1. Allison Sandmeyer-Graves, Director of Youth Programming and Director of Development and International Projects, WE

In speaking about the impact on beneficiaries she witnessed while working at WE, Allison said, “My favorite part of working at WE was meeting kids who had found a sense of belonging and purpose through WE. I would have loved this when I was in school, and I found it incredibly rewarding to help create outlets for their passions and connect them to a community of kids like them.

Reflecting on her experience at WE, Allison said, The best part of working at WE was collaborating with incredibly bright, talented and driven colleagues, who challenged and supported me to grow. Overall, the diversity of career experiences that WE offered enabled me to build my "toolkit" rapidly and positioned me for future success.

One of the things I'm most proud of is the transformation we led in our monitoring and evaluation of programs. We made it a priority to understand how our programs were impacting people and used this insight to inform our work to produce even greater outcomes.

The organization matured dramatically over the time I was with WE. It went from being a grassroots organization with big ideas but limited capacity to an organization capable of scaling proven programs and initiatives internationally. This evolution involved a steady effort at building and improving systems, processes and programs to merit and support wide-scale replication.

Looking back, Allison reflected on her time at WE: My time at WE taught me to set high standards for myself and others, and how to work hard to meet those expectations. It also gave me an education in how to challenge the status quo—internally and externally—to bring about the kind of change that I want to see in the world.

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2. Katy Whitfield, WE Trips Facilitator (Ecuador), ME to WE

Roles at WE: North American Programming, Education support on the Directors of Change Program; WE Trips Facilitator, Ecuador

Now: Award-winning history, French, dramatic arts and equity studies teacher at Northview Heights Secondary School (TDSB)

Fun fact: When trip facilitating in Ecuador, I got to be part of digging the trench for a clean water project and also saw that water make it into a community to build a washroom block. So awesome to be able to see both parts of the process in making clean water and sanitation accessible for the community of La Pampa.

Thinking about how WE helped shape her career path, Katy reflected,

WE gave me the opportunity to see firsthand the impact of student activism and engagement in supporting communities in and in Ecuador to have new school buildings, access to clean water and to become empowered through alternative income projects. Because of my work at WE I became even more inspired to mentor youth in making a difference in their schools and local communities, as well as nationally and globally. As a world traveler and a teacher, I bring the world into my classroom every day in meaningful ways and through WE I gained useful resources and tools to make learning relevant and connected to the interests of my students!

[At WE] I learned the value of collaboration, the importance of using the strengths of all team members and recognizing that we all have something to learn from each other, as well as something to teach each other in our work.

I developed useful skills in leadership and facilitation of programming for youth and this is something that is part of my daily practice as an educator.

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3. Kylie Brown, Talent Logistics Manager, WE Day, WE Charity

Reflecting on her time and WE and the impact of her work, Kylie said,

The impact I witnessed most closely as Talent Logistics Manager for WE Day was the incredible sense of hopefulness and purpose felt by youth, speakers and performers alike. WE Day unites adults and youth through the common goal of taking real steps to make positive change in the world. The effects of thousands of individuals leaving WE Day feeling inspired and empowered to make a difference are compounding and long-lasting.

My time with WE as Talent Logistics Manager for WE Day was fast-paced and incredibly exciting and inspiring. The momentum of rolling out what was, at the time, a tour of nine stadium-scale events in nine cities over two months was breathtaking and I continue to be amazed by the efficiency and professionalism with which our relatively small team produced the events. I loved working with the huge range of speakers and performing artists who donated their time to be involved in WE Day—they were often just as impacted and inspired by the day as the youth in the audience.

I was incredibly proud to be working on WE Day. I have never seen anything like it—events that have such widespread support and active participation from youth, performing artists and the business community alike. WE Day has identified a need in the community for people to come together in an environment that makes it possible for them to have a real positive impact on their world.

What I remember most vividly about WE Day is the incredible energy of a stadium full of excited youth who have gathered to celebrate their efforts to make a difference. WE Day is unique in its ability to unite performing artists, businesses and youth in a context that encourages shameless idealism and real actions toward improving our world.

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4. Zoe Stern, Director, Minnesota Office, WE

In the five years I worked for WE (then Free The Children) I had nothing but positive experiences. I was always treated with respect and felt I was part of a strong team working toward a collective goal based on an unwavering mission. The opportunities and experiences I was given during my employment were second to none and I could never be where I am today without them.

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5. Yohan Mathew, Director of Business Development, Director, Strategic Partnerships, WE

Thinking about their experience at WE and what they were most proud of, Yohan said,

My experience at WE provided me with an incredible learning opportunity that I could not have gotten anywhere else. The trust and responsibility the organization placed in my hands allowed me to gain invaluable exposure and skills that I leverage in my work as a leader of a business unit today. Throughout my time with the organization, I found that the tightly knit culture, strong core values system and passion for innovation in social impact programming was embraced at all levels.

I've had the privilege of working at WE in two different roles on separate occasions and, as such, am in the unique position of having seen the organization evolve rapidly over the years. Greater structure, better compensation and more staff—development opportunities seemed to be accelerating as the organization grew from a small group of committed and passionate changemakers to a world-wide force for positive social impact.

I am so proud to have been part of a small but mighty team that launched the WE Day movement with the inaugural event back in 2007. The feeling of seeing thousands of youth come together for the very first time, united by their commitment to making a difference in the world, and knowing that we had just unlocked something incredible, is something I carry with me fondly to this day.

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6. Matt Finlin, Director of Digital Media, WE

Reflecting on his experience and the impact of his work at WE, Matt said, Where to begin? While working at WE for three years I was presented with some of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding moments of my professional career. From developing and executing global campaigns that in turn helped thousands of young people across the globe, to traveling to Kenya and teaching card tricks to Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai. (Yes, I taught her that trick.) There was always something new and exciting happening. We could bring ideas to the table and execute them. Our team worked hard. Really hard—and it was rewarding. We believed in what we were doing and we wanted to move the needle forward. My fellow team members and executive leaders were amongst the smartest people I've worked with and just truly great people who I will forever be connected to.

One of the projects I was most proud of was developing the creative, strategy and execution of several global campaigns released over the holiday season that provided school supplies to thousands of children across the globe. Producing PSAs that played around the world with some of WE's ambassadors, like Demi Lovato and Nick Jonas, telling the story of how bracelets made in Kenya provide income to the women who made them and in turn provide impacts such as health, education and clean water to those in need was an incredible cause to be a part of.

The impact continues beyond WE. Since leaving the organization and starting production company Door Knocker Media, my partner, Karen Barzilay, and I have had the privilege of producing the WE Day Special on ABC in the U.S. for the past four years. We love telling the stories of young people, families and educators making a difference, whatever their cause may be. It feels good to continue supporting the great work of the organization to elevate those making a positive difference across North America and world.

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7. Amanda Seifried, External Consultant

I had the pleasure of working with WE for close to a year (as an external consultant). I was helping to support WE as they developed strategies for engaging with different types of stakeholders and thinking through how they could continue to scale their operations. In my role, I had the unique opportunity to speak with over 100 of WE’s stakeholders—educators who use WE resources in their classrooms to speak to students about social issues, donors who support WE’s programming domestically and internationally, travelers who have participated in ME to WE’s immersive trip experiences and business leaders who contribute to support WE’s mission and engage their employees to make an impact in their communities. These stakeholders spoke highly positively of their experience working with WE, and offered constructive suggestions for how WE could continue to evolve as an organization. I was inspired by how seriously WE leadership took hearing feedback from their stakeholders and I was proud to be a part of a shift at the organization to be increasingly stakeholder-centric.

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8. Jackie Taitz, Director of WE Day, WE Charity

One of the things I loved most about being a part of the WE Day team was seeing the impact it had on the youth who attended— there was such an amazing buzz of excitement and inspiration in the air. They felt motivated and empowered and ready to tackle the issues that mattered to them. It was a great privilege to be a part of such a profound experience for so many young people.

The best part of working at WE (then Free The Children) was the team I had the opportunity to work with. The broader WE team was filled with so many talented, hardworking and mission-committed people. And the WE Day team that I worked most closely with was just incredible—everyone worked tirelessly with the intention of creating a life-changing experience for the young people who attended WE Day.

I was and always will be profoundly proud and grateful to have been a part of creating and expanding WE Day. It is a unique and powerful event that touches the lives of so many young people and inspires and empowers them to make a difference in the world. I feel so privileged to have been a part of something like that.

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9. Angelique De Montbrun, Director, Brand and Integrated Marketing, WE

I started at WE almost immediately out of university and it gave me the chance to grow my professional career into many areas. I was given the opportunity to build departments and disciplines within the organization, and the autonomy to pursue my passion and output incredible work. It was really entrepreneurial that way. In addition to the work, the people at WE are some of the most brilliant and compassionate individuals, who were amazing colleagues, friends and family.

I am proud of helping to develop and grow our marketing discipline. When I first started at WE, marketing wasn’t a priority and over the years we developed a mature department that created world-class campaigns and initiatives. In addition, I am also really proud of the departments I was able to build and teams I was able to lead. Being a part of the beginning of young peoples’ careers, supporting their passions and seeing them grow was such a fundamental part of my time at WE.

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10. Julia Crabbe, Leadership Facilitator, WE Charity

I worked mostly providing leadership training to young people in North America. I also facilitated trips overseas. What I saw were young people having new and eye-opening experiences, being exposed to different ways of life. ME to WE trip participants get to focus on empathy and perspective. Whether it is the opportunity to get to know a classmate in a different context, bonding over the discovery of their political voices or listening to a community member in another country explain their daily life to you over a meal, when we further develop empathy and perspective our minds expand. I think that is an opportunity WE provides for many people.

Working at WE was the first time I felt powerful and truly competent. I was trusted with big projects, offered challenging opportunities and given the resources and encouragement I needed to accomplish my goals. One of the great things about WE is that it never underestimates young people—it provides staff with space and opportunity to do big things. I have carried the confidence I gained at WE through all of my subsequent experiences.

More than being a part of any big event, I am most proud of the hundreds of conversations I've had with young people across North America while providing leadership training. I feel proud that I was able to sit with young people and listen to their ideas, their perspectives and to be a friend to them when they may not have had many others who were listening.

The organization has grown immensely since I started at WE. I began volunteering at the age of 16, in 2002, when the organization was still called Free the Children (and Leaders Today). When I started working full-time we were a staff of 12 or so, and still sometimes worked out of Theresa and Fred Kielburger's house in Thornhill. The scope of the organization has grown immensely, the name of the organization has changed, and the kinds of programming and services offered have grown.

Two things stand out to me about my time at WE. First is the incredible scope of what can be accomplished by young people when provided with the opportunity and the organizational support. While at WE, over and over again small groups of teammates accomplished impressive, large-scale, complex goals. It was hard work, but teamwork and camaraderie pulled us through. The second thing I reflect on are the lasting friendships. I have met the best friends of my life by working at WE, and for that I am forever grateful.

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11. Amy Schlein, Director of Communications, WE

During my five years with WE as the former head of PR and Communications, I worked with some of the biggest media outlets across Canada and the United States to share the incredible initiatives of the organization. However, the project that I am most proud of is the coordination of a government-funded documentary that followed two teenagers who led fundraisers at their schools after the 2004 tsunami and then traveled to Sri Lanka to commemorate the opening of a new school that they raised funds to build. To prepare for this documentary, I interviewed many young students across Toronto who rallied their classmates and school together to raise money through WE’s Adopt a Village program (now WE Villages). I was so overcome by listening to their passion, energy and desire to make a difference. The two Toronto students who eventually traveled to rural Sri Lanka, helped to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony of the school. Together, they represented the amazing efforts of their peers across the city. The overall experience showed me the real power and impact that young people can make. WE made that possible! It gave the students the platform, and support to create change. It celebrated their success. It was at that moment, early in my experience working with WE, when I realized I had the best job in the world by getting to tell and share their stories.

WE was one of my first jobs out of university. I worked with WE for over five years before I left to pursue my MBA at one of the top international business schools in the world. The MBA program quickly highlighted the uniqueness of my work experience with WE. Through business cases and sharing experiences, my classmates often discussed their challenges in working with superiors, managing bullying in the office and motivating employees. These were issues I couldn’t relate to. I came from WE, where most of my colleagues and superiors became friends. We were all young, motivated and wanted to make a difference. After work I frequently stayed around the office to attend a colleague’s presentation about a social issue they were passionate about or listen to an update about another colleague’s recent travels to WE’s international projects. For me, the office was the greatest way to learn about global issues and it the best way to make new and interesting friends. Following the MBA, I came back to work WE in a different capacity. After two years away, the organization had grown remarkably, but it was heartwarming to be welcomed back to same culture of passionate, young and ambitious people. Although I am no longer involved in the day-to-day operations of the organization, I continue to be a supporter and active donor. WE was my education, my career formation and as a parent with three young kids, it is a huge source of inspiration.

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12. Kate Burnett, Deputy Chief Operating Director, ME to WE

Reflecting on her experience, and what she was most proud of while working here, Kate said, In a word, incredible. What WE accomplishes in a year is equivalent to what other organizations spend years doing. It is fast-paced, constantly changing and opportunistic. As a result of working at WE, I am relentless at prioritizing what is really going to move the needle, ultra-efficient and able to collaborate effectively. I was constantly punching above my weight in terms of contribution to the overall strategic direction of the organization, access to external stakeholders and decision making around my business unit. My career has been propelled forward as a result of working at WE for seven years.

By far, I am most proud of the impact my team and I had on empowering Maasai mamas in rural Kenya. When I started with ME to WE we were working directly with approximately 30 mamas—slightly reinventing their traditional beadwork into accessories that would be both scalable and popular in North America. Three years later, we were working with over 1,400 women, helping them empower themselves, their families and communities. It is incredibly easy to motivate yourself and your team when your “work” is so connected with such a tangible impact.

Kate reflected on what’s changed since her time at WE: A lot, and a little at the same time. The scale is more significant, the teams larger and the impact greater, but at the core, WE remains fueled by incredibly passionate and intelligent people who will not rest until they have done everything possible to achieve their goals. The belief in the mission is at the core of everything WE did and continues to do.

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13. Ashley Hilkewich, Director of Fundraising, Donor Relations and International Programs, WE Charity

Working at WE provided me the opportunity to gain a global perspective, develop cross-cultural communication and leadership skills. Working on programs that spanned five continents, and doing work to launch in new geographies, was an opportunity very early in my career to build my skillset and contribute to meaningful global issues I am passionate about. My experience taking on big ambitious projects early in my career, and having management support and believe in my abilities, has been fuel and inspiration for me to provide coaching, opportunity and mentorship to others as I’ve grown in my career. One of the things I’m most proud of is the talent I’ve helped to develop at WE and other organizations since.

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14. Louise Kent, Director of Youth Programming, WE

Reflecting on the impact of the students she worked with, Louise said, I led hundreds of leadership workshops at schools across the country. Students would tell me about issues going on in their school and how they felt powerless to do anything. But there is something special when you get 20 students of different ages and experiences all in the same room, speaking about the things that they want to improve in their school. All of a sudden there would be one student—just one—who takes the lead. They would rarely be the oldest, but they would have passion. They would say one thing or ask one question that would get the group planning little things to address the issue at hand. Breakfast mornings, anti- bullying days (or pro-fun days!), empathy events, wellness days … and the creative list goes on. My job was always scribe ONLY at that point! In these small moments, I was reminded of the power in a space; outside of a traditional classroom setting, where students could discuss issues and plan solutions for their own backyard. It had a huge impact on me—and I believe also had a huge impact on those students and their communities!

