■i. \ .-f, . ■ . i . ■ ■( X,

TUESDAY, m arch 8,1958 PAGE SIXTEEN -•t ^v^nin^ Iferalb Average Dally Net l^rem Run The Weather For the Week IM ed ' Forecast af U. S. Weather Bureau A daughter, their second, was John F. FiUgerald, 100 N. Mias Bernice Juul has added to- Mrs. Harold Belcher, Mias Bar­ March 5, 1U» bom Feb. 28, to CpI. and Mrs. Ed­ Lakewood Circle, has been pro­ her staff at the WOldon Beauty Named Historian bara Wallett, Mrs. Ruth Hickox Studio, 99 E. Center St.. M ra Doris and Mrs. Raymond Gosselln. Fblr, warmer tonight and About Town ward R. Lehman, at the Air Force moted to the position of chief su- Thursday, I»w tonight 85-40. Base Hospital, Amarillo, Tex. Mrs. pervispr of the group accounting, Bolduc of Hartford, a hair design­ Of AL Auxilia^ Invitations have been received 11,631 division of the plemlum afcount- er and recent graduate of the In­ to attend the joint installation of Member of the Audit High Thureday 58-58. Mm. AJbert Korman and Mrs. Lehman was the former IVy the local DAV and its auxiliary at \ Thrall, daughter of Mrs. Lucius Ing department of Travelers Insur­ grid School of Hair Fashion, New Bureau of Circulation. Israel Ooodatlne, who are co- ance Companies. He joined Travel­ York; and colorist graduate from Mrs. Daniel Mikolowsky wrai^ the VFW Home Saturday, March M i Ysw Om PsyiNMt am TAAli9SS//S7?t/er M anchester-^A f.iiy ofxViUage, Charm chairmen of the nimmagc sale Thrall. 3 Ridgewood St. The pa- ,3 at 8 p.m.; also Neighbors Night liMs.n*a ISM*. Plaa tertpil grandparents are Mr. and ers in* 1925 in the group account- the Clairol School of Color, New elected historian of the American which the Sisterhood ■ of Temple . i|ig division where he has been a York. Rau-Locke Auxiliary, Hartford, MOO ' $ 8..S8 8 6.7i a Now employed men and women mey Beth Sholom will conduct the last Mrs. Harold E. Lehman, 31 Car- Legion Athflllary, to serve, the Mkich 15, at 8 p.m. • 19.25 cut monthly payment* and clean up (Classified Advertising on Page 22) PRICE FIVE CENTS .Supervisor and assistant chief su-. <300 24.1W .^VOL. LXXIV, n o : 134 (TWENTY-FOUR ;ES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9. 1955 two days of the month at the roll Dr. penlsor. Giuseppe Maaxinl Lodge No. 907, balance eti the year, and was in­ ' M ^. Charles Romanowski, 143 »S00 39.0.~> 30.70 bill* with s ^ M W -tn o losn. Phone Temple, urge all members to be­ Sons of Italy, will be.jiosts to stalled hy Miss Barbara lyajlett, W alk^.St., announced that the Abav* oainaanfi ca*«r 4varrt6'"f 1 for a loan oh firtt viiit. Write for Infor­ gin collecUng articles and mer­ The Hartford Chapter of the The Hartford Regional Techni­ their sister lodge, Eleanora Duse past president, at the meeting last unit basset-the date of Monday, A laoH ol S’! 00 #atl< $20.40 .«6«r mation, 6r come in to See u« today.' Alumnae of Trinity College, Wash­ OfoMottY repaid in 12 kaniacvti^va chandise for the sale. All memr cal ' School will hold open house Lodge No. 1399, Daughten of evening. \ March l^ fb r Its spring rummage MontiMf rottalintMi af SlO.OS^th. lemii $9S to $500 ben 1MI1 be personally contacted ington. D. C.. will meet on Tues­ March 16.iwlth the day school pro-, Italy, at a complinrientary dinner I t was voted to send MrsX^Fran- sale, whiclkwill open at 9 Cm., in in the i}Mr future. day, March 15. at 8 p.ni. at the gram open to visitors from 9 to and program Sunday, March 18, Cis Dwryer,' 4>resident, and \ Mia. the Amertcah Legion Home.. Mem­ House Unit Lamplighter Book and Art Center, Dulles Convii^ed 11:30 a. m., and 1 to 2:45 p. m., at 1 p. .m. at the Garden Grove, Leon Bradley, past prggident\ to. bers wishing ^ckup of articles for / A t the regular meeting of the, 82 Mulberry St., Hartford. The and the adult program in the eve­ Keeney St. Husbands of Eleanora the Past PresWenta parley at the the sale are asked to contact Manchester 4-H Dairy Club last speaker will be the Rev. Thomas ning open from 7 to 9:30, Par­ Diise Lodge and wives of Giuseppe Hotel Garde, Hartford, March 19. Mrs. Romanowski ‘or Mrs. Leon Backs Fifth Frtday evening, at the home of Stack, pastor of St. Patrick's ents and' students interested in Mazzini I^dge will also be guests. Mrs.'-Dwyer announced that ne^ Bradley, 78 Phelp^v^d \ Mr. and Mr»- Richard Zimmer, Church of East Hampton, who is tr ^ e education are invited to see coupons have been added to the' tJ.S.y China/Reds \ it Hartford, Dr. Munseil front an authority on the liturgy and both the trade and related classes The choir-of Concordia Lutheran list and urged members to bring MEET TOMOl the^hlversity of Connecticut was has organised the clubs and so­ in full operation." . Church ylll hold a very- brief in all they have collected during. M€ MAIN ST., 2nii FI., Ovtr Woelworth’s, MANCHESTER Big Flattop the gueit^speaker. A ^neral dis­ cieties of his parish in a novel meeting immediately following the April, which will be coupon show­ St. Francis Xavier Mitchell S-4U$ • Ask fM-the YES MANager cussion folIo\«>e’ de­ It calls for constructioQ of the DONT Values f o $ T 3 e 9 8 powerful w eap^s of precision, pendent for their security on new 80,000 ton super-carrier, at an Budapest, HuiiRary, March 9 (/P)—^Leaders of the Hun­ ,Dprian Shainin. industrial coii- ALL SALES HNAL imail Lot which can u tt^ y destroy military "mobile allied power" spearheaded THROW THEM AWAY sultMt for Rath A Strong. Bos­ estimated cost of 200 ration dol­ garian Communi.5t party today accp.sed Premier Imre Nagy ton,-Mass.. who resides at 35 targeta wlth^t endangering un­ by U.S. sea and air power. And lars, and 33 other veaseiX Includ­ related civiUah centers.” he fald if they think that the ing three, atom-powered Subma­ of ‘‘rightist deviationism” and of supporting mistaken “right­ StUI plenty of wear left In Lakewood Circle S., has been LADlf^S' BELTS ist ideas" in speephes arid articles. shoes when brought here for nominated for the position of vice Not all sizes. Genuine wather and elasUc cinch belts 2. To American people he United States will not fight if rines. expert repairing. president of the American Society GIRLS' COTTON said the Whole defense system for trouble-comes then they will lose The measure also provide^for (Western observers in Vienna said Nagy’s dismissal friim for Quality Control, with election free A s^ will fall unless they are confidence and free Asia will fall conversion and modernization x<>f office appeared imminent. He had been hi.s country’s chief WORK DONE WHILE . VALUES TO $2.98 willing/o use their "greater force" 28 ahips. Including six carriers .y o u WAIT of candidates to take place in apart. mouthpiece for Soviet ex-Premier Georgi .Malenkov’s policy May. Currently a vice president, KNIT JERSEYS in reswnse to a military challenge Dulles did not say i‘pecifically be fitted with canted decks,, aiiu and. he was. until November, 1954. the SALE PRICE Irony (Communist China. that’ the showdown which he fore­ light cruiser and destroyer to Jbe of more consumer goods."His downfall had been expected since SAM YULYES executive secretaty. and prior to Sizra 10 to *16. Reg. 11.98. Now jlles' tone was grim although sees will come over Formosa. But made into guided miasile ship: the Soviet Union and early this year returned to that he was New England region­ hq/reported progress on strength- in several key sentences he stated fContracts for West Coaim policies eihphasizing heavy industrial production, which in­ 18 Maple'' St,—Acioan From SMALL L O r Jng the Southeast Aslan Alli­ The committee overwhelmingly First National Parking Lot al director, chairman of the Air­ \ his view this way: cludes war materials). craft Technical Committee arid a ance whose conference at . "We hope that the present mlli- voted down a proposed Navy A statement by the Hungarian Workers (Communist) member of other tommittees. 'Thailand, took him abroad. He amendment which would ', spe­ LADIES' GLOVES returned Sunday after stops at (Continued on Pagle Five) cifically authorize the Navy to party’s Central Committee, published in all Budapest news­ The Friendship Club of St. NOT ALL SIZES construct in Pacific Coast ship­ papers, accused Nagy of encouraging elements who tried to John's Church. Golway St., will yards ''Rticii vessels as the Presi- frustrate indu.strialization and denv the necessity of heavy meet tomorrow evening after the VALUES TO $2.98 n 'n~~V 1 may determine to be neces- industr.v development. ■ \ . Lenten Devotions at 7 o’clock for Only by development of heavy theiV monthly meeting, which was GIRLS'DRESSES SALE PRICE ^ industry, it added, could there be HALE'S postponed from last,evening. The T od Broker DoubtsR-kU adequate to meet the requlremenU - \ a development of light industty Fires Claim \ club meets the first Monday in Cotton prints. Sizes 7 to 14. Preteen •*" of national security.” and agriculture. ; Headquarters each month. sizes 8 to 14. Values to $8.98. Now Vinson said he understood this X SMALL LOT would permit allotting contracts Rakosl Chief Speaker | FOR The statement said the criticism The Strickland Group of the I BALL FOINT and FOUNTAIN PENS Study Sparked Skid to the West Coast regardless of of Nagy was voiced at a session ; 19 Persions Second Congregational Women'a cost. Congressmen from coastal of the Central Committee held League will meet Thursday at 8 atatea in the East and Southeast March 2-4. The chief speaker at p. m.. -with the leader, Mrs. Rob' and * 3 ' ° ° led the successful attempt to vote the meeting was the party's first ert Foster, 393 Oakland St. Washington, March 9 (iP)—^The head of the world’s big- down the proposal, secretary, Matyas Rakosi. , Across U.S. GIRLS' DEPT.—2nd FLOQR ‘VALUe TO $6.00 9 7 f ^ ei gest brokerage firm testified today he doubts, very much the Enactment of the bill would The statement emphasized that.' Senate investigation had anything to dp with ve.sterday's ' pe.rty policies laid down in June. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1953, which led to the procisma- , LET US PILL YOUR ■ . \ 3-billion-dollar break m the Stock Market. Winthrop H. J by*^congresa. One, the Nautilus Fires brought death to at tion of 'the "new course" espoused least 19 persons in widely- Close-Outs CLOSE-OUT TABLE . Small Lot Jewelry sm ith, managing partner fif Mer-' has been completed: another. the by. Nagy’s government, were cor­ NECKLACE^, EARRINGS. Etc. rill. Lynch, Pierce, Fenner * Sea Wolf, ia building and two oth­ rect. But the committee said separated sections of the of OODS and ENDS ^ Beane, gave that opinion and atood ers have been approved. there had been mistakes and de­ United States today. firm on a declaration-prepared Judicia Votes . Meanwhile. Adm. Arthur W ficiencies in carrying them out. At Portland, Ore., at ICast five A Small Group of Dresses OF BED JACKETS, GOWNS. PANTIES and -fore the market drop—that pub- Radford, chairman of the Joint Describing those responsible'e Miersons died in .a fire which swept / llcNconfidence in Amerlca'a eco- CThiefa of Staff, told the com'rait- for the "rightist mistakes" as "op - through an old frame upstairs hotel VALUES TO $0.00 MANY OTHER ITEMS. VALUE TO $3.98 nomA future haa reached a very 10-4 for arlan tM in a letter that the top-piilitary porturilsts and anti-Marxiata” the early today. CALLED FOR AND higlT level. d e l iv e r e d . PROMPTLY planners “have recommended in­ statement went on: The bodies of four elderly men Sm lt^told the Senate Inveati- creased emphasis on all types of "Nagy beedrae the chief preach- were recovered before dawn. RongM. RdFrigtrotors AT NO EXTRA CHARGE gatora h '\ia strongly opposed to In High ourt air power, including ^'carrier of these antl-Mat-xist ideas. The fifth body, unidentified, was Wosbrn and A> N ow * 3 ' ® ® Close-Out the*propoail advanced by Harvard striking., forces. "The basic feature of Inire taken from a huge pile of rubble acoittmUt Jotm K. Galbraith yaa- ...... j IS Attack Carriers hpurs later as firemen continued to PINE PHARMAQY Washington. March 9 (F)—The the^^tUght 61$, the. homemaklag artIvltle**of yotlhg5Sel8' * rightist line appeared in OHmt AppHoncM^ ALL SALES FINAL. 24x34 LOOP terday. that thq govemmern fakte Coinhiltta^^^^ithmml "They have specifically approved National 4-H Club Week this year turns and underestimation probe to determine whether others steps Wiward a rd risin g _ margin _ re- 'one mamber abataiiilng, today enrolled In thl* splendid organization,. Nancy■y Karker, of (pbventry’s Sewiag Basket Club, typifies the The negation an of the nearly 80 guestq had perish­ CALL MU9.9814 RUGS ...... S I.39 nervfa *---- an . . . ."w -c- j an operating strength fOr xthe Na­ hs she takes a lesson on the sewing Ihaohlne. of the party’s achievements and Baby Shop Specials MADE F-ROM RUG FABRICS WORTH $7.00 to $15.00 Yd. qiilremervfa fromXthe present ,«0, yotedTo^TpprovalTf oSommL vy for 1956 and 1957 of 15N$ttack zeal of thnuHands of 4-H youngster* throughout the in the hushing up of these re­ ed. per cent to 100 per c\nt as a means' tion of Judge John Manah^l Hkr- Soon she wlU be turning out dresses, aprons and of other custom made article*. (Htorg on Four died and (our were missing REG. $2.98 ODD PLASTIC SHOWER CURTAINS mF -.anAyvitlaf (s'm ^ a— a. _ — a_^ \ carriers, an increase of one over sults. of curbing apeculatidi Ian to be a Justice of the Supre the .forces authorised for 1955.” Page 13). Charge Party Periled in a San RafaCl, Calif., rooming- Would Block NewNIasue* house fire-. Several were injured in Repd Herald Advs. NURSES' UNIFORMS 1 GROUP OF DRE^ES AND BATHROOM WINDOW DRAPES Ea. $1.49 Court. \ Itodford’a letter was in reply to "Imre Nagy directly encouraged "\ ' •• • Smith said such a atejr-w’oUld be Cniairman'Kilgore (D-WVa) an­ VinMn's request.for the Admiral's Jumping from upper flemrs when' ODD CURTAINS ...... /\ ...... Vz PRICE drastic and discrlRiinat^’. He nounced the result after a cloeed elements within the party and pet­ aroused by a youth who discovered and $ 2 . 0 0 Mostly one of a kind. Tallom, milled and rottage. cem en ts on construction of a | ty burgeois elements outside the said it would "dry up the market" meetitig of the committee. He said fil^ super-carrier. i Fire Bars Path the flames. .00 ODD PLASTIC DRAPES add C O H A G E and block the liqWnce of Njow’ he hopito to bringNthe nomination Sentenced party to increase their undermin­ In the explosion of a gas pipelins $( FORMERLY PRICED AT S4.S8-S5.B8 lor to the final vote; there securities. v'A before the Senate fqr action as j ing activities against the party's near Valparaiso, Ind., three were SETS...... /...... Vz PRICE was\no comiplttee discussion of leputation. ■Sizes 20-42. Few small sizen. All aalea In any, ease. Smith said, it's quickly as possible, butsjie .said he the ^ p e r ■-carrier question, al­ To 26 Killed in missing and presumed dead and 1 TABLE OF ODDS and ENDS AT REG. $8.95 ODD CHAIR SUPCOVERS .... $3698 miitter of opinion Whether too didn't see how this could be done "If the policy of these rightist one body had been recovered. TWo REDUCED PRICES 3 FOR OVEBS'TUFF’ED MODERN CHAIRS miifh Speculation is golhg on. 'ore Friday.' if then. though, some members had sharp­ devistlonlsts triumphed, this coun­ other* severely burned were taken A SMALL GROUP OF BLOUSES ly q u e i^ Navy spokesmen about F o r $ 38,000 try would become it backward to a hospital.' 1 FOR LOUNGE OR BITTON BACK Sen. Robertson (D-Va( asked rian is a Judge of the Second the feasibility of the flattopa. Mexican Plane 1 FOB FLAT ARM TSCUSHIO.V Smith what did cause yesterday's U.S. Njircuit (Jourt of Appeals in one.” At Holly Springs, Miss., six per­ MID-WEEK VALUES TO $5.98, The committee said the June sons. Including two infants, per­ New 'Yqrk and was confirmed for -.(Coatlntyd on Page Eleven) Mexico City, March 9 UPi—Res­ REG. $10.95 SATIN^COVERED PLAYTEX fContinued on Page Fourteen) that poaVlast year. A*grandson of H/rtford, March 9 (/P)—A'*'0P) —Paul. ctina de Aviacion (CMA), crashed heard’ in Vienna, said the Central TAILORED (Indi; Dirk.«en (111): Wiley (Wis): Butler, chairman ^ D e m o ­ Into s wooded mountain yesterday from two ^ five years in sisted of an offer to transfer title REG. $1.49 BEAR BRAND KNIT-A-TIE KITS .. WatKliis.'(Utah) and Butler (Md). of the young couple'c: $23,700 home Committee accused the .59-year-old ONE TABLE of Tuesday Break cratic National Cohunlstee, said shortly after taking off' from prison in the buried money Premier of "protecting the under­ REG. 99c I LOVE LUCY BABY BOOTIE KITS REG. $4.98x54" LENGTH ...... Pr. $2.49 Democrats voting for Rarlan wef* today it was "possible" Gov. Puerto VaUarto, on the . Pacific in Windsor apd ot a truck to Wai- Kilgore. Kefauver' (Tenh); Hen­ case. / ter'e father, Walter V. Bednarz, mining work of bourgeois circles REG. 99c BEAR BRAND SUPPER SOCK KITS REG. $5.98 Bi;' LENGTH ...... Pr. $2.98 New York, March 9, — Re­ Averell HarrinMn of Nqw York coast. It burst into flames; touch­ They /nade known to Superior Windsor tobacco and vegetable tnside and outside the party." Bulletins REMNANTS i PRICE nings (Mo); Daniel (Tdx) and would be the pemocratic presiden­ ing oft the forest fire. REG. 99c BEAR BRAND SNUG CAP KITS . . . RUFFLED newed selling in the stock market O’Mahoney (Wvoi, Court ^dg'e Thomas J. Molloy that farmer.' The Budapest government an­ today .was halted by a recovery tial candidate in 1956. No Survivor* they^er* vydUng to make restltu- Reeelve«l Stolen Money nounced in mid-February that from the AP Wires REG. 3Sc HEAVY CANNON ond DUNDEE REG. $9.49 72"i.ENGTH ...... $4.49 Kilgore listed these Senators as '.Thl.s Is |X>ssible,'' he said when REG. $7.95 BUCILLA NEEDLEPOINT movement that lifted, most shares voting against the' nomination; A rancher who reached the scene tion/if they did not have to serve Young' Bednani was convicted Nagy had had a "serious" heart FACE CLOTHS . . . ,. . 6 for 88e REG. $9.98 81" UNGTH ...... Pr. $4.98 from their initial lows qnd sent a asked the question' during an in­ before'' the', surrounding trees any time behind bars.' attack and would not be back In PICTURE KITS . . . • • • t • Elastland. (D-Miaa); Olin D. John­ of stealing his father's $38,000 STOCKS DROP sh a r p l y fair number to the plus side. ston (D-SCI, Langer IR-ND'I and terview on Dave.Garroway-'a "To­ Caught fire said there were no sur­ TTie Judge told .Atty. F r i^ iR . buried savings while ~the. young his office until "probably some­ •och 15e The market opened lower, a day" ^ogram on NRC-TV., vivors among the 23 passengers time in April.” , , New York, March 9 (.FI—In­ CHARTREUSE.. WINE AND FLAME ONLY Welker (R-Idaho). Mrs, Bednarz was foend gcilty of carryover from yesterday’s sharp He said that, Sen. M^cOellan (D- To ' another question as to and three crew'ihen.. The pas­ receiving .stolen property, , the The party attack on the. Pre­ vestors sold stm ks fast again to­ lEG. $1.19 Ux44 FINE QUALITY CANNON ^ fall, and some losses ranged to Ark I simply voted present whether Harriman ..would be sengers Included two children. money. ' ' I- mier symbolized the .continuance day. sending the stoek market nearly $3.' Then buyers began to Expects Battle cmed by the support he received The U.S. citizens aboard were in power of the country’s resl sharply lower. Losses ranged \a, lATH TOWELS ______Eo. 49e bid prices up and.a number of n his gubernatorial campaign identified fs: ■* It was admitted by young Communist boss. Matyss Rakosi. Notion Dept. Dirksen, one of the conimittee News Tidbits s Bednafz at their month-long trihl more thnit $5 a share.' In the WHITE WITH COLORED BORDERS steel, farm ^uipment. rail, motor, members who voted to recommei from New York 'CMty'g Democratic,' ' Edd Johnson, a ' staff member Nagy replaced Rakosi *s premier alternmm, selling gressi^e organization,. Tammhny Hall, But­ oY the San Francisco Chronicle Ithat he .took the money to build in July, 1953. after Stalin’s death, - HEAVY i GAUGE PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS aircraft'' and. oil shares managed confirmation, said he .anticfpatod Culled from AP Wire* and furnish the house, but claimed mounted again and ipriee* mop­ REGULARLY 29c Yd. to post gains for the day. . "a bit of. a floor fight” wheij- the ler replied In the negative. , .who had been on leave at Puerto but Rakosi • continued the No. 1 ped qulrkly. The tle k e ^ tape •The first hour w a/ iiectic: First, he sgid, Harrinian "Is not Vlllarto. He formerly was an edi­ he had a right to-it by virtue of a man in the party Politburo. REG. $1.98 54x$4 ...... ^. - 49c nomination is taken up for .Action partnership" with hLs father.. again fell 'behind In ro^rtlng .1,060.0()0 shares changed hands as in the Senate. . I a product of Tammany Hall, And tor of the New P.epiibllc magazine , It rerfiained to be seen whether dealings. / n REG. $2.49 54x72 99c FRINGED RUG BINDINGS the tape ran as much as five min­ "second, because Tammany. ’ un- and g foreign correspondent for a I^bur elderly men 'burned to "My people feel that (hey are he would take the premiership Of the' four Senators who voted death in fire at hotel in Port­ doing the hest they can when they beck or would still wield power WINE, BROWN, NAVY utes behind in reporting transac-’ KOREA 5 ET llONUS REG. $3.49 Pr. HNE QUALITY ALL WHITE > tiona. • ' (Continued on.Fage Eleven) (Continued on Fourteen) (Continued on Page Three) " land,' Ore.... Pravda says Russian offer what they now. offer.” said from his party post, in the manner EMBROIDERED PILLO W CA $E$...... Pr. $1.98 Jn early afternoon, Bethleliem industry, can learn from Pitts­ Atty. Odium in making known the of Soviet (tommunist party chief State Capitol, Hartford, SLICED BACON burgh and Detroit. .March 9 I.Fi—Sedate Chairman Steel was down $1.2,5 at $124 a couple'a proposal. Nikita Khrushchev. REG. $7.95 IMPERIAL HOBNAIL $PREAD$ . $3.95 share, American Telephone was Pope Pius Xll appeared at his They feel if they go to Jail, or When Khrushchev early this year •Arthur H, Healey (D-New Ha­ \ VERY FEW—(COLORS ONLY) off $J.25 at $181/75. but Du Pont window today and-blessed groups, prison that they will then be announced the Soviet Union's re­ ven) said toda.v that "substan­ 1 0 ^ yd- was dowii $2 at' $17u and Radio ■ /A- Woman Contractor Bids for School Job of tourist and pUgrlms In St. Pe­ thrown, as it were, as waste paper turn to the Stalin policy of . em­ tial agreemenC^ has been REG. $ll75 CHENILLE $PREAD$—7 Only $5.95 Corp. was $1.25 lower at $41:37, ter’s. Square In Romp... Prime into the gutters of the' w-orld. phasis on heavy industry,’ Rakosi Teached by the Alilltary and REG. $3.98 LOOP and CHENILLE RUG$^.. $1.49 However. Youngstown Sheet, * Minister Churchill hgs cold but ■"They have to serve time, then stepped ba'ck into the limelight to Veterans' .Affairs Coifmilttee on Tube was ahead' $1 and Boeing feels well enough to preside over they want to let the vivil courts announce the same switch in Hun­ a Korean \t ar veterans bonus ALL PLA5TIC RUG5 . REGULARLY $1.50 BOX i^rcrgft $2. Fractional advances a cabinet meeting today.' thrash It out on the property." gary. ; ■ pro|MHtal. 'i'he committee, he said, FOB KITCHENS-BATHROOMS ■ , were made by General'Motors, has agreed “ In prlnelple'’ that a Treaty increasing ' fental fOr (Continued on Page Two) .bonus should be paid. Caterplllsr Tractor,. General Dy­ land of Panama Cdnal paid by U.S. (Continued on Page Sixteen) REG. $2.89 24x34 ...... ; $1.49 SATIN PADGiD namics, General Electric. Southern . - .s_ is ratified by Ngtlorial Aaoembly IKE BE.ATING OFF COLD REG. $1.49 18x24 ...... 79e Railway. Texas Co. and Allied In Fanahia . .. Senate Democrats GARMENT HANGERS Chemical. reported tpying with Idea of $10- Washington, March 9 (J5—• REG. $2.29 44x80 PRINTED FA5T COLOR Average Dips $8.10 The W'h|te House staff reported BUY FOR GIFTS—2 IN BOl^ a-person Uix. cut instead of $2Q cut Margaret Intends to Marry Yesterday, the'Associated, Press fdr next year. today that President Elsen- TABLECLOTHS...... $1.39 average of 60 stocks declined 83.10 houer almost is rid ot hi* . REG. $7.95 72x90 CHATHAM W OOL and Settlement averts strike to "slight cold" anri 5U-s- Elsen­ (Continued on Page Five) Pennsylvania Railroad, nation’s RAF Captain^ Palace Says hower N recovering from the flu RAYON BLANKETS ...... : $5.95 box largest... Louis Woifson p7 a n t hut still Is confined to bed. CHUCK S T EA K S Many other values la quantities too small to advertise.. meeting with stockholders .iof s ■ ■ ' ' ■* :■ — ^ ^ , James C. Hagerty, presidential, Montgomery Ward in hiS' cam­ , March 9 ((Pi-Princessssonal plans. But available intorma- ■ pres* ser-retar.v.. gave this word Matiisow Defends paign for control of U»e company Margaret intends to marry 40- 1 tion tended to corroborate the re- to newsmen after talking with Earthquake shakes buildings year-oid RAF group Capt, Peter I port that Margaret and Townsend MaJ. Gen. Howard ,M. Snyder, Victini of His Lies but little damage occurrs at Tal' Townsend this (ai(, an Informaijt' are- going . - ahead .• with •- wedding the While H((us<< physician. Housewares REGULAR 10c CARD peh, Formoaa... Below zero tern In touch with the royal family sgld- pla'ns. —■* peratures reported In Maine today. today. Could Change Mind JETS SEEK SPEED 5IARK LARGE KITCHEN WASTE BASKET .. SPEC. $1.29 FANCY BUnONS El Paso, Tex., March 9 (J5—Har­ Federal government reports Townsend 'himself, a divorced Even a Princess can change her Los Angeles. .5Iarch 9 '(Pi- REGULARLY Sl.SS vey Matusow defended the man he factory employment rose in Feb­ man, was quoted as saying: mind, however, and Townsend him­ Eight Air Force F«4F Thunderi lielped convict, belittled his own ruary and described .rise, as most ■"raere can be nothing *ald until self presumably could erect great streak jet fighter* tmik off to­ GLASSWARE ...... SPEC. Ea. Sc role in Uie Ckimmonist party and significant change in nation's Job the time is ready or somebody else obstacles to the marriage by. in­ THREE SIZES—REGULARLY lOe Each day in ait attempt to break the 'told of the step vhkt led him from picture .. . Three-month-old Dopg- does something.;’ discreet remarks. W e * t-E a s t t rans-eontinental s>fd his life as a false witnera. las Lawrence Burnham Jf., dies, The 24-year-bid Princess la ex­ There are suggestions-^natur­ 2 QT. COVERED fYREX CASSEROLE...... $1.50 3^ r Matusow is testifying , here be- ally not conffrmed—that news speed record. The first plane 4 9 ' c o v e r e d police say, within minutes after pected to ■ renbuqce her right fA streaked at'ay at 7:33:58-*.m, FREE 8-OZ. INDIVIDUAL CASSEROLE ' fore a grand Jury in conjunction he is found unconscious In middle succession to the throiie to smooth about the royal romance is being (10:35:38 a.m. EST) and the CORN POPPER...... SPEC. Ea. 59c with a hearing ^ a motion by of busy N. )MaiD St., Waterbury. the way for her .wedding to a com­ leaked deliberately to the BriUsii last one got., away ' at .8:43:10 9 7 4 REGULARLY 8Bc ainton Jencks for a new trial. today. moner, according to the informant, press. B.ni. (11:46:10 a.m. EST). Their OPEN EVERY GREEN STAMPS Jenoks was an official of the In­ Dillon Anderson, Texas at­ who refused to permit use of his The aiin of that apparently ternational Union of Mine. Mil) and would be to determine how the > destination'uws Floyd Bennett CERAMIC PLANTERS ...... SPEC. 29c THURSDAY EVENING torney, listed by White as 1952 name. Field, N. V. MAIN ST. ASSORTED DESIGNS—REGULARLY 5So Smelter Woriierr. Hi was sen­ Democrat-for'''Elsenhower, ,,to suc­ Margaret’s marriage-to the war British people react to word that g iv e A w it h tenced to prison on charges he the-gay Prlnceas haa chosen' a CLOSED MONDAYS ceed Robert Chitler as president’ll hero, 16 years hqr senior and ' BU* CRASH KlUJ) $8 RATHROOM STOOL ...... SPEC: $3.95 swore faUely In a non-Oommunist father of two children. Would tlefjr divorced cosaaioner. Such puhUcity ' > Reg. SASS—WRIte, Wooden, Rubber Tljipcd Legs. . special assistant for national Seoul,. M ar^ 9 <91'Thlrty-eigM affidavit He U requeeting a new aecuri.ty affairs .... Publi.i! hearing the Church of England's ban on also would avoid the public shock FREE c a s h SALES trial on the btrie that ^atueow which deveh>p«d when Edward persona were willed *bd 17 Injur­ DUPONT SPONGE .. . -.. 49c TbJillKIlALdeoM .1 ■- " i.J ‘ . ilrrsld Photo. of legislature's labor Comitilttea the • remarriage of divorced per- ed toMy when a erowded bua haa admitted lying in testimony Is . occasion for return of Mr*. Vlll’s romance with Mrs. WaflW PARKING For ONE CENT exti^i get bandy else aponge, reg. S8c value. M j m k h i i t m i .C o m h * OPiN WiOS TO i « ■gainst him. Mrs. OatM rtae 8e«illjr« ptesM eat «ra pluagfid oM a bridge 17 mllea* lew bMe Md of f8.Mi.9M for the Ugh aekoel eoatracit yMtamUy, tUk* over the bidding with Margm.ret Driscoll, Bridgeport-, to cm the stand yestetday, MatU' Ita tradiuonal .sUsne# on reporu .' "Yf;- ' j.. . aeulli Of Seoul, police repoctod. M b N ud . Bm anM’a «Uef sallm ter, «Mtor, aM rndufek l^jr, the maior subcoatnictor. (Story oa her familiar role as legislaUv* FeUcayUp e* carakw agent foe stato <310. B0iic*mln|f th* royal family's ps^-' (Conttoaed Pag* Wqlea) U- f e . . t. (OwtttnMl a* FsgaTweatgr-tluM) Vbge F

