Software Development Process for Teams with Low Expertise, High-Rotation and No- Architect: a Systematic Mapping Study
Software Development Process for Teams with Low Expertise, High-Rotation and No- Architect: A Systematic Mapping Study Paulina Valencia Franco Angelina Espinoza, Humberto Cervantes Maceda Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, México Iztapalapa, México Email: paulatina63 –at- Email: aespinoza, hcm -at- Abstract —To have a well-organized software team is Process) [1], TSP (Team Software Process) [2], PSP (Personal fundamental to achieve the business goals in a software Software Process) [3], XP (Extreme Programming) [4] or development project, such as: functionality and quality in the SCRUM [5]. planned times. However, the teams present a particular problematic that are common in both industrial and academic These methodologies, for their nature, are more or less settings, this paper focuses on three: a) Teams with members prepared to face the team features previously mentioned, but with low expertise on methodologies, b) Teams with high member the real big challenge is to combine these models, to get an rotations, or c) Teams lacking a software architect. One adapted process model for overcoming all the three previous approach to address this situation is to define a software features in development teams. Particularly, these kinds of development process, adapted from the adaptability teams are commonly found in academic environments where characteristics and benefits offered by several methodologies there are not resources to hire a technical leader, nor currently used, in order that the development team obtains the experienced staff, so that development teams are mainly expected results in terms of productivity, time and quality of the comprised of students who are in constant rotation.
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