The Ithacan, 1971-10-15
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Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1971-72 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 10-15-1971 The thI acan, 1971-10-15 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1971-10-15" (1971). The Ithacan, 1971-72. 8. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1971-72 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Special Rock & Politics Issue Founded 1937 lncorponled 1969 I Member C.P.S. and The Ithacan will not publish Liberation News Service over the October 22nd "holiday" I weekend. Next issue: October 29. Vol. XLV - No.i t 8 I 1011 Ithaca. New York, Oclober IS, 1971 10 centc; Exclusive To The Ithacan John Lennon .... ,... Communication ........ John Lindsay by Russ Halley & Chris Latham by Steve Kavee "This whole scene could turn out to be where he and Yoko were hanging out, "I am not a candidate for the human. non-mnltJ ,-,lJnt on the the Altamont of the Art world." Lennon was honestly angry because he presidency and I have no plans at this confrrencl'. I k q lH!SI 1oncd L mdsJ~ <lll an anonymous photographer traveling didn't understand what the problem was time," said John Lindsay. prison outbrcJk, J!_!Jtn. with John & Yoko or why we should be so upset. but after "Then what the hell were you doing in .. Well. Wl' had "<•111" the N.-w YDrh. a few minutes both sides calmed down ~fayor slurred. lie tla,.cd ht, :i_tJll,l' Jilli Owego?" queried a voice from the "Just give me some truth ... aU I want and he asked us what we wanted to do. presented has other ~1dl'. dcJ!ing w11h crowd. · is the truth." We told him that we didn't yct have any the people. "We had four in~tiru11ni1,-, -John Lennon idea ~hat we were going to write ab!lul that had upnsmg, wuh hostag.l!.s hdd. I John Lmdsay stood in front of an When you think about John Lennon and a straight" rntervicw would only be !hink I alreJdy anw:o.:n.'d thJt que,111111 ·· inoperative microphone at the Ichabod or any other fantasized superstar it's indicative of a preconc1eved article. lie turned to J n•port<·r but the 111.111 Tuesday nigh!. looking weary from a very difficult to realistically conceive of Rather, we just wanted to hang out. ask pre,sed on hectic New York State tour he had what he is trying lo do or say. An "Wh..1t dn you thank .1ho111 Punt" a few questions, watch what went on undertaken m order to make ,urc in ere dible number of barriers stand Ricans and \iq!rol's killed 111 IHl\1111'! On and just sec what came of it. lie dug 1! everybody knows that he 1s 1101 between him and his audience. On our prisoner~ h.1w ~,ghh :n !!""" lwddmg. and so we were allowed to spend a attempt111g a national office 111 1972. side we have to deal with the fantasy we· food . ?" hectic. but intensly encouraging Upon his Jrrival at !he restaurant. the all have in our heads concerning him no, Obv1ou~I~· dhturhed h) tht· n·.tltty ot afternoon with them. crowd n~clVed away from the open bar matter how much we profess to share J personal «mvcr,..!I 1n11 ,1pd I h,· 11.ilur<· ~ that they paid five dollars for the his belief that "the dream is over". At . of the q11<·,t1nn he ,p,,kc h11c1I, ,ind privilege of using. Clustered around 0 the same time you can't help but With the Sllllerll) ,,1 ,I puhtldJII i;,. ,aid. suspect that he might be attempting to "they hah' lh,· h.1,1, 11)!iil, ,,r .111 h11111,111 perpetuate the same type of rip off that hcing~. e,n·pt I he: 11.:ht IP ,,>1,· ·· our culture has suffered so much from ·1 hen thc ,.till<' 111.111 , .. hP hl'l1·,·.t in the past few years. nomin:1t<' Spir11 \1!11<·,, 111 ]'l<,K .111d For his part, he 1s bound lo be wary later c.:alkd d1.11 I r<'I ui.:<·e, 111 C".111.1d.1 of a public that refuses to throw off the hen,._.,. d<'IJ1lcd h1, l,'<"llllg i>ll t,111\l'h,11 fantasy, of shrieking "fans" who ~1111 amm·sty 1,>r An1cr1<,111 n.p.1lraJt,·, wh., boast of having touched him eight years fled fro111 I h<' dr:,fl. after Ed