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Saturday USA „ Vol-XII. No. 51 DECEMBER 22, 1917 Price 10 Cents Notice to the Reader: When you have finished readings The Town Crier, place a 1-oent stamp on this notice, hand the paper to any postal employe, and It will be plaoed in the hands of our soldiers and sailors at the front. No newrapping—no address, THE POSTMASTER-GENERALr . Seattle Saturday USA "fW RALPH MORGAN, MABEL BERT, and ETHEL REMEY In a scene from the last act of "TURN TO THE RIGHT" At the Metropolitan next week Your Attention is directed to an Important Announcement on Page 16 of this publication. For SAFE and SPEEDY SERVICE Now Greatly Augmented, Call Main 6500 SEATTLE TAXICAB CO. INVESTMENTS in Smelter Stock are rightfully considered by all who know as exceedingly safe and profitable. The Engineering and Mining Journal reported some time ago that $170,388,378.00 IN DIVIDENDS were paid by 127 smelters and mines for the year 1916. You should remember that we are a SMELTER con­ cern and have millions of tons of ore at our disposal for our well-equipped plant. We invite you to investigate before investing and will be glad to let you inspect our books and give any further information desired. The Comfort of the "Hot Spot" Gas Room Heater Is Thoroughly Appreciated by These Old Folks One reading the latest war news, while the other Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll is knitting socks for the soldiers. The comfort of a Gas Room Heater means a great deal to old people—and to young ones, too, on cool Fall evenings when it is not yet cold enough to light the furnace fire, yet too cold to WESTERN SMELTING & POWER CO. be without heat of some kind. A Gas Heater will supply all the heat you G. L. Tanzer, President and General Manager need and do it cheaply 610-611 Northern Bank Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Phone Main 3925 SEATTLE LIGHTING COMPANY STUART BLDG. PHONE MAIN 6767 THE TOWN CRIER Vol. XII. No. 51. SEATTLE, U. S. A., DECEMBER 22, 1917. PRICE TEN CENTS -Photo by Curtis CLARA BICKNELL FORD One of the daintiest of Seattle's young dancers, it is difficult for those who see Miss Ford in dance to realize the hours of hard work it has taken to achieve those" He/ht and exquisite movements. But she is a dancer, plus brains and industr;/, and one of the star pupils of Miss Wells of the Cornish School. Miss Ford is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edicin G. Ford. PAGE FOUR THE TOWN CRIER circumstances there could be no question as tn boots are there to be cleaned and must be cleaned; THE TOWN CRIER the force of this argument, for in spite of slack and it speaks well for men who are fit for other interest and light voting at school elections, the tasks that they are willing to do this sort of Official publication Ot the Seattle Fine Arts Society. Member of Washington State Press As-ociati in. wisdom of keeping school affairs divorced from work. We may get along very well without a Published every Saturday by city politics has been amply demonstrated. But military aristocracy, but no army can do business WOOD & REBKB (Inc.) this argument for a special election does not ap­ without its autocrats. It doesn't rest entirely Suite 945-6-7 The Henry Builelimr, Seattle. Telephone Main 6302. ply so forcibly in the case of Miss Strong. Educa­ with the officers to make the army a democratic Janus A. Wood Editor tional policies and school board management are institution, for the spirit of true democracy will K. h. Keiur Manager • aistav II. Kusst Advertising Manager involved only incidentally. The issue is one of be best shown in the readiness of all, officers and Entered as second-class matter at the United States post- disloyalty to the national government, of encour­ men alike, to do for one another whatever needs office at Seattle. aging treasonable activities, of undisguised sedi­ to be done. EASTERN OFFICE: No. 209 Eagle Ruildin-r, Brooklyn, N. Y. CHICAGO OFFICE: 58 East Washington Street. tion; and this issue will be by no means unre­ So we shall expect the Congress to hear from SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in aelvance, $3.00; six montl s, lated to the issues on which the coming city cam­ our own representative, John F. Miller, something |1.60; three months, 75 cents: tingle copies, 10 cents. Fur- eign subscriptions (countries in Postal I'nion) $4.00 a year. paign will be waged. more sincere, more helpful, than his recent com­ For sale hy all Newsdealers. In the opinion of The Town Crier it doesn't mat­ plaint about the shoe cleaning operations among Payments sboulel he maele by