■■>?t r- ■■

\ ./ / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHISSTER, CONN,, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 195S PACT THREE X t - air accident In Mexico within 24 the glaaa and cllmbad upon some Claim 19 ■PSSffiiSSSBBS" hours. Five persons, Including mil­ Damage Registerg . empty soiTt drink caaea.^ to get m Speaks at Yale >ires laclndlag 88e dally aneelal Lodgeg Observe Salutes Girl Scouts Fire Bars Path lionaire Mexican zi^rtoman J o i^ 3 TIMES FASTER Feeling of Board Seeins Cbieken In the Bnaket Uirtnigh' the seven foot )iigh win­ Hungary Premier’s Ouster Paaquel, were hilled Monday night 1 Victims in U.S. To Take Out Me when Pasquei'a-i private plane In Market Break dow. i FLASH BCUM. CASES, ^ 52nd Birthday for 6AS on Stomach To 26 Killed in crashed hi the state of San Luis —- Police said tha Uma when the CeriiSed laborstory tests proveRclI-sns y MOVIES. PARTS ^ Indicated 'by Red Leaders To FdiJOr Tax Revaluation O A K G R IL L Potoil, 225 miles northwest- of (sbictt .neutrallte 3 times ss mue)i (ConttauMl from Page One) Last night’s nilnor anowfall incident could have occurred waa stomacii seid (n one minute ss mtny so OAK 8T„ MAHCHEBTER In Orange Hall Mexico City, Itsdlrtz dtscjttva tablets. Get Bell-tni Consensus among members of^- Mexican Plane helped police place the time of a limited by the snow on the gfoiind, ArtiiHr Drug Starts j (CoHtlnned from Poge One) fought in Russia at the .outbreak : Clara Rutherford, 65; Junior today for Uie fastest known nllef. XM. of the X917 Red revolution, work­ the. Board of' Directors and .othars DeughterA of Liberty fto. 125 * a ■ HOODED TROUBLE minor break at K i)arf a Market, which began about 3 o'clock UUa Cited by. Firm Rutherford, 85; Lucy Vaighn, 85; morning. Investigating officers Vienna newapapera hav# apecu- ing between the wars in the Hun­ at an informal meeting in the Mu­ and No. H , Ladies Loyal Orange (Coatlnued front Page ORe) 540 E- Middle Tpk«M at some time garian Communist party, and dur-s nicipal Building last night strong­ Egbert Lss Bislfour, 10 months; Lowell, Maas. -W) — When the Lt. Walter Otaaelia, Sgt. Edwrard lated that the new premier might institution, held a joint cel^ a tio n between the hours 'of lO o’clock Winsler and Patrolman Robert be either Defenae Mlniater Mihaly ing World War H went back-to ly favored a ' tax revaluation 'of Lorraine Balfour, 2 yaars oM, and Chicago newspaper. Johnson served hood of Jo'zeph E. Dowling's car the town. _ o f their 52nd anniveraary tii Orange last night'And 3''a.m. today. TUrcotte' found no footprints in EliziliA j Farkaa or Vice Premier latvan Russia as a Hungarian language Clara Mas Balfour, 6. til Rome fo r the old Chicago Sun. . IN MANCHESTER No one present voiced> any ob­ Hall last night. Guesia preaent in -. / accidentally opened and obstruct­ ' Police aaid no money waa. taken the fluffy white stuff outside the Hidaa, formerly mimeter of heavy broadcaster. - , Ths ■ fire appsrently started. Dr. Clifford Haya, 32, a dentist. but two cash registers were' dam­ building. T h e. proprietor of Die AND VICINITY IT'S Returning to his homeland with jection to such a revaluation cludeh a nuinbaf of tha. Orange^ ed his view the machine struck a induaUy. • ’ Sheriff Sam Coopwood said, when tree, veered across the street i/ito age after, whoever made the market skid he closed about 10 the Red Army in 1944, he rose which General Manager. Richard men of Washliigton LOL 'No. U7, 5 Hacienda Dr., Arcadia, Calif. Bitter Deaimciatipn burning log rolled out of a fire- a'picket fence, crashed into twp 'break gained entrance through a o’clock last night and discoverod CAMDOT It appeared likely thdt Nagy rapidly in the new Hungarian Martin has aaid Is needed to re­ and Manchertcr 'Jo. 99. ^ Dr, Russell Ingle Jr., 31, a den­ move inequities in the local tax place while the victims were tist. 120 N. 20th SL, Montebello, cars, and then' burst Into flames.' rear window. C2)ief Herman O. the t>reak when he opened this Arthur Dms Starts would fall a lot farther thartsMaJen- Communist hierarchy. He beepme 'Worthy Uiatraaa Miat Veiw'Dlon mornih^, police reported. picture. asleep. - Calif. Dowling cra9ried out uninjured. Schendel said the intruder broke ^CERA M IC S, kov, who waa only demote^ to a successively agriculture minister. Richard Balfour, Jr„ 4, escaped of No. and Mra. Arlliie Wile deputy premierahip. The ' Soviet Interior mUUater— a key post wdth Frank RaiUy, former head of . llama oyHo. 17 were co-chairmeif R. S. Hall. 47, a- grocer, 1030 the union at Cheney Bros., who uninjured but 'waa unable to give Sunset Dr.. Whittier, Calif. i i leader loat hia job—officially—be- far fluhg authority .over Interhal details of ths tragedy because of of the^'minmlUee of 'arrangenaento FOR Y O HTROUA NG cauae he waan’t capable of running security—and parliament speaker has previously opposi^ a revalua­ forthe supper and program. In Whittier, a friend of Mrs. shock. Hall said the grocer left there last hia government. The Hungarian before being named a vice premier. tion, agreed tha revaluation la nec­ A two-year-old girl' was fatally 'Tne banquet hall waa decorated AND SUPPUES^v: party, however,' waa bitter in ita essary after Matthew Moriarty, with palms and l^ q u e U of white Friday with the two men for a Violent career burned In a fire at her Albniiy, fishing trip in Vexico. She said 117 New Bolton Road f-^nunciation of Nagy. Rakosl, a bullet-headed man of president of the Chaihber of Com­ gladioli, and t'he^tablen were inu Vha.commlttee reaolution, aaid N. Y „ home. they were expected home next .^.''has had a loiig, brilliant and merce, and George Harlow, Main ' Minated with ptA and blue candles, EXeEPnONAL SAVINGS!-.Ij\ST. FEW DAYS! Route 6*“MI«3*5756 'the pretnler, with "certain other, Tuesday. often\ violent career in Interna­ St. business man, spoke about in­ carrying out/(he patrloU-. acheme comradea-i^the miniatriea and in equities )n commercial land Frank Mul)4n of No. 99. who la The plane was en route from the preaa .... cfieat^ the working tional ^mmunlsm. A t 28 he waa assistant, aupreme grand chaplain, Puerto Vallarto to Guadalajara gecretary of the Comintern Execu­ values. MATINEE DAltY 1:30 claaa With hollow and^demagogic gave the'lnvocatlon. when it hit the mountain 18 miles tive, which directed Communist The Inequities In business promiaea and apread aniOng. the should be straightened out," |teil- / Attowd Affair north of Maacoto, in the state of activities outside the Soviet Union Peggy Wood,' star of 'rV 's“ Mama" show and her daughter, D ig- Jalisco.. The area ia about 400 KEITH^S GREAT workera an atmoaphere of uiicon- before World War II. ly aaid. But he cautioned' the . Other supreme officers preMht mar, played by Robin Morgan, will recall the early days of Girl Scout­ S S. cem ." Thia, aaid the party, re- Board to "keep . the revaluation mile's west of Me>clco City. In SnpeiUperSeepe and Color were Mra. Aimlc Johnaton, of No. ing on Friday, March 11, on the CBS television" networlr in a'salute CMA spokesmen said weather aulted in falling production during irning to Hungary in the under your thumb." and not place if* *■, V. ' •e---- 125, assistant supreme grand dep­ to the Girl Scoute’ 43rd birthday. conditions at the time were good. 1964. The "promiaea” referred to period between the two world wars WlUiain cooper a heavy burden on amall home CRUT' uty; Mr*. Mary (Phelps c f No. 17; /' ■ were the Malenkov aima of more to aid the Cdmijiunlst cauae there, with Gary Cooper — — They were unable to give any M I D W I N T Qne£.rL S t- a ^ u iA owners. « of the Supreme Oonstitution and conaumer gooda. he served severaflong prison terms Bart Lancaster cause for the crash. The pilot of llllam Cooper, 75 Green Manor Reilly Mid he had thought the By-Lat)7i committee; Archie were at each plate and included Orange lodges met in/ththe old Ma The. broadcaat declared: ’ on charges of murder'an4. inciting Robert T.. Perscbei Shown 3:10,8:30, 9:40 the plane was Capt. Oscar Iriarte, will be the principal speaker Chamber of Commerce waa inter­ Haugh. supreme grand tyler, Royal Liberty Bells in blue and gold, sonic Temple at the/^nter, which one of the line’s moat experienced "Under the Influence of these to murder, ested in sn increase on homes. — A ls o ----- CTATt Black KnighU; Carl Tyler of No. was moved to St. In 1908 the / at the Connecticut Life Insurance fashioned by Mrs. Annie Johnston. BireV men. CMA ia a subsidiary of Pan rightiat (teviatloniata, Induatry Uke Nagy, Rakoski was in Ri Robert T. Perschel, manager j HARTFORPfc 117, supreme grand committee, supreme convent^n was held in 'Un^rwriters Seminar at Tale Speaking for a revaluation, "That Othar Woman" Well over lOO enjoyed the meal and American World Airways. Given On C.O.D. Deliveries alowed Ita production. Socialist aia during World War i t and te- Mortariy Mid ha had owned land of the W. t ; Grant Co. store, hss sritb Cleo Moore, Hugo Hans Royal Black KnighU; James Mc­ the entertain inent. the preaent bulling. Officials aaid the nation’s worst FVRNITU work output decreased and the tumed home with the advancing UnlvehsUy on March 31. Prior on Broad St. which for many been cited 'jy his company for out­ Shosrn 1:45,8:20 - gnfPM iiso/y Collum, honorary past supreme ------:--- previous air accident occurred in , .,.,f, —I— ..— discipline of the citiaena slack­ standing managerial ability in All meihbers of the Orange Soviet Armies. Long considered to the -meeting, Mr. Cooper years w m assessed at |200 for 13 - SUNDAY STAR HEi^DLINERS grand master. lodges and affiliates die working JET EQUIPMENT 1949, when a CMA plane crash ened." Stalin's hatchetman in Hungary, acrea. Two yaars ago, ha said, he 1954. killed 25 persons. will addreas theT*cudentlaI Iifalir- "The Far Coontry”—In color Also, Mrs. Elizabeth Oaver'.y, tirelessly to make Die supreme Six Specials That Are Typical O f The Havinga From Every Underestimated Danger he has been the real power in sold two acres o f it for 330,000. Hr. Perschel returned from No. 17, charter member and past San Antonio, Tex. (/Pi—Jet pi­ Since then; the airline has had a ance Sales ConferencO-at Atlantic convention held by Grsnts New convention, to be held in the new •■Nagy was charged with sup­ Hungary since 1945. He was one a ty , N. J. -- Marlow agreed with Moriarty supreme grand mistroca; Mra. Min­ Hotel Statler in August, 19M, a stiic- lots at Kelly Air Force Base here perfect safety record, with not a Department A t Keith's. Don't .Miss Them! porting the views Of the "right- of the few high-placed Jews in the that the revaluation was necesMry Ehigland - Regions! at The Green­ nie Shorts, past mistress and char­ ceaa. The present Orange Hall use bowling ball bags to carry single deqU) or even serious'injury The local man will mark I g brier, White Sulphur Springs, W, lata" in apeechaa and articles. The Red world to retabr'hia post, dur­ to bring land values in line. He ter member of No. 125; Annie building on E. Center St. waa their flying helmets. They don't to a passenget- or crew member. years with Prudential in April. Vs. There he 'w m presented with. RANGE & FUEL OIL party said the Premier undereatl- ing the anti-Semitic wave ' that He has addressed a number of in­ qugtedflgurM from the assessor's D i S L l O R Ferine, charter member of No. 17; built In 1902. Previous to that the get crushed that way. The crash waa the second major mated the danger coming from the marked Stalin'^ last months. o fficer-sh o w that aassMmants in Certificate of Merit by Mrs. G. 5'i(. MC /iSOf THf GARRV MOORt -> William Brennan, deputy supreme surance conventions in the East, Anderson, regional manager, and right, minimised the problem of Rakosl once described his ‘.'sala South and Middle West In the the Purnell .,to Oak 8 t section gran(f 'master, and Koyal Black savings and failed to emphuise given a prize in recognition of the mi tacHcs" of pushing Communist past three years. of Main Street e-as high as 3800 Knight; Robert Bell, deputy grand the need for production increlBei control over the country as: "De­ .a front foot. excellent performance of his store lecturar. Royal Hack Knights; during the past. year. The Man ANOTHEB GREAT BROW! and lower production costs. manding a little mdib each day, A t the location of a M un Street rw ilp Williams, second deputy The BOLAND OIL CO. Chester store wss the moit im- Nagy, a - Ruaslah-trained, old- like cutting up a salami, thin slice Friday from 2 to 5 and from 7 auto dealer the figure is MO-q Bart Laocuter Yrsaae DeCarla . grand master, royal Black Knights. ijiiproved store in the Connecticut time Communist revolutionary, after thin slice."- to 0;S0 p.m. front foot, at Main and BUm U Omryrr CaoMrC*oo OarM Nirea HEVWOOl) AU of the abCve were recognized District. TEL M ItelM l 3-4320 served as one of Hungary's five Those desiring to contribute to la ' 3150 on the west and 3200 on VERA 'T o R t a h t 's " f S E X T i T and escorted to the platform by vice premiers before stepping up thei Building Fund of S t Mary'a ths east. A t Main south of Locust It v ^ ^ also snnou n^ at the Mra. Dolly Wylie and Mrs. Ullimn to the premiership.' He had Church in memory of retired Chief it is 3200. In ths high school convention'that Manchester placed CRUT' M m N i g h t " T. McCaughey, where they were second in the iJ-^provement contest la So^HIcspo V I O P M M ■ WL Foy may do so. vicinity it is 3100, at ths ARP Tech «:ie«:M called upon foe remarks in the Store at E. Center St. it is* 3200, for all 125 stores in'tha New Eng­ tnaln hail after the supper. The O bitu ary land Region. This is the fist time Mrs. Annie Brown Romer Marlow said." As of Oct. 1 it was Bat. t p.m. Bap Razera - 7 CatiMas- charter merabern Were, remembered 388 where the new First Natiqnsl the. W. T. Grant achievotnept - with gifts. • ^ ./ The funeral of Mrs. Annie award hM aver been won by the Btaacaa! Baa.: "Tka Far Csaalrr'! G m o R | Brown Romer, sister of J. S. is to he located, according to Mar­ Entertataimeat Msmehester store. Plaa "Tkis Is Mr Lave” Brown, 99 Henry S t. was held this low. Barbara EUiott, a majorette of Now! 2 Funerals afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Marlow said the inequities are the Slihouetta Drum Ckirps, gave a Higfi Octane-regular pr,ce Holmes Bhinera). Home. Teacher not the fault of Henry Mutrie, the clever demonstration in baton for 919.95 SMCssor. "There Isn’t a aquarer twirling with Mrs. Annie Johnston Mrs. Harriet B. Hunt Karl Knig of Baha'i TMchings A b o u tT o w n oSictated and burial was in Elm­ shooter in the town government," at the piano, and Lucy Griggs and NOW.: ,too The funeral of Mrs. Harriot wood Cemetery, Vernon. Marlow Inristed. , Carol Frazier favored with ac­ Hunt, 88 Porter St., was held yes­ Bearers were George Dart, Rod­ The Board decided to consider Firemen, from SMFD Co. 4 cordion numbers, all of wMch were GHAIRS...IN PAIRS STEELH BRIDGE SET terday afternoon at 2 o'clock at ney Wilcox, Dr. Morris Fqncher, the revaluation question formally dashed down Spruce St. at about applauded. .’Ihe supper, prepared by the men new the Holfnea Funeral Home With Robert Marchand, John McLough- at its' first meeting in April. The 9..30 this morning to extinguish a TELEVISION under the direction of William J. 319.95 Value! Upholstered in heavy ^ the Rev. Clifford ■ O. Simpaon, lin and John Brown. Board will also take up the ques­ fire in on automobile not far from 319.95 Value! Five pieces, folding table minister of the Center .Congrega tion of whether to increase the the firehouse. The fire in the csr, Mullen of Edgerton S t. was pro­ '/ -plasUc in choice of colors. Sagless C and four chaira. with sturdy enameled > 9 5 YOUR Uonal Church, officiating. Burial assessor’s staff so that he can owned by William Daihy, was nounced exceU'ent. It consisted of spring construction. Single Arm »||e 1,95 atiel framaa, plastic coven. On Sale PRIZE FOR FUTURE tomato juice, choice of turkey or was In Ehut Cemetery. New Yoik (JF)—The fu ^ re holds maintain property aasesrvnenU in noticed by a psMlng boy who ran Chairs only 310.95. Get TWO FOR at The casket was borne by por­ PROGRAMS ham, mashed potatoes, carrots and ATLANTIC a 350,000 prise for some eaMyist— relative balance after a revalua­ to the fire house. v- ONLY ters. tion hM erased llie present in­ , ------■ ,, \ peas, cranberry sauce, pickles, ice \ his heirs 6r assigns—with a bent Video Everyday—All Righto Reserved—H. T. Dicklnaon A Co, Inc.| cream, tea anrlcea m meas­ gasoline lema of a revaluation. It'w as sajd ured by Dun t Brndstreet aehvcd by the charter members. retired chief of the South Manches or IcM "the moat acettrate descrip Souveritr9,from the business housaa ter Fire Departfnent, 18 Laurel PI Uon o f commerciml' a'riation" . 30 that if a revaluation is started dipped this wWk to their low­ who died suddenly in Florida Sun' years hence. Tlie contest entry aoon the new easeMmenta could est level stnM Navember, 1953. _ia_ / day mornlngXwill be held Satur­ may include drawings. be ready to apgly-tb the October, A t 38.55, the Dun * Bradstreet day afternoon at 2 o'clock in St Entries, TJW.A. has announced, 1955 acsesament date. wholesale food price Index was OPEN EVERY E PO RT Mary's Epiacopal Church. The Rev. will be microfitmed and sMled at down 9.7 per'cent from • year AlffOd L. WilUaina, rector, will of- the airline’s new Kansas O ty, Mq., Acddenta in which flve or more ago, and compared with,. M-8S THURSDAY EVENING the wreck before. The , Index fleiatsi. suid burial will be In the malnterAncs base. persons w ere killed took 1.200 CLOSED MONDAYS family plot In Blast Cemetery, ,The r^HJsItory Will be opened lives in the- United States iMt repreoento the total cost at REDUCTIONS.... . REDUCTIONS 7 ' Friends may call at the Watkins and the contest prize winner de­ year,the smallest number in the w-holeaaJ|e of one pound each of m.thru?ri: Funeral Honic, 142 E. Center St. termined In 1985. last flve yMrs. 31 foods' In common nse. : \ OPiN WfDS TO S. W CtiiM;nel18 I > I 9 pm m RROAD 30-9-1138 SYWGER o ENDS TODAY • • STARTS S ALES and LATEST LOCAL AND WORLD WIDE NEWS "VIOLENT MEN^' T [ l t V I S I 0 N RADIO SERVICE sBTvic* brou^ 16 you AND TOMOEROW "GREEN HRE" \ I Ckaaacl I. Nsw Bavea, Csaa. l;M (U) STU EBWIN SHOW GIGANTIC PRICE I^ liC n m by your nearby Esso Dealer ond< C'kaaael ts Har^rd, t^ a . (It) INNER sanctum . M ATINEE * P.M. STATE EVE. ONE SHOW 7 P.M. Ckaaael It riM^eld, Mata. —"SIleat Bride" 7 / ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY iCkaaatl M NaW BrMala. Coaa. t:M (ID TV THEATER EVE. CONT. FROM 8:15 Shorts 7:00— Fire 7 :tl, Men 8:59 kaaael U Watarkoir. r:aaa. "Tke NIzktwateker" Skaaaal U Halvaka, Maas. * ( t) THE .MILLIONAIRE I Ckaaael tl,B^azfleM. MAu. —"Sterr el Naacr Marl- asL (It) MASu C'EHADE______PARTY 7 Piece Brass Ai«S ( 9) OCroOOB APVPHTt'BB PPeter ^ r Daaald (It) VARIETY THEATER (9() U J I M WRSTEB.N THBA- —“ MMalelil Speelal" / TEB—“ Laae Btar BaMera" (Jt> THE LONE W'OLF Maple Bunk Bed Outfit (U ) A.D.I,. riLM —••del Sterr" F ire p la c e OUT WEST WITH BILL 34^5Aralue! New type curtain ' , _ 359.95 Valuel Use it at a jrp M / > ;» (M> W 0%W B LOCAL NEWS OlsMCe. s c ^ n , pSker^ brush andirons, O t:ie ( B4i> Bonmy d o o d t _ saving bunk bed, as aepairato (1«) WESTEBM rLAYHOUBri FLETCHER 30-9-7879 elMtric logZ and. brsM wood U B < twin beds. (Colonial Maple, com­ $ 4 9 9 5 (U> riLM S holder!. A better 'quality en­ plete • with steel springs, ladder • :M ( t> STAGE t \ of —"Rarkeler Weekead" \ Mancheater UP TO semble Keith .(sale, prTeed..^at and guard fail. Nowyonly ...... n o dUMOB CBOB8ROADS only ■ (M) MEWS AT SIX ((I) COWBOY PLAYHOI BE * Gloco Fiinilhira Tops * Gberaf Kaith Tarms. 9:U (N> THE EARLY SHOW— Open A Keith, Ac^ouji^ —"Vazabead l * t f " / / — MIRRORS — A , (It) SEBI^ TIME . . & (U) TWIUOHT TMgATEB (Fireplace and Door) ^ : * e (U> SPORTS' ^ ~ OPEN SATURDAYS Ztia ' Z) WEATHKB OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT . (It) NEWS (It) NEWS A WEATHER Estlmateo Gladly Given (tl) HALF HOUR DRAMA (ft) SPORTS VIEWS • :U ( t) WORLD NEWS TODAY l;9t ( t) MV UTTLE MARGIE (It) INDUSTRY ON PARADE - (l»-M) WHO SAID THAT (It) MOVIE MVBEl'M — (Ml rVK ODT A' HP HEX (91) WORLD HEWS TONIGHT (U> HALF HOUR FILM lt:ttt ( t> ItOXINO-^ Rallea Marlae ve. CkamerB SeB(kllral ON A U USED SEWING MACHINES (It) EISENHOWER PRESS CON­ YEARLY PORHAITS FERENCE \ OF YOUR CHILD (W) YO riLTn'Y GOVERNMENT (SSI h a l f h o i'b f il m . ARE PRICELESS (U l ^ 0 8 AND ANDY (tl) DANNY THOMAS SHOW lt:M (ID international 'POLICE ■eXAMPLCS OF THFSe SAVINGS! (3) 5x7 Fortraih $9.00 ’(ft) CURTAIN TIME —"Oeat Irem LaPerta” (U l niO PICTURE WAS NOW (ttl RIO TOWN ANNE 8R1FFIN ( » ) ’ REPORT FROM WA8HINO- SINGER TREADLE ...... $29.99 $14.50 ? -■ (.CHILD PHOTOGRAPHY TON 479 31AIN ST,—TEL. 30-S-52S3 lt:U ( t) CALL THE PLAY OTHiR MAKE ELECTRIC PORTABLE ...... 49.00 25)00 11:M ( t> dALOPY RACES . . - - f (M) NEWS • l!tt < ■> MOREY (It) MOONLIGHT THEATER SINGER TREADLE ...... 39.06 17.00 -David Waype —"Vleaaa Walleea" NEW SPRING (ItAI) RURLA, FRAN * OLUE (ID WORLD NEWS (It) CLUBHOUSE (U ) n io h t Ca p e d it io n OTHER MAKE ELECTRIC CONSOLE ...... 69.00 35^00 (tl) MBATRBB (tl I NEWS A WEATHER 7tM (U) UTTLB SHOW llilt (It) LATE SHOW 75.00 39:$0 Tilt (It) SFOBTH BULLS'iTIN BOARD —"Reekleee Derleleat SINGER,ELECTRIC PORTABLE ______‘ ...... liU (U4I) dOBM O A I^ •Newe' (M) THE LATE SHOW I WASHABLE ORLON (It) LITTLE SHOir —••Sefla’l SINGER ELECTRIC CONSOLE ...... 92.50 51.25 (tl) HIOHUOnS ll-.lt (U ) MOONUOHT MOVIE .. 7iU (It) HrEATHEBVANE Mahogany or tlM (it) EDDIE riBRKE SHOW I1:U (tl) dAMES MASON SHOW OTHER MAKE ELECTRIC CABINET...... 69.00 37.00 I •) MONTY WOOLLEY II :M (t l) TONIGHT—Stara AUea ■•c T h e l o v e s DtSHETLAVD lt:M ( I) NIGHTCAP THEATER 9' X 12' or 9' X I0'6' SUP-ON SWEATERS —"Maa la Saace" SINGER ELECTRIC PORTABLE ...... 87.50 49.50 (It) BADGE Na. ft4 U:lk (U l PREVUES Limed \ Oak —••Elf TTria” tsti ( t) NEWS andlau^ter (IM i) DOl^ L t o EDWABD9 SINGER ELECTRIC CABINET ...... 99.00 71.00 TEE : With or without sleeves. In tan, blue, maize, pink, chi|ir- (It) tlLlf CONGOLEUM RUGS and longings of TiU (Ml) MEWS CARAVAN— daha R m s . . OTHER MAKE ELECTRIC PORTABLE .. .7r;T7. ^49.00 25.00 SERVING TABLE OaaaatoB Swarsa CLEANED IN VOUfc OWN BCiME coal and cranberry. All aizes. (M) FEHRY COMO SHOW • aie a g ^ tke aame dar. Oaim -w ith dadlBc LaRaea RariTed, nia EaUraaed. Sato fat 329.95 Value! Attractively styled, with 311.95 Value! Famoua Gold Seal and,Arm -tt Q Sa ^ iin g people (H ) DANCtNO—la______dabaay Martia tUa labrira MANY, MANY OTHER SIMILAR VALUES easy rolling, casters . . . ideal for 9:M ( M t4t) ABTRUB OODtREY strong quality hard surface ruga in c h o lc e « jp C s ^ « ^ * ^ SHOW CoH MI-9.7024 A U IN GOOD WORKING ORDER AND FULLY GUARANTEED hostess use, for your TV snack. Has $ 1 Q 95 of- discontinued patterns and colors. Per-._ ■ R (It) PAMODR PLAYBOU8E large top, convenient shelf. On sale 'udienilie batdo —“ Ace el Spadee” CORRe DuroelMNMfr feet .for any room. Closing out a t ...... !i SLEEVELESS $ 3 . 9 5 (tt) TV ROVB LOW-LOW DOWN PAYMENTS^ lUDGET TERMS at , ,, ' Liberal' Budget Terms Open An Account isCarawayvao i m i r i r s e w in g c o u r s e w it h t h e % ^IR U rAiB iASi JPImiSfSr p u r c h a s e o f a n y m a c h i n i WITH SLEEVES $ 8 . 9 5 MORIARTY BROTHERS SAFE-BUYHOM USEDE O F CARS c OT YOURS TODAY ^ ^ ^ m m O F MANCHESTER inaannir Moemta wr WARNER BROS. M ' I WARNCRCOLOR-STERCOTHOINC SOUNP J C e i t t i ' S a ; ™ A , raicaa nu _ SINGER SEWING CENTER CEMOUSESSON ’W WPP ■ MONA NANW RAYMOND TAB )THY RMOaoU(M(TOin.T LINCOLN • • MERCURY V > oP'o;m Hi.H . Koo, Kvealst* aad 8aa. tSo TELEPHONE Ml.3-1883 MikUsees, wk. days Me 832 M A IN STREET G I V E ItA S T A M P S a S in m aU tUSM 91s 301-31S CENTER ST. PHONE MI-3.513S

... . W ^ ' ■ ■ i , V'-

a^CH ESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9 ,195S P A G E F IV E ,jp • ^ MANCmSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, c6 ra ., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1965 P A G E P O U R I, J. s(& convloced, would be re- MIdweat and New England.” saya With a high level o f tsnsioii and a not think the dilnefS OomSMUiista draw from Qdsmoy andJtfa/tsu. low level of expression tsiid- to ► AU employed men * ‘ by us." Floridia Drinkers a University of Florida sociolo- VOO can succeesfully invade Formosa, I don’t believe this goVs^- have mors axesssive drinkers. •nd women may fet , msBihas or la exerting any pTss^ lend laid in that connec* glsti •' * ceiKhere to pay Wilt , ' Stocks Making said only President Etesnhowsr Dr. John M. MScLachlan told Other results show, he said, thfit Sizilig Up High School Bi^s About Town Bunf m the Nstkmalistr'br even Uoit'lte ia certain "these islands are 4 ^ CARRY ALL or cut rhonthly pay- ^ could "clarify our Intenttena or our Create Probleni ^he Florida conference on a unlt- drinking probICma among Kelliher Low Base Bidder plans about the offshore ‘islands." urfing\Uist thsy,wtfi»drsw from not ^irig'to be put on the bargian LEADtNO BRANDS menf s»• • PO»»i- >0 program for beverage alcohol are tncreaslDg faster U Hayden E . Whiting o f the Oil Recovery After Knowlsnd, who has discussed ciuntsr sndPisfpUstsd sway." Say­ Heat and Engtnasring Co., 244 bty have ofM smaller Gainesville, Fla;, March 9 OP)— and narcotics education that he men; business executive, the situstlon In frequent confer­ "3. T-s*a satisfied the National­ ing he thli)ks o t the Islands " v . On New High School Here Main St„ recently completed a monthly, peymsot. "would be InterjM-eted throughout and hjs staff found this out in a mlnistrstofs ere 50 p^cent ahead ;Artliir;1lnijS Siorts Loan hand - teilorid ■ ences with Ensenhoiwer and Dulles, ists' can Cops' with any small at­ Florida- has an estimated 91,000 of expectaUons J6r excessive coursa o f 12-houra of Intenalvs Tu^day Break Asia 0* a defeat for the free world survey of all florida counties to your needs PI ' said thft "based on what I.belitvr ta ck s that' may be made on the to 94,000 exceasive drinkers—"far 'The problem is Serious, he said, drinking; but professional groups study o f the latest-nnistltods o f air Islands. Olid a victory for the Communists,” C < m » r « for JoenonSrst ’ toi be the factr<*' ahead o f other Southern states adding: ; have only a b ^ half their share Siuan eOiidltkmtng, aponsorad by the (ConUn .from Page One) "1.1 don't think Ihe.Chlnese^Na- "4. Any Awjor effort to take he declared; Read Herald Advs. It A ir OonditkAlng Co. write or come b “It Is Just not going to h w en ." but still well under California, the "Tests show ^bat communities o f aloohoUcSf-'^ $3,608,000 on t" ■ S' X tlonallsts will voltmtarily with­ Uism wtiioh appeared likely, to sue-' Haven. u ses 8 2 S y $ i 0O !i8.60, theXsharpest decline 1 to <158. F i r m s I John RiederAllO Park St. thk VnderbidM 16 since Jan. 17, when UA average • I BIRTH MONDAY; a aon to lU D fciTi'ifr . J- .1 v» Tbs Hsnelwster FsdsraUtnt of UOAM lost 3.3.50. The d ^ line^ In the Mr. and Mra.\Richard' Danielaon, Democratic W oman will enSst at, In cldis bWdlng between 17 average y^as equal ti Bolton. \ tha Community Y Friday at 8 p.m. general contractor! from fit* BIRTH \YBSTERDAY: r ' - All members are urged to attend I iVSTCM about three billion doll' ■taiet yeaterday afternoon, the M. daughter to Mr.Xand Mrs.. Donald 'this important msetlng. . quoted valuation of all Bh'kr /■ Kuehl. 16 N. Elm\St. S KelUJlar Co. of Boaton aubmltted ^fe/lS€7tcJl ed on the New York Stoc , the low bale bid for conitructlon BIRTH TODAVX a son tO Mr. o f the new high achool bbildlng i and Mrs. Frank , no, Glaston­ Honorary and active members el change. and Bite improvementa. bury. of the South Manchester Fire De­ The selling coincided with i The bida were opened in the DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; partment, ell companies, will meet an MAW ST^ d F l » O m , mony by. Harvard economist "V hea^g room of OiC Mimlclpal Mrs. Anna Alicxi. 83\BisselI St.; at S:S0 tomorrow night at thi K. Galbraith before the Senati Crush ResistaM and Washable! Cotton Sharkskin Coordinates! Mrs. Hazel Baker, East Hartford; fVININCS UNTIl • Banking Conamittee,''’which is Building beginning at 2 p. m. Al­ highAay department garage. c'oV «| sH wwswKliil Inm ^1 most 100 contractora. contractors’ Mrs. Marlon Cavalier and daugh­ ner of Harrison and E. Center studying the market's long rise. ter, Wllllmantfc; MrsV Harriet 'Galbraith said stock-buying should repreaentatives. wpreaentativea of 8U., and proceed from there to z _ bonding flrma and town offidala Cross. RFD 2, CoventW; Mrs. the. Watkins Funeral Home to pay be put on a 100 per cent cash basis crowded the tables set up for the Constance DeQuattro, 178 Maple respseta to ratlrsd Flra Chief Al­ and other precautionary measures The Herald— ^It Pays should be adopted to avoid a col­ bid opening in the room and corri­ St.; Robert Gleeson, 201 Milliard bert B. Foy. / 'i - dor oUtaide. St.; Mrs. Joann Jurgen son, lapse In the future. A t present, a The aecond 16w. baae bid came 18S Center St.; Mrs. Anne dyga, buyer. If he is purchasing on mar­ from Felix Buza( A Son, Hart­ 39 Horton St.; Thomas gin, must put up 60 per cent cash. ford, with a bid of $3,647,000, 38 Sewborough Rd.; Mrs. Until Jan. 3, 60 per cent cash was \ C b o a o d u ! slightly more than ohe. per cent pbine Marks. 48 Spnice St.; necessary. higher. Thndy A 'Alien, a Hack­ Natalie Platt and daughter, Says Break Overdue ensack, N. J...firm Which took out 3, Vernon. How much Galbraith’s testimo­ plans and apMiflcatlons for study DISCHARGED TODAY: ny may have had to do with Lorraine Weingartner, RFD fisudwinkisL! only a coupte of weeks ago, sub­ yesterday’! break was debated In mitted the next low base bid of Rockville; Anthony Zeluikaa, 3! Wall Street. ^Jttlcolm de Sieyes <3.686.000. A. E. Stephens Co., Oakland St.; Robert Allison Jr., 9 of Hemphlhi'Noyea.* Co. suggest­ Springfield. Maas., aubnUtted a bid Short St. ed that a break v-as overdue and o f <3,693.070. that ft was touched Off by Gal­ J o a i t ! " Wadhams A May Co.. Hartford, braith’s testimony — "the first which completed the Buckley bearish statement to come out of School last Bummer, bid <3,698,837. the hearings.” In Wall Street, a , Other Bidders Local Stocks ' bearish sUtement is a pessimistic Other bidders in order were A. Statement. F. Peaslee, Inc., Hartford,, .4 7814 speculation, this had not occurred. Co., I^rchester. Mass., <4,096,000; "Hartford Fire ...2 0 0 210 He said that since Jan. 3, there F. Driscoll, New York, <4,141, National Fire- . . . 95 100 has been a conspicuous decline in D. Middy suit / Phoenix ,..., . . . 91 96 activity among blue chip (.quali­ Since the bids contained at least Ufa and IndewBy Ua Cos. ty) issues and a sharp pickup in $10.98 22 figures to e alternate materials Aetna U fe ...,...... 175 180 trading in secondary and specu­ or methods hi addition to the base Aetna Casualty ...... 193 - 203 lative stocks. \ E. Fish-print blouse bid, there r|>pears a mathematical Conn. G en eral...... 520 540 •\ possibility that the contract could Hartford Steam Boil. 85 00 Herald Pbotoe. go to another bidder. Practically Travelers ...... 2030 2080 There were m ^y tense moments at the bid opening yeeterday in the Municipal Building as Gen­ Dulles Convinced $4.98 that 'ponsibllity is remote, accord­ Pabae OttBlMe eral Manager Richard Martin, at the microphone, read off the base bids submitted by 17 g;eneral con­ ¥ ing to most of the persons con­ Conn. Light Power 19 21 tractors. Contract^ and town officials Jotted down the figures and made hasty comparisons.^ F "'" cerned. Conn. Power ...... 42<4 44% the first bid onward V was nbvious'. that the town would get the school built for a favorable p U.S., China Nearing F. Box-pleated skirt The Kelliher firm estimated it Hartford Elec. Lt. 5714 59% In the lower photograph. Edson M. Bailey, left, principal of MancHbster High School, and Arthur H could complete the work in 480 Hartford Gas Oo. . 38 « ) IlUng, superintendent M schools, two 6f the officials most closely concerned with the new high school Miliary Showdown calendar days, a limit which one So. New England kept track of the b id s V the corridor outside the hearing room.______$5.98 observer close to the scene felt Tel...... 4 1 « ' 43% was optimistic. mpealee court business is very unevenly (C'-onfinuMl from Page One) Discuss AHemates Allied Thermal 59 63 distributed among the courts. General Manager Richard Mar­ Am. Hardware 174i 19% Hold H eai^g '^oday on Bill He said that while some court tary actlvitlte of the Oilneae Com- tin said he, Raymond Goalee, chair­ Arrow, Hart/Heg 48>4 dockets are overloaded with cases, munista are not in fact the first man of the School Building Com­ Asso. Sprl: ,‘27 , 30 other courts have business enough stage of an attack again t For­ mittee, James U Perry, clerk-6f- Bristol BiA s s ...... JT<4 19% Allowing Transfer of [Cases for only one month pf 6 session. mosa and the Pescadores. We hope the-works, ahd Victor Frid, archi­ Cheney Bros...... 18 20 that a ccaae-fire may be attain­ 115 He cited this as one reason for the tect, will meet, soon to discuss the C ollin s...... docket log-jams. \ able. We know that friendly na­ alternates. Em-Hart 31 34 Another one in the ser pf^unless the two proposed bills tions, on their own responsibiUty, LaBelle said the court or pne of Martin expects to have a rec­ Faf nir Bearing ,... 40 proposed bills aimed at estabUsb' cidUng for the eateblishment of are seeking to find substance for ommendation for the Board pf Di­ Landers, FrSry, Clk. 32 - 34 the high courts in Manchester are the parties involved 'in a case ing a branch of the Superior\and these hopes. Also th . United States rectors when it meets March 15. N. B. Mach. Co. 40H 43% approved by the legislature. The fiiould be permitted, on a motion, is studying the matter in a search Below Maximum Figure / No. Eastern Steel .. 6‘4 7% Common Pleas court* In Man^es- he^ngs on those bills were heard to transfer, a case from a court Tor . ^ace. As Martin had predicted, the low North and Judd ... 34% 37% ter wee 'scheduled for a lee^alalive last Week. with a crowded docket to one far these efforts have not bid was well below the <3.931,606.- Russell Mfg...... 9 n hearing thia afternoon at tha ite "The hearing on the bill today is where there id an opportunity for been rewarded by any success. Th^ 67 figure he said was the maxi- Stanley Woriu .... 54 67 Capitol. being held by the Joint House- a reasonably prompt hearing. .Oiinese Communists seem to be ^ - mum available for the contract. Terry Steam ...... 117 . 127 The bUl, which was submiti Senate Judiciary Committee, I f this bill, which would pertain termlnsd to try to conquer^^For Only three of the 17 firroi sub­ Torrington ...... 26 by ' Manchester’s BepreaenUti which was echeduled to convene at to tdl the courts in the State, is moss. . . / mitted bids above that figure. IT. S. Itovelbpe com. 98 Ray Werrtn and Thomas Roger 1:30. passed, it would make unnecessary “Small nation* cannot^Sasily be The spread between the low base U. 8. Envelope pfd. 68 73 would provide for the free trmne-' the bill dealing with the free •elf confident wtwn they are next 47% This committee Is holding a /bid and the high base bid was Veeder-Root ----- 44% fer of caies between Hartford, haaring on another "free transfer' transfer of cases .between Hart­ door to Oommunlet,China. Its al­ <533.414. The above quotations are not to New Britain and Manchester. bill' tomorrow which would make ford, New Britain and Manchester most unlimited manpower woiW Projects Under Construction be construed as actual markets. Free transfer in this sense ibsolete the one the group is die only. X easily domlnate/'hnd could quickly The KelUhwTftrm la mow com­ means that a cose can be tijans- basing today. engulf, the eptfre area were it not pleting thO/Academ of Slaters of 37 YEARS AS DETECTIVE restrained by the m.itual security ferred on the motion of the court Drafted by LaBelle BIRD MAN WANTEb St. Joseph School In Boston, a ------.,\ or of one o f the pshtiee- involved structcrs'^which has been erected. <2,500.000 project, according to Houston, Tex. (P)— John Hodge in the case. Ordinarily, a'case can­ This .bill, which also was sub- LitUe Rock. Ark. (*>)—"Friends "But'that structure ■will not hold HANCE! Mrs. «therine Scully, president of celebrated 37 years as a hotel de­ not be trMutferred without the ap­ ■mltted by. Manchester's two repre' of the Birds, Inc.” want the if it/ ht words alone. Essential in- the firm. She said the company Is tective and had some stories, in­ proval of all the parUes involved. sentatlVes, 'iVas'-drafted b, Atty. Arkansas Legislature to pass a p^dlents are the deterrent power - tH al^flnlsh ln g the <7.500,000 Brom­ cluding one about the bunch of John D. LaBelle,.who had a hand bill prohibiting cats from running ,/o f the United States and our wil- ranchers attending a convention, A t the present time, the Hart­ in drawing up the act under con­ ling;neBs to u*e that power in re­ ¥ ley Park housing project in Bos- ford and New'Britain courts are at large. Organization spokes­ /ton, a federal project. Mrs. Scully stomping boots and ready f6r any­ sponse to a. military challenge. •X operating under a statute which sideration this afternoon. men said it would take “ a legisla said this is the first time her firm thing. It Would permit the free trans­ tor of unusual courage tuid regard ■ "The Chinese Communists aeem When Hodge isclured them to provides for the free traiufer of has been low bidder for a contract fer (X cases between any Judicial for public welfare to sponsor a determined to make such a fchal- be. more '•genteel," they went to a cases betweeii the .,two districts. in Connecticut. , diatrict in the^^tate. LaBelle said cat bill, but he would gain more lenge. At the same time they are She said Kelliher has built many clothing store and returned In a The proposed bill would . .be an peralstently trying to belittle our :■ amendment to that statute/ today that such a bill is needed in renown than could be won on any ^ • housing projects, several schools body, each dressed in tails and a power and to throw doubt on our V - ■ %'m It could not be parsed,, however. view of the fact that the State's other issue," i / ■ •“V'-iv.Ti and hospitals. - top hat. resolution.” Martin, members of the Board See U.S. as ‘ Paper Tiger of Directors, and other town offi­ Dulles added that the Chinese NOW! cials, have been speculating that Reds, by claUning great victories the cOTitractor who is awarded the In Korea and in the recent Tachen Ends Saiiirday! high school Job miay be in a good Islands evacuation, as well as in position to ^ve the town a favor­ Indochina last summer, attempt able bid when the Keeney Street to portray the United States as a Proportioned School contract is ready. “ paper tiger " on whose strength They point out that the firm will ••—7; small nations cannot rely. have equipment and men in town "W e must, i f ' occasion offers "Slim Jim" X and ha^ng both Jobs will cut do»*n make it clear that we are'preparid overhead on each one. ^ to sUnc) firm and. if necessary, rm^r Mrs. Scully "said today the com­ meet hostile force with a greater Toparad pany might be Interested in bid­ force that we possess," the Secre- ding on the Keeney, School pror tAry said. LEG-SIZE STOCK|ilG$ Ject. Dulles described U.S. strategy The bid opening began yester­ In defense of Formosa as fllexlble. ' / day at 2:05 p.m. Bhfore Martin ' Knnwiand Answers Eden Buy Tfieiii began reading thq bids over the Sen. ^Knowland (R-Calif) said I ' 'S L A C K public address system which had today hie is fully confident that the B y T h e been instaUed in the hearing room ./ Quemoy. and Matsu Islands _ are and the corridor outside it, most "not going to be placed on any ] I- of the town officials seated them­ bargain counter" for a deal with B o x selves around, the table used by the V the .Chinese Communists. Directors at fheir meetings. The Senate’s Republican leader .98 Seats at Premium added in an interview he la con­ Some contractors sat at tables vinced "any major effort ,to take which had been set. up in the room these islands will be resisted , by It’s our annual invitation to y o u who’vs and the" corridor for them, but us." The offshore island groups imagine no alteration many persons were forced to stand are held by Chlang Kal-ahek’s Na never worn Belle.-Shsrmeera to enjoy problems! They fit your because there was no sitting room. tionalists. thc'luxury of Belle-Sharmeer’s famous The tension which mounted Just KnowlanU.thus rdpUed to a sug­ size. Imagine no clean­ before the bid opening was re­ gestion by BritlSIi Foreign Minls- Leg-Size fit at teoney-saving prices I lieved as soon as the first bid was ' ter Anthony Eden yest^day that ing bills! They’re com­ rnut That bijl, WadhamS A May's the Nationalists wlthdijw troops Take advi&ita^e of this once-s-year <3,698,537 figure,, made It clear from some Islands off 'China as s pletely washable. the contract price would make it prelude to any cease-fire agree- possible to. build the'school well opportunity to select your entire within ths-a'ppropriatlon. R(m I cHid1)|avy C d f Secretary of Defense Wilson . Belle-Shsrmeer Stocking wardrobe The. group at the table seemed What happier compleinent to the fresh fashion decor of our told newsmen yesterday the loss of at to sigh in unison when the ^ s t Quemoy and Matau would hamj^r bid was read. Some persons there tremendous savings! But hurry! new store than "the fashion shoe" itself— the incomparable, the defense of Formosa but "In the ^Washable • s voiced restrained. expressions , of long run would not make too Prices reduced for only one week. satisfaction. much difference Ifi'the result.” Critic^ of the town's school exciting “Mademoiselle."? And what more flattering addi­ Knowland avoided direct com­ gabardine slacks building program had predicted ment on this statement, but Sen. the"achool cost would exceed the H; Alexander Smith (RrNJ) said i brev modite DUCHESS CLASSIC appropriation,.. tion to your Spring wardrobe than these artful creations of he doesn’t agree with Wilson i ) . (^rvk.4«t) (eras «lt«) (fW W|«) (pkl. .df.) r-.' it was towaid the end of the » "We must keep Chlang Kai- f'i • ■ : ■ bidding, however, that the lowest in daiJar '

■ I . ~ V ,. !» ■' a M: -■'Si; - 1 • • ■.'X -’A - .,r

.ItANCHESTiER EVENINiS HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9.1965 PAGE SEVflf MANCHESTER EVENING HEftAIJ), MANCHESTER^ CONN^ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9,1955 ■...... P A G E SIX ily apoatojata. AU married couplss ______I have PlaaniBg and Zoning Oanmisston. March M wiU replaced a p.m., sanctuary First O m tn fe - Iw uMd M Uvlnc quarUn. tioMsi Church: Girt Beout leaders Wapping In -the'parish art invited. Mr. and personally obMrvM observbJ four triUers A copy has bden sent to Beerwort meeting April wlili the iV o- C o v e n t r y w— « Columbia Con­ to leader training meeting, y n - Mra. John Kearney are the .cheir- being ao iiaed In your camp this at .Riviera Beach, PIa , Bowers Together Club men. winter although I understand that said. It Is not clear 'What Green gregational Church in ColumbiA ning, Andover. School; setback, t Open Hearing Set LoySiL.. p.m., Nathan Hale Community FOR EXPERT Fluoridation Program no such use of land at S a n d y remests according to Bowers. Major. tepbe Donald Peterson Center; PTA, 5 p.m., Robertson WHEEL AUGNMBNT— WHB®L Tlw.. fluoridation program for Public Health Nurse Made Shores haa been made prior to this Bowers will make no statement Jeanne Heckler, ------By Appeals Unit children In South Windsor elemen­ yMr. as to disposition of the letter until and Mra Donald C. Smith of the SchooL • r a d i a t o r r e p a i r i n g A N D J M w r i n g Temporary Regional School Plan­ Baaketball BesnMs tary schools, sponsored by the "Tou are hereby advised that he received a communication from COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE FTA and recommended by - Dr. this commercial expansion consti­ Beerwort for instructionB. ning Committee met with the club The Robertson SchMl girls’ baa­ Wapping, March 0 (Special)—A 73 Hause Calls in February Saturday night to explain the Robert V. Williams, has started. tutes an extension of a nonrcon- Oseptes Chib Officers ketball team defeated Mansfield SEE piSbUo hearing of the Zoning The program Is advocatsd by ■ - — ,-v ’ forming business ua<. in a residen- recommendations and plans of the State ’Training School and Hosm- E. la trail ride this apripfii ^Id rcn were treated and 17 im- ^ The next meeting will be held at nuniMd by' Dr. l

CALL ^ 9 7 p r , , Oronts own famous : / Food DouHHistrations and Frao Sanplosi \ M I - 9 - 4 5 4 8 R ^ . 3.9B Pr. w il Uam g Miracle low price for thia •ATISTI SLOUSIS miracle fabric that wears 'SUMMIT’ Luxury Dacron fabric YOUTH SPECIALTY SHOP QIL SERVICE so long, dries so quickly, needa but a touch of the you’ve icen at 2.98. g y v §91 MAIN^STREET— Next To Gas Co. Iron. 31" length. Shorter Pattcli. 32 to 38. length! 2 .7 7 ICOTTOiiS BLOUSITTIS ONE DAY^SPI^CIAL WINDOW SHADES . CUT FREE 77c G^T READY Reg. $1. Small price to pay Reg. 39e fidlcr FOR YOUR for fashion’s V V c MIN*S R ^ E efi lops. S-Iil-L.* ' m m- SPRING ^ ^^ying A Ut I f ® 5 0 SPORT SHIRTE p . . / VD. AND ^*tkodshow. Ther^ ' First Pint quality, high count ebttons, eaadc for us $i Quality by a famous msker. Exclurivt prints and lovely ' EASTER, j j g g r T I M E ? 00 Gouge solids, at a price that ayi, "Come .a-niaaiagr Dan River washable cot­ ADVANCI FATTtMIS______1 S « I# lOfi" SHOPPING iRperf wofefc repair tons in. Assorted patterns, eervlee fe W p yew stay-bright colors. S-M-L. BUYONI$1 OPEN A _ ''a y s / e ft , S9c Rib Knit Brimfa FAIR AY I P d f S I| N HM ANT MAID Combed cotton. 30-40. 47c O 0 0 0 o • J A T H T o w n s llilteiag datce?'.^ ihrfhy prise ter CHARGE ACCOUNT Mieeiag traiae? GET 1 PAIR shedewpreete^ eylee Nothing is more |(9c UnSmrshIrta By opening a charge account today you cAn enjoy, shop­ OfiBBf OcyB feetere... Hill ^imteting than a watch that Cap sleeves. 34 to 45. 47< RIG. 3 .9 8 DUSTERS ping the'easy and convenient way. Buy today-—Pay later,, ' won't kmp good time. To pro- taet the accuracy of your watch' Daisy-fresh cotton plissea hava it inspected at least onoe SAVE MONEY AND SET A PR|TTY TAILE Your chance to scoop lux­ need no ironing. "™"APPLlSl!TION-FOR CHARGE ACCOUNT I MARI-.MAIDS — 691 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER a year. V eil do this for you ury sheer nylons . u . Lan- Colors. 12 to 20. Me • Reg. 2.98. No-fron nylon FIAST SOFEB MMKET ' ' ' \ pm . You'D be «— at bow 16-PC. STARTER SETS Juobo T T x W aiae, fid. auefa batter your watch wiU olized for ankle-hugging . tricot in smooth-fitting 4- rI Mr.. Mrs. Miss ...... * 'tun after itia (daaaed and oiled, Smart green "Ramsay Plaid." Set fit; Kama stay straight.' CLUTCH SAGS gore stylet. Luxuriant dom food .at ditt prioci tncludead each: dinner platca, cupa. Address ...... I llfwyeiia are needed out expert too, never twist. Byi to 11.. Best Mllera you loved at frothy frims. White and Thick 'll tkirsty loops, 1041 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER ------1 wiU pot thiage right. aaucera, fruit diahea: Add piecea no-frsy aciva^ on h ^ I KM■MN OWNBUi from Open Stuck. *UMIT-3 SPiOAU $1. PUitic- VfigTc pink. In tieet 32 to 44. ICity ...... V...--...... 2 ” 16 nee.) In (s emetwmer tides: 7 luKioui colors. iMeauiabou■I about gattiM the aaaea* ^SHpRT OF GASH? Use Grants Credit Coupons. No calf. Plus tax. # # * NyNPfittMipfi,SIILU7 I Former address ...... ^ • | MMmHMT ling MW EigiaE DvaPower llllhtirisg w y e u r watch. down payment. Buy now. Pay later out o f income. GRANTS OPEN EVERY MONDAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Employed by ...... ••• | J Person^ bank ...... •...... * * |- ‘V., MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER F. E. B R A Y 4Stsns-le-l I Other .£)»argt[ accountji^. ■ A . IRAWCHBSTMI’S O h P g ST W.T.CRANT CO wnhnmmBt^ nsmiUm M*7 r w b m -s -M it

