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Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District of Sacramento County, California, will receive sealed bids as follows:

BID DATE: September 21, 2017

SUBMIT BIDS TO: County of Sacramento, Department of General Services, Contract and Purchasing Division, 9660 Ecology Lane Sacramento, CA 95827 Until 2:00 P.M. (Local Time)

Bids will be publicly opened and read at the time and place indicated above.

FOR: Digesters 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project




PRE-BID CONFERENCE: 10:00 AM MANDATORY September 7, 2017 SRWTP Administration Building, Commons Room 8521 Laguna Station Road Elk Grove, CA 95758

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project is to perform coating, mechanical, structural, and electrical repairs on three

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existing anaerobic digesters at the Sacramento Wastewater Treatment Plant. DESIGN CONSULTANT: N/A

CONTACT: Guillermo Robles, Project Manager [email protected]

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: County of Sacramento, Site Improvement and Permits Section 827 7th Street, Room 102 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 874-6544, Hours: 8:30am to 4:00 pm Cost: $10.00 per CD

A pre-bid conference and walk-through will be held for the purpose of reviewing and answering questions regarding this project. Attendees must e-mail [[email protected]] with attendee names prior to the meeting. This information is required to provide access at the Treatment Plant’s security gate. Representatives of the District and the Design Consultant will be present for questions. Only general contractors present at the mandatory pre-bid conference will be allowed to bid this project.

PDF copies of the following are available upon e-mail request to Guillermo Robles at [email protected]

1. Pre-bid construction schedule

2. SRWTP Safety Manual

3. Construction drawings for the existing Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Award of this Contract requires a valid California contractor's license with the classification identified above.

Each bid must be submitted on the bid forms provided in the Contract Documents. Each bid must also be accompanied by security in the form of a bid bond issued by a corporate surety, a certified check or cashier's check payable to the Treasurer of Sacramento County, for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate sum of the bid.

The successful bidder shall be required to execute a Material and Labor Payment Bond and Performance Bond, issued by a corporate surety, acceptable to the County of Sacramento, each for not less than one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. 8/16/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 00020 - 2

The statements of experience shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders to the County of Sacramento, Department of General Services, Contracting and Purchasing Division, 9660 Ecology Lane, Sacramento, CA 95827 within 7 days following the opening of bids. The required experience statements are as follows:

1. The General Contractor, construction experience of similar magnitude and character to that contemplated under this contract.

2. Those subcontractors listed in the Designation of Subcontractors, construction experience of similar magnitude and character to that contemplated under this contract.

The Sacramento County Office of Labor Compliance acts as the Labor Compliance Office for SRCSD. The County of Sacramento has received final approval as a Labor Compliance Program effective March 15, 1994. All questions regarding this Labor Compliance Program should be directed to the Labor Compliance Section at (916) 875-2700.

In accordance with Section 1771.5 of the California Labor Code, the payment of the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime is not required for any project of $25,000, or less, when the project is for construction work, or of $15,000, or less, when the project is for alteration, demolition, repair, or maintenance work. This is a construction project in accordance with Section 1771.5 of the California Labor Code.

A Contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, or be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, as defined in this chapter, unless currently registered with the Department of Industrial Relations and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. It is not a violation of this section for an unregistered contractor to submit a bid that is authorized by Section 7029.1 of the Business and Professions Code or by Section 10164 or 20103.5 of the Public Contract Code, provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded

Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1720 and following, and Section 1770 and following, the successful bidder shall pay not less than the prevailing rate per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.

Pursuant to Section 22300 et seq. of the Public Contract Code, Contractor may, at its own expense, substitute securities for any money being withheld by the District to ensure performance under this contract.

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The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to determine which bid, in the judgment of the Board, is the lowest responsive bid of a responsible bidder.

By order of the Board of Directors of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District of the County of Sacramento, California, dated September 13, 2017.

Florence Evans Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Board of Directors


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A. Copies of the pre-bid construction schedule may be obtained by contacting the District Contact designated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020). The pre-bid construction schedule was developed solely for the use of the District to provide an estimate of total contract time needed to complete the total work. The schedule was not prepared in sufficient detail to meet the contract requirements. The District and the Design Consultant assume no responsibility whatsoever with respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of the pre-bid construction schedule, and no compensation or time extension shall be granted as a result of its availability to bidders. Using or relying upon any part or all of the pre-bid construction schedule is done at the Contractor's own risk and cost.

B. The bidder shall carefully examine the site of the Work and the surrounding areas and the plans, specifications and the bid and shall be satisfied with the character, quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered.

C. Entrance by bidders to the site for purposes of examining the site or for exploratory excavations shall be by arrangement with the District Contact designated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020) and under conditions established by the District. Requests for site walks must be made at least 24 hours in advance. A completed Access Request with all required information must be submitted for entry for the purpose of exploratory excavations or surveying at least 10 working days prior to the commencement of work in accordance with the COORDINATION WITH EXISTING OPERATIONS Section (01140).

D. If, during the course of examination, a bidder finds facts or conditions which appear to conflict with the contract documents, a written request shall be submitted to the District for additional information and explanation.

E. By submission of bid, the bidder acknowledges acceptance of the nature and location of the work, the general and local conditions, conditions of the site, the character, quality and scope of work to be performed, the availability of labor, electric power, water, and the kind of surface and subsurface materials on the site, the materials and equipment to be furnished, all requirements of the Contract, and all other matters which may affect the work or the cost thereof. Any failure of a bidder to become acquainted with all of the available information concerning conditions will not relieve the bidder from the responsibility for estimating properly the difficulties or cost of the Work.

F. Where investigations of subsurface conditions have been made by the District with respect to foundation or other structural design and that information is shown on the drawings, said information represents only the statement by the District as to the

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character of materials which have been actually encountered by it in its investigation, and is only provided for the convenience of bidders.

G. Investigations of subsurface conditions are made for the purpose of design, and the District assumes no responsibility whatever with respect to the sufficiency or accuracy of borings or of the log of test borings or other preliminary investigations, or of the interpretation thereof, and there is no guaranty, either expressed or implied, that the conditions indicated are representative of those existing throughout the work, or any part of it, or that unanticipated conditions may not occur. Making such information available to bidders is not to be construed as a waiver of the provisions of this section. Bidders must satisfy themselves through their own investigations as to conditions to be encountered.


A. Bidders, prospective subcontractors, manufacturers and suppliers may request information regarding the contract documents prior to bid opening. Requests shall be directed in writing to the District Contact designated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020) at least 7 days prior to the bid opening. Requests for information regarding the source of materials, equipment, suppliers, or any other such matter which does not modify, change, increase, or decrease the work requires no action by the District other than a response to the bidder requesting the clarification. Requests to clarify possible ambiguous, conflicting or incomplete statements or designs, or any other such clarification which modifies, changes, increases or decreases the work, requires issuance of an addendum. All requests must reference applicable specifications and drawings.


A. The correction of any discrepancies or omissions to the plans, specifications, or other contract documents, or any interpretation thereof during the bidding period, will be made by an addendum. A copy of each addendum will be mailed or delivered electronically to each plan holder and shall be incorporated into the bid. Any other interpretation or explanation of such documents will not be considered binding.

B. Each bidder shall be responsible for ensuring that all firms or individuals submitting bids to them are informed of any such addendum.



1. BID:

The bid shall be made on the forms provided, with all items filled out and properly executed. The bid shall be signed in longhand by the bidder if an individual, by a member of a partnership, or by an officer of a corporation authorized to execute

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contracts. If made by a corporation, the bid shall indicate the state in which the corporation is chartered.

The bid shall be in a sealed envelope having the name of the project and contract number, and the name and address of the bidder.


After the bids have been opened and read, they will be checked for accuracy and compliance with the requirements of the Contract.

Bid prices shall include everything necessary for the completion of construction and fulfillment of the contract including but not limited to furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, excavation sheeting, bracing and supports, plant labor and services, except as may be provided otherwise in the contract documents. If the sum of two or more items in the Bidding Schedule does not equal the total amounts quoted, the individual item amounts shall govern and the correct total shall be deemed to be the amount bid.

Bid prices shall include allowance for all federal, state, and local taxes.

The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive irregularities.


Bidders are warned against making erasures or alterations on their bid; and bids which contain omissions, erasures, alterations, conditions, or additions may be rejected.

In the event that the product of a unit price and an estimated quantity does not equal the extended amount quoted, the unit price shall govern, and the correct product of the unit price and the estimated quantity shall be deemed to be the amount bid. If the sum of the items in a Bidding Schedule does not equal the total amounts, the individual item amounts shall govern and the correct total shall be deemed to be the amount bid.


The bidder declares by the submission of a bid that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded or agreed with any bidder or anyone else, to put in a sham proposal or to refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price or the bid price of any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of such bid price or that of any other bidder,

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or to secure any advantage against the District, anyone interested in the bid as principal, or those named within the bid; that all statements contained in the bid are true; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly, submitted a bid price or any breakdown thereof or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any other person, partnership, corporation or association, except to such person or persons as have a direct financial interest in the bidder's general business.


Modification of a bid already received will be considered only if the modification is received prior to the time established for receiving bids. Modifications shall be made in writing, executed, and submitted in the same form and manner as the original bid.


A bid may be withdrawn at any time prior to the time fixed for the opening of bids by a written request filed with the Clerk of the Board. The withdrawal of a bid will not prejudice the right of a bidder to file a new bid within the prescribed time.


Bids will be publicly opened and read at the time and place indicated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020).



1. The bid must be accompanied by a bidder's bond, certified check, or cashier's check in an amount not less than 10 percent of the Total Bid Amount. The bidder's bond must be executed in favor of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. A certified check or cashier's check must be made payable to the Treasurer of the County of Sacramento. The District shall be authorized to retain sums from said bond, certified check or cashier's check as necessary to reimburse District for costs incurred for failure of the successful bidder to enter into a contract. The amount of the bond or certified check or cashier's check shall not be deemed to constitute a penalty or liquidated damages. District shall not be precluded by such bond or certified check or cashier's check, from recovering from the defaulting bidder, damages in excess of the amount of said bond or certified check or cashier's check incurred as a result of the failure of the successful bidder to enter into a contract.


1. The Contractor shall perform at least thirty percent (30%) of the Contract Total Bid Price with its own forces and organization. This portion of the Work shall encompass the performance of Work by the Contractor’s forces and equipment, the procurement of materials and equipment by the Contractor and field related general conditions

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required to support and supervise the construction effort. Subcontractors shall not be responsible for the performance of any Work or procurement of materials or equipment within the above Contractor’s Work percentage allotment. Materials purchased by the Contractor but installed by a subcontractor will not contribute to the above Contractor’s Work percentage allotment.

2. In accordance with The Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, Section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code, each bid shall list on the form provided the name, Contractor’s State License Board number, location of the place of business, and portion (type) of work of each subcontractor performing work or labor, or rendering service to the Work to the Contractor, or a subcontractor who under subcontract to the Contractor specially fabricates and installs a portion of the Work, in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Total Bid Amount.

3. The Contractor shall list only one subcontractor for each portion of work in the bid. If a Contractor fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the Work in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%), the Contractor shall perform that portion of the Work.

4. A listed subcontractor shall perform with the subcontractor’s own organization and with workers under the subcontractor’s immediate supervision, work of a value of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the value of each item of work for which the subcontractor is listed.



1. The bidder shall be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, to do the type of work contemplated in the project, and shall be skilled and regularly engaged in the general class or type of work called for under the Contract. The Contract will only be awarded to a bidder who has the required experience and ability, and has sufficient capital, facilities, and plant to successfully prosecute the work and complete it within the Contract Time.

2. A statement of experience and business standing in accordance with the CONTRACTOR EXPERIENCE STATEMENT Section (00423), together with that of subcontractors that were designated shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders within 7 days after the opening of bids. To determine the experience of a bidder, any relevant evidence will be considered that the bidder has satisfactorily performed on other contracts of similar nature and magnitude or difficulty.


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1. Each bid form shall include specific acknowledgment in the space provided of receipt of all addenda issued by the District during the bidding period. Failure to so acknowledge may result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive.


A. The District reserves the right to postpone opening of bids. Postponement notices shall be by addenda.



1. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any irregularity in a bid; and to accept one bid alternate and to reject another.


1. Only one bid from any individual, firm, corporation or association, under the same or different names, will be considered. Any bidder that has interest in more than one bid for the Work will cause the rejection of all bids in which that bidder has an interest. If there is collusion among the bidders, none of the bids will be considered. A bid in which the prices are unbalanced may be rejected.


1. Attention is directed to the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 5100 concerning relief of bidders and in particular to the requirement if the bidder claims a bid mistake. The bidder shall give the District written notice within 5 days after the opening of the bids of the error with a detailed explanation.


A. The bid bonds of the three (3) lowest bidders shall be retained and all others will be returned. The bid bonds which have been retained will be returned when the contract has been executed.


A. After receipt of bids, the District will fully review the bid documents received and identify the successful bid. At this time, the District will issue a “Notice of Intent to Award” to all bidders.

B. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid complies with the contract requirements. The award is expected to be made by the Board within 30 days after the opening of the bids. Bids shall remain open for 90 days after the opening of bids.

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1. A protest regarding bidding documents shall be submitted in writing to the County of Sacramento, Department of General Services, Contract and Purchasing Division, 9660 Ecology Lane, Sacramento CA 95827 so that the protest is received five (5) business days before the day for bid opening. A copy of the protest should be submitted (electronic or hard copy) to the District Contact designated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020) on the same day.


1. A protest regarding bid opening procedures, bids or the selection of the successful bidder shall be submitted in writing to the County of Sacramento, Department of General Services, Contract and Purchasing Division, 9660 Ecology Lane, Sacramento CA 95827, within five (5) business days after the District issues the “Notice of Intent to Award”. Protests received after the five (5) business day deadline will not be considered by the District. A copy of the protest should be submitted (electronic or hard copy) to the District Contact designated in the NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Section (00020) on the same day.

2. Protests shall include a detailed statement of the factual and/or legal grounds for the protest and the remedies sought by the bidder submitting the protest. Bid protests must include copies of all documents forming the basis of the protest and must be signed by the person submitting the protest.

3. Upon timely receipt of a protest, the District Engineer, or his designee, will issue a written response within seven (7) business days after receipt of a protest.

4. If the protestor disagrees with the District Engineer’s decision, the protesting party may seek relief from the District Board of Directors at the public hearing for award of the contract. Once the District Board has awarded the contract, the protesting party may appeal the District Board’s award to the Superior Court.

5. Litigation regarding protests on bidding documents and other bidding and award procedures shall commence only after this procedure has been completed.



1. A contract agreement shall be executed by the successful bidder in quadruplicate on the form provided and returned, together with the contract bonds and certificates of insurance, within 10 days after receipt of the forms. After execution by the District, one copy will be returned to the Contractor.

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2. If a bidder fails to enter into the Contract within 10 days from the time the contract forms are received, the District may then award the Contract to the next lowest.


1. The Contractor shall furnish corporate surety bonds to the benefit of the District on the forms provided in the PERFORMANCE BOND Section (00610) and the PAYMENT BOND Section (00620) from an acceptable surety company listed in the current Federal Department of the Treasury Circular 570 and authorized to do business in the State of California.