Thinking back on her experience at WE, Louise said, I joined WE Charity (then Free The Children) in 2004, as a youth coordinator supporting students in their local actions. Next, I moved onto the ME to WE side (then Leaders Today), to lead speaking tours and leadership workshops focused on local and global issues at schools across North America. I was given coaching to help me become a better speaker and facilitator for those youth I was serving. I used original, socially conscious music in my speeches. The leadership team at WE allowed me to record some of my music and continue to use it on the road. That whole time I was also facilitating international volunteer and leadership trips when needed. After being on the road so long, I wanted to settle down a bit more. The leadership team worked with me to find a plan that would give me more balance, and more time at home. In 2009, I ended up right back where I started: the WE Charity youth department! I honed my skills in stakeholder mapping and management to best serve schools in their efforts to raise funds and awareness. I helped develop tools, educational resources and fundraising campaigns. I ran stakeholder surveys to ensure we were always hearing what worked for students and educators, and helped lead educational partnerships. I co-managed a team of over 40 and focused on recognition and retention—I learned a ton! The leadership team at WE are always focused on retaining talent—as are most organizations. If you work hard and have passion for what you do, they will bend over backwards to put you where you’ll thrive! This was my observation and personal experience, and the experience of most of my colleagues at the time.

Reflecting on what she was most proud of during her time at WE, Louise said, All those students! I got to speak to approximately half a million students across my nine years with WE. So many of them came with little issues happening in their schools and communities—things they felt powerless to combat. I feel humbled to have heard so many of their stories. And proud that I played a small part in connecting them with their peers (of different ages and classrooms) to explore ways they could help. Once they were brought together, and asked the right questions, the magic of them planning small positive actions in their schools was always different, but always really special!

Reflecting on what made working for WE special, Louise said, WE was so much like a family. I am still in touch with many people I worked with—some of them became best friends and real family! I remember, above all, the way staff looked out for one another, the flexible working style so you didn’t need to book a day off to get to the dentist or doctor and the constant efforts to make work comfortable (think birthdays off, coffee, tea and snacks available, and fun lounges for creative connecting). If tragedy struck a team member, the office would stop, reflect and honor. I think of hugs, laughter and office sit-downs with kids, parents and educators. I think of hallways hellos (which doesn’t happen everywhere!), cards at good times and bad, and your boss genuinely wanting to hear about what’s going on in your life. WE is filled with real people who work hard to make a real difference for others.

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15. Tom Irlik, Financial Accounts Manager, ME to WE

Reflecting on his experience at WE, Tom said,

ME to WE is where I kick-started career in finance. Over three-and-a-half years I evolved my role from client invoicing to financial reporting and analysis, eventually having responsibility for revenue and cash flow reporting for the ME to WE Trips team. Embodying one of the organization's core values of WE have a passion for growth, I was fortunate to have a director who understood the value of finance and the professional growth of her team. Recognizing my professional interests, she and the leadership of MTW Trips challenged me to apply my skills toward improving client experience, supporting client-facing staff from an accounts receivable perspective and leveraging financial data to promote informed decision making. I was in a unique position to perform accounting not on a traditional finance department, but rather as a member of the trips team learning about operations within both the not-for- profit and travel industries.

Coming from an aquatics background throughout school I was thrilled to find accounting work where I could still contribute to children's leadership and education. My portfolio was challenging, having steadily expanded my involvement in managing client financials, accounting systems and reporting. My biggest source of fulfillment came from the sense of trust I established with the people I got to work with: managers, accountants, client service staff and beyond. After three-and-a-half years I felt I had made my mark contributing to the development and maintenance of these processes, but only because my team realized my potential and provided the environment to grow. It is because of these opportunities that I gained the experience and confidence to go on and complete professional certifications in both accounting and internal auditing, all while giving back in my own way to youth empowerment.

Much of my work focused on creating efficiencies and improvements to the financial reporting structure. Through automation and improvement of client reporting systems, I felt most fulfilled knowing our client experience team was supported in providing timely payment processing and invoicing, and ultimately good customer service. Maintaining a reputation as dependable and helpful to the team was my chief motivating factor in supporting the organization's stakeholders and mission from behind the scenes. Because of the entrepreneurial culture at MTW I had the chance to take on my own projects and seek improvements to the reporting environment.

Within two months of starting work at MTW I had the chance to attend WE Day right here in Toronto. Seeing the hard work of the staff and volunteers come to fruition with thousands of children, teachers and parents excited to celebrate their service and improve their communities was an eye-opening experience. Witnessing the music, speeches, and all-out excitement among the attendees, not to mention truly amazing production, was an experience that made me understand the reach the WE movement has among the next generation of world changers. I was thrilled to volunteer several times in preparation of these WE Days, and appreciate the hard work of the staff and volunteers that make it happen time and time again for youth in countries around the world.

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16. Dean Delia, Leadership facilitator and speaker, WE

Roles at WE Leadership Facilitator and Speaker; various roles with the WE Day Team, Trips and WE schools

Now Director for Young People, Prince's Trust Australia

Reflecting on the impact Dean witnessed while working at WE, he said, I had the privilege of facilitating several WE trips to Kenya between 2008 and 2016. During these years, I witnessed the undeniable positive impact that WE has had on the communities that they have partnered with. With the support of WE, community members are empowered with new opportunities to live, learn and earn.

Thinking back on his experience at WE, Dean said,

WE played a pivotal role in my personal and professional development. Through WE, I was welcomed into a global community of amazing people who are dedicated to creating a better world. I worked hard, was given incredible opportunities, made lifelong connections and, most of all, I was able to contribute to large-scale social impact. What was my experience like at WE? Well, I lived a rock star lifestyle (traveling the world, meeting inspiring people, putting on stadium-sized, star-studded events) while creating positive change—who wouldn't want that experience?

What is something that you were proud of working on during your time at WE? I was proud of a lot of things I was involved in at WE, but if I have to pick one, the stand out has to be FAM for Change: a mentorship program that WE created in partnership with Brockton High School and Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts. Friends and Mentors (FAM) For Change is a non-profit organization based out of Bridgewater State University’s Institute for Social Justice.

FAM was founded seven years ago in hopes of decreasing the dropout rate of Brockton High School students. The program began with around 25 mentors. At that time, the dropout rate at Brockton High School was 20 percent. Since then, the FAM staff has grown to over 60 BSU Student mentors and over 70 Brockton High School mentees. As of 2013, the dropout rate decreased to 9.6 percent.

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17. Ken Galloway, Film Director, Agile Video Team, WE

Working as a video storyteller, the best part of my job was sharing our work with the community members whose stories we told. Watching them see their plight in a heroic light for the first time never failed to reinforce how deeply meaningful and life-altering WE’s work is—and how incredibly lucky I was to be a part of it. It’s easy to be cynical. But working for WE on the front lines has taught me that you can actually change the world when you truly care.

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18. Mitch Kurylowicz, Trip Facilitator, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact he witnessed while working at WE, Mitch said,

Not only have I met beneficiaries of WE at home and abroad, but as a staff member and participant in WE programs, I personally have learned so much from the generous and dedicated team at WE. WE is a community that cares deeply about its staff, which is why the organization has been so successful at spreading its message. For me, WE has been the best personal growth opportunity and family bonding experience that I could have asked for.

In the countries where WE initiates their WE Villages program, the organization goes well beyond the most immediate cause of development hindrances and tackles the root cause. Instead of just building a school or a home for families in rural areas of the developing world, WE works with communities to find out what is best for them. By working with communities instead of assuming what is best, community members have a sense of ownership in the projects that WE helps to initiate. This gives communities a greater sense of empowerment and commitment to making a better life for themselves and their families.

At home, WE Schools programs have drastically impacted the trajectory of students across North America. WE is a community that welcomes all in the spirit of doing good. The ripple effect of a student being involved in a WE club or WE community at school is felt by their peers, their family and broader community. The message that they are spreading is one of love, empowerment and altruism in a world that desperately needs it.

Reflecting on his overall experience at WE, Mitch noted,

My experience at WE has been entirely positive. I have been a youth participant on ME to WE international trips and at camps in Toronto, a youth member on WE Charity’s board of directors, a participant or speaker at over 20 WE Days and a trip facilitator of youth and families at WE sites around the world. I say this not to highlight the variety of roles I have had at WE, but instead the longevity of my experience, illustrating how easy it is to be passionate about WE. It is also important for me to note that through my 11 years as a participant or staff, I have only had positive experiences. The entire WE team is committed to their work and inspired by WE’s mission, without exception.

One of my most memorable experiences with the organization that illustrates their commitment came when my family was helping to raise money for a project in Kenya in partnership with WE. We were putting on events with hundreds of people and wanted to make sure that all of our guests loved the experience. The WE team made us feel special, supported us in every way that they could and kept us in line with our mutual mission to help young students in Kenya have a chance to go to school. This story is comparable to any experience I have ever had with the organization. WE is always enthusiastic, eloquent and compassionate.

Looking back and what he was most proud of during his time at WE, Mitch said,

My role at WE over the last several years has largely been focused on hosting trips overseas in Kenya, Ecuador and . This is something I do for the organization two or three times per year. Here, I have been able to showcase the work that WE does to empower and educate people in some of the most impoverished areas of the world. Two things make me incredibly proud of this work.

First, I get to see the direct impact that WE’s schools, health clinics, water projects, agricultural initiatives and economic opportunities have on communities all over the world. It makes me proud to work with an organization that cares so passionately about giving people access to opportunity in a sustainable way. Instead of giving a hand out to communities, WE gives a hand up to help level the playing field of opportunity.

Second, I get to meet and host families from all over the world that want to expose their children to different ways of life. I have made some really authentic friendships with our guests, all in the spirit of doing good. I am proud to work with an organization that fosters these kinds of friendships between people of completely different walks of life. WE brings people together and creates lasting bonds in the name of positivity and empowerment.

Thinking about how the organization has changed over the years, Mitch said,

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I have been involved with WE for about 11 years in various capacities. My connection to WE began at age nine, when I traveled to Kenya as a participant on a family trip. I was exposed to the authenticity of WE’s work, their genuine passion for sustainable change and their model of development. Even as a young boy, I knew how vital this work was to empower people with greater access to opportunity. Since the age of 12, I have been going back to Kenya at least once or twice per year. Each time I return, there are more classrooms, health facilities and farms. Beyond the critical infrastructure, one of the best measures of WE’s success is the increasing number of smiles among the locals and the number of kids I see skipping to school with excitement each day. Not only have I seen one elementary school turn into dozens over roughly 10 years, I have also seen the attitude of locals get brighter, more empowered and more trajectory-focused.

This is just one example of what I have seen. Similar stories can be told about WE’s involvement in communities in Ecuador, India and elsewhere, not to mention to measurable difference it has had for millions of youth in North America. The most important change at WE I have seen in 11 years is the number of people who share the founders’ (Marc and ) vision for social change. I have seen no other organization catalyze people of all cohorts like WE, and I can only imagine what positivity it will amplify in the next 11 years.

Mitch reflected on his most memorable impact of his work, saying,

My involvement with WE started at a very young age. I went to Kenya on a ME to WE Trip with my family first when I was nine and then again when I was 12. On the second trip I had the opportunity to see the opening of an all-girls secondary boarding school, called Kisaruni, built by WE. On that day I asked the question “Is there a high school for boys?” and received the answer that there was not. Inspired to take action, my family, friends and I started Project Jenga so that the answer to that question would be "yes.” I wanted to build a school for boys to match the quality of education that the girls were receiving, so that all of my new Kenyan friends could have the same opportunities that I did. I started by raising money at my high school, and then my family and I started to put on events for Project Jenga. After about six-and-a-half years of hard work showcasing the power of gender equality in rural Kenya, Project Jenga and WE had raised enough money to open the school. As of January 2017, the school opened and today 66 students are in our high school, with many more classes to come.

The word jenga means “to build” in Swahili. When we started this project, we picked the name jenga because we wanted to build a school. What we did not realize at the time was that we would be building a community of kind and caring people who were willing to help others that they had never met. WE directly helped me and my family build this community. The team at WE respected my ideas, even as a young teenager looking to make a difference. That respect carried over to when I began working for the organization, and is something that the organization prides itself on for all staff.

The reason why this experience is so memorable for me is that my family was able to bond over the idea of helping others, and our work has created measurable impact for students in Kenya. The success of this project is due, in large part, to the dedication of the WE team and the attitude that they inspired in me and my family.

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19. Brittany Kirby, Executive Operations and Administration Manager, WE Charity

Reflecting on her experience and the impact she saw at WE, Brittany said,

One of the best parts of my job was to write about the international and local beneficiaries of WE. The stories of a new mother in Kenya with access to a new local hospital, a student in Ecuador who always dreamt of learning and a social justice champion in Toronto with a passion to make a difference—those were the stories I loved to share. It’s hard to pick one story because there were so many. I think my most emotional experience was the first graduating class at Kisaruni, a high school for young Kenyan girls in the Maasai Mara, who had never before had the opportunity to study at the high school level. WE recognizes the importance of investing in young women in order to lift a community out of poverty, and witnessing this vision come to fruition was a beautiful manifestation of our work coming together. But it didn’t stop there. WE committed to building a college for these young women to continue their education. It was this aspect of the organization—WE’s ability to create real and lasting change—that motivated me to apply for a job in the first place.

My experience at WE Charity far exceeded my expectations when I first started the job as a new graduate. I knew that I was walking into an innovative and fast-paced environment, but I had no idea that I would learn as much as I did over two years. On a personal level, I had just completed a competitive hockey career and never thought I would get to work in a team environment with that same level of passionate and goal-driven individuals again. I was so wrong. Working with the executive team connected me with a team of remarkable people who wholeheartedly believed their work would change the world. And it did.

I was given the freedom to bring my own vision to projects while learning everything I needed to know about a growing business and non-profit. I am so thankful for that mentorship and learning experience—it without a doubt provided me with the tools to excel in my career much faster than would have been possible had I taken an entry-level job at a different organization. To any driven young professionals seeking a challenging career with growth opportunities and a rapid learning curve while working with a talented and engaged team, I highly recommended exploring a career at WE.

Thinking back on what she was most proud to work on at WE, Brittany said,

I had the opportunity to work on the vision for the WE Global Learning Center, in order to bring the idea into reality. This project is a great example of the WE executives bringing young staff to the table to share ideas and make contributions to major projects. I felt so privileged to work on this project from the start and learn all that I did along the way. Due to family circumstances I moved away from Toronto and had to leave my position with WE before the project was complete, but I would have loved to see youth coming together in the WE Global Learning Center.

Reflecting on what’s changed since her time at WE, Brittany noted,

WE is a workplace with constant change and it’s that singular trait that sets WE apart from other non-profits. They succeed on a project and then immediately find a way to make it better. Over the two years in my role, we grew our international projects to include multiple new communities overseas, we expanded our local impacts to include WE Days in even more cities across North America, we created the WE Global Learning Center in Toronto and that’s just to name a few. Nothing about WE is slow-paced or bureaucratic. It was refreshing to hear our executives share their vision and say that something would change and the next day it actually did. This mentality of adapting to constant change is something that I’ve carried through my career.

