Effect of endurance training and training on mass and performance - A Swiss perspective

Jon Peter Wehrlin, PhD

Head Endurance Department, Section for Elite Sport Swiss Federal Institute of Sports, Magglingen, Switzerland Thank you for the invitation! Swiss Federal Institute of Sport, Magglingen, Switzerland (950m above sea level)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 3 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM View from Magglingen on the Swiss Alps

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 4 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Federal Office of Sport

Federal Office of Sport Section for Elite Sport

Swiss Federal Institute Sport Studies of Sport Sport & Education National Training Center Sport & Society

Youth Sport & Training Center

Sport Politics & Ressources

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 5 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen

Section for Elite Sport (Staff = 60)

Sport Physiology Group (Endurance Sports)

Sport Physiology Group (Team Sports)

Sport Physiology Group (Force Sports)

Training Science

Sport Psychology

Sports Medicine

Sports Physiotherapy

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 6 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Swiss Federal Institute of Sports: Section for Elite Sport

Elite Sports

Services Research & Development


Swiss Federal Institute of Sports - Master elite sports - Bachelor course - Coaches education - SGSM etc.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 7 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Section for Elite Sport Laboratories

Mountainbike Laboratory (Endurance Physiology)

Exercise Physiology Laboratory (Endurance Physiology)

Cross-Country Skiing Hemoglobin mass / Laboratory Blood volume (Endurance Physiology) Laboratory (Endurance Physiology)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 8 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Section for Elite Sport Laboratories

Heat & Humidity Laboratory (Endurance Physiology)

Track Cycling Laboratory Muscle Power (Endurance Physiology) Laboratory (Strength Physiology; Alpine Skiing, Ski jump, Snowboard etc.)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 9 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Research & Development

Applied Research Goal: Answer applied research questions (ideally from the athletes and coaches) to improve performance….

Mountainbike: What is faster 26 or 29inch wheel?

Track cycling: Which helmet is the best for my athlete?

Effect of precooling on performance in the Tokyo heat?

Can my athlete profite from altitude training?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 10 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Effect of endurance training and altitude training on hemoglobin mass and performance - A Swiss perspective

Jon Peter Wehrlin, PhD

Head Endurance Department, Section for Elite Sport Swiss Federal Institute of Sports, Magglingen, Switzerland Endurance sport: VO2max - Important limiting factors

Ventilation & Lung diffusion capacity

Heart capacity transport capacity

Muscle capacity

Bassett DR and Howley ET. Limiting factors for maximum oxygen uptake and determinants of endurance performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2000; 32: 70-84.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 12 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Endurance sport: VO2max - Limiting factor oxygen transport capacity

Hemoglobin molecule: Transport of oxygen

Oxygen (O2)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 13 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Developing performance diagnostic services: Cross-country skiing

Performance Ranking / Time / Points

Relevant Constructs Psychological Technical Physical Tactical Material (Skis / (General) Factors Performance Performance Performance Wax)

Critical Success Factors Prolonged high (Sport Specific) skating velocity

Key Performance High V̇ O2max Indicator (KPI) (> 80 mL·kg-1·min-1)

Important Factors Hemoglobin mass / Blood volume

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 14 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM VO2max - Limiting factor oxygen transport capacity: Hemoglobin mass

Schmidt & Prommer Exerc Sport Scie Rev, 2010

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 15 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Endurance Sport: Problem «»

….can move you from 30th place to the podium…

Stray-Gundersen J, Videman T, Penttilä L, Lereim I; Abnormal hematologic profiles in elite cross-country Skiers: blood doping or? Clin J Sports Med, 2003, 132-7

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 16 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Importance of the hemoglobin mass: Blood doping

Switzerland Spain

USA Denmark


Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 17 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Importance of the hemoglobin mass: => Blood doping with rhEPO

Lundby et al., J Physiol, 2007

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 18 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Importance of the hemoglobin mass: => Problem: Blood doping with low volume autologous blood transfusion

135ml red blood cells

Nordic World Ski Championships 2019: Max Hauke (Austria)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 19 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches & scientists

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 20 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes and coaches

0) Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration vs hemoglobin mass

1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with endurance training? - Training camp (Peaking and Tapering) - Training Season - Several years endurance training 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports? - Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite athletes - Long term development in hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes - Prediction of hemoglobin mass at elite age based on hemoglobin mass at age 16? Who did it? - Minimal hemoglobin mass neeed for elite endurance athletes?