In a sum not less than 100 percent of the Total Contract Amount as set forth in the agreement. The bond shall guarantee the faithful performance of all promises, covenants, stipulations, warranties and guarantees of the Contract. The bond shall contain a provision that the surety waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California.


In a sum not less than 100 percent of the Total Contract Amount as set forth in the agreement. The bond shall guarantee the payment for any materials, provisions or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the Work, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind. The bond is to be issued pursuant to California Civil Code Sections 9550 through 9566 and shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, and corporations named in Section 9554 of said Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond, and shall, by its terms, inure to the benefit of all persons, companies, or corporations entitled to file claims under Section 9550 of the Civil Code of the State of California, and Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code of the State of California. Said bond shall also contain a provision that the surety thereon waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California.

Faithful Performance Bond and Payment Bond shall be on forms provided by the District.


The surety companies shall familiarize themselves with all the provisions and conditions of the Contract. It is understood and agreed that they waive the right of special notification of any modifications or alterations, omissions or reductions, extra or additional work, extensions of time, or any other act or acts by the District or its authorized agents under the terms of the contract; and failure to so notify the surety companies of such changes shall in no way relieve the surety or sureties of their obligations under this contract.

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To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District, the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, their officers, officials, employees, agents, representatives, consultants and subconsultants, and volunteers (collectively “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, and all expenses and costs incidental thereto (collectively “Claims”) including cost of defense, settlement, arbitration, and reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from injuries to or death of persons, including but not limited to employees of either Party hereto, and damage to or destruction of property, or loss of use thereof, including but not limited to the property of either Party hereto, arising out of, pertaining to, or resulting from the acts or omissions of the Contractor, its officers, employees, or agents, or the acts or omissions of anyone else directly or indirectly acting on behalf of the Contractor, or for which the Contractor is legally liable under law regardless of whether caused in part by an Indemnified Party. Contractor shall not be liable for any Claims to the extent caused by the active negligence of an Indemnified Party where such indemnification would be invalid under Subdivision (b) of Section 2782 of the Civil Code.

This indemnity shall not be limited by the types and amounts of insurance or self- insurance maintained by the Contractor or the Contractor’s Subcontractors of any tier.

Nothing in this Indemnity shall be construed to create any duty to, any standard of care with reference to, or any liability or obligation, contractual or otherwise, to any third party.

The provisions of this Indemnity shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement.


A. Pursuant to Section 1770, and following, of the California Labor Code, the Contractor shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the office of the Sacramento County Labor Compliance Section, 9700 Goethe Road, Suite D, Sacramento, California, 95827. Copies of wage determinations will be available upon request, and are also available from the California Department of Industrial Relation’s website at

B. Bidders shall notify the District promptly, in writing, of labor classifications not listed in the prevailing wage determinations but necessary for the performance of the Work.

C. When a labor classification not listed in the prevailing wage determination is necessary for the performance of the Work, the Contractor will be required to pay the rate applicable to the classification most closely related to the one in question.

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D. The Contractor and the Contractor’s Subcontractors shall forfeit, as penalty to the District, not more than two hundred dollars ($200) per Calendar Day or portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the prevailing wage rates for any work done under the Contract by the Contractor or by any Subcontractor. The Contractor and any subcontractor under the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Labor Code Section 1774 and 1775. In addition to the said penalty, the Contractor or Subcontractor shall pay each worker the difference between the prevailing wage and the amount paid for every hour the worker was paid less than the prevailing wage.


A. In accordance with the provisions of Section 6705 of the California Labor Code, each bidder shall list in the Bidding Schedule the amount included for trench and excavation, adequate sheeting, shoring and bracing, or equivalent method for the protection of life and limb. This work shall conform to applicable State of California Construction Safety Orders. By listing this sum in the bid, the bidder warrants that this action does not convey tort liability to the District, the Engineer, or agents.


A. Pursuant to Section 7103.5 of the Public Contract Code of the State of California, the following provisions shall be a part of this contract:

1. In entering into a public works contract or a subcontract to supply goods, services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the Contractor or subcontractor offers and agrees to assign to the awarding body all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 [commencing with Section 16700] of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the Contractor without further acknowledgment by the parties.



1. A price for each of the items in the Bidding Schedule shall be indicated on the bid form. Bidders are cautioned that failure to properly complete the entire Bidding Schedule may be grounds for rejection of the bid.


1. Where the bid for an item of work is to be submitted on a lump-sum basis, a single lump-sum price shall be submitted in the appropriate place. The total amount to be paid shall be the amount of the lump-sum bid as adjusted by change orders.

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1. Where specific lump-sum allowance items have been entered on the bid form by the District, that total amount entered on the bid form shall be included in the Contractor's bid. However, the total amount to be paid to the Contractor shall be the portion of the lump-sum allowance actually utilized in the course of completing the work, as determined by the Engineer and agreed upon by the Contractor.


1. Where the bid for an item of work is to be submitted on a unit price basis, the Contractor shall bid a unit price as total compensation for completion of one unit of the work described under that item and shall multiply that unit price by the estimated quantity included in the Bidding Schedule to derive a total bid price for that item. The quantities of work to be done under each item are indeterminate and the quantities shown in the Bidding Schedule are for the basis of calculation upon which the award of the contract will be made. Payment will be made for the actual quantity. The District reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item.


1. The implementation of any alternate items is contingent upon approval by the District Representative.


1. The Total Bid Amount shall include the price for all items on the Bidding Schedule.


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Bid Form




Bidder's Firm Name

Street Address

City State Zip Code

Phone Number Fax Number

Members in Session:

Pursuant to your published Notice to Contractors for the construction of the Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, Contract No. 4378, in accordance with the plans and specifications thereto, and now on file with your Honorable Board, ______(name of firm) hereby offers and agrees to do all work and furnish all materials required for the said project in full accord with the terms of said plans and specifications for the prices and on the terms and conditions herein contained.

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It is agreed that the following forms shall be included as a part of this bid:

Proposal -- Bid Form (Section 00300) Bidding Schedule -- Bid Form (Section 00310) Bidder Information -- Bid Form (Section 00320) Bid Guaranty Bond -- Bid Form (Section 00410) Designation of Subcontractors -- Bid Form (Section 00430) Designation of Equipment, Materials, and Systems – Bid Form (Section 00450) - DELETED

The three apparent low bidders shall submit the following information within 3 working days after the opening of bids:

Contractor Experience Statement (Section 00423) Contractor Safety Performance Information (Section 00424) Subcontractors Experience Statement (Section 00431) Iran Contracting Act (Section 00440)

It is acknowledged that addenda numbers _____ through _____ have been received and examined as a part of these contract documents.

Basis For Award: The Board reserves the right to reject all bids. The award will be based on the lowest responsive total bid amount (sum of all bid items) of a responsible bidder.

The undersigned agrees to execute a contract for the herein stated compensation and to guarantee the completion of the entire work in the time indicated below starting from the Notice to Proceed.

Time is of the essence in this contract. Time for completion of specific items of the work and the entire work shall be as specified in Section 01011.

It is agreed that the liquidated damages as stipulated in Section 01011 are fair and justifiable and therefore acceptable to the undersigned.

It is understood that the District Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to determine which bid is, in the judgment of the Board, the lowest responsive bid of a responsible bidder or group of bidders and which bid should be accepted in the best interests of the District. The District also reserves the right to waive any informalities in any bid.

It is agreed that this bid shall remain valid and will not be withdrawn by the undersigned for a period of 90 calendar days from the date prescribed for the opening of this bid, except as provided for in Section 00100.

Bid Security of not less than 10 percent of the bid must be submitted in the form of a bidder's bond, certified check, or cashier's check. A bidder's bond shall be made payable to the Sacramento

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Regional County Sanitation District, while a certified check or cashier's check shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the County of Sacramento. Bids secured by personal checks or personal guaranty will be rejected.


The undersigned declares: I am the ______of ______, the party making the foregoing bid. The bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation. The bid is genuine and not collusive or sham. The bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid. The bidder has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or to refrain from bidding. The bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder. All statements contained in the bid are true. The bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham bid, and has not paid, and will not pay, any person or entity for such purpose. Any person executing this declaration on behalf of a bidder that is a corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other entity, hereby represents that he or she has full power to execute, and does execute, this declaration on behalf of the bidder. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration is executed on ____ (date), at______(city), ______(state).

If bidder or other interested person is a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of the president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof; if a partnership, state the name of firm, also names of all individual partners composing the firm. If the bidder or other interested person is a joint venturer, state the name of the joint venture, the names of the individual joint venture firms, and the names of the president, secretary, treasurer and manager of each individual joint venture firm. If bidder is an individual, state first and last names in full.

The undersigned certifies that the corporation, partnership, joint venturer, or individual is licensed by the Contractor's State License Board of the State of California to perform such work as herein described.

NOTE: State on the line below whether your concern is a corporation, joint venturer, a copartnership, private individual, or individuals doing business under a firm name. Concern:

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If the bidder is a corporation, the bid must be executed in the name of the corporation and must be signed by a duly authorized officer of the corporation. If the bidder is a corporation, please complete the following:

This corporation is organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ______.

Corporate seal is required if bidder is a corporation. Also, a certified copy of the bylaws or resolution of the Board of Directors of the corporation shall be furnished showing the authority of the officer signing the bid to execute contracts on behalf of the corporation.

If the bidder is a partnership, the bid must be executed in the name of the partnership and one of the partners' signatures must be subscribed thereto as the authorized representative of the partnership.

If the bidder is a joint venturer, the bid must be executed in the name of the joint venturer by a representative of one of the joint venture firms. Additionally, a copy of the resolution or agreement empowering the representative to execute the bid and bind the joint venturer shall be furnished.

Bidder declares that the contractor's license number and expiration date and representations made therein are made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California.

FIRM NAME: ______

ADDRESS: ______



Respectfully submitted by:

______Signature of Bidder

______Name (Printed or Typed)



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Bid Form



Schedule of prices for construction of Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, Contract No. 4378, in accordance with the Contract Documents.

Unit Total Bid Price Item Item Description Quantity Units (Dollars) (Dollars) BASE BID: Construction of all work associated with the 1 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, 1 LS NA complete as shown, as specified excluding all work on other bid line items. BUILDERS RISK INSURANCE:

2 All costs associated with the acquisition of 1 LS NA Builders Risk Insurance as required.(NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) ALLOWANCE:

3 For un-anticipated site conditions, and 1 LS NA $ 90,000 purchase of spare parts as directed by the District representative. Digesters 5, 6 & 7 CONCRETE COATING:

4 Coating of concrete tank interior wall per 3 EA specification 09900, and Note 11 on Drawing G05. Digesters 5, 6 & 7 CONCRETE SEALER: 5 3 EA Coating of concrete tank exterior wall and

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Unit Total Bid Price Item Item Description Quantity Units (Dollars) (Dollars) roof parapet per specification 09900, and Note 18 on Drawing G05. OPTIONAL – WELDING WORK: Perform on-site welding repairs and pipe work as directed by District representative. MAN 6 600 All costs such as insurance, travel time, HOURS equipment, and spendable tools shall be included on the unit price. Digesters 5, 6 & 7 COATINGS: Coating of digesters metal and associated 7 3 LS NA equipment per specification 09900 and applicable contract drawings. WATER POLUTION CONTROL PLAN PREPARATION:

8 WPCP preparation and amendment as 1 LS NA specified in Section 01802. Implementation shall be included under Base Bid.

9 ROOFING WORK 3 EA Roofing work per specification 07244, and drawings G10 through G13.

10 DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY 96 EA Diffuser units only not including labor per drawing G05 Note 2 (32 per tank).

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Unit Total Bid Price Item Item Description Quantity Units (Dollars) (Dollars) TOTAL BID AMOUNT:

SUM OF all contract services including bid items 1-10.

______Signature of Bidder ______Title


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Bid Form


If bidder or other interested person is a corporation, complete the following:

Legal Name of Corporation ______

______Name of President Name of Treasurer

______Name of Secretary Name of Manager


If bidder or other interested person is a partnership, complete the following:

Name of Partnership ______

______Name of Partner Name of Partner

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______Name of Partner Name of Partner

______Name of Partner Name of Partner

______Name of Partner Name of Partner

______Name of Partner Name of Partner

______Name of Partner Name of Partner

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If bidder or other interested party is a joint venture, complete the following:

Name of joint venture ______

Firm 1 Firm 2

______Name of Individual Firm Name of Individual Firm

______Name of Firm President Name of Firm President

______Name of Firm Secretary Name of Firm Secretary

______Name of Firm Treasurer Name of Firm Treasurer

______Name of Firm Manager Name of Firm Manager

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Firm 3 Firm 4

______Name of Individual Firm Name of Individual Firm

______Name of Firm President Name of Firm President

______Name of Firm Secretary Name of Firm Secretary

______Name of Firm Treasurer Name of Firm Treasurer

______Name of Firm Manager Name of Firm Manager

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If bidder or other interested party is an individual, complete the following:

Full first and last name of individual ______


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Bid Form


THAT , hereinafter called the Principal, and , hereinafter called the Surety, are jointly and severally held and firmly bound unto the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, hereinafter called the Obligee, each in the penal sum of 10 percent of the total amount of the bid of the Principal for the work, this sum not to exceed dollars ($ ) of lawful money of the United States for the payment thereof unto the Obligee, the Principal and Surety jointly and severally bind themselves forever firmly by these presents.

WHEREAS, the Principal is herewith submitting its offer for the fulfillment of Obligee's contract for construction of the Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, Contract No. 4378.

NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal is awarded the contract, and if the Principal, within the time specified in the bid for such contract, enters into, executes, and delivers to the Obligee an agreement in the form provided herein complete with evidences of insurance, and if the Principal within the time specified in the bid gives to the Obligee the performance and payment bonds on the form provided herein, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, the Principal and Surety will pay unto the Obligee the difference in money between the total amount of the bid of the Principal and the amount for which the Obligee legally contracts with another party to fulfill the contract if the latter amount be in excess of the former, but in no event shall the Surety's liability exceed the penal sum hereof.

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND AGREED that the Surety shall be liable under this obligation as Principal, and that nothing of any kind or nature whatsoever that will not discharge the Principal shall operate as a discharge or a release of liability of the Surety.

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IT IS HEREBY FURTHER DECLARED AND AGREED that this obligation shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Principal, the Surety, and the Obligee and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

SIGNED AND SEALED this day of , 20 .

(SEAL) Principal

Signature for Principal

Title of Signatory

(SEAL) Surety

Signature for Surety

Title of Signatory


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NOTE: As specified in the Contractor Experience Statement Section (00100), this experience statement shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders within 7 days after the opening of the bids. At a minimum, bidders should provide a listing of applicable past projects, a brief description of each project, size or value of construction, duration and/or completion date, and most importantly, contact information for the project owner.

The following is a description of the bidder's experience with work similar in magnitude and character to that contemplated under this Contract.

Additional numbered pages outlining this portion of the bid may be attached to this page. Each page shall be headed CONTRACTOR EXPERIENCE STATEMENT and shall be signed by the bidder.

