Classification: Confidential

Minutes of Treflys Council held on Thursday 30th May 2019 at 8:45pm

Present Hugh James, Tom Evans, Freda James, Graham Davies, Estyn James, Col Van Rees, Mike Thomas

1. Apologies Ian Powell

2. Confirmation of Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed as a true and accurate record.

3. Matters Arising There were no matters arising.

4. Correspondence i) A letter was received from Mr Len Elliot of Minffordd, Beulah regarding the non-existence of traffic calming measures on the A483 through the village of Beulah. County Council had been sent the letter together with the MP and AM. It was decide to support Mr Elliot but Col Van Rees pointed out that perhaps there would be a stronger case when the new development had been completed.

ii) A letter was received from the Reverend Geoffrey Strickland regarding a finger post beside the A483 to direct people’s attention to the Bill Wern Well. Col Van Rees said he would speak to him in order to progress with the sign with .

iii) A letter was received from Community support thanking for the donation made by Treflys Community Council and inviting a member of Treflys C.C to a presentation. It was decided that Hugh James would attend.

iv) A planning application ref 19/0819/ful for an agricultural building at Tyn Y Cwm, was made. There were no objections.

5. Business An email received from Guy Walker from Builth Builders complaining that Treflys C.C had attended a site meeting on his development at Beulah without consent. A reply had been sent apologising on behalf of the Council and thanking Mr Walker for offering to show the Community Councillors what was happening with his development.

Classification: Confidential

6. Date of next meeting Thursday 5th September.

7. Any other business There was no other business.

The meeting closed at 9:30pm