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training? - „Hypoxic dose“? - „Individual response“? - Can hypoxic tents be used? - How long is hemoglobin mass increased after the altitude training?

4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase endurance performance? - Effect of low volume autologous blood doping on performance (increase like LHTL training)

5) Does LHTL increase endurance performance? What are important limiting factors?

6) A Swiss perspective – How do we support athletes and coaches?

7) Conclusions

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 21 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 0) Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 22 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Hematocrit (Hct; %) Percent red blood cells Men ca. 45% (Critical value men 50%)

Hemoglobin (Hb; g/dl) Mean value ca. 15g/dl / (critical value 17g/dl) Red color in red blood cells, Binds the oxygen

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 23 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Hb 15g/dl 9 Hematocrit: 44% 8 7 Hb 15g/dl 6 Blood Hematocrit: 44% plasma 5 4 Blood

3 plasma Blood volume (liters) Bloodvolume Blutvolumen [Liter] Blutvolumen 2 Red cell vol. 1 Red cell vol. 0 Untrained XC skier

Problem: We do not know how the absolute values are!

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 24 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Hb (g/dl) and Hct (%): Effects of changes in plasma volume

Hb 14g/dl 7 Hb 15g/dl Hct 43% Hct 45% Hb 16g/dl 6 Important factors: Hct 47% - Position: (horizontal = ↓ vs vertical = Hct ↑ 5 - Hydratation status (low = Hct ↑; high ↓)

4 - Training (acute = Hct ↑; after = Hct ↓)

3 - Altitude: (acute = Hct ↑)

Blood volume (L) - Heat: (acute = Hct ↑; chronic↓ ) 2



Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 25 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Effect of drinking one liter of saline solution on hematocrit value










Hematocrit (%) Hematocrit 41




37 0 -15 -5 Before5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Time (Minutes)

Modified after Schmidt W. et al. Int J Sports Med, 21: 133-138; 2000

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 26 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

=> Effect of a ten days cycling competition on hematocrit value (identical withHb g/dl)










Hematocrit (%) Hematocrit 41




0 -2 Before0 2 4 6 8 10 2 days12 after 14 Time (days)

Modified after Schmidt W. et al. Int J Sports Med, 21: 133-138; 2000

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 27 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

=> Important to measure absolute values!

Blood volume: 8000 ml

Red cell volume: Plasma volume: 3520 ml 4480 ml Hemoglobin mass: 1256 g

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 28 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

=> Relation to VO2max

Schmidt & Prommer Exerc Sport Sci Rev, 2010

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 29 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

Measurement of hemoglobin mass CO-rebreathing method (100 years):

- Revived by Fogh-Andersen et al. (1990) and Thomsen et al. (1991) and is now frequently used in Sports Science and Sports Medicine:

- “Optimized method” by Schmidt and Prommer (2005)

- with minor modifications (Prommer & Schmidt 2007)

Meta-Analysis about Error Measurement for blood volume paramters (Gore et al. 2005): => CO-rebreathing-method has the lowest error

Hbmass RCV PV BV CV 1.37% 1.89% 2.62% 1.86%

R 0.991 0.981 0.968 0.980

Range 822-1264 g 2161-3456 ml 3185 – 5740 ml 5610 – 9197 ml

Values from our Laboratory, (n=17)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 30 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Introduction: Hemoglobin concentration (g/dl) vs hemoglobin mass (g)

=> Measurement of hemoglobin mass

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 31 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes and coaches

1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with endurance training?

- Training camp (Peaking and Tapering)

- Training season

- Several years endurance training

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 32 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?


21 Untrained subjects (28 +/-5 years Triathletes (German National Elite; 30 +/- 5 years) 20 Runners (German National Elite; 24 +/- 6 years) Cycling (German Elite Professional Team; 27 +/- 3 years) 19




15 Key question: 14 + 40% 13 Effect of „training“

12 or„talent“?


Hemoglobin mass (g/kg bodyweight) Hemoglobin 10



Modified after Heinicke et al. Int J Sports Med, 2001

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 33 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?

