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1971 1971-1972 Evergreen Conference Winter Sports-- Wrestling, Basketball, Swimming, Gymnastics Evergreen Conference

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Recommended Citation Evergreen Conference, "1971-1972 Evergreen Conference Winter Sports--Wrestling, Basketball, Swimming, Gymnastics" (1971). Media Guides and Press Books. Book 19. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_athletics_media_guides/19

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DR. DARYL BASLER President of Evergreen Conference

NEW OFFICERS ARE: President: Dr. Daryl Basler, Faculty Representative, Central Washington State College. Vice President: Dr. Robert Livingston, Athletic Director, Oregon College. Secretary: Dr. Jack Douglas, Faculty Athletic Representative, Oregon Tech . Treasurer: Dr. William Riffe, Faculty Athletic Representative, RICHARD EDWARDS Southern Oregon College. T NAIA Nat' I Champion '70-'71 190 lb. Wrestler EVERGREEN CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP SITES AWARDED:

1972-Cross Country-Oregon Tech ., Nov. 11, 1972. 1972-Swimming-Southern Oregon, March 2 ,3,4, 1972. CRAIG SKEESICK 1973-Swimming-Central Washington, March 1,2,3, 1973. A NAIA Nat'I Champion Central Washington 1972-Wrestling-Central Washington, Feb. 18 & 19, 1972. 1973-Wrestling-Eastern Oregon, Feb. 16 & 17, 1973 . 1972-Gymnastics-Oregon College, March 4, 1972. 1973-Gymnastics-Eastern Washington, March 3, 1973. Spring Sports 1972-Western Washington, May 19 & 20, .1972. Spring Sports 1973-Southern Oregon, May 18 & 19, 1973.

FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE ATHLETIC POLICY, SCHEDULES OR ACTIVITIES OF THE MEL FARRIS 6'1'' Oregon Tech ... EVERGREEN CONFERENCE, WRITE TO: All-EVCO ,. .\. Dick Wright Public Relations Director Dick Wright Evergreen Conference FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THE Public Relations Director E. 14205 18th Ave. ATHLETIC POLICY, SCHEDULES OR Evergreen Conference Veradale, Wash. 99037 ACTIVITIES OF THE EVERGREEN, WRITE TO: E. 14205 - 18th Ave. Veradale, Wash. 99037 Basketball Schedule 1972 Evergreen Conference

February 4 Eastern Washington at Southern Oregon Eastern Oregon at Oregon Tech January 7 Eastern Oregon at Eastern Washington Western Washington at Central Washington Central Washington at Oregon College Oregon College - Bye Oregon Tech at Southern Oregon Western Washington - Bye February 5 Eastern Washington at Oregon Tech Eastern Oregon at Southern Oregon January 14 Southern Oregon at Eastern Washington Western Washington at Oregon College Oregon Tech at Eastern Oregon Central Washington - Bye Central Washington at Western Washington Oregon College - Bye February 11 Oregon College at Eastern Washington Central Washington at Eastern Oregon January 15 Oregon Tech at Eastern Washington Southern Oregon at Western Washington Southern Oregon at Eastern Oregon Oregon Tech - Bye Oregon College at Western Washington Central Washington - Bye February 12 Central Washington at Eastern Washington Oregon College at Eastern Oregon January 21 Eastern Washington at Oregon College Oregon Tech at Western Washington Eastern Oregon at Central Washington Southern Oregon - Bye Western Washington at Southern Oregon Oregon Tech - Bye February 18 Western Washington at Eastern Washington Southern Oregon at Central Washington January 22 Eastern Washington at Central Washington Oregon Tech at Oregon College Eastern Oregon at Oregon College Eastern Oregon - Bye Western Washington at Oregon Tech Southern Oregon - Bye February 19 Western Washington at Eastern Oregon Oregon Tech at Central Washington January 24 Eastern Washington at Western Washington Southern Oregon at Oregon College Eastern Washington - Bye January 28 Central Washington at Southern Oregon Oregon College at Oregon Tech February 22 Oregon College at Central Washington Eastern Oregon - Bye Southern Oregon at Oregon Tech Eastern Washington at Eastern Oregon January 29 Eastern Oregon at Western Washington Western Washington - Bye Central Washington at Oregon Tech Oregon College at Southern Oregon Eastern Washington - Bye CENTRAL WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE CENTRAL WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE (WILDCATS) . . (WILDCATS)

