Kino Otok : [Festivalski Katalog] = Isola Cinema : [Festival Catalogue] / 15

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Kino Otok : [Festivalski Katalog] = Isola Cinema : [Festival Catalogue] / 15 FESTIVALSKI KATALOG / FESTIVAL CATALOGUE CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 791.65.079(497.4Izola)“2017“ 791(100) MEDNARODNI filmski festival (15 ; 2019 ; Izola) Kino Otok : [festivalski katalog] = Isola Cinema : [festival catalogue] / 15. mednarodni filmski festival, International Film Festival, Izola, 5-9 Jun 2019 ; [besedila Oskar Ban Brejc... [et al.] ; urejanje Robert Kuret ; prevodi Maja Lovrenov, Alenka Ropret ; fotografija Branka Keser]. - Ljubljana : Zavod Otok, 2019 ISBN 978-961-94236-2-2 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Ban Brejc, Oskar 4. Kuret, Robert, 1987- COBISS.SI-ID 300201216 KOLOFON / CREDITS besedila/texts Oskar Ban Brejc, Anja Banko, Izidor Barši, Barbara Borčić, Vanna Carlucci, Nicola Falcinella, Donatello Fumarola, Sabine Gebetsroither, Helmut Groschup, Tomaž Grušovnik, Matevž Jerman, Peter Karba, Maja Krajnc, Robert Kuret, Petra Meterc, Varja Močnik, Jan Mozetič, Anže Okorn, Michael Pattison, Bor Pleteršek, Tina Poglajen, Anja Radaljac, Muanis Sinanović, Jernej Trebežnik, Luka Zagoričnik, Neil Young 15. Mednarodni filmski festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema/15th International Film Festival Kino Otok – Isola Cinema urejanje in pregled/edited by Robert Kuret uredniški odbor/editorial board Varja Močnik, Robert Kuret prevodi/translations Maja Lovrenov, Alenka Ropret oblikovanje/design Špela Drašlar naslovnica/cover design Multipraktik fotografija/photo Branka Keser tisk/print Collegium Graphicum naklada/print run 300 izdajatelj/published by Zavod Otok. Ljubljana, 2019 VSEBINA CONTENTS Nazaj, v prihodnost 6 Back, to the Future PRIJATELJI 70 FRIENDS Čas se ni ustavil 8 Time Hasn’t Stood Still Anouk De Clercq: Onkraj, vmes, spodaj: program kratkih filmov 72 Anouk De Clercq: Beyond, Between, Beneath: Programme of Shorts Nabiranje 74 The Harvest LETNI KINO MANZIOLI 10 MANZIOLI OPEN-AIR CINEMA Ona 76 She Jedro sveta 12 Core of the World Režeči maček 78 The Cat’s Smile Selfi 14 Selfie Transnistra 80 Transnistra Ti imaš noč 16 You Have the Night SILVANOV ZALIV 82 SILVAN'S BAY SIGNALI 18 SIGNALS Čas se je ustavil 84 Time Stood Still Balangiga: Tuleča divjina 20 Balangiga: Howling Wilderness Bog obstaja, ime ji je Petrunija 22 God Exists, Her Name Is Petrunya PODMORNICA 86 SUBMARINE Črna mati 24 Black Mother Los Bando 88 Los Bando Dom borcev 26 Home of the Resistance Maček Muri 89 Muri the Cat Najlepša dežela na svetu 28 The Most Beautiful Country in the World Vitello 90 Vitello Preporod 30 First Reformed Zverjasec 91 The Gruffalo Taurunum Boy 32 Taurunum Boy Frišni filmski ulov 92 Fresh Film Catch Zama 34 Zama Zgodovina prašiča (v nas) 36 The History of the Pig (Within Us) VIDEO NA PLAŽI 94 VIDEO ON THE BEACH DOBRI SOSEDJE 38 GOOD NEIGHBOURS LARGO PRI ŠPINI 108 LARGO PRI ŠPINI Antigravitacija: litovski kratki dokumentarni filmi 40 Antigravitation: Lithuanian Short Documentaries Razglednice 110 Postcards Starodavni gozdovi 42 The Ancient Woods OTOK V LJUBLJANI 112 OTOK IN LJUBLJANA EVROPA 2.0 44 EUROPE 2.0 KOPRU, TOLMINU, IDRIJI, SEŽANI, CERKNICI 113 KOPER, TOLMIN, IDRIJA, SEŽANA, CERKNICA Izgubljeni raj: program kratkih filmov Vittoria de Sete 46 Paradise Lost: Programme of Shorts by Vittorio de Seta Na kopnem 48 Ashore PRO OTOK 114 PRO OTOK 35-MM KULT-URE 50 35MM CULT-URE GOSTJE FESTIVALA 118 FESTIVAL GUESTS Med ljudmi: Življenje in igra 52 Among the People: Life & Acting Otroci mrtvih 54 The Children of the Dead INDEKS 120 INDEX Zgodnja dela 56 Early Works FESTIVALSKA EKIPA 124 FESTIVAL TEAM LJUBO DOMA 58 HOME SWEET HOME Kratka forma_Kilometer nič: Davorin Marc 60 Short Form_Kilometre Zero: Davorin Marc Obzornik 63 – Vlak senc + Podoba migracij 62 Newsreel 63 – The Train of Shadows + The Migrating Image Ostanki – Izpovedi duhovom 66 Remains – Confessions to the Ghosts Tomos: Narejeno v Jugoslaviji 68 Tomos: Made in Yugoslavia Nazaj, v prihodnost Back, to the Future Petnajst let je za najstnika vse življenje, za tridesetletnika polovica, za Fifteen years, to a teenager, is whole life, to a thirty-year-old, a half, and to a sixty- šestdesetletnika pa četrtina. Pomen in vrednost, ki ju pripišemo nekemu v letih year-old, a quarter. The purpose and value ascribed to a time measured in years izmerjenemu obdobju, sta v namreč v prvi vrsti v očeh opazovalca. Kako zaobjeti are primarily in the eyes of the beholder. How to cover fifteen years of Kino Otok - petnajst let Kino Otoka, mednarodnega filmskega festivala, ki mu je dvojezično Isola Cinema, the international film festival that was given its Italian part of the name okolje, v katerem je našel dom, podarilo tudi italijansko ime Isola Cinema? by the bilingual area where it has found its home? There are quite possibly just as Odgovorov