=> Changes during a training camp


1300 4 Weeks training in the heat 4 Weeks training at sea level 1200 4 Weeks training at 1300m 4 Weeks training at 1740m 1100




Hemoglobin mass 700




Modified after Gore et al., Int J Sports Med, 1997

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 34 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?

=> Changes with a peaking and tapering period

1200 1150

1100 Athlete 1 1050 Athlete 2 Athlete 3 1000 Athlete 4 950 Athlete 5 Athelte 6 900 Athlete 7 850 Athlete 8 Mean 800 750 Hemoglobin mass (g) 700 650 600


2500 Marathon


1500 1000 Normal Peaking Tapering 500 Training 0 Training load (Foster) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Weeks Wehrlin et al., 1. World Congress of Triathlon, Alicante, Spain 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 35 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?

=> Changes during a training season

Prommer: Hbmass showed very low oscillations during a training year (<6%)

Prommer et al. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2008

 Garvican et al. measured Hb mass in 10 elite Cyclists during 2-10 months: CV was 3.3% (Range 2.4.4%)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 36 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?

=> Changes with several years of training

19 19 P = 0.87 18 18

17 17

16 16

15 15

14 14

13 13

Hemoglobin mass (g/kg)

Hemoglobin mass (g/kg) 12 12

11 11

0 0

1500 1500 P = 0.29 1400 1400 1300 1300 1200 1200 1100 1100 1000 1000 900 900

Hemoglobin mass (g) 800 800 Hemoglobin mass (g) 700 700

0 0 2004 2007

Wehrlin, J.P., Hallén J. Marti B. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;903:357-74.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 37 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with normal training?

=> Several years of endurance training

 Observation in routine hemoglobin mass measurement: Elite athletes show no big changes in hemoglobin mass with normal training

 Possible to use it as “talent identification marker” in adolesence?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 38 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

- Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite athletes?

- Long term development in hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes

- Prediction of hemoglobin mass at elite age based on hemoglobin mass at age 16? Who did it?

- Minimal hemoglobin mass neeed for elite endurance athletes?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 39 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite national team athletes?

Steiner & Wehrlin. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 40 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite national team athletes?

Steiner & Wehrlin. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 41 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite athletes?

Steiner & Wehrlin. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 42 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite athletes?

«Golden age» between 16 and 21 to increase hemoglobin mass with endurance training?

Steiner & Wehrlin. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 43 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

Longitudinal study over 3 years

Steiner & Wehrlin. Med Sci Sports & Exercise, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 44 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term development of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Steiner T, Maier T, Wehrlin JP. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May: 51(5):912-919

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 45 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term development of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Project with same athletes and controls over 3 years (age 16 to age 19):

Age 19

Age 16

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 46 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term develepment of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Steiner T, Maier T, Wehrlin JP. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May: 51(5):912-919

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 47 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term develepment of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Steiner T, Maier T, Wehrlin JP. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May: 51(5):912-919

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 48 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term develepment of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Steiner T, Maier T, Wehrlin JP. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May: 51(5):912-919

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 49 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Long term develepment of hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes?

Steiner T, Maier T, Wehrlin JP. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2019 May: 51(5):912-919

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 50 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Minimal hemoglobin mass needed for elite endurance athletes?

Men: National team: > 14g/kg bodyweight

World class: > 15g-16g/kg bodyweight

Women: National team: > 12g/kg bodyweight

World class: > 13-14g/kg bodyweight

High prediction of hemoglobin mass at at 20 already at age 16!

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 51 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

=> Minimal hemoglobin mass needed for elite endurance athletes?

Men: National team: > 14g/kg bodyweight

World class: > 15g-16g/kg bodyweight

Women: National team: > 12g/kg bodyweight

World class: > 13-14g/kg bodyweight

However, we do not systematically use Hbmass for Talent identification – we do not have enough talents!

=> High prediction of hemoglobin mass at at 20 already at age 16!

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 52 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? - „Hypoxic dose“? - Can hypoxic tents be used? - „Individual response“? - How long is hemoglobin mass increased after the altitude training?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 53 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? - „Hypoxic dose“?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 54 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? What’s the plan?

