MADK TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNK SINCK ITS FOONDATION IN 1853. a z?i ts 1301 SURSOUIIiERS {Sec. G. W. KnsriKS) ,£850 • Shakespeare Scholarship. > 1S71 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT 5009 Prizes for History and Education. q ,„_. ( EDWARD WILSON ( .-^ ISU 1000 Argus Scholarship in Engineering. 1 LAC1ILAN MACKINNON i " o. 1873 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON ISOWEN 100 Prize for English Essay. 'A 1873 JOHN HASTIE - 19,140 General Endowment 1873 GODFREY HOWITT - 1000 Scholarships in Natural History. 1873 SIR WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL 655 Scholarship in Engineering. 1876 SIR SAMUEL WILSON 30,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1883 JOHN DIXSON WYSELASKIE - 8400 . Scholarships 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 5000 Scholarships in Modem languages. 1884 SUBSCRIBERS . - - . 150 Prize for Mathematics in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT • 2000 Scholarships for Physical ami Chemical Research. 16S7 FRANCIS ORMOND • 20,000 Professorship of Music;. 1890 ROHERT DIXSON 10,837 Soholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering. 1890 SUHSCRHiEKS - - ' - 5317 Ormond Exhibitions in Music. ""' ' 05 1S91 JAMES GEORGE IJEANEY 3900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. If- 1894 DAVID KAY 5704 . Caroline Kay Scholarships. - - to BEN EPA CTIONS (Continued).

1897 SUBSCRIBERS £750 Research Scholarship in Biology in memory of Sir James MacBain. 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineering, 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT .... 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - 100 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND 460 General Expenses. 1903 TEACHING STAFF 1100 General Expenses. including PROFESSOR SPENCER £258 PROPRSSOR GRRGORT - 100 PROPRSSOR MASSON - - 100 1903 SUBSCRIBERS Prize in memory of Alexander Sutherland. 1903 OEORGE McARTHUR ...... Library of 2500 Books. 1904-5 SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND President—JANIT LADT CLARRR Treasurer—UIUIRY BUTLRR *1 Secretary— CIIARLRS BACK > a SPECIAL FOUNDATIONS— H MRS. AUBREY BOWEN - 500 Equipment of Pathological Museum. O HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS - 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. 21 DAVID SYME 3000 Prize for Scientific Research in . FREDERICK SIIEPPARD GRIMWADE 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND) MR. AND MRS. J. W. PAYNE J 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON - 600 Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIATION 647 John Madden Exhibition in Law, SUBSCRIBERS (Sec, R. J. LARKIXG) 1055 Chamber of Commerce Exhibitiun, and Prices at Commercial Examinations DONATIONS OF £100 AND UPWAHDS- ANDREW CARNEGIE .... 1000 Buildings and Equipment. PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" - 100 NIEL WALTER BLACK - 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - 100 HENUFA CTJONS (Continued). SIMON FRASER £100 Buildings and Equipment. SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT - • . . 100 JOHN ORICE 1011 WESLEY R. HM.L - 100 ALICE MANIFOLD .... 100 EDWARD MANIFOLD inn WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD- 100 DAVID ORME MASSON - 100 MELBOURNE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 205 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - 100 MRS. IEDWARD MILLER - 100 WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER 100 GEORGE ALEXANDER STEPHEN - 1011 JOHN TRAIL! 1011 WILLIAM WEATHERLY • 105 MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 100 OTH Kit DONATIONS 128(1 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL 1200 Oeorge Lansell Scholarship in Minim Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1008 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT • 200 Ue.sen.rch Scholarship in Geology. 11KIS SUBSCRIBERS 110 Equipment of Anatomy School. 1908 HERMAN IIKNIIY SCHLAPP - 400 Ore-treatment Plant. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS ...... 171 1009 JAMES STEWART 25,024 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, Medicine and Surgery. 1909 JAMES CUMING 1,000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry. 1909 JAMES CUMING - 1,000 For Veterinary Operating Theatre. 1909 SUBSCRIBERS 260 l>uhlin Prize. 1910 SUBSCRIBERS 134 •lamicson Prize. 1910 GEORGE SWINBURNE ir.o For purchase of Apparatus. 1910 T. EDWARDS- .'.-.. Machinery valued at £'20f). 1910 N. GUTHRIDGE LTD. - - Machinery valued at £140. 1910 PUR H. B. SILBERBERG & COY. • Machinery valued at £151*, donated by F. W. ttraun and W, Ainsjworth fc Sons, . TIES'ENACTIONS (Continued)': OS CH to 1911 ALEX. COWAN & SONS LTD. • . - ( £160 Ore-treatment Plant. CROSSLKY BROS. LTD. - -' - -' ) 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK - - - -' - 2,065 At disposal of Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. 1). FULTON .... 069 For Medical Scholarsliip, Bill JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT - - - • 500 Department of Anthropology. 1911 SUBSCRIBERS ....'..' 102 Professor Morris Prize. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON - 2,500 Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship. 1912 MADAME .MELBA 1,000 Melba Hall. T.I12 BABCOCK A; WILCOX LIMITED Machinery valued at £100. 1913 SUBSCRIBERS ...---' 189 Professor Laurie Prize. 1913 MRS. JESSIE ALEXANDER BAIRD CURRIE 000 John Bain! Bursary. 1913 J. BARTRAM it SON - - ' Machinery valued at £100. 1913 DAVID SYME CHARITABLE TRUST 500 Equipment for Experimental Physiology. 1I1L-! SUBSCRIBERS • ••:•- 022 Phvsiologv Extension. 1913 MISS MARY L. HEID ..'.'.. 300 Melba Hall. 1013 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 275 Mr. Albert Mansbridgc's Expenses to Australia. 1913 MRS. ROBERT REID 100 Melba Hall. 1913 JOHN GU1CE 1000 Temporary Cancer Research Scholarsliip. 1H14 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT 500 Clinical Research Fund. 1914 GEORGE ADLINGTON SYME - 250 Clinical Research Fund. 1915 ALEXANDER MORRISON .... 275 Advancement/}! Knowledge of Nervous System. 1910 Mlt. AND MRS. JAMES GOSSIP MELVIN 1,000 John Melvin Memorial Scholarship. 191U MR. AM) MUS. JOSEPH LEVI 1,000 Keith Levi Memorial Scholarship. ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Three First-Class Return Passages annuallv since 1909. ^luivcvsiity ox Melbourne.




MAY IT PLEASE YOUE EXCELLENCY, I have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of tbe University Act 1915, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the Univer­ sity during th© past year: —

1.—THE WAR. 'J'lie activities arising out of the War, outlined in tlie last report have to a large extent continued during the past year. The Defence Department has continued to make large • use of the departments of Physics, Engineering, Metal­ lurgy, Bacteriology and Veterinary Pathology, and ot 'the respective staffs. Tlie effect on the attendance at the University has not Tjeen so great as was anticipated. Several causes have contributed to this. 1. Tlie return of medical students who had completed the first year, and the consequent stoppage of enlistment amongst such students had a con­ siderable effect. 2. The demand for medical officers, physicists, chemists and veterinary surgeons operated both to encourage students in those courses to complete their training, and also to attract to the courses students 654: ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916. who would probably not otherwise have entered. 3. An increasing number of women students is entering, and largely making up for the loss of men. For 191(> there are 123 more women students than in 1914, and 276- fewer men. Women students have appeared in, the only two departments in which the University had not previously had women, viz.. Veterinary Science and En­ gineering. Tlie latter, however, are taking the Architec­ ture course. In the last report it was stated that over 800 men had gone oversea on war service. This number has now been increased to about 1300. 'J'he past year lias, unfortunately,, added considerably to the toll of lives lost, many of them being men of tlie highest promise. Professor Woodruff volunteered for active service, and was granted the necessary leave of absence. Many other members of the staff have been engaged on home service ass for example : Professor Sir Harry Allen has acted as a member of the Central Council, and the Advisory Committee, and. the Home Hospitals Committee of the Australian Branch of the British Red Cross Society ; Professor Masson and Professor Laby have devoted much time to the Com­ monwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry Professor Skeats assisted in the selection of the Victorian Contingent of the Miners' Corps, and undertook the office of Consulting Penologist for the State Mines Department in place of an officer who had enlisted ; Professor Laby and his staff have supervised the testing and putting up 10,000 Melbourne University Respirators and 5000 spare parts, and have done a largo amount of X Ray work for the Defence Department; Dr. Bull, of the Bacteriological Department, and Mr. Seddon, of the Veterinary Depart­ ment, have co-operated in the supply of 10,000 doses of anti-moningococcal serum to the Defence Department •. Professor Berry has acted as a member of the War Organisation Committee of tlie British Medical Association; Professors Berry, Ewart, and Payne, and Messrs. Higgin and Kernot have accepted seats on tlie New Industries Committee; Mr. Higgin and Mr. Brown have for some time been engaged on a research into the manufacture of tool steel and the requisite ferro-compounds; Professor Payne is a member of tho Committee to send munition workers to Great Britain; and he, Mr. Kernot and Mr. ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916. 055

Higgin were consulting members of the Federal Munitions Committee and Mr. Kernot a member of the Bomb Com­ mittee. Tlie Council has received with mingled feelings of sor­ row, gratitude and appreciation three new Scholarships founded in memory of graduates who had given their lives for their country at Gallipoli. Mrs. Edward Bage has signified her intention to endow with .£1000 a scholarship in Engineering in memory of her son, Captain Edward Frederick Robert Bage, B.C.E.-, formerly of the 3rd Field Company Engineers. Mrs. Bage presented to the University in January the sum of .£40, being the annual value of the scholarship, in ordei- that it might be awarded in 1916. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Melvin have presented to the University tho sum of J31000 in the War Loan, to endow a scholarship in memory of their son, John Melvin,. B.C.E. This also is to be a scholarship in Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levi have endowed with J1000 a scholarship in Medicine, in memory of their son, Keith Maurice Levi, M.B., B.S. Each of these young graduates was very well and favourably known during his University course and sub­ sequent career, and high hopes had been formed for their success in life. They were sons whom Australia could ill afford to lose, but whose loss nevertheless sheds a glory on their families, their University and their country.

2.—NUMBERS OF STUDENTS. The number of students in each of the last six years is shown in the following Table, in which students of tho Conservatorium of Music are not included. The figures, include Research Students :—

Taking full Takin"- Y'ear. Course for Total. Degree. Single Subjeets. 1910 ... 850 .. 268 ... 1,118 1911 ... 885 ... 244 ... 1,129 1912 ... 961 ... 260 ... 1,221 1913 ... 973 ... 271 ... 1.244 1914 ... 1,104 220 ... 1,324 1915 ... 997 .. 203 ... 1,200 «56 ANNUAL KEPOKT, 1916-1916.

3 STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. 'J'he following table shows the number of students 'attending lectures at the University during the year 1915 (including Evening Lectures): —

S Si C School*. P rt ° 5 1 ^ s"i "3 O '-3 JS o H7- H

Arts - • 114 07 40 - - 125 355 Education • _ 0 30 - - 3d _S£ience '22 20 11 • 2 - 8 63 ' Law 43' 26 18 22 - 29 143

Medicine - . - 99 69 . , SO. 54 48 14 370

\ Dentistry • - - SI 19 •2.2 . IS - - SO

^Kiigim-'tiriny M. . 11 12 15 •- 16 S3 Agriculture 5 - 1 - . - - 6 Veterinary - ,11 9 3 .2 -. - 25 Architecture 10 13 '— - ' - o 25 Research - - - - - 0 9

Total - 364 240 232 113 48 203 1200

The number attending Evening Lectures was S2;-tho number of women students was • 260; the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was—For Education, 38; for -Agriculture, 5; for Science^ 2; for Wining, 11; for Veterinary Science, 12. There were also the following Free Students nominated by the Advisory Committee of the University High School—For Science, 1; for Engineering, 2.

4.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The corresponding figures, for the Conservatorium of Music arc as follow: — ANNUAL KEPOUT, 1915-1916. 657

— Course. T5 |i "o H

Degree of Mus. Bac. 1 1 3 5

Diploma in Music • 16 13 9 38 Other Students - •- - 103

Total - - 151 Of these 15 were men and 136 women students. '•'• .**-. , 5.—ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. : The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who; passed their respective Annual Examinations in the past Academic Year is-shown in the following^ table : —

First ' Second . Third Fourth Year. Year. Year. Year. • Totals.

ij - 03 Schools. T3 -6 o -3 Z3 S at Oi It el d d et -a, - a. • .. - T24 Arts - 93 'si' C9 63 64 -• — '"27 3 - 226

' 1- •' 59 _ Kdueation - i 14 • • •« -26 • •- - 44 36 Science 22 1M "14 '11 ' 10 10 - 40 42 - >• 24 .23 : -16 -21, 14 19 17 97 71 Dentistry - 20 "16 '16 ! '10 00 21 . ' is , 18 ' 70 71 Engineering- 29 19 0 4 10 S 17 17 62 48 Architecture 8 0 8 3 - - - - 16 9 Agriculture 4 -3 — -- - 1 1 - - 5 4 Music - 10 12 _ ' 13 11 12 9 - - 41 32 Veterinary - 9 -0 9 9 4 4 •o . 2 24 21 658 ANNUAL KEPOUT, 19151910.

The following are the corresponding figures of the Divisional Examinations



T3 w r 1) 33 m •/J Ul 1) (ft tn 1 rt ao 1

87 C2 79 72 S 1 Presented . 51 50 47

The number who have presented themselves and passed at the examinations for higher degrees is as follows :— EXAMINATIONS FOR HIGHER DEGREES. Presented. Passed. Master of Surgery - - - 4 - 1 Doctor of Science - - - 2 - 2 Doctor of Medicine- - - 1 - 1 Doctor of Dental Science - 2 - 1 Doctor of Veterinary Science - 2 - 0

6.—DEGREES CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1915-16, including admissions ad eundem gradum, is given below: — Bachelor of Arts 54 Bachelor of Science - - - 12 Bachelor of Laws 15 Bachelor of Medicine - - - 53 Bachelor of Surgery - - - 53 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 9 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 3 Bachelor of Electrical Engineering 3 Bachelor of Music - - - - 2 Bachelor of Dental Science - - 20 Bachelor of Agricultural Science - 4 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - G ANNUAL KEPOUT. 1915-1916. 659

Master of Arts 20 Master of Science - - - - 4 Master of Laws ... - 2 Master of Surgery - - • - 1 Master of Civil Engineering - - 1 Doctor of Science 2 Doctor of Medicine - - - 1 Doctor of Dental Science - - 1 Diploma of Education 19 Diploma of Analytical Chemistry - 1 License in Veterinary Science - ,2 Diploma of Architecture - - 1 Diploma ot Public Health - - 1

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following table shows the number of candidates •who presented themselves for aud who passed the Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations of December, 1915, and the Junior and Senior Public .and Junior Commercial of February, 1916, and the per­ centage of passes in each case: —


o S5 o 33

•Junior Public 853 38.2 Junior Coimnereial 18 28.1 3869 :Seuior Public 293 45.6 ;Senior Commercial _ .Junior Public (February) '444 67.2 .Junior Commercial (February).. 1571 10 83.3 •Senior- Public (February) 138 69.2 660 ANNUAL KEPOUT, 1915-1910.

8.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of candidates who entered for and passed the Examinations in Atusic conducted by the Univer­ sity Music Examination Board during the year 1915-16 was as follows: — Entered. Passed. September, 1915 - - 21S5 - 17«9 May, 1916 - - - 516 - - 407

-Total .- - - 2701 - 2196

" 9.—COUNCIL. Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G., and-Dr. J. H. MacFar­ land have been re-elected Chancellor and Vice-Chan­ cellor".respectively. Mr.. Justice. Hood, after service as a member of Council for' 25 years, relinquished his seat, and on an election being held. Dr. T. R. Lyle, formerly Professor of Natural Philosophy, was elected to fill the vacancy. Professor Masson, having relinquished the office of President of the Professorial Board, resigned his seat on the Council, and Professor Moore, the now President, has been elected in his stead. The seats of the following members having become vacant through effluxion of time, they have been re­ elected for five years:—The Rev. E.'H. Sugden, M.A., B.Sc, Dr. Alexander Leeper, Dr. J. W. Barrett, Rev, Dr. Alexander Marshall. The leave of absence • granted to Dr. Barrett and General. Monash has been extended, as both are still engaged on war service. Mr. Syme has been welcomed back to his place iu the Council.after over 12 months"' absence on war service.

10.—OBITUARY. Tlie Council records with great' regret the decease of Dr. A: C. H-. Rothera, Lecturer in Bio-Chemistry. Dr.. Rothera had enlisted, and whilst in camp contracted the'illucss which*proved fatal. He had held his office- for 9 years, and had won honour for the University and a high position for himself. ' ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916. 661

The Council regrets to have to record further the death of Dr T. S. Hall. Dr. Hall was Lecturer in Biology, and had filled the temporary offices of Acting Professor of Biology and Acting Registrar. He had been on the University staff for 29 years, and as a writer and investi­ gator had done much to enhance its reputation, and had himself become widely aud affectionately known.

11.—PROFESSORS. His Majesty has advanced Professor Sir W. Baldwin Spencer to the rank of K.C.M.G. The Council is sensible of the signal honour thus conferred upon a leading member of the University teaching staff, and of the honour which is reflected on the University as a whole by this recognition of the value of its work. Mr. W. A. Laver, who had been on the teaching staff of the Conservatorium since its establishment, and Vice- Director since 1902, and had on frequent occasions been Acting Professor, has been appointed to the vacant Ormond Chair of Music. The term of Professor Ewart's existing appointment having expired, it has been renewed for five years. Negotiations have been proceeding with the Hon. the Minister of Education with a view to the advancement of the Lectureship iu Education to a Professorship. The necessary amendment of the Statute—The Professors— has been made, but difficulties have arisen which have so far prevented further steps towards making the appointment. 12.—LIBRARIAN. Mr. E. H. Bromby, M.A., has retired from theofficeof Librarian after filling it for 26 years. The Council placed on record its sense of the value of his services as Lib­ rarian and its appreciation of his character and abilities. Mr. E. D. Ulrieh, M.A., has been temporarily ap­ pointed Librarian.

13.—LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS. Dr. Gilbert Lamble was granted leave of absence on account of ill-health during the latter part of 1915. He resumed duty at the beginning of 1916, only to feel con­ strained to resign in. August, 1916. In accepting his 662 ANNUAL UEPOUT, 19151916. resignation the Council placed on record its appreciation of his services, and its sense of the value of his influence. Mr. Edward Goll has been appointed Special Pianoforte Soloist, and a Chief Study Teacher at the Conserva­ torium. The Lady Northoote Trust made a generous offer, which assisted the Council to retain Mr. Goll's services. The following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators have been made during the year: — German—Lecturer— Dr. A. Lodcwyckx. Education—Assistant Lecturers— Mr. J. McRae, M.A., Dip. Ed. Mr. M. S. Sharman, M.A., M.Sc. Master of Method in Science and Mathematics— Mr. M. S. Sharman, M.A., M.Sc. Master of Method in English History and Geography— Miss I. D. Marshall, M.A. Master ot Method in Languages— Mr. R. Lawson, M.A. Master of General Method— Mr. J. McRae, M.A., Dip. Ed. Biology—Lecturer and Demonstrator— Dr. G. Sweet. Biology—Demon strator— Miss J. W. Raff, M.Sc. Biology—Junior Demonstrators— Dr. G. Buchanan. Mrs. Rossiter, M.Sc. Botany—Junior Demonstrators— Miss I. C. Cookson, B.Sc. Miss M. E. L. Archer, B.Sc. Geology—Junior Demonstrators— Mr. M. Morris,- M.Sc. Mr. A. L. Coulson. Natural Philosophy—-Demonstrators— Miss N. Allen, B.Sc. Mr. A. L. McAulay. Chemistry—Junior Demonstrators— Miss J. L. Alexander, B.So. Miss M. K. Evans, B.So. Miss E. W. Preston, B.Sc. Mr. T. W. Winn. ! Mr. A. A. Rosenblum. ANNUAL EEPOKT, 1916-1916 663

Regional and Applied Anatomy—Lecturer— Mr. H. A. S. Newton, M.B., M.S. Physiology—Demonstrator— Dr. H. Kincaid. Pathology—Demonstrators— Mr. D. D. Coutts, M.B. Mr. K. A. McLean, M.B. Bacteriology—Demonstrator— Miss H. F. M. Kelsey, M.B. Veterinary Pathology—Acting Lecturer— Mr. H. R. Seddon, B.V.Sc. Veterinary Pathology—Demonstrator— Mr. W. S. Cook, B.V.Sc. Veterinary Materia Medica and Pharmacy—Acting Lecturer—• Mr. E. F. J. Bordeaux. The usual appointments of clinical instructors at the Melbourne, Alfred, and St. Vincent's Hospitals have been made. The following new appointments have been made to the Conservatorium Staff: — Pianoforte— Miss N. A. Billings. Mr. F. W. llornewood. Mr. H. C. Smith. Miss A. E. Cocks. Mr. J. A. Steele. Singing- Miss Maude Harrington. Violin— Mr. A. Zelman. Harmony, Composition, Counterpoint— Mr. J. A. Steele. The following new appointments on the staff of the Australian College of Dentistry have been approved: — Medicine—Lecturer— Dr. M. D. Silberberg. Anatomy and Dissections—Lecturer— Mr. C. A. Lister, M.B., B.S. Anaesthetics—Demonstrator— Mr. H. S. Tayler. •Graduation Fillings—Demonstrators— Mr. C. H. Down. B.D.Sc. Mr. F. A. Aird, B.D.Sc. 664 ANNUAL RKPOKT, 1915-1916.

14.—EXAMINEES. The following examiners and additional examiners were appointed: — 1. For the practical examinations in the subject of Education— Dr. Smyth, Mr. M. P. Hansen, Mr. M. S. Sharman, Mr. L. J. Wrigley, Miss I. D. Marshall. 2. For the Medical Course— Materia Medica— Mr. S. Plowman, Dr. F. H. Cole. Anatomv— Dr. A. S. M. Tymms. Physiology— Dr. J. L. Jona. Regional and Applied Anatomy— Dr. H. D. Stephens. Pathology— Dr. R. J. Bull. Therapeutics— , Dr. C. Bage, Dr. T. W. Sinclair. Medicine— Dr. A. V. M. Anderson. Clinical Medicine— Dr. W. R. Boyd, Mr. A. Lowers, Dr. K. Hiller, Dr. S. V. Sewell, Dr. L. S. Latham, Dr. J. F. Mackeddie. Surgery— Mr. R. H. Russell. Clinical Surgerv— Mr. F. H. Langlands, Mr. T. H. Boyd, Mr. J. S. Buchanan, Dr. D. Murray Morton,, Mr. R. C. Brown. Forensic Medicine— Dr. R. H. Co'.e. Obstetrics— Dr. II. Cairns Lloyd. 3. For the M.S. Examination— Surgery— Dr. Kilvington, Dr. Clubbe (). Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Dr. H. D. Stephens. Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen, Dr. Bull. ANNUAL UKPOHT, 1916-1916. 665

For a Thesis for the degree of M.D.— Sir Harry Allen, Dr. R. J. Bull. For the examination in Clinical Medicine of Can­ didates proceeding to the M.D. degree by Thesis— Dr. G. T. Howard and Mr. A. Lowers. For the Diploma of Public Health— Professor Masson, Professor Osborne, Dr. Bull, Dr. Green, Dr. E. Robertson, Mr. F. E. T. Cobb, Dr. Hiller, Dr. Cumpston, Dr. Sinclair. For Theses for the D.Sc. degree— Professor Skeats, Professor Marshall, of N.Z., Professor Spencer, Professor Haswell, of Sydney, Professor Wool- nough, of Perth. For the Engineering Course—Examiners— Geometrical and Mechanical Drawing and G rapines—• Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. J. T. Lupson. Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design and Drawing— Professor Payne, Mr. W. N. Kernot. Civil Engineering, Part I., with Design and Draw­ ing- Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. W. N. Kernot, Mr. J. A. Laing. Civil Engineering, Design and Drawing— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. AV. Bromby, Mr. A. L. Galbraith. Co-examiners— Surveying— Mr. J. M. Coane. Hydraulics and Hydraulic l^ugineering— Mr. A. P. Flockhart. Civil Engineering, Part II Mr. W. R. Rennick, Mr. W. Calder, Mr. G. Kermode. Electrical Engineering— Mr. H. R. Harper. Mining and Metallurgy— Mr. Donald Clark. 666 ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916.

9. For a Thesis for the M.C.E. degree— Mr. G. Higgins, Mr. J. A. Laing. 10. For a Thesis for the D.V.Sc. degree— Dr. S. S. Cameron, Dr. S. Dodd, of Sydney. 11. For the Music Course— Pianoforte— Mr. Scharf, Mr. Coutts, Miss Dyason, Miss Billings, Mr. Goll. Organ— Mr. Nickson, Mr. Floyd. Violin— Mr. Truebridge, Miss Delprat, Mr. North, Mr. Zelman. Singing— Madame Major, Madame Jansen. Miss Williams, Mr. Sobell, Miss Malyon, Mr. Patten, Mdme. Wiedermann, Miss Goode. Harmony and Counterpoint— Dr. Price, Mr. Coutts, Mr. Nickson. * Musical. Terminology, Ear Tests, etc.— Dr. Price. Form and Analysis, History, etc.— Mr Coutts, Mr. Nickson. Instrumentation, etc.— Mr. Zelman. 12. For the Dental Course— • .Chemistry— Professor Masson, Mr. A. W. Craig. Dental Anatomy— Dr. E. B. Nicholls, Dr. J. M. Lewis. Amiatomy and Dissections— Professor Berry. Mr. C. R. Lister. Histology— Dr. J. L. Jona, Mr. T. A. Wright. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield, Mr. E. J. Wise, Mr T. F. W. Hall, Dr. R. J. B. Yule. ANNUAL REPORT, 1915-1916. 667

Physiology— Professor Osborne, Mr. L. A. I. Maxwell. Practical Metallurgy— Dr. G. B. Pritchard, Mr. D. Clark. Surgery, Pathology, and Bacteriology— Mr. J. I. Connor, Dr. Constance Ellis. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. E. F. Greenwood, Dr. J. E. Nihill. Dental Surgery and Pathology— Dr. T. Shuttleworth, Dr. H. H. Ham, Dr. J. M. Lewis. Orthodontics— Dr. H. H. Ham, Dr. W. S. Wilkinson. Medicine— Dr. R. L. McAdam, Dr. J. E. Nihill. Oral Surgery— Dr. W. A. James, Dr. R. A. Stirling. Practical Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. .1. Tuckfield, Mr. D. McGregor. Practical Bacteriology— Dr. R. J. Bull, Mr. C. H. Mollison. 13. For the D.D.Sc. Examination- Surgical Pathology— Sir Harry Allen, Mr. Mollison. Bacteriology— Dr. Bull, Dr. Hiller. Operative Dental Surgery— Dr. VV. L. Aitken/Dr. J. M. Lewis. Dental Mechanics— Mr. W. J. Tuckfield, Dr. G. E. P. Philpots. Dental Surgery, Pathology, and Bacteriology— Dr. V. Macdonald, Dr. E. S. Fischer. 14. For the Mollison Scholarship in French— Professor Tucker, M. Carton. 15. For the Mollison Scholarship in Arabic— Mr. N. M. Jaboor, B.A., Mr. J. M. Fawaz, B.A. 16. For the Harbison-Higinbotham Scholarship— Professor Irvine, of Sydney.. 668 ANNUAL UEPOUT,.,1915-1916.

17. For the South Province Scholarship at tho Royal College of Music— Professor Laver, Mr. A. E. Floyd and Mr. . Fritz Hart. 18. For the Grimwade Prize— Mr. D. Avery. .19. For the Bowen Prize and the Professor Morris J'rize— Professor Wallace, Mr. A. T. Strong. 20. For Meat Inspectors' Examination— Dr. \V. T. Kendall, Dr. J. C. Lewis, Mr.. H. R. Seddon, Dr. G. Sweet, Dr. J. H. L. Cunipstou, Mr. W. A. N. Robertson, Mr. J. Pollock, 21. For the Public Examinations, 1915— French 2nd Examiner— Mrs. lioyce Gibson, in place of Mrs. Rothera. Trigonometry 2nd Examiner— Mr. \V. Bromby, in place of Mr. N. C. Harris. Mechanics 1st Examiner— Mr. \V. M. Holmes, in place of Mr. N. C. Harris. Mechanics 2nd Examiner— Mr. E. 13. Brown, in place of Mr. W. M. Holmes. Further Additional Examiners— .English— Mr. G. A. Osborne, Mr. E. D. Ulrieh. French— Dr. Lodewyckx, Miss C. M. H. van Nooten. Algebra— Mr. T. P. Scott, Mr. J. L. Griffiths. History— Miss M. Button. Physics— Mr. M. P. Hansen. Latin (Senior)— Miss S. J. Williams. ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916. 669

22. For the Junior and Senior Pu blic and Commcr- •cial Examinations, December, 1916 and February, 1917— Subject Kirst Examiner Second Examiner English—Junior Miss K. Derham Miss H. M. Kobinson Senior Mr. F. Sinclaire Miss I. I>. Marshall Greek Mr. W. Kerrv Mr. E. W. Cornwall Latin Mr. E. \V.•Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry Freneh--Junior Mr. F. I. Maurice Carton Mr*. lioyee Gibson Senior Mr. F. I. Maurice Carton l>r. Lodewyckx -German Mr. L. J. Wiiglev Dr. A. Lodewyckx Arithmetic Mr. A. Hart Dr. II. Green -Algebra — Junior Miss J. T. Klynn Dr. C. E. Weatherburn Senior Dr. C. E. Weatherburn Mr. G. Gundersen .•Geometry—Junior Mr. E. J. C. Rennie Mrs. L. J. Wrigrlev Senior Mr. G. Gundersen Mr. A. M. Xcsbltt Trigonometry Mr. G. (iiindi-rsoii Mr. A. M. Nesbitt History—-Junior Mr. T. S. Cli-ne Mr. F. Green Senior Mr. E. C. W. Kelly Mr. 0. de R. Foenander •Geography—Junior I>r. H. S. Summers Dr. G. H. Pritchard Senior Dr. J. Luach Mr. Ti. W. Armitage Physics—Junior Miss H. Wood Mr. C. A. Hoadley Senior Mr. W. M. Holmes Mr. E. I. Rosenblum •Chemistry Dr. M, Green Dr. F. H. Campbell Anatomy -fe Physiology Dr. 11. Kincaid Miss L. C. Jackson Botany Professor Ew;irt Miss E. I. McLennan Drawing Mr. J. T. 'Lupson Mr. P. M. Carevv-Smvth •Geology i»r. H. S. Summers Dr. G. H. Pritchard* Mechanics Dr. (.;. K. Weatherburn Mr. E. J. C. Rennie Bookkeeping Mr. A. C. Morlev Mr. C. L. Hall Typewriting Mr. A. C. Morlev Mr. C. L. Hewitt h orthand Mr. E. 11. Longbran Mr. II. E. Wade 23. For the Public Examinations in Music— Mr. D. J. Coutts, Mr. H. Curtis, Professor Ennis, Mr. A. E. Floyd, Mr. E. Goll, Mr. L. Hattenbach, Professor Ives, Pro­ fessor Laver, Mr. A. E. H. Nickson, Dr. W. G. Price, Mr. 0. F. Sobell, Mr. J. A. Steele, Mr. A. Zelman.

15._UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES. The following gentlemen were appointed to represent the University: — Council of Legal Education—. Mr. Justice Hood, Dr. Bride. Council of Australian College of Dentistry and Mel­ bourne Dental Hospital— Mr. C. H. Mollison, Dr. G. Lamble. 670 ANNUAL REPORT, 1915191C.

Council of Working Men's College— Mr. W. N. Kernot. Joint Committee of University and Working Men's- College— Rev. E. H. Sugden, Professors Masson, Lyler Skeats, Payne. Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee— Professor Moore. Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— The Vice-Chancellor, Sir Harry Allen. Lady Northoote Permanent Orchestra Trust— Mr. Sugden, Professor Masson, Mr. Mackey,. Dr. Leeper.

16.—FACULTIES. Mr. D. K. Picken has been appointed a member of the Faculty of Arts, Dr. Griffith Taylor and Dr. J. M- Baldwin members of the Faculty of Science, and Mr- B. A. Smith a member of the Faculty of Engineering. Mr. R. A. Wright, Dr. E; S. Fischer and Mr. B. J. Thompson have been appointed members of the Faculty of Dentistry after steps had been taken to consult dental graduates as to appointments which would be acceptable- to them. Mr. O. F. Sobell and Mr. A. E. Floyd have been appointed members of the Music Examination Board.

17.— RHODES SCHOLAR. The Rhodes Scholarship for 1915 has been awarded by tho Selection Committee to Mr. Donald Murchison Sandral (Ormond).

18.—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize of .£100, founded in 1905 by the- late Mr. David Syme for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or Natural Philosophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded to Mr. Charles- Hedley, of Sydney, for his -works on "Land and Marine Mollusca of the Australasian region." ANNUAL REPORT, 19151916. 671

19.—ORIENT FREE PASSAGES. The tliree first saloon return- passages, which are- annually placed at the disposal of graduates of this University by the generosity ot the Managers of the Orient Line ot Royal Mail Steamers, were not fully ap­ plied for, and only one was awarded, viz., to the Rev. M. E. de B. Griffith, M.A.

20.—GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. Funds having been released by resignations, the fol­ lowing scholarships were awarded in December: — H. J. Grayson (Natural Philosophy)— " Ruling Diffraction Gratings." (£50.) Mi?s E. M. Sweet, M.B. (Pathology)— "Reaction to climatic environment of the- blood ot white races as indicated by Arneth counts." (£37 10s.) The following awards were made, as usual, in the- early part of the year: — Miss G. Swinburne (History)— "Australian History and Exploration." (£50.) Miss E. Archer (Botany)— " Livestigation of the abnormal development of Lucerne." (.£25.) Miss Cookson (Botany)— •'Flora of the Northern Territory." (£25.)- Miss N. Allen (Natural Philosophy)— "Manufacture ot X-Ray Plates." (£1. for expenses.) Morris Morris (Geology)— " Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Dan­ denong Hills." (£75.) Dr. J. L. Jona (Physiology)— "Fever. Toxaemias ot Pregnancy." (£25- for expenses.) . W. S. Cook (Veterinary)— " Bacterial Flora ot wounds in horses and dogs. Certain diseases affecting the- heads of cattle." (£50.) €72 ANNUAL REPORT, 1915-1910.

Dr. N. H. Fairlcy and Dr. C. A. Stewart (Pathology)— " Clinical, Pathological, and experimental aspects of Cerebro Spinal Meningitis." (£25 for expenses.) Dr. Buchanan (Histology)— "Tlie examination and re-construction of some early Human Embryos." (£50.) The amount of the Government Grant was again <£10!10, but the war and war services have so depleted •the University of students qualified to take up research work that the Council was not able to make recommen­ dations to the extent of the grant.

21— RESEARCH. The total number of graduates and research students .(excluding members ot the staff) who have been engaged in research in the various departments is 19, distributed .as follows:—Anatomy, 1; Botany, 2; Engineering, 1; •Geology, 6; History,!; Pathology, Hj Physiology, i; Veterinary Science, 1.

22.—WALTER AND ELIZA HALL TRUST. The agreement between the Trustees of the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust, the University of Melbourne, and the Melbourne Hospital, for the establishment with­ in the grounds of the Hospital of an Institute for Re­ search in. Pathology and Medicine has been completed. The necessary buildings have been erected, and provided •with fittings and furniture. The endowment generously •provided by the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust is secure for ten years. Tlie Institute is to he in full working -order by October, 1917. Professor Sir Harry Allen has been appointed Honorary Director for the time being, and steps are being taken to invite applications for the offices of Director and of First Assistant. Part of the Institute is already in active work. The Trustees have, in addition, offered the University the sum of £350 per annum for a Walter and Eliza Hall Veterinary Science Research Fellowship. The Council regrets that owing to the demands made by the war on Veterinary graduates, it has not yet been found pos­ sible to recommend anyone tor the Fellowship. ANNUAL REPORT, I!)l5-191li. 673-

23.—BUILDINGS. Circumstances occurred in the early part of the year to- prevent the Government Architect from making progress, with the plans for the building operations referred to in the last report. Considerable progress has, however,, recently been made and tho Council baa approved of the general plans and elevations submitted by the Government Architect, who is now engaged in preparing the detailed, drawings. 24.- ROMAN CATHOLIC COLLEGE. The Council had great pleasure in receiving the plans- for the new College now being erected on the Roman Oath olio Reserve, and to learn that the building of the College was about to be proceeded with, and it tendered its congratulations to His Grace Archbishop Carr on the- success which had attended his efforts.

25.—INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. The Institution of Civil Engineers has recognised the- University degrees ot Bachelor ot Civil Jvngineering, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, and Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.

2R.—TECHNICAL COLLEGES. The Swinburne Technical College has been added to the list ot Technical Colleges recognised by the Univer­ sity, whose students, on entering for a course in En­ gineering, Agriculture or Science, may receive credit for- work done at the Technical College.

27.—SCHOOLS. A further step has been taken in the process of bring­ ing into operation the new regulations providing for the inspection of schools. The three secondary school inspectors of the Education Department, Messrs. M. P. Hansen and L. J. Wrigley aud Miss J. T. Flynn, have been approved by the University for the purpose of making the inspections and reports required by the? Schools Board. •Qli ANNUAL REPORT, 1915-ll)l(i.

28.—BENEFACTIONS. The Council acknowledges the donations in money referred to in the paragraph dealing with the War; and also the following gift of apparatus:—Messrs. Sutherland and Ashman—Bastian Electrolytic Meter.

29.—APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached hereto: — Appendix A.—List of Contributions to Literature and Science. Appendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. Appendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the year 1915. .

AU of which I have the honour to submit for your Excellency's consideration.

I have the honour to be. Your Excellency's most obedient servant, JOHN MADDEN CHAKCELLOB. 16th October, 191(3. APPENDIX A.


BlOCHEMISTBT. X. A. I. Maxwell, B.Agr.Sc., and the late Dr. A. C. H. Rothera— The Action of Pituitrin on the Secretion of Milk. Journal of Physiology, Vol. XLIX., p. 483.

BOTANY. Professor Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.— Influence of Nitrates on the Development of Root Tubercles. Vict. Journal of Agriculture, Decem­ ber, 1915. Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 23 (March, 1916). Proc. Roy. Soc. of Victoria, Vol. XXVIII., pp. 216-222. Chemistry of Chlorophyll. Proc. of Soc. of Chem. Industry of Vict., 1915. /Professor A. J. Ewart and P. J. Sharman— Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 24 (March, 1916). Proc. Roy. Soc. of Victoria, Vol. XXVIII., pp. 230-239 (3 plates). ;Miss E. McLennan, B.Sc.— "' The Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth," Proc. Roy. Soc. of Victoria, Vol. XXVIII., pp. 245-250 (March, 1916).

ENGLISH. Professor R. S. Wallace, M.A Twelfth Night. Edited, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. (Lothian'Publishing Coy., 1916.) Professor T. G. Tucker, M.A., Litt.D., and Professor R. S. Wallace, M.A.— English Grammar, Descriptive and Historical. (Lothian Publishing Coy., 1916.) 676 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

ENGINEERING. Professor H. Payne, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.— Control of Technical Education. Delivered July, J915r before State Technical Teachers' Association;. published iu Public Service Journal. The Influence Line. June, 1916. Victorian Institute of Engineers. Report of the Sludge Abatement Board of Victoria, Geo. Higgins, M.C.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chairman. W. N. Kernot, H.C.K— Electro-technical Education. Electrical Association of Australia (Victorian Section).

GEOLOGY. Professor E. W. Skeats, D.Sc, F.G.S.— 1. Report of Committee on the Nomenclature of the Carboniferous, Permo-Carboniferous and Per­ mian Rocks in the Southern Hemisphere, Reports ot British Association for Advance­ ment ot Science, Manchester, 1915. 2. The Teaching of Geography. Secondary Teacher ot Victoria, Aug., 1915. Lieut. G. A. Cook, B.Sc— Notes on the Geology of Goburg. Proc Roy. Soc, Victoria, 1916."

MATHEMATICS. C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc— . 1. Problems in Electrostatics and the Steady Flow of Electricity under the exponential potential. Philosophical Magazine, Vol. XXX. (1915), pp. 568-581. 2. Vector Integral Equations of the first kind. Quar­ terly Journal of Pure and Applied Mnthe­ matics, Vol. XLVI. (1915), pp. 334-356. 3. On certain functions analogous to harmonic func­ tions. Ibid., Vol. XLVII. (1916), pp. 73-93. 4. Vector Integral Equations and Gibbs' Dyadica. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. XXII. (1916), pp. 133-158. . RESEARCH WORK. 677

' 5. On two fundamental problems in the theory of Elasticity, Philosophical Magazine, Vol- XXXII. (1916), pp. 15-38.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Professor T. H. Laby, M.A., and Captain G. W. C. Kaye, D.Sc— "Tables ot Physical and Chemical Constants." Second Edition, pp. vii., 153. Longmans, Green & Co.

PATHOLOGY. The Commonwealth Departmental Committee concern­ ing causes of Death and Invalidity in the Common­ wealth, of which the Professor of Pathology is a member, has submitted the following Reports: — (a) Preliminary (prepared by Sir Harry Allen). (6) Enteric Fever. (c) The Risks of High Tension (prepared by Sir Harry Allen). (<7) Diphtheria. (c) Venereal Diseases (prepared by Sir Harry Allen). The Medical Committee of the Victorian Department ot Public Health, of which the Professor of Pathology was Chairman, has submitted a Report on Cerebro­ spinal Meningitis, which was dratted by Sir Harry Allen. Under the direction of the Professor of Pathology a vote was granted from the Victorian Government Re­ search Fund to assist in the preparation of the follow­ ing:— N. Hamilton Fairley, M.B., and C. A. Stewart, M.B Cerebrospinal Fever, published as a Commonwealth Quarantine Service Publication, No. 9, under the authority of the Minister for Trade and Customs. PHILOSOPHY. Professor W. R. Boyce Gibson, M.A.,'D.Sc Article on " Tlie Foundations of Character," "Mind," VoJ. XXV., N.S., No. 97 (Jan., 1916.) .44 678 APPENDIX TO REPORT. .

Article on •'* Love " (Psychological and Ethical). Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. VIII. (Jan., 1916).

PHYSIOLOGY. L. A. I. Maxwell, B.Agr.Sc— The Relation ot Salivary to Gastric Digestion. Biochemical Journal, Vol. IX., p. 323. APPENDIX B.

X1ST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARIES. For the Year Ended 31st July, 1916.

