{The Dynamic & Energetic Leader}

(Kwankwansiyya Amana, Tested and Trust)

Habieb Sanie Hamiesu (Hsh Assalaffy)

INTRODUCTION All praise and thanks are to Almighty God, whom In His mercy and wisdom grants me the opportunity of thinking and experience

1 of publishing this book towards the loyal, dedicated, stalwart, and brave father and honorable man, which is Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso (The Patriotic Leader). I pray may Almighty Allah accept our dua, and make you Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso as our president for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Wata`ala.

PREFACE It is my pleasure to issuing this particular book to you, Our father and Leader, Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso in order to manifest how we the people of , especially we the people from the northern side and also in some other part of the southern part of Nigeria are genuinely in need of you in Nigeria in order to contest for presidential seat, so as to unriddle the problem we are confronting. Because we are very debilitate, as you are the only and right person who can make us to be bracing, and also we have confidence in you that you will ameliorate in Nigeria by becoming the president of Nigeria.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to record my sincere thanks to my parents, Mal. Sani and Malama Aisha for their support, care, love, and

2 encouragements towards me since when I were nothing in life, uptill this time that I have started becoming someone in future for my profession. I will like to also thanks to my sisters and brothers; Amina, Rukaiyyah, Fatima, Tasiu, Saminu, Ismail, Hafsat and Maryam for their love and support to me whenever I am in need of their prayer and advice. Lastly, my appreciation and thanks goes on to my uncles; Isah Tasiu, Abubakar Tasiu, Dr. Yusuf Nadabo (Sarkin Tudun Nupawa), Bello Sa’idu, Danlami, Shuaib Balarabe (Sarkin Dutse), Hassan Hamisu, Alh. Nasir Saminu (Zaitun) Hussaini Hamisu, Aminu Ibrahim; my friends; Ismail Muhammad Nasir, Haruna Yusuf Nadabo,Ahmad Abdulkareem (Al`abshaty), Bilal Isah Lapai and Abdulrashid Muhammad Auwal (Likiter); my aunt; Hajiya Binta, Hajiya Badiya, Hajiya Hasiya Hamisu, Halima, Hajiya Hauwa’u Ibrahim; my cousin brothers; Buhari, Nazifi, Hamisu, Kabir Nasir (Zaitun); my cousin sisters; Naja’atu, Fatima Yusuf Nadabo, Rabia Nasir (Zaitun), Hassana Abubakar Kanari, Zainab Sufyan, Hauwa’u Abubakar Kanari, Aisha Shukran, Rumaisa Tasiu; and also the rest of my family members, friends, relatives and neighbors who manifest their love to me, support me, encourage me in terms of advice and also in terms of prayer. I am all grateful to you all.




4 Dr. (Engr.) Muhammad Rabi'u Musa popularly known as Rabiu Kwankwaso was born on 21 October 1956 in Kwankwaso village of Madobi Local Government Area of State. His father, Mallam Musa Salihu, was the village head of Kwankwaso and now the District Head of Madobi. Young Rabi’u started Islamic school at the age of four and later enrolled in Primary School in Kwankwaso (1962 - 1969). He attended Kwankwaso Primary School, Gwarzo Boarding Senior School, Wudil Craft School (1970 – 1972) and Kano Technical College before proceeding to Kaduna Polytechnic where he did both his National Diploma, and Higher National Diploma. He did Postgraduate Studies in the United Kingdom at Middlesex Polytechnic (1982 - 1983) and Loughborough University of Technology (1983 -1985) where he got his Master's Degree in Water Engineering and University of Nottingham (1987 – 1991). Kwankwaso was an active student leader during his school days and was an elected official of the Students Association. Rabi’u Kwankwaso started work as an artisan craftsman in 1975 with Water Resources Engineering and Construction Agency (WRECA). It was after seven years working that he went to the UK for further studies. During that time, he intermittently attended some certificate courses at Derby National Water Council in 1982, Derby Water Industrial Training in 1985 and London Industrial Water Training in 1985. In all, Kwankwaso worked with Kano State government for 17 years and rose through the cadre of the civil service to the rank of Principal Engineer. Kwankwaso’s first significant act as a politician was when he became an active student leader during his school days and was an elected official of the Kano State Students Association. In 1991, he resigned from government work and vied for election

