Chapter 1 COMPACTNESS,OPTIMALITY AND RISK B. Cascales, J. Orihuela and M. Ruiz Galan´ Summary: This is a survey about one of the most important achievements in op- timization in Banach space theory, namely, James’ weak compactness theorem, its relatives and its applications. We present here a good number of topics related to James’ weak compactness theorem and try to keep the technicalities needed as sim- ple as possible: Simons’ inequality is our preferred tool. Besides the expected ap- plications to measures of weak noncompactess, compactness with respect to bound- aries, size of sets of norm-attaining functionals, etc., we also exhibit other very recent developments in the area. In particular we deal with functions and their level sets to study a new Simons’ inequality on unbounded sets that appear as the epi- graph of some fixed function f . Applications to variational problems for f and to risk measures associated with its Fenchel conjugate f ∗ are studied. Key words: compactness, optimization, risk measures, measure of non weak- compactness, Simons’ inequality, nonattaining functionals, I-generation, variational problems, reflexivity. AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 46B10, 46B26, 46B50, 46E30, 46N10, 47J20, 49J52, 91B30, 91G10, 91G80. Dedicated to Jonathan Borwein on the occasion of his 60th Birthday B. Cascales, Department of Mathematics, University of Murcia, Campus Espinardo 15, 30100, Murcia, Spain. e-mail:
[email protected] J. Orihuela, Department of Mathematics, University of Murcia, Campus Espinardo 15, 30100,· Murcia , Spain. e-mail:
[email protected] M. Ruiz Galan,´ Department of Applied Math. , E. T. S. Ingenier´ıa. Edificacion.,´ c/ Severo Ochoa· s/n, 1871, Granada, Spain.