NAME______DATE______SITE #______

COMMON NAME GROUP NUMBER COMMON NAME GROUP NUMBER Bay Anchovy Anchovies Mosquitofish Livebearers Striped Anchovy Anchovies Sailfin Molly Livebearers Great Barracuda Barracudas Inshore Lizardfish Lizardfish Hairy Blenny Blennies Spanish Mackerel Mackerel Bluefish Bluefish Irish Pompano Mojarra Gafftopsail Catfish Silver Jenny Mojarra Hardhead Catfish Catfish Spotfinned Mojarra Mojarra Skillet Fish Clingfishes Striped Mojarra Mojarra Atlantic Cutlass fish Cutlassfish Striped Mullet Atlantic Croaker Drum White Mullet Mullet Black Drum Drum Atlantic Needlefish Needlefish Red Drum (Redfish) Drum Redfin Needlefish Needlefish Silver Perch Drum Lined Seahorse Pipefish and Seahorses Spot Drum Pipefish spp Pipefish and Seahorses Spotted Seatrout Drum Pinfish Porgy Star Drum Drum Sheepshead Porgy American Spottail Pinfish Porgy Planehead Filefish Filefish Checkered Puffer Puffers Bay Whiff Flat Fish Southern Puffer Puffers Blackcheek Tonguefish Flat Fish Striped Burrfish Puffers Gulf Flounder Flat Fish Atlantic Stingray Ray Hogchoker Flat Fish Smooth butterfly Ray Ray Southern Flounder Flat Fish Southern Stingray Ray Freshwater Goby Goby Bighead Searobin Searobins Frill Finned Goby Goby Atlantic Sharp Nose Shark Shark Goby spp Goby Bonnet Head Shark Shark Naked Goby Goby Shark Black Sea Bass Grouper Atlantic Silverside Silversides Pigfish Grunt Lane Snapper Snapper Atlantic Menhaden Herrings Mangrove Snapper Snapper Atlantic Thread Herring Herrings Common Snook Snook Atlantic Bumper Jack Atlantic Spadefish Spadefish Crevalle Jack Jack Southern Stargazer Stargazers Florida Pompano Jack Ladyfish Tarpon Leather Jacket Jack Oyster Toadfish Toadfish Lookdown Jack Sea Grape Tunicates and Sea Squirts Permit Jack Sea Pork Tunicates and Sea Squirts Gulf Killifish Killifish Sea Squirt Tunicates and Sea Squirts Marsh Killifish Killifish Whiting spp Mummichog Killifish Sheepshead Minnow Killifish Striped Killifish Killifish