GENERAL LIBRARY. From Governments: — Australia (Commonwealth): Acts, Bills, Parliamen­ tary Debates and Papers; Gazette; Statistical Bul­ letins; Historical Record, vols. 3-6; Journal of Patents; Meteorological Reports; N. Territory Bul­ letins; Zoological Results ot Fishing Experiments. • Bombay: Gazetteer. Canada: Mines aud Geological Survey, Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports and Maps. Ceylon: Report ot Marine Biologist. Finland: Bulletin de la Commission Geologique. Formosa: Iconcs Plantarum. France: Instruction, Systeme du Monde, vol. 2 (Duhem). Great Britain: Geo­ logical Survey Memoirs and Maps. Hyderabad: Archaeological Series. Illinois: Report ot Efficiency and Economy Committee. India; General Statutory Rules and Orders, vols. 1-4; Agriculture, Annual Report, Memoirs; Epigraphia Indica; Geological .Survey, Memoirs and Records. Ireland: Fisheries, Scientific Investigations. Madras: Fisheries, Bul­ letin; Fisheries Report; Diary of A. R. Pillai, 1736-61, vol. 4. : Agriculture, Bulletins, Gazette; Botanist, Revision of the genus .Eucalyptirs; Beport of the Botanic Gardens; Forest Flora; Mines, Annual Report; Mineral Resources; •Geological Maps and Memoirs; Public Instruction, Annual Report; Report of the Registrar of Friendly .Societies; Statistical Register; Year-book. New Zea­ land: Agriculture, Report; Lands, Report; Mines, Geological Survey Bulletin; Patent Office, Journal; Year-hook. Queensland: Mines, Annual Report, Geological Survey Publications. South Australia: Mines, Reports, Review, Geological Survey Bulletin, Reports, Tasmania: Mines, Geological Survey Bul­ letins, Records, Reports. United States: Agricul­ ture, Bulletins, Experiment Station Record, Journal of Agricultural Research; Coast and Geodetic Sur­ vey, Annual Report, N. American Fauna, Special Publications (Magnetic Observations, Precise Level- 680 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

ling, Triangulation); Commerce, Bulletin ot the Bureau of Standards; Education, Report. Victoria: Acts,.Bills, Parliamentary Debates, Papers, Statutes; Agriculture, Journal; Education, Report; Metropoli­ tan Board ot Works, Report; Mines, Annual Report, Geological Survey Bulletins, Records and Maps; Public Works, Report ot Country Roads Board; Rail­ ways, Report ot Construction, 1915; Rivers and Water Supply, Report of Interstate Conference on Artesian Water, Year-book. Publications ot Universities, Colleges, etc.: — In addition to exchange calendars, etc.—Basel: Pub- lications. Benares Sanskrit College: Catalogue of MSS. British Empire Universities Bureau: Year­ book. Calcutta Sanskrit College : Catalogue of MSS. California: Agricultural Publications. Columbia; University Quarterly. Glasgow: Geological Depart­ ment Papers. Grenoble: Annates. Habana: Re­ vista. Harvard: Contributions from the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. Illinois: Engineering Bulle­ tins. Kyoto: Memoirs of the College of Engineering, and the College of Science. La Plata. Leland Stanford: University Series (2 vols.). Lisbon: Ar- quivos. Michigan: Humanistic Series, vol. 5; Mono­ graphs; Theses. Minnesota: Agricultural Bulletins, Current Problems; Studies in Language, 1-mgincer- ing. Agriculture, Physics, Botany, Social Science; Geological Survey Bulletins. Missouri: Bulletins. Ohio: Biological Survey Bulletins; Naturalist. Pisa: Annali dellc Universita Toscane. Princeton: Con­ tributions from Biological Laboratory. -Queen's University, Kingston: Queen's Quarterly. St. An­ drews : Publications. Tohoku, Japan : Mathematical Journal, Science Reports. Tokyo: Journal of the College of Agriculture, and the College of Science. Toronto: Studies. Uruguay: Anales. Western Tlieological Seminary, Chicago: Ethiopic Liturgy (Mercer). Memoirs, Transactions, etc., from the following Societies and Institutions: — Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, India. American Historical Association. Australasian In­ stitute of Mining Engineers. Australian Historical DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 681

Society, Sydney. Australian Museum, Sydney. Bio­ logical Club, Ohio University. Cambridge Philo­ sophical Society. Cape of Good Hope Observatory. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Carnegie Foundation for tho Advancement of Teach­ ing. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland. Carlsbcrg, Denmark: Comples Rendus des Travaux du Labora- toire. Classical Association of Victoria. Eugenics Record Office, Long Island. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Field Naturalists' Club of Vic­ toria. Greenwich Observatory. Hawaiian Volcano Research Association. Historical Association of London. Historical Society of Victoria. Hyderabad Archaeological Society. .Institution of Civil En­ gineers, London. Institution of Mechanical En­ gineers, London. Institute Oswaldo Cruz, Rio Janeiro. International Institute of Agriculture, Rome. John Rylands Library, Manchester. Linnean Society ot New South Wales. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Melbourne University Associa­ tion. National Academy of Sciences, Washington. National Museum, Melbourne. N. Zealand Institute. N. Zealand Dominion Laboratory Report. Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. Public Library of South Aus­ tralia. Queensland Museum. Royal Colonial Insti­ tute. Royal Dnblin Society. Royal Societies of Canada, Edinburgh, London, New South Wales, Queensland, South Africa, South Australia, Tas­ mania, Victoria. Royal Victorian Institute of Archi­ tects. Royal Zoological Society of N.S. Wales. Smithsonian Institution, U.S. National Museum and National Herbarium. Sydney University Engineering Society. Victorian Institute of Engineers.

From the British Museum: — Codex Alexandrinus, Old Testament in reduced fac­ simile. From the British Museum (Nat. Hist.): — Catalogues of Ungulata 4, Amatidae Supp. vol. 1 and Plates, and Fresh Water Fishes of Africa 3; Guide to lrossil Remains of Man; Revision ot the Ichneumonidae; British Antarctic Expedition 1910, Natural History Report, 5 vols. 682 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

From Authors and Editors: — Blocksidge, W.: Seven Tales; and A Wreath. Datta, R.: Echoes from East and West. Hubcrich aud King: Prize Code of German Empire. Hubcrich and Nicol-Speycr: German Legislation for Belgium; Noodwetgeving van de Fransche Republiek; Nood- wetgeving van het Duitschc Rijk. Huberich, C. H.: Englische Priscnrecht. Luiggi, L.; Engineering Papers. Moore, W. Harrison: Political Systems of Australia. Wilton, J. R.: Mathematical Papers.

From the Publishers: — Birchenough, C.: History of Education (Univ. Tuto­ rial Press). Robinson, Breasted and Beard: Out­ lines of European History (Ginn and Co.). Miscellaneous: — From Mr. Brornby: Rctzsch, Amrisse zu Schillors Lied von der Glocke; Ansted and Latham, Channel Islands; Lycll, Students' Elements of Geology; Engel, Music of Ancient Nations; N. British Review (6 Nos.). From Bengal Government: Das, Grammar of Tibetan Language. From Bombay University: Belvalkar, Systems of Sanskrit Grammar. From Chief Commissioner of Central Provinces: Russell, Tribes and Castes of Central Provinces of India. From the Consul-General for Belgium: Waxweiler, Belgium Neutral and Loyal; Belgium and Germany, Texts and Documents. From Professor Ewart: Lind'cy and Moore, Treasury of Botany; Treub, Papers on Plants; Ormerod, Reports on Injurious In­ sects: Quran, Fruit Tree Pruning; Thoday, Botany; Woodhead, Study of Plants. From Mrs. J. Fisher: Johanna, The Coming Christ. From Glasgow Uni­ versity: Wotherspoon. Ministry in the Church. From Mr. Kussmaul: Gesundhcits-Ingenieur 10 vols.; Vcrein Deutscher Ingenieure, Zeitschritt 1 vol. From M. Maurice-Carton: Seignobos, 1815-1915. From Captain Miranis: Malaval et Jondet, Le Port d'Alexandrie 2 vols. From N. Zealand Education Dept.: Cheeseman, Illustrations of N. Zealand Flora. From Professor Osborne: Poulton, Science and the Great War. '•. • i1 DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. \ 683 ' />

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY. —-"" (I).—Journals. Albany Medical Amnals; Australasian Journal of Phar­ macy; Birmingham Medical Review; Bookseller, The British Medical Journal (presented by Sir Harry Allen); Canadian Medical Asso. Journal; Cleveland Medical Journal; College of Medicine, Kyoto, vol. I.; Dublin Journal of Medical Science; Evans' Journal; Indian Journal of Med. Research; Lancet (presented by Sir Harry Allen); Medical Journal ot Australia; New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal; Pacific Medical Journal; Radium; Repertoire de Pharmacie; St. Bartholomew Hospt. Journal; Therapeutic Gazette; University Correspondent; Univ. of Tokyo; Mitteilungen a.d. Medizi; Fak der Kaiser; Band. 14, Heft 1, 2, and 3.

(3)—Transactions and Proceedings. American Asso. of Genito-Urinary Surgeons; Ainerican Asso. ot Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; American Dermatological Association; American Laryngological Association; American Laryn., Rhino and Otolo. Society; American Urological Association; Association of American Physicians; Chicago Pathological Society; Clinical Society, University of Michigan; College of Physicians of Philadelphia; lust, of Chem., G.B. and I.; • New York Conf. on Hospitals, vol. 2; Phil. Acad, of Surgery; Royal Academy of Med. in Ireland; Royal Soc. of Med. in England (presented by Dr. Rothwell Adam); Royal Soc of Vict, (presented by Professor Berry). (3).—Veports. Accra Laboratory, 1914; Assam Dispensaries; Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 12th; Bengal, Sanitation and Vac­ cination: Burma—Hospt. and Dispensaries; Lunatic Asylums; Sanitary Administration; Coll. of Phys. of Phil.: Commissioners in Lunacy, Eng. and Wales; Com­ missioners in Lunacy, Scotland; Commissioners in Lunacy, Ireland; Harvard Univ. 1914-15; King Edward VII. Sanatorium; Local Govt. Board (Lond.); Massa­ chusetts Gen. Hospt.; Massachusetts Med. Soc; Massa­ chusetts Hospt. for Consumptives; Middlesex Hospital 684 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

Archives; Neurological Inst, of N.Y., 1915; N.S.W. Lunacy Dept., 1916; Roosevelt Hospt., N.Y., 1915; Sani­ tary Com. with Govt, of India; Surgeon-Gen., U.S.A., Navy; West Aust., Govt.; Yellow Fever Commission (West Africa), 3rd and 4th.

(4)-—Vital Statistics. A.B.C. of Queensland; Commonwealth of Australia—

(5)—Bulletins. Bollettino Sanitario Alnno; Johns Hopkins' Hospt.; Lying-in-Hospt., City ot N.Y.; Northern Territory, 1915; Public Health and Marine Hospt. Service; St. Louis Univ.; United States Naval Medical; United States Public Health Service; Univ. De Montevideo; Yellow Fever Bureau (Liverpool).

(6').—Calendars, Catalogues, and Bagisters. Dentists' Register (U.K.), 1916; Harvard Univ.: Inst, of Chem., G.B. and I.; Johns Hopkins; London Hospt.; Medical Register (U.K.), 1916; National Univ. of Ire.; Royal Colleges, Edin.: Royal College Physicians, Lond.; lioyal College of Surgeons, England; Royal Lond. Oph. Hospt.; Rush Med. College; St. Mary's Hospt.; Surgeon- Gen! U.S. Army; Univ. of Bristol; Univ. ot California; Univ. of Durham; Univ. of Philippines; Univ. ot Southern California; Univ. de la Republica del Uruguay.

(7).—Books. From the Authors—Mr. P. Baracchi: Results of Obser­ vations ; Mr. H. Boulard: Etudes et Rccherches sur Les Levures; Dr. R. J. M. Buchanan: Text-Book of Forensic Medicine; Dr. Corlett: 2 Monograms on Syphilis; Drs. Fairley and Stewart: Cerebro-Spinal Fever; Dr. J. DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 685

Flynn: Morphology of the Caecum; Mr. A. W. Greig: Obstetrics, 3 vols.; Dr. J. Guiteras: Insect Borne Dis­ eases; Dr. L. B. Holt: 12 Monograms; Mr. R. L. -Jickling: Chemistry of Free Radicals; Dr. J. L. Jona: Experimental Study of Fever; Mr. J. W. S. Maefic: Accra Laboratory; Dr. F. C. Madden: Operations on the Dead Body; Dr. C. R. Putnam: Use of Needles in Fractures; Dr. II. D. Rollcston: Oerebro-Spinal Fever; Dr. C. Round: One Day—One Diet; Dr. J. H. Saunders: German Atrocities;' Mr. J. W. Shine: Physiological Re­ searches; Surgeon-General, U.S.A.: Index Catalogue, vol. 20; Warthin and Abbott: Medical Museums. From Institutions—-Carnegie of Washington: (a) Pro­ longed Fasting, (b) Absorption Spectra of Solutions, (c) Embryology, (d) Respiratory Exchange of Man, (c) Con­ ductivities and.Viscosities, (f) Energy Transformation, (g) Physiology of the Ncw-Born Infant, (h) Psychological Effect of Alcohol. Jefferson Med. Coll.: Monograms; Johns Hopkins Univ.: 5 Years of Experimental Chem­ istry; New York Univ.: Surgical Research; Prudential Insu. Comp. U.S.A.: Cancer Throughout the World; Ifockefeller Institute: History, Organisation and Equip­ ment; Wistar Inst, of Anatomy: Memoirs. From Publishers—33. and S. Livingstone, Text-Book of Forensic Medicine; Longmans, Green and Co.: Involun­ tary Nervous System. Bequest of Alex. Morrison, 000 volumes: including "works by J-iernard, Boismont, Charcot, Longet, Marey, Ranvier, Schiff, Vulpian, aud 32 volumes of the Journal of Physiology. OENEBAL ACCOVNT- • STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year. 1915. b- •fl h- 1915. UECKIPTS. 1015. EXPENDITURE. W Dec. 31 -Jan. 1. S! To G ovemment <.!m its K£22,00 0 0 0 By Balance £94 0 3 ees— Dec. 31. * Lectures .. £15.010 17 S Hy Salaries 39,112 9 6 Decrees .. . •>,(!! 2 4 lu House Allowances son 0 0 ri Certificates .. 57!) 15 (i Exhibitions and Scholarships 1,485 0 II Public Kxuins. . 7,831 IS 8 Examiners' Fees 2,034 19 9 Annual Exam. . 2,3S.i 11 « Kxamination Expenses 1,483 3 3 28,804 1 2 Examination Papers 4f,S 9 i Other Receipts- Books 361 0 o Sale of Calendars Apparatus 1,351 14 3 and Exam. Papers 110 7 ;"> Dissections 28S 12 0 Interest .. .. 1,071 12 !» Furniture 113 15 0 Trust Kundn(Admin- Cleaning and Incidentals 291 8 fi a istration) .. 43 17 0 Gas and Electric Light 327 12 10 IX. Sundries ,. .. 96 10 10 Water and Sanitary 173 (1 0 Wood and Coal 24 5 II Transfers from Departments for (.•rounds 55 18 11 Administration, etc.— Printing—including1 Calendar 510 14 1 Music Kxamina­ Stationery 451 15 0 tion Board .. £100 0 0 Stamps—Postage nnd Duty 173 8 0 Conservatorium Advertising 45 14 0 of Music . 101 0 0 Commencement 20 4 (1 Veterinary Insurances 202 IB s Department .. Kiy 0 0 Repairs 295 0 9 Bacteriology Special Votes .. 39 5 e J>ep(irtmciit .. ftO 0 0 Law Costs 3 S 0 Architects' Fees and Frizes 72« 15 n Balance 2,107 17 8 .• 0 .CB2.542 9 2 CONSERVATOltlUM OF UVSIC—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and KXl'ENDITURE for the year. 1915

1916. I!EC •Il'TS. 101 n. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan 1. To Feus— 1) - Balance £539 Hi 6 Lectures .. .1:2,030 4 0 Dec 31. Entrance Exhihs. 14 3 6 11 • Salaries— Teaching Staff ..£2,003 7 ti Hire of Music .. 14 : 9 Vice Director .. 150 0 o Hire of Melba Hall •J 1 0 Secretarial .. 20 0 0 Transfer from Music Kxami lation Ho:ml 150 0 0 Administration Charges, etc. 101 0 0 Balance :i:«l IS 8 Exhibitions ami Bursaries 45 0 0 .Music, Instruments, Hire, Tuning, ami Uepairs.. 14 5 3 Gas and Electric Light.. 14 IS 1 Printing 29 19 (i Stationery and Postages 18 0 10 Advertising ...... IS 7 0 Concert and Orchestral Expenses 3 8 « Furniture and Fittings.. 45 17 11 Telephone 9 IS 1 Insurances 0 2 S Incidentals 7 17 i Interest 33 4 0 2,581 14 0 Amount transferred to Building a/c. 89 8 5

£3,210 IS 11 £3,210 18 11 COtiSEilVATOlllVM OF MtJStC iiUlLDINO ACCOUNT — STATEMENT of tiECEll'TS and EXPENDITURE jot the Year, 1016.

1915. RECEIPTS. 1015. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. .Ian. 1. Transfer from Conservatorium a/c. Hv Balance £84 8 5 Dec: 31. By Expenditure . 5 0 0

£89 8 5 £S9 8 6


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE 1915, 1916. Jan, 1. Dec 31. To Balance .. £726 IG 6 U - Scholarships MfVi 4 0 Dec. 31. Administration Charges ion 0 0 To Fees C1,0S« 12 3 Secretarial—Organising 238 Ct 8 Interest 7 0 0 Organising Expenses .. 5S 19 4 Royalties ami Sales Exam. Papers 37 17 10 Music 1 7 0 1,731 10 1 Examiners* Fees and Travelling Expenses 033 3 1 Examination Expenses. 00 14 2 Printing 211 0 0 Stationery and Postages 39 15 4 Editing Grade Books .. 42 0 0 Revising SvIIahus 20 6 0 Advertising 10 8 2 Sundries 5 0 Transfer to Conserva­ torium 150 0 0 £1,072 8 3 Balance 785 18 4

£2,468 0 7 £2,458 0 7 MUSIC EXAMINATION BO IRD—INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the year. 1915.

1915. UECEIPTS. 1916. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £200 0 0 By Balance £200 0 0

£200 0 0 £200 0 0


1915. UECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £1,002 4 3 By Salaries £3,456 8 7 Pee. 31. Administration, etc. .. 105 0 0 Government Grant 4,200 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 1,288 2 0 Hospital Fees 281 Fittings for Laboratory 147 11 11 Lecture F«es 359 Balance 805 9 9 Interest

£5,922 12 9 £5,922 12 9 VETERINARY FUND—INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the year, MS.

1916. 1915. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £1,990 0 0 By Balance £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0


1916. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £242 13 0 By Salaries £1,8S9 10 2 Dec. 31. Less charged to General A/c. 500 0 0 To Department of Health £1,060 0 £l, 389 16 2 M. & M. Board of Works 4 Administration 50 0 0 Melbourne Citfy Council 60 0 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 4SG 0 2 Domestic Economy Class 47 18 Telephone .. 14 17 4 Specimens, Examinations of 257 16 Balance 637 12 10 WaBsemian Tests, etc. • 473 1 Interest 80 0

2,236 19 6

£2,478 12 6 £2,478 12 0 T.ACTKIilOWGlCAt* FUND-INVESTMENT ACCOUNT for the year, 1915.

1916. 1915. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £1,990 0 0 B.v Balance £1,990 0 0

£1,990 0 0 £1,990 0 0


191S. UECEIPTS. 1916. EXPENDITURE Doc. 31. Jan. 1. To Government Grant £1,052 8 4 Bv Balance £149 19 4 Balance 306 4 6 Dec. 31. By Amount spent to date

£1,358 12 9 £1,358 1! 9


UECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1915. 1915. Jan. 1. Deo. 31. To Balance £103 8 8 By Cash £4,162 3 7 Dec. 31. Balance 209 9 8 To Cash 4,258 4 7


1815 RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £89 0 0 Ilv Salaries .. £434 19 11 Dee. 31. Tutors'and Lecturers' Fees 60S 12 6 To Fees 1,207 7 0 Amount transferred to Apparatus Account 85 0 0 Balance 167 15 2

£1,350 7 6 £1,366 7 9


1916. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £180 10 By Apparatus £14 8 2 Dec. SI. Balance 251 7 3 To Amount transferred from Melbourne Hospital Clinical Fees Account 85 0 0 £205 10 5 £265 10 MELBOURNE HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES CONTINGENT ACCOUNT—ST ATEMENT of RECEIPTS nnd EXPENDITURE for tho year, 1916.

1916. RECEIPTS. I 1915. EXI'ENDITUHE. Jan. 1, '. I Dec. 31. To Balance £125 0 0 Ilv Balance £125 0 0

£125 (I 0 I £126 0 0


1916. RECEIPTS. 1016. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Fees .. £312 IS 0 B.v Salaries £127 10 0 ,, Balance 28 ,7 0 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 183 15 0 Transfer to Apparatus Account 30 II 0


1015. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. I. Dec. 31. To Balance £97 13 9 By Apparatus £8 19 8 Dec. 31 Balance 118 14 1 To Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 30 0 0

£127 13 9 £127 13 9



1015. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £20 17 11 By Balance £20 17 11 £20 17 11 £20 17 11 ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL ENTRANCE FEES ACCOUNt—ST ATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the year, 1916.

1915. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan, 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. £115 10 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital £116 10 0 Deo 31. Balance 42 0 0 To Entrance Fees 42 0 0 £157- 10 0 £167 10 0


1916. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £64 14 0 By Transfer to Apparatus Account £5 0 0 Dee. 31. Salaries ' . 60 0 0 To Fees .. 140 14 0 Tutors'and Lecturers* Fees 160 8 0


1916. RECEIPTS. 1916. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1, Dec. .11. To Balance £60 10 7 By Balance £71 10 7 Dec. 31. To Transfer from Clinical Fees Account 5 0 0 tn 10 7


1915. 1916. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. :ll. To Balance £56 10 0 By Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee Dec. 31. for Maintenance of Recreation Ground Buildings To Students' IM 820 0 0 and Sports Clubs ' ...... £829 10 0 Balance ., ...... 4(i 7 0

£875 17 II £875 17 0 CLUB HOUSE FEES—STATEMENT oj RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for tho year, 1915

1916. RECEIPTS. 1916. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £2 12 0 By Amount paid to Club Mouse Committee £350 0 0 Dec. 31. Ilv Balance .. 6 12 6 To Students' Fees 363 0 0

£365 12 6


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1916. 1916.. Jan, 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £703 8 0 By Scholarships £827 10 7 Dec. 31. Apparatus, etc. •""41 2 7 To Government Grant Balance - 894 14 10


1915. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £11,202 16 0 By Balance £11,202 16 0

£11,202 16 0 £11,202 16 0


1916. RECEIPTS. 1915. EXPENDITURE. Jan 1. Dec. 31. To Balance .. £17 17 6 By Expenditure £17 17 6

£17 17 6 £17 17 8 UNIVERSITV FUNDS—STATEMENT of BALANCES at iUt December, 1915.

Deo. 31, 1915. Fund. Dr. Balance. Cr. Balance Summary oj Investments, etc. General Account £2,107 17 8 Debentures at Face Value- Conservatorium of Music Account . £336 18 8 City of Melbourne Debentures £200 0 0 Music Examination Board Account 785 18 4 Government Securetics, etc., at cost— ,, ,, ' Investment Account .. 200 0 d Western Australian GovernmentStock 1,202 10 0 Veterinary Fund Account.. 805 9 9 Geelong Waterworks ond Sewerage ,, ,, Investment Account 1,990 0 0 Trust Debentures 2,165 0 0 Bacteriological Fund Account 637 12 10 Victorian Government Stock 335 0 0 ,, ,, Investment Account.. 1,990 0 0 Savings Bank Credit Fonder Deben* Engineering Equipment Account '. 300 4 5 ture Stock 3,980 0 0 Suspense Account 209 9 8 Mortgages 7,600 0 0 Melbourne Hospital Clinical Fees Account 107 15 2 Bank Current Account 5,578 17 6 ,, ,, „ ,, Apparatus Account .: 261 7 3 ,, ,, ,, ,, Contingent Account 125 0 0 St. Vincent's Hospital Clinical Fees Account 28 7 0 ,, ,, ,, ,, Apparatus Account 118 14 1 ,, „ ,, ,, Contingent Account 20 17 11 ,, ,, Entrance Fees Account 42 0 0 Alfred Hospital Clinical Fees Apparatus Account 71 10 7 Sports Fees Account 40 7 0 Club House Fees Account 5 12 0 Special Research Grant Account .. 894 14 10 , General Investment Account 11,202 16 0 Total of Credit Balances .. £21,633 3 7 Less Total of Debit Balances £071 10 I 671 10 1 £20,901 13 6 £ 20,901 13 « TRUST FUNDS—SUMMARISED STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for tho year, 1915.

1916. • RECEIPTS. 1915, EXPENDITURE. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Bequests and Gifts and other additions to Trust Bv Balance £051 3 7 Funds £2,046 16 7 Dc'c. 31. Sales or Transfers of Investments 2,001 11 2 By. Purchases or Transfers of Investments 9,896 "8 b Interest 4,915 13 0 Scholarships, Prizes and other payments in terms 8 Balance 6,963 11 7 of Trust .. .. • .. 4,200 16 9 Incidental Expenses 119 4 6

£14,927 12 10 £14,927 12 10 TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of IIALANCES at SUt December, 1915.

Dec. 31,1915. Fund. Inventinentn. Rank Cr. Haul Dr. Total. Summary of Investments etc. Anthropological £530 0 0 £8 6 11 £638 6 11 Dec. 31, 1915. Argus 1,1)71 0 0 30 15 2 2,001 15 2 Bank Deposits, etc. £6,695 0 Ii Baird 013 14 (1 2 10 (116 16 6 Government Securities, etc. Barry 25 0 0 4 1 3 29 1 3 at face value— Beaney—Pathology 2,301 0 0 8(1 ft 7 2,387 5 7 Citv of Melb. Debs. .. 8.600 0 0 ,, Surgery ,. 2.1511 0 0 14 14 8 .2,170 14 S M.&M. B.of W. Debs. 44,030 0 0 Bio-Chemistrv Apparat is 350 n 0 14 0 0 301 0 0 Vict. Gov. Stock 64.201 0 0 Black 2,1)07 Kl (l 66 3 2 2,123 13 2 Vict. Gov. Debs. 6,600 0 0 Bowen 110 0 0 17 16 .4 127 1(1 4 Shire of Caulflcld Debs. 100 0 0 Cancer Research Fund 187 10 0 1S7 10 0 Government Securities, etc Chamb. of Commerce 1,122 0 •0 81 15 11) 1,503 15 1(1 at cost— , Clinical Ucscarch Fund SS3 0 0 9 10 3 892 10 3 W. Aust. Gov, Insc. Stock 11,080 14 0 Cuming ,. 1,090 0 0 68 4 0 1,058 4 0 Vict. Gov. Stock 5,914 16 9 * Dixson . . .• • 12,813 15 0 317 11 10 13,131 6 10 M.&M. B. of W. Debs. 1,870 10 0 Dwight .. 6,388 4 9 . 270 11 3 6,168 1(1 0 Gcclong Waterworks & Dublin 2115 (l •J 21 12 0 280 12 0 Sewerage Trust Stock 3,233 S 9 Fulton .. I. iron 0 0 5 13 7 1,005 13 7 Geelong Waterworks A Grimwade l.Hl'.l 0 II 39 15 7 1,208 15 7 Sewerage Trust Debs. 240 0 0 Harbison-Higinbotham 2,500 1! 0 (14 12 (1 2,564 12 (1 Savings Hank Credit ,, Publication Fum 100 i) 0 0 13 lu 100 13 10 Foncier Stock 996 0 0 * Harrington 00 0 0 ,295 (12 9 6 Shire of Cobnrg Debs.- 100 0 0 Hastie 2S.77I1 II 0 • -9,501 2 10 19,2(.15 17 2 City of Sth. Melbourne Higgins .. 1,016 0 0 39 0 9 1,084 0 9 Debs. 467 10 0 Howitt ;l,-(74 II 0 4!) 17 0 :• 3,623 17 0 .Mortgages 37,255 0 0 Jamieson . 100 0 0 8 2 1 1CS 2 1 Properties 60 0 0 John Danks Industrial Loans to Conservatorium Scholarship 13 14 3 13 14 3 Students •7 3 9 Rav G(;olO"'V • • 3,225 0 0 102 17 4 3,327 17 4 Cash — U176 000 ° 3 ,, Veterinary .. 3.220 II II 00 6 (1 . . 3,28(1 0 0 Dr. Kernot 3,016 0 0 3 2 7 3,018 2 7 Hastie a/c £9,504 o 10 Laurie Memorial 194 15 0 3 0 0 198 1 0 • Cr. Lansell 1,39(1 n II 2S 13 4 1,418 13 4 Trust n/c £2,850 1 0 Leggatt l;0HO 0 0 19 2 6 1,1(19 2 0 Mollison a/c 450 10 3 MacBain .. 1,045 0 0 66 • 0. 7. 1,101 0 .7- Sav. Bk. a/c Madden 761 0 0 0 5 11 707 5 11 No. 2 .. 40 4 0 Mollison ,. 5,809 10 0 466 16 3 6,206 6 3 Sav. Bk. a/c Morris Memorial .. 116 0 0 9 14 124 1 4 No. 3 .. 187 10 0 Morrison 276 0 0 2 15 0 277 16 0 3,540 11 3 6,963 11 7

Carried forward .. 01,414 9 9 2,159 11 1 9,504 2 10 84,069 18 0 Carried forward . £170,090 10 S trust Fundi—Statement of Balances (Continued),

Dec. 31, 1915. Fund Investment! Bank Cr. Bank Dr. Total Brought forward £170,09 10 Brought forward £91,414 9 9 £2,169 11 1 £9,604 2 10 £84,069 18 (1 Netherlands Ch. Com 30 0 0 5 17 9 36 17 9 Ormond Chair 20,440 IS 9 4 2 2 20,445 0 11 Ormond Scholarship 0,045 0 (i 64 17 10 6,699 17 10 Payne 510 0 0 32 3 1 542 3 1 Shakespeare 1,498 0 0 11 9 1 1,486 10 11 Special Prizes 02 16 0 62 15 0 Stawell 1,340 0 0 14 10 0 1,364 10 « Stewart 30,439 0 0 111 7 2 30,550 7 2 Sutherland 107 0 0 2 10 5 109 10 5 Syme 3,260 10 0 48 3 6 3,308 13 5 Wilson 141 0 0 7 11 10 148 11 10 Wright 1,183 0 0 35 10 4 1,218 10 4 Wrixon 095 0 0 28 5 11 723 6 11 Wyselaskie — Classics 1,720 0 0 - 91 7 9 1,811 7 9 . ,, Eng. Con. Histon 1,900 0 0 134 o 2 2,094 0 2 „ Maths. 1,955 0 0 14S 1 8 2,103 1 8 ,, Mod. Languages 1,874 0 0 130 2 3 2,010 2 3 „ Nat.. Sci. 1,970 0 0 100 6 10 2,076 6 10 ,, Pol. Econ. 1,977 0 0 57 2 4 2,034 2 4

109,159 18 0 3,240 12 0 .0,615 11 11 102,884 19 1 Peterson Retiring a/c 12 0 12 0 Professors' Retiring a/c 0,873 0 0 • 27(1 11 4 7,143 11 4 Cons. Students* Loan i/c 27 3 9 40 4 0 07 7 9

Total £170,000 £3.; 0 4 £9,515 11 11 £170,090 10 8 £170.090 10 8 SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY RECEIPTS from all source* for the Year, 1915.

Government Grants £29,302 8 4 Lecture Fees 13,902 2 0 Annual Examination, Degree, and Certificate Fees 6,019 13 4 Interest—On Funds available for General Purposes .. £1,238 12 9 On Trust Funds, for Scholarships and otheher specified -purposes 4,916 13 0 6,164 0 3 Public Examinations Fees 7;881 13 8 Public Examinations in Music Fees 1,650 12 3 Sundries 1,056 10 11 Sports Fees 820 0 0 Club House Fees 36S 0 u Clinical Fees in Trust for Hospitals 1,702 19 0 £73,698 17 10 Bequests, Gifts, mid other additions to Trust Funds, including amounts set aside by the University for Retiring Funds

£76,645 14

Checked and found correct, F, II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General The following is a list of Graduates (so far as known) who have fallen in the service of their Country in connection "with the War: ... -

1914 ANNEAR, Paul Dal ton, LL.B. 1910 BAGE, Edward Frederic Bobert.'. B.C.E. 1910 CAMPBELL, Sydney James. MB., B.S. 1910 OONNOR, John Leslie, B.M.E. 1895 DEANE, Edward Wilkinson, M.B., B.S. 1910 DUFFY, Desmond, McMahon Gavan, B.A., LL.B. 1909 FAIRLEY, James Fairburn, M.D., B.S. 1907 FINK, Gordon. LL.B. 1913 GILLESPIE, Robert Maogrcgor; B.Agr.Sc. 1911- GREEN, Harry Franklyn, M.B,., B.S. 1912 GREGORY, Oharles Olapham. LL.B. 1909 HARPER, Gresley Tatlock. LL.B. : 1914 HINMAN, Arthur Gurr, BM.E. " 1909 HOGG ART; William Ross, B.A. 1891 JOHNSON, Frederick Miller. M-.D.: 1905 LANGLEY. Arthur Wellesley Homan, M.B".,' B.S. 1914 LEVI, Keith Maurice, M.B., B.S. 1911 MACKAY", Murdoch Nish. LL.M." ' 1897 McLAREN, Samuel Bruce. B.A. 1905 MATHISON, Gordon Olunea KcKay, M.D., B.S. 1909 MASTED,. Spencer Edward, M.A. • 1913 MEiDRUM, Frank, B.D.So. 1911 MELVIN, John, B.C.E. 1914 MERZ, George Pinnocki M.B.,-H S, 1909 MILLER, Albert Guy, M.B., B:S. 1909 OGILVIE, Thomas Alexander, LL.B. 1902 PETERS, Owen Herbert, M.D.. B.S. 1912 RICHARDSON, George Henry, B.A. . 1909 ROBERTSON, Alexander John, M.Sc. 1914- ROTHERA. Arthur Cecil Hamcl, D.Sc. 1911 SUTHERLAND, Dallas, LL.B. 1915 WELCH, Edward Ronald, M.B., B.S. 1914 WRIGHT, Leonard Alexander; M.B.. B.S. LIST OE MEMBERS OE SENATE.

The date affixed ia that of the first degree taken in this University.

Names. ' Degrees. 1901 HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V.' (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D. 1914 ABBOT, Charles Greeley (M.Sc, Massa­ chusetts) D.Sc. 1896 ABBOTT, Algernon M.O.E. 1895 A'BEOKETT, Ada Mary (nee Lambert) .. M.Sc. 1892 A'BECKETT, William Gilbert .. (Cam.) M.A., LL.M 1886 ABRAHAMS, Joseph (Leipsic) M.A. 1910 ADAM, David Stow (Glasgow) M.A. 1884 ADAM, George Rothwell Wilson M.D 1904 ADAMSON, John M.A., M.B.. B.a 1904 ADAMSON, Amy Gertrude Elizabeth .. M.A, 1886 ADAMSON, Laurence Arthur .. (Oxford) M.A. 1898 ADKNEY, Theodore William M.A. 1882 AGO. Alfred John LL.M. 1911 AICKIN, George Ellis ...... (Cam.) M.A. 1898 AICKIN, James Leo M.A., M.Sc. 1880 AIT0HI3ON. Roderick M.A.. M.B.. B.S. 1909 AKEROYD, Joseph M.A. 1887 ALBI8TON, Arthur Edward M.A. 1905 ALEXANDER, Katharine Logan M .A. 1886 ALEXANDER, Lilian Helen M.A., M.B., B.S. 1898 ALLAN, Edward Buller .. .. (London) M.D. 1876 ALLEN, Sir Harry Brookes M.D., B.S. 1896 ALLEN, Horace William M.A. 1885 ALSTON, Arthur M.A. 1895 AI.STON, Leonard .. M.A., Litt. D. 1911 AMIET, William Albert M.A. 1886 ANDERSON, Alfred Victor Millard .... M.D.. B.S. 1881 ANDERSON, Eugene Wilton M.D., B.S. 1908 ANDERSON, John Hubback M.D., B.S. 1896 ANDERSON, Thomas Lynewolde M.D.' 1903 ANDREW, Frank Carl Frederic M.D., B.S. 1901 ANDREW, John Chapman .... (Oxford) M.A. 1896 ANDREWS, Arthur Tremayne M.O.E. 1886 ANDREWS, William .. .. M.D., B.8. 706 .MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1872 ANN AND, George M.D. B.B. 1911 ARCHER, Francis Henry Joseph .. .. M.A. 1910 ARMITAGE, Richard William M.Sc 1889 ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touche .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1914 ARMSTRONG, Henry Edward (Ph.D., Leipzig) D.Sc. 1880 ARMSTRONG, Tliomas Henry M.A. 1905 ARNOLD, Leonard MA. 1897 ARTHUR, George Thomas M.A. 1910 ARUNDBLU Patrick M.A. 1892 ATCHISON Samuel M.A. 1907 ATKINSON, Charles Watson M.A. 1915 ATKINSON. Reginald Cyril Everitt .... M.D. 1892 AVERY, David M .So. 1895 AVEEY, Gertrude Elizabeth (nee Hall) .. M.A.

IB 1875 BACKHOUSE, Edward Littlejohn .. .. M.A., LL-B. 1882 BACKHOUSE, Samuel Burder M.A., LL-B. 1906 BAGE, Anna Fredcrica M.Sc. 1881 BAGE, Charles M.A., M.D.. B-S. 1911 BAGE, Ethel Mary M.A. 1914 BAIRD. Arthur Lecson D.D.Sc. 1906 BAKER, Mary M.A. 1904 BALDWIN, Edward Earnshaw M-A. 1900 BALDWIN, Joseph Mason M.A., D.Sc 1900 BALDWIN, Mary Alice M.A. 1889 BALFOUR, Graham Henty M;A. 1895 BALMER. Sydney Raeburn M.A., LL.B. 1887 BARKER, Walter Herbert M.A. 1895 BARNABY, John M.A. 1905 BARNARD. Dora M.A. 1888 BARNARD Robert James Allman .. .. M.A. 1885 BARNETT. Ernest Judd M.A. 1£81 BARRETT, James William M.D.. M.S. 1884 BARROWCLO0GH, Alfred Ernest M.A., B.O.E. 1901 BARTON. Right Hon. Edmund (Sydney) M.A. 1888 BASTOW. Arthur Henry M.A., M.CE. 1914 BATESON, William (M.A., Oam.) D.Sc. 1901 BAXTER, James Morehead '. M.D., B.S. 1889 BEAN, Harold Knowles M.D. 1904 BEARD, Walter Francis '. (Cam.) M.A. 1885 BEARHAM, Oeorge M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 707

1907 BEE, James .. (New Zealand) M.A., M.So. 1901 BEHAN. John Clifford Valentine '.. .. M.A., LL.B. 1897 BELCHER, Oharles Frederic M.A., LL.B. 1875 BENJAMIN, Raphael (London) . M.A. 1904 BENNETT, Florence Penelope M.A. 1905 BENNETT, Leslie Ernest M.A. 1899 BENNETT, William Ernest M.A 1885 BENNIE, Alexander Bruce M. A.. MB.. B.S. 1872 BENNIE, Peter Bruce M.A., M.D., B.S. 1897 BERNADOU, Mary Louise ..- M.A. 1884 BERRY, Dishy Marsh (Oxford) M.A. 1906 BERRY, Richard James Arthur (Edin.) MD. 1894 BETHBRAS, John Henry M.A. 1896 BEVAN, David John Davies M.A.. LL.B. 1893 BEVAN, Uopkin Llewelyn Willett .. .. M.A. 1896 BEVAN, Louis Rhys Oxley M.A. 1910 BIENVENU. Reginald Guerin M.A. 1882 BIRD, Frederic Dougan M.B.. M.S. 1899 BLANCH, George Ernest .. .. (Oxford) M.A. 1912 BLAZEY, Clement M.Sc, B.Agr.Sc. 1910 BLOOM, Solomon LL.M. 1900 BONNIN, Francis Josiah M.D., B.S. 1884 BOOTH, John M.O.B., B.So. 1886 BOTHROYD, Thomas William M.A. 1903 BOTl'OMLEY, William Francis Stamp .. M.D., B.S. 1910 BOWDEN, Haury Herbert M.A. 1886 BOWDITOH, William .Lamprey .. (Cam.) M.A. 1894 BOX, Frederick William M.O.E. 1886 BOYD, William Robert M.D.. B.S. 1909 BRADLEY, Charles Martin M.A. 1898 BRADY, Mary Isabella (nee Fraser) .. M.A. 1896 BRASSEY, Rt. Hon. Thos., Baron (Ox.) LL.D. 1896 BRAZIER, Amos William M.A. 1913 BREIDAHL, Harold George Daniel .... M.Sc. 1908 BRENAN, Andrew Joseph M.D., M.S. 1892 BRENNAN, Michael Austin B.A., LL.M. 1895 BREWER, Charles Alfred M.A. 1873 BRIDE, Thomas Francis LL.D. 1909 BRIGGS, Walter William Victor .. .. M.A. 1885 BRISSENDEN, Edwin Mayhew .. .. LL.D. 1867 BRODRIBB, Thomas (London) M.A. 1866 BROMBY, Edward Hippius M.A, 1900 BROWN, Charles John M.A. 1910 BROWN, Olifton Plessay M.A. .1902 BEOAVN, Edward Byam M.So. 708 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1909 BROWN, Edwin Tylor M.A. 1882 BROWN, Gilbert Wilson (Cam.) M.A. 1890 BROWN, Hugh Alexander ^.^. 1904 BROWNE, Hubert Warner M.A.. LL.M. 1910 BROWNELL, Walter Freeman M.D..B.S. 1888 BRUNT, William Egbert .. M.A..LL.B- 1888 BRUSH, Francis Samuel M.C.E. 1882 BRYANT, Herbert William ...... LL.M. 1903 BUCHAN, James William Alexander .. M.A. 1908 BUCHANAN, Gwynneth Vaughan .. .. D.Sc. 1910 BUCKLEY, Sydney Leonard M.A. 1877 BULEY, Arthur Alfred M.A. 1896 BULL, Richard Joseph M.D., B.S. 1892 BUNTINB. Walter Murray M.A. 1889 BURGESS, Arthur Septimus ." M.A. 1871 BURKE, Richard George M.A., LL.B- 1900 BURRIDQB, Herbert William M.A. 1902 BUSH, Hubert Sheppard M.D., B.S. - 1905 BUTCHERS, Arthur Gordon M.A. 1869 BUTLER, George William Gillam .. .. M.A., LL.B.