n.:iskc tball Wrestling BASKETBALL ROSTER

Date Plu.ce Time Date Place Time Name Pas. Ht. Wt. Yr . Hc:Jmetown and School Nov. 20 Ellensburg 7:30 De c. Ellensburg 7--;-)0 Basich, John G 6-0 165 Jr. Aberdeen Alumni Game Alumni (Grays Harbor CC) Dec. 2 Ellensburg 7:30 Dec. 10 Chico, Ca . 3 :00 Chatman, Bill G 6-2 172 Sr. Bellevue (Highline) Carroll College Humboldt State Eldred, Bill F 6-5 198 Jr . (Highline ) Dec . 4 Ellensburg 7 :3 0 Dec. 11 Chico, Ca . 8:00 Graham, Frank G 6-1 156 So. S eattle S t. Martin's College Chico Farwcst Tourney Hanson, Rich F 6-4 205 Jr. Blaine Dec . 13 Yakima 9:00 Dec. 18 (Skagit Valley) Go n zaga University University of Wash. To urney . Henniger, Bill F 6-5 210 Jr. Richland Dec. 17 Tacoma Jan. 7 Ellensburg 7 :3 0 Jeske, Rod G 6-2 170 So . Ellensburg Paci fic Luthe ran Univ . University of Oregon Polis, Mike G 5-8 180 Sr. Longview Dec. 2 8- 30 Chico, Calif. Jan . 8 Elle n sburg 7: 3 0 (Lower Colwnbia) Chico Tourney Western Wa s hingto n Poole, Kerry F 6-4 171 Jr . Seattle (Bellevue ) Jan . 7 Monmouth Jan. 14 Ellensburg 7:30 Randall, Gary G 5-ll 185 Sr. Burlington Oregon Col. of Ed. Oregon Tech (S kagit Valley) Jan. 8 Portland Jan . 21 Cheney 7: 3 0 Schooler, Eric F 6-5 205 Sr. Sumner Portland State Univ. Eastern Washington Weber, Ron F 6-5 195 Jr. Yakima (Yakima) Jan. 14 Belling ham Jan. 24 Ellensburg 7:30 Willison , Brian F 6- 3 190 J r. Tacoma (Shoreline) West . Wash. State Col l ege University of Washington Jan. 15 Seatt l e Jan. 28 Ellensburg 7:30 Seattle Pacific CoJleqe Seattle Pacific Jan . 18 Elle nsburg 7: 3 0 Fe b. 3 Monmouth 3:00 Pacific Lu theran Univ . Chico State Jan . 21 Ellensburg 7 :-3 0 Fe b. 3 Monmo uth 7 : 3 0 Eastern Oregon College Oregon Col l ege Jan. 22 Elle n sbur g 7:30 Feb. 4 Corvallis 7:30 Eastern Wash. State College Oregon State University Wrestling Jan. 28 Ashland Feb. 11 LaGrand e 6:00 Southern Oregon Colle ge Eastern Oregon Ja n. 29 Klamath Falls Feb. 12 Pu llman 7:30 Name Wt. Name Wt. Oregon Tech . Wash i ngton State University Adams, Jim 158 Schutte, Wayne 118 Fe b. 4 Ellensburg 7: 30 Fe b. 18-19 E llensburg · Blore, Tony 1 50 Shaw, Kit 126 Wes t . Wash. State College Evergreen Confer e nce Tourney Febus, Rex 167 Skeesick, Craig 142 Fe l1. 5 Olympia Feb. 22 Yakima '.7 ; 30 Omli, Tom 190 Smith , David 11/W St. Martin ' s Col l ege Univ. of Washington Owens, Greg 142 Wooley, Roger 167 Pc b. 8 Ellensburg 7:30 Feb. 25 Portland 8: 00 Reichert, Lee 118 Seattle Pacific College Po rtland State Univ. Fe b. 11 LaGrand e Mar. 9-ll Klamath Falls 8 : 00 Eastern Oregon Colle ge NAIA National Tourney Feb. 1 2 Cheney Eastern Wa sh. State College F<'I J. 18 Elle n sburg 7 : 30 Sc1uthcrn Oregon Coll ege f'<>b . 19 Ell e n sburg 7: 3 0 On-•qon 'I't ~c..: h. Feb. 22 E lle nsburg 7: 30 Oreqon Co l. of Ed . Fe U. 26 Ilurnaby, B.C . S imon FrasPr Univ. f'<'i>. 28 f:llensburg 7 : 30 Por t land Sta t e Univ. M:1r. 4 ,6 , 7 Ellc n sburq 7:30 NAIA Di strict #1 Playoffs M.tr. 1 1-18 Kansas City , Mo. N/\IA Na tionals EASTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE CENTRAL WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE (SAVAGES) (WILDCATS)