Low Oxygen Arterial hypoxemia HIF-2α Epo ↑ PIO2 ↓ SaO2 ↓


Hemoglobin mass ↑ Erythropoesis ↑

Bone Hemoglobin

Pressure marrow Atmospheric Erythrocytes

Aerobic performance ↑ O2 transport capacity VO2max of the blood ↑ Levine & Stray-Gundersen, 2005

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 55 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Altitude/ Hypoxic training


Natural/ Nitrogen Supplemental Terrestrial dilution Oxygen IHE CHT IHT RSH

Oxygen filtration IHIT

Hypobaric Normobaric Wilber 2007; Millet et al. 2010 & 2013 (HH) hypoxia (NH)

FIO2 = 20.9% FIO2 < 20.9%

PB < 760 mmHg PB = 760 mmHg

LH = live high; TH = train high; TL = train low; LL = live =?≠ low; LHTLH = live high-train low and high; IHE = intermittent hypoxic exposure; CHT = continuous hypoxic training; IHT = intermittent hypoxic training; P O < 150 mmHg I 2 RSH = repeated sprint training in hypoxia; IHIT = intermittent hypoxic exposure during interval training.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 56 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? Hypoxic dose?

30 Laitinen et al. 1995 (Abstract only; n=7Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500m; 20-28 days; CG) 28 Svedenhag et al. 1997 (n=7 XC-skiers; LHTH; Real altitude: 1900m; 30 days; EB) Levine et al. 1997 (n=13 Runners; LHTH; Real altitude: 2500m; 28 days; CG; EB) Levine et al. 1997 (n=13 Runners; LHTL; Real altitude: 2500m; 28 days; CG; EB) 26 Gore et al. 1998 (n=8 Cyclists; LHTH; Real altitude: 2690m; 31 days; CO) Rusko et al. 1999 (Abstract only; n=10 XC-Skiers/Triathletes; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500m; 25 days; CG; CO) 24 Ashenden et al. 1999b (n=7 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2650m; 12 days; CG; CO) Ashenden et al. 1999a (n=6 Cyclists/Triathletes/XC-skiers; LHTL; Simulated altitude:3000m; 23 days; CG; CO) Dehnert et al. 2002 (n=11 Triathletes; LHTL; Real altitude: 1956m; 14 days; CG; CO) 22 Saunders et al. 2004 (n=10 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2000-3100m; 20 days; CG; CO) Friedmann et al. 2005 (n=16 Junior swimmers; LHTH; Real altitude: 2100-2300m; 21 days; CO) 20 Heinicke et al. 2005 (n=10 Biathletes; LHTH; Real altitude: 2050; 21 days; CO) Brugniaux et al. 2006 (n=5; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3000m/1200m; 18 days; CG; CO) Robach et al. 2006 (n=9 Swimmers; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3000m/1200m; 13 days; CG; CO) 18 Robach et al. 2006 (n=6 XC-skiers; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3500m/1200m; 18 days; CG; CO) Wehrlin & Marti 2006 (n=2 Runners; LHTL; Real altitude: 2456/1800m; 26 days; CO) 16 Wehrlin et al. 2006 (n=10 Orienteers; LHTL; Real altitude: 2456m/1800m/1000m; 23 days; CG; CO) Neya et al. 2007 (n=10 runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 3000m; 29 days; CO) Pottgiesser et al. 2008 (n=7 Cyclists; LHTH; Real altitude: 1816m; 21 days; CO) 14 Saunders et al. 2009 (n=9 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2860m; 46 days; CO)

/ RCV (%) Wehrlin et al. 2009 (Submitted; n=7; Cross-country skiers; LHTL; Real altitude: 2590m; 21 days; CG) 12 Clark et al. 2010 (n=12 cyclists; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 3000m) C

