Karnataka Draft Annual Plan 1984-85

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Karnataka Draft Annual Plan 1984-85 KARNATAKA DRAFT ANNUAL PLAN 1984-85 NIEPA DC III D02077 l i h . T"--cnRl S7 ---1S Unit, N :-::r I I^crrci: ^■ -i-nal !!:-11001b 0 »•!>(>«• O « PAR OP - I OLI X ^J g g PAQRS PBEFACE I . PLAN IM OUTLUIE .... 1 ^ 2 I I . BEVISW OP FLAM PSaPOBMAlICB 1980-84 ..i. 3 . 5 I I I . Aam coisuBs ahd au>ih) s b rtic e s .... e - 26 Agricultural Education and aesearob(6) Crop &sbandry(6) Agriciature(6) Horticulture( 10) Land ReformsClS) Negilu Bhagya(14) Minor Irrigation (14) Soil and water conservation(15) Cooiaand Area Development (16) Animal Husbandry (16) Dairy Development (19) Fisheries (19) Forest (21) Marketing (23) Storage and Warehousing ( ^ ) Investment In Agriculture Financial Institutions (24) Special Sconomic Programmes (24-26) I.a.D.P. (24) M .R.S.P j D.P.A.Pt Antl^aya(25) TfiXSEM} Strengthening Block Administration (2S) Tribal Sub-Plans BIRD (25) aiQsaa^ a^e cial Livestock Pvoductloa ProgTaaa* (25) Assistance to small & marginal farmery (26) Developmrat of Women & Childr«i (26) Rural Energy Programme (26) Drinking Water Supply (26) Community Development ft Panchayat Ra4 (26) Rxiral Landless Labourers Bmployment Guarantee Scheme (26) Integrated Development of Western Ohats ( ^ ) Z7. co-WBaAficar «... 27-29 tr. IBBiaiXlOl, FLOOD COItBOL AiiD POWBH .... 30- 33 Major irrigation projects (30) Medium irrigation projects, jldod Control, PowearOl) II. SaDOafaiBS AH> MUBB4LS 34 - 41 Large and aedtum settle industries ( 34) TiUige ai^ aaall Scale Industeies ( 3S) Xities sbd OedlMjr ( ^ ) (NofiCttlture (38; m i. fiuM(ua m comrnimsimt .... 4s - 45 Roads and bridges (42) W ^ U (43) f m a U m <44) mmb m cmmmt amnimt . 46 - as Om mttl tdueatloii (46) teftraity ISdueatloa (48) @siJtegiAte Sittcatioa (48) iieatioiMa l^ueattoa (48) Mueatioaj tm ilA (40) (la ) Karnataka Gazetteer (50) Art and Culture (51) Technical Education (52) Science and Technology (54) Meiical and Public health (56) Water Supply and Sewerage (64) Bousing (65) Urban Developoent (66) SluB laproveaent (67) In format icm and Publicity (69) Labour and Labour Welfare (70) Rehabilitation of released Bondetd Labourers (71) Stipendiary Efflployment Scheae (*^1) Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (72) Welfare of B a c k e d Classes & Miinorities (77) Social Welfare (79) Nutrition (82) IX. SCOHOMIG IND OSHEaAL SBaVICES 83 X . DISTBICZ PLAlDilliB 8 4 - 8 6 XI. Mmmoif SODS PBOOaAMMB 87 XII. SPECIAL CQkPONSST PLAM 88 • 9& X III. TfilBAL SIB^LAN 92 - 94k XIV. BEW a O ^ IH T PBOQBAMHB X7. EMPLOXMSHT 96 PAST II 8IAZEMBRS S B F A C B Being the terminal year ot the Sixth Five Year Plan, while finalising the Annual Flan for i984-o:>, tiie basic xrame-vork of the Sixth Plan has been kept in view, some of the schemes which xiave outlived their utility have been deleted and new schemes have been added based on The findings of the Mid>^term Review. The Plan has been prepared keeping in view the na­ tional priorities of the Sixth Plan. Priori has been given for on-going Projects under Irrigation and Power Sectors. Bn5)hasis has been laid onliie twin problems of the State's e c o n o v i z ., problem of unemployment and po­ verty amongst the weaker sections of the population. Reduction of imbala­ nces noticed among some of the key sectors is another area where emphasis is given. Importance has been given for the exploitation of the rich na­ tural resources of the State and building the infrastructural base in order to reduce the regional imbalances. Priority has been given for Minimtxn Heeds Programme. The Plan for 1984-85 has been prepared by taking stock of the physical achievements and the funds have been allocated in a manner that the Plan targets particularly in the priority sectors/programmes are achieved. ka. amount of Rs.684.73 crores is proposed for 1984-85 Plan Ibesides Rs. 45.56 cTOres for Irrigation Projects pending approval). During the first four years of the Plan Period, the State will be spending lis.l 957.28 crores as 8A approved outlay of 8s.2265*00 crores• During the year 1y84-85, priority has been given for Ii^gation and Power Sectors and this is followed by SocialftCommxmity Services and Agri­ culture and Allied Services. The Mid-term Review of the Sixth Plan has disclosed that, an additional amount of Rs.608.00 crores over the approved Plan outlay is required for on-going Projects and to achieve the set targ. ets for the Sixth Plan. ^ e Hew 20 Point Programme for improving the economic conditicsxs of the. weaker sections of the population has formed an important aspect of the Plan. The outlay under Minimum Needs Programme has been enhanced. Removal of re^onal imbalances to a certain extent in the Social and Economic stru­ cture of the State has also been tried. More attention has been paid to the progranmes of environmental protection and conservation. Special attention is paid to the ^ g ^ | | | | » t of new energy sources as difficulty in availability of energsCTpi^lylng a cr^pling effect on the economy of t3ie State. The draft Annual Plan has been prepared by Dr. K. Puttaswamaiah,Senior Director, Planning Department,, with the assistance and co-operation of va- rloua officers in the Ftuictional Divisions of the Plannljig Department and under the guidance of Sri K.IC.7enkateshan, Additional Chief Secretary to Govexument, and Sri P.R.X^ayak, Development Commissioner. The co-operation SLvwi by various Secretaries to Government and Heads of Departments and other Officers in the preparation of this Plan is acknowledged. The co­ operation of the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publications, is also »ddijp«ledgid. ------ (T.H. SATISH CHAxIJJHAIi) m Decei^r 1983 CHIEF SBCBBTART QHAP’FBR T PLAy IN