In addition to the information requested above, the contractor shall provide the required information under the Quality Assurance section on the following specifications if these items of work are performed by the prime contractor. Otherwise, include with Subcontractor’s Experience Statement:  07244 Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof  09900 Coatings Systems  13641 Digester Gas Seal Membrane


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NOTE: Information specified below shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders within 7 days after the opening of the bids. The Contractor shall submit their Workers Compensation Experience Modification Factor (EMF), and the previous year’s Cal/OSHA Form 300A-Summary of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses. EMF: ______Attach a copy of Cal/OSHA Form 300A from the previous year. In accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Section 2760.12, the District may obtain and evaluate the Contractor’s safety performance and programs when work involves performing maintenance or repair, turnaround, major renovation, or specialty work on or adjacent to a covered process (chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and/or digester gas systems). The Contractor shall submit a copy of their current safety program(s) as it pertains to contract work performed on or adjacent to a covered process. Examples of documents required may include items such as safety manuals, I.I.P.P., training documentation, and certifications.


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Bid Form In accordance with The Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act, Section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code, each bidder shall list below (a) the name, location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor, or render service to the Contractor in or about the construction of the work of improvement, or a subcontractor licensed by the State of California, who, under subcontract to the Contractor, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work of improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the plans and specifications, in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the Contractor's total bid, and (b) the portion of the work which will be done by each such subcontractor. The Contractor shall list only one subcontractor for each such portion as defined by the Contractor in the bid. If a Contractor fails to specify a subcontractor for any portion of the work to be performed under this contract in excess of one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the total bid, the Contractor shall agree to perform that portion. The contractor shall provide license numbers for all subcontractors with the bid or within 24 hours after bid opening.

Percent (%) Subcontractor (Include CA Type of Work of Contract License Number) Business address


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NOTE: As specified in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Section 00100, this experience statement shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders within 7 days after the opening of the bids.

The following is a description of the subcontractors' experience, for subcontractors with greater than 5 percent of the total contract work, with work similar in magnitude and character to that contemplated under this contract. Additional numbered pages outlining this portion of the bid may be attached to this page. Each page shall be headed SUBCONTRACTOR EXPERIENCE STAMENT and shall be signed by the bidder.

In addition to the information requested above, the subcontractor shall provide the required information under the Quality Assurance section on the following specifications is these items of work are performed by subcontractors. Otherwise, include with Contractor’s Experience State:  07244 Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof  09900 Coatings Systems  13641 Digester Gas Seal Membrane


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A. Pursuant to the Iran Contract Act of 2010 (California Public Contract Code, Sections 2202-2208), Bidders are ineligible to bid on projects with a public entity for goods or services of one million dollars ($1,000,000) or more if the Bidder engages in investment activities in Iran.

B. Bidders must provide the attached disclosure form as a mandatory submittal for all projects in excess of $1,000,000. The Iran Contracting Act Disclosure Form shall be submitted by the 3 apparent low bidders within 7 days after opening of the bids.


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(California Public Contract, Sections 2202-2208)

When responding to a bid or proposal or executing a contract or renewal for a Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District contract for goods or services of $1,000,000 or more, a vendor must either: a) certify it is not on the current list of persons engaged in investment activities in Iran created by the California Department of General Services (“DGS”) pursuant to Public Contract Code section 2203(b) and is not a financial institution extending twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) or more in credit to another person, for 45 days or more, if that other person will use the credit to provide goods or services in the energy sector in Iran and is identified on the current list of persons engaged in investment activities in Iran created by DGS; or b) demonstrate it has been exempted from the certification requirement for that solicitation or contract pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 2203(c) or (d).

To comply with this requirement, please provide your vendor or financial institution name and complete one of the options below. Please note: California law establishes penalties for providing false certifications, including civil penalties equal to the greater of $250,000 or twice the amount of the contract for which the false certification was made; contract termination; and three-year ineligibility to bid on contracts. (Public Contract Code section 2205.)

OPTION #1 – CERTIFICATION I, the official named below, certify I am duly authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the vendor/financial institution identified below, and the vendor/financial institution identified below is not on the current list of persons engaged in investment activities in Iran created by DGS and is not a financial institution extending twenty million ($20,000,000) or more in credit to another person/vendor, for 45 days or more, if that other person/vendor will use the credit to provide goods or services in the energy sector in Iran and is identified on the current list of persons engaged in investment activities in Iran created by DGS.

Vendor Name/Financial Institution (Printed)

By (Authorized Signature)

Printed Name and Title of Person Signing

Date Executed Executed in

OPTION #2 – EXEMPTION Pursuant to Public Contract Code sections 2203(c) and (d), a public entity may permit a vendor/financial institution engaged in investment activities in Iran, on a case-by-case basis, to be eligible for, or to bid on, submit a proposal for, or enters into or renews, a contract for goods and services.

If you have obtained an exemption from the certification requirement under the Iran Contracting Act, please fill out the information below, and attach documentation demonstrating the exemption approval.

Vendor Name/Financial Institution (Printed)

By (Authorized Signature)

Printed Name and Title of Person Signing

Date Executed Executed in




Contract No. 4378

THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 20 , between the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as "District" and , hereinafter referred to as "Contractor";


WHEREAS, the Governing Board of said District heretofore caused plans and specifications for the work hereinafter mentioned to be prepared, and therefore did approve and adopt said plans and specifications; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Board of District did cause to be published for the time and in the manner required by law, a Notice to Contractors inviting sealed bids for the performance of said work; and

WHEREAS, the Contractor, in response to such Notice, submitted to the Governing Board of said District within the time specified in said Notice, and in the manner provided for therein, a sealed bid for the performance of the work specified in said plans and specifications, which said bid, and the other bids submitted in response to said Notice, the Governing Board of District publicly opened and canvassed in the manner provided by law; and

WHEREAS, the Contractor was the lowest responsible bidder for the performance of said work, and said Governing Board of District, as a result of the canvass of said bids, did determine and declare Contractor to be the lowest responsible bidder for said work and award to it a contract therefor.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises herein, it is mutually agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

I. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The following documents are by this reference incorporated in and made a part of this Agreement: The Standard Construction Specifications adopted by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors on July 17, 2001, revised January, 2008; the Special Provisions; the contract drawings, all addenda; the Notice to Contractors; the Proposal; all required bonds; and all supplemental Agreements covering alterations, amendments, or extensions to the contract. The documents

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which describe the work to be performed are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the Plans and Specifications. In the case of conflicting documents this agreement takes precedent over all others.

II. SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, services, transportation, appliances, and mechanical workmanship required for the Contract No. 4378, Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, as provided for and set forth in said plans and specifications, or in either of them, which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to and by such reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. All of the said work done under this Agreement shall be under the supervision of and performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer of District who shall have the right to reject any and all materials and supplies furnished by the Contractor which do not comply with said plans and specifications, together with the right to require the Contractor to replace any and all work furnished by the Contractor which shall not be in strict accordance with said plans and specifications.

III. COMPLETION: Said work shall be completed and ready for acceptance within ______(CALENDAR/WORKING) days of completion following the date of the commencement of the counting of days as calculated pursuant to Section 7 of the Standard Specifications.

IV. PAYMENT: Attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and by reference made a part hereof, is the bid and proposal of Contractor. Said bid and proposal containing, as required by the terms of said specifications, the full and complete schedule of the different items with the lump sums or unit prices as so specified. The District agrees, in consideration of the work to be performed herein and subject to the terms and conditions hereof, to pay Contractor all sums of money which may become due to Contractor in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid bid and proposal, and this Agreement, to wit: . Said sum shall be paid in accordance with Section 8 of the Standard Specifications. With respect to that portion of the above sum as is based upon the estimated quantities specificied for the general scope of the work to be performed herein, actual payment will be based upon the quantities as measured upon completion. No payment made under this Contract shall be construed to be an acceptance of defective work or improper materials.

V. PREVAILING WAGES: Pursuant to the provisions of Articles l and 2 of Chapter l, Part 7, Division II, of the Labor Code of the State of California, not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holidays and overtime work, for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to execute the work contemplated under this Agreement shall be paid to all workers, laborers and mechanics employed in the execution of said work by Contractor, or by any subcontractor doing or contracting to do any part of said work. The appropriate determination of the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations is filed with, and available for inspection at the office of, the Clerk of the Governing Board.

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Contractor shall post, at each jobsite, a copy of such prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations.

VI. INSURANCE: The Contractor shall carry and maintain during the life of this Agreement, such public liability, property damage and contractual liability, auto, workers' compensation and builders risk insurance as required by Section 3-9 of the Standard Construction specifications.

VII. WORKER'S COMPENSATION CERTIFICATE: By execution of this Agreement, the Contractor certifies as follows:

"I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract."

VIII. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS: The Contractor shall, before beginning said work, file two bonds with the District, each made payable to the District. These bonds shall be issued by a surety company authorized to do business in the State of California, and shall be maintained during the entire life of the Agreement at the expense of the Contractor. One bond shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Agreement and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the Agreement. The second bond shall be the payment bond required by Division 3, Part 4, Title 15, Chapter 7, of the Civil Code of the State of California, and shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Agreement. Any alterations made in the specifications which are a part of this Agreement or in any provision of this Agreement shall not operate to release any surety from liability on any bond required hereunder and the consent to make such alterations is hereby given, and any surety on said bonds hereby waives the provisions of California Civil Code Sections 2819 and 2845.

IX. INDEMNIFICATION: The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the District and the Engineer (including their officers, agents, members, employees, affiliates, and representatives) as set forth in Section 6-2 of the Standard Specifications.

X. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: a. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the heirs, devisees, assignees, and successors in interest of Contractor and to the successors in interest of District in the same manner as if such parties had been expressly named herein. b. All times stated herein or in the Contract Documents are of the essence hereof. c. As used in this instrument the singular includes the plural, and the masculine includes the feminine and the neuter. d. This Agreement may create a possessory interest subject to property taxation, and Contractor may be subject to the payment of property taxes levied on such interest.

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XI. TRENCH EXCAVATION; PLAN FOR PROTECTION FROM CAVING: That excavation of any trench or trenches 5 feet or more in depth and involving estimated expenditures in excess of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) shall require, in advance of excavation, a detailed plan showing the design of shoring, bracing, sloping, or other provisions to be made for worker protection prepared by a California registered civil or structural engineer.

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, District and Contractor have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written.

A political subdivision of the State of California


By Authorized Representative

By Authorized Representative


Form approved by County Counsel Document reviewed

Contract Services Section


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BOND NO. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter designated as the "Obligee," has, on awarded to , hereinafter designated as the "Principal," a contract for the construction of Contract No. 4378, Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project and WHEREAS, said Principal is required under the terms of said contract to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said contract; NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Principal, and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Obligee, in the penal sum of , lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the above bounden Principal, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and faithfully perform the covenants, conditions, and agreements in the said contract and any alterations made as therein provided, on their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning, and shall indemnify and save harmless, the Obligee, its offices and agents as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. As a condition precedent to the satisfactory completion of the said contract, the above obligation in said amount shall hold good for a period of one (1) year after the completion and acceptance of the said work, during which time if the above bounden Principal, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns shall fail to make full, complete and satisfactory repair and replacements or totally protect the said Obligee from loss or damage made evident during said period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the work, and resulting from or caused by defective materials or faulty workmanship in the prosecution of the work done, the above obligation in the said sum shall remain in full force and effect. However, anything in this paragraph to the contrary notwithstanding, the obligation of the Surety hereunder shall continue so long as any obligation of the Principal remains.

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The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their seals this day of , 20 , the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being affixed hereto and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body.

Principal By Signature of Principal

Title of Signatory

Surety By Signature for Surety (SEAL) Title of Signatory (This bond must be submitted in sets of four, each bearing original signatures. The signature of the Attorney-In-Fact for the Surety must be acknowledged by a Notary Public. Bonds must be accompanied by a current power of attorney appointing such Attorney-In-Fact.) **END OF SECTION**

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KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter designated as the "Obligee," has, on awarded to , hereinafter designated as the "Principal," a contract for the construction of Contract No. 4378, Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project, and WHEREAS, said Principal is required to furnish a bond in connection and with said contract, providing that if said Principal, or any of its subcontractors, shall fail to pay for any materials, provisions, or other supplies used in, upon, for, or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor done thereon of any kind, the Surety on this bond will pay the same to the extent hereinafter set forth: NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Principal and as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Obligee in the penal sum of lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if said Principal, or any of its subcontractors shall fail to pay any of the persons named in Section 9100 of the Civil Code of the State of California, or any amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor performed under the contract, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Employment Development Department of the State of California, from the wages of employees of the Principal and subcontractors pursuant to Section 13020 of the Unemployment Insurance Code of the State of California with respect to such work or labor, as required by the provisions of Section 9550 and following of the Civil Code of the State of California, then said Surety will pay the same in or to an amount not exceeding the amount herein above set forth. This bond is issued pursuant to Civil Code Sections 9550 and 9566 of the State of California and shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies, and corporations named in Section 9554 of said Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond.

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The said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall, in any way, affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work or to the specifications. Said Surety hereby waives the provisions of Sections 2819 and 2845 of the Civil Code of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bounden parties have executed this instrument under their seals this day of , 20____, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party being affixed hereto and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representative, pursuant to authority of its governing body.

(SEAL) By Principal

Signature for Principal

Title of Signatory

(SEAL) By Surety

Signature for Surety

Title of Signatory

(This bond must be submitted in sets of four, each bearing original signatures. The signature of the Attorney-in-Fact for the Surety must be acknowledged by a Notary Public. These bonds must be accompanied by a current power of attorney appointing such Attorney-In-Fact.)


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The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (hereinafter referred to as District) wishes to receive from (hereinafter referred to as Contractor) certain technical information claimed by the Contractor to be proprietary and hereinafter referred to as "Proprietary Data." Submittal of Proprietary Data by Contractor to District is required by the contract for testing, operating, and maintaining equipment, equipment assemblies and systems furnished under the contract. Contractor and District agree for a period of ______years as follows:

1. The Proprietary Data is submitted to the District based on the understanding that the District would not disclose the same to others outside the District, nor reproduce the contents of said Proprietary Data or provide copies thereof to others outside the District without authorization from Contractor. Contractor claims proprietary rights in the contents of the Proprietary Data as a basis for preventing disclosure of the contents thereof to others. Contractor understands that the District has reservations as to the propriety of excluding the Proprietary Data from disclosure under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250, et seq.).

2. The District may make such disclosure or reproduction of the Proprietary Data as is reasonably necessary to operate and maintain the subject equipment and to otherwise fully enjoy the use and benefit of the subject equipment.

3. Except as provided in paragraph 2, above, if any person makes a proper request to review or be provided with copies of the Proprietary Data or any part thereof, immediately upon notification thereof, Contractor agrees to defend the District and its officers, agents, and employees against any action resulting from denial of such request. If Contractor fails to promptly provide such defense, the District, its officers, agents, and employees shall be free to grant such requests.

4. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the District, its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims, costs, liabilities or damages, including attorney's fees and court costs resulting from the performance of this agreement.

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EXECUTED on this day of , 20 .


