Eden Valley Ride 2 Eden Rivers & 4 Across the valley floor and along its undulating sides, courtesy of stone bridges over the Eden and Lyvennet rivers (and numerous becks that feed them), this ride has excellent 3 Brough Ride views to the eye-catching contours of the North and distant Lakeland fells. Picturesque Dufton and Morland Crossings of the Eden, Belah, Argill Beck, Swindale Beck villages in particular provide refreshment stops, and there’s and Scandal Beck rivers, plus medieval Brough Castle the option of a short riverside walk at Acorn Bank Gardens. () all feature on this ride. Rebuilt by the Partly on the Pennine Cycleway (68) and National Route 71. Normans on the site of a Roman Fort which guarded the strategic pass, Brough like other in the 4 area was restored Lady Anne Clifford in the 17th century. Only one steep uphill gradient and becomes progressively easier. Partly on National Route 71 and the Walney to Wear & Whitby Cycle Route (20) either side of Kirkby 1 Find the Tourist Information Centre in Boroughgate, turn Stephen. R by the church cloisters, go over the bridge and turn R 2 Turn L along Drawbriggs Lane, bear R from under bridge and follow blue 68 signs out of Appleby by Hilton and through Murton, Dufton and Knock along the fell side 1 Find the Tourist Information Centre in Market Street (see town plan), head north to the second mini-roundabout and turn R 3 Turn L (signed Newbiggin and Temple Sowerby) and follow signs to Newbiggin then Temple Sowerby. Acorn Bank Gardens 2 Turn L at T jct following blue 20 and 71 signs. Bear R through entrance is just beyond L turn into Temple Sowerby Start/finish: TIC Start/finish: Appleby TIC in the town Winton in the town centre (free car parking 4 Turn L, following main road out of village, and turn R centre (pay & display car park is signed) is signed) (signed Morland) under the A66 bypass bridge. Bear R to 3 Turn L then R again following blue 20 and 71 signs cross River Eden again Distance: 26.7 miles (43km) Distance: 16.2 miles (26km) 5 4 Turn L just before entering Barras 5 Turn L, then R and R again to reach Morland Grade: Long · Hard (all on road) 5 Turn R off the road and go through tunnel under the main road. Grade: Medium · Moderate (all on road) 6 Turn L just past café and pub (Water Street), picking up Turn R into Church Brough blue 71 signs. Turn L at the next X roads Refreshments: Shop/tearoom and Refreshments: Pub in Winton; pub in Dufton; shop in Silverband; tearoom & ice cream parlour in 7 Use the footbridge or ford to cross the River Lynennet and 6 Follow brown Brough Castle signs, park your bike and walk along tea room at Acorn Bank Gardens Church Brough (near castle entrance); get into low gear (or get off) for the steep but short climb path to the ruins (free entrance). Pop in to St Michael's Parish church shops, tearoom and inn in Brough up into King’s Meaburn. Turn R and continue following blue (National Trust); hotels in Temple to see the exhibition about the village, castle and the church itself 71 signs all the way back through Colby to your starting Sowerby; café and pub in Morland; (open daily between 10am and 4pm). Continue through village over point, turning L at the green as you re-enter Appleby, following pub in King’s Meaburn bridge and onto the fenced path. Public loos: Kirkby Stephen, Brough the road round underneath the castle 6 Public loos: Appleby 7 Go under the A66, taking extra care crossing the slip roads. 7 Turn L at the clock tower in Brough, then L to Great Musgrave

8 Go SA through village then turn L towards Kirkby Stephen 6 8 9 Turn R to Little Musgrave then L to Soulby 5

10 Turn L at X roads, cross the bridge and bear R onto narrow lane at next jct 7 9 11 Turn L at X roads and follow the road back into 2 Kirkby Stephen, turning R at mini-roundabout 4 1 To link rides 4 and 5 for a longer circuit of x miles (y km): Go SA from point 11 on the Eden Rivers & Brough Castle Ride to Waitby and follow the 2 Mallerstang & Ride directions from point 5 onwards. 10