G 1914 CALLISTER. Alice M.A. 1874 CAMERON, Donald (Edinburgh) M.A. 1884 CAMERON, Donald Allan M.A. 1908 CAMERON, Maud Martha M.A. 1909 CAMERON, Samuel Shorwcn D.V.Sc 1908 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion M.A. 1878 OAMPBELL, Archibald Henry M.A., LL.B. 1888 CAMPBELL, David (Glasgow) M.A. 1898 CAMPBELL, Frederiok Alexander ,, .. M.CE. 1901 CAMPBELL, Frederick Harper . .. .. D.Sc. 1914 OAMPBELL, Herbert Douglas M.A. 1869 CAMPBELL, James Maitland LL.M. 1867 CANTERBURY, Viscount (Mannors-Sut- tdn, Henry Charles) (Oam.) M.A. 1887 CANTOR, Joseph Samuel M.A., L1.M. 1894 CARTON. Fernand Isidore Maurice .. .. M.A. 1902 CHAMBERS, Herbert Ernest ...... LL.M. 1886 CHAMPION, Henry Vine M.C.E. 1899 CHAPMAN, Henry George M.D., B.S. 1886 CHAPMAN, Eobert William .. .. M.A., B.O.E. MEMBERS'OF THE SENATE. 709;

1903 CHARLES, Lilian Alice Harbison (nee Webster) M.A. 1892 CHENHALL, William Thomas M.D., B.S. 1896 CHEONG, James M.A. 1889 CHERRY, Edith Sarah (nee Gladman) ,. M.A. 1889 CHERRY, Thomas .. .. M.D., M.S. 1891 CHOMLEY, Violet Ida M.A. 1889 CLARK, Donald M.M.E., B.O.E. 1913 OLARK, John Kenneth D.D.Sc. 1889 CLARK, Lindesay Colvin ' M.C.E. 1903 CLARKE, Henry Lowther (Cam.) M-A- 1869 CLEZY, James M.A. 1901 CLUCAS, Florence (nee Stillwell) M.So. 1892 OOGHILL, Donald Murray Robertson .. M.A. 1905 COHEN, Frank Simeon LL.M. 1888 COLE, Daniel Fenton M.O.E. 1887 OOLE, Frank Hobill M.D., B.S. 1880 COLE. Robert Hodgson (M.D., Durham) M.D., LL.B. 1887 COLLINS, Joseph Thomaa M.A., LL.M. 1907 OOLLOCOTT, Ernest Edgar Vyvyan .... M.A. 1888 COLQUHOUN, Arthur Gideon Hugh .... M.D., B.3. 1906 COLQUHOUN, James Ferguson M.A. 1909 COLQUHOUN, Keith Gemmell M.D..B.S. 1890 COLVIN, Bazett David .• (Cam.) M.A. 1890 CONNELL, Maud M.A. 1895 CONNELL, John Henry Gustavus .. .. M.C.E. 1886 OONNOR, Samuel (Royal Univ., Ireland) M.D., B.S. 1885 COOK, Walter Edmund M.C.E. 1885 COOK, William Sym LL.M. 1885 COOPER, Edward Augustus .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1892 COOPER, William .. M.A. 1901 COPAS, Theodora Emilie Johanna .. .. M.A. 1908 CORDER, Henry M.A. 1887 CORR, Edwin James B.A., LL.M. 1879 CORE, John Retord M.A., LL.B. 1892 CORR, Sarah Alice M.A. 1896 ^COUTIE, Barton Montgomerie M.C.E. 1903 COVENTRY, Cameron Hilda (Adelaide) M.Sc 1886 COWLE, Felix Cecil M.A., LL.B. 1884 CRAIG, Andrew William M.A. 1899 CRIVBLLI, Marcel Urbain .. .. (Paris) M.D., B.S. 1905 CROSS, Kenneth Stuart M.Sc, M.D., B.S. 1906 OROTTY, Horace M.A. 1876 CROWTHER,.George Henry M.A., LL.D. 1911 CROWTHER.. Gilbert Russell M.A. AG 710 .MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1909 CROWTHER, Henry Arnold M.A. 1893 CROWTHER, Herbert B.A., M.C.E. 1903 CUMMING, Alexander Charles D.Sc 1908 CUMMINS, James Peter .M.A. 1902 CUMFSTON, John Howard Lidgett .. .. AI.D., B.S. 1910 CUNNINGHAM, Edward Sheldon (Glas.) LL.D. 1861 CURLEWIS, Alfred Claribeux M.A. 1908 CUSCADEN. William George Henry .... M.D., B.S. 1884 CUSSEN, Leo Finn Bernard M.A., LL.B.

ID 1885 DAISH, William Christian M.D., B.S. 1905 DANE, Paul Greig M.D., B.S. 1908 DANGLOW, Jacob M.A. 1908 DANIELL, Hilda Young M.A. 1906 DANIELL, Mabel Alice Grey M.A. 1903 DATE, John Edward Traoey M.A. 1893 DAVEY, Edgar Eobert M.A., LL.B. 1898 DAVIDSON, Arthur Irving :, M.A. 1906 DAVIES, Dorothy Annie M.Sc 1910 DAVIES, Henry Maurice LL.M. 1884 DAVIES, John George M.A. 1906 DAVIES, Leslie Bartlett M.Sc. 1908 DAVIES, Margaret Sandemau M.A. 1889 DAVIS, Henry Patrick M.A. 1914 DAVIS, William Morris (B.Sc, Harvard) D.Sc. 1893 DAY, Louisa McPherson M.A. 1895 DEAN, George Edwin M.A. 1891 DBANE, Charles Maslen .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1903 do ORESPIGNY, Constantino Trent Champion M.D., B.S. 1904 DE GARIS, Mary Clementina M.D., B.S. 1900 DEGRUCHY, Henry George • LL.M. 1911 DKNEHY, William John M.D., B.S. 1902 DENNIS, Oharles Edgar ii.D., B.S. 1903 DEEHAM, Enid M.A, 1890 DETHRIDGE, George James B.A., LL.M. 1906 DEVINE, Hugh Berchmans M.B., M.S. 1893 DEW, Joseph M.A. 1864 DICK, Thomas Thomson .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1870 DICKINSON, Rivers Beaoroft M.A. 1899 DICKINSON, Sydney Rushbrook M.A. 18E9 DIXIE, Arthur Willoughby M.O.E. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 711

1906 DIXON, Owen M. A., LL.B. 1891 DIXON, William Gray (Glasgow) M.A. 1907 DIXSON, Irene Craig M.A. 1910 DODD, Sydney D.V.Sc 1899 DORB, Albert Richard M.A. 1910 DOSSBTOR, Francis Ernest M.A. 1911 DOUGLAS, Eobert Oliver M.B..M.S. 1907 DOWNES, Rupert Major M.D., M.S. 1908 DOWNING, Joseph Horace M.Sc, M.B., B.S. 1890 DOYLE, John Patrick McCabe B.A., LL.M. 1904 DOYLE, Maurice Thomas .. M.A., LL.B. 1886 DRAKE, Francis John M.A., M.B., B.S. 1911 DREW, Royston M.Sc. 1872 DUFFY, Prank Gavan M.A-LL.B. 1906 DUGAN, Charles Oliflord M.A. 1895 DUGDALE, Lawrence M.A., LL.M. 1907 DUMARESQ, Prances Kate Marguerite .. M.A., B.Sc 1903 DUNHILL, Thomas Peel M.D., B.S. 1885 DUNKLEY, Henry William M.A., LL.B. 1898 DUNLOP, George Henry M.C.E. 1897 DUNN, Benjamin James M.A., LL.M. 1908 DUNN, Ernest Victor M.A. 1880 DYEING, Carl Peter Wilhelm M.A., M.B., B.S 1914 DYSON, Sir Frank Watson .. (M.A., Cam.) D.Sc

IB 1909 EAGER, Clifden Henry Andrews LL.M. 1907 BASTHAUGH, Edith Beatrice M.A. 1910 BDGERTON, James Arthur M.CE. 1883 BDMONDSON, Francis William B.A., LL.M. 1898 ELDER, Stanley Ernest M.A., LL.B. 1865 ELKINGTON, John Simeon M.A., LL.B. 1890 ELLIOTT, Bichard Thomas .. (Oxford) M.A. 1898 ELLIS, Constance M.D., B.S. 1901 ELVINS, Hortense Bita (nee Connell) .. M.Sc 1910 EMBELTON, David Moore M.D., B.S. 1889 BMBLEY, Edward Henry M.D., B.S. 1899 EMBLING, Sidney Harold Austin .. .. M.A., LL.M. 1884 EVANS, Alfred James M.A., LL.B. 1888 EVANS, Isaac Eencison .. (B.A., Boyal Univ. of Ireland) B.A- LL.D. 1907 EWART, Alfred James (London) D.Sc. 712 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1890 EWING, Thomas M.O.E. 1892 EY'RES, Sarah Constance M.A.

IE1 1897 FAIRHALL, Alfred Charles M.A., LL.B. 1909 FELSTEAD, Ja,mes Gerald Roy M.D., B.S. 1885 FERGUS, Robert Morrison .. (Glasgow) M.A. 1902 FERGUSON, Stewart William M.D., B.S. 1889 PETHERSTON, Richard Herbert Joseph (Edinburgh) M.D. 1893 FIDDIAN, James Rowland M.So. 1898 FIDDIAN, Samuel M.A. 1858 FINN, Peter Tliomas M.A. 1907 FINNIS, Horace Percy M.A. 1891 FIRTH, John Arthur Campbell M.A. 1913 FISCHER, Edward Sails D.D.Sc 1904 PITOHKTT, Frank Shaw LL.M. 1906 FITZGERALD, James Joseph M.A. 1875 FLEETWOOD, Thomas Falkner (Dublin) M.A. 1883 FLETCHER, Arthur Augustus M.D-B.S 1903 FLETCHER, Hamilton (Oxford) M.A. 1882 FLORANOE, James William M.D- B.S 1914 FOENANDEE, Orwell Do Buyter LL.M. 1902 FOOTK, William James M.A. 1878 FORLONGE, William Percival LL.M. 1913 FOE.STER, Catherine Mary M.A. 1904 FOESYTH, Robert Leslie M.D-B.8. 1909 FOWLER, Eobert '.. M.D, B.S. 1885 FOWLER, Thomas Walker M.C.E. 1895 POWLES, Edwin Wesley Howard .. ., M.A- LL.B. 1885 FOX, Laura Mary (ni5e .Moerlin) M.A. 1905 FOYSTER, Robert Causton M.A. 1867 FRANCIS. John Patterson Emillius .... M.A. 1916 FRANKLIN, Richard Penrose (M.A., Oam.) M.A. 1890 FRASER, Hugh .. M.A-B.CE. 1898 FRASER, Sarah Jane M.A. 1887 FREEMAN, George Henry M.A-LL.B, 1910 FREWI.N. Ernest Cooper M.A. 1903 PREWIN. John Henry M.A. 1884 FREYER, John Kennedy (Royal Univ. Ireland) M.A. 1893 FRIDAY, William Frederiok M.A. 1888 FUSSELL, Alfred M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SETS'ATE. 713

O 1899 GALBRAITH, Charles Strong M.C.E. 1908 GARDNER, Mark Clayson M.D., B.S. 1894 GARDNER, Walter Everson M.A-M.Sc, B.O.E. 1910 GARNETT, Wade Shenton .. M.D- B.S. 1915 QARRAN, Robert Randolph (M.A., Sydney) M.A. 1901 GASON, Edward Ince M.A. 1886 GATES, William Fleming M.A. 1884 GAULT, Edward Leslie M.A-M.B., M.S. 1913 GAULT, Marjorie M.A. 1898 GAY, Eobert William M.A- M.Sc, B.O.E. 1899 GEEE. William John M.A. 1900 GHILOTTI, Angelina M.A. 1893 GIBBS, Frederick Herbert M.A. 1915 GIBSON, William Ralph Boyce (M.A., Oxford) M.A. 1911 GILBERT, Noiila M.A. 1899 GILCHRIST, Archibald Daniel M.A., U.C.E. 1889 GILCHRIST, Eneas Praser B.A- M.O.E. 1900 GILCHRIST', Sarah Elizabeth (nee Topp) M.A. 1881 GILLIES, William (Glasgow) M.A. 1909 OILRUTH, John Anderson D.V.Sc. 1891 GLADMAN, Philip Howard M.A. 1891 GORDON, John M.D-M.S. 1912 GRAHAM, Thomas Oswald M .So. 1904 GRANT, Alexander Macdonald M.C.E. 1888 GRANT, David (Edinburgh) M.D. 1901 GRANT, Kerr M.So. 1898 GRANT, Russell Walker M.A. 1900 ORAY, John William M.A. 1913 GRAY, William (New Zealand) M.A. 1879 GREEN, Arthur Vincent (LL.D- Sydney) M.A- LL.D. 1891 GREEN, Benjamin M.A. 1908 GREKN, Leila Ada M.Sc. 1898 GREEN, William Heber D.Sc 1914 GREENWOOD, Ernest Freeman D.D.Sc. 1913 GREENWOOD, Richard Hudson M.So. 1900 GREGORY, John Walter .... (London) D.Sc. 1890 GREY, Francis Isaac M.A-B.O.E. 1894 GRIBBLE, Robert John M.A-LL.B. 1912 GRIFFITH, Maurice Edmund de Burgh M.A. 1892 GRIFFITHS, John William M.A. 714 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1901 GRIFFITHS, Phillip Lewis .. M.A. 1889 GROOM, Littleton Ernest M.A-LL.M. 1891 GROVE, John William M.A-LL.B. 1900 GROVES, Wesley Ralnsford M.D-B.S. 1884 GUEST, William Campbell M.A-LL.B. 1900 GUMMOW, Prank Moorehouse M.O.B. 1910 GWILLIM. Arthur Edward M.A.

IE3I 1895 HAGENAUER, Frederick August M.A. 1912 HAILES, Helen M.A. 1908 HAIN, Gladys Adeline (nee Taylor) .. M.A- LL.B. 1894 HALFORD, Arthur Charles Frederick .. M.D-B.S. 1886 HALFORD, George James Archibald Billing M.D- B.S. 1911 HALKYARD, Charles Cyril M.O.B. 1886 HALL, Alfred Smith M.A- 1905 HAM, Wilbur Lincoln LL.M. 1914 HAMBLY, Abraham M.A. 1908 HAMLEY, Herbert Russell M.A., B.Sc. 1887 HANCOCK, William M.A. 1904 HANEY7, Rose Ethel Janet (nee White) D.Sc 1913 HANSEN, Alma M.A. 1898 HANSEN, Martin Peter M.A-LL.B. 1892 HARBISON, David Thomas M.D., B.S. 1891 HARGREAVES. William Arthur M.A., B.C.E. 1893 HARLIN, Mabel Gertrude M.A. 1868 HARPEE, Andrew M.A. 1901 HARRIS, James Frederick M.D.. B.S. 1890 HARRIS, John Richards M.D., B.S. 1887 HARSE, Walter Thomas B.A-M.D-B.S. 1887 HART, Alexander James M.A. 1896 HART, Alfred M.A., M.Sc. 1887 HART, John Stephen M.A-B.Sc. 1890 HART, Thomas Stephen M.A-B.C.E. 1913 HARTUNG, Ernst Johannes M.So. 1898 HARWOOD, Marion Fleming M.A. 1887 HASSBTT, Jeremiah B.A- LL.M. 1913 HATFIELD, Alfred William M.Sc. 1901 HAWKINS, Herbert Metoalf ...... M.A. 1901 HAY, Robert M.A. 1903 HAYDON, Jeftery Frederick Meurisse . M.A. 1878 HAYES. Robert Edward M.A., LL.B. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 715

1876 HEADLEY, Walter Balls (Oam.) M.D. 1894 HEARNE, William Weston M.D..B.S. 1892 HEMMY, Arthur Stanley M.Sc 1896 HENCHMAN, Hereward Humfry M.A- LL.B. 1898 HENDERSON, Anketell Matthew M.C.E. 1911 HENDERSON, Kenneth Thome M.A. 1888 HENRY, Louis (Wurzburg) M.D. 1897 HENZELL, Arthur Palmer M.D-B.S. 1896 HERMAN, Hyman B.C.E- M.M.E. 1886 HEWISON, Joseph Henry M.A-LL.M. 1894 HEWITT, Herbert M.A. 1899 HEWITT, Joseph Henry M.A. 1897 HEYWARD, William Beamont M.D- B.S. 1892 HEYER, Johannes M.A. 1890 HICKFORD, Frederick Thomas M.A-LL.B. 1888 HIGGINS, George M.C.E. 1874 HIGGINS, Henry Bournes M.A, LL.B. 1900 HILL, John M.A. 1901 HILLEE, Konrad M.D-B.S. 1906 HILLEE, Muriel Kate (nee Davies) .. .. M.D., B.S. 1899 HINES, Elizabeth Josephine Winifred .. M.A. 1911 HOADLEY, Charles Archibald M.Sc, B.M.E. 1886 HODGSON. Thomas Cowley M.C.E. 1895 HOGAN, James Thompson B.A- LL.M. 1895 HOGAN, Joseph Daniel M.A- LL.M. 1892 HOGG, Evelyn Granville .. .. (Dublin) M.A. 1871 HOLLAND, James M.A. 1914 HOLLAND, Sir Thomas. Henry (D.Sc- Oalcutta) D.Sc. 1890 HOLLIDGE, David Henry .. (Adelaide) M.A. 1898 HOLLOW, Herbert Stanley M.A. 1905 HOLLOW. Vlictor Sydney M.A-LL.B. 1901 HOLMES. Henry Robert M.A. • 1901 HOLMES. Horace lies M.D., B.S. 1909 HOLMES, Margaret M.A. 1905 HOLMES, Walter Morell '. M.A- B.Sc. 1874 HOLMES, William Tope M.A-LL.B. 1868 HOOD, Joseph Henry M.A- LL.B. 1908 HOOPER, John William Dunbar (Durham) M.D. 1910 HORDERN, Harriet May M.A-LL.M. 1883 HORNE, George .. M.A-M.D-B.S. 1889 HOE SLBY, Sydney ! M.C.E. 1887 HORWOOD, Edward James M.O.E. 716 MEMBERS OP THE SENATE.

1887 HORWOOD, Joel Henry M.C.E. 1909 HOSKING, Bichard B.A- D.Sc 1897 HOUSTON, Bobert John M.A. 1879 HOWARD, Douglas M.A. 1883 HOWARD, George Thomas B.A-M.D-B.S. 1900 HOWARD, John .- M.A. 1914 HOY, Alice M.A. 1907 HUBERICH, Charles Henry (D.O.L. Yale) LL.D. -1902 HUCKELL, Edgar Victor Roy M.D-B.S. 1912 HUG'HES. Amy Rhoda (nee Slade) .. .. M.A. 1909 HURLEY, Thomas Ernest Victor M.D-M.S. 1898 HUTCHINSON, William M.C.E. 1891 HUTCHISON, Henry Kerr M.A. 1914 HUTTON, Mary M.A.

I 1906 INGRAM. William Findhy M.A. 1882 IRVINE, Sir William Hill M.A., LL.M 1884 IRVING, Edward Hamilton .. (Oxford) M.A. 1909 IRWIN, Stewart Watson .. LL.M. 1910 IRWIN, William Henry M.A. 1880 ISAACS, Isaac Alfred LL.M.

J" 1912 JACK, Andrew Keith M.Sc. 1911 JAOKSON, Lilias Charlotte M.So. 1897 JAMES, William Arthur M.D- M.S. 1879 JAMIESON, James M.A. 1899 JAMIESON, Jane Hood M.A. 1905 JAMIESON; William Boyd .. .. (Edin) M.A. 1888* JENKINS, Daniel Edward M.A. 1908 JENKINSON. Herbert Gordon M.O.E. 1888 JENNINGS, John Charles M.A. 1898 JOBSON, Jennie M.A. 1900 JOBSON, Nancy .' M.A. 1876 JOHNSTON, William Edward M.A-LL.B. 1867 JOHNSTONE, John M.A. 1891 JOLLIPFB. Charles Easton .... (Cam.) LL.M. 1911 JONA. Judah Leon M.D., B.S. 1904 JONES. Henry Gywnne ; M.A. 1889 JONES, Hugh M.A. 1909 JONES, Isaac M.D., B.S. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 717

1891 JONES, Natham»I (Oxford) M.A. 1884 JOSKE, Alexander Sydney .. M.D-B.S. 1887 JULIUS, Churchill (Oxford) M.A. 1912 JUNNER, Norman Ross M.Sc.

1883 KEARNEY. Elfric Leofwin .... (Cam.) M.A. 1898 KEENE, Bdgar Horatio Douglas M.A. 1888 KEEP, Ernest Edward (Oxford) M.A. 1884 KELLAWAY, Alfred Charles M.A. 1911 KE1 J(AWAY, Charles Haliiley M.D- M.S. 1910 KELLY, Edwin Clarence Whiteman .. .. LL.M. 1910 KELLY, Olot Nicholson M.A. 1884 KELSO, Edgar William M.A. 1909 KENDALL, William Tyson D.V.Sc. 1893 KENNEDY, David M.A- LL.B. 1907 KENNEDY, John M.D-B.S. 1888 KENNY, Thomas Irwin M.A-LL.B. 1895 KERMODE, George M.C.E. 1890 KERR, James McConnell M.A., LL.B. ' 1899 KERR, Richard Alexander M.A. 1899 KERR, Thomas Butler (Dublin) M.D. 1915 KERRY", William (M.A- Cam.) M.A. 1905 KIDD, Leslie Stuart M.D- B.S. 1898 KILVINGTON, Basil M.D-M.S. 1908 KINCA1D, Hilda Estello D.Sc. 1908 KING, Oharles Edgar M.D-B.S. 1903 KITCHEN, Ethol Mary (nee McKinley) .. M.A. 1902 KITCHEN, George Ambrose M.A. 1894 KNIGHT, Glen Alburn M.D., B.S. 1907 KNOWLES, George Shaw M.A-LL.M.

1915 LABY, Thomas Howell .... (M.A., Oam.) M.A. 1903 LADE, Frank M.A. 1895 LAING, Annie Sutherland M.A. 1909 LAING, John Albert M.C.E. 1888 LAING. John-William (Oxford) M.A. 1914 LAMBERT, Henry Arthur Leslie • D.D.So. 1900 LAMBERT, Thomas Edwin Llewellyn .. M.D-M.S. 1908 LAMBLE, Gilbert M.D.. B.S. 1908 LANGFOED, Florence Victoria M.A. 718 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1886 LANGFORD, William M.A-B.C.E. 1899 LANOLEY, Henry Thomas M.A. 1896 LABKIN, Michael Oormack M.A-, LL.B. 1901 LATHAM, Ida Harriette May (nee Wil­ son) M.A. 1897 LATHAM, John Greig M.A-LL.B.- 1900 LATHAM, Leslie Scott B.A- M.D- B.S. 1886 LAURIE, Henry (St. Andrew's) LL.D. 1897 LAURIE, Henry M.D-B.S. 1903 LAURIE, Minnie Mabel Monica (nee Hevingham Root) M.A. 1901 LAURIE, William Spalding M.D-B.S. 1883 LAVENDER, Bella (nee Guerin) M.A. 1895 LAWSON, Richard M.A. 1907 LAWTON, John Thomas M.A. 1904 LEAOH, John Albert D.Sc 1888 LEARMONTH, Percy M.C.E. 1890 LECK, Robert M.A. 1906 LE OOUTEUR, Philip Eidgeway M.A. 1897 LEB, John Robert M.D- B.S. 1905 LEE. Violet Jane M.A. 1876 LEEPER, Alexander (Dublin) M.A. 1902 LEGGE, Herbert Sutherland M.A. 1874 LEON, Samuel LL.M. 1899 LESLIE, Ernest Thomas M.A. 1897 LEVINSON, Bertram Arthur M.A-, LL.B. 1891 LEVY, David Cohen M.A. 1900 LEWIS, Ernest James M.A- M.Sc 1909 LEWIS. Jack Charles B.Sc, D.V.Sc. 1888 LEWIS, James Bannatyne M.C.E. 1913 LEWIS, James Monahan D.D.Sc. 1906 LEWIS, Neil Elliott (Oxford) M.A. 1902 LIDWILL, Mark Oowley M.D-B.S. 1909 LILLTES, George Leonard M.D., B.S. 1906 LIMEROCK, Lilian Mary M.A. 1897 LINDON, Leonard Harford .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1910 LING, Lilian .. M.A. 1906 LITTLE, Millicent Beatrice M.A. 1904 LITTLEJOHN, William Still .. (Aber.) M.A. 1887 LIVINGSTONE, James M.A. 1900 LIVINGSTONE, William Ramsay .. (Ox.) M.A. 1903 LT(OYD, Henry Cairns (Edin.) M.D. 1909 LOCKHART, Margaret Daphne M.A. 1895 LOCKWOOD, Frederick Bingham .. .. M.A- MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 71 &

1887 LONG, Charles Richard M.A. 1899 LONG, George Merrick M.A. 1887 LONG-MORE, William James M.A. 1909 LORMER, Arthur M.A. 1903 LOTHIAN, Elizabeth Inglis M.A. 1904 LOUDON, Minola Janet (nee Grey) .. .. M.A. 1873 LOUGHREY, Andrew B.A-LL.M. 1875 LOUOHREY, Bernard M.A-M.B., B.S., M.C.E. 1889 LOVE, Ernest Frederick John (M.A., Cam.) M.A., D.Sc 1895 LOW, Vernon Forster Stanley B.C.E-M.M.E. 1900 LOWE, Charles John M.A- LL.B. 1903 LUBE, Teresa Agnes (nee NooneJ M.A. 1883 LUCAS, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (Ox.) M.A. 1914 LUIGGI, Luigi Anthony Hector (D.Sc, Genoa) '. D.Sc. 1888 LUKIN, Catherine Alicia (nee Rennick) M.A. 1913 LUSH, Katie Anna M.A. 1890 LYLE, Thomas Ranken (Dublin) M.A. 1885 LY'NCH, Arthur Alfred M.A. 1894 LYNCH, Francis Joseph M.A.


1896 MACARTNEY, Ross Kenneth B.C.E., M.M.E. 1889 McAULAY, Alexander (Cam.) M.A. 1906 MacOALLUM, Mungo William (Glasgow) M.A. 1894 McCAY, Adam Cairns M.A. 1895 McCAY, James Whiteside M.A-LL.M. 1896 McCLELLAND, David John M.C.E. , 1899 McCLELLAND, William Caldwell M.A- M.D., B.S. 1896 McCOMBE, Josephine (nee McNaughton) M.A. 1905 McOONACHIB, Edith Madeline M.A. 1889 McOONKEY, Mabel Finlay (nee Allen) M.A. 1908 McCORMIOK, John Thomas M.Sc. 1910 McCRINDLB, Hazel Morell M.A. 1901 MacDONALD, .ffineas M.A. 1889 McDONALD, Alexander (Edin.) M.A. 1895 McDONALD, Annie M.A. 1901 MacDONALD, George Mann .. .. (St. An.) M.A. 1893 MacDONALD, George William M.Sc. 1891 MacDONALD, Isobel Janet M.A. 1895 McDONALD, John M.A. 720 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1898 MacDONALD, John Donald M.A., LL.B. 1899 MacDONALD, John George LL.M. 1909 McDONALD, Sydney Fancourt M.D- B.S. 1888 McDOUGALL, Dugald Gordon M.A.. LL.D. 1893 MacFARLAN, James M.A-LL.B. 1881 MacPARLAND John Henry .. .. (Cam.) M.A. 1898 McGEE, John Henry (Roy. Uni. Ireland) M.D. 1308 McGILLIVRAY, Harold Irving M.A. 1901 McOREGOR, Thomas William .. (Glas.) M.A. 1880 MoINERNEY, Thomas Patrick M.A- LL.D. 1879 MoINTYRE, Alexander Grant .. (Oam.) M.A. 1912 MACKANESS, George (Syd.) M.A. 1897 MACKAY, Ada Marion M.A. 1914 MAOKAY, Alexander Dudley M.M.E. 1905 MAOKAY', Charles Vincent M.D., B.S. 1901 MACKAY, John Hilton M.C.E. 1880 McKAY, Robert M.A. 1892 MACKEDDIE,'John Fullarton B.A-M.D-B.S 1883 McKBNNA, Jeremiah (Queen's Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1891 MACKENZIE, Sara (nee Dixon) M.A. 1898 MACKENZIE, William Colin M.D., B.S. 1887 MACKKY, John Emanuel M.A., LL.B. 1906 McLAREN, Charles Inglis M.D., B.S. 1911 McLAREN, Jessie (nee Reeve) M.A 1891 McLAREN, James M.A: 1911 McLAREN, William Walter M.D-B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Ethel Margaret M.A. 1895 McLEAN, Robert .. M.A.' 1907 MACLURE, Alfred Fay M.D-B.S. 1907 McMAUON, John Joseph M.D., B.S. 1909 McNAB, Francis Alexander Dingwall .. LL.M. 1907 MacPHERSON, Jeffrey M.A-LL.B. ' 1910 McQUEEN, Ewen Neil M.A. 1891 McQUEEN, Neil M.C.E. 1892 McRAE. James .. M.A. 1867 MACRAE, John (Edin.) M.A. 1898 MacROBERTS, Andrew Hamilton M.A. 1887 MACULLY, Alexander .. .. (Dublin) M.A. 1906 MoWHAE, Douglas Murray M.D., B.S. 1893 MADDEN, Frank Cole ...... M.D., B.S. 1864 MADDEN, Sir John B.A-LL.D. 1879 MADDEN, Wyndham Monson .... (Cam.) M.A. 1904 MAIIONY, Daniel James M.Sc. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 721 •

1911 MAIN. Alexander Russell M.A. 1900 MAJOR, James Perrins .. .. : M.D., B.S. 1893 MANCHESTER, Ernest James Theodore M.C.E. 1911 MANGAN, William .Bernard M.A. 1894 MANN, Frederick Wollaston M.A-LL.M. 1883 MARDEN, John M.A- LL.B. 1886 MARRIOTT, John Thomas .... (Gicssen) M.A. 1901 MARSDBN, Charles Edward M.D., B.S. 1901 MARSHALL, Alexander ... .. (Glasgow) M.A. 1907 M ARSHALL,' William Douglas ...... M.A. 1897 MARTIN, Charles James .. .. (London) D.Sc. 1885 MARTYN, John .. M.A. 1885 MASSON, David Orme : (Edin.) M.A., D.Sc 1903 MASSON, James Irvine Orme M.Sc. 1904 MASTERS, Frederick George .... (Cam.) M.A. 1870 MASTERS, Joseph M.A. 1884 MATHEW, John M.A. 1903 MATHISON, Mary Lily (nee McLaren) .. M.A. 1914 MATTINGLEY, Harold Vernon D.D.Sc. 1891 MAUDSLEY7, Henry Carr .. .. (London) M.D. 1913 MAXWELL, Leslie Algernon Ivan .. .. M.Sc, B.Agr.8c 1836 MAY', John M.A. 1904 MEAD, George James M.A. 1896 MEIKLEJOHN, John (Glasgow) M.A. 1883 MELVILLE, William Henry M.A-LL.M. 1887 MEREIN, Arthur Hogg M.C.E. 1889 MBWTON, William Birkin M.A. 1880 MEYER, Felix-Henry M.D., B.S. 1904 MEYER, Prank Edward M.A. 1895 MICHELL, Anthony George Maldon .. .. M.O.E. 1884 MICHELL, John Henry M.A. 1905 MILLER, Edmund Morris M.A. 1896 MILLER, Lionel Findon M.A., LL.M. 19U9 MILLIGAN, Edward Thomas Campbell .. M.D..B.S. 1909 MILLS, Richard Charles LL.M. 1884 MITCHELL. Edward Fancourt .. (Cam.) M.A-LLB. 1886 MOLLOY, Charley Henry M.D-B.S. 1891 MONASH, John B.A- LL.B., M.CE- 1898 MONTGOMERY', Christina Smith M.A. 1901 MONTGOMERY, Henry Hutchison (Cam.) M.A. 1882 MOORE, William M.D- M.S. 1915 MOORE, William Harrison (LL.D- St. Andrews) '. LL.D. 1907 MOORHOUSE, Ruth Elinor (nee Topp) .. M.A. 722 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1907 MOORHOUSE, William Edmund M.A. 1880 MOORS, Elphinstone MacMahon M.A. 1901 MORRES, Elsie Frances M.A. 1883 MORRIS, Arthur • M.A. 1903 MORRIS, Ethel Ida (nee Remfry) M.B- B.S- M.So. 1902 MORRIS, Luther M.D-B.S. 1911 MORRIS, Morris M.Sc. 1909 MORRIS, Richard Samuel M.Sc 1900 MORRIS, William Perry French M.A. 1911 MORRISON, Reginald Herbert (Edin.) M.D. 1885 MORRISON, William (Glasgow) M.D. 1911 MORRISSEY, Olivet Elma M.A. 1891 MORROW, William Alexander M.A- LL.B. 1892 MORTON, David Murray M.D.. B.S. 1902 MORTON, Hugh Gilbert Stuart M.A. 1877 MOSES, Moses M.A-LL.B. 1899 MULCAHY, John Herbert Joseph M.A- LL.B. 1885 MURDOCH, Patrick John .. (Aberdeen) M.A. 1895 MURDOCH, Walter Logie Forbes M.A. 1899 MURPHY, John Thomas M.D- B.S. 1885 MURPHY, Thomas :. M.A-M.D-M.S. 1891 MURRAY, Lee Lathrop M.C.E.

1898 NAIRN. Robert M.A. 1876 NANSON, Edward John (Cam.) M.A. 1898 NATTRASS, John Hodgson M.D- B.S. 1900 NAYLOR, Henry Darnley (Cam.) M.A. 1911 NELSON, Edith Alice M.A, M.Sc. 1899 NBTHEECCTE, Amy Julia M.A. 1909 NEWTON, Hibbert Alan Stephen M.B., M.S. 1911 NICHOLAS, James Joachim M.D-B.S. 1913 NIOHOLLS, Edward Brooke .. D.D.So. 1909 NICHOLLS, John Ernest M.A. 1881 NICHOLS,- Alfred Canova LL.M. 1887 NICHOLS, Emily Geraldine (nee Edeson) M.A. 1914 NICHOLSON, George Cornwall D.D.Sc. 1900 NICOL, Elsie Ruth .. M.A. 1895 NICOL, William Jonathan M.O.B. 1905 NIHILL, John Edward (Durham) M.D. 1888 NOALL, Alfred John M.C.E. 1888 NORRI8, William Per'rin M,D- B.S. ME.MBERS OF THE SENATE. 723

1906 NORTHCOTE, Henry Staflord (Et. Hon. Lord) (Oxford) M.A. 1885 NYULA8Y, Francis Armand M.D-B.S. o 1910 O'BRIEN, Edmund Alfred M.A. 1891 O'BRIEN, John William (Dublin) M,A. 1902 O'BRIEN, Richard Alfred M.D., B.S. 1899 O'CONNELL, James Horatio M.A-B.Sc 1889 O'CONNOR, Nicholas Lawrence LL.M. 1893 OFFICER, Ernest M.A. 1886 O'HARA, John Bernard M.A. 1888 OLDHAM, Arthur Eggleston .... (Cam.) M.A. 1907 OLDHAM, Edward Percy M.D., B.S. 1894 OLIPHANT, James Glen (Edin.) M.A. 1893 OLIVER, Oalder Edkins M.C.E. 1894 ORR, William Francis " M.D-B.S. 1895 OSBORN, Andrew Rule M.A. 1911 OSBORNE, George Alfred M.A. 1889 OSBORNE, John Henry M.A., I.L.U. 1904 OSBORNE, William Alexander (Tiibingon) D.Sc. 1886 OSTERMEYER, William M.A- M.D., B.S. 1906 OSULLIVAN, Edward Francis (Boy. Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1890 OUTHWAITE, Edward Walter M.A. 1899 OWEN, Arthur Geoffrey M.D-B.S. 1882 OWEN, Frederick James M-D-B.S. 1892 OXER, Frederick Ernest M.A.

IP 1892 PABST, Joseph Charles M.D- B.S. 1909 PALMER, Janet Gertrude (nee Higgins) M.A. 1882 PALMER, Thomas M.A.. I.L.U. 1910 PARKIN, Leslie Clarence M.A. 1909 PARNELL, Hermiene Friederica (nee Ulrieh) M.A 1912 PARRY. Reginald Ezra M.Sc. 1865 PATERSON, Alexander Stuart M.D. 1892 PATON, Frank Hume Lyall .. (Glasgow) M.A. 1909 PATTEN, Murray Gladstone M.A. 724 MEMBERS OF THB SENATE.

1904 PA'TTERSON, Sydney Wentworth M.D-B.S. 1887 PAUL, William M.A., 1899 PELLOW, Edward M.O.E. 1910 PERRIN, Kate (Tasmania) M.A 1906 PERRY, Charles Elliott (Oxford) M.A. 1868 PETRIE, Donald (Aberdeen) M.A. 1890 PHILLIPS, Morris Mondle M.A. 1915 PICKEN, David Kennedy (M.A- Glasgow and Cam.) M.A. 1915 PIDDINGTON, Albert Bathurst (B.A- Sydney) M.A. 1910 PIPER, James Ernest M.D- B.S. 1898 PITT, Thomas Keyran M.A. 1893 PLANTE, Curtis Crowther .. (M.A- N.Z.) M.A..LL.B- 1892 PLAYER, Charles Richard M.D., B.S. 1894 POOLE, Thomas Slaney M.A., LL.B. 1914 POPE, William Jackson .. (M.A- Cam.) D.Sc. 1914 PORTER, Alfred William (B.Sc, London) D.Sc. 1883 POTTER, Richard Harry M.A. 1909 POTTER, William Lockyer M.D..B.S. 1874 POULTON, Benjamin M.D-B.S- 1909 POUND, James Robert M.Sc. 1914 POWER, Leonard Ignatius LL.M. 1886 POWER, Thomas Francis LL.M. 1894 POYNTON, Edward M.A. 1902 PRATT, Agnes Gertrude Loodye M.A. 1886 PEENDEEGAST, James Joseph (Eoy. Univ. Ireland) M.D. 1908 PRITCHARD, Oeorge Baxter D.Sc 1882 PRITCHARD, William Charles M.A. 1899 PUTNAM, Philip Timothy M.D-B.S. Q, 1877 QUICK, Sir John .. ... LL.D.

IR, 1891 RADCLIFF, Edward Aquilla M.A. 1909 RAFF, Janet Watson M.Sc 1893 RAMSAY', John .. M.B-M.S. 1910 REAKES, Charles John D.V.Sc. 1884 REED, Benjamin (Cam.) M.A. 1894 REEVES, Anna (nee Higgins) M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 725

1908 REID, Robert George (Durham) M.D. 1906 REMINGTON, Catherine Jane M.A. 1883 KENDALL, Charles Henry .. .. (Oxford) M.A. 1891 HENNICK, Edward Croker M.O.E 1878 RENNICK, Francii Henry . M.A. 1906 RENNIE, Edward Henry .. .. (London) DSo. 1881 RBNTOUL, James Laurence (Queen's Univ., Ireland) M.A. 1905 RIOHARDS, Edwin Stuart M.So. 1907 RICHARDS, Henry Casselli D.Sc. 1898 RICHARDS, John Kildahl .... (Edin.) M.D. 1912 RICHARDSON, Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide) M.A- B.So 1897 RICHARDSON, Oharles Herbert M.A. 1892 RICHARDSON, Joseph Richard M.O.E 1885 R1CKARBY, Frederick Hislop M.A-LL.B. 1905 RIDLEY, Sidney Frederick M.D-B.S. 1906 RIVETT, Albert Cherbury David D.Sc 1904 RIVETT, Eleanor Harriett M.A. 1888 ROBERTS, Arthur Glendower M.A. 1912 ROBERTS. Edward John M.D. 1903 ROBERTSON. Allen William David .... M.D-B.S. 1891 ROBERTSON, Horace Patrick M.O.E. 1881 ROBERTSON, James Lang M.A. 1677 ROBERTSON, John M.A. 1899 ROBERTSON, Eobert M.A. 1883 ROBERTSON, Robert Hope M.A. 1884 ROBINSON, Thomas Gresham Durnford M.A. 1892 ROBSON, Edgar Ilifl M.A. 1888 ROBSON, Ernest Ilifl (Oam.) M.A. 1911 ROCHE, Cedric Watson Gray M.D-B.S. 1900 ROCHE, James Edward Miles M.A. 1887 ROHS, Annie M.A. 1899 ROLLAND, Francis William M.A. 1885 ROSEBY, Thomas (Sydney) LL.D. 1911 ROSENBLUM, Edward Ivan M.Sc. 1901 ROSBNUAIN, Walter D. Sc, B.O.E. 1894 ROSS, Alfred Ernest Jones M.A. 1901 ROSS, David (Aberdeen) M.A. 1909 ROSSITER, Arthur Lyle M.So. 1899 ROSSITER, Frederiok Daglish M.A. ,1910 ROSSITER, Olive Blanche (nee Davies) M.Sc. 1882 ROWAN, Thomas (Sydney) M.D- B.S. 1905 HOWE, Marjorie Williatt .. M.A. 726 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1695 RUDD, Arthur William M.A-LL.B 1885 RUDDLE, Reginald George M.D-B.S. 1914 RUTHERFORD, Sir Ernest (D.Sc, New •Zealand) D.Sc 1895 RYLAII,- Walter Eobert M.A-LL.M.

S 1894 SADLIEE, William Charles M.A. 1902 SALKELD, William Llewellyn Davies .. B.A-LL.M. 1891 SALTER, Charles Necld M.A. 1898 SANDERSON, Arthur Clark M.A. 1894 SANDERSON, William Alexander M.A- LL.M. 1908 SANGSTER, William Clifford M.D-B.S. 1888 SARVAAS, Johan B.A-M.CE. 1903 SAWERS, John Buchanan M.A- LL.B. 1891 SAWREY, Ernest Edward Robert M.D- B.S. 1899 SAXTON, John Thomas .. M.A. , 1914 SOHAFEE, Sir Edward Albert (D.Sc, Duhlin) D.Sc 1908 SCIIOLES, Frank Victor Gordon M.D., B.S. 1891 SCHUTT, William John .• .. M.A-LL.M. 1900 SCOTT, Robert (Glasgow) M.D. 1912 SCOTT, Thomas Farrar M.A. 1887 SBDGEFIELD, Walter John .. . • .. .. M.A., Litt. D. 1867 SEMPLE, William Henry (Edin.) M.D. 1891 SERGEANT, Frederick (Cam.) M.A. 1902 SEWELL, Alice Maude (nee Cunning) . M.A. 1905 SEWELL, Sidney Valentino M.D-B.S. 1908 SHANN, Frank M.A. 1898 SHARMAN, Matthew Stanton M.A-M.So. 1907 SHAW, Charles Gordon M.D-B.S. 1910 SHAW. Garnet Eric M.A. 1887 SHAW, John Henry .. .. M.A-LL.M. 1910 SHELTON, Harry Corbett Leo LL.M. 1908 SHERWIN, John Arthur Hopkins .. .. M.D-B.S. 1870 SHEW, Frank M.A. 1900 SHIELDS, Clive M.A-M.B, B.S. 1897 SHIELDS, Douglas Andrew M.D-B.S. 1882 SHIELS, William LL.M. 1899 SHORNEY, Herbert Frank M.D-B.S. 1912 SHORT, Beatrice Laura M.A. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 727

1904 SHORT, Robert Edgecumbe M.D- B.S. 1891 SHDTBR, Richard Ernest M.D-B.S. 1906 SILBERBERG, Montefiore David M.D- B.S. 1897 SINCLAIR, Tliomas Walker M.D- B.S. 1905 SKEATS, Ernest Willington .. (London) D-So. 1901 SKENE, Alexander (Edinburgh) M.A. 1890 SMITH, Bernhard Alexander M.O.E. 1871 SMITH, Oharles (London) M.D. 1900 SMITH, Eustace Lyndon M.O.E. 1902 SMITH, Frederick Dudley M.CE. 1895 SMITH, John Macpherson M.A-LL.B. 1898 SMITH, Julian Augustus Romaine .. .. M.D-B.S. 1889 SMITH, Richard Ernest M.A. 1885 SMITH, Robert Neil M.A- B.CE. 1881 SMITH. Thomas Jollie M.A. 1905 SMYTH, John (New Zealand) M.A. 1894 SNODGRASS, Evelyn M.A. 1900 SONNENBERG, Emilie M.A. 1911 SPARGO, Ernest M.D-B.S. 1902 SPENOE, John David M.O-E. 1900 SPENCER, Gertrude Luoie (nee Burke) M.A. '1889 SPENCER, Sir Walter Baldwin (Oxford) M.A-Litt.D. 1877 SPICER, Edward Clarke M.A. 1898 8POWERS, Edward Augustus M.D-B.S. 1906 SPRING, James Francis M.D- B.S. 1877 SPRINGTHORPE, John William M.A-M.D., B.S. 1899 SPBOULE, Walter St. George M.A., LL.B. 1910 STAPLEY, Walter D.V.Sc. 1887 STAWELL, Richard Rawdon M.D-B.S. 1893 STEANE, William Percy M.O.B. 1898 STEELE, Bertram Dillon D.Sc. 1890 STEELE, William Huey M.A. 1898 STEPHEN, Mary Elizabeth (nee Morris) M.A. 1882 STEPHEN, Reginald M.A. 1907 STEPHENS, Carl Vivian M.D-B.S. 1899 STEPHENS, Elsie Grace M.A. 1899 STEPHENS, Henry Douglas M.D., M.S. 1888 STEPHENSON, Arthur Robert (London) M.A. 1912 STEPHENSON, Percival William M.A. 1892 STEPHENSON, Stuart (Oxford) M.A, 1881 STEWART, Alexander (Glasgow) M.A. 1914 STEWART, Cedric Alwyn M.D- B.S. 1897 STEWART, Harold John M.A. 18% STEWART, Hector Joseph M.C.E.


