Coast Guard, DHS § 162.65
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Coast Guard, DHS § 162.65 (2) No vessels having a height of more with moorings and lines which are suf- than 35 feet with reference to the plane ficient and proper. of mean high water shall enter or pass (c) Right-of-way. All vessels pro- through the area whenever visibility is ceeding with the current shall have the less than one mile. right-of-way over those proceeding against the current. Large vessels or § 162.30 Channel of Tuckerton Creek, tows must not overtake and attempt to N.J.; navigation. pass other large vessels or tows in the (a) Power boats or other vessels pro- waterway. All small pleasure craft pelled by machinery shall not proceed shall relinquish the right-of-way to deeper draft vessels, which have a lim- at any time within the limits of these ited maneuvering ability due to their waters at a greater speed than 8 stat- draft and size. ute miles per hour. (d) Stopping in waterway. Vessels will not be permitted to stop or anchor in § 162.35 Channel of Christina River, Del.; navigation. the ship channel. (e) Water skiing. Water skiing in the (a) That vessels of over 20 tons capac- waterway is prohibited between Reedy ity, propelled by machinery, shall not Point and Welch Point. proceed at any time within the limits (f) Sailboats. Transiting the canal by of these waters at a greater speed than vessels under sail is not permitted be- 8 statute miles per hour. tween Reedy Point and Welch Point. NOTE: The Corps of Engineers also has reg- § 162.40 Inland waterway from Dela- ulations dealing with this section in 33 CFR ware River to Chesapeake Bay, Del. part 207. and Md. (Chesapeake and Delaware Canal). § 162.65 All waterways tributary to the (a) Applicability. The regulations in Atlantic Ocean south of Chesapeake Bay and all waterways tributary to this section are applicable to that part the Gulf of Mexico east and south of of the inland waterway from Delaware St. Marks, Fla. River to Chesapeake Bay, Del. and Md., (a) Description. This section applies to between Reedy Point, Delaware River, the following: and Old Town Point Wharf, Elk River. (1) Waterways. All navigable waters of (b) Speed. No vessel in the waterway the United States, natural or artificial, shall be raced or crowded alongside an- including bays, lakes, sounds, rivers, other vessel. Vessels of all types, in- creeks, intracoastal waterways, as well cluding pleasure craft, are required to as canals and channels of all types, travel at all times at a safe speed which are tributary to or connected by throughout the canal and its ap- other waterways with the Atlantic proaches so as to avoid damage by suc- Ocean south of Chesapeake Bay or with tion or wave wash to wharves, land- the Gulf of Mexico east and south of ings, riprap protection, or other boats, St. Marks, Florida. or injury to persons. Pilots and vessel (2) United States property. All river operators transiting the canal and its and harbor lands owned by the United approaches are warned that violation States in or along the waterways de- of this rule may result in having their scribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this para- privilege to transit the canal sus- graph, including lock sites and all pended. Passages of vessels through the structures thereon, other sites for Gov- canal will be monitored and specific ernment structures and for the accom- cases will be investigated where dam- modation and use of employees of the age by suction or wave wash does United States, and rights of way and occur. Owners and operators of yachts, spoil disposal areas to the extent of motorboats, rowboats and other craft Federal interest therein. are cautioned that large deep draft (3) Vessels and rafts. The term ‘‘ves- ocean-going vessels and other large sel’’ as used in this section includes all commercial vessels ply the canal, and floating things moved over these wa- such owners and operators should be terways other than rafts. particularly careful to moor or anchor (b) Waterways—(1) Fairway. A clear well away from the main ship channels, channel shall at all times be left open 563 VerDate Mar<15>2010 07:59 Sep 03, 2010 Jkt 220131 PO 00000 Frm 00573 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220131.XXX 220131 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.