Sullivan, ancl_ of a press whose urrn no( fur gl"lh'r~il .i1t1nl'..,I\'. ,i" • major concern 1s the current status of strongly ,1, I .1111 "l'P"'<'d tu thh ·· his relationship with Paul McCartney. Mo~I of lhos<' whll w,·nt lo 111 N.Y.C. he ,.11.t wne 11,><,r while ··in, This past weekend Yoko Ono opened 0 0 an exhibit at the Everson Museum an ""\ the 1110~1 p,trl !hose w llll ,."k,·tcd (1' ,.: Syracuse entitled THIS IS NOT HERE to Can.1da ,tr<· m1ddk-L·l.i" ... T"i,11 with John Lennon listed as guest arl1sl. amne,ty Ill' frl! w.a, "unb1r m,1111lv l(> The scene at the museum on Saturday. ~~ poor people who went .and ~o: ktlkd 1,1 the day of the opening was one of wound,·d ,111d otlwr, \\ ho went to J,111 ·· incredible confusion as thousands of The IDg1c faltt•reJ t,ur lw endnl I h,· people had turned out to sec the show Sp<·e.:h with ;ill" 111..:red1hly lw:1v~ and to try to catch a glimpse of the compari~on. Lennons. Neither the long haired .. Rout 111,· P""''i:Ut1,,n [of dr.,11 "marshalls" who were: being used to Lindsay,--1 were local democratic leaders, evadcr~f 111 the old l.i,luorwd cn1111n.,I police other kids. the directors of the "We're just like everybody else, you candidates and party members. They, sense of IJwhre.,!,.,·r, ... ( wo1,ld "·11c· museum or the Lennon, themselves know." for the most part were cager to ~hake no m<>rt· p11rpo,t'/ lh.111 tt sl'cm, lht'I 111 st:med to quite understand what wa~ -Richard Starkey hands with the Mayor of New York ro he prost·\..·u 11nr pol1c1\ 1an ... ,a..i1i, wnung off. II was an unfortunate' thmg "I've always said that anybody could City. who jus! recently ~witched frnm hrought th Ill \'1c1 '\..1111 •• hut many wenl away c.:onvinccd lhat have been a Ueatle." the Rcpubl11.:an to Democratic Party The urnlcrcn,:e ,·111h'd .111d p1, lure·, someone. and probably Lennon l11mself, -Jolm Lennon They thru~t programs. cocktail n.ipk111~ were 1.tkL"n ol l.111,kl\ ,h.ik1111: h.J11d, had rapped them off at•ain. and other items in hb hand. innocently with .ill lh<· lo<.il ,kn11>:1.11,. , ,\ ttcr hav111g taken a rushed and I h<', .trL' 111 J un1q11e positlllll a~k1ng for .1ulograph, for their uc;l\'l' nl} b1..· ... 1 tc) :•·u, f••llJ 1•1rh .. c.:onfus<:d look at the exhibit, we wert· hec.1th<' tl11.:1r \\t·.tlt h. ta me. and mohtl1ty ··d.1ughters.""11ephcws" and other~. A, said l 111d,.1~ I" , ,11,· beginning to f<:cl the sam<: way. We had allow, them to do t h111g~ t h..11 other, are the Mayor progres~ed away from the .. It\ r"" 1, .. ,,. • ,.11d 111<· 111.11. B ,,1, received hlllc c.:oopcr..1tion from unahlc to do. Tiu: average unknown is door, into the crowd, the local Sllllkd ,llld fill· 11."h \\Clll ,>II the museum people. and smc.:e 11 not generally Jblc to pul on :111 exhibit democrats lined up along a wall and 011 t" B.11k, I I.ill 11"" "11 h I h<' h,,,, wa, their trip. we wanted to talk with at the Everson or any other museum. As were formally introduced to the M,.1yor lrorn the C11rn<·II Sun 1\h11 gr11df!111g·h John and Yoko hccausL" we hoped that with evcrytlung el~e. there 1, a ~pe'c1fic by the Tompkin, County Democratic gave nw .1 rnk W<· .1ir1vi:,I I.Ill". h,1, they might he able to dear away the hierarchy that mu~t h<.: followed m the leader. Jean Angel. entcri:d through ., b,1<·k door. 1 h,· <; 11 n d1stort1on, thal had het:n ~l!t up in our art world One mus( he rccogn17cd as an Lindsay spoke briefly on hi~ purpose. prell"n<l111g not lo f.. now me. heads. W<: didn't think we'd have the art1~t helorc he 1~ allowed to consider The reason he came to Ithaca he ~:ud. A'i l11H.l,.1>- ..... ud, .. ih1, ... 1..' lu\Jll!! p11\\.'~·, chance until al one point they darted lum~clf a~ ,uch. was lo help local democratic candidate, deserve lo lnsl' 11 :· \l.,r,l.iall R,1w111h.1I 1, '"" the puhhcly occupied part of the John and Yoko arc attempting to get elected. The scene w:1s a crowd of lhe llldt'P<"IHfrnt <'.111d1d,1!c lot \1.1·. ,,, , ,; muscum and we: were able to yell al destroy that whole elitist tnp.