Remembering the impact of her work, Brittany said,

I know I’ve already mentioned this one, but my most memorable impact has to be the graduation ceremony for the first graduating class at Kisaruni. It was a deeply emotional experience to watch young girls excel in the classroom and have the opportunity to fulfill their goals in high school through to graduation. Their commitment to education and dedication to improving their own community continues to be a vibrant memory and reminder of the impact of WE.

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20. Sara Cornthwaite, Senior Video Producer, WE

Reflecting on her experience and the direct impact she witnessed thanks to WE’s work, Sara said,

The best part of working with WE for an extended period of time is seeing the long-term effects of the programming internationally. I joined the organization in 2011, leading me to spend the last eight years frequenting their international communities, capturing stories of impacts. In 2011, I met children attending the primary schools, who, eight years later are now graduating from the Kisaruni group of high schools. Plots of land that were once bare and open fields are now filled with farmland supplying food and training, dozens of new schoolrooms, health clinics, water stations and playgrounds. Over the past eight years I have seen an incredible number of innovative and sustainable projects implemented successfully into these communities as a result of their partnership with WE Charity.

My experience at WE was a wonderful whirlwind of adventure and quick learning. As a member of their video team, we covered a wide range of content. This led to a constant stream of travel-related work both internationally and domestically; working directly with industry leaders, politicians and celebrity ambassadors. Being a grassroots driven organization, the workplace was fast and intense—this environment ended up being what I valued most as a passionate and career-driven employee. In a short amount of time I was able to get a range of incredibly unique and high-profile professional working experiences. The hands-on opportunity and the grassroots nature of the organization allowed me to make meaningful work relationships, lifelong friendships and set me up for success upon leaving. I was able to connect with like-minded individuals and still value these relationships today.

Among many moments, my favorite would have to be compiling the 2016 Kisaruni Girls Graduation video. Back in 2011, on my first international trip to Kenya, I had the opportunity to tour the first ever girls’ high school. There were 41 excited girls attending grade nine. Fast forward four years and those same girls are now the first-ever graduating class. In 2016 I was tasked with filming the graduation and creating a video to celebrate this milestone. Families cheered on their daughters as I crouched with my camera, filming the smiles. In their first year of competing in the grade 12 national testing, they ranked first in the Narok region, with some of the girls landing scholarships for university in Nairobi as well as the United States. To this day it still brings a smile to my face. In 2017, I got to go back to the communities and share the video with the girls. They are now all graduated, some with internships, some already working, others still in university. What an incredible experience, to see the undeniable impact that these schools have had on the lives of these girls and community members.

Reflecting on what’s changed since her time at WE, Sara noted,

Many things have changed since my time working with WE. From logos and branding to enhanced systems and improvements to the sustainability model, WE is forever evolving and adapting to meet the needs of the growing movement.

Thinking about her most memorable impact of her work, Sara said,

For me, as a content creator, I am beyond thrilled when I see our stories of impact being shared on a global scale. I love having the opportunity to spend time in country with my camera, discovering and sharing these narratives. Seeing the photos and video clips being shared in classrooms, speaking engagements, branded content or during WE Days is an incredible feeling. Working at WE has fundamentally supported the shaping and growth of my professional career through meaningful projects. It fosters an environment for like-minded individuals all wanting to grow and stretch professionally. I am forever grateful for the experiences, the friendships and connections I was able to make while working at WE.

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21. Emily Schultz, Manager of Business Development, Western Canada, WE

I don’t know that I’ll ever find another workplace quite like WE. As a part of the WE team, I was surrounded by passionate and driven peers who cared deeply about having a positive impact on young people across Canada. During my five years with the organization, the WE movement caught on and our projects rapidly expanded to new markets across North America and in the UK. It was challenging, fast-paced work, and it was rewarding to witness the impacts that our WE Schools program was having on students and educators from all different walks of life.

When I was a member of WE’s Educational Programming Team, I received a letter from the parent of a young girl who participated in the WE Schools program. She shared with me how her daughter, Caitlin, had once been ashamed of an illness that she lived with, so much so that she refused to tell her friends why she was hospitalized and missing so much school. Caitlin joined WE Schools at one of the schools that I supported as a WE Program Manager, and as she began to take action on various social issues her confidence grew. With the support of her WE Schools group, her best friend, Daniel, and an incredible educator, Caitlin shared her experience of living with epilepsy. Together, the group decided to form the Epilepsy Awareness Squad and began to share resources for other teens who experienced the same stigma. This shy young girl who was scared to talk about her illness with her friends went on to become a spokesperson for Epilepsy Canada and to speak on-stage in front of thousands of people at WE Day Vancouver. During my time at WE, I had the pleasure of supporting many young people like Caitlin by providing them with tools, resources, and campaigns to realize their potential as change-makers. Young people who had big dreams of a better world, stepped out of their comfort zone and acted to create change in their communities. It was humbling and inspiring to play a small role in supporting their actions.

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22. Karen Barzilay, Director and Executive Producer of Media, WE

Role at WE: Director and Executive Producer, Media 2011–2014

Current Role: Partner and Executive Producer, Door Knocker Media

While I can speak to countless impacts that I witnessed over the years, the one that actually prompted my desire to work at WE in the first place is that of the Kisaruni All Girls Secondary School in Kenya. When I traveled to Kenya before joining WE, I met the young women attending the school and immediately understood how different their trajectories would be had WE never build the school and created the infrastructure for the community to become self-sustainable. These impacts were not singular in nature, but would enjoy a generational ripple effect for these women and their families. This was the work that I wanted to be a part of—real world change making an impact both at home and around the world.

I consider my time at WE to be some of my most exciting and exhilarating professional experiences. From developing a global campaign in support of girls' education to working with Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai to help put an end to child labor, the initiatives were meaningful and impactful.

During my time at WE, I had the opportunity to develop some incredible campaigns in support of global clean water projects. Whatever wild idea Marc and Craig Kielburger would have to help raise awareness and support, our team would put into action! Whether it was Spencer West climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or walking on his hands across western Canada, the ideas were big, inspiring and, most importantly, impactful.

Reflecting on what’s changed since her time at WE, Karen said,

I started working with Craig and Marc Kielburger in 2005, when I was the Director of Programming at Bell Media. In meeting them, I remember thinking that I had never in my life met such shameless idealists. Their belief that they could—and would—change the world was unparalleled. While this has not changed—and never will—the organization has grown from grassroots to an internationally respected charity and . As scale increased, so too has the incredible work that the Kielburgers are able to accomplish.

Speaking about her most memorable impact of her work, Karen said,

Hands down the most memorable impact of the work I did can be found in the tens of thousands of youth who attended the WE Day events that I executive produced. Oftentimes, I would stand outside of the arenas following a show and hear the young people talk about the change projects they were excited to embark on, and how inspired they were to do even more. We would then watch these young people and their schools embark on incredible programming throughout the year—all of which made tremendous impact in the areas of school building, clean water projects and health care.

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23. Dan Mulroy, Partnerships Manager, WE Charity

I joined WE as a new graduate in 2013 and worked at WE for over four years in a variety of roles. Over my tenure, I had the opportunity to work alongside a group of the most passionate and talented individuals I have worked with to date. Whether facilitating a ME to WE Trip or working at WE Day, I had the chance to travel the world and see firsthand the tangible impact WE is having around the world. WE provided me with countless opportunities to grow personally and as a young professional, and I credit a large part of my professional success to the skills and confidence I gained while working at WE.

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24. Monica Vucko, Manager of Corporate Partnerships and Programs, WE

Role at WE: Manager, Corporate Partnerships and Programs

Now: Program Strategy and Development, entrepreneurship@UBC, Innovation UBC

Reflecting on the impact she witnessed while working at WE, Monica said,

Although the organization's impact is primarily focused on empowering young people, I have witnessed the profound impact that it has also had on the teachers, parents, celebrities, athletes, CEOs and employees who attended WE Day, participated in programming and traveled abroad to visit WE Villages. It is difficult to walk away from these experiences without feeling the strong desire to create a positive change in the world.

Thinking back on her experience and what she was most proud to work on at WE, Monica noted,

Fast-paced, exciting and an exceptional learning experience. WE introduced me to the concept of corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneurship and sustainability. My experience at WE is the reason I have pursued a career in impact entrepreneurship and social innovation.

Being entrusted to successfully manage the organization's most valuable corporate partnership at the age of 23, and helping to bring WE Day to the United States. WE Day Illinois was one of the most rewarding experiences, especially since it was the first time WE Day was broadcast nationally on ABC.

Reflecting on her most memorable impact of her work, Monica said,

After WE Day Minnesota, I was forwarded an email that a parent had written to one of our WE Schools Program Managers. The mother noted that her frequently bullied son had come home from the event with a renewed sense of self-confidence after seeing the segment we did on bullying. The segment she was referring to was one that I had helped develop in collaboration with one of our corporate partners. It was one my more memorable moments because it was such a tangible example of the impact of our work.

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25. Jonah Stillman, Trips Facilitator, WE

I have been part of the WE family for nearly 10 years now. My experiences have been nothing short of incredible. I have traveled to three different countries with the organization, which not only opened my eyes to the world around me but also taught me leadership skills that I will have for the rest of my life. My involvement with WE has gone beyond volunteering, to playing the role of a WE ambassador. In this role I presented at WE Days and worked with a number of schools. I currently work as a Generation Z expert, helping companies understand how to engage my generation. One piece of advice I always give is to look at how WE is doing it. They truly are the best when it comes to understanding how to motivate and inspire my generation to take action.

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26. Marianne Woods, Director, Speakers Bureau, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact she witnessed while working at WE, Marianne said,

I have witnessed so many impacts on beneficiaries in over a decade that it is hard to choose just one. I think I have to go with the impacts of the WE Villages Pillars of Impact: Education, Water, Health, Food and Opportunity. These are things most of us take for granted in North America. It is hard to imagine the dire conditions and consequences for humanity when these basic needs are not met. I have witnessed the benefits and impacts that the WE Villages model has had on the lives of the men, women and children in Kenya. Girls and boys graduating from elementary and high school and going on to graduate from college and university. Medical care they didn’t have access to prior to WE Villages. Healthy food, grown and consumed at schools and homes, based on the teaching of farming technology. Clean water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. And empowering communities to lift themselves out of poverty through the Opportunity Pillar, which provides income-generating skill training.

Describing her experience WE, Marianne noted,

Rewarding. Dedication. Hardworking. Lots of laughs. Lifelong friendships with colleagues across North America and beyond. Collaboration. I think collaboration is a big one—we all worked together to ensure the success of each individual, department and goal. Sometimes the smallest contribution made a huge impact on the project at hand.

Reflecting on what she was most proud of during her time at WE, Marianne said,

Hiring the right people. Mentoring my team and watching them grow into management and director roles.

Organizing and managing the first school speaking tours across Canada, the first couple of years without support staff. That did take coming in on weekends to accomplish.

And, of course, the very first WE Day.

Thinking back on what’s changed since her time at WE, Marianne had this to say,

That’s a loaded question.

We don’t hand stuff holiday mailings anymore after work on and weekends. That was actually fun!

Staff, more staff and more staff. From sitting around a boardroom table with 13 or 14 people (the entire staff) to now over 1,000 staff in the Toronto offices alone, all working toward the goal of making good doable. It has been a phenomenal amount of growth. And, of course with extraordinary growth there is disruption—both good and bad. To elaborate, not everyone will agree. Not everyone is the right fit for the job or the organization.

The exceptional leaders around the world who have come on board as donors, partners or friends of WE.

The incredible reach WE has across Canada, the U.S., the Caribbean and the United Kingdom through WE Days.

The number of communities we work in.

So much more.

Working at WE has been a family affair. My kids grew up in the WE Family. There were long days and I took a pay cut. But I knew that going in. When I worked in the entertainment world, I thought giving the gift of entertainment to my kids was the ultimate. I was wrong. What is special, and the ultimate, was raising them to be socially aware and responsible.

I can’t think of a better way to set an example of being a socially responsible family than walking the walk. My kids stuffed envelopes, fundraised, collected food for the foodbank at Halloween, participated in five ME to WE Volunteer Trips each by the time they were 16. This truly gave them a well-rounded global education and I believe helped shape them into the socially responsible and caring young adults they are today.

I’m very proud to be a part of the WE Family. Once a WE Family member, you may leave the family home but not the family, if you truly believe in the good work that is being done, like I do. Alumni Testimonials - Page | 27

27. Kim Tetley, Associate Director of Leadership Programming, WE

For the five years I worked at WE I experienced a challenging, dynamic, versatile and fulfilling work environment. Working alongside likeminded individuals, I learned about the important of feedback, coaching and mentorship. I was provided with incredible opportunities to progress that matched my personal and professional goals from formal management experience and strategic planning to designing and facilitating youth programming domestically and internationally. I found the work environment at WE to be vibrant with ambitious goals, high expectations and colleagues with the passion to make it happen. The interdisciplinary nature of the work allowed me to gain experience in a variety of areas, including program development, performance management, public speaking, partner relations and communications. WE provided me with a strong foundation and transferable skills and I attribute much of my subsequent career success to my time working with this incredible organization.

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28. Catherine Binette, Director of Programs, Ecuador Office, WE

Working at WE was a very positive and memorable experience for me, and one that significantly impacted me. I had the opportunity to work in both the Montreal office as a motivational speak and leadership facilitator, and as the Director of Programs in WE’s office in Ecuador.

I was incredibly inspired by WE Charity’s work in North America. WE Schools and WE Day succeed in empowering youth to tackle the problems of the world. To see and witness the glitter of hope and sense of possibility in young people as they learn and take action on social and environmental issues. That same sense of empowerment and hope existed in the staff and communities we served in rural Ecuador. Working in partnership with rural indigenous communities to build new schools, clean water systems, school and community gardens, and income generating programs for women was amazing and something I was proud and honored to be part of.

In both Montreal and Ecuador, our teams were made up of talented, passionate staff who worked hard each day to create opportunities for empowerment in the people we served. WE has done a phenomenal job of ensuring their staff are supported and have the opportunity to grow and take on new challenges early in the professional career.

WE gave me opportunities like no other work I have had before. As an engineer, I had the opportunity to work in a tech company but I felt that my work was not having any social impact—which is what I craved. Stepping into the world of WE completely changed that and opened an amazing door for me.

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29. John Grange, Director, WE

I joined WE in 2015 and am extremely proud to have been part of the team. During my time there, I forged many strong friendships and personally grew as both an individual and a business professional. I truly felt WE enabled me to bring my best self to work every day and I will always be grateful for my time working for the organization.

The service-driven, inclusive culture at WE is amazing and helped drive the organizations ability to attract and retain both young and mature talent. I was thankful for the organization’s efforts to ensure the minds of all employees were fed with new learnings and experiences through unique programs and experiences. As a former HR executive, I was impressed with the organization’s “promote and grow from within” policy and supporting programs. It was refreshing to see many young people hold extremely important roles within the organization. In my many years of working, I’ve never experienced an organization where, without exception, all employees were bonded by a common purpose and working tirelessly toward a greater good.