5 into the Federal House of Representatives. He recalled “In fact, I had to battle my employers before they allowed me to retire, because they felt so much was being in invested on me. But I felt the only way I could make better contributions to humanity was in politics.” He joined partisan politics in the aborted Third Republic where he contested elections to the House of Representatives in 1992. His becoming the Deputy Speaker in the House brought him to the limelight of national politics. He was also elected to be one the delegates and representatives from Kano for the 1995 Constitutional Conference. He built his political empire with the support of numerous political movements, groups, and factions and solid endorsements and of political giants almost all. Rabiu Kwankwaso was then seen as the heir apparent to the political dynasty of Shehu Musa Yar'adua, Mallam and Mallam Aminu Kano of blessed memories. He then became the first governor of Kano State in the fourth republic (1999 - 2003). His swearing in ceremony at the Stadium in Kano metropolis was witnessed by millions of urban and rural citizens of the state as well as members of the diplomatic corps. It was a day that residents of the ancient city of Kano will not forget in a hurry and will live to remember as it marked the beginning of a visionary and revolutionary leadership. It also served as the foundation laying ceremony for the transformation of the state into an economic powerhouse as well as the economic and commercial nerve centre of northern Nigeria. Thereafter, he became the Defense Minister (2003 – 2006) and Presidential Special Envoy to Somalia and Darfur (2006 – 2007). Kwankwaso was the party leader in Kano and was nominated into the party's most powerful political of the then ruling party - Board of Trustees. He was also shortlisted for ambassadorial

6 appointment which he refused due to his burning desire to remain in the country and contribute his quota towards the development of this great country. He later accepted to serve as a board member representing Northwest region of Nigeria in the Niger Delta Development Commission (NNDC) from 2009 to 2010 Consequently, he re-contested in the 2011 gubernatorial poll and won the election, thus staging a comeback to the governorship seat in Kano state with an outstanding difference of sixty three thousand plus votes, his party won three quarters of the house of assembly seats, by winning 30 out of the total 40 seats in the state. Kwankwaso contested the presidential primaries nomination and came second to the current president Muhammad Buhari. He then swapped to contest the senatorial seat for Kano Central Senatorial District which he won and now serving in the committee for National Planning & Economic Affairs. The Kwankwansiyya slogan and Red cap identity definitely did not come by accident, rather it was a result of the track of records of probity, tested and trusted leadership Kwankwaso demonstrated in his administration as its tagged Amaana in response to Kwankwansiyya.

One would therefore be inquisitive to ask the meaning of Amana. A Kano man will be quick to tell you that it is trust that characterized the administration of affable humanist and administrator per excellence. He is indeed tagged as one of the most amazing leaders in Nigeria. Those who love him consider him to be a supersonic person whose achievements speak before his sound. His achievements were really massive in the areas of education,

7 rural electrification, health, infrastructural development, industrialization, agriculture, and housing and in fact, every works of live. He was able to establish a State University of Technology at Wudil; he introduced Free Feeding for Primary School Students in the State which led the United Nations to recognize his effort in that direction. His electrification programme in the rural areas recorded great successes. He was able to give the Federal Government a property that was turned into the Nigeria Law School at Bagauda. He built a number of bridges in the rural areas and introduce free natal programme for pregnant mothers. These landmark achievements of Kwankwaso as governor of Kano states are extremely massive numbering over 10,000 projects and 10,000,000 lives touched directly and indirectly. One of the most notable achievements in the area of financial prudency and management was the measures that jerked up the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state from N400 million to about N2 Billion monthly. In ensuring fiscal discipline, Gov. Kwankwaso was able to make capital expenditure higher than recurrent votes (2012: 63% capital, 37% recurrent; 2013 75% capital, 25% recurrent) and achieved up to 85% budget implementation in 2012 and 2013. He is the first governor to achieve 2:1 ratio in favour of capital vote. In 2015, Kwankwaso contested the APC Presidential primaries but lost to . He was elected to the Senator for Kano State Central Senatorial District Seat on 2 March 2015.