Basketball Wrestling

Place Time Date Time No v. 27 Cheney 7:30 Dec. Coeur d' Alene Alumni-Varsity North •col. Tourney Gymnastics Dec. 1 Lewiston Dec . 6 Spokane 7: 00 Lewis-Clark State College Whitworth Dec. 4 Cheney 7:30 Dec. ll Pullman All day Carroll College Wash . State Univ. Tourney Date Place Time Dec. 11 Cheney 7:30 Jan . 6 Cheney 7: :\0 Jan. Ellensburg 2:00 Whitworth College Eastern Oregon Eastern Wa s hington & WSU Dec. 15 Billings Jan. 7 Cheney 8:30 Jan. 14 Monmouth 6:00 Eastern Montana College Western Washington Oregon College Dec. 16 Billings Jan. 8 Pullman 7:00 Jan. 22 Eugene, Ore. 2:00 Rocky Mountain College Washington State Univ. of Oregon Dec. 20 Greely Jan. 14 Bellingham 7:30 Feb. 5 Seattle 2: 00 Univ. of North Colorado Western Washington Univ. of Wash. & UBC Dec. 22 Denver Jan. 15 Bellingham 1:00 Fe b. 12 Ellensburg 2:00 Metropolitan State Univ. Oregon Tech. Oregon College Dec. 28 Anaconda Jan. 21 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 18 Port! and Anaconda Christmas Tourney Central Washington Portland State & Eastern Wash . Dec. 30 Dillon Jan. 28 LaGrande 7:00 Mar. 11 Richland 7: 00 Western Montana College Eastern Oregon Jan. 7 Cheney 7:30 Jan. 29 LaGrande 2:00 Inland Empire Tourney Swimming Mar. 17-18 Portland All day Eastern Oregon College College of Idaho Pacific NW Championship Jan. 11 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 3 Cheney 7:30 Mar. 24-25 Charleston, Ill. Gonzaga University Univ . of Calgary All Day Date Place Time Jan. 14 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 4 Cheney 7:30 NAIA National Tourney Jar.. 15 Ellensburg 1:30 Southern Oregon College Univ. of Puget Sound Eastern Washington & Whitman Jan. 15 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 5 · Cheney 2:00 Jan. 21 Portland 3 :00 Oregon Tech. Whitman Lewis & Clark & Portland State Jan. 21 Monmouth Fe b. 5 Cheney 7:30 Jan. 22 Forest Grove 12:00 Oregon Col. of Ed. Whitworth Oregon Col. & Pacific Univ. Jan. 22 Ellensburg Feb. 8 Cheney 7: 30 Jan. 28 Ellensburg 3:00 Cen. Wash. State College Univ. of Idaho WWSC & Gonzaga Jan. 24 Bellingham Feb. 11 Monmouth 7:30 Feb. 2 Ellensburg 7 : 00 West. Wash. State College Oregon College Univ of Puget Sound Jan. 28 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 11 Monmouth 11:00 Feb. 4 Ellensburg 2 : 00 University of Alaska Warner Pacific Montana & Portland State Feb. 4 Ashland Feb. ll Monmouth 2 : 00 Feb. 11 Ellensburg 7:00 Southern Oregon College Pacific University PLU & Spokane Swim Club Feb. 5 Klamath Falls Feb. 18-19 Ellensburg Feb. 12 Pocatello 3: 00 Oregon Tech. Evergreen Con. Tourney Idaho State Feb. 11 Cheney 7:30 Feb. 29 Moscow 7: 30 Feb. 17-19 Portland Oregon Col. of Ed. Univ. of Idaho NAIA District I & II Feb. 12 Cheney 7:30 Mar. 8-11 Klamath Falls Mar. 2-4 Ashland Cen. Wash. State College NAIA National Tourney Evergreen Conference Champ. Feb. 18 Cheney 7:30 Mar. 23-25 Marshall, Minn ~ West. Wash. State College NAIA National Tourney Feb. 25 LaGrande Eastern Oregon College Feb. 27 Cheney 7: 30 St. Martin 1 s College Mar. 2 Spokane Whitworth College EASTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE (SAVAGES) (MOUNTAIN HRS) BASKETBALL ROSTER Basketball Name Pas. Ht. Wt. Yr. Hometown and School Barfield, Larry G 5-10 160 Jr. Maple Valley Name Pas. Ht. Yr . Hom e town Brooks, Kevin c 6-8 210 So. Cheney Archer , Jim G 5- ll Jr. Ephrata, Wash. Buss, Randy F 6-5 205 Sr. Shannon, Ill. Bradley, Harold F 6-4 Fr. Klamath Falls Cartmell, Dan G 5-11 165 So. Richland Fryback, Jim G 5-8 Jr . Elgin Curran, Scott G 6-2 175 So. Mercer Island Halleman " Gary F 6-3 Fr. Springfield Davis., Eric F 6-3 195 Sr. Spokane Isbell, Dan G 5-1 0 So. Clackamas Farrell , Mike 5-11 150 Healdsburg G Jr. Lyman, Pat c 6-6 Fr. Beaverton Forney, Randy F 6-4 180 Jr. E . Wenatchee MacKay, ,Jim F 6-5 So . Klamath Falls Harris, Daryl 6-2 175 Sr. Hackensack , J. G N. Martinez, Don G 6- 0 So . Madras Hayden, Dave 6-8 228 Jr. Denver , Colo. c Mullet, Matt G 6-0 So . Corvallis Hook, Steve F 6-3 195 Jr. Vancouver Nutt, Greg F 6-3 So . Forest Grove Hoplcy , Mike G 6-2 190 Jr. Burlington Quaemps, Bill G 6-2 Fr . Pilot Rock Kautz , Dave G 5- 8 145 So . Merino, Colo. Riches, Bruce c 6-7 Fr. Beaverton Me eks , Larry F 6-3 210 Jr. Hackensack, N. J. Templeton, Tom c 6-7 Sr. Hermiston Mulligan, Richard F 6-3 195 Jr. Los Altos, Calif. Townsend, Ron F 6-4 So . Elgin Sell, Mark G 6-2 173 Jr. Issaquah Wagn e r , Bob F 6- 5 So. Triangle Lake


Date Place Time Dec. Pullman 1:30 Far West Relays GYMNASTIC Wrestling Jan. 14 Moscow 3:00 Univ . of Idaho- Univ. Alaska Jan. 1 5 Ellensburg 1:30 Ccn. Wn. State College Date Place Time Nam e Wt. Yr . Hometown Jan. Ellensburg Jan. 22 Cheney 1:30 Anthony, Charles 142 Fr. Vale Cent . Wash. - Wash. St. u. Ay l e tt , Earl 142 Fr. Hermiston Jan. Eugene Feb. 4 Bellingham 3:30 14 7:30 Broncheau, Mike 167 Fr. Ukiah Western Washington u. of Oregon Courtney, Dave 177 Fr. Enterprise Jan . Monmouth Feb. 5 Seattle 3:00 15 2:00 Delashmutt, Steve 157 So. La Grande Hiqhline Com. Col. Oregon Col. of Ed . Drummond , Mark 167 Fr. La Grande Feb . 12 Parkland Jan. 21 Billings 8:00 Eckrich, Jack Hwt Jr. Elgin Pacific Lutheran Univ . East Mont. Col - Dickenson St. llowanie, Rob 167 So . Coquille Feb. 17-19 Portland Jan . 22 Calgary 8 : 00 Mc Ga ughey, John 177 So. The Dalles U. of Calgary-U . of Alberta NAIA District l & 2 Miller , Doug 157 Fr. Albany Le wis & C1ark Feb. 11 Cheney 2 : 00 Miller, Larry 134 So. La Grande Mar 2-4 Ashland Oregon Col. of Ed. More he ad, Mike 177 Jr. Wallowa Evergreen Con. Champ. Feb. 12 Cheney 2:00 ., Nearing, Pat 126 Fr. Burns Southern Oregon Univ. of Washington Ne lson , Greg Hwt Sr . Glide Feb. 18 Portland 8:00 Osterloh, Ron 126 So. La Grande Portland State U.-Cent. Wn. Robinson, Dave 118 Jr . Hillsboro Feb. 26 Cheney 4:00 Schmidt, Gene 191 Fr. Rainier Evergreen Con. Champ Stockdale, Jawn 142 Jr. Enterprise Mar. 11 Richland 7: 30 Thomas, Frank 150 So . La Grande Inland Empire Open Thorne , Craig 191 Jr. Lebanon Mar. Portland 8:00 17-18 Turne r, Phil 191 Fr. Halfway Pac. Northwest Champ. We lls, Larry 150 Jr. Pendleton Mar. 24-25 Charleston, Ill. NAIA Championships OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (WOLVES)

