The Belfast Gazette Published Bp Flutboritp
number 1,277 301 The Belfast Gazette Published bp flutboritp Registered as a newspaper. FRIDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1945. BY THE KING HERRING INDUSTRY ACTS, 1935 to 1944. A PROCLAMATION The Secretaries of State concerned with the sea- APPOINTING TUESDAY, THE FIRST DAY or JANUARY, fishing industry in Scotland and in Northern Ireland ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIX, A and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries gives BANK. HOLIDAY THROUGHOUT ENGLAND, WALES AND notice that the Herring Industry Board have sub- NORTHERN IRELAND FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE mitted, in pursuance of Section 2 (7) of the Herring BANK HOLIDAYS ACT, 1871. Industry Act, 1935, an amending Scheme to the GEORGE R.I. Herring Industry Scheme. 1935. The amending Scheme may be inspected and copies thereof pur- Wherea's we consider it desirable that Tuesday, chased (price Id net) at the following places:— the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, shall be kept as a close holiday in all SCOTLAND. banks in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Scottish Home Department, St. Andrew's House, shall, as regards bills of Exchange and promissory Edinburgh 1. notes payable in England, Wales or Northern Ire- Scottish Home Department's District Fishery land, be deemed to be a bank holiday for all the Offices at Eyemouth, Leith, Anstruther, Mont- purposes of the Bank Holidays Act, 1871 : rose, Aberdeen, Peterhead, Fraserburgh, Mac- NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers duff, Buckle, Lossiemouth, Helmsdale, Wick. conferred by section four of the said Act, We do by Lerwick, Stornoway. Ullapool, Kyle of Lochalsh, this Our Royal Proclamation, by and with the advice Oban, Campbeltovvn, Tarbert, Ayr.
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