8 * SEN. DR. RABIU MUSA KWANKWASO’S AMBITION FOR NIGERIA Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso’s ambition for Nigerians and the country itself is to bring developments, promotion, and enhancements of all require for the developments of us Nigerians and the country itself. Kwankwaso’s aim is to bring numerous changes to we Nigerians and the country itself, and also purvey each and every citizens of Nigeria with what will make them achieved their goals in life. Kwankwaso’s ambition is to enhance the quality of education in Nigeria, and also creates numerous jobs for graduate who are unemployees, skills hand jobs and housewives jobs. He will also outfit we Nigerians with some funds in which we can invest in business, so in order to grow and stand on our feet. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso will also break down the cost of each item that their price is highly cost. Especially, foodstuffs and other items related to our daily life needs. Kwankwaso is famous, not only in Nigeria alone, and in other part of the countries. Kwankwaso will not let Nigeria fall in the hand of some other countries due to lack of developments and country promotion. Kwankwaso will use his wealth in investing in many businesses which we Nigerians and the country itself will benefit from it and also proud with it. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is not born just to be our leader, but rather, is a gift that Almighty God has sent to us, in whom we will all benefits from that him and achieve our goals of life because of him. And also this is a speech by His

9 Excellency Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso regarding to his ambition for Nigeria which is Fix Nigeria once and for all. “Fix Nigeria Once and for all “I am Ready to FIX Nigeria My name is Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso. I am indeed very ready to fix our great country within one year. My numerous and unmatched achievements as two terms governor, senator and many other political office holder is my leading credentials. With over 10,000 success stories and millions of lives being touched - Nobody else can fix our great country. Un-interruptible power, good meal, wealth creation & empowerment, perfect security, pleasant homes, safe drinking water, beautiful roads, affordable health care, economic stabilities, free education and everything to make you happy are possible. I will gladly resign and refuse to contest for the second-term if these basic amenities remain unsolved because I am more than 100% sure of exceeding your expectations. Join me and let us fix our great country once and for all. It is very easy to FIX Nigeria. Enough of political promises that delivers next to nothing. Nigerians are tired of epileptic power supply that has been used as election bait for decades. I am promising all Nigerians uninterruptible power supply without causing holes in their pockets through workable Public-Private-Partnership that will generate massive employment and industrial revolution. Our dependency on crude oil since independence has brought us to where we are right now. It's time to wake up and create

10 conducive environment for industrializations and business successes. Fixing Nigeria will not take long time. Really easy and fast - I am going to ensure that all basic amenities that will guarantee convenience and wealth creation are provided within the first six months. PPP is the only answer for long-lasting infrastructures maintenance. It's time to move up to our position as giant of Africa It is time to return back to our position of giant of Africa and possibly exceed it. Having strong currency that stood shoulder-to- shoulder with Pounds, US Dollars and Euros used to be our legacy but right now - the story is different! Nigerians have suffered enough; millions of people are hungry, homeless and even dying for lack of medical care. Enough is enough; this is the time for the final-change to peace, progress and prosperity. Suffering and Hunger are the reason for every problems & agitations Our Nigeria is better-together. This country is blessed with more than enough to make every Nigerians comfortable, fed, schooled, and accommodated and have unending enjoyments. Bad governance, corruption and visionless leaders have brought us this far. Let's Fix it NOW! Let me replicate my landmark achievements in Kano all over Nigeria With tens of thousands of achievements and millions of lives touched with billions of naira saved and highest level of IGR ever attained - Our great country is about to be transformed to an

11 enviable position by all the countries of the world. A peep into what I achieved in Kano is more than enough to convince you. There is no aspect of lives that was not touched nor any local government that did not record massive infrastructural development. Built Roads like No Other The numbers of roads that was built in Kano exceed that of every governor in Nigeria. There is nowhere in Nigeria that witness Kano's level of road networking and beautifications Kwankwaso - FIX Nigeria Once and For All. – NOW”. By only this speech of Kwankwaso, we can comprehend that no one is as ready as Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso in order to fix Nigeria back as it was 50 years ago. This is a speech signs of dedicated, trustworthy, respectful, loyal and patriotic leader, who is known as Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso”. Kwankwaso is mentally stable, intellectually okay, economically balanced, religiously un- bigotry, Nigeria knowledgeable, internationally astute, sectionally unifying, infrastructural gifted, politically dynamic, and developmentally savor. This is the kind of man Nigeria needs at this time

* SEN. DR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO FOR PRESIDENT 2019 As Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso being one among the candidates who will contest for the presidential seat, this shows