Basketball Varsity

Date Time Dec. 2-4 Monmouth .GO Tip-Off Tourney Dec. 10 Sa l em 7:30 Willamette Univ. Dec. 17 Mc Minnville 7:30 Linfield College Dec. 30 Forest Grove 7:30 CLAIR FOLEY Pacific Univ . Swim mi ng Jan. 4 Monmouth 7:30 Eastern Wash ington DENNIS LAZZAR Wi l lamette Un i v. Gymnastics Jan. 7 Monmouth 7:30 Central Washington Eastern Was hington Jan. 1 4 Burnaby, B.C. 7:30 Simon Fraser Un i v. Jan . 15 Bellingham 7:30 Western Washington Jan. 19 Monmouth 7 : 30 Humboldt State Jan. 71 Monmouth 7:30 Wrestling Eastern Washington Jan. 22 Monmouth 7:30 Eastern Oregon Date Place Ti me Jan. 27 Monmouth 6:00 Jan. Tacoma 5:00 Simon F r aser Univ . Univ. of Puget Sound Jan. 28 Klamath Fal l s 7:30 Jan. 8 Monmouth 1:30 Oregon Tech. San Francisco State Co l . Jan. 29 Ashland 7:30 Jan. 15 LaGrande 2:00 LANNY BRYANT Southern Oregon Eastern Oregon Wrestling Feb. 5 Monmouth 7:30 Jan. 21 Arcata, Calif . 8:00 Western Was hington Western Washington San Jose State Col. Feb. 7 Tacoma 7:30 Jan. 22 Arcata 2:00 Pacific Lutheran Univ. Sacramento State Feb. 11 Cheney 7:30 Jan . 22 Arcata 8 :00 ROBERT McCULLOUGH BILL HOLMES Eastern Washington Humboldt State 0. c. E. Basketball Feb. 12 LaGrande 7:30 Jan. 25 McMinnville 4 : 00 South ern Oregon Eastern Oregon Linfi eld College Feb. 15 Monmouth 7:30 Jan. 28 Monmouth 7:30 Oregon Tech. Linfield College CURT BYRNES DAN MILES Feb. 18 Monmouth 7:30 Jan. 29 Monmouth 1:30 Oregon Tech . Southern Oregon Wres tl ing Basketba 11 Coac h Feb . 19 Monmouth 7:30 Feb . 3 Monmouth 7:30 Easte rn Wash ington Oregon Tec h Southern Oregon Central Wash. State Col. Feb. 22 Ellensburg 7:30 Feb . 4 Belli ngham 8:00 Central Washington Western Washington Feb. 5 Bellingham 2:00 Washington State Univ . Feb. 5 Bellingham 8:00 Chico State Univ. Feb . 11 Monmouth 7 : 30 Eastern Washington .. Feb. 12 Forest Grove 1:00 Pacific University Feb. 12 Forest Grove 3:00 Warner Pacific College Feb. 18-19 Ellensburg Evergre en Conference Tourney l ~ GARY LATHEN DAVID MARTIN GARY JOHNSON BILL CHATMAN RICH HANSON 1 Central Washingto n 6'2" 0. c. E. 6'3 " 0. C. E. 6'2" 0. C. E. Central Washington All-EVCO .I

DARRYL HARR IS Eastern Washington

ED MANN BILL PALMER 6'3" Orego n Tech 6'5" Oregon Tec h


STEVE McDOWELL, sta nding TOM BRADLEY PHIL McDOWELL, kneeling Guard Central Washington Oregon Te ch JON MURPHY 6'7" Oregon Tech

DON FREEMAN GARY WHITE Eas tern Washington Western Wa shington

DALE LEACH MARTY POPP 6'1'' Southern Oregon 5'11 " Southern Oregon



Name ~ Ht. ~ Yr . Ho metown and Schoo l Amundson, Steve F 6-3 180 So . Tigard Beckham, Ron G 5-10 166 Jr . Tohdo GARY GOODSON DICK FOXAL Bray , Dave F 6- 2 210 Sr . Elmiru Gymnastics Gymnastics Bray, Dennis F 6- 2 205 Sr. Elmira 0. C. E. Central Was hington Davidson, John F 6-3 185 Sr. Or egon City Gahr, Larry F-G 6- 3 165 Fr. Scappoose Haitt, Bob G 5-11 160 So. Sheridan Hee t e r, Gary F 6- 2 185 Jr. Roseburg Houck, Terry G 5-11 1 68 So. Portland (Madison) Johnson, Gary G 6-2 1 84 So . Portl a nd (Mad ison) Lan thorn, Ge n e F-G 6-2 1 85 Jr. Hood River (Wy ' East ) Lathen, Gary F-G 6- 2 1 82 Fr. Euge n e (Sheldon) Martin, Dave F- G 6-3 18 4 S r . Eugen e (S he l don) Reed, Mike F 6-5 1 9 0 So. He nley Young, Mike F 6-4 200 So . Security, Colo.