mass 10 E 8 B 6

Change Change in Hb 4

2 A D



-4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Time in hypoxia (hours) Wehrlin, J.P., Hallén J. Marti B. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;903:357-74.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 57 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? Hypoxic dose? 30 Laitinen et al. 1995 (Abstract only; n=7Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500m; 20-28 days; CG) 28 Svedenhag et al. 1997 (n=7 XC-skiers; LHTH; Real altitude: 1900m; 30 days; EB) Levine et al. 1997 (n=13 Runners; LHTH; Real altitude: 2500m; 28 days; CG; EB) Levine et al. 1997 (n=13 Runners; LHTL; Real altitude: 2500m; 28 days; CG; EB) 26 Gore et al. 1998 (n=8 Cyclists; LHTH; Real altitude: 2690m; 31 days; CO) Rusko et al. 1999 (Abstract only; n=10 XC-Skiers/Triathletes; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500m; 25 days; CG; CO) 24 Ashenden et al. 1999b (n=7 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2650m; 12 days; CG; CO) Ashenden et al. 1999a (n=6 Cyclists/Triathletes/XC-skiers; LHTL; Simulated altitude:3000m; 23 days; CG; CO) Dehnert et al. 2002 (n=11 Triathletes; LHTL; Real altitude: 1956m; 14 days; CG; CO) 22 Saunders et al. 2004 (n=10 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2000-3100m; 20 days; CG; CO) Friedmann et al. 2005 (n=16 Junior swimmers; LHTH; Real altitude: 2100-2300m; 21 days; CO) 20 Heinicke et al. 2005 (n=10 Biathletes; LHTH; Real altitude: 2050; 21 days; CO) Brugniaux et al. 2006 (n=5; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3000m/1200m; 18 days; CG; CO) Robach et al. 2006 (n=9 Swimmers; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3000m/1200m; 13 days; CG; CO) + 1 – 1.5% / 100hours 18 Robach et al. 2006 (n=6 XC-skiers; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2500-3500m/1200m; 18 days; CG; CO) (>2200m) Wehrlin & Marti 2006 (n=2 Runners; LHTL; Real altitude: 2456/1800m; 26 days; CO) 16 Wehrlin et al. 2006 (n=10 Orienteers; LHTL; Real altitude: 2456m/1800m/1000m; 23 days; CG; CO) Neya et al. 2007 (n=10 runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 3000m; 29 days; CO) Pottgiesser et al. 2008 (n=7 Cyclists; LHTH; Real altitude: 1816m; 21 days; CO) 14 Saunders et al. 2009 (n=9 Runners; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 2860m; 46 days; CO)

/ RCV (%) Wehrlin et al. 2009 (Submitted; n=7; Cross-country skiers; LHTL; Real altitude: 2590m; 21 days; CG) 12 Clark et al. 2010 (n=12 cyclists; LHTL; Simulated altitude: 3000m) C

mass 10 E 8 B 6

Change Change in Hb 4

2 A D



-4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

Time in hypoxia (hours)

Wehrlin, J.P., Hallén J. Marti B. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2016;903:357-74.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 58 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? Hypoxic dose?

+ 1 – 1.5% / 100hours (>2200m)

Gore et al., Br J Sports Med, 2013

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 59 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? Hypoxic dose?

Millet GP, Chapman RF, Girard O, Brocherie F. Br J Sports Med, 2017

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 60 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)? Hypoxic dose?

Schmidt W & Prommer N. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 2010, 68-75

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 61 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

- Can altitude tents be used?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 62 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

=> can altitude tents be used?

Live High - Train Low (LHTL)

Artificial Natural Altitude Altitude

Hypobaric Normobaric Hypoxia (HH) Hypoxia (NH)


Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 63 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

=> can altitude tents be used?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 64 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

=> can altitude tents be used?

Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejulea RC, Faiss R, Robinson N, Millet GP and Wehrlin JP (JAP, 2017)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 65 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

=> can altitude tents be used?

Individual response?!

Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejulea RC, Faiss R, Robinson N, Millet GP and Wehrlin JP (JAP, 2017)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 66 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

- „Individual response“?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 67 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

Classic altitude training ▪ 3 weeks; 2100-2300 m ▪ 16 elite junior swimmers

What is the problem when I want to consult athletes individually?

Friedmann et al. 2005

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 68 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

- „Individual response“?

Did MY Hemoglobin Mass increase with MY LHTL Regimen?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 69 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

1100 1080 1060 1040

1020 + 4% 1000 980 960 940

Hemoglobin mass (g) 920


Original 900 880

0 Pre Altitude Post Altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 70 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

1100 1080 1060 1040 + 4% 1020 + 0% 1000 980 960 940

Hemoglobin mass (g) 920




Original 900 880

0 Pre Altitude Post Altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 71 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

1100 1080 1060 1040 + 0% 1020 1000 980 960 940

Hemoglobin mass (g) 920


Original 900 880

0 Pre Altitude Post Altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 72 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

1100 1080 1060 1040 + 4% 1020 + 0% 1000 980 960 940

Hemoglobin (g) mass 920




Original 900 880

0 Pre Altitude Post Altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 73 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

Duplicate measures:

▪ Reduce error by a factor of 1/√2 (30%) Hopkins, 2000

▪ Outliers can be identified!