12 that, he is well prepared and ready to lead we Nigerians and the country itself. Kwankwaso will consolidate we Nigerians and also develop and enhance the country itself, in terms of business, investments, building of industries, and health services etc. Also, Kwankwaso will create delectable to we Nigerians if we support him, and vote him as our president of Nigeria. I’m sure that Kwankwaso will do all what we need and even what we are not expecting. Let not denounce Kwankwaso’s thinking regarding to Fix Nigeria Once and For All. Because he will definitely do as he say if he become the president of Nigeria. He will also enhance and cater the needs of we Nigerians. To me, I have no any denunciation of all what Kwankwaso will say regarding to Fix Nigeria Once and For All. Some unpatriotic leaders in Nigeria are trying to devastate Nigeria and its fund, while Kwankwaso’s dream is to restore all what is been taken away from Nigeria by some unpatriotic leaders and also to prevent them from embezzling Nigeria funds and stealing of her properties again. Kwankwaso revere Nigerians, especially the youths, students, and the poor people. If we revolve to all leaders in Nigeria, no one is as good as Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, as he is the most honorable and respectful Senator in Nigeria. Kwankwaso is well enough robust to lead we Nigerians and the country itself uptill the time that his tenure will exhausted from being the Nigerian president. Sen. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is one and the best among the amazing helpers. He always stood for truth and justice, as he has often done for the improvement of quality of lives for

13 the masses, which is what his government stands for. Kwankwaso is the man who does not see only the way to victory, but also knows when victory is impossible. Many who loves him see him as a supersonic person whose achievements speak before his sound. Furthermore, Kwankwaso deserve to be the chieftain an also ambassador of the youths, poor people, and student in Nigeria, and even in some other part of the countries. Because he uses his wealth, in sponsoring the youths, poor people, students and also uses most of his time in planning how to make myriad developments for Nigerians and the country itself. As we comprehend that, ambassador refers to a person of the government to represent his own government in another country, likewise in this place; Kwankwaso is the ambassador of youths, students, and poor people in Nigeria and even in some other part of the countries. Those who are often with Kwankwaso has declare that whosoever meet Kwankwaso face to face, and complain his problem to him, surely and by God grace, Kwankwaso shall aid him with what he never expected which will change his history from that very day. I urge us Nigerians to not contradict Kwankwaso’s dream regarding to Fix Nigeria Once and For All, if he become the president of Nigeria. We should not differentiate each other; either by race, tribe, or religion. Let we Nigerians both the Muslims and the Christians converge, in order to achieve our goals by voting Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso as our president. Kwankwaso

14 deserves to be our president. Let we Nigerians converse and choose the suitable leader to the seat of the presidency (Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso). Not even thinking that Kwankwaso will become the president of Nigeria, but we have hope and sureness that he will definitely be the president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by God grace. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso do not divulge any differentiation for the people of Nigeria; either by race, tribe, or religion, rich or poor. They are all equal and one to him. Kwankwaso has no enmity with anyone. As he is so simple, generous, honorable, good, kind, respected and popular person in Nigeria and in some other countries. Once again, I urge those who are maledicting Kwankwaso to stop, because Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is indeed a Goodman. He is not the way that you are thinking him to be. Despite, you do not know how goodness Kwankwaso is, unless you interact with him, or ask those that are often with him all the time, by that time you will realize that you are mistaken of maledicting Kwankwaso and that he is not the way you are thinking him to be. And also, you will discover that Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a good man. Kwankwaso is loyal to everyone and also respect everyone no matter whom they are. Kwankwaso’s aim is to make each and every family in Nigeria to be happy by purveying them with necessary daily life needs. And I also pray on behalf of me, my parents, my families, my friends, Nigerian

15 youths, students, and kwankwasiyya’s supporters, by God`s grace, the title of Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso will change from SEN (Senator Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso) to PRMK (President Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso) by God`s grace! By God`s grace!! By God`s grace!!!