I was deeply impacted by my positive experiences at WE. It made me a better father and business leader. I was able to reinforce with my daughters the benefits of service-driven behaviors and the importance of actions that positively impact others. As a business executive, I’ve learned that leading with purpose is no longer a leadership gimmick but a required component of being an authentic leader.

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30. Rob McGregor, Database Administrator, WE Charity

Reflecting on his experience and the impact on beneficiaries he witnessed while working at WE, Rob said,

I built some the software that allowed educators and students to sign up for WE Day. WE Day can be a powerful call to action for the attendees to help WE Charity's beneficiaries. The events also inspire people who do not understand what the charity does to see its effects. The total effect—as I witnessed it—is a working system for both the contributors to the charity and the beneficiaries to see each other in an inspirational light. My work contributed in a small way to allow for this important cultural transaction to take place.

The team I was on worked very closely together and became very good friends. We learned a lot from each other. The environment was free of politics and we had a good understanding of major priorities. We were also a young team who spent a lot of time together outside of work. The environment created at WE allowed us to grow together and mentor each other.

The work I most enjoyed doing at WE was building business tools to help my co-workers. They were early in their careers and eager to help others.

Charities don't always have the best tools to take donations, track individual contributors impacts or manage large groups of people. I was able to help bridge this gap by building software. In turn these solutions helped the charity grow and help others.

My time at WE was a period of fast-paced growth. The creation of ME to WE, WE Day and the growth of a trips team are a few of the major changes that happened while I was a member of the organization.

Without a doubt the most memorable impact of my work was seeing firsthand the positive change WE made in Kenya. I saw this on one of the staff trips. It really changed my perspective on work.

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31. Laura Richard, Director of Development, WE

I was fortunate to witness the deep and meaningful impact of WE’s work on numerous stakeholder groups. From students in North America, who were provided the tools to harness their power for positive social change, to community members in WE Villages, who were provided a hand up through the investments in their communities and developed incredible confidence in their abilities to provide for their families, to employees of WE’s corporate partners, who rallied around their ability to make a difference.

I always say I was provided opportunities at WE that I never would have been given in another organization. The concept of youth empowerment extended to staff, and as a young professional I was provided exposure to Fortune 500 boardrooms and the opportunity to craft business cases for partnership that laid the foundation for long-lasting engagement with WE and powerful stories of meaningful change. Beyond this, working with likeminded colleagues to tackle major social issues created lifelong friendships.

There are a number of partnerships, which I led development of, that still exist today. This is something that I take particular pride in, because it speaks to the strong foundation that they were created from. One such program and partnership is Passion to Heal. This program was developed with Medicis Pharmaceuticals (later acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals) to provide medical professionals with expertise in dermatology the ability to travel to WE Villages in Kenya to deliver specialized care for community members suffering from skin conditions that could not be addressed by the general practitioners in those communities. Witnessing the impact of that program over the first six trips was incredible; not only for the improved health of community members but in seeing the skills being developed amongst the full-time health care team in the community. This partnership is one of the most impactful corporate social responsibility programs I have ever seen, and I am particularly proud of my role in its development and cultivation.

The opportunities I was provided while at WE were formative and foundational to my career. In shaping the corporate partnership model and strategies, I learned the critical importance of building a business case that addresses a partner’s objectives and then bringing that business case to life by marrying the assets and objectives of the WE organization and its stakeholders. That experience has served me in powerful ways as my career has continued over the six years since leaving the organization. Today, I am a partner in a consulting firm and I specialize in helping organizations develop and then leverage the right partnerships to drive their business objectives. I don’t think I would be where I am today without the skills that I developed during my time with WE.

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32. Rann Sharma, Head of People Operations and Culture, WE

My journey with WE began in 2006, when I had the life-changing opportunity of being hired on as the organization's first HR member. The organization was 30 people at the time, and when I left WE was made up for 600 talented individuals across Canada, the United States, the UK and many more in our global offices. The HR team grew from a department of one to several team members in many specialist areas. Launching organizational values, scaling operations, working with teams in Kenya, India and Ecuador, and having the opportunity to find and develop top talent that spans the globe was an incredible honor.

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33. Mischa Hamara, Associate Director of Frontline Program Quality, ME to WE

Describing his experience at WE, Mischa said,

My experience at WE was incredible—as a facilitator and motivational speaker I got to travel the world, work with amazing people and collaborate with schools and students to fight against some of the most pressing issues of our world.

The biggest impact that I witnessed working at WE was the organization’s ability to rally young people to become engaged stewards of the world, who fight against apathy and work to shape the future they want to live in.

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34. Patti Johnson, Head of Consumer Engagement, ME to WE

More and more, people are seeking greater purpose in their lives and in the work that they do. I found myself in this place and jumped at the opportunity to join ME to WE’s social enterprise in February of 2017. I worked alongside Roxanne Joyal, CEO of ME to WE. Roxanne is big hearted, tenacious and fiercely competitive, all traits required of someone determined to make positive change in the world.

Our focus, each and every day, was to support the Mamas, gifted jewelry-makers in Kenya and Ecuador. By giving these Artisans access to the North American market, we were able to provide them with sustainable income and funding toward WE Charity projects in their villages. As a result, they were able to carry on their jewelry-making traditions, look after their families and become leaders in their communities.

Seeing WE Charity in action on the ground, transforming lives and empowering so many people across the globe, has been a life- changing experience for me. I delighted in hearing about the first baby born in the Baraka Health Clinic which WE Charity established in the Narok District of Kenya. I volunteered with like-minded corporate partners in building the first girls’ college in the Maasai Mara and marveled at the progress being made in bringing stability to cacao farmers in Ecuador when we launched ME to WE Chocolate.

Before I left ME to WE to pursue other important goals, I was humbled to have had the opportunity to contribute to a new initiative called WE Well-being. In collaboration with the Hudson’s Bay Company, we launched a limited-edition bracelet, in the HBC stripes, handmade by our Mamas, that will empower young people across Canada to promote their own positive well-being and well-being in their communities. I worked with incredibly committed people to bring this to life in a short amount of time, it was hard work, but we knew that what we were doing had purpose and really mattered.

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35. Taylor Fulton-Girgis, Specialist, Content Creator, Digital Media, WE

Describing her experience at WE, Taylor said,

My journey at WE started from a positive personal experience to a professional one. WE has been a huge part of my life since I took my first ME to WE Trip at the age of 13. After this trip I knew there was so much more than my little bubble in Toronto, and my everyday decisions can make a difference. My trip influenced and inspired my values and views, and created a new lifestyle. Now I think twice about how fortunate I am to live in Canada, my education, women's rights, or ways I can give back and better my community.

Thinking back on what she was most proud to work on during her time at WE, Taylor said,

I had the opportunity to work for WE at a very exciting time, during campaigns such as Canada 150, Back to School, the opening of the WE Global Learning Center, holiday, and WE day. During all these campaigns I had a fun time working on the ME to WE social brand and developing that platform. It was amazing getting to collaborate and be a part of the growth of the social enterprise brand.

I am also proud to be a part of an organization that’s influencing a new generation of socially responsible youth.

Looking back on what’s changed since her time as WE, Taylor noted,

I have had the opportunity to see WE as an organization grow. Since starting to work for the company when it was Free The Children to what it is today. There have been so many changes throughout the organization. Most importantly, the growth of resources to reach more and more students locally and globally. With the opening of the WE Global Learning Center the team has grown and is now able to support so many more kids locally, offering one-on-one support, school field trips and resources.

Reflecting on her experience at WE, Taylor said,

My most memorable experience at WE was the mentorship I was given. During my time at WE, I took the opportunity to get to know some of the Heads and Executives, and I truly look up to them. These individuals have so much on their plate and are always on the go. When I would book time with them, they were present and gave me their undivided attention. I learned so much from these mentors, and think about and try to apply what they taught me to my work life every day.

Fun Fact:

I have been on five ME to WE Trips.

Reflecting on how WE helped shaped her career path, Taylor said,

During my year off before attending university, I got the opportunity to get firsthand work experience. WE allowed me to explore different opportunities, try out new ideas and embrace my creativity. They taught me the value of hard work. WE has not just shaped my career path but given me a new perspective on the world we live in and created a lasting impact on my views and ethics.

Thinking about what she learned at WE, Taylor noted,

I learned that whatever I choose to do in my career and life, I want it to have purpose and to make the world better.

Impact. I learnt that whatever I choose to do in my career I want to have an impact and create change for others. I was able to see the power of WE, and the difference the organization is making locally and globally. Working WE Day there is this feeling of standing in the bowl, surrounded by youth who are making a difference. Globally, being able to revisit communities in that WE works in, and see the difference and impact the programing has had. Nothing beats these two feelings, and I am so grateful for these experiences.

Looking at the skills she developed at WE, Taylor said,

During my time at WE I learnt the value of teamwork in a company/organization. I learnt that in order to succeed you need to have a strong team, and good communication.

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36. Rebecca Raveendran, Public Relations and Publicity Manager, WE

The culture and passion at WE are reflected in every employee and is what truly makes this organization stand out. Being with WE for over three-and-a-half years, I am truly appreciative to have started my career with a company that strives to make a difference in the world every day.

The scale of opportunities that are offered, especially for a recent graduate, is remarkable. I was able to grow my professional career, learn life skills and travel the world.

Deciding to leave WE was one of the hardest career decisions I had to make, as my experience there was invaluable and the community that I was a part of was one of a kind. However, I left the organization with incredible memories, a circle of mentors and friends as well as a solid foundation to embark on my next endeavor.

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37. Chantel Parise, Special Events Manager, WE Day and Project Manager, WE Day, WE Charity

Working at WE on the WE Day events team was the best career decision of my life. I have never worked harder nor had a more rewarding professional experience than I had during my time on that dynamic, incredible team. Being surrounded by dynamic, motivated professionals and putting on events for caring, deserving youth across 14 cities was unlike anything. From my first WE Day to my last, I got emotional every time I saw the positive impact that this organization has on communities and youth across North America and the UK. Through WE, I met my heroes, and HRH Queen Noor, and got to witness them inspiring the next generation to change the world like they have. I'm proud to be a WE alumnus, I volunteer at WE Day, am still friends with fellow alum of this great organization and always encourage family and friends to work at WE.

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38. Kate Kerrick, Manager of Program and Logistics, ME to WE

There are many things that stand out to me of my time working with ME to WE and WE Charity. I think it is a powerful thing to be able to see from a different perspective, in this day and age more than ever. That is something I saw happen on every ME to WE Trip, both for myself and trip participants. We were able to get a unique look into different and changing cultures, to walk side by side with WE partners and get a glimpse into their lives. I think those kinds of experiences are so valuable, as they help us to learn more of the world from other views and see ourselves and our own culture from a different perspective. To learn that our own way of life is not the only or the best way of living is invaluable, and a lesson that every person needs to learn in order to build a more compassionate world. Over and over again, I would hear trip participants say that they came to “help” or to “give,” only to realize that they had gained so much more than they had given. Gaining a different perspective on the world is just one of many gifts participants got from those trips.

The other thing that stays with me to this day is the pride and the joy of WE’s community partners. I was impressed over and over again by how proud community members were of their culture, their history and all they had accomplished. So much changed over the course of my time there in Kenya, but that much remained a constant—the people I met and spoke with and became friends with were deeply proud of and passionate about their work, their communities, their cultures and their families.

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39. Christine Chong, Speakers Bureau Liason, WE

WE was my first job after graduating from university. At the time, I thought I had learned a fair amount about how to live one’s life. Looking back, I had so much room for inner growth as a young adult. Working at WE and being surrounded by colleagues with diverse life experiences, perspectives, dreams and ideals so different from yet similar to mine taught me to embrace differences, appreciate who I was and learn the impact small actions could have on others. The staff trip to Kenya was the highlight of my time with WE, which I still cherish to this day. The children there had twinkling eyes and big smiles and they were proud of their schools and water tanks built with donations to WE. I cannot forget how small and humble I felt. It was eye-opening to see the real impact our work and donations had on the communities and, recently, to celebrate a new life chapter, my husband and I asked our wedding guests for donations to WE, which was responded to with generosity, and the organization matched the funds to support the education pillar in Haiti. I will continue to cheer for WE and its work for empowering children.

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40. Clare Higgins, Trips Facilitator, ME to WE

Working with ME to WE as a seasonal trips facilitator was an amazing experience. It was so inspiring to meet so many incredible young people that wanted to learn more about the world and make a positive impact in their communities.

One of my favorite moments on trip was being able to visit a new classroom that had been built in a community in Ecuador. My group had worked hard the year before fundraising to raise enough money to build a classroom for this community. It was such a special moment for everyone to see the finished product and meet the students and teachers who were benefitting from this new building. One of my other favorite parts of being a facilitator was watching the trip groups and people from the local community come together and work toward a common goal, like building a new high school building, bathrooms or a health clinic, while building meaningful relationships with one another at the same time.

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41. Stephanie Higgs, Partnership Manager, WE

From my four years of WE, one of the many things that I’m most proud of was the career progression that I experienced. From starting on the Partnerships team as a young, early career professional to leaving the team four years later as a seasoned account manager/development professional, my growth was very accelerated. I joined the team because I wanted to honor and celebrate the role that WE had in shaping my teen years by "paying it back" to help bring this opportunity to more youth, but I stayed for so long because of the professional and personal growth that I experienced.

One of the key things that I’ve taken with me from my time at WE is the ability to find ways to add value. I learned to approach situations from the perspective of finding ways to solve a problem; then taking it a step further adding value. Approaching situations in this way has truly helped me to build and strengthen relationships, improve understanding between internal teams, coach and develop talent, and to advocate for my career goals.

While my time at WE did include travel and I had the opportunity to visit Ecuador, India and Kenya, what I really valued was the chance to build relationships with my colleagues around the world and the opportunity to learn from their experiences and perspectives. However, I really benefited from working closely with so many different teams and people; and, because of this, I was able to learn how to work closely with education teams, curriculum developers, public relations, communications, executives, marketing teams, tech teams, etc. Learning how these teams operate, how they prioritize, and learning how to work within and speak to different strategies has made me incredibly adaptable—a skill that I consider critical to my success in different roles.

This also meant that I was able to learn from and receive mentorship from many different people, all of whom have had different career progression, experienced different roadblocks, and who have had experiences in a number of different industries. This truly gave me access to a broad and versatile education on building career plans, professional development plans, and learning how to navigate a workplace at a time where I was just starting to think about myself in that context.

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42. Kajal Singla, Program Manager, Western Canada Office, WE

The opportunity to work with youth is invaluable. I had the chance to work with Canadian youth both in Canada and Ecuador. It was heartwarming to see how hard these young people that will lead our future work to ensure everyone receives a fair chance. They find a passion that drives them and they unite communities to create a positive change. My role specifically allowed me to help them translate their passions into actions so they could feel good while doing good. Even today, I feel privileged to have met youth striving to make a difference in their local and global communities—one action at a time.

I take pride in the ability to be able to work with youth with diverse passions. WE is an inclusive charity—meaning if a youth approached us but they wanted to fundraise for a different charity or cause, we still supported them and provided them with our WE Schools resources for free. It exposed to me the world of non-profit in a whole new perspective. We often talk about creating community and uniting the world—here is WE, doing that within the charitable community itself; creating connections instead of differentiations between charities. WE truly understands that the goal is to move from ME to WE, to make doing good, doable.

