Briar Will Speak at Assembly Wolsey Named REW Speaker Phi Delta Phi

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Briar Will Speak at Assembly Wolsey Named REW Speaker Phi Delta Phi DELEGATES NAMED • HORSE SHOH' FOR CONVENTION TO BEHELD IP&Jt> 4, column 11 !See ~lit, pare !I t Washington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper Volume XLVlli LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MARCH 23, L947 Number 42 Past President Phi Delta Phi McPeek to Speak Mock Conclave Of Sweet · Briar To Initiate Six During Religious Utilizes Nearly Will Speak On Wednesday Emphasis Week 1,100 Students At Assembly W alker Will Address Work of the Church In Delegations Legal Fraternity In Industrial Relations Delegations Committee Local Phi Beta Kappa Following Banquet Will Be Main Topic Plans To Use Entire Will H ear Address An Initiation banquet on March The work of the church ln In­ By Dr. Meta Glass 24, and a special address on March dustrial relations will be the main Student Body-Harman topic of Rev. Francis W. McPeek 30, will be held for Phi Delta Phi Organization for the Washing­ By TOJ\l GLASS when he speaks to Washington Legal Fraternity, it wa.s announced ton and Lee mock Trial Republi­ Dr. Meta Glass, President Emer­ today by Charles F. Blackburn, and Lee students during ReligiOus Emphasis Week. according to an can convent:Jon neared campletlon ita of Sweet Brtar College, wlll Magister. this week as Bev Fitzpatrick. per­ become the first woman ever to DR EDWARD D. MYERS who Tomorrow afternoon at 5, the announcement today by James will deliver three lectures dtu'­ L. Price. manent chairman, announced ap­ delJver the annual W&L Phl Beta followlng men will be initiated: pointments to state delegations. Kappa. address wnen she speaks lnr the rortheomlng Rell(ious He wlll speak on three aspects John S. Lane. Frank c . Berry, In making the announcement here this Thursday at a voluntary Emphasis Week. John McWhorter, Leek Wamom, of the contribution of Christian­ FRANCIS W. McPEEK Ity lo labor and industry. FitzPatrick pointed out tha.t as­ assemblY. Ray Smith, and John Koeler. signments were being made early Dr. Glass. who retired from the Following a banquet at 7:30 at Rev. McPeek ls especially quali­ fieO to speak on thiS subJect as this year in order lo permit dele­ active presidency of Sweet Brlar Wolsey Named the Robert E. Lee, John L . Walker. gates an opportunity to speak with in 194.6, wtll address the assembly be is currently secretary of the Dance Plans a member of Phi Delta Pbl from local Republican officials at home on "a view of education in retro­ the University of Virginia, wlll Industrial Relallons Council for Social Action, congregational durtng spring vacation. spect." REW Speaker SPeak t.o the new Initiates and Are Announced He cautioned individual dele­ With short periods Thursday Christian Churches. members of the fraternity. Dick Yankee, president of Pi gates against SPeaking to Repub· morning, the Phi Beta Kappa Will Deliver Three Mr. Walker. a Phi Beta Kappa., Has Wide Experience assembly wlll be held from 11:10 Alpha Nu. announced today that 11can slate chairmen since state ls a member of the Roanoke law Aside from his present activity, to 12:10. according to Dr. Allen Speeches at Conference committee contact men wlU visit chairmen for the mock convention firm of Woods, Rogers. Muse, and Rev. McPeek has a vast experi­ Moger, secretary of the W&L the fraternities this week ln an are expected to sound out their By NIXON DANIEL Walker. He is president of the ence to call upon brought about chapter. etron to obtaln a heavy advance counterparts on official positions With a special appeal to the Jew­ VIrginia State Bar Association. by his work as Associate Cbaplaln sale of tickets for the war Me- and policy. Dr. Meta Glass, long famed as ish students at Washington and Earl A. Fitzpatrick, W. and L. of Elgin Street Hospital, lllinols, mortal Scholarship Dance to be Information from Lhe local par­ Virginia's first lady in the educa­ Lee, Dr. LOuis Wolsey of the Con­ alumnus, will address Phi Delta Chaplain of Rabway Reformatory held in Lynchburg on saturday, ty leaders should be exceedingly Llonal world, won a permanent gregation RodeJph Shalom cbtu'cb, Phi members on Tuesday, March in New Jersey and of the Federal April 10. helpful ln determining convention place ln the heart of W&L before Philadelphia, will be a featured 30, at 7:45p.m. in the south room Dettmtion Headquarters in New Yankee also voiced the hope pollcles. Delegrates should report the war. One of the student6 here speaker during the University ob­ of Tucker Hall. York, and Chaplain of the Na­ that tickets could be made avail- any such tnformatJon gathered wrote a letter to ber post office box ~ervance of Religious Emphasis Mr. Fitzpatrick, a state senator tional Training