* SEN. DR. RABIU KWANKWASO’S PASSION FOR EDUCATION Kwankwaso's great passion for education, doggedness for good governance, incorruptible nature, transparency and accountability are some of the few qualities that endeared me to him. Despite the fact that I was not even in my sane years when he first led Kano as Governor, I can still recall vividly with pride some of his achievements in the education sector especially girl-child education. Gov. Kwankwaso made girl-child education free together with free distribution of exercise books and other learning materials. He equally introduced free feeding program to the girl pupils in other to support and motivate them at the same time easing the burden on their respective parents thereby making parents to willfully enroll their child and wards in school. This singular act has reduced the rate of street hawking, begging and other related undesirable acts caused by the lack of basic formal education. "If you educate a woman, you educate the society". I am sure Kwankwaso had this saying in mind when he embarked upon this initiative. I can remember clearly in those days when the Kano state owned TV station "ARTV" formerly

16 "CTV" used to anchor a program showcasing Kwankwaso's achievements on girl-child education. The program equally served as a clarion call to the general public to enroll their children in school. In the program, their is a particular hausa song and here is an excerpt " Allah sarki Kwankwaso ya rarraba mana littafi amma ni ban samu ba. Saboda me baki samu ba? Rashin zuwa makarantarki shine yasa baki samu ba". The song featured some young girls smartly dressed in their blue-colored governments' school uniform. There is no doubt that many parents heeded to this call and enrolled a large number of their children in various primary schools which have made those girls turned women to be successful and independent and they are currently contributing immensely to their respective societies and Nigeria in general.

Dr. Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso's immense contribution to the development of education was not only limited to basic education for he has established, reestablished and rejuvenated various learning institutions. During his first term as the executive governor of Kano state, between 1999-2003, Kwankwaso established the first state owned University in 2001 and named it -KANO UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, WUDIL Which was later renamed to Kano University of Science and Technology. Initially, it started with only two faculties- Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology (FAAT). As it stands today, the University has six

17 faculties - Faculty of Computing And Mathematics Sciences (FACMS), Faculty of Engineering (FAENG), Faculty of Sciences (FASSE), Faculty of Sciences and Technical And Technical Education (FASTE). The student's population has risen from about 88 students at inception to almost 15, 000 students today. Just by the name of the faculties, it is evident that this institution offers globally competitive courses which has certainly impacted positively on the students and society at large. With the establishment of this institute, the rate of illeteracy and joblessness have reduced drastically in not only northern Nigeria but Nigeria as a whole. All courtesy of Kwankwaso. Thank You, Baba. In his second coming as governor of Kano state between 2011- 2015, Kwankwaso still deemed it appropriate to establish a second state university by name North West University, Kano now Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano named after the former Nigeria's permanent representative to the United Nations, late Amb. Yusuf Maitama Sule, on him be peace. The establishment of this University further decongested other universities and increased the literacy rate in not only Kano but Nigeria as a whole. Similarly, Kwankwaso further established various institutions, entrepreneurship and skills acquisition centers all in a bid to cut the rate of unemployment, armed banditry and other social menaces bedeviling the state then. Although these laudable initiates were tagged as redundant hence greeted with heap of criticisms by some hate mongers, I still

18 perceived it to be a welcome development which has certainly improved the economic stability of the state thereby making majority of the people to be financially independent. Thank You Kwankwaso.

Here, I will like to respectfully implore our political leaders at all levels to replicate Kwankwaso's infrastructural and human developmental projects while he was the governor of Kano state. This will definitely proffer lasting solution to the immediate crises in some parts of the country especially; farmers/herdsmen clashes and ethno-religious unrest.

Furthermore, Engr. Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso had during his second tenure offered various scholarship to qualified students both for undergraduate and postgraduate programs locally and abroad. Roughly, Kwankwaso sponsored 101 PhD students, 421 for Masters program, 19 students to study Piloting in Jordan, 52 students were equally sponsored to study MBBS, more than 200 students to study Information Technology in Uganda and more than 1000 to study various degree programs in Crescent University, Edo, Nigeria, Igbenidion University, Ogun, Nigeria, ABTI University, Yola Nigeria, El-Razi University, Sudan, Mansourah University and October 6 University all in Cairo, Egypt, Shardah University, India to mention but few. This sponsorship has since started yielding positive results as most of the beneficiaries have successfully completed their respective

19 programs and are working in one organization or the other. It will interest you to know that even after serving his tenure as the governor of Kano state, Kwankwaso now a serving senator representing the largest senatorial district (Kano Central), is still rendering financial assistance to these sponsored students that are yet to complete their programs. This has clearly indicated Sen. Kwankwaso's impartial and humane nature. This is how every political leader should be and this is how Dr. Rabi'u Musa Kwankwaso is.