RICHARD SCHOLLENBURGER Sw imming ERIC BEARDSLEY 0. C. E. Wrestling Ce ntral Wa shington

IVAN HARSHBARGER GALE DAVIS DON WISEMAN Wr estling Head Basketball Coac h Wrestli ng Swimming Easte rn Oregon 0. C. E. Western Washington Na me Wt . ~ llomctown and School Davis, Kurt 177 Sr. Ce ntral HS Edwards, Rich 190 Sr. Ne wpor t flS Hayward, La rry 177 So. McNa ry (Sal em ) Le Ro que, Dave 134 So . Crook Coun ty HS (Prinevil l e ) McFadde n, Bill 158 Sr. North Douglas HS Reyna, Javier 1 26 Jr. h'oodburn Renfrow, Dave 118 So. Columbia Falls HS (Montana) Ro wland, Kani 142 Sr . Ne stucca HS Sappington , John 1 5 0 So. N. Eugene HS Seymour, Jim H/W Jr. Ti llamook Cath . HS Williams , Jeff 167 Sr. Madison (Portland) OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OREGON COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (WOLVES) (WOLVES)

MEN S GYM NASTICS ROSTER Wom e ns' Gymnastic Me n' s Gymnastic

Name Event Home town Boyd , Car ey SiOP Ho rse McNary (Salem) Date Place Time Date Place Time Boyd, Jack Parallel Bars, Rings, Floor Dec . 10 Monmouth 7:00 Dec. 10 Monmouth 7:00 Exercises South Salem HS Intersquad Meet Inte r squad Meet Dierks, Ken Floor Exercise, Long Ho rse Vault, Jan. 26 Eugen e 7:00 Jan . 14 Monmouth 6:00 Side Ho r se South Salem HS Univ. of Oregon Central Washingto n Eddins, Mike Paralle l Bars, Vaulting McNary Feb . 4 Monmouth 7:00 Jan . 15 Monmouth 2 : op Eddins, Pat Pa r a lle l Bars , Rings, Side Horse McNary (Salem) Oregon State- S . Oregon Eastern Washington Groh , Bre tt Still Rings South Salem HS Fe b. 1 8 Ashland 7:00 Jan. 2 0 Portland 7:00 Ko rpita, T im Side Horse, Still Rings Klama th Falls Southern Oregon Portland Conununity ColJ Pge Loper, Ed Horizontal Bar , Long Horse Vault Klamath Falls Feb. 1 9 Sacramento 7:00 Jan . 27 Eugene 7:00 Sagers , Rocky ll ll Around Klamath Falls Sacramento - San Diego-U.Nevada Lane CC - Portland CC Stride, J o hn ll ll Around Klamath Falls Feb . 25-26 Corvallis All day Jan. 29 Cheney 4:00 NW US States Regionals Evergreen Conference Champ Mar . 3 Ellensburg 3:00 Feb. 11 Cheney 2 :00 Centr3l Washington Eastern Washington WOMENS GYM NAS TICS ROSTER Mar. 4 Cheney 10:00 Feb . 12 Ellensburg 2:00 U. of Wash - Wash. State · Centra l Wa s hington Name Event Hometown Mar. 10 Monmouth 7 : 00 Feb. 17 Monmouth 7 : 00 Brewer, Peggy Uneven Paralle l Bars Alaska Un iversity of Oregon Lane Commun ity Col l ege Dill, Diana ll ll Around Mar . 17-18 Fortl and 8 :00 Gibskov , Debby Uneven Parallel Bars Mc Nary (Sal em ) Pacific NW Champio nships Gordon, Cindy All Around Klamath Falls Jackson, Sandy All Around North Eugene HS Johnson , Pam All Around Lakevi ew, Ore . Mansing, Pepper All Around S ~attle, Wash. Norwood, Diane llll Around Centralia , Wash. Shies , Sue All Around McNary (Salem) Turner, An ita Uneven Parallel Bars South Salem HS Webb , Debby Un even Paralle l Bars , Vaulting Sheldon (Eugene ) Webb, Janet Uneve n Parallel Bars, Vaulting Klamath Falls Varsity Swim Schedule Me n & Wome n

Date Place Time Sw imming Jan . 13 Portland 4:00 Portland U. & Pacific u. Name Event Name Event Jan. 14-15 Ashland Bell, Thomas Breaststroke Jacob, Gary Freestyle Decathlon-Southern Oregon Beyerle in, Steve Backstroke Severson , Robert Freestyle Jan. 21 Monmouth 3 : 30 Drand , William Backstroke Shafer, Mike Freestyl e Oregon State Univ. Edwards , J e rry Butterfly Wa lters , Steve Freestyle Jan . 22 Forest Grove Farma n, Gerald Breaststroke Young, James Freestyl e Western Wa s h ington & Pacific Univ . J an. 28 Portland Le wis & Clark Relays Jan . 29 Forest Grove Pacific Univ. Feb. 3 Monmouth 3 : 30 Willa me tte Univ. & Linfie ld Fe b. 11 Forest Grove Pe n tathlon Pacific Univ. Ma r. 10-12 Ashland Ever green Confcre11ce OREGON TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (OWLS) OREGON TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (OWLS)

