Northern Spotted Owl
HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN fafl ~ NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL CALIFORNIA TIMBERLANDS OF SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY Simpson Simpson Timber Company Redwood Division Po sox 1159 ARCATA CALIFORNIA 95521-1169 (707) 822-0371 October 12, 1992 This habitat conservation plan (HCP) was developed based on three years of field work and ongoing discussions with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). It was formally submitted to the Service for final review and approval in April 1992, after which the Service prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for the issuance of an incidental take permit to Simpson's California Subsidiaries. The permit was issued on September 17, 1992. As part of the Service's review of the documents and in response to public comments solicited by the Service, specific clarifications and refinements of portions of the HCP were made prior to the issuance of the permit. These changes are described in the "Supplement" which can be found at the end of the HCP, following Appendix E. Any inquiries regarding this document should be addressed to: Mr. T. E. O'Dell Resource Manager Simpson Timber Company P. 0. Box 1169 Arcata, CA 95521-1169 (707) 822-0371 Very truly yours, SIMJ_fil?,N TIMBER COMPANY ,-~---· David W. Kaney Vice President & General Manager Table of Contents Table of Contents Page Summary 1 Chapter 1. The Planning Context and the Plan Area 27 A. Introduction 27 B. The Regulatory Framework 28 1) Federal Listing of the Species 28 a) Restrictions on Take 28 b) Designation of Critical Habitat 29 c) Recovery Plan 30 2) HCP Requirements and Guidelines 31 a) Permit Application and Approval Process 31 b) Planning Guidelines 32 3) Other Legal Requirements 33 a) National Environmental Policy Act 33 b) California Environmental Quality Act 34 c) California Forest Practice Rules 35 d) California Endangered Species Act 37 e) Local Plans and Ordinances 38 4) Other Plans and Programs 38 a) Interagency Scientific Committee Report 38 b) California Habitat Conservation Plan 39 c) Natural Community Conservation Plans 40 C.
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