OUTLIHB Th® Sixth Five Year Plan of the 3tate came Technology with a view to relate the advances into operation in 1980-81. lliminatlon of pov­ in Science and Technology to the development­ erty and imemployment continued to be tvin go­ al problems of the State. Karnataka Rajya als of the sixth five year plan. !Hie Dingpin of Vignana Parishat, a Registered Society has the plan is to provide employment and to look also been established with the units in every after the welfare of the weaker sections of the district headquarters of the State to popula­ society v iz ., the Scheduled Castes, Scneduled rise science and technology. Hence, the sch­ XTlbes and other backward classes and minoriti­ emes on Science and Technology as cleared by es. Reduction of regional and sectoral imbala- the State level body are Included in the Ann- noee is anotner immeaiate objective of the plaxu uia Plan for 1984-85. Xhese form the main thrusts of the; Annual Plan for 1984-85 as this plan is drawn within the More attention has been paid to the Pro­ frame^work of the Sixth Five Year Plan. gramme of B&vlrozmental protection and Conse­ rvation in the plan proposals for 1y84-85. The Annual Plan for 1964-85 ie the termin- sOL year of. the Sixth Plan. Therefore, concerted Q!nder Iduc&tion, stress has been laid in concluding developmental efforts based on the th® plan on Vocatiozxalisation of Secondary strategy, achievements and shortfalls in the Bducation. The programmes have been careful­ first four years are to be made. It has, thus ly designed by taking into consideration the beoome necessary to take stock of the p ^sic a l existing potential work, job opportunities aid a^ievements and allocate resources in a manner available educational and training facilities that the plan targets particularly in the prio­ in the State. rity sectors/pTOgrammes are achieved. It is imperativeto ensure early completion of the on­ Necessazy steps have also been taken for going projeots/scheraes. decentralisation of planning process in the State and to undertake planning from the dis­ Ab during the previous years and in accor­ trict level. The outlay on the district sec­ dance vith the national priorities. Power and tor schemes duly approved by the respective Irrigation is accorded the hipest priority. In District Development Councils has also been addition, emphasis is to ensure early completi­ quantified and indicated. on of the On-going projecta/scheraes and it is desirable to avoid at all costs the delay in the ^ e priorities given in the Annual Plan completion of the On-going projects. This c a ­ for 1984-4J5 are indicated in brief below: lls for an all out effort to ensure that the re­ sources are utilised judiciously. Therefore*the 1. Priority is given to ensure early coo.pI«- object is to see that there is no diversificat­ tlon of the on-going projects/schemes sc­ ion of scarce resources. heduled in the Sixth Plan particularly in the core sectors of Irrigation and Power. The emphasis will continue to be laid on 20 Point Bconomic Programme aiiinounced by the Pri­ 2. Bmphaais is laid on the ^ew 20 Point Pro­ se Minister for amelioration of the economic gramme announced by the Prime Minister. conditions of l^e weaker sections of the socie­ ty* Hence, necessary arrangements for the imp­ 3. More attention is paid to the programmes lementation and in monitoring of this programme of InviroxuBental Protection and Uonserva- ^ire to be made dxu'ing the Annual Plan period, tion. fhese arrangements are to be further strengthe- iL«d and streamlined to ensure vigorous impleme- 4. Bnphasis is laid on the development of Sc­ ^-^itlon and timely reporting of the programme, ience and Technology. i special component plan for Scheduled Castes Tribal Sub-plan for Scheduled Tribes vith ^ 5. The schemes in regard to the development ri«v to accelerate the upliftment of these 8eo-> of sources of energy like Bio-gas, Vizid felons of the population is accommodated in the Power, Solar Energy, etc., are given prd^ ^lan* Kmphasis has been laid for the rehabill- ority.
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    CENSUS OF INDIA 1981• Series-9 KARNATAKA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BIJAPUR DISTRICT PARTS XIII-A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT B.K. DAS of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Karnataka UPPER KRISHNA PROJECT The picture on the cover represents the civil works hectares (roughly 57 per cent of the total area of the connected with the multi-purpose Upper Krishna Pro­ State) while the other 6 river basins sQare the rest of the ject. This project, being executed in two phases with area amongst themselves. World Bank aid, envisages the construction of two com­ posite dams across the river Krishna near Almatti and In terms of geographical area, Bijapur is the largest Narayanpur and would, after completion provide district in the State. Situated in an arid zone, it has the assured irrigation facilities to 8' 43 lakh hectares of land. dubious distinction of having the lowest average rain­ Both the dam sites are located in Bijapur district. The fall. The black cotton soils found in several tracts of Almatti dam, which is designed to hold 5295 M.cum the district are endowed with a higher degree of fertility of water, would be 1578 metres in length and 47·8 and with a high moisture- retention capacity. However, metres in height above the lowest foundation levels. The due to the vagaries of monsoon, the district is quite dam at Narayanpur being 10,637 metres long and 29·7 often subjected to scarcity and famine conditions. metres high above the lowest foundation level would Though as many as 5 important rivers, including the have a capacity of 1066 M.cum.
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