A Tutorial on Convex Optimization II: Duality and Interior Point Methods Haitham Hindi Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Palo Alto, California 94304 email:
[email protected] Abstract— In recent years, convex optimization has become a and concepts. For detailed examples and applications, the computational tool of central importance in engineering, thanks reader is refered to [8], [2], [6], [5], [7], [10], [12], [17], to its ability to solve very large, practical engineering problems [9], [25], [16], [31], and the references therein. reliably and efficiently. The goal of this tutorial is to continue the overview of modern convex optimization from where our We now briefly outline the paper. There are two main ACC2004 Tutorial on Convex Optimization left off, to cover sections after this one. Section II is on duality, where we important topics that were omitted there due to lack of space summarize the key ideas the general theory, illustrating and time, and highlight the intimate connections between them. the four main practical applications of duality with simple The topics of duality and interior point algorithms will be our examples. Section III is on interior point algorithms, where focus, along with simple examples. The material in this tutorial is excerpted from the recent book on convex optimization, by the focus is on barrier methods, which can be implemented Boyd and Vandenberghe, who have made available a large easily using only a few key technical components, and yet amount of free course material and freely available software. are highly effective both in theory and in practice. All of the These can be downloaded and used immediately by the reader theory we cover can be readily extended to general conic both for self-study and to solve real problems.