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43. Natalia Uribe, Partnerships Manager, WE

My four years with WE were an unbelievable chapter in my life. I was able to travel to various countries, see development projects firsthand, learn from different cultures and work with people who genuinely believe in the power of collective action. Now, as I pursue my Master’s in International Development, I’m taking with me friendships that will last a lifetime, skills that I’ll be able to transfer to other areas and a never-ending search for progress, highlighting the most marginalized voices.

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44. Tirell Grahlman, ME to WE

I joined WE not knowing what to expect. I'd learned about the WE movement by happenstance and was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to join the School Engagement Team. Without a doubt, working there was the most rewarding, educational and life-altering thing I've done to date. I got to interact with other cultures, learn from incredible people, and feel proud about the work I was doing. Leaving was not easy but the skills, knowledge and confidence I gained while working there will help me continue to positively impact the world.

Getting to work with schools around the world to help them go on life-changing adventures was a challenging and rewarding experience. I'm most proud of the schools and students I helped go on their first ME to WE Trip. Before they left knowing yourself what they were about to experience was exhilarating. Hearing about the trip when they returned always blew away my expectations.

Reflecting on what’s changed since their time at WE, Tirell said,

A lot changes in a dynamic workplace. People come and go, and the challenges are always new. I saw the name change, the logos, the slogans. What didn't change was the mission to inspire and encourage positive change.

Looking back on their most memorable impact, Tirell noted,

It's hard to narrow it down to just one thing as the work done at WE impacts people positively around the world. The most memorable impact of my work was watching a new person get immersed in the WE movement. Whether that was by going on their first trip, experiencing their first WE Day or just meeting someone at the organization. I continue to watch the growth of the WE movement from outside the organization and the ripple effect of the work will always stick with me.

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45. Hannah Dubin, Director, Leadership, WE

Can you speak about the impact on beneficiaries you have witnessed while working at WE?

One of the things our leadership team did an exceptional job at doing was building safe spaces, or even brave spaces for young people to learn together. We created environments—be it at camp, during a school workshop or during a trip—that made young people feel comfortable learning about injustice and supporting their struggles to make sense of how they—and we—can do something about it. I believe our programs let young leaders learn about themselves, their peers, their communities and the world— all by teaching them about hope.

I now run a facilitation consulting firm in New York City, and there is no I would be as good at it without my work experience at WE. WE was the kind of place where you were given a wild amount of opportunity—and if you had the kind of personality that loves a challenge and is addicted to problem solving then, like me, you’d thrive there. Its as if I put in the 10,000-hour rule (Malcolm Gladwell’s concept) into learning how to build a high-functioning team and develop badass programming that multiple stakeholders truly cared about. And for me, it was fun!

At my consulting firm, I work with a lot of different organizations and I get to experience their organizational culture. The way I see it is that personality is to a person the way culture to an organization. If WE were a person, her personality would be kind, clever, effective and entrepreneurial. Not all organizations have this culture, but the people who work there—in my time and now—have always seemed to embody these personality traits. And these same people seem to build really high-functioning teams. I miss that about working at WE because when you are exposed other team cultures, you realize how rare it is.

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46. Teresa Vasilopoulos, Head, Individual and Family Giving, WE Charity

I was originally drawn to WE for its international development work in creating sustainable change and lifting communities out of poverty. I met so many of the empowered, articulate women in the communities of Kenya and India embracing the opportunities through WE to create a brighter future for their family and their community. I saw individual lives and entire communities transformed through WE’s five-pillar development model.

My first WE Day that moved me beyond words. To see youth inspired, empowered and to feel the empathy and compassion from the youth in the stadium was palpable. I realized in that moment the incredible platform WE had to reach youth with messages of hope and inspiration. WE had inspired a generation of informed, engaged and passionate change-makers.

In my role, I have had the privilege to travel to many communities that have benefited from a partnership with WE and witness the impact of donors, big and small. I have seen the communities become more vibrant as access to fresh water, farming and health care becomes available. I have witnessed children transformed through education and women empowered.

Having spent my career in health care I am so proud to see WE investing in building knowledge and capacity at the Baraka Hospital. The access to health care and the investment in the School of Medicine to educate local health professionals will be transformational.

WE has a tremendous platform for reaching youth and has used this to inspire young change-makers across the globe. It is WE’s recent work in promoting good mental health that truly the potential to help eliminate the stigma attached to mental health and inspire dialogue and acceptance.

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47. Juozas Cernius, Content Producer ME to WE

Thinking about the impact he’s seen, Juozas, said,

From my perspective, the impact of the WE programs is profound. Considering the Education Pillar, I’ve seen countless students enthusiastically and gratefully attending quality schools they previously believed they had no access to. I see the “learners,” as they are affectionately called, embracing their potential while cultivating their awareness of being connected to the world at large.

Reflecting on his experience at WE, Juozas said,

I’ve been producing photographs and videos for WE and many of their program partners for five years now. As a freelancer, I have had the privilege of witnessing the inner dynamics and dominant attitudes within numerous international organizations. With over a decade of professional experience, you could say I’ve seen a lot. Interestingly, in the landscape of development organizations, WE comes out on top in so many ways. For example, one very unique quality I see is that for WE staff, there’s a lot of independence encouraged and expected, minimizing bureaucracy and discouraging micro management. With a prevailing ethos of autonomy of thought comes an individual sense of responsibility to hold up one’s own part of the puzzle. Internal motivation is very powerful, and I’ve known WE staff to be consistently professional, creative problem solvers, and very good team players. Importantly, they can also be a real joy to work with. I’ve seen these traits in WE drivers, cleaning staff, chefs and also through to the facilitators and program managers. I believe the founders of WE have set a very good leadership examples company wide.

Thinking of what he was most proud of, Juozas recalled,

A lot of people on WE trips are visiting Africa for the first time, often from privileged backgrounds. I love to see their previously held expectations completely rearranged through their journey. I’ve seen such emotional experiences unfold, including people being humbled by such deceptively simple acts like carrying water, mixing cement on school construction sites and, perhaps most of all, meeting local people and talking with them. I’ve seen adults of all ages, children, entire families, celebrities and executives, all have their ideas of "Africa" completely transformed and consequently their global perspective dramatically enhanced. These kinds of surprises are very inspiring and act like a positive feedback loop internationally. I am honored to be a part of such remarkable global momentum.

Speaking about the most memorable impact of his work, Juozas said,

I’ve been artistically inclined since childhood. From my formative years and into my professional practice, I have been dedicated to creating work that effectively fuses compelling style and meaningful content. I am rewarded when my work promotes good ideas and causes, as well as supporting progressive organizations. When my work can encourage, highlight or inspire people to make the world a better place, then I feel I’m doing something right.

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48. Ami Ballie, Director, Special Projects, WE Day, WE

I studied International Development in university, and anyone who pursues this field knows that you spend a lot of your undergrad learning about economic, social and cultural disparities in developing countries. You learn about failed development models, flawed NGOs and political agendas that keep the people living below the poverty level exactly where they are. So when I graduated I made a list of non-profits I wanted to work for. WE was at the top of that list because I believed so passionately in its sustainable development model, WE Villages. I started working at WE seven years ago and my role allowed me to work with teachers and students across North America, all eager to make a difference in the world. I found a place within WE that allowed me to support WE Villages by educating and inspiring young people to learn about issues impacting families and communities around the world.

Throughout my career, I also had the opportunity to work closely with many of the corporations that fund the work that WE does. I was able to pitch ideas that allowed youth in North America to take action on global issues they were passionate about and the corporations that partnered with WE allowed them to do so by removing barriers preventing them from taking action. Companies funded the development of educational resources, action campaigns, scholarships and grants, and international travel opportunities. Most importantly they created a space for youth to feel empowered, to share their ideas and to become more engaged citizens. The result, WE Villages, was growing, making bigger impact, allowing more families to lift themselves out of poverty and improving the quality of life for millions.

The people who work at WE are passionate, driven, intelligent and always critical. They are changing the game on sustainable development, education and social justice. Their amazing ideas come to life and reach millions of people because of individuals, families and companies believe in what WE stands for. I believe in what WE stands for. I moved across the country six months ago, making it difficult for me to continue a full-time role with the organization, but it hasn't changed my perspective. I will continue to advocate for WE—the work they do and the impact they make.

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49. Ryan Kirby, Associate Director, Trip Operations, ME to WE

My four-plus years of experience at WE provided me a sense of purpose and a deep feeling of meaningful work. I was proud of the work I accomplished, but also what the organization was striving for. It meant something to be a part of that and was more than just a job.

In my role within the ME to WE Trips team, I was afforded many opportunities to speak on the impact and value of our ME to WE Trips to those outside the organization—students, youth, teachers, parents, partners. While I always loved to educate those on the work WE was doing and how they can be a part of it, selfishly it allowed me to show my pride in the work that was being done. It would always ground me to know that there are bigger issues out there which need to be addressed, and it felt good to be part of a process to help solve some of those issues.

On multiple occasions, I had the chance to lead a group of students and/or teachers on a trip to Ecuador. While I can certainly speak to the impact this has on the Ecuadorian communities, I think the most memorable impact would have to be the one I had on the students and teachers who traveled with me. By leading and educating them on the issues at hand and the work WE was doing abroad, I was able to see the change they were experiencing and knowing the impact they would bring back home to those around them.

Over my time with WE, I was fortunate to have been able to visit a few of the countries in which WE Charity has implemented their WE Villages model. Seeing firsthand the impact that WE is making abroad and how it is giving opportunity to those who never had anything before will be something I can never forget. Lives are truly being changed for the better and that is something that simply cannot be ignored.

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50. Sarah Fox, Coordinator, Writer, Storytelling & Editorial, WE Charity

It's hard to sum up a year and a half of pure professional growth in a few sentences, but I'll give it a shot. At WE, things move quickly. At first, it felt like swimming upstream amongst many whip-smart and talented fish. I was challenged at every turn. Lucky for me, the water was warm; I worked with a team of people whose pride in our work, support and sense of humor made every day rewarding. If I could sum up my experience in one word, it would be grateful. I'm grateful for the opportunities I was handed, the skills I garnered as a result and for all my incredible colleagues I call friends.

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51. Andrew Jones, Manager of Program Development and Quality, ME to WE

Working at WE had an overwhelmingly positive impact on both my professional and personal life. Throughout the four years I worked at the organization, I was able to collaborate with incredibly talented people on projects that were challenging, meaningful and had tangible results. The opportunities and responsibilities I was given while working with WE were invaluable and continue to influence and benefit my current professional life. Overall, I look back on my time with the organization grateful to have had the chance to contribute to their work.

The most gratifying memories of my time at WE always involve working with young people. I had the privilege of facilitating workshops and international volunteer trips which aim to expose students to new cultures and ways of seeing the world. Witnessing and being part of their "ah ha" moments continues to be some of the most powerful work I have ever been part of.

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52. Stephanie Smith, Manager, Partner Relations, WE

Working at WE was a challenging and changing opportunity that provided me so many avenues to grow both personally and professionally. I would not trade my time at WE for anything else and can say with confidence that it was the best place for me to begin my career.

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53. David Stillman, U.S. Director, WE

With every meeting we had, our mission was to figure out how WE and businesses could make a difference in the world. I witnessed firsthand as businesses challenged their workforce to do well by doing good. And I witnessed countless executives rise to the occasion.

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54. Edmond Chiu, Manager of IT, WE

Speaking about the impact he witnessed and his experience at WE, Edmond said,

During my time with WE, I have witnessed many opportunities I could have or learn from to help build my career path. It was my first job after graduated from university. I wasn't experienced. WE gave me that opportunity to develop my skills needed to be in my industry, from technical to management. I grew together with WE.

Aside from personal experience gained, the working culture attracted me the most. Working at WE is very fun and rewarding, everyone has the same goal—to make a difference and change the world. Everyone is so passionate with their work and a team player, always willing to help each other no matter what. It is like one big family.

Reflecting on what’s changed since his time at WE, Edmond noted,

During my time, we had six buildings on the same street. Being able to communicate with each other as one internal network posed a lot of challenges. I was very proud to be part of that project. I witnessed a lot of changes during my time at WE, from less than 50 people in one small building to where it is right now, it has changed and grown a lot.

Thinking about what his most memorable impact of his work was, Edmond said,

Although I don’t work in the front line but from the back, supporting everyone always made me feel like part of the accomplishment. Every day was rewarding. I remember the first WE day, I was helping and supporting with the back production. We had never done anything on that scale. On that day, seeing thousands of kids in the stadium and the show went so successfully, that feeling made me speechless.

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55. Shauna Boshier, Associate Director, Risk Management, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact she has witnessed while working at WE, Shauna said,

Being a life-long traveler myself, I was excited to take on the extra opportunity of facilitating ME to WE Trips in addition to my WE Charity role when I first joined WE. I already knew that traveling abroad can be a life-changing experience and was excited to be part of providing that opportunity for others. What I didn't know at the time was how much more transformative ME to WE Trips can be because of the intention programming and activities that they include. I've been lucky enough to not only witness but help facilitate hundreds of youth on their journey of becoming or deepening their roles as global citizens during my six years of facilitating trips. I've even watched as the journey of some of the youth on my first trips lead them to roles working for WE.

Reflecting on her experience, Shauna said,

When I switched careers to come work at WE, I found myself in a fast-paced, high energy, supportive environment. This was my first time managing other people, and I saw my team grow from five to 13 staff in just over a year. For me, this meant that my experience at WE included many long days or occasional weekends worked to hit high goals and support my team, quick changes to ideas and directions of some projects or goals, and having to learn as I went and adjust as I grew alongside a rapidly growing organization. What this also meant was that I grew more personally and professionally during my time at WE than in any other job before, and meet incredible humans all over the world forging some of my closest lifelong friendships.

Thinking about what she was most proud to be working on while at WE, Shauna said,

In my roles both at WE Charity and ME to WE, I was proud to work on revising and drafting new internal operating policies and procedures that provided efficiencies for different departments working together on shared projects and goals. Outside of my roles, my proudest memory was how much support, through donations of non-perishable food items, I received from staff when I turned my annual office haunted house into a WE Scare Hunger campaign.

Noting what’s changed during her time at WE, Shauna mentioned,

In six years a lot has changed. WE has rebranded a few times, expanded the countries it works in and offers trips to, opened new trip properties abroad, launched WE Days in other countries, opened new retail store locations, expanded its development model into a five-pillar system, relocated and upgraded its head office, and so much more. What has stayed the same is the passions of empowering others to make the world a better place.

Shauna reflected on her most memorable impact of her work, saying,

After many years of being involved with our on-call customer support team for ME to WE Trips, the most memorable impact of my work has been the thank-yous received from travelers and their families for the care, support and time given to help them through unforeseen situations. .

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56. Leah Meers, Leadership Facilitator & Speaker and Former WE Day Head, WE

Reflecting on the most memorable impact of her work at WE, Leah stated,

I helped grow the WE Day team from four full-time staff to over 50, and helped scale WE Day from two events in one country to 14 events in three countries.