By By

Title: Title:


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The Contractor agrees to use and abide by the conditions of the following guarantee which shall be signed and delivered to the District before the final payment is made: GUARANTEE FOR PROJECT We hereby guarantee that the which we have constructed has been built in accordance with the drawings and specifications and that the Work as constructed will fulfill the requirements of the guarantee included in the specifications. We agree to repair or replace any or all of our work and any consequential damages to other improvements, together with any other adjacent work which may be displaced in so doing, that may prove to be defective in its workmanship or materials within a period from the date of acceptance of the above-named facility by the District without any expense whatsoever to said District, ordinary wear or tear and unusual abuse or neglect excepted. In the event of our failure to comply with the above-mentioned conditions within 10 days after receipt of written notice from the District, the District is hereby authorized to make such repairs at our expense without further notice and without any notice to the surety. However, in case of emergency where, in the opinion of the District’s Representative, delay would cause serious loss or damages, or a serious hazard to the public, the repairs may be made or lights, signs, and barricades erected, without prior notice to us or surety, and we shall pay the entire costs thereof. We do hereby authorize said District to proceed to have said defects repaired and made good at our expense and we will honor and pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand.

Date: Signed: Contractor


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Whenever the following terms, titles, or abbreviations are used in these specifications, or in any document or instrument where these specifications govern, the intent and meaning shall be as herein defined. The meanings shall be applicable to the singular, plural, masculine and feminine of the words and terms.

Accept The receiving by either the District or the Contractor with the intent to retain. In so doing, the recipient may or may not acknowledge compliance with the requirements. Acceptance does not convey approval.

Acceptance of Formal action of the Board in determining that the Contractor's Work work has been completed in accordance with the contract and in notifying the Contractor in writing of the acceptability of the work.

Act of God Tidal waves and earthquakes above 3.5 on the Richter scale, in accordance with Section 7105 of the Public Contracts Code.

Addenda Supplemental written specifications or drawings issued after the Notice to Contractors and prior to execution of the contract which modify or interpret the contract documents by addition, deletion, clarification, or corrections.

As-Built The information which is specified for submission to the Documents Engineer in accordance with Section 01720 of the Contract Documents.

As Shown, Etc. Where "as shown," "as indicated," "as detailed," "as specified," or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that reference is made to the contract documents unless specifically stated otherwise. Where "as directed," "as permitted," "approved," or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the direction, permission, requirements, or

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acceptance of the Engineer is intended unless stated otherwise.

Bidder Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof, submitting a bid for the Work, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative.

Board The Board of Directors of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, a political subdivision of the State of California.

Bypass Discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater to surface waters or drainage courses of the United States as further defined in the NPDES permit.

Calendar Day Calendar day shall be defined as every day shown on the calendar, Sundays and holidays included.

Change Order The authorization from the Board for additions, deletions or revisions to the Work which may have been directed by Field Instruction.

Conflict A case where an item of work is shown or specified differently in two or more places in the contract documents. An item of work shown in one portion of the contract documents but not in another is not a conflict.

Conformed Set The original contract documents revised to incorporate all supplement information issued by addenda.

Consultant An individual, firm or organization retained by the District to provide professional services. The authority of the consultant will be designated by the Resident Engineer.

Contract The written agreement covering the performance of the work and the furnishing of labor, materials, tools, and equipment in the construction of the work. The Contract shall include the Notice to Contractors, Bid Form, plans, specifications, addenda, and contract bonds; also any and all supplemental agreements amending or extending the work contemplated and which may be required to complete the work in a substantial and acceptable manner. Supplemental agreements are written agreements covering alterations, amendments, or extensions to the contract and include contract change orders.

Contract The plans, specifications, addenda, and change orders for a particular project for construction or installation at the

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Documents Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Contract Price The Total Bid Amount as listed on the Bidding Schedule. Also known as the Bid Price.

Contract Time Number of days stated in the contract for the completion of the work or portions thereof.

Contractor The person or persons, firm, partnership, corporation, or combination thereof, private or municipal, who has entered into a contract with the District as party or parties of the second part or their legal representatives.

Contractor's Plant Equipment, material, supplies, and all other items, except labor, and Equipment brought onto the site by the Contractor to carry out the work, but not to be incorporated in the work.

Controlling Any activity which, if delayed, would cause a postponement in Operations the completion of the Work.

Day Day shall mean calendar day unless preceded by the word "working."

Design Consultant The individual, firm or organization that prepared the plans and specifications for the Work. May also be referred to as the Design Engineer.

Direct Instructions from either the District, the Engineer or the Resident Engineer to the Contractor for execution.

District The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, a political subdivision of the State of California.

District’s The individual designated to act as the agent of the District on Representative specific matters related to the Contract.

Diversion The process or act of ceasing discharge of plant effluent to the Sacramento River and discharging instead to emergency storage Basin A. The liquid so diverted.

Drawings The graphical representation of the Work which depicts design intent, measurements, and information for a project or portion thereof. Also referred to as the “plans.”

Engineer The administrator for the Sanitation District Agency who is the District Engineer for the District. This individual may act

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individually or through designated representatives.

Equipment Equipment shall be defined as meeting any of the following criteria:

1. Mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, or other device with one or more moving parts. 2. Devices requiring an electrical, pneumatic, electronic, or hydraulic connection. 3. Anything having an equipment tag number.

Field Instruction The written directive from the Resident Engineer requiring an addition, deletion, or revision to the Work which may result in a change in the Total Contract Amount or the Contract Time.

Furnish To provide and deliver to the work site or another location for incorporation into the Work.

Herein Refers to information presented in the contract documents.

Inspector The individual authorized to act as the agent for the Resident Engineer in the observation of the Work for conformance with the requirements of the Contract.

Install Placing, erecting, or constructing complete in place including testing any item, equipment, or material.

Major Equipment Specific items of equipment, materials or systems that have been designated in the Technical Specifications.

May Refers to permissive actions.

New An item which has never been used and has been manufactured, produced and supplied within the last 12 months.

Notice to Proceed Direction from the District to the Contractor to begin the Work.

Operation and The information which is specified for submission in accordance Maintenance with Section 01730. (O&M) Information

Optional Items The implementation of any optional items is contingent upon approval by the District representative.

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Outage An unplanned and/or unintentional disabling of a process or equipment item which makes it unsuitable to perform its intended function.

Paragraph For reference or citation purposes, paragraph shall refer to the paragraph, or paragraphs, called out by section number and alphanumeric designator. For example, this definition is found in paragraph 00710-1.01; Contractor equipment is discussed in paragraph 00710-2.03 B.

Person The term, person, includes firms, companies, corporations, partnerships, and joint ventures.

Plans The official project plans and standard drawings, profiles, typical cross sections, general cross sections, working drawings, and supplemental drawings, or reproductions thereof, approved by the District, which show the locations, character, dimensions, and details of the work to be performed. All such documents are to be considered as a part of the plans whether or not reproduced in the contract documents.

Process Area The existing facilities, channels, tanks, basins, conduits, pipes, tunnels, galleries, buildings, structures, and systems at the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Project Plans The project plans and specific details and dimensions peculiar to the work and are supplemented by the standard drawings insofar as the same may apply. When the term drawings is used herein, it shall also be deemed to mean plans.

Project The undertaking to be performed under the provisions of the Contract.

Project Schedule The organization and sequencing of activities to complete the Work within the Contract Time.

Provide Furnish and install, modify, relocate, complete and in place including testing.

Punch List A list of items or activities which must be accomplished in order to complete the Work and comply with the requirements of the Contract.

Resident Engineer The District's on-site representative who is the authorized agent of the Engineer and who is responsible for the administration of the contract and inspection of the work to be performed under

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these specifications.

Shall This term refers to the mandatory requirements of the Contract that must be accomplished by the Contractor.

Shop Drawings All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules and other data which are specifically prepared by or for Contractor to illustrate some portion of the work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by the Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for some portion of the work.

Shutdown A planned action which makes the existing process, system or equipment unable to perform its intended function.

Specifications The directions, provisions, and requirements contained in the contract documents as supplemented by the Standard Specifications. When the term "specifications" or "these specifications" is used, it means the provisions as set forth in the contract documents.

Specify/Specified Refers to information described, shown, noted or presented in any manner in any part of the contract.

SRCSD Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Also known as the District.

SRWTP Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Subcontractor An individual, firm or organization which has a contract to do a portion of the Work regardless of tier. A subcontractor may have a contract with the Contractor or with another subcontractor.

Submittal The marking of a submittal to indicate "No Exceptions Taken" or Approved "Make Corrections Noted."

Supplier An individual, firm or organization which provides materials, equipment, supplies, systems or specially fabricated items for the Work.

System A set or arrangement of equipment and associated tanks, channels, piping, electrical, instrumentation and controls so related as to form a unit function.

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Tag Number A unique identification number assigned by the Engineer to each piece of equipment; manholes, handholes, device, or component including electrical raceways, enclosures, cables, and instrumentation loops and points.

Technical Sections 1 through 17 of the Contract. Specifications

Time Extension An increase in the Contract Time.

Will This term refers to actions by the District, the Engineer, or the Resident Engineer that are required during the course of the Contract.

Work The activities and construction that are contemplated, required or designated by the plans, the specifications or other contract documents including changes directed by the District.


In the event the Contractor is a joint venture of two or more contractors, the grants, covenants, provisos and claims, rights, power, privileges and liabilities of the contract shall be construed and held to be several as well as joint. Any notice, order, direct request or any communication required to be or that may be given by the District or the Engineer to the Contractor under this contract, shall be well and sufficiently given to all persons being the Contractor if given to any one or more of such persons. Any notice, request or other communication given by any one of such persons to the District or the Engineer under this contract shall be deemed to have been given by and shall bind all persons being the Contractor.



The grants, covenants, provisos and claims, rights, powers, privileges and liabilities contained in the contract documents shall be read and held as made by and with, and granted to and imposed upon, the Contractor and the District and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

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The performance of the contract may not be subcontracted or assigned except upon written consent of the District, and no such subcontracting or assignment shall be permitted which would relieve the original Contractor or sureties of their responsibilities under the contract.

The Contractor shall not, without the written consent of the District, (a) substitute any party as subcontractor in place of the subcontractor designated in the original bid, or (b) permit any such subcontract to be assigned or transferred, or allow it to be performed by anyone other than the original subcontractor listed on the bid. Consent to such substitution or subletting shall only be given: (1) When the subcontractor listed in the bid after having had a reasonable opportunity to do so fails or refuses to execute a written contract, when such written contract, based upon the general terms, conditions, plans, and specifications for the project involved or the terms of such subcontractor's written bid, has been presented by the prime contractor; or (2) when the listed subcontractor becomes bankrupt or insolvent; or (3) when the listed subcontractor fails or refuses to perform the assigned subcontract; or (4) when the listed subcontractor fails or refuses to meet the bond requirements of the prime contractor as set forth in Section 4108 of the Public Contract Code; or (5) when the prime contractor demonstrates to the Engineer, subject to the further provisions set forth in Section 4107.5 of the Public Contract Code that the name of the subcontractor was listed as a result of an inadvertent clerical error; or (6) when the listed subcontractor is not licensed pursuant to the Contractor License Law as set forth in the Business and Professions Code; or (7) when the Engineer determines that the work performed by the listed subcontractor is substantially unsatisfactory and not in substantial accordance with the plans and specification, or that the subcontractor is substantially delaying or disrupting the progress of the work.

In the event of such substitution, the District shall give at least three working days' notice in writing to the listed subcontractor unless the said subcontractor involved has advised the District in writing of having knowledge of the prime contractor's request for the substitution.

The Contractor may assign monies due under the contract, and such assignment will be recognized by the District, if given proper notice thereof, to the extent permitted by law, but any assignment of monies shall be subject to all deductions provided for in the contract, and all money withheld shall be subject to being used by the District for the completion of the work, in the event that the Contractor should be in default therein.


Except as herein provided, no action or want of action on the part of the Contractor, District, or Engineer, at any time with respect to the exercise of any right or remedies conferred upon them under this contract shall be deemed to be a waiver on the part of

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the Contractor and District of any of their rights or remedies. No waiver shall be effective except in writing by the party to be charged. No waiver of one right or remedy shall act as a waiver of any other right or remedy or as a subsequent waiver of the same right or remedy.


These general conditions may be amended after agreement has been signed only by mutual consent of the District and the Contractor in writing.


The Contractor shall keep fully informed of, and shall observe and comply with, and shall cause any and all persons, firms, or corporations employed by the Contractor or under the Contractor, to observe and comply with all State and National laws and County and municipal ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any worker affect the conduct of the work. Particular attention is called to the following:


Eight hours of labor shall constitute a legal day's work and the Contractor or any subcontractor under the Contractor, in the execution of the contract, shall not require more than eight hours of labor in any calendar day, and forty hours of labor in any calendar week, from any person employed by the Contractor in the performance of the work under this contract, except as permitted under the provisions of Section 1815, of the Labor Code of the State of California. The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the District $25 for each worker employed by the Contractor or any subcontractor under the Contractor in the execution of the contract for each calendar day during which any worker is required or permitted to labor more than eight hours and for each calendar week during which any worker is required or permitted to labor more than forty hours, in violation of the provisions of such Labor Code.

Overtime and shift work may be established by the Contractor with reasonable notice and the written permission of the District.

The establishment of regular overtime and shift work does not alter the definition of a working day as specified in paragraph 00710-1.01.

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Pursuant to Section 1770, and following, of the California Labor Code, the Contractor shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of per diem wages as determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. Copies of such prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the office of Sacramento County Labor Compliance Section, 9700 Goethe Road, Suite D, Sacramento, California 95827. Copies shall be made available to any interested party on request.

The wage rates determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations refer to the expirations dates. Prevailing wage determinations with a single asterisk (*) after the expiration date which are in effect an the date of advertisement for bids remain in effect for the duration of the project. Prevailing wage determinations with double asterisk (**) after the expiration date indicate that the basic hourly age rate, overtime, and holiday pay rates, and employer payments be paid for work performed after this date, the new rate must be paid and should be incorporated in contracts entered into. The Contractor should contact the Prevailing Wage Unit, DSLR, (415) 703-4774281 or the Sacramento County Labor Compliance Section, (916) 875-2700, to obtain predetermined wage changes. All determinations that do not have double asterisk (**) after the expiration date remain in effect for the duration of the project.

The prevailing wage rate for plumber and/or pipefitter shall be paid for work which includes, but is not limited to, all installation of mechanical pressure and/or process piping, soil, waste and vent piping, potable and nonpotable water piping.

The Contractor shall forfeit, as penalty to the District, not more than $200 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under the contract by the Contractor or by any subcontractor, in violation of the provisions of such Labor Code. The provisions of Section 1775 of said Labor Code shall be complied with.


Attention is directed to Section 1735 of the Labor Code of the State of California, which prohibits discrimination in the employment of persons upon public works because of the race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or sex of such persons and provides for penalties therefor.



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Attention is directed to Section 1777.5 of the Labor Code of the State of California, concerning the employment of apprentices, and the Contractor is required to comply with the provisions of said section.


Attention is directed to the requirements of Section 1773.8 of the Labor Code of the State of California. The Contractor shall make travel and subsistence payments to each worker workman, needed to execute the work, in accordance with the requirements in said Section 1773.8.


Pursuant to the requirements of Section 1860 of the Labor Code, the Contractor will be required to secure the payment of worker's compensation for employees in accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code.


The Contractor shall comply with all rules and regulations of the Department of Food and Agriculture, the Department of Health, the Department of Industrial Relations, and all other agencies which govern the use of pesticides required in the performance of the work on the contract.