Even though some critics have attributed all these kind gestures of Kwankwaso with a mere political gain filled with vested interests, I support it wholeheartedly. Keep it up Baba. Dear politicians, this is a virtue that you must imbue in order to succeed.

I have no doubt that if voted as president; Kwankwaso will surely reciprocate this development to the whole of Nigeria.

Well done Kwankwaso! Vote Kwankwaso for President


20 Kwankwaso is a disappointment to most of our current set of leaders for obvious reasons. I think he is not fair to them and I will like to dwell on this issue. Most of those at the corridors of power made us to believe that government cannot execute human and capital development projects simultaneously. Kwankwaso upon assumption into office, he proved them wrong by carrying out gigantic projects and programs. He blocked leakages and allocated 70% to capital and 30% recurrent expenditures during the annual budget.

Within four years as Governor of Kano state, Kwankwaso built thousands of classrooms, laboratories, offices in primary and secondary schools across the state. This is in addition to newly established primary and secondary schools running into hundreds. Over ten thousand children of Talakawa (masses) were fully sponsored to study in various universities within and outside Nigeria. Today, there are over three hundred indigenes of the state undergoing various PhD programs in USA, UK, France, Canada, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Cyprus, Turkey, Burney, South Korea, Thailand etc.

Kwankwaso established over twenty higher institutions of learning within the same period which include the prestigious Northwest University, College of advanced studies Tudun wada, Sport Institutes, School of Informatics, School of Nursing etc In housing, he constructed tens of thousands of houses on a virgin land situated on newly established cities of Kwankwasiyya,

21 Amana and Bandirawo. He also built hundreds if not thousands of houses for civil servants in educational sector. Hundreds of kilometers of roads were constructed across the nooks and cranny of the state. Numerous overhead, underpass and pedestrian bridges were constructed within a period of four years. Street lights were fully functional in all the metropolitan roads.

All state hospitals including primary health centers were fully renovated and equipped with sophisticated instruments. This is in addition to ensuring a hygienic Kano state and free medical care for pregnant women and children. His administration also embarked on two different independent power projects with generation capacity of over 20MW. Domestic water supply recorded the highest success in the history of the state. On Agriculture, farmers got subsidized fertilizer on time and the state was able to produced fertilizer for itself and neighboring states. Farmers enjoy numerous Incentives and improved seeds variety. Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso ran the most transparent and accountable government in the history of this country. The weekly state executive council meeting is always available on print and social media for public consumption. The total amount received and spent every month remains public throughout his tenure. Many people within and outside the state were wondering how he financed the projects without borrowing a single Kobo. That is Kwankwaso, Dan Musa the trust worthy, loyal, dedicated,

22 stalwart, brave, courageous, patriotic and potentate leader. No one like him among the currents and past leaders in Nigeria. I wish my brain will remember everything but to be fair to Kwankwaso, I didn't mention half of his projects and programs. Having said all this, do you think our present set of leaders will be happy with him? NO. He enlightened Nigerians that it is possible to transform Nigeria into Dubai with hard work and determination. Our current leaders can no longer deceived masses with empty promises because Kwankwaso had shown us the light. If you (leaders) work, we will come out en masses to welcome you and anything short of this, you can only enjoy sparsely rented crowd no matter your 'GASKIYA' At last, "Kwankwaso is a blessing to our generation, at least he saved our face before the upcoming generation; without people like him, we have nothing to show our kids"

* GOOD FEATURES OF SEN. DR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO Indeed, honorable and respectful man like Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has some good features, which I will like to remind us about these good features of Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso. The features are; i. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is faithful person, and true to the people allegiance.

23 ii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is trustworthy. iii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is patriotic, and also ready to sacrifice all what he has for we Nigerians and the country itself for its developments and growth. iv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a philanthropist, who uses his wealth for helping the youths, students, and the needy ones. And also use his wealth for the developments of Nigeria and growth. v. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is well enough educated to communicate and invest for the developments of Nigeria, and also comprehend the pains of we Nigerians. He is also well educated, and well known regarding to the law of constitution, and to the rule abides by it. As we Nigerians, we want a good person like Kwankwaso, who will lead us, as he is indeed a good leader, and also have the qualities which qualify him to be our president. vi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is well enough to preserve, barrier and also defend we Nigerians from being harm, no matter what will cost him. vii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is man of integrity in the eyes of we Nigerians and international communities. viii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is not remiss to we Nigerians, unlike the other leaders who are less concern about us.