▪ Within 6h

▪ Results are averaged

Naef N, Steiner T, Wehrlin JP. Int J Sports Med, 2015.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 74 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

=> What is technical variation and what is a real physiological change?

1100 1080 1060 3 weeks at 1800m (St. Moritz Switzerland) 1040 1020 1000 + 2.2% 980 960 940

Hemoglobin(g) mass 920




MeasurementII 900 880

0 Pre Altitude Post Altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 75 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response?

Variation between 0 to + 10%

Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejulea RC, Faiss R, Robinson N, Millet GP and Wehrlin JP (JAP, 2017)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 76 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response? (Can be different with each LHTL camp)

Slide adapted from Garvican (USOC IATS 2013 Conference)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 77 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response? (Can be different with each LHTL camp)


2015: Live high-train low altitude training camp 400hours at 2500m

=> Hemoglobin mass +5%

2016: Identical live high-train low altitude training camp 400hours at 2500m

=> Hemoglobin mass +0.2%

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 78 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

Individual response? (Can be different with each LHTL camp)

Slide adapted from Garvican (USOC IATS 2013 Conference)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 79 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

- How long is hemoglobin mass increased after the altitude training?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 80 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 3) Is the increase in Hbmass different between normobaric and hypobaric hypoxia?

=> How long is hemoglobin mass increased after altitude training?

Living altitude Kenyan Runners: Before 2090m, then travelled to 340m asl.

- 5.5% Hemoglobin mass after 33 days

Prommer et al., Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2010, 42(4):791-797.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 81 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase endurance performance?

- Effect of low volume autologous blood doping on performance (increase like LHTL altitude training)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 82 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase performance (like with LHTL)?

=> Effect of a low-volume autologous blood transfusion?

135ml RBC = 300ml Blood (Hct 45%)

Hct 45% = Hb 15g/dl

3dl Blood * 15g/dl = 45g Hemoglobin

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 83 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase performance?

=> Effect of a low-volume autologous blood transfusion?

Low-dose Autologous Blood transfusion

Bejder et al. MSSE 2019 Schmidt W & Prommer N. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 2010, 68-75

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 84 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase performance (Like with LHTL)?

=> Effect of a low-volume autologous blood transfusion?

135ml RBC =300ml Blood (Hct 45%)

Hct 45% = Hb 15g/dl

3dl Blood * 15g/dl = 45g Hemoglobin

If the Athlete has 1000g hemoglobin mass

 45g = 4.5% increase in Hemoglobin mass

 Performane in time trial + 5%

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 85 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase performance?

=> Effect of a low-volume autologous blood transfusion?

Bejder et al., Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2019, 51(4):692-700.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 86 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase performance (Like with LHTL)?

=> Effect of a low-volume autologous blood transfusion?

135ml RBC =300ml Blood (Hct 45%)

Hct 45% = Hb 15g/dl

3dl Blood * 15g/dl = 45g Hemoglobin

If the Athlete has 1000g hemoglobin mass

 45g = 4.5% increase in Hemoglobin mass

 Performane in time trial + 5%

Same amount as used as low volume autologousb blood transfusion

Nordic World Ski Championships 2019: Max Hauke (Austria)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 87 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance at sea level?

=> What are important limiting factors?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 88 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance perfrormance?

Control all confounding factors (increase in Hbmass)!

Slide adapted from Garvican (USOC IATS 2013 Conference)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 89 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance perfrormance?

Individual response (Increase in Hbmass)!

Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejulea RC, Faiss R, Robinson N, Millet GP and Wehrlin JP (JAP, 2017)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 90 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance perfrormance?

Individual response (Increase in Hbmass)!

Hauser A, Schmitt L, Troesch S, Saugy JJ, Cejulea RC, Faiss R, Robinson N, Millet GP and Wehrlin JP. (MSSE, 2017)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 91 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance perfrormance at sea level?