Pesticides shall include but shall not be limited to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, germicides, nematocides, bactericides, inhibitors, fumigants, defoliants, desiccants, soil sterilands, and repellents.

Any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing repelling, mitigating, or destroying weeds, insects, diseases, rodents, or nematodes and any substance or mixture of substances intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant shall be considered a pesticide.


Attention is directed to Section 1776 of the California Labor Code, a portion of which is quoted below. Regulations implementing said Section 1776 are located in Section

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16000 and Sections 16401 through 16403 of Title 8, California Administrative Code. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance by subcontractors.

1. "Each contractor and subcontractor shall keep an accurate payroll record, showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed in conjunction with the public work."

2. "The payroll records enumerated under subdivision (a) shall be certified and shall be available for inspection at all reasonable hours at the principal office of the contractor on the following basis:

a. A certified copy of an employee's payroll record shall be made available for inspection or furnished to the employee or authorized representative on request.

b. A certified copy of all payroll records enumerated in subdivision (a) shall be made available for inspection or furnished upon request to a representative of the body awarding the contract, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations.

c. A certified copy of all payroll records enumerated in subdivision (a) shall be made available upon request by the public for inspection and copies thereof made; provided, however, that a request by the public shall be made through either the body awarding the contract, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. If the requested payroll records have not been provided pursuant to paragraph (2), the requesting party shall, prior to being provided the records, reimburse the costs of preparation by the contractor, subcontractors, and the entity through which the request was made. The public shall not be given access to the records at the principal office of the contractor.

3. Each contractor shall file a certified copy of the records enumerated in subdivision (a) with the entity that requested the records within 10 days after receipt of a written request.

4. Any copy of records made available for inspection as copies and furnished upon request to the public or any public agency by the awarding body, the Division of

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Apprenticeship Standards, or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement shall be marked or obliterated in such a manner as to prevent disclosure of an individual's name, address and social security number. The name and address of the contractor awarded the contract or performing the contract shall not be marked or obliterated.

5. The contractor shall inform the body awarding the contract of the location of the records enumerated under subdivision (a), including the street address, city and county, and shall, within five working days, provide a notice of a change of location and address.

6. In the event of noncompliance with the requirements of this section, the contractor shall have 10 days in which to comply subsequent to receipt of written notice specifying in what respects the contractor must comply with this section. Should noncompliance still be evident after the 10-day period, the contractor shall, as a penalty to the state or political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is made or awarded, forfeit $100 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker, until strict compliance is effectuated. Upon the request of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, these penalties shall be withheld from progress payments then due."

The penalties specified in subdivision (h) of Labor Code Section 1776 for noncompliance with the provisions of said Section 1776 may be deducted from any moneys due or which may become due to the Contractor.


Failure to provide specific information, records, reports, certifications, or any other documents required for compliance with these specifications shall be considered noncompliance. The minimum documents required include the following:

1. FORM SCLC-0001 - LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: Required from the prime contractor and each subcontractor with a lower tier subcontractor. Due within 10 days after the date of the pre-construction conference or within 10 days after the date of award of the subcontract. The later of the two dates will apply.

2. CERTIFIED PAYROLL REPORTS: Required from the prime contractor and each subcontractor, regardless of the subcontract amount or the type of procurement, for every payroll period in which work is performed. Due within 10 working days of the ending date of the payroll period.

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3. FRINGE BENEFIT STATEMENT: Required from the prime contractor and each subcontractor if fringe benefits are paid to an approved plan, fund, or program. Due with first certified payroll report and any time the fringe benefit amounts change. Not required if the fringe benefits are paid in cash to the employees.


Other documentation may be required depending on the source of funding for the project.

Contractors found to be in noncompliance will be advised of the specific deficiencies and urged to make immediate corrections. They should also be advised that monetary deductions may be made for failure to effect corrections or delinquencies.

If the Contractor fails to correct a deficiency within 15 days after notification, a deduction may be made. In such cases, the deduction shall be 10 percent of the estimated value of the work done during the month, except that the deduction will not exceed $10,000, nor be less than $1,000, and shall be deducted from the next progress payment.

Deductions for noncompliance will be in addition to all other deductions provided for in the Contract and will apply irrespective of the number of instances of noncompliance. Deductions may be made separately and additively for each estimate period in which a new deficiency appears. When all deficiencies for a period have been corrected, the deduction covering that period will be released on the next progress payment. Otherwise, the deduction will be retained.


It is understood that to complete the Work within the Contract Time, it may be necessary to operate a two or three shift operation for portions of the work. Two or three shift operations may be established as a regular procedure by the Contractor upon notification of the Engineer. Such notification shall be given at least 1 week in advance and shall include the anticipated duration of the additional shifts. Such permission may be revoked by the Engineer if the Contractor fails to maintain adequate force and equipment for reasonable prosecution and to justify inspection of the work, or fails to provide sufficient artificial light to permit the work to be carried on properly and to permit proper inspection.

Unless established as part of the regular work shifts, request to work between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. or on Sundays or legal holidays must be submitted in writing at least 2 working days in advance of the intended work. In case of an emergency, the Contractor will be allowed to work at night or on Sundays or legal holidays, but must

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notify the Engineer and the Plant Control Center at (916) 875-9400 immediately. An emergency shall be considered an unforeseen event that poses a danger to the public or to the uncompleted work.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer one working day prior written notice of any work to be done on a Saturday, with the location and type of work to be done specified; and any work done without such notice and without the supervision of an inspector may be ordered removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense.



The Contractor shall give all notices and shall procure and pay for all permits and licenses of any kind that may be required to start, carry on, and complete the contract work. Refer to Section 01020 for permits to be obtained by the District. The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of the work. The Contractor shall be liable for violations of the law in connection with the Work. If the Contractor observes that the plans, specifications or other portions of the contract documents are at variance with any laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, the Engineer shall be promptly notified in writing of such variance. The Engineer shall promptly review the matter and, if necessary, shall issue a Field Instruction or take any other action necessary to bring about compliance with the law, ordinance, rule or regulation in question. Contractor agrees not to perform work known to be contrary to any laws, ordinances, rules or regulations.

Unless otherwise specified herein, permits and licenses from governmental agencies which are necessary only for and during the prosecution of the work and the subsequent guaranty period thereafter shall be secured by the Contractor and paid for by the District.

The District will reimburse the Contractor for filing fees required to secure such permits upon presentation of proof of payment of said fees, except that no reimbursement will be paid for the following permits:

1. Overload, overwidth, and other hauling permits.

2. Permits required by the California Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1973.

3. Other permits obtained by the Contractor solely for convenience and are not essential for conduct of work.

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Permits and licenses of regulatory agencies which are necessary to be maintained after the completion of the guaranty period of the contract will be secured and paid for by the District.


The Contractor shall assume all costs arising from the use of patented materials, equipment, devices, or processes used on or incorporated in the work, and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the District, its officers, employees, agents, and engineer from all suits at law or claims brought or made by the holder of any invention or patent for, or on account of, the use of any patented materials, equipment, devices, or processes in the construction of, or subsequent operation of, the project. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish acceptable proof of a proper release from all such fees or claims before the final payment is made on this contract.


The District shall provide the lands, rights-of-way, and easements upon which the work under this contract is to be done, and such other lands as may be designated on the plans for the use by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall confine the operations to within these limits.

Any additional land and access thereto that may be required for temporary construction facilities or storage of materials shall be provided at the Contractor’s expense.


Headings to parts, divisions, sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs and forms are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of the contract documents.


The Contractor shall perform not less than 30 percent of the Work..


Survey land monuments and property marks shall not be moved or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor until an authorized agent, of the agency having jurisdiction over the land monuments or property marks setting, has witnessed or otherwise referenced their location, and only then in accordance with the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction.

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1. GENERAL: All claims of the Contractor or questions which may arise as to quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed, and as to the manner of performance and the rate of progress of the work; all questions as to the interpretation of the contract, plans and specifications; all questions as to the acceptable fulfillment of the Contract on the part of the Contractor; and all questions as to compensation shall be referred to the Engineer for decision.

2. CHANGES: The District reserves the right to make such modifications or alterations, reductions or omissions, to the specifications and plans, including the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item or portion of the work or to omit any item or portion of the work, as may be deemed by the Engineer to be necessary or advisable, and to require such extra work as may be determined by the Engineer to be required for the proper completion or construction of the contemplated work.

No change or deviation from the plans or specifications shall be made by the Contractor without written authorization from the Engineer setting forth a complete description of the change.

3. ACCEPTABILITY OF WORK: The Engineer has the authority to make the final determination of the acceptability of the work. The Engineer also has the authority to accept or reject the Resident Engineer's recommendations regarding retention of defective work.


1. GENERAL: The Resident Engineer is the construction site representative of the District. The Engineer has delegated authority to the Resident Engineer to make decisions regarding questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed and as to the manner of performance and rate of progress of the Work. The Resident Engineer interprets the intent and meaning of the Contract and makes initial decisions with respect to the Contractor's fulfillment of the Contract and the Contractor's entitlement to compensation.

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2. INSPECTION: Properly authorized Inspectors shall be considered to be representatives of the Engineer. An Inspector shall have the authority to order the Work stopped, if such action becomes necessary, until the Engineer is notified and has determined that the work may proceed.

The inspection of the work does not relieve the Contractor of any obligation to fulfill the contract as prescribed. Any work, materials or equipment not meeting the requirements and intent of the plans and specifications shall be rejected, and unsuitable work or materials shall be made good, notwithstanding the fact that such work or materials may have previously been inspected or approved and payment therefor may have been made.

Re-examination of any work may be ordered by the Engineer, and such work must be uncovered by the Contractor. The Contractor shall pay the entire cost of such uncovering, re-examination and replacement if the work does not conform to the plans and specifications.

3. CHANGE ORDERS: The Resident Engineer has the authority to initiate change orders.


Contractor agrees to make available to the District plant and equipment for the performance of work at the project site which is not a part of this Contract. The District agrees that the use of such plant and equipment shall be considered as extra work and paid for accordingly.



The District shall notify the Contractor in writing of the name of the Engineer and of the Resident Engineer. The Resident Engineer normally will be at the site of the work. During absences, the Contractor may contact a previously designated representative of the Resident Engineer.

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The District shall be responsible for the adequacy, efficiency, and sufficiency of employees and of any consultant, supplier or contractor employed by the District.


Neither the Engineer, Resident Engineer, nor officers, employees, agents, or representatives of the District, nor any of them shall be responsible for any liability arising under this contract, except such obligations as are specifically set forth herein.



The Contractor shall notify the District in writing of the name of the person who will act as the Contractor's representative and shall have the authority to act in matters relating to this contract. This person shall have authority to carry out the provisions of the contract and to supply materials, equipment, tools and labor without delay for the performance of the work.


The Contractor shall provide adequate and suitable equipment and means of construction to meet the requirements of the Contract, including completion within the time allotted. Only equipment suitable to produce the quality of work required will be permitted, and specific types of equipment may be requested on component parts of the work.

In any case where the use of a particular type or piece of equipment has been banned, or in cases where the Engineer has condemned for use on the work, any piece or pieces of equipment, the Contractor shall promptly remove such equipment from the site of the work. Failure to do so within a reasonable time shall be evidence of a breach of contract.


No subcontractor will be recognized as such, and all persons engaged in the Work will be considered employees of the Contractor, and their work shall be subject to all the provisions of the Contract.

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B. The Contractor shall do all of the work and furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and appliances, except as otherwise herein expressly stipulated, necessary or proper for performing and completing the work herein required, including any changes authorized by change order, in conformity with the meaning and intent of the plans, specifications, and all provisions of the contract, within the time specified.

The work shall be under the Contractor's responsible care and charge until its completion and final acceptance, bearing the entire risk of injury, loss, or damage to any part thereof by causes of any nature whatsoever. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make good all injuries, losses or damage to the Work or the materials occasioned by any cause, and shall bear the entire expense thereof.

If any discrepancies are discovered during the course of the work between the plans and conditions in the field, or any errors or omissions in the plans, the specifications, or in the layout given by stakes, points, or instructions, it shall be the duty of the Contractor to inform the Engineer immediately, and the Engineer shall promptly verify the same. Any work done after such discovery until authorized by the Engineer, will be done at the Contractor's risk.

In no case shall the use of subcontractors in any way alter the position of the Contractor or any sureties with relation to this contract. When a subcontractor is used, the responsibility for every portion of the work shall still remain with the Contractor.

The Contractor shall pay all valid claims of subcontractors, suppliers, and workers.


The District is committed to providing a safe, secure, and healthful working environment where individuals are free from the threat of violence, aggression, intimidation, harassment, or retaliation. The Contractor, subcontractors and employees shall conduct themselves in a proper and respectful manner. Any person who threatens, is abusive or harasses another individual shall be immediately removed from the site of the Work and shall not return.

Inappropriate behavior by District staff shall be immediately reported.

Any employee of the Contractor who fails to follow instructions from the District or is incompetent, unfaithful, intemperate, disorderly, or unsatisfactory behavior shall be immediately removed from the site of the Work and shall not return.

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When any portion of the work which has been subcontracted by the Contractor is not being prosecuted in a satisfactory manner, the subcontract for such work shall be terminated immediately by the Contractor upon written notice from the Engineer, and the subcontractor shall not again be employed on the type of work in which such performance was unsatisfactory.


The Contractor shall pay and require subcontractors to pay any and all accounts for labor including Workers Compensation premiums, State Unemployment and Federal Social Security payments and other wage and salary deductions required by law. The Contractor also shall pay and cause subcontractors to pay any and all accounts for services, equipment, and materials used during the performance of work under this contract. Such accounts shall be paid as they become due and payable. If requested by the District, the Contractor shall furnish proof of payment of such accounts to the District.


The Contractor shall give personal attention to, and shall supervise the work to the end that it shall be faithfully prosecuted. A competent superintendent, who shall represent the Contractor during cases of absence, shall keep on the work throughout its progress and shall have complete authority to represent and act for the Contractor. Whenever the Contractor or the superintendent is not present on a particular part of the work where it may be desired to give direction, orders will be given by the Engineer, which shall be received and obeyed by the foreman or other representative who may have charge of the particular work in reference to which the orders are given, or the Engineer may stop the work until the Contractor or superintendent arrives.

The Contractor shall be liable for the faithful observation of any instructions. Any order given by the Engineer not otherwise required by the specifications to be in writing, will, on request of the Contractor, be given or confirmed by the Engineer in writing.


The Contractor, when requested, shall assist the Engineer in obtaining access to work which is to be inspected. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with information requested in connection with the inspection of the work.

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The right of general supervision shall not make the Contractor an agent of the District. The liability of the Contractor for all damages to persons or to public or private property, arising from the execution of the work, shall not be lessened because of such general supervision.


The Contractor shall not overload any structure or roadway beyond its design load capacity during construction. In addition to assuming full responsibility for bodily injury resulting from any such overloading, the Contractor shall repair to the Engineer's satisfaction or reimburse the District for the costs of repairing damage resulting therefrom. The Contractor shall submit load data to the Engineer upon request.


The Contractor shall be responsible for all third party claims and for costs or injuries incurred by a third party which result from the operations of the Contractor.


