EN Discussion Paper Livestock-derived foods and sustainable healthy diets Logo UN NUTRITION | English | Feb 2021 | version A UN June 2021 Nutrition All rights reserved. UN Nutrition encourages the use and dissemination of content in this product. Reproduction and dissemination thereof for educational or other non-commercial uses are authorized provided that appropriate acknowledgement of UN Nutrition as the source is given and that UN Nutrition’s endorsement of users’ views, products or services is not implied in any way. All requests for translation and adaptation rights, and for resale and other commercial use rights should be addressed to the UN Nutrition secretariat at
[email protected]. EN Discussion Paper Livestock-derived foods and sustainable healthy diets Logo UN NUTRITION | English | Feb 2021 | version A UN June 2021 Nutrition Acknowledgements This report was written by Lora Iannotti (Washington University in St Louis) with valuable inputs from Shirley Tarawali, Isabelle Baltenweck, Polly Ericksen and Bernard Bett (ILRI), Delia Grace Randolph (University of Greenwich and ILRI), and Mary Kate Cartmill (Washington University in St Louis) as well as support and detailed comments from Joyce Njoro and Antonio Rota (IFAD), Saskia De Pee and Becky Ramsing (WFP), Nancy Aburto, Trudy Wijnhoven and Johanna Schmidt (FAO), Marzella Wustefeld, Lina Mahy, Carmen Savelli and Stephane De la Rocque (all WHO). The report was prepared under the overall management of Stineke Oenema (UN Nutrition). Poilin Breathnach served as editor, and benefited from support in its finalization from Sadia Mohamoud and Jessie Pullar (UNSCN). Faustina Masini is credited with the graphic design. Livestock-derived foods and sustainable healthy diets Table of contents Abstract 2 1.