1911 STILLWBLL, Prank Leslie D.Sc 1912 STILLWBLL, Olive Henrietta M.A. 1906 STIRLING, Edward Charles .... (Cam.) M.D. 1877 STIRLING, Robert Andrew M.D-B.S. 1885 STREETON, Charles Henry M.A. 1874 STRONG, Herbert Augustus .. (Oxford) M.A. 1913 STUART, Thomaa Henry M.A. 1906 STUART, Sir Tliomas Peter Anderson (Edinburgh) M.D. 1902 STUCKEY, Frances Helen (n6e Campbell) M.A. 1887 SUGDEN, Edward Holdsworth (B.A- B.Sc. London) M.A- B.Sc. 1911 SUGDEN, Ruth M.Sc. 1905 SUMMERS, Herbert St. John D.Sc. 1869 SUMMONS, Samuel M.A- LL.B. 1901 SUMMONS, Samuel William Henry .... M.D-B.S. 1903 SUMMONS, Walter Ernest M.D-B.S. 1888 SUTHERLAND. Alexander Charles .. .. M.A-M.CE. 1906 SUTHERLAND, Ian MacKcnzio M.CE. 1903 SUTHERLAND, Roderick Tate MD. 1902 SUTTON, Harvey M.D-B.S. 1898 SUTTON, Hedley John M.A. 1910 SWEET, Elizabeth Mary M.D-B.S. 1896 SWEET. Georgina D.Sc. 1887 SYDES, Edward John M.A- LL.B. 1881 SYME, George Adlington M.B-M.S.

T 1912 TAIT, Alan Taylor M.A. 1865 TAIT, George M.A. 1911 TAIT, John Thomson M.D- B.S. 1901 TAIT, Thomas (Glasgow) M.A. 1903 TAIT, William M.A. 1905 TANSWELL, Thomas Morrin M.A. 1913 TATE, Dorothy M.A. 1888 TATE, Frank M.A. 1905 TAYLOR, Marion Grandison M.A. 1906 TENDALL, Alethea Collis (New Zealand) M.A. 1901 TENNYSON, Hallam (Lord) .... (Cam.) Litt. D. 1883 THATCHER, Griffithes Wheeler .. .. M.A. 1907- THIELE, Edmund Oswald M.So. 1897 THOM, Gordon William M.C.E. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 729

1899 THOM, Sarah (nee Anderson) M.A. 1907 THOMAS, Frederick William M.A. 1897 THOMAS, Herbert Sebastian M.A-LL.B. 1876 THOMAS, Thomas Eggleston M.A. 1864 THOMPSON, John Henning M.A. 1913 THOMPSON, Leslie Muir M.A. 1893 THOMPSON, Stephen Percy M.A., LL.M. 1885 THOMSON, George Alexander M.A. 1911 THOMSON, Hedley Barry (Edin.) M.D. 1873 THOMSON, John Rae Menzies M.D-B.S. 1901 THOMSON, Robert (Aber.) M.A. 1877 THORNTON, Samuel (Oxford) M.A. 1903 THROSSEL, Arthur Graham M.A. 1910 THWAITES, Alexander Hopkins M.Sc, B.V.Sc, U.B- B.S. 1904 TIPPING, Martha Bergin M.A. 1903 TISDALL, Alice Constance Muriel .. .. M.A. 1889 TISDALL, Herbert Walter Leyster .. .. M.A-M.C.E. 1911 TOLHURST, Ella White M.A. 1895 TOOHEY, Thomas Joseph B.A- LL.M. 1867 TOPP, Charles Alfred M.A-LL.B. 1913 TOVEIiL, Charles Mitchell M.Sc 1914 TOWL, Percy Gilchrist ; M.Sc. 1907 TRINOA, Alfred John M.D- B.S 1892 TUBES, Henry Arnold (Oxford) M.A. 1886 TUOKER, Thomas George (Cam.) M.A. 1909 TULLOH, Alexander M.A. 1904 TURNBULL, Henry Hume M.D-B.S. 1900 TURNBULL, John LL.M. 1895 TURNER, Ellen (nee Whyte) M.A. 1875 TURNER, Sydney Charles B.A-LL.M. 1865 TURNER, William (Edin.) M.D. 1911 TYMMS, Athol Stanley Mortimer .. .. M.D., M.S. 1890 TYSSEN, Josiah .. M.A.

TJ 1902 ULRIOH, Edward Darling M.A. 1909 UPJOHN, William George Dismore .. .. M.D- M.S. 1910 UPTON, Thomas Hayncs M.Sc, B.C.F.. 1899 UTHWATT, Augustus Andrewes M.A., LL.B. 730. MEMBERS OP THE SENATE.

1913 VANCE, Eric Smith LL.M. 1890 VAN DKH WATiL, Charles William (Cam.) M.A. 1912 VAREY, Joseph Walter Leslie .. M.Sc. 1909 VINES, Ernest Harold M.A. 1901 VOOLER, William John M.A.

W 1893 WALKER, Henry Kennedy McGill .. .. M.A. 1900 WALL, Maximilian Eugen .... (Munich) M.D. 1915 WALLACE, Ernest Stanley D.D.Sc. 1916 WALLACE. Eobert Strachan (M.A- Aber. M.A. and Ox.) 1914 WALLER, William Alexander M.A. 1904 WALPOLE, George Stanley D.Sc 1914 WALTHER, Johannes (Ph.D., Jena) .. .. D.Se. 1891 WARD, William Carey (Oxford) M.A. 1903 WARDEN, Abigail Brown M.A. 1877 WARE, Samuel M.A. 1884 WA8LBY, Josiah Stephen B.A- LL.M. 1914 WATSON, Alberta Olive M.A. 1871 WATSON, George Rolleston .. (Dublin) M.A. 1911 WATTS, Frederick Elmore .. M.A. 1882 WAY, Arthur Sanders (London) M.A. 1912 WEATHERBURN, Charles Ernest (Syd.) M.A. 1902 WEBB, Jessie Stobo Watson -M.A. 1904 WEBSTER, Percy Samuel .... (Durham) M.D. 1911 WEBSTER, Reginald M.D- B.S. 1907 WEDD, Evelyn Mabel M.A. 1880 WEIGALL, Theyre a'Beckett LL.M. 1895 WEIHEN, Albert Wallace M.A., M.D- B.S. 1889 WELCHMAN, Eobert Samuel M.A. 1914 WELLS, John Stanley M.A. 1862 WHEELER., Robert (Dublin) M.A. 1899 WHITE, Alfred Edward Rowden M.D- B.S. 1907 WHITE, Edward Rowden .,' M.D-B.S. 1900 WHITE, Edward John Bernard M.A. 1887 WHITE, Helen Francis Mary M.A. 1891 WHITLEY, William Thomas (LL.M. Oam.) LL.D. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE. 731'

1888 WHYTE, Elizabeth M.A. 1883 WIGHT. Neville M.A. 1892 WILKIN, Frederick John M.A. 1905 WILKINSON, Harold Launcelott M.CE. 1885 WILKINSON, John Francis M.D- B.S. 1888 WILKINSON, William Camac (London) M.D. 1889 WILLIAMS, Alfred Henry M.A. 1900 WILLIAMS, Amy Roberta M.A. 1901 WILLIAMS, Charles Emmanuel M.D-B.S. 1888 WILLIAMS, Cyril Gower Voss M.CE. 1914 WILLIAMS. Olive Leete M.A. 1897 WILLIAMS, Susie Jane M.A. 1888 WILLIAMS, William Henry M.A-LL.B- 1906 WILLIAMS. William Henry .... (Cam.) M.A. 1885 WILLIAMSON, John McMullen Bombie.. M.A-LL.M. : 1880 W II*JI3, Tliomas Rupert Henry M.D-B.S. 1893 WILSMORE, Leonora Jessie (nee Little) M.Sc. 1890 WILSMORE, Norman Thomas Mortimer.. D.Sc. 1886 WILSON. Ambrose John (Oxford) M.A. 1911 WILSON, Arthur Mitchell M.D-B.S. 1898 WILSON, Eustace Edmund M.A-LL.B. 1882 WILSON, George M.A. 1901 WILSON, Hugh Campbell M.A-M.B-B.8. 1875 WILSON, John Purves M.A-LL.D. 1889 WILSON, Louisa Alice M.A. 1899 WILSON, Mabel Ailcen M.A. 1908 WILSON, Mary Dunstan .. .. (Sydney) v.A 1913 WILSON, Percy James M.A. 1908 WILSON, William M.A. 1907 WILSON, William Edgar M.D.. B.S. 1896 WINGEOVE, Bessie M.A. 1913 WISEMAN, Hubert Dallas LL.M. 1906 WISEMAN, Marion Elizabeth (ndo Syme) M.A. 1913 WISEWODLD, Percy Andrew M.A. 1887 WOINARSKI, Oasimir Julius Zichy .. .. M.A., LL.M. 1884 WOLLASTON, Sir Harry Newton Phillips LL.D. 1885 WOOD, Arthur Jeffreys M.D- B.S. 1900 WOOD, Goorgo M.A. 1912 WOOD, Harry Vasey D.D.Sc. 1885 WOOD, William Atkinson M.D-M.S. 1900 WOODFULL, Alfred Holmes LL.M. 1882 WOODWARD, Frederick William Morris M.A. 1901 WOODS, William Cleaver (Edin.) M.D. 1910 WOOLLARD, Herbert Henry M.D- B.S. 732, MEMBERS OF THE SENATE.

1894 WRIGHT, Charles Panton Parle M.C.E. 1894 WRIGLEY', Leslie James M.A. 1883 WYNNE, Edwin Percy- LL.M.

IT 1890 YOUNG, Julia Hannah M.A. 1899 YULE, Alexander M.A. 1895 YULE, John Sandison M.A- M.D- B.S.


Names. _^_ Degrees.

1911 ABBOTT, William Norman M.B- B.S. 1890 A'BEOKETT, Thomas Archibald B.A. 1913 ABERDEEN, Kenneth George McKay .. M.B-B.S. 1891 ABERNETHY, James M.B-.B.S 1904 ABRAM8, Fanny B.A.' 1906 AOLAND, Robert John LL-B. 1893 ' ACTON, Frederick Charles M.B. 1916 ADAM, John Paterson B.A. 1915 ADAM, William B.D.Sc. 1912 ADAMS, Agnes Alice B.A. 1914 ADAMS, Frederick Reginald B.A. 1904 ADAMS, Thomas Lament LL.B. 1915 ADAMSON, Ernest Bedford B.D.Sc, 1914 ADAMSON, Samuel Arthur Gordon .. .. B.A. 1913 ADDISON, Arthur Stanley M.B- B.S. 1912 ADBNEY, Alexander William B.V.Sc. 1909 ADEY.John Kellermann M.B-B.S. 1910 AHERN, Edward Dennis M.B-B.S. 1914 AHERN, Eugene Kevin B.A. 1914 AIRD, Frederick Andrew B.D.Sc. 1883 AITOHISON, Alexander Smith M.B- B.S. 1895 AITKEN, William Lewis M.B-B.S. 1912 ALBON, Olive Mus. Bac 1915 ALEXANDER, Jean Logan B.Sc 1915 ALEXANDER. Kenneth Bain M.B-B.S. 1912 ALLAN, James Stephen Macdonald .. .. M.B., B.S. 1901 ALLAN, Leslie Stuart M.B-B.S. 1882 ALLEN, Arthur Wigram B.A. 1909 ALLEN, Joseph Hollins B.A. 1897 ALLESTEB, Edwin Marston M.B. 1896 ALLPORT, Evett Gordon (Cam.) B.A. 1910 ALMOND, William Thomas B.A. 1893 ALSOP, Charles James M.B. 1883 ALTMANN, Charles August M.B- B.S. 1885 AM ESS, James M.B-B.S. 1908 AMPT,-Gustav Adolph B.Sc. 734 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1912 ANCHEN, John Oscar B.A. 1915 ANDERSON, Archibald Simpson M.B, B.S 1916 ANDERSON, George B.A. 1911 ANDERSON, George Grantham M.B-B.S. 1906 ANDERSON, James Robert Valentine .. B.M.E. 1891 ANDERSON, Joshua Thomas Noble (Roy. . Univ. Ireland) B.A. 1893 ANDERSON, Robert Hodgson M.B-B.S. 1913 ANDERSON, Robert Stirling B.M.E. 1912 ANDERSON, Wilbur Struan LL.B. 1916 ANDREW, Myrtle Annie Eileen B.A. 1916 ANDREW'S, Dorothy Meares B.A. 1871 ANDREW'S, Thomas Richards .. .. B.A-LL.B. 1911 ANDREWS, William Algernon M.B- B.S. 1915 APPLEFORD, Sydney Theodore M.B- B.S. 1899 APPLETON, Ethel Sarah B.A. 1916 ABOHER, Mary Ellinor Lucy B.Sc 1890 ARGYLE, Stanley Seymour ...... M.B-B.S. 1912 ARMITAGE, Lilian Mary B.A. 1916 ARMSTRONG, Alexander McDonald .. B.Agr.Sc 1891 ARMSTRONG, George U.B-B.S. 1892 ARMSTRONG, George William M.B-B.S. 1911 ARMSTRONG, Lucy (nee Calcutt) .. .. B.So. 1916 ARMSTRONG, William Louther ,. .. . M.B., B.S. 1912 ARTHUR, John Andrew B.A. 1889 ASHWORTH, Louis Naish B.A.. M.B- B.S. 1913 ASKEW7, Gladstone B.CE. 1392 ASTLEY, Arthur B.A. 1915 ATCHISON, Francis Gregory B.A. 1911 ATKINS, Oharles Norman M.B., B.S. 1910 ATKINSON, George M.B- B.S. 1916 ATKINSON, John Leo M.B- B.S. 1890 ATKINSON, Llewelyn B.A- LL.B. 1900 AURICHT, Johannes Friedrich Theodor M.B- B.S. 1906 AVERY, John Goodall M.B-B.S.

1881 BACKHOUSE, John Burder M.B- B.S. 1913 BACKHOUSE, Nigel a'Beckett Talworth, B.A. 1901 BACKHOUSE, Thomas LL.B. 1898 BADGER, William Alfred BA. 1911 BAGSTER, Lancelot Salisbury B.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 73-?

1901 BAILEY, Annie Isabel (nee Bullivant) .. B-A. 1908 BAILEY, Guy Brooke M.B. 1895 BAIRD, Adam B.C.E. 1914 BAIRD, George Mackie B.A. 1883 BAIRD, John Chalmers B.A- M.B- B 8- 1912 BAKER, George Ash ton B.C.E. 1910 BAKER, Henry Howard Acworth I.L.B. 1902 BALDWIN, Mary M.B., B.S. 1892 BALFOUR, Lewis John B.A-M.B , BS.. 1910 BALL. Hilda Nenna Pickering B.Sc 1887 BANPIELD, Samuel Blaokmore B.A. 1906 BARBER, Alice Mary (nee McLean) .... M.B-B.S. 1915 BARBER, Charles Stanley B.M.E. 1898 BARBER, John Andrew B.A. 1884 BARBER, Lydia Amelia (nee Harris) .. B.A. 1914 BARBER, Norman Charles M.B-B.S.' 1908 BARKER, Gilbert William M.B-B-S. 1895 BARKER, Henry James Thomas B.A. 1916 BARKER, John Norman B.D.Sc 1908 BARKLEY, Ernest B.M.E. 1915 BARKMAN, Frances B.A. 1900 BARNARD, James Fox M.B-B.S. 1916 BARNES, Albert Edwin Bennett B.D.Sc. 1915 BARNES, Loi's Florence B.A. 1907 BARRATT, Norman Wilson LL.B. 1892 BARRETT, Edgar Alfred M.B- B.S. 1901 BARRETT, Edith Helen M.B-B.S. 1914 BARRETT, Keith Joy B.Agr.Sc. 1916 BARRY', Albert Milton B.A. 1913 BARRY, Louisa .. B.A- LL.B. 1905 BAETEL. August Karl B.C.E. 1887 BARTLEY, Joseph Francis M.B-B.S. 1910 BARTEAM, Roy Douglas B.A.. M.B-B-S. 1916 BASSETT, Richard Constantino M.B., B.S. 1916 BASSETT, Walter Eric BC.E. 1887 BATH, Alexander John BA. 1891 BATTYE, James Sykes B.A-LL.B. 1916 BATY, Violet Ada B.A. 1915 BAYPORD. John Airey B.A. 1882 BAY1.ES, William James B.A- LL.B. 1913 BEAMISH, Francis Teulon M.B.. B.S, 1899 BEAMISH, William Abraham B.C.E. 1911 BEECK, Edith Helena B.A. 1889 BEGG, William B.A. 1908 BEISCHEB, Albert Ludwig B.D.Sc 736 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1909 BELL, Arthur Francis M.B-B.S. 1887 BELL, James Lawaluk M.B-B.S. 1908 BELL, James Burleigh M.B-B.S. 1896 BELL, James Leslie B.C.E. 1902 BELL, Richard Percy B.O.E. 1916 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard .. .. B.A. 1915 BENNETT, Annie Lister M.B-B.S. 1910 BENNETT, Donald M.B., B.S. 1913 BENNETT, Eric Thomas B.D.Sc 1912 BENNETT, Frederick Norman B.Sc. 1913 BENNETT, Gershon Berendt B.D.Sc 1898 BENNETT, Harold Vincent M.B-B.S. 1914 BENNETT, Herbert Peroival B.A. 1901 BENNETT, James M.B- B.S. 191,5 BENNETT, Margaret Emily B.A. 1913 BENNIE, Victor Charles B.A- B.Sc. 1907 BENSON, George Fritz B.C.E. 1889 BEVAN, Llewelyn David .. .. (London) LL.B. 1908 BEVAN, Sibyl Oaridwen M.B-B.S. 1915 B1CKART, David M.B-B.S. 1911 BIGNELL, Francis Lawrence M.B., B.S. 1884 BIRCH, Lewis John M.B-B.S. 1911 BIRD, Dougan M.B-B.S. 1885 BIRD, Edwin Jeffery M.B. 1884 BIRD, William Joshua M.B-B.S. 1914 BIRNIE, George Alexander M.B., B.S. 1915 BIRNIE-. Robert Kenneth M.B-B.S. 1915 BIRRELL, William Alexander Hamilton M.B, B.S. 1904 BISHOP, Albert Edward Kemp M.B-B.S. 1914 BISHOP, William James B.A. 1901 BLAOK, George Murray B.C.E. 1910 BLAOK, James Jamieson M.B-B.S. 1912 BLACK, Jonathan Percy Moss MB- B.S. 1914 BLACKALL, Alice Kate B.A. 1906 BLACKBURN, Maurice McCrae B.A, LL.B. 1897 BLACKBURNE, George Hugh Spencer .. M.B-B.S. 1904 BLAUBAUM, Athol M.B-B.S. 1906 BLAUBAUM, Hubert M.B- B.S. 1909 BLAUBAUM, Otto B.D.Sc 1915 BLOGG, Kendrick Valentine B.D.Sc 1902 BLOMFIELD, Alfred Leslie B.C.E. 1889 BLOMFIELD, Charles Edwin B.C.E. 1887 BLOMFIELD, Herbert Marsh B.A. 1915 BOAKE; Christopher Basil Hatton .. .. B.D.So. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 73T

1903 BONA, Evan Gwynne LL.B. 1901 BONA, Percy Arthur M.B-B.S. 1915 BOOK, Clifford Henry LL.B. 1904 BOOTH, Edmund Uolloway M.B-B.S. 1893 BOOTH, Mary (Sydney) B.A. 1913 BORDEAUX, Edward Francis Joseph .. B.V.Sc. 1914 BORROWMAN, James Kirk LL.B. 1913 BOSSELMANN, Roland Dredrich B.D.Sc. 1891 BOTHROYD, John James B.A. 1907 BOURKE, Hugh Stanislaus M.B-B.S. 1915 BOURKE, Margaret Theresa B.A. 1908 BOWEN, Clarence Edward LL.B. 1906 BOWMAN, Amos Walter M.B-B.S. 1909 BOWMAN, Ellen B.A. 1909 BOWMAN, Vernon Leopold M.B-B.8 1915 BOWMAN, William Arthur M.B-B.S. 1892 BOX, John M.B-B.S. 1904 .BOX, Matthew Henry M.B-B.S. 1890 BOYD, Thomas Hugh M.B-B.S. 1897 BOYD, William B.C.E. 1884 BOYES, William Isaac B.A- M.B., B.S. 1897 BOYS, Robert Douglass B.A. 1889 BRAOBWELL, Walter Hansford M.B-B.S. 1909 BRADSHAW, Frank Mceten B.D.Sc. 1913 BRAKE, James B.Sc 1916 BRAKE, John B.Agr.Sc 1892 BRAY, Ernest B.C.E. 1898 BRAZIER, Charlton George B.A. 1913 BRENAN, John Joseph B.D.Sc. 1909 BRENNAN, Anna Teresa LL.B. 1914 BRENNAN, Clare B.A. 1909 BRENNAN, Edward Tliomas M.B-B.S. 1901 BRENNAN, Frank. LL.B. 1904 BRENNAN, John Patrick B.CE. 1900 BRENNAN, Thomas Cornelius LL.B. 1915 BR.ETHERTON, Albert Wilber M.B-B.S. 1914 BRETT, Kathleen Joan B.A. , 1903 BRETT, Percy Gore M.B-B.S. 1902 BRIDGES, Eleanor Lilian (nee Simpson) B.A. 1914 BBIGGS, Arnold Archibald Fitzroy .. .. B.A. 1914 BROOK, Marion Margaret B.A. 1898 BROCKET, William LL.B. 1862 BROMBY, Christopher B.A. 1900 BROMBY, Wilfrid B.Sc, B.C.E- 738 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1892 BROOKES; Herbert Robinson B.C.E. 1898 BROPHY', John Joseph (B.A- Roy. Univ. Ireland) B.A- LL.B. 1898 BROUGHTON, George Edward LL.B. 1894 BROWN. Alfred Austin M.B. 1893 BBOWN, Austin Graham BA- LL.B. 1902 BROWN, Edgar Jabcz M.B- B.S. 1914 BROWN, Edwin Tylor LL.B. 1909 BROW'N, Gilbert Twentyman B. Mcch. E. 1916 BROWN, Jane Kathleen Officer ...... B.A. 1892 BROWN, Ralph Charles M.B-B.S. 1892 BROWN, Thomas William M.B-B.S. 1915 BROWN, Vernon Carlisle M.B-B.S. 1905 BROWN, William Gillbee M.B-B.S. 1915 BROWNE. David Dorey M.B- B.S. 1913 BROWNE, George Stephenson B.A. 1915 BROWNELL, Herbert Percival M.B-B.S. 1911 BROWNING, Deuby de Courcy M.B-B.S. 1895 BRUCE, Oharles William M.B. 1895, BUCHANAN, Aeltreda Hilda (nee Gamble) M.B- B.S. 1916 BUCHANAN, Alfred Johnson LL.B. 1910 BUCHANAN, Duncan ' M.B-B.S. 1875 BUOKLAND, John Vansittart B.A. 1900 BUOKLEY, Edward William M.B-B.S. 1865 BULL, George (Cam.) M.B. 1911 BULL, Lionel Batley B.V.Sc. 1915 BULL, Noel Tracey M.B-B.S. 1907 BULLBID. William Henry B.A. 1913 BULLEN, Norman John M.B- B.S. 1895 BULLIVANT, Hugh Edward B.A-LL.B. 1898 BULLOW, Jane Elizabeth B.A. 1915 BURY, George Chadwell M.B-B.S. 1913 BUTT, Leonard Charles B.D.So. 1881 BUNNY, Arthur George Benedictus .. .. LL.B. 1891 BUNTINE, Robert Andrew M.B- B.S. 1915 BURCHILL, Gilbert Anderson LL.B. 1909 BURPORD, Albert Arthur Mus. Bac 1912 BURNS, Francis John M.B-B.S. 1915 BURNS, Rosina B.A. 1913 BURRAGE, Thomas Allan B.V.Sc. 1914 BURRELL, James Blanksby B.A. 1909 BURSTON, Alfred William Charles .... B.CE. 1910 BURSTON, Samuel Roy ;. M.B-B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 739

1876 BURTON, Joseph Grindy .. B.A. 1914 BURVILL, William B.A. 1888 BUTCHART, John Elder B.A. 1905 BUTLER, Edward Villcrs B.A. 1898 BUTLER, Frederick Stanley M.B-B.S. 1910 BUTLER, Harry Nairn M.B- B.S. 1915 BUTLER, Violet. Mary .. B.A. 1908 BYE, Thomas Joseph B;CE. 1880 BRYNE, George Robert LL.B.

a 1899 CADE, David Duncan M.B-B.S. 1900 CAFFIN, Melbourne Shrivallo B.A. 1903 CAHILL, Arthur James M.B- B;S. 1908 OAHILL, Henry James M.B-B.S. 1903 CAIN, Robert Cobbold LL.B. 1901 CALDEB, James Benuet LL.B. 1916 CALDWELL, James BA. 1901 CALHOUN, James ...... M.B- B.S. 1875 CALLAN, John Bartholomew B.A-LL.B. 1903 CALLANDER, Robert Scott M.B-B.S. 1914 CALLISTER, Cyril Percy B.Sc 1910 CAMERON, Ewen Carlisle LL.B. 1915 CAMERON, Frank Osborne LL.B. 1902 CAMM, Thomas Carlyle Leichardt .. .. M.B- B.S. 1903 CAMPBELL, Archibald Brown M.B-B.S. 1857 OAMPBELL, Colin (Oxford) B.A. 1911 CAMPBELL, Colin M.B-.B.S. 1S78 CAMPBELL, Colin Hamilton LL.B. 1897 CAMPBELL, Donald Albert M.B-B.S. 1912 CAMPBELL, Frederick William John .. B.So. 1911 CAMPBELL, James Lewis Maitland .... LL.B. 1914 CAMPBELL, Jessie Florence B.A. i909 CAMPBELL, John Charles M.B-B.S. 1916 CAMPBELL, Percival James M.B-B.S. 1896 OAMPBELL, Bichard Adderley B.A. 1912 CAMPBELL, Bobert Burns Cunning .... B.D.Sc. 1907 CAMPBELL, Sarah Maud M.B- B.S. 1907 CANTOR, Morris Emanuel Lamen .. LL.B. 1909 CANTOR. Stanley Jacob .. M.B- B.S. 1905 CAPBLS, Timothy William Joseph .. . LL.B. 1914 CARLILB, Hildred Irving v .... M.B-B.S. 740 GRADUATES NOT MEMBBRS OP SENATE.

1910 CARROLL, William John Smyth (Syd.) .. B.A. 1908 CARSE, Franc Samuel LL.B- 1911 CARSON, Martha Blspeth B.A. 1901 CARSON, Thomas John Knox B.A. 1867 OARTER, Francis John Charsley (Ox.) B.A. 1916 CAS3IDY, William Ewart Vincent .. .. I.L.B. 1913 CASTIEAU, John Gilbert- Buckley .. .. LL.B. 1907 CATARINIOH, John M.B-B.S- 1899 CATFORD, Harold Robert M.B- B.S. 1915 CAULFIELD, William Ewart Gladstone B.D.Sc 1910 CAVE, Mylles Wyamarus M.B-B.S.. 1915 CBRUTTY, Leonard James B.A. 1893 CERUTTY, William Morphett B.C.E. 1912 CHAMBERS, Roy William MB- B.S. 1891 CHAMPION, Edward M.B-B,S. 1914 CHAMPION, Rachel M.B-B.S. 1694 CHANTER, Arthur Mus. Bac- 1897 CHAPLIN, William Watkin Winne .. .. M.B. 1897 CHAPPLE, Frederic John M.B-B.S. 1914 CHARLES, Joseph Henry B.A. 1884 CHASE, Arthur Pelham B.A. 1875 CHATER, Richard Britten BA. 1914 OHECCHI, Oyril M.B-B.S. 1895 CHENHALL, Alfred Nicholas M.B-B.S. 1912 OHENOWETH, Richard Willmore B.A-LL.B 1910 OHENOWETH, Thomas Oswald M.B-B.S. 1910 CHERRY, Charles Cummins B.V.Sc. 1883 CHESNEY, Charles Alfred (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.C.E. 1907 CHIRNSIDE, James Ivcr Mclver ' M.B-B.S. 1902 CHIRNSIDE, Thomas LL.B. 1883 CHOMLEY, Charles Henry B.A- LL.B 1890 CHOMLEY, Henry Rawdon Francis .. .. B.A- LL.B. 1914 OHRISTENSEN, Christian Peder B.A. 1909 CHRISTIANSEN, Wilhelm B.A. 1895 CHRISTIE, Oharles M.B-B.S. 1916 CHURCHWARD, Clerk Maxwell B!A. 1892 CLANCHY, Bridget Adeline B.A. 1915 CLARK, Alice Newsom (nee Bage) .. .. B.A. 1916 CLARK, Heaton Oarr B.C.E. 1912 OLARK, Wendell Inglie M.B- B.S".. 1908 CLARKE, Cyril Lowther M.B- B.3- 1904 CLARKE, Ethel Stone St. John B.A. 1900 CLARKE, John Lea LL.B. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 741

1897 CLARKE, John Woolner B.A- LL.B. 1913 CLARKE, Reginald" Morley M.B., B.B. 1889 CLARKE, William John Turner .. (Ox.) B.A. 1889 CLEME8, Edith Emma B.A. 1911 CLENDINNEN, Leslie Jack .. : JIB- B.S. 1909 CLUCAS, Elizabeth Emily M.B-B.S. 1903 CLUCAS, Herbert Joseph B.CE. 1884 CLUTTERBUCK, Alfred Oharles Ernest.. B.A. 1910 CLYNE, Thomas Stuart LL.B. 1906 COAKLEY, Thomas Henry B.C.E. 1883 COCKSHOTT, Harold Murray LL.B. 1876 COFFEY, William Henry (B.A- Dublin) B.A-LL.B. 1910 COHEN, Basil Walter M.B- B.S. 1894 COHEN, Henry Isaac B.A., LL.B. 1912 COHN, Alexander Samuel B.D.So. 1915 COLAHAN, Frederick John Orr M.B-B.S. 1885 COLE, Francis M.B- B.S. 1913 COLE, George Edward M.B- B.S. 1882 COLE, Henry Samuel LL.B. 1916 COLEMAN, Loris Cecilie B.A. 1913 COLES, Alfred Dudley B.D.So. 1914 COLLINS, William Henry M.B-B.S. 1911 COLLINS. William Michael Gerald .... B.A. 1914 COLLISON, Nora Winifred B.A. 1916 COLLOPY, John Florens LL.B. 1916 COLLYER, Walter Henry B.Sc. 1914 COLVILLE, Henry Cecil M.B- B.S. 1892 CONNELL, Egbert John M.B- B.S. 1899 CONNELL, Lucy Mary B.A. 1913 CONNELL, Roydon Herbert Minton .... M.B., B.S. 1894 CONNELLY, Arthur Waldo M.B-B.S. 1911 CONNOR, Joseph Ivan M.B- B-S. 1910 CONR.ICK, Horatio Victor Patrick .. .. M.B-B.S. 1698 CONSIDINE, William Desmond LLB. 1905 COOK, Alexander M.B- B!S. 1865 COOK, Charles Henry Herbert B.A- LL.B. 1914 . COOK, George Alfred B.Bo. 1913 COOK, Leonard Roy M.3., B.S. 1912 COCK, William Reddish LL.B. 1916 COOK.. William Stanley B.V.Sc. 1915 COOKE, Alma Grace B.A. 1901 COOKE, James Douglas M.B- B.S. 1912 COOKE, Reginald Mackenzie B.Sc. 1900 COOKE, Thomas Fleming B.A. r .48 742 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS DP SENATE.

1916 COOKSON, Isabel Clifton B.Sc 1898 COOPER, Claude Tidswell ,' M.B-B.S. 1916 COOPER. Florence May M.B-B.S. 1867 COPELAND, Samuel B.A. 1903 COPLAND, Maurice Oaric B.M.E. 1877 OOH.BETT, Thomas Francis LL.B. 1910 CORDNER, Edward Rao M.B-B.S. 1909 CORDNER, Henry M.B-B.S. 1899 CORKIIILL, Henry Robert LL.B. 1896 CORMIOK, John Phillips B.A-LL.B. 1911 COSTELLOE, Michael Joseph M.B-B.S. 1893 COURTNEY, Richard Edmond B.A-LL.B. 1880 COUTIE, John Thomas Copeland .. .. B.A. 1881 COUTIE, William Henry M.B-B.S. 1894 COUTTS, Agnes B.A. 1895 COUTTS, David John Mus. Bac. 1914 OOUTTS, Donald Dunbar M.B-B.S. 1892 COUTTS, John B.A. 1892 OOWEN, Alfred M.B-B.S. 1911 OOWEN, Joseph Ivan M.B., B.S. 1916 GOWEN, Stewart Osburn • M.B-B.S. 1913 COX, Athol Claude Mason B.D.Sc. 1908 COX, Prank Elton M.B- B.S. 1896 COX, Jane Cromwell B.A. 1916 OOX, Leonard Bell M.B-B.S. 1898 CRAIG, Edith Isabel B.A. 1910 CRAIG, James Chambers M.B- B.S. 1914 CRAIG, Robert Fulton M.B-B.S. 1913 CRAIG, Robert James B.So. 1916 ORAIG, Stanley Earles M.B., B.S. 1887 CRAIG, Walter Joseph M.B-B.S. 1895 CRAIG, Walter Lennox BiCE. 1914 CRANSTOUN, George Elliott M.B-B.S. 1909 CRAWCOUR, Esther B.A. 1913 CRAWFORD, Francis Bartlett M.B- B.S. 1916 CRAW7FORD. Harold M.B..B.S. 1911 CRAWFORD, John Hamilton M.B-B.S. 1911 CRAWFORD, Victor Gordon B.M.E. 190) CRELLIN, Bertram M.B.. B.S. 1914 CRESWELL, Randolph William B.M.E. 1916 CRISP, Ralph Harry M.B.. B.S. 1913 CRIVBLLI, George Marcel B.Agr.Sc 1913 CRIVBLLI, Louis Pierre Urbaln M.B- B.S. 1916 OBOKER, Frederick Stanley B.E.E. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATK-. 743

1869 CROMPTON, William (Sydney) B.A. 1908 CROOKE, Arthur Albert M.B- B.S. 1864 CROOKE, Robert (Dublin.) B.A. 1913 CROOKS. Arthur Augustus M.B- B.S. 1911 CROOKSTON, Robert Melville M.B-B.s! 1909 GROOM, Smart Patrick M.B-B.S. 1882 CR08BIE, William Barry LL.B. 1886 GROSS, John B.A. 1891 CROUCH, Charles Stanton B.A- LL.B. 1893 CROUCH, Herbert Oasely B.C.E. 1913 CROW, John William Stuart B.C.E. 1910 CROWE, Valentine Francis M.B-B.S. 1892 CROW'LEY, Cornelius George B.A., M.B., B.S. 1890 CROWLEY', John Henry Joseph M.B-B.S. 1904 OROWTHER. George O'Dell B.A- LL.B. 1884 CROWTHER, John Russell B.A. 1916 CROWTHER. Mary Helen B.A. 1910 OROWTHER, William Edward Lodewyll Hamilton- M.B-B.S. 1901 CUMMINS, Richard Howard LaBarte .. B.Sc 1894 CUNNING, Joseph M.B- B.S. 1908 CUNNINGHAM, Francis William B.A. 1893 CURRIE, Henry Alan '. B.C.E. 1914 CURTIS, John Arthur B.A. 1888 OUSSEN, Gerald Eugene M.B-B.S. 1915 CUSS EN, Maurice Leo LL.B. 1914 CUTHBERT, Henry Hcaden LL.B. 1692 CUTTER, diaries Christopher B.A- LL.B.

D 1915 DABB, John Henry Michell B.A. 1895 DALE. William Kelynaok M.B- B.S. 1914 DALEY, Oharles B.A. 1914 DALEY, Oharles Studdy B.A. 1912 DALY, Lionel Braim M.B-B.S. 1889 DAMMAN, George William M.B- B.S. 1909 DANIEL, Charles John M.B-B.S. 1905 DARBY. George Robert M.B-B.S. 1912 DARBY, Leonard M-B-B.S. 1901 DAVEY, Eva Frances Elizabeth B.A. 1906 DAVID, Tannatt William Edgworth (Ox.) B-A. 1906 DAVIDSON, Helen Irene B.A. .-ISA .744 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

4 1912 DAVIDSON, John Murrison B.V.Sc. 1876 DAVIDSON, Raleigh Gilbert LL.B. 1895 DAVIES. Allied Ebeuezer B.A- LL.B. 1911 DAVIES, Cyril Walter LL.B. 1894 DAVIES, Edwin Zerubabel , M.B-B.S. 1915 DAVIES, Ellioe Jean M.B-B.S. 1903 DAVIES, Francis Lethieullier M.B- B.S 1911 DAVIES, George Forrest LL.B. 1915 DAVIES, George Vernon M.B., B.S. 1899 DAVIES, John Murray B.A. 1890 DAVIES, Leslie M.B- B.S. 1909 DAVIES, Maurice Charles M.B., B.S. 1886 DAVIES, Thomas B.A. 1880 DAVIES, Walter LL.B. 1902 DAVIES, Wilfrid Norman M.B-B,S. 1892 DAVIES, William Edward M.B-B.S. 1891 DAVINE, Milo B.A-LL.B. 1872 DAVIS, Alfred B.A. 1915 DAVIS, Clayton Edginton LL.B. 1914 DAVIS, John Leslie , M.B-B.S. 1908 DAVT3, John Reginald M.B-B.S. 1892 DAVIS, William M.B. 1916 DAY, Ernest Clement B.A. 1915 DEAN, Arthur LL.B. 1916 DEAN, Ethel Grace B.A. 1914 DEANS, Arthur B.A. 1886 DECK, Henry O'Brien M.B-B.S. 1916 do ORESPIGNY, Francis George Travers Champion M.B-B.S. 1908 DEEBLE, Arthur Vivian B.A. 1903 DEGENHARDT, Albert M.B-B.S. 1915 de LACY. Olaf Francois M.B-B.S. 1698 DELMER, Harold Charles B.A. 1902 DENNIS, Charles Edgar M.B-B.S. 1895 DENNIS, George Ernest M.B-B.S. 1899 DERAVIN, Arthur Francis M.B-B.S. 1891 DB RAVIN, Ernest Alfred M.B-B.S. 1907 DERAVIN, Garnet Wesley .. M.B-B.S. 1887 DERAVIN, Hugh Alexander M.B-B.S. 1903 DERAVIN, Walter Eugene M.B-B.S. 1895 DERHAM, Francis Reginald B.A-LL.B. 1892 DESAILLY. Julian Gilbert M.B-B.S. 1914 DEW, Harold Robert M.B-B.S. 1916 DEWSNAP, Joseph Henry B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 745

1914 DEXTER, Walter Ernest (Durham) .. .. B.A. 1913 DICKINSON, Campbell Guest B.V.Sc. 1914 DICKINSON, Thomas Egerton B.A. 1915 DICKSON, Andrew Norman M.B- B.S. 1882 DICKSON, Frederick William LL.B. 1912 DICKSON, Selwyn Ray LL.B. 1879 DILLON, Edward Emmet B.A-LL.B. 1916 DI3HER, Harold Clive M.B. B.S. 1880 DIXON, Joseph William LL.B. 1913 DIXSON, Zoe Oraig B.D.Sc. 1886 DOBBIE, John Alexander B.A. 1911 DOBSON, Arthur Prank Stanley LL.B. 1897 DOCKER, Wyatt Bristow M.B-B.S. 1897 DOCKERY, Luke James B.C.E. 1894 DODDS, William Bruce B.C.E. 1907 DODGSON, Maad ^ M.B-B.S. 1915 DOIG, Keith McKeddie M.B-B.S. 1894 DOM BRAIN, Ernest Arthur .. .M.B-B.S. 1914 DONALDSON, Amelia Roberta M.B-B.S. 1913 DONALDSON, Hedley Thomas Stanford B.D.Sc. 1905 DONALDSON, Robert Johnstone B.C.E. 1896 DONALDSON, William Henry M.B. 1909 DONOVAN, Gustave Thomas B.D.Sc. 1915 DOOLEY, Norval Henry LL.B. 1903 DOOLEY, William Henry B.A. 1915 DOHMAN, Stanley Herbert B.A. 1905 DOUGHARTY, Isabel Elizabeth B.A. 1903 DOUGLAS, Campbell George LLB. 1897 DOUGLAS, Francis John M.B-B.S. 1906 DOW, Edmund Burnett B.M.E. 1912 DOW, John B.M.E. 1893 DOWLING, Patrick Paul M.B. 1912 DOWN, Charles Harold B.D.Sc. 1904 DOWNEY, Michael Henry M.B-B.S. 1907 DOWNING, Harold David M.B-B.S. 1914 DOYLE, Gerald Vincent Francis B.Sc, M.B-B.S. 1913 DOYLE, Loo M.B- B.S. 1890 DREW, Joseph Milton D'Amer M.B-B.S. 1901 DREW,. Thomas Mitchell M.B-B.S. 1915 DROUGHT, John Smerger B.A. 1914 DRUMMOND, Alexander Peter M.B-B.S. 1880 DUFFY, Charles Cashel Oavan LL.B. 1911 DUFFY, Frank Brendan Gavan ...... LL.B. 1910 DUNLOP, Gertrude Clemes (nee Buzzard) M.B- B.S. 746 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1914 DUNLOP, Morton LL.B. 1899 DUNLOP, John Wightman B.C.E. 1895 DUNN, Bessie Maud (nee Phipps) .. .. B.A. 1898 DUNN, Edward Perchard B.Sc 1909 DUNN, Henry Francis B.A. 1910 DUNN, John Herbert B.So. 1912 DUNSTAN, Ambrose Hedley M.B-B.S. 1914 DUNSTAN, Harold Fleming M.B-B.S. 1908 DYASON, Edward Clarence Evelyn .. .. B.Sc, B.M.E.

