Juanes lucha por los Derechos Humanos El cantante colombiano reveló que está estudiando la posibilidad de pedir a la ONU que modifique su Carta de los DD.HH. para incluir en ella el derecho a vivir en paz

Durante una rueda de prensa para presentar su gira “La vida” en España, Juanes reveló que un grupo de artistas, incluido Miguel Bosé, entre otros que no mencionó, intentarán recabar apoyos para que las Naciones Unidas medite sobre esta modificación.

''Vivimos en una cultura guerrista. La gente tiene derecho a la paz'', señaló el intérprete de éxitos como “”, “” y “”.

El artista también explicó que espera una solución pacífica al conflicto entre el gobierno de y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FARC) .

''Cada vez se acerca más ese momento de la paz'', señaló con optimismo.

Dijo que si él se convirtiera en el presidente de su país: ''Me sentaría a hablar con las FARC'', expresó sin atisbo de duda.

Translate this text into English:














______Neil Jones The Imperfect Subjunctive In order to form the imperfect subjunctive you take the third person plural of the preterite tense e.g. hablaron + you take off the -ron and add the endings as follows:

hablar hablara hablase hablaras hablases hablara hablase habláramos hablásemos hablarais hablaseis hablaran hablasen

comer comiera comiese comieras comieses comiera comiese comiéramos comiésemos comierais comieseis comieran comiesen

vivir viviera viviese vivieras vivieses viviera viviese viviéramos viviésemos vivierais vivieseis vivieran viviesen

The imperfect subjunctive will be used in the same way as the present subjunctive. However, it will follow a past tense sequence (see sheet on tense sequence).

The imperfect subjunctive also has one use, which is specific to it, i.e. it is not the case for the present subjunctive. This is in unfulfilled or remote conditions; e.g. If he were to come to the party I would stay. Si viniera a la fiesta, me quedaría. If I had more money I would buy a house. Si tuviera más dinero, compraría una casa.

Exercise. Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. If I were president I would improve the economy of this country.

2. If it were to rain, I would not be able to go to the match.

3. If it were true, I would go to the police.

4. If I were you, I would go home.

5. If I had known, I would have told you.

Another use for the imperfect subjunctive is to say sentences along the lines of "What if ... ?", e.g. And what if it were to rain = ¿ Y si lloviera ?

Exercise Translate the following sentences into Spanish:

1. What if I didn’t have enough money?

2. What if they didn’t arrive?

3. What if my mother were worried about me?

4. What if they decided to abandon me?

5. What if I were imagining it all?

6. What if it were all a bad dream?

7. What if they loved me after all?

8. What if I was born the most beautiful baby in the world?

9. What if they bought me a Ferrari F40 for my 18th birthday?

Sequence of tenses in the subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive is used in the two situations given above and is also used in all the situations in which the present subjunctive would be used but following the past tenses, with the exception of the perfect tense. The following chart illustrates the most expected combinations:

Indicative tense of main verb Subjunctive tenses permissible in dependent clause  Present (I finish, am finishing)  Present subjunctive or perfect  Future (I will finish) subjunctive (haya ….-ido/-ado)  Imperatives (Finish!)  Perfect tense (I have finished)  Future perfect (I will have finished)  Imperfect (I was finishing, I used to)  Imperfect subjunctive or  Preterite (I finished) pluperfect subjunctive (hubiera … -  Conditional (I would finish) ido/-ado)  Pluperfect (I had finished)  Perfect conditional (I would have finished)

Examples: Quiero que vayas al supermercado – I want you to go to the supermarket. Quería que fueras al supermercado – I wanted you to go to the supermarket.

Neil Jones