na to vprašanje je zelo verjetno prav toliko, kolikor ustvarjalcev, gostov many answers to this question as there have been filmmakers, guests and visitors in obiskovalcev festivala se je od leta 2004 dalje zvrstilo v Izoli. coming to Izola since 2004. Nekdaj festival kinematografij Afrike, Azije, Latinske Amerike in Vzhodne Through the years, the festival once dedicated to African, Asian, Latin American Evrope s prijatelji se je skozi leta otresel tako geografskega fokusa kot tudi and Eastern European cinema with friends, has shed its geographical focus tekmovalnega programa, a ostal zavezan avtorskemu filmu, angažirani as well as the competition programme, but remained committed to auteur film, ustvarjalnosti in neodvisni filmski produkciji. Vseskozi se napaja iz izvorne ideje socially engaged art and independent filmmaking. It has always fed on the original o živem srečanju filmskih ustvarjalcev in gledalcev, ki se v zadnjih letih vse idea of filmmakers and viewers meeting in person, which in recent years has been tesneje spaja z nujo po možnosti prostora, kjer so misel, beseda in čutenje combining ever more tightly with the necessity to enable a space where thought, karseda blizu svobodi. Vztrajno neguje sodelovanja s filmskimi in drugimi word and sentiment are as free as possible. Persistently, it fosters collaborations iniciativami iz regije in daleč onkraj nje. Je radoveden in vedno znova iskreno with film and other types of initiatives from the region and far beyond. Being začuden nad svetom. Včasih navihan in razigran, spet drugič mu temne misli curious, it keeps expressing honest astonishment with the world again and again. mrščijo obrvi in stiskajo pest v boj. Nemalokrat je kaotičen, a nikoli zlagan. Sometimes naughty and playful, at other times frowning and clenching its fists, Predvsem pa je filmski Otok že zadnjo petletko veliko, veliko več kot petdnevni dark thoughts having the best of it. Often chaotic, but never fake. festival, časovno zamejeno in hipno praznovanje filma. “Kaj pa počnete čez Most importantly, for the past five years, Isola Cinema has been much, much more leto?”, dobri ljudje radi povprašajo sodelavce festivala. Kino Otok je prvo than a festival spanning five days, a time-bound, instantaneous celebration of desetletje res živel kot projekt, ki je vsako leto znova vzniknil za nekaj vročičnih film. What do you do during the year? is what good people like to ask the festival mesecev. To ob današnjem formatu in obsegu festivala ter svetu, v katerem staff. Indeed, in its first decade, Isola Cinema was a project that emerged for a nastaja, preprosto ni več mogoče. Obenem smo na hranljivi kinootoški few hectic months each year. Given today’s format and scope of the festival and podlagi v zadnjih petih letih ustvarili številne druge programe, ki jih združuje the world within which it is run, this is simply no longer possible. Therefore, in the posvečenost razvijanju filmske kulture in osmišljuje cilj dviga filmske pismenosti, past five years, we have used the nourishing Isola Cinema ground to create other še posebej pri mladem občinstvu. Podmornica – Otok za mularijo, ki smo programmes dedicated to the development of cinema culture and giving meaning jo svetu prvič predstavili leta 2013 – se je do danes razvejala v široko in to the promotion of film literacy, particularly with young audiences. Submarine gosto krošnjo celoletnih filmskovzgojnih aktivnosti v sodelovanju z lokalnimi, – Otok for Kids, which was first introduced to the world in 2013, has since nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi partnerji. Kar torej počnemo čez leto je – poleg developed into a wide and thick canopy of year-long film education activities run in ustvarjanja vsakokratne izdaje festivala – navduševanje najmlajših za filmsko collaboration with local, national and international partners. What we do throughout umetnost in umetnost nasploh. the year, therefore, on top of creating the respective festival edition, is promoting Kako zaobjeti petnajst let Kino Otoka? Tako, da misel na preteklost festivala film art and art as such among the youth. prepletemo z mislijo na brezkončne možnosti njegove prihodnosti. Kot sem How to cover fifteen years of Isola Cinema? Maybe by intertwining the thought nekoč že zapisala: ideje, ki so Kino Otok zagnale in ga poganjajo naprej, niso on the festival’s past with the thought on the endless possibilities of its future. As odvisne od že znane oblike. Ravno nasprotno – vsakokrat, ko se materija okrog I said once before: the ideas that started Isola Cinema and have been pushing it njih spremeni, dobijo nov zagon. on, are not dependent on a known form. Quite the contrary – whenever the matter Vse najboljše, Kino Otok. surrounding them changes, they gain new momentum. All the best, Isola Cinema. Tanja Hladnik, direktorica festivala Tanja Hladnik, Festival Director
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