School for Boys able for advance sale to the cam- to Lhelr delegatton chairmen or number at Sweet Briar and asked Week. · • from Roanoke, has Committee As­ In Washington, D. C. For over five pus aL large this week. The price other Interested chairmen lmmedl­ tor a weekend date with whoever Dr. Wolsey will speak on three signments on Roads and Internal years he was director of the De­ wm be st.50 per couple or stag. ately after returning from SPting bad the box. differenl occasions on the follow­ Navigation, Courts o! Justice, and partment of Soc1al Welfare in The dance is informal and will vacation, Fitzpatrick said. The student round out much to ing topics: "The Place of Religion lhe Committee on.Special, Private. Washlngton, D. c., Federal coun­ be open to the public. It ls sched­ Every student bas been assigned his bewilderment that he had In lhe Democratic Process," "The and Local Legislation. cil of Churches. uled to last from 8 tlll midnight. to perform some function for the wrttten to the box of the president Place or Morality in the Post-War He is the second speaker in a Rev. McPeek is a member of the mock convention either as a dele­ of sweet Briar. But Miss Glass World" and "Religious Liberty." He All profits from the dance will go series of five which Phi Delta Phi National Public Housing Confer­ to lhe War Memorial Scholarship gate or convention official. Due to wrote baok a clever and charming was the founder or the American ls spansorlng. The talks empha-­ ence, with which he is serving on Campaign Fund, opened by the the complexity involved In divid­ letter that captJvated the entire Cotmc11 of Judaism· and ts Vice­ sized the practical aspects of the the Board of Directors, a member beauty contest here earlier this Ing the ent~e student body into student body. President of the World Union for legal profession and have their as of the Federal C o u n c 1 1 of month. 48 state delega tlons t>ome names Here Thursday evening also. Dr. Progressive Judaism, thus indicat­ general theme "Law and Poli­ Churches. as well as several local The arrangements for the might, have been omitted or listed Glass will be guest. of honor at the ing bls wlde range of thought and tics." organizations and associations in Lynchburg dance, SPOnsored both twice. Phi Beta Kappa banquet at the activity. and around Chicago. by PAN and White Friars, StudenLs whose names are not Dutch Inn. She will deliver the Included In any of the delega l.!ons Dr. Wolsey's degrees and college Road Show Is Planned Rev. McPeek said that he is es­ have entered thei:r final stages. evening's principal speech to the attendance Include a BA at the pecially lnterested in "the work or who have been listed incorrect.­ members and initiates. President Yankee was in Lynch­ University of Cincinnati. Rabbi For Troubadour Play of the church in lndustrtal rela­ burg last saturday completlng ly are requested to_ advise J!m Dr. W. W. Morton, tbio y.ea~·'s and Doctor of Divinity at Hebrew tiens, housing, family, and chfld Harman. cbalrman of the delega­ president of the local chapter, and Onion College, and work at the buslness plans for concessions at Paul Vincent Carroll's PlaY, welfare." the dance. tions committee. by Friday. Dt·. Ollinger Crenshaw, vi~ ­ University of Chicago, Western "Shadow and Substance/' which Rev. McPeek attended Ohio Haaman warned students president, will preside at the ban­ Reserve University, and the Uni­ Chap Boyd's SOuthern Collegi­ wtt.h the Troubadour cast has State University and took his AB ans will play for the dance. against switching delegatJons quet. versity of Pennsylvania. enjoyed wide success on the W&L there in 1932. He attended without notifying him in advance. Before the init:Jatlons Thursday His under graduate activity to­ campus is being presented tomor­ Prlnceton Seminary for one year Such changes may be made. pro­ night. Dr. Gaines will extend a eludes membership in zeta Beta row night at 8:00 p.m. at the In 1935 golng to McCormack KA Elects Smith, Smith vided the details are worked out welcome to Lbe sixteen students Tau fraternity and Editor-in­ Smith Memorial Hall of Ran­ Theological Seminary to graduate. with the approval of the delega­ and two alumni recently nomi­ chief of the Hebrew UnJon Col­ dolph-Macon College. He has also done post-graduate At its regular fraternity meet­ Uons committee. Harman said. nated for membership ln the hon­ lege Journal. His professional ex­ The performance ls being pre­ work at' the University of Chicago. ing Wednesday night. K appa Al­ The delegations committee has orary scholastic society. One ot periences includes Rabbi, Congre­ sented through the courtesies of Besides his student work at the pha elected the following omcers: selected men to represent their the students will reply to Dr.
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