11 3 3 Start/finish: Appleby TIC in the town centre (pay & display car park is signed) Mallerstang & Pendragon Orton Fells Ride 2 Distance: 27.3 miles (44km) Ancient Orton village (with its own chocolate factory) makes 9 1 a welcome midway refreshment stop after you’ve ridden Shortcut shown on map out of the Eden Valley and entered the grey limestone of Castle Ride the Orton Fells area. Skirt around Great Asby Scar National Grade: Long · Hard (all on road) The narrow dale of Mallerstang is the uppermost and Nature Reserve (some of Britain’s best limestone pavement) 5 remotest part of the Eden Valley (leading to the source passing though Great Asby, another attractive village on Refreshments: Pub in Crosby of the River Eden on Black Fell Moss). You’ll get your way back to Appleby. Partly on old drove roads amidst Ravensworth; shop, coffee house, marvellous views into it as you descend from your highest outstanding scenery, and sections of the Pennine Cycleway tearoom and hotel in Orton; pub in point across the open fell along a narrow ribbon of (68), the Walney to Wear & Whitby Cycle Route (20) and Great Asby tarmac. At the bottom you’ll find the remains of National Route 71. Pendragon Castle built according to legend by Uther Public loos: Appleby Pendragon, father of King Arthur. There’s no public access beyond the gate but you get a good look at it (collect a leaflet from the TIC before you set off). If you 1 Find the Tourist Information Centre in Boroughgate, go up towards like, carry on cycling up the dale for a while before the castle entrance and bear R. Turn R at the green and follow blue heading back to Kirkby Stephen. At the start of the ride 71 signs to Colby, then turning L towards Kings Meaburn you’re on a short section of National Route 71 2 Turn R (signed Kings Meaburn) and then first L (signed Maulds 6 (Penrith–Thirsk) and the Walney to Wear & Whitby Cycle Meaburn) Route (20). 3 Bear L and continue following the Lyvennet river upstream through 8 Maulds Meaburn and Crosby Ravensworth onto open limestone 5 moorland 4 Turn R and enjoy the free wheel down Orton Scar into Orton – Start/finish: Kirkby Stephen TIC 1 Find the Tourist Information Centre in Market Street check your brakes first! in the town centre (free car parking (see town plan), head north to the first mini-roundabout 5 L though the village and turn L over the stone bridge is signed) and turn L following blue 68 and 20 signs through Raisebeck. The Howgill Fells are on the R Distance: 12.4 miles (20km) 2 Bear L by grammar school for Waitby and Smardale (also following blue 20 and 72 signs) 6 Turn L again following blue 68 and 20 signs (signed Asby and Soulby) Grade: Medium · Hard (all on road) 7 3 Bear R uphill, again following blue 20 and 71 signs 7 Turn L uphill at the X roads following blue 68 and 71 signs to Refreshments: Pub in Nateby Shortcut to 4 Turn L at xroads to Waitby Great Asby Great Asby 7 Public loos: Kirkby Stephen 8 Turn L into Great Asby. Turn R just past the pub over narrow 5 Turn R at X roads (steep at first) to Smardale, then stone bridge and R again first L just past old Waitby School

9 Turn L and follow road (and blue 68 and 71 signs) back through 8 6 Turn L at T jct using grass verge, then, taking extra care, Burrells to Appleby town centre go across onto the road 4 Mention taking first L turn to Wharton and following byway track to Mallerstang for alternative part of-road option?

7 Turn L into Mallerstang

8 To return directly to Kirkby Stephen, turn L at the castle and follow the road through Nateby

9 Turn R before traffic lights (Mellbecks), then bear L up and along Stoneshot lane

5 To extend this ride as you re-enter Kirkby Stephen: Turn R through the gate (opposite the brown Welcome to Kirkby Stephen sign), cross the gorge on the bridge and follow the old railway across Podgill and Merrygill viaducts. Turn L into Hartley and keep L back to the town centre 6 following blue 20 and 71 signs.