Reflecting on the role WE played in shaping his career, Leah said,

Being able to work on so many different projects with so many different people and teams at WE helped me learn what my talents are and what energizes me—where I can create the most impact and feel I’m getting the most value out of my work.

[I learned] the power of community and collaboration—I left with the mantra of “hire the best and most talented people and then get out of their way!”

On what Leah learned at WE,

Multitasking and prioritization, adaptability, knowing how to ask for help, over-communicating vision so that we’re all working toward the same goal, learning from my mistakes and the art of debriefing! Reflecting, learning, dreaming and then being able to move on to the next challenge is so important.

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57. James Lombardi, Head of Global Business Development, Senior Advisor, WE; WE Day Global Director

Reflecting on the role WE played in shaping his career, James said,

In the various roles I held at WE I did everything from scaling a regional office to overseeing a team of 50 to planning and executing WE Days around the world. WE cemented my desire to ensure that my career path was, first and foremost, one of impact. I want to know that my job makes a difference, and thanks to WE, and now at EF, I can safely say it does.

On what James learned at WE,

I developed as a leader in managing large teams and multifaceted projects. One thing I learned in the area of business development is the critical role and value that the business community has in fostering social impact.

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58. Alex Apostolopoulos, Special Projects Director; Digital Director, WE

Reflecting on the role WE played in shaping his career, Alex said,

A huge role! I got to work with social media on a scale I couldn’t have anywhere else. Working with youth means you’re working with native digital users, which made me realize how much the way you communicate and interact with youth is changing and made me focus more on tech and digital media.

The other big influence is that we were building an organization and a movement. I’m at a startup now because I really like the phase of figuring it out, working with people across departments, finding interesting problems to solve.

On what Alex learned at WE,

Along with the digital aspect, it was interacting with stakeholders. I talk to a lot of people in my role now, and at WE I had a lot of really good learning on how to work with people—negotiating and relationship management.

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59. Iain Duncan, Director of Strategic Initiatives, WE

In speaking about his experience working at WE, Iain said,

There's a comradery, there's a sense of common purpose that I don't think if you walk through the doors of any other office space you would ever find.

60. Yvonne Mazurak, Chief of Staff, WE

Reflecting on what it’s like to work for WE, Yvonne noted,

I was regularly given the chance to do things outside of my comfort zone, things that allowed me to take on responsibilities that I otherwise would not have so early in my career.

61. Cathy Pillar, Business Consultant, ME to WE

In speaking about her experience working at ME to WE, Cathy said,

I think the real power of WE is not only in what it does but in the people it brings in. [

62. Lily Seto, Associate Director, Corporate Engagement, WE

Looking back on what she took away from her time at WE, Lily said,

You will take away so much from the skillset when it comes to a network. One of the biggest things I've taken away is just an incredible network of friends and colleagues, and we support each other in each next step of our careers.

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63. Henrik F. Jenssen, Facilitator, Ecuador Office, WE

Speaking about the impact he saw during his time at WE, Henrik said,

Having worked as an in-country facilitator for close to two years I’ve had the privilege of getting to personally know the people whom our projects directly benefit. Because of that, I’ve not only seen the physical change, such as a school building coming up, but how someone’s understanding of themselves and their opportunities in life can change tremendously with it.

Describing his experience at WE, Henrik reflected,

A day in the life at WE is never boring. Particularly, the job as a facilitator is an everlasting adventure where the learning curve rarely flattens out and one can develop skills that, without doubt, prepare you for an exciting future. The days can be long and the work can be tough, but what you get back, in terms of work achievements, personal relationships and skills, is unparalleled.

Looking back on what he was most proud of working on during his time at WE, Henrik said,

While it is clear that WE’s work has massive impacts on the beneficiaries, the local people in the communities we work in, it has been beyond fascinating to see how we’ve been able to have an impact on our volunteers as well. Having had the privilege of facilitating trips for everyone from young families to companies, I’ve been able to accompany all types of people as they visited our lodge in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. While there, I’ve experienced how people’s outlook on the world and their own appreciation for their own life have completely changed. And, as a result, how they’ve become invigorated about seizing opportunities and working toward a better world, be it for the neighbors or people in a distant country. It’s near impossible to describe how it feels to have been a part of changing someone’s appreciation for life and the world around them.

Looking back on what’s changed during his time at WE, Henrik said,

When you spend your time meeting people who want to make the world a better place, be it my WE colleagues or the volunteers who come to visit our projects, and the beneficiaries of the projects, it is difficult not to change one’s approach to the world. Particularly when you hail, like myself, from a comfortable Northern European country, your understanding of one’s opportunities and one’s ability to affect one’s surroundings change quite drastically.

Thinking about his most memorable impact of his work, Henrik reflected,

It nearly impossible to say, as one’s work is so multifaceted, spanning colleagues, volunteers, beneficiaries and one’s actual work. However, as an in-country facilitator in Ecuador, I think our work with the women from our women’s groups will forever be the most memorable impact. Having been able to personally witness them, and particularly the younger women, change their understanding of their self-worth and potential future, and a behavior to match it, will forever serve as motivation for me. The importance of hearing a young Quichua lady introduce herself in English and proclaim that she intends to go to university, although her mother didn’t even go to high school, cannot be described.

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64. Verónica Intriago, Coordinator, Ecuador Office, WE

Thinking back on the impact she witnessed while working at WE, Verónica said,

The gratitude of the people who work with WE is easy to see, you feel it when you go the communities, when you talk with them they always talk about the impact that the organization has in their lives.

Describing her experience at WE, Verónica said,

It was the dream job. I did what I love and the work environment was so great. I felt my coworkers as family, that is really hard to find nowadays—a place where you can arrive to work and feel it like home.

But for me one of the things that I love was that I never got bored, I always had new challenges every day. It's not a monotonous place!

Reflecting on what she was most proud of working on during her time at WE, Verónica said,

I was in charge of coordinating and organizing all the youth trips. For me it was amazing to know that I was in charge of developing their dream trip. So every time when I visited the groups in Quito, Chimbo and Minga and saw their happy faces it was the best feeling.

Also seeing how our communities are growing was satisfying. Knowing that we work for a big and a good reason, to help them to increase their education, for access to clean water and to give them opportunities to develop their skills

Looking back on what’s changed during her time at WE, Verónica noted,

I changed as human and professional. I met amazing people, I learned how to work in a team. WE changed my perspective.

Thinking about the most memorable impact of her work, Verónica said,

I think I left an impact in my coworkers. I left my heart and soul in WE. What I did in my position is a model to follow for the next coordinator, and they will find new ways to do the work better.

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65. Daniel Mina, Sales Assistant and Receptionist, Ecuador Office, WE

Reflecting on his experience at WE, Daniel said,

I had an incredible time working with WE.For me, it was wonderful to be part of this meaningful work to grow together with an indigenous community.

It was a great experience working with the international volunteers and sharing with them the work we do in Ecuador. I myself also enjoyed the learning experience in the jungle with the communities. Working in "la tienda,” I also got to know more about the products that the indigenous communities made. The fact that they were all natural, beautiful and creating no harm to the environment brought me great pride when selling them.

People who I worked with in WE all have a great heart. They are not there just for the work, but are all there with a willingness to help. Everyone works together for the good of the communities.

Thinking back on the impact he saw while working with WE, Daniel said,

As an assistant to the store manager, I had the opportunity to visit the communities where WE has its projects. The visits were to learn more about the artisan production by the community groups and, thus, share this information with the volunteers.

During these visits, I was able to talk to many of these artisans. We talked about various topics, but what I liked the most was listening to the impact that WE projects had on their lives, their families and their communities.

Once, the youngest artisan shared that, thanks to the training she received from WE, she was able produce artesian products and improve her family’s income. As a result, she could continue her studies in high school and, hopefully, her university studies too.

In addition, most of these women shared that being part of this artisan group has helped their families financially and, therefore, they were able to provide better food, health and education for their children.

This benefit is not only in economical terms, but it is also emotional. The women of these communities feel happier because they can share with the people in their community, learn and support their family.

WE projects in the Ecuadorian Amazon have been of great benefit to the people of these places. For example, the water filter system gave people access to clean water, so they won’t have to drink the polluted water from the Napo River anymore. WE also helped construct schools and health centers, which were previously not available in these rural communities. The communities’ lives improved in a holistic manner.

Looking back on what he’s most proud of, Daniel noted,

As I worked at "la tienda,” what brought me most pride was when I was able to sell a lot of the products. During that time, I organized the shop and the selling system. The volunteers were so happy about the experience that they ended up purchasing a lot of these ethical products, hence bringing a lot of income that could in turn benefit the local communities.

In the past, the women group only provided artisan products to the shop every few months. However, when I was there, the products were sold so quickly that we had to ask for their products every month. It was not the earned income that made me most proud, but the extra work, hence extra income, that I was able to help provide to these women in the Amazon area.

Thinking on what has changed during his time at WE, Daniel said,

My time at WE definitely helped me grow as a person. It gave me a new perspective on how my work could positively impact other people in need. I realized that having a meaningful purpose in my work place can be very important also.

Prior to joining WE, I didn’t feel very confident speaking in public, but since the job at "la tienda" required a lot of public presentation, that experience helped me to gain much confidence in public speaking. My time at WE helped me grow personally and professionally.

Reflecting on the most memorable impact of his work, Daniel said,

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A good relationship with others is something I treasure. Having a close friendship with the artisan groups was one of the highlights of my time in WE. It was a privilege to be able to get to know these women of the Amazon, to listen to their problems, and gave them advice (though they may be small). These friendships and bonding created positive impacts in their lives as well as in mine.

Furthermore, I was also happy to bring a positive energy to my co-workers. I felt I brought a positive impact to my work environment by being kind to others, and sometimes by simply offering a big smile.

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66. Sarah MacIndoe, Director, International Programming, WE Charity

WE Charity gave me a chance as a young graduate to start my career in the field of international development, and helped me develop the skills needed to become a professional in my field, after working 10 years with the organization. I am grateful to WE for not only helping me develop professionally, but also for being able to work in an environment with equally like-minded, positive individuals, some of whom have become lifelong friends.

When I reflect on my time with the organization, I am most proud of my work with the country offices where WE Villages is implemented. In particular, launching and expanding the WE Villages model to include Agriculture and Food Security, where I managed a large-scale, multi-year project across three countries, alongside colleagues who were making real and tangible change on the ground in WE communities. I'm grateful to WE for the breadth of professional growth opportunities that were afforded to me so early in my career and, above all else, am proud of the work my colleagues achieved through their unbridled passion for making the world a better place.

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67. Siahra Skelton, Manager of Risk Mitigation and Crisis Management, ME to WE

While at ME to WE, I worked on the Risk Management Team to support the health and safety of WE travelers. I was most proud of my role in ensuring that ME to WE trips are were inclusive for participants with special health needs. As part of the registration process, the Risk Management team works with the participants to understand any pre-existing conditions they may have. I enjoyed working with the participants, their families and the country teams to ensure that youth with a variety of needs were able to fully and safely participate in these life changing experiences.

My time at ME to WE was challenging, but rewarding. I was hired on as a new graduate and was excited for the chance to contribute to the overall mission of the organization. While at ME to WE, I was given the opportunity to expand my skillsets, grow into new roles and achieve ambitious performance goals. The skills I honed at ME to WE have greatly served me in my current career path. Beyond the job, what sets ME to WE apart are the amazing employees that it attracts. My colleagues were dedicated, skilled and passionate professionals. Although it has been years since I worked at ME to WE, the people I met there are still some of my closest friends. I am so grateful for the experiences I had and the friends and connections I made at ME to WE.

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68. Kelsey Thomas, Associate Director, Communications, WE Day, WE

Reflecting on what she was most proud of, Kelsey said,

Working with a young team of driven, hard-working people to make magic happen is inspiring! It's very impressive the number of events in a year the team executes and I was proud to lead my team. They were my greatest accomplishment.

Speaking about her most memorable impact of her work, Kelsey noted,

Working on the Honored Guest Communications team for WE Day, I worked largely with adult stakeholders, but it was always the excitement of the youth at WE Day that motivated me and reminded me of the incredible impact WE Day has.

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69. Ylber Kusari, Associate Director, Corporate and Family Engagement, ME to WE

Working with ME to WE has been a defining career experience for me, leading me into non-profit and fundraising for the next 10 years. My decision to join ME to WE back in 2010 was driven by the vision and mission the organization was built upon, and the unique combination of enterprise and social purpose coming together to generate impact. Under the guidance and leadership of the incredible Roxanne Joyal, I found myself pulling a 180, transitioning from a highly structured work environment at the University of Toronto to a start-up culture where I was challenged and empowered at the same time to bring the best version of myself to work every day, all the while being made to feel I was part of a community united around making a difference locally and globally.

The intersection of business and social purpose that ME to WE brings to its partners is truly one of a kind. Through my work with Corporate and Family Engagement team, I was able to successfully engage corporate stakeholders in a holistic way, leveraging the plethora of ME to WE products and experiences while educating and ultimately engaging them as donors for WE (then Free The Children). The partnership between the two organizations allowed me to wear many hats and work strategically with corporations to help them meet their CSR and sustainability goals in a meaningful, engaging way.

One of my highlights during my time with ME to WE that I look back at fondly is working on the partnership with KPMG Canada, and engaging their staff across Canada to go on volunteer trips overseas and learn about the partnership with KPMG and WE. In the span of three years, the number of staff going on volunteer trips tripled and the company’s commitment to the partnership grew exponentially. Being at the helm of those strategic conversations at senior leadership with various corporations both national and global helped me understand how important of a role the private sector can play in advancing the international development agenda. I have ME to WE to thank for the opportunity to be a part of many of those shared value partnerships that solidified my conviction to make a career in the sector.

I have worked with many organizations since my time at ME to WE, but have rarely encountered a workplace that brings together people with similar values and drives to make a difference. Some of the most talented, passionate individuals that have become my lifelong friends were colleagues at ME to WE, and that is a tribute to the organization’s commitment in reflecting organizational values through its people.

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70. Galen Kerrick, Manager of Operations and Educational Outreach, Washington, WE

Reflecting on his experience at WE, Galen said,

My experience of WE was one of constantly having my mind expanded and my conceptions about the world challenged and changed. Mostly because of the community of people I was lucky enough to be surrounded by.

Thinking back on what he was most proud of during his time at WE, Galen noted,

At the risk of sounding condescending, I am most proud of the kids I got to walk through their international trip experience with. Watching them learn and grow, and learning and growing with them, and staying connected with them as they become incredible young adults has been one of the most rewarding parts of the work.

Thinking about what’s changed since his time at WE, Galen said,

The largest change has probably been in myself. I like to think that WE has helped equip me with skills and experiences to be a better and more effective advocate for deep social change.

Looking back on his most memorable impact, Galen reflected,

One of the most memorable impacts from my time with WE was on an educator on a trip I got to work with. I will always remember how moved she was by one activity in particular, and how she said it totally changed the way she saw herself.