The Contractor shall obtain all necessary measurements for and from the work, and shall check dimensions, elevations, and grades for all layout and construction work and shall supervise such work, the accuracy for all of which the Contractor shall be responsible. The Contractor shall adjust, correct and coordinate work with that of subcontractors and others so that no discrepancies will result.


Firearms, fireworks, explosives, or alcoholic beverages are not permitted on District facilities. Pets and animals are also prohibited. These items may not be kept in vehicles which are operated or parked on District property.


Individuals and motor vehicles operated at the SRWTP shall comply with the Vehicle Code of the State of California. All roadways shall be considered public thoroughfares and the posted signs shall be observed.

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Both the address given in the Bid and the Contractor's office in the vicinity of the work are hereby designated as places to which plans, letters, notices, or other articles or communications to the Contractor may be mailed or delivered. The mailing or delivery at either of these places shall be deemed sufficient notice thereof, upon the Contractor. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to preclude the service of any plan, letter, notice, article, or communication to or upon the Contractor or representative personally.


Any plan or method suggested to the Contractor by the Engineer or an inspector, but not specified or required, if adopted or followed in whole or in part, shall be used at the risk and responsibility of the Contractor; and the District and the Engineer will assume no responsibility therefore.


It is likely that the District, utility companies, and other contractors will be working within or adjacent to the area of the Work. The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with these other forces to avoid or minimize delays and interferances. The Contractor does not have exclusive use of the work area. Conflicts shall be referred to the Resident Engineer for resolution.

The Contractor shall be responsible for any expenses, damages or delays to others as a result of failure to cooperate.


The Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the District in writing of:

1. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated in this contract.

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2. Unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in this contract.

The Engineer shall promptly investigate the conditions. If such conditions do materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of the Work whether or not changed as a result of such conditions, an equitable adjustment will be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly. The equitable adjustment will be made in accordance with Sections 01250.

No claim of the Contractor under this clause shall be allowed unless the Contractor has given the notice required, except that the District may extend the prescribed time.

No claim by the Contractor for an equitable adjustment shall be allowed if asserted after final payment.


The receipt by the Engineer of any drawing or any method of work proposed by the Contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for any errors therein, and shall not be regarded as any assumption of risk or liability by the District or any officers or employees thereof, and the Contractor shall have no claim under this contract on account of the failure or partial failure or inefficiency of any plan or method so received. Such receipt shall mean merely that the Engineer has no objections to the Contractor using the plan or method so proposed. Four copies of the information requested below shall be submitted for information only in accordance with Section 01300.

1. EXCAVATION: The Contractor shall submit for information only to the Engineer 5 days in advance of any excavation of trenches and structural excavations with a depth greater than 5 feet an engineered system which is a detail plan of shoring, bracing, sloping, or other provisions to protect workers from the hazards of caving ground or flooding during the operations. All plans for excavation shall be prepared and signed by a California registered civil or structural engineer. A signed copy of the Engineered System must be on the site at the time of the work. In no case shall the protective system be less effective than that required by the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety of the California Department of Industrial Relations.

The above in no way relieves the Contractor from the requirements of Section 00820.

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2. EXISTING STRUCTURE ISOLATION: The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer 5 days in advance of any existing structure isolation that requires construction of bracing, bulkheads or cofferdams, an engineered system which is a detail plan of the bracing, bulkhead or cofferdam or other provisions to protect the workers from the hazards of flooding during the operations. All plans for construction of temporary bracing, bulkheads or cofferdams shall be prepared and signed by a California registered civil or structural engineer. A signed copy of the engineered system must be on the site at the time of the work. In no case shall the protective system be less effective than that required by the Construction Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety.




It is the intent of the Contract that the Work shall result in a complete, reliable and satisfactory operating system that functions as planned and designed. The plans and specifications are complementary and shall be used together to determine intent or objective.

No additional compensation will be provided for anything not shown but reasonably necessary or required for the proper functioning of the unit, facility or system.

The prices in the Bidding Schedule shall be considered full compensation for providing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentials necessary to complete the Work as required by the Contract.


Should it appear that the work to be done, or any of the matters relative thereto, are not sufficiently detailed or explained on the drawings or in the specifications, or in the event of any doubt or question arising respecting the true meaning of the specifications, the Contractor shall apply to the Engineer for further explanations.

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Specifications and plans are divided into groups for the convenience of the District, Engineer, and Resident Engineer. These Sections are not for the purpose of apportioning work or responsibility among subcontractors, suppliers and manufacturers.


The specifications and the drawings are intended to be explanatory of each other. Any work shown on the contract drawings and not in the specifications, or vice versa, is to be executed as if indicated in both.

In case of conflict, Division 1 (General Requirements), including these General Conditions (Part A), shall govern over all, Divisions 2 through 17 shall govern over the contract drawings. The contract drawings shall govern over the Standard Specifications. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 00100 prior to bid regarding any conflict during the bid period. Any conflict the Contractor becomes aware of during the conduct of the work shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer. All work shown on the drawings, the dimensions of which are not figured, shall be accurately followed to the scale to which the drawings are made; however, figured dimensions are in all cases to be followed, though they differ from scaled measurements.

Any work for which there are no provisions in the specifications or on the drawings shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the State Specifications.


Roadside trees and shrubbery that are not to be removed, and pole lines, fences, signs, traffic control devices, survey markers and monuments, buildings, and structures, conduits, under or above ground pipelines, and any other improvements and facilities adjacent to the work shall be protected from injury or damage, and if ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide and install suitable safeguards to protect such objects from injury or damage. If such objects are injured or damaged by reason of the Contractor's operations, they shall be replaced or restored to a condition as good as when the Contractor entered upon the work, and all expenses of whatever nature arising from such damage shall be borne by the Contractor. Before the Contractor removes any road sign or permanent traffic control device which interferes with the work, approval is required from the Engineer.

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It is recognized by the District and the Contractor that the location of existing utility facilities as shown on contract drawings and specifications are approximate; their exact location is unknown.

Recognition is given to the fact there may be additional utilities existing on the property unknown to either party to the contract. Location of utilities as shown on the plans and specifications represent the best information obtainable from utility maps and other information furnished by the various agencies involved. The District warrants neither the accuracy nor the extent of actual installations as shown on the drawings and specifications.

The Contractor agrees and is required to coordinate and fully cooperate with the District and utility owners for the location, relocation, and protection of utilities. The Contractor shall submit an Access Request prior to excavating on the site.

In accordance with Section 4215 of the Government Code of the State of California, the District shall make provisions to compensate the Contractor for the costs of locating, repairing damage not due to the failure of the Contractor to exercise reasonable care, and removing or relocating such main and trunk line utility facilities not indicated in the plans and specifications with reasonable accuracy, and for equipment on the project necessarily idled during such work. Compensation will be in accordance with Section 01250.

In the event the Contractor discovers utilities not identified in the plans or specifications, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer and the utility owner by the most expeditious means available and later confirm in writing.

The County of Sacramento is a member of the Underground Service Alert (U.S.A.) one-call program. The Contractor or any subcontractor shall notify U.S.A. 2 working days in advance of excavation work by calling 800-642-2444.

Each phase of the project must be called to U.S.A. and continuing excavation reported every 14 calendar days, as the markings are not permanent and will fade out. The U.S.A. will designate a U.S.A. number which must be available to the inspector at the job site along with the date it was called in. If the U.S.A. notifications are not kept up to date, the excavation may be stopped and a new U.S.A. notice required before continuing the excavation.

Contractor will be required to utilize white paint to outline known areas of excavation prior to calling U.S.A. This paint shall be white dots located inside the excavated area so that when construction is completed there will be no remnants of the paint. At those locations where the excavation is not known, the excavator shall make an attempt to identify the areas that will be excavated. All utility companies and contractors will be required to use the following color codes and symbols for the identification of facilities:

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Color Codes and Symbols

Color Symbol Name

Blue W Water Orange R Railroad TV Television WU Western Union FA Fire Alarm Tel Telephone Com Communications Green S Sewer D Storm Drain Red E Electrical T Traffic Signals L Street Lighting Yellow G Gas Co. Name Oil and Chemical

The utility shall have the sole discretion to perform repairs or relocation work, or permit the Contractor to do such repairs or relocation work.

Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or in the specifications, the Contractor shall maintain in service all drainage, water, gas, and sewer lines, including house services, power, lighting, and telephone conduits, and any other surface or subsurface structure of any nature that may be affected by the Work.

Unless otherwise indicated in the specifications, the Contractor shall be responsible for protecting all existing utilities. The utility owner in these cases may elect to provide the necessary protective measures and bill the Contractor for the cost. Existing utilities shall further include traffic control devices, conduits, street lights, and related appurtenances.


All work and materials shall be in full accordance with the latest adopted standards and regulations of the State Fire Marshal; the Uniform Building Code; Title 24 of the California Administrative Code; the National Electrical Code; the Uniform Plumbing Code; and other applicable codes, laws or regulations. Nothing in these plans or specifications is to be construed to permit work not conforming to these requirements. When the work detailed in the plans and specifications differs from governing codes, the Contractor shall furnish and install the higher standard. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer whenever a possible code violation is discovered in the Work. If the higher standard so required is more expensive than the work detailed in the plans and specifications, the Contractor will be compensated for the additional costs.

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A complete set of the contracts drawings and specifications revised to include all addenda issued during the contract bid period will be provided to the Contractor on electronic media. One complete set of drawings and specifications shall be available at the site of the Work at all times.


In addition to the plans incorporated in the contract at the time of signing, the Engineer may furnish such working drawings and supplemental drawings from time to time as may be necessary to make clear, or to define in greater detail, the intent of the drawings and specifications. In furnishing such additional drawings and instructions, the Engineer shall have authority to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost, and not inconsistent with the nature of the work. These working drawings and supplemental drawings shall become a part of the contract documents.



All materials shall be new and of a quality equal to that specified. Whenever the quality or kind of material or article is not particularly specified, the materials or articles shall be of the best grade in quality and workmanship. Materials to be used in the work will be subject to inspection and tests by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish without charge such samples as may be required. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a list of sources for materials and the locations at which such materials will be available for inspection. The list shall be submitted to the Engineer in sufficient time to permit inspecting and testing in advance of their use. The list shall include type of material, specification section, source of supply, address and phone number of supplies and purchase order number.


Only equipment and methods suitable to produce the quality of work required will be permitted on the project. If any part of the Contractor's plant, equipment, or methods of execution of the work appear to the Engineer to be unsafe, inefficient, or inadequate to insure the required quality or rate of progress of the work, the Contractor may be ordered to increase or improve the facilities or methods. However, neither compliance with such

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orders nor failure of the Engineer to issue such orders shall relieve the Contractor from the obligation to secure the degree of safety, the quality of work, or rate of progress required.



When any material or equipment is indicated or specified by patent or proprietary name or by the name and catalog number of two or more manufacturers, it shall be considered as used for convenience in describing the material or equipment desired. The use of an alternative material or equipment which is of equal quality, operability, maintenance history, and reliability, and of the required characteristics for the purpose intended may be permitted. Request for such substitution shall be made in writing in accordance with Section 01300 in ample time to permit approval without delaying the work. Until and unless such substitutions are approved by the Engineer, no deviations from the specifications shall be allowed.

The burden of proof as to the quality and suitability of the alternative shall be upon the Contractor. The Engineer shall be the sole judge as to the quality and suitability of alternative materials or equipment.


If material or equipment is specified by only one patent or proprietary name, or by the name of only one manufacturer, it is for the purpose of standardization or because the District knows of no equal. If standardization is the reason for using one name to specify any material or equipment, the specification will so state, and substitutions will not be considered. In other cases, the Contractor may offer substitutions of products considered to be equal to that specified.


If material or equipment is specified by vendors or manufacturers, only the listed sources shall be used and substitutions will not be considered.


The arrangement of equipment shown on the drawings is based upon information available to the District at the time of design and is not intended to show exact dimensions peculiar to a specific manufacturer. The drawings are diagrammatic and

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some features of the illustrated equipment may require revision to meet actual equipment installation requirements. Structural supports, foundations, connected piping, valves, and electrical conduit specified may have to be altered to accommodate the equipment provided. As-built drawings and O&M submittals must reflect field- installed equipment, conditions, and related information. No additional payment will be made for revisions and alterations.

All mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment shall be installed in conformity with the details specified and with the manufacturer's requirements. Should a manufacturer's installation recommendations conflict with requirements of the Contract, the Contractor shall bring the matter to the attention of the Engineer. Costs incurred to accommodate named manufacturer's installation recommendations will be reviewed for an equitable adjustment. Any additional costs incurred arising out of changes to accommodate substitution manufacturer's installation recommendations shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if change is needed to meet the requirements of named or substitution supplied equipment. This notification should occur as part of the equipment submittal process. The District will revise the contract documents at no additional cost to the Contractor. If the revision does not require a change order, the revised contract documents will be provided to the Contractor as part of the equipment submittal, normally within 45 days of notification. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing within 20 days of receipt of the revised contract documents of the acceptance of the revision.



To demonstrate compliance with the contract requirements, the Contractor shall assist the Engineer with inspection. The Contractor shall grant the Engineer access to the work and to the places where work is being prepared, or where materials, equipment or machinery are being supplied. The Contractor shall provide information requested by the Engineer in connection with inspection work.

If the contract documents, laws, ordinances, or any public regulatory authority require parts of the work to be specially inspected, tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Resident Engineer adequate prior written notice of the availability of the work for examination.

The Contractor shall provide written notification 48 hours ahead of work requiring inspection. If parts of the work are covered prior to the Resident Engineer getting adequate prior written notice of the availability of the subject work for examination, the

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cost of exposing the work for inspection and closing shall be borne by the Contractor regardless of whether or not the work is in compliance with the Contract.

If any work is covered in the absence of the Engineer's directive to the contrary, the Contractor shall, if directed by the Engineer, uncover, expose or otherwise make available for inspection, portions of covered work. If it is found that such work is defective, the Contractor shall bear the costs for uncovering and reconstructing. If the work is found to be in compliance with the Contract, the Contractor will be compensated.

If any equipment is installed or operated in the absence of the Engineer or the Engineer has reason to believe that damage has occurred, the Contractor shall remove and disassemble the equipment for inspection. If it is found that the work is defective or damaged, the Contractor shall bear the expense of removal, repair, and reinstallation. If no defective work or damage is found, the Contractor will be compensated.


In order that the Engineer may determine compliance with requirements of the contract not readily enforceable through inspection and tests of materials or work, the Contractor shall, at any time when requested, submit to the Engineer documents or other proof of compliance with the requirements.


The Engineer may inspect the production of materials or manufacture of products at the source of supply. Plant inspection, however, will not be undertaken until the Engineer is assured of the cooperation and assistance of the Contractor and the material producer. The Engineer shall have free entry at all times to such parts of the plant as concerns the manufacture or production of the materials. Adequate facilities shall be furnished free of charge to make the necessary inspection and tests.

The District assumes no obligation to inspect materials at the source of supply. The responsibility for providing satisfactory materials is the Contractor’s.

Materials shall be furnished in ample quantities and at such times as to assure uninterrupted progress of the work. Materials, supplies, and equipment shall be properly stored and protected. The Contractor shall be responsible for damage or loss by weather or other causes.