Planning of training load and training intensity!

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 92 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance performance at sea level?

Planning of training load and training intensity!

21 days Millet et al., Sports Med, 2010 after LHTL

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 93 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance perfrormance?

Timing of posttest!

Millet et al., Sports Med, 2010 (modified after Reiss)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 94 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does LHTL increase endurance performance at sea level?

Timing of posttest!

Chapman RF, 2011

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 95 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance?

=> Results of studies with elite athletes?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 96 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance?

=> Results of studies with elite athletes?

Millet G, Brocherie F.

=> it is very hard (impossible) to prove that a preparation with elite endurance athletes for an

important competition at sea level is better to prepare with LHTL than sea level training!

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 97 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance?

=> Results of studies with elite athletes?

=> Impossible to prove – but not so important for elite sport athletes.

Subjects: - World class elite endurance athletes (high n) - Willing to perform best at pre- and posttest of a study and not at a competition - «Responder» for hemoglobin mass increases with altitude training (genetic predisposition) => Succesful increase in hemoglobin mass with LHTL (double measurements)

Study design / Method: - Athletes are their own controls (individual responses) - Cross over design over one year (same training period) (BUT Athletes will be one year older!) - YES, Blinded for the treatment (LHTL or sea level) => Placebo Effect - NOT Blinded for the treatment => Training has to be adjusted to altitude or sea level conditions - High enough hypoxic dose (Individually different)? - Optimal preparation for the pre- and posttests (Peaking and Tapering) => Time of best performance should be at the posttests (not at races of the athletes) - Optimal timing of the pre- and posttests («best time man») - Optimal iron availability - Optimal energy balance - No negative effects (inflamation, ilness, injury, overreaching, overtraining) during both periods - Very precise and valide tests (hemoglobin mass) and performance - etc.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 98 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

=> Does the elite athlete needs this perfect study to prove better performance?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 99 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

 Does the elite athlete himself needs this perfect study to prove better performance?


Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 100 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance?

=> Results of studies with elite athletes?

Low-dose Autologous Blood transfusion

Bejder et al. MSSE 2019 Schmidt W & Prommer N. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 2010, 68-75

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 101 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 5) Does live high-train low (LHTL) altitude training increase endurance performance?

=> Results of studies with elite athletes?


2015: Live high-train low altitude training camp 400hours at 2500m => Hemoglobin mass +5%

2016: Identical live high-train low altitude training camp 400hours at 2500m => Hemoglobin mass +0.2%

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 102 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 103 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

a) Build a team: Athlete, Coach, Physician, Nutrician, Scientist.

b) Plan altitude training camp perfectly (timing in season, hypoxic dose, training, Nutrition, Recovery, Supplemtents (iron, vitamin b12, folic acid etc.) on individual base

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 104 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM c) Help with installation of altitude room at athlete’s home (very easy with generators)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 105 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes

and coaches – Swiss Examples

Individualize altitude

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 106 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM d) Plan double measurement of hemoglobin mass

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 107 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM e) Control everything during the altitude training period

- Training and training quality - Hours at altitude (hypoxic dose) - Sleep and sleep quality - Profile of Mood State - Body weight - Rest heart rate - Oxygen saturation during sleep - Overall state of the athlete ++, +, +/-, -, -- - Competition after the LHTL camp (14 – 24 days after) - etc.

f) Evalutate the altitude training camp in the team (4 weeks after)

- How was it? - What did work, what did not work, why? - What could we improve/change (hypoxic dose etc.) - Does the athlete coach want to do it again

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 108 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 109 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM => Statistical significance versus practical relevance?

Viktor Röthlin Swiss Marathon Runner

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 110 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM => Competition preparation at Muottas Muragl 2456m) Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 111 Swiss Federal(Engadin, Institute of Sport Magglingen Switzerland SFISM ) 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Wehrlin J, Marti, B. Br J Sports Med. (2006)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 112 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

15:20 2:13:20

15:00 2:13:00

14:40 2:12:40

14:20 2:12:20

14:00 2:12:00 5000m 13:52:69

13:40 5000m 13:35:50 WC Paris 5000m Qualification 13:36:54 2:11:40

WC Paris 5000m Final 13:26:06 13:20 2:11:20 5000m 13:12:16 WC Paris Marathon 2:11:14