1912 EADIE, Olive Menzies M.B-B.S. 1882 EADIE, James M.B-B.S. 1885 BAGLESON,' James B.A- LL.B. 1913 EAKIN, Eobert Agnew MB., B.S. 1880 EASTWOOD, Francis Hudson M.B- B.S. 1897 EAVES, Ethel Mary Vaughan (nee Cowan) M.B- B.S. 1908 EB3WORTH, Richard Henry M.B-B.S. 1912 EDMEADES, Thomas Roy M.B- B.S. 1907 EDW7ARDS, Edward B.M.E. 1907 EGGLESTON, William Moulton B.D.Sc 1908 BLCOATB, Robert Leslie Gough M.B-B.S. 1915 ELLIOTT, George Stephenson M.B-B.S. 1906 ELLIOTT, Harold Edward LL.B. 1914 ELLIS, Alexander Donaldson B.A. 1897 ELVINS, Henry Francis Herbert M.B- B.S. 1913 EMBELTON, George Pearson B.A. 1882 EMBLING, Herbert Augustus M.B-B.S. 1915 EMPEY. William Arthur B.A. 1900 ENGLAND, Egbert Francis Scott LL.B. 1901 EBREY, William B.A. 1911 ESSEN, Hilda Wager (nee Bull) B.Sc, M.B- B.S. 1913 ETTELSON, Zara Henrietta B.D.Sc. 1907 EVA, Cyril Herbert Vyvyan B.A. 1897 EVANS, Harold Maund M.B-B.S. 1914 EVANS, Herbert M.B., B.S. 1887 EVANS, John Herbert M.B-B.S. 1916 EVANS. Mattire Kathleen B.Sc. 1915 EVANS. William B.A. 1915 EWART, Violet Louise Mus. Bac. 1910 EWERS, Percival Francis B.A. GltADUATES NOT MEMBBRS OP SENATE. 747

1915 FAIRLEY, Neil Hamilton .. M.B-B.S. 1911 FARGIE, Arthur James McKenzie .. .. M.B., B.S. 1887 FARLOW, George Robert B.A-LL.B. 1891 FARMER, Paul Ward M.B-B.S. 1915 PAY, Prank William M.B-B.S. 1901 FBAHNLEY, Warren James M.B-B.S. 1893 FEILOHENFELD, Edward M.B-B.S. 1912 FENNER, Charles Albert Edward .. .. B.Sc 1915 FENTON,'Geoffrey '.. M.B-B.S. 1914 FENTON, John Wentworth LL.B. 1877 FERGUSOM, Daniel LL.B. 1903 FERGUSON, Wiley Drummond M.B-B.S. 1908 FERRIS, Frederick Allan M.B-B.S. 1915 PETIIERSTONHAUGH, Trevor Gayer .. M.B-B.S. 1897 FFROST, Albert Ernest M.B-B.S. 1908 FIELD. Otto Albert M.B-B.S. 1909 FIELDER, Laura Gouldsmith B.A. 1916 FILM BR, John Francis B.V.Sc. 1916 FINCH, Valentine B.C.R. 1913 FINLAY, George B.D.Sc. 1884 FfNLAYSON, John Marshall LL.B. 1916 FISHER, Alllan George Barnard .: .. .. B.A. 1912 FISHER, Winifred Annie B.A. 1876 FITCIIETT, William Henry B.A. 1915 FITZPATRIOK, Samuel Charles M.B-B.S. 1883 FLANAGAN, Patrick James M.B-B.S. 1903 FLEMING, Charles William Henry .. .. M.B. 1913 FLEMING. John M.B- B.S. 1901 FLETCHER, Elizabeth Eleanor (nee Weld) M.B- B.S. 1896 FLETCHER, Marian Elizabeth Diggle ., M.B-B.S. 1916 FLINN, Isabel Mary B.A. 1915 FLOCK ART, Alan Pcarce •. .. B.C.E. 1907 FLORANOE, Ellen Elizabeth (nee Henry) M.B-B.S. 1908 FLORANOE, Paul Lewis M.B-B.S. 1891 FLYNN, John .. .. (Roy. Uni. Ireland) M.B. 1912 FLYNN, Julia Teresa B.A. 1912 FOGARTY. Joseph Patrick M.B-B.S. 1915 FOLEY, Lillian Mary B.A. 1897 FORBES, Catharine Ellen Mary B.A. 1909 PORDYCE, William Cleveland B.A. 1901 FORGE, Herbert Christopher LL.B. 748 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

1878 F0RL0N6, Robert Rochfort B.A. 1900 FORMBY, Henry Harper ».. .. M.B-B.S. 1913 FORREST, Herbert Shine M.B- B.S. 1901 FORSHAW, Wiliiam Joseph M.B-B.S. 1895 FORSTER, Arthur Edward Blackett .. M.B-B.S. 1906 FORSTER, Karl B.A. 1899 FORSTER, John B.A. 1895 FORSYTH, William Alexander M.B-B.S. 1904 FOSTER, Bryan M.B-B.S. 1911 POSTER, Francis Henry BC.E. 1915 POSTER, Frederick B.D.Sc 1906 POSTER, George Williams M.B-B.S- 1893 FOWLER, Herbert Thomas B.A. 1916 FOX, Alfred Raymond M.B-B.S. 1889 POX, John Raymond M.B. 1889 FOX, Melbourne George Griffin B.A-LL.B. 1912 FOXCROFT, Albert Broadbent B.A. 1905 FOXTON, Harold Vernon M.B, B.S. 1915 -PRAENKEL, Poul Hermann I'.EE. 1897 FRANCIS, Harry Vivian B.C.E. 1904 PRANKLANDS, Herbert William .. .. M.B-BS- 1912 FRANKLIN, Marie Naomi B.A. 1906 FRASER, Alexander Clow B.A-M.B-B.S. 1911 FRASER, Douglas Martin LL.B 1911 FRASER, Simon B.M.E. 1885 FRASER, William B.A. 1911 PHASER, William Angus .. M.B.B.S. 1915 PRAZER, George Thornton ..' B.A. 1914 FREEMAN. Lancelot Arthur B.D.Sc. 1881 FRIEDMAN, Henry M.B-B.S. 1916 FRIEND. Colin M.B-B.S. 1915 FULLAGAR. Wilfred Kelaham LL.B. 1916 FYSHE. William Charles Mus. Bac.


1911 GALBRAITH, Alan Love B.C.E. 1915 GALLAGBR, Prank B.A. 1915 GALWAY', Victor Edward Mr.s. Bac 1912 GAMBLE, John Frederick B A..LL.B. 1895 GARDINER, James Morison M.B-B.S. 1895 GARDINER, John Peden B.C.E.' 1900 GAUNT, Clive Herbert LL.B. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 749

1893 GAWNE, Frederiok John M.B. 1912 GAZE, Ethel Elizabeth Victoria (nde Summons) B.Sc 1893 GEAOH, Frank Herbert B.A., LL.B. 1912 GEORGE, Thomas Edwin M.B.. B.S. 1915 GEEMON, Samuel Leslie M.B.. B.S. 1906 GERRARD, Norman James M.B-B.S- 1903 GIBBONS, Anna Agnes (Roy. Univ. Ire.) B.A. 1903 GIBSON, Arthur Horace M.B- B.S. 1916 GIBSON, Stuart Galloway M.B- B.B. 1901 GILBERT, Henry M.B- B.S. 1910 GILBERT, William James Garfield .... M.B-B.S. 1909 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramlcy B.A. 1906 GILL, Hubert Baldwin M.B-B.S. 1900 GILLESPIE, Leslie Thomson M.B-B.S. . 1915 GILLIES. Abraham Murdoch .. B.A. 1913 GLANCY, Ruth Mary B.A. 1915 GLASSPORD, Eric MacAllan Gordon .. M.B-B-S. 1897 OLEESON, Edmond Francis Gerald .... B.C.E. 1887 GLEESON, Edmund Joseph B.A-M.B-B.S 1910 GLOW'RBY, Mary '. .. .. M.B-B.S. 1914 GODBY, William Heitland M.B., B.S. 1893 GODDARD, Margaret Mabel B.A. 1896 GODFREY, Herbert Cecil B.A-LL.B. 1911 GOLDSTEIN, Alexander M.B-B.S. 1907 GOLLER, Alfred Ernest B.A. 1906 GOOD, Ethel M.B-B.S. 1907 GOOD, Robert Norman Scott M.B-B.S. 1897 GOUDY, Arthur B.C.E. 1892 GRAEHAM- Arthur Edward B.A. 1691 GRAHAM, Austin Douglas B.A. 1892 GRAHAM, Charles Sydney B.C.E. 1895 GRAHAM, Edward Alfred M.B-B.S. 1913 GRAHAM, Henry Charles M.B- B.S. 19U2 GRAHAM, Herbert levers LL.B. 1915 GRAHAM, Howard Boyd M.B.,BS. 1880 GRAND, Theodore George LL.B 1910 GRANT, Alexander McGregor M.B., B.S 1893 GRANT, Charles James B.C.E. 1893 GRANT, William B.C.E. 1915 GRATTON, Norman Murray Gladstone .. B.A. 1915 GRAVES, Erie Ivo Lowther M.B-B.S. 1894 GRAY, Colin M.B-B-S. 1907 GRAY, Herbert John M.B-B.S. 750 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1912 GRAY. James Taylor .. B.C.B. 1913 GRAY, John M.B- B.S. 1907 GRAY, Joseph Alexander B.Sc. 1896 GREEN, Arthur William B.A. 1911 GREEN, Augustus Ian M.B-B.S. 1910 GREEN, Frederick John • B.A. 1903 GREEN, Frederick William M.B-B.S. 1901 GREEN, Richard Arthur B.A. 1901 GREEN, Stanley Button LL.B. 1895 GREEN, Thomas Ernest M.B-B-S. 1910 GREEN, William Bertram Lloyd B.V.Sc 1858 GREENE, George Henry B.A. 1911 GREENHAM, David Peter M.B-B.S 1909 GREENSUIELDS, Hilda Adella M.B-B.S. 1906 GREER, Claude M.B-B.S. 1889 GREGERSON, William Jens M.B-B.S. 1901 GREGORY, John Stephen B.C.E. 1901 GREGORY, Robert Henry LL.B. 1912 GREIG, Ernest Howard B.M.E. 1903 GREIG, Grata Flos Matilda B.A-LL.B. 1895 GREIG, Jane Stocks M.B-B.S. 1895 GREIG, Janet Lindsay M.B-B.S. 1884 GHENPELL, Sydney .. B.A-LL.B. 1871 GRICE, John B.A- LL.B. 1916 GRIEVE, John Whyte M.B-B.S. 1914 GRIFFIN, David Charles .. B.A. 1915 GRIFFITH, Henry Hunter M.B- B.S. 1913 GRIFFITH, Justinian Valentine M.B., B.S. 1905 GRIFFITHS, Ada Isabella Valentine .. M.B- B.S. 1861 GRIFFITHS, James (Dublin) B.A. 1915 GRIFFITHS, John Leslie Irwin ...... B.A. 1901 GRIMW7ADE, Wilfrid Russell B.Sc 1903 GRINDROD, William Campbell M.B-B.S. 1910 GROSS, Rachel Henrietta M.B., B.S. 1902 GROVE, Frederick Thomas B.A. 1913 GEOVER, Ilarley .. M.B- B.S. 1911 GEUTZNEE, Frederick William M.B-B.S. 1900 GUBBINS, Francis Roche LL.B. 1914 GUEST, John Victor Hume B.Sc, M.B-B.S. 1912 GUNDERSEN, Gunnar B.Sc 1912 GUNDERSEN, Sara Elizabeth B.Sc. 1908 GUNSON, William Norman B.A. 1889 GUTHBIL, Emil M.B-B.S. 1913 GUTTERIDGE, Eri! Wilkim M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 751.

HE 1879 HACKETT, James Thompson B.A- 1915 HADDOW, James Douglas B.A. 1895 HAGENAUER. Gustave Alfred U.B- B.S. 1914 HAILES, William Allan M.B-B.S. 1912 HAIN, Reginald Edrio • .. LL.B. 1893 HAINS, George Mycr M.B- B.S. 1913 HALE, George Ernest B.A. 1877 HALEY, Prank M.B- B.S. 1876 HALEY, George • M.B-B.S. 1885 HALFBY, John Carr B.A-LL.B. 1912 HALKYARD, Arthur John Stanley .. .. B.D.Sc. 1886 HALKYARD, Charles Samuel B.A. 1914 HALKYARD, Francis Percival M.B-B.S. 1888 HALL, Arthur David B.A 1895 HALLEY, Ida Gertrude Margaret .. .. M.B-B.S. 1915 HALLORAN, Henry Marco James M.B-B-S. 1914 HAM, Henry John B.A. 1915 HAMILTON, Dorothy Jean B.A. 1897 HAMILTON, Oharles LL.B. 1905 HAMILTON, Edward James LL.B. 1902 HAMILTON, Henry Talbot M.B-B.S. 1913 HAMILTON, Malcolm Talbot M.B- B.S. 1915 HAMILTON, Patrick Macfarlan B.A. 1906 HAMILTON, Robina B.A. 1885 HAMILTON, William B.A- 1914 HAMILTON, William M.B., B.S. 1915 HAMMOND, Alfred George B.Sc. 1914 HANCOCK, James McCrae LL.B. 1913 IIANDLEY, Edgar B.Agr.Sc. 1914 HANKIN, Thomas Henry B.V.So. 1911 HAN LIN, John Francis Yeldham B.A. 1913 HANSEN, Albert Valdemar Roy M.B- B.S. . 1898 HANSFORD, Alfred Howard B.A-LL.B. 1915 HARBEOK. Leonard B.D.Sc. 1880 HARBISON, James Alexander B.A. 1882 HARBISON, John Wesley M.B-B.S. 1888 HARCOURT, James Richmond B.A. 1904 HARCOURT, Clive M.B-B.S. 1905 HARDIE. Andrew Oswald B.A. 1900 HARDIE, Elsie Denham B.A. 1913 HARDMAN, James Gordon LL.B. 1882 HARDY. Charles Henry William M.B-B.S- 752 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1915 HARDY, Gerald B.A. 1905 HARKER, Alfred Edwin M.B-B.S. 1897 HARKNESS, Andrew B.C.E. 1901 HARPER, George Craig M.B-B.S. 1908 HARPER, Harold William LL.B. 1915 HARPER, John Claude Mosely M.B-B.S. 1913 HARRIS, Clement Gordon B.D.So. 1880 HARRIS, Henry Louis M.B- B.S 1914 HARRIS, William John B.A. 1906 HARRY, Arthur Hartley .. .. (Adelaide) B.A. 1916 HART, Wiiniiam B.M.E. 1915 HARTKOPF, Albert Ernst Victor .. .. M.B- BS. 1912 HARTRIDGE, Oliver Keith M.B.. B.S. 1890 HARVEY, John Thomas (Edin.) M.B. 1831 HARVEY. Richard Richards .. M.B-B.S. 1907 HARVEY, William Wyatt BC.E. 1914 HATELEY, Ernest Joseph B.A. 1914 H.AUSER, Arthur James B.A. 1903 HAWKINS, .Ethel May M.B-B.S. 1894 HAWKINS, Samuel Melville B.C.E. 1915 HAWKYARD, Edward Francis B.Sc. 1867 HAYBALL, Alfred Harry B.A-LL.B. 1911 HAYDON, Claude Meurisse Mus. Bac. 1907 HAYES, Frederick James Borley BA- LL.B. 1887 HAYES, Horace Frederick M.B-B.S. • 1910 HAYES, Reginald Howarth LL.B. 1911 HAYES, Thomas Francis M.B- B.S. 1916 HAYWARD, William Isaac B.A. 1915 HEALY, Eugene Francis LL.B. 1904 HEALY. Robert Gartly M.B-B.S. 1883 HEARD, Charles de Wolfe .... (McGill) M.B. 1898 HEATH, Henry John LL.B. 1903 HEDDBRWIOK, Bruce Pitcairn LL.B. 1906 HEDDBRWIOK, Doretta Mary B.A. 1904 HEDEN, Ernest Charles Burgess (Syd.) B.M.E. 1911 HEFFERNAN, Edward Bonaveuture .... M.B- B.S. 19)1 HEMSLET, James Cameron M.B-B.S. 1683 HENDERSON. Arthur Vincent M.B- B.S. 1916 HENDERSON, James Mann M.B-B.S. 1891 HENDERSON, John Leslie M.B-B.S. 1906 HENDERSON, Mary Anketell M.B-B.S. 1914 HENDERSON, Mary Josephine B.A. 1911 HENDERSON, Neil Raoul M.B- B.S. 1901 HENDERSON, William B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 753-

1915 HENDERSON, William Alfred Leslie Harrison M.B., B.S. 1914 HENNESSY, Raymond Valentine B.D.,Sc 1913 HEPBURN, Edward Andrew B.CE. 1916 HEPBURN, Mary Elsie B.A. 1874 HEPBURN, Thomas Robert B.A- LL.B. 1913 HERBERT, Frank Tyson B.D-Sc 1902 HERLITZ, Hermann .. M.B-B.S- 1913 HERRING, John Petheratonhaugh .. ., LL.B. 1914 HERRING, Margery B.So. 1896 HERRING, Millicent Bell B.A. 1911 HESLOP, George Gordon B.V.Sc. 1883 HEWITSON, William " B.A. 1905 HEWLETT, Herbert Maunsell M.B- B.S- 1897 HICK, Ernest Henry .. B.A- LL.B. 1916 HIOKEY. Glenloth Victor M.B-B.S. 1915 HICKMAN, Arthur Alexander B.C.E. 1913 HIGGINS, Mervyn Bournes.. .. (Oxford) B.A. 1890 HILL, Arthur Machen M.B-B.S- 1881 HILL, Charles Herbert B.A.. M.B- B.8. 1914 HILL, James Frederick B.A. 1891 HILL, Samuel B.A. 1901 HILL, William Henry Freer BC.E. 1915 IIILLARD, Robert Irvine LL.B. 1915 HINMAN, William Frederick LL.B. 1913 HOCKING, Boyns Hedley B.D.Sc. 1898- HOCKING, Joseph B.A. 1892 HOCKING, Richard Eva B.A. 1881 HOCTOR, William Henry De Burgh .... M.B. 1908 HODGES, Edward Norman LL.B. 1870 HODGES, Henry Edward Agincourt .. .. B.A. 1899 HODGKINSON, Claude Fulton M.B-B.S- 1909 HODGSON, Robert Percival M.B-B.S- 1894 HOGAN, John Edward B.A-, LL.B. 1915 HOGG, Robert Weltou M.B-B.S. 1914 HOGGARTH, Thomas Whitecross M.B-B.S. 1885 HOLCROFT, Edgar (B.A- Cam.) B.A-M.B-B.3. 1888 HOLDEN, Albert Thomas B.A. 1897 HOLDEN, Patrick John LL.B. 1913 HOLLAND, Edwin Archibald M.B- B.S. 1899 HOLLOW, Joseph Thomas M.B-B.S- 1909 HOLMES, Arthur Richard B.A. 1915 HOLMES, Edgar Charles B.A. 1912 HOLMES, Kenneth Woodfull B.C.E 754 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1916 HOLMES, Lyall Stanley B.A. 1903 HOLMES, Mervyn John M.B-B.S. 1915 HOLMES. Bupert Robinson B.D.Sc. 1892 HOLROYD, Spencer Edward B.A- LL.B. 1913 HONMAN, Andrew Victor M.B- B.S. 1910 HONMAN. Oarl Sidney B.M.E. 1891 HOOPER, Selina Rutherford B.A. 1906 HOPE, George Bancroft B.M.E. 1890 HOPE, William Waugh M.B- B.S. 1839 HOPKINS, Alfred Nicholas .-. (Adelaide) B.A. 1891 HORAN, John Francis B.A. 1902 HORDERN, Arthur B.C.E. 1909 HORGAN, John Patrick M.B-B.S. 1898 HORN, David B.A. 1891 HORNE, Robert Alexander M.B. 1893 HORSFALL, Alfred Herbert M.B-B.S. 1898 HORSFALL, Ernest Richard B.C.E. 1895 HORSFALL, Leonard Arthur B.A- LL.B. 1902 HORSFALL, William Nit-hols M.B-B.S. 1907 HOUSTON, Alexander Sommerville .. .. B.A. 1909 HOUSTON, Jane Selkirk B.A. 1911 HOWARD, Mary Wilson B.A. 1902 HOWDEN, Reginald M.B-B.S. 1904 HOWELL; Marguerita (nee Booth) .. .. B.A. 1694 HOWISON, William Archibald LL.B. 1888 HOWITT, Godfrey - M.B-B.S. 1895 HUDSPETH, Wilfrid Hugh B.A. 1912 HUGHES, Albert Henry Aloysius .. .. M.B-B.S. 1887 HUGHES, Ernest Selwyn B.A. 1914 HUGHES, Ernest West B.Agr.Sc. 1915 HUGHES. Florence Ida B.A. 1891 HUGHES, Frederick William B.A. 1915 HUGHES, Melville Rule M.B-B.S. 1915 HUGHES, Stephen Henry B.A. 1893 HUGHES. Wilfrid Kent (London) M.B. 1915 HUGHSTON, Johnston M.B-B.S. 1893 HUGHSTON, William John B.A. 1903 HUME, Alice Maud B.A. 1914 HUMPHREYS, Stanley Elder M.B-B.S. 1899 HUNT, Minnie Isabella B.A. 1916 HUNT, Ralph Alec .. ., B.CE. 1899 HUNT, Sidney B.A. 1914 HURRBYV Herbert Grindell M.B-B.S. 1895 HURST, John Daniel M.B. ORAllUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 755

1888 HUSBAND. Powys Jasper B.A-LL.B. 1906 HUTCHINGS, Margaret (nee Jamieson).. M.B- B.S. «16 HDTCHINSON, Mary Ethel B.A. 1908 HUTCHISON, Harry Stuart LL.B. 1909 HUTTON, Florence Mary B.Sc 1915 HUTTON, Irene Ince B.A. 1912 HYETT, Alan Newoombe LL.B. 1916 HYETT. Harold Rupert M.B., B.S. 1914 HYSLOP, Kenneth Gordon Maxwell .... B.D.So.

I 1898 ICK. Edwin Theophilus Jesse M.B-B.S. 1899 INGHAM, James Herbert M.B-B.S. 1899 INGLIS, Tracy Russell M.B-B.S. 1907 INNES, Fannie Blanche (nee Gray) .... B.D.Sc. 1911 IRVINE, Arthur John B.A. 1904 IRVING. Harold Alfred Oardale M.B-B.S.

CT 1887 JACKSON, Alfred Henrick (Victoria Un.) B.Sc. 1881 JACKSON, Ernest Sandford M.B-B.S. 1903 JACKSON, Herbert Alfred B.C.E. 1893 JACKSON, James Kennedy M.B. 1909 JACOBS, Morris M.B-B.S: 1893 JACOBS, Philip Acland B.A-LL.B. 1915 JAGGFJR, Thomas Ross M.B.. B.S. 1903 JAKINS, George Frederick B.CE. 1915 JAMES, Albert Victor George B.A. 1905 JAMES, Brio Lisle B.O.E. 1916 JAMES, Frederic Hobart M.B., B.S. 1915 JAMES, Howard Maxwell M.B-BS. 1913 JAMES, Hugh Bowen ..' M.B- B.S. 1888 JAMES, William Howard M.B. 1905 JAMIESON, Douglas Dunbar M.B-B.S. 1915 JAMIESON, Florence Margaret ...... B.A. 1894 JAMIESON, Stanley Connebee M.B-B.S. 1914 JAPP, Hermann As'mus B.A. 1914 JELBAET, Oharles Ellis B.Sc, M.B-B.S. 1914 JENNINGS, James Davies B.Agr.Sc. 1887 JERMYN, Frederick David M.B-B.S. 1889 JERMYN, Walter Herbert M.B-B.S. 1916 JEWELL, William Ralph B.Sc. 756 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1904 JOEL, Benjamin M.B-B.S. 1897 JOEL, Simon M.B-.B.S. 1912 JOHNS, William Carter B.A. 1913 JOHNS, William George Samuel B.A. 1911 JOHNSON, Alan Syme M.B-B.S. 1894 JOHNSON, Alfred William B.CE. 1893 JOHNSON, Arthur Livingstone B.CE. 1897 JOHNSON, Edward Angas M.B-B.S. 1915 JOHNSON. Edwin Robert B.A. 1913 JOHNSON, Frederick William B.Sc. 1910 JOHNSON, George Edward B.A. 1873 JOHNSON, John M.B. 1914 JOHNSTON. William Wallace Stewart .. M.B-B.S. 1909 JOHNSTONE, Robert Nairn B.V.Sc. 1914 JOLLBY, Alan Frankland M.B-B.S. 1911 JONA, Jacob M.B- B.S. 1914 JONES, Ellen Honslow B.A. 1916 JONES, Irene Mary B.A. 1914 JONES, Ivan Humphrey B.D.So. 1910 JONES, John Clark B.A. 1890 JONES. Robert Henry M.B-B.S. 1905 JONES, Samuel Percy B.CE. 1915 JONES, William Aerou B.V.Sc. 1899 JOSEPH, Henry Gabriel LL.B. 1912 JOSKE. Enid B.A. 1882 JOSKE, Ernest Ouzer LL.B. 1916 JOSKE, Esmond .Shirley M.B-B.S. 1911 JOSKE, Lorna B.Sc 1915 JOSKE. Percy Ernest LLB. 1914 JOUGHIN, William Norman Hattam .. B.A. 1889 JOYCE, Alfred Fleming .. M.B-B.S. 1915 JOYCE, Arthur Herbert M.B-B-S. 1890 JOYCE, Caleb M.B-B.S. 1907 JOYNT, Oswald M.B- B.S. 1895 JUTTNER, Frank Julius Edward .. .. M.B- B.S.

1910 KEANE, Francis Esmond M.B- B.S. 1903 KEANE, John Thomas B.A., LL.B, 1916 K HI AST, William Reginald B.EE. 1898 KEENAN, Francis Joseph B.A- LL.B. 1878 KEILY, John Nicholas Joseph (Queen's Univ. Ire.) B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 757

1915 KEKWICK, Mary Hazel B.A. 1911 KELLAWAY, Gwendoline Jane B.A. 1915 KELLAWAY, Kathleen B.A. 1899 KELLY, Daniel M.B-B.S. 1867 KELLY, Edmond (Dublin) M.B. 1908 KELLY, Frederick Lome B.D.Sc. 1914 KELLY, George Dalziel LL.B. 1891 KELLY, Hubert McCormack B.A-LL.B. 1902 KELLY, James Patrick M.B., B.S. 1892 KELLY, Matthew Francis M.B-B.S. 1902 KELLY, William Ryton M.B-B.S. 1874 KELLY, William Trench Cllflord .. .. B.A. 1898 KELSALL, Arthur St. John B.A. 1914 KELSEY, Helen Frances Marion M.B-B.S. 1876 KEMMIS. Arthur B.A. 1897 KEMP, Charles Herbert B.CE. 1902 KEMP, W'alter LL.B. 1910 KENDALL, Elverene Park B.C.E. 1911 KENDALL, Ernest Arthur B.V.So. 1903 KENDALL, Hilda Winifred B.A. 1896 KENNEDY, James Charles M.B-B.S. 1889 KENNEDY, Johanna Elizabeth B.A. 1912 KENNEDY', Thomas Aloysius LL.B. 1888 KENNEDY, Thomas John Moore M.B., B.S. 1876 KBNNISON, John Alexander M.B. 1885 KENNY, Augustus Leo M.B-B.S. 1913 KENNY, John Philip Ix>uis B.C.E. 1893 KENNY, Thomas James William M.B-B.S. 1884 KENT, Charles George M.B-B.S. 1904 KER, Thomas Campbell M.B-B.S. 1894 KERNOT, Wilfrid Noyce B.C.E. 1915 KERR, Eric John .. M.B-B.S. 1913 KERB, Prank Robison M.B- B.S. 1895 KERR, John Beatty B.A. 1912 KERR, Richard Alexander B.Sc. 1914 KEWISH, Percy Douglas B.A. 1916 KEYES, David Tyrrell M.B-B.S. 1900 KIDDLE, John Beacham LL.B. 1885 KILPATBICK, William M.B-B.S. 1878 KING, John Riddoch B.A- 1891 KITCHEN, John James M.B- B.S. 1915 KITOHTN, Prank Barnsdale B.C.E. 1905 KNEE, Arthur Wilton B.C.E. 1906 KNEEN, Edgar Albert B.C.E. .49 758 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1915 KNIBBS, Norman Victor Sydney B.Sc. 1914 KNIGHT. Andrew Thomas B.A. 1890 KNIGHT, Percy Norwood. .. (Adelaide) B.A. 1916 KNIGHT, Rupert Grcnvillo B.C.E. 1904 KNOX, Robert George B.A. 1898 KRAKOWSKY, Christina Love (nee Goode) M.B.. B.S. 1910 KRONE, Berthold Henry Charles B.A. 1908 KYLE, Rose Hartley Mus. Bac.

1913 LADE, Leonard Cyril .. M.B.. B.S. 1913 LADE, Raymond Freear LL.B. 1915 LAING, John Kidd Collier M.B., BS. 1909 LALOR, Peter Anthony Richard M.B-B.S. 1885 LANE, Charles Timon M.B-B.S. 1913 LANE, Edward Geake B.D.Sc. 1916 LANE, John Hawke B.D.Sc 1915 LANE, Mary M.B-B.S. 1902 LANK, Roland Maston M.B-B.S. 1916 LANG, Alexander Allison M.B-B.S. 1900 LANG, Patrick Henry M.B- B.S. 1915 LANGFORD, Walter Gilbert .' .. B.Sc. 1869 LANGLANDS, Francis Henry M.B-B.S. 1909 LANGLEY, Arthur Theodore M.B-B.S. 1905 LANGLEY, Francis Ernest M.B-B.S. 1905 LANGMORE. Percy Vance .... (Edin.) M.B-B.S. 1885 LANGTON, Bonnet B.A- LL.B. 1903 LATHAM, Eleanor Mary (nee Tobin) .. B.A. 1906 LAURIE, Andrew St. George Wilson .. LL.B., 1908 LAVARACK, Alice Muriel M.B-B.S. 1916 LAVER, Laurence Otto Mus. Bac. 1914 LAW, Arthur James B.A. 1916 LAWRENCE. Arthur Poole .. ..' M.B-B.S. 1902 LAWRENCE, George Douglas LL.B. 1916 LAWRENCE, Robert Wroyford M.B..B.S. 1913 LAWTON, Frederick Donald Herbert Blois M.B- B.S. 1914 LEACH, Edwin Isaac B.A.. 1895 LEADBEATBR, James George .. B.A-LL.B. 1911 LEE, Harrio Bertie .. M.B-B.S. 1890 LEE, Henry Malcolm B.A., LL.B. 1860 LEB, Richard (London) B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 759

1913 LEEDMAN, Charles Herbert M.B., B.S. 1904 LEEPER, Adeline Theodora Allen .. .. B.A. 1907 LEEPER, Alexander Wigram Allen .. .. B.A. 1909 LEEPER, Reginald Wlldlg Allen B.A. 1912 LEGG. John B.Sc, B.V.Sc 1915 LEGGATT, William Watt B.A. 1904 LEGGE, Prank Robert M.B-B.S. 1895 LEITCH, Emily Bertha (nee Main) .... M.B-B.S. 1910 LEITCH, John Black B.V.Sc. 1900 LEITCH, Oliver M.B-B.S. 1901 LEMON, Ferguson Augustus M.B-B.S. 1910 LEMON, Eobert Dillon M.B-B.S. 1909 LENNON, Brian William B.M.E. 1913 LENNON, Kevin Francis B.D.So. 1905 LEON, John Howard M.B-B.S. 1912 LESLIE, Percy Eobert -B.Mech.E. 1916 LE SOUEP, Albert Wadeson M.B.. B.S. 1911 LE SOUEP, Ernest Albert B.V.Sc. 1914 LE SOUEP, Hilda B.A. 1903 LE SOUEP, Sobert Gordon B.M.E. 1895 LETCHER, Herbert Bichard M.B-B.S. 1910 LEVI, Rupert Nathaniel LL.B. 1898 LEVY, Ernest Charles LLB. 1913 LEVY, Leopold LL.B. 1873 LEWELUN, Augustus John Richard .. M.B-B.S. 1904 LEWERS, Beatrice Mary B.A. 1913 LEWERS, Hugh Bunnell M.B- B.S. 1889 LEWERS, Richardson Wakefield M.B-B.S 1880 LEWERS, Thomas Ross M.B-B.S. 1884 LEWERS, William Charles B.A- LL.B. 1875 LEWIS, Alexander Thomas LL.B. 1915 LEWIS. Athol Hugh LL.B. 1897 LEWIS, Edith Louise B.A. 1901 LEWIS, Eliot Tremearno B.C.E. 1900 LEWIS, James Brook M.B-B-8. 1893 LEY, George Joseph M.B." 1907 LEY', Mark Aloysius M.B-B.S. 1887 LIDDLE, Percy Herbert M.B-B.S. 1916 LILFORD, Algernon George Rowley .... M.B., B.S. 1914 LIND, Edmund.Frank M.B-B.S. 1903 LIND, William Alexander Teao M.B-B.S. 1912- LINDON, James Hemery B.O.E. 1903 LINDSAY, Samuel James B.C.E. 1884 LINEHAN, Michael Joseph B.A. 1891 LINES, David Henry Edward MB- B.8.


1895 LINK, Joseph Selby B.C.E. 1868 LISSIONOL, Eugene Adolphe .. (France) B.A. 1914 LISTER, Charles Roy M.B..B.S. 1896 LISTER, Harold M.B. 1916 LITTLE.IOHN, Euan Ironside M.B-B.S. 1892 LITTLEWOOD, Frank Ernest M.B-B.S. 1883 LIVINGSTONE, Robert B.A. 1889 LLOYD. Mary (nee Roberts) B-A. 1912 LOCKHART, Norman Edmund B.D.Sc. 1913 LONG, John Frederick B.A. 1913 LONG, Olive Murray (nde Rivett) M.B-B.S. 1892 LONG, William John M.B- B.S. 1907 LOONBY, Frank Harold M.B-B.S. 1886 LOOSLI, Robert James M.B-B.S. 1913 LORD, Percy Oswald M.B- B.S. 1916 LORDING, Howard Woodruff M.B-B.S. 1911 LORIMER, George Norman M.B- B.S. 1897 LOUGHNAN, James Robert M.B- B.S. 1904 LOUGHRAN, Henry Gerald M.B-B.S. 1912 LOUGHRAN, Lorna Rose Mus. Bac. 1905 LOUOHREY, George Ernest B.A,, LL.B. 1910 LOUGHREY, James Charles B.A. 1896 LOVE, Archibald Albert M.B. 1907 LOVE, Joseph M.B-B.S. 1895 LOWE, Robert Ernest B.C.E. 1892 LOWE, William M.B-B.S. 1895 LOW'RY, John Charles B.A. 1915 LOXTON. Oharles Arthur .. B.V.Sc. 1910 LUMSDEN, William Joshua B.D.Sc. 1913 LUTH, Harold Christopher.. LL.B. 1906 LYALL, David Murray BA. 1895 LYELL, Charles ., B.CE. 1903 LYNCH, Maurice Edmund M.B-B.S. 1896 LYNCH, Percival Blake Ridley B.A-LL.B. 1916 LYON, Alexander Victor B.Agr.Sc. 1892 LY'ONS, Martin Moylan M.B-B.S. 1914 LYTTLE, Elsie Victoria B.A. 1913 LYTTLE, Samuel Percival M.B- B.S.

IS/H 1915 McADAM, Cecil Gordon M.B-B.S. 1903 McARTHUE, Arthur Norman M.B-B.S. 1912 McARTHUR, George Alexander Douglas.. M.B-B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 761

1882 McARTHUE, William Gilbert Stewart .. LL.B. 1891 MACARTNEY, Edward Hussey Burgh .. B.A-B.C.E. 1879 MACARTNEY, William.Donnelly LL.B. 1890 MacBAIN, Smith B.A. 1896 McBURNEY, Mona Margaret ...... Mus. Bac. 1914 McOANCB, Olive Margaret B.A. 1902 McCAY, Walton Heywood B.CE. 1915 McCORMICK, Kathleen Curme , B-A. 1915 McCOWAN, William Gladstone B.C.E. 1914 McCRISTAL, William John .. M.B-B.S. 1901 McCULLY, John B.A. 1912 McCUTCHEON, Alan Bothwell M.B., B.S. 1905 MACDONALD, Archibald M.B-B.S. 1915 McDONALD, Edward M.B-B.S. 1901 MACDONALD, Ethel Mary Cumming .. B.A. 1899 McDONALD, James Edward Fancourt .. M.B-B.S. 1877 MACDONALD, James Middleton B.A. 1902 McDONALD, Leslie John B.A. 1874 UAODONALD, Middleton Balbirnie .... B.A. 1910 MACDONALD, Norman B.V.Sc. 1900 MACDONALD, Olive May (nde Williams) B.A. 1893 MACDONNELL, Adam John Fettigrew .. B.A. 1876 MCDONNELL, John Louis .. .. : B.A. 1903 MacDOUGALL, John Patrick B.A. 1890 McDOUGALL, Percy Raymond B.A. 1916 MACE, Arthur Reginald • B.A. 1904 McEWEN, Hugh Gordon B.CE. 1907 MACFARLAN, Ian Robert .. LL.B. 1880 MACFARLANB, Archibald Martin .. .. M.B-B.S 1916 McFARLANE, Irene Thereso LL.B. 1871 MACFARLANB, John Horton B.A. 1914 MACGILLICUDDY, Cyril Plorance .. .. M.B- B.S. 1887 MACGILLICUDDY, Daniel Plorance .... M.B-B.S. 1891 MACGILLIVRAY, William David Kerr .. M.B-B.S. 1897 McGOWAN, Arthur Gerald M.B-B.S- 1895 MAOGOWAN, Ernest Thorburn M.B-B.S. 1881 MccGWIBE, William Walter M.B-B.S. 1909 McINTOSH, John Herbert Carlyle .. .. B.A. 1912 McINTOSH, Ronald Dingwall B.A. 1916 McIVER. Gordon John Kennedy M.B-B.S. 1909 McKAY, Arthur Adrian M.B-B.S. 1888 MACKAY, Edward Alan M.B-B.S. 1915 MACKAY, Eric Reay M.B-B.S. 1882 MACKAY, Francis Hugh LL.B. 762 GRADUATES NOT MEMBBRS OF SENATE.

1890 McKAY, John Gilbert M.B- B.S. 1915 MAOKAY, John Shaw .' • M.B., B.S. 1915 McKAY, Lucy May B.A. 1913 MACKAY, Norman John M.B., B.S. 1914 McKBNNA, Cyril Thomaa B.V.Sc. 1915 McKBNNA, Maurice M.B-B.S. 1897 MACKENZIE, Andrew Hardie M.B. 1897 MACKENZIE, Catharine B.A. 1893 MACKENZIE, Donald McRae B.CE. 1891 McKENZIE. John B.A. 1901 MACKENZIE. John Forbes Cock M.B- B.S- 1915 McKENZIE, Roy Valentine LL.B. 1904 . MAOKIE, David William Hartnoll .. .. M.B- BS. 1891 McKIE, Mary Alice Ethel (nde Doyle) .. B.A. 1914 McKIMM, William Harold Thomas .. .. B.A. 1875 McKINLEY, Henry B.A. 1892 MACKINNON, Kenneth John .... (Cam.) B.A. 1887 MACKNIGHT, Conway Montgomery .... M.B- B-S. 1914 MACKY, Frank M.B- B.S. 1914 MACKY, Stewart M.B-B.S. 1909 McLARBN, Marjory Bruce B.Sc 1906 McLAY, Robert Galloway M.B-B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Donald M.B- B-S. 1904 McLEAN, Douglas B.C.E. 1900 McLEAN, John Barr M.B-B.S. 1895 MACLEAN, Roland M.B- B-S. 1915 McLEAN, Kenneth Arthur M.B-B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Thomaa Alexander M.B., B-S. 1913 McLENNAN. Allan Noil B*A. 1914 McLENNAN, Duncan B.A. 1915 McLENNAN, Ethel Irene B.Sc. 1909 McLENNAN, George Cameron B.V.Sc. 1910 McI.ORINAN, Margaret Harkness .. .. M.B., B.S. 1915 McMAHON, Frank Fitzroy M.B..B.S. 1915 McMAHON. Leo Xmkc M.B-B.S. 1914 McMEEKIN, Ralph Parker M.B., B.S. 1882 McMEEKIN, Samuel B.A. 1906 McNAB, Colin '. LL.B. 1904 McNAB, Duncan Donald B.O.E. 1912 McNAB, Leslie Murdoch B.Agr.Sc. 1912 McNAIR, Gilbert Beith B.D.So. 1871 MACNAMABA, Melbourne John B.A. 1913 MacNBECB, John Moore B.A. 1909 McNEIL, Frederick Douglas B.CE. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 763

1889 McOWAN, John B.A. 1897 McPHEE, Robert George M.B., BS. 1908 McQUEEN, Malcolm B.A. 1907 MACRAE, Frederick John Learmonth .. B.A. 1914 McSHANE, Albert Joseph M.B-B.S. 1909 McSHANE, Clctus M.B- B,S. 1898 McSWEBNEY, Michael Stanislaus .. .. M.B-B.S. 1904 McSWINEY, Paul LL.B. 1889 McWILLIAMS, George Frederick M.B-B.S. 1906 MADDEN, Guy Ross LL.B. 1387 MAGILL, Martin .. M.B-B.S. 1879 MAGUIRE, James Richard B.A- LL.B. 1916 MAHON, Austin l/Estrango M.B- B!S. 1883 MAILER, Melrose M.B-B.S. 1915 MAILER. Melrose Holtom M.B..B.S. 1884 MAIN, Harry Findley M.B-B.S. 1901 MAKIN, Frank Humphrey M.B-B.S. 1910 MALCOLM, Robert Allan Gordon M.B., B.S. 1905 MALONEY, Jeremiah James M.B-B.S-, 1910 MANCHESTER, Lewis L-llburna B.V.Sc. 1915 MANLY, Richard Arthur M.B-B.S. 1866 MANN, Thomas B.A- LL.B. 1909 MANNES,'Philip B.A. 1908 MAPLE8TONE, Philip Alan M.B-B.S. 1895 MARKS, William (London) B.A. 1915 MAH.KSON, Ernest M.B., B.S. 1908 MARSHALL, Crawford Clelland M.B-B.S. 1900 MARSHALL, James LL.B. 1879 MARSHALL, John Horn B.A. 1915 MARSHALL, Ray Blyth B.A. 1889 MARTELL, Horatio Percy M.B-B.S- 1891 MARTELL, Margaret (nee Whyte) .. .. U.B-B.8. 1915 MARTIN, Colin Has:er M.B-B.S. 1898 MARTIN, Edward Patrick B.C.E- B.M.E. 1909 MARTIN, Frank Beauchamp M.B-B.S. 1909 MARTIN, Fred Russell Beauchamp .... LL.B. 1884 MARTIN, Herbert Sumner B.A-LL.B. 1897 MASTERS, Francis Hedley M.B-B.S. 1899 MASTERS, William Edward B.A-LL.B. 1915 MATEN.SON, Maurice .. M.B., B.S. 1911 MATENSON, Philip M.B- B.S. 1915 MATHEW, John Mortimer B.M.E. 1916 MATHEWS, Norman Reginald ...... M.B-B.S. 1889 MATHEWS, Bobert Humphrys B.A. 1909 MATSON, Thomas Rhodas B.V.Sc. 764 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1899 MATTHEWS. John Thomas B.A.. M.B., B.S. 1914 MATTHEWS, Percy Arthur Joseph .. .. B.D.So. 1913 MATTHEWS, Bupert Mackay Tyson .. .. LL.B. 1909 MATTINGLEY, Percy Frank Cuthbert .. B.D.So. 1915 MAUDSLEY, Henry Fitzgerald M.B- B.S. 1902 MAXWELL, Charles M.B-B.S. 1890 MAXWELL, George Arnot B.A-LL.B. 1897 MEAD, Gertrude Ella M.B-B.S. 1913 MEADE, Frampton Garnsey M.B.. B.S. 1887 MEAGHER, John Sheehy B.A- LL.B. 1912 MEAGHER, Leo Garden LL.B. 1894 MEARES, Bobert Chancellor B.A- LL.B. 1896 MEEK, Robert Augustus M.B. 1913 MBLDRUM, Prank B.D.Sc. 1914 MELVILLE, Alexander Hugh M.B-B.S. 1910 MELVILLE, Theodora B.A. 1904 MENDELSOHN, David M.B-B.S. 1916 MENDELSOHN, Harris M.B-B.S. 1889 MENDELSOHN, Lewis (London) B.A. 1915 MEREDITH, William Charles B.A. 1892 MERFIBLD, Miriam Sarah B.A. 1887 MERRILEES, James Frederick M.B-B.S. 1866 METCALFE, George B.A. 1909 MEYERS. Charles Norman B.V.Sc. 1889 MICHIE, John M.B., BS. • 1913 MIDDLETON, Albert Edward ...... B.A. 1887 MILLER, Joseph John M.B..B.S. 1901 MILLER, Lindsay Stevens M.B., B.S. 1900 MILLER. Norman Albert LL.B. 1882 MILLER, William Francis M.B., B.S. 1896 MILLIARD, Harriett Ellen B.A. 1868 MILLIE, Alexander B.A. 1916 MILLS, Alexander Rud LL.B. 1903 MINOGUE, John Patrick LL.B. 1679 MITCHELL, Henry St. John .. (Oxford) B.A. 1911 MITCHELL, Hugh William Fancourt .. M.B-B.S. 1909 MITCHELL, Leonard John Cole M.B., BS. 1908 MITCHELL, Peroival Harris (Adelaide) B.A. 1891 MOLESWORTII, Robert Arthur B.A. 1903 MOLINE, Arthur Howard Pritchard ... B.C.E.' 1884 MOLLISON, Crawford Henry M.B., B-S. 1915 MOLLISON, Essie Lindsay B.Sc. 1895 MOLLOY, Arthur Irvine B.A. 1883 MONTGOMERY, John Hark M.B-B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 765

