Copyrighted Material
Index client and server validation testing and, SYMBOLS 77–80 $(document).read(), jQuery, 143 composing messages, 170–171 handling validation of data layer repository, A 94–96 abstraction, of data layer, 93–94 InMemoryContactService and, 121–122 acceptable verbs, 38 usage tracking and, 241–242, 246, 248 [AcceptVerbs] attribute validation testing and, 80 overview of, 38 advice, AOP, 13 testing existence of Register action and AJAX correct signature, 39–40 displaying images after upload, 206 Accordion UI control, 251 message templating and, 219–220, 224 account management, high-level design POST vs. GET, 258 for, 29–30 submitting form data with, 201–204 AccountController class Alert boxes, 196 creating tests related to membership Amazon EC2 (Elastic Computer Cloud), actions, 37 260 testing user registration, 41–42 AOP (aspect-oriented programming), AccountControllerTest class, 39 12–13 action fi lters, ASP.NET MVC, 9 AppHelper class Action method creating for membership test, 46–48 image hosting, 208 testing validity for contact import, message composition, 173 155–156 message retrieval, 180–181 AppHelperTest class ActionFilterAttribute, creating action creating for membership test, 46 fi lters, 9 validating email address for registration, ActionResult, testingCOPYRIGHTED validity of, 37 MATERIAL45–47 ActiveX, 187 .ascx user controls, 132–134 Add method aspect, AOP, 13 adding messages to repository, 171 aspect-oriented programming (AOP), assigning unique ID, 97–98 12–13 447628bindex.indd7628bindex.indd 226363 88/4/09/4/09 99:34:06:34:06 AAMM
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