24 ix. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is dependable to we Nigerians and Nigeria itself. x. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso features and manner are ineffable. xi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has interest and being to we Nigerians, and also solidarity to we Nigerians and the Nigeria itself. xii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is the ambassador of graciousness, goodness, and kindness to people. Especially to students, youths and the poor ones. xiii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is brave warrior when it comes to fighting of bribery and corruption. xiv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has no any bad record that someone can prove as something bad doing of him. xv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a chief leader, father, and sponsor to multitudinous people, not even in Nigeria, and in some other part of the countries. xvi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is enough good in seeing that no any citizen of Nigeria suffered either being a Muslim or Christian. xvii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso always try to bulwark any citizen of Nigeria from being harm, especially the poor ones.

25 * MY IMPRESSION FOR SEN. DR. RABI’U MUSA KWANKWASO TO BECOME THE PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA Kwankwaso has done innumerable and great things to we Nigerians, in which we cannot repay him back what he has done to us, even if we vote him as the president of Nigeria, we cannot repay him back what he has done to us in anyway. It will be so unmanageable for we Nigerians to be extremely lucky to get a good, faithful, and trustworthy leader like Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso who will lead us well and in God fearing, if we dare miss him as our president of Nigeria. i. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has done a lot to we Nigerians and the country itself, which some of the former leaders are unable to do. ii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has the vitality, versality, and is vibrant and also has the spiritual knowledge to lead us. iii. I believe that Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is votary person to us Nigerians. iv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is victual to poor people, youths and student. An also visible at all the time. v. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has the potency to lead we Nigerians the way we want. Because he is potent and potentate in Nigeria.

26 vi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is prig to the needy ones, and also a bracing to we Nigerians, as we are seriously weak. vii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is not plutocrat alone, but he is also a plenipotentiary. viii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is not plausible like that of the other leaders, because he is placid person and also a parley. ix. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is paragon to we Nigerians, unlike the other leaders, as he is also a munificent, genial and gentility person. x. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is busybody to we Nigerians, especially the needy ones and the students who are in need of assistance for their studies. xi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is well enough stalwart to lead we Nigerians, if he become the president of Nigeria. xii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso will sat rate we Nigerians with all what we need for our daily life activities. xii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is well brave and also worthy to we Nigerians. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso not deserves to be the president of Nigeria alone, but rather, he deserves to be the father of all Nigerians. Kwankwaso studied well, determined and at last supervenes by becoming what he is today in Nigeria and also in some other part of the countries. He held many position since

27 when he was studying, before he became a politician and also a stalwart and patriotic leader. Kwankwaso is highly respected and honorable man. He always tries his best in order to placate the needy ones with what he can, not even in his state alone, but and in all over the country. xiii. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso will shelter we Nigerians from being harm by any terrorism group, as he is amiable to we Nigerians. xiv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is brave decent enough to lead us and also be the president of Nigeria . xv. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is honest in dealing with people, and also dedicated to service towards we Nigerians. xvi. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso has exhibit that, he’s not the way as other thinking about him, by doing all what will bring change, smile, and happiness in the face of we Nigerians, especially the poor ones. Assuming, if a half of paradise should be granted to Kwankwaso by God, I have assurance that Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso will divulge mercy to the poor people and grant them the half of the paradise. Kwankwaso is the root which will hold us well by enhancing, promoting, and bringing developments to we Nigerians, and the country itself. While we Nigerians are the stems to stand firm in order to support and vote Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso as

28 our president in Nigeria, in which our goals and achievements are the leaves that will bright on each and everyone citizen of Nigeria which will make us supervene by the help of Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso Kwankwaso is not puny as that of the other leaders, because he is highly great and respectful person. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is always progressing in life, as he cares about the masses in Nigeria and even in some other part of the countries. I am sure that, Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso being the president of Nigeria, he will lead us in trustness, kindness, care, love and sympathy, also enhance the quality of education, purvey us with hand skills jobs, company’s jobs, industries jobs, scholarships and government jobs. And will also use his wealth for contributing and helping us, and by using his power in taking away the predicaments that we are confronting. Kwankwaso is the only one that can do such to us. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso neither seeks the assistance of any other person, being politician, or someone in high position in government, nor fears any one. He only seeks God’s assistance, and immunity against any God creations. Kwankwaso do not manifest any differentiation between the poor people and the rich people. Likewise, I can say that, Kwankwaso is indeed the government of Nigeria.