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Neither the inspection, nor any measurement, approved modification, order or certificate, nor acceptance of any part or whole of the work or payment of money, nor any possession or use by the District or its agents, shall waiver any provisions of the contract or of any power or authority reserved therein, or to any right to damages thereunder; nor shall the waiver of any breach of this contract be held to be a waiver of any subsequent or other breach.


Materials and equipment shall be protected in accordance with Section 01605.


Manufactured articles, material and equipment shall be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, adjusted, tested, operated and maintained as recommended by the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified. Manufacturer's installation instructions and procedures shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300 prior to installation of the manufactured articles, material and equipment.



The Contractor shall, without delay, remove from the site of the work, all rejected or defective materials. No such rejected or defective materials shall be used in any work under this contract. All work which has been rejected shall be remedied, removed and replaced at the expense of the Contractor.

Upon failure of the Contractor to comply within 48 hours with any written order of the Engineer, or to make satisfactory progress, the District may cause the rejected materials to be removed, or the rejected work to be remedied, or removed and replaced, and deduct the costs from any sums due the Contractor.


Prior to acceptance of the project, the District may, at its option, retain work which is not in compliance with the contract if the District determines that such defective work is not of sufficient magnitude or importance to make the work dangerous or undesirable. The District also may retain defective work, if, in the opinion of the Engineer, removal of such work is impractical or will create conditions which are dangerous or undesirable. A just and reasonable value for such defective work shall be determined by the District and appropriate deductions shall be made in the payments

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due the Contractor. Final acceptance shall not act as a waiver of the District's right to recover from the Contractor an amount representing the deduction for retention of defective work.


A. Should failure of the work occur within a period of one year or longer, as required in the Contract documents, after acceptance of the project, or portions thereof by the District, which can be attributed to faulty materials, poor workmanship, or defective equipment, the needed repairs shall be performed promptly at the Contractor's expense.

The Contractor shall provide guarantee statements in the form provided to guarantee various segments of the work for the length of time specified.

The Contractor is alerted that equipment and materials installed under this Contract will be used by the District during the testing periods. In addition to the one year guarantee, the Contractor shall provide an extended warranty during the District's use prior to acceptance.

If the Contractor fails to complete the aforesaid repairs within 10 days after receipt of written notice, the District will make repairs at the Contractor's expense without further notice and without any notice to the surety. However, in case of emergency where, in the opinion of the Engineer, delay would cause serious loss or damages, or a serious hazard to the public, the repairs may be made or lights, signs, and barricades erected, without prior notice to the Contractor or surety, and the Contractor shall pay the costs thereof.


Nothing in this contract shall be construed as vesting in the Contractor any right of property in the materials used, after they have been installed, attached, or affixed to the work, but all such materials shall be the property of the Contractor and the District jointly as their interests may appear, and cannot be removed from the work without the consent of the Engineer.


Where the contract requires that materials or equipment be provided or that construction work be performed, and detailed specifications of such materials, equipment or construction work are not set forth, the Contractor shall perform the work using materials and equipment of a quality comparable to the materials and workmanship specified for the other parts of the work and at least equal to the general standard of quality found

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within the existing work and shall follow best practices in the performance of construction work. The work performed shall be in conformity and harmony with the intent to secure the best documentation, standard of construction, and equipment of work as a whole and in part.



Prior to start of construction, a conference will be held for the purpose of reviewing the construction program.


The return of the executed contract, together with the prescribed bonds and certifications of insurance, and when required, advance on incidental expenses and acquisitions, shall constitute authority for the Contractor to enter upon the site of the work and to begin operations. Should the Contractor start work in advance of receiving notice that the contract has been executed for the District, however, any work performed in advance of the date of approval shall be at the Contractor's own risk. Should the Contractor desire to begin work prior to the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer insurance certificates. When work has started, the Contractor shall diligently prosecute the work to completion within the Contract Time.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 5 working days notice of the intention to start work, indicating the intended beginning time, date, and location.

The counting of working days shall begin the date of receipt of notification that the Contract has been executed for the District. Such notification will be sent by certified mail and shall be deemed to be the Notice to Proceed. In no event shall there be a period of time greater than 30 days (exclusive of such time as all completed documents are in the possession of the District) from the time the contract forms are received by the Contractor and the commencement of the Contract Time, regardless of the receipt of signed documents and/or completion of provisions regarding required bonds and certificates.

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Time is of the essence on this contract. The Contractor shall complete all work called for under the contract within the times set forth in Section 01011.

For the purposes of determining completion of the Work within the specified times, the Engineer will furnish the Contractor a weekly statement showing the number of working days charged to the contract for the preceding week and the number of working days charged to date for each Work Item with a completion time. The Contractor will be allowed 15 calendar days to file a written protest of the working day statement, otherwise the counting of working days shall be deemed accepted by the Contractor.


During unfavorable weather and other conditions, the Contractor shall pursue only portions of the work that will not be damaged. No portions of the work whose satisfactory quality or efficiency will be affected by any unfavorable conditions shall be constructed while these conditions remain, unless, by special means or precautions approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall be able to overcome them. Costs associated with implementation of any such special means or precautions shall be paid by the Contractor.


1. NOTICE OF DELAYS: Whenever the Contractor foresees any delay in the prosecution of the work, and in any event within 24 hours of the occurrence of any delay which is regarded as an unavoidable delay, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of the probability of the occurrence of such delay and its cause, in order that the Engineer may take steps to prevent the occurrence or continuance of the delay, and may determine whether the delay is to be considered avoidable or unavoidable, how long it continues, and to what extent the prosecution and completion of the work are to be delayed.

After the completion of any part or the whole of the work, the Engineer, in estimating the amount of time extensions and compensation, if any, due the Contractor, will assume that any and all delays which have occurred have been avoidable delays, except such delays as shall have been called to the attention of the Engineer at the time of their occurrence and found to have been unavoidable.

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The Contractor will make no claims that any delay not called to the attention of the Engineer at the time of its occurrence has been an unavoidable delay.

2. AVOIDABLE DELAYS: Avoidable delays in the prosecution of the work shall include delays which could have been avoided by the exercise of care, prudence, foresight and diligence on the part of the Contractor or subcontractors. Avoidable delays include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Delays which may in themselves be unavoidable but which affect only a portion of the work and do not necessarily prevent or delay the prosecution of controlling items of work nor the completion of the whole work within the Contract Time.

b. Time associated with the reasonable interference of other contractors employed by the District which do not necessarily prevent the completion of the whole work within the Contract Time.

3. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS: The Contractor will be granted an extension of time for delays which the Engineer has determined resulted from causes beyond the control of the Contractor and which could not have provided for by the exercise of care, prudence, foresight, and diligence.

Unavoidable delays shall be those caused by acts or neglect of the District which could not have been reasonably anticipated by the Contractor; by acts of God or of the public enemy, fire, floods, epidemics, or strikes. Material shortages and delays in utility company relocations may be classified as an unavoidable delay if the Contractor can produce satisfactory evidence of having acted in a timely manner. Any curtailment of the Contractor's operations due to the action of the Air Pollution Control Board shall be considered an unavoidable delay.

Delays in the prosecution of parts of the work which may in themselves be unavoidable but do not necessarily prevent or delay the prosecution of controlling items of work nor the completion of the whole work within the time specified will not be considered as unavoidable delays. Reasonable loss of time resulting from the necessity of submitting plans for approval of the Engineer, from the making of surveys, measurements, inspections by the Engineer or from interference by other contractors which does not necessarily prevent the completion of the whole work within the time herein specified, will not be considered as unavoidable delays.

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The Contractor shall be allowed an extension of time for unavoidable delays, plus any adjustments of Contract Time due to change orders. Applications for an extension of time must be made in writing before the expiration of the times fixed in the Contract for the completion of Work Items specified in Section 01011, or of the time granted by extension.

Where the time for completion for a Work Item is specified as a date, rather than working days, the Contractor may not be allowed an extension of time to complete the Work Item. In such cases, the District will consider payment of costs associated with acceleration of the work.

1. AVOIDABLE DELAYS: In case the work is not completed in the time specified, including extension of time as may have been granted for unavoidable delays, the Contractor will be assessed liquidated damages.

2. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS: For delays which the Contractor considers to be unavoidable, complete information demonstrating the effect of the delay on the controlling operation in the Construction Schedule shall be submitted to the Engineer. The submission shall be made within 30 calendar days of the occurrence which is the cause of the unavoidable delay. The Engineer shall review the Contractor's submission and determine the number of days of unavoidable delay and the effect of such unavoidable delay on controlling operations. The District agrees to grant an extension of time to the extent that unavoidable delays affect controlling operations. The Contractor will be granted a time extension as a result of inclement weather.

It is understood and agreed by the Contractor and District that time extensions due to unavoidable delays will be granted only if such unavoidable delay involves controlling operations which would prevent completion of the Work Items within the Contract Times.

3. EFFECT OF EXTENSION OF TIME: The granting of an extension of time for the completion of the Work on account of delays which are unavoidable delays, or which are granted for extra or additional work, shall in no way operate as a waiver on the part of the District of any of its rights under this contract.

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1. AVOIDABLE DELAYS--NO COMPENSATION: The Contractor shall not receive any additional compensation for avoidable delays.

2. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS--NO COMPENSATION: The Contractor shall not receive any additional compensation due to inclement weather or conditions resulting therefrom; by acts of God or of the public enemy, fire, floods, epidemics, strikes, material shortages or due to action of the Air Pollution Control Board.

3. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS--COMPENSATION: The Contractor shall be entitled to additional compensation for unavoidable delays which the Engineer has determined resulted from an act or neglect of the District, or as a result of the discovery of cultural resources as specified in Section 00686 except as modified below:

a. Compensation for unavoidable delays shall not be granted when the delay could have been reasonably anticipated by the Contractor.

b. When two or more concurrent delays, one compensable and one noncompensable, no compensation other than time extension shall be provided.

c. Compensation for unavoidable delays shall be granted only if such unavoidable delay affects controlling operations which would prevent completion of the Work.

4. DAMAGES FOR DELAY: For the period of time that any portion of the work remains unfinished after the time fixed for completion in the contract, as modified by extensions of time, it is understood and agreed that liquidated damages are due.


The Engineer shall have the authority to suspend the work wholly or in part, for such period as deemed necessary due to unsuitable weather or for any other conditions considered unfavorable for the prosecution of the work; or for such time as deemed necessary due to the failure of the Contractor to carry out orders or to perform any provisions of the Contract. The Contractor shall immediately comply with written order

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of the Engineer. The suspended work shall be resumed only when conditions are favorable or methods are corrected as ordered or approved in writing by the Engineer.

If the Engineer orders a suspension of the work which is the current controlling operation due to unsuitable weather or to other conditions which are considered unfavorable to the prosecution of the work the days on which the suspension is in effect shall not be considered working days.

If a suspension of the work is ordered by the Engineer due to the failure of the Contractor to carry out orders or to perform any provisions of the Contract, the days on which the suspension order is in effect shall be considered working days. The Contractor shall not be entitled to damages or compensation due to suspension.

In case of suspension of work from any cause whatever, the Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and shall store them properly if necessary and shall provide suitable drainage and erect temporary structures where necessary.


Whenever, in the opinion of the Board, the Contractor has failed to supply an adequate force of labor, equipment, or materials of proper quality, or has failed in any other respect to prosecute the work with diligence or should there be persistent or repeated refusal or failure to comply with laws, ordinances, or directions of the Engineer; or should there be consistent failure to make prompt payments to subcontractors, for labor or materials, the Board may give written notice of at least 5 calendar days to the Contractor and sureties that if the defaults are not remedied within a time specified in such notice, the Contractor's control over the work will be terminated.

If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of insolvency, the Board may declare the Contractor's control over the work terminated, and so notify the Contractor and sureties.

Upon such termination, the Board may direct the Engineer to take possession of and use all or any part of the Contractor's materials, tools, equipment and appliances upon the premises to complete the work; the District assuming responsibility for the final relinquishment of such equipment at the conclusion of the work, or sooner, at its option, in as good condition as when it was taken over, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and the District agrees to pay for such materials and the use of said equipment a reasonable compensation to be mutually agreeable to the Board and the Contractor.

The Engineer may permit the surety to complete or cause the Work to be completed, or the Engineer may direct that all or any part of the work be completed by day labor, or by employment of other contractors. Such informal contracts may be awarded after a bid

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form has been prepared and a copy served upon the Contractor whose control has been terminated and upon the surety, and not less than 3 calendar days allowed thereafter, so that others may bid.

If the work is completed as provided above, the Contractor is not entitled to receive any portion of the amount to be paid under the Contract until it is fully completed. After completion, if the unpaid balance exceeds the sum of the amount expended by the District in finishing the work, plus all damages sustained or to be sustained by the District, plus any unpaid claims on account of labor, materials, tools, equipment, or supplies contracted for by the Contractor for the work herein contemplated, provided that sworn statements of said claims shall have been filed with the Board, the excess not otherwise required by these specifications to be retained shall be paid the Contractor. If the sum so expended exceeds the unpaid balance, the Contractor and surety are liable to the District for the amount of such excess. If the surety completes the Work, such surety shall be subrogated to money due under the Contract and to money which shall become due in the course of completion of the surety.

The District may, without prejudice to any other remedy it may have under the provisions of the Contract, terminate this Contract, in whole or in part, at any time by giving written notice to Contractor or its representative by certified mail, return receipt requested. Termination shall be effective upon receipt of notice by Contractor. Contractor shall immediately discontinue work and take all reasonable steps with its suppliers and subcontractors to minimize cancellation charges and other costs.

In the event of termination for reasons other than default of Contractor, Contractor shall be entitled to recover all reasonable costs incurred in connection with performance of the Work, plus any cost and expense reasonably and necessarily incurred in connection with such termination, plus a percentage of the profit based on the percentage of completion of the Work.

If the work is stopped by order of a court, a public authority or the District for a period of 90 calendar days or more through no act or fault of the Contractor, then the Contractor may terminate the Contract 10 calendar days after written notice to the District. Upon receipt of the written notice, the District shall terminate the contract.


The Contractor shall notify the District when the Work or a Work Item is complete, ready and available for beneficial use. If inspection by the District indicates that the Work or Work Item has been substantially completed, the counting of time for liquidated damages will cease and the guarantee period will begin on the date of notification from the Contractor.

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The District will prepare a punch list of items which need to be completed or corrected by the Contractor. The District will recommend acceptance of the Contract to the Board when the punch list items have been completed. This recommendation shall not bind the Board nor relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the Work. A Notice of Completion for the Contract will be filed within 10 days of acceptance by the Board.


The District shall have the right to take possession and use any completed or partially completed portions of the Work. Such possession and use shall not be deemed as substantial completion or acceptance. The District may exclude the Contractor from completing the work if construction activities might interfere with the operation or maintenance of the plant. The District may complete the work after giving the Contractor notice of intention to do so. If the District completes the work, the cost for such work will be charged to and deducted from amounts due to the Contractor. Division of responsibilities between District and Contractor, beginning of guarantee, and any other issues relating to field acceptance shall be as specified in this section.


If this Contract involves digging trenches or other excavations that extend deeper than 4 feet below the surface, the following shall apply:

The Contractor shall promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify the District in writing of any:

1. Material that the Contractor believes may be hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, that is required to be removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class III disposal site in accordance with provisions of existing law.

2. Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing from those indicated.

3. Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract.