Basketball Wrestling

Date Place Time Place BASKETBALL ROSTER Dec. 2-4 Portland Nov. 23 NAIA Tip- Off Tourney Alumni Match Dec. 7 Klamath Falls 7:30 Dec. 9 Klamath Falls 7 : 30 Name Ht. Wt. Yr. l lometown and School Northwest College Central Washington Car rigan, Dave 6-1 165 So. Central Point, Umq ua JC Dec. 10 Klamath Falls 7:30 Dec. 10, 11 Chico, Ca. Drake , Bob 6- 3 19 0 So. 'l'hc Da lles Chico S tate College Chico Tourney Farris, Me l 6-2 170 Sr. Mt. llood CC , Portland Dec. 11 Klamath Fa lls 7:30 Jan. 6 Ashla nd 7:30 Harris , Ron 5- 8 165 Jr. Reedsport (SWOCC ) Humbold t Stat e Southern Oregon Holm , 13oyd 6-6 190 Jr. Cl ackamas CC, Milwauki e Dec. 17 Portland 7: 3 0 Jan. 7 Arcata, Ca. 3:00 Luckett, Sly 6- 3 175 Fr. Derkclcy , Cal ifornia Wa rner Pacific Cal State Mann, Cd 6-3 195 Fr. South Umpqua Dec. 18 Portland 7:30 Jan. 8 Arcata, Ca. 2:00 Murphy, Jon 6-7 2 1 5 Sr. Klamath Falls Warnei:- Pacific Humboldt State Palmer, Bill 6-5 195 Fr. Kl a math Falls Dec. 28-30 Ashla nd Jan. 13 Klamath Falls 7 : 30 Rothery, Ed 6- 3 175 So . Portl and Christmas Invita tional Boise State College Scher , Ph il 6-2 175 Jr. Memphis, Tenn ; West fli lls ,JC Jan . 7 Ashland 7 :30 Jan . 14 Ellensburg 7:30 Vigneau , Doug 6-3 1 95 Jr. San Leandro, Calif; Chabot JC Southern Oregon College Central Washington Jan. 8 Klamath Falls 7 :30 Jan. 1 5 Bellingham 1:00 George Fox College Eastern Washington Jan. 14 La Grande 7 :30 Jan. 1 5 Belling ham 5 : 00 Easte rn Oregon Western Washington Jan. 15 Cheney 7 :30 Jan. 21 Klamath Falls 7:30 Eastern Wash ington Eastern Oregon Jan. 20 Salem 7: 30 Jan. 27 McMinnvill e 2:00 Western Baptist Linfield College Jan. 22 Bellingham 7 :30 Jan. 27 Portland 8:00 Western Washington Warner Pacific Jan . 28 Klamath Falls 7 :30 Jan . 28 Monmouth 7:30 Oregon College Oregon College Jan. 29 Klamath Falls 7:30 Jan . 29 Fo rest Grove 2:00 Central Washington Pacific University Feb. l Salem 7:30 Feb. 4-5 Reno , Nevada Western Baptist Univ. of Nevada Feb. 4 Kla math Falls 7 : 30 Feb. 1 0 Klamath Falls 7 :30 Eastern Oregon Southe rn Oregon Feb . 5 Klamath Falls 7:30 Feb. 12 Klamath Falls 2:00 Eastern Washington Univ. of Puget Sound Feb. 12 Klamath Falls 7: 3 0 Feb. 18-19 Ellensburg Western Wa shington Evergreen Conference Feb. 18 Monmo uth 7 : 30 Feb. 25-26 OCE-Monmouth Oregon College NAIA District 2 Championships Fe b. 19 Ellensburg 7 :30 Mar. 9-11 Klamath Falls Central Washingto n NAIA National Tourney Feb. 22 Klamath Falls 7:30 Southern Oregon SOUTHERN OREGON COLLEGE SOUTHERN OREGON COLLEGE (RED RAIDERS) (RED RAIDERS)