Zürich Marathon 2:11:05 13:00 2:11:00

5000m time (minutes:seconds) time 5000m Live high (2456m) and train "low" (1800m) for 12:40 2:10:40 26 days (hours:minutes:seconds) time Marathon

Day 1 before LHTL Day 1 after LHTLDay 14 after LHTL Day 25 - 29 after LHTL Three months before LHTL Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 113 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Beijing 2008

6. Place

=>prepared with LHTL altitude training

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 114 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes

and coaches – Swiss Examples

2010: 1. Place, European Championships Barcelona

Live at 2307m Live at 2307m Marathon at the European Train at 1800m Train at 1800m Championships

Train at 400m a Train at 400m a Barcelona (Spain)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Weeks

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 115 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 116 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 117 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 118 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

2010 Altitude Training „Best Practice“

2011 Individual Adaptations

2012 Olympic Games London

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 119 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

C2 Flims? C2


C1 Engelberg ? Engelberg C1





Plaffeien 30.5.2010 Plaffeien


Chambéry 6.6.2010 Chambéry

World Houffalize Cup


World Offenburg Cup


Target II European

World Cup / C1 Championships Haifa LHTL Bernina Hospiz Weeks after LHTL

Target I 7.7. - 11.7.2010 25.5 - 13.6.2010 1 2 3 23-28 days after LHTL)

Full Test Full


Full Test Full


Full Test Full


Full Test Full




Full Test Full


Full Test Full


Full Test Full


Full Test Full




Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 120 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Performance: Capicity test with Self selected Speed

AG: 6023m => 6221m (+3.3%)

CG: 5244m => 5406m (+3.1%)

Typical «study» with elite athletes

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 121 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 122 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Slide adaptad from Garvican (USOC IATS 2013 Conference)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 123 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Judo: Preparation for a hard training period:


LHTL: Live high – train low

HTP: Hard training period

OS: Olympic games

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 124 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM 6) A Swiss perspecitive – How do we supported athletes and coaches – Swiss Examples

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 125 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Everybody ok?

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 126 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

6) Conclusions

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 127 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Conclusion: Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

1) Does hemoglobin mass increase with endurance training?

- Training camp (Peaking and Tapering): No

- Training Season: No

- Several years endurance training: No

2) Can hemoglobin mass be used as a «talent marker» for endurance sports?

- Differences in hemoglobin mass between adolescent and elite athletes => Yes

- Long term development in hemoglobin mass in adolescent athletes =>Yes

- Prediction of hemoglobin mass at elite age based on hemoglobin mass at age 16? Who did it?

=> Those with already high hemoglobin mass at age 16

- Minimal hemoglobin mass neeed for elite endurance athletes?

=> 14g/kg males; 12g/kg females (national level)

=> 15-16g/kg males; 13-14g/kg females (world class level)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 128 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Conclusion: Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

3) Does hemoglobin mass increase with altitude training (LHTL)?

- „Hypoxic dose“? 400hours at 2500m

- „Individual response“? Yes, the increase ranges between 0% and 10%

- Can hypoxic tents be used? Yes, similar response in hemoglobin mass increase

- How long is hemoglobin mass increased after the altitude training? 4 (- 6) weeks

4) Does a small increase in hemoglobin mass increase endurance performance?

- Effect of low volume autologous blood doping on performance

Yes, a small amount of hemoglobin mass (like we reach with altitude training (5%)) increases endurance performance (time trial)

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 129 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Conclusion: Key Questions for elite endurance athletes, coaches and scientists

5) Does LHLT altitude training increase endurance performance?

We think yes, scientifically it is very hard to prove (but also, that it does not work). Most studies showed increased performance.

Elite sport does not need the perfect study, due to individual different adaptations, every athlete has to try him-/herself

(For competitions at altitude, you have to prepare with altitude (Olympics Beijing 2022)

6) A Swiss perspective – How do we support athletes and coaches?

Since 15years, we support Swiss national team endurance athletes mostly on an individual base

However, it is not a magical tool, it is all about hard work.

Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 130 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Thanks for your attention!


Federal Office of Sport FOSPO 131 Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM Kiitos kutsusta Kiitos kutsusta

Thank you for the invitation!

Kiitos kutsusta!

And all the best for you and your athletes!