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71. Sandra Sorial, Director, Corporate and Family Engagement, ME to WE

While working at ME to WE for almost four years, I have been able to witness firsthand the incredible impact we have on the children, the communities and the people we serve locally and globally. Hearing young people cheering for social change at WE Days, meeting mama Jane in Kenya, who was so proud of the change in her community, meeting educators and parents who saw their students transform after a volunteer trip and all the partners who saw WE as a vehicle for change and community engagement. The way we were empowered as young leaders to think big and the way we lived our core values and worked together as a team are so unique to WE. I cherish those days and my experience at ME to WE, which has always to reach higher peaks professionally and also in the way I aspire to be.

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72. Sapna Goel, Director of Communications and Marketing, WE

As the founding member of the content, communications, editorial, creative stream of the organization, I am so deeply proud of my contributions at WE. I was honored to work with partners like Oprah's Angel Network, Participant Media, The College Board and so many others on meaningful content with which young people engaged to deepen their understanding of the world around them. It was the kind of content that, at the time, was unique and even trailblazing in how it empowered young people to learn issues and to also recognize the role they can play as social justice leaders and activists. WE led the way on this, where so many now follow this example of youth empowerment. To have been there in the early years of the organization, and to have had such a role in growing its impact from a content and brand perspective was (and remains) both a personal and professional highlight for me.

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73. Carlos Díaz Bodoque, In-Country Facilitator, Ecuador Office, WE

Reflecting back on this impact he’s witnessed, his experience and what he is most proud of from his time at WE, Carlos said,

While working for WE I was able to participate in such different projects, from building a classroom to digging trenches for a clean water system. I have seen how families, mainly women and little girls, stopped walking two hours daily to get water and being able to use that time for their own education or micro business projects (artisans groups).

I have seen, in a family of six people that never had any past relative graduated from school, how a little girl from a small community becomes a powerful woman and graduate, aiming to keep studying to improve her community.

I have witnessed how indigenous communities started to gain confidence and believed in their potential to change things. It is amazing when you realize that community members believe in themselves and want to improve their life and are giving out everything they have to achieve it. What a great sacrifice.

Working for WE, and that will sound very cliché, made me a better human being. It made me realize how fortunate I am, and how powerful is a person who wants to change the world, despite their age.

We all have the responsibility to leave a better world to the future generations and I am sure everyone on WE thinks this way.

I learnt many things while working at WE (from first aid to standard operations procedures), but what I will never forget are the names and faces of the whole human team behind WE in Ecuador and all community members.

Having participate on a minga tradition has been one of my highlights during my time with WE. Being accepted and able to work alongside powerful and wise people for a common good made me think that together, we are unstoppable. Unfortunately, it made me realize as well how lost we are sometimes in the so-called West. Such traditions reinforce community and strength human relations, something that nowadays is kind of hidden in our daily life where we just focused on ourselves.

Thinking about what’s changed during his time at WE and his most memorable impact, Carlos said,

The first change has been on me. I changed as a person for the better. I learnt from very unprivileged families and working together with them and listening to what they really wanted to be or become was very powerful. Sometimes, nongovernmental organizations succumb to the idea of telling communities, in this case, what they need. WE does not do that but encourage community members through their representative to choose their own projects.

On the other hand, after having led many youth trips, WE has given me hope in the world youth. I honestly think they can be the agents of change, not of tomorrow, but today.

The most memorable impact of my work has been raising awareness on youth about issues that are not just affecting Ecuador but many places in the world every day.

Being able to “mentor” youth to create change was very powerful. People need to start thinking that they can always do more than what they are doing, no matter their age or other factors. We all have a chance to change the world for the better. Let’s seize it. Being among those “youth changers” inspired me to keep working on social issues and to never give up. There is always a way to improve things in the world

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74. Carlos Garces, Ecuador Office, WE

Describing his experience at WE, Carlos noted,

A great experience with the best customers you can have—not only people with true values but with an open heart that care for their beliefs and ultimate goals. While I worked in WE I had many experiences where I can see positive results. And the supportive leadership was a great.

Thinking back on what he’s most proud of during his time at WE, Carlos said,

Developing the culinary department in the Amazon, as well the foundation to grow in the Amazon, I think it make an impact in the way things continue to work there.

Reflecting on what’s changed during his time at WE, Carlos said,

I think the most important impact was the customer service. And we’d focus in developing employees and empower them through leadership, safety and the support of all programs—that was my priority.

Looking back at his most memorable impact at WE, Carlos said,

I think the service culture and the most memorable was that people knew what they were doing at the end of the day, that creates a culture in the people that helps manage and support the operation and WE goals.

Another great project was when we did not have electricity and we installed a generator in the lodge. It was a complex project but was a great experience to me.

My last great memory was working for the groups families and corporate visitors, transforming the lodge into a five-star was amazing and took a lot of work and also great team work.

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75. Dwight Ireland, Speakers Bureau, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact he witnessed while working at WE, Dwight said,

While working at WE, I witnessed the positive impact that was made by providing children with schools, clean water and an education.

Reflecting on his experience, Dwight said,

By surrounding myself with smart and passionate individuals, I brought my work ethic to a different level. They put us in an environment that allowed us to grow, and they also provided us with professional development opportunities that I'm thankful for to this day.

Thinking back to what he was most proud to be working on while at WE, Dwight recalled,

Being involved in the first WE Day in Vancouver, and the magnitude of the events that we put together with such a small team.

Thinking about his most memorable impact of his work was, Dwight said,

The impact that I had by providing speakers with uplifting messages and inspiring a generation of youth, also known as shameless idealists.

I'm now the vice president at one of the largest Speakers Bureaus in Canada

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76. Jonathan Wu, Manager, Programs and Partnerships, WE

My nearly five years at WE was an incredible period of professional and personal growth. It gave me opportunities to work with and learn from a range of individuals, including students, educators and community and business leaders. It also provided me the chance to travel across North America and to other countries, including Kenya and Nicaragua, exposing me to the similarities and nuances of different communities near and far. I'm proud of the projects that I worked on alongside talented and ambitious colleagues, and am grateful for the lasting friendships I made along the way.

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77. Danielle Lazarevska, Director of Consumer Engagement, ME to WE

Few people have the opportunity to report to a CEO who has dedicated her career to women’s entrepreneurship—but I did when I worked for Roxanne Joyal, CEO of ME to WE.

Witnessing her dedication to empowering women, both in our office and around the globe has shaped my life—professionally and personally. Roxanne taught me to seek out different opinions, and to trust my own; to face challenges with an enormous heart; always be curious and lead with a desire to learn and be better.

Roxanne’s work with the ME to WE Artisans program is a testament to her desire to create women-empowered workplaces. She has tirelessly dedicated her career to elevating those around her, and am honored to have had the opportunity to work alongside her.

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78. Nicole Belanger, Manager, Partnerships, WE

I joined the Corporate Partnerships team at WE in 2015 and feel incredibly grateful for the opportunities that I was given during my 2.5 year tenure. I credit a large part of my professional success to the skills, experiences and connections I gained while on the partnerships team. On a personal development level I couldn’t have asked for a better job after graduating university. Working at WE introduced me to the most amazing and passionate people who have become lifelong friends. I was given the opportunity to travel overseas and see the impact of WE’s international development work while facilitating trips with ME to WE. I was able to participate in personal development workshops where I gained invaluable mentorship. I couldn’t imagine starting my career anywhere else, I will forever be appreciative of my time at WE.

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79. Maria Dias Nieve, International Program Coordinator, WE Charity

Speaking about her experience and the impact she witnessed while working at WE, Maria said,

I worked for WE in the international programming department for many years and had the opportunity to work directly with our teams in Ecuador and Nicaragua. I am proud of and believe in the WE Villages 5 pillar model and was impressed by the quality of the teams implementing them. It was inspiring to see children attending schools we built and drinking water for water systems put in by WE. The partnership approach and respect for local community members was good to see.

I had a very positive experience working at WE. I respected and trusted my manager and enjoyed being surrounded by so many people with passion and commitment to positive change. There was a lot of variety in the work and opportunity for taking on new and exciting projects. While not perfect, WE was a great place to work.

Looking back on what she was most proud to be working on during her time at WE, Maria reflected,

I was very proud to work on a team that hired almost exclusively locally for our international staff. The team in Nicaragua was made up of Nicaraguans and the team in Ecuador was made up for Ecuadorians. This is not always the case for international charities.

Thinking about what has changed during her time at WE, Maria said,

WE was always looking to improve its systems. In my team one of the things we did was to track all of our international programs and annually we worked hard to make that process for effective and efficient.

Reflecting on the most memorable impact of her work, Maria noted,

I was fortunate enough to visit Ecuador and see the impact of our projects in the communities we serve. Meeting community members who worked hard with WE on projects was very impactful.

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80. Marc Henry, Associate Director, School & Youth Engagement, ME to WE

Describing his experience at ME to WE, Marc said,

I had an incredible experience during my nearly four years at ME to WE. Having studied Commerce in university, I was excited to work for a social enterprise. The business model was not only innovative, it was rewarding to work for an organization making a positive impact. I was hired as one of the first team members in a sales role, helping to increase readership of ME to WE Books. I was later promoted into management, leading a team called School & Youth Engagement (offering volunteer travel opportunities and leadership training). By the time I left the organization, my team had grown to 20+ team members and I was leading the day-to-day operations as an Associate Director. I grew so much professionally and personally while working at ME to WE. I have many lifelong friends that I met while working for the organization, and have drawn from my experiences there throughout my career. Today I lead another fast-growing team for a hypergrowth company within the tech industry. I feel lucky to have developed entrepreneurial skills at ME to WE to help me thrive in this fast-paced environment.

Thinking back on what he was most proud of, Marc said,

There are many proud moments when I look back at my time at ME to WE. I'm most proud of being a founding member of a new department and the team culture we created. Every day was rewarding, and it was a fun environment to work in.

Reflecting on what has changed during his time at WE, Marc said,

The biggest change I noticed was the fast pace of growth. It was exciting to be part of an organization that was growing so quickly and, as a result, there was a lot of opportunity. I'm drawn to organizations that move fast, are disrupting their industry and approach problem solving creatively. ME to WE offered me all three!

Looking back on the most memorable impact of his work, Marc said,

Having the opportunity to lead a team that was offering school groups the opportunity to travel abroad, and being able to facilitate some of these volunteer trips. It was humbling to experience firsthand the impact of the projects overseas, and play a role in the positive transformation of student participants.

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81. Diana Church, Manager, Volunteer Engagement, WE Day

Reflecting on the role WE played in shaping her career path, Diana said,

WE has played an instrumental role in shaping my career path. Prior to working at WE, I held positions in the corporate sector, but I never felt at home the way I did when I started working at WE and throughout my time there. I fell in love with the non-profit sector and, for the first time in my career, I was making a difference in the world and was a part of something bigger than myself. It was also the first time I worked with volunteers in a full-time capacity and WE afforded me the opportunity to build out a volunteer engagement program for hundreds through WE Day. Their belief in my abilities and transferable skills challenged me to accomplish much more than I even thought possible. Today, I continue to thrive in the Volunteer Management field, and it is because of the skills, experiences and wonderful people I met through my experience working at WE.

Thinking about what one key thing she learned while at WE, Diana reflected,

I learned so many key things working at WE that it's difficult to choose just one! It takes a village. Anything is possible but it takes a village of passionate individuals to come together to make incredible things happen. From the staff members to hundreds of selfless volunteers I worked with. Together we were able to bring together hundreds of thousands of youth, at WE Day, who wanted to make a difference in the world, just like I did.

Describing the skills she developed while at WE that helped her get to where she is now, Diana said,

Relationship building was one of the key skills I developed in my role at WE and it helped me get to where I am today. The leadership opportunities I was given were incredible and helped me expand on my communication skills, team-building skills and problem- solving skills. I am more confident now than I was before I started working at WE.

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82. Lisa Cranstoun, Director, Operations and Executive Projects, WE

Speaking about the impact on beneficiaries she witnessed while working at WE, Lisa said,

A family that I knew personally prior to working at WE have shared their experiences with each trip they have taken with ME to WE. After their initial trip (Africa), the impact that was made on the mother and daughter was life changing. This family ended up going on the India and then Ecuador trips and the daughter eventually also did the Leadership Training Camp in Arizona. The impact of good that WE has goes deeper than just the villages and countries that they are in. It is instilled in the lives of those that go on the trips.

Describing her experience at WE, Lisa reflecting, Before I even started with the organization, I was struck with the graciousness of one of the co-founders in my interview. During my first meeting, the process was very quick, which is the way the organization runs. I was then awestruck at the passion of each person that worked at the organization. Their drive, their passion, their dedication to their managers, directors, co-workers and executives to execute on the deliverables in front of them was, and continues to be, inspiring. Most importantly, we all know that our hard work and decisions not only affect our lives but school children and communities around the world.

Looking back on what changed during her time at WE, Lisa said,

The Executive Leadership team, in the time I worked there, grew into a strong strategic team. The organization was strategic in their hires and brought on board very strong leaders that came from outside of the not-for-profit industry that made WE and ME to WE stronger. I also saw many more processes put into place to ensure that the work individuals were doing was stronger in its execution and monitored more closely to ensure that the WE brand was upheld with their partners.

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83. Joanna Lim, Motivational Speaker and Leadership Facilitator, ME to WE

One major impact that I’ve witness through working with WE, was seeing the growth and impact of the pillars in the community of El Trapiche in Nicaragua. I was lucky enough to lead one of the first service trips in that community. During that first trip, I was given a tour of where the “school” was, which was essentially the front porch of a community member's home. It was so rewarding working with the youth on that first trip, because we were beginning to dig the foundation of what would be the first and only school building in that community. I met a young girl who I had made a strong connection with, but sadly had to say goodbye to. The following year, I was lucky enough to go back to that community, except this time the school was built and that little girl I had met was attending the school! I went back to the community a few more times and it was remarkable to see access to clean water introduced, a second school building and a community garden. On my last trip there, I saw that little girl again, but this time, she wasn’t so little. She was actually part of the local women’s artisan group who make an income selling their jewelry. Seeing how the trajectory of this little girl’s life has changed for the better is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

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84. Bartek Kosinski, Webmaster and Designer, WE

I spent nine adventurous, exciting and challenging years with WE. I had the privilege of watching WE transform from a mere idea into a real and living example of what can occur when a group of lik- minded, inspired and innovative individuals share a common goal.

When I first joined WE, which in those days was known as Free The Children, I was fresh out of high school, incredibly shy and slightly socially awkward. During my second week of employment, the organization offered to take me on a trip to New York/New Jersey for a Leadership Academy. The Academy was led by Marc Kielburger, and it was designed to inspire, equip and empower youth with the tools and confidence to change the world, and, perhaps more importantly, to become citizens of our world.

I can truthfully say that my first Leadership Academy rocked my world, and lives on in my heart as one of the most important experiences of my life. Marc's infectious positivity, depth of knowledge and vision, became my positivity, my knowledge and my vision. I made more friends that week than in my entire high school career.

I learned how to step out of my comfort zone and step into the person I am today. I felt that I belonged to something real, to something that is ours, that we can all share and utilize with a simple act of kindness. I consider myself very lucky to have been part of WE in those early days, as it ignited the spark within me to unlock my own potential, which I am still pursuing to this day.

Most of all, I feel incredibly lucky to have worked very closely with Marc and Craig when WE was still just a dream. Having only previously seen Craig on television, imagine my surprise when I found myself sharing his mom's amazing chicken noodle soup with him at his home. Our team was very small, and we spent a lot of time burning the midnight oil together, creating brochures, websites and video content for the next leadership academy, the next event or speech.