1910 MOODIE, Charles George Gordon M.B-B.S. 1890 MOORE, Alexander Henderson B.A. 1897 MOORE, Alfred John James B.C.E. 1915 MOORE, Keith Russell MB-B.S. 1911 MOORE, Malcolm Stewart ...... B.CE-B.M.E 1910 MOORE, Margaret B.Sc. 1914 MORAN, Frederick Harold M.B-B.S. 1908 MORGAN, Arthur William M.B- B.S. 1916 MORGAN, Frederick Grantley M.B-B.S. 1911 MORGAN, John Wyndham M.B.. B.S. 1913 MORLET, Claude M.B- B.S. 1913 MORLET, Jack M.B- B.S. 1896 MORLEY, Alban Cyril .' B.A., LLB. 1903 MORRIS, Arthur Edward M.B-B.S. 1897 MORRIS, Charles Jepson B.C.E. 1913 MORRIS, David John B.A. 1903 MORRIS, John Newman M.B-B.S. 1893 MORRISON, Arthur Robertaon B.CE. 1897 MORRISON, Donald Olive B.A- LL.B. 1892 MORTON, James Charlea M.B-B.S. 1908 MORTON, Reginald Lonsdale M.B-B.S. 1895 MORTON, William Alexander M.B-B-S. 1902 MOSS, Matthew Kasner M.B- B.S. 1879 UOULE, William Henry LL.B. 1887 MOYNAN, Joseph ,. (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.CE. 1899 MUIR, John Clark M.B- B.S. 1889 MULLER, Charles Albert M.B-B.S. 1894 MULLER, Oscar Rudolph Percy M.B., B-S. 1913 MULLETT, Hubert Arthur B.Agr.Sc. 1910 MUNRO, David Dunlop B.A. 1895 MUNT, George Alfred B.A. 1912 MUNTZ, Alexander Jamison BC.E. 1894 MUNTZ, Edward James B.CE. 1913 MUNTZ, Mabel Josephine Mus. Bac. 1892 MURDOCH, David M.B-B.S. 1898 MURDOCH, Thomas B.CE. 1889 MURPHY, James Katupna B.A- LL.B. 1884 MURPHY, William Patrick M.B- B.S. 1901 MURRAY', Russell Mervyn B.CE. 1915 MURRJ3LL, William Lee .. B.O.E. 1882 MYERS, Isidore B.A. 1916 MY'LREA, Edward Alexander B.V.Sc. 1915 MYLREA, Ernest Wallace B.A. 766 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

3ST 1915 NALL, Eric Lindsay B.A. 1913 NANCE, Francis Lyth M.B- B.S. 1907 NANCE, Winifred Margaret B.Sc 1908 NANKIVELL, Arthur Youl M.B-B.S. 1884 NANKIVELL, Hugh Calvert LL.B. 1905 NAYLOR, Mabel Gertrude Sutton (nde Crutehfleld) M.B- BS. 1913 NEAL, Leo Augustine M.B., B.S, 1906 NEIGHBOUR, Arthur George Lloyd .. B.C.E. 1907 NELSON, William Horner M.B- B.S. 1906 NESBITT, Mortimer Durnford M.B-B.S. 1915 NETTLETON, Percy B.A. 1904 NEVILL, William Frederick B.C.E. 1904 NEWELL, John Adrian M.B- B.S. 1885 NEWHAM, Arthur (Cam.) B.A. 1885 NEWHAM, Daniel Courtney B.A. 1910 NEWING, Sydney John M.B., B.S. 1882 NEWING. Thomas Henry B.A. 1880 NEWMAN, Fossey James .. M.B-B.S. 1894 NEWMAN, Francis Alexander M.B-B.S. 1915 NEWTON, Wilberforce Stephen M.B-B.S. 1914 NICHOLS, Reginald Gordon B.A. 1891 NICHOLLS, George Gray M.B. 1912 NICHOLLS, Mary Alice Jessie B.D.Sc 1908 NIMMO, William Hogarth Robertson .. B.C.E. 1901 NISH, James Alexander David M.B-B.S. 1897 NISH, Samnel George B.O.E. 1894 NOLAN, Henry B.A-LL.B. 1909 NOLAN, Vincent Patrick B.A.. 7.L.B. 1910 NOONAN, Thomas Patrick M.B- B.S. 1912 NOOTNAGEL, Albert Herman (Adelaide) LL.B. 1916 NORRIS. Frank Kingsley .. M.B-B.S. 1912 NORRIS, John Drummond H Sc. M.B- B.S. 1913 NOTT, Frederick John Mus. Bac 1899 NOWLAN, Daniel Aloysius B.C.E. 1891 NYE, Edward B.A. 1916 NYE, Percival Bartlett B.M.E. o 1908 O'BRIEN, John Aloysius M.B-B.S. 1914 O'BRIEN, Owen B.Agr.Sc. 1915 O'BRIEN, Eobert B.A. GRADUATES NOT UEMBERS OF SENATE. 767

1915 O'BRYAN, Norman John Gerard LL.B. 1897 O'CONNELL, Daniel Joseph Patrick .... B-C.E. 1902 O'CONNOR, William Laurence M.B-B.S. 1910 O'DAY, Gerald Patrick M.B- B.S. 1884 O'DONNELL, Nicholas Michael M.B. 1891 O'DOW'D, Bernard Patrick B.A- LL-B. 1392 OFFICER, Charles Graham Weir B.So. 1897 OFFICER, Edward Albert M.B- B.S. 1912 OFFICER, Prank Keith LL.B. 1891 OFFICER, Henry Suetonius B.A- LL.B. 1882 OFFICER, William LL.B. 1892 O'HARA, Elizabeth Alice Maude M.B-B.S. 1902 OIILSON. Ada (nde Sayer) B.A. 1916 OLDMEADOW, Louisa Devereux B.A. 1906 O'LEARY, Ralph Daniel M.B-B.S. 1916 OLIPIIANT, Marie Clairo B.A. 1914 OLIPHANT, Tliomas Glen M.B-B.S. 1903 OLIVER, Charles Joseph M.B- B-S. 1913 O'NEILL, John Joseph H.B., B.S. 1913 O'NEILL, Matthew Valentine LL.B. 1906 OPIE, Archelaus James M.B. 1898 ORCHARD, William Henry M.B-B.S. 1889 ORME, George Alington Cave .. (Cam.) B.A. 1892 O'ROURKE, Frederick William B.A.. 1897 ORR, Vivian Bernard M.B-B.S. 1916 OSBORNE, Amy Alice B.Sc. 1894 OSBORNE, Ernest Charles .. .. (Cam.) LL.B. 1915 O'SHAUGHNESSY, William Thomas Ber­ nard M.B-B.S. 1912 OSMENT, Victor Septimus Henry B.D.Sc 1913 O'SULIVAN, Michael Brendon M.B- B.S. 1915 O'SULLIVAN., Mitchell Henry M.B-B.S. 1909 O'SULLIVAN, Richard Francis M.B-B.S. 1883 OVEREND, Ernest Knight M.B. 1900 OVEREND, Harold Aoheson B.A.

IP 1912 PALMER, Henry Hcrsec B.A. 1913 PANTING, Arthur Ernest B.Sc,M.B-B.B. 1884 PARDEY, James Mclmery M.B-B.S. 1906 PARER, John Ignatius M.B-B.S. 1911 PARER, Philip Aloysius U.S., B.S. 1897 PARK. Alexander .. .. (Roy Uni. Ire.) M.B. 768 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

1907 PARK, Charles Leslie M.B-B.S. 1916 PARK. Koy Lindsay M.B-B.S. 1910 PARKER, George Edward B.A. ' 1909 PARKER, Gordon Nelson B.C.E. 1914 PARKER, Henry Walter B.A. 1897 PARKER, Margaret Alice (nee Bartrop) B.A. 1916 PARKER, Olga Maude B.A. 1902 PARKER, Philip a Morley B.C.E. 1914 PARKIN, Arthur Francis B.Sc. 1900 PAR RAMORE, George William ...... B.A-M.B-B.S. 1911 PARRAMORE, William Arthur B.D.Sc. 1912 PARRETT, George Alfred James B.D.So. 1910 PARRETT, Frederick Stanley B.D.Sc. 1886 PARRY. Albert Alexander M.B-B.S. 1912 PATEN, Irene Winifred Anna Hunt .... LL.B. 1901 PATERSON, John Edward B.A. 1906 PATON, Gordon Andrew M.B-B.S. .1889 PATTERSON, Samuel (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.A 19J5 PATTERSON. William John B.D.Sc. 1912 PATRICK, James Finlay M.B-B.S. 1916 PAWSEY, Charles Joseph Br.A: 1914 PEARCE, James Vine M.B-B.S. 1914 PEARCE, William Bastion LL.B. 1893 PEART, John Joseph B.A. 1916 PEDERICK, Ernest Boswell B.A. 1912 PENROSE, Joseph Sanders B.V.Sc. 1894 PERCIVAL, Wilfred Ernest Holtzendorfl B.A. 1897 PERL, Mathias Michal M.B-B.S. 1909 PEEEINS, Eeglnald Bishop M.B-B.S. 1896 PERRY, Charles M.B-B.S. 1868 PERRY, Charles Lindlcy B.A- 1906 PERRY, George Leslie M.B. 1914 PHILLIPS, Frederick Beaumont LL.B. 1913 PHILLIPS, Gilbert Edgar B.A. 1916 PHILLIPS, Isabella Ada M.B-B.S. 1904 PHILLIPS, Marion B.A. 1907 PHILLIPS, Samuel Henry M.B-B.S. 1897 PHILPOTT, Albert John William M.B-B.S. 1903 PHIPPS, Kathleen Elizabeth B.A. 1901 PICKEN, Samuel (Tasmania) B.A- 1911 PIDGEON, Brian Francis LL.B. 1914 PIG DON, Douglas Clelland M.B-B.S. 1882 PIGOTT, Louis James FitzGerald LL.B. 1914 PINCUS, Cecil B.D.Sc. 1916 PINCUS, Paul B.D.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 760

1891 PINNIGEB, William Wilkinson Boothroyd M.B. 1908 PINNOCK, Dudley Denham M.B- B.S. 1913 PIPER, Noel Wedgwood B.Agr.Sc. 1912 PIRANI, Carl Simeon B.Sc. 1888 PITCHER, Josiah George LL.B. 1910 PITT, Ernest Roland B.A. 1910 PITTS, Grace Elaine B.Sc. 1911 PLACE, Francis Evelyn B.A7.So. 1907 TLANTE, Thomas Halkett B.Sc. 1897 PLUMMEB, Violet May M.B-B.S. 1915 POLACK, Joseph B.D.Sc. 1915 POLG LAZE, William Henry B.A. 1913 PONSFORD, Claude Hugh Silvester .. .. B.D.Sc. 1908 PONSFORD, Frank William Augustus .. M.B-B.S. 1906 POPE, Mary Eleanor (nde Edelsten) .... M.B-B.S. 1916 PORTER, John Rees M.B-B.S. 1915 POSTLE, Herbert Thomas B.A. 1915 POTTER, Arthur Henry BIA. 1915 POTTER, Harry Robert B.A. 1913 POULTON, Albert Norman B.D.Sc. 1912 POWELL, Arthur Hunter M.B-B.S. 1898 PRAAGST, George Daniel M.B-B.S. 1916 PRAAGST, Howard Francis M.B-B.S. 1887 PRAAGST, Lionel Francis M.B-B.S. 1904 PRESTON, Anne Eliza LL-B. 1915 PRESTON, Elizabeth Winter B.Sc 1907 PRICE, Walter Thomas B.A. 1916 PRICHARD, John Lewis B.D.Sc. 1915 PRICHARD, Nigel Lovat M.B-B.S. 1891 PRIN6LE, Lilian Jane Wilson B.A. 1915 PRIOR, Alfred Stanley B.D.Sc. 1914 PRITCHARD, Leslie Byrt B.Agr.Sc. 1915 PROCTER, Henry Adam B.A. 1914 PRYDE, Alan M.B-B.S. 1914 PUOKLE, Hugh Noel Murray M.B-B.S. 1892 PULLAR, William Murray B.C.E. 1885 PYNE, Charles Henry LL.B.

Q, 1891 QUAYLE, Edwin Thomas B.A. 1904 QUICK, Balcombe M.B-B.8. 1889 QUILTER, John M.B. 770 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1916 RABL, Siegmund MB- B.S. 1914 BABLIN6, Harold B.M.E. 1915 RAE, Frederick James B.Sc-B.Agr.Sc. 1915 RAFF, Eric Maitland Kirk B.A. 1904 RAIL, John Andrew Angwin .. M.B-B.S. 1908 KAIL, Wilton Henry Francis M.B-B.S. 1896 RALEIGH, Hubert William (B.A- Oam.) B.A- LL.B. 1912 RAMSAY, James Morrison .. .. LL.B. 1898 BAMSDEN, Samuel Henry .... (Oxford) B.A. 1897 RANDELL, Allan Elliott M.B-B.S. 1914 RANKIN, Donald Hamilton B.A. 1884 EANNARD, David Alfred LL.B. 1882 BATTEN, Arthur B.A. 1911 EATZ, Martin William M.B-B.S. 1915 READ, Albert Leonard LL.B. 1913 READ, Pitzwalter Maurice M.B- B.S. 1897 READ, George Somerset B.C.E. 1893 READ, Stanley James Docker M.B- B.S. 1891 READE, Maud (nde Higinbotham) B.A. 1915 REED, Frederick Arthur B.D.So. 1914 REED, Joseph Stanley M.B., B.S. 1914 REEVE, Edward Raymond B.D.Sc 1908 REID, Christina Hamilton M.B-B.S. 1911 REID, James Mansfield B.C.E. 1901 REID, John Cecil B.C.E. 1896 REID, Stanley Spencer B.A. 1912 REID, William Bremuer B.D.Sc. 1912 REMFRY, Maurice Austin B.C.E. 1916 RENNICK, John'Gordon Reginald .. .. LL.B. 1914 RENNICK, William Henry ..- M.B-B.S. 1905 RENTOUL, Annie Rattray B.A. 1914 REYNOLDS, Edward Russell Thomas .. LL.B. 1908 RICHARD, Evan B.C.E. 1910 RICHARDS, Benjamin Robert M.B- B.S. 1909 RICHARDS, James LL.B. 1909 RICHARDSON, Aubrey B.A. 1912 RICHARDSON, George Henry .. '. B.A. 1912 RIDDELL, Consett Carre B.So. 1899 RIDDELL, James M.B-B.S. 1891 RIGBY, William Henry M.B- B.S. •1896 RILEY, Alfred B.A. 1915 EINTEL, Horace Lisle .. B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. , 771

1894 RITCHIE, Robert Henry .. M.B- B.S. 1907 RIVETT, Stella (nde Deakin) B.So. 1690 ROBB, Alexander Francis Maldon .. .. B.A- LL.B. 1912 ROBBINS, Ethol Lucy B.A. 1912 ROBERTO, George Norman B.D.So. 1887 ROBERTS. James Bayleo B.A- LL.B. 1893 ROBERTS, Llewellyn William M.B-B.S. 1910 ROBERTS, Thomas M.B-B.S. 1914 ROBERTSON, Alan Thomas B.D,Sc. 1904 ROBERTSON, Andrew Stuart M.B-B.S. 1901 ROBERTSON,. Annie Susan M.B-B.S. 1885 ROBERTSON, Duncan Struan .... (B.A- Dublin) B.A- LLB. 1906 ROBERTSON, Ernest M.B- B.S. 1910 ROBERTSON, Frank George B.V.Sc 1916 ROBERTSON, Gordon Ochiltree M.B-B.S. 1882 ROBERTSON, Home James .. B.A. 1907 ROBERTSON, Jean Gray B.A. 1912 ROBERTSON, Margaret Helen Urquhart M.B-B.S. 1909 ROBERTSON, Eobert Affleck M.B-B.S. 1915 ROBERTSON, Walter Whitburn B.C.E. 1882 ROBERTSON, William M.B- B.S. 1911 ROBERTSON, William Apperley Norton B.V.Sc. 1913 ROBERTSON, William Lincoln M.B., B.S. 1892 ROBINS, William Mosetto B.A. 1905 ROBINSON, Alice Louise B.A. 1914 ROBINSON, Edgar (Adelaide) LL.B. 1884 ROBINSON, Frederic Gordon B.A. 1895 ROBINSON, George Augustine Aloysius (Roy. Uni. Irel.) B.A. 1914 BOBINSON, George Seaborne M.B-B.S. 1915 ROBINSON, Hilda Marlon B-A. 1916 ROBINTSON, Jack Harry Moore B.A. 1885 ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel B.A- LL.B. 1909 ROBINSON, Matthew Edward M.B-B.S- 1871 ROCHE, Alfred Frederick William .. .. B.A. 1912 ROCHE, Gertrude Mary B.A. 1915 ROCHE, Hermia Winstanley B.D.Sc. 1891 ROCKETT, Patrick Joseph Aloysius .... M.B- B.S. 1894 ROCKETT, Richard Napoleon Francis .. M.B-B.S. 1914 RODDA, Errol Edward B.A. 1903 RODWAY. Frederick Arthur M.B- B.S- 1914 ROE, John Edward LL.B 1886 ROGERS, William Warrington LL-B. 772 GRADUATES NOT UEMBERS OF SENATE.

1913 ROGBRSON, Edward M.B- B.8. 1910 ROGBRSON, Henry M.B-B.S. 1915 ROGBRSON, William M.B-B.S. 1910 HOLLAND, Robert Monteith LL.B. 1910 ROLLASON, Geoffrey Mallin B.So. 1914 ROPER, Mary Teresa B.A. 1906 ROSE, Walter John B.M.E. 1911 ROSENBERG, David M.B- B.S. 1897 ROSENFIBLD, Reuben Laman M.B., B.8- 1892 ROSENHAIN, Flora B.A. 1901 ROSENTHAL, Jacob M.B-B.S. 1909 ROSS, Cecil Napier B.M.E. 1914 ROSS, Dorothy Jean B.A. 1898 ROSS, George Percy B.O.E. 1912 ROSS-SODEN, Harry LL.B. 1914 EOSS-SODEN, John Leslie :. .. M.B-B.S. 1903 ROSS, Thomas Gordon M.B- B.S. 1911 ROSS, Trevor Wilson .. B.M.E. 1885 ROSS, William Ohisholm M.B- B.S. 1908 ROW AN, Christopher Paul M.B-B.S. 1911 ROWAN, Francis Joseph Hamilton .. .. LL.B. 1910 ROWAN, James Ignatius M.B-B.S. 1911 BOAVAN, John Stanilaus Reginald .. .. LL.B. 1915 ROAVAN, Justin Fitzgerald LL.B. 1902 ROWE, George B.A. 1893 ROAVB. John Charles B.A. 1893 ROWED, Augustine Bithray B.O.E. 1915 EOWBLL. Joseph Addison B.A. 1914 RUBINOAVIOH, Abraham Solomon .. .. M.B- B.S. 1895 RUDALL, Charles Scot B.C.E. 1888 RUDALL, James Ferdinand M.B- B.S. 1901 BUNDLE, George Arnold LL.B. 1897 BUPP, Herman Montague Rucker .. .. B.A. 1913 RUSSELL, Aubrey AVilliam B.A. 1887 RUSSELL, Charles Donald M.B-B.S. 1914 RUSSELL, Ernest B.A. 1907 RUSSELL, Prank Arthur LL.B. 1899 BUSSELL, Herbert Henry Ernest M.B- B.Sv. 1906 RUSSELL, Kenneth B.D.Sc. 1906 RUSSELL, Leslie Frederick .. LL.B. 1903 BUSSELL, May Victoria B.A. 1877 RUSSELL, Robert Frederiok B.A. 1907 RUTTER, Hubert • B.O.E. 1907 RUTTER, John Hemphill M.B-B.S. GRADUATES NOT UEMBERS OF SENATE. 773

1879 RYAN, Charles Snodgrass .. .. (Edin.) M.B. 1884 RYAN, Edward M.B-B.S. 1882 RY'AN, Martin Joseph M.B-B.S. 1913 RYAN, Raymond AVilliam M.B-B.S. 1886 RYAN, Thomas Francis M.B-B.S. 1898 RY'AN, Thomas Joseph B.A- LL.B. 1881 RYAN, Timothy Bernard M.B-B.S. 1909 RYAN, AVilliam Bernard M.B-B.S. 1915 RYAN, AVilliam Owen B.A.

S 1893 SABELBERG, Oharles Joseph M.B- B.S. 1914 SCARPF, Charles Thompson B.A. 1896 SADLER, James Thomas B.A. 1895 SALTER, Alexander George M.B-B.S. 1909 SALTER, Algernon Claude Herbert .. .. M.B-B.S. 1883 SALTER, Arthur Edward M.B-B.S. 1909 SALTS, Richard M.B-B.S. 1880 SAMSON, Henry Augustus M.B-B.S. 1899 SANDERS, William Monckton M.B-B.S. 1909 SANDIFORD, Norman AVilliam AVest .. LL.B. 1916 SANDNER. Lily B.A. 1889 SAUNDERS, John Harry M.B- B.S. 1910 SAAVERS, AVilliam Campbell M.B-B.S. 1916 SAAVYER, Evelyn Collinf-on LL.B. 1883 SAAVYER, Osbert AVilliam LL.B. 1915 SCANTLEBURY, Dorothy B.A. 1915 S.JANTLEBURY, George Clifford M.B-B.S. 1914 SCANTLEBURY, Vera M.B-B.S. 1903 SCHMETZER, Ellen May B.A. 1908 SCHOOLING, Robert Andrew LL.B. 1904 SOHUTZE, Harrie Leslie Hugo M.B-B.S. 1881 SCOTT, Andrew B.A. 1877 - SCOTT, Oharles Henry M.B- B.S. 1868 SCOTT, James B.A. 1896 SCOTT, John Daniel King M.B-B.S. 1889 SCOTT, John Melby M.B-B.S. 1914 SCOTT, Leigh B.A. 1909 SCOTT, Margaret Emellie B.So. 1907 SEARBY, Claude Henry B.A. 1879 SEARLL, Charles Thomas LL.B. 1914 SBOOMB, Ada Pearl BA. 774 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1912 SEDDON, Herbert Robert B.V.Sc. - 1910 SEELENMEYER, Adolph Henry M.B-B.S. 1914 SEELENMEYER, Cyril Robert B.V.Sc 1911 SELAVOOD, James Lee M.B-B.S. 1906 SEMPLE, John '. .. M.B-B.S. 1882 SERJEANT, Thomas AVilson B.A. 1879 SERJEANT, Percy Pye LL.B. 1907 SERPELL, Katharine Emily (nde Friend) B.A. 1916 SEWELL, Philip Beauchamp M.B..B.S. 1913 SEXTON, Clarence AVilliam Newsome .. B.C.E. 1892 SEXTON, Hannah Mary Ellen M.B-B.S. 1900 SEYMOUR, Henry James B.C.E. 1907 SEYMOUR, Percy Ambrose B.A. 1915 SHANASY, John Alexander M.B-B.S. 1911 SIIANKLY, Norman John LL.B. 1904 SHANN, Edward Owen Giblin B.A. 1916 .SHARMAN, Percy John B.Sc. 1913 SHAAV, Eric Delbridge B.CE. 1916 SHAW, Frank Maundrell B.C.E. 1901 SHAAV, Helen M.B-B.S. 1893 SHBBHAN, James Edward B.A. 1895 SHELLEW, Charles Francis Henry .. .. B.A. 1915 SHELLEY, Joseph Eustace M.B-B.S. 1907 SHELTON, John Grantley Vincent .. .. M.B-B.S. 1910 SHELTON, Percy Gerald M.B-B.S. 1904 SHIELDS, John AVarburton M.B-B.S. 1697 SHIELDS, Oswald Clive Graeme M.B-B.S. 1915 SHIELDS, Stanley Wilson M.B-B.S. 1913 SHIELS, Douglas Oswald B.Sc. 1910 SHIELS, Norman Lyndhurst B.M.E. 1915 SHINKFIELD, George Samuel B.A. 1911 SHORT, FranoiB John M.B- B.S. 1909 SHUGG, Edward Henry McLean .. ,, B.A. 1916 SIBTHORPE, Ernest Barrington B.D.Sc. 1877 SIDES. Richard M.B. 1911 SILBERMANN, Oolman M.B., B.S. 1911 SILVERMAN, Isaac Judah M.B-B.S. 1909 SIM. Hedley Geore-e B.A. 1915 SIMCOCKS, George Alfred .. B.A. 1912 SIMPSON, Hannah Harvey B.A. 1905 "SIMS, Florence Isabella Emerson .. .. B.A. 1896 SIMS, Charles Frederick B.O.E. 1866 SINGLETON. Marshall B.A-LL.B. 1915 SISSONS, Alfred Thomas Stanley B.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 775

1901 SKENE, John McKellar B.C.E. 1900 SKEAVES, Samuel Grenville M.B- B.S. 1875 SKINNER, Alan LL.B. 1911 SKINNER, Amy Gertrude Maud B.A. 1906 SLADE, Francis AVilliam B.A. 1916 SLADE. Leonard AVilliam B.A. 1880 SLADEN, Douglas Brooke AVheelton (Ox.) B.A- LL.B. 1904 SLEEMAN, Benjamin M.B-B.S. 1899 SLEEMAN, George Francis M.B-B.S. 1915 SLEEMAN, James Garnett M.B-B.S. 1891 SLEEMAN, James Henry U.B., B.S. 1915 SLEEMAN. Joseph •• .. B-A. 1908 SLEEMAN, Launcelot Osbert M.B-B.S. 1907 SMART, Oharles Pyne B.CE. 1911 SMEAL, Glenny B.So. 1913 SMEAL, James Alexander M.B- B.S. 1911 SMITH, Christian Jollle Brynhlld Ochiltree LL.B. 1907 SMITH, Fergus Voss B.M.E. 1904 SMITH, George Oliver B.M.E. 1916 SMITH, Mary Grace B.A. 1884 SMITH. Robert AVilliam LL.B. 1892 SMITH, Sarah Selina B.A. 1871 SMITH, AVilliam (London) M.B. 1909 SMITH, AVilliam Kennedy B.A. 1898 SMITH, AVilliam Purves B.C.E. 1874 SMYTH, John Thomas B.A. 1888 SMYTHB. Carlyle Greenwood B.A. 1901 SNOAV, Frances M.B., B.S 1890 SOILLEUX. Garnet M.B-B.S. 1915 SOROKIBAVICH. Michael Harold M.B-B.S. 1909 SOUTH, Arthur Eustace M.B. 1897 SOUTH, Harold M.B-B.S. 1915 SOUTHEY, Allen Hope LL.B. 1913 SOUTHEY, Marcus Vicars M.B-B.S. 1910 SOUTHEY, AVilliam George .. M.B..B.S. 1915 SOUTHWELL. Bertie Charles Sydney Stednian BA. 1884 SPALDING, John James .. B.A. 1908 3PEIRS, Norman Lennox M.B-B.S. 1893 SPENCE, Herbert M.B. 1912 SPENCE, Roderick Macdonald B.V.Sc. 1915 SPOAVAET, Alfred Peter Hamilton .... B.A. 1910 SPRING, Edward Ernest Joseph M.B-B.S. 776 GRADUATES NOT ME.MBERS OP SENATE.

1903 SPRING, John Patrick M.B- B.S. 1898 SPRING, William Ambrose U.B- B.S. 1910 SPROULE, George Moore B.A. 1911 SPROULE, Theodora May B.A. 1914 STANHOPE, Reginald Alfred Browning.. B.V.Sc. 1897 STANLEY, Henry Riddoll M.B-B.S. 1914 STANTON, John Joseph B.D.Sc. 1900 STARLING, Benjamin Alfred B.C.E- 1883 STEEL, John M.B-B.S. ' 1893 STEEL, AVilliam Hart B.A. 1906 STEELE, Harold George B.A. 1907 STEELE, James Alexander Mus. Bac 1915 STENNING. Arthur Ernest M.B-B.S. 1914 STEPHEN, Olive Travers M.B-B.S. ' 1909 STEPHEN, Kenneth Travers .. .. ,. .. LL.B. 1914 STEPHENS, Lyttou Vernon B.D.Sc. 1910 STEPHENSON,'Dorothy .... (Tasmania) B.A. 1909 STERLING, John Harold B.A-LL.B. 1913 STEVENS, Percy Alexander M.B., B.S. 1897 STEWART, Percy Bloomfield M.B., B.S. 1906 STEAVART, John McKellar B.A. 1906 STEAVART, Margaret Grace Stuart (nde Bothroyd) B.A. 1916 STEWART. Mervyn Athol M.B.. B.S. 1915 STEAVART, AVilliam B.A. 1915 STEWART, AVilliam Edward B.Agr.Sc. 1901 STILLAVELL, Effie M.B., B.S. 1887 STOKES, Nellie Henrietta Owen (nee AVilcox) B.A. 1893 STONE, Emily Mary Page M.B-B.S. 1912 STONE, Francis AVilliam M.B-B.S. 1891 STONE, Grace Clara '. : M.B., B.S. 1910 STOREY, Elsdon B.D.Sc. 1897 STOTHERS, Nelly B.A. 1915 STRACHAN, James Ford LL.B. 1892 STRAHAN, Edward Alfred M.B. 1911 STRAHAN, Frank B.A-LL.B. 1900 STRAHAN, Septimus George M.B-B.S. 1913 8TREDAVIOK, Henry Thomas B.D.Sc. 1874 STRETCH, John Francis B.A-LL.B. 1894 8TRETTLB, AVilliam Stratford B.C.E. 1893 STRONG, Robert Henry M.B-B.S. 1914 STUART. Gerald Eugene Macdonald .. M.B-B.S. 1916 STUBBS, Charles AVilliam Oswald .. .. B.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 777

1887 SUMMERS, Joseph (Oxford) Mus. Bac. 1907 SUMMONS, Viva St. George (nde Sproule) M.B- B.S. 1911 SUTOL1FFE, Ernest AVeston M.B-B.S. 1880 SUTHERLAND, Alexander M.B-B.S. 1903 SUTHERLAND, Bertram Milne .. ..' .. M.B-B.S. 1908 SUTHERLAND, Brenda B.Sc 1899 SUTHERLAND, Katharine Margaret Edwards B.A 1895 SUTTON, Annie - B.A. 1887 SUTTON, Oharles Stanford M.B-B.S. 1893 SUTTON, Ernest Robinson U.B-B.S. 1904 SUTTON, George M.B-B.8 1915 SUTTON, Isabella Mary B.A. 1916 SUTTON, Bobert Esmond B.A. 1909 SUTTON, Theodore Oarlton B.Sc. 1909 SWAN, Ernest Ashby B.A. 1915 SWAN, Ernest Francis AVilliam B.A. 1896 SWEET, William Sidney B.Sc-B.C.E. 1915 SW'EETMAN, Edward B.A. 1914 SWEETMAN, Sarah Kate B.A. 1907 SAVEETNAM, Herbert AVilliam M.B., B.S. 1915 SAVINBURNE. Gwendolen Hamer .. .. B.A. 1912 SWINDLEY, Alice Margaret B:A. 1882 SYME, Herbert John LL.B. 1913 SYMONDS, Stanley Leplastrier - B.V .Be.

T • 1900 TAIT, Catharine Munro B.A. 1872 TAIT, Lithgow BA. 1899 TAIT, Mary Ethel B.A. 1912 TALBOT, Norman Charles M.B-B.S. 1912 TAY'LOR., Alexander Peter B.C.E. 1880 TAYLOR, Arthur Bertram B.A. 1915 TAYLOR, Oharles Anthony .. B.So. 1897 TAYLOR, Godfrey Unwin M.B-B.S. 1900 TAYLOR, James Boyne B.A. 1901 TAYLOR, John Stewart B.A. 1901 TEAGUE, Harold Oscar M.B-B.S. 1913 'TERRY, Claude Herbert B.D.Sc 1910 THOM. Leslie Niven B.So. 1915 THOMAS, Edward Courtney BA. 1910 THOMAS, Elsie Lillian M.B-B.S. lib GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1898 THOMAS, Frederick Michael M.B- B.S. 1900 THOMAS. John .. B.A. 1907 THOMAS. Lewis B.A. 1909 THOMPSON, Bryce John .. B.D.Sc. 1908 THOMPSON, Charles George M.B- B.S. 1913 THOMPSON, Clifton Leonard B.D.Sc. 1898 THOMPSON. James M.B- B.S. 1900 THOMSON, Agnes Deborah .. .. •.. .. B.A. 1896 THOMSON, John AVilliam B.A. 1911 THOMSON, Norman Francis Joseph .. B.Agr.Sc. 1884 THOMSON, Peter B.A. 1898 THORN, Prances Elizabeth Mary (nde Remington) B.A. 1907 THORNE, Albert Eli B.A. 1913 THWAITES, James Alexander B.D.Sc 1887 THAVAITES, Johnstone Simon M.B. 1893 THYNNE, Alexander AVilliam B.A. 1858 THYNNE, Robert B.A. 1915 TILLBY, Edith Garner B.A. 1896 TINDALE, Edward B.C.E. 1907 TIPPING, Frank M.B-B.S. 1914 TIPPING, Patrick Joseph B.A- LL.B. 1900 TISDALL, Henry Frederiok B.O.E. 1915 TODD, AVilliam Clark B.D.Sc. 1875 TOWERS, Arthur AVellesloy B.A. 1914 TOAVNSBND, Edward Henry B.A. 1904 TOAVNSBND, Leonard Sizar BA. 1888 TRAILL, John Cuthbert B.A., B.C.E. 1915 TREACEY, Ambfose John B.D.gc. 1901 TREGEAR, William George Herbert .. M.B-B.S. 1916 TREGONNING, Donald Rupert Charles M.B-B.S. 1901 TRIADO, Antonio Joseph James .. .. M.B- B.S. 1915 TEINCA, Francis Louis M.B-B.S. 1879 TEOOD, Charles John M.B- B.S. 1914 TROOD. Thomas Victor B.D.Sc. 1916 TRUMBLE, Hugh Compson M.B- BS. 1911 TUCKER, Adelaide Thelma B.A. 1903 TUCKER, Cecil Finn M.B. 1912 TUCKER, Clifton Eric M.B- B.S. 1908 TUCKER, Kate Agnes .. B.A. 1915 TUCKER, Richard Stanley B.C.E. 1897 TULLOOH, Sylvester Stephen Gregorie B.O.E. 1897 TULLOH, Colin Alexander B.C.E. 1905 TULLOH, William Edward M.B- B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 779

1904 TUOMY, Clare Dorothea B.A. 1896 TURNBULL, Edmund George B.CE. 1898 TURNER, Gilbert Ramsay Cumming .. B.CE. 1915 TURNER, Leslie Fielding B.A. 1915 TURNER, Lindsay Robert LL.B. 1904 TURNER, AVilliam Charles Blanchley .. M.B.. B.S. 1914 TWBEDIE. Marshall Gordon .. .. B.D.So. 1913 TYKKS, Alexander Mackenzie B.O.E. 1916 TYMMS, Albert Oscar Vincent B.Sc, M.B-B.S. 1894 TYMMS, Herbert George M.B-B.S. 1910 TYRIE, Edwin M.B-B.S.

TJ 1878 ULBRIOK, John Charles Frederick .. .. B.A. 1914 URQUHART, Hugh Campbell B.Sc 1911 UTBER, Prank Leslie M.B-B.S. 1914 UTBER, Walter Bird M.B-B.S.

"V" 1894 VALE, Grace M.B-B.S. 1894 VANOE, AVilliam Booker M.B-B.S. 1915 VAN NOOTEN, Oharlotta Margaretha Hoola B.A. 1884 A'ASEY, George Brinsden B.A-LL.B. 1884 VAUGHAN, Alfred Purdue M.B-B.S. 1912 VERDON, Lucy B.Sc. 1913 VINES. Alice Rebecca B.A. 1896 VIRTUE, Florence Emily B.A. 1906 VOGLEB, Henry Hale M.B- B.S. 1895 VON HAAST, Heinrich Ferdinand (N.Z.) LL.B. 1914 VROLAND, John AViltrld Scott LL.B.

1914 AVADE, Edith Eliza Theodora B.A. 1913 AVAITT, Grace Elizabeth Foster B.A. 1900 AV-ALKER, George Harold LL.B. 1915 AVALKER, Leslie B.D.Sc 780 GRADUATES NOT MEUBERS OF SENATE.

1912 AVALKLATE, Cyril John B.A. 1916 WALLACE, Esther B.A. 1901 AVALLACE, Helen Eveline B.A. 1906 AVALLACE, Patrick John B.A. 1890 AVALLEN, George ... • B.A. 1915 AVALLER, Arthur James B.A. 1894 AVALSH, Alfred Ernest M.B-B.S. 1900 AVALSH, Gerald M.B-B.S. 1902 AVALSHE, Denis Byrne M.B-B.S. 1915 AVALTERS, Robert Love B.D.Sc. 1915 AVALTHAM, John Bromby B.A. 1915 AVANKLYN, Douglas Endell .. LL.B. 1913 AVANNAN, William Lowellen Fearn .. .. LL.B. 1896 AVARD, Edith Mary B.A. 1914 WABD, Harold Whitfield M.B., B.S. 1907 WARD, John M.B-B.S. 1904 AVARNE, Edith Melora B.A. 1915 AVARNE, James M.B-B.S- 1885 AVARREN, Arthur Joseph B.A. 1912 AVARREN. John Henry B.A. 1895 WASSELL, James Lake B.A- LL.B. 1916 AVATERIIOUSE, Arthur Robert M.B-B.Si 1914 AVATGRS. Clive Guilfoyle B.A. 1911 WATKINS, Arthur .Uoorhouse M.B., B.S. 1901 AV ATKINS, Mary Annie B.A. 1910 AVATSON, Amy El'izabeth (nde Beard) .. B.A. 1915 AVATSON, Charles Eric M.B-B.S- 1911 AVATSON. Charles Gilbert Marriott .. B.A. 1911 WATSON, Lindsay George Herbert (Sydney) B.A. 1891 AVATSON-LISTBR, Annie (nde Lister) .. B.A. 1914 AVATSON, Mary Margaret B.A. 1913 WATSON, Roy Pallowes M.B- B.8. 1906 WAAVN, Royle Newton .. M.B-B.S. 1908 AVAY. Inraan M.B-B.S. 1894 AVEBB, Arthur Bridges M.B- B.S. 1888 AVEBB, Francis Edward M.B- B.S. 1914 AVEBB, George Sydney B.A. 1889 AVEBB, James Ramsay M.B-B.S. 1867 AVEBB. Thomas Prout B.A. 1914 AVBBBER, AVilliam Hamilton Mus. Bac 1898 AVEBSTER, Charles Franklin Garcia .. -B.Sc, M.B-B.S. 1912 AVEBSTER, Leslie Cyril B.D-3o. 1899 AVEBSTER, Edgar Ernest M.B-B.S. 1914 AVEBSTER, Norman Leslie Douglas .. .. B.A. GRADUATES NOT UEUBERS OF SENATE. / 01

1914 AVEBSTER, Robert Marriott AVilliam M.B-B.S. 1905 AVEIGALL, Albert M.B-B.S. 1892 AVEIGALL, Gerald Carl M.B-B.S. 1885 WEIGALL, Reginald Edward .. .. ., M.B. 1902 AVEIR, Albert Antliff M.B-B.S. 1905 AVEIR, Laura M.B-B.S. 1879 AVELCHMAN, John Arthur Cromwell .. M.B-B.S. 1915 AVELSH, Alexander Carl B.A. 1871 AVEST, John Dobbyn (Queen's Uni. Ire.) B.A. 1913 AVEST, John Melville B.Agr.Sc. 1870 AVEST, AVilliam Henry B.A. 1889 AVESTACOTT, John Bayley B.A. 1867 AVESTBY, Edmund AVright .. ..(Cam.) LL.B. 1911 AVESTON, Edward Alexander B.V.Sc 1905 AVETTENHALL, Roland Ravenscroft .. M.B-B.S. 1915 AVHBAT, Alice Edith B.A. 1914 AVUBATLAND, Frank Travis M.B-B.S. 1914 AVHEATLEY, Arthur AViltred B.A. 1915 AVHEEN, Agnes • - . B.A. 1910 WHITE, Augustus Branstone B.V.Sc 1895 WHITE, Douglas Oakley M.B-B.S. 1696 WHITE, George Vincent M.B-B.S. 1889 AVHITB, James Purves M.B. 1916 AVHITB. Newport Benjamin BA. 1903 AVHITEHEAD, Louis Murray .. -. B.CE. 1915 AVHITEHEAD, Percy Newall M.B-B.S. 1698 AVHITEHEAD, Trixie Geraldine B.A. 1911 WHITPORD, Raymond Stanley M.B..B.S. 1914 WHITLAM, Harry Frederick Ernest . . LL.B. 1888 WHITTY, Harold Palmer .. .. (Cam.) B.A. 1916 AVHYBROW, Lilian Avis B.A. 1909 AVIOKENS, George Henry M.B-B.S. 1914 AVIOKENS, Hugh Frederic M.B-B.S. 1884 AVIGHT, John Oam M.B-B.S. 1915 WIGLEY, John Edwin Mackonochic .... M.B- B.S. 1911 WILCOCK, Arthur B.A. 1873 AVILKIE, David AVilliam Balfour .. .. M.B. 1901 AVILKINSON, Annie jean (nde Simpson) B.Sc. 1886 AVILKINSON, Arthur Mackenzie .. .. M.B. 1913 AVILKINSON. Dorothy Irene B.A. 1905 AVILKINSON, Isabella M.B-B.S. 1914 AVILKINSON, Jeffrey AVilmott M.B-B.S. 1916 AVILKINSON. Leo Easton B-A. 1896 AVILKINSON, Thomas B.A-LL.B. /OH GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1910 WILKINSON, AVilliam Stanley ...... B.D.So. 1894 AVILKS, Joseph B.CE. 1904 AVILLIAMS, Adela M.B-B.S. 1910 AVILLIAMS. Clive Morrice LL.B. 1882 AVILLIAMS, Ernest Thurston B.A. 1891 AVILLIAMS, Hartley Eyre B.A-LL.B. 1911 AVILLIAMS, Henry James M.B-B.S. 1916 WILLIAMS, Ida Nellie B.A. 1915 AVILLIAMS. John Rhys M.B-B.S. 1908 AVILLIAMS, Maldwyn Leslie M.B-B.S. 1900 AVILLIAMS, AVilliam B.A. 1896 AVILLIAMS, AVilliam Ernest M.B-B.S. 1898 AVILLIAMSON, AVilliam John LL.B. 1915 AV'ILLIS, Carl Bleackley B.D.Sc. 1915 AVILLIS, Horace Ernest B.D.Sc. 1911 AVILLIS, Jack Rupert Law M.B-B.S. 1915 AVILLIS, Ruth Selina B.A. 1913 WILLS, Eric Wilfrid B.D.So. 1907 AVILSON, Alfred' Roscoe B.A. 1899 AVILSON, Charles Ernest Cameron .. .. M.B-B.S. 1890 AVILSON, Charles William B.A- 1900 AVILSON, Egbert James B.CE. 1913 AVILSON, James Beith B.D.Sc. 1914 AVILSON, John Raymond B.A. 1901 AVILSON, Matthew B.A. 1694 WILSON, Mercy Jane M.B-B.S. 1906 AVILSON, Norman Leslie Galloway .. B.A-M.B., B-S, 1910 AVILSON, Reginald Charles B.Sc. 1892 AVILSON, Tliomas Alexander M.B-B.S. 1896 AVINGATE, Hamilton More .. (Glasgow) B.Sc. 1900 AVINGROVE, Robert Lindsay B.A., LL.B. 1897 AVINNEKE, Henry Christian B.A-LL.B. 1908 AVINTERBOTHAM, Lindsey Pago .. .. M.B-B.S. 1915 ' AVISEAVODLD, Gweneth M.B-B.S. 1915 AVITHEBS, Muriel B.A. 1902 AVITHERS, Violet Muriel B.A. 1914 AVITHIN6TON. Ernest Edward B.A. 1899 AVITHINGTON, Robert Charles M.B- B.S. 1916 AVITTMANN, Eonald Erlau B.D.Sc. 1879 AVOINARSKI, Stanislaus Emil Antony Zichy M.B- B.S. 1892 AVOINARSKI, Victor Joseph Emanuel Zichy M.B-B.S. 1914 AVOOD, Arthur Holroyd O'Hara M.B-B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 783

1910 AVOOD, Bertha B.So. 1904 AVOOD, Oastalie (nde Coblyn) B.A. 1874 WOOD, Charles B.A. 1904 AVOOD, Francis Aldersley M.B- B.S. 1887 AVOOD, John James O'Hara B.A. 1913 AVOOD, Peroival B.D.Sc. 1905 WOODROFFE, Leonard Charles Hale .. B.CE. 1916 AVOODS, Eric AVilliam Bercsford .. .. M.B-B S, 1915 WOODS, Robert Grieve M.B- B.S. 1884 AVRIGHT, David . . B.A- 1915 AVRIGHT, Ellen Maud fnde Balaam) .. M.B-B.S. 1915 AVRIGHT, Thomas Alfred M.B-B.S 1893 WRIGHT, AVilliam .. . B.A-LI. B 1915 AVUNDBRLEY, Harry AVyatt M.B-B.S. 1913 AVUNDBRLEY, James B.D.Sc.