Check, Draft. Postal OrdeT, payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or hy Registered Letter. ter whether the test of public regard for Miss the American troops in France. Unless he shall For Advertising Kates a.Mress Suite 945-6-7 Henry Build- Strong comes at a special election or at the time give the country a more important message than ing, Seattle. Inquiries within city limits of Seatt'e, made by mail or by telephone to Main 6302, will he person illy re-spone'ed of the city primaries. But the reason for the re­ this, his visit abroad will seem to have been a to by a representative of THE TOWN CRIER when requested. call must be kept in the clear. It is an issue of sad waste of time. patriotism, not of politics; and the idea that * * * "school matters," as such, are in any way in­ Over the Top volved, should be promptly and effectively ban­ Work for the Idle Tonight, with the blare of music, the scintilla­ ished. Miss Strong's attitude of disloyalty, her The movement to compel every able-bodied man tion of light and color, and the racket of general relations with the enemies of the government, in the State of Washington to go to work, and to merriment, one of the happiest events in the his­ the statements she has made in her own behalf, keep at work at least tor the duration of the war. tory of Seattle will pass on to the shadowland of all prove her unfitness for any place of public is a timely movement and one that very properly memory. The Seattle Girls War Relief Bazaar trust. There must be no camouflage of this, and originates with an association of men who have will end at midnight, or thereabout, after regis­ the school authorities should be the last to quib­ plenty of work to offer. In these days when there tering the biggest success of the kind ever ble about the issue or the time of the test. is such a tremendous amount of work to be done, achieved in the West. * * * there is no excuse for any man to be idle. No Aside from its very useful and highly patriotic 9 industry whose activity may be helpful to the purpose, the Bazaar was held at the right, the Sowing Dragons Teeth ureal cause should be permitted to go short of most necessary time. It co-ordinated and gave The new selective draft endeavors to eliminate help while the pool halls and other loafing resorts direction to the energies of countless girls and some of the grave mistakes made in the previou; are crowded; nor should the industrious portion women of the city, many of whom had previously draft that worked hardships in many cases. of the American population be compelled to carry found no way of giving the service of which they which were entirely unintentional on the part ot the idlers along as excess baggage. were capable; and it provided a very necessary the Government. The new draft is not retroac­ In its issue of June 23, 1917, The Town Crier and timely stimulant to the spirit of the whole tive, but there were abuses in carrying out the discussed the West Virginia law, which provides community. Conceived in the lively imagination former draft which must be avoided this time. that every male resident of the state between of Frank Waterhouse and pushed through to suc­ The district and the appeal boards should be made sixteen and sixty years of age shall perform some cess under pressure of his unflagging zeal and up of men of unquestioned integrity, men who kind of useful labor for at least thirty-six hours liberality, the Bazaar was nonetheless distinctive­ have no political axes to grind, who are not cater­ each week, granting no exemptions to any class ly a girls' undertaking, and to the girls must go ing to this or that organization, who are willing except the physically incapacitated, and making the credit for accomplishing what could never to serve solely for the good of the cause, and who those who evade or violate tlie law subject to com­ have been done by mere men. may be trusted to fairly judge the circumstances pulsory labor and line. The success of the great carnival, not yet fully of each case. Men with personal grudges who There can be no honest objection to such a calculated in dollars and cents, is assured. The delegate to themselves the power of whipper in, law. The Employers' Association, which proposes money needed for the army base hospital is safely judge and jury, have no place on these boards. similar legislation for this state, has been party, in hand, with enough more for the further pur­ They are the manipulators of facts to suit their as advocate of the open-shop principle, to numer­ poses of civilian relief.
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