We worked harder than I ever thought possible, and we never tired, because we had a lot of fun and we were inspired. We filled the long hours with stories, laughter and our favorite movie soundtracks, and ultimately, we laid the foundation and set the course, so that a dream can be the living, breathing and powerful reality it is today. Integrity, Inspiration and Innovation, are the "i's" in "Team" that are integral to any worthwhile and lasting success.

I am proud to be part of the WE alumni, I am proud to have shared and learned so much from Marc and Craig. The friends I made, the experiences I enjoyed and, finally, the impact we shared, I truly wish for every young and old person on this planet.

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85. Misha Gallagher, Associate Director, Special Events, WE Day

There is truly NOTHING like the sound of a WE Day. It can lift your energy, bring a tear to your eye or truly make you laugh. It is so infectious. The impact that WE Day has on the youth and the inspiration it provided to them was truly one of the proudest parts of my job.

It was a fast-paced, fun and energetic place to work. There were so many wonderful moments and memories working on this incredible team. Building events for youth and sponsors alike was a wonderful experience.

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86. Cordelia D’Amboise, Manager, Honoured Guest Communications and Logistics, WE

WE provided me with skills that will take me beyond my work with the organization and I will continue to draw from my experiences working on the WE Day team for years to come. There are so many incredible people employed with WE who can provide mentorship and want to see you succeed in all that you do. I am grateful for all that I learned during my time at WE.

Working on the WE Day team was a thrill. Each and every show was a reminder of why this event is important and impactful to so many young lives. There is truly nothing like standing in a huge arena filled with exuberant youth who all want to make a change in this world. These moments were the ones I felt most proud of and made all the hard work 100% worth it.

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87. Rebecca Wilson, Associate Director, WE Charity Marketing, WE Charity

Working at WE isn't like working at any other place. You get unreal opportunities, have the change to work on global projects and meet very inspirational people who you will be friends with for life.

I worked at WE for five years. I was hired as an intern originally and was given the opportunity to join the team permanently as a communications coordinator.

I was very junior at the time and was really looking for a mentor to teach me the marketing ropes. The support and training I received from my peers was incredible, and I always felt like I was supported on all projects. During this time I also had the opportunity to explore my passion for photography and was able to travel across Canada and the U.S. taking images for our marketing collateral.

A few years later, I was promoted to the Associate Director role. I had the opportunity to work with our major educational and corporate partners on various campaigns and resources. Having the chance to work with so many different people and projects was so much fun and very challenging. I learned so much in such a short amount of time and felt like I was growing my skills every day.

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88. Andrew Campbell, Logistics, Inventory and Sales Coordinator, ME to WE

Working for ME to WE was an incredible transformative learning experience for me and I am very grateful for the opportunities I had there. I am nearly finished teacher’s college now, after leaving WE in the fall of 2016. I know that I would not be here if my passion for teaching and learning, as well as many other skills, hadn't been consolidated through my experiences with Consumer Engagement at WE Day and while facilitating trips.

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89. Alisha Khan, Coordinator, ME to WE Trips Coordination, ME to WE

Alisha described her experience at WE, saying,

It was a good experience. I took a leap and tried something new. This job was very different to the previous jobs I held. I made a lot of friends who I am still friends with today and those people have amazing skill sets. It was a big learning experience and a good opportunity to learn in a new environment.

I remember working with partner relations on a scholarship trip that sent youth to Kenya to work with communities to implement solar panels. Accommodating different parties, managing expectations of the client, etc. it was really cool to collaborate with different departments. I really liked working on that project.

Thinking back on her most memorable impact, Alisha reflected,

Memorable impact was speaking to kids and parents who were worried about details regarding trips and to be able to frame their trip and ensure they are ready to travel was a highlight.

On the personal side, I still keep in touch with the girls I worked with, people came to my wedding and my baby shower. That was really impactful for me, now having these friendships.

I was a bit of a wild one to manage, it was fun to learn all of these things, but I was humbled by working with my manager. All it took was the right person to manage me and that was Katie Butler.

90. Jessica Dias, Lodge Manager, Ecuador, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact on beneficiaries that she witnessed while working at WE, Jessica reflected,

In Ecuador we welcomed hundreds of North America students each year to learn more about Ecuador, its people and culture. It was amazing to see the energy and passion of these young people and their desire to support positive change.

Additionally, I was proud of the work and approach WE took to partnering with indigenous communities. Employing local indigenous staff who worked directly with indigenous communities was an important step in the success of our work. I enjoyed every chance to go to a community and see the impact of our work.

Jessica described her experience at WE, saying,

WE had a fun, hardworking environment that values respect and trust. My team was responsible for ensuring youth had a safe, clean stay in the lodge we managed, and we took this responsibility very seriously. The in-country management supported staff and were always there at our side to manage through any problems.

Looking back on what she was most proud to be working on during her time at WE, Jessica said,

My team was made up of indigenous women and I was very proud to work closely with them to grow them as individuals who would normally not have any formal job opportunities. They were keen to learn, were very hardworking and took great pride in every aspect of their work. I was most proud to lead the team and work with them.

91. Lindsay Pilon, Special Projects, Executive Office, WE

WE has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Whether it has been through fundraising to build a school in Kenya, gifting ME to WE product to friends and family or even experiencing a life-changing ME to WE Trip. WE has always provided me with the insight of how making positive difference in world is doable and can be achieve through even small acts.

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I am proud and grateful for the time I spent working at WE. Working in an environment where co-workers are extremely hardworking, dedicated and passionate is beyond rewarding. My experiences at WE provided me with amazing learning opportunities and unimaginable growth that I am grateful for.

Now as an educator, I use WE programming, tools and opportunities to support my students championing of important issues and causes.

92. Evelyn Barake, Trips Specialist, ME to WE

Describing her experience at WE, Evelyn said,

My two years at WE were a whirlwind of learning, professional development and personal growth. It is an incredibly dynamic environment, where I had the chance to stretch myself, taking on different types of projects and learning new skills throughout, such as value-based selling, sales forecasting and strategy-building. It was demanding and tiring at times, but there were also lots of fabulous opportunities, including the chance to see sustainable development projects in WE Villages and be a facilitator on ME to WE Trips.

Reflecting on what she was most proud to work on during her time at WE, Evelyn recalled,

I especially enjoyed working with passionate educators who wanted to integrate social and environmental causes into the regular curriculum through ME to WE Trips. Working with educators to bring their administration on board and developing a strategy to personalize a trip that fit the needs of different kinds of schools was really interesting work. It was always a great feeling to see a school with little or no prior knowledge of WE considering putting in place a ME to WE school trip and knowing I played a role in bringing current and future students the opportunity to travel with purpose.

Thinking about what changed during her time at WE, Evelyn said,

So much! During my time there, the organization was seeing tremendous growth and it felt like a transition from a mid-sized organization to a large global player in the charity and social enterprise sector. With that came a few rebranding exercises before the organization settled on the current iteration, some significant restructuring and a big move to the new office spaces. It was interesting to see how WE adapted to the changing needs of stakeholders and to new opportunities while retaining what makes the organization so special.

Looking back at her most memorable impact of her work, Evelyn said,

Through my work I had the chance to speak to so many inspiring young people with so much verve to get out and make positive change in the world around them. One individual in particular had been keen on participating in a ME to WE Trip after experiencing her first WE Day, but needed help and support in fundraising for her trip. I worked with her over two years to help her realize her dream of traveling to India by offering fundraising ideas, encouragement and guidance. Seeing her realize how she had the tools and resources within herself and in her community to make this happen all on her own was incredible. Coincidentally, we had the chance to meet in person in India, since I was facilitating a trip there at the same time. She was a star participant, and her energy and enthusiasm were contagious even among the participants in my group. Being able to give stellar access to a community of young people who care about different social and environmental issues and helping them learn more about the world and themselves was extremely rewarding.

93. Maran Stern-Kubista, Director of Trip Operations, ME to WE

Speaking about the impact she witnessed while working at WE, Maran said,

I had the privilege of working both with youth participating in leadership programming as well as families taking part in volunteer travel experiences while working with ME to WE. Whether after a week at leadership camp or 10 days in Kenya, participants would regularly refer to their experiences as "life-changing." It's a combination of the depth of knowledge from the staff, the authenticity

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of experience on the ground, the unique and engaging programming, and the excellent caliber of every team member. Participants were consistently blown away by their experiences and came home wanting to do more to help than before they left.

Reflecting on what she was proud to be working on during her time at WE, Maran said,

One of the highlights of working at WE will always be the people. Having had the opportunity to lead several teams, I had the chance to hire, train and mentor many staff, and watch them grow and flourish in their roles and throughout the organization. WE always attracts top talent and extremely committed, passionate and hardworking team members. It was a joy to work alongside so many talented people and help create teams, a culture, and a working environment that people wanted to be a part of.

Looking back, Maran reflected on what her time at WE was like, saying,

My time at WE provided me with so many different opportunities to exercise a diverse skill set and build new competencies. There was always a new challenge around the corner which is an amazing way to grow. The many roles I had at WE helped to prepare me for my new adventures in entrepreneurship.

94. Betty Gaertner, Director, Corporate and Family Engagement, ME to WE

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” —Disraeli

I loved my time with WE. I was lucky enough to work directly with the brilliant Roxanne Joyal, CEO ME to WE, who inspired me and our talented travel team every day. With a shared sense of purpose we engaged with parents and business leaders who understood the life changing opportunity inherent in helping others to help themselves. Our reward: hearing over and over again from those families and corporate teams about how service-based travel with WE expanded their world views and heightened their empathy, not just for those they came in contact with but, for each other as well.

95. Daysi Berrezueta, Ecuador In-Country Facilitator, WE

Speaking about the impacts they witnessed during their time at WE, Daysi said,

WE has had a positive impact in the different communities they partner with. One of my favorite is how they empower women, especially young girls, so they can start dreaming big and work to follow those dreams.

Describing their experience at WE, Daysi reflected,

At first I was definitely nervous, but after a while I realized everything would be ok and I really began to enjoy my job and the team. WE is like a big family where everyone supports each other. I loved working there and learned a lot of things from everyone in the team.

Daysi looked back on something they were proud to be working on while at WE and said,

In my role I was able to facilitate the experience of young students from North America traveling to visit my country. It was inspiring to have the volunteers interacting with the local people, and building a genuine equal relationship built on respect. It showed how we are all equal but opportunities, race, religion, etc., are the things that bring us apart, when all of these things disappear, we are all just humans having fun together.

96. Beverly Kandie, Community Nurse, Health Program Manager, Kenya Office, WE

My name is Beverly Kandie. I am a Kenyan and a registered nurse by profession. l worked with WE organization for seven memorable and fruitful years! They are memorable because it is not the years in my career, but the life in that career with WE. My seven years of growth with WE shaped my personality, my view of the world and more so my career as a health worker. The growth has been remarkably steady. Challenges were turned into learning opportunities. We would work with communities and schools to impact Alumni Testimonials - Page | 90

lives. We would wake up every day to new achievements and challenges, creating a lifelong positive change. This has made the seven years working with WE "my golden years." Raising from a community health worker to a Program Manager was an unforgettable gesture. We worked together as a great team, and our leadership was our anchor. I learned that leadership is not about the title. It is about taking everything that you do one step further to see how far you can go and how far you can take others with you!

Over the years I was fortunate to work with WE leadership whose work and style has inspired me professionally to be a better person. “The best leaders are the best listeners." They truly try to understand the ideas and perspectives of others, seek out feedback and opinions, thus finding a common ground to move forward.

Working with WE has made me realize my abilities and become results-oriented. This has now put a permanent passion in me to work with communities. This is the key that has since taken my career to the next level, from a community health nurse to community health and development. I have just completed my bachelors on the same. Beside this great motivation and mentorship from working with WE, these experiences have opened new career opportunities. Professionally, when I attended an interview for my present job, the panel were literally stunned by my competence and confidence! They were all interested to know where I worked before. This is the reason why I always look back to WE organization with a smile, as the saying goes, "You never really leave a place/people you love. Part of them you take with you, leaving a part of yourself behind."

97. Edna Anab, Community and Clinical Nurse, Kenya Office, WE

I was previously working with WE (the Free The Children) as a Community and Clinical Nurse, and worked with the organization for four years.

The work with WE gave me insights into various strategies and approaches employed to foster stronger health systems. Supporting the Adopt a Village model (now called the WE Villages Model) gave me insights into the perspective that health is dynamic and various approaches should be integrated such as disease prevention, food security, proper water and sanitation, education, and income generating to activities to ensure that the community is empowered.

While away from WE, I managed to further my studies. I have also had the opportunity to work with various health facilities, NGOs and National HIV/ STI Control program.

The experience at WE/FTC has been instrumental in my career growth especially the community-facility linkage approach. I was able to apply the community empowerment skills to improve school health program and community-led total sanitation, which led to communities being declared open defecation free (ODF) in Marsabit County and reduced cases of diseases related to poor hygiene behaviors. I was able to employ the same principle which resulted to retention to care of patients and reduction in mother to child transmission of HIV, increase in utilization of ANC and family planning services.

Home visits and mobile clinics helped me to understand that while treating a patient it is good to know how they live.

98. Emmy Chebet, Nursing Officer, Kenya Office, WE

I will always call WE Charity my home! Always moving with purpose and positivity for the benefit of the community and employees by ensuring a safe and comfortable environment is provided. Provision of basic utilities such as housing, security and water made my life worthwhile and enjoyable. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction seeing clients access quality services close to them at their point of need.

Cooperation and team work were key, and enabled us to be a strong team; this team work enabled me to work at Baraka Hospital in a peaceful environment.

As I work currently with the county government of Bomet, the experience with WE gave me an opportunity to grow holistically.

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Rotational schedules that were provided in every department (ex., Maternity, Mother to Child department, Out-patient, In-patient, and community outreaches) added a vast wealth of skills needed in my career. Routinely, making sure we provided quality service, enabled me to be very confident, flexible and responsible. Hence, due to my experience at WE, I have become a role model in my new station since the clients are always happy with the services that I offer! I am who I am today because of WE.

Thanks to my WE family!!!

99. Kelvin Kayere, Program Manager (Baraka Health Centre), Kenya Office, WE

Working with WE enabled me to experience life changing career moments through being part of the development model that focused on the WE Village pillars as a whole.

Since moving on from WE, in terms of my career, I have been able to take up managerial and leadership positions at various organizations where I have managed to coordinate and implement the maternal child health programs in over 15 hospitals at a time.

While working with Free The Children/WE, it was wonderful to be able to work in an organization with diverse cultural backgrounds and unique health programming activities. During my time working with WE, and as I was implementing health services, I was able to gain strong leadership skills, great coordination techniques and strategic-planning knowledge.

100. Maxwell Kironyo Alanyi, Driver, Kenya Office, WE

I was employed by ME to WE as a driver in 2008. I was primarily based in Nairobi and helped transfer guests from the airport to their hotel and vice versa. I had a great experience in terms of interacting with guests from all over the world.

I worked for WE until 2012, which is when I decided to invest in the transport industry as a businessman. I will never regret working for WE.

Thank you all!

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