Maine Legislative Alert
MAINE LEGISLATIVE ALERT Legislation: None Status: Law in place Points of Contact: Your local State Representative and Senator can be found by visiting: Analysis Maine has a restrictive dietetics law which requires a dietician to do pretty much everything. Title 32, Chapter 104 §9915 provide some exemptions to the licensure law, including individuals “who give general nutrition-related information”, and those who provide weight control services so long as there is a supervising dietitian. Recommendations Although there is no legislation we should educate and encourage, while the legislature is in session, an expansion of the exemption language. SAMPLE LETTER TO SEND TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE(S) May 5, 2017 Dear ____________: As your constituent, I am writing to ask that you sponsor legislation to amend Title 32, Chapter 104 §9915 to allow for greater choice, more employment, lower costs, and more competition, in the practice of nutrition care. Presently, only a licensed dietician or nutritionist may provide nutrition care including assessment, goal setting, counseling or advice. This law has had the unfortunate affect of giving one nutrition philosophy a monopoly over the whole practice of nutrition. No one group should have this monopoly, and no one method, practice, education, or philosophy is right for everyone. As a supporter of holistic nutrition, which seeks to heal the “whole” body, and provide a comprehensive assessment, I would like to see a more broad and diverse choice in nutrition providers. Nutrition is not “one size fits all” and it’s important that the practice of nutrition is open to all philosophies, not only to have gainful employment and improve the health of all citizens, but to provide maximum competition which gives maximum choice for consumers and helps to lower costs.
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