Basketball Wrestling BASKETBALL ROSTER

Date Time Date Place Time Dec. Monmouth 7-;cJo Dec. Klamath Falls 9 : 00 Name Pos. lit. Wt. llo mctown Tip-Off Tourney Oregon Tech Non- Graves, Allen c 6-7 215 Yreka , California Dec. 3 Monmouth 7:00 Let terman Tournament Leach, Dale G 6-1 185 McPher son , Kansas Tip-Off Tourney Dec. 11 Chico, Ca. 9:00 Lohrman, Dean c 6-4 205 Salem (South) Dec. 4 MonMouth 7:00 Chico State Invitational Mi tchell, Ted F 6-1 195 Brooklyn, New York Tip-Off Tourney Jan. 6 . Ashland 7:30 Murray , Ben F 6- 2 190 Ne w York, New York Dec. 10 Ashland 8:00 Oregon TE!Ch. Orr, Dave G 6-0 170 Medford Humboldt State College Jan. 8 Portland 4:00 Peterson, Rod F 6-4 185 Medford Dec. 11 Ashland 8:00 Warner Pacific Polski, Bob G 6-1 150 Med ford 7:30 Chico State College Jan. 14 Ashland Popp, Marty G 5-11 160 Coos Bay (M arshfie ld) . Dec. 17 Chico, Calif. 8:00 Boise State Rollins, Mike G 6-1 175 Brooklyn, New York Chico State College Jan. 15 Ashland 7 :30 Torres , Milan F 6-2 180 Ne w York, New Yo rk Dec. 18 Moraga, Calif. 8:00 Homboldt State Walsh, Kerby G 6-1 175 Ukiah, California St . Mary's College Jan. 15 Ashland 1:30 Dec. 20 Hayward, Calf. 8:00 Humboldt - Boise State Calif. State College - Hayward Jan. 21 Forest Grove 4 :00 Dec. 28 Ashland 1:00 Pacific Univ. Rogue Valley Holiday Tourney Jan. 22 Ashland 7:30 Dec. 29 Ashland 1 :00 Eastern Oregon Rogue Valley Holiday Tourney Jan. 28 Newberg 4:00 Dec . 30 Ashland 1:00 George Fox SWIMMING Rogue Valley Holiday Tourney Jan. 29 Monmouth 1:30 Jan. 7 Ashland 7:30 Oregon College Oregon Tech. Jan. 29 Corvallis 7:30 Jan. 10 Ashland 7:30 Oregon State Univ. Date Time George Fox College Feb. 3 McMinnville 4:00 Jan. 7:00 Jan. 14 Cheney, Wn. 7:30 Linfield College Simon Fraser Univ. Eastern Wn. State College Feb. 4 Bellingham, Wn. 7:00 J an . 11 Chico, Ca. 3:00 Jan. 15 LaGrande 7:30 Washington State Univ. Chico State C-u. of Alaska Eastern Oregon Feb. 5 Bellingham 4:00 Jan. 14,15 Ashland Jan. 21 Ashland 7:30 Western Washington Oregon-California Decathlon Western Washington Feb. 10 Klamath Falls 7:30 Jan . 21 Stockton 3:00 Jan. 28 Ashland 7:30 Oregon Tech . Univ. of Pacific Central Washington Feb. 11 Ashland 7:30 Jan. 22 Hayward 1:00 Jan . 29 Ashland 7:30 Univ . of Puget Sound California State College­ Skiing Oregon College Feb. 18,19 Ellensburg, Wn . Hayward Feb. 4 Ashland 7:30 Evergreen Conference Meet Jan . 28 Portland 7:00 Eastern Washington Feb. 25 , 26 Monmouth Lewis & Clark Relays Feb. 5 Ashland 7: 30 District II, NAIA Meet Feb. 5 Ashland 1: 30 Date Place Timi Jan. 1- 2 Mt. Bachelor Eastern Oregon Mar. 9-11 Klamath Falls Pacific U-Le wis & Clark Feb. 11 Bellingham 7 :30 National NAIA Championships Feb. 12 Arcata, Ca . 11: 00 Central Oregon CC Western Washington Humbo l dt -UC - Davis Jan. 8-9 Multorpor Feb. 18 Ellensburg 7: 30 Feb. 17-19 Portland Mt. Hood cc Central Washington District I and II, ~Tan. 22- 23 Hoodoo Ski Bowl Feb. 19 Monmouth 7: 30 NAIA - Lewis & Clark Univ. of Oregon-Oregon Stale Oregon College Feb. 25 Ashland 3 :00 Feb. 5-6 Antho ny Lakes Feb. 22 Klamath Falls 7:30 Univ. of Puget Sound Easte rn Oregon Oregon Tech. Feb. 26 Ashland Feb. 12-13 Mt . Rose Fe b. 23 Ashland 7: 30 NW Womens' Championships Univ. of Nevada College of Great Falls Mar. 10-12 Ashl and Feb. 26-27 Mt. Ashland Evergree n Conference Champ. Southern Oregon Mar. 23-25 Marshall , Minn. Mr. 3- 5 Crystal Mountain NAIA National Championships Conference Cha mpionships WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE (VIKINGS) WESTERN WASHINGTON STATE COLLEGE (VII INGS) .