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The District shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that the conditions do materially differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and cause a decrease or increase in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work shall issue a Field Instruction.

In the event that a dispute arises between the District and the Contractor whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in the Contractor's cost of or time required for performance of the Work, the Contractor shall not be excused from any completion requirements, but shall proceed with all work. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided either by contract or by law which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the contracting parties.

The Contractor shall be responsible and liable for the handling, storage, testing, hauling, and disposal of hazardous waste generated as a result of the work.


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PART 1 -- GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Without limiting CONTRACTOR's indemnification, CONTRACTOR shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Agreement by the CONTRACTOR, its agents, representatives or employees. DISTRICT shall retain the right at any time to review the coverage, form, and amount of the insurance required hereby. If in the opinion of the DISTRICT’s Risk Manager, insurance provisions in these requirements do not provide adequate protection for DISTRICT and for members of the public, DISTRICT may require CONTRACTOR to obtain insurance sufficient in coverage, form and amount to provide adequate protection. DISTRICT's requirements shall be reasonable but shall be imposed to assure protection from and against the kind and extent of risks that exist at the time a change in insurance is required. 1.02 VERIFICATION OF COVERAGE A. CONTRACTOR shall furnish the DISTRICT with certificates evidencing coverage required below. Copies of required endorsements must be attached to provided certificates. The DISTRICT’s Risk Manager may approve self-insurance programs in lieu of required policies of insurance if, in the opinion of the Risk Manager, the interests of the DISTRICT and the general public are adequately protected. All certificates, evidences of self-insurance, and additional insured endorsements are to be received and approved by the DISTRICT before performance commences. The DISTRICT reserves the right to require that CONTRACTOR provide complete, certified copies of any policy of insurance offered in compliance with these specifications. 1.03 General Liability A. General Liability insurance including, but not limited to, protection for claims of bodily injury and property damage liability, personal and advertising injury liability, products and completed operations liability and contractual liability. Coverage shall be at least as broad as “Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Coverage Form CG 0001” (occurrence). The limits of liability shall be not less than:

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Each Occurrence Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) Personal & Advertising Injury Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) Products and Completed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) Operations Aggregate General Aggregate Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000)

B. The Products and Completed Operations coverage shall be maintained for at least two years after completion of the Agreement. 1.04 Professional Liability (DELETED) 1.05 Automobile Liability A. Automobile Liability insurance providing protection against claims of bodily injury and property damage arising out of ownership, operation, maintenance, or use of owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles. Coverage shall be at least as broad as “Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage Form CA 0001,” symbol 1 (any auto) for Corporate/Business owned vehicles. The limits of liability for Corporate/Business owned vehicles shall not be less than:

Bodily Injury and Property Damage One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) Combined Single Limit

B. If CONTRACTOR will utilize any heavy, extra-heavy, or tractor trailer vehicles in performance of the work or service, then a minimum $2,000,000 each accident shall be required regardless of the number or mix of vehicles.

C. Personal insurance shall be acceptable for individually owned vehicles. The limits of liability for individually owned vehicles shall not be less than: $250,000 per person $500,000 each accident $100,000 property damage

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1.06 Workers' Compensation and Employers’ Liability A. Workers' Compensation insurance, with coverage as required by the State of California (unless the CONTRACTOR is a qualified self-insurer with the State of California), and Employers’ Liability coverage. The limits of Employers’ Liability shall not be less than:

1. Each Accident: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)

2. Disease Each Employee: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)

3. Disease Policy Limit: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)

B. The Workers’ Compensation policy required hereunder shall be endorsed to state that the Workers’ Compensation carrier waives its right of subrogation against the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, directors, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. In the event the CONTRACTOR is self-insured, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish a Certificate of Permission to Self-Insure by the Department of Industrial Relations Administration of Self-Insurance, Sacramento. 1.07 Excess or Umbrella Liability A. Umbrella or Excess Liability policies are acceptable and shall provide liability coverages that at least follow form over the underlying insurance requirements where necessary for Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, and Employers’ Liability. 1.08 Railroad Protective Liability (DELETED) 1.09 Contractor’s Equipment A. The CONTRACTOR, and each of its SUB-CONTRACTORS, shall separately insure its own equipment for loss and damage. The CONTRACTOR’s Property and Inland Marine policies shall include, or be endorsed to include, a waiver of subrogation against the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Board, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents or volunteers which might arise by reason of damage to the CONTRACTOR’S property or equipment (owned, leased or borrowed) in connection with work performed under this Agreement by the CONTRACTOR.

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1.10 Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance A. The CONTRACTOR, or its environmental SUB-CONTRACTOR, shall procure, maintain, and keep in force at all times during the term of the Agreement, at the CONTRACTOR’S sole expense, Contractor’s Pollution Liability insurance which includes coverage for pollution arising from the sudden and accidental release of pollution on the project site or transportation of pollutants to or from the project site with limits not less than:

Each Occurrence or Claim One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) General Aggregate One Million Dollars ($1,000,000)

B. If coverage for Contractor’s Pollution Liability insurance is written on a claims-made form, the following provisions apply:

1. The "Retro Date" must be shown, and must be on or before the date of the Agreement or the beginning of the Work.

2. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least one (1) year after completion of the Agreement.

3. If coverage is cancelled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims- made policy form with a "Retro Date" prior to the Agreement effective date, the CONTRACTOR must purchase "extended reporting" coverage for a minimum of one (1) year after completion of the Agreement. 1.11 Other Provisions A. The CONTRACTOR's General Liability, Automobile Liability, Pollution Liability and any Excess or Umbrella Liability, shall contain the following provisions:

1. The DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds as respects liability arising out of the activities performed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, products and completed operations of the CONTRACTOR, premises owned, occupied, or used by the CONTRACTOR, or automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by the CONTRACTOR. The policy shall contain no special limitations on the scope of coverage afforded to the DISTRICT, and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers unless approved by the DISTRICT’S Risk Manager..

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2. The policies must include a waiver of subrogation in favor of the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and volunteers.

3. For any claims related to this Agreement, the CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, directors, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be excess of the CONTRACTOR's insurance and shall not contribute with it.

4. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies on the part of the CONTRACTOR, including breaches of warranties, shall not affect coverage provided to the DISTRICT and the County of Sacramento, their governing Boards, officers, officials, directors, employees, agents and volunteers.

B. The CONTRACTOR's General Liability and any Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance policies shall contain an endorsement stating that any aggregate limits shall apply separately to each job site or project.

C. The CONTRACTOR’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability.

D. Any deductibles or self-insured retention that apply to any insurance required by the Agreement must be declared and approved in writing by the DISTRICT.

E. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain all insurance coverages and limits in place at all times and provide the DISTRICT with evidence of each policy's renewal within ten (10) days of its anniversary date.

CONTRACTOR is required by this Agreement to immediately notify District if they receive a communication from their insurance carrier or agent that any required insurance it to be cancelled, non-renewed, reduced in scope or limits or otherwise materially changed. CONTRACTOR shall provide evidence that such cancelled or non-renewed or otherwise materially changed insurance has been replaced or its cancellation notice withdrawn without any interruption in coverage, scope or limits. Failure to maintain required insurance in force shall be considered a material breach of the Agreement.

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F. All of the CONTRACTOR's insurance coverage, except as noted below, shall be placed with insurance companies with a current A.M. Best rating of at least A-:VII Exceptions:

1. Underwriters at Lloyd's of London, which are not rated by A.M. Best.

2. Workers' Compensation that is provided through a State Compensation Insurance Fund or a qualified self-insurer for Workers' Compensation under California law.

3. For liability insurance required under Environmental Liability Insurance, the insurance shall be placed with insurance companies with a current A.M. Best rating of at least B+:VII.

G. The CONTRACTOR shall sign and file with the DISTRICT the following certification prior to commencing performance of the work of the Agreement:

“I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker’s compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of the Code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work of this Agreement.” Said certification is included in the Agreement, and signature and return of the Agreement shall constitute signing and filing of the said certification.

H. Civil Code Provision. Coverage shall not extend to any indemnity coverage for the active negligence of the additional insured in any case where an agreement to indemnify the additional insured would be invalid under Subdivision (b) of Section 2782 of the Civil Code.

I. The DISTRICT, at its discretion, may require new types of insurance coverage or increase the limits of insurance coverage required hereunder at any time during the term of the Agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice to the CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall immediately procure such insurance or increase the limits of coverage and provide certificates of insurance, including copies of all required endorsements, to the DISTRICT within thirty (30) days of receipt of the DISTRICT’s request.

J. The required insurance coverage shall be subject to the approval of the DISTRICT, but any acceptance of insurance certificates by the DISTRICT shall in no way limit or relieve the CONTRACTOR of its duties and responsibilities in this Agreement.

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K. If the CONTRACTOR fails to procure or maintain insurance as required by this Section or fails to furnish the DISTRICT with proof of such insurance, the DISTRICT, at its discretion, may procure any or all such insurance. Premiums for such insurance procured by the DISTRICT shall be deducted and retained from any sums due the CONTRACTOR under the Agreement. Failure of the DISTRICT to obtain such insurance shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR from any of the CONTRACTOR’s responsibilities under the Agreement. Any failure of the CONTRACTOR to maintain any item of the required insurance is sufficient cause for termination of the Agreement.

L. The making of progress payments to the CONTRACTOR shall not be construed as relieving the CONTRACTOR of responsibility for loss or damage, or destruction occurring prior to final acceptance by the DISTRICT.

M. The DISTRICT is authorized to execute amendments and waivers, with or without conditions, to the insurance requirements of the Agreement. The DISTRICT will provide such amendments or waivers in writing to the CONTRACTOR.

N. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of all its SUB- CONTRACTORS and shall require all its SUBCONTRACTORS to maintain adequate insurance.

O. The failure of the DISTRICT to enforce in a timely manner any of the provisions of this Section shall not act as a waiver to enforcement of any of these provisions at any time during the term of the Agreement. 1.12 Notification of Accident, Occurrence or Claim A. The CONTRACTOR shall report by telephone to the DISTRICT within twenty-four (24) hours and also report in writing to the DISTRICT within fifteen (15) days after the CONTRACTOR or any SUB-CONTRACTORS or agents have knowledge of any accident or occurrence involving death of or injury to any person or persons, or damage in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to the Work, property of the DISTRICT or others, arising out of any work done by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR as part of the Agreement. Such report shall contain:

1. Date and time of the occurrence

2. Names and addresses of all persons involved

3. Description of the accident or occurrence and the nature and extent of injury or damage

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1.13 If any claim for damages is filed with CONTRACTOR or if any lawsuit is instituted against CONTRACTOR, that arise out of or are in any way connected with CONTRACTOR’s performance under this Agreement and that in any way, directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise, affect or might reasonably affect DISTRICT, CONTRACTOR shall give prompt and timely notice thereof to DISTRICT. Notice shall be prompt and timely if given within thirty (30) days following the date of receipt of a claim or ten (10) days following the date of service of process of a lawsuit. Responsibility for Fines for Violation of Environmental Regulations. A. CONTRACTOR shall assume sole responsibility for and payment of any fines levied on either the DISTRICT or the CONTRACTOR by any local, state or federal authority (hereinafter Authority) for breaches of the Authority’s environmental regulations. The CONTRACTOR agrees to be solely liable for the payment of all fines regardless of whether the fines are a result of the sole or partial acts or omissions of the CONTRACTOR. In addition, the CONTRACTOR understands and acknowledges that, during the course of construction, the environmental regulations implemented or imposed by the Authority on the DISTRICT may change and the CONTRACTOR specifically agrees to comply with any future environmental regulations implemented or imposed by the Authority on the DISTRICT.

B. CONTRACTOR shall pay all fines levied by the Authority on the CONTRACTOR or the DISTRICT when levied or, if the CONTRACTOR believes that a violation of the Authority’s regulations did not occur, appeal the levy of the fine to the Authority. Until the fine is paid or withdrawn by the Authority, the DISTRICT shall deduct the amount of the fine from the monthly partial payments owed the CONTRACTOR for work performed on the project and hold the payment(s) in reserve until the fine is paid or withdrawn by the Authority. After the CONTRACTOR pays the fine or, the Authority withdraws the fine, the DISTRICT will pay the withheld monies to the CONTRACTOR with the next monthly partial payment for work performed on the project.


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A. All operations shall conform to applicable occupational safety and health standards, rules, regulations and orders which include, but are not limited to: Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations and the Electrical, Construction, Tunnel and General Industry Safety Orders issued by the Division of Industrial Safety (Cal/OSHA) of the State of California. In the event of a conflict between the requirements in the referenced standards, the most stringent standard shall prevail.

B. The Contractor shall submit their IIPP for review.

C. All contractors, vendors and visitors will wear hardhats and safety vests at all times while in construction areas. In addition, if necessary, appropriate foot, eye and ear protection shall be worn.

D. Contractor shall have a Site Specific Safety Plan that has been specifically prepared for the contemplated work. Site Specific Safety Plan shall comply with section 3203 of Cal/OSHA and shall be applicable to all individuals engaged in the Work, including the Contractor’s subcontractors, suppliers and others.

E. An Emergency Action Plan and a Fire Prevention Plan in accordance with sections 3220 and 3221 respectively of Cal/OSHA shall be included in Site Specific Safety Plan.

F. The responsibility for safety rests with the Contractor who must provide a safe work site for workers and other individuals entering the area.

G. District reserves the right to stop any work activity that creates a serious safety violation as defined by Cal/OSHA, and Contractor does not take immediate corrective actions.

H. In accordance with OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP), any contractor or subcontractor working on or adjacent to chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and/or digester gas systems during a Process Safety Management (PSM) inspection will also be inspected by OSHA per CPL 02-09-06.


A. Project Specific Safety Program shall include:

1. Designation of Safety Manager. A resume shall be provided.

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2. Detailed description of Site Specific Safety Plan.

3. Policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations.

4. Staffing plan and organization chart for implementation of the safety program.

5. Training program including new employee orientation.

6. List of equipment, supplies and personal protective devices that will be available and utilized.

7. Description of accountability for foreman and supervisors.

8. Site Specific Emergency Response Plan for accidents and injuries.

9. Description of accident investigation and reporting procedures.

10. Description and frequency of tailgate and regular safety meetings.

11. Participation of subcontractors, suppliers and others in Project Safety Program.

12. Method of identifying, correcting, or remedying situations that are unsafe or not in compliance with Project Safety Program.

13. Plans and procedures for confined space entries.

14. Provisions for excavation safety.

15. Procedure for preparation of Work Permits.

16. Method to remedy nonconforming situations.

B. Project Specific Safety Program and revisions shall be reviewed by full time Safety Professional. The full time Safety Professional shall state that the Site Specific Project Safety Program is adequate and complies with the regulations applicable to the Work. The Project Specific Safety Program shall be submitted to District, for Review, prior to commencement of work and shall remain in effect until the Work has been completed. Site Specific Safety Plan shall be reviewed, updated, and changes submitted as they occur.


A. A Safety Manager shall be designated who has responsibility for safety of the Work and who has the duty to implement and secure compliance with the Site Specific Safety Plan. This individual shall be independent from the construction work force and shall have the authority to act and effect all aspects of the Project Safety Program. Safety

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Manager shall have the authority to remedy or correct any unsafe or noncompliance situations or problems.

B. