRL Recreation I. day, July 15, 9:OO am. meditation. Resources Ltd., toll-free: 1-800-761-5737 or email: it be me. Jerry’s Rangers Saturday, July 14 300 p.m. SQUAMISH GAS CO. LTD. [email protected]. You can also write to us at: RRL Recreation Resources Ltd., 3156 Cobble Hill Road, RR#1 Cobble Hill, BC VOR 1LO. BEAT THE HEAT Submissions to the inventory update should be r,eceived THIS SUMMER, no later than August 10, 2001. SQUAMISH PUBLIC LIBRARY

nstall an affordable, energy efficient ;riles. Jdy IO,3-4 p.riz. e+ Srnr., jzily 15, 2-3 p.iiz. & Air Conditioner. Tburs.,Jdy I2, 7-8 p.m. Eres., jrrly I ,7, 7-8 p. 131. Type instead of Talk: E- Safe Surfing: Children & ALE ON NOW. Mail, Discussion Groups I 11terne t Safety Terms Available g & Char Rooins Wed.,J4ly I I, 3-4 p. rn. d. You’ve Got Questi o lis, We’ve Got Answers: Internet Q&A Period

Call Squamish Heating ilk Phone 832-3 1 10 for more dt.r;iils or io pre-register Ibr any of‘thcsr I’ree workshops fiiiided by Youth @BC 1’rovinci;il grant. Sheet Metal i $98.332 I This space is sponsored by . Serving the corridor for 36’years Squamish Credit Union & m For corn

W ww+

Basic Cable Tier 1 Digital Cable Only 2 CBUT - CBC Vancouver 23 CTVSN-P - 55 Movie Central 3 CLASS - AD Channel!VL 24 A&E - Arts & Entertainment 56 Adrenaline Drive I 4 KOMO - ABC Seattle 25 TNN - The National Network 57 Heartland Road 5 KING - NBC Seattle 26 TSN - 58 Shadow Lane I 6 CHEK - CTV Victoria 27 WDIV - NBC Detroit 59 WSBK - Boston Superstation I 7 KlRO - CBS Seattle 28 TLC - The Learning Channel 60 KTLA - LA Superstation a BCTV - CTV Vancouver 29 CNN - Cable News Network 61 WGN - Chicago Superstation -9 ClVT - Ind. Vancouver 30 WTN -Women's TV 62 START\/ 10 SClO - Local programming 63 CLT - Canadian Learning TV ' 11 Tier 2 12 KVOS - Ind. Bellingharri 31 Showcase 74 WPlX - N Y Superstation 13 CKVU - Global Vancouver 32 Life Network 75 Encore Avenue 14 ClTV - Ind. Edmonton 33 CNN Headline News 76 Comic Strip 15 KCPQ - FOX Tacoma 34 Discovery Channel 77 ROBTv - Report on Business 16 KCTS - PRS Seattle 35 Bravo 78 Playboy TV I- 17 KSTW - UPN Tacoma 36 WS- PBS Detroit 79 ATN - Asian. T\/ Network . 18 The WeatherNetwork 37 CNBC 80 Odyssey Greek Television :: 19 Treehouse TV 81 Fairchild Television 2 20 SRC - CBC Vancouver (Fr) Tier 3 82 BBC Newsworld i :: 21 CMT - Country Music TV 38 TELETOON 83 BET - Black Entertainment

* 22 YTV 39 Family Channel 84 Game Show Network 40 TBS Atlanta Superstation 85 court Tv CPAC 41 The Comedy Network 86 CN Sportsnet (West) APTN - Aboriginal TV 42 HGN- Home & Garden TV 87 CN Sportsnet (Pacific) i TVA Network 43 Food Network Canada 88 CTvSportsnet (East) MuchMusic 44 OLN - Outdoor Life Network 89 Family Channel (East) CBC Newsworld 45 History Television 90 Teletoon (East) 46 Space CNNewsNet 47 The 91-705 Pay Per Kew Vision N 48 Speedvision 106-1 18 NFL Sunday licket Tv5 49 Prime N 164 Talk Tv RDI 40 1-440 D MWGalaxie Music TSC - The Shopping Channel MuchMoreMusic BC Legislature Channels not listed in our TV grids are in italics. Lines BC News in the grids denote different tiers of cable service. Telelatino

I 7:OO I 7:30 I 8:OO I 8:30 I 9:OO I 9:30 I 1O:OO I 10:30 I I I 7:OO I 7:30 I 8:OO I 8:30 1 9:00 I 9:30 I 1O:OO I 10:30 I CBUT On Road Land Sea Fifth Estate "Hackers" Witness El National El & 0 011 ,,a (13 KOMO Fortune Jeopardy! Carey IDon't-Jack Carey ISpin City Beast 'Travinia" (N) KING Evening Hollywood Weakest Link El West Wing El Law & Order El CHEK Entert'nt Hollywood Whose? ]Whose? West Wing El Traders (In Stereo) El KlRO Entertain RealTV (N) 60 Minutes II El "Rockford Files: Murder & Misdemeanors" 7 : BCTV Fortune Jeopardy! Ed "Opposites Distract" West Wing El La Femme Nikita El ClVT Frasier 3rd Rock Felicity (In Stereo) El Carey ISpin City Law & Order El KNOW Garden Sporffish I'Tusto: To Rise Again Kid Nerd El Ways-Live IBirth .m I KVOS Suddenlv Mad Movie: ** "A Return to Salem's Lot" (1 987) 'seinfeld ISeinfeld $JloI CKVU (Entertain IAddams IMalcolm lBob (Titus El IFamily Guy lBig Sound 13rd Rock , 1 ClTV IGilmore Girls El IJack & Jill (N) El ~NYPDBlue (News El ]Sportsnight I KCPQ IFriends IFriends JMalcolrn IGrounded JTitus El /Family Guy JNewsEl I KCTS IEurope ITravels 1 National Geographic ]History-Chickn (Nautilus (Part 1 of 5) KSTW Frasier Seinfeld 1StarTrek: Voyager El IStar Trek: Voyager El Home Imp. ]M*A*S*H CBFT Tam Tam Cinema: "Mon ami Willy 3: Le sauvetage" (1 997) IChroniques Le TeIejournallLe Point YTV Mona Witch Dragon-Z /Radio Act Big Wolf /Student Freaky IGoosebmp SNET Golf Report Sportsnet Pete Rose Bill Buckner Sportscentral A&E City Confidential (N) Law & Order El Biography: Edna American Justice I I TNN I(6:OO) * "SnakeEater" (Martial Law El lMiami Vice (In Stereo) Istarsky and Hutch I

a3 BVO "ThisBoys" IBravonews INYPD Blue El Homicide: Life "Slapstick-Kind" ? rn WTVS Mystery!: Hetty I Served /Keep Up Charlie Rose El Workshop ]Old House lFin I I TOON IEd. Edd labout Mimi lAnaela IMeaa Bab. ISimDsons lFor Better IX-Men IQuadsl I 1"Three Men and a Little Lady" El I"Five I I FAM IFamous IALFEl (Honey . IAfraid? 1(9:35) Mol . ... . , -190) - EBI I WTBS (Baseball IMovie: * ktx "Next of Kin" (1989, Drama) vie: "Air America" IlC I COM ISCTV /Laughs lKids in Hall lKids in Hall /Man Show /Politically IOpen Mike El I 1 HGTV (House /One House (Calling All Gardeners ]Martha S. /Resign I House /One House I I HGTV (House IDesigner IGarden I Pools IMartha S. (Design I House IDesigner I FOOD IKostick ]Inn Chef ]Cook IBackyard IEmeril Live IMartha IMartha @I I FOOD (Foodessnc IlnnChef /Cook /Backyard IEmeril Live /Martha IMartha 4 OUTD Cycling: Tour de France Extremists IBoard Wild Aquanauts IBody Flux [Top Dogs (N) Q OUTD Cycling: Tour de France Action ]Ride Guide Aquanauts IBody Flux IT0 Be Announced -. !i I HlST Louisbourg Tour of Duty Canadians ILouisbourg ,a HlST U-Boats (Part 1 of 3) Tour of Duty War Stories "Dogfight" !&Boats (Part 1 of 3) *! SPACE Star Trek: Voyager E X-Files "Leonar~lBetts" Movie: * k "Meteor" (1979) Sean Connery. SPACE Star Trek: Voyager El X-Files "Detour" El Movie: ** "The Day Time Ended" (1980) GOLF European GolfCentrl Golf Academy f.ive Viewer's Forum European GolfCentrl GOLF PGA Golf IGolfCentrl European PGA Golf: Loch Lornond World Invitational IGoIfCentrl SPEED Jet Skiing Classics Aviation IAir Power Planes of Fame Ship Shape Powerboat m SPFFO Auto Racina: USAR SBK 2001 IMotorWeek IMuscle Car IE-Classics lAuto Racina: USAR PRIME Business Porthole All-Family 1 All-Family 3's Co. /Golden M'A*S*H M*A*S*H I PRIME IBusiness lCan Travel ]All-Family (All-Family 13's Co. IGolden IM*A*S*H IM*A*S*H I 12:OO * x "Benefit of the Doubt" (1 993, Suspense) 10:35 m * * * x "My Favorite Year" (1 982, Comedy) 11:15 a **x "My Name Is Joe" (1998)

12:15 "The Tale of Sweeney Todd'' (1 998) 11 :00 m * "Private School" (1983. Comedvl 11:30 m-- lTil * * "A PaDer Weddina"w. (1990. m * 1o:oo 4 12:30 "Paperback Romance" (1 994, 11 :30 Q x "Ma Vie en Rose" (1997: Drama) Comedy-Drama) ma a 0 * * fi * * * (1 946, Dram: Comedy) 11 :45 m * * "Kiss the Sky" (1998) 11 :40 * * * "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdpme" I 11:55 "Le Chant des baleines" (1994, (1 985, Adventure) I "Poirot: b * * * 'The Bride With White Hair" (1993, ** 10:45 Fantasy) Drame) 11:45 m "A Certain Smile" (1 958, Drama) *x' * * * 11:30Suspense) OQ 4 1:00 It * x "My Dear Secretary" (1948, Comedy) 12:OO (D * * * 'The Bride With White Hair II" (1993, 12:Ol rn "Trip Trap" (1 996, Drama) Fantasy) 12:25 "Aventures en coulisses" (1995, 1:30 a * * * "Pennies From Heaven" (1936, m@J * * "E Musical).,. . 12:15 @j "Antonio Gaudi" (1 985, Documentary) Com. dramatique) *** * * * About**n Sex "A((B 1 :37 Iil:.7 I * * "Boys Will Be Boys" (1 997, 12:30 0 * * * "Biloxi Blues" (1 988, Comedy- 1250 Q Q * * x "Army of Darkness" (1 992, Horror) a Comedy) Drama) 1 :30 m ..':Acts of Betrayal" (1 997) 1 :00 m "84 Charing Crpss Road" (1 987, 1 :37 : "French Exit" (1995, Comedy) Comedy) * * * a -7 * * rn * * * "JC WEDNESDAY Drama) 12:25 "L JULY 11,2001 1 "Nowhere Land" (1 998) FRIDAY :30 982, Come( EVENING 1 :35 ;7 ) "Final Cut" (1985, Suspense) JULY 13,2001 (1 a * * 12:30l:oo (D **1 1 :45 * * * "Dutchman" (1966, Drama) EVENING am * 6:OO S "SnakeEater" (1989, Adventure) 1:48 "The Sound of One Hand Clapping" * * +x 1:30 Q TUESDAY "Seven Times a Day" (1 971 , Comedy) (1 998, Drama) 6:OO m "Poirot: Murder in Mesopotamia" (2001, **' * "Secret P JULY 10,2001 "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery) a a * *x 1:37 I EVENING Mystery" (1 997, Comedy) THURSDAY "Wargames" (1983, Drama) m(7: a * * * Comedy) "Blackheart" (1 998) JULY 12,2001 @ * "Gone in Sixty Seconds" (2000) 6:OO ** "Shattered" (1991, Suspense) 7:30 (7J * * w "Mon ami Willy 3: Le sauvetage" EVENING 7:30 a * *x "Shoot to Kill" (1988, Adventure) * * * "Anywhere but Here" (1999) (1 997, Aventures) 8:OO Q * t * n "From Russia With Love" (1963, SATURDAY 7:30 (B * * * "Steel Magnolias" (1 989, Comedy- JULY 14,20 8:OO (D Q * * "A Return to Salem's Lot" (1987, 7:30 a * x "Next of Kin" (1989, Drama) $ Drama) Unrrnr\ EVENING I IUI IUl) 8:OO m * "Held Up" (2000) Adventure)"Coming Home" (1 998, Drama) 9:00 f * n "A Star Is Born" (1 976, Musical) "Tunnel" (2000) 9:00 x "Three Men and a Little Lady" (1 990, "Steel Dawn" (1 987, Science Fiction) * * ID * * 6:OO QD m * * * "The Virgin Suicides" (1999) 9:00 08 "The Rockford Files: Murder and Comedy) m "ww3"(2001, Suspense) **' 1O:OO * * * "Bert Rigby, You're a Fool" (1 989, (1 988, Advent Misdemeanors" (1997, Drama) I 9:30 "Camouflage" (1 999) "Most Wanted" (1997, Suspense) m 0 * n 6:30 Musical) €H * x "The Wizard" (1 989, Drama) 9:35 a * * n "Air America" (1 990, Adventure) m * * n "Small Time Crooks" (2000) **n 7:OO (D I' QB * *x "Dying to Remember (1993, Suspense) 1O:OO (il "Une Epoque Formidable" (1 991, 9:00 "The Three Musketeers" (1 993, t* a * * "Summer School" (1987, Comedy) * * * a * * n ***Yt 10:45 Bi) 'Sacrifice" (1 999) 1 0:OO m * *:s The Sound of One Hand Clapping" Comedy-Drama) Adventure) 11:30 "Trial and Retribution 111" (1999, 8:OO @#Q* (1998, Drama) @ * * "Slapstick of Another Kind" (1984, Comedy) a * * * Wargames" (1 983, Drama) Suspense) 'Woman in the Dunes" (1964, Drama) 10:30 "Five Days One Summer" (1 982, 9:45 (D "The Sex Thief" (1974, Adult) IDQ mo m * * * * * * x Science Fictioi 11 :45 @ * * x "Bitter Sweer (1 933, Drama) m "Fall" (2000) Drama) * "Maximum Overdrive" (1 986, Horror) r 0 "TheHour m(fi) ***r ...... Look for these flyers in today’s issue of on your doorstep on The Chiefi Saturday Bargain! Shop Save-On- Foods The Voice CALL DENISE AT 892-9161

I 1

I’A’S’H /Le Point ioosebmp

3eports lutch llotoring .ate Night ry -xtitute” ;kin Deep j

I I 7:OO I 7:30 I 8:OO I 8:30 I 9:00 I 9:30 I 1O:OO I 10:30 I Flrsda N

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’I 1O:OO a * * * x “Anna and the King of Siam” m Q * * x “Out for Justice” (1991, Drama) 11 :50 m * * x “Hamburger Hill” (1 987, Drama) 1-ome” (1946, Drama) m * x “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle” 6:OO ID Q * * * x “Anne of Green Gables” (1985, 12:30 El * * ‘x “Blame It on the Bellboy” (1992, I m “Poirot: Murder in Mesopotamia” (2001, Mystery) (2000) Drama) Comedym * *) * “Double Jeopardy” (1999) “Midnight Madness“ Comedy) ima) 10:45 * x (1 980, 9:OO a * * “Escape From L.A.” (1 996, _, Q * * * “Grease” (1978, Musical) 11:30 0 Q * * * * “North by Northwest“ (1959, Adventure) ($j * * * “An Officer and a Gentleman” (1982, 1 :00 m “The Big Heist” (2001, Drama) 995, Suspense) a “The Other Me” (2000, Comedy) Drama) 1 :15 * * x “The Keeper“ (1 996, Drama) a * * * “Everything You Always Wanted to Know * * * “The War Wagon” (1 967, Western) m * * “The Great Escape 11: The Untold Story” 2:12 €lJ* * * “Barfly” (1 987, Comedy-Drama) , Horror) About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask)” (1972, Comedy) * * “The Great Escape 11: The Untold Story” (1988, Adventure) a * *x “Adventures in Babysitting” (1987, (1 988, Adventure) m * * “Never Been Kissed” (1 999) MONDAY Comedy) 9:15 (g “Dave” (1993, Comedy) !dY) * ** 7:OO * * “Goldrush: A Real-Life Alaskan JULY 16,2001 @j * It * “Jesus’ Son” (1999) 9:30 * * * “The Thomas Crown Affair“ (1999) Adventure” (1998, Adventure) EVENING 12:25 “Le Gendarme et les gendarmettes” 1O:OO Q * * * x “Roman Holiday” (1953, Comedy- m “The Arrow” (1 997, Adventure) (1982, Comedie) Drama) 7:25 a * * “Sniper“ (1993, Drama) 6:30 m “3 a.m.” (2001) / 12:30 (~JJ “Seeds of Doubt” (1996, Suspense) fx“Nightwatch” (1998, Suspense) ,/ * * a 8:OO HQ * * x “Legends of the Fall” (1994, 7:30 * * x “Red Heat” (1 988, Drama) 1 :00 (D * * * ”Kika” (1 993, Comedy-Drama) 10:30 * * x “A Spaceman in King Arthur’s Court” Drama) 8:OO ID * * “White Hot: The Mysterious Murder 1:30 Q * * ‘Crossing the Bridge” (1992, Drama) (1979, Comedy) * * * “Private’s Progress” (1955, Comedy) of Thelma Todd” (1991 , Drama) 1 a “Secret Places” (1 996) 11 :00 a * * x “Next of Kin” (1989, Drama) ID Q * *x “The Five Heartbeats” (1991, Comedy- m a * x “La Tribu de Krippendorf” (1998, 1:37 (7 * x “The Undertaker‘s Wedding” (1 997, 11:15 ** * “The Candidate” (1972, Drama) Drama) Comedie) Comedy) 11:30 * * “The Messenger: The Story of Joan of m * “Coyote Ugly” (2000) 9:OO “What We Did That Night” (1999, Drama) Arc” (1999) I re) 8:30 * * * * “Terms of Endearment” (1983, a * * * “Forget Paris“ (1995, Comedy) 9631 SATURDAY 11:55 m (TJ * * “XXL” (1997, Combdie) Drama) a * * * “VictorNictoria” (1982, Comedy) JULY 14,2001 12:OO a@ * * “In Love and Waf (1996, Dpma) 9:00 QQ *i “I Still Know What You Did Last m “Mindstorm” (2001) ? EVENING 12:25 (El Q * * * x “Sabrina“ (1954, Comedy) Summer“ (1998, Horror) 9:30 * x “Cyborg Cop 11” (1994, Science Fiction) ztion) 1:00 a * * x “Alive” (1993, Drama) 0 Q) “To Live Again” (1 998, Drama) 1O:OO m * * * * “On the Town” (1 949, Musical) 6:OO QD * * “The Great Escape 11: The Untold Story“ * * “Rage at Dawn” (1955, Western) ID (jZJ * * +. x “Superman 11” (1980, Fantasy) 10:45 m * “Saint Jude” (2000) se) (1 988, Adventure) * x “Nightwatch” (1998, Suspense) m * * * “Mr. Destiny“ (1990, Comedy) 11 :00 oil * * * “Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait 6:30 * * n “The Road to El Dorado” (2OOO) a * * * “The Horse Soldiers” (1 959, Adventure) m ** ‘The Great Escape It: The Untold Story“ of Francis Bacon” (1 998, Drama) 7:OO (D .+ “Middle Age Crazy“ (1 980, Comedy) 1 :30 3, * . * * x “The Wild One” (1954, Drama) (1988, Adventure) 11 :30 m * * x “The Hard Way” (1 991 , Comedy) Om * * * “The Train Robbers” (1973, Western) 1:35 EB 7 : “Musketeers Forever“ I1 998. Action)-, 9:25 a * * * * “Platoon” (1986, Drama) 11 :45 a * * * “I Never Sang for My Father (1 970, 8:M @#Q* * * ”Funny Face” (1957, Musical) 2:OO ‘.**x “Heavy Metal 2060”’(20od) 1O:OO * * * * ‘The Cider House Rules” (1999) Drama) &#Qm 0 * * * x “Jurassic Park“ (1 993, 10:30 m * * “Oh God! You Devil” (1 984, Comedy) 12:15 m “Tunnel“ (2000) ’~ Science Fiction) SUNDAY 11 :00 * * * “Barfly“ (1987, Comedy-Drama) 1250 @ * * “Ma femme s’appelle Reviens” r 0 “‘The Hound of the Baskervilles” (2000, Mystery) JULY 15,2001 * * * “Final Analysis” (1 992, Suspense) (1982, Comedie) Q ~t* * n “Superman” (1978, Fantasy) EVENING 11:25 *** “lf...”(l968, Drame) 1:00 a *** ‘The Captive Heart” (1946, Drama) 16 S Tuesday, July IO, 2001 The Chief iifi Squamish, B.C. - "- "... Community -. Fa N Grade Eight Meghan Kindree Craig H. Little Mathias Rutishauser summc Principal's List (4.0 GPA) Melanie Jean Patchell Tamara Loney Jennifer Smith please Rehana Bajwa Jane Christlynsern Robes Ashley Mawer Chengxi Zhang an iten Andrew Draper Harbinder Singh Sangha Taylor Mc Kechnie First Class Honours (3.5- Squam Michelle Leblanc Scott Sellers Amos Mercuro 3.9 GPA) chase 1 Cristina Maria Luengo Stacy Leah Smith Alexandra Metzler Lisa Becker coup01 Jason Saniuel Patchell Elisha Jinwon Yoon Kelly Moran Erin Borsoff supem Esther Chaewon Yoon Donavan Kurt Pereira Philip Crozier There i First Class Honours (3.5 - Jesse Pettersen Rajbir Dhaliwal vidual$ 3.9 GPA) First Class Honours (3.5- Karly Virginia Pickering Navdeep Kaur Gill who dc Christie Lee Carrigan 3.9 GPA) Kyle Reimer Caitlin Gugins Bank tc Heather Evelyn Gee Navjot Basra Danielle Russell Jesse Allan Hackett month. Sarena Elizabeth Golaiy Jeremy Childs Nadine Roxanne Ryan Jennifer Hossack is distn Megan Hackett Karmjot Deol Miriam Sapien Lindsay Hubley to I p.1 Mark James Rory Fulber Colin Saurette . Robyn Luscombe Second Russell Emerson Laforest Amandeep Haer Scot Schultheiss Samantha Mills cheque Anthony McLane Michael Andrew Jenni ngs Joanne Mavee Smith Sarah Osborne Julie Alice Enkel Tim Schaap welcon Krystyna Halin Naszynska Sajeeda Kuthdoos Christopher Somerville Jill So0 Jodie Lee Errington Anna Sibayan Schmidt to the 5 Natasha Muriah Newman Sonny Sandhu Chanel St. Cyr Brian Michael Tichauer Bryn Evans Tara Smith Box 20 Georgina Ray Gurjit Singh Thiara Erica Stevenson Aliesha Timms Aaron Fulber Shaela Twiss 3GO. Rena Kaur Sangha Michelle Faye Thorne Pritpaul Sundher Michael Turner Heather Victoria Gordon Andrew Christopher Wilson Nadine Elizabeth Sykora Behzad Toosi Reid Edward Taylor Jeani ne Wiebe Michael Hewitt D The S Janette Lee Wiebe Jessica Vanderhoef Becky Hughson Technolonvurn award Library Honour Roll (3.0-3.4 Harinder Singh Virk Honour Roll (3.0-3.4 Rina Ingraham * winners - net tuto GPA) Honour Roll (3.0-3.4 Steven Wall ace GBA) Serena Karwatski a.m. to GPA) Michael Whale Travis Booth The three recipients of this Amy Lyne Blackburn Erika Liechti year's Senior Technology p.m. an Laura Ashely Carrobourg Russell Adams Jennine Wilson Lauren Brown Kristen McBride from I Heather Elizabeth Clarkson Laura Wilson award were missed from the Dayna Reece Craig Gillian Bullen Betsabe Mercuro awards list from Howe Sound p.m. to Lindsay Marie Gallaher Samantha Cooper Graham Parker Wright Shane Carmichael Vanessa Molloy hour sei Danna Rosamund Laforest Secondary School in the Kyle Richard Grundy .~ Amy Leigh Clarkson Tara Moran 'Chief (June 19). at the li Candice Elizabeth Heywood Marc Lynch Grade 12 Ashley Craig Linnea Ofstie 892-31 1 Kara Palmer Principal's List (4.0 GPA) Melissa Cyr This year's winners were Jonathan Michael Levasseur Heather Ray Chris Acorn, Kevin Goodwin Ian James Turner John Joseph Blackburn ' Ryan Anthony Lidstone David DeRusha Rebecca Ray and Tim Schaap. There Randy Marshall McHale Sarah Kristina Wilson Rosemary Morgan Jatinder Dhaliwal Erica Saurette dren to, reading Library charge t Prizes v through( and spec presen te Natasha Megan Ackerman Jenna Galley club me Jonathan Fraser Ronnie Singh Gill August. Lori Wood in an Andrew Giliis drop in 1 M aim i e Wood m an Ashley Hogg Thursda Shawn Thomas Zander James Kirkham a.m. for Sebastian Oreamuno aged chi First Class Honours (3.5- Ramandeep Sandhu Babies c 3.9 GPA) Trevor Schofield 16 from Inderpal Singh Basra Janet Elizabeth Shivas a.m. eac Gurinder Dhaliwal A in a r Ta k har This pi Gurvinder Gary Dhaliwal Liwen Wang newborn Jmie Jasjeet Gill Iris Haewon Yoon with thei Gagandeep Kaur Kaler wish mo Christoph Peter Mayer First Class Honours (3.5- these prc Laurel-Ann Vibeke Rice 3.9 GPA) the librar Tara Suzanne Rivard Chelsea Ai nscough Shannon Denise Rosser Kelsey Biln Ricky Mandip Sandhu Cheryl Caldwell Gaganjii Kaur Sanghera Tyler George Caldwell Can; Christina Smith Rachel Chou I Carmen Amelia Totino Derek Green Met i a Wa fl er Angelique Gregg rTi Jennifer Hnetka Honour Roll (3.0-3.9 Bri-Ann Hoyrup ildren may now be able to qualify for.El regular benefits like other workers. Enjoyed I Leanne Lam GPA) troactive to October I, 2000. and stal'l' Stephen Bond Thomas Lowe .. so they v Angela Bowack Stephanie Magee side. Kailey Ann Bruckshaw Sean Nelson Self-employed fishers can now benefit fully from the changes made to maternity, They w Dilveer Kaur Dhaliwal Amy Margaret Pawlett parental and sickness benefits. Retroactive to December 31, 2000. Brittany9ilsa Yal Sundeep Kaur Dhaliwal Sonja Pedersen Nicole Eleanor Gee Emily Scarfo ivith Kar, Bobby Heath ng up or M at t he w J o 11 r~&ees t erm an Honour Roll (3.0-3.4 0 play tt. R ai 11 an a Kut h doos GPA) %ce mid-June, Human Resources Development Canada'has been automatically hums. T Erika Ainelunxen Aiince Malinger issuing retroactive payments for adjustments to El claims affected by the changes. ippreci at Cody Douglas Miller Rosanne Amor Tantal Sandra Mohan Jennifer Boyd ''he Canada Customs and Revenue Agency will forward retroactive payments for NOWthi Adam Nicholas Pereira Trevor Braun clawback (2000 taxation year) automatically in about two months. ind pcop Melissa Petruk Chantelle Anne Browne io1 i days, (I The intensity rule, which gradually reduces the basic benefit rate of 55% to 50% for frequent El users, proved to be ineffective and was removed. Bobby Sangha Matthew Steven Carrat hc ccntrc Melissa Mehawn Sprenkels Meghan Doyle vi11 rcsui Kelly Valentine Wilson Jason Durig kptcin bc Barbara Mary Dworak Thc Ccr Grade 10 Amit Bharat Giri Ipcn Mor Principal's List (4.0 GPA) Michelle Heizmann p.m. Sonia Bajwa Lisa Jensen Anyonc Jasvir Kaur Dosanjh Dasmeshpreet Kaur Kooner onic in a Rajinder Kaur Grewal Natalie Anne Lake ny othcr Julie Anne Harrington Amanda Brianne Larson njoy a ci Lydia Lacey Lebel Human Resources Wveloppement des Deborah Michelle Howe I Development Canada resources humaines Canada A barbcl Prabhdeep Kaur Kang Carrie Leah Lemcke * rn The Chief IIC Squamish, B.C. 11111 Tuesday, July IO, 2001 I[ 17 Communitv Sg uamish - L ill0 o e t Region a I Dis tric t Box 219A 350 Aster Street, Pemberton, BC, VON-2L0 Til: (604) 894-637 I Fax: (604) 894-6526 ernail:[email protected] Notice of Public Hearing By-law 714 - Howe Sound East Sub-Area 3 Plan Food bank donations needed PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 890 of the Local any parents and w Government Act that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held on Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at S youngsters will be Due to circumstances 7:OO p.m. in the Britannia Beach Community Centre, Britannia Beach, BC to consid- Moff on vacation this beyond their control, the staff Maureen er the following By-law: summer but before you go, at the Brennan Park Gilmour 1. Electoral Area D Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 714, 2001: please remember to donate Recreation Centre had to The purpose of this plan amendment is to amend the Electoral Area D Official an item or two to the cancel the Heritage Festival Community Plan No. 495 to incorporate land use policies and map designations Squamish Food Bank or pur- and Swap Meet planned for for the Howe Sound East area consistent with the principles established in the chase B.C. Produce share July 14. They apologize for Electoral Area D Official Community Plan. The Howe Sound East Sub-Area 3 coupons available in the any inconvenience. Plan redesignates the Britannia Beach area from “Special Planning Area” to supermarkets at $2 each. - The Recreation-- - - Centre~- still ABOUT TOWN ‘*Planned Community” as shown on the map below. The sub-area plan There are families and indi- has available spots in the ...... *....**..... viduals in our community Extreme Summer Camp for prised and pleased at the contains policies and land use designations for Britannia Beach, as well as gen- who depend on the Food preschoolers (3-5 years) from feedback from the audience eral policies for Furry Creek and Porteau Cove. Bank to help them out each Aug. 20-23 and for youths following their performance The Plan’s primary focus is on planning for the future of Britannia Beach, and month. Wednesday, July 18 (6-14 years) from Aug. 27- of Tribute to Broadway. includes provisions for future development of between 1650 and 2000 new is distribution day from noon 30. Gymnastic camp has w housing units, policies to encourage retention of the historic Britannia Beach to I p.m. in the Elk’s Hall on openings in the intermediate , Other summer fun for chil- residential area, policies for provision of park land and community amenities, Second Avenue. Cash or and advanced class from July dren at the Brennan Park policies to promote tourist commercial business and business that serves the cheque donations are always 16-20 and beginner I. Recreation Centre are: golf needs of the local community, and policies relating to industrial development, welcome and can be mailed Register at the BP Recreation , lessons, babysitting training transportation, infrastructure servicing, environmentally sensitive areas, heritage t to the Squamish Food Bank, Centre or call 898-3604 for camp, gymnastics camp, resources, natural hazards and environmental contamination. Box 2052, Squamish VON more information. swim lessons, aqua smorg With respect to Furry Creek, the objective is to continue to recognize the 3GO. w. and kids camp. Planned Community designation, and encourage adequate provision of commu- Vi 1son Cele brat i ng fi rs t birthdays There are also golf lessons nity facilities and public open space as development proceeds. Regarding The Squamish Public this week are - Zak Keeler for adults offered, basic Porteau Cove, general policy statements relating to making provision for the s Library is offering free inter- today, July IO, and Alyssa drawing classes and herb development, either by First Nations or non-aboriginal developers, of a livable - net tutoring Sundays from 10 Horth, Wednesday, July I I. walks. Phone 898-3604 for community compatible with other Howe Sound East developments are included of this a.m. to noon and I p.m. to 4 w more details. in the plan. p.m. and Monday-Thursday A great way for your fami- H nology The area covered by By-law 714 is outlined on the following map: om the from I p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 ly to celebrate the millenni- The annual Squamish Sound p.m. to 8 p.m.-Book your one um and your family’s immi- Loggers Sports Days are fast in the hour session by dropping in gration to Canada is by pur- approaching. at the library or by phoning chasing a plaque that will be Last year, a National Swiss --&‘ii 892-3 mounted in the just recently television crew was in British i were I IO. iodwin w opened Colonist Car at the Col um bi a fi Im i ng Whi stler, There is still time for chil- West Coast Railway Heritage the Vancouver area, the -. . dren to join the summer Park. The cost per family Cariboo and some wonderful reading club at the Squamish name is $30 and will include coverage of the Squamish Library and there is no a certificate and an income Loggers Sports. Britannia charge to join the club. tax deductible receipt. The video was sent to Prizes will be awarded Do take your family and Nancy McCartney of the 3 throughout July and August guests to the Heritage Park Loggers Sports Committee and special medals will be this summer as it is a won- and she, in turn, lent it out to presented to 60 lucky reading derful place to spend a cou- Daniel Gloor (Sunflower