1897 YELLAND, Alfred Charles William .. M.B-B.S. 1906 YOUNG, Andrew Stewart M.B- B.S. 1898 YOUNG, Gerald William B.C.E. 1913 YOUNG. John Wilkie .. M.B- B.S. 1914 YOUNG, Robert Percy M.B- B.S. 1895 YOUNG, William Henry B.C.E. 1910 YUILLE, Alan Neil M.B.. B.S. 1914 YUILLE, Max M.B-B.S 1909 YULE, John Smythe M.B- B.S. 1915 YULE, Robert Eric B.D.,Sc 784 GRADUATES NOT UEMBERS OF SENATE.

List of Civil Engineers. ASKEW, David Christopher 1882 BARKER, AVilliam 1873 BENNIE, John 1874 BROWN, William 1880 CHASE, Lloyd Heber 1882 CORNISH, Alfred 1877 FITZHERBBRT, Edward 1882 FRASER, James Hamilton 1880 HADLEY, Arthur Oapel 188! HUTCHINSON, Jeremiah 1873 JOHNSTONE, James 1873 KING, Herbert Alexander 1881 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred 1885 McKENZIE, George 1883 MURRAY, Thomaa 1883 PARRY, Edward William 1884 PAUL, Arthur AVilliam Leake ." 1679 RENNICK, AVilliam Robert 1884 SHAAV, Ebcnezer 1867 SIMS, William 1889 WALKER, AVilliam 1883 AVILSON, David Moffat 1881

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma in Music. BELL, Christina .' 1907 BLAUBAUM, Meta 1698 BOEHME, Emily Amanda 1899 BOWLEY, Mary 1694 BRAITHAVAITE, Annie Louisa 1912 BROCK, Grace Hope 1906 BROMBY, Phyllis 1913 BROWN, Emma Nodin (nde AVilcox) 1908 BROAVNE, Constance May 1697 BRUOHE, Minnie Dorothea 1900 BYRNE, Catherine Creily Alice 1905 CAMPBELL, , Hobina Ellen 1913 CAPLES, Agnes 1910 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 785

CARTON, Alice Maurice 1699 CIIAPPEL, Josephine ..- 1907 CHRISTOPHER, Elsie Vaughan 19C5 CLDTSAM, Fred 1896 COCKS, Annie Edith 1893 COLLINS, Florence Ellen (nee Towl) 1897 CONNELL, Jeannie .. 1893 DARKE, Prances Kildahl 1911 DONOVAN. Adelaide 1900 ELVINS, Harold Stanley 1899 FORTUNE, Agnes Isabella 1910 FRANCIS, Winifred 1906 FRANKLIN. Mjjrtle Ruth 1915 GILCHRIST, Elizabeth Mary 1896 GARLICK, Marion Isobel (nde Skinner) 1908 GRAY', Ruby Constance 1899 HANSON, Elsie Muriel 1906 HARLIN, Enid Margaret -.. 1899 HARTRIOK, Laura Elizabeth 1906 HELBY, Beryl .. 1909 HENRY, Eleanor Mary 1907 HORB, Maria Elizabeth 1912 KENNEDY, Annie 1906 KENNY, Garrett Cyril 1913 KNOX, Isabel 1908 LANGFORD, Rose 1910 LILLEY, Constance Louise 1906 LONG, Mabel Linda 1899 LOUGHRAN, Laura Rose 1909 LUSH, Mabel Mary Hailes 1905 LYHANE, Lily 1905 MACDONALD, Margaret (nde Sugden) 1900 MACNEIL, Ella AVaverley 1908 MAPLESTONE, Doris Ethel 1905 MASON, Elizabeth Amy Brookes 1912 McKINLEY, Elizabeth Jennie 1906 MOOKRIDGE, Myrtle Edith 1915 NIGHTINGALE, Amy Lirum 1906 NOTT. Jessie AVatson (nee Elliott) 1593- PEAED, Edith Fleetwood 1905 PPANNENSTIEL, Kotty .... 1914 PLEYDELL, Amy .. •• 1915 PROUT, Ettie Louisa 1906 RAFF, Edith 1910 RITCHIE, Jean Isabel 1907 786 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

ROSS, Ethel Isabel 1908 EOAVAN, May-Cicely 1907 RUBINOAVIOH, Fanny 1914 8BWARJJ, Irene Victoria 1905 S18SONS, Madge 1912 SMITH, Amy Matilda 1900 SMITH, Grace Marion 1913 SMITH, Harold Oinolair 1900 SMITHERS, Herbert AVelsford 1913 STERLING, Ida Gray 1910 VALE, Hazel Ruth 1913 WHITLEY, Elizabeth Viney 1900 AVINGFIBLD, Emmie •; 1904 YOUNG, Jessie Stewart 1899

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Education. ADAMS, Agnes Alice 1912 ADAMS, Alfred Ernest 1906 AHERN, Eugene Kevin .. .. 1910 AKEROYD, Joseph 1907 ALMOND, AVilliam Thomas 1910 ANCHEN, John Oscar 1909 ANDREW, Myrtle Annie Eileen 1916 ANKERSEN, Sarah -1912 ARCHER, Francis Henry Joseph 1913 ARMITAGE, Richard AVilliam 1912 BAKER, Mary 1909 BABKMAN, Frances 1909 BARNABY, John 1914 BARNES, Lois Florence 1916 BARRY. Albert Milton 1916 BARTELS, Margaret Mary Joseph 1911 BARTHOLD, Elsa Evelyn 1911 BATY, Violet Ada 1912 BAYPORD. John Airy 1908 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard 1909 BENNETT, Herbert Percival 1907 BERNADOU, Mary Louise 1915 BIENVENU.'Reginald Guerin 1907 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 787

1B1SHOP, William James 1914 BOURKE, Margaret Theresa 1913 BOWDEN, Gertrude Sophia 1914 BRADLY, Charles Martin 1906 BRENNAN, Clare 1910 BRIGGS, Arnold Archibald Fitzroy 1910 BROCK, Marion Margaret 1915 BROWN, Jean Gladys 1912 BROWN, John Henry 1914 BROAVNE, George Stephenson 1913 BULLEID, William Henry 1909 BURKE, Maria Lodivia 1913 BURNS, Margaret Josephine 1912 .BURNS, Rosina 1914 BUTCHERS, Arthur Gordon 1913 BUTLER. Violet Mary 1916 BYRNE, Henry AVilliam 1907 CALLANAN, Eileen Elizabeth 1908 .CALLISTER, Alice .. 1914 •CAMERON, Maud Martha 1911 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion 1910 CAMPBELL, Frederick AVilliam John 1913 CAMPBELL, Jessie Florence 1916 •CARDIFF, Mollie Josephine 1914 CARNE, Alfred George 1915 •CARSON, Martha Elspeth 1911 •CARTER, Harold Edwin * 1914 •OBRUTTY, lieonard James 1914 •CHRISTENSEN, Christian Pcdor 1914 COOKE, Alma Grace 1916 •CRAAVPCRD, Katharine Norman .. 1912 -OROAVTHER. Henry Arnold 1911 •CUMMINS, James Peter 1913 DAPF, Charles Griffith Swallow 1910 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman 1910 DBBNEY, Dulcio Vida 1911 DIOK, Norman Paterson 1911 DICKINSON, Sydney Rushbrook 1915 DICKINSON, Thomas Bdgerton 1912 DUNN, Ernest Victor 1911 DUNN, Henry Francis 1909 EDDY, Leslie John 1916 EMPEY. William Arthur •• -. 1915 •PAIRLIE, Ernest Robert 1912 1FARRELL, AVinifred Imelda 1911 788 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

FENNER, Charles Albert Edward 1913 PLINN, Janet 1912 FLYNN, Kate Elizabeth 1907 FORBES, Catherine Ellen Mary 1908 FORDYCE, AVilliam Cleveland 1907 FORSTER, Catherine Mary 1911 POWLBK, Madge 1911 PRAZER, George Thornton 1915 GALLAGHER, Edward 1911 GEORGE, James Raymond 1915 GAULT, Marjorie 1915 GILBERT, Noela 1915 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramley 1908 GLANOY, Ruth Mary 1913 CODING, James Emanuel 1912 GRAHAM, Thomas Oswald 1913 GRAINGER. Olive May 1916 GRATTON, Norman Murray Gladstone 1913 GRIFFIN, David Charles 1913 GRIFFITHS, John Leslie Irwin 1911 GROVE, John AVilliam 1914 GUY, William 1912 GWILLIM, Arthur Edward 1909 HADDOW, James Douglas 1913 HAILES, Helen 1912 HAMLEY, Herbert Russell 1913 HARDY, Gerald* 1915 HARRIS, William John 1911 HAUSER, Arthur James 1912 HAWKYARD, Edward Francis 1915 HAYWARD, William Isaac 1911 HEALY, Eileen Mary 191& HBBBARD. Frank Furneaux 1915 HENDERSON, Kenneth Thome 1912 HOLMES, Arthur Richard 1907 HOLMES, Edgar Charles - - 1915 HOLMES. Margaret .. 1911 HOWARD, Mary AVilson , 1912 HOY. Alice 1915, HUGHES, Florence Ida 1913 HUNTER, Clara 1915 HUNTER, Grace. ... 1913 HUTTON, Uary 1911 IRA'INE, Arthur John 1907 IRWIN, AVilliam Henry 1910 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 789

JAMES, Albert Victor George .... ;.. 1909 JAPP, Hermann Astnus 1911 JONES, Paul 1912 JOSKE, Enid 1913 JOSKE, Lorna 1916 KBKWICK, Mary Hazel ..-..- 1915 KELLAWAY, Gwendoline Jane 1911 KELLAAVAY, Kathleen 1915 KELLY. Emma Ellen 1915 KIMLIN, James 1913 KNIGHT, Andrew Thomas 1910 LANGFORD, Florence Victoria 1911 LANGLEY, George Furner 1914 LAAV, Arthur James 1914 LEACH, Edwin Isaac 1912 LEE, Violet Jane 1912 LE SOUEP, Hilda 1915 LEAVIS, Ernest James 1915 LOCKHART, Margaret Daphne 1911 LORMBR. Arthur 1914 LOTHIAN, Elizabeth Inglis 1914 MoOANCE, Olive Margaret 1914 McCOWAN, Jeannie 1912. McORINDLB, Hazel MorelL 1912 MACDONALD, Ethel Mary Cumming 1912 McKAY, Lucy Mary 1913 McKAY, Mary Hilda 1909 McKIMM, AVilliam Harold Thomas 1913 McLACHLAN, Dugald 1906 McLEAN, Ethel Margaret 1914 McNIOOLL, AValter Ramsay 1912 McRAE, James 1906 MASON, Edith Shaw 1913 MATCHES, Alice Lilian 1910 MILLAR. Leonard James 1916 MOERISSEY, Olivet Elma 1913 MOSCROP, Charles 1914 MULCAHY, Mary Rosina 1914 MYLREA, Ernest -Wallace 1915 . NALL, Eric Lindsay 1913 NETTLBTON, Percy 1913 NOOTEN, Oharlotta Margaretha Hoola van 1914 O'BRIEN, Edmund Alfred 1911 OBRIEN. Robert 1915 ORTON, Albert Robinson 1916 790 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

OSBORNE, George Alfred .. .. 1909 PARKER, Oeorge Edward .. 1907 PARNELL, Hermlene Friederica (nde Ulrieh) .. .. 1913 PAAVSEY, Charles Joseph 1916 PEBBIN, Kate 1911 PETERS, Gladys Miriam 1916 PHILLIPS, Gilbert Edgar 1912 PITTMAN, Randall Thomas 1915 PORTER, George Alfred 1912 PRICE. Ethel Ernestine 1911 RANKIN, Donald Hamilton 1910 REVBLL, Harry Heathcote ' 1912 RINTEL, Horace Lisle 1913 RIVETT, Stella (nde Deakin) 1908 ROBINSON, Alice Louise '. • 1913 ROCHE, Gertrude Mary 1913 RODDA, Errol Edward 1912 ROSS, Elizabeth Annie 1915 ROWELL, Joseph Addison 1912 RUSSELL, Aubrey AVilliam 1908 RYAN, William Owen 1907 80ANLAN, Margaret Mary 1913 80ARFP, Charles Thompson 1911 SCOTT, Thomas Farrar 1909 SEARBY, Daisy '. 1915 SECOMB. Ada Pearl .. 1914 SHANKLY, Daisy .. 1913 SHANN, Frank 1912 SIMCOCKS, George Alfred ,. 1915 SIMPSON. Hannah Harvey 1910 SISSONS, Alfred Thomas Stanley 1915 SKINNER, Amy Gertrude Maud 1913 SMITH, Mary Grace 1916 SPRAKE. Edward James 1916 SPROULE, Theodora May 1912 STERLING, Edith Jane 1912 STEPHENS. Rotha Mary 1912 STILLAVELL, Olive Henrietta 1914 STUART, Thomas Henry .-. 1911 8WEETMAN, Edward 1915 SAVEETMAN, Sarah Kate 1911 SYME, Eveline AVinifred 1914 TATTAM, Eunice 1914 TAYLOR. Alice (nde Brockenshirc) 1910 TAYLOR, Dora Beatrice 1915 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 791

THOMPSON, Leslie Muir 1913 THOMAS, Frederick William 1907 TILLEY, Edith Garner 1913 TIPPING, Martha Bergin 1912 TOLHURST, Ella White 1912 TONKIN. Henry Lycett 1915 TOWNSEND, Edward Henry 1909 TREMBATH, Bichard Henry 1915 TRBYVAUD, Prank Alfred 1907 TURRI, Edna 1911 VAREY, Joseph AValter Leslie 1913 VEAL, Mildred Bartram 1916 VEEDON, Lucy 1914 VIAL. Stanley Browning 1908 VINES, Ernest Harold 1912 AVALLACE. George Gilbert 1907 WALLER, Arthur James 1915 •AVALLER, AVilliam Alexander 1913 WATERS, Clive Guilfoyle 1907 WATSON, Alberta Olive 1910 WATSON, Mary Margaret 1914 WELSH, Alexander Oarl 1912 WHEAT, Alice Edith 1915 ^VHEEN, Agnes 1913 WILOOCK, Arthur 1909 WILKINSON, Dorothy Irene 1912 AVILLIAMS, Olive Leete 1915 WILSON, Mary Dunstan 1908 AVINGROVB, Bessie 1907 'WITHERS, Muriel 1914 AVITHINGTON, Ernest Edward 1910 WOODCOCK, Edmund Sabas 1913

Cist of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Public Health. •GREIG, Jane Stocks 1910 .JOHNSTON, John 1909 PARK, Charles Leslie ; 1915 SUMMONS, Samuel William Henry 1911 .fiU 792 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE.

SUMMONS. AV alter Ernest 190S THOMSON, John Rae Mcnzies • • 1909

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Analytical Chemistry. COLLIE, George 1914 McCORMIOK, John Thomaa 1910 PARKIN, Arthur Francis 1915 URQUHART, Hugh Campbell 1915

List of Persons who have obtained the License in Veterinary Science. ANDREAV, Oharles Edward 1910 BISHOP, Pranois Alin Ohartres 1912 OLARK, Alwyn Leslie MoKenzie 1912 FINNEY, AVilliam Henry 1914 PROKJAR, Henry Andrew 1913 GRANT, Ross 191U HORE, Reginald Mitchell .. 1911 JONES, Frederick Murray 1911 KELLEY, Ralph Bodkin 1914 LUKEY, Edgar Jabez 1911 MAOGEEGOE, William 1915 MAOINDOE, Eobert Hall Fonnan 1911 MOTJNTJOY, Stanley Allin 1912 PHILP, Eobert Oharles Tasman 1911 ROBIN, Alan Hugh 1914 RUDD, John Arthur .. 1914 SHBHHAN, James Barry 191£ TALBOT, Robert John de Oourcy 1911 AVOOD, Elwes Frederick Browning 1912

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Agriculture. WOODHOUSE, Mortimer John .. ' .. .. 191* GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 793

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Mining. LEWIS, Keith Bunnatync 1913

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Architecture. I3ILLSON, Edward Fielder 1915 794 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1910.

HONOUR LISTS. 1915 TO 1916.


.. CLASS LISTS. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITEEATUEE- First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Samuel Clement Lazarus. Leonard Bichard Cole Alma Dc-rothy Adman* 1 E , Alexander Boyce Oibson J ^ Thomas McDougall 1,, , Leo Michael Tighe > M"»'- Jessie Mary Halbert. William Keith Hancock Valentine Alexa Leeper. I „ , Stewart Clifton John McEae /Mual- Constance Mary Varley Margaret Lindsay Walker Gwynnyth Annie Arohdall ^ -p , Kenneth Hamilton Bailey ) q ' Gwendolen Kent Hughes. Jocelyn McCaJlum. Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) Dorothy May Willis. Theaden Nancie Mitchell Brocklebank Frances Mary Noel Crcswell Vera Crowther Jennings Edmund Arthur O'Connor -Equal William Fellow .Edith Gwendolen Stillman SENIOR PUBLIC. 795

Hugh Ourtis Clarkson > „ , Aileen Mary McCance ) iiqnal. Clifford Craig } Annie Jean Matnamara £ Equal. Lionel John Stark ) Jack Wasscll Claringbold "1 Mary Killcen C Equal. Harry Koarns MoCleery ) Lila Victoria McDonald } „. > Nancy Donald Seaton ) l'L ' Basil Nicholas Orr Colahan ") Bona Id Isaac Lowenstcru ( Equal. Beryl Annette Maude Vaughan j Alma Addcrlcy Cameron -, Eustace Halley Coghi'.l j A!an George Daws Beatrice Olive Victoria Dodd I Herbert Gibling l-'urnell /-tqual. Lucy Doris Kellaway Olive Townsend Smith Cecil Bhys Trevor Thomas Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Andrew Keith Anderson. Mary Eleanor Atchison. Olive Adeline Atkins. Inez Prances Grace Bagliu Douglas Gordon Bain. Gladys Ethelwy.n Bates. Victoria Beckingsalo. Harold Clifford Brisbane. Annie Byrne. Thomas Edmund Byrne. Gordon Boy Cameron. Catherine Veronica Cantwcll. Dorothea Victoria Church. Mary Drury Clarke. Marie Clcary. Alma Daisy Clomengcr. Tliomas Patrick Considine. Cyril Alphonsus Curtain. Eileen Mary Genevieve Curtin. Victor Henry Lavington Dunn. 796 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1815-1916.

Henry Gustavus Furphy. John Sextus Gorman. Daniel Noel Heliir. Florence Marjorie Hughes. Jean Hawthorne Hutchinson. Edith Florence Tnglis. Mary Ellen Agatha Jennings. Ada Emma Joachim. I/iicie Eileen Jones Mary Frances King. Stella Mary Langlord. Gavin Laver. Bay Alrnot Maxwell. Evelyn Elizabeth McKeown. Honor McMahon. Angela McNa.mara. Nelly Jane Merson. Hugh Ronald Officer. Gladys Edith Pendred. Emilie Elizabeth Prosser. Christcllc Rennick. Edgar de Jersey Eobin. Dorothy Vernon Rodda. George Timothy Joseph Ryan. Mary Sampson. Jean Holbrook Shannon. Ethel Winifred May Sims. Margaret Smythe. Charles Shaw Stuart. Josephine Tanner. Ellen Sarah Walker. Ivy Bessie Wallace. Arthur James Butler Welshman.

BRITISH HISTORY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Leonard Richard Cole . ^ j, , Ronald Isaac Lowcnstern ) 4 • • Stewart Clifton John McRae. Jessie Mary Halbcrt. Gwynnyth Annie Arclidlall ^ r , William Keith Hancock 3 tj(iuul SENIOR PUBLIC. 797

Harold Clifford Brisbane. Leo Michael Tighc. Gladys Ethelwyn Bates ") E(mai Hilda Bosc Menhennet 3 Charlton James Harmer. Harry Keams McCleery ~( „ , Louis Voumard 3 * Kenneth Hamilton Bailey. Jack Wassell Olaringbold. Harold Wa

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Horace George Gray ") Daniel Noel Hohir [• Equal. Florence Marjorie Hughes j Lionel John Stark. Isobel Nancy Lyle. Clifford Craig ) Lucy Doris Kellaway ) '1 Sylvia Mary Elder ~\ Jean Meldrum C Equal. Agnes Patterson Bruff Murray ) „. , Alice Lightfoot 3 Geoffrey Urie Nathan 1 „ , Ellen Sarah Walker J '-M"*"- Daisy Willis. Eileen Muriel Higgins } E j Mary Killeen 3 J1 798 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1'JlC

Charles Allan Gavaji Duffy ~) Keith Alexander McKenzie C Equal. Emilie Elizabeth Prosser } Morton Victor Mitchell ~) Mary O'Gonnell V Equal. Millicent Grace Ward } John Sextus Gorman ") Gwendolen Kent Hughes V Equal. Denis O'Halloran ) Francis Clive Langlands.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.y Thomas Edmund Byrne. Mary Alfrcda Chambers. Dorothea Victoria Church. Mary Drury Clarke. Marie Cleary. Eustace. Hallcy Cog-hill. Thomas Patrick Oonsidine. John Leslie Daniel. Alan George Daws. John Joseph Dougall. Catherine Joyce Downing. Joseph Thomas Dunstan. Olive Hettic Evans. Arciliibald Clyde Wanliss Fisken. Dorothy Guy. Joan Hawthorne Hutchinson. Ethol Nora Mary JoMey. Leo McDonald. Honor MoMahon. Bride Mary McNamara. Alice Meelian. William John Cornelius Murphy. Evelyn Hilda- Naylor. Doris Isherwood Pittard. Dorothy Vernon Rodda. George Timothy Joseph Ryan. Margaret Smythe. Kathleen Margaret Walsh. Stanley Raymond West. SENIOR PUBLIC. 799»

GREEK. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Samuel Clement Lazarus. Bruce Atlee Hunt. Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) Arthur Moritz Lazarus. Douald Prydc. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order). Eric Berthon. Thomas McDougall.

LATIN. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Bruce Atlee Hunt. Samuel Clement Lazarus. Alexander Boyce Gibson. Kenneth Albert Lemon. Arthur James Butler Welshman. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Daniel Noel Hehir ) -p . Stewart Clifton John McRae 3 ^l™1' Leo Michael Tighe. 1 Gavin Lavcr ") v , Arthur Moritz Lazarus 3 tcl«al. Annie Jean Macnamara. Thomas Patrick Considine. Hugh Ronald Officer. Eric Berthon. Lionel John Stark. George Timothy Joseph Ryan. Charles Edward. Hewlett. •SOO EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1916-1016

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Ord,er.) Kenneth Hamilton Bailey. Louis Gerald Egan. Robert. Matthew Go'lie. Alfred Nailer Jacobs. Harry Kearns McCleery. Henry Douglas Gordon Melville. Stanislaus Joseph Mornanc. William John Cornelius Murphy. Donald Pryde. Hilda Marie Shannon. Barbara Grendon Wood.

FRENCH. First Class. (In Order of Merit.)

Bruce Atlec Hunt ) „ n Vera Crowther Jennings 3 ^l1™1- Hugh Curtis Clarkson. •Olive Adeline Atkins. Valentine Alexa. Leeper. Harold Hughes. Frances Mary Noel Crcswell. Ailecn Mary McCance. Florence Marjorie Hughes. Lionel John Stark. Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) H-arry Kearns McCleery. •Christelle Rennick. Alma Adderlcy Cameron. Alice Light foot. Kathleen Mary Lyons Maggie Hewitson. Kathleen Monica Burke. Robert James Abcrcrombie. Jocelyn McCallum. Arthur James Butler Welshman. Thomas Patrick Considine. TJoricc Desireo Julie Perrier. SENIOR PUBLIC. 801

Kathleen Cecilia Branigan. Rita Sigalas. William Pcllow } £ , Constance Mary Varlcj 3 ' Catherine Joyce Downing ) Eau.,i Doris Lcxie Friend 3 Cecil Grace Maudsley. Kenneth Albert Lemon. Berta Anna Wolff. Stella Mary Langford. Doris Pittard } „ , Nancy Donald Seaton 3 M^'- Gavin Lavcr. Daniel Noel Hchir. Annie Alma Allen. Mary Alfreda Chambers. Mary Sampson. Dorothy Grace Moore. Mary Eleanor Atchison. Alice Moehan. Mary O'Driscoll. William John Cornelius Murphy. Keith Alexander McKenzie. Janet Vera Alison Crockett. Paul Joseph Carey. Winifred Isabella. Lee Mozley. Angela McNamara } y. j Agnes Patterson Bruff Murray 3 1 ' " Henry Gustavus Furphy. Gwendolen Kent Hughes. . Hilda Rayward. Gwynnyth Annie Archdall ) v , Myrtle Elizabeth Cook ) M«al. Victor Henry Lavington Dunn. Marion Sullivan. Stella Cecilia Adelaide Altmann. Dorothy Guy. Bobert Matthew Gellie. Bcginald Oroheston Mills I „ , Grace Mary Waddcll 3 '-'I""'- Tiliird Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Edith Lilian Armstrong. William James Baker. -802 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1018

Francis Rupert Ignatius Benson. Thomas Edmund Byrne. Dulcie Lucille McClcllan Cooper. Eileen Mary Genevieve Curtin. Beatrice Olive Victoria Dodd. John Joseph Dougall. Oharles Allan Gavan Duffy. Margaret Robison Gibbon. Francis Joseph Hart. , Jane Alice Hart. Violet Mary Henderson. Doris Mary Hooker. Myrtle Rae Marks. Tliomas John Marshall. Honor McMahon-. Hilda Rose Menhennet. Nelly Jane Merson. Clarice Lucy Moreton. Stanislaus Joseph Mornane. Geoffrey Urie Nathan. Lorna May Noall. Eileen Agnes Mary O'Mcara. Doris Ishcrwood Pittard. Edgar de Jersey Robin. George Timothy Joseph Eyan. Alberta Mary Strachan. Josephine Tanner. Constance White. Dorothy May Willis. •Gosette Valerie Wuttrich.

GERMAN. First Class. Ailcen Mary McCance. Second Class. (In Order ot Merit.) Frances Mary Noel Crcswell. Lila Victoria McDonald. Vera Crowther Jennings. Kenneth Hamilton. Bailey. Edith Florence Inglis. •Constance Bosalind Piper. SENIOR PUBLIC. 803

Janet Vera Alison Crockett. Harold Walter Barker. Leonard Richard Cole. -Olive Adeline Atkins. Cecil Grace Maudsley. Eileen Mary Mahoney. .Kathleen Cecilia Branigau. Mary Killeen. Doris Pittard. .Rita Sigalas. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) •Geoffrey Charles Barrett. Kathleen Monica Burke. Hilda Jean Cader Jane Alice Hart. Violet Mary Henderson. Maggie Hewitson. Doris Mary Hooker. Honor McMahon. Alice Median. Hilda Ray ward. .Ethel Winifred May Sims. .Josephine Tanner. •Catherine Elizabeth Urcn. "Laliu Waschatz

ALGEBRA. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Edward Holbrook Derrick } Fa nil Edwin James George Pitman 3 " ' • Bichard Pearman Minifie. .Henry Newman Mortensen. Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) Ian William Wark. Francis Herbert Stewart Mair. •Charles James Officer Brown. Hark Ashkenasy } En nil Veronica Bertha McKcruan 3 1 ' • 804 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19151916.

Mabel Winifred Borrie. Ernest Leslie James } j;aua] Barbara Grcndon Wood ) " Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Eric Bailhache. Mary Josephine Ditchburn. Samuel Haymes. Basil Everard Adrian Heuty. Gerald Basil Venner Keogh. Louis Francis Loder. Charles Patrick McCarthy. Ruby May Mercer. Lindsay Tasman Ride. Catherine Elizabeth Urcn.

GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY, First Class. Edward Holbrook Derrick. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Richard Pearman Minifie Eric Bailhache "| Mabel Winifred Borrie Charles James Officer Brown - Equal. Francis Herbert Stewart Mair Ian William Wark Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Mark Ashkenasy. Samuel Haymes. Charles Patrick McCarthy.

ELEMENTARY MECHANICS. First Class. Edwin James George Pitman. SENIOR PUBLIC. 805-

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Charles James Officer Brown 1 ,, , Richard Pearman Minifie j I"lual- Ian William Wark. Eric Bailhache. Reginald Andrew Young.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Charlton James Harmer. Louis Francis Loder. Charles Patrick McCarthy. Lindsay Tasman Ride. Kenneth Charles Webb Ware.

PHYSICS. First Class. (In Orde- of Merit.) Charles James Officer Brown ~» „ , Edwin James George Pitman 3 ^l11'11- Eric Ashton Croll. ") Jack Rawlinson Hobbs J Equal. Frederick Alexander Singleton ) Ian William Wark. Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) Eric Bailhache ) -,-, , Alan Edward Lee 3 Mual. Ernest Kirsncr. Edmund Arthur O'Connor. Charles Patrick McCarthy ^ j, , Henry Newman Mortcnsen 3 * Eric David Howells > ™ , Clive Gowan Williams 3 |,,(lu'"- Mark Ashkenasy } F , Frederick Bernam Oldfield 3 ^(lu'11- .62 806 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19151916.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Ian Stouart Black. Rupert Brunning. Frederick Riohardson Buabury Gale. Samuel Haymes. Gerald Basil Venner Kcogh. Eric Eccles Mackay. Francis Herbert Stewart Mair. Reginald Frank May. Norman McLeod. Francis John Niall. Timothy John O'Sullivan. Geoffrey Alfred Pcnington. Noel Pry de. John Colin Rcaburn. John Robin Simpson. _ Oappur Mitchell Webb. Valvl William Isaac Yoffa.

CHEMISTRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Frederick Alexander Singleton. Edmund Arthur O'Connor. Edwin James George Pitman. Charles James Officer Brown. Eric Bailhache } -.-, , Eric David Howells 3 ^qu,u' Second Glass. (In Order of Merit.) Eric Ash-ton Croll. Reginald Frank May ) w„llol Frederick Bern-am Olifield 3 aclual- Ian William Wark; Jack Rawlinson Hobbs ") „ , Clive Gowan Williams 3 tclual- Samuel Haymes. Mark Ashkcnasy. Ernest Kirsner ^ Alan Edward Lee 3 hqua1' SENIOR PUBLIC. 807

Hric Ecclcs Mackay } Eaual Vernon Henderson Williams 3 q JRobcrt Charles Espinasse Brodie. Richard Thomas Green } ,, , Oswald Robert Triirapy 3 'tjqUiU' Colin George Burrowes Colqulioun ) -,-, , Xindsay Tasman Bide. ] ^l"*1- Rupert Brunning. } Herbert Gibling Furnell i Equal. Prancis John Niall. ) Valvl William Isaac Yoffa.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Kenneth Sargood Rutter Clarke. Jjancclot Miller Corbet. Ernest Leslie James. Oharles Patrick McCarthy. Norman McLeod. Henry Newman Mortenscn. Noel Pryde. James Mitchell Slceman. Cappur Mitchell Webb.


Second Olass. (In Order of Merit.) Edith Gwendolen Stillman. Alma Dorothy Admans 7 v , Jean Holbrook Shannon j MuaI- •Constance Rosalind Piper.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Marian Isabel Hulme. Winnie Lawson Lyall. 808 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19151916.

BOTANY. First Class. None. Second Glass. Jean Holbrook Shannon.

GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Alan Robb Hickinbotliam. George Cecil Armstrong. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) George Alfred Vines Home. Olive Townsend Smith. Anthony Joseph Parer. Ivan Stanley Ridd. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Isabel Joy Brown McFarlane. Josephine Tanner.

DRAWING. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Alan Robb Hickinbotham. Francis Georgi Stephens. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Eleanor Sylvia Carpenter. Marjorie Ray Giblctt. Reginald Andrew Young. Francis Vibert. Winifred Isabella Lee Mozlev. SENIOR PUBLIC. 809

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) "George Cecil Armstrong. Myrtle Elizabeth Cook. Evelyn Dora Gl'asson. jyTillie Weller Glen. Margaret Florence Sarll. Mary Gwendoline Wale.



Leonard Richard Cole ~j j?ouai .Ronald Isaac Lowensteru 3 q

GREEK. •Samuel Clement Lazarus.

LATIN. "Bruce Atlce Hunt.

FRENCH. "Bruce Atlee Hunt ) -p , Vera Crowther Jennings 3 1 ' • Proxime accessit Hugh Curtis Clarkson.

- GERMAN. Aileen Mary McCance.

ALGEBRA. Kdward Holbrook Derrick ^ p , 1 .Edwin James George Pitman 3 q ln ' 810. EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19151916.


ELEMENTARY MECHANICS. Edwin James George Pitman.


Charles James Officer Brown ) j;auai Edwin James George Pitman 3 q

CHEMISTRY. Frederick Alexander Singleton. Proxime accessit. Edmund Arthur O'Connor.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. Edith Gwendolen Stillman.

BOTANY. Jeau Holbrook Shannon,

GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Alan Robb Hickinbotliam.

DRAWING. Alan Robb Hickinbotliam.



SENIOR PUBLIC EXAMINATION. FRENCH CLUB PRIZE. Bruce Atlee Hunt ) Eaual Vera Crowther Jennings j * Proxime accessit- Hugh Curtis Clarkson.

PRIX CORNEILLE. Bruce Atlee Hunt } y -, Vera Crowther Jennings ) J I1 • • Proxime accessit. Hugh Curtis Clarkson.





EXAMINATION BOAKD'S EXHIBITION. Eileen Rogers (Piano) Proxime accessit. Winifred Eleanor Fone (Piano) Highly Commended. Elsie Fraser (Piano) Rennie Simmons (Piano) Elizabeth Mary Gaunson (Violin) Hilda Clara Sherwood (Singing)

ORMOND ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS. 1. Winifred Eleanor Fone (Piano) 2. Elsie Fraser (Piano) 3. Elizabeth Mary Gaunson (Violin) Highly Commended. Florence Fawaz (Singing)

CONSERVATORIUM EXHIBITIONS. Ftennie Simmons (Piano) Ida Gwen Roberts (Piano) Florence Fawaz (Singing) Hilda Clara Sherwood (Singing) Highly Commended. Mabel de Oleveira (Piano) CLASS LISTS. 813



CLASS LISTS. GREEK—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Emma Christina" Tonks (Trinity). Ian Hugh Sutherland (Ormond). Kathleen Victoria Crooke (Orinond and Teachers' College). Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Third Class. Llewellyn Camm Jones (Ormond). TJmily Amy King (Trinity).

LATIN—PABT I. First Class. •Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Emma Christina Tonks (Trinity). Second Class. Ian Hugh Sutherland (Ormond) ~) Kathleen Victoria Crooke (Ormond > Equal. and Teachers' College). ) Henry Minogue (Ormond). Third Class. Floris Merle Stooke (Queen's). Llewellyn Camm Jones (Ormond). Alexander Joseph Moloney (Ormoud). 814 EXAMINATION7 RESULTS, 1915-1916.

ENGLISH—PABT I. First Class. Esmonde MacDonald Higgins (Ormond). Second Class. Doris Mathias (Queen's). Harriett Ann Ballans. Emma Christina Tonks (Trinity). Ivy Ellen Skurric (Ormond). Evelyn Mary Hamilton. Vera May Beed (Trinity and Teachers' College).- Third Class. Angelique Prudence Hamono (Teachers' Col.) }"| Floris Merle Stookc (Queen's) 3,g" Dorothy Adelaide Mackay (Teachers' College) ~\ -g Thelma Beryl Roberts (Queen's) > £ Henry Minogue (Ormond) j 3 Boy Cecil Clark (Ormond). Amelia Mary Patrick (Teachers' College). Oliver" John Brady (Trinity). Mary Louisa Vera Drirward (Teachers' College).- Mona Margaret Montgomery. Mary Millar Dunoon ) _ , Ada Maud Frushcr 3 Mu»'-

FRENCH—PART I. First Class. Henry Minogue (Ormond). Harnett Ann Ballans. Dorothea Rebecca Coverlid (Trinity and Teachers'" College). Second Class. Doris Mathias (Queen's). Evelyn Mary Hamilton. Gladys Muriel George Cheney. Barbara Wilson Milne (Ormond) "J,, , Mona Margaret Montgomery, 3 ill

Doris Winifred Hall. Mary Louisa Vera Durward (Teachers' College). Gertrude Hardy Nance (Queen's). Amelia Mary Patrick (Teachers' College). Ivy Ellen Skurrie (Ormond). Third Class. Dorothy Adelaide Mackay (Teachers' College). Myra Clare Haynes (Queen's). William Culligan. Annie O'Doherty. Blanche Baddcley Rusdcn (Teachers' College) Emily Pascoe (Teachers' College). Thclma Beryl Roberts (Queen's). Vera May Reed (Trinity and Teachers' College). Mary Millar Dunoon, Francis James Corder (Trinity), Dorothy Mary Gibbons (Queen's). Anice Caroline Brotherton Cherry (Trinity). Lorna Beatrice Morres. Evelyn Mary Eddy (Trinity).

GERMAN—PART I. First Class. None. Second Class. Dorothea Rebecca CovcTlid (Trinity and Teachers'" College). Gertrude Hardy Nance (Queen's). Ellen Irene Stable (Queen's). Ivy Ellen Skurrie (Ormond). Barbara Wilson Mi'lne (Ormond). Third Class. Mary Louisa Vera Durward (Teachers' College). Emily Pascoe (Teachers' College). Blanche Baddcley RusJen (Teachers' College).

BRITISH HISTORY—PART I. First Class. Philip David Phillips. Basil George Robert Murphy. "81G EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.

Second Class. Kenneth Scott (Trinity). Francis James Cordcr (Trinity). Jean Catherine Officer (Ormond). Harriett Ann Ballans. Thelma Beryl Roberts (Queen's). Guido Wertheim. ' Alexander Joseph Moloney (Ormond). Third Class. Blanche Baddeley Rusden (Teachers' College). lilary Millar Dunoon. Marjorie Helen Griffiths. Irene Crespin. Ada Maud Prusher. Myra Clare Hayncs (Queen's). Angelique Prudence Hamono (Teachers' College).

ANCIENT HISTORY. First Class. None. Second Class. William Arthur Jeffery.

PSYCHOLOGY, LOGIC AND ETHICS. First Class. Esmonde MacDonald Higgins (Ormond). Philip David Phillips. Cladys Muriel George Cheney. William Arthur Jeffery. Roy Cecil Clark (Ormond). Isabel Mary McComas (Trinity). Dorothy Adelaide Mackay (Teachers' College). Second Class. Angelique Prudence Hamono (Teachers' College). Leslie Davidson Rooney (Queen's). Esme Vivienne Anderson (Ormond) ") ^ -, Anna Bhoda Bourchier (Teachers' College) 3 ljflual- Ada Maud Frusher. . CLASS LISTS. 81T

Third Class. Mary Phyllis Vickery (Teachers' College) ^ £auaj Guido Wertheim. 3 Amelia Mary Patrick (Teachers' College) ) ., , Evelyn Mary Eddy (Trinity). 3 iclual- Enid Lina Hallcnsteiu (Trinity). Daisy lima Topp (Teachers' College)

PURE MATHEMATICS—PART I. First Class. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond). Second Class. None. Third Class. Ethel Margaret Mary Dowden. George Kenneth Williams.

MIXED MATHEMATICS-PART I. First Class. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond). Second Class. Thomas Herbert Jenkins (Ormond). Third Class. George Kenneth Williams. Heywood Waring McCay.

GREEK—PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Phyllis Cardin Lewis (Trinity). •S18 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.

LATIN—PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Ludwig Joseph August van Baer. Phyllis Cardin Lewis (Trinity).

ENGLISH—PART II I'irst Class. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormond) "} Clarence William Willoughby Webster } Equal. (Queen's). ) Hilda Florence Harris (Queen's). Second Class. Gwendoline Ellery Madder (Queeu's). Catherrine Maud Warren. Third Class Ludwig Joseph August van Baer. Lionel Stanley Davies. Bessie Margery Godwin Harris (Trinity).

FRENCH—PART II. First Class. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormond) ^ ,, , Ludwig Joseph August van Baer ) -t/Clua • Sam Hughes. Second Class. •Gwendoline Ellery Madder (Queen's). • •Otto Janssen Albers. Winifred Barbara Cameron (Trinity). Mona Veronica Wood. Third Class. Daisy Macdonald (Teachers' College). Eileen Mary. Caswell. CLASS LISTS. 819

GERMAN—PART II. First Class. Otto Janssen Albers. Second Class Hilda Florence Harris (Queen's). •Gwendoline EJlery Madder (Queen's).

HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormond). Winifred Barbara Cameron (Trinity) } -cin ,1 Ethel Thorpe McComas (Trinity) > -^quai. Second Class.

.Norah Helen Crawford } w , Hubert Hedley Trigge (Queen's) 3 ljClual- Emily Mabel Richardson. Catherine Maud Warren.

ADVANCED LOGIC. First Class. Ethel Thorpe McComas (Trinity). "Winifred Barbara Cameron (Trinity). Second Class. Hubert Hedley Trigge (Queen's). Norah Helen Crawford.

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. •Gerald Vincent Rush (Ormond). "William Alexander Grey (Queen's), li'rank William Foster Waitt (Queen's). 820 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19151916.

BRITISH HISTORY, PART II.. AND CONSTITU­ TIONAL HISTORY AND LAW, PART I.. AND PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW. First Class. Clarence William Willoughby Webster (Queen's). Second Class. Clarence McClelland Thompson Stafford (Queen's)^ Robert Casley Normand. Edward Malice Tobin. John Henry Brian Armstrong (Trinity). Third Class. Malachy Ryan (Queen's).

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PART I. First Class. Albert Vincent Cohen ) -pv.,._i Alban Rex Dunstan Opie j 1 ' • Second Class. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond). Thomas Herbert Jenkins (Ormond). Frederick William Jeffrey Clendinnen. Bobin Dickinson Collmann (Teachers' Coll.) ") -^ » John Keith Roberts. 3 £'cluaI- Daniel Christopher McSweeney (Ormond). Third Class. Blanche Louise Brewster (Teachers' College). Allan Robert Gibson "j Isabel Wade ' y, , Oliver Emmanuel Nilsson C M1""- George Kenneth Williams )

CHEMISTRY—PART I. First Class. Byron Lionel Stanton. Keith Douglas Fairley (Trinity).. Robert Southby. Arthur Lennox Coulson. Shirley Elliston Francis (Trinity). CLASS LISTS. 82.1

Second Class. Hugh Gilmour Wallace (Trinity). William Donald Young. William Long. Blanche Louise Brewster (Teachers' College). Geoffrey Egerton Hill. Alban Rex Dunstan Opie. Waldron Keith Davenport (Trinity). Third Class. Thomas Herbert Jenkins (Ormond). Robert Bclshaw Paterson. Eobin Dickinson CoIImann (Teachers' College). Balph Edward Allen. George Kenneth Williams. Allan Robert Gibson. Theodore D'Aveline Melhuish.

