TBZ Happenings Friday, March 30th & Saturday, March 31st ​15th of 5778 First Days of Pesach

Passover Services Family Table for Pesach No Service Friday night, March 30th During , please do not leave hametz or even matzah in the Family Table bins/ We First Day: will resume collecng soups and crackers in Saturday, March 31st | 10:00am earnest as soon as Passover ends, so hold No study onto your soups and crackers in a special place and bring them to TBZ starng again on Eighth Day: Sunday, April 8th! Saturday, April 7th | 10:00am No Torah study; service will include the Yizkor Memorial Service

Message from Rav Claudia from Haverim and Haverot,

I wanted to send a note and wish you all a sweet and meaningful Pesach with your loved ones.

We are doing wonderfully in Israel, enjoying our me with our families and friends! Very grateful to have this special me where we have been able to slow down and enjoy. We have done some traveling in the country and we are planning to do some more (during we are going camping to the Arava). I am doing some learning, which has been both meaningful and fun. Mainly, I have had time to myself, my girls and Ebn which feels very precious.

In this holiday of liberaon, as I feel so deeply the privilege of being in this sabbacal, what I wish for all of us is the capacity to find me to breathe. To be present with our loved ones. To be present in the world in ways that help us get closer to freedom. To be present and find the strength to connue the work of making this world a better place, a place where freedom is reachable for all.

I look forward to connecting with you in June.

Blessings from me and my family, Pesach Sameach

Kabbal at Shabbat Morning Shabbat Saturday , M arch 31st F ri day , M arch 30 th No Torah Study

Shabbat Service NO SHABBAT SERVICES 10:00am - 12:30pm | Sanctuary

1st Night of Pesach 10:30am | Childcare

Thank You For Your Donation to the Oneg/Kiddush Fund:

Donation to the Kiddush Fund by Kenneth Reich in memory of Herman Reich. Donation to the Kiddush Fund by Susan Farber in memory of her father, Jerry Leiner.

Upcoming Events at TBZ

MIMOUNA Very few tickets left! a Moroccan Shir HaMa'alot: Celebration of Jewish- an Evening of Song with Muslim Conviviality Joey Weisenberg ​Sunday, April 8th |4-7pm Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Learn about the Moroccan custom of , Remembrance Day at the end of Passover! Eat delicious Moroccan Thursday, April 12th | 6:30-8:00pm delicacies; enjoy an entrancing performance of Joey Weisenberg, Creave Director of Mechon dance and music; join in the dance in this fesve Hadar's Rising Song Instute and leading voice in celebration of Jewish-Muslim conviviality! Jewish music, will guide parcipants in singing pre-war melodies, as well as his own original This is a TBZ event in partnership with the nigunum inspired by the music of that period. Boston Amazigh Community & Dialogues en Humanité. Ticket information coming soon. RSV P F OR Y OM G E T TICK E TS H aSH OAH

Yom HaAtzmaut/Israel Independence Day Next Adult Learning Celebration Saturday, April 21st | 9-11pm Class: Shirah beTzibur and Rikudei Am -- Communal singing and dancing to celebrate Israel's 70th From Orchard Street to Birthday! Refreshments will be served. Bloomingdale's: Transformations of American Jewish Life RSV P Y OM H aATZ M AUT Tuesdays, April 10, 17, & 24 Taught by Prof. Shelly Tenenbaum RE G ISTE R TOD AY Housing Options As We Age Wednesday, April 25th | 7:00pm The Wise Aging Group invites you to a presentaon and conversaon about Housing Opons as We Age. Through primarily small Next Shabbat Nariya: group discussion, we will learn and share thoughts about the range of housing opons; Friday, April 20th what variables we need to take into account as Join our Friday night community sing-out! we consider future housing, and what are our next steps.


Spring Kiddush Community Urban Fundraiser Retreat Saturday, May 5th | After services Friday-Saturday, May 11th-12th K​ eep an eye on your mailbox for your invitation! This year, we'll be staying local for our annual community retreat, here at TBZ!


The Greater Boston Support Sasha Kagan's Interfaith Organization Mitzvah Project wants to learn what With her Mitzvah Project, Sasha intends to raise awareness about organizaons that are helping you care about animals in a meaningful way. GB IO , which helps organize communies of different faith for the public good, is hosng small house meengs to learn what maers to SUP P ORT SASH A you -- what's keeping you awake at night? GBIO’s recent focus has been on Criminal Jusce, Affordable Housing, and Healthcare. Are these your priories, or are you more interested in discussing gun control, refugees, etc.? FINAL NOTICE: 20 18 Member Directory All house meengs are from 7:30 - 8:45 pm, The office is preparing the 2018 directory and each in a different location: we would like to ask that you please verify your ShulCloud account informaon. Visit N​ ewton | Tuesday, April 3rd www.tbzbrookline.org, make sure you are Brookline | Wednesday, April 11th logged in, click on "Welcome [Your Name]" at Jamaica Plain | Thursday, April 19th the top right corner of the screen, then click "My Account" to make changes. If you have trouble For more informaon, please contact Rosalind accessing your account, please call the office at Joffe ([email protected]), (617) 566-8171. Thank you for your SusanBookbinder cooperation! ([email protected]), Lauren Garlick ([email protected]), or Barrie Keller ([email protected]. UP D ATE Y OUR ACCOUN T

Mindful ness

" from Egypt occurs in every human being, in every era, in every year, and in every day." Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." Nelson Mandela

Nishmat Hayyim at TBZ Meditation Programs

Friday AM Meditation S​ habbat Afternoon Sits Mindfulness Practice Group April 21, May 12, June 9 Drop In Date: April 6th 1:30-3:00pm 9:30am-11:00am TBZ Sanctuary TBZ Sanctuary No registration required.

Day-Long Retreat at Just Right Farm Spring 2018 Friday AM Meditation May 6th, 9:30am - 4:30pm Mindfulness Practice Group [ More Info & Register ] April 13, 20, 27; May 4, 11, 18; June 1, 8, 22 [ More Info & Register ]

Stay Connected 617-566-8171 Reb Moshe-ext. 12, [email protected] Rav Claudia-ext. 11, [email protected] Cantor Becky- ext. 14, [email protected] Executive Director, Steven Greenberg - ext. 10, [email protected] Assistant Director- Beth Ehrenreich - ext. 17, [email protected] Administrative Assistant - Lindsay Eagle - ext. 13, [email protected]