, L; ’«0u^4 “: r . 'r*

• •. ' V - ■


will meet at the home of present unhappy and clouded poal- •* conducted by the Rev. John R. NetiH highllghta o f the 1954 football ssa- Mrs. 'nwmaa Shea tomorrow, at 8 Sweefie^Lectures ttm trlirB tpr tlon. W u n H f M * Police Hold Pair bert, whose topic will be "Baptist Team Holds Lead son -will be nhaw i Droodiles p.m. . w o rn —1619 Ari-angements for. the dinner In short, the war of ntrves In­ New Eye Glass Attachmenf Beliefs.” A tremendous intereat has Stations of the Croaa-followed WHAT— 919 been shown In theae Informative have been made by Lawrence Deep- ; CHARLES E. JACOBSON, Jk., M.D. ^ttpnins J jfra li By ROGER PRICE Legion to Mad At Trinity^CoU^ge W»1299 Daily Radio ^ Iii Setback Play to which we plunged ourselves, by benediction Friday at 7:30 p.m. FOR In Knife Holdup talk; by both new and old mem­ house of New Haven. Other offi­ the CSilnese Communists, and the are scheduled at thu church. W I^ O — 1889 Eastern Staadar* Tlnie w n c —1980 bers. cers include: Wallace Orube, Man­ Wishes to announce the opening of an office HErKS'-PS'i^ iSo INC. 36th Annt^rsary Hartford, March 9 — James J, virtually unchallenged, . the chester, vice-president; Mrs. Rich­ . IS BlMPll 8trp«t Chinese Nationalists with bur re­ BETTER HE>yRING Bridgeport. March 9 (F)—Two A s usual, the refreahments will M a n e h e s t c r Evening Herald Sweeney, director of the Guggen­ ard Hurd, Manchester, aecretary- MAnch^ft^r. Conn* cent emphasis on Formosa^ stltl T M fownntig iirogram schedules. be tlmre. of Indian origin. Last 4XXXX setback playera retain for the praetjea of Urology at Glaetonbary correapondent Mrs. WHAY—Concert of Clasflca young men were held today in con­ treaaurcr; Mr. and Mrs. RiraeU THOMAS r. * Qlaatonbujiy^ March 9 (Special) heim Museum In New York City, Now you cai^hear better with the of a tiny attachment A n auppUM. by ttie radio manage- week the congregation was served their lead in the tournament at WALTER R. FEROirSON goes on, and becomes more Rtchard Cross, teleprane MEdford > J jn c —Dlnan Sbora nection with a butche.r knife hold­ Atherton. Waterbary, historian; Publlehera ■ —The 'Apsmean Legion will cele­ w ill give a public liecture tomor­ to your glasses. OSt'-oi this world! And it brings you "ear level 'menu and a if subject t o , chani^; wXRttislW-Peace and Was Curry Puffs” and "Ralta,*. This 172 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER ■ S-2162. the Red Men's Oub on Bralnard- Robert Weltzel. M.anch.eater, Fouttd^ ‘^October 1, IMl____ Strident, and both we and the Chl- row at 8:16 p. m. In the Trin ity hearing.” No dangllngc4S-» WDRC—Bbig Cmaby . poeeeeelon. Six hundred refugees from scatr dispatches herein arc also reserved. are threatened by the appar« For AU Your ■ v ^ I - 9 1 0 Polka Ho* Alumni of Purdue of Purdue are inxrted to attend. gether or they’ll get stuck sepa­ Sipio. — create unwelcome competi­ pubHsbed several books on art WGTH-Afmed Forcea *• The proprietor suffered facial tbred villages were quartered in Full service client of N. E. A. Serv-1 difficulty In the new parlipilent . WCCC-rBecord Review Further Informatioi. and reserva­ rately." On the end of tooth' embera frpm other posts are tion with business firms I n c lu d in g “Alexander Colder," Knitting and. WTIO—'The Woman lacerations in the tussle with one envprgency Red Cross btlleta. Mac­ tions may be made by contacting WHAY-NUc Watch of the men. He Identified McChan **^^bUshers Representatives: The of obtaining any two-thjrds vote picks .If they're sausages. . The Invited to attend. There k n 56 — take, time and energy from “Antoni Gaudl,” and "African Necdicwork WDRO—cal Kolbv . _ WTIC^Bis etow Donald said they could not return Schedule Dinner Hurd or Grube. WOTH—Norman ClouUer Preienta and Davie as the holdup pair. Julius Mathews Special Agency — New for the revision of Uie Japanese above sausages were once a hap membera of the post. Reaerva- our people which is needed for Folk Tales and Sculpture." wbRC—Amoft \ Aody—llutie Hall to their homes until he considered York. Chicago. Detroit and^sba^ tions must be 'made by Monday. spiritual work In the congregation His lecture at Trinity Is part of ^ e e d fl * ‘vm A y—Western Caiavaa WpTH-~ISlMnhowar Kpws Conf«rcnc MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP; Constitution necMsmy to make py family, as American as Hot ♦ It safe. He would not catimate Tickets are available from com­ — are a confession that our the college’s annual public lecture wrc’C—Record Review t:U - Richard C. Hurd, president of CIRCULATIONS.______Doga -(In fact they were Hot WHAY—Nlln Watch \ when. Japanese armpifient legal, so in mittee meipbers or officers of the Christian giving leaves much to be series. WKNB-B«li«‘ WsUnee / WTIC-Blg Story the Purdue Club of Connecticut, Do^); but one day a dashing WTlC-^ust Plain BUI The Kapoho Disaster Relief The Herald Printing Com ply. Inc. post desired WDRC—Amoa 'n AnivVMufeIc Hall Baptists to Hear assumes no financial responsibility for V/estem Oefmany the rearma­ Italian Salami came along and W d W8 WtiTIl—filuenhowcr Nc«^\Cooference CommltUe aUrted soliciting has announced plana for a aquare typographical errors appearing In ad­ Fluoridation Meeting — give the Impression to many FIRE LOSS A T $5,000 WUTH—Norman Cloutier Presents funds. ment wrAeek also faces prolonged 'eloped with the prettiest Little ■:U— /dance and dinner to be -.xeld Marrti vertisements and other reading matwr Officials of towns where wateC on the outaide that we have a dif­ WHAY—NItiY Watch . Native of /India Fountains and rivers -of lava tn The Manchester Evening Herald. and /Iiffloult parliamentary ob­ Girl Hot Dog. Later he abandon WUay—Western Caravaa 12 at the American Liegion Hall In ficult time making ends meet Stamford, March 9 OP) —Dam­ Open WCGC—Record Review WTIC—McOea and Molly destroyed 83,200,000 worth of cane ed her whm her casing got U used by the Hartford Metropoli­ WDRr—Mooda for Romanca Display advertising closing hours: stacles. tan Water Bureau will hold a dis­ — give encouragement to those age estimated at 15,000 'tvas caused E very Day WKNB—Request BaUnes WGTH—lid P. Morgan and forest lands. The biggest Kensington. wrinkled ^ d she married a fa t w n c —Lorenxo Jones ' Tharayll John; a native o f India, For Monday—1 p. m. Friday. Chancellor Adenauer got ratifi­ cussion meeting on the fluoridation who say: ."All the Church wants Is by a fire that whipped through 9:45 A. M. COTTAGE STREET WDRC—Cal Kolby papaya farm in the world was re­ There are over 400 former stu­ For Tuesday—i p. m. Monday. __ German Knockwurst. When last money” WGTH—Norman Cloutier Presenla WnAY-r^^itdL W alch------will be guest apesker at the mid­ NUTS dents of this midweatern imivarsity For Wednesday—1 p. m. Tuesday. / cation of the Paris agreements by of water at 285 Broad St., Hart' the two-story building housing the. to 8 P. M. One Block Down Oak St. From Mala WTIC-GUderaleeve duced from 110 acfea to a 25- For Thursday—1 p. m. Wednesdays heard from she was hopelessly In ford, tomorrow. — embarrass those who give di­ Modem Cleaners yesterday. Cause " WDRC—lulooda (or Romanca week service this evening at 7:30 acre island marooned in a sea of now residing Ih Connecticut and For Friday—1 p. m. Thursday./ a healthy vote. However, It was love with a Goodyear Blimp which rectly to the Lord Thursdays * ‘??HAy-HaU ol Reoprda W(;TH-A. Warner this is tjieir opporlimlty to renew For Saturday—1 p. m. Fridays Boy Injured of- the fire, which destroyed a PLENTY OF OFF-STREET WCCC—Record Review 'At the ComimlJilty Baptist Churrtf. lava. '' she had mistakenly assumed to be — finally undermine the prac­ U :sa- acqcsdntances from their college Ho PaoiHits Classified deadline: lOlSCpw. m. each In the minds of many of those vot­ An accident occurred Monday quantity of clothing, was not Im­ Until 9 P. M. WKNB—ReqiJo4t Matinee WHAY—Ntu Watch H l« subject wil be “ Chistome of . Part owner Charles _.C. Croas dav of publlcaUon excepr Saturday — one of her own kind whb had in front of the High School. Dan­ tice of Christian stewardship It­ WTIC—1090 Radio Lane aaid hla remaining papa*yaa prob­ days. Square dancing will be called ing for the formality of ratifica­ mediately knowrn. Some smoke FREE PARKING WTIC—Journey to Philadelphia I n c ^ and' the Caste System.” le t a. m. ______X______leaded the secret of flight Don't iel Skiba Stepped from the achOol self WDRC—Cal Kolby ^ W'DRC—MoodB for Romance ably would die of aulphur fumes by Bill Dobaon « , Manchqater. tion that the fact of rearmament damage was reported in an ad­ W3 'TH—Norman ClouUer Presents let this happen to you! bus, slipped on a piece o f ice and If this be the price so many pay W(;TU ROTC Military Bail had tM university education in In­ and volcanic heat. During the Intermiaalon a film of- Wfetlneadgy, Mmrch 9 joining men's clothing store. 18:4^ w ill depend upon stlU qtlier votes. struck his head. He was rushed for money-making affairs, why ■■ WHAV—Bau d Record# WUAY-Kewa: Nile Watch dia and Is furthering hie education ■ ■■ A COMPLETE UNE OF WrCC—Record Review at tpe Seminary Founda And also in many of theM minds tq the hospital by the police. have them ? WKNB—Request Mstmee WTIC—Journey to Philadelphia WDRr—Mooda for Romance tlon. He ha; a teaching degrree and * The Stakes Go Up was the Idea that the time X-rays fortunately proved nega­ ’ (“The Lutheran Witness”) KNITTING YARNS emd ACCESSORIES WTIC—lOSO Radio Lane WGTH ROTC Military Ball Reunion Planned Sponsored by the Manchester WDRC—CaI Kolby - a teadiing 'axgicrience in hlatory In this country l*st night. Sec­ tive and the boy returned home Snaan Bates Knitting Accessories - WGTH—Norman CWuUer presenta u:ta- tween ratification and implemejii- with his father. He la the aon o f Council of Churches ECZEMA WHAY—Newa: Ntfbt Watch for 20 years.'He received an MA retary of State Dulles took the A simple way to quick relief Sltt WTIC—Newa Ution might be a time for diplo­ By A ' Class Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Skiba of 1 D. M. C. a Needlepoint ■^WHAV—Newa from Columbia and Union Theo­ M08IL HEAT 1935 from itching Eczema, pimples, an­ WDRC—Newa logical Seminary, and expecti to poeltion that the Chinese' Com- M ill St. \ Embroidery Cottoa .a Stom ps Goods WTIC—Newa Wf;TH—Stara Sing matic bargaining, toward the re­ PRESS SETS PREOBDENT gry red blotches or other skin Irri­ WDRC—News receive hla doctor’s 'legree In re­ munista apparently intend to try Cliild dtudy Meeting and Tatting Thread a Cut-work WGTH—News 11:1ft— . unification of Germany. Members o f the 1935A class of There will be a business meeting tations' Is to apply Peterson's WHAY-Night Walch ligious education from the Hart­ to conquer Formosa, and that we Milford, March 9 (P> —The Ointment to affect^ parts. Re­ •lU — & W'TIC—Sportfl: W'cather As things are, the present Manchester High School have set of the Buckingham 'Child Study WllAY-^ports. WDRC—Almanac ford School o f Rellglflkm Education. FUEL on. Town Council opened an execu­ lieves Itching fast. Skin feels bet­ He la a member of thX^MarUioma FrasMy Romtad, Reg. 89e ' must be prepared to launch a gen­ schedule of German rearmament, the date of Saturday, May 14, for Group tomorrow night at 8 o'clock FREE INSTRUCTIONS WTIC—Strictly Sports WGTH-Sporta tive session to attendance by ter, looks better, 50c all druggists. WDRC—J. Zalman U:»— Church which is believed to have eral w ar in Asia I f they do. In this In the Buckingham Church hall. TELEPHONE HI-9-23SS WGTH—Plano Portralta assuming all the legislative Steps their 20th reunion to be held at newrspaper reporters for the first Soothes itchy feet, cracks between WHAY—Night Watch been eetebllshed In 62 a !D. by St; open proclamation by which we Property Transfer time Monday night after Voting toes. Peterson's Ointment delights •d a — WTIC—Starlight Serenade necessary are taken promptly, the Hillcrest, Bolton. George and Agnes Becker trans­ WIIAY—Supper Serenade WDRC—Cal Kolby *11101X101, the Apostle. *nilh!.l8 the ThurSi, Frii, SaL stand committed to parlay any approval. or money back. w n c —E. Cote Glee Club 11:4ft— third in the series o f prograbw* de­ would find the. first volunteers The celebration will take' the ferred property on Great Swamp WDRC—C. Lombardo W IUY—Night Watch , MORIARTY voted to the work of Christlaninlty localised Chinese Communist ag­ called to the colors In 1956, the form of a dinner-dahee, invitations Rd. to John an* Bridget Krar re­ WGTH—Bin Stern wnc-Starllght Serehads for which will be mailed to the cently according to a deed on file. •:4ft— WDRC-Cal Kolby In India. Full P M ii gression, say against Quemoy or first draftees called in 1957, and W IU Y—Supper Serenade *rhe devotional services will 1935A graduates boor. Sooota Honored Matsu, into full Asian war, with WTIC—3 Suir Kxtra RADO IN NAUGATUCK RACE for the first German armed forces The committee has been hard at Jimmy. Calfield and Allen Pratt ■WDRC—Lowell Ttwmas a scrapping, by us, of the truces ■WGTH—News; Weather BROTHERS to be fit for combat In the year of Boy Scout Troop 40, Eaatbury, work compiling on up to date mail­ Naugatuck, flarch 9 (8 5 -^*rhom- |utt purtliasa any tea at sur in Korea and in Indo-Chlna, Mr. have earned their Star Scout 1959, four years from now. ing list and has been successful in. WHAY—Supper Serenade as Connelly, borough education EAT ANYTHING WITH raasesakly prictJ cribs (rsrl locating all but four former mem' awards. WTIC—Notes and Quotes Dulles at once increases, our pres­ WDRC—Tenn. Ernie commlaaioner. will oppose incum­ $34.95 and (tt a aatiesatly This time table assumes no hers of the claas namely: Celia HaS' diuich Schedule FALSE TEETH L OPEN sure for peace in Asia, so far as it WGTH—rulton Lewis , bent Warden Charles F. Clark, bsows wafarprosl, .inMnsrins legislative hitches in the pro­ sett, Peter Hogan, Elizabeth Pot There will be a regular meeting J:lft— RepubUcan, in the May 2 borough TrOnbU with iHaia* tlui i ■attrau (or saly 1c. Fasicus can be gained by threat, and puts of the St. Paul's Mens Club tomor­ WHAY—Supper Serenade __ rack* CMiM 8ora gwmfy gram. Yet before West Germany yott and h(arian FTlce. If anyone • w n c —Notes and Quotes elecUon. Coimelly won a three-way nakts aa Sitplay: Starkliai— us in deeper, if such pressures row at 8 p.m. in the church hall Bri«aiyiaari«ll8iaf-0— 24 /H^URS esh begin following' this time has information as to the where WDRC-Tenn Kmle race for the Democratic nomina­ Thayar — Cam — Ityal. The speaker for the evening will WGTH—News; Sports plotM Ac nitgh p0wdtr should fall. abouta o f these people. It would be tion in a primary yesterday. BriMMi Pleec»*U«wf pm m km m dr 315 Center St.— Tel. Ml-3-5135 Oftn 4m Atcoont , . . table, at least nine laws must be be Father Glynn, chaplain of the 7 da— appreciated If he would contact WHAY—Supper Serenade Also gaining a spot on the to FOOT pUtt. Halioot, reftet loeew lstei lo Eery Ttrm i • fr*t DtUttry Mr. Dulles concluded with the passed by the West German Mrs. Chester M. Ferris (Miriam “House of the Good Shepherd.” Big Home Small Home WTIC—News ol the,World a wsy oe iwwdor or >•••• cae Ire a oo Democraticticket was former assertion that “we have power Parliament. Yhere must be a law Troth). i4 Earo St. The S t Catherine's Discunstem WDRC—Cborallers ol4 nibbar ^lacaa 900 ftOM raialti ms WGTH—Gabriel Heatter Second Ward burgess William C. asoothc to a.ftar or loactr. CAM KAT MOBIL KEROSENE that is g re a t W « have a cause to govern the enlistment of volun' 1:4ft— Rado, who, while serving as wel­ AMTTNiHOt Siaf^lriar •o itA ttip o f Plato* MARHOLIN’S lnc.|| I DRUG STORES WHAY—News: Supper Serenadt lioar oa tfoahleaboii n p v t i or lowtr- Bita S'. • that is just." , . teers. There will have to be a con-' w n o —One Ban s psmily fare superintendent two years, ago, was convicted of fraud In connec and It aiolda parfrctlf. to awr, taatclMi* Watkins fits them ail with WDRC—E. R Murrow odorlota. hawalaaa co im^aod platoa. At* 1177 Main Street" Just before Mr. Dulles delivered I scripUon law. There will have to WGTH-Celsbrtty Tima j 299 GREEN ROAD ^ TEL Ml*9^878 \ tioh with absentee ballots cast in oaoFabW at diroctad. M o m tf back i f mot R A N G E o n . this speech. Foreign Secretary | other laws regulating pay, fl- the 1953 borough election. Rado \- co«rlM *l7 aatiaftad. Ju k ymmr ^rtuggut/ Ch 9-8447 Eden o f Britain, our greatest and nandal assistance to famine;, and Television Programs served 30 days of a 13-month sen­ BRiVVS PI ASTI IINER tence In N ew Haven County jail closest ally In the world, was mak­ pensions. There must also he laws -foam Latex luxury . . . at low cost! On Page Two ing . a speech in Commons. He establishing* a new military penal praised the Unite:} States inten- I code, naming a commander In tlon for peace In Asia. He praised I chief, Mttlng up exemption pro- T H K U O O K GAUDET'S / us for the fact that, in the last cedures, giving the government few weeks, we have gpparently right to. buy dr confiscate land SAVES Y O U / \ restrained the Chinese‘Nationalists for military purposes, and \ from their haiial. annoyance at­ authorizing the' licensing of fac­ $ . $ - tacks on the Chinese mainland.. tories to produce arms. He praised the Chinese Commu­ In all this necessary mass of $ $ nists for the fact that they had legislation, some of which will re­ policy Of can^f": also, in these few weeks, refrained portedly require a two-thirds ma­ finest qualltj^ia? from launching attack on Quemoy. jority, there will be opportunity or MatAi. after opportunity for those among 96 incli 279.00 7^ inch 219.00 68 incli 198.00 Then Foreign Secretary Eden Adenauer's ostensible supporters "•eluded. * went further. He urged that the. who are lukewarm on the subject Chinese 'Nationalists should with­ I of rearmament to produce delay Of course there'i a sofa fd fit your room! W at­ draw their armed forcea from and uncertainty. kins has it . . with luxurious foam-Latex. for the Quemoy ah^Matsu,* which meant And, M in Japan, the flnahclal seat cushionsl/.There are big ones, and small / angle h olroady creeping Into that he waa paying he believed ones, as yoU can see from theid actual sketch­ tl.ese Islands belong to the Chi- German . I thoughts of rearmament. Jewelers— Silversmiths es. Every dhe Is built to Watkins long estab­ nese ConununistsNHp. also hinted I ^ h e Germany la most 958 Main St, Manchester that. If *lhe Chinese \Communista willing to^gak. ahead with it i f wie The Known Name, ThelCnown Quality Since 1900 lished Standard-of Excellence! refrain, from war, 'therp will be will focyrnost of }he bill.* . 58 Inch 159.00 eventual entry for them Into the | Aside) from all these factors, United Nations. • Russia 'could upset the whole FIRST TIME EVER OFFERED thing In a ^moment with iany The first point about thls\(s AT THIS LOW-LOW PRICE OF that While, In this'* country, Se^' genuine offer , to permit the ro- retary . Dulles was proclaiming ilfication of Germany. that our cause la ju s t Foreign the normal achedule, What­ \ o t s Secretary Eden' was proclaiming ever aecurity we may- gain from S S ! $.(, that t'wo o f the pieces of territory (Sermai^xroarmament will not be weYegard as at least a strategical oura unUbi958, four long years 'm riN G IS OUR RUSINESS” a ® * - \ Only part of our just cause do not real- away. It was. five years ago we Ij' belong to our Chinese 'Na­ started pushlng\ the ^rOpowsi; If /< tionalist allies. w e were sure h^^a a master­ , The second point Is that, hav­ stroke, If we were abro It has not [1] Pithfinder— 8i b r i. rollfilm camera, precision buflt ing such an assurance from Brit­ been a mls-directed policy for ui for simple, sure, steady operation, no sprocket, easy ain, the Chineiw Communists are all along, the-time involved, per­ loading, 3 speeds, f2.8 lens. certainly not, going to settle for- haps, would not matter. B ut if It peace in Asia without getting has been and (s and w ill continue lb'* • . Quemoy and Matsu. For they have to be a mistake. It w ill have to be Covered to Your order! [2 ] Brightbeam 8mm. 500 wait value-packed projector, been assured that, In these par­ rated, one Of Die most massive • powerful fl.6— color-corrected lens,'twin fan cool- ticulars, it is their cause, and not m(stakea in all policy history. When you choose your sofa size, you select iiig flystem, variabj® speed control; fast rewindp . ours, which, Is just. AC-DC, 400 ft. re e l \ Famiiiar, Good Appeal your own-cover, too. You dbn’tihave to buy ■v;« ■ All this, on the surface, might the covers we select. You have dozens and ' - A cause which has an old. Inti­ seem merely an unfortunate and dozens of others . . . patterns, textures and mate, and d eep . acquaintanae tragic- .split between American colors to go with every decorating scheme with -Manchester pocketbooka Is T 0 P ^ C ^ 18” * 24* and B r lti^ policy In the Fai- East. ... from which t o select. YOur sofa is^pustom or the canvass again. Glaas Beaded Yet we all kjiow, really, that It made just for you; comes fresh front'the We have given to the Red Cross y ■ : of tM low-vriee S! Screen Is more ihan that. We know it is ‘Tl'MjwiiS $6.95 workshop. . also a ipllt within American over the years, and given gen- GENUINE MOCCASIN Limited DOWN policy And the American con^l eroualy, because we "ounelves have 1 BKS^ST SIZE, SMOOTHEST PERFOBMANCE, HIGHEST ECONOMY ^ Offer aclence Itself^ W e know thstl become sold -bn It, as on organiza­ ih /ru iSeu rn Va/mp 96" Juitibo 279.00 ' -Act American policy would. If ' it tion, and for the work we know NOW WEEK knew how to .accomplish it be it does. - ' King size for big homes and smaller homes, too, that have We know it la the one agency b ig wallspaces. Made with 3 or 4 cushions. Red. $326.00. I ^ L-head design means fewer working parts, glad' to rid itself of its poslDon Take a turn at the wheel behind Plymouth s new^ Na CanTtBg Charge with regard' to these islands in the world qrganized and high-compreftsion Powerl^Iow 117 engine;;:«ee'why less friction^ Its automatic choke'meters each drop w’hlch li^-so close to the Chinese equipped to move promptly. In­ it’ft the smoof/iejf, thriftiest 6 jfi-thrTowest-price of fu el Its bypasstcooling system gives yog. quick mainland that thry are obviously stantly, and efficiently, in the RegulatiQn 219.00 field. Here’s powerJor"an driving needs, phis warm-up in cold weather; dozens qf other exclusive no legal place for American mili­ event of disaster. When it comes This is the average size sofa that fits so nifiny homes. Smart Hitchcock the supCT^fjnootfeneis of the PowerFlow s Chrome- . features promise you lower operating expense. tary* power. We know that the fo action, the Red Cross Is pne -^two-cushion model as sho'wn. Usually $250.00. American position- Jierc Is imper­ organizaUop, which by instinct No other low-price car has it, and The PowerFlow 117 engine is one big reason fect, an,^ that for the whole world I and training, 'makes, a practice of in colors! it’s your guarintw of more years of gaa-saving why the big swing this year is to the forw ard- to be plunged into war on th ; | cutting red -tape. 198.00 Bronze Oreen.'Terra Cot­ economy and trouble-free performance. * looking -Plymouth. Another is the new 167-hp basis *'of our Insistence 'Upon The appeal to Manchester thjs The Junior size sofa gives big-sofa comfort,. yet is only ta and Mustaid Yellow are hew colors available Taxicab operators, who depend on cairs for a Hy-Fire engine, the most powerful, standard V.8 position so imperfect would be year is for 820,000, an amount 68 inches wide, over all. Regularly cost $229.00. rao In Riverton Mitcmocks, in Plymouth’s field. Plan to drive a big, Iwautiful more than tragic. Ws would'like which has come to be the normal Desks and Sewing Tabk living, buy more PowcrFlow 6’s than all other GAUDET t o get out Of this posiUon, and amount in these abnormal years, Chair shown, JM4j8l In makes combined . . . they say the PowerFTow 117 Plymouth with either of these two great power- colors. get back to no' comnUtment ex­ when the world Is neither at peace 159.00 plants soon—how about today? .A gsl can have a whole ward- . is the most econo«aicaI, most efi&cicnt 6 ever built! cept one directly to Formosa it­ nor at waf.'when. uncertainty Use the love seat for small wall JOIN and SERVE self. In this commltmefltljro would shrouds every phase of the human robe of shoes, but if she spaces, or to augment a larger sofa. have both legal and moral ground, future, when American, boys are doesn’t have at least one Regularly $189.00. OPEN EVER) and; as well, the undirstahdlng stationed all'around the world. W e o f Trujuns Hiuid Sewn Vamp THURSDAY EVENING and 'support of our allies. But we ought to fill this quota, for the do''.not^know how ip bkek cause itself, and with a cheerful­ ^ loafers. . . well, the just isn’t 8 polors CLOSED MONDAYS ttisfS, and last night Mr. Dulles ness which lets the campaign ’’ in.'” O r to say the gals who Black e Drown MANCHESTIffl Red • Tan A L L - N E W 785 MAIN ST. dealt with our problem merely by Workers for the Tied Croas know, know! Priced right; too! Oxblood waving the. atom bomb at any- -they are our friends, for calling : huy new ; hehMr trede^n , ( ^ ' PIgmMith d M im aro llstsit w M fr Dealsra '"PtywMrth*^ In ynur ClassHlsd T sltphaiii Olraatonf Body who cballeages us In our bn iia In a good cause. — ' 1 ■ » ■ Vt-


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONK., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1955 the rSault o f IncidMCs which oc­ FAGETEN iyrogram ima In tha N avy’s m ill- ;ary budget, now being considered curred on Feb. 17 aind 31. ■4. the a ty Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ahrays Court Hears Allegedly sarvices Mere ren­ main locker room, 41 by feet, Hjchard E. Dunn, traaaurAr; Lt. of the Second Cohgregatlonal She is a senior at tha Univaraity Pachesa . Talks on Own Book House Unit by the House AppropriaUoits Oomr 20 Herman Usher, 88 Ellington Ave.; C w r y Tr M i « S s I i dered which were in contravention will be built to accommodate 140 Robert G, Boucher, re.pordlng sec­ CSiurch o f Coventry aa the. guest of Connecticut. mlttee. Rockville-Vernoh • ^ retary; Sgt. laL Class Robert K. speaker. His subject will be ‘‘A The Mansfield Band will play and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tsaa nllsvc, ssa Gaston Case o f the statute, Keith Added. men. , Albert Statblrd. Main Bt., BUing- ktsnbara, acid la- A plea Of nolo waa entsrad by The main clasarmtm o f the ar­ Links, flnaiidU Apciistary; Robert Little Religion ia a Dangerous for tha assembly at the High distxioe la record 7 Returns Here EXPECTS GIANT A-OUB>' C. Lsdrb, hlstorian.*^ .. Thing." School on Friday. ton. liae. No water, so B^eks Fifth Yules for hla client, and he said mory meaaurea 6^ 'by 19, feet and Groton, March 9 (A1— Rep. H or­ ■ The Revi Arthur .Robertshaw ■liios— a*r* Gaston did not deny that the work Residents to Died-betters will be construpted with folding .. T b 9 group voted to increase its - 'hte H igh ^ h d o l Glee Club, un­ where- ace Seely-Brown (R-Second Dla- Suspends Judgment in pwrtiUoA'makiiig lU poeeiWe 'to will preach at UiA Lenten aervice der the supervision of M^iw Elea­ All TaleettvIUe and Vemoa Juvenile Court Refusee on plates.had bean done. Tha de­ annual ‘dues to provide funds for am tftir trict) said today he haa” good rea­ fendant had only been trying to convert the area Into tw o chilM- t o n i^ t at 7:30 at 8 t. John's E p ii- nor J. Lewis, w ill go to East H art­ news Iteua are now belag haadled equipment of a day room in the u t son to believe and expect” the Dentistry Complaint render a service to a patlant who cd{tal. Church. ford High School ’Thursday, March tkroogh Tbe Maacaestee E v^n g Trial; Youth Receives •34-$$$ TEL. Ml-$-fl$l In New Telephotte System rooms. new armory. Co. E is the reclpiont Electric Boat DivUlon of Oenaral sAld he did not have tima to wait Present plans call for a rifle St. .^mard'a Guild will hold Its 17, for the Annual Spring Festival. HcraM EockvUle Bnieaii, located In View of * Record M AIN S T . MANCBEOIEB * ' ' . / . of the i^ft of a ahuffle board from Suspmded Sentence t^namlea Corp. at Ita Groton yard for a dentlat’a appointmant. Yules range ,83 by 19 feet. postponed m eeting tonight at 7:30 Market Bt, telepbeae Rock- 1 * ^ 1 Page OiM) the PAC aub. I New Arrivals would build at a coat of about said. • ( 8oecl»l)“ '?'lunoae $95,000,OOfT the largest atomic sub­ Mt. Dr„ Vernon, received a sus­ A B«w ayatem fo r dialing tala- Kiowa Council, Degree of Po­ ton detectives had been hired to Sqiiday afternoon, the actual re­ pUns for the rifle range are sub­ Admitted for treatment yester­ Chaatmit St., wtia fined |2S, givtn of tba haailnga ia to obtain infor­ marine ever floated. pended judgment In .Town Court cahontas will meet Friday evening carry out the investigation and phone nujnhara w ill h« tn*^',^**^*** ligious census o f the community ject to change. day were Mra. Elsie Aral, Brokd a. 60 day auapanded jail aentenca, mation with wMch to anawtr ques­ He waa speaking of tha pro­ tlila morning on a charge of illegal at 8 o'clock at Red Men's Hall. that Gaston had attempted U f re­ here April 3 according to an an­ islll start at 2 o'clock."Each church Amerlran Legion Auxiliary Brook; .and E verett Lathrop, RFD. tions on tha House floor railed jected ra^r picket type of 4.500 practice of detiatry, alleged viola­ A St. Patrick’s aocial will follow f /And placed on prooatlon for onE fer one of -the two patients on nouncement by^*Seabury Lew1^ <8 given a certain arga to cover and The regular meeting of the Oongraasman w .0 aay carrier tons Included In the N avy budget tion of Sec. 1696c of the General the meeting. Plana villi be com­ Wins Aivard yaar total In Town Court tm which he worked to a dentist but manac^r of the branch offiM of each captain la responsible for 10 American Legion Auxiliary will be funds i^ h t better be diverted to heard by committee this week in Statutes. pleted for the anniversary dinner Mrs. Ann Pitney, 41 Hammond morning on a charge of takli^ a the “patient” aaid he couldn’t he Southern New England Tele- people on his team. held this evening at 7:30 at the St., is one o f five persons to win bliUdlng up jand-beimd airpower. Washington, 3,000 ton Nauti­ Atty. Hermdn Yulea, defending to be held In A pril. ‘ • motor vehicle without the owitor’e wait. Monday at 7:30 p.m. there will GAR. Hall. A public grocery so r ^ Top Navy offlciala Ijava testl- lus, first'with hqclear power and Gaston, said'Gaston had been ^one Co. resort vacations fo r essays sub­ A t permiasion. / In light o f Gaatonto record of ala atates that almoat u l the be a call back bn the cenma. Tues­ cial will follow at o’clock with Mr. and Mra. John Dailey Jr. of flad tha 160.000 ton veoaeis are now ‘ well advanced In builder’s chosen as a ” scapeghat.’;_ ln an at­ 8 mitted at the Sportsmen and Boat He vraa arreated by M an^eeter, work In the dental field since 1941 e x itin g numbera will remain un­ day at 7:30 p.m. there will be In- Grove St. returned home yester­ aacaasary to handle increasingly trials, waa estim ate, to coat $39,- tempted test case 'wJt 1 c h the team captained by Mrs. Helen Show held in Hartford last month. Pollen for jm Incident whith oc­ without in.cldent and six yeara in changed but they wrili be preceded atruetiona in each church by the day from a Florida vacation. They baavy naval aircraft and that they 000,000, exclusive, of Anomie Ener­ the Connecticut State Dehtal Rothe' and Mrs.' Nettle Rimkle. 'Ilie essays were on the subject, curred on Jiui: 11 and Involved eev Mancheater without a complaint, by thA lettering TRemoSt which guest leader. w icz In charge. A report w ill be reported excellent weather and ‘Why Sports Make America eral oOter youtha. / would be hard to deatroy qven with gy Commiaaion costa. Assn, had Instituted by making a complaint against Gaston after a Judge John J, O’Ctmnor fe lt judg­ will require the uaer to dial TR be­ •Armory SpedflcwUons presented tonight on the Ameri­ enjoyable visits with local resi­ Strong.*? F or her entry d r a . P it­ When the case was heard shortly nuclear waapona. The Omgrrsaman also atajed the ) Y priyate Investigation. ment ahbiild be. suspended. fore the humber.-!. , Following closely the announce­ canism Essay Contest ''which the dents spending the season in Flor­ ney will receive a week’s vacation afterward In Town Court; Pach'eea T1;a obminittee also approved Electric Boat Division is to' start Yules said It la a matter of com­ The change will neceaaitate ia- ment from the State Ptibllc 'Works unit Voted to sponsor in the local ida. for two at the Allen “A” Resort, waa referred to juvenile court au- toamlng the fifth carrier the USS work, aa soon aa plana are com­ puing a n e v ^ ire c to ry and though mon knowledge that the particu­ ANNOYED HUSBAND! Department yesterday that federal Bchooik again thia year. At the regular meeting of the Wolfeboro, N. H. thoriUei, according to Proaecutor pleted. bn Ita third atomic powered at firat aubatyribera may be in­ lar legislation under which Gaston funda had been approved for the The ^bject la "The Constitution local Lodge of Elks to be held to­ Miss Leona Stoner of'.WHlliman. W. David Keith. Mfa, Tbyra F. BJera Rear Adm. Wilson D. Leggett submarine whose construction was convenienced. Lewla feela that all waa charged was vetoed several Houston, Tex. (Jfi — A woman conatructlon of an armory, came of the United States of America— morrow evening the nomination of tic will come 'to the High School In the period since then the Jr., ^ a f o f the Bureau o f Ships, earlier authorized. The Groton cuatomera will nsjUixe 11 la a atep times In the past and haa only re­ who aaid she had just been whipped further announcements from Gen­ What It Means to Me.” Mrs. Mar­ officers for the ensuing year will for six weeks of practice teaching. youth waa tried on a aimllar charge Mrs. Thyra Ferre Bjorn of completed testimony by telling the yard le expected to launch ita sec­ nearer the day when reaidenU will In Weat Hartford, Keith added, committee that the bill contain! cently . been enacted. He added by her husband called police and eral Joaeph P. Nolan, hating most jorie Meade la in charge. take place. ond, the ^ a W olf, in May, be able to dial marty of their long 'innacle Chib . , where he waa given a 60 day Longmeadow, Maas., haa been in­ specific authority for 161.409 tons that a part of the act—not the asked they pick him up in a hur- pf the 'g^ifications.- ' '* The second setting of the Crlb- dUtance. calla direct, eliminating 7116 overall alze of the armory Girl Scout^nd Brownie leaders, auapanded aentence and a year a vited by the Mary McClure Group of new naval veisels and 294.200 section under which Gaston was r y . bage Tournament between the charged— has been declared un­ “I left after he whipped me," the nece'Halty o f golnA through a will be 138 by 103 feet. assistant leamra and troop com­ 'L m t h b y D o lii9 " ^ probation. o f the K Second ''Congregational tons o f conversions. In cities where it ia customary American Legion and the Elks will constitutional. by the State Su­ she explained. ” I want you to ar­ long diatance operator, ' The building will be of one atory mittee membra are invited to The juvenile coert authoritrea 'ITie new < onstruotion, he said, to take a aieata nap In the early be held tomorrow evenirig at the Women’s League to appear under rest him quick luid hold him until In April of 1951 the dial ayatem armory type, of masonry blocks attend a meeting of the Pinnacle decided that Padieaa ehould not would be charged against blanket afternoon, the people often get up preme Court. Legion home. The first round their auepicee ^amrday, March 19, Prosecutor W . David Keith aaid I can go back and get m y clothes. w-aa Introduced in the a r «, doing with brick veneer opter walls. CTub Tuesday a¥ 8 p.m. in W es­ be treated aa an adult in one court tonnage ikeVloiJaly aut;jorize<' by very early and stay up late, with NEW EN6LAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE the complaint against Gaston, a After I get them turn him loose or away with the uae o f opqratora The plans call for w drill shed. leyan Hall. An eVenlng of fun is of the schedule was played at the and a juvenile offender in ano,ther to read from her bqqk, soon to be Congress. performances at the theater often dental technician, waa made aa he’ll be mad at me.” fo r . local calla. Long diatance 61 by M feet with a height' of 20 planned with intqniatloiial folk Elks Club and waa won by the GREEN STAMPS ENROLL NO W FOR SPRING TCRM court, ao they aent the caae back published under the title of “ Pa­ The new funds fo r the building atarting at 11 p.m. calla muat now be handled b; feet, surrounded on three sides by dancing being taught by instruc­ Legion by 153 pins. to Mancheater for trial and refuaed pa’s Wife,” which telV^the story GIVEN WITH CASH SALES STARTING MARCH 14tb eratora- in-.Mancheater. one story wings. The wihgs will be tors from Springfield College. '^e Married Couples Club of luriadiction. of her fam ily in SwedenXjmsed on In aelecting the prefix. TRI 10 feet high and contain various Those planning to attend should Union Church wlH miet tonight Pacheaa waa defended by Atty. actual amusing lncidents;\ The mont, Lewie aaid that it waa jooms for military piirposes. The come In foreign costume. ■ at 6:30 with Eleanor and George ELECTRONICS - TELEVISION Er gene Kelly who said the 'West author and lecturer will teU of of more than 300 conaider^ wrhich Officers Elcct«il H erzog as chairmen: Mdiichester H artford charge waa perhaps a re- pnt wing will be recesaed in the or Phoae for Free Descriptive CIrcalar the problems of her father, a poor ineaxured up to reqiiirementa. ter providing a main entrance Co. E. Assn., the social orgahl The third in the series of Len­ ault of a frameup by friends of preacher with eight chlldreh, Dtaemakm o « DelUiqneaey V ■ . MANCHESTCR T E L. MI-S-8161 lobby of about 10 by 15 feet. zation o f Co. E. 169th Infantry, ten syespers will be held at the Plumbing & Supply Co. Paobwm whom he knew v.rhm he somewhat In the spirit of the pop­ S24-t3$ Many queattona were aaked-dur- 198 imbull S t — JAcksoB 8-8406 — Hartford, Conn. MANCHESTER TheXtelance of the front wing haa elected the following officers First\Congregatlonal Church of AWNING COMPANY lived there. Tbe youth haa since ular book, “ Cheaper by the M A IN ST. tn g the diacuiaton on youth prob- will be devoted to three officer’s for the coming year: Capt. Rich­ Vernon tonight at 8 o’clock with **Connectlcut?a Oldest Electronics School” moved with hit ;ar-.ily to Man­ Doien." lama in the eommunity 'Iaiit eve­ 196 WEST CENTER STRIEET chester and la no longer aaaocla- rooms,^oach 10 by 15 feet. The ard M. Grant, president; M.Sgt. the Rev. Eldon At Ramige, pastor Mrs. Bjorn says she haa written ning at the open meeting apon- ting with theae ao-called friends, as long aa she can remember and aored by the Tolland County Young K elly added. has had many articles printed In Republican Club. It waa the gen He aaid the youth should be both the Swedlah and English lan­ • r ^ concenaua o f oilnlon the treated aa a first offender because guages. She came to this coun­ preaent day problema are thoae he had iid record prior to the Men- try with her pafents ,ln 1924. Her found throughout the epuntry, and oheater incident. He *slao felt su­ brother. Dr. Nels 8 . Ferre, Is pro­ not particularly in thia area. pervision would be good in thto fessor of theology at Vanderbilt Joaeph McManua, chairman of esje and recommended probation. University. Nashville, Tenn. arrangementa, preaided at the / meeting, and explained the chain The committee, Mrs. George of evenU which led to the meeUng. Stiles. Mrs. David Williams and and explained the chain o f eVenta Public Records Mrs, Carl Rohrbach. will serve BIG WEEK^ S H ftesh' strawberry shortcake, soup which led to the meeting, citing Inatancea from/ the City Court. bowl servings. They niay also M’arrantre Deeds be called for reservations. Judge Robert ligeon told the H. W esley Sargent to Denis J. group hia reaaoiiae for feeling that Sullivan and Lorraine G. Sullivan, the raiaing of the age limit beyond property at RoWn and Green Rds. 1 * yeara. for original lurladlctlon Building Permits . In Juvenile Court, would be advan- ' For alterations and additions to Up aU Night tageoua, adding that Connecticut dwellings to Andrew Btnock at 19 la. one of the aeyen remaining i X, CharUr Oak St., $500; George F. atatea with thia ruling. Bradlau' at 9 Barry Rd.. $1,400; wMiCoughing He aaid youtha from 16 to 19 Charles Whelan at 702 W. M i^le yeara of age create the greateat Tpke., $800; Eugene Girardln at 16 problem aa they muat commit a Ferndale Dr.. $500; Olaf EmerUng Child? RlVfRSIDE DELUXE W HITEW AU5- penal offenae before they cAn be at 94 Constance Dr, $280. TMs SaeO MaOfafaa aaaaa ' arreated. He aaid he felt that the To Nat Lieberman fqr alterations AT PRICE OF BLACKWAU5 X preaent procedure of having^the ♦to a store at 489 E. Middle Tpke., young people aurrender driving li- STONE Wc sincerely wish to opolegise to Hie huRdredt 10 DAY BIR $350. AJD-1 S cenaea voluntarily for a period of REPEAT SALE of people wlie were dh^peinted at edt beiag 0-70-lt [ A m a t i n g ! ; ' To Annum Construction Co, for Whan IttUa onas two weeka when involved in dilfi' FREE tS RtNCS eoriy enough te teenre ew special buys lost week. •- ■Manchester Lumber Co., for altera­ cry with "night cultiea waa moat effective.. tions to a commercial building at cough” wtoa moUi- H arry H. Lugg, prOaecutor for SO-FC. We ere odverthing i below many new, and era give tha herb U p T i 255 Center St.. $1,800. the City Court, aaid he feela the 4 0 % extraordinary vahies. Come early — don’t be dls- X oodgn madldna — 2 | 3 0 * 2 5 5 5 * machinery for dealing with WM. ROGERS HOLDUP PROFIT pkRTuaaiM. Tbe Juvenile delinquency ia very- in appointed o^n. Qirantities limited. aafa barb acKoa SHEAFFER quickly looaana * adequate. He aaid he waa inter- Farmtngdale, N. Y, OW—Mrs,. phtogm — ao chUd eated in why youngatera act the BALLPOINT PEN Louis Polihe ia a holdup victim breathes easy —■ ' I Pafcpw Oegm Car4 I N)4ba Carrf w ay they do. and he had found In sleeps ,naturallti Reg. $^.00. $^.95 who wins. A man plunked a dollar 75 per cent o f the inatancea, aome- SILVER SET on the coimter. of- her general Tuaamtoprescxlbad Gat fully guorontaad rayon or nylon Daluxa tirat doetcra. No batntful thing waa the matter with their N O W ...... O •* store and asked for cigarettes. As ON SALE ONLY AT or naroottes. Effective for — for Rofely, aeonomy,,baovly. Long-waorino home life. He told o f the occaalona ■he turned to get thehn. the man adulta too. Oowmanded when -young boya are in trouble REG. S29.9S G ^ AUTOMATIC pulled a revolver and announced a by ParoDto* Magaalna. eold rubbar Iraqd in vorlobla pitch dasign naw and parenta do not even come to * Fiilf isarasteti, risk wd'tknm M tl > atlckup. Mrs. Pollne screamed. The Oat paRTCaam today. court with them, or take any In- quiaMy, giva> g o o d non-sfcid ra tf^ n c a ^ poaitiva Iwir divtf iritk Iktratitsl Imt cwrtnliXUir SAmWICH BRILL '. msui fled. He left his dollar on the tereat, aaying that ia “ one of the SHOOR'S to "CtM" tvitolii n a m k li btw; I R . f counter. PERTUSSIN ataering control. thinga that Infuriate.me.’.'; He feclg| S S S e d m Rei^ 921.93. ^ * 1 6 ” the catiaea are aocial and economic o 3 m(M Makt aod ttordf intniiMal ^MfWpUIDNUT valut as diowH and aomething muat he done to \ knnk wttk Ovptst Tjpn Mttlit Mi $ , expand the authority of the law. kMilt ^RGE 15** PIERCED this waek. 6.40- A80- 6.70- 7.10- SJO- AOO- 6.56- Mra. Juatine Scher, of th% Juve­ V REG. $24.95 SILVER-PLATED BIG Tire nile Court, aitawered many of the S ll« 15 15 15 16 18 1$ 1$ qpieatlona w-hich had been preaent- 50 M during the evening. c DOWN TRAYS Reg- ao tiade-la price S l M 26.68 26.10 28.85 $0.20 24.05 27.48 -Rhe u rg^ that a atudy be made NOW .9 1 0 .9 5 . $ 7 . 5 0 on Rayon Whitewalls of the facilltiea in the town tq find 50c WEEKLY SV...... / savings hart on ihest Ton pay only* 20AS 2AOO 21.85 24.15 $040 1845 24.4$ if there were gapa where a cer- . tain age group waa not being con- naiionaiiy advtrtised 824-8X8 TE L. MI-8-6161 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER aidered in the overall program, for Ih^N B in t msM t i t M ' fine presligeMatches... 100%;,DACRON PRINT5 both education and entertainment. BIGGER 7.60- AOO- She added there must be a "aua- 0 s s n ^ s i u t WARDS 8.98 OUALITY Tire $.70- 7.10- talning Interest" throughout all- 2 0 Size 15 15 15 IS ' y***" groups. i;!l!^IISGKETSET R E G U U R 1.98 D A CRpN S Ra>-mond Rahiadell was the final Reg. ae trade-in price Sl.SO 84.70 87.96 41.70 speaker in the dUcusaion program,. Eaty-cdra Docron-balitta or pique in e ( Byrtan' sahltewalls and he sAid he fe ll that the par­ printed, plain or stripad panarm. At- 2A20 2845 81-70 8446 enta come into the picture a great S * * 9 Tea "Pay only* deal, especially' their attitude to- tractiva nacklinet. In white ward the authoritiea when disci­ or pattab. Sizes 32 to 38. • ^ a Exetob Ihx and old tire bi exchange pline ia enforced. SOi'oOWN . ManufadurarandWardswedcadhand- Enlistment Mission ' in-hand for this tpadoL 100% Dacron The program of the Greater 509 A WEEK_ BIGGESTi Rockville Church Enlistment Mis­ sale in our history for this quqlity! pique prinh in hand-pickad atylat, pot- sion will ptart tomorrow with the < farm. Junior, min or wemen't half stoat. opening seminar at 2 p.m. in the iteg. $24.95 F irst ^ th e r a n Church. Guest lead­ ers. nttplatera and representatives In from all participating churches will 3.98 NYLON-DACRON \' be present. A t 7:30 in the evening, there .Sova 99c- Bequiifully-fitting "TaHer- will be. a self-study demonstration ana” Slip of no-iron dacron ond i^rion. at„, th'f First Congregational Church. Vernon Center, conducted Opaque and stofic-fraa. gw by Alva I. Cox. national director, ihlMtat pink. Sizes 32^40. X e 7 7 , Guest leaders, ministers, and key mis layjnen from each church will at­ W t E K tend; \ Friday ^evening there, will' bf - g ONLYI Complete LiquidMon nelf-atudy session in each church conducted by^'the guest leader, \ iN o e a w A T e R ksich with the minister''and five or six 4ylly guarantetd ■ ENTIRE STOCK representatives of each organiza­ tion in the church piesent. OF BEST QUALITY SARAN A t 10 a.m. Saturday an instrpe-.. i O T O N “BuccANeen" '• tlon for the census will take plAce .Rofular - PLASTIC COVERS ^ at St. John's Episcopa' Church $ 9 :0 9 V o t iw t conducted by Cox. ^11 census cap­ kiptrWy i^lad wiik Uie acw bold suiculiar look. Fisc tains, workers, guest'* leaders and (-if REG. 23.95 to 27.95 m.lnlsters will- attend. The guect 'P / U u f pcecitiea inovciacat. tbtohiu accuracy. Shock-reiutaal. duu-proeT. 17 jeweb. Mtimpnai and balaact nail lewder in each chqrch will preach on Sunday, 'Following a dessert | Ruanatced fpr the Wt of the watch. Merc for your aioaay ih « aay oihrr maa't watch ca the market! R e g . 24.95 Reg. 24.95 Now" I4.S8 SKOAL I O E m i, Covar$ fo fit mo$t all car$. Choo$# frorn an a$$ort- ment. In$tall them yourself and $ave! tpacial! spaeiai!