ZOOLOGY—PART I. .First Class. Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity). Winifred Edith Kennan (Trinity). Second Class. Floris Merle Stooke (Queen's).

BOTANY—PART I. First Class. Lucy Meredith Bryc. (Trinity) \ E , Arthur Edgar William Field (Queen s) 3 Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity). Second Class. Winifred Edith Kennan (Trinity). Desmond Andrew Herbert. Gladys Muriel George Cheney. Daisy Macdonald (Teachers' College). Evelyn Mary Hamilton. Third Class. Gwen Lilias Horwood Hewitt (Teachers' College. 822 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1916)91(1.

GEOLOGY—PART I. First Class. Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond). Arthur Lennox Coulson. Theodore D'Avelme Mclhuish. Frank William Foster Waitt (Queen's). Second Class. William Alexander Grey (Queen's). Evelyn Mary Eddy (Trinity) } E j Isidore Barney Fabrikant 3 Third Class. Grace Blenkiron Pollard (Teachers' Coll.) "( j, , Samuel John Tong Way (Teachers' Coll.) 3 Kathleen Margaret Maria Mclnerny. Francis O'Brien.

BIOLOGY—PART I. First Class. William Long. Keith Douglas Fairley (Trinity) ") ,-, , Byron Lionel Stanton 3 Jl1"a1' Second Class. Waildron Keith Davenport (Triuity) 1 „ . Hugh Gilmour Wallace (Trinity) 3 M"al- William Donald Young. Third Class. Daniel Christopher McSweeney (Ormond) ") „ . Thomas Patrick Tighe (Ormoud) 3 t'l"al- William Anselm Collopy (Trinity). Shirley Elliston Francis (Trinity). Bichard Murray. Buntine.


Second Class. Laura Margaret White.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—PABT II. First Class. Owen Gower1 Lewis. Gerald Vincent Rush (Ormond). Denis Anthony O'Donnell (Teachers' College). Second Class Francis Ogilvie Balfour Melville (Ormond).

CHEMISTBY—PART II. First Class. Alec Armstrong Rosenblum (Ormoud). Second Class. Owen Gower Lewis. Third Class. Francis Ogilvie Balfour Melville (Ormond). Denis Anthony O'Donnell (Teachers' College).


Eva. Margaret Stace Duncan. ^ Eouaj Laura Margaret White. 3 Second Class. Thomas Worley Winn.

BOTANY—PART II First Class. Laura Margaret White. Eva Margaret Stace Duncan. Second Class. None. 824: • EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-11)16.

GEOLOGY—PABT II. First Class. None. Second Class. Joseph Howard Dara.

CHEMISTRY—PABT III. First Class. None. Second Class. William Ralph Jewell (Ormond).

ZOOLOGY—PART III. First Class. None. Second Class. Isabel Clifton Cookson. Amy Alice Osborne (Queen's).

BOTANY—PART III. First Class. Isabel Clifton Cookson ) -gQuai Charles Frederic Sullivan 3 ^ Second Class. None. Third Class. Amy Alice Osborne (Queen's).

GEOLOGY—PART IH. First Class. Walter Henry Collyer. Secoud Class. None. CLASS LISTS.

THIRD YEAR LAWS. JURISPRUDENCE (INCLUDING ROMAN LAW) AND CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY" AND LAW- PART II. First Class. None. Second Class. Robert Gordon Menzies. Eric Thomas Asche. Bichard Edward Ballard.


GEOMETRICAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWING. First Class. John Clyde Miller. Second Class. Leonard Mood Caygill (Queen's). George Kenneth Williams. Robert Belshaw Paterson. Third Class. Tliomas Herbert Jenkins (Ormond).

GRAPHICS. First Class. John Clyde Miller. 826 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1915-1916.

Second Classi Albert Vincent Cohen. George Kenneth Williams. Third Class. Leonard Mood Caygill (Queen's). Thomas Herbert Jenkins (Ormond). Oliver Emmanuel Nilsson.

SURVEYING—PART I. First Class. Owen Gower Lewis. Second Class. None.

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, PART I., AND ENGI­ NEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING, PART I. First Class. ' None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Owen Gower Lewis.

HYDRAULICS AND HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING- PART I. First Class. Frank William Foster Waitt (Queen's). Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond). Second Class Donald Victor Darwin. CLASS LISTS. 827

Third Class. William Alexander Grey (Queen's).

CIVIL ENGINEERING—PART I. First Class. Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond). Frank William Foster Waitt (Queen's). Second Class. William Alexander Grey (Queen's).


Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond) ( v , Frank William Foster Waitt (Queen's) 3 I!,cl,ial- Second Class. William Alexander Grey (Queen's).

METALLURGY—PART I. First Class. None. Secjnd Class. None. Third Class. Isidore Barney Fabrikant.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING—PART I. First Class. John Benjamin Oswald Hosking (Ormond) Walter Gilbert Langford I Equal. Second Class. None. 828i EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916

EDUCATION. First Class. William Judd. Second Class. Thomas Joseph Pierce Phelan. Edward James Gibncy Lee.

THIRD YEAR BACHELOE OF AGEICULTUEAL SCIENCE. ' First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Cyril Ednott Crooke (Trinity).




Gladys Anne Smith. ") jvuai Lorna Belton Stirling 3 * Second Class. Dorothea Eileen Macmaster. Third Class. Edith Marjorie Wadclton. Agnes Vera Gillespie. Winifred Prances McCleery.

FIRST YEAR BACHELOR AND SECOND YEAR. DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Mary Dorothy Jordan. Second Class William Garnet Ocklesbaw Eggington 1 •jfi-.-.i Myrtle Liddy. 3 ^l"8,1' Third Class. Dorothy Goddcn. Ellis Mary Lamperd.

SECOND YEAR BACHELOR AND THIRD YEAR DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. First Class. Ada Elizabeth Freeman. Second Class. Alice Margaret Slater. Third Class. Vida Alice'Lugg. 830 EXAMINATION RKSULTS, 1915-1916.


GREEK—PABT I. Emma Christina Tonks (Trinity).

LATIN—PABT I. Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity).

ENGLISH—PABT I. Esmonde Macdonald Higgins (Ormond).

FRENCH—PABT I. Henry Minogue (Ormond). Proxime accessit- Harriett Ann Ballans.

GERMAN—PABT I. Dorothea Eebecca Coverlid (Trinity and Teachers' College).

BRITISH HISTORY—PART I. Philip David Phillips.

ANCIENT HISTORY. William Arthur Jeffery.

PSYCHOLOGY. LOGIC! AND ETHICS. Esmonds Macdonald Higgins (Ormond). Proxime accessit. Philip David Phillips.

PURE MATHEMATICS—PART I. Thomas MacFarland Cherry. (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 831

MIXED MATHEMATICS—PART I. Thomas MacFarland Cherry (Ormond).

GREEK—PART II. Phyllis Cardin Lewis (Trinity).

LATIN—PART II. Ludwig Joseph August van Baer.

ENGLISH—PART II. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormond) ~) Clarence Willi'am Willoughby Webster > Equal. (Queen's). )


Vera Amnio Bosenblum (Ormond) 1 j5au„i Ludwig Joseph August van Baer 3 " Proxime accessit. Sam Hughes.

GERMAN—PART II. Otto Janssen Albers.


HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormond).

ADVANCED LOGIC. Ethel Thorpe McComas (Trinity).





Albert Vincent Cohen 7 jv.uai Alban Bex Dunstaai Opic ) *


ZOOLOGY—PABT I. Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity).

BOTANY—PABT I Lucy Meredith Bryce (Trinity) VT, , Arthur Edgar William Field (Queen'sl) ^1ual-

GEOLOGY—PART I. Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond).

BIOLOGY—PART I. William Long.

PHYSIOLOGY—PART I. Laura Margaret White.


CHEMISTRY—PART II. Alec Armstrong Rosenblum (Ormoud).

ZOOLOGY—PART II. " Eva Margaret Stace Duncan ) „ , Laura Margaret White 3 fjClual-

BOTANY—PABT II. Laura Margaret White.

GEOLOGY—PABT II. Joseph Howard Dare.

CHEMISTRY—PART III. (DIXSON • SCHOLARSHIP). William Balph Jewell (Ormond).

ZOOLOGY—PABT III. Isabel Clifton Cookson.

BOTANY—PABT III. Isabel Clifton Cookson } -r, , Charles Frederic.Sullivan 3 "

GEOLOGY—PART III. Walter Henry Collyer.




GRAPHICS. John Clyde Miller.

SURVEYING—PART I. Owen Gower Lewis.




CIVIL ENGINEERING—PABT I. Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond).


Alexander Edward Kelso (Ormond) ") v , Frank William Foster Waitt (Queen's) 3 Ji


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING—PABT I. John Benjamin Oswald Hosking (Ormond) ) ., , Walter Gilbert Langford 3 ^"'"' EDUCATION (DWIGHT'S PRIZE). William Judd. CLASS LISTS. 835


ORMOND EXHIBITIONS IN MUSIC. FIRST YEAR. Gladys Anne Smith. Dorothea Eileen Macmaster. Edith Marjorie W add ton. SECOND YEAR. Mary Dorothy Jordan. William Garnet Ocklesbaw Eggington. Myrtle Liddy. THIRD YEAR. Ada Elizabeth Freeman.


THE ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND PRIZE FOB ENGLISH. Clarence William Willoughby Webster7) (Queen's) > Equal. Vera Annie Rosenblum (Ormoud) J THE PROFESSOR WILSON PRIZE FOR MATHE­ MATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Not awarded. 836 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916. .

THE BRUNNING PRIZES FOR BOTANY—PABT I. 1st Prize— Constance Dorothea Eyres Baynes (Trinity). 2nd Prize— Winifred Edith Kennan (Trinity).

FOEENSIC MEDICINE—PEIZE. Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity).


THE MAUDE HARRINGTON PRIZE FOR ACCOMPANYING. Agnes Vera Gillespie. Highly com mended: — Mary Dorothy Jordan. CLASS LISTS. 837


JUNE. 1910.



Second Class. William Stanley Cook. Third Class.

John Francis Firmer ^ raUal Edward Alexander Mylrea 3 •The Payne Exhibition is awarded to— AVilliam Stanley Cook.

.54 838 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.


AUGUST, 1910. '


DIVISION II. ANATOMY, INCLUDING HISTOLOGY. First Class. David Leslie Yoffa. Second Class. George Hayes Brandis ") „ , Alfred William Harley 3 JW1UIU- AVilliam Henry Fitchett (Queen's). Bertram Clarence Cohen (Ormond). Third Class. Raymond Valentine Hennessy ) v , Colin Ferguson Macdonald (Ormond) j ^1ual- The Exliibition is awarded to David Leslie Yoffa.

PHYSIOLOGY. First Class. AVilliam Henry Fitchett (Queen's). Bertram Clarence Cohen (Ormond). Second Class. Henry Charles Varley (Ormond). Raymond Valentine Hennessy. Reginald Herbert Morgan. Third Class. Stewart Hills. Charles Harold Bennett (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 839

Harold Isaac Robinson.. Colin Ferguson Macdonald (Ormond). George Smith Thomson. The Exhibition is awarded to William Henry Fitchett (Queen's.) .

DIVISION III. •GENERAL AND SPECIAL PATHOLOGY, WITH BACTERIOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. Tliomas Clive Backhouse ") -p. Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell 3 ^

THERAPEUTICS, DIETETICS AND HYGIENE. First Class. Thomas Clive Backhouse. Leslie Algernon Ivan Maxwell. Donald Greig May. James Riddell Bell. 840 EXAMINATION UESULTS, 1915-1916.

Second Class. AVilliam Bichard Trembath. Frederick George Middleton (Ormond). John Sydney Green (Ormond). Wilfred Bichard Forster. Keith Arnold Stephenson (Queeu's)

Third Class AVilliam Harold James Moore. John Grieve Whitaker. The Exhibition is awarded to Thomas Clive Backhouse. CLASS LISTS. 841



CLASS LISTS. CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class. Edwin Fullarton Borrie ^ Eoual John Benjamin Oswald Hosking (Ormond)'3 Second Class. William Lee Murrell. AArilliam Alexander John Buckland (Ormond).

MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. AValter Gilbert Langford. Second Class. None. Third Class. James Murdock AVhito. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class. Frederick Stanley Croker. Third Class. Frank Marsh McCutchan (Queen's).



MARCH, 1916.


MEDICINE, SURGERY, OBSTETRICS AND- GYNAECOLOGY. First Class. Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity). Second Class. John AVhyte Grieve Harold Crawford > v , Gerald Vincent Francis Doyle 3 ^°-ual- Florence May Cooper. Isabella Ada Phillips. Frederick Grantley Morgan. Howard Francis Praagst. Albert Oscar Vincent Tymms. Third Class. Frederic Hobart James. Colin Friend. Francis George Travers Champion de Crespigny, CLASS LISTS. 843


MAUCH, 1916.


CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. John Paterson Adam (Ormond) I „ , Ethel Grace Dean (Ormond) | '" Irene Mary Jones (Ormond). Third Class. Leo Easton Wilkinson (Queen's).

HISTORY AND ECONOMICS. First Class. Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's). Mary Helen Crowther (Trinity). Second Class. AVilliam Alexander Waller. Eileen Elizabeth Oallanan.

PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Isabel Mary Flinn. Clerk Maxwell Churchward (Queen's). Second Class. Olga Maude Parker. Mary Ethel Hutchinson (Ormond). &44 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.

ENGLISH. First Class. Loris Cccilie Coleman. Louisa Devereux Oldmeadow (Queen's). Second Class. None. Third Class. Gertrude Leonard Bendelack (Trinity).

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES. First Class. None. Second Class. Dorothy Jean Hamilton (Trinity). Lily Sandner (Trinity).

CHEMISTRY. First Class. None. Second Class. Elizabeth AVinter Preston.

BOTANY. First Class. None. Second Class. r^ssie Lindsay Mollison ") „ , Percy John Sharman (Teachers' College) j •E'

GEOLOGY. First Class None. CLASS LISTS. 845

Second Class. "Walter Henry Collyer (Queen's).

LAWS. First Class. AATilfred Kelsham FuUagar (Ormond). Percy Ernest Joske (Queen's). Second Class. None. Third Class. Gilbert Anderson Burchill. Irene Therese McFarlane. Eugene Francis Healy. Allen Hope Southey. 846 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.




ARTS AND SCIENCE. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. John Paterson Adam (Ormond) ) „ , Ethel Grace Dean (Ormond) 3 ^l"*1-

HISTORY AND ECONOMICS. (Dwight's Prize.) Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's)

PHILOSOPHY. (Hastie Scholarship.) Isabel Mary Flinn (Laurie Prize.) Clerk Maxwell Churchward (Queen's)

MATHKMATICS. (Dixson Scholarship.) No Candidate.

ENGLISH. Loris Ceoilie Coleman

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. Dorothy Jean Hamilton ('I'rinity)

CHEMISTRY. (Dixson Scholarship.) Elizabeth AArinter Preston SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 847

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (Professor Kernot Scholarship.) No Candidate.

ZOOLOGY. NO Candidate


Essie Lindsay Mollison ) v , Percy John Sharman (Teachers' College) 3 ^ua'1'

GEOLOGY. Walter Henry Collyer (Queen's)

PHYSIOLOGY No Candidate.

ANATOMY. No Candidate.

BIO-CHEMISTRY. No Candidate.

LAAVS. Wilfred Kelsham FuUagar (Ormond)

MEDICINE. MEDICINE. Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity)

SUEOEBT. (Beaney Scholarship.) Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity) ~» -,-, , John Whyte Grieve . 3 •E'

OBSTETEICS AND GYNECOLOGY. (Fulton Scholarship.) Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity) •S48 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1915-1916.

CLINICAL MEDICINE. (Jamieson Prize.) Stewart Osburn Cowen (Trinity)


CIVIL ENGINEERING. (Argus Scholarship.) Edwin Fullarton Borrie ) - , John Benjamin Oswald Hosking (Ormond) 3 ^V""-

MINIJTO ENGINEERING. (George Lansell Scholarship.) Walter Gilbert Langford

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Scholarship.) Frederick Stanley Croker

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. (Dixson Scholarship.) Edward Fearnley Rowntreo (Trinity)

CIVIL ENGINEERING. (Stawell Research Scholarship.) John Benjamin Oswald Hosking (Ormond)


MODERN LANGUAGES. Dorothy Joan Hamilton (Trinity)

POLITICAL ECONOMY. Allan George Barnard Fisher (Queen's) } Clarence AVilliam AVilloughby AATebster > Equal. (Queeu's) 3 SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 849



13TH DECEMBER, 1915.

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OP SURGERY. Vernon Carlisle Brown. Olaf Francois de Lacy. Frank AVilliam Fay. Thomas Boss Jagger. Edward McDonald. Arthur Ernest Panting.

In absentia- Noel Tracey Bull.

23ED DECEMBER, 1916. BACHELOE OP AETS. John Airey Bay ford. William Evans. Abraham Murdoch Gillies. •Gerald Hardy. AVilliam Charles Meredith. Arthur Henry Potter. Henry Adam Procter. •Joseph Addison Eowell. George Samuel Shinkfield. Alfred Peter Hamilton Spowart. Edward Sweetman. Alexander Carl Welsh.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. •Charles Anthony Taylor.

BACHELOR OF LAWS. •Clifford Henry Book. •Gilbert Anderson Burchill. .Maurice Leo Cussen. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1915-16. . 851

Wilfred Kelsham FuUagar. Eugene Francis Healy. Percy Ernest Joske. Justin Fitzgerald Rowan. Allen Hope Southey.

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Geoffrey Fenton. John Shaw Mackay. Maurice Matenson. Henry Wyatt AVunderly,

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Alan Pearce Plockart. Frank Barnsdale Kitchin. AVilliam Lee Murrell.

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. In absentia. Charles Stanley Barber.

BACHELOE OF DENTAL SCIENCE. AVilliam Adam. Christopher Basil Ilntton Boake. Alfred Stanley Prior. Hermia Winstanlcy Eoche. AVilliam Clark Todd. Carl Bleackley AVillis. Horace Ernest AVillis.

In ahsentid. Ernest Bedford Adamson. Leonard Harbeck. Bupert Eobinson Holmes. Robert Eric Yule.


In absentia. Charles Arthur Loxton. Cyril Thomas McKenna.

MASTER OP ARTS. Thomas Henry Stuart. Percy Andrew Wisewould.

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Richard Hudson Greenwood.

In absentia. Charles Mitchell Tovell.

MASTER OF LAWS. Harriet May Hordern.


DIPLOMA OF ARCHITECTURE. Edward Fielder Billsou.


8TH APRIL, 1916. BACHELOR OF ARTS. Myrtle Annie Eileen Andrew. Dorothy Meares Andrews. Lois Florence Barnes. Violet Ada Baty. Gertrude Leonard Bendelack. Jane Kathleen Officer Brown. Loris Cecilie Coleman. Ethel Grace Dean. DEGREES CONFERRED, 191516.. 855

Isabel Mary Flinn. Dorothy Jean Hamilton. Mary Elsie Hepburn. Lyall Stanley Holmes. Mary Ethel Hutchinson Irene Mary Jones. Louisa Devereaux Oldmeadow. Olga Maude Parker. Lily Saudner. Mary Grace Smith. Esther AVnllace. Lilian Avis Whybrow. Ida Nellie AArilliams. John Paterson Adam. Albert Milton Barry. Joseph Henry Dewsnap. Allan George Barnard Fisher. William Isaac Hayward. Arthur Reginald Mace. Ray Blyth Marshall. Charles Joseph Pawsey. Ernest Boswell Pederick. Jack Harry Moore Eobinson. Leonard AVilliam Slade. Bobert Esmond Sutton. Newport Benjamin AArhite. Leo Easton AVilkinson.

In ahsentid. Mary Helen Crowther.

BAiCHELOR OF SCIENCE. Mary Ellinor Lucy Archer. Isabel Clifton Cookson. Mattie Kathleen Evans. Amy Alice Osborne. AV alter Henry Collyer. AVilliam Ralph Jewell. Jack Charles Lewis. Percy John Sharman. Charles AVilliam Oswald Stubbs. Albert Oscar Vincent Tymms. S54 DEGREES CONFERRED, 191516.

BACHELOE OF LAWS. Irene Therese McFarlane. AVilliam Ewart Vincent Cassidy. John Florcns Collopy. Alexander Rud Mills. Evelyn Collinson Sawyer.

In absentia. Alfred John Buchanan. John Gordon Reginald Rennick.

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OP SURGERY. Stewart Osburn Cowen. Harold Crawford. Francis George Travers Champion de Crespigny. Gerald Vincent Francis Doyle. •Colin Friend. Frederic Hobart James. Norman Reginald Mathews. Harris Mendelsohn. Frederick Grantley Morgan. Mitchell Henry O'Sullivan. Howard Francis Praagst. Albert Oscar Vincent Tymms Eric AA7illiam Beresford Woods.

In absentia. Florence May Cooper. Isabella Ada Phillips. Stuart Galloway Gibson. John AA'hytc Grieve. David Tyrrell Keyes. Austin L'Estrange Mahon.

BACHELOR OF OTVTL ENGINEERING. Heaton Carr Clark. Ralph Alec Hunt. Rupert Grenville Knight. Frank Maundrell Shaw. DEGREES CONFERRED, 191516. 855


In absentia. AA'alter Eric Bassett. "William Reginald Keast.

BACHELOR OP MUSIC. William Charles Fyshe. Laurence Otto Laver.

BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. John Norman Barker. Albert Edwin Bennett Barnes. .John Hawke Lane. Paul Pincus. Frederick Arthur Reed. Eruest Barrington Sibthorpe. Ronald Erlau Wittmann.

In absentid- John Lewis Pritchard.

BACHELOR OF AGBICULTUBAL SCIENCE. Alexander McDonald Armstrong. John Brake. Alexander Victor Lyon. ->

MASTEE OF ARTS. Alice Callister. Harriet May Hordern. Alice Hoy. Mary Hutton. Beatrice Laura Short. Alberta Olive Watson. Olive Leete Williams. Maurice Thomas Doyle. Abraham Hambly. AAMlliam Alexander AAralIer. John Stanley "Wells. Eustace Edmund AA'ilson. 856 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1915-16".

In absentid- Patrick Arundell. MASTER OF SCIENCE. Harold George Daniel Breidahl.

In ahsentid- Percy Gilchrist Towl. MASTER OF SURGERY. Athol Stanley Mortimer Tymms.

MASTER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING- In absentia- Charles Strong Galbraith.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. Gwynneth Vaughan Buchanan.


DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION.. Myrtle Annie Eileen Andrew. Lois Florence Barnes. Violet Mary Butler. Jessie Florence Campbell. Alma Grace Cooke. Olive May Grainger. Lorna Joske. Gladys Miriam Peters. Mary Grace Smith. Mildred liartram A7eal. Albert Milton Barry. Leslie John Eddy. George Thornton Frazer. Leonard James Millar. Albert Robinson Orton. Charles Joseph Pawsey. Edward James Sprake. . DEGREES CONFERRED, 1U15-16. 857

BY SPECIAL QUACK. MASTER OF ARTS. ^Richard Penrose Franklin, M.A. ."Robert Strachan Wallace, M.A.

12TH JUNE, 1916. BACHELOR OF ARTS. -James Caldwell. .Ernest Clement Day.

In ahsentid.- •Clerk Maxwell Churchward. BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR OF SURGERY. William Louther Armstrong. John Lee Atkinson. Richard Constantine Bassett. Stanley Earles Craig. John Rces Porter. Sicgmund Rabl. Donald Rupert Charles Tregonning.

BACHELOR OP CIVIL. ENGINEERING. In absentia- Valentine Finch. BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINBERING.' . In ahsentid- William Hart. BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. AA'illiam Stanley Cook. John Francis Filmer. • Edward Alexander Mylrea. MASTER OP ARTS. In absentia. Leslie Muir Thompson. 858 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1015-10.

MASTER OF LAAVS. Leonard Ignatius Power.


I8TH SEPTEMBER, 1916. BACHELOR OF ARTS. George Anderson. In absentid- Marie Claire Oliphant.

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE AND BACHELOR- OF SUEGERY. David Dorcy Browne.' Percival James Campbell Ralph Harry Crisp. George Vernon Davies. Harold Clive Disher. Alfred Raymond Fox. James Mann Henderson. Glenloth Victor Hickey. Harold Rupert Hyctt. Charles Ellis Jelbart! Esmond Shirley Joske. Alexander Allison Lang. Arthur Poole Lawrence. Robert AVreyford Lawrence. Algernon George Rowley Lilford. Euan Ironside Littlejohn. Howard Woodruff Lording. Gordon John Kennedy Mclver. Frank Kingsloy Norris. Gordon Ochiltree Robertson. Philip Beauchamp Sewcll. Mervyn Athol Stewart. Alexander Paul Sutherland. Hugh Compson Trumble. Arthur Robert AVaterhouse. Charles Eric AVatson. DEGREKS CONFERRED, 1915-16. 8591

In absentia- Leonard Bell Cox. Albert AVadeson Le Souef. Koy Lindsay Park.

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. In absentia. Percival Bartlett Nye.

MASTEE OP ABTS. Victor Sydney Hollow.

In absentid- Herbert Douglas Campbell.

MASTEE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. In absentia- Herbert Gordon Jenkinson.

MASTER OF MINING ENGINEERING. In ahsentid- Alexander Dudley Mackay.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. Frank Leslie Stillwell.

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Elizabeth Mary Sweet. Cedric Alwyn Stewart. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

SITTING AND ADJOURNMENT or THE SENATE. 1. The Senate shall meet at the University or at some central place in the city. 2. The Senate shall meet for two Sessions in each year in tho months of June and October commencing on the third Tuesday in each of these months or if any such Tuesday be a public holiday upon the day following. 3. The hour of meeting of tho Senate shall be half-past four o'clock but the afternoon sitting shall terminate at half-past six and an evening sitting shall begin at half- past seven. No fresh business shall be called on after ton o'clock. 4. Until the Session bo closed the Senate shall meet from day to clay but on tho close of Friday's sitting tho Senate shall stand adjourned until the following Tuesday afternoon. 5. The AVarden may at any time convene a special meeting of the Senate. 6. Upon tho requisition of twenty members of tho Senate setting forth tho objects for which they desire the meeting to be convened the Warden shall convene a special meeting of the Senate within fourteen days and not less than seven •days from the date of the receipt by him of suoh requisition. 7. The Senate may adjourn any meeting or debate to a future sitting. 8. A Register of the addresses of Members of the Senate •as supplied from time to time by Members shall be kept by the Registrar. 9. Notice of the opening of every Session and of the •business to be brought on at its opening shall be given by circular posted or delivered seven clear days before each Session and notice of every special meeting and of the business to be brought on thereat shall be given by circular posted or delivered seven clear days before •such meeting to the address of every Member which is •on the Eegister. . 10. The AVarden shall take the chair as soon after the faour of meeting as twenty Members are present. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 861

11. If, after the expiration of half-an-hour there be not twenty Members present the sitting shall lapse and the business of the Session or of the Special Meeting as the case may be shall be postponed till the following day at half-past four or if the following day be Satur­ day till the following Tuesday at half-past four. 12. If the AVarden arrive after the chair is taken the Chairman shall vacate the chair. 13. If it shall appear on the report of a division by the tellers or on the attention of tho AArarden being called to tho fact that twenty Members be not present the Warden shall declare the sitting at an end and the debate shall stand adjourned. Provided that if half-an-hour have not elapsed from tho time prescribed for the beginning of the sitting .and twenty members are again present before the expiration •of the half-hour tho sitting shall be resumed. 14. AVhen a sitting is ended from want of a quorum the business under discussion and any other business not disposed of shall be called on at the next sitting and shall take precedence of all other business. 15. The Registrar shall under the direction of the AVarden record in a book the Votes and Proceedings of the Senate on the model of the Votes and Proceedings of Parliament. 16. Tlie Session or special meeting shall close when all the business is disposed of or when two or more con­ secutive, sittings having lapsed for want of a quorum the Warden declares the Session or Special Meeting «nded. NOTICES, MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. 17. The Registrar shall prepare a Notice Paper of the •business of every day of the Session and of every special meeting. 18. The Registrar shall place ou tho Sessional Notice Paper all Notices of Motion received not less than twenty- one days before tho first dny of Session. 19. Tho order of business ou each day of the Session shall be—1. Reading for confirmation of tho votes aud proceedings of the previous day. 2. Notices of Motion. 3. Busiuess on tho Notice Paper which shall bo called on in tho order in which it stands thereon unless the Senate direct otherwise. 20. Every Notice of Motion shall be in writing and shall bo signed by two members and no motion shall be spoken to or debated on the day on which notice of it is given. 862 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

21. The order of procedure on a proposed new Statute or Regulation shall be—1. Reception of the Statute or Regula­ tion by tho Senate. 2. Committal to aCommitteo of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee. 3. Adoption of the Statute or Regulation by the Senate as amended by the Committee. 22. But if it is not desired to make amendments in the Statute or Regulation it may be adopted without reference to a Committee and any proposed Statute or Regulation may be recommitted. The question that a proposed Statute- or Regulation be now received may not bo amended. The- question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be com­ mitted to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee may be amended by tho substitution of Select- Committee for Committee of tho whole Senate and vice rrrsd but not otherwise. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now adopted by the Senate may be amended, in order that it may be committed or recommitted but not otherwise. All amendments in a proposed Statute or- Begulation shall be relevant to the subject matter thereof. 23. No Member shall make any motion initiating a subject for discussion except in pursuance of notice duly inserted on the Notice Paper for that day. 24. A motion may be amended by the mover with leave of the Senate. 25. AVhen a motion has been made and seconded the- question shall then be proposed to the Senate by the AVarden. 26. Any motion not seconded shall not be further discussed and no entry thereof shall be made on the Azotes- and Proceedings. 27. A Member who has made a motion may withdraw the- same by leave of the Senate such leave being granted without any negative voice. 28. A question may bo superseded— (1) By the motion " That the Senate do now adjourn." (2) By a motion " That the Senate proceed to the next business." (3) By the previous question vii. "That the question be now put" being proposed anu. negatived. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 86?

29. It tho previous question be resolved in the affirmative- the original question shall be put forthwith without further amendment or debate. 30. A motion for " proceeding to the next business" and' also for " the previous question" may be superseded by the- adjournment of the Senate. 31. The debate upon a question may be interrupted— (1) By words of heat between members. (2) By a question of order. (3) By a motion for reading any official document relevant to the question. 32. The Senate may order a complicated question to be- divided. 33. So soon as a debate upon a question shall be concluded, the AVarden shall put tho question to the Senate and if tbe- same should not be heard shall again state it to the Senate. 34. A question being put shall be resolved in the affirma­ tive or the negative by the majority of voices " Aye " or " No." 35. Tho AArarden shall state whether in his opinion the " Ayes." or the " Noes " have it and unless his opinion bo acquiesced in by the minority the question shall be deter­ mined by a division. 36. No motion shall be placed on the notice paper or question be proposed which the AVarden shall rule to bo t-ho- saine in substance as any which during the same meeting has been resolved" in the affirmative or the negative.

AMENDMENTS. 37. Any member proposing an amendment shall deliver the same in writing to the A\rarden. 38. A question having been proposed may bo amended by leaving out certain words in order to insert or add other words or by inserting or adding words. 39. An amendment proposed but not seconded shall not- be entertained by the Senate or entered on the Votes. 40. AATien a proposed amendment is to leave out certain, words the AVarden shall put a question " That the words proposed to be left out stand part.of the question" which shall be resolved by the Senate in the affirmative or the? negative as the case may be. "864 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

41. When the proposed amendment is to leave oiit certain words in order to insert or add other words the AVarden shall put a question "That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the question " which if resolved in the affirma­ tive will dispose of the amendment but if in the negative and there is no motion before the Senate for amending tho proposed amendment another question shall be put " That the words of the amendment bo inserted or added instead thereof " which shall be' resolved in the affirmative or the 'negative as the case may be. 42. When the proposed amendment is to insert or add •certain words the AA'ardcn shall put a question " That such words be inserted or added" which shall be resolved in the .affirmative or tho negative as the case may be. 43. No amendment shall be proposed in any part of a •question after a later part has been amended, or after an amendment on a later part has been proposed unless the .proposed amendment has by leave ot the Senate been with­ drawn. , 44. No amendment shall be proposed in any words which the Senate has resolved shall stand part of a question or shall be inserted in or added to a question except the addition of other words thereto. 45. A proposed amendment may by leave of the Senate be amended or withdrawn by the mover. 46. Amendments may be proposed to a proposed amend­ ment as if suoh proposed amendment 'were an original question. 47. AVhen an rendu rents have been made the main ques­ tion as amended shall be put. 48. AVhen amendments have been proposed but not made the question shall be put as originally proposed. DEBATE. . 40. Every member desiring to speak shall rise iu his place .and address himself to the AVarden. 50. AVhile the Senate is dividing Members can speak only to a point of order aud by permission of the Warden, 51. No Member may speak to any question after the same has been put by the AVarden aud the voices have been given ij the alb'mative and the negative thereon. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. f65>

52. When two or more Members rise to speak the Warden shall call upon the Member who first rose in his place. 53. A motion may be made that any Member who has7 risen " be now heard " or " do now speak." 54. By the indulgence of tho Senate a Member may explain matters of a personal nature although there be no question before the Senate but such matters may not bo debated. 55. No member may speak twice to the same question before the Senate except in explanation or reply. 56. A Member who has spoken to a question may again bo heard to explain himself in regard to some material part of his speech but shall not introduce any new matter. 57. A reply shall be allowed to a Member who has made a substantive motion to the Senate but not to any Member' who has moved an amendment. 58. Any Member may rise to speak " to order " provided that if the AVarden after a point ot order has been raised state that it has boon sufficiently discussed ho may forthwith declare his ruling thereon. 59. No Member shall use offensive or unbecoming words- in reference to any Member ot the Senate. 60. AVhen any Member shall object to words used in debate and shall desire them to bo taken down the AVarden it it be the pleasure of the Senate shall direct the Kegistrar to take- them down accordingly. 61. Every suoh objection shall be taken at the lime when such words are used and not after any other Member has spoken. 62. Any Member having used objectionable words and not explaining or retracting the same or offering apologies for the use thereof to the satisfaction of the Senate shall bo- censured or otherwise dealt with as the Senate may think fit and any Member called to order sliall sit down unless- permitted to explain. 63. Order shall be maintained in the Senate by the Warden.. 64. Whenever tho Warden rises during a debato any Member then speaking or offering to speak shall sit down and tbe Senate shall be silent so that the AVarden may be- heard-without interruption. •'866 STANDING ORDERS OF TOE SENATE.

65. If the AVarden desires to take part in a debate he shall vacate the chair for tho time and another Chairman :shall be appointed.

DIVISIONS. 66. No Member shall bo entitled to vote in any division unless he be present when the question is put. 67. Every Member present when a division is taken must •vote. 08. When a division is called for the Warden shall direct the " Ayes" to tho right and tho " Noes " to the left and •shall appoint two tellers for each party. 09. The vote of the AVarden shall be taken before the •other votes without his being required to leave tho chair. 70. In case there should not bo two tellers for one of the parties the Warden shall forthwith declare the resolution ot the Senate. 71. An entry of the lists of divisions in tho Senate shall •be made by the Registrar in the Votes and Proceedings. 72. In case ot confusion or error concerning the numbers reported unless the same can bo otherwise corrected the :Seuatc will proceed to another division. 73. It the numbers have been iuaccurately reported to the :Senate the Senate on being afterwards informed thereof will order the Votes and Proceedings to be corrected. 74. In case of an equality ot votes the Warden shall give .a casting vote and any reasons stated by him shall be •entered in the Votes and Proceedings. 75. No member shall be entitled to vote upon any ques­ tion in which he has a direct pecuniary interest and the vote of any Member so interested shall be disallowed.

COMMITTEES. 76. In committee of the whole the AVarden shall preside -and subject to the provisions hereinafter contained the ;same quorum mode ot deciding questions and order in debate shall be observed as in the Senate itself. 77. In committee Members may speak more than once to "the same question. - - STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATK. 8G7

78. A Committee of the whole Senate will be appointed . by resolution " That the Senate do now resolve itself into a •Committee" or "That a proposed Statute or Regulation be now committed to a committee of the whole Senate." 79. A motion made in committee need not be seconded and no motion for tho previous question can be made in •committee. SO. A Committee of the whole may at any time report progress and upon such report the Senate shall bo declared resumed. 81. When tbe business called on is a proposal which has been partly considered in committee of the whole the AArarden shall declare the Senate in committee without •question put. 82. AVhen all matters referred to a Committee ot the whole have been considered the AVarden on motion made and carried " That the Senate do now resume " shall declare the Senate resumed. 83. The quorum and convener ot every select committee .shall be named in the motion appointing the committee and its report shall be signed by the chairman and may be delivered to the Warden whether or not the Senate be then flitting and may be printed and placed on a Notice Paper without an order of the Senate. 84. Subject to the direction of the Senate the procedure in Select Committees shall conform to tho procedure in Committee ot the whole Senate or as near thereto as may bo possible.

ELECTIONS. 85. The office of AVarden shall become vacant annually on the first day ot June. 86. The Warden shall hold office until his successor is elected. 87. In all Elections by the Senate the Registrar shall act as Returning Officer. 88. Not more than nine weeks before the occurrence through effluxion ot time or upon the occurrence through any other cause of any vacancy in the office of Warden or in the Council ot the University the Returning Officer 868 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

shall forthwith issue a circular to the Members ot the Senate whose addresses are on the Register stating the occurrence ot such vacancy and that he will receive nominations of Caudidates which may be duly sent to him on or before a day not less than fourteen days from the date of such circular. 89. Nominations of qualified persons shall be made by two members of the Senate and shall contain the written consent of the Candidate to his nomination. 90. The Returning Officer shall hold an Election within forty-nine clays and not less than forty-two days from the latest day lor receiving Nominations. 91. If one Candidate only be nominated the Returning Officer shall publish his name on the Board at the Uni­ versity and shall extend the time allowed for receiving nominations seven days beyond the date first fixed. It no further nominations arc received tho Returning Officer shall declare the Candidate duly elected. 92. If more than one Candidate be nominated votes, shall be giveu by Voting Papers only. 93. Within seven days after the latest day of Nomina­ tion the Returning Officer shall post to each member of the Senate whose address is on the Register a Voting Paper a Form of Declaration and three envelopes one envelope to be marked " Aroting Paper" a second to bo marked " Declaration " and the third to be ad­ dressed "The Returning Officer, University, Melbourne." 94. Every Voting Paper shall contain the names of tbe Candidates for Election and shall be marked by the Returning Officer and no Aroting Paper or Declaration other than that officially issued as aforesaid shall bo accepted provided that in any case any Voting Paper or Declaration has been lost or destroyed a Duplicate shall be supplied on written application to the Registrar. 95. Every Voting Paper shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say; —

• DIRECTIONS. The Voter shall write the figure 1 opposite tho name ot the Candidate who stands First in his order of pre­ ference the figure 2 opposite the name ot the Candidate who stands Second in his order ot preference and so on. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 86!)


Numerical Ortlt-r of Voter's (Names to be inserter! in the'Alphabetical Order 1'rcference. of Surnames).

No signature is to be written on this Voting Paper. 96. Every Declaration shall be in the form following or to tho like effect that is to say: To the Beturiiim:/ Officer of the Senate of the University of Melbourne. I the undersigned declare that I am a member of the Senate of the University ot Melbourne and at the election of AA'arden (or of a Mem­ ber or Members of the Council to fill the vacancy or vacancies caused or to be caused by [here insert the cause] as the case may be) which is to take place at o'clock on the day of 19 do hereby vote in the manner shown in the accompanying Voting Paper. Sii/nature of Member-. Date- 97. Each member of the Senate shall post to or deliver at the office of the Registrar his Voting Paper and his Declaration each enclosed in a separate and distinctive envelope. These envelopes shall both he enclosed in a third or outer envelope which shall bo addressed to the Returning Officer. .56' 870 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

98. All such .envelopes addressed to the Returning Officer shall remain unopened until the close of the Poll. The Returning Officer shall then in each case open the outer envelope and also the envelope containing the Declaration of each voter. It the Declaration be duly signed the Returning Officer shall place in a Ballot Box provided for tho purpose tho accompanying envelope containing the Voting Paper. AVhen all the Declara­ tions have been examined the Returning Officer shall mix the envelopes containing the A'oting Papers open tho same and ascertain the result of the Election. 99. Each Candidate shall be entitled to nominate a Scrutineer to assist the Returning Officer. 100. Neither the Returning Officer nor any Scrutineer shall in any way whatever directly or indirectly divulge or disclose or aid in divulging or disclosing for what candidate or iu what manner any Member ot the Senate voted at any election. 101. Except as aforesaid no Member shall before or after voting transfer or part with his Voting Paper or Declaration to or permit it to be used by any other person. 102. No Voting Paper shall be used at any election unless it be received by the Beturning Officer not later than the hour fixed for the Election which shall bo stated on the Declaration. 103. The Voter shall'indicate the order of his pre­ ference by numbering the names of the Candidates con­ secutively commencing with the number 1 and any Aroting Paper on which more than one name is left un­ numbered shall not be used in the election. AAlien one name only is left unnumbered the Returning Officer shall insert the number omitted. 104. If on the report ot the Registrar or of a Scruti­ neer the AVarden be of opinion that any Voting Paper is substantially- defective such Voting Paper shall not be used in the election. 105. If there be more than one vacancy to be filled at any Election the vacancies shall be filled separately in the order of their occurrence and as each vacancy is filled the name of the successful Candidate shall be deemed to have been erased from each Voting Paper STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 871 and the names which remain to have been re-numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., according to the order in which they stand in the voter's order of preference. 106. One or more scrutinies shall be made by the Registrar and Scrutineers each of the latter being the representative of one Candidate according to the follow­ ing rules:— I. The first scrutiny shall be made in the follow­ ing manner: (a) The figure written opposite the name of any Candidate on any Voting Paper sliall be deemed to represent so many votes against the said Candidate. (b) The number obtained by dividing the total number of votes by the number of Candi­ dates shall be the average for the scrutiny. (c) Every Candidate whose sum total is not less than the average shall be rejected. II. Any subsequent scrutiny shall be made in the same manner as the first scrutiny provided that the names of all Candidates rejected at any preceding scrutiny shall be deemed to have been erased from each Voting Paper and the names which remain to have been re­ numbered with tho figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., ac­ cording to the order in which they stand iu the voter's order of preference. III. AVhen upon any scrutiny all the Candidates but one have been rejected that one shall be declared elected. IV. If upon any scrutiny all the Candidates have the same number of votes recorded against them the Warden shall by a casting vote reject one of them. V. If upon the first scrutiny it is found that any Candidate has an absolute majority of the total number ot first votes polled he shall be declared elected.


107. The Warden shall subject to the provisions herein contained determine conclusively all questions of detail concerning the Election. 108. In all cases not herein provided for the rules and usages of Parliament shall be followed so far as they may be applicable.

INTERPRETATION . 109. Wherever the word " AA'arden" is used in these Standing Orders it shall mean " The Warden or iu his absence the Chairman " unless the contrary is obvious, from the context.

Library Digitised Collections

Author/s: University of Melbourne

Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1917

Date: 1917

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File Description: 07_Annual report

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