Varsity Basketball Wrestling

Basketball Date Time Place Dec. Bellingham 7:30 Nov. 20 Vancouver, BC St. Martin's Univ. B.C. Tourney Dec. 2 Victoria 6:00 Dec . 3 Tacoma, Wn. 7: 00 Univ. of Victoria Univ. of Puget Sound NamE: Pos. Ht. ~ Hometown Occ. 6 Burnaby, B.C. Dec . 10 Bellingham 5:00 Bradley, Tom G 6-1 Jr. Washington, D. c . (Dell) Simon Fraser Univ. of Puget Sound - WWSC Buza, Mike c 6-5 Jr. Anchorage , Alaska Dec. 9 Billings Dec . 10 Bellingham 7:00 Franza , Mike G 6-1 Jr. San Jose , Cal if. (Mitty) Eastern Montana Univ. of B.C. - WWSC Fuson, Roger F 6-5 Sr. Manson Ucc. 10 Great Falls Jan. 7 Cheney 9: 00 Kohr, Chip F 6-4 Sr. Bellevue (Bellevue) Grcut Falls College Eastern Washington Mount, '!'om G 6-2 Jr. San Jose , Cal if. (Mitty) Dec . 21 Bellingham 7:30 Jan. 8 Ellensburg 7:00 Nicol , Bob G 5-10 Jr. Eastsound Azusa Pacific Central Washington Preston, Mike G 6-2 Sr. Seattle (Garfield) Dec . 28-29 California Jan. 14 Bellingham 3:00 Thomas , Rudy c 6-7 Sr. Washington, D. c. (Northwcs tern) (Lincoln) Turloc k Tourney Eastern Washington White, Gary F 6-4 Sr. East St. Louis, Ill. Jan . 4 Bellingham 7:30 Jan. 15 Bellingham 1 : 00 Carroll College Eastern Wn. - Oregon Tech. Jan. 10 Bellingham 7:30 Jan. 15 Be llingham 5:00 Simon Fraser Oregon Tech. - WWSC Jan. 14 Bellingham 7 : 30 Jan. 21 Seattle 7: 30 Central Washington Seattle Pacific Jan. 15 Bellingham 7:30 Jan. 22 Bellingham 7:00 Oregon College Univ. of Washington Jan . 21 Ashland Jan . 29 San Francisco Southe rn Ore'3on San Francisco Tourney Jan. 22 Klamath Falls Feb. 4 Bellingham 7:00 Oregon Tech . Wash. State - S. Oregon Jan. 24 Bellingham 7: 30 Feb. 4 Be llingham 7:00 Eastern Washington Oregon Coll. of Ed . - wwsc Jan. 29 Bellingham 7:30 Feb. 5 Bellingham 2:00 Eastern Oregon Wash. State - Oregon College Feb. 4 Ellensburg Feb. 5 Bellingham 2:00 Central Washington S. Oregon Co llege - WWSC Feb. 5 Monmouth Feb. 5 Bellingham 7 :00 Oregon College Wash. State - WWSC Feb. 7 Olympia Feb. 12 LaGrande 2:00 St. Martin's Eastern Oregon College Feb. 11 Bellingham 7:30 Feb. 18-19 Ellensburg Southern Oregon EVCO Tourney at Central Wn. Feb. 12 Bellingham 7:30 Feb. 25 Bellingham 7 :00 Swinuning Oregon Tech. Seattle Pacific Feb. 15 Seattle Mar. 9-11 Klamath Falls 7:00 Seattle Pacific NAIA at Oregon Tech. Fe b. 18 Cheney Date Place Time Eastern Washington Jan. 22 Bellingham 2:00 Feb. 19 La Grande Pacific Lutheran Eastern Oregon Feb. 4 Bellingham 3:30 Eastern Washington Feb. 11 Bellingham 3 :30 Highlinc College 1970-71 Evergreen Conference Final Standings FOOTBALL BASKETBALL BASEBALL FIDELITY'S plan to finance your Central Wa . Central Wa. Central Wa. EDUCAID* family education needs. (Tie) Western Wa. Western Wa. Whitworth Oregon College Eastern Wa. Southern Ore. Eastern Wa . Whitworth Oregon College Eastern Ore . Oregon College Eastern Ore. UP TO $1,000 FIRST YEAR Whitworth Eastern Ore. Western Wa. Amount of Loan $1,000.00 A YEAR OR MORE Term of Loan 24 months Southern Ore. Southern Ore. Eastern Wa. Monthly Payment $50.00 O.T.I. O.T.I. O.T.I. Putting one or more students through school SECOND YEAR ca n be a burden-so we at Fidelity are doing something about it . Cash to Borrower $1 ,014.00 With a student enrolled at any college, uni­ Approx. bal. of CROSS COUNTRY TRACK GOLF versity, vocational, or business scho~I any­ First Year Lo an 486.00 where in the United States. your family can Amount of Loan $1 , 500.00 qualify for our exc lusive Educaid fina~cing . Term of Loan 36 months Central Wa . Oregon College Oregon College Interest charged is 10% per annum-with no Monthly payment $50.00 Southern Ore. Central Wa. Eastern Wa. add-ons, discounts, or hidden charges of any kind and with no pena lties for prepayment. THIRD YEAR And to make Educaid workable for as many Southern Ore. Eastern Wa. Southern Ore. families as possible, the repayment schedule Cash to Borrower $1 ,000.00 is set at just $50.00 a month*- a sum that Approx. bal. of Eastern Ore. Eastern Wa . Central Wa. most parents and students, working together. Second Year Loan 1,003.00 can afford. Amount of Loan $2,003.00 Whitworth Western Wa. Western Wa. The typical Educaid plan (to your right) Term of Loan 48 months shows how your family can have the use of Monthly payment $50.00 Western Wa. Eastern Ore. Whitworth $4,000 at $1 ,000 a year for four years-yet owe less than $2,500 at the end of the 4th FOURTH YEAR Oregon College Whitworth O.T.I. school year. For more specific details about how Educaid can help your family meet the Cash to Borrower $1,000.00 O.T.I. (DNC) O.T.I. (DNC) Eastern Ore. costs of education, ask at any of Fidelity's Approx. bal. of statewide branches. Third Year Loan 1,600.00 Amount of Loan $2,600.00 Term of Loan 66 months TENNIS SWIMMING Monthly Payment $50.00 Finance charges expressed as an annual Southern Ore. Central Wa . rate of 10%. No obligation to start at *based on rypical loan at right any given year. No penalties. for pre­ Western Wa . Southern Ore. payments. No add - ons or discounts. Whitworth Western Wa. Central Wa. Eastern Wa . Oregon College Oregon College SPOKANE: COLUMBIA BASIN: Main Office E. 119 Fourth Ave., Moses Lake Eastern Wa. Eastern Ore. (DNC) Ri verside at Howard Northtown TRI-CITIES AREA: Eastern Ore. O.T.I. (DNC) 460 Northtown Shopp;ng 1115 West Clork, Posco Center MUTUAL Shodle Center O.T.I. (DNC) Whitworth (DNC) 206 Shodle Center Columbia Center: Savings Bank The Volley b l9 Columb;o Center, Eost 8112 Sprogue Avenue Kennewick (DNC) - Did Not Compete


-SESSIONS- Thursday, March 9 First and Second Round 2:00 and 6:30 P.M. Friday, March 10 Quarter Finals 2:00 P.M. Friday, March 10 Semi-Finals 7:00 P.M. Saturday, March 11 Consolations 1:00 P.M. Saturday, March 11 Third and Fourth Place 7:00 P.M. Saturday, March 11 Championships 8:30 P.M.

-TICKETS- Session Adult Student Under 10 Thursday 1 1.50 1.00 .50 2 2.00 1.00 1.00 Friday 3 1.50 1.00 .50 4 2.00 1.00 1.00 Saturday 5 1.50 1.00 1.00 6 2.50 1.50 1.50 RESERVED SEAT: $7.50 NAIA Wrestling Ticket Sales • Oregon Tech. • Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601