29 So why not we Nigerians support and vote Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso as our president in Nigeria since he has the good qualities to lead us, and also qualify to be the president of Nigeria. Kwankwaso being the president of Nigeria will ameliorate Nigeria. We Nigerians have to be unsceptic to Kwankwaso’s plan for the developments and promotion for Nigeria. Kwankwaso is scintillate, who will lighten we Nigerians and Nigeria itself with so many developments. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is one among the best people in Nigeria that aid the IDPs, by purveying them with foodstuffs, clothes, and shelter. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso for president, for good leadership, equity, accountability, and bring governance to the people of the entire nation. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a leader not a ruler. He deserves to be the leader of Nigeria whom will lead we Nigerians. He is a leader with all the qualities of leadership, fiscal, cultural and religious. As we all comprehend that, Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso uses his wealth in other to see that he has aid the needy ones, especially those whom lost their brothers, sisters and parents etc. in the victims of Boko Haram, and also the IDPs that based in kano and in some other states across Nigeria.


30 Nigeria is a blessed country. God has blessed us with a lot of things, but how can we make use of these things? Do we categorically need a good leader that will lead us in good way? These days, the issues of bad leadership matters a lot. Almost every Nigerian is complaining. How can we get rid of these complications? Some of our leaders tell lies under oaths and trust in deceitful words. They make promises and break them. I want to tell fellow Nigerians that we cannot get out of this quandary if we didn’t settle down, keep the issue of religious, tribalism aside and have love for one another, unite and be under one umbrella. If we do not do this, there is no way we can have our imbroglio solved. Nigeria need a good and God fearing leader, like Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, as he will work hard in raising the standard of living of the people, transform the society, enact policies that would give we Nigerians sense of oneness. Some of the challenges of national integration and developments in Nigeria include; economic crisis, poverty, unequal development, crisis of governance and poor political leadership. Nigeria has a very big potential to become one of the most powerful countries of the world, and for it to occupy such position, it must transform its system integrate the people, grow the economy and fight poverty and hunger. There is no way a leader will become a good leader in Nigeria without seeking God wisdom and loving for others what he love for himself. Nigerians and the leaders should also allow God to direct the affairs of their governance towards a successful tenure.

31 Sincerely, we Nigerians must choose a good leader like Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso whom will lead us the way we needs. Kwankwaso is the only right person to lead Nigeria and to lead us. Because we are so debilitate due to privation, but by the wills of Almighty God. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is the only man and the right person to ameliorate regarding to privation in Nigeria. And also Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is competence if he becomes the president of Nigeria, and also to be the leader Nigerians and Nigeria itself. Kwankwaso is the first in Nigeria, when it comes to facilitating of people. No one like him (Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self sacrifice. The spirit of self sacrifice creates trust and love in the heart of people) that what Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a light that God has sent to us, in order to take us away from the darkness that covered us. Also he is a hero, who will represent us in changing and bringing myriads developments to we Nigerians and also fighting against bribery and corruption. Lastly, Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is a moon that brighten each and every state in Nigeria, especially the state that are suffering both in the northern and the southern. Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso is the voice of Nigeria representing we Nigerians in anywhere and at any time. Heir to the throne of the presidential seat in Nigeria (Sen. Dr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso) Kwankwasiyya Amaana (Tested & Trusted).


Honesty, credibility, accountability & transparency are one of the Qualities of a good Leader and that is precisely the handiwork of our amiable and able Acting Senator (Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso) the game changer and problem solver at once the political pathfinder to the good people of Kano the burden of Nigeria, metropolis Sen. Dr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso (SHUGABAN SHUWAGABANNIN AREWA) On behalf of my humble self and my parents, we pray to Almighty God to make you become our president, and also aid you to lead us as our president. Kwankwaso 4 all and For Once- Nigerian President.


AUTHOR CONTACT DETAILS: Phone No. 07063333505, 08177155786 Whatsapp: 07063333505 Facebook: Habieb Sanie Hamiesu Twitter: SaniHabibHamisu Instagram: Habib_Sani_Hamisu Gmail: [email protected] Gmail 1: [email protected]