~ i,: :;.I. i club members at the end of , ple or three hours touring the Bakery) and he and some of .. August. Book Time for Kids cars and other exhibits, rid- his Swiss friends thoroughly drop in is held each ing the mini-rail, visiting the enjoyed watching it. 1’’ .!I Thursday from 10 a.m. to I I Brightbill House, meeting I borrowed the video from From Special Planning Area (SPA) a.m. for elementary school- the cordial staff members Nancy and I admit I did b To Planned Community (PC) aged children. Books for and enjoying a sandwich or some “fast forwarding’ as I . . Babies will be resuming July snack at the Beanery. didn’t understand the lan- 7 .... :iI .: ;--I 16 from I I a.m. to I1:30 H guage but the music, singing !- _...... 1’ Along with other entertain- (including a choir singing at Furry Cr6ekb. s a.m. each Monday. I ment, the Sea to Sky Singers the top of a mountain at This program is for infants e newborn to 18 months old were invited to take part in Whistler) and scenery is ..s as with their caregivers. If you the opening of My Place, the absolute I y spec t ac u 1ar. Check b -7 *. Maurice Young Millennium with Nancy at Garibaldi e wish more information on b these programs please call Place in Whistler on June 26. Graphics if you are interested . the library at 892-3 1 IO. The choir members were sur- in viewing the video. Canada Day activities were enjoyed by all

Hill top House planned for Aug. 3. This s ,. a he Canada Day cele- was a lot of fun last year as .. .e brations at Hilltop you can see by pictures that s a House were greatly are on the wall. s* # T s mjoyed by all the rcsidents Thiq year it is a nautical . s # ind stall. It was a nicc day theme so get on your think- s. 1- - s $0they were able to be out- ing caps. s. LEGEND ;ide. Evcryone bring their own I s. They would like to thank mcat to barbecuc plus their .- . ‘.** OVER THE HILL i* 4ilsa Yaky, daughters own bevcrages. The rest of ..s.*...s.*...*.....e*...... *..s.**.* *.8. ’; 500 0 500 1000 Meters 3rittany and Shelby along the menu will bc supplied. Sept. I6 - a boat trip to .. I: with Karyn Runzcr lor com- The cost will be announced Pitt Lake. Elainc says this ng up on such short noticc in a later column once looks to be a good one. A copy of the proposed By-law and relevant background documents may be o play the bagpipes and details are finalized. Call Elaine at 898-5463 inspected at the Regional District Office, 1350 Aster Street, Pemberton, B.C. Irums. They were much Tantalus Walking Club for inorc trips coming up. during office hours 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday (excepting Public ippreciatcd by all. This Thursday, July 12, This Thursday, July 12, Holidays) July 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23 and 24, 2001. A copy of the .Tantalus Seniors Centre thc Prostatc Canccr Support the Lcgion will hold its Notice and proposed by-law may also be viewed at the District of Squamish Now that summcr is hcrc group will mcct in the bingo in the Elks Hall. Municipal Office, 37955-2nd Avenue, Squamish, B.C. .nd pcoplc arc going on Tantalus Scniors Centre at 7 Doors opcn at 5 p.ni. Ganics iolidays, thc programs at p.m. All intcrcstcd partics The Public Hearing is to be chaired by Area D Director Pam Tattersfield as a del- start at 6:45 p.m. Evcryonc egate of the SLRD Regional Board. A copy of the Board resolution making the tic ccntrc havc ccasc but arc wclcoriie to attcnd. co ine. wc I delegation is available for public inspection along with copies of the Electoral vill rcsuinc again in Branch #70 Bus Trips Gct well wislics to Bill kptcmbcr. July 20 - Rivcrboat Area D Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 714, 2001 as set out in Lavoic in hospital. this notice. Thc Ccntrc‘still will bc July 25 - Forcvcr Plaid Condolenccs to thc fiuiii- pcn Monday to Friday I - on Granvillc Island lics of Patricia Andrcws and All persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by the pro- p.m. Au~.I8 - Agatha Lorraine Kovlaske who posed By-laws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to pre- Anyonc is wclcornc to Christic at 11ic Stanlcy passcd away rcccntly. sent written submissions respecting matters contained in the By-laws at the onw in and play crib or Aug. 28 - P.N.E. Elaine to Public Hearing. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you are invited to for- . Also condolcrices Irving ny othcr gamcs or -just has planncd this for thc Alcxandcr and fkinily on thc ward written submissions to the Regional District Office in advance of the Public njoy a cup of coffcc. cvcning so you can takc in passing of’ his niothcr in Hearing date. A barbccuc is bcing thc I‘ircworks. Langlcy. Steven Olmstead, Manager of Planning & Development m ~.___.,.__,I___,_.__" -..__ . -...... _I_L____._L. ~ __._-_ -_..*.I- .. -...... ___...______I_ ____.__._.______.__I______.___.___._ __ . - ..- . ..

18 Tuesday, July IO, 2001 IThe Chief Squamish, B.C...... , .. . ,'

., I i ...

I Your garden IS a haven for serenitv garden provides in the midst manipulate elements to get a long enough to observe and of our hectic lives. more natural feeling. enjoy our surroundings can While we all ...... It often . seems we bringshape and meaning hold this to be "A haven is the objective is to our lives. our ideal, it is to do the work These objectives are most sce very interesting Only that if i? rather than to easily attained in the garden ma to note that very enjoy the end if we take time to enjoy what few gardeners is used as resu I t. we have created...... GREEN THUMBS UP actually use their such." The pace of our My father, approaching the 'hilc the act of gar- own havens as society is so fast end of his life, laments not dening means that - we're far -San@ra today and we spending more time in his something differ- too focused on Davis spend our lives garden. MYSt W the weeds or ...... on the run, often I reminded him that he and a cnt to everyone, most of us to in share a common purpose - chores left be too great a spent time there everyday. sure, n thc desire to create a haven done to enjoy these pockets hurry to savor and define the He smiled and shook his a grei of scrcnity from the busy of tranquillity we creatc. kinds of meaningful interac- head slowly. Filmed outside world. Human naturc compels us tions and activities that Nor working, he said, Last Serenity, it sccms, is what to constantly change our sur- define being human. enjoying the sanctuary he the loc fceds our spirits and what roundings, rarely can we We often rush through our had worked so bard to cre- DARRENGALLAGHE~HE CHIEF Featurc truly makes us human. leave an outdoor space as is. lives, forgetting to nurture ate. Mayor Corinne Lonsdale drew the six winners Mount We all nced the increasing- Even in the wildest of gar- ourselves and our families. A haven is only that if it is in the Squamish Scouts raffle June 19 as members of Di rec ly scarce peaceful spaces a den settings, we constantly Only by slowing ourselves used as such. the troupe looked on. 4drian woduc

;tory I ;earchi ;ure a :lues \ nap. The inexpe is the 'riends iefore )eat thl "It's :n t husi 'Mix tl hop c lave a ;reat SI Polo i ,hootin Jancoi

R LC nev


Made ew pr lanadi lead 1 iembe fficers Also ice-prl rennet1 Sklar Sofa & Loveseat Sling Chair 4400 Queen ent N< Contemporary Sty1ing. 8880° & Ottoman Comforters xretai

The Car&& GENTRE fSllECK Q 1595 Marine Drive 990-6788

' +Savings claims shown in this ad compare our replar prices for newlundamaged merchandise to demonstrators, floor models, one-of-a-kinds 8 discontinued merchandise of the.same description. Personal shopping only. Illustrations for representation only. Quantities limited. See in store for details. The Chief Squamish, B Tuesday, July 10, 2001 Find Volunteers Communitv Through Youth Community Action

If you are a: Registered Non-Profit Public Sector Educational Institute Hospital or Local Health Board Squamish is the Local Municipality scene for local You may be eligible for this program movie Treasure NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Mountain (604) 988-3766 1-877-518-2200 [email protected] BY IANJACQUES www.youth.gov. bc.ca YWCA The Chief www.onestoDcareersiioD.bc.ca 01 Vhncouvcr Mystery, intrigue, mischief and a hunt for hidden trea- WE’RE RECRUITING CARRIERS sure, make the ingredients for a great new movie being filmed in Squamish. Last week filming began on the locally shot and produced J CHIEF feature film Treasure ers Mountain. rs of Directed and produced by Adriane Polo, along with co- producer Dan Cassel I, the story sees two young girls J Extra Income J Outdoor Exercise searching for the hidden trea- sure after stumbling upon J Develops a responsible attitude in youth clues which leads them to a map. The cameras were rolling Saturday at the North Vancouver Outdoor SchoolIAN JACQUESflHE during CHIEFthe Denise today 604-892-9161 The adventure is full of Call filming of the locally produced and directed movie Treasure Mountain. unexpected twists and turns as the girls join forces with private homes, the Mining up their arms to us and have Ryan Cook and Brandon Blue emai I: sqc hiel@un iserve ,corn I friends to find the treasure, Museum in Britannia Beach been very supportive. Itswas play teenage hero’s while the before a nasty band of pirates and the Squamish Public important for me to use a pirate bad guys are being kat them to it. Library. local cast and to do something played by Skai Stevenson, “It’s a great, young and They’ve been shooting from local. Jason Knel and Travis Woods. EARN MONEY mthusiastic cast,” said Polo. 7:30 a.m. to I I p.m. at night “Squamish is the perfect Mix in star animals likc ‘Mix that with the great back six-days this week and have setting for this movie and I Blaze the dog and Vinncy the lrop of Squamish and you probably two more weeks of wanted to take advantage of cat and you have all the mak- for vour team or lave all the makings of a shooting before the movie is what it has to offer.” ings of a great movie. yeat story.” complete. The cast features Warren Treasure Mountain is slated community group! Polo and her crew have been “So far things have worked Daske, Camille Clarke and to premier for Squamish audi- ;hooting scenes at the North without peril,” Polo added. Nadine Sykora playing the ences at this year’s Sea to Sky (and get some fresh air) qancouver Outdoor School, “The community has opened children’s lead characters. -Film Fest in September...... ,...... Sell sulscriptions to ...; ...... ,...... New executive members named The Chief door to door treasurer Susan Tennent, Glen McEcheran and Paul ject has not been identified * and earn Rotary and chaplain Rev. John Stephens Cubbon, who will fill the new yet, but Ingraham said a need commission f or your Legion elect and past-president Betty post of director of communi- will doubtless arise. -4damson. cations. In other Rotary Club news group on every new executives the final totals are in after the \ :s ’> Executives include Fred Directors are: Basil Milne suL scription you sell! Franklin, Bob Hinfvhy, John (community service); Don success fuI Celebrity \q BY IANJACQUES AND DARREN Hughes, ‘Bernice Reed and Patrick (club service); Lori Challenge at this years Diane or Tim a GALLAGHER Jim Reed. Vanzel I a (i n terna t ional ser- Squamish Mountain Bikc Call \I The Chief vice); and James Martin Festival. at 604-892-9161 The Rotary ’Club of (vocational service). The celebrity challen,oe race I Madeline Robertson is the Squamish added a new posi- “I’ve tried to assemble a at this year’s Test of Metal to find out more. ew president of the Royal tion to its executive with the team that has experience and raised between $lO,OOO and lanadian Legion Diamond installation of Carl Ingraham enlhusiasm, which will make $I 1,000. lead Branch 377, as the as president. t my year so much easier,” A rallle for a granite table iembership installed its new Other members of the exec- Ingraham said Wednesday. that Rotarian Ueli Liechti fficers June 29. uti ve i nc I ude vice-president Squamish Rotary will con- pulled during the race raced Also installed were first Greg Gardner, past-president tinue its involvement in an additional $1,925. ice-presiden t Lou i se Li no Vanzel la, president-elect Guatemala, working on estab- ;ennett, second vice-presi- Dave Wood, secretary George lishing a medical centre to ent Norma Given, recording Mc Kenzie, treasurer Pau I service an impoverished area Amendment to the Squamish Forest District - xretary Grant Prothero, Savage, sergeant-at -arms of that country. A local pro- Small Business Forest Enterprise Program - 200 112005 Forest Development Plan An amendment to the Squamish Forest District - Small Business Forest Enterprise Program 200 1-2005 Forest Development plan is required to include timber harvesting blocks for Timber Sale Major License A20479 - Black Mount Logging Inc. The cutblocks are located within the So0 Timber Supply Area - Squamish Forest District. Cutblock No. Hectares Adjus t men t Geographic Location BM 1 20.0 New Block North of Norton Lake - Indian River Drainage BM 2 20.0 New Block North of North Lake - Indian River Drainage The forest development plan and the proposed amendment will be available for review on July 1, 200 1. The plan is available at JCH Forestry Ltd. at No. 2 - 1160 Hunter Place, Squamish, B.C. VON 3GO. - (604) 892-5489 or The Ministry of Forests - Squamish Forest District at 42000 Loggers Lane - Squamish (604) 898-2100. Written com- ments must be received at JCH Forestry Ltd. within 60 days of this date. Please call Mike Wallace for an appointment. 20 B8 Tuesday, July 10, 2001 The Chief illi Squamish, B.C. THE CHIEF Sports enquiries? Please contact The Chief Box 3500, 381 17 Second Avenue, Squamish, British Colrrrnbia VON 3GO Phone: 604-892-9161 Fax: 604-892-8483 -_ E-mail: sqchief@ imiserve.com rrai w w w.squarnishchie_f:corii SiXtk -Sports - ____ Briefs- ever Sea to Sky Soccer thru Schools This year’s soccer scIiooI’s sky f run I‘rom July 9- 13, July 23 BYIA to to ahead 27, Aug. 13 1’7 and skies Stormy Tt Aug. 20-24 all at Centennial i “Running on thc trails is event for Squamish,” he said. Fi c I cl s . Ultra trail run unique, fun and full of unex- “This is a rcal niche sport, but They rode Half’-clay. f‘ull day and the growth ultra running is f it. Lset for pectcd challenges.” in 0waltcndcr camps arc avail- i A siinifar event on the North starting to take off. 1 think More’than ablc Jbr youth agcs 4- 17 i Squarnish Shorc called the Squamish is the pcrfect out- i far away i (both in;rlc and fi:m;rlc play- i bok to the I BY IANJACQUSS KnceKnacker, is an event that door community to embrace crs). The Chief Cubbon is hoping to model this cvcnt and add it to our :a to Sky Kcgistration limis can bc i the Squainish run after. already imprcssive list of eekend for pickcd up and dropped of[ at i You might cxpcct Paul “The KneeKnacker stared cvents.” :a to Sky 1 B lucli iic Sports. CLtbbon to gct a fcw curious in I989 with four people and The STORMY evcnt is non- The two-d, looks when tic dcscribcs thc this ycar it’s sold out with 175 profit and any surpluses will arted Sat Gardner takes three ncw ultra trail racc tic is plan- c o m p c t i - ...... be turned back lditional nc iproved r of four ning for Squamish. tors,7, into the com- Greg Garclncr GM Men’s The race 1 led thc Cubbon said. niunity and lhance its I bi “Running.1 b on. the Fastpitch Club iniprovcd i ‘STORMY’ ultra-trail race is "These raccs.. ,- tl‘l2lk IS UnZqUe, local organi- thcir I)rcrnicr Lcaguc rccord i set for Au~.I I and will take arc very dit- zat i on s . far, 10 12-6 winning thrcc of‘ compctitors through the Test fercnt from a fun and full of1 so four gams on (tic vxekcnd. of Mctal coursc, some 67-km road unexvected Cubbon has On Friday night, Gardncr ! long. received great split a pair against thc New Ultra trail running is grow- becausen~ a r a t h oof n chal&nges.” support from Wcs t mi n is tcr Brcwcrs, i ing in popularity and Cubbon the climbing -Paul Cubbon Cliff Miller dropping gninc one 7-2, secs Squamish as the perfect and varied ...... and the bcforc coming back to take place to debut a new running terrain. I’ve S q u a in i s h (tic night cap by :in identical i evcnt. talked with quite a few people Mountain Bike Festival, the 7-2 scorc. “With a great course like the in town and understandably, Parks and Rec department, Dnryl Simmons blastcd a i Test of Metal that combines the rcactions have becn the Trails Society and the homc run in game two, i challenging, varied and beau- mixed. Masters Sports Society. whilc Travis Moyk pickcd i tiful terrain, the opportunity “Some people think I’m a The race starts at 6 a.m. on the win on the mound. to harness the Test course for little off the mark with this Aug. 11 leaving from the Simmons and Kenny i a running racc is very posi- style of race, but most people, Brennan Park Recreation Wcbb, who also had a grcat tive,” Cubbon said, who along including some great spon- Centre and traveling along the weckcnd at the plate, are with his wife Joan serve as sors are right on board.” Test of Metal Course. reccnt additions to thc club i raw directors. Cubbon’s expectations are The cvent has an 1 1-hour from the Howe Sound i “I’ve done lots of ultra run- somewhat small for the first cut-off for racers to complete. Men’s Fastball Lcaguc. ning along road courses when year, but he hopes to have Entries will be accepted On Sunday, Gardncr blast- i I was living in South Africa rapid growth to around 100 right up to race day, but to be ed thc Van c o u vc r i and they are just taking off. by year three. sure of an event T-shirt, you IANJACUUES~HE~CH Pairtree Paul Cubbon, organizer for the STORMY Ultra trail Grizzly Hooli, v “We are settinp un and well must enter bv JulvJ 31. 1 Mcralomas 12-2 in game The big race down there d i c3 --r Grizzly Bar E one and took the second i called ‘Comrades’ started organized race with aid sta- For more information call run stands just at the top of Rollercoaster, one of the peri for competitors to contend with for the inaugural event st Insight Sign I aoamc by a score of 5-2. very small and this year they tions, a well marked route and . Cubbon at 898-3579 or email Rebels Moylc pickcd up thc win ! had 30,000 people. want to make this a top lcvel [email protected]. for August in Squamish. in ganic one, pitching a i C Division grcat gamc and helping his Team own causc with a thrce-run Garibaldi Tire ti om er. Squamish runners take on the world Ocean Port Bc DOU~Allin pitched well /DOA’s and won gamc two. Victoria. Palm finished first in her effort in his first half-ironman event. great run in the Canadian Natioi I Gardncr is off this wcek- i Dedicated grou category, women’s 60-64 finishing “I finished it and that was my main Triathlon Championships on Cana end and returns honic on the grueling event in six hours and 30 goal,” Neufeld said. “I did the Day in Montreal. Chel tearing it UP on tR e , July 27 for a pair against the i minutes. Palm’s finish was high Squamish event last year and I want “It went fairly well and I was hap, triathlon circuit. enough to qualify her for the to do it again. I was kind of expecting with my time,” Addison sai our pi Meralomas with vgames at 7 i “Edmonton is going to be a chi and 9 p.m. BY IANJACQUES Penticton Ironian e;ent. that Victoria was going to be hard, The Chief “I was pleased with the effort and but it was a good measuring stick for lenge. They say the cycle course is for Soccer players Penticton is a big race for me,” Palm me and it show me what I need to little hilly and it isn’t my strongc: Triathlon running is a demanding said. “I have to win my category to improve on.” event, but I’m going to give it n squc needed gain a spot in Ironman Hawaii, which Tiffany Fenton was also in Victoria best.” Players are needed for the t sport, but for a talented group in Triatt Squamish, they wouldn’t have it any is the top event around.” as she competed in her second Patrick Wadge was also hard at it 4 upcoming women’s soccer ! Guerin knocked 42 minutes off his triathlon - the Victoria-International- Canada Day competing at the Gre season starting in i other way. next time, finishing 14th in his category, on June 16. White North Triathlon. September. With the Squamish Triathlon just a men’s 25-29 and overall finished Fenton finished fourth in her age Wadge finished the half-marathc The 30-Something few weeks away, many of Chief! i 96th out of 500. group (female 20-24). in five hours and 12 minutes. women’s soccer league is Squamish’s top runners have been “The weather was perfect and it was Gord Addison will be absent for He has also qualified for tl recreational and no experi- i tuning up for the Squamish event, a tremendous race,” Guerin said. this year’s Squamish event as he’s Ironman in Hawaii thanks to a lotte ence is necessary. taking on the best the sport has to offer. “I’ve really improved my training gained a spot in the World entry. There are two teams in i and I’m looking forward to the .Championships set for Edmonton on “The race in Hawaii is on my birtl Sq uam i s h . On June 24, Mae Palm, Chris Squami sh event the same weekend. day-Oct. 26, so it’s going to be For more information call Neufeld and Stephame Guerin took .” Neufeld put in an equally- strong- ‘Addison secured the spot with a fun day all around,” Wadge said. Sandie Jackson at 892-9640 part in the half-ironman triathlon in 1

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7-10 OJim Unper/dlsL by United Media, a1 “You can’t be ‘half-and-half.’ You’re either ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty.”’ I The ’Chief tMl Squamish, B.C. 3R Tuesday, July IO, 200 1

.. P I .- .. :hief SDOrtS Avenue, 2 VON 3GO i- 04-892-8483 ve.com riail ride new and improved :‘01?1 - North America...... Sixth annual The event is unique in that “This is the type event rides it is non-competitive and thru hSeato attracts all levels of- the of event where cycling community. you .don’t worry Sky &onidor In previous years, partici- pants aged 11 to 72 have who wins or completed the off-road rd BYIAN JACQUES loses.” The Chief route, which covers a dis- tance of 150 kilometres from -Rpbin They rode just for the fun Devine to Squamish over McKinney f it. two days...... More than 200 riders from “Each year, funds are s far away as Boston, Mass. donated from the ride pro- you have as many riders on ok to the trails around the ceeds to the Sea to Sky Trail the course as we did. i!ea to Sky Corridor on the Society, to continue to “Everyone enjoyed them- weekend for the sixth annual improve this trail that links selves. People were getting ;ea to Sky Trail ride. with D’Arcy, Whistler and off their bikes half-way and

The two-day event, which Squamish,” said event orga- jumping in the water and ’ tarted Saturday featured nizer Robbin McKinney. swimming. Ldditional new trails and an “From my perspective, the This is the -type of event mproved route trying to event went very well. We where YOU don’t worry who nhance its rating as one of had very little to no prob- wins or loses. You can’t say he premier point-to-point lems in terms of first aid and that about other point-to- Iff-road cycling routes in that’s always a plus when point races.”

Squamish Slo-Pitch Association Standings as Chieftain Pirates 98220 of Friday July 6, 2001 Brewjays 990 18 Ex-Cons 9 II 0 18 A Division Grizzly Avalanche 8 10 1 17 Team W L T PTS Brew Pub Pounders 7 10 1 1s De Cook Trucking 15 3 0 30 Wood ri ve r 6 12 2 14 Eagles 14 6 0 28 Grizzly High bal lers s 12 0 IO Blue Line Sports 12 7 0 24 Sea to Sky Collision 12 7 0 24 D Division Hammers 11 9 0 22 ‘Team W L T PTS Squamish Elks 9 I1 0 18 Black Tusk/Lil Enzo’s 19 I 0 38 Bushrats 7 13 0 14 JR’s Pulp Busters 13 6 0 26 Sports Traders Slammers 5 I I 0 10 Snap-on Nut Drivers 11 6 0 22 Little Caesar’s Crazy Bats I- 19 0 2 Majic Landscaping 10 8 0 20 Headline Speedy 8 10 0 16 B Division Squamish Scrappers 8 12 0 16 Team W L T PTS. Britannia Beach Miners 2 14 0 4 frizzly’s 17 3 0 34 Cli ffside Muggers 2 160 4

Panago Steelers 1s s* 0 ,3os - I, - 99 Transporters I1 9 0 22 Howe Sound Men’s Fastball League Squamish S tal 1 ions 10 10 0 20 Standings as of July 8, 2001 FRONT LEFT: ‘MARY ROLlNSKl 8 JENS ROLINSKI/OWNER/OPERATORS OF JACUUES~HE~CH?ai rtree 10 10 0 20 SQUAMISH MCDONALDS. COACH WILLIE ANTONE 8 MINI MITES Y Ultra trail 3rizzly. Hooligans 8 I1 0 ,I6 Team W L PTS of the peril: 3rizzly Bar Bears 8 I1 0 16 BASEBALL PLAYER ALANA ACORN iral event sei nsight Sign Bluze 6 13 0 12 Best Western Bulls 13 3 26 tebels 3 160 6 Doug Horth Contracting Raiders 13 .S 26 CVC Diggers 12 6 24 J Division Alta Lake Wizards 11 6 22 ream W L T PTS Squariiish Masters 6 11 12 3aribaldi Tire Irons IS 3 0 30 Mt. Currie Rebels 6 12 12 irld Icean Port Beernuts 12 7 1 2s Squ. Plumbing/Super 8 Royals 5 13 10 IOA’s 10 8 I 21 Sports Traders/Panago I 4 14 8 DROP OFF YOUR ESSAY TODAY! $an Nation ps on Canac AT MCDONALDS, MARKETPLACE IGA & THE CHIEF. Check, out d I was hapr WIN A MCDONALD’S LUNCH FOR YOUR TEAM & A GIFT Idison saic our preview o be a cha BASKET FROM MARKETPLACE IGA FOR YOUR COACH! :le course is for the my stronge :o give it rr Squamish Triathlon in lohard at it c LocaIIy owirrif arid oprrntcd by ; at the Grei fells 8Mary Rolirrski next week 38451 Cleveland Ave 604-892-5937 ha1 f-marathc Chief Sports! we love to see you smile- 1 nutes. kd for td

BUlCK QMC 22 Tgesday, July 10,2001 IThe Chief M Squamish, B.C. find whot you're looking for with our OWN€ 0Clorrffi6dr \0' www.squamishchief.com To place a NehvorkClassified Ad, E 38111-2"' AV call this newspaper or Friday fo r $309 (604) 669-9222 , . .or 11 million readers nation-wide for $1 41 1 I netclass~txcommunitynews.com 3r00 PA [email protected] WieHours: I Monday to Thursday Yard Sale Yard Sale Familv and Friends Family and Friends Family and Friends 900 am. - 5t00 p.m. f Friday 800 am. - 5:OO p.m ~ HUGE YARD SALE Squamish Word of Life Centre is having a All classified ads must fund raiser Sat. July 21st. at. the Tantalus be repaid by Cash, Market parking lot on Tantalus Way (next to CR eque, Visa or Mastercard. Chevron). Quality new and used goods only. All goods are donated. If you have quality goods to donate, call 898-5488 for pick up. Free compli- Dauidand Tamara Maxim of Squamish are thrilled to announce the arrival of their mentary draws from Tantalus Way Merchants. "our bundle of joy" a daughter Deliab Connie Renie. Don't Miss this event. it's HUGE!!!! Born June 29th, 2001 at 526 a.m. Sierra Paige Ducker weighing 7 lbs., at Lakeside Hideaway LOWE June 19, 2001 Bed and Breakfast in Sooke, B.C. Rose Lillian (nee Lye) passed away Proud big sister Cheyenne and Daddy helped Whist le r on July 1, 2001, age 79 years. Sierra weighed midwives Susan Eyers and Angela Spencer. &guPredeceased by John Lowe. Grandparents include Sharon and Vernon 6 Ibs., 3 oz. Lovingly remembered by her sons Kobrinsky (Victoria), Irving Finkleman Mailbox Accounts $5/wk Bill (Laurie), Gerry (Audrey) and Michael (Sharon) Brownrigg, and Very proud parents (Calgary), Charles and Jeanette Maxim daughter Kathy (Chuck) Fuller, (Windsor, Ont.) and Great-Grandmother Reaular Classified Ads Rhonda Radtke and Emily Finkleman (Calgary). -3 Lines $7.50 eight grandchildren, seven great grandchildren, brother Alf . Lye, James Ducker Special thanks to Don, Diana and Christina of Each Additional Line $1.85 cousins Eva Baker and Vera La keside Hideaway; Mitchell, and other family and Thanks to Dr. Kaye, Angela Bailey and Jana Vartanis of S uamish friends. Rose raised her family in Dr. Doran, nurses and Guardian Angel Connie Mil9 er. (or ridor (lossif ied Ads Burnaby, then lived in Squamish for 11 years with husband John. Sb at SGH. Regulor 3 line dossiii rote plus was very active in her co-op. TI Puffers, and Bonser Park Lawn ai 1070 In Memoriam 1100 Obituaries 1220 Career/Job Search 1240 General Employme $2.00 olro gets your od in Carpet Bowling. Her courage ai IOBS WITH ADVENTURE! If you i optimism in times of trials were i Robert "Bob" Maitland Carey GET A JOB! 1000s of great compa eady for a great job with challen 19 October 1971 08 July 1998 nies across Canada. Every industry The Question, inspiration to all who knew her. - ind excitement - applications i Softly the leaves of memory fall, Everything you need to get the jot lieu of flowers, donations to 6. IOW being accepted for tr,aini Lung Association, The Heart FUI Gently we gather and treasure then you want. Free resources. Go tc vith job placement assistance:'Vi all. Unseen, unheard, you arf www. 4hi re. c a. Bold and/or CAPITAL letters, or the SPCA would be appreciate IS on the web or call toll-free tod always near, so loved, so missed, s( vww. tou rism c o Ile ge. c o m, 1-8( Underlined Words, 1010 Announcements very dear. I 1240 General Employment-- *. 16819301Cdn. Tourism College. Love for always Dad, Mum, Dianna I, -L\I . q '.T Sl- . , Centered Word Ads: CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian p; Brittany, Sarah, Taylor, Grandmuni $1,000. SIGNING BONUS. Auto- .abourers wanted for fores don seals record. U.S. waiver pt Theresa and Stanley CRIPPS motive Technicians. Are you a Ford rushing crew. Pesticide Applic $1.25 Per line Peacefully on July 5, 2001 Mabe trained technician automatic rnits legal American entry. Why ri L - or's certificate and 1st aid pi Email Addresses: employment, licensing, travr Loretta Cripps of North Vancouver transmission tech - 3rd or 4th year erred. Call 898-5449 leave mess. Advance at the age of 66 years. Pre apprentice or Shop Foreman look- ax resume to 898-9247 $1.85 Per Line arrest, deportation, property confi cation? Canadian - U.S. Immigratic Funeral deceased by her husband Dougla! ing to make more money and oca1 Courier Company has imrr specialists. 1-800-347-2540. Planning Percy in Nov. 2000. Born on Bel expand your training? We offer: iate openings for small vehicles Photo Classified Island, Newfoundland on April 6 Lucrative pay plan, incentives, #1 le Squamish/Whistler areas. C FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS 1935 she never lost her love for Tht $1 6.00 IT'S THE service volume dealer, only dealer ilen or Wade in.Squamish, 81 Durable, Dependable, Pre-en{ Rock. Mabel spent much of her lift RESPONSIBLE with offsite training facility. Join the 123 or Whistler 905-0231 Family & Friends neered All-Steel Structure working with children and loved her Alberta Advantage - Low cost of liv- Custom-made to suite your neec THING TO DO. [OM'S AND MR. MOM'S!! \ ii 1x4 - $20.01 iob at Norgate Elementary School ing and lower taxes. Fax resume in Career and requirements. Factory-Dire She was also very active workin( confidence: 780-930-3187 or phone arn an extra $500 - $3,500 plus p zit estate ca affordable prices. Call 1-800-66 Squamish Funeral Chapel and giving freelyof her time as i Service Manager direct toll free 1- ionth working from-home. Call t veer opportur 51 11 ext. 132 for free brochure. & Crematorium Ltd. proud member of the Roya 800-252-9303. Denny Andrews Ford, 'ee: 1-888-620-1095 or e-mail: e right apti 1023 Car Pools 604-898-5121 Canadian Legion, Branch #118, 18208 Stony Plain Road, Edmonton, et [email protected] rels. Windetmf Vorth Vancouver and was a pas1 AB, T5S 1A7. lotel needs front desk persa Itate offers ad "The McKeizzie Family " 1ppor-t for Network (Iossifieds Vanpool #lo6 Squamish to dowi >resident. She is lovingly remem- lust be familiar with night auc Are you a night owl? town Vancouver/VGH. Mon-Fri. 3iered by her family and will be for- rocedure. Needs 2 language sociates. To These ads appear in approximately Get some small print working ?ver missed by her daughter Norma Connections has a graveyard ireer in F am-4 pm. Ph. 604-443-2479/898-11f for you! Call 892-9161 to nglish and,German. Ph. 892-4890 109 community newspapers in advertlse In The Chief Rob) Swerdfeger, grand-children shift available 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. ny Halstrom, -eanna and Shaun, 2 brothers xrsonal ( 1035 Community Notice 4 days on. 4 days off. Must-be TEMPORARY and British Columbia and the . 1085 lost 3aymond and Art, 3 sisters Violet, computer literate. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Jean, Edith and by her many dear Wind Min. speed 25 wpm: Our client, a large company FARM- st a y 's 2uicksilver inflatable.& 9.9 Mercery friends. Mabel was known for her i to Sky Real 1 25 Words or less $309.00 Must possess excellent with a plant location in Needed for international stolen Marina Estates June 10. $500 love of flowers and the outdoors. 604-8! command of English Squamish, has a temporary students. *eward for infor. leading to recov- She will be missed by all who loved both written and spoken. opportunity available for an If you have a farm or ranch, and ?ry. Call 892-2276. her. Funeral Service was held on are looking for extra helphash Drop off resumes at- administrative assistance with Monday July 9, 2001 at the 1551 Pemberton Ave. at least 1 year's current . this season, why not host an 1100 Obituaries Squarnish Funeral Chapel. GREEMENT: 'No phone calls please. office experience. international volunteer from "FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS" jvertisements should be read on the first \NDREWS You must have basic proficiency Europe, Asia or Latin America? 'atricia Joan, of Squamish, B.C., publicotion doy. The Chief is not responsible Call for more information 1215 Career Opps JTTENTION in MS Work and Excel; an iassed away on July 3, 2001, age j A LE S PE 0 PLE/ R ET IR E ES : Ex c e II e nt excellent telephone manner and for errors oppeoring beyond the first inser- 604-932-1845 i7. Patricia was a proud member of tion. It is agreed by any display or classified COUNSELLOR TRAINING INSTI Sideline Selling Promotional be organized, reliable and work he Squamish Nation. Survived by ldvertising to Local Businesses. well with minimal -supervision. odvertiser requesting spoce that the liability Recruiting players for this season TUTE, Accredited by PPSEC. ind will be sadly missed by her lov- ;ervice and Support Coast to Coast Position starts as soon as possi- of the paper for errors occurring in the pub- Men's Hockey League in Squamisl ng family and many dear friends. Become a ,professional counsellor through on-campus or corres-pon- iince 1940. Our new -eBusiness ble and goes for lishing of ony odvertisement sholl be limited Must be at least 19 years old. E> 'rayers were offered on Thursday, ) Child perience necessary! Call Brent 89; dence courses. Free catalogue 1- System pays A=30% B=25% C=20% several months. to the omount paid for such odvertisement. luly 5th, at 7:30 p.m. at Totem Hall, 9898 eves. 800-665-7044. !t c. O'D on ne II- DRG 905-427-8818. Hours are 7:OO a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Will as! ;tawamus Reserve, Squamish, B.C., kl2.00/hour GET YOUR DREAM Job in Music, DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION: ollowed by funeral services on CHEVRON Interested candidates should equiprn Strawberries are ready! Radio/TV or Film. No Experience ore that :riday, July 6th at 10:30 a.m. at Now hiring P/T Cashiers. forward their resume to: Advertisers reminded provinriol Required. On-The-Job Training in months at McEwans' Farm otem Hall. Father Vince LaPlante No experience necessary. Pat Bodman legislotion forbids the publicotion of ony ind Rev. Eugene Harry officiated. Local Recording Studios, Film I in Pemberton Please apply in person: Phone: 604- 689-8558 odvertisement hot distriminotes ogoinst ony :remation. Companies, Radio Stations. Part- ) Comm, 1902 Garibaldi Way or Fax: 604-689-8575 person betouse of age, sex, rote, Call (604) 894-6063 Hinds Funeral Setvice time, nights, weekends. Free video as$ 3 [email protected] Will religion, color, oncestry or plote of origin for information 604-892-3683 1-800-295-4433. fax resume to: 898-3679 record ( Jnless the condition is iustified by a bono C a ree r conne ctio n2000.c om. MAE xperienced laundry workers. Shift ide requirement for the work involved. In July 6, 2001, Lucy June McRae Wilderness Guide Training Program hiski Jack Resorts. is offerin when. n 1040 Congratulations vork and weekend shifts. PIS. apply xm. P/T housekeeping. Exp. nec. f Squamish aged 67 years. by a Licensed Guide Outfitter. t Cascade Laundry 892-9270. COPY RIGHT: 'redeceased by her husband Don Includes Horse Handling,, Riding, ease fax resume 938-1458 ) Commi $$$ BIG PROFITS US$C,OOO COU~ /lor P/T office assistant wanted Iopyright and or property rights subsist in all have returned US$45,000+ call fo 1 1992. She is lovingly remembered Packing, Shoeing For Pack Trips, lotice This pa idvertisements and oll other material y her family, sons David and Jim, Fishing, Wildlife Viewing, Hunting. 3r business in Function Junction. report today, find out what market i xperience an asset. Fax resume to to the c ippeoring in this edition Chief. er many other relatives and dear Info: Chilcotin Holidays: TeI/Fax: of The ready for the next Big Move ca 04-932-4273 or call 604-932-4220 'ermission to reproduce wholly or in part now 1-888-394-7672. iends. For Funeral information 1250) 238-2274 www.chiIcotinholi- . avai 1 ab11 lease contact the Squamish jays.com/guidetraining. IELP WANTED - cook, waiter/ wait- ind in ony form whatsoever, must be .. develop uneral Chapel at 604-898-5121 ess, gas attendant required for ibtoined in writing from the publisher. Any zstaurant/gas bar in NWT. Couple Pleasc inauthorized reproduction will be subject to ielcome. Phone Cheryl at 867-699- Squamish: 81 5-4089 eiourse in low. 301, Ft. Providence,N.W.T. Whistler: 905-5489

h I The Chief MR Squamish, B.C I Tuesday, July 10, 2001 I23

1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment 1240 General Employment

Human Resources Developpement des Join today FREE! WE'RE RECRUITING CARRIERs Development Canada ressources humaines Canada Tk Chid mds dEdicAid, RdiAbtE Are you applying €or Employment EnrkuriAsiic CARRiERS FOR ROUTES iN Ckdumus Call now: Debbie 14500-888-9232 Insurance? or Anne 604-898-3379 Application Forms may be picked up at: VON 366 J Extra J Exercise I- Income Outdoor Community Access and lkaining Centre. 1isen/e.com I J: Develops a responsible attitude in youth 38 I03 Third Avenue Squamish iends 1 Call Denbe today 604-802-0161 (Mountain FM Building) The Crystal Lodge is looking for a Canads NIGHT AUDITOR Must have hospitality experience, great organizational skills, able to work alone as well as in a team environment. MEDICAL Please mail your resume to: Box 280, Whistler, BC, VON 180 qualifi ed Infantnbddler 4-- 9 -9 -9 9 LABOMTORY or fax: 604 932-2635 or email: [email protected] and Early Childhood Educators ASSISTHTS c ish are I II to fill 2 full time positions heir immediately. The Sea to Sky Community Health Council has opportunities for casual work in the n. Please call Michelle at way The Crystal Lodge is looking for a 1 604-892-91 14 Squamish General Hospital. 'helped I I\ FIT RESERVATIONS CLERK Applicants must have current certification encer. H have hospitality experience, great organizational skills, able to worl for the position and may apply in writing to :mon e as well as in a team environment. Sales and computer experience nan important. We offer a very competitive wage and benefit package. the Chief Laboratory Technologist, xim Ither ase mail your resume to: Box 280, Whistler, BC, VON 1BO Squamish General Hospital, 38 140 Behrner fax: 604 932-2635 or email: [email protected] SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 48 Drive, Squamish, BC VON 3GO. stina of I IO Always Supporting Learners Valuing Individuals Fostering Pride Expanding Opportunitie iamish School District No. 48 (Howe Sound) is currently Sr- I-. **EXTRA** II' IIP accepting applications from both male and female applicants for the following position to commence FULL~ TIME Employmen$ August 27, 2001. This position is for 4 hours per day, 10 months per year and pays $20.97 per hour. TOUR ISM WH I STL E R b with challengd Great Opportunities Clerical Assistant - Education Department - School Tourism Whistler is a member-based organization that actively applications ar 88 Board Office promotes Whistler's unique position as a world-class four- red for trginin The successful applicant for this position will assist in season resort destination. ass ist a nc e:'Vi s providing clerical support for the Education Department. ill toll-free Qualifications: Accounting Clerk Completion of grade 12 plus a special program and The Accounting Clerk assists with Accounts Receivable, ii for fores over one (1) year up to and including two (2) years'ielat- Accounts Payable, data entry and filing. Candidates will have sticide Applil Day & Evening Shifts ed experience in a clerical capacity, or an equivalent previous experience with MS Office and computer data entry. id 1st aid p combination of related training and experience. A spe- This is a full time, temporary position (eight months). 9 leave mess. I cial program is the Capilano College Business 247 Apply in person at: Fundamentals program. Knowledge of database man- Dany has imn mall vehicle: 1814 Garibaldi Way agement, spreadsheet and word-processing programs Administrative Assistant ;tier areas. C -. .. . plus familiarity with computerized attendance and/or d The Administrative Assistant provides administrative support to Squamish, 8 scheduling programs. Ability to operate standard and/or the Director, Meetings 81 Incentive Experience and to others in i-0231 related office equipment. the department as required. This is a temporary (six months), IOM'S !! Career in Real Estate Applications will be received up to and including July part-time position (three days per week). As the successful - $3,500 PIUS I estate can provide exdleni 18,2001, at 4:OO p.m., and should be addressed to candidate, you have excellent verbal and written communica- 1-home. Call 1 l eer opportunities for those wrth k School District No. 48 (Howe Sound), Box 250, tion skills. In addition to being well organized and detail 1 or e-mail: E right aptie and motivation na il.com ids. windemere sea to R~BI Squamish, B.C., VON 3G0 or filed at the School Board oriented, you have strong computer skills including advanced t desk persc state offers advanced training and Office, 37866 Second ,4venue, Squamish B.C. Please skills in Microsoft Excel. vith night au ipport for qualified new refer to competition no. 2682. 2 languag( ;sociates. To find art about a If you are interested in joining our dynamic team, please apply Please note that prospective employees, new to School i. Ph. 892-489C 3reer in Real Estate call to: erry HaJstrom, OwMManager for District No. 48 (Howe Sound), must agree to undergo a personal confidential meeting. Employee Experience Department, Tourism Whistler ,ARY and Criminal Record Check as failure to do so will be 4010 Whistler Way, Whistler, B.C. VON 184 E ASSISTANT W&t3 grounds for refusing employment. le company Fax: (604) 932-7231 E-mail: jobs@tourismwhistleL corn to Sky Real Estate ,Squamish Lttl. Applications will be accepted until 4:OO p.m. )cation in 604-892-357 1 on Julv 18. 2001. I temporary table for an ;istance with Sea to Sky Community Services Society has been approved as a 's current . Temporary Position Available rience. sponsor organization in the Youth Community Action Program. ic proficiencv The program provides youth, aged 15-24, with work experience Local non-profit agency requires a part-time Manager of j Excel; an e manner and opportunities. Participants will receive credits of $8.00 per hour Adult Mental Health Services. This position will be tble and work towards tuition for post-secondary studies. The following position responsible for the delivery of contracted mental healt ,h -supervision. ;oon as possi- is available: service including outreach and residential programs. es for inths. ) Child Care Assistant: Successful candidate will possess a minimum of a BA in Human Services or . - 3:30 p.m. Will assist with planning and implementing activities, assist in maintaining a relate field. Business Administration and experience related to a unionized jates should equipment and working with a group or one to one with children aged 3 environment is expected. Experience related to the delivery of Provincially ne to: months to 12 years old. Contact: Audrie Gilson. funded contracts an asset. 58 ) Community Development Facilitator (Assistant): The position will start September 18, 2001 and continue until September 15 Will assist in formulating a project chosen by the parents. May keep minutes, ipyours.com 16, 2002. Hours of work will be 21 - 25 hours per week. Some travel record observation, assist in organizing meetings and provide child minding required. rts' is offerin when need. Contact: Lise Hamilton. ling. Exp. nec, Please submit resume to: 138- 1458 ) Community Living Support Worker: This position is best suited to someone interested in developing skills related Lois Wynne, Executive Director to the care of individuals with development disabilities. Opportunities will be Sea to Sky Community Services Society available to organize and facilitate groups, as well as to assist in social skills Box 947 development. Contact: Liz Wood Squamish BC VON 3G0 ;15-4089 Please call 892-5796 or fax 892-2267 with a letter of intent or resume. Fax: 604-872-2267 15-5489

h 24 IB~Tuesdav. Julv 10. 2001 188 The Chief ISauamish, B.C. -.

3015 Childcare Avail. p540 HI 1240 General Employment-- 1240 General Employment-- 2060 For Sale Misc 3015 Childcare Avail. 3015 Childcare Avail. t Pool heater, 165,000 BTU, $100. Propane, natural gas log set, $50. Available in Stepper, $25. Call 892-5523 bdrm.Garibaldi ens1 Hi Renovation sale! Fridge, stove, ped- estal sink and toilet. $60 ea. or $200 chool. Larg for all. Phone 815-4230. SAWMILL $4995.00. All new Super Available W $r family. N Lumbermate 2000, larger cap-aci- Now open on ed. Huge ga ties, more options. Norwood 2 K - Kindergarten Industries, manufacture of saw- Howe 5ound Child Clean Safe Reliable mills, edgers and skidders. Free )) PERSONAL TOOLS DEVELOPMENT Care Family Supportive info. 1-800-566-6899, ext. 4OO.ot. Quality licensed . Theme Programs A workshop that helps you 2070 Firewood progra m5 fo r c hi Id re n Drop In Available For more info: develop and design tools for success in job search and A great firewood deal. Fir, hemlock of all ages. Call Chervl604-8925119 achieving career objectives. mix, fir, alder, maple and birch. Full oil t-of-school and kinders bydro/ca ble cords, 128 cu. ft. Ph. 898-9607 3050 Preschool 3050 Preschool New p u b 1i cl y fu 11d ed ,16605 To Frec Workshops Please call us at 604-898-4900 Alder, maple, birch, fir. Daily deliv- child care initiative - save Squamish and ery to Whistler & Squamish, Visa, up to $1 100.00! M/C. Sauamish Firewood. 898-1761 preschool Pcm berton RIUNITY Red hot firewood. True-sized cords (k-ready & parent RISE& PLAY S onsored by: delivered. $1 10 Squamish, $1 50 participation) &man Resources EARNING Developriwrnt Cannda. Whistler. Call 815-8323 daycarc PRESCHOOL Regismtion is lirmted. ENTRE Seasoned dry firewood Soft or hard (i 11fan tl totid I e r & 3 - 5 a wood. Delivery included. Also kin- ycars) (Preschool for children 3-5 years of age) dling avail. 898-5305 for info. I'a ren t Par tici Dat i o n .------~ 1 I I'reschool I Enrolment for 2001-2002 available now. 2080 Garage Sales I Ask about our I I discount rates. BRACKENDALE I Space is limited. 1684 Arrrowhead Rd. Sat. July 14th. ; 10 am - 2 pm. Life long pack-rat.# Call 898-9551 1410 Education I Why work for a Everything must go! No early birds. I I hnval LePal BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... write BRACKENDALE I 6085 Waterfront 6506 Commercial kiiioiiiri stave driver, when for money and pleasure with our 5 family, Sun. July 15th at 1001 5035 Financial Service: unique home-study course. You get I Wayne Place, 1O:OO a.m.-3:00 p.m. I If waterfront property is what you1 400 square foot unit in Squamish I you cim work for individual tuition from professional I MYDEBTSOLUTION.COM. Small appli., wash/dryer, and more. I after, I have it! This beautiful piecc dustrial Park. $420/mo. Please call writers on all aspects of writing - I "Debt solutions on line. Anytime." BRACKENDALE I of property has a total squarc 892-3823. yourself! romances, short stories, radio ar Sat. July 14th at 1392 Judd Rd. from: footage of 6, but lots and lots anc Coiiiniiinity futiircs will TV scripts, articles and childrer 5505 Legal/Public Notice! Commercial space in Mountain F 1O:OO a.m.- 3:OO p.m. Moving sale: lots of water. Call 892-9161. building. All sizes from $200/mo. a extend your Emplopicnt stories. Send today for our Frt ~~ everything must go. No early birds! ; up. T40 internet connection also av Insnrancc hcnctits so that Book. Please ' call 1-800-267-182 ATTENTI 0N I 6505 Apa rtments/Su ites you emstart your own busi- www.q u a lityof course. com. Qua Ii NORTH YARDS I customers of able. Phone 892-3338 or 892-7997. ness and hc your own boss! of Course, 3573 - 38 McArthur Avf Multi-family sale. 39893 Gov. Rd. at ALCATRAZ MINI STORAGE 1 bdrm. basement suite, Valleycliffe Commerical space for rent next Ottawa, ON K1L 6R2. Mamquam bridge. Sat. 9:30 a.m.-1 I for more infomiation, phse at 38924 Queensway in the Available August 1st. $400/mo. Call Pemberton post office. Availa I p.m. Something for everyon b------r------Squamish Industrial Park. 892-2257 for more info. Julv 1st. Call 604- 892-3577 register for our FREE Self ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ w ALCATRAZ MINI STORAGE is EIIIployncnt I'rojirunr infor- 1 bdrm. basement, Valleycliffe. Lg. 3505 Boarding permanently CLOSING Aug. 1, mation scssioa. yard incl. Near bus/school. Avail. Self board available for one horsc 2001. All lockers must be empty immed. 892-1559 or 604- 506-8725. COMMUNITYFUTURES by that date. The following on acreage with stall on Finch Dr 1 bdrm. bsmt. suite Valleycliffe. N/S, '1~1: (004) 892-5407 Call Karin 898-2002 customers have delinquent I'ux:(004) 892-5227 accounts. As a result, you will N/P. Available anytime. Call 892-3106 Pets have until July 15, 2001 to bring 2 bdrm bsmt. suite, near Extra (-- [email protected] 3545 OMI- your accounts fully up to date. Foods $625/mo. Util's incl. No dogs. C-- C-- 01)(01110-8 wchsitc: ctilclis.coai Chihuahuas, 2 female. $500 ea Failure to comply will result in Avail. Aug. 1st. Ph. 898-9454. ~ I Family inc Ready Aug. 1st. 604-898-8468 the seizure and removal of all Avail. Aug. 1st. top floor, 1 bdrm. e9 locket contents. 1410 Education 1410 Education Serious buyers only please. Diamond - Head Place. 5 applc. Dan Boyle, Dona Kelm, Cathy Looking for a good home for 15 underground parking. $575/mo. Call Burwood, Hali Nothstein, month old female cat. Good with 892-5924 ask for Lisa. Reduce tuition Wanda Foss. your kids. For more info. call 898-1028. Through Youth Community Action bail. immed.1 bdrm'and den suite. Travel :lose to shopping and school. 5 4595 D15 For Sale By Ownei 3ppl., $550/mo, incl. utils., Phone jO4-733-2735 TIMESHARE RESALES. Worldwide ~~ ____ ~ ~~~ ?duced to sell. 3 bdrm. mobili Selection. ERA Stroman Since 1979. 3aribaldi Estates, 2 bdrm. Avail. )me. Large kitchen, dining roon Call Now! Buyers Call 1-800-613- 4ug. 1. N/P, N/S. $500/mo. Drapes, id living room. Fenced yard. Pal 7987. Sellers Call 1-800-201-0864. Stove, fridge incl. Call 898-3510 nt incls. cable. Dogs allowed ~~ www. times h a reli n k. co m. 7,000. Call to view. Ph. 898-4855 o 3aribaldi Estates. Unique 2 bdrm in If you are 15-24 you can: luiet adult, owner occupied four- Earn credits for post-secondary tuition "Tree Huggers" Welcome! !I1 81 5-881 1. 1,500 sq. ft. P Visit and Request info. online: ilex. N/S N/R Call 604-898-3280 6515 Duplexes Rent ($800 - $2,400) ILarge 3 bdrm wwwseet heisla nd.co m. 125 In d ust,/Commerc ia I jaribaldi Highlands 1 'bdrm bsmt Gain valuable experience in your chosen field of Brackendale - Eagle Run. 3 bdrm, port with stc Phone: 1-866-986-2222. ;uite. $600/mo. Avail. Aug. 1. Phone study completly renovated, full basement, playground. 1 io0 sq. ft. bay in 6 yr. old Strat: 198-5253. Get involved in your community dg., Squamish Industrial Park 4 appl., n/p. Avail. Aug 1. $850/mo. cable. Hydrc 35,000. Call 892-3823 .egal 2 bdrm. suite, Garibaldi Phone 898-1 113 req'd. 604-90! iighlands. Avail. August 1st. Ph. AFFORDABLE ACCOUNTING with a Squamish: 3 bdrm. 1 1/2 bath, gas Shannon Esta NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 198-3467 eves. or 898-9532 davs. YWCA small business specialist. Leave the I35 Mobile Homes Sale Wp, 5 appl. ref. req'd, satellite TVfloors, 2 bat1 ~~ ~ ~~~~ ______yca+cavan.org day-to-day accounting to us. Jew 1 or 2 bdrm , second floor n/o. $950/mo. Aua 1. 898-4431 eves,storage, play -8. Y www.youth.gov. bc.ca Quantum Accounting - Big ICED TO SELL 12'x62', 2 bdrm uites. Valleycliffe at Stawamus (604) 988-3766 Valleycliffe Spacious 2 bdr 1-877-518-2200 www.onestopcareershop.bc.ca Solutions for Small Businesses lira1 Court. New carpets, roof, wa. Aall, Call 892-3823 for details. - ground level suite. Fenced back [client list at www.qas.bc.ca). 604- * heater & skirting. 898-5990. Jew large 2 bdrm. above ground 662-8985. [email protected]. yard. $550/mo. plus util's. N/f? Avai 156 Real Estate Services Aug. 1. Call 898-4922. 1415 Music/rheatrt$)ance 2045 Comp./Electronics 5015 Business Opps ~~ ~ "Adult couple SY TO BUY, low or $0 down, your 6540 Houses for Rent ,looking to re Still Dancing offers classes in jazz, YOU CAN OWN a computer 7ND NEW CLIENTS! Use the most ?a, foreclosed homes, seizures, IGhlands. Avail. Aug. 1st. 898-4116 ballet, tap. Ages 5 and up. Kinder- $29/Month! No money down, nc: iowerful classified system in : & power of sales, repos & bank- 'alleycliffe Suite Avail. Aug. 1st Z bedroom in downtown Squamish dance ages 3 and 4. Debbie 604- payments until September 2001. 80( :anada and reach millions of read- itcies, financing available. For #pacious1 bdrm. ground level, on Stove, fridge and drapes incl. Ava 898-3485. MHz Intel computer, online learning vs. Intrigued? Contact this news- :ing 1-800-882-3881 ext BC-300. uiet street with mountain views. mmed. Phone 815-1072 Apply online O.A.C.; www.1 bucka, iaper and ask about Network icl. w/d, deep freeze, util. and 3 bdrm. rancher, 38889 Britann day. com. Call 1-888-855-5527. 2010 Appliances lassifieds. Or call 604-669-9222 65 Recreation Property able. $550/mo. no dogs, n/s. Call Ive. 4 appl. $800/mo. plus ut 3Xt.3. 04-892-7529 lev. message. Ivail., Aug. 1. Also, 5 bdrm, finish 16 cubic foot Kenmore upright 2060 For Sale Misc bin on lake in Upper Squamish for freezer in working condition. $50. :RANCH ISE 0 PPO RTUNITY Zesto's' alleycliffe. 1 bdrm., ground level in ismt., 6 appls., No dogs. $1,150 pl le or rent. 45 min. north of )til's. Avail. Aug. 1. 1770 Harris OBO. Call 898-9517 Asphalt roofing shingles, 2 ton€ hen Baked Subs & California Style ouse. $525/mo. util., w/d incl. Avail. - 3ckendale. Call Neil for details ;all 898-9454. gray 15 bundles, 4 rolls tar paper, 1/2 Nraps are looking for I motivated !-8722 ept. 1. Call 892-9811. Tre( 2025 Bicycles box nails. $200/lot. Call 892-5935 ranchisees for a proven business 18315 BITS AND PIECES NEW AND USED :oncept. Financing avail. 1-888-922- 180 Townhouses Sale teh'ersal Space for Rent Rehersal Space for RenlTnnninn-limbij FURNITURE, etc. 38205 Westway 1294, www.zestos.com. Ave., Stawamus Mall, Valleycliffe. :REAT CANADIAN DOLLAR Store ldrm townhouse in Viking Ridge. Open 9 a.m. to 7 D.,'TI. Mon. - Sat. ranchise opportunity from $80,000 st location. $124,000. For appoint- Dog Kennel. 4 ft high by 8 ft. long. ncluding stock. Member of nt Dhone 898-2002. Wooden bottom, stainless steel lanafian Franchise Association. rely, spacious townhome in sun- Bands - Choirs = Individuals '86 Toyota Ter fencing and door. Heavy duty. $250. ,302 - 31 Bastion Square, Victoria, Brackendale. 3 large bdrms, 1 1/2 gine troubles Call 898-5305 IC, V8W 1J 1. Fax 250-388-9763. hs plus en-suite. 5 appls., f/p. By the hour = By the day = By the month $800. Phone 8'

~ ~~ t I Interested in becoming a court Ye bsi e: www. d o II a r s to r es. c om. 'y private patio. Carport parking stenographer? Have Stenotype ma- tOUTH OKANAGAN INSURANCE 2 vehicles. Asking $137,900. Call chine and texts. $400 firm. Call 896- Iffice looking for level 2 or 3 licens- -5625 or 898-4301. 2366. Ask for Joan. e. 5-10 years experience. Familiar "Roomy townhouse, perfect for y.ikug in n c4nd j1k-y. '90 Hyundai Er M6 Power Wheel Chair, like new. ilith agency manager. Salary nego- family. Can be owned without a Affordable rates and convenient times available. Built in battery charger, exc. for sm. able depending on experience. down payment. New carpets, good Call now to book your times. '91 Oldsmobil homes or apt. Turning radius 24 leply Box 310, Oliver BC VOH 1TO. complex. Bright and sunny end-unit. prerne, 3.3L, 11 inch, range 14 miles. Was $5,000. Phone Ken at 892-9065" Get some small prInt worklns tion. Call 8924 selling for $3,500. Call 898-2357 for YOU! Call 892-4 I6I 898-2730or 892-I042 to advertise In The ChIcf I I The Chief ISquamish, B.C Tuesday, July 10,2001 I25

e Avail. b540 Houses for Rent 918 Auto Miscellaneous Rental Accornrolrrior 6 Real Estate RedAcdatior & Real Edate Rental Acconmodation & Real Estate Rental Accommodation & Real Estate Downtown, 6 bdrm. house for ren A WORKING PERSON'S TRUCI /Available immediately. Call for mor CAR LOT Are you self-employed (( Garibaldi Garden WESTPARK APARTMENTS information 892-2257 not)? Is no proof of income a pro1 lem? No down payment? Decline Court Squamish 1 Bedroom $525 Includes Garibaldi Highlands - 3 bdrm. maste 0 Heat by your bank of your dealership? W bdrm. ensute. Huge deck, close t One bedroom from $525, 2 Bedroom $575 Hot Water can help! Reposs-ession or ban1 Pchool. Large fenced yard with beau 2 bedroom from $625. 3 Bedroom $645 Quiet Location iiful garden and playhouse. Suita bll uptcies accepted. We will lend yo Available in family 38861 Buckley Ave. Call Manager for family. New carpet, freshly pain1 Iur money from 1.9 for Ford: Res. 892-3616 oriented complex. PETS In on ed. Huge garage and storage spact lodges, GM's. One of Canada's on1 NO Also 1 bdrm. bsmt. suite includec rue customer service oriente Has playground, close to nent Avail Aug. 1st Call Todd 604 -643 ealer groups. We will help yo shops, bus and school. lake it happen! Call now for furtht 9625 or 604- 671-7710 (cell) Heat, hot 'water and parking FaCrosby Property Management Ltd. 'go iformation, Joanne or Paul 1-a Call Sally Collins 604-892-26 I7 E95 Shared Accomm. 50-4829.24 hrs 7 davs/wk. included. No c!!!!!! info: 17 Pontiac Sunfire. 2 dr. 80,000 kn pets. 1-89251 Britannia Beach. Roommate for 3 ireat running cond. and good bod\ Phone 898-1 755 bdrm house. Pets ok. $300/mo. plu! 8,600 Firm. Ph. 604-932-1949 HOUSE' IAxzdllloN AVAI~ABLE RANGE iydro/ca ble.Ph. 604-896-0029. Dl Sea to Sky Ford Immed. $800 Incl.uti1 6605 Townhouses Renl Ground Level Downtown 3bdrm bCATlON AVMABLE bdrm townhouse in Highland Glen TOWNHOUSE RANGE i appl. 2 1/2 bath. f/p. Avail. Aug.ls SEA TO SKY fl,lOO/mo. 604-924-2330 Emerald Place Brackendale 3 bdrm Now {goo ! bdrm townhouse, 1 1/2 baths., car, FORD'S APARTMElm h"I0N AVAI~ABLE RANGE iort, f/p, w/d. $700/mo. 604-984-OOl! Starting $575 )r 604-612-0202 after 6 mm. Picks of the Westway Village Valleycliff e 2,3 bdrm Now at I bdrm. 1 1/2 bath, and carpor' Le now, .sundry hook up. No pets. Ref's STRATA. RENTALS G COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ea'd. Phone 892-5672. Week I bdrm. on Valley Dr. All appl Residential Sales, Strata Management, Residential & Commercial Tenancy ;800/mo. plus 3 bdrm. in Viking lidge, close to everything. $850/mo = :or info call Ronnie McCartney ai Basil Milne Premium Property Sales & Management loyal LePage, Black Tusk Realh [ncludes heat, hot VACANCLES - JULY I O? 200 I 2 bdrm - Duplcx - Ilentville - $650 :ial 985904 or home 898-5941 ,5 bdrm - House - Valleycliffe - $1,300 2 bdrm - House - Valleycliffc $600 bdrm. Shannon Estates. 5 appl. water, & cable. 2 bdrm - New Condo - Symphony - $1,200 3 bdrm - Townhouse - Viking Ridge - $850 Squa mish :arport, storage and playground. 3 Mrm - House - Edgewater - $1,100 I. Please c wail. Aug. 1st. $950/mo. 81 5-3225 Call 604-892-2288 3 bdrm - House - Hospital Hill - $1,050 COM~~~c=l/lZ,/f~C/,s~~'KL.lI, 1978 FORD EXPLQRERXLT 3500 sq. ft. Warcliouse - Paco Rd. bdrms, 2 baths, Shannon Estates. 3 bdrm Wilson Crescent $1,000 4x4,4-doorYauto, CD, NC, Between - - Fommer Stcdmnans - 4,500 sq. ft. Mountain I nd unit backing onto private green- 3 bdrm - Shannon Estates - $950 tilt, cruise, low Kms. 5 and 6 PM, Former Alice's Restaurant - 1,500 scl. ft. $200/mo. E pace. 5 appls, N/S, $900/mo. 3 bdrm - Townhouse Mountain View - sq. ft. 2nd Avenue N/P. $23,775 Monday to Friday - $900 70 tion also avl rvail. Julv 15. Phone 898-4096. 3 bdrm - Townhouse - Viking Ridge - $850 Restaurant - Fonncr Elfin Galley * For an Fonnet Loggers Inn Restaurant 892-7997. ,vail. July 15. Large 2 bdrm town- 3 bdrm - Valley Drive - $800/$815 ' rent next ouse. 6 appls., gas f/p, single car appointment :e. Availal arage. N/S, N/R $850/mo. Call Lisa to view. 3577 92-5924. Sorry, no pets- e rackendale, large 3 bdrm, 1 1, Windemere Y2 ? space. ath. plus ensuite, f/p, 5 appl Sea to Sky Real Estate, Squamish 1 Ave., B5O/mo. negotiable. Avail. immc Phw recycle iately. Call 604-980-5257. 604-892-5576 1977 FORDF-150 XLT SC Basil Milne Beryl Taylor bility. this newspaper mttrh(statemen$.financidaccountabhhr'* .consistent commurication.weekend imaibih,orofessiond &e f. Castle Rock Family Housing 4x4, auto, NC, new rims & -9390 Applications are being sought tires. Great Shape! for a 4 bdrm. unit. $21,335 or Rent Family income must be under $34,000 yearly immed. Downtown tes. Secur Applications available. Mort. Fri. 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 5 appl., g - no. 815-991 #41-38100 Sixth Ave. Call or Fax: 892-5177 bed. Estates I., 5appl.f, immed. ValleyMe Avail. Aug agleview 3 bdrm., 3 baths, 5 appl! 604-904-44( p, 2 parking spaces. N/P, N/! immed. NorthYards ,-987-2318 lOO/mo. Avail. AUQ. 1. Ph 898-5931 1777 FORDF-150 XL $1150 4 Large older home, some new flmhg, basement suite, large yard immed. Brackendale Supercab, 4x4, off road pkg. ighland Glen Estates. #23 - 240 COMMERCIAL SPACE 1/2 bath, g 'amquam Rd. Excellent 3 bdrm, NC, CD, Aluminum rims. ,vail. immc 2 bath, 3 appl. W/D, 2 car garagt $21,775 Jail. immed. Ref. req'd. $1,20O/mt Rent 500 Sq. ft. Ph. 604-836-9392 irge 3 bdrm. 1 1/2 bath. W/D, car ?un. 3 bdr irt with storage. Patio and kid AI basemei ayground. Aug. 1st. $750/mo. inc 1 1. $85O/rr ible. Hydro not incl. N/P. Req q'd. 604-905-7660 leave. mess. 1/2 bath, g1 iannon Estates. End unit, 3 bdrm. satellite 7 iors, 2 bath., 5 appl. gas f/p, IC 1778 FORDESCORT ZX2 18-4431 evc Drage, play area, garage rlus Automatic, NC, tilt. ace. 2 entrance and deck. Avai IUS 2 bdr .Asuper commuter! IW. $1,05O/mo. Ph. 604-649-4990 mced -bac $12,975 Phase be& us find homes for these pets 's. N/f? Ava 515 Wanted to Rent Squamish SPCA 604-898-9890 Dog Pound 604-898-54 1 1 lult couple from Ottawa area arc lr Rent >king to rent a 1-3 bdrm. homc rn3quamis th appl. for Sept. 1. Pet friendlv c. ref. (819) 684-8162 or 684-2190. 3s incl. Ava 2 155 -Cleaning B9 Britann I. plus ut cellent housecleaning done fo ~~~~FORDEXP~RERXLX' Irm, finish€ u. Take a break, feel great. Yot 4x4, four door, V8. i. $1,150 pli serve it! Affordable rates. Cal Loaded! '0 Harris R B-8382 anytime. $2 1,775 I15 Tree Services I for Rei pping, limbing, and falling. Fully in. red. Free estimates. Call 898-5305

105 Auto Miscellaneous 1180 Hunter Place, Toyota Tercel $700. '81 F250, en- Squamish ie troubles $500. Import camper, 604-892-3673 IO. Phone 898-2002. 604-892-FO R D Nissan Sentra. 4 dr. 5 speed, D8580 od cond. New exhaust, cv joints, Call 892-9 I6 I 200 060. 815-8100 cell to advertise In The Chief Hyundai Excel. 4 door, good run- 125 Domestic g cond. Asking $1,700. Call 898-0793 ' Ford Taurus wagon. Low 80,000 Oldsmobile Cutlas Sierra Su- 1, anti-lock brakes. Prairie driven. me, 3.3L, low kms. Good condi- tion. Call 892-9397 or 892-9656. spected, well maintained. Asking 500. Ph. voice mail 604-894-6914. 26 H Tuesday, July 10,2001 1 The Chief ISquamish, B.C.

... . 9130 Motorcycles 9155 Sport Mils & 4x4s 9160 Sports & Imports 9170 Trucks & Vans 9170 Tiucks & Vans 9515 Boats . - "0 DOWN O.A.C." Guaranteed cred- '93 Dodge Caravan Grand LE. 3.3L8 '82 Honda CB 900 Custom. Good '86 TOYotap4Runner. Good body. '99 Mazda Miata. BlaclJsilver, rag Zodiak l(r inflatable w/rod holder it approvals. Trucks, 4x4's crew auto., 7 passenger, quad Seating, all aluminum paddles. 9.5 Johnson t . conditon. New battery, $2,500 OBO. Good running condition. Recent top, Mint cozd. Take Over lease. paint job. Extra '87 4Runner for cabs, diesels, sport utilities, cars & options. Runs and drives like new. board w/2 tanks. 4.5 Merc short sl Call 898-4608 s5 0 down Call 604-932-9559 .. . parts. S5,OOO firm. 898-4807 ooo vans. Repo's, broken leases, heayr $6,500 OBO: 898-5049. outboard w/2 tanks. Phone 892-3 . '.

9155 4x4s '94 Ford Explorer, sunroof, 150,000 9170 Trucks & Vans duty equipment. Take over pay- . .. 9136 Pa*&Accdes ' 9530 RVs/Camp/Tiiile km. Mechanical front hubs, trailer ments. Free delivery. Call Lawrence ... . GMCVandura. 1/2 ton, full size. '95 Grand Full loaded' hitch, Mechelin tires. Mechanically ,w Siccia BC's largest finance broker. 8 ft. Camperette. EXC Cond., go0 low miles, one owner. Call for more Semi camperized. 175,000 km. white Gel canowfor F19, Slidingwin- in very good $9,500. 898-2357 1-800-993-3673. VanCouver327-6377- dows w/screens. OBO.~-~.. hunting and fishing. Sleep information 892-3577, days only. $3,000. Call 898-1 143 a Askina S1.200. Call 898-9415

.' ,

DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH ing quality customer service. Keyboards a variety of documents of various PUBLIC NOTICE length and complexity, maintains and files a variety of office records, receives, TAKE NOTICE THAT the District of Squamish proposes to adopt "District of records and reconciles cash received from the public, issues receipts, receive: Squamish RCMP Loan Authorization Bylaw No.1613, 2001 ", the intent of which and relays telephone or counter inquiries to the appropriate persons and pro- is to authorize the borrowing of $4,900,000 repayable over 20 years to provide vides basic departmental information, prepares reports and performs statistica for the construction of a building for the R.C.M.P. analysis related to recreation program registrations. ALL PERSONS desiring to petition against Bylaw No. 1613 must do so in writ- Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Required: ing on or before August 13, 2001, at 4:30 p.m. at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Thorough knowledge of business English, basic arithmetic and modern off ice Avenue, Squamish, B.C. practices and procedures; ability to receive cash, issue receipts and make Council may only be prevented from proceeding with the adoption of Bylaw change accurately and promptly; computer word processing skills in Word 1613 if more than 5% in number of the electorate respond against the under- Perfect, with minimum speed of 50 wpm and basic skills in computer spread taking. The number of electors in the District is estimated to be 8449. Therefore sheet, data base and graphics programs; knowledge of the operation of office if 5% or more of the electorate, or more-than 422 people (estimated) petition equipment including photocopier, typewriter, facsimile, dictaphone and calcula against Bylaw No. 1613, it shall not proceed to final adoption unless the tor; excellent interpersonal and communication skills and ability to deal with St. Jo! . people in a professional manner; good organizational skills. 24 Council of the District of Squamish procesds to receive the assent of the elec- C torate through a referendum ballot. Required Training, Education and Experience: If less than 5% of the electorate, or less than 422 people (estimated) petition Applicants must be bondable. Applicants must successfully complete a crimi- Fatt against Bylaw No. 1613, it may be placed before the District of Squamish nal record check. Grade Twelve; two (2) years clerical, experience including Council at any time after August 13, 2001 for adoption. cashiering and at least one (1) year working in an environment serving the pub= con Instructions to Petitioners: lic. This position is under the jurisdiction of CUPE, Local 2269. The Local Government Act of the Province of British Columbia requires .that in Shift: Will include daytime, evenings, weekend work , order for a petition to be valid: Wage: $16.28 per hour 1999 rates . 1. The person signing the petition is an eligible elector. Please forward Applications to: St. Jo ' 14 Janet Gugins, General Supervisor, Recreation Services (behind 2. Must include full name, signature and residential address of the petitioner. i 3. Must be signed by at least 5% (422) of the electors of the District of Brennan Park Recreation Centre 1009 Centennial Way Brennan Park R Squamish. P. - $1 The counter petition must be in the form established by the District of Box 310, Squamish, B.C. VON'3GO Squamish. These forms are available at the office of Trudy M. Coates, Applications will be accepted up to July 2Oth, 2001 Manager of Administrative Services, District of Squamish, 37955 Second Avenue, Squamish, B.C. and must be submitted in writing on or before 4:30 DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH sc P.M. August 13,2001. RECREATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT Job Opp ortunity: Temporary Part Time Lifeguard/lnstructor I & II AND FURTHER THAT THIS IS THE SECOND OF TWO PUBLICATIONS ". Applications are being accepted for the position of Temporary Part Time DISTRICT OF SQUAMISH Lifeguard/lnstructor I & II Squami PUBLIC NOTICE ' Under the general supervision of the Lifeguard/lnstructor 111, the 386 The District of Squamish proposes to construct a building for the R.C.M.P.. Lifeguard/lnstructor 1/11 performs lifeguarding, swimming instruction, supervi- under authority of "District of Squamish RCMP Loan Authorization Bylaw No. sion, and limited custodial work involving responsibility for the safety and Pastc 1613, 2001 " at a total cost of $4,900,000.00 for which the proposed method of instruction of all users of the public swimming facilities. Maintains water quali- Sunda financing is by issue of a debenture. ty. Participates in the development, training and evaluation of staff under their 10:30 ai The current residential property tax rate is $5.23705 per $1,000.00 of taxable supervision. Ensures that pool regulations are adhered to. . Various assessment. The increased cost to service the new debenture debt will JOB REQUIREMENTS: increase the residential property tax rate an estimated $0.254976 per $1,000.00 All qualifications must be current. of taxable assessment exclusive of any other levies. - Completion of Grade 12 Dated this 3rd day of July, 2001 at Squamish, B. C. - Current Lifesaving Society National Lifeguard Service Certificate This is the second of two publications. - Current Lifesaving Society Instructor Certificate 15 Ai JOB OPPORTUNITY - Current Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Certificate - The District of Squamish Recreation Services Department is accepting applica- - Current CPR "C" Level Certificate itiqueEastern wo ( tions for the following positions: 2 Casual Ice Skate Patrols & 1 Seasonal - Current First Aid Certificate (min. 16 hours) - . 1870 -19 Temporary Part-time Ice Skate Patrol. Job requirements for these positions - Current Pool Operators Level II Certificate include the following; ensure the safety of patrons during Public Ice Skate $1800. . - Three (3) years experience as an Instructor/Guard email c Sessions; to administer adequate first aid when needed; ensure that the safety - rules and regulations are adhered to. Receives ticket stubs to Public Skating, Also one of the following: and other facility events when required. Performs light janitorial and custodial - Red Cross Instructor Trainer, Lifesaving Society Instructor Trainer, First 060 .I duties as required. Required qualifications as follows: Applicants must be six- Aid/CPR Instructor Trainer, National Lifeguard Instructor or other related - Instructor trainer courses I & use( teen (16) years of age or older. Applicants must have the ability to ice skate quip. fo woficiently. Applicants must be able to deal effectively and courteously with the PREFERRED: I general public and handle situations where first aid knowledge is required. Any one or more of the following: Call Rei SOPY of a current first aid certificate is required. Successful applications will be - BCRPA Aquatic Fitness, Aquatic Emergency Care, Adapted Aquatics or pequiredto successfully complete a Criminal Records Check. Wage is $9.80 other recognized Aquatic Certification. 5 For Der hour - 1999 rates. Shifts include weekends, evenings, weekdays, days, Job Descriptions are available on request. md are scheduled for Public Skate Sessions and Special Events. This position unl IRI v RATE nc DAV. PEMBE s under the jurisdiction of CUPE, Local 2269. I IVWI ILI I IAI L VI I ni. 7.29 aci $15.04 per hour - 1999 rates - Lifeguard/lnstructor I Ne 4pplications are being accepted up to July 22nd, 2001 at 4:OO p.m. for e $1 6.68 per hour - 1999 rates - Lifeguard/lnstructor II Power,wl lpplications forms are available at the Brennan Park Recreation Centre or any Exclud vlunicipal office. Please drop your completed application at the Brennan Park HOURS OF WORK: AS WORK LOAD DEMANDS qecreation Centre off ice for consideration for these ppsitions. EVENINGS, WEEKENDS, WEEKDAYS Applications will be up to: July 20th, 2001 at 4:OO p.m. JOB OPPORTdNITY: Casual Recreati Clerk(s) Please address 6570.' lob Requirements: Janet Gugins, of Recreation Se ices S QUAMI S H Under the supervision of the General Supervisor, R ation Services, a District of Squamish Recreation Facility Clerk Derforms the following du appl., garage, keyboarding, cashier- Recreation b Avail. immed. ing, reception and clerica(1 work servina the public creation Facility. The 1009 Centennial Way Call N8 Recreation Facility Clerk' main duties-and respon are; maintain courte- Box 310, de-Ann 1 ous and positive public r lations with customers i sidents of the Applications the Brennan P rk Recreation Centre. community; representati! es of otganizations and t staff by deliver- I The Chief Squamish, B.C ITuesday, July 10,2001 i27 .LASS.IFIED

’ Churches ,. - Churches -. Churches District District District

/rod hold Johnsor Brc short lone 892- .r prare rsf bor~ljtp -p/rrail ond., goc Squamish United Church 1. Sleep 1-941 5 as summer embraces the landscape and our hearts ma Spirit’s gentle touch. Letting go of routine, spending mo NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ing.at the world, or laying on the grassand staring at the to God. Begin your day with a simple prayer thanking NOTICE is hereby given that the public, including all persons whddeem their day. Walk in the sunshine and thank God for all the ble! interest in property affected by the following proposed bylaw will/be afforded on the grass and feel the earth beneath and remember th an opportunity to be heard respecting matters contained in the proposed God created you and ‘all creation to live together in peace and harmony. Gazc bylaw at a public hearing to be held at 7:OO p.m. on Tuesday, the 24th day of . upon the stars and marvel at the expanse of God’s creation and remember July, 2001 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Hall, 37955 - 2nd that we are only a tiny part of this. stranger and remember that Christ greets you in the Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia. ou meet. Send a smile across the room giving a gift In general terms the purpose of the proposed “District of Squamish Zoning Gently speak to those around you and fill them with Bylaw No. 1342, 1995, Amendment Bylaw (KOCH - RURAL RESIDENTIAL 1) No. 1655, 2001” is as follows: . Summer time is a good time to remember God’s goodness and us 1. To rezone lands legally described as: Parcel 1 of the south-west 1/4 of e....and to say thank you. A summer time prayer: Section 11, Township 50, New Westminster District, Plan LMP 40630 and :eives, God of high pliices, !ceive! we feel the wind of your Spirit iri this suinnier setisou. located at 401 37 Government Road, Squamish, British Columbia, as 1 pro- Blow ci wtiy the cobwebs of our “busyness cis usutil ’’ shown cross-hatched below from Residential Manufactured Home Park 1 atistic; rprise us with your ciwesome “present-ness” (RMH-1) to Rural Residential 1 (RL-1). As ‘we open to the ?Tileticecflthe soul. . Blessings to all of you this summer. Spiral Trot Icr Rev. Brenda J. Faust off ice Squamish United Church: JI PLAN ‘5763 ke “United in the bonds of God’s love” Fax: 604-892-5729 rd Church e-mail : squnited (3 mntn.net read Web: Squamish Uni tedchurch. Homestead.com off ice Highlands Gospel Hall :alcula Garibaldi Way & C Squamish Baptist Church PLAN 5: Nith St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Diamond Road Read Crescent 2449 The Boulevard, 2262 604-898-5091 .- Caribaldi Highlands 604-898-3737 Gordon Stewart 604-898-4355 Sunday Services: Father Angelo De Pompa Sunday Gospel Service, 11 : am crimi- Sunday Worship and 15 Fellowship Supper, pm qnd Sunday School 5 ng Sunday, 10 am Gospel Service, pm 1O:OO am 7 le pub Confessions before Mass. on the last Sunday of the month (until Sun. Sept. 2) Monday Youth Bible Hour, 7 pm Wednesday Bible Study, 7 pm

St. John’s Anglican Church All churches in 2. This rezoning is to accommodate a proposed subdiv.ision of five (5) two 1930 Diamond Road Squamish United Church (2) acre residential lots. (behind the Best Western Hotel) Fourth Avenue i this directory 38014 604-898-5100 604-892-5727Rev. Brenda Faust Persons interested in specific particulars are directed to obtain a copy of the Rev. John Stephens are members of proposed bylaw as indicated below. Also available for inspection are copies ’ Sunday Worship & Sunday of the District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw No. 1342, 1995 which would be Sunday services at 8 am the Squamish School begins at 10 am (Holy Eucharist) and amended bf’the proposed bylaw and various reports and plans which have 10 am (Family Eucharist) Ministerial Visit us at: been considered by Council. http:llsquamishunitedchurch,hom4stead,com with Sunday A copy of the proposed bylaw and an information package may be inspect- School and Nursery ‘ Society. ed at the Municipal Hall, 37955 - 2nd Avenue, Squamish, British Columbia, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive, “. Squam ish e.-~, - excluding statutory holidays from July loth, 2001 to July 24th, 2001 inclu- rime ’ ‘I - ’ Word of Life Centre Squamish Community Church 604898-(HOLY)4659 sive. Valleycliffe Christian Sunday 10:30 am AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone who wishes to comment on the 38647 Buckley Avenue Fellowship Church 604-892-3680 38265 Westway Avenue A bible teaching church’ for the proposed District of Squamish Zoning Bylaw No. 1342, 1995, Amendment mi- whole family l Pastor Derwyn Costinak 604-892-SO23 Bylaw (KOCH - RURAL RESIDENTIAL 1) No. 1655, 2001 may do so by: quali- Sunday: 10 am Coffee Time Sunday Worship Service Location: 1. Making a written submission to the Council of the District of Squamish; their 10:30 am Morning Celebration 1O:OO am Banquet Room - Best Western and/or Various midweek HomeGroups Hotel, Caribaldi Highlands 2. Appearing as a delegation before the Council of the District of Squamish A Non-Denominational Church on the 24th day of July, 2001 at 7:OO p.m. in the District of Squamish Council Chambers. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that no verbal or written communication will be received by the Council of the District of Squamish after the close of the hearing. 15 Art & Collectibles 7015 Escort Services 9155 Sport Utilities & 4x4 Michael Rosen, Trudy M. Coates, Planning Consultant Manager of Administrative Services itique wooden skis, poles, boots. Whistler Golf Bunnies 1988 Jeep YJ, emerald THIS IS THE FIRST OF TWO SUCH NOTICES OF PUBLIC HEARING. Eastern Canada, 8 8, 1/2 pairs. We’re back in town to help you relax green,174,000 kms, 3 tops, lots c 1870 -1960, sold as collection. & enjoy life after the game. recent work, great condition, $551 Dated this 6th day of July, 2001 at Squamish, British Columbia

$1800. Call (604) 740-0887 ~ OBO. 932-2091 I email ctaw@uniserve .corn 94 Jeep Cherokee Country, loaded, 4 WHISTLER STAGS 1.19, kms a/c,mechanic owned, e) We’ve got the best no need to call cond. $1 1,000.932-3049 Iv. message 2060 For Sale Misc the rest. Call now for your reserved 1996 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x4 grec booking.932-6380 ’ standard, a/c, 11 1,000 kms, 6 cyl.,oi New & used restaurant & catering dasPro Computer Services I 1 owner $1 2,999. (604) 935-2669 equip. for sale. Contents of 3 300TS A+ Certified, MCSE Trained. restaurants. A PICKUP CIP 9105 Auto Miscellaneous 3L RE Guaranteed Work Call Rene to view 938-3248 9170 Trucks & Vans Yard Clean Ups, I PARTS SALES SERVICE Fm’endly Seruice r , 1996 Bluebird bus 36 pass: good Hauling & Landscaping Jeff Shea 1988 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4 with Ci Contact Felix (604) 892442y 6015 For Sale By Owner running cond. $38,000 obo., 1989 phone: 604-898-& 604-998-2378 Bluebird 22 pass. 247,kms $8,000 & 60 6-892-3391 BRACKENDALE, B.C. [email protected] Arctic Cat Snowmobile 580 Powd I obo. Verna (604) 894-6131 PEMBERTON ACREAGE, Special. Can be sold sep. 938-009t 7.29 acres of view property. 1996 GMC 4x4 truck w canpo I Near Villagelideal 9125 Domestic for estate, horses etc. 84,00Okms, $12800. obo. 938-0007 Power,water,approved septic. 1997 Chevy Cavalier 2 dr, coupe, 1998 Dodge Durrango SLT. Chili pe, I BOND RESTORATIONS I Excluding gst. $279,900. stereo, good tires, 54,000 kms, 1 per red, 5.2L engine, leather interic ~SPRAYTEXING0 DRYWALL a PAINTING 0 CARPENTRY& RENOVATIONS (604) 929-5886 owner $8,00O:obo. Edward 938-6432 new brakes & tires 75,000 km 1999 Chev. Cavalier, V6, NC, 27,000 excellent condition. $28,500. C: I 604-892-3918 Fax: 604-892-5336 kms, $14,000. or take over lease. Great 905-0242 I 6570.’Out of Town family car. 938-7301 or (604) 698-5021 9530 RV’s/Ca mpe rs/Tra iI e r SQUAMISH 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, f/p, 6 9130 Motorcycles ON SIDE, appl., garage, good location, $8N/mo. 15 foot Travel Air Trailer oldc R E S T 0 R A T I 0 N SERVICES LTD. Avail. immed. Call (604) 924-9031 model in good condition. $500. ob 1993 Suzuki Motorcyle GS XR. ‘SpeciaZized Services Providing SoZutions” Call Nancy, Gord or Please call (604) 894-6472 de-Ann at 604-892-9161 Runs Great, new rubber. Asking I Advertise up and dowi www.onside.ca to advertise, $5000. obo. Call 938-4085 604-892-0222 I the corridor. oot 1 0 tre. I I -‘ -‘ 1 I 28 E Tuesday, July 10, 2001 E The Chief 23 Squamish, B.C. Community

I Congratulations on your tax burden ...... ___..~______~_I_...... living, Canada has fallen to ...... , ...... :.. ;ix Frcedorii Day is ;i pcr cent of’ Canadi;ins said In fact, under our pian, a ...... p...... x, 0,; I! d;ite c;ilcul;itcd ;mnu- thcy have not noticcd any single income family of four “Our standard of 70.3 per cent in 2000 from Tally by thc I=r;isc~* l‘edcrril tax rclic!.. earning $60,000 per year 77.7 per cent in 1989. Institute and dcsignatcs the No wonder, since 1993 would get an extra $2,721 in living takes a hit Things are suppose to day of’ thc year whcrc therc has been 63 Libcral tax savings. ‘because of these improve, are they not? C;anadi;ins have paid their tax increascs, including ii 73 On all sides, Cand’ci ians are 11 Didn’t Paul Martin say his total taxcs fro111 ;dl lcvels of pcr cent incrcasc in CPP being gouged by high taxes. high taxes. mini-budget would bring prem i u ins. We have the highest corpo- you tax relief and thus a cgovcriiriient !’or thc year. -John Reynolds ...... better standard of living? Con g rii t u 1 it t i on s, J 11 tic 29 As the saying goes, thcy rate tax rate in the ...... REYNOLDS WRAP rxirked the day you rnct give you ;i bit of relief on Organization of Economic There are things the your tax burdcn, six clays one hand, and take with the Development and takes a hit because of these Liberals could do to five years. t i improve the lot of Instead, Liberal spending mi car1 ier t h;in last yc~. other. Coopc ra on . high taxes. Canada’s stan- So you ;ire still working Since 196 I , the average That rate is 42.1 per cent dard of living ranked sev- Can ad i an s . is up a whopping eight per six months o!‘ the year to Canadian family’s tax bill this year. On the personal enth in OECD countries last One thing is to reduce cent this year versus last pay your t;ixcs. W;isn’t Paul rosc from 33.5 to 47.5 per income tax side, Canada has year. Ireland now ranks their own spending. year. You won’t see any Mart i n *s m uc ti-h y pcd tax cent of its income. Tax the highest rate, at 14. I per fifth, up from 19th, as a By keeping government relief if the government cuts suppose to ~nake;I Freedom Day in 1961 was cent of Gross Domestic result of reduced taxation. program spending at infla- continues to spend your major change in your tax on May 3, the first year the Product. Canada’s standard of liv- tion plus population growth hard-earned tax dollars at ,, burden? Wow, a whole six statistic was calculated. In the United States, that ing in 2000 rose to $14,529, (about three per cent per increasing rates. Only by days less working to pay If the Canadian Alliance figure is at I I .7 per cent of just $232, or 1.6 per cent annum) an additional $58 reducing this spending will your taxes. tax plan was implemented, GDP and will fall to 10.2 above the 1989 level of billion would be available you see tax cuts and come- In fact, in a Pollara poll you would have tax freedom per cent by 20 IO. $14,279. As a ratio of the for deeper tax relief and quently a better standard of : living. 1 BYD! conducted in May 2001, 76 by mid-June. Our standard of living United States standard of debt reduction over the next I I1 The sei year-old the Squi 1 body w 1 Squamis ! At abo; I RCMP r i Internatic Ltd., ad,

~ employec boat hac 1 body flc 1 windsurf

~ Squamisl The bo( able to s bring it tc minals, v over to Service. “The fii was whe: in force I berth,”in formatil s

at Squam Police s sure” th( Dylan W disappear’ canoe he i overturnel “The gt extensive which ma Mike Byr Height, also C Rempel ’s “An ai ordered 1 16), whic lock it in,’ fingerprin, that time. The lot, adds to tht “If he w Howe Sou wind and would pu into that p~ Rempel ’! retrieved 1 Howe So three week