UVNN” LANA* Owr WN pepuler ^reudlnile lT|tw«| peiiM IT }(«^ ledit •nstacrBim * wBtcb-lsbulouf •»Ru»«ftyde9i|*< •tylMf wbb • Pt«eta« d«eai» ibinnwrieE. SAVEI USUAL 16.98 Itrrdkvfthie. H EA V Y-PU tY IPs con vRfiltfit I \ Nyloo flooce Topfiort K O y S U - R o g . 1.29. Frosty whHo cot­ RIO. 91c Nyleni. Save now —3 pain SHIRT S n - I U g . 1.98. Fink, whito or^ O IL SALE ft's €omfortabin ton brooddoth. Dainty floral appBqua for Iho prieo o f 2 115-doniM, 60-gougo biua in Sonforizad broadcloth. Hor- I t C M fs h a $ 50c DOWN - 50c WEEKLY touchot. SonforizatT, QTL Carol Brantf.I, Dork, reg­rog- a b a f monizing cuff links, wide lO-Qts. One Way Rd. Trip .wothdbla. Sizes 3 to 6X. W # ® ular saamt. 8 Vi to 1 1 . a w ' l o T O collar. Sizes 11 |o 14V^. I.57 2.22 Miami ...... 627A5 $49.95 12.88 N orfolk ...... 19.80 -10.45 Reg. 2.89 H-D Oil to WaahlBgtoB,' O.C. $7.75 I$A$ SK IR TS-R ag. 1.98. W othoblq rayon CHILD'S.SHOiS. Ragulariy 3.98 Wards FREF SLACKS-Rag. 3.98. Smart manufactured for. se­ Baagor, Me. ... fJO 1$.40 Months of praparotion, bo^ad by Worda buying eritply woven to look and M i lika Good Quality Green Ronds roducad. splash ponarm in washable rayon shoan verest service, extrema LewialoB. Me .. $.40 'HAS | power producad iWtoutsfonding tpacial purchotal Top climates—flows freely. Baltimore. Md. 6.05 • 1 3 M ; linen. FriQt and pom-pom ■ jwww Many other styles for , gobordina. Sizes 12-18. 4 4 7 Bulk oil- Gal. . . - 68d quality nylon from Saounit or frincafon AAlllt. Woih Plus U.S. Tax- SMtift. Sizes 3 to 6X. ' l e d a Castor on solo. VA to 3. 3.I8 REG. 2.98, 4-1b. . . 2.47 O A i Aak about Ume and moaeyiwtlag aotily—coma in glomorput wWto or pottolAjI to 18i Oreyhouad Package. Expreaa 4 ' OeNTCK niAVEL BUBEAU ANY FUROIASIS TOTAUNO $20 OR MOJli MAY BE| BOUGHT ON CREDIT «M K ala St—JlbL $U-$-S0i$\; a s k AlOUT WARDS CONVB«INT TIRM9 9 7 7 M AIN STREET TEL. MI-9-SE14 MANCHESTER ( , H y Y H o I y D

n - k y ij: ■ ,a. J-' >.\

MANCHESTEii EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 ,1(SS5 RAGE TWELVE Section Ttvo WEDNF5DAY, MARCH 9,1956 iRatuljitfitrr Sarning l^rralii WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1955 Pages 13 to 24 Mine Mishap ^ Weddings ^Powerful Opposition Faces Promoted UConn Aides Quit To Lifetime job Philippines Post FOOD SALE Martin Salary O A K sn n x Y ooM h>i ;n d e d Health, Hands, Head, Heart: State CioinstitM ion Shift /• :___ _ , . OppiRheiner-Harinin Sales Tax Exemption Bills / —■■»ii mmm At J. w. H Airs TPC Rejects M ott Bid Unlontown. Pa., Arthur ■ ■ 11 I ■ ■ Storrs, Conn., March 9 Wl—Two Fourth in State ■'Tony" Zawackl leafned the Im- men employed by the University of Thun.| March 10 AiHrar Diiis Storts Hartford, March 9 (4V-Oppoah;^e-thlfxl. Tarrant added that he I? 1«:M A. M. U rged at Public H earing portanVe of mine safety the hard Connecticut to help set up a U,S. wav—in an accident back in 1927. Uon to. bills which would expand opposed to e"mination of the ex­ For Managers After he recovered, he began exemptions from U\e State aales emption on food. Government-sponsored labor edu­ Sponsored By Sewing Basket Filled tax was small but potent yester­ Hartford, March 9 (/P) — Re-n-initiate proposed amendments b«; sketching safety slogans on the Several witnesses testified that cation .center In V the Philippines EAST SIDE CIRCLE lUest for a change from sides of the mining cars. The day at a hearing of the General if the. trade-in valua on all sales haVe .resigned in the face of of the Hartford, March 9 (AT—Man- vision of the Connecticut constitu- j followed if any changes are con- Asaembly's Finance Committee. is not S«empted, then automo­ .COMMUNITY BAPTIST Deny Request to Change | ionn l6 Buaineaa for mine superintendent spotted them, charges- of Insubordination. in the same general area, cheater'a city manager, Richard tlon, a touchy subjedt during any * Ward Spauld- and suggested that Tony give all House Majority Leader Norman bile salessahould be taxed the same James F. Tully of Hartford and CHURCH E. Center St. Tract to! FUEL OIL K. Parsells (R-Falrfield) . praised as others. ■'N^e present law la a final decision mfcds by the Martin, ranks fourth, salatywise, leglslatlve sesalen, drew 4 crowd j i„^ Sherman Ives presented his time to promoting mine safe­ Cyril A. O'Brian of Somerville, For The BoUdlng Fimd mmisision last night, a request the current sales tax for having "purely dismminatory and mani­ Mass., said they turned in their .Businesfi; See S ers among -the city and town mana­ of about 300 persons to a public) the views of the State Grange and GASOLINE ly. that the Cushman Farm on Park­ gers of The-State, according to a Today, he's sUll at it. Fellow few exemptions. W. Sheffield festly unfair^ said Theodore resignations to the University yes- hearing of the Judiciary Commit- questioned the need for overhaul- Cowles (R-Farmlngton) speaker Steiber of Bridgeport) former Zoning; ‘May ^ Ap|^ er St. be cHanged from Rural report' of the iGotuiactlcut Public tee yesterday. More than 90 per mg the Constitution, workers call him the "under­ te^ay. Residence to Residence A was Blxpcndititrea Courietk ifTPEC). ground artist" because for many of the House and chairman of the Fairfield- County ^ro n er. The charges arose from their re­ By JOSiSPH A. OWENS cent of thoee in attendance were Nothing Wrong Finance Committee in 1953, said Steiber said he waa, "sure,^It (the Mott Supermarket’s reqi;4st for granted. The request, concerning However. Mart I Vs '„|13l.020. women. "We're ' getting along very fine years he worked in the mine fore­ exemptions ought to be revldwvd ported Involvement In Manila • zone change on the (3liarke ! 47 acres of property, was brought Coventry (Special) — If the Coupled with his assistant's MUiir.y B A N T L Y OIL man's. office at the shaft bottom. law) would not stan^the ikest of waterfront strike while In the John M. Bailey, Democratic ,*ritji ©ur present' Constitution." t .A’l’ . INC every tw.p years, adding that he is the courts.” ' \ property at 175 E. C St., was i before the Commission by Norman hometown girt# are the best of $4,004. falls far behind Green-, ^ a t e Chairman sparked tesUmony Spaulding. "Nothing is the In 1949, he set qp shop above in favor of eliminating all of them. Philippines to establish a labor rejected by the Ti Planning Rauch, builder and developer, dressed in New En^and. and who wich’s aggregate executive salary i M \’\ tm 1 I ground for the first fime. His Several boat builders complained education center under the finan­ with .an appeal to Republicans to/mmatter atter with Co;Connecticut,* ”Notbing • The--chief propoatd before the that many of their custom ^’ buy Cbmmiaelon, meetli in executive ------is to say they’re not, it is because of $20,660. Greenwich gives her give the Slate's voters a chance tri la the matter with the Constitu- latest poster, captioned "A Good in , New 'York and' Massachoietts cial sponsorship of the U.S. For­ P Meslon. last night.' hrst aelectinan $7,500. each of tljg say whethef eonatitutlonal revision TEL Mltdird 9-459S committee was a tneainire to this is the "sswlngest" town any­ tiorn. Why change it?” Point,” shows a hunting dog on .to'evade/the aales tax. ' \ eign Operations Administration. ' Mott sought a change from Resi­ other two selectmen $2,500 end la necesaary. ‘ / point and Bears the slogan "Be change the sales tax law On pQr- The university had scheduled a 3 -TRfiNSIS10R one could ever hope to visit. » Barringer, who left' hla seat as TEL ROCKVilLE S-2177 chases where an article tnded in Cowl^ said: \ dential Zone A to Business Zone Miss Shirley Weik, Tolland $8,160 to en official known'ea the Bailey aaid RepubUcanS''ahould Alert—Don’t Get Hurt." "Once you start making exemp­ nfeaci!)g on the charges but the n or HI on^the property for the Court Cases executive assistant' to the aeledt- "not be afraid" to let'■(he elec­ a committee member to testify, constitutes part -of the purchase resignations cancel It out. CMunty 4-H Club agent, says there contended the "real reason" be- price. tions, even for very worthy things, purpose of erecting a $300,000 are 34 registered sewing clubs in men. ' torate decide the Issuey- Tully said he. and O’Brien had Bupermarket. City managers who . are paid htrid the convention proposal was Right' now the three per esHt you'll gradually narrow the base the county and 15 are in Coventry. HearYMo MaM Rida lo change the representation in the sales tax must be paid on the full to the point where yOu won’t be taken an offer from., the univ^sity "RaysR-r^ ' - In a lengthy statement released Fred Gale, 26. of Taftvine, The names range from "Little Nip­ more than the local chief execu­ Spectficatly the .Judiciary Cojn- Y o u l Rk* tiMM Ne w Marlow SorvicM getting the revenue you now get." to resign and receive ihree mqnths' todi^, the Commission explained charged with operating without a tive includes mittee heard te^m ony on two HouiO;,. Democrats have long list price of all articles-, save auto­ pers’’ to "l^ip and Stitch." but contended that the present meth­ Mrs. Alfred Oppenhdmer mobiles. In the case of automo­ Parsells added; severance pay. , a zone change for this proper- vendor’s license, had the charge Hartford Manager Leads main propoaaU/ John Fitzgerald, 100 Lake- Tully Is a former AFL union of NEMIHS AIR ^ would oondtitute s ^ zoning nolled In Town Court today on what’e a eeWing session without a Hartford. $18,744; West Hart­ The first would authorize a con­ od favors the ariiall towns at the biles, the tax is levied only on the / "If we start to open up our. wood Cirm , N„ has been appoint­ sewing .basket? DRY TAILORING Miss Barbara Ann H a r m 1 n, sales. £ax act by adding exemp- fleial and O'Brien waa an instruc­ Optrsiss for ealv tSt a , ^and "would be in contravention to recommendation of Prosecutor W. ford, $15,300; New London, $12.- stitutional convention to meet next expense of the big cities. cash payment made to the dealer ed chief supervisor of the group tor at .Botton College before going the OommlSsion’s plan for this im­ Darid Keith, who said he felt no . Mrs. H N ^M am et, a diminutive 260. Other salaries of managers January t6 draft a new CTonatltu- Bailey argued that the "people MB B A k Jlk J/* Alterations, Trouflcr, afterver theme trade-iniraae-m allowance. ^ ,tlpns, there will be sswno aisssiv. limit." The accounting '^ i vision of the month insissd of IH to RM woman with blue eyes, is the key W L C A N i n O Cuffs, Zippers, etc. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles to the Philippines on the labor ★ a dtjr for old-typs victwai mediate area." , violation by anyone had occurred. include; tion if K' conalderml one necessary. of the State want a constitutional Harmin, 37 Greenfield St., Hart­ Three mea-mres before the cpflS high-ranking House Republi- Premium Accotmting Department mission. tubs sMi! TTie planners furtherwtated, '"To Keith said the ordinance under figure In the Sewing Basket 4-H Milford. $11,000; Norwich, $9.- The Convention’s final product convention." "The committee mittee______called.„.j < for_. ___ treating4,___ all.i-'i- mer­_ cans formed the only opposition of the TravelersMt has been an- CHub! She lives on Bread and Milk 500; Farminglori. $9,060; Windsor. (Lower street Floor Level—Neat to Shoe Bepalr) ford, formerly or Manchester, was to the bills at the hearing. Lifs-lifcs touad. truer aai permit this change of zone is more which Gale Waa charged was an St., and each Tuesday morning would require approval by the should at least approve a referen­ chandise the same 1u automobiles, .Munced by J. Doyla, DeWltt, Trav­ NORWICH MAN SINGED clurtr than svert .than Just reclassifying one single old one and was intended to cover $7,500; Stratford, $7,350; Kllling- voters. dum to determine Whether the married Sunday to Alfred Oppen- while other, bills rallied for specific The committee has announced elers president. \ promptly at 9:30, eight girls, who ly. $7,250; and BlUomfleld. $6,000. helmer, son of Mrs. Martha Op- that a public hearing on the sale ★ Tbs sM “Al'-batitry lasts a lot froni Residence Zone A to Busi- peddling and selling from house to range between 10 and 13 years of ' -The second bill, which received voters want a convention, if It is articles such as boats, marine en­ . Mr. Fitzgerald has 'baan associ­ Norwich, March 9 (>P)—Melvin R. fall month . . . no "B” bsir fiess Zone n or. Ill fcr. if this bouse. Waterbury has Connecticut^ the greater backing from' wit­ unwilling to go all the way, he penheimer, 132' Baltimore St., gines and farm impl ments to be tax will be held in the hall of ated with the Travelers'-qince June age. converge on her home for the highest paid mayor at $11,000^; Hartford, and the l^te Carl Op- House March 31.< Bills to / Pearson went outside to see what ★ ury... ft«« batlary chaaati I change were ' granted, a 'wedge' He said Gale is a photographer weekly meeting and lesson. nesses, calls for a referendum added. so taxed. 1925. and has been a supervisor waa swing on when a fire broke .would be formed t,r pry open the employed by the Cousins Studio in New Haven, and Stamford /are next November to decide whether Democratic Gov., Abraham A. penhetmer. The double ring cere­ The main exemptions under the considered include one to con-^ue and an assistant chief supervisor only $ 1 2 5 one of the girls is her daughter, next at $10,000.'while Bridgeport mony was performed by Rabbi out yesterday on a second floor area for additional business zone. Coventry which had a contract to Suzanne, w'ho Is president of the a constitutional convention should RibiCoff later told his news con­ present law are food,. children’s the present 3 per cent ra:^ be­ in the group accounting divlu porch in the rear of the store where .ffisi CosSscliss Ammnr. Mihtiti Iihs tsdl The Commission also said Man- paya the veteran Jasper McLevy be held, in the event the decision is ference Bailey's testimony reflect­ AAA Hans Bodenheimer at the Shangri- clothing and prescription medicine. yond July 1, when it is scbMuled He waa bom In Hartford, edu­ Aeupud by lbs Cessol an nuskal take pictures in Manchester In club, but there is no favoritism. If $8,280, according to thti CPEC La, 366 Asylum St.’, which was he is employed. MsdidM tad XdnMMnim sT oheeter's zoning plan provides am- connection with a children's beau­ she makes a mistake and Mrs. yes, a convention would be held ed his views. ■ Still other bills b^ore the com­ to drop to 2 per cent, an^another cated in Hartford public sch o ^ An unidentified person tossed a ms AnMcksa Msdlcst Awocisitea, plh land for business use with a ty contest run by two local stores. study. next March. One apparent reason for the decorated with pink and white mittee would grant complete ex­ to raise, the rate to 4 Mr cent. and attended the Hillyer School of- Mamet, says "Rip it out,” Situilne The executive assistant to the flowers. burning floor, mat off the porch $aitfl Ordsn sum# ha Mad small percentage of this property No attempt was made to sell picks up the scissors and g o ^ to The only witnesses appearing in large attendance of women at the emptions to Mich articles as' soap Accounting. and it landed on Pearson's head, m stdsf istshfadi actually being used. selectman, of New Canaan re­ opposition to the proposals were hearing was the fact that the Con­ Given in marriage by her father, iuid patent medicines. The commit­ YALE PROFESSOR^ TO QUIT Mr. Fitzgerald is married to the house to home and members of the work. , \ ceives $5,000 annually, half the setting his hair on fire. A passerby In elaborating on this situation, public had requested to enter the At the last meeting some of the spokesmen for the State Grange necticut League pf Women Voters the bride was attended by her sis­ tee has more s^ch bills listed for a former Helena Dwyer of Manches­ grabbed a big handful of i^ow and 'which was one of ths chief argu­ $10,000 paid the .first selectman. and Sen. Benjamin L. Barringer. has made the referendum propos­ ter-in-law, Mrs. Burton Httrmin, future hearing. New Haven. M ^ch 9 UP>—Six ter and the couple has three ohil- contest, Keith added. A photo­ girls wore articles which they The second and third selectmen of pre'aed it on Pearson’s burning ments cited, by the citizens groups graph of each child was th'en tak­ have made. Jean Storrs choke a (R-New Mllforda. al its main legislative objecti\)e lif as matron of honor,- and by Miss John Tarrm t, -research director leading member.y of the Yale dren: Patricia. 16; Robert, 12 and thatch.'',The fire Was extinguished opposing the zone shift, the Com­ this FalrflcldV County town re­ Their chief arguments were 195.1. • Sally Berkowitz of Willimantic as faculty will re ti^ in Jime at the Kathleen. 8. Mr. ^tzgerald Is the en by the Cpiiains Studio for the slim line wool skirt, which Is her ceive $8(M each. for the State Tax Department, after Pearson received minor bums mission said recently completed contest and the parents of the that: The present Connecticut Consti­ maid of honor. Ivan Eckelson of testified that according to a “mini­ conclusion of the current semes­ son of Mrs. Martin F. Fitzgerald, on his scalp arid forehead. Damage plans call fof "greater burtness use own creation, and President Suzie New/Canaan has the stale's The meaaures are aimed at the tution. adopted in 1818. has since Hartford was best mtin. .Ushers ter, the university announced yes­ Amherst St., Hartford. children could then buy a print of selected -a colorful square dance highest paid first selectman. been amended freqtiently.' It was mum estirpate” the proposal to to the pordKwas estimated at sev­ Uninn's in' the central business district.” the jpicture, he explalhed. But the skirt. present makeup <*f the State were Burton Harmin, Stephen Other top paid first selectmen codified a few years ago to simpli­ change the n-iethod of levying the terday. They are Ida Bamer, re­ eral hundred xlollars. List DisadvanUges studio did not solicit money and The leader, Mrs. Mamet, a na­ House of Representatives, tradi­ Kaufmann, Justin Bernheimer and sales tax on trade-in sales would search aas- to ret started so. young," • It fs. f: was-designed with a lace bodice, tions would boost the tax yield by Rogciy, director of the Depart- ministration. double the national ayerage.' sufficinet land, too narrow to per­ Mass., forfeited a $35 bond for Newtown and Waterford. $6,000 The more common practice of ers rejected its product by a scoop neck, trimmed with irides­ mit adequate off-street parking speeding; and three other motor­ To prepare herself for the hand each; North Haven, $6,500; East letting the General Assembly 2-1 margin. cent sequins, short sleeves and areas; (31 Stores are dlflicult to ists were fined $9 for violations of ling of the club. Mrs. Mamet has Haven, $5,500; Darien. $5.2.10; three-quarter length matching laca the rules of the road. They were attended instruction classes given Groton, $5,340; Madison. $6,500; - service; (41 Depreslng effect on by the Tolland County Extension mltt,s. The bouffant ■ tulle skirt \ the area; (5) Incr:;sseB vehicular Alva R. Bunnell, 27. of.Merrow; Montvllle. $5,400; Middletown, 1948. the CT>EX? sayit it notes a with set-in paiieU of lace and lace Philip J. Struthera, 58, of 36 Fox Service ip Rockville. The service $5,305; Branford. $5,000; Plym­ Two Suffer Hurts , and j^estrian traffic—stre^ be­ also supplies each leader with trend toward the employment of- applique, had Cascading pleated \ comes increasingly Hill Dr.,' Rockville; and Stuart R. outh. $5,260. and Windsor ' and full-time rather’thsn parttime of­ tiers forming a chapel train. Her Small, 19, .of Hartford. mimeographed sheets outlining the Watertown, $5,000. finger - tip veil of illusion was Drive the modem way- tradh^ .control. . Alonzo Chamberz. .30. of Lake- proper manner of conducting each ficials. due to population growths 111 Sled Mishaps The Commission also cited as meeting. The chief executive of one C?on- which require expansion or mod­ draped from a matching lace cap cause for rejection the denial of .A wood. N. J^, charged with operat­ necticut community is paid an ernization of aenicea. trimmed with seed pearls and ‘previous application for a . change ing a motor vehicle without lights, In regular parliamentary, order, hourly rate for his Itervice, the There are or ln( tance, the pri- Two Manchester youngsters iridescent sequin^. She carried a to business zone on E. Center St forfeited a $10 bond. the Sewing Basket officers 'hold a CPEC said. NUtely supported agency says, full praj;*r book with orchid marker for TIIBEUSS today! IV'c youths who received 90-day brief business session before the suffered minor injuries yesterday somewhat weat of the proposed needles and thimbles are brought The first selectman of the town time assessors in 32 of the town's when they -were Involved in and streamers of stephanotis. high school site. 1 suspended Jail sentences and one of Warren (pop. 490) receives 169 towns, and adds that the num­ The matron of honor wore a bal­ The planners also said plans had year's probation each 6n charges out. Highlight of these periods is $1.50 an hour, the second and third ber of fulltime tax collectors has coa.sting accidertls, Manchester lerina length gown of peach nylon been ersatad to augment the per­ of ^rebch of the peace last fall the 4-H Club pledge given by the selectmen $1.2.1 an hour each. increased from 30 to 50 since 1948. Memorial Hospital reported this net over taffeta, matching pink had the cases reopened and the group. Each offers to mak>e the mitted uses In'Residence Zone C proper use of their head, hands, There is no indication how many Twenty-five town clerks receive morning. hat and arm bouquet of pink and Uj the area. They reasoned that the probationary period erased. They hours they work each week. annual salaries instead of being white flowers. The bndesmaid's were James J. Gorman. 17, of 69l heart and health. Ru.s.seil Cole, 7-ycar-old son of Mtablished C Zone preserves the As might be expected, new and The town's three assessors, says compen^'ated in • fees, as against gown was similar in style but Of general character and appearance Porter St., and Donald Eaglesbn, Pri.scilla Karker threads a neetile. the C?EPC. also receive $1.25 an fewer than 15 seven years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Vernkie H^Cole. 40 green nylon net over taf(eta and 16. of 348 C2>arter Oak St. Th< *c- old business ,s discussed before S. Alton St., Injured his right leg of the road with its residential the nimble fingers start threading hour each for their services, a "As Connecticut tov^a continue she carried a cascade of pink and type structures which can be con­ tion was taken becausl^ the pair practice ^followed in 14 other com­ to grow," saya the CPEC, "trends when his sled cra-ihed into a tree. white flowers. 'Wish to enlist in the armed forces the needlea slack ; . . Be careful, this material letten with 4-H Clubs in the In the'other accident, Marion verted to professional offices. Mixed Group PhiliTOine Islandi. munities. Eleven others pay their in the direction of more full' time THE FIRST STEP The mother of the bride wore John S. G. Rottrier. attorney sjid this cuts the-waiting period. is plaid and w’e all know plaid is assessors a per diem, ranging from municipal officials and r.hstitu- CYeamer, 12-year-old daughter of orchid crystalette With matching All members of the Sewing Bas­ very hard to work with . . . That's However, for the' present every Kpresentihg Mott in his appllca- Raymond Mozzeri 38, of 37 Lyn­ ket are not In .the same category, stitch counts. May 15 is the date $6 to $12. tion of fixed aSlari^ for the fee Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oeamer, 261 Our fitters — plus Little Yankee TODDLERS — can help you make hat. The bridegroom's mother ■ tiom waa out of town today and wood St.. Bolton, chained with op­ cute . . . Yes, Priscilla, when you Other selectmen are al'o pakl a basis of compenaatioh are likely to Spring St., injured her spine when wore blue embossed satin with could not be reached for comment erating a motor vehicle while un­ Some are beginners, others in the have .finished the "dress. I think of tlie Dress Revue at the Upiver- she fell off her sled yesterday sure those first shoes will realty /if those tiqy feet. Toddlers are de­ second year and a few have two there will be enough materiat for a itlty. of Corihectlcut and what mem­ per diem, as low as f24 a year in become more prosyTunced." blue hat. Both mothers wore or­ HMlIHrS M l on an appeal of the Xktmmiaaidii:*- der the Influence' of liquor was Marlborough. evening. signed to let little feet grow as nature intended; they faithfully fit the chid corsages. full years of oewlng instruction in blouse . . . Press open the side ber of a 20th century sewing circle decision. Rottner’s partner, George found not guilty. back of them. A newcomer starts wouldn’t want her dreiis to win » In summarizing the study, which The first kindergartens were set Both youngster,s were treated /I form of the foot everywhere. And our expert fitters are never “too Following the ceremony a din­ - C. Lessner, was also unavailable The trial was held on .Feb. 28 seams. ..." it says is the third of its kind since up in Germany in 1837. at the hospital and. released, t ner waa served to the members of and Mozzer was represeiKed by with the simplest of projects, the All members of the club, Joyce prize ? , busy” or too much "in a hurry” to give you the persbnd, patient for comment. making of a pin' cushion and per­ Schnell, Ellen Adam.*!. . Teddie the immediate families and close Turn Dowh Doetbrs* Bid Atty. John LaBelle. A decirion in haps a little later a towel. attention those precious feet deserve! ^ - friends. Ldter a reception was held In a companion decision render-' case, heard by Judge John S. G. Hladky, Nancy Karker, Jean for over 100 guests. Now the fundamentals are im­ Storrs. Priscilla Karker, Linda ed by the Commission, another noUner. was delayed-until now so bedded and the gal who knows. "A When the couple left for a wed­ plication for change., to business that he might reflect on the mat­ Wahmann and' Suzaiui Mamet ding trip to New York City, the stitch in time ?aycs nine," is ready attend the Robertson Elementary zone for property on 'E. Center St. er. The finding wbs announced by to start on a.simple skirt. Before bride Was wearing a navy blue box was rejected. The request involved j \ ^ e John 0'(3onnor during court School and are available for morn­ lortg she’s wearing the skirt and_ ing meetings because the school is suit, blue and white hat and navy the application of Dr. Alvin Yiiles th^ mo'ming. buying a pattern to make a at $4.50 accesaoriea. On their return they and Theodore Rosen for^property ur cases were continued. on double session^. at blouse. “Once you leam to rcall.v sew, and more will make their home at 130 Balti­ west of the Clarke property to Aniobg them were those of Robert "Being careful, not rpshing and ' C 6 ^ more St..-and receive their friends Business II or III. Gilligan. '16. of Windsor Locks; you appreciate good fitting M a r lo tv ’s double checking befot'e cutting after March 14. The same reasons for denying and Paul Babkowski. 16. of South clothes. You can make them to fit DELUXE the material are the'^only secrets you better than a ready made TYic bride was graduated from \ the application on the Clarke prop­ Glastonbury, each charged with a I know to becomin^a good steam- ■c Manchester High School and is e rty were given as cause for re- violation rrf the rules of the road dress, skirt or blou.se. ’ explains “ ... stress.” confesses Mrs. Mamet. ' Mrs. Mamet. private secretary with the Con Jteting the doctor?' request. after beln^arreeted yesterday by She learned la sew when in the necticut General Life Insurance Other .Action I Patrolman ^ Ib ert Scabies; Md The club has a treasury and each .fifth gTElle o(/school and asserts member pays 10-c«nts dues at the Co., Hartford. The bridegroom, TPC took favorable action Clayton L. lOein, 16. OlaetonbOry, It was t required subject at that graduate of Weaver High School. tfte request of Alexander Jar­ charged with Np^rating a motor meetings. When the fund is large time in N ^ ' York. . Her ability to enough. Mrs. Mamet will take the Hartford, served with, the Armed o n o u r s p e c ia .1 vis f o \s change from Rural Resi­ vehicle withoutNa.license, all con­ create with cloth is attested to by Forces and spent a year in Europe. dence tA. Industrial for 40 Acres of tinued until Marm 12. group out to dinner. Also planned the snmrt dress she wears and the for,the fujure is the exchanife of fittod ky wpsits at ropeptyen the west side of Par­ Cyril Randolph.^4. of Hartford, cloUUPg worn by other members WANDERING DOG er St. charged with recklM S driving, had of We family which has materia­ '\ ______/ "/Ft? Z A P S " WAO£-/AZ fi£A A // gThe planners rejected, however. the case centinued imtii: March 26. lised through her time behind the Decatur, HI. —Skippy. a little achine. mongrel dog who came north from "You’ll have to press It from ' ^1' Bilo:*.!. Miss.', with his master. Bill here, .insert the band arid stitch' Sewell, for a visit with relatives across the top," are the instruc­ Carter's '■i. disappeared and was missing for ■V . . / tions given Lindb VVahmapn. 18 days. Another girl is told, 'The mate­ ‘Then one evening he waa whin W e vrill buy ALL the unused ifiiles in your preient rial should be pre-shrurik. Take WORK' • CLOTHES ' DEPT. (Main Floor Rear) Ing at the front door of the James it home, wrap it in a wet bid sheet Weilepp home, where he had lived tii^s. W e’ll allow you full value when traded and leavf it over nfght. The next For Painte^ for only one day. / morning press it and not only will for V new Tubeless DeLuxe Supur-Cushlens*. all the wrinkles be gone, but your Carpenters, Plumbers fears of shrinkage, as well.” . , v lf it f r Wi'fifM lew mo tsba to ehaik, psack or blew ebt. FINAL GLOSE-OUT OF And so the chatter goes, "Re- -'X ritember to fit your patterns . 'letter Wwiicture WretecHee- triple-teasparad 3-T Cerd plus axclesiee ALL DRAPERY MATERIALS Use. the tracing wheel . . . Pin it "You The Best At Friendly" Gri|>>Saal.cefMtntctieii give a dovbk Ism iS defmac agaiast ptseetnrss. first, then sew about five-eighths M JtW S In'Our Basement Department fro.m the edge . . . . Take up that letter TrecHew..-nigged, tread with "step-eotch” dasign (or addad traetsoe. Thursday, Mardr lO Doe*t drire anotber eiik witbeet tbeee ssesatsesml Goodyear Tnbekts extras! Get them now whik we’re abk to euhe yoa msr top trade^ oWor! Through Soturdoy, All 48 in. "Width materials. .\11 reg. $1.3i9 chintz. 36 Reg. $1.98. March 26 NEW SMAR-TRUCK 1UBELESS TIRES BY G O O D /tEA R inches wide. NOW 99c Yd. NOW 79c Yd, Coasyara sha advaatagta of thasa ssossrlaosl aaw * Mara taesys 'graatar straaytk a t 1-T Card caoMrot- T* DECORATED METAL SPECIAL track tirtt'o Peactaie yrissislsa maaaa kat aia agartd tica makas this yassihls • PLUS — 47% Laager Trtad — rsyilri caa be mads witbeas diaaaaariag * Grsatar Lift sad 24% I citsr Naa-Sbid Tractiaa — frma raad- Hawiat yralsitlta. • No (aba to daft, at fiayt.to yrcrad Tractiaa Hi-Milar triad dmiga. All $1.19, 98c, 89c ma­ Reg. $9.98 'Studio Sets. caat# trtabla .• Ceeler-faaalag — laager mileaga terials. NOW $6.98 Set ’ NOW 49c Yd. I pure wool carpet at a budget price! ANY COSre NO MORE THAN A STANDARD TIRE AND TUBE S pillows. Stripes and ’ ii' florals. FOR EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE Ball fringe, moss fringe, • DEN • RATH _ H- cafe looping and finishing HiSrtuftwoverSU N 'T W E E D ni:<| BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED braid. All slip cover welting 4c • lEDROOM • UVING ROOM !Mii * Now 9c Yd. yd. . ^ V fvarifiunB't loviih SUNTWEED •scapt.tba price! Deep, ihieV, oil wool ' , and PUT IN A PLASTIC MOTH BAG eomibrtoble texture .Igjevolutionory new weave that locks in yeors M- -;h' 1 of rugged lom ily'w eo»g^ the rich-Iookingiozury of pore wool . . ., REG. CLEANING $1.25 BLANKET SPEQAL Each 10 fabulous sun-drenched colors^Ahd alt at o never-before low price thot reolly MORE PEOPIE RIPE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND :::::: your carpel budget low you can afford to hove SUN TWEED throughout PLASTIC lA G .25 American Woolen t::::: .0 -I the house. You'll love the way this glorious'carpel bririgs the fresh, feeling Rayon and Nylon Blend , 1 ’ '! of owldoors right into.ybur home the woy it blends with every decoroling scheme. Tefal xValuu $1.50 BLANKETS REG. $2.00 to $3.98 i» • i I \ypg'|» hove 16 see luxurious SUN TWEED to believe i» ■ • • ", NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE, Inc. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE Extra wide acetate binding. 72 Xbofooin it i t to knowjhot this is the corpet you wont... ot the A LL FOR •X 90. All colors. Reg. $8.98. H 1 .. STORE—1099 MAW ST.—Ml.3-4047 ' 11 price you con off ord I RECAPPING SHOP—88raROAO'8T.-^Ml-9-4m 713 MAIN ST.— TEL MI.9-S390 I NOW $6.98 CASH and CARRY OR CALL MI-9-51^72 (Boxed) r LEHMAN'S ATLANTIC STATION HOLLYWOOD SERVICE CENTER 13 MAPLE i e WEST 704 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER— TEL. Ml.9.8079 342 EAST CENTER ST.— PHONE MI-9-8117 :;rv - ft' TEXTILE STORE STREET FRIENDLY MIDDLE TPKL - . A. L. SLOfjOMB, Prop. " «IA Acroaa From First WYMAN'S GULF STATION FURNITU^ DEPARTMENT Nattowal Farktog Let CLEANERS dost Over The nacRa 913 MAIN ST.—rNext tc Savings Bank INCORPORATED • f i| mi - “1 - ,r 1 ^ - q 11 *. > i , T |i r ,t « It-,** - ' I , »{? tt ^ J. -n - 24 MAIN ST.—TEL MI-T-iUS . ' " . t -■ . i.-“r'..l.....3:.'.. i -I ' I n ‘ ! 1 I "-SI i II _ . - IT I r V,

, t X' I I t . ' • ■, f' I..- " j " '1 ■■'X ■ V",' \ W f . \ ( ' ' V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, G5NN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1965. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,^ CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9.1955 PAGE FIFTEEN PAGE FOURTEEN \l TAHITI OH THC MOVE. dom o f speech and freedom of the :ourt that the defendant has had was that the” youth hagXwt been Podeyn, 64. manager of radio sta­ press.” T^Yo^Found Guilty I long record but that in recent under good supenrlsloi). LaBelle .'Papeete, Tahltr Who sayt Bolton Reds, Fascists tion WHJB m Greensburg alnce Beall brought up “penny stocks,” Judiciary Votes years he has begun to rehabilitate felt the Imposition of probation Tahiti is a nice, remote, off-the- 1940, reportedly one of the. first Top Broker Doubts particularly uranium. Smith said Of Larceny Here himself. Judge O'Cbnnbr said ha would OBseet this supervisory need. beaten path place to lose oncMif Start Fist Fighy man to sell radio broadcaatlng time some cheap stocks have substan­ 10-4 for Harlan took this into account when helm- The Your charged In connection in quiet bliss? A count o f the mo­ who in 1923 Joined station W ^A F tial value, but that he didn’t see posed sentence. with the- Incident were arrested on tor vehicles passing along me brownte Troop Enrolls 16, In New York and assisted in de­ how any sAne investor could have Tw o Individuals w ire found Atty. John LaBeUe defended Feb. 24 by Patrolman Robert wqter front during 12 hours to- In Italy Senate veloping a plan' for a radio net­ bbttght some of them If he had guilty and two had charges iiolled Liik and said he felt the problem Webb. taled 1,837! —■ 'v work, former salea manager of Study Sparked ^kid In High Court National Broadcaatlng Oo., and read the prospoctua. , ^ in companion casekln Town Court Meetings. Set for Tuesdays Rome, March 9 VP) — onetime Pacific coast manager of (OoBtlaiied from Page One) this mbmlng on'icharges resulting SenaU debate on the Pdria tr ^ e a NBC. Died '^eaday. (OMUmMdtfrom P»*e One) that he thought the committee's HarrimHn Will Run from the rifUiIg o f a pinball ma­ ICQPLCY'SI Bolton, March 9 (Special)—Mrs,-^Uon of a nominating .committee to to rearm West Germany brdke tU Homestead, Fla.—Herbert W. survey would be "enormously help­ against the nomination, all but chine in theHorth End Soda Shop Robert Mortensen reports 16 local preaeiit a ,slate o f .officers at the today - in a free-for-all fist, flgh Brandt. 70. Cleveland, ornitholo­ ■eUlnc wave if GUbralth’f twtl- ful” to the country. He said with­ nextnascl v>nieeting; reading of revised In ’56, Butlei*^ Says Welker had announced their op­ late last )nonth. eight..yesr-old girls reported to the betwean Communist and Fascist gist and author v/ho had conducted many didn’t. ' out elaboration he felt "a great by-laws; an Inquiry concerning in­ studies in parks from Iceland to position in advance. Found guilty by Deputy Judge Smith replied: "The market? deal of good already haa come” t • ■ first meeting of Xhe Brownie Troop terest in a local home nursing Senators. the. tropica. B om - in (Tleveland. Some d*y» it eelie up. Some dayi from the survey in the way of In­ (CoBtlnaed from .^ge One) '' One of the chief Issues raised by John,J. O’Connor were Arthur St yesterday at the school. Many, of course and a request for volun­ Senate President Cesare Mersa- PierTe, 37, of Hartford, o f being DRESSES! DRESSES! Died Tuesday. it ■elie down. What made it aeli off forming the public about the fi­ opposition -witnesses was that they teer* t-o work on a report card gora suspended the aesalon while an accessory ik larceny; and the girls’ mothers also attended for Mexico City— Paul W. Jonas, 50, yeatcrday, I don’t know.” nancial picture. der Carmine de Sapio (Tamfflanv beltfevell Harlan, aq a Supreme the opening: session which was study committee with the-achool uaKera struggled to separate t Mexico CJlty architect who de- ■ Robertaon noted market pricea Harold U sk, 20, of 25 Mill St., of In general, Smith voiced agree­ leader), has an entirely new look Court Justice,' might hold that spent in registenng the candidates staff. battling factions and clear t .aigned many homes in the exclu­ were down again at today’a open­ and has acquired character and larceny. The business ihceting will fol- ball. ment with three Stock Exchange treaties could overside' the< Consti­ The sum involved was leas than Just Atrived \ and sive Lomas residential district. ing and naked Smith facetiousiy if presidents who have given the integrity in. the beat American po­ Brownie G^ri i *0^ the talk of Dr. Ralphui Ekhert Th* fight started when Red Sen. tution or state and federal lai^a. gl5, but in light of the past re­ Brownie movement in the Q‘r l | .. Died Monday. be thought hla own teatimony waa view that the current level' of mar­ litical tradition.. Tammany is an Emilio" Bereni requmed a quarrel Jenner said he had debld^ to cords o f the two, the Judge Im- A SHIPMENT OF DRESSES M IIIUNG OVER WITH SPRING VITAUTYI Scouts. reaponaibie. . . ket prices rests on sound founda­ asset rather than a liability.” ’ His talk is scheduled for 8 p. m. with Sen. Giovanni Mease, war­ votel for Harlan’a nomination iri'the poeed the maximum penalty fbr -Mrs. Mortensen liras assisted by "I am much more certain. Butler said the Democrats’ School PIraa Revue time Italian marshal on the R4ia- tions. belief that the duty of protecting the atatute under which they were Mrs. Howard N. Jensen and Mrs. Smith aaaured him, "there haa been choice 6f Chicago as' its nominat­ "Everybody On Deck", a nauti­ ■tan front and novv a member of Discussion Group GREEN Not Apprehensive tha Constitution against treaty law Samuel Valenti who are working nothing in my teatimony that charged. Each was fined 325, given ^ / BEAUTIFUL NEW COLORS! Premier Mario Scelbii’a '.Christian ing -convention city would give 'rests with Congress rather than the with her as leaders of the Troop. cal revue, will be presented by made the market aeli dtf than that Sen. Ives (R-N Y) asked whether 30 day suspended Jail sentences dhem an advantage over the Re­ Supreme Court. For the present, meetings will be eighth grade students of ' the Ele­ Democrat Party. there waa nothing in Prpft^ Oal- Smith regarded yesterday’s break and placed OB protetion for one Meeting at MHS publicans who Have chosen San Another Elsenhower nomination, held each Tuesday at the achoql mentary School April 1 . at the The Senate, session was suspend­ braith’a teatimony to cauae it.” in market prices as “healthy." year.- low AT ONE LOW, LOW PRICE Community Hall. The class an­ Smith replied that he didn't know Francisco. Chicago, he said, had that of Theophile C. Kammhols of from 3 until 4 p.m. ' \ ed Saturday In disorder — but Robertaon then announced, better facilities and lent itself bet­ Chicago to be general counael of Thoae who had charges of lar nouncement yeatcrday said all stu­ short oi blows — after iS e r a n4 Yhcre will be a meeting o f the ~ .r aomewhat in the manner of a runr what a "healthy break” wraa, but ceny nolied were TTibinas O. ' Girls regtatered yeiteroay in­ dents of the class and othera-^ftom ter to radio and TV coverage. the National Later Relatione Board clude Maxine Allison, Nancy Ar­ called M eaai'a fascist, and Mease World Politics Discussion Group' ner bearing good tidings; aaid there was nothing in the mar­ Q’Neill, 16, o f 10-Mints Court; and the student body at the school will this evening at 'the Franklin ket’s behavior "to make me ap­ Asserting the convention would (NLRB), woe confirmed by the nold, Eileen Brondola, P M icta accused Sereni of "working againat. "The tateat word, Mr. Chairman, Charles E. ,St. Pierre, 34, of Box participate In the show. It will the Italian Army” through hla Building of Manchester High prehensive.” / ‘ be shorter, with shorter speeches, Benate yesterday. Only Sen. Doug­ CTIark, Marla Costanzo, Dkiay la that the market has started to Butler said "there will be no poll­ las (D-llU was heard to say ‘‘no” Mt. Rd., Bolton. This action was Sizes be one of the major events spon­ wartime Communist activities in School at 8 o’clock. Replying to another question by taken on recommendation of Prose­ Dimock, -jirllynn Fraser, Jo^e sored In the effort to raise funds raliy.” , ing of delegsUbns on the floor. on the vbice vote. Fraser, Doreen Haiiver, Thoral; France. . World Politics DUcusslon There was genera) laughter in Ives. Smith said Merrill t.)rnch ia cutor W i David Keith, He said for a class trip to New York, in Delegations are not going to be Senate cbn.irmatlon of a third Jensen, Marlanho Lapolla, Karei When Pereili resumed the argu­ Groups are offered in cooperation the hearing room. "very much opposed’,' to tips and that, after Investigation, he felt 9 to 15 ,12 to 20 May! Tickets will be sold through able to wave to the people back waa recommended, H ie Senate Moi^tensen, Donna Perrotl, Diane ment today. Fascist Senators tried/ with the American Foundation Smith aaid he doesn't know rumors about the market, but said home.” members of the Joint Atomic En­ the State did not nave proof that "put the community by the eighth to shout him down. Then half A for Political Education;'and local­ ,Inc.^ whether stock prices in general he didn't know iwhat could be done Person, Kathleen Person and Hope Raders in'advance of the show. Butibr repeated a previous re­ ergy Committee unanimously O’Neill and Charles St. Pierre were ^ 14i t o 24i lytthwell. dozen Senatom from each M e ly sponsored' by the Hartford are too high now. about them. aware of the ciroiimstancee or that \ School Savlnga Report rushed to the center of the halland / mark that he believed Prealdent ^ayed the, selection~b< Dr. John ' . Irish Night Adult School^ the, V ^st Hartford No One Knows Tips and rumors which influ­ Eisenhower would not run for a von Neuniann of Princeton, N. J., money had been stolen. •tee school savings, system re- began punching. League of yiomen Voters, the For­ "And I don't beileve anybody ence the market. Smith said, "cer Cottons, Chambrays, Acetate Ireland Night v.lli. be observed ceivad 3100.81 in depoilts froip Ushera ran forward, keiU other second term. “He wdU .have had to membership on the Atomic En­ Atty. Philip Bayer represented by the Grange at Its meeting Fri­ eign Policy Assn, /and the Man­ else knowa,” he added. tainly are not good for our buai 108 students this week. members out o f the m/nee and 509 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EA5T enough,” Butler said. ergy Oomfiilisibn (AEC). Arthur St nerre and told - the day at the Community Hall. The chester Junior Cramber of Com­ We're open NOW ~ and you ore Smith teaUfied before the Sen­ ness, and not good for the in Rayons, Jerseys-^lids, Prints Plaatio Demonstration finally separated the ^ttlers. He aided that in 1956 the people program arranged for the Lectur­ merce. ' / IN THE CHAMIERS lUILDING ate Banldng Committee. Chairman vestor.” "will dieUnguieh Eieenhow^r’e per­ GrouF I of the Ladiea Benevo­ ESsewhere in Italy, 15 persona The program/provides a series Shilbright (D-Ark) asked soon af­ Miracle new washable material er's hour by Mrs. HaZe) Floyd will lent Society will aponsor a plastic Smith also said there is a sonal popuIaMty from his political include, an Irish dialect monologue were adzed by polled for demon­ of I() discussims baaed on a act cordially invited to come in and ter Smith read hia prepared state­ m'arked difference in the attitude popularity. made to sell at a much higher price. demonstration at the pariah,room strations and the diatiibution of of readings./ Two competent, STORE HOURS: ment whet)ier he thought the by l£nv. Frank Paggioli; a square of Center Church Friday at 8 of investors now as compared wrlth "There is much difference in dance aet arranged by Mrs. Donald, unauthorlzed.poatera attacking the trained ' discussion Ibgders are Mendoys through Fridays 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. committee's inquiry into the stock 1929, and added: "Not everybody seeking office bn the basis of hie p.m. Mrs. C. Winston Church Will Western European Union (WEU) present to guide the discussion by browse around. . market had anything to do-with Yeu'N buy not 1. not 2. but your complutu summtr wordrobu you Tedfo.d; accordion 'solos by Eileen be the demolistrator. The public is Soturdoys 9:30 A.M. to A P.M. 'was crazy in 1929, but there was political record in 1956, against Augusto and Irish songs by Myron envisioned in the treaties. asking pertinent questions which the price drop. a great deal of frenzy.” ^ running on his Army record in Open Until 9 p.m. iHYited to attend this fund-raising Senate debate on the Paris Pacts encourage/ participants to think "I would doubt it very much, Hw m tMTlfie vobiiBS. D 0N 7 MISS TH IS!. Lee. Members will portlclpiate In a e^nt. Sen.. Beall (R-Md) remarked 1952.” roundrobin of Irish atories or facta now -ia In ita third week. The together gbout problems raised by Mr. Chairman.” Smith replied. that legislation curbing tips and Butler aaid last night he Would Drill \ Tonight - - , Chamber of Deputies already haa the reading material. He went on to note that Pul- about Ireland. Fifomen will Hold a regular drill rumors might prohibit the circula­ call a conference of all pemb- Thursday and Friday ftefreshmenta will be served by ratified the accords. Mrs. John R. FltxGerald. Man­ bright . made a statement last MAN EXTRA-EmA SAVING!! lUY ONE — GET ONE FREE! firehouie ' toiiigbt at 7 (30 MANUFACTURER’S CLOSE-OUTS tion of good kound advice by cratic governors this, spring^ and Mrs, Emily Calhoun and Joseph at the chester coordinator, announced to­ These •ITiursday when the hearing open­ brokers. Smith said he also was hoped to give them "more impor­ Balance of the Week 9:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Mack. p.m. ~ . day that registrations a re . still ed warning investors against buy­ Boy ConvalMc(ng afraid "we might run into free­ tance in the party structure.” , Closed Mondays Only BROADCLOTH BRAS Mrs. Floyd announced the pro­ Deaths Last Night open and anyone interested is en­ SALESHAN’S SAMPLES ing or aelling stocks on the basis gram on iJarch 26 would feature Stephen Yeager, son of the Rev. couraged to attend either as a e Stitched npUft .cup and Mrs. J. Richard'Yeager, had of day-to-day testimony. a debate on the quortion "Should participant or a spectator. Smith said he believed that DRAPERIES, REMNANTS, Slips *1.9 g e Wide adJnstable strap* we encourage industry to come to his tonsils removed at-Manchester By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS QUALITY SHOES AT LOW PRICES. atatemant took care of the situa- Nice, France—Princess Clemen­ DEATH RUUQD SUIClOE e Adjustable back for' Bolton?’! Taking the affirmative Memorial Hospital Monday and is ‘' tlon "extremely well.” Y A R D GOODS will be Renato Cocconl and Keeney convalescing at hia home. tine of Belgium. 73, widow of Smith’s view waa pretty much sizes S2 to 40. Sizes ,32 to ,36. A aod j Hutchinson. 'The negative argu­ Prince Victor,. Napoleon and the Hartford, March 9 (/P)---The For Our Opening echoed by Heh^ G. Riter lU. new A Now Spring Solocrien Has Just Arrivod White only. Reg. $S.9S value. B cup. White only. ment will be presented by Walter Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ youngest daughter of King Leo­ medical examiner ruled a suicide j president of the National Associa­ F. Elliott anc: Bnica G. Ronaon. ton correspondent, , Mr*. Joseph pold n . Died “ruesday. the death yesterday ot Frank Ro- j tion of Manufacturers, in a talk PTA Meeting Tonight lyitalia, telephone Ml S-5S4S. Holl)rwood—Everette James, 71, backer, A7-ycar.-old Ekist Hartford with reporters at the White House. ARE YOU Questions. to come before the father of bandleader Harry James, funeral director. Police said Ro­ Riter had Just' had a visit with business meeting of the PTA to­ New GuineoN was so named be­ and bandmaster for many years ta acker used a pistol to fatally I President Kisenhower. and said UP A TREE 964 Main St., 86 Park St., night Include a a'Wimrnlng program cause early explorers thought the with the Haag Bros. Circus. Bom shoot himiTelf In Uie cellar of the funeral home. He reportedly had he told the President that business The RIDGES Manchester Hartford and summer baseball program for natives resembled those of Guinea in-New Orleans. Died Monday.,

i ^ ? 0 0 . 7 i o Long wearing outer aolea TAILORED OF FINEST ••loaw 11MPORTED WOOLENS .99 Rigs $60 GYM-SAVE 120 • « 1 5 4 7 . SiMs8*/2 te r Tep: I ft. X t inehse THE SAVINGS BANK 4 Ajterrlfle value if ever there was one! Legs: 7 ft. x IH iuebet . Oraya, Blue, Browna, Tons. Sizes 34 to OF 8-C«D widths Steel Slide: 7 ft. leaf x.lS in. wide 46. Refulora, shorta and longs. Swing Chains: 19M Ib.-tcst MANCHESTER V Thii ti a BIG lO-FLAY GYM! Extra rugged! FULL PRICE A TRUE $45 VALUE! MANCHESTER. CONN. WOMEN’S WITH CREPE SOLES $4.95 . 9 5 0 0 Ezua Safe!.Heavy can iron leg canings telt To succM dot onythiii9 yen BBiidi to Mt o goal for yowr- .right through top bar and legs. Complete FAMOUS BRANDS s«lf. Ir ORy COM doR't M t It tee high to beigiR with -be \> HoMf Gym with: BIG 7 (t heavy gauge galvaoiz^ ntcl moderate uetH time hot shewn what you con do—then BANKiNa H ogna—• A. M: to • P. M. ilide with 15 in. width; Ball-bcaribg swing THUMDAV EVBNINOa • TO 8 . Reg. $14.95 to $22.95 711 set yeur sights higher for greeter g ^ s . • ■ greater hangers. Flying Rings and Trapeze Bar (all savings. Remnmber, oH deposits ore guaranteed In fuN. Saturday 9 A. M. to 12 Nooa OUR PRICE Spring! plated against rustiag) and two-scai SIty-ridc. MANCHESTER GREEN

i— — Uall Oeipee - \ I KIDDIE , FAIR IN Aiylaa SU Come In—Phons or Order fy Moil! j Hirtftrd, Ceaa. Fistsa haU 'SaHr Daiust" .CVM n - " 6dHk KIDDIE FAIR $ 1 2 - 9 5 THURSDAY EVENING CURRENT RATE 2 i% S09 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST lAdd 3% Stata $alas TtsI 1089 MAIN ST. ^ MI-S-SSSA . . . .1 .-1 CLOSED MONDAYS Sizes iV2 to 10. AAAA to B. NaaM ------^ ------DETMira MADE ON OB BEFORE THE FIFTH OF ANT MONTH IN THE CHAM IERS lUILDING Addieas ■ - "V^ GIVE GREEN STAMPS" City ■ Pkaea — DEAW INTEREST FROM THE FIRST OF THE MONTH ^ WE DEUVER 0‘'(N WtOS TO S W \ . ■' ■i - ^ . /

■ f . V

[iL- --■/

' ' v 7 . < v \ -..f' f ,-v, •. , \ MANCHESTER .fVEN IN G HERALD, MANCJ(IESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1985 PAGE SEVENTEEN "''MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCMpStER, dONN^ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 ,196S PAGE SIXTEEN out the display were dlaappointed been scheduled. The sal* will take -I I rf'------tMnron Faure Wins First conalderabla length before im- they will begin aarying thrtr this weekend that old Sol .did not place March 19, sponaored Study Activities Workeni Canvass Town . Bednarz Sentenced poaing. sentence, going into tha, term* immediately, he bt the Con­ show his face until the thaw had Congregational Ladies Aid necticut. SUte -PHson, Wethers­ set in and spoiled the show. When ty- Parliament B^lie yiiai^aret Intends to Marry For Red Cross Drive varknia factora which prtnnpted Weekend Storm WUUnm Woodward him to modify tha aenteneea of field, end ah* at the Connecticut TUNING the sun ready gets on the J(d> it In Home, School Eor 938,000 Th6ti State Prison for Women, Nlantlc. is a spectaculaf sight to be appre­ The death of William Wood­ three to 10 years ia prison recom- Hinders Travel ward, 81, of the Amston section, Paris. M s l^ 9 (AO—premier In a special plea to the peo­ ended by States Atty. Albert . S. ciated. Often trees and., ahrub* i: Captainf Palace Says KEMP'S, life. look like living Christmas trees, is reported, February 28, at Back- Bldgar Fsure’s government has ple of .Man.chestcr, Town .Clerk (Coattmied from. Page Om ) Tha number of bbueeholde in 19S5 Parents and teachers of the Hoi U. and on them one can numy times iia Hospital, after m long illness. won iU first parliamentary battle Samuel J'» Turkingtoii Jr. mass tha young couple decide the United Btatee increased 23 Main SL->Ml-S-8n9 Hebron.' March 9 (Special) — Uster St. School seventh grade atu- Local evenU were pretty much see flashes of colored- lights, like As far as known this is the first —a budget isaue Ipyolvlfig limited (OgattaMd from Puce Oae) and abdication rocked the in­ chairman of the Residential J.udgc MoUoy interrupted the to ippaal and arrange for bonds, per dent from. 1940 to 1950. pay Increases for government era- stitution of monarchy here as denU participated in a discussion Division for the 1955 Red Croes held up during the three days of candles or ornamental bulbs of death of a Hebron resident this lawyer. various hues. Mark Twain was a year. Mr. Woodward was bom in ployM and retired civil servants. ■ ®njy ]uat brfor*' hU •bdication to nothing else has done in many studies , and , activities in the Fund Drive, has asked that - the Ice atorm Friday, Saturday years. Only the devotion to duty ipot an* home in «place of the '"In other words," he said, "they and.Stu\day. It being's weekend great lover of such an ice atorm, Carpwitsr,. Pa„ May 22, 1873, the The NaHonal Assembly ap­ , Barry Her. everyone be on the alert for proved- the budget, article 362-342 of Edward’s brother and success .FTA. meeting last night the Red Croaa worker solocit- are making a last minute deal , there was no question ■6^^o*lng which he often. mentioned in his son of WUUam and Charlotte Oru- New nmera at the Ifargaret- sor, G eom VI, reestablished the It noted that the seventh school. Church iervIcM were well Writings. ver Woodward. He had lived in this last night after Faure warned hla ing funda in tbeii' neighbor- with the court.” two-week-old cabinet would resign - Townsend romence were spUshed full royal prestige. g ^ e is not too early to start h o^ . attended in spite of bad traveling It was good to'see the sun yes­ town for about 40 years. His Wife The lawyer aaid he waa aware conditions. terday morning, but more tnow was the former. Anna Fabel, who If defeated. The Assembly turned In two at tXMdon'a Iti^eet Sunday i Edward, now the Duke of Wind;- preparation for high school and to “ Because o f the very incle­ that no promises could be made sor. Is understood to have been consider the courses to be taken showed up later in the day. , died jn 1M4. down the same measure when It aewapaftent Uirea dayi ago. ment weather during the past hia clients, but that he waa simply About 20 were present at the His occupation was farming- . He was. first presented by former Pre­ SAL Queen Enieabeth's favortte .unde, there. \ Lenten aervlca at St. Peter's Epls' Still Under Treatment *\The maasTOlreulatiotv Dally iUr- weekenti, many of the calls making known to the court how leaves two brothers, Harry Wood­ mier Pierre Mendes-Francc. - it^ on Monday and Tueaday fcont- ^ t even today. 19 yeags later, his Parents were told of the present that were to be made were they felt about the situation. copal Rectory Hall, led by the rec­ Mr*. B. G. Lord has heard from Duchess has still not been accept­ shop and home economics pro­ her grandson, David Will, son of ward of Hmlra, N.Y. and John of The article calls for a yearly ■paged what It deacribed as inter­ omitted. So,” asks Mr.. Turk- The judge said that if the young tor, the Rev. Richard D. Clark. h 4 ed by the royal family. gram and the group was unani­ took up the siibject of the Lord’s Mr. and Mrs. Grlnton l. WIU of Carpenter, Pa„ two sisters, Mrs, .raise equivalent to $25.71 for civil views wtth Townsend Jn Bnissels. in^on,’ “Just put your money couple decide to appeal their con­ Anna Oldfield of Alden, N.Y., and and military perspnnel, both active where he was sent as- British air , Britain Counts- heavily on the mous in wanting to Voice their in­ aside for a few days and your -'Pniyer, and’'(mnducted a "true and Yonkers, Ni Y., that h* it still'un-: viction to the Supreme Court of der treatment for a neck injury Mrs. Charlotte Keebler of (Car­ and retired. attache In 1»53. after tongues dignity and .presUge of royalty. terest Ih r o i^ the PTA ia a more Red Crofs solicitor will be at Errors, their bonds will be $25,000 false" test. The p«ra«^ of the monarch..is all extensive pBgtam. A similar Idea The Lenten services will be con­ susitained some time ago. He had penter, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs Started wagging about the Prln- your home to ask you to giv^ each. William Stiehl of Hebron and Mrs CANADA ADMIRAL TO VISIT ceea' frequent appearances with that’ formally binds- togetheif -the was discussed to show interest In generously. In an effort to tinued through the season In the practically recovered from., the British Commonwealth of Na­ sn after school sports program Members of the family in court, Rectory Hall, at 7:30 p m, Sun­ trouble, but suffered a relapae and BertU Tlllquist of Hartford, and V Him. ■ ’ ■ thoroughly canvass Manches­ when sentence was psssed. in­ three grandchildren. Groton, Maixh 9 (SV-Navy per­ So far there has been no public tions. Loyalty and admiralioh for for girls. \ ter there arc about'400 work­ days. . is now obliged to wear a neck col­ the sovereign are an important I n ’discussing hOme'AcUviUes, It cluded the elder Bednara, his wife, Services of Holy Communion lar which holds the ligaments in Funeral services were held at sonnel today were sprucing up the reaction from the Church of Ehg* ers; but if anyone feels that he three others of their 'll children U.S. submarine base for tomor­ land. OfflclMly It la opposed to clement in the holding together .was generally fcgreed that TV was were held In all th^churches here place. He will have to keep up this the Belmont Funeral Home, Mid­ or she has some extra time and a sister of young .Mrs. Bed­ dletown, the Rev. William Kim- row’s visit by Rear Adm. R. S. divorced persons renarryint^ But of the globe-girdUng British ter­ ‘not a problem but rather Created and effort to give to the cam­ Sunday, the Rev. John G. Beck treatment for some 'Uma longer, many clergymen tgXe an opposite ritories. more awareness of what Is going narz. OfffeiaUng at the Congregational the doctorf' say. shell officiating. IqUrment was in Bidwell of the Royal Canadian paign fund dfive, please con­ the family lot In St. Peter's Ceme­ Navy and flag officer of the At­ ■view toward persons who—like bn in .the world. More reading, es-' tact Mrs. Kay Thompson at The mother, who herself was dis­ churches, and the Rev. Richard D. Pickups Postponed A marriage for Margaret after tery, here. lantic Coiist. Bidwell will visit A Tovimsend—are the injdfed parUes her -23th birthday Aug. 21 would pecially that done oraHy, wgs en- the Red Cross office or the charged aa a defendant last week, Clark at St. Peter’s Episcopal Saturday and Sunday were so cried quietly upon hearing the sen­ Church. unpropitioua as to traffic condi­ Rear Adm- Frank. T. Watkins, In the divorce action. ... relieve the Q u e ^ of any direct couragffL It,, was felt that \yhlle Town Clerk's office and ask commander of the Atlantic fleet, Yeaterday. Margaret aat beside children should not be overworked for me," Mr. Turkington • con­ tences. Show Canceled tions that it was impossible for - MaiMhester Evealng Herald He­ responsiUllty for gw nting. The bron correspondent. Miss, Susna and will inspect the base and iU the ArchbUl?op of Canterbi'.-y, Dr. British constitution^ requires the they should have a few responsi­ cluded: j Judge Assails Womaa y Those who enjoy the glitter, of donations for the coming rum­ an ice storm when the sun helps mage sale to be picked up as had Pendleton, Mephone AC S-S454. training activities. ' j Geoffrey Rsher, at a public lunch­ sovereign's consent only until a bilities. around the hom'e. Juctee Molloy turned to young eon glveh by the Lord Mayor of member o f the family turns 25. Parents were urged to make Mrs. Bednarz after sentencing the London to welcome her hone from special appointments with the on Yale’s varsity hockey team young- Couple. her Oaribbeah tour. The Princera Margaret aa a lively prtnce.u teachers to. discuss any problems. during the past season, has been “I Intended to make it more . and-the Archbishop are old friends, has had many eacoCts and spa-.-ked named captain of the 1955-50 your Case;” he said, “ beeliuse I ■nirouj^out the hmcheon they many rumors at romance. But YALE HOCKEY LEADER squad. Ingalls, a junior from Cha­ lieye that you have been aivItVU talked together animatedly. none has. carried the’ lasting im­ New Havem. .March 9 UPi— grin Falls, Ohio, missed over hblf influence in this case," 681 MAIN ST. The Archbishop has said public­ pact of what has become known David Ingalls, first string center LftUNKRERS .the season with a broken nTist. Tlie judge e marriage In her hole his wife on Charges of misconduct as Queen of tbe Realm. But there with John Adolphus de Laszlo, have been well-substantiated re- son of a well-lnqwn British por­ ports that she has given her con­ trait painter. Townsend was 1322 sent In a private, personal capa­ granted custody of their two sqns. city as an older sister who has 'Technically, the law of the land j heavy responsibilities in the niat- requires that a princess give Parli­ ter, r s. . ' ament 12 months notice of her in­ P 4 m Townsend has avoided reporters tention to wed. scrupulously—^until this week. A highly placed sourte close to Whopping ^ IIV F *7 PLASTIC COATED DRESS TRODSERS Today the pro-royallst London the royal family explained this u n i k I f ib e r SEAT Dally Sketch quoted him aa Saying legal technicality could In prac­ in Brussels: “My life Was hell tice be disregarded. COLORS .at budget prices Big Bargain! when 1 first came here . . . 'My COVERS loyalty to Princess Margaret Is It is certainly a British custom unquestionable. I would undergo to disregard any of these teChlcal- lU'L any difficulty because of that loy­ ities which are Inconvenlenk," the FULL SIZE alty. I cannot ai’-*wer que.stlons informant said. “The cabinet could about my friendship with Princess simply decide- on the basis of BICYCLE Margaret. That la my private life. circumstances to overlook the e BalJoMi Tires! But whatever the imswer were, It legality and parliament vVould. go • Troxel Saddle! COAT would make no difference because along. Then, too. 'there is \ no • Large ntoto-style handle of my loyalty to her. guarantee that anyone would abide bars! There was no clear explanation by a technicality off this kind.' a Host; of other features o f what he meant by “ anawet.” found only in much higher E-Z As for being sent to Brussels TEETH FAIL TO CLICK / priced bikes! TERMS Townsend said only, “ I tannot re­ e Boys’ model! member whether I applied for this GreenvlUe, 8. C., OPi—Atly. Sol THE SAMI RICH COLORS ANY COLOR RIGHT /ANY COLOR POR .-1 • job or was pushed Into it.' Abrams urged a ^»dtne8s to speak USED RY DECORATORS OVER THE COUNTER INSIDE OR OUTSIDI Queen Elieabeth and Margaret up more plainly—the court was SKIRTS-SWEATERS-SHIRTS • both would be found to weigh having trouble uhderst.smling \ / very heavily the implications of “ Do you have anything in your \ / MANCHESTER ANYSUIT, COAT, DRESS Margaret’s marriage to a divorced mouth," Abrams asked. beauty by TROIISERS OlMHi aid Prassad,.1c commoner. "Nothing but my false teeth,” WALI/APER and PAINT GO. Her uncle Edward's fomance the witness anapped.^ack. the bruishful 249 lOAD 8T.- -MANdpeS-raR, CONN. When brought inN^Uh any garment. Phone MI-9-9591 Cleaned and Pre ia***ooo«»**o,'*i With a aimilar garment at our regular low price' ...... at our regular low price • •sOsea.oosi Free Parking At Our Doorf mm Aiid ^ PAINTS POST ANY TWO GARMEN1? ANY TWO PIECES ,R ' ^ Td-fc.h ewntrvefien z: $uU( 16* . bri4(* z ' bciMW MI CLEANING ■ '/* ./


- U lIN D ER IN G Modern Vault AvriUM. la .a Ik. (...Ur Vt(,n . . . Bnn. Mwtnl u* BiMb J U M IO . Us> of htoyy m * umI mWnt SoMy-SlidG S HAT.DLEANING PloV Gym ^ RILL OR TWIN SIZE MAPLE r r Hefe is a ^eal opportunity to clean up }>efori Easter. Quality Cleaning at Economy All R . S39.9S ' • A BOOKCASE HEADBOARD Pricei. No finer cleaning at any price. Free Moth-Proofing, Mildew-Resistant Sterilizing H iree compartment maple headboard, HUM! II RAN I pIna $119.59 Gold Bond orthopedic type and new body added to all garments cleaned by our Tex-Tone Process. mattresn and companion box spring. 1.95 Gnamateed 10 years. SAVE $100 ON THIS AMAZING OEFER Mwnibar of th a Nolkmal iRsfitutw of ClRWiwn and Dyarii '' i. USUALLY $169.00 To Us! Eyei^hing. . . but. . . everything iii the $tore is for MoryhHid ‘ .V sale at^a 10% discount. , Buy This UHF-YHf AH Channd BOX SPRING We’re one year old Thursday, March 10. You .OR / 1955 a r ,r There'are no special purchases. . . this is all new 1100.00 will be paid to anyone who can diaprove out- claim that MATTjiESS are al! invited- to our very special Birthday we uae anything but the finest of cleaning fluids, compounds, spring merchandise. . . and includes coats, suits, NOTICE! detergentp, soaps and uiethods.'T " Reg. $49.80 Tnln or Full Size Celebration. dresses, cashmere sweat


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1966 FACE e i<;h t e e n \ MANCRESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WE&NE^DAY, MARCH9; 1966. m oat and on the west by the Pacific ment and naming. ------— ...... ■ ...... ------7 ~ BUGSNUNNY -Wa : BIB* This is the region to which the SMSSSSBasaSsaasa iimi'; , ,] l „ , ^ ^ unriio.Gonforpioeol: Make it saisy ta ksae tha house Spanish in Mexico first applied FALSE Melancholy Gentleman—I t . la AfiOwtr to looking naat and pMfesfl up by fttr^ Sense and Nonsense (?allfomia,' and it is sometimes hand, Indeed, to kwe ene’a riria- Thatl called “ the Mother of California" tives. .Cireiswerd Tour nlshing every room with A (Mco*' and "Old Califomik" because of Wealthy GenUeman — Hard ? Bargains mUvs METAL. WASTE BABKtt. N M 4 1 its priority in discovery, . settle- (anorting) It le impoesMHe!' A special purdtass by HARRIS Ifsnr feta teeth hew It la aitrnlflcant of the Umea mechanic (bbaerved to the fore­ ACBOBB I Nevada cHy SON’S, 646. Main St, Brings you that a .^nhy; lay on our living man). IBeoth 4Maasona ' these Onamoled, rustproef haaksts room floor for two days before F o r e n ^ — Qh, that’s his own liistedby ^ 3 1 .6 6 , rag. 62-66.66. Hand- car. _/ CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER American $ a u b anyt^e bothered to pick it up. Slbka into palntea-florala. Chintaa modem on backgfmmff'-^ioral, charcoal gn y, Judge — Will you tell the Court A cow-puncher ordered a steak SCnglish raasrt custody town ’ flip "X sand, graait. ^ehaftrauaa or hipek ' feet BMW what paaaed between you and your at a restaurant The waiter BHssHbior iViaka thaaa attrfcflkairasta bas­ ■aw. Oheehs wife during the quarrel? /hrohfht it in rare — very rare • — Angeles. * r e bfwth). Oet Defendant — A flat iron, a rol- Ih e cow-puncher looked at it and Califemta* gRsdio -L. kets 'very deairable'f(wYifts. ML ; eonnter. ling pin, fix platea-and a tea demanded that it be returned to tS Prayer ending sudicness 9-1650. It’a National Vision Week ‘ Abused Heads Sbaw Yaara ' ^ "B p r ia r Sala a f Vhbrtaa kettle. > the kitchen and cooked. lOMutiesl Safeguard your precious eye- Entertaining Mnde Easy -.. IS R e i^ . at flow er paH 4t Tragical root So Young. And Smart Busy capable hands needn't Juat m Uma for your aj^ring / W a ite r — (snapping) — It is 14 Nigerian instrument aigtit with periodic visits to your Being a rclaxed'^nd rested hb^ Quick aupper: heat a can o f t One and all agree 'brld la cooked. II Vended SOEirtanglement 47 Algeriaa cMy teas makes any party you give a "tell” that you wash dlahea, do sawing and radaeorAtliig la the con came and ona of drained IBLsfl'haadad aiyo Doctor. OPTICaAN. LESU B ’ OC DILAPEltT.^ 8UPOOVBR / In a itate of ferment, no one Cow-puncher — Cooked—noth­ lECoasts ailEE'dayert 4Eaioitlellar CHIUSTE248BN of UNION OPTI- happy occasion. W it^ no fuss at laundry and keep a home clean. or red kidney beans together; tq M M 10 ITTbeann SOEye part An occasional profesalpnal M A N I­ and CURTAIN maUria} at tha 2 ± can tell whether th^ will be ing. I ’ve sden cows hurt worse MSlideonsiM* SI Locations C A li OORP. 785 Main St. will care- all you can serve delicious cakes, into wide serving diaL' Ai lEPledse CURE at BCHXfljra BEAUTY CHENEY BROTHER^ REM­ fully grind lenses precisely to your cupcakes and cookies \fo r ST. canned-tamalce, Uiat have ' ONE •uM ysuw e* itBum t "mantslly l a En mei PATRICK’S DAY REFRESH­ SALON, 688 Main St. kaapa your N A N T 8AUB8ROOM. 8o many heated, spoke fashion n Soaks up S4 CommnnlsU 'Yye^or’a preacriptlon, fit them into lovely pattams, cdOrs and tax- j ^ n a i ^ ^ who expect to be blessed Newspapei;s received^raore ad­ 4EQuarterbeck beiof MENT by stopping into thc''\PINE hands looking beautifully cared for. chili and beaiia and . SBUsheggs at Rusalan city your prqsont frames' or help,you turas art a'vailable, you’ll coma and^rtunatee in/ in/uiis world should vertising last year than any other as Native ef 43 Asiatic pohns EE Adieclivo •elect M o o tin g new ones. He will PASTRY SHOP 658 CenteK St. It's good .busineas to have sadly ter with grated Pams alw aj^be a paiu ker in the truth. MStaff Whether Its a dessert card pAfly, neglected 'cuticles skillfully eased home happy with your purchase. Accompany with celery/ media, showing t)iat advertisers nO K sys Syria's capttsi 41 Mclsl mono)* n i ^ glaifly Ugnleo o r , adjust your know where to get the beat re­ glsmri frames rasgreater comfort a neighborly get-together over cciL back without bruising. .Fingernails end olives, and a wifli a . gg Egyptian aOM fee or a Ihiffet eiq>pcr, good things, w l t l ^ correctly -ihaped. and Up­ For a luxurious first courae 'iSd. ■)', A . custbmer/Availing for a small sults. » r r r r job to be acne on his car watched SSBxpimBtr r r to 'Mt from the P IN p PAS’TRY ped with Battering color that lasts thicken rich homemade chicken a mechanic h ^n ge the.oil in an­ IN UMAX COUNTRY MHwrew f !- ^ O P lets you be a? carefree es and lasts. Manicure Is $1 with an­ stock with agg yolks and add a 'ppoiniiBMiIa BefeeduleB r Ur Salad shortcut: when ^ ^ ''a f e your fcTiests.. HOT CROSS BUNS Uttla heavy cream and a daah of brand new other car writnout spilling a drop, IS LOWER CAUFORNIA aseettC' preparing oole slaw for a other service or Bl.as alone. S ^ n g hridss hooking their crow^ are baked fiesli every Wednesday curry powder. Serve with vary check the radlaVir carefully, clean lA>wer California (Baja Califor­ UDeath r r put the cabbage through the appol^^menta ly for WEDDING gTSpenaer p " and Friday during Lent. Even the Gabota and tha Lodgas! thin strips e€ hot buttered toaat PIITTURES the windshield, w iM aWay all thb nia in Spanish) is part Of the Re­ ■Si coarse blade of your food chopper, Por guests only! THE FALLOT skin! greasy finger m aru, place a clean public of Mexico and is a long, MLath fT r V then mix with dressing and se«- ’ . Boaton Baked Beans are famous STUDIC); 76 Oentsr 8t.\ MI. cloth ^ver the upholstery, wash slender, : mountainous peninsula MBrMgc Has soningi and refrigerate until serv-s Add a litUiii curry powder to the tha country ovtr for their 3^5808. cream sauce you've made for Ghickaa NacAa aiM Backs S/Sie his^ands thoroughlyand drive bounded on the north by the State 4l ThorouEhteae r rP r tng'Ume. delirious flavor. Nowadays, they 1 bpiled onions. Serve with broiled have the ‘added dtstinettoh o f be­ Tasty broth, nourUhlng and 'the car slowly out to^flie street of California in the United States, se >tx) TAiCe 1Ab» SPOTS and Is a SOLVENT also. sentiments to famUy members, V Combine bran, raisins, buttsr- Send TSc in coins, ybur name, ade happen. Frees tha monMnI yen MIWIMUM' “ I n ever t M n i l fa i! JuotJiiet about Bto tbnotimo I1 aat1 • eeoretanp J i ■ I 1 □ _J friends, shut-ins. Choose from a ment of J. W. H A LE OORP. This address and the pattern' number glasses to go around adequately ♦lO A« A . fqllk and molsaaea. Sift flour with soothe on Laxeun Plus Liquid Ms u e o d t o t h o i round boro, abo upo andcals m arrM r* Mrs. A. G. Madson of RichmoiLd representative group of RELI- is a 100% Virgin Wool yam to ANNE CABOT.,THE MAN­ without worrying unduly about ATARTEC.^ a o ^ and salt; add to first mix- ■upCT«bitndaBeao(pare,gmtlecha> HOOPLE Hill, N. Y., won 81,000 for a novel GIOUS c a r d s for your minister availabla in IS hiarious colon, pas' CHESTER EVENINO HERALD, breakage. JUKX SETS at $2.06 AlR-CHAiR tut^ atlrhng only until flour dia- leeterel eetets begin to pmiWMe. Ao way to use leftover.cake with fruit priest or for anyone in the Lord’s sppeqrs. Flu greased cans two- tala and darks. Tha 1-oga puU sksln 1160 AVE. AMERICAS, NEW include a graceful pitcher plus service. Enchanting CARDS FOR at 46c needs no rewin.\56 CotUge beef loef, covers it with hi place it with an up-to-date desk over one layer and a package of ly packed), 1 tablespoon butter, coins, your name, address, size de­ Street; pull up a comfortable chair ■lipping a X knltte(f HI-JAC8 radish cream aauca and .decora) or lounge chair from KEMP’S, COASTER over bottom of g , w f y cherry-flavored gelatin over the 14 cvps chopped pecans or-wal­ sired, and the Pattern Number to and aelMt beautiful n Y ^ N up­ nuts, i teaspoon vanilla. SUE BURNETT, MANCHESTER it with ihamroeka cut from/pi- INC., 7U Main St. who will give or bottle to catch moisture. 8 for second. Chill about 2 4 hours, or holstery material from 19M books. mente-atuffed elivex "vou full trade-in value for piano. (riMAHdHG until gelatin is Arm. Whip 14 ' .Method: Sift together the flour EVENINO HERAli), US6 AVK ExcepUonslly LONG WEARING $1.98. n g h t colorful FOAM j-e 16 GLOW and baking powder. Beat eggs with AMERICAS, NEW YORK 86, St. Phtrick’B Day Co M I 3-5680. r u b b e r COASTERS for fl are , cups cream and sweeten with 2 with no worries shout \moth Beef Leaf TVig nyiMfe yrutsENT ••• •« H* >»■*»■ •> * M Ffti ■ t Fw »»j TODAY* w tablespoons sugar. Spread cream a rotary beater in the top of a N. Y. damsge, N YLO N is easily sp^ged celophane gift wrapped. (Stahas 6-6 servli , As a change-off from rice, serve between layers and over top and double boiler just unUl blended. The l(itest tazua of our pattern free of soil with a sudsy cloth. Stir in the brown sugar and but­ magaxtnc contains dozens more Four cups cooked grpitnd corned barley « r buckwheat grits. Both ALLEY OOP D(k Wins The Round \ I BY V. T. HAMLIl tides of cake. Decorate with DECORATIVE COLORS that bocf, 1 4 cups die^^cooked • po­ grains are good steamed in chick­ lAaiBMiiB MiMt green cherries In a shamrock de­ ter. Stir constantly over rapidly smart, easy to sew styles for all blend, harmonize or compliment The Inquii^r boiling water just until hot—about ages. Send 36 cents today 'fo r tatoes, 1-4 cup fine dry bread en broth and seasoned with onion. NOW^UPANDfiO WGlEA^.fkhfluREHBieEClTtWr sign.” each other are here, together "with ^crumbs. 1 egg, su b tly beaten; 1 SN WINSTON BY JERRY SIEGEL and OGDEN WHITNEY Rose and .Shamrock Cake 5 minutes. Remove from beat.- Add your copy of the spring and sum­ InUrestlng -TEXTURES and PAT­ TAKE OFF AtL-IViArfikJiy ftf WWf YOU TOLD ME.,ed ickened, i^rring constantly. 942 MAIN STREET AT STr JAM IS S T tlH vored gelatine over one layer and zero sone FREEZER IS A T BQT- Add to beeKolive mixture and the cherry-flavored gelatin over cream; or Cut Into small bars and 'TOM. No tiresome bending to Tighten Loose CBalra <)(riekly serve plain when cold. Do not try reach the mueh-iiaed refrigerator mix well. ^ m mixture into the second layer. Chill about No home should be without a ji greased 6x5x3-iMh pen. Bake in 2 4 hours, or until gelatin la ftrpi. to turn cake out: cut in pan and shelves; the four golden. aU-slum- of CHAIR-LOC from the JOHi Io n SAU THURSDAVp FRIDAY & SATURMY remove with spatula. inum thslvsa roll out all the way to moderats oven (375 degrees F.) 1 Whip cream and sweeten with SON PAINT CO. 699 Main St. for hour to 1 4 hourA or until firm. up rr*j sugar. Spread cream between bring everything to your fin ^r the hundreds of jobs It /^an do. "Home Moans More With Carpet A PICTURE WINDOW HY- Serve with hors^dtsh cresm layers and over the top and sides CjHAIR-LCX! Is not a gKie but sauce end gam iih Adth olives ss drug store 6f cake. Decorate with green On the Floor" .TOR is ao convenient, right swells wood joints tight. Now It' JBOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Sigfl Here. BY EDGAR MARTIN on the door, together with roomy desired. cherries in a shamrock design. You'll find just the broadloom possible to tighten^oose chairs you want in the color 4nd pattern storage apace for eggs, tall hot without removingyriings; tighten II Note: To remove the chilled ties, butter and cheese. CYCLA- Faahlmw Stocked ferYl; V W M .lV Y BUZ SAWYER ROY CRANK '-layers, dip bottoms of cake pans you like best at the MANCHES­ loose ‘hammers, Mrdtn tool with­ YMSVTEO^ I s m c H W s s €lOOO *. W SOoVV «\GI6 TER .CARPET CENTER, one M ATIC DEFROSTING leaves out removing ^ada. Best o f all At MONTGOMERY \ -X^ID in hot water just long enough to liouette 10 .NOO WbMilltT * 1 . 0 0 0 , 0 0 A V etM - TWtSt YfWSRS. A«t%VMe» TY«. : n c k i0 /^YM, HA block north of armory. Don’t nothing for you to do. Choose C »A IR -LO C ik QUICTC, 15 min CXJMPANY the popider si< leoeen gelatin around sides of pan. worry about meeting the entire PORCELAIN EXTERIOR in (X>L- for spring ia evldant in Tp: rERS; Glycerine (••a VgOOLOPHHR. Suppositories 17 O f TW t V4VtX.‘ utes Is all ydu need. It is CLEAN IROH Tvet u ert V ies Then sude cake from pan. ORS, a sunnYyaUow, a Sherwood long.<^AT8, and DRB88EI The W V NOOR _ ir r r YOU NUT DO YOU bill: EASY BUDOfTT TERMS and ECX^fOMICAL, only a few iRfoRi^rig. 3fe ■ ■ Mi 8 PnOUNOLD s o o A « r E t TO P0 0 9 T }J ARRANGED with Up to 18 months green or snovvy white, with your popular " A ” line with M3D C « « t W l J T W t ------cwtcy v\wt oje •. r MAM1WV' itflpflag Is Showing dropa needed. No need to risk, an EACKTHM to pey. Dial MI 9-4343 and' an ireference for either a right or ahoulders easing out full and It’s a treat just to see the re- eft-hinged door at no extra cost. accidc)it with wobbly step ladders, gives a graceful and slimming Ml BTICKMtOVrJ armful of sami^s will be brought or mit up with squeaky stairs. (3et Tflbicti Cirsin frsrhing color and beauty of the to your home/to touch, walk on, See also Frigidaire’s UPRIGHT houette. Slip into the many styl) % OP 7MB Easter collection of CHILDREN'S FREEZER that opens k whole new lAIR-LOC, only SOc p bottle. now available in your size range tCIS examine under your own lights. Bottk of 1.000 ** HjSI BPRING O t r r n r s now lining the Enjoy a ne)v rug for Easter. Why way o f life; it simplifies market­ a $1.00 DEPOSIT HOLDS YOUR full-length walla of MARI-MAD'S, deny the family a'»d yourself the ing and meal planning, enabler Bake your favorite rich brownie PURCHASE unUI March 25. The SACCHARIN 661 Main f it who bring to Man­ recipe in s pie pan, cut in wedges / luxury of soft imderfoot beauty? you to economize with quahflty clear pastel. sKadea flettei: the chester the best In fabric, tailored Feel free to chat with the proprie­ ftuying in, season. ■ / ' imd top with vanilla ice cream eyes and complexion. Do. see the to fit growing boys and girls tors .who are thoroughly trained Serve with a chocolate fudge 4-pc. gray or beige RAYON sauce and llsUn to'the applause! U.S.f. r & superbly. For Bkuiter-tirough-sum- and experienced in cerpetiiig Like country-style sUak? FLANNiEL SUIT. $14.68, which ,mer choose a quality DRESS, reelm. They’ll suggest the floor Choose round steak is cut includes'' Jacket, two different f h I P irit TOPPER; COAT, or SUIT while covering best suited to your heeds. about one-halfne-nalf inch Utlck and ten Two-for-om) Mattreaa Sale Skirts and a xavaratble Weakit . Rrif. I9 e the* IieAutfful selecUon Is complete. No obligstlon, of course. derise it by pour pounding it on both Double your money at W A T­ CHILDREITS COATS trith VisuMlze your daughter in a 2-pc. sides with the l^ d le of a heavy KINS, 685 Main St. during their matching HATS AND I^JHSES JEFF COBB BY PETER HOFFMAN p lj* falUe suit size 8-12. $16.pS, Blend soft blue cheese with knife. Be cayeful liot to break once-a-year sale when you get two are modeetly priced; one 3-pc with MATCHING DUSTER. $8.95 little msyonnsflse and add minced through tha meat! Toward the STEARNS A FOSTER MATt Turquoise faille outfit alze SOMETMWe'S BEEN W AFTER THE CANPiELO ) t t OONT SETJ ...... ^HAS TO DRAW ME ANY OiASRAMS/ MICKEY FINN Too Good! to complete the pretty picture, Or. par?ley and finely-grated onion TRESSES and two BOX SPRINGS X BY LANK LEONARD last of the pounding, beat In a lit­ $10.98. Popular NAVY DRESSES ------Nl BOTHERWe YOU, IWW, wOOU/ j l 5H00TINS, YOU AS< -AlT/.„\WHY siuK7...rimow m y b r o th e r , v m c e , w a s In a 3-pc. linen-weave RAYON (pulp and Juice) to taste; •. Serve tle flOu^ iMssoned with salt and for $^.50, the regular price for polka dotted in pink or white with YOU WtNTEO TO A WHAT'5 WR0N3? ME WHAT'S SUm>KO% 8| THE VICTIM... AND THAT SUIT with boxy\jaoket in charcoal as a spread for crackers with a to­ pepper,. Brown the steak quickly one twin bed outfit Now is an ideal frosty touches at neckline are SEE ME, »LK? ^ (MINGTOREABrnMEyifeNLENEntB, with pink checkW cotton blouse, mato or, vegetable juice cocktail in a little fqt and sfrve with time to replace yoiu- preicqt bed­ $8.96 to I15.M. Do see the r a n BOTHER YOU? RISHT NOW/^ ------'ANP1 FEa SUREME WIU.HAVESET A $10.98 for 8-14„ add $8.65 to 6x. Makes A dellcioui first course madded potatoes anp gravy made ding. If. it gives you leaa than re­ of SPORTSWEAR M ARKED Popular navy is evident. Full- when company is coming. NEW tEQOBP R E THE DISIWKE! ANP from the steak-pain drippings. freshing rest. Add legs, they be­ DOWN ihoTfL than 60% on aome / >RNCE m i m m aklrted TODDLER OOAT^.' nlipped come versatile couches. AttAch sweaUra, s k l ^ odda and ends. Nat Viealuol V . KJUMLANTRKWrNOWr ^ In the waist and frosted with Mce- The lighter the hat fabric \hl Eaaler Thnn Dieting headboards and you have modem NEW LOW PRICES e ^ e d white collarw are perky and spring, the better. Lace, silk and Acquire^the desirable long lean H oU ^ood beds. It wilt take about 90 minutes In D I C A L O lU M saucy, but see them all yourself organdy are all pretty and airy. look for spring tha minute you slip a moderate oven to’ thoroughly ON ANSCO FILM soon. Into'.a FORTUNA______------g i r d l e or Ever try LChsoning mashed po­ heat a couple of jars of ravioli PHOSPHATE Bo>-s’ Jackets for Spring PA N TIE foundatl on from tatoes- with grated cheese and For good flavor sprinkle the Chiffon molds like a rich jer­ Mild spring weather calls for a paprika? They are particularly ravioli with grated Parmesan defieu. f. B LA IR ’S, 757 Main $ t Comtngmlng BoMM 100 . sey in a short dinner dress. The lighter weight, washable POP­ two inches above the waist with a good this way it you pile them Into chaeae as ]rou ^ t each layer Into l a 127 Plenachrome f . top has a ehlrred look, the skirt LIN JACTKET for your boy. So asUn elastic panel in front and a. pic plate end brown under the the .dish. Serve the baked ravioli 620 Plcnachtome /. flows softly from the natural many attractive ones -,sre now back, a aide alpper, this well-made broiler. with a aalad o f jpreens, hits of 111 Idtal For Baby't Room 120 Plenachrome waist. For those who love pink, shown in Boys’ Department of C. garment • Is $5.65. 'White only in Isted anchovies and garlic French 616 Plenachrome ; It’a a Dresden-perfect choice. E. HOUSE A^SON. Completely small, medium large and extra A Friend In Need dressing. BAKELITE LINED Jackets of vivid red or large. Count on THE PIN E PHAR- 116 Plenachrome Oreetlag Ozrda for March 'll ■ navy have colorful knitted cuffs MACTY, 664 Center St. to be a 1656 Sekmnacher Wallpaper NITELITE 127 3 Roll . ... THE ^TOE PHARMACY, 664 and waistband. Then there are Anyone for tamiis? TTm tennis friend in ' need when. illness in SHERWIN-WILLIAMS (?0.,| 620 3 Roll ...... CAPTAIN EASY Bull Daw son BY LESLIE TURNER FRECKLES AND HIS FRIRNDS Center fit. displays the cutest UNLINED styles In eye-catching sweater-disM ia back, in heavy vades your home. They are ready 716 Mein St. invites you to 1 120 8 Roll ...... Saved BY MERRILL C. BLOSSER gayest ST. PATRICK’S DAY orange, blue, red or popular char­ ribbed wool with traditional V with a competent, trained fta ff to a f ? . . . . 6 9 ' coal. Just right for school or best the HENRY FORD MUSEUM I PORTVNArit^HB BMMS QUtTB M M ^ 7 VlM/.VISw^ OMitAYi CARDS that wUl make a big hit neck. But it doesn’t have to go fill your doctor'! PRM(3RIPTION (COLLECTION . OF SCHUMAGH-| MUMS AND TIQMdiORTilYJ^ra „.juPOimiiMiN)r------with the proud sons and daughters arc the long sleeve JERSEYS and to.tennis. Buy now from' resort with Infinite care and DELIVER ER Tv ALLPAPE R S which are au­ Bold type mbaoune — SPORT SHIRTS in attractive col­ RopUco That W am-Otrt UlLpAM SON^ ot lr(rfand, 'Ihis will have to be the collections for wear on the terrace IT to your home with no service thentic reproductions and adapta-| rn^vKiidS!^ last reminder before March 17 th ors and pattern^. Comfortable, or beach next summer. charge. Save additional minutes if OM Tooth ■rash POWDER long wearing Dickies’ CTIINO tiona of the cokmlel papers used IIRYUliEMl so stop by soon. )rou must, by auggesUng to' your tn restoring famous Greenfleld NM r...W iUio TROUSERS are popular with tlM Heavy Work doctor he . tele^one directly. PUFFS boys,’ and they kqow what they V tlla^. They are. custom-print­ la ir O r n s Dress up French toast for Sun­ Let the MANCHESTER LA U N ­ Drugs are carefully, refrigerated to ed washable *and truly distinc­ day brunch! HeaC canned pine­ like! - In fact ml merchandise car­ DROMAT, 662 Center St. W ASH safeguard Uieir potency. May we riedrled in BOYS’ DEPARTM ENT of tive. Look them ever with an Dr. West’s apple rUigs or peach slices in a and F l u f f d r y the heavy pieces remind yotBdhqi HEARING AID 2 15 A SON meets the eye to vieueliring them In yourj HtUe butter or margarine in a big C. E. HOUSE this spring, the bulky bedspreads, SU PPLIEsBPdudlng cords and approval of , young masculine spring redecorating acheme. •klllet. sprinkling with brown su­ can BUT WITH blankets and threw mgs. You’ll batteries of all rises are in stock Mrieje-Tift gar. Serve the hot fruit with the taste.s SO, yotl feel noUeeahly more rested. at all times For your convenience. CONFIDENCE. W InUr , Lunch: eerve a hearty I golden-brown French, toast. vegetable eoup followed by a ExHa kiieUee aevuc stuffed egg salad. To stuff the oeteoMr- ateamwa eggs, maah the yolks with salt, SCALED pepper and salad dreesing and add la GLAM a hit o f minced ham. anchovy | Perennial Favorites of parsley for extraCflavof. iMvel oaca O iiiiB e tfU m O r M Hm FIDUTI VIC FLINT Into The HospiUI BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OP MARTHA WAYNE The Composer C h e n e y B r o th e r s From Kemp's Record Dept, Hot poUto galad, topped witff I BY WILSON SCRUGGS frankfurters that have W n cov­ COUGH REMNANT SALESROOM ST. PATRICK'S DAY ALIUM ered with hoUlng water and sim­ S S S S ff& k 5 9 * COMB ON, OMMOOKS SAMS HB5 T » « ^ mered until heated through, makes { SYHUP BOVS" BOLBLoaMOtn-.OM.v ewN HARTFORD" ROAD — MANCHESTER ■ Ring C r i^ y a fine dish for a family eupp«r' OVER MWWBBWNOS MTWBBNU5 rYDUAerUAUBIME ITS FUN TO TOR ANO m.BORN. SiBAOSB WB AN OCA POt THAT •. POPULAR IRISH SONGS WfeUe-Yeun-Walt Sertloe WiOBK JT THB tM«N/ EONBfMAKTMA? The arrival o f mild, dry spring I MAKf YOUR OWN SPRING ^ M SiiBrit Mwic 6NmI in leo k Form weather finds children jumping I P T s Il rope actively end vigorouriy eUp- ICE CRIAM SUNDAES pin* to school. It’a a delight to NiEktty 6-iO M i- PROJECTION SCREENS .1 FABRIC SALE i l l watch but hard on sVen durable | - except Thnnidagr shoe aolae but remember that EX- aad Soaday DRAPERY. SLIPCOVER ANDdURTAIN PE ltT REPAIRING with rnodam equlpment\ is done at Z G riT S Ma t e r ia l s in pr in ts A N P jjV B ^ WEAVES SHOE SERVICE. 701 Main B tj INCORPORATED WHILB-TOU-WAIT.' , You’U. find M FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE | Shoe-ahlM-klU poOidMa and ■ereaniB for every color teattpr prl Closed Wednesdays 763 Main St. jltUT Groon Stasap* Given ,ToL Mlr3*56^ ■uede. ' Keep on adtvuiU MpFlyj r - at hoDie.

. ' --x I ) •\ ■ i

-■ •V;

MANCHESTER EVENING H E k A L y PAGE TWENTY MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1955 \ .* ANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY* MARCH 9,1966 PAGE TWENTY-ONE M ilw au kee THE Herald Angie By M ajor League Courtsters Wlu> W ill Attem pt to 'Rveu Series Tonight • ,j.r Explorers, Dons EARL W. YOST Home Quintet Pointing lack Featiiresil I^robable Garden Starters for UGiim s Saturday Night Sports Editor '

Opening Tourney Wms PBO RULES EXPLAINED' < 8I10T.S He AIb a n d t h e r e At Brook Camp; To Another Upset Win Profeulcmal basketball rules, Anmial-liaMbBll excursion of the with one exception, will be in force Knights of Columbus this season F a v o r i t e . tonight at the Armory when tlm 11 be on Sunday. May 29. when SoxOlson Hurt Ea.ay De'f«alT..;L'ir.r'^lSS'' SS); Major Leagu^fo Lost , Milwaukee Hawks will s e ^ '-to plon, vs. Marquette (23-2) and the New York Giants play the ■OI'HEWirr. LKAOCB Ctel-BCa LEAOl'E Rivals in First Round; regain some of the prestige''^hey Brooklyn Dodgers at the Polo New York, March 9 ( J v - I f the Iowa (17-4) Big 10 Champion, vs. 91-79 Decision , Here Cadre Capa (4> ,n. 9*< Jatea'a '*>) • lost against’’ Namlffs several Grounds.. .Boston basketball writ­ Phtlqdslphia Phillies are'"to be (Carpenter 101 ^ ' F Rubtecha ...... ,....84 96 131 90S 15 W illiam s Quintet Loses Penn State (18-8): Loco/ sport Weeks ago .on a vtMtriere. The ex­ Taylor .. At Manhattan—Southern Meth­ Several Weeks ers have selected Tom Heinsohn " R“*»cha Ill 104 J l l p 6 hibition belwaten the Western of Holy Cross as the No. 1 -col­ pennant contenders, they’ll med Donahur M 364 Zawlatowakl ...... 97 96 nt, 806 To Canisius' 73 to 60 odist 116-7) Southwest Qinfer- Granville 2! ■ r^charcii-k...... — ^97 lof 300 Preliminary at 7 :^5 pivision/Mtewks and the hlgh-fly- lege player In New England. Fol­ all the help ; they caii get from, Oirmuk . 93 36TS. Ontyb ...... ™ ence champion, vs. Bradley (8-10) Chatter , ace left hshder (>|rt Simmons. Dummy , New York, March # (/D ry^La- inhloctel quintet will start at 8:15.. lowing in order were Art Quimby and Colorado (16-S), Big Seven ^^-^Cmislde of the 24-second time of Connecticut, Jim Francis of Without ten effective Simmons, Totaia...... " a i "iSs i i a Salle, the defending: champion, champion, vs. Tulste (20-6), select­ Tonight’s the night when Total# ...... 417 445 443 1,124 No. Mrlhodlat Me. 1 (t) -'^ImitXon-team control of the bail, Dartmouth, and Dick Skefflngton there’s po telling how embarraaeed tlylas 6aS?fr> (tv , Newman and San Franciacor the No. 1 ed. to-represent the Missouri Val­ MARY McCa r t h y took lltue Milwaukee Hawks of the NBA and Trommel s'*-'- pity on tha duck pins at tbs' Y tonlgbYs headline attraction will of Boston College. Tied for fifth rookip Manager Mayo Smith ...... 87 .98 76 361 B. Brown ^ team in the Associated Press poll, ley after finishing in a tie for Nassiff Arms clash in their second be Mrimy pro. Fans can expect mlghf be in September. SImmnne ...... 85 : 79 86 m D. Brown 97 87 388 are off winging in the National last night and compiled a 374 place were Glenn Wilson of Dart­ Dabrotreki ...... 78 90 83 349 Nark .... 147 109 363 first place writh' St. Louis. exhibition of the winter. plenty of tugging, pushing and mouth, Jim Houston of Brandeis. But the' same old*allment that \ Neuhauer ...... 81 79 ^ 238 Chaiteler 89 106 398 CoUeglta (NCAA) Basketball At Corvallis—Oregon State triple in the Women’s League. Her plagued him through most of the Jnchlmaen ...... 84 88 387 J. Chappell /f ■ ^ single game sqoree were 125, 135, waukee is favored to av^ngX its berating the offiplal.s,. common Jim Ahearn. of Connecticut, and — M 89 tourney. & th won' decisively (21-7) Pacific Coast Conference practices ehiployed- by _ the pny- John Henegan of Tufts. Heinsohn 1954 season ie back and Curt Is over West Virginia im^iyest Tex­ 114. Other top scoree Ih .the same previous 91 to 79 defeat: Nasriffs Tptala .... R «1» 693 ^ 418 1380 T o t ^ ...... / ...... 53J M7 6N 1566 champion, vs. Seattle (22-9) and are out to prove, that their 12- for-play boyte, in Maurice Podo-, and Quimby also made the All- behind the rest of the hurlers in / as. respectively, 'liT ^ rS t round Utah (23-3) Skyline Conference league were: Lil Molumphy 133- the Phillies’ Clearwater, Fla., 347, Mary Simmons 132-326, Susan polnt triumph Waa no fliike, In-. \ loffa circuit. Many followers of Star Boston Garden' squad which BklllrMra (1) 61. Jamaa* Me. 1 I4> games last night. champion, vs. San FVancisco dIcations point to another ca­ ^ the nation's No. 1 spectator sport was restricted to players , who camp. -No sooner did he begin Prokrop ...... 70 70 83« Hildebrand 91 too 383 They were Joined In the second (24-1). Purnell 128-337. Fran CYandall 335, throwing last week than the arm Bteekle ...... :.78 91.148 Gaznbn...... 117 88 803 pacity crowd at the Armory for like to see rough and tumbid played at , the Beantown Garden Krort,.., ...... 81 » r 273 J. LupaTOhlnn .., — 104 194 round by Canisius, Vilianova, Mar­ Kay Bolin 117, Dot Cowles 115, g w e s and they get their appetite this season.. .Bishop John Lord, began to ache. Hindle ...... Lions Meet Tigers Alice Beebe 121, Shirley Fotherglll the opening'tapoff scheduled for Daalela . 91 ‘ 108 3te4 quette, Penn State, Bradley and , The Ijry League Utle, which 8:15. The Manchester Midget satisfied when they watch the head of the Methodist (ihurch in< Simmons was asked if It felt Reyera . N. Lupaccblno .. 102 103 310 Bob Btetriaea CharU« Bhnre 117-324. Low Mab __ 94- 94 \8 eatUe who In turn eliminated would be up in a thrOe-way dead­ League All Stars play the Rock­ prowTO action. New England, has openly criti­ any better today, and he said ’Tolala...... V 4’J 4*7 4*7 1267 WilUams. Duke. Miami of Ohio. lock, will be determined tonight ville All Stars in ths preliminary For\the benefit of those who cized Sunday schoolboy sports in gloomily; tepatalaa <11 Totaia ...... 479 496 502 1476 M^ntphis State. Oklahoma City T(»IM Y MAR'HN’S 401 marked wonderNhow the NBA rules dlffei- Msssachusetts. Many Bay State ’’Not yet. It feels like it’s in Hurd ...... •; 78 81 100 389 . 8e. Mrlketelal Ma. 3 <•) . when Columbia faces Princeton at the close pf the Rec League last at 7:15. Anderaon ...... \84 99 84 * 7 ■cKay ...... 120 90 M 804 tend vdaho State. If tonight's exhibition, is any- - from ' thk college or high school schools play their football games there pretty deep.” Smith ...... 84 79 75 909, the Rutgers Gym in New Bruns­ night. Tom had games of 135„ 140, on Sunday. Speed ...... 97 96 101 394 \PIay Again Friday wick, N. J . Columbia eliminated Top Ring Dusty Remains thing like the one Milwaukee and rules, here's the list of the 12 The ache is at the top of hit Reirhenhark ...... 78 91 78 Mathleaon ...... 91 99 103- 393 126 for his final total. Ted (jham- league stan^rds; :— arm. and although it bothered him" Cormt>r ______^101 92 99 MrConkey ...... _: 86 IS 171' The right winning teams along Penn Monday night to earn the bers rolled 139-365, Art Massaro Nasaiffs plajM last month, then Low Man i ,...... 79 79 158 with rij^ t others, who received right to meet Princeton. fans can expect anything to hap­ ' 1. Ail -games are played in four New names which are mentioned most of last year, CMrt still man­ ToUl* 394 433 436 In Title Bbut Bench Warmer 137-360 and Red Molumphy 135- pen. ThCytonteet will be play^ 12-minute' periods. prominently during the current aged to win 14 games. It usually Totaia 3(M 683 459 1219 first round byes,' play next in Phil­ La Salle’s Explorers eliminated 350 In the same loop,^ Church bothered him after he pitched, adelphia. Eranstdn, ul.. Manhat­ West Virginia, the Southern Con­ under rules excepting the 24- 2. Each player is permitted six spring football drills at Connecti­ DnaMa Ballen. (4) San FranCise'e,*^ March /9 (>F)— League leaders' wsre: Fred Mc- sec(md/Ahooting rule. . Tempera personal fouls. cut are those of Harvey Wenz. a rather than before. Obr^mukt ...... 97 1» 96 282 ZloB Lstharaa (1) tan, Kan., an(^ Corvallis, Ore.-^ ference champions, ' 95-61, in the Phoenix, Ariz., March 9 — Curry 147-351, Mac McCarthy 144- UCohn Photo. Tfwlrt ...... 99 .93': 107 268 r. Hampton 63 319 wrlndup of a Madison Square Gar­ Raul Macias of Mexico, the No. 1 flared'^on several occasions- ih the ‘8. The free-throw lane is to be former All-America high school Club Hustling RolMrtoon 64 ** 78 323 Ixirmirn .... 81 295 the sites of the\ second , round Being the batting hero of the 379 and Gerry Chappell 135-363; Probable starters for Ck>nnecticut Saturday night in Madison Square Garden against St. Louis Unl- Dummy .. .A...... \. 68 48 68 204 den tripleheadgr in New York. previous tilt and the eame can be Itounded by two lines 12 feet end; Lou Mooridian. an ex-All- So far, Mayo has been lucky. •verslty in the NIT Basketball Tournament are shown above with Coach Hugh Greer. They are, left G, Hampton 93 387 games on Friday. The wrinners contender, and Chamretn Songklt- World Series hasn’t brought Dusty apart. Except for Simmons’ pains he has All^n ...... ••A...... A »0 . 91 90 278 Hanaon ...... -93 307 come .to grips Saturday to deter­ Earlier Canisius downed Williams ^ > Rhodes any closer to being a reg­ expected tonight when the rivals Stater from Massachuaeta. and a to right. Coach Greer. Gordon Ruddy, Bob Malone, Art Quimby, Jim Ahern and Ronnie Bushwell. The Wilry ...... 139 336 rat of Thailand, rated/ the No. 2 OOUNTRY CLUB women are battle tooth and nail to prove their ,4. Any player who ISx^fouled and tackle; plus backs Lenny King, had - few troubles. His club Is Total* ...... 4)6 441 436 1385 Handicap ... 23 “ 69 mine the four teams for the semi­ 73-60 and Vilianova outlasted. ular outfielder with thq diamplon planning a membership driVe for game ia scheduled to start at 9:30 and will be the second half of an evening doubleheader. Duke, the Atlantic Coast Confer­ boy, battle at thb CoW Palace to-, auprema(^. injured and. cannot attempt hli Gerry Doollng and Paul Whitley hustling and he likes the looks of BalUaz risa II) finals and final in Kansas City New York Giants. ths season. Of interest to Uie foul ahot and m-uat be removed some of the young pitchers. teor^mi^n inn 87 388 Tolala ...... 495 546 512 1553 ence representative, 74-73. night for the world bantamweight dSvo Newcomers ...Harlem Globetrotters and 'the Hum* ... 86 87 344 Nrcoadrvrvaaitiz CaazoB -VWP6KVM (3)«•> , March 18 and 19. On the other hand, there is no novice golfer is the newly-ipstl- But another newcomer to the \ In a Lexington, Ky„ double- boxing championshi chance Manager Leo Durocher will All of ths Hawks, including new­ from the game for a su^titute College All-Americans will play n ik ...... /..91 74 79 244 (Juimch ...... " 90 -■ 94 107 Here’s how the second. round TTie State of Ca^fornia has re­ tuted Class C division wMcn has comers Bobby Watson (Kentucky) canno| re-enter the game. sub­ Mia^ch 28 at the Boston Garden. . . major league managerial ranks Annual Kacey Irish-Sports Night Monday TTutton ,...... / .. 71 93 75 141 Matiaaon,...... 107 103 96 300 ■hiqies up: header, Marquette was extended suggest that Mr. Rhodes be ped­ been added to create greater en­ Isn’t having things so easy. McCarthy 73 75 81-229 N. Vlttnrr ...... 98 98 93- 288 into overtime before subduing fused to give world title status to and (Charles McNulty (Purdue) stitute is to be selected by th\op- HaTrry Dudzinskl, forfner Bristol Elcholtiar 100 At' Philadelphia—Ivy League dled. Leo says he made such a sug­ thusiasm in competitive g o lf . Pinky Higgins of the Boston Red 117 322 stubborn Miami of Ohio, the Mid­ the bout, but the NatioiuU Boxing gestion last tepring. will be on hand. *610 twosome posing coach. High basketball r.lar, is on the Totaia .../ ...... "^18 431 lioe 1336 MCCurry 107 97 351 champion Princeton (12-10> or' Assn, wlir present a championship Prizes for winners and runner-ups waa recently acquired in a trade 5. If a double foul occurs, the dean’s list at St. Mlchael’a College Sox watched outfielder Carl Ol­ Columbia (17-7) vs. LaSalle (23-4) American Conference kingpin, 90- Not Too Happy teicr LRxarr, Totaia ... 503 647 508 1557 79, and Penn State w ithsto^ a belt to the wiiuwr. ’The scheduled in A, B, C division Will be award^. from the Minneapolis Lakers who participating players thirtBjrlih; in Winooski, Vt. , . . o tt Heller, son smash Into the left field wall and Canisius (17-6) vs. Vilianova / Bin CaOMUB Dusty isn’t too happy about it. Chairman Carolyn Laking reports in Sarasota and suffer a mild MeCaaa’s (4) late rally to dispose of Memphis 12-rouhd match, cut from the yet the fact Mmalns — he's the received veteran Lew Hitch from cur a sixth personal foul, such w e of the mwt durable men ever Seeing Peojile Enjoy Themselves T. Marlin ...... 138 140 136 401 Coaler Caasaa Na, 3 (8) (p - 9 ). SUte, 59-55. usual 15 by roe State Athletic there will be 26 prizes this season. the Hawks in return. Both are players shall attempt the foul shot tq lace up a pair of hockey skatea, cerebral concussion. Lamourriix ...... 98 118 118 833 Steckel ...... 130 — 98 318 team’s N*. 1 pinch-hitter, but he The flychaser wa-s taken to a Chambrra ...... lit Its 139 365 Croeby ...... 98 81 107 386 All America Bill Russell col­ Commission, - Will be. televised na­ also newcomers this winter to before leaving the game. ia back with Oeveland in the Acno X__ Stanlunaa . : ...... 86 96 111 '391 won’t be playing regularly in the NBA competition. ^ hospital. He was resting today al­ ...... 95 til — 306 lected 29 poinfs In 29 minutes as tionally (Cl^ KST). outfield since his defensive ability DOG OBEDIENCE Training 6. No zone defense is allowed. American Hockey League. Heller, flnnw 90 — ion 190 Saarl ...... 97 113 96 304 the San Franciqeo Dona, the na­ IS 'nvorite Class is held evc^ Tuesday night Rookies Frank Selvy and Bob 7., When a team la reduced to orie-tlme New York Ranger de- though he suffered abrasions of Big Satisfaction Matt Moriarty GutiWle — no 118 334 Neill ...... 79 118 — 294 1'?'^ , Ellsworth^ C Ghampipn has drawn no rave notices. Pettit, both very much in conten­ five eligible players, these play­ fenaemtro, had been playing with the left ear and left hand. Leille ...... — 93 89 182 tion’s No. 1 team, coasted to an Macias, a/2-1 favorite in this ”In center field we have Willie from 7:30 to 9 In the Community T()talB .... SM BR7 1720 COMPLETE 89-66 victory in the second game red-hot bojung town, is unbeaten Y building on N. Main St. Man­ tion for N BA , “Rookie of the ers fnuBt finish the game, except VaUeyflteld'ln the Quebec Hockey Joe Black the big Negro fast- Koan'a Totals ...... 479 498 500 1475 Mays,” says Dusty. “In right field Year” honors, will attempt to in case of Injury. Any one of the League until recalled under emer­ baller who waa a aenaation with By EARL YOST What kind of ,an athlete was /. Martin ...... 117 122 / S3 332 CemmaBily Baptlat (I) in .11 succttMlve bouts since turn­ chester reeidents are invited to of a twinbill at the San Francisco New Haven, .March 9 (/f)—N ^ Don Mueller. In left field Monte Operator of a newspaper agency ‘ ivonkv .... _____ ms 127 me Ballard 91 97' 178 Cow Palace. In the opener Seattle ing profesaiontel. He earned the top England scholaMc champion Hill-' bring their dogs to the class at atone fqr their previoua. below-par last five players in the game, gency conoltlons to Cleveland. . . the Brooklyn Dodgers In 1952 only Matt? / O RHlIy ...... 103 Nicola...... ; ...... 106 100 89 395 Irvin. I think I should get a pillow Robin Freeman. Ohio State's fine to drop into oblivion the past two in Manchester at the tender age of RADIATOR spurted in the second half to contender tag in the latest NBA house and. Hartford Bulkeley bat­ for the bench. It gets awfully hard any time for help in training for performances. Both were held to upon committing his sixth per^^ ”I never played baseball, at Tafirart ...... 107 Gilroy .....'...... 103 79 — 181 thrash Idaho StgU, the Rocky ratings With a decisive victory tle it out in n seiUi-finals game in home discipiine or for the show eight points, a far cry from their sonal foul, shall be penalized by kharpshooterVho waa named on years, has impressed Manager 18 started Matt Moriarty off on a Low Man . ..a ...... M Baskind ...... 93 — 94 186 in some parks.” Walter Alston. least to a'ny degree. I laid out the Lawrence ...... 93 84 91 367 Mountain tltleholder, 80-63. It over N ue Brooks of Cleveland at the CIAC Class A Schools Basket­ ring. NBA averages of nearly 20 points a technical foul in addition to the, sevw,al All-America teams, left business career which today finds' TolRla .... 515 tS7 497 1579 Yaenno ...... 103 93 109 804 SERVICE He took a turn on the mound was the Don’s 22nd straight v ic­ MexicoVCity. ’This, will be the 20- ball Touraament game tonight per game. Pettit, the league’s personal foul. The same penalty school several vV^ks ago tend may the Silk Town Iriahntah the owner | original baseball diamond at the tory. ■ ■ X y^-ora fighter’s first appearance with a trip to the Boston Garden TWO M EhiBEBS of the Obedi­ second best rebounder, waa re­ shall be Imppsed for any addition­ not retoni. aikioroing to reliable In an intra^quad g«me yesterday, old McKee St. grounds. 'I was one Armory Tavrra' Totals .. 495 448 470 1411 iiji:;'! Loop Leaders Win peatedly outfought off the boards reports.. .Boaton (Celtics and the and Alston liked tefiat he sa' . of one Of the largest Llncoln-Mer- FairfialdMrt ...... 1(M “ 104 SOB Bradley Triumphs \ outsicn a Mexican ring as a pro. riding on the outcome, ence Class entered their dogs in al personal fouls committed after of the worst players On the We.st by Nasaiffs: roEffed Ed Grlndall. , : the sixth personal foul. An in­ New York Knicka tangle Friday "Black looked good," said the cury service stations in Connecti­ Molumphv lOR .350 SI. Bridzal'a (6> • CLI M i n e At El Reno. Okla\ Bradley Songkltrat, who takes a 6-3-1 ’The wirmer of tonight’s game in i||ip competition last Sunday, In a test I,.4ivan .R6 2i3 ONeiU ...... 134 107 339 recqiTO into the fight, has had two the bid for the large schools title To Maintain Pace Selvy will start in the backcourt, jured player who must be replaced night at the New Havten Arena. skipper.."He ia working on a half cut,, Moriarty Broa. In addition,; Side. I organized 'my own teams. Pollnaky 110 3ie turned back Oklahoma City 69-65. TTiri-i-iJSfijf* match in Winsted. Doris (Aster's Low Man R osa...... J...... Ill 112 341 The Braves, who were runner-up prerious cracks at the 118-pound in the CTACi Tournament qnd suto- collie. Blaze, placed fourth in the along with Captain Bob Harrieon cten be replaced only by the last It will be the final NBA game of speed pitch which may help him Matt heads several commercial en-! I was manager and captain and 95 255 Biswsrt ...... 103 93 300 • REPA II G and Pettit wlH start up front .player who Was put out of the the season in the Elm (Jl^y. considerably.’’ the right fielder. I neve,- lem-ned SullIrSn' ...... 112 109 306 to La Salle in last season’s tour­ clsM title, losing both on split de­ nutUcally ie one of the two high Trailing by se'ven points at half­ graduitte open class with a score terprises in WiUimantic imd Storrs. | Totaia ...... V .. . . / 4M 533 m 1509 McCarthy ..138 107 379 ney, led most of the way and were cisions. Jimmy Carruthers of Schools to represent Connecticut of 194, plus. Sandy, a collie owned with either Cfliuck Cooper, the vet- ggme. , Same Old Stories Monday night at the American L e-1/ until yeara after 1 quit thatXthe Wool Ni4o Tavgra <11 • KECOM N D0DG|ERS time, Tiny's All Stars staged a eran-who formerly played with the Tommy Milton. Bob Bunhgn and In the Milwaukee Bravos and WrancakI ...... 103 97 99 299 Totals ...... paced by Harvey Babetch's \21 turnWl the trick before in the New England Tournament by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatfield, 8. A team shall be limited to six, c . r.:. “' k ' — ~ Home. Matt will be the guest reason.-I could never hit the ball Rf'M ...... 103 90 99 291 601 536 570 1707 / Vero Beach, FIa.,\March 9 (A")— second half comebilck to oyerTOme Boston Ceities', or set-shooter Billy personal fouls per quarter, with Dario Resta have been admitted waa becau.se^ by eyes were bad.V Emaaael Latheraa (6) points.- tiring and Robert Cohen of at Boston. Herm’s Cameras, 48 to 38, last and handled by Miss Custer, placed res- I of honor at the annual Irish Niglrt- Roaa ...... 114 99 90 302 Norm ...... Its 89 1334^ With All-America 'Tom Gola ance won the championship in Only Game Tonight Joe Black, hoping tq return to Calhoun. Touted as a defensive each foul in excess of six per to Automobile Racing’a Hall of p^ctively,twcMv.K there)!,«■. were« ... old, M stories------program of Camptell while working at (Theney’a and M. Maaaaro ...... 90 95 97 292 Anderson 109 101 116 336 night-ln the Businessmen's Basket­ second In the pre-novice competi­ Fame, Milton is the only living A. Maaaaro :«..V4.... 197 .104 119 190 PiUinpt aerviee for all providing the impetus. La Salle Bangkok bout Sept. 9. ^ ’The Htllhouse-Bulkeley game is the Brooklyn Dodgebs’ bullpen tion with a score of 147H out of standout, CaUioun also proved the quarter td be penalized by an ad- •being retold. council, Knights of COlumbus. Ad- attending night school. Matt had^ B'nson 9399 86 368 ball League at the East Side -Rec. Hawks’ best scorer against Nas- member of the trio . . ., The 68th Outfielder Andy Pafko -f the the franchise as distributor of the Johnson . 95 96 96 388 /te our apedally ataffed set an NCAA Tournament scoring The California (bommiseion ex­ the only one on tap in the state-, after a year of exile to Mb^treal of tt possible 154 points. - ■ ditional free throw, with certain mittance will be limited to Kacey otali 547 494 503 1534 Carlson ...... '...... 103 99. 107 309 record of 95 points in a In the second contest, the Teach­ slffs with 21 points, mostly from reservations, In overlime periods, annual New Engl nd AAU box^ Braves and first baseman Joe Col- now defunct Hartford Post and tor repair department. pressed doubt that Songkltrat was wide high school tournament to­ the International League, 'flashed ers gained a foiu* point advantage members and their guests. A me. The Explorers held of championship caliber when Pro­ night after a full schedule of ac­ the outside, (htarlie Share, giant each team will be limited to three ing chaiaplonahips will start. iinte (>f the Yank were figiiting corned beef and cabbage supper Hartford Times in Manchester. "1 \ WOMKN'N LKAOtE Touts 615 476 536 1517 ivious mark of 92, set moter Bennie Ford, applied for per­ te half speed curve in yeste^ay's at intermission and a 54 to 48 vic­ 6-n center, completes the start­ personal fouls. March 21 at the Boaton Garden. off aspirants for their jobs. started several fine fellows off iri \ I>rcl*a <4) tion last night tory. over the winlees Lawyers. will be served at 6:30. Bvrholaki ...... 99 109 311 ye*oW Man . 99 98 98 394 catfish. . ranked flfth. Herm's strong zone defense in the fr ee throw lane. cured employment at Cheney Bros. and Moriarty Bros., nine times out Totaia 433 440 1361 Hastoll , 104 130 113 337 The Giants’ regulars will be split first half as the Cameras, paced by tired a 900. matcdi, easily outclass­ lineup which started in the first performs this trick, he’ll need s . Ckiilins lias a\ whole hatfull of W^le working at the silk plant. While working as a sand bog In It was Windsor Locks’ firs t up when the New 'Yorkers play encounter. Hustling Dick Surhoff U . The areas midway between lot more talent than he has now on - ...... / - Jim Herdic, Herm Wierzbicki and ing Bristol's improved but etlll low each end line and parallel to the rivals at first basite including Eddie Matt went to night school and of ter. never publicized, helped New York t?lly. Matt's younger owaH't wastas (6) Totals *606 "lii $36 1553 defeat in 19 games. Ellsworth has two exhibition games Saturday. 826. and Ksnny G(x>dwln will start at hi.s. Athletic roster . . . Highlights Robinson. Bill’ Skowron and Frank many a team and . number of brother, Maurice, was anxious to D. Cowl 10^ tel 115 sia lost one in 19 games. Snap Server, raced to their seven- end lines are considered the fore­ picked up enough credits fbr col­ Temple (6) Farfell One squad will play the Cleveland Local scoring waa led by sopho­ forward: Grindall will Jump center of the 1954 New York, Giants'’ Leja. Manager Casey Stengel said lege. With his mind set on a career start a .service station business. Bolin 117 m 98- .833 Indians at 'Tucson and another point advantageXat intermission. and magioal Bobby K nij^t and court of a team whose basket is leagues to finish' in the black. The Patton . 1(16 86 277 I.eveli ...... ,...9 3 85 10^ 389 Hartford EUminated But Bgahk Herm's ^ m ed to tire in more Larry Harmon, whose terri­ football season have been filmed he isn’t prepared to afiswer the in­ as an engineer, he applied for ad­ Mali said he would, take a leave Morton , 79 80 339 Krutt...... V . 101 85 100 386 In Class A, Roger Ludlowe, sec­ terill face the Cubs at Mesa. Worthy Patterson Mdll handle IcKatcd therein, the balance of the and are available to cL bs and big part Matt has played in the Heller ...... ;..., 83 S3 83 264 the second half a ^ the victora fic 87 offhand score topped Bob court being considered that team's evitable; "Who's on first?” mission to Pratt, Institute and of tebaence from bite New York Crandall 19 Jig 1(4 336 ond-rated, bowled over Hamord Paul Giel, Don Uddle and Larry Miller’s, thus breaking the tie thbir backcourt duties. Stead j Matt Stroups free of charge The 16 mm. Manager Fred Haney of/ the easily passed the entrance exams. sports picture in Mancha ter can Job to help set up.^Mteurice in Jansen will pitch against the were able to notch their eighth backcourt. If a player -Is in ab­ ToUlt . ^ ^ 4 4 9 8 1488 ToUlt ...... i ...... 2111 252 395 i 5 Public 63-49 to qualify in the eenii- total scores made for first place. Formon, who is at his best when ound film runs 22 minutes and Pittsburgh Pirates is a felio4' who He graduated from Pratt with a never be retold in full. It would business. This .was id 1933. Matt tetati :•) No. MotliodUt N a. I (4) finals against 'Stratford, which Tribe, while Johnny Antonelli, A1 win of the season. Tall Bud Mc­ the going is tougher, depehdable solute control of the ball In his bookings may be made .thr'oufii the take weeks and weeks and still Prrkliit ...... : 126 93 113 330 Cabe was Tiny’s hero with 19 Four Indians were over the 180 learns by experience, so he’s re,- degree in engineering and secured has been at the Stand, 301-315 Copr]Siipd * (17 93 378 YOUTX. FEEL took O osby of Waterbury 57-52 Corwin and Jim ’ Constable go Wally Widholm, D lly Duboee and backcourt and is fouled, this foul Giar,a’ office in Nevir York. •ervlng Judgment on Roberto C3e- every fine gesture could ,iot be Twardy. ... 10 99 811 Richmond . . . . ; ...... 100 106 101 806 points, while Chick Pluoimer and mark; in additiem to Harmon and employment in 1929 with the City Center St. ever since. The 'station •HoIntLtt .a. ,91 93 364 Mrifccr...... 8183 118 '381 last night. against .Chicago. Pinky Hohenthal comprise fie e - calls for two free throws. mente. a 20-year-old rookie out­ traced and ■'repoi ted. Then, too. Brown ...... 06 Russ/'Mathiason managed to out- Miller, captain Tom Flaherty and of New York Subway Division as a has grown from a Uttle shanty to Nockrr .; 92 111 296 93 99 387 . Ludlowe, a Fairfield, team, is The Giants play their exhibition Jon Harrison^ had 181 and I8p re­ siffs' bench strength. Towte^dng 12. A team in control of the ball Jteckie Pung, Honolulu house­ fielder who looks as though he 'can civil engineer. His work consisted Matt’s qivlc assistance to drives ■a $250,000 enterprise which was M. CowlY^K. Anderton 105 86 113 303 opener against Cleveland Friday rebound the losers, who were led must make an attempt to score Low Bcorr rated second and Stratford fifttu spectively. Roger Dougan’s 173 was Burr Carlson and Roy Belliroau wife. has been cast in the favorite’s hit—41 coi.imodity/ the Jiaplees of subway construction in the mid­ and programs, and to organizations erected in 1947, Matt, Maurice, Totaia 607 457 543 1507 In class B quarterfinals, Good­ with" Jim Hearn, Joe Margonefi by Herdic with 15 tallies, mostly the fifth Manroeeter score. will not be available tes their FOrt wdthln 24 seconds after gaining role in the 16th ann-ual W h en 's Pirates could use/ town tupnel. aqd needy families can not be tpld LIKE A from the outsfde. who was mechanically Inclined and ToUlt e,;. 455 484 1417 win Tech, ranked eighth, defeated and Ruben Gomez sharing the Top Sfaootere Aberat Dix quintet'is currently engage Long overdue is tlie small tribute because no publicity or no cotn- Fred Burke were the original Ne. Melhedlet Ne. 2 (4) second-seeded Darien. 63-47, and hurling assignment. Once again it was aggressive The Indians fired without the a service tournament. NBA rule which won’t be enforced starts tomorrow at Au’gust^e on sale at day with Coach Leo Jphns'dn say­ and Jackets, ba eball shirts and H has been amtimated that Matt his college degree. CARTER OK P. B. r. Pts. Roger Dougan — . . . . . 98 80 173 Guarantee of Satisfaetlon! a Krisry, ( ...... 3 3-3 S the Nassiff 'Anns store until 6 HOCKEY .AT A CiLA^f^ , ing “they look pretty good." John­ bonding Shirts, football Jerseys and has put over 850,000 inta sports Bob Cousy Voted O p Pro, 3 Flummer, ( ...... 3 3a 3 i - Bristol 826 o'clock, at which time the Armoi^ , M O D ER N Tneaday’s Result son was pleased with'the team’s Hockey Jerseys than the name of during the past 23 years. (Continued (bmorrow). 0 HeCabr. f ...... 7 8-S 19 Thomaa LaPorte_ 99 82 181 box office ' .will open. Reserved Eaateni League Playoffa < performance In taking 12.of 14 2- Donahur,. c ...... 3 0-1' 4 RADIATOR WORKS 1 Lfary. s ...... i John Robertson ...... 90 87 177 tickets are numbered according to Washiiigtoh 10, Np^v Haven 3 first places last night in a warmup U SE» CAR (W 3 Da'vld Behren'dt...... 84 78 lid 10 HILLIARD ST. (REAR) ' Responds with 40 ’arkers 1 Mathlason, z ...... 3 . 0-1 S U\e seat, row and section. MI-0-06S2 l\\'ashington wins l^t-of-five-ser- meet, against a group of Oklahoma Albert S m a t...... 98 61 159 ics 3-1) / and Texas College stars. . College BasketigiH 9 ToUl* ...... 19 10-17 48 David CSiabot ...... 89 <60 149 — I... r 1 - I r . I ' II J , I . Nifrth End Package Risks , _ ■ • , (18) New York, March 9 (P) — Botq>WlUi four games remaining, 1 Server, f ...... Other Manchester gunners were Cousy of the Boston Celtics is an 3 Herdic, t ...... Alan Ferris. 172; Wflliam Handler, Two Playoff Games NCAA Tourney (First Round) they're U)ree games behind Bos­ 3 Davl., f ...... LaSalle 85; West Virginia 61. appfvciat'lve baaketball player. ^ ton and 'riiree and a half behind B*fer« Corttr'pan R ib OK tepg on a Usod Cor you eon ODORUSS* RJUMTS 3 WIenbIcU. c ...... 171; Steve Pickman, 159; Andrew Win Skein Rec Playoffs Suhie, 149. San Francisco 89, West Texas Named aa the outstanding -pro the New York Knickerbiockers. 1 Gleason, K...... At Waddell School 66 . - _____ ■ ■ 3 Fratus. z ...... player yesterday by ^Nsw Yqrk-i Coming from behind, the Knlcks b« suro Hi* motor IHio o kitton." 0 Gronian. z ...... Undefeatei4 in 16 straight atortse prevloua mcetlnga with Coach Nimi sportswritera, Cousy said "thank TV 'Marquette 90, Miami (Ohio) 79 kept pace with Boston b.y defeat­ The Midget and Junior League YO U BUY A while winning championship honors Pagani’a squad but it was hard- (Overtime). you” laat night the best way he ing Rochester 99-96 in fhe second" l i Totals ...... !...... ' 17 4-13 38 Last Night's Fights BEFORE could — by scoring lots of points. basketball playoffs cohUnue to­ in the Reb'„,Scnlor Basketball prassed in the ecohd game. The Penn State 59, Memphis State game. > « 55. ; ,T»«*h*r« (S4> Miami Beach, Fla. — Miguel night at the Waddell School. Leag'- e, Ndrth Ekid Package meets North Ends, coached by Bob (Jor- The 6-1 Boston backcourt ace Jim Bechtold.- who scored' 22 Fdr a batter llaad Car — Bettar buy a Gaitar OK llaad Car P i' B. r. PU. Diaz. ;46H , Havana, outpointed In the first game, at 6:80, Deci's Canisius 73, Williams 60. . ' scored 60? enough to enable the points, led a Knickerbockel: surge 3 Hyde, f ...... 7 11-18 M C A R Hillnskl’s Sunoco tohfght ip the ,doi). JumpTO tp ’ad 11 to 1 lead in 1 Rsc/, I ...... 3 1-2 7 Freddie (Babe) Herman, 1.44 )4, Will play Nassiff Arms tot the Vilianova 76, Duke 73... ' . Celts to cool off the Philadelphia that oyercame an 87-82 deficit in 0 Cslkini. c ...... 3 0-1 ' 8 Loe Angeles, 10. right to meet Ple- game. Herm's will tiy to finish TOM SHEA AT doubletaeader at White Plains, man, 184)4, Detroit,A.': the Junior League playoff by b a t­ the Y. The early starting time wate during the-regular season, defeat- When Cari (Bobo) Olson, world N.Y. V , The player payroll of the Chi­ 10 Totals ...... 31 13-33 M Holyedte,- ■ Mass.—Tommy (Hur­ ing Fairfield Market. set so lu to allow many of the dd.,Manchecter Woilpaper Monday middleweight champion, was a The defeat Just about crushsd cago White Sox ■will be “well over ; .1, , Lawysrs 19 C 1 Ezzlestdn, f ...... ;.. 4 .. 3-3 10 stopped Roy Thomas, 180, Brook­ Tournament will etart at the Y ■Jockey.'?' Eastern Divlalon playoff berth. Manager Frank Line. RADIO, HEA’TER, C O A C 0 GroeSm, f ...... a tw 6 lyn, 5. The first game at 7 o’clock will G. OLMSTED at the Armory at 8:1L . . Hilinski’a best scorer to date, and POWER GLIDE. ... aOO FORDOMAHC,.^...... 4 -Shea, c 13-14 <^uld Pc Hot One the Package cbmbine will have to 3 MIlikoWskI, z 1 6-9- 7 ' London^—Dai Dower, 111, Wales, find Fairfielit Market playing 4 rWeIr z ...... ,.. 1 (M) 3 outpointed Nazzareno Giannelli.i House and Hale and tha second Tom offon tho foMowing 'usod egn for your 'The tmttle for playoff laurels stop him if it hopea to remain un­ 0 Anderson, z ...... 0 (Ml . 0 111)4, Italy, 15, (for European fly­ game will bring together Herm's inspuKtion: could be hotly-contested as both beaten. Miller tallied 3V points in v R S it i - 'i ...... I8S2 CHEVROLET 4400R iCW MERCURY A-DOOR rivals boastiLsome of. the better the Wallpaper- triumph. North IteToUls ...... 19 10-18 48 weight title). Randy Turpin, and Sals Maple Sendee. The two RADIO. HEATER. ClAOC RADIO, HEA'TER. CYOC 17144, Great Britain, knoclfed out winners will play the Y entries at performetw Uptown, and the scries End’s dependable Norni Burke A REAL VALUE . v... i... ^ ■ W V O U K E N E W )...... your chokt off 572 now dMorator colon Joee Gonzalez, 173)4, Spain. S. a later date. easily could go the full three likely will be assigned the task of CIAC at a Glance 1953 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER games. The Package five won'both guarding Miller. I9 SI CHEVROLET GOHV. m i PONTIAC 4-DOOR ^ ...mixod fo yoor odor Club Sedan. RaiUo, brater, white wall Urea,, power steering,» "V power brakes. This Is a one owner car RADIO. HEATER Cl Ail C Claes. A (L*rge Schools) EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN. $ 2 4 5 excellent condition. Priced right nfi - $1395 NICE BLUE...... G I W O D Now you can hav6 Just the colon, you want fbr every in- * Tuesday's R esu lts (Quarter­ T O M S H E A ta c io r n mat«dung GVoie. Semi-Gloaa end F U t Alkyd En - finals): i ■ ■ , ■ ' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 • ameli. And they’nr odorien during eppUcetion too! (*A Roger Ludlowe 63 Hartford TUBELESS TIRE feint raein odor may be noticed duri^ the fi«*l drying Public 49 BRAKE 19t9 OHEVROLET 1950 DODQE CORONET atage.) Many colon a n also available in exterior-'^xniae Stratford 57 Crosby 52 4-Door Sednn. Badlo, beater, diree- Tonight’s Games (^ml-FInais) Uonal lights, back up lights, -fog 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater,'-antomaUc traBHnUsion. This HEADQUARTERS paint, offering exciting new ponibaitiea for the outside Hillhouse vs Hartford - Bulkeley of your home. -Ughts. A beautiful metallic g jr ^ ear is a beautiful light blue with very low C A O C Evory OK Usod Cor WorroiHod-in-Writiiig for 30 days. GMAC —8 p.m; (New Haven' Arena) SPECIAL flnlabcd. Very low mileage. (Only Game Scheduled) • Emdndes ttslng sad labeiWTHE BEST BRAKE JOB Of TOWN $ 4 9 5 fioaocing ovoBoblo'ctt CHortor's. A Meet ceters else eveHeHi Ie Mehtew Ueis Well feliit d aea B (Medium Schools)’ mileage. IN MANCHESTER A U M yteapply A Qwich drying Tuesday’s R ssu lts (Qusrter- YOUR DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS HERE 1952 n.YM0UTH GAMBBIDRE A Veeer wesheile - i r HIgli hiding finals): . 1950 FORD SALES — SERVICE VULCANIZING new Goo

\ I •'A ’ -P-S*'-'i' ^ ■ r;,-' V-- A"

'1 f J- I ^ ■ 'V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, GDNN*. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, X955 PAGE TWENTY-THRE* llANCHESTER EVENING HERAEIST m a NCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARC^ 9,‘ PAGE TWENTY-TWO • ■{ Rooms Without Board 59 MSusm For Sale Y l Housm For Sale 7Y Suburban For Sal« 75 Lcftl Notice Lpfiral Notice W a n ted — To Buy 58 THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW! By FAGALY aitd SHORTEN^ Help Wanted— Male Building MBttrinis 47 SINGLE R(X)M. Heat, hot water, BftAlfp, NBWs three bedroom AT A COURT OF PROBATK held -AT A COURT OF PRORATE hsid Automobiles for Sale, JARVIS Ho a d , e i - o m oxl, g i* BOLTON—Five rooms and space private entrance. MI. 9-7217 or 288 ronch.''l|Qt water oil beat, boM- additional room. Hot water oU at MsnehMter wlUtIa end (or tm at Manchester within and for lha iM iM a CLEGNilil 'HME 18 SERVICE STATIOFI attendant over p a r t y 840 f u n d pleasS Charter Oak St. . rooms, bresieway attaelihd, ga­ Dlilrlet of Mancheater on ttie 8th dsy District of Manchester on the Ith day IMS FORD tuc*or. in K<1 condi* POINT CLUB AT Framing ...«. - ...... P«r M 899.60 wmr mant fireplace, (ten- heat. Lot 100 x 300. Quick occu­ of March. 1866. of March, 1966. 35-years'<4 age. Retiable.' Good contact',"MI.-8-4062. ^ rage, 2nd floor blahket Insulated PreMM. JOHN J. WALUCTr.-JtatSe. Classified tion. 1S41 Chevrolet tudor. K o a i^ ^ TOlNAItr - sheet rock, and aceoustickl tiled. t^ a l^ t A real buy at pancy. ITlce $11,900. Martelin* Present. JOHN J. WALl ETT, JUdgs. DGGPET Mi FDGNnVGE OLEGIHINI 'H iE tem u in town. DoufIM M 0ort, NtCI SWiNOf working cohi&ona. Salary and FURNISHHX) rooms ter'one or two 116,800. A. R. Viiliao k Co. MI. Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642. B lU te of Ronald Hall Fersuaon, late Estate of Ifelen A. Maloney, late of FEW M i « * 1 men Me u p l l i BOWMI « N o Plyaqord 4 * 8 . . . .per M 8120.00 lawn Landscaped, fenced, axvnlags, of Manchester, In said Omrtcl, de­ MI.3wM42 POIt 9UICK 833 Main. - A VOU'M A NATURAL coihmisaion. Apply in person. 373 WANTED~USED "Modem" peo|de. Shower, bath, hot water 9-4889. Manchester In aald dlslricW deceaaed. OafER #1CVER PROCEEDED TD . Main St. Good beat. Kitchen pririleges. 361 Sum- 818,100. Seen 4 to 7 p.m. oidy. c re e d .. - Uiion- application. of Francis E. Advertisement I * • Western .Sheathing mower grinding machine, NUMEROUS homee for sals in Bol­ The administrators having exMblled Maloney pra.Tlng that an Instrument IMS DODGE Sedan, 'adio. heater, n ee d e d •AW ONE f JLWT GIVE .HIM TME X' \ per M 889.00 condition, reasonable. Call CH. Qtit SL M l.>3-7116 after 8:00 p.m. CHARMINO ajx year oHd coloiiW, ton—Five. room Cspe C M for (heir supplementsl and final account purporting to be the last will and AND im CItNT W ORK-^IASONAiU RATIS nice finish, cleto inside. A real imp is ONE OR TWO TIPS VlfWiiMKm . / 'THE ^ 811,900; five room ranch with at- with sara e«tal» to this Court (or al­ lestamem ot said deceased be admIttM CLASSIFIED ADVT. -TO SON'E M 2-1005. . featuring large living room^ fife^ lowance It Is • . honek to goodness 'niy. al S293. OplF.TMEPRO . TO SUARPEM C N M iM S *** 1 x 13 Drygheathlng per M 8104.00 :hed farage, lot 160 x 800 for to probate as per appllcaUon on (lie. DEPT. HOURS *’»«A u T' TWO ROOMS furnished. Two MARCH HOME VALUES place, attractive dining room, ORDEREDThat the 18th day of It Is No money -down. Douglas M oto^ a s s u r e d V, TOu u p; P.S.- ONlrmtfuT P^:RS0NAL FINANCE CO;"^ cabinet kitchen, diapoaal. two twin K Nice two bedroom colonial MSreh, 1955, at eleven o'clock, forenoon, ORDERED: That the foregoing appli­ M ANCHEm a RUB SHAMPOOINU 00. 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M; 333 Main St, NdM Oak Flooring ...... 8199.00 Rooms Without Board 59 adults. Ml. 9-3884. Available on MtKMrSs for 817,000. Also quite at the Probate office In the Municipal cation be heard and determined at the DUULIBULL jiA curr COMING March 6. bedrooma,' tile bath. Combination Bulldins tn said Manchester, be and probate office in Manchester In said 2M TOUAND TURNfIKI * « v r WiU employ several men as branch Your present neighbors will envy a few teutding lota. T. J. Crockett, CHEVROLET 1M2, four door, UPf NATIONAL BEAUTIFULLY furnished ppacioui you when you move into this ■torm windows ahd screens, lovely the same 1s asslaned (or a- hearins on District, on the Ikth 'day of March. A.D. COPY CI^SING TIME 1 maiqiger trainees. Must- be high fenced in. yard. Cloae to bus line, Broker, offlc^MI. 8-6416. Reai- the allowance 'of said administration 1956, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, and de lu.xe sedan, powergllde, tutohe. BUILDERB^UPPLIES room .with complete light house­ charming Cape Cod at 149 Walker dence, Bolton (jOwter. Ml. 9-7781. account with aald estate and order of that notice be given to all persona In­ "W ol to WoR Crapiito Om’ S ^ M ty ” , - f o r radio and healer, whitewalls, etc. schaoI..^graduate8, college tralQing keeping facilities available. .Will ROOM FOR gentleman at 272 Main school and ahopplng. Quality ma­ distribution, and this Court directs that terest)^ In said estate of (ho pendency CLASSIFIED ADVT. StreetLocated within wplkinff notice of the time and place assigned Low mileage. Privkte. PI. M346. desirable. A ge 32-28. Must haVe rent single or double. Children ac­ St. Parking. MI. 3-4071. (llstance of achoole, transportation terials and workmanship. Elva of said application and the time and MONiTHRUFRI. 381 State Street Tyler, Realtor, MI. 9-4469. VERNON-On beauUM (or said hearing be given to all persons place of hearing' thereon, by pubUshlng car. This poaltion offers a splendid cepted (limited). Central, Reason­ and ahopplng. This alx room home tain. Attractive cuatom known to be Interested therein to ap­ a copy of this order In some newspaper I6:.30,A. M. BEFORE YOU BUY a used car , North Haven, Conm |>LEA8A1^ HEATEP room near able.. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St, (txvo .partially finished upetaira) with large living room. pear and be heard thereon by publish­ having a circulation In said district, at See Gorman Motor Sales. Buick opportxmlty In the consumer Telephone CHeatnut 8-2147' . bus Una. Private entrance. Park 810,900-*SDL room Cape Cod, two ing a copy of this order In some news- least five days before the day df aald SATURDAY 9 A. M. featuree fire^hce, built-in book- ■ room-kitchen combination. Four Sales and Service, 285 Main finance field. Salary, citeallowance, c l e a n ”COMFORABLB roorn for ing. Ml. 3-6914. unfinWied, dormers, open aUlr- P*r having a circulation In aald Dis- hearing, to appear If they see cause caaee, tile bath, aluminum combi­ way, oU heat, recreation room, bedrooms, 2 baths, unusually Ct, at least five daya before the day at said lime and place and be heard Y o r t c COOPKRAT^O^* w a x . street: Ml. M571. Open evenings. inaurance’; Other beneflta''include refined lady or gemiernen. Refer­ of satiLhearlnf. relative Ihereto, and make return to Diamonds— Watches— VERY (XEAN, comforUble bed nation wlndoxva, oil .heat. Qualified bar, nica lot with trees, near bus, large .breezeway 2-car garagt. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. BE APPRECfATEto group life teaurance. Vacation,^br ences required, Cali Ml. 9-6764 room. Reliable gentleman. Quiet veteran can buy with 81,000 doxvn. extensive vlewe. Priced right. CaU thip Court, and by mailing In a regis­ jfeSO CHRYSLER four door, in ex­ Jewelry 48 mornings. school and atorea. Carlton W. tered letter on or before March 9. 1966. cellent condition. White sidewalls, eral savings'Bnd retirement plan home, parking. 288 Oak St. Phone Pricedsat 813,500. Hutchins. MI. »61S3. 9-4694. Wm. McBride. MI. 8-4611.. J. Wat­ AT A COUYtr OF PROBXTR held a copy of said will and of this order lo MI 9-1820. son Beach and Co., Hartford. al Manchester within and (or the Dr. diUurtpe W. Maloney. 18 Vine 8t.. low mileage, fully equipped. Pri- Apply 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re- District of Msnchest.ee. on the 8th day New Britain. Conn.-. Frances E. Ma- Dial MI-3-5121 YOUR HOME' buUt to your plana of March.1, ASDO.1866. ' \' ' . vate party. MI. 3-5098.. aira, adjtuts watches expertly. DOUBLE R(X)M ter working cou- Grasp this >^1 opportunity to ROeXVILIX—Three-family house, Mnej^ Katherine J, Maloney , and 854 PER WEEK—Part time, 8 hra. SLeasonable prices. Open daily. on 8 acre lots, good land, trees, Preeent.It. JOHN J. WALL!WALLETT. Judge^ Maurice A. M alony. all of IJ Winter FOB SALE AT COLUMBIA |de or two^^ntlemen. Also-«lngle buy this rambling'.Cape Coo lo­ 8-6-8 arraitgament. Second floor Eetate of W. ‘ Harry" Ehigla}d.v late of 8t. Manc)^ster, Conn.; Thomas J. 1955'FORD Fairlane club sedan, daily a.m. x r eve., all day Sat. Thursday eveninga. 129 Spruce j high elevation, suburban'. 81(XX> M anchester______... AS' 8295'down. Radio, heater, white* LAKE— l-ake .front cottege, 4 room. $h St. cated off Henry St., F^Manchea- down, complate. Cterlton W. Hutch­ now vacant. $160 per month In­ Iter In said dlalrlct, decesised. Maloney. «7 Rumford Bt.. West Hari- We will hire 6 mechanically - in­ Street. Ml. 9-4367, . ter. Your children wUl attend the Upon application'of The Connecticut tord. Conn.: Dr. Richard H. Maloney, walls, etc. Never registered, um clined men who need extra in­ bedrooms, One «>f Snest loca­ ins. ML 9-6132, 9-4694. come. Fully rented. Can be pur­ Bank and Trust Company (formerly 'JJ.. 70 Dover Road.'Newington. Conn.; der 50 miles. Easy payments. A-TTRACTiyELY furnished room Bowers School and the new 'higb chased completely furnished for The Hartfnrd-Connecdcut Trust Com­ Robert F, Maloney, 12M Oualey CourL Ixwt and Found com e-profit sharing. Apply tions, long water front, nrtealaa for business couple or two, gentle school nearby. This custom built pany) executor, praying (or authority Decatuy. Ga. " Douglas Motors, 333 Main St. Fuel and Feed 49-A GDC ROOM Ctepe Cod, oil heat, only 811,100. Better hurry. Ctell to xell Certain real estate known as Thursday ■ 7 :S0 p.m. Sharp. Per- men. Complete housekeeping fa- home features five larg* rooms , JOHN J. WJ^UK tr . Judge. LOST—Lady's giova, cream color ■onnei Div., Martin-Parry Corp., wrell. Don’t wait. ■ . comtenation windows, amesite wm’. McBride. MI. 8-4816. J. Wat- 114 Hawthorne Street In said Manches­ knitted wool with leather palm. 1947 CHEVROLET Styleinaster, SEUtSONED Hardwood ter stove, cllltiea available. Private en down and two unfinished upatairs, dri've, outside fireplace, (tenven- sOn Beach and Co., Hartford. ter and more particalarly described In AT A . (tell A. R. callon be heard and deierynlned at the of March. 1966.,' LOST—Small billfold with sum of down. Douglas Motors, 333 Main mechanically inclined. Salary 870 or bath upstairs. Such features as: WUkle and Co. MI. 9-4389." Wanted—Real Estate 77 Probate office in Manchester In said Present. J()HN J, WALI.ETT; Judge. money. If found please call MI. Street. CiOH6£ BUCU, BALED HAY. Apply Edw. J. Holl, Raised hearth fireplace, ceranilc District, on the 18th day of March. Estate of Albert E. Behrend a.k.a. to 875. References required. PLEASANT furniihed room. A.D. 1968. at eleven o'clock lii the fore­ a-7369. VMOK MU narrtL. 1009 Main St., Manchester. MI. 106 tile bath, hot xvater oil heat, breeze-' MANCHESTER—Six room Ctepe Albert Emil Behrend. late of Manches- Write Box E, Herald. Birch Street. MI. 9-3684. ARE YOU (XINSIDBIUNa noon. and that notice be given to all tec In said District. d)-ceased. 1M8 FORD club coupe, radio, heat- 3-5118. way and garage make th is's real (ted, in excellent condition. Oil BELLING YOUR PROPERTY T persons Interested In said estate of the The ,e*ecutrtx having exhibited her FOUND—Eyeglasses in plaid case er, five good tires. Excellent con. GOOD HUMOR buy. All of this on a double lot, heat, automatic hot water, all city Wa will appralaa your property pendency of said application and the administration account with said exute on Robert Road, Tuesday. MI. dition. Rewonable. MI. 9-3558. utilities, nice wooded lot. Flill time and place of heating thereon, by to this Court (or allowance, It Is 150’ X 160'. If you are looking ter free and without any obligation. publishing a copy ot this order In some ORDERED: That the iJth day of S-5828. HARDWOOD, any length. MI. STORE Apart ments— Flats— price 811,9(M, approximately $l,9(M newspaper having a circulation In said 1950 CHEVnii^^T tudor de luxe. SALESMEN 3-4666. Henry Weir. more than just another house be Wo atao buy property for caah. March. 1956. at ten o'clock, forenoon. Tenements 63 lure and see this one. cash to approved buyer. Alice Selling or buj^g contact district, at least five daye before the Feobale. Office In the Municipal Low original mileage, excellent Auto Drivinfr School 7-A Business Services Offef f e ^ 13 Courses and Classes' 27 Clampet, Realtor. Mi;' 9-4648. day of said hearing, to appear If they Building In said Manchester, be and condition. Must bell for personal An advance notice of our FOR RENT COMFORTABLE furnished STANLEY BRAY, Realtor see cause at said time and place tod IC" •S™' i* »»!lgn*e date of this order and return make INCOME T a x returns prepared 19S3 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio, cars, standard or autoinatic. nietal Venetian -blinda at a new A P P L E ^ P lck ed and windfalla, 81 can,.be paid o ff at $50 per New Hayen, MACHINIST Ml. 3-6900. 813,500. taxes and insurance. ABOUT TO Sell your pxopqrty? to this court of the notice given; (Ctenttnited from Page 0 «e ) Call Dah Moaler. MI. 9-3329 or heater ai^ gyro. Excellent. 81295 Capable experienced inatnictora. low price. Keys made while you and ’‘lip. McIntosh, Baldwins, JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. OR Bolton —, Several new .ranch Immedlata action assured. A. J. Now iff the time to JA. T-&S. 1952 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan—Radio, Cordner Auto School, MI. 9-8010, wait. Marlow's. month. A.ik Frank Burke or Romes, Greenings and Wagnera. STORE FOR RENT, comer Gris Oatto (te., Realtora. (H . 9-841 homes in choice location. 1 acre Lakefront, seven room split-level. AT A (XIURT OF PROBATE held sow Said Jencka had not actually plan and fill your heater and h^dra. Many ex­ JA. 7-3680. / MI. 3-8116. wold and (tenter Streets, suitable evea. JA. 8-3989. at Mancheeter within and for the INCOME TAX retuma prepared In FORMICA COUNTER tops. Lino­ Mel Redman about a 2nd mort­ Situations Wanted— lots. Garage, recreation room, porch. called the Korean War "unjust and needs. tras...... 51195 EXrERIMENTU. for office, tailor shop, shoemaker DIetrict of Mancheeter on the 8th day Imperlaliatlc.” ■■- Matusow hi^ your home or mine. Call MI. leum, plaatic wall tile. Asphalt, Female 38 Large lot. Aluminum atorma and of March, 1965. Studebaker V-8 Commander gage. or any small business. MI. 9-8193 For Appointment To Inspect CaU WANTED—Four room home, 89000< testified. 9-4928 tor appointment. Garages—Service—Stefagh 10 rubber Vinyl, cork tile. The Tile screens. Price ’821.00<^. 811,500, also 6 or 6 room home, Preeent. JOHN J. WALf-ETT, Judge Hardtop— Radio,' heater and Household Goods 51 or ML 3-7309 after 7:30. Eetate of Thnmae Fergueon. late of "Jencks -waa only mad,” Matu­ Shop. MI. 9-2655. Buckland. CONNECTICUT SHEET METAL FRANCES K. WAGNER 813,000-816,800. Several clients with DAIRY QUEEN No. 2, 807 Mldd overdrive. Sharp...... 81095 CURTAINS Uimdered and ironing MANCHES’hcR Mancheeter. In eald DIetrict, dereaeed. sow said, “because the New Mexico FTtANK'S IS Buymg and selling Realtor aubattotial cash. Carlton W, The a>lmlnietratnre c.t.a. having ex­ Tlirapike West. After/the bho 1950 Studebaker Champion 2-Dr. UNIFYIRMS, curtains and laundry MORTGAGE EXCHANGE done in my home. Ml. 9-4333. TRAINING! S-S Duplex, central location. hibited their mipplemental and final ac­ National Guard had been called up GARAGE ter rent. 93 Foster st g(x>d used furniture and antlquea., Suburban For Rent 66 MI-9-0028 Hutchins. MI. 6-8133, 9-4694. count with aald extate to thie Court for as one o f the flrtt-units in ,the war coMPuri^LiNi or snos stop for a treat. Sedan— Radio, heater and over­ MI. 9-3894. done in my home. Will pick up and Will be open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. MI. Thtee bedrooms. No central heat­ allowance. It le drive. Clean...... 8485 deliver. MI. 9-2593. 27 Lewis Street ing aystem. Two car garage. Price WANTED-Weat Side, Mancheater, after the looses they had suffered 9-6580, 420 Lake St. nCXKVILLE, 24 Grove St.-Pleaa ORDERED: That the l«lh day of before." FERTIUZERS Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Here's a real opportunity to ant light housekeeping room. Oh 810,900. tivo flat or duplex. Residential March, 1955. at eleven o'clock, forenoon, UMEondAGREATVAkl Pergonals^ 1949 Studebaker Land Cruiser Hartford CH-6-8897 Manchester, Main St.—2 family at the Probate office In the Munlclpaj Matusow also testiffed that he 4-Dr.—Radio, heater, overdrive. ■^ilotorcycles—-Bicycles 11 Building— Contracting 14 MOVINCI, like new contemporary learn a well-paid skill . . . bus line. |12 per week. Inquire zone. Write'Box K, Herald.- Building In eald Mancheeter. be and a from South THE NEW MANCHESTER Pet living, bedroom and dinette,furni­ first floor. Apt. 9, flat, oil heat, two car garage, large H Duplex, four room, expand­ the aame le aetinied for a hearing on did not, after all, occt|py a high KRTIUZER SAVERS « LRARROWS Clean...... 8445 earn while you learn. SELLING?— Lilt your property 'clnlty of Hartford BICYCLE REPAIRING, all types, GENERAL Construction, altera­ Center. 996 Malii St., inxritea you ture. T. V. MI. 3-7182. lot, good condition throughout; able. . Excellent condition. Wooded the allowance of aald admtnfetratlon position in the Communist party. 1948 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio, Business Opportunities 32 to visit pets of all kinds, (ten- lot. Centrally located- Steam heat, with this office for pereonalized account with aald eetate and thla Court He had said earlier, “ It is a good MI. 8-8479 after English a specialty.^ Now open 4 tions, remodeling, plaatic tile, THREE R(X)M apartment, heat directe that notice of the lime and heater. Very good...... 8295 p.m. to 9:30 ’p.m." Manchester nectlcut bred Parakeets.' Ml; We are now accepting appli­ hot water, lights. One or two FTiced for quick sale. storm windows and screena. $2,600 service. Alice CHampet, Realtor, thing my memory le bad, or I counter work, garage, etc. No Job EARN MONEY at home with your FINAL CLEARANCE place aaelgnod for eald hearing be SCALECIDE DORMANT S T ^ S 1947 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio, Cycle Shop. 166.West Middle Turn­ too small. Eugene Girardin, 16 6-4273. Hours Monday through adults. Tel. Rockville 5-3107. down. Necessary to assume 4% Office 843 Main St, Manchester. given to an pereone known to be tnter- might have gotten a few thousand own invisable mending bualneas. cations -from qualified Four robma. full basement, oil MI. 9-4643. eeted therein to appear and be heard Rida to ’ Aircraft from heater. Clean...... <8245 pike. MI. 9-2^98. Trotter. St. MI. 9-5509. Friday, 10 to 6:30, Thursday 'til A few 9 X 12 rugs, wool and GI mortgage. / others in trouble." Training, equipment, work con­ 9 p.m., Saturday 9 to 6, S. A H. young men xx.ho wduld like heat, amesite drive. Combination thereon by publlehlng a copy of thie PRUNING SHEARS ami SAWS 11 Street near Vernon, second CHORCHES MOTORS wool mixturea from 849. Large se­ order In eome newepaper having a ciiv Yesterday, he said he really CABINET, MAKING — We also do tacts furnished. Lifetime depres­ Green atampe. to' leant either Precision Wanted To Rent 68 windows and sqreena. Very clean— GOODCHILD REALTY CO. TWO FAMILY, in good ' condition culaUon In eald Dlitrict. at loaat five MI. a-8671. studebaker Sales. Serx-ice sion proof income. Write Box 296, lection of lamps, chairs and furni­ ■ throughout, residential area. Re- knew only about 200 o f the 75,000 TWO BOY S 26" bicycles. Gpod all types of carpentry work, re­ Machining or Experimental 89.800. daya before the day of eald hearing. 80 Oakland St... Mancheater condition. 815 each. 194 Center St. West Hartford. ture for the entire home at sub- WANTED TO Lease, large dairy Realtors ■ ply letter only. D. F. Rawlings, 61 JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. then supposed to be Communists. Glexinia cMd l« 9Miia l«B c to Start ImIoois. modeling, alterations, etc. Good Sheet Metal work . . . be­ Matusow said One of the factors Automobili^ for Sale Open Evenings Until 9 P^'M. workmanship, and reasonable KERRY BLUE Terrier, female. itantlal savings. Stop in and browse farm capable of carrying 40 or New four room homes plus two MI-3-7925 Anytime or MI-9-8468 Jarvis Rd. MI-9-9483 l*,j years old. MI. 3-7875. around. come well-paid workers in more mUkiiv cows. One or two- which caused him to recant was rates. Estimates gladly given. unfinished now under construction. the conviction of Cpl. Claude Bat­ DeCORMIER MOTORS~ Terms at Dank Rates Business Services Offered 13 Cali Dick at PL 2-6695 or John at Help Wanted— Female 35 our plant. family house on or nearby. Robert BRICK CAPE, six rooms (two lui' Bolton CHAMBER’S FURNITURE D. Thorp, Box 11, Merrow, C^pnn. Plaster wsdla, full Insulation, hot L«g:al Notice chelor, Kermit, Tex., who was ML 3-5769. * finiahed) 4 years old. Screened SAYS: “Few can\EQUAL 1958 CHEVROLET Bel-Alr hardtop, RUroiSH and ashes removed. Gen­ RfccEPnONIST-Cashler. 18-23 yr. Livestock—^Vehicles 42 At The Green Tel. Storrs, GA. 9-4330. water, oil heaL fireplace, open found guilty of collaborating with radio, heater, very cleart;, good eral-cleaning of.atUca, cellars and ' ...... breezeway, garage, Ruaco com these fine car and tru^.values NEW X»NSTRUCnON, remodel­ Some' knowledge of typing and staircase, full rough flooring on ' bination windows, 815,900. MI AT A COURT OF PROBATE held League to Offey the enemy while a POW In Korea I tires. Douglas Motors,\ 333 Main yards. Call M and M Rubbish re­ WE BUY COWS, calvea'and beef Hours: 10 to &—T-.30 to 8:30 YOUNG CDUPLE . desire 3 or 4 2nd floo'r, porch. Built by Anaaldi. At MAnchest^r within and for th« let alone BEAT them." \ ' ing aim repairing expertly done. stenography desirable. Salary Lots of Advemtogos 9-4827. District of Manchrutrr on the 7th day Although he did not actively St. moval. Ml. 9-9757. open. F’ive day week. Insurance cattle. Also horses. Plela Bros. room apartment by May l.> Rent participate In the Batchelor trial, Estlmatha gl&dly given. Robert M. SEVERAL 6 cu. ft. Coldspot elec­ Five room ranches. Full base­ of March. 1966. / and hospitalization benefits pro- Tel. MI. 8-7405. approximately $30. (H . 7-0620 any P m e n l. JOHN J. WAI.lIcTT. Judf*. New SBC Choices Matusqw aald he felt he had as- THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL^ 1951 FORD Victoria two-ti je blne- MELODY RADIO-T.V. phono's, Alexaiideik Ml. 9-7716., tric refrigeratora. Good condition. MANCHESTER — Beautiful two- xrided. Apply Preferred Finance • All during the period of In- time. ment, plaster waUa. oU hot water family 5-5, large l6t, copper Estate of Alexander Hiuma. late of slated In the conviction of the sol­ gray, really clean, radio, (eater, night calls. Guaranteed acrvice. Bargain. 836 each. Call MI. 3-7925 tensifled training you will heaL tile bath, modem kitchen. Manchester, In aald Dlftrlrt. deesAaed. 1953 CADILLAC COUPE FOR YOURXremodeliiigV Job or (te., 983 M ^ St., Mancheater. plumbing, garage. Letter Realty, The executor havlni: exhibited hla ad­ dier by contributing to "hatlonal excelient tires. Dduglaa tors. M. 9 -2 ^ . Articles For Sale 45 any time. n-celve attractive . pay—be Bolton, March 9 (Special)—Mni. new work. Cm Wm. Kanehi, Con­ Backus. (Hr6-6863. ministration ■ account with said estate Agnes Kreyaig, secretary ot the hyateria" about (temmunista. DeVILLE 333 Main. SHIRT PRESS operator. Apply in rliglMe for onr miany liberal Busines. Property For Sale 70 Industrial land for sale, near to this Court for allowance. It is C. AND H: HOAR^ formerly Harold tractor and Bttilder, 319 \Center A. WHOLE HOUSE Reaearch/Leogue, aald t^ a y that "I helped sentence a youth to A loaded cream puff. Strictly for person only. New Model Laundry, ROYAL AND Smith-Cterona port­ brneflt plans, railroad tracks. 81000 DOWN, large 3 bedroom ORDERKD> ThaY the l€th day of 1949 CHEVROLET club cou A Son's Rubbish' Removal. Cel­ St. Tel. Ml. 3- ' / OF FURNITURE MANCHESTER - ExceUent 8^ March, 1966, at t/n o’clock, forenoon, the m atin g last night, between, prison whose only crime was being the carriage trade. Tu-tone green. 73 Summit St. able and standard typewritera. ranch, fireplace, 1 acre, high ele blue, excellent condition, 8350., lars. yards and attics'cleaned. MI. FOR ONLY 8500 acre' plot, in Manchester Green at the - Probate ^ f l c e In the Municipal the League and tiie Selectmen re­ young." he told U.8. Dlst. J u d ^ 13,000 actual mUea. STONE, BRICK woVk and concrete.iCiC All makes of . adding machinea a If you are Srcepled for our Cape vation, trees, garage, aulmrban. Building In sald/Manchester. be and the Florence St.„ between 7 and 9: 9-1084. M. 9-4034, ON THE EASIEST TERMS area. AU utiUtie*. Many poaoible New six room complete sulted in an agreement between R, E. Thomaaon. work. Call MI. 9-5ml days. Ea r n m o n e y at home.. No sell­ ■old or rented. Repairs on, aU Machinist Course, you will re­ Cod. Price 814,600. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, .same Is assigned foy a hearing on the 1955 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. 3-5042. Valentino Beln(cci ing.. See our ad under business op- makes, Marlow’a. . IN THE WORLD . ceive IS xx eeks of concentrated uses. Warren E. Howland, Realtor. allowance of aald administration ac- the two groups for the League to 1954 CHEVROLET 2-door, 1953 ANTIQUES Refiniahed. Repatriflg 3 COMPLETE MI. 8-8600, 3-8711. 9-4694. count with saidj estate and ^ this Court portyiftties. general machine training plus •dlrecta that notice of the time . .. and___ provide A liat of persona it feels Animal teeth are used as money • STATION WAGON Buick super sedan, 1954 Packard le on any furniture, liem an. 1954—ElCHT-inch floor model,tilt-^ ROOMS OF BRAND n e w would make good members' for a by many primitive .peoples. v-8 engine. Tu-tone brown. Heat­ 4-door sedan, only 4500 milea. New It South Main St. Phone MI. Roofing— Sidir 16 classroom Instruction on re­ CHARLES LESPERANCE MANCHESTER—Immaculate four place assined for said hearing be ing Arbor circle saw, motor, ad­ FURNITURE room Cape. Nice shaded loL given to all i^rsone knoan to be In­ school building committee. er, defroster, directional lignala. Apr guarantee. Never regiatered, 3- k43. justable rip-fence mitre gauge- lated subjects. For another IS STORE FDR any type business. 216 terested therefh to appear and be FOR Th R BEST in BqodM built Wo m a n to dq general cleaning, Beautiful Weatinghouse Electric Amesite drive, Timken burner. On "W e were given perinission to Only 8495 down and so there you save 81500. 1955 Olda super side extensions. Never used. Sac­ iveeks you will learn bow to Spruce St. MI. 9-2997., MI-9-7620 heard thereon by publishing a cony of up roofs,'■h^le roofs, gutters, one day a week. Call MI 9-5717. Refrigerator. bus line. Full price 810,800. Gas- this order In some newspaper having a provide a liat of names, anyone of are- de luxe hardtop, hydramatic, G O N d^'S t.V. Service, available rifice. MI. 9-0980., ■ulve complicated, machining any time.'. Antenna converaions. conductors and roof repairs Blond Bedroom Suite. problems. toif’TtekUy (te. Office 163 School circulation- In aald District, at least five which w ^ld be a desirable mem-, radio, heater, tutone. , Leas. than. HOUSEWIVES. Let ua. help you Handsome Living Room Suite. day/l before the day of Xald hearing, bet; fo^/A achool building commits 200 miles. Brunner's' Packard, Philco metory aupervlaed aerxrice. CoughUn, MI. 37TO7. FLAT*FIELDSTONE tor retaining Houses For Sale 72 St. Ml. 9:8851, MI. 9-5731. andf by mailing In a rejrtstered letter on 1951 MERCURY CLUB with your bills. Display costume Heat-proof Dinette Set. o If yon qualify ter the Ex­ CH8TOM BUILT six year old tee tod by selection It enables the Tel. Ml. 9-1486. , walls, fireplace wood delivered. ranch featuring apacioua living *"'orebefore l|archInarch 8. 1 ^ . a.copy of this COUPE Rockville Road, TalcottviUe Open RAY’S ROOFING CO.^Shlngle an jewelry on the Home Party. Plan. Beautiful “ De Luxe" Range. SPLJT LEVEL, 6 large rooms, full M er to Eva Crawford.\73 Pearl Street, Selectmen to have a crooa aection Wed.; Thura. HI19. T^l. Ml. 8-5191. 815 a cord. Call Willimantic AC. perimental Sheet Metal MANCHESTER —Three bedroom room-dining area, atep-aaving Color: Beautiful maroon. .New built up. roofs, gutter and „ con^ Earn 825-150 and up on weekly Instead of Weatinghouse Electric Course, you will reeeix'e both - Ctepe Cod, fireplace, large kitchen, cellar, garage, 100’ lot, high lancheiter. Conn. \ HpreachtAtitMi. We Are trying-to commission, (tempany does all 8-9323. . kitchen with dishwasher and dis­ JOHN J. Wa Kl ETT. Judge. white wall tire*. A real sharp fine 1964 OLDS Super 88 4 door sedan, BUSS SEl tank service; Clean- ductor work, roof, chimney' re­ Refrigerator. If you prefer Rugs. classroom and shop training eanltary molding, paneling, excel-* elev a^ n , trees, near bus, sulnm 'be helpful tod have no desire to running car. Only 8295 dowm. Ing and re] a. MI. 9-2350. pairs. Ray Hagenow. MI. 9-2214, pllecting and deliveries ter you. Lamps. Tables, Linoleum and a posal, threa bedrooms and two ban. bnly 815,000. Cterlton- W LIMITATION DEDES ^ try and tell the Selectmen who hydramatic, radio, heater, U. S. WOOLEN REMNANTS and. rug ter a full 3-5 weeks. lent c(mdition. Amesite drive, ga- full tmtha. Located in Manchester 'A l-.. ___ Ray Jackson. MI. 3-8325. deposit on aamplea. Pays im- few other sKIclea. roge, nice location. $12,900. Chil­ Hutchini..MI. 9-S132, 9-4694. / AT A. (XIURT OF PROlATIikrid should be on any committee. Upon Royal Master W.W. tires, only HAND AND poxker lawn mowers 'iately by check. C^all collect ■trips 'for braiding and hooking. on approximately three acres ot at M anch.st.r within and, f(jr th« 19-55 CHEVROLET 2-DR. Jen\ Rug Shop,-''85 Talcott Ave., EVERYTHING o Cpon graduation, you will go ton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, 9-4694 request they granted ua the per- 13,000 miles. Just like new. Save sharpened and ^ p a ire d . Work ROOFING, Siding and carpentry. 1625 for persohar Interview. land this home offers privacy for Dixtrlct o t Maneh«.tvr on the 7th day IDE LUXE SEDAN tl.OOO. Guarantee^^ Brunner’s Rockxdlie, (tenn. Phone 6-5706. O N LY 8500 Into onr plant ns a skllied of March, 1966. \ mlaaion luid we wil] make qur tog - guaranteed. Call Vor and deliver. Alterations and adtiitions. Ceil­ CLOSE TO Parkway, JUat a few outdoor living. For appointment Prexent, JOHN J. WALLETT: Judge- Color; Tii-tone grev. V-8 engine, .Packard, Rockville'Road, Talcbtt- ANY DY can earn 815, $25 week. Free storage until xi^anted. Free w.orker at pM excellent rate of Lots Mr Sale 73 gestions," stated Mrs. Kreysig. Ideal Grinding Strop, 3?3, Adama ings. Workmanship guaranteed. dqli,xreiy. FYee aet up by our own re­ minutes from Manchestei, (tenter. please contact EHva Tyler, Real­ Extate of (Thariri W. FrOxh.\late o f First Selectman Charles Rob­ power glide, heater, directional aig- ville. ♦ . A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn ly, pa: Shw Maisonette's p*y tor. MI. 9-4469. . - Mancheater tn laid DtriribL ilrcw ed. St. CaU MI. 9-3120 ^ 3-897k. Boats and Accessories 46 liable-men. Five room ranch, high oh a hill, On motion of A^ra )U. Froh o f xald bins told the meeting he would nali, tinted glaas. white wall tires. Street. MI. 3-4860. erie. (Bonus Dresses), A ZONE,IE, lot 80 184, on good Only one left in stock. Only 8495 SPEaAL TODAY. 1951 Buick No Payments To Banks ‘ with ptmoramic view. Fireplace, 39 STEPHENS ST. Cteatom buUt street,. 81.800. MkdellM Smith, Mancheater: ezeomrlxi like to wait a while before dia- FURNITURE Repaik Service: O. Box' )1, Hartfon full ceUar, attached garage. Bus ORDERED: That aix montha from down. / super aedah, radio, heater. Dyne- Barstow Says: x ' No Finance CompanFes four bedroom,brick colonial, two- Realtor.or. Ml. 9-1642\/ the 7th day of March. 1966. be and the teharging the present School Build­ Ctemplete repmring, refinishing, Roofing And Chimneys 16-A Interview Requirementi line and school convenient.' Elva flo drive. FYiIl price. 8786. Only , reatorinjg on all types of furniture. WANTED r^ a terp d mirae ter MONTHLY PA-YMENTS car heated and fireproofed ge- aame are Umitod and allowed (or the ing Committee. He said he wants IT’S THE TRUTH !’^ t Tyler, Realtor, MI. 9-4469. ereditora within which - to bring tn 1951 NASH RAMBLER ' t85 cash or trade. Brunner's Pack- Zigmund Gozdz,’ Prop. Formerly girl’s camp. 31-August . 27. 816.79 rage. den, aewlng room, two fire­ BOLTON—1!)0 acr«8', la n e frontage to wait and tee how the people ard, Rockville Road, TalcottviUe. ROOFIN(>-^SpecialiBing in repair­ oh Route 6 — 12 UMm house, their clalm i agalnat aald eetate. and feel. To which Selectman Patnode HAfW^TOP COUNTRY CLUB of Watkins Bros. Tel. ML,S-7449. ing roqfa ot all kinda. Also new Y M C A Cahte Wood»tock. Call b o a t s -;Bo a t s -b;o a t s Phone Me Immediately • Graduation from high school places, gumwootf trim throughout, eald executrix I. directed to give public Opkn Wed.-Thura. ‘til 9. MANCHESTER 'brook, 823,000. Warren\E. How­ notice to the creditors to bring tn their replied, "The people expressed l/iaded and it’s so nice We have roofa. Gutter work. Chimneys Hartford. (H . 6V2496 for appoint­ HARTFORD CH-7-0358 or rqnlvnleni. .ceramic tile bath (uid lavatory. FTIRNITURE Retlnlabing Antique ment. V See the new 16’ Lawrence ply- After 7 P. M.-:7CH-«-«005 Walk-in linen ahd cedar closets. land, Realtor,/'MI. S-8600. MI. olxima within aAld Um* allowed by pub- themselves st the polls." It/on the showroom floor. Only 1949 CHEVROLET f^ r door. 1948 cleaned, repaired, 26 years’ ex­ North Main Street-:-« room Cape 8-3711. lixhing a copy of - (hi* order In eome furniture a specialty, chairsra c ^ e d craft. Fiberglaas covered mahog­ See It Day or Night • Mathematics through . Trigo- Convenient to bus .tod schl. 7 newtoapei' haring a clfculatlan In eald No action -haa beto taken on the ^^95 down. Packard four door, 6 cylinder, perience.- Free eatimatea. Ctell nometry. Cod. 2 unfinished. Attache<^arage. and rushed; Anson F.- Ttiorp. "tewley. Mancheater MI, 3-5361 STENOGRAPHip HELP any decks, mahogany, aeats, back If you have no means of trans Owner moving out of state. For rebate dlitrict within ten daye (mm discharging of the School Building 8198. Gpod solid car. 1949 Hudson, Phoric MI. 9-5733. 8le dato of thi. order and returnreturr make Ctemmittee or appointing a new JEEP and TRUCK SPECIALS rest, floor racks, bronze handles, portation I ’ll send my auto for you. On bus line. Asking $12,700. ' appointment to inspect call A. R. to thla court o f the notice given very clean, 8398. 1946 Ford tudor, PART TIJ R eaf Herald Ad^ group. • 1954 FORD iVTON PANEL 8189. 1949 Pontiac 2 door, clean. cleats and chocks. O nly 8298.50. No obligation. WlUcie A Co. M l, 9-4389. JOHN J. Wa l lETT.: Judge, Heating;—Plumbing 17 1.' A—L—B—E—R—T—’—S./ Please App|y at the Woodb|ridge - Street — 6 room. Just like new. 1950 Packard, new paint, overhaul. PIANO TUNING and repairing. "Must 14’ moulded Yellow Jacket. Smooth, 1947 Buick aedan, very clean, 8598. Hours 5 to 9 :30 P. 43-45 AUyn St.. Hartford TMch. Screened porch, attached MI. 9-4417 or Rockx'iila 5-2231./. OX FURNACES and a/arm be able to hanclle both' hort- neat and f a s t .- 8399. Employment Office SUPER MARKET SAVINGS 1952 CHEVROLET 1 TON 1951 Studebaker sedan, 8595 over­ heating. Earl Van Camp. Ml. SIMMONS Hide-a-bed. rose mohair. garage, many extras. Excellent drive. 1950 Chevrolet 2-doof, over? FOR PROMPT, EXPERT hand and dictaphone uip- Between 8 A. M. and 4 P. M- PLATFORM STAKE TRUCK Penn-Yan Boata. Any model. 14’ Imperial comer knick-knack rack, condition. High mortgage avail­ -'jr- hauled. 1953 Packard 4-door sedan, SERVICE ON ment. Apply in person Commarider, double planked, back One owner truck. Clean as new. ■iX tiers, severel. lampsT MI able—815,900. i $ $ SAVE MONEY $ $ BUY DIRECT Sax'e a fortune on this fine tniclc one owner, very clean. Guaran­ NORGE. BENDIX, CKOSLEY rests. Hahdle up to 25 H.P.—8409. 3-5825. Only 8295 dowp. teed. Bhinner's Packard.' Rock- .WA'SHERS—DRYERS iliinery—Dressmaking 19 SPENCER RUBBER vUle Road, TalcottviUe. Phone MI. Call 16’ Thompson Fisherman, Lap- FURNITURE—We are. buying and PRAH A WHITNEY . Barry Road—6 room ranch. T R IP L E 1953 WILLYS 4-WHEEL 3-5191, Open Wed.-Thura. evenings WALLY’S APPLIANCE ALTERA’nONS of all kinda, auita, PRODUCTS CO. .Strake. You know the quality.— selling good used furniture. Jones Screened porch, attached garage, 'til 9.' . skirta, dresses, costa, etc, MI k445. ■ ■ ^ Furniture, 36 Oak St. MI. 9-1041 ...... DRIVE JEEP SERVICE 9-6636. AIRGRAFT large basement recreation room. -'At." . ■ I - • ^ INSERT Clean as new. Very few miles. • East Hartford BU-9-3740 CLERK-TYPIST Nkw 18’ Thompson Off-Shore KMEEHOLE DESK, mahogany IMxIalon of United Aircraft O n ly 83.900'caah required to aa- Ba'x-e 81,000. Fisherman will be on display vrith leather top. 17 Orandxriew Auto Accessories—^Tires 6 H A I RADfo-’IV^ERVICE, Mem- Moving—Trucking Corporation iume 4% mortgage; Woman to work on payroll M a r^ 24th. Get your order in for St., Manchester. , ^ 8 WILLYS 4-WHEEL BATTERIES 50% off. Square ber ot Telsa. Tel. MI. 9^6665. Gary Storage 20 the ^ g e a t boat and boat xralue RLUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS Aatomatio traasmlerioa. Iamona(;o.' and personnel records. Experi­ East Hartford, Conn.'--^- DRIVE JEEP type aa low as 84.95 ex., long type ever. 18’ X 7’ X 3’. 6’’.—$?45, GAS STOVE—apartment size, very WARREN E. HOWLAND * Om ewaer. •eopeeoesaaoee $995 87.93. Written guarantee. ( ^ e AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CX>„ ence wlthjtsyroll or coat calcu­ good cotidiben. Four burners, A fine Jeep. We serxiced this unit. i^-ALL TRAYS TV 10 WINDOWS FOR ONLY • P*uU price 8595. Motors. MI. 9-0980. - local and long distance moving, lations desirable. Fyee hoa- EVINRUDE MOTORS oven, brbiler. MI. 9-8445. Realtor o 8S8T8 Extruded For^uick, Honest, Reliable packing, storage, (tell Ml. 8-9187. AtamlanM 1 9 5 2 1 9 5 3 Hartford CH. 7-1423. pttalizatlon and group insur­ TERMS—TRADES 30 GALLON Phrmaglaos gas hot MI-3-860a-TMl-3-5711 1950 FORD See You Soon At % ^ NEED TIRES? „ Service ance. Apply e Self Storing water heater Practically new: FORD DeCORMIER MOTOR Firestone. Good.vear, Goodrich, Call MI-9-5550 - MANCHESTER Package Delivery. BARSTOW’S Reasonable. Ctell MI. 9-2334. SEPTIC TANKS MANCHESTER e Sure Locks D d S O T O CONVERTIBLE Pennsylvania, and U. S. No down If No Answer Or Evenings Light trucking and package deliv­ ALDON SPINNING Just North of- Post Office e Ptowler Proof SALES, Inc. . AND 2 .D O O R 4 4 > O O R payment, 20 months to pay. MT-9-7609 ery. Refrigeratora, washers and Established 1922 . The West Side. Qjne block e Save up to iVeiy sharp. New top .' All good /24 Maple Street-M anchester -Stove moving apecialty. Folding MILLS CORP. EASY WASHING machine, 810. COLE m o t o r s BILL TRAYGIS Phone MI-9-7234 ' MI. 9-7937 after 5 p.m. W iR Center Street. Six room - 1/6 Fuel Coet Hardtop. good robber. Feidooiatic. A Dual FYanchised Dealer -1. chairs for rent. MI. 9-0762. PLUGGED SEWERS Badlo sad SERVICENTER Talcottville, Conn, FOR SALE—Men's rebuilt and ie< Cape Cod with garage. and o Fingertip Coatrol FOR A GOOD DEAL ABC SERVICE CO. Factory au­ or .call Manchester MI-3-S128 USED FTUGIDAIRE washer, in amesite drive, storm windows, e Fully Ouaraateed mu«o tod 5 , 2 9 5 $595 beater. $1395 436 Center St.— Ml-9-0980 thorized aervicing ter all Hot-' lasted shoes. 'Fine shape. Priced MAOHINE CLEANED H Painting—Papering 21 - reasonably. Sam Yulyea, 15 Maple good working condition. Very low fireplace,' nice' 'lot. Sensibly point appliances. All wringer price. Kemp’s, Inc. For Aay Mae op to M* * J0>'^ e Made to Last •nd Af GOOD DEAL MORE Street. Opp. First National park Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewer a Ltfettme Auto Repairing— Painting 7 washers, Blarkstone, ABCtematic, PAINTING—Exterior and^ interior, RESP6NSIBLE woman to care for priced at $14,200.* , Frame Site. ,10W A DAT inr- Lines Installed — UMlar Water- 1952 FORD FORDOMATIC Maytag automatira; Kitchen Ai(l paperhanging, ceilings retUtlahed. children whUe mother works. MI, Prooflag Done. * iBctaUatiaa Optional/ A 8 ’'VL/ 1951 MERCURY See McCLURE 9-2335. WHITE GAS stove, good condition, Badlo and lieators eeeeeeee CAR BURN OIL? diahxx’ashers. Work guaranteed, 21 wallpaper booka.on request. Eati* 1 HAVE some beautiful school ■v! V- S1145 Maple. MI. 9-1575. mates given. Fully insured. Call 840. Phone MI. 9-1069. T.J. CROCKETT New and Used Cars MANAGER Opening ter mature desks and chairs ter children, McKlKNEY IRpS. ALUMINlTM->IN8TALLATION OPTIONAL Economy overhaul, most all Edward R. Price. MI. 9-1003. -apecial. Three dollars for desk and Broker STATION WARON (XJMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart woman who intend making a ROPER GAS atove, excellent con- SEWERAGE D lS P O si^ CO. COMIINATION DOOR 1953 MERCURY 4-DOOR cars: Parts and labor $49.95. R , Wolcott on wringer and auto­ NOW IS THE time to have your career of her work. Background chair lifSgood Condition. Kinder-, dition, 5 years old. Best offer. Ml. garten chalra, one All Drive, one IS*-lSt Pearl St., Tel. MI-S-U08 Office: MI-3-5416" o Ctemplete with latch, doer cloeer, "eafety * 3 8 - * * Merooniattc, nullo and heater. White arall Mereematle. Radle McCLURE PONTIAC. Inc. No money down, $4.90 month­ matic washing machinea. electric ' job done before the rush, n e e of outside sales experience essen­ 9-9238. BEO. d9J0 tial. Local, (ter ' and telephone small safe, one ditto machine. See tlree. Very low mUeage...... $1695 beater...... eeee******* $995 3T3 Mate^ St.-, Mancheater , ly. All work guaranteed. ranges, vacuum cleanera', motors, eatimatea. Paper book available. Residence: MI-9-7751 ■maU appUaheea. Welding. 180 Also taking orders ter outside neceaaary. Starting salary open. them at 61 Greenfield St., Hart- Tel. MI-9-4545—Open Eve. Until 10 Main Street. MI. 9-6678. ^nting.' MI. 9-1614. Raymond Write gixring age and experience ' ford. Musical Instruments 53 . RUY'TODAYI . MOTOR SALE SEVJEK MILES out — Five room '.I. •Ton aid Bot obligated to bay a 10 wisidow deal—yim caa bay L O O K T O D A Y Ford, cniexrrolet, etc...... $lM.t5 Trudeau. to St. B, :Chamberlin, Box . U, EASTER SEWING SpeciaU! Oill- ranch, oil, hoe water heat. Three NOTE 1941-40 OLDER Chexrrolcta, Fords MANCHESTER — T.V. Seritici, MUSIC Instrumental rental. Com­ ) few (NT aa many as yoa like. AU Can Bold With A Written Oaataateei . Pontlaq, pldsmobile, etc .$1748S Herald. dren'a all wool aklrt pieces. 81 LA. ibedrooma, all utilities. Assume other good transportation. Good radio mhd.T.V. apeciaiista since PAINTINO' AND Papeihanglng, plete line of inatrumenta. Rental No'’ Money Down, 82.00 Weekly 8,1.73; coat lengUui.-^-83.60 - 88.93. 1H% state mortgage. 26 years, FREE, HOM E credit enables us to accept. 33 1934. Oiarter member of Telsa. quality work, reasonaDle prices NEED MONEY to boUter the bud applied to purchase price. R »re- New Motor Guarantee. Ladies' skirt piee'es 82i96 • 84.00; 867.30 monthly includes taxea and down. Douglas.Motor*. 533 Main MI. 9-6660 or MI. 3-4607. j and prompt aerxrice. Free eati- get? 4 or 5 hours a day will bring sentihg Olds, Selmer, Bach Ped-- CONVERSE, ^PEN DAILY ■t. ■ coat lengths 86.00 - .$1.95, (telonial Interest, after down payment. DEMONSTRATION COLE MOTORS ’ matea. Fully insured. Call Bert you a good Income. Call AD. ler and Bundy. Metter’s Musiq^ Price 812.60iO. Phone . Barbara GETT YOUR orders in early for Plante. Ml. 9-6969. 3-1944. Remnant Shoppe, lio Center St. ' Studio, i n McKee. ML i-TtOO. i960 NASH Ambassador, Good con­ 436 Center Street roto-tiiling « f gardens and lawna, JK. Woods Agency. MI. 9-7702: 9 A.M . NT9 P.M. i / MOMARn BROTHERS N O D O W N ’ dition throughout. Radio, heater, MI-9-0980 also laying of atone walls and re­ PAINTINCj', deepraUng and floior WOMAN TO DO general house- TWO PIPELESS hot air fumacea, ALASKAN *Oa The Level At Ocater aad Bread” THRBE-FAMIL'y, excellent condi­ hydramatic. 4 new tires. Inquire conditioning of lawns. Arthur Gay. sanding. New 1999 - -wallpaper woi'k, once or twice a week. MI. one 50’’ porcelaih sink xvlth set GOOD UPRIGHT piano — priced SATURDAY tub. All |ood cmdititm. ML 9-0864. tion, 6 large rooms each floor. P A Y M E N T 100 Porter Street after • p.m, Sale MI. ,9^278. ' books. Frea estimates, (tell GU- 8-7709. very low. Kemp’s, Inc. PAINTING AND Oil steam heat, copper plumbing. ALUMINUM PRODUCTS CO. 30M 15 CENTER STREET M I -3 .5 1 3 S price 8430. Auto Driving School 7-A bert Fi(ikett after 9 p.m. MI. CHICKEN COOPi 6 X 10, in good ' OentraUy located, very attractive 9A.M;to4P.M. DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, 3-6982. ' PAPER NANGINO 45 WkST C E N m ST.. MANCHESTER-TEL Ml<9-I92t I9 U IR E D 1949 CHEVROLET d « U5c« sedan. DRIVING Inatructiona from your copied, vacuum cleanera, irons, Help Wantedr-Maie 36 condition. 61 Strickland St., aide Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 income. OouM be zoned for butt- Radio and heaUir,'oxcallcnt con­ home. Dual-Control insured car, guns-, etc., repaired. Shears, INTERIOR AND exterior painting dr. TELEPHONE ne(is. Gaston Realty Co. 0 » lc e 166 dition, Had three, only one left. .standard or automatic,. CaU Man. knivea, mowera, etc., put into con- and wallpapering done ai reaaon PniK AND whits hand crochet bed School St. W . S W l , MI. 9-8731. Better come and get it at 8499. chestar Driving Acadcmjr. . PL 'ditioa ter coming needa. BbaiUi^l able prices. MI. 8-1369 after PART TIME man -to sell combina- ket, slqo -fur Jacket, size 36. Ml.9.3264 t j Ootigtag Kotor*, m Mala 8t. $-72491 ToU free. waite, 9$ Pearl atr*oL p.m. tioD wladkmrs. ML 9-9938. Head Herald Advf. V (


.... .1 \ :' ■' / ■ -,\- V • . V

* . w . . , J • ^ • I ■■ fAGE TWENTY-FOU? WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1955 A rm c* Daily Nat Prws Rub f-. iianrlffBtfr lEwning l|?raUi Hie Weather \ ' -Tar tk* Waak mUad FoTMoat of U. 8. IVeotker Bowaa Mordi *, 1*88 y Members > of Mary Bushnell r * . II I*a t Eleanor BeraaU* and O lga The Past Mistress Oub of PMOy oioasy. mild tealfkt. Urn Havey ’head the cbmmittM for a Daughters of Liberty No. 17 will Cheney Auxiliary have been In­ Wins Top Honor Society to Hear AboulTown desaert bridge to be heM at the meet at the home of Mrs. Martha vited to attend the Joint Inetalla- < . -• 11,631 8S*88,. PHday portly doady, oao- Manchester Country March Bell, 17 Rosemary PI., tomorrow tibn of the DAV and Auxiliary, ll^kw *( Ote A««t tIaiMd mild, Ught ahowera ta at- Saturday at 8 p.'m. at th e' Pott Talk on Mti^sions Members o f KlnK Devid Lodge 23 at 8 p.m. A fashion/ahowlng of evening at 8 o’clock. o f CSrMfktaMi torHooa. HIgk naor 8*. No. 81. lOOF, wiU meet at the sport dresses fromi^lbuquerque, Home, Manchester Green. V Manche$Ur-^A City of Village Charm Members of thp'' Emanuel Lu­ WatUna Funeral Home, tomorrow N.M.. will be the highlight of the The Manchester 0iild Study theran Ladies Al^ Society are re­ jUgtit a t 7:80 to conduct a memp- evening. R eserva^ns may be made Group met yesterday at the Buck- W BA meii^bers will have a pot- nal aervice In 'memory of Albert by contacting Mrs. Ray Warren. ley School, and viewed a film tuck supper preceding their.meet­ minded of the nieeting tomorrow (ClaaaifM Advortimig on Poga 18) in Luther Hall At 2 p.m. VOL.LXXIV,NO.m (EIG ^BN PAG&S) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 195S PRICE FIVE CENTS B. Foy, a member of 'the lodge. 109 Princeton shown by William O'Neill, assis­ l y in cild Fellows Hall Tuesday - / tant in health education of the at 6:30 p.m. A "white elepihanf’ 'Mrs.. Carl E. Olson will give a A daughter was bom on March SUte Board of Healthr'enUtled, aucUon will follow the business talk on "Misalohs.'' A membbr The Miapah Group of the .South of the Women's Missionary siocie- / MeUiodlat CSiurch wUl hold Its 7, at-the ^ t. Francis Hospital in “Human Beginhlngb.” He also led session. Members are urged to re­ Hartford' to Mr. and Mrs. John a discussion on sex education. serve the date. ty, Mrs. Hugo Pearson, will lead regular meeting at the home of the devotions. e Sails A ckernm . 19 Nathan Rd. Plana werS’ completed for the field rey Mra. Charlea SittaU, 3«3 Keeney Hos^'eMea will be Mrs. Fred Aik your n«lgh> St, tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. trip to th(< llTale Child Study Cen­ Miss Florence M. Schlidge, ifiS ter in New Haven Thursday, Lavey, chairman, Mrs.. Fred Lev­ b o n about th» now A son was bom yesterday at Pine S t, attended one of the itt,- Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. March 24. For Spain John Polaon, 24 Arch St„ was the St. Francis Hospital in Hart-. famous “Yankee Winter Week­ R6y Olson and Mrs. John X. Olson. low rpla for G al Houm admitted td the St. Francis Hos­ fOrd to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. ends" March 4-6, sponsored by Old Democrats on Tax Heating. Now everyono pital in Hartford yesterday with a Schwarts of Washington Sti, Hart­ Ih e Queen o f Peace Mothers Sturbridge Village and the Public _ - J, Noken foot incurred as the result ford. Mrs. Schwarts, the former Circle will n)eet at the home of House, Sturbridge, Mass. , ' can afford the belt automatic Envoy Post of an accident, while at work at Betty Ann Walsh, at one time Mrs. Wlltiam Manning, 100 Bret- Driver Arrested heating lervice with Go* . . . the Whitlock Coil Co. in Elmwood. resided on E. Center St, ton Rd., tonight at 8 o'clock. Sanol J. Solomon, local accoun* Compromise Plan New York, March 10 (/P)— tant, will talk on “Income Taxes” \ On Road Count THi MATCHltSS ¥Utl / at the meeting of the Kiwanis John D. Lodge) new ambas­ \' sador to Spain, said today he ------7— - Club tomorrow noon at 12:18 at Maribn G. Spear, ^81, of West Washington, March 10 (/P)4tba praaant upward acwiomlc trand KV . the Country Club. is convinced ' that America’s Hartford, waa arrestail and AUTOMATIC, low COST ^ — Sen. Byrd (D-Va) called and -baad the country back toward SCORCH RESISTANT charged ^^th reckless driving fol­ economic "gloom .and doom." common* interest with Spain The Golden AgeTCIflb will meet ■ Herald Photo. ■ lowing a rm r end colliaion yester­ on the S ^ t e to hold fast However, MarrlnSr 8. KeClea, Jaiiet Hliltncy in ' resisting communism is ----- V— tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Orange Hall. day afternoon on E. Middle Tpke. against an income tax cut to­ former federal raierva board chair­ /N ^as House Heating man, teatified before the Senate “infinitely more important . _____ / Games will be played and a social just east-of ranceUm St., accord­ day, declaring **wc can’t re­ In the Spring'*, Young Man^s Fancy Liunb Mias Janet WJiltney, daughter of Banking Committee that an Income than any matters on which time will follow with refreshments ing ■ to police. \ AsA your Noerting Cenfraefar or Hartford Get* Com ^ity duce taxes by deficit solYcnt.” ALL COLORFAST served by Mrs. Della Malone and Mr, and Mrs.* Alfred Whitney, 32, Investigating ^fatrolman New­ U x cut along linea of. the 820 a per- we may disagree.” rssM suss '■ ' / her committee. Alexander St., waa awarded the ton Taggart said the two vehiclea ing and remain solYent.” son reducUon voted by the House Lodge aeiled with hi* wife and WEU Assured prise for thj oratorical contest involved were a cat operated by Byrd, chairman of the Senate but tuVned down by the Senate, la two children, Lily, 24,' and ______which is being sponsored, by the the driver he arrested, and a truck aound. Beatrice, 16, to take. up hia new Russell M. Smith, 118 Green­ Methodist Church through' its Finance Committee, opened Called ‘Intelligent Step’ ^ / STAIN RESISTANT driven by Bernard C. Guimont, 24, poet. SiUCONE IRONING BOARD COVBt wood Dr., left early this morning World Peace Commlsaton. of Glaatonbury. TaggaH said the the floor debate on the 195S Ecclea aaid it la "an IRtalligant by plane for Oolutnbia, Mo., after He expects to arrive at Alge- Miss Whitney was awarded the- truck stopped and the car wa?. tax law with a plea that his atep" deaigned td help abaorb “ the receiving news of the death of his ciraa, Spain, on March 16. On Bonn Arms / prize at a recent contest at South unable to do so without hItUng the committee be upheld in its re-, adrplua goods and labor." ~~ The liner Conatitution, on which -■-y_____:____ brother, George Bmith, which oc­ Church held for members of the rear of the truck. Sen. Knowland (R-CaUf.) aald curred last night in an suitomoblle jection of- the |20 for ereryr the envoy departed, la making a HEAT REFLECTING MYF. The winner in each local *He estimated damage- to the car after a confarence with Secretary accident. The youngest of a family special call at thia port in order Washington, March 10 (^K(—President Eisenhower told church group will compete for a at about 8350 While that to . the ANOTHER SHIPMENT! body tax cut voted by the Humphrey -the admlnlatraUon will to permit him to- debark , directly of five girls and three boys, he prize In the Norwich District of truck was negligible. None wVe House. oppoae vigorously tea proposed on Spanlah aoil and then motor on America’s European Allies today the United States will main­ leaves his wife an-* two children. Methodist churches. Finally, the Injured in tbe mishap. DemocraUc subatltute plan. to Madrid. tain its “ fair share” of military forces in. Europe so long as winner on the conference level will Speaker Rayburn fD-Tex) said Lodge, Family Feted there is a threat to the Area. , RES. $11.95 GIAN/ SIZ^80"x90” Washington, March 10 (ff) ths House would "certainly give be awarded a scholarship to Bos­ Before the departure of the Con- The pledge was giyeh in a message from the President to ton University. Tlie district con­ —Secretary of the Treasury serious consIderaUon" to the Sen- iate compromise. atttuUon, the Ambassador and hie the Prime Ministers of seven European nations which are test will be held In Danielson on Humphrey today called' a Personal Notices ’ 2 5 t o “ It looks to me like a pretty good family were feted hy Spanlah con- April 17 and the conference con- aular offictala. political aaaoclatea setting up a “ Westorn European Union” to include a rearmed compromiee income tax plan, gesture toward balancing the West Germany. teat win take place at South backed by Senate Democrats, get in late 19M or m 7 ," he told hia from Connecticut where I.odge Church when the New England ’500 served as governor, and former These nations are Britain, France, West;.Germany, Bel­ Resolution of Sympathy Pepperell /'Caress" ..‘‘irresponsible . . . silly . . . newa conference today. Southern Conference .will hold Its But Sen. jdiUikin (R-Colo), colleaguee who aerved with him in gium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. annual sesaions here June 1-5. /• firjf..Mirclianditt IN MEMORY of Edward Dowd, who bad from every point of aenlor Republican on the Finanoc the U.8. Navy Public 'Relations The message is Resigned to dls- v ------'i ' died Tueiday, March 1. 1965. The judges for the contest were view*** Committee and the party’s lead­ Office at New York. ' pel any fears in France br other Mrs. Leland Carlson, Henry Ar­ U H y . .Overdue bills Once acaln death has Invaded our Humphrey told the House Ways ing etrategiston tax matters, told A line spokesman said the Coi>- counttles that once German power . midst ana called to the heavenly home nold and the Rev. Percy P. Smith. atitution wiH fly the Spanlah flag is added to that of other western i a dearly beloved brother. The Golden The prize was awarded by the To Meet Im^rgtnty and. Maana Oommittca the P<^ State House Gateway has opened wide to welcome posed tax packaga would reversa (OenttniMd ea Page Thirteea) at the forepeak aa a courtesy. nations’ the United States would ! him to the New Jerusalem. He was a church. through Its World Peace Money need*. .. doctor, Nylon Blend Blanket^ Lodge said he waa “ very honor­ pull but of Europe. It is also de- | true friend and always ready to assist Committee of which Miss Ethel ed wiUi the fine opportunity for m the welfare of his comrades. dontlit, hoBpltel. v .and signed to spell out U.S. policy o n : And Whereas th; all wise and merci­ Goalee is chairman. iblic eervice’’ entrusted to him cooperation with the North Atlan-!I Passes Bill ful Master of the Universe has called A poster contest was also held timitar MU. ly the President. tic Alliance. our beloved and respected brother for members of the Intermediate giee.efhe peyiiww Kief fh« r»«r geelxbooi Describing Spain ks a "signifi­ Pledge Conditional home and he bavins been a true' and MYF and the winner waa Johanna faithful comrade In our club. Amevni Umewntof MMihlrPain>Mflt.fae $ 9 . 9 5 Eccles Fears Stock, cant mission” he said "the impor­ Technically, ’ the., .president’s ! We resolve to send sincere condolence Richmond. Judith Best received ------n I iT m o. I ijI MO. ------tance of that country to our col­ pledge was conditional upon the i To Keep CD to his family and that a copy of these honorable mention. lective eecurlty and that of our resolutions be sent to - the bereaved S S.0I actual formation of the Western | M HICn NUT. . . IK I RONMe TWO S K S ST O m log 10.00 10.30 4.73 Allies grows all the time.” European Union. | family, one to Ihe local paper and one 09.37 34.3$ 19.33 drafted on the minutes of our club. 39.04 30.49 New Hon les Booms Confident o f Accord He laid down six points which State Capitol. Hartford, i!4 L he eaid he was “glad to affirm” March (/P>—^With opposi­ BRITI8H-AMERICAN CLUB. fC--- .Imncf jWs of r^ymenl incWd# all cher^ Buy for yourielf — buy for gifti. He said that he had never met 10 - It’s revolutionary! New miracle Magla silic^ e ironing David Maxwell, President. TWy nre Aeeed oa prwnpt amnihly pnymenpe. Generalissimo Franco, head of the will be United States policy when tion from only one represent­ Fred D. Baker, Rec. Secretary. l im i BEVERAfiES^ Spanish government, hut added the Western European Union ar­ board cover cuts ironing time almost in halfbecause tlU^HONB • WRITE • wr VISIT These beautiful Pepperell iWlon blend blankcta are aa warm Washington, March 10 ative, who said “ it seems to ^ A T LOW PRICES ' ^ — Marriher S. Eccles, formerrwprfrwntnt from 75 per "I'm confident we’ll be able to rangements have been ratified: tbe reflected heat irons from the bottom up. It’^. In Meitioriam aa any blanket you would p^ypay twicetwii aa much fpr. Pink, blua. cent to 50. per cent. It was raised work cooperatively and' to the 1. To continue active in the me that civilization is going PREFERRED white,' yellow, light green, hunter green add red. chairman of the F^eral Re- last Janua^ from 60 to 60 per North Atlantic TVeaty Organiza­ crazy,” the House passed and water resistant, stain r e s ii^ l, and stays dry. Fits > . In loving memory of Thomas J. ; Arthur Drug Stores 1 aerve Board, said today cent. (Continued on Page.Thirteen) tion and consult with NATO coun­ sent to the Senate today a Baxter who passed away March 9, 1952. _ PINANCI CO., INC. An earlier witness was John J. any standard ironing bpara. Sadly missed. *' «■* MAIN m i n • . « m i l Raw “ there are elements of real tries to be put under the Ehiropcan bill extending for two more MANCHinU . nwaw MITCHill*U^ Grepti Stamps G iv ^ With Cadb Sales McCloy, board, chpirman o f the Allied Command. The Maxwell family. danger to the economy” in Chase National ^uik. McCloy ex­ - 2. To consult with a proposed years the State Civil Defense the stock market and hous­ pressed the view that the commit­ Matusow Says agency for control of armaments Office. Card of Thanks ing' booths. He called for tee’s “friendly study" of the stock under the Western European Union Under present law the organiza­ PAD AND COVER $2.98 Sat market “i^not viewed with any tighter credit in both fields. in order to assist ”ln the achieve­ tion, headed by Gen. WUliom Hes- We wish to thank all of our neigh­ great imprahenslon” In financial Life Periled by ment of its objective of controlling keth, expires June 30. bors, friends and relatives for the Kcclee, now a Salt Lake City c ir c lo a ./^ many acts 'of kindness and sympathy banker, t

r's Circle, and the nurses of *T don't beueve—I hope, at any El Paso, Tax , March 10 (P)— Europe, Inuudlng Germany, such lid) as he lirgsd adopUoi) o f tha Laurel Manor, also all those who sent /' Market flavored rate—^the general condition of the bill. MANCHitTiR C o n n - the beautiful floral tributes ana loaned .. *rr tka value of stocks eonttaiuee Dorvajr. Matusow, who aaya be lied units of its armed force* as may the uae of cars. country is not so jittery that the be necessary and appropriate to UAC Cited Aa Target to rWe,? )Mi,aaldt 4'the margin r«- I td ^ fy in g for the- g Overiimiertt ■/_ K»rald Phoio. The Gleeson family. .X facta developed -here would reeult This S-week-oM Shropshire, pertuipihfieetlaed for futare f4 t show honors, bleats ntther complacently contribute Ita. fair share of the Ha mentioned Bie United Air­ tmiremant* abould nlUinately be In a general depression of values.” in aati-Oommuniat bearing*’ and Increased to 100 per cent Aa a in the arms of hU *-year-oM master, ArtiMW St. Louis Jr., of Old Town Rd., Rockville. ' The full tide forces-needed for the joint defense craft Corm with plants in East mattar of fact, thay should never f|MP COM Om triala, aaya ha ./aa afraid to tell of - the lambing season Is about to hit tbe Manchester hinterlands, but this Js a sample of the toy-like of the North Atlantic area whtle Hartford and several other com- have been reduced in February, McCloy said h# felt the ateep- the government he lied tweauee he perfection of all the ’-new -Samba coming along,. and of what happen* to a boy’s face when he hplds one. a threat to that area exists.” The muniUes, the Electric Boat Di- 1*58 . . . It looks aa though tbe ncss of the rise in the stock mar­ President also said that the United visieii of General Dynamics Oorp. feared the '^McOarthy crowd.” in Groten and Sikorsky Aircraft stock market was being favored.” ket over a short period was causa States will continue to deploy its \ for concern.. He cmpheaiBed he waa First be tsgtified .in general that forces in accordance nith North Corp. in Bridgeport aa targets in-i Margin requirements are now be feared for hia life to tell gov­ vlUng to an 'enemy. SO per cent, meaning one who buys talking about tha sharpness of the Puerto Ricans Atlantic defensive strategy. rise rather than the level of the ernment offtciale he Ued. Later he 4. To help integrate NATO'* Asserting that Donecticut’e avll onlyNEIDITZbros. stocks need put up only 00 per modified the statement-with the Ohio Flood Leaves cent o f the cost in cash and* may market. western European fotnes, including Defense set-up is considered by de­ Chairman Fulbright (D-Ark) comment concerning Sen. Joseph those from Germany, in accordance fense officials in 'Washington to be . 22 EAST CENTER ST. Crib f r e e borrow the other 40 per cent from McCarthy (R-Wls) end^hls Red- Held Guilif o{ preaaed McCloy for hie views of with NATO ptannii^. one of the three bett in the coun- ' his broker. hunting committee. In February, 1*08, the Fadaral Would Share Atom Data try. Pope said: Hearhig on New Trial Mniti-Million Loss HAS instructiontf lUeerve Board, which juts au- (Contlnned on Page Iklrteen) P lo | t ii^ on U.S. 6. To share infomuition au­ “ Gen. Heeketh and the Civil De­ Matflaow was to testify again to­ thorized by Oongreea on "military fense organization in Connecticut day In a federal- court hsaring. The Mattressbi^^ New York, March 10 (Pi—A fed- utilisation of new weapons and are entitled to all the support wa hearing' is on'a request by Clin­ Cincinnati, March l 6 (JP) .'• drop at a rate of about one-tenth techniques”—clearly referring to can give them." Everything for Baby From the largest crib no patterri ton Jencks for a new trial. Jencks apki court jury early today con- of an inch per hour. Among those siding with Pof>e is former president of Local S90 'worst Ohio River flood atomic weapons information. mattress manufacturer. rteted 10 Puerto Rlcsif Nstlonallst .The flood left behlnd it a multi- 6. To regard “any action from in the debate was Rep. John M. Ike May Ask 20% Boost of the Interhattcmal tlnion of Mine, /since 1948 created at 61 feet million dolibr damage and aeveral ■ a t party members of seditious con/- whatever quarter which threatens GHfflth' (D-Eeet Hartford) who Innerspring mattresses n e c e $ $ a r y ! Mill and Smelter Workers, Bayard, at Cincinnati today, and thousand persons homeless. It Jl.'l tufted for firmness. N. M. splsacy after deliberating the the Integrity or unity of the W;eet- moved into the Indiana-Ken- never reached th , ' In U.S. Aid to Far East tence last year of'ftye years in ► An eleventh man was acquitted. tucky area. The crest was the securities o f the parties to the Closeout Prices Trapped in Elevator North Atlantic treaty,” and there­ prison for swearing faltely in a The - group hkd been chws**f reached “between two and H igh' waters indirectly caused non-Communist affidavit' required fore a .threat calling for conaulta- with trying to bring kbbut the three o’clock this morning/’ one death when a ClnclnpaU ware­ t'on under tbe treaty. $0.95 $11.95 $10.95 By THE AS80CIA19CD PBESR eHoog-ranga program for improving of. union leaders. Testimony by ‘‘political independence of Puerto house worker drowned, trapped in Th# Eisanhower administration "living condiUona. Matusow, who bos since said he the Weather Bureau an­ Elsenhower'e me sage -was a.per­ Sacratary of the Treasury Rico from the" United States by an elevator descending into deep sonal -communication to the seven Bulletins was raported today' planniim to Ued, Was used in convicUng force and violence and, armed revo­ nounced. It was nine' feet ask Coiigresa for 8I.2()0,000,000 to Humphrey, whb has been reported basement waters. prime ministerai’ It was released Jancks. lution.” / above flood atage, from tht AP Wires stop up by about* a fifth tha flow lukkwarm to the idea of large- In the hearlngvesterday, Justice Police said the man, Trenton a t the 'White House, •Testimony at the trial , linked • After remaining atationary for a Harton Jr., 30. waa trapped yea- REG. 12.95 -15.95 - 19.9S of American/economic aid to tha scale aid incFtaaes for tke region, Department aW. David Harria _ T o any Europoanu doubt&tg this Oommunlat-vireatened Far East. is also reported to have aaSented. the Nationalist party with the short time, the water began to terday when he apparently became Muntry’s intention tq remain in asked Matusow why,’ since he had BTOOK MARKET RA1X1E8 Hiia sum—poms 200 million dol­ Humphrey told a Chicago kudi- told otjbers he lied, he hadn’t told 1050 -attempt to Jssassinate, for­ fxdited and failed to stop the ele- NATO, Eisenhower said that the Standard SisM ator. He had taken the ride. to- New York, Btordi 10 (PI— Alr- t -S' lars mors than Congrssa provldad ence two weeks ago the budget In-, -the government the same. mer President ' Truman and- the tteaty -is regarded as having “in- last yaar—would go to buy raw Wounding of /five Congressmen in le,e “ how deep the water waa” in defiptte duration.” om tt and ahlptaoUdlng sbarea. D|RuUa Drop eludes 585 million dollars for Aaia In relaying, Matuaow referred to were eepedatly favored today aa materials, food an,d equipment for aid during ,Un year atarting July Joaejdi Alderman, Justice Departy the House j6t Representatives in tbe warehouse basement near the Furthermore, hy said, it would If non-CommunUt countries dur­ ment attorney who. helped prt>se- Washington March 1, 1054, river. Hia calls for- help ech o^ seem to be '“quite contrary" to the Stock Market rallied on a 1. Officikla said that figure la the News Tidbits brood front after two days of Sidos, Plastic ing tha ‘y*ar beginning July 1. amount to ba spent during, 'tha cute Jencks. Matusow said: In charing the jury. Judge John from the death cage, U.S. security interests ' for ' it to sharp deojlnes. Chance • Vought -\ Any ptepodU to Inpteeae non­ “ Sir, I would' havt been in. dkn- F. X. iteGohey said it must decide Deacribed as the worst Ohio pull out of the treaty "w hen, there year — not the longer-term ap- Culled ffom AP -Wires gained 8S-87, North Amerlcna Toathing Rail^ INDIAN HEAD„„. military aid U cartain to fact op­ propriaUpn request < ger if I went to Alderman.” - wheth^'ihe defendants helped in River flood since 1948, the river is established on the continent of position in Congreia, expanded its usual"Seasonal stunts Europe the solid core of unity aviation $8.50, Boeing f2.02. all purpo$9 cotton Reversible room scene! this year. , Lockheed 82-87 nnd -'Dougina A new feature of tbe aid pro­ (Centhiaed oa Page Thirteea) (ConUaned oa -Page Seveoteen) ((^ t laitlhued i bn Page-Seventeen) which the Paris Agreements will ...... I..— 1..I Think of it! Two room decors Secretary of Lbmmerce- Weeks Thousands of families were 82.50. Newport News Shipbuild­ gram aa it waa outlined by in­ opens administration’s counter­ pbovlde.’' AdjHsfobla Spfinqs. All Finishos. for the price of one! Simply formed ioureas would be a 200- routed from shore are* homes. The ' The agreemmts were/worked ing was nhend *8.12 a shnro, attack to Democratic sniping at Red Crosy said 3,l82 famlUea In Reynolds Metals jumped fS. turn Ovu this uniquely deiigned mBlion-dollar -Aaia loan fund. Thia Preaident |ii*enhower's 8101 bil­ out in meetings at -Lmidon and Indian mgd bedspread, as • would ba turned over to President Ohio, West Virginia. Kentucky and Paris last fall. Under them the iTough Crew Builds Wilderness lughways lion’ highway program . . . British Indiana had been affected so .far. 10 ON .PLANES MISSING seen in manynational Bieenhowcr 'to allocate to grouM Home Secretary Gwilym - Lloyd western. European nations would $ i a 9 5 _ $011.95 magazines. o f Far E a m m countrtaa who join Flood crests have swept past take West Germany Into partner­ Salt Lake City, March 10 (P>~ George saya Dr. Bruno Pontecor- Pennsylvania and West Virgrlnla Two alrplguee, with a total of in financing projects to improve vo, Italian-bom atomic scientist, ship as a member of the Western It's impossible to show it. the region aq a whole, and are scheduled to leave Ohio at European Union. West Germany 10 persons aboard, wrere mlislng who went over to Soviets, will be .Cincinnati today. Indiana prepared In fbe' Utah area today. Air You'll have to le); it! Come in Steeeen. Dalles ’Agree stripp^ o f his'British citizenship. would also'become a member of and pick up your free sewing for the assault. NATO. It would he rearmed Un- Force in d civilian pUcto aaid bad REG. 29.95 • 59.95 Foreign Aid Director Harold E. OflicTal of Association of Amer­ w-rather- 'Hkely would bamper Sun . bright «id I booklet. And see ot^r dazzling ^ Staasan plana to talk over the Asia ican.. Railroads says -in Hartford (Continiiyd,.^ Page Thirteen) search efforts. Fashion > right! array of new Indian Head aid plan,- now being drafted after he was not among .those “who (Contlnued^oB Page Thirteen) Prints and matching months of niicuseion, when he shake their heads sadly over fuflire IKE'S COLD VANISHING PLAY PENS ouAiAwni., If by wild, t plain colors! • . meeU Monday with President of New England’’ . . . Coroner W-il- Washington. March 10 iffV-* imW wiMIselh.M IWOIAN ■’ ' ..r- Xhaenhower. ' ilani F.'Jones Jr.,- saya he plans to The White House reported today HEAD hf4 years in a Communist northern Philippine port of San BLAST JABS TORRINGTON ALL ALUMINUM Talks Start Monday bloodied bodies of his slain 4-year- Flower lale print. Sweetly atyled with atarllt rhlneatone prison, today declined further in­ Fernando. Torrington, March 10 t ^ —A Buttons to hem, wing cuffed aleeves and a flared akirt OPEN EVERY ittvr GREEN STAMPSi old son and Uio boy’s baby sitter terviews “with the reactionary blast o f undetermined origin in with unpressed pleated front. Ready to block for you last Sept. 25. U.6. State Department bfficiaia B A B Y B A T H S ONLY $ 1 3 . 9 5 THURSDAY EVENING Datroit, March 10 (P) — H m press.” were quoted as saying tits two thb western section of Torring- . on beige, blue, pink or white grounda. Sizes 12 to 20, GIVEN WITH « b*ll aounda nait weak for tbe open­ Rep. Vinson (D-Ga) says plana to sell 24 government-owned syn­ Mrs. Rickett is a passenger on wrere probably the moat thoroughly .ton todny shook wtndowa in tks 1 4 ^ to 2 2 > i. CLOSED MONDAYS ing round In the CIO United Auto c l^ 's downtown section nnd tko. thetic, rubier plants to. private in- the freighter Pine Tree Manner of brain-washed Americana yet re­ C A S H SALES Workers' showdown fight for n tremors .were felt in na nren STORE HOURS: - teraaUi would give "the taxpayers the Far East Pacific Lines. It is leased 'jy the Chinese Reds. $0.95 guktanteed annual wag# in the taking on supplies here and leaves “The contact I had wr|th report­ covering nbout five equnre mHes. ,' ■» auto tnduetry. the fall fair value." . Eleven WEO4 FRI.. JA T . 9 AJd. to 6 P.M. persons. Including thrSB^wmen, for t)ie United States tomorrow. ers in Hong Kong and the letter I The 'Ihrrlngton Police and Flra OPEN WEDS TO 5:10 V’ ITia imion anounced in j o 1 n t TUESDAY and THURSDAY. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. have been seated as junora in She is due in' San Francisco received from you,” she' ■wrote, Depnrtmente-reported tbe trem­ statementa with General Motors about March 28. * “have served as a ntriking contrast ors were felt in litohSetd, USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN and Ford ysstarday that ‘'explora­ Mickey Jelke vice retrial. ★ ★ ★ ★ political' advisers ' are reported m m s Down Request' to news coverage aa I saw it in Goshen, Hnrwtnton and New tory" talks will be held then In a brief handwritten note to New China. I can tell you that in Hartford,' as well ns Tonington, separately with each company—on urging Prime Minister Churchill the Associated Press, Mrs. Rickett Now China reporters are interested tha conduct of contract negotia­ to take advantage of Labor Party split by ealHng quick general elcc- said she felt further interviews iii facts (underlined) and not ex- 11 BEDS TO 'y iS IT U.S.V tions. . ■ ^ ■ ctuaive stories.” Washington, March lO (8b — Ml.* Ttis'’ QM and Ford talke will UoB . . . Aa^tant to Secretary with newsmen would only be QUALI “repetitioua” - She turned down Ckpt. Georae IVoUace, skipper The government decided today oovar roughly: half a miUlon work- of Labor Mbs. Alice K. Leopold 9.5071 J M ( H A L C tails conferencs on “sffscUve use a written request for news .atout of the Pine Ttoe Mariner, quoted to let 11 editor* of stodaat and The CORK ara. H iey will spearhaad a drlva of womanpower” economy has to Red China end any Americans 'still Mrs. Rickett os saying she eventu­ youth pubUentlons In Base I a a m c m m t h h o n n which tha union hopas will win a vlUt tho United States to sea REG. 513.95 - 5f.9S M C * guaranteed annual wags for mors have feminine eontrlbutlons to held there. ally Would release a prepared state­ keep it strong and progressive, 'Mra.' Rickett and Malcolm Berr ment deUUliig her expertencea. how edhools here operate. Atty. than a'million auto workers oml Goa. BrewaoU oaetmeed he haa Herald Photo. Defence ‘attorneys get their final sohn, 39-year-old New Yorker who Wallace said he did not realise pathapa‘ many of tha (^P'a four waived provtslaM at the Mo- iluJMdIALdeoM aaDlibn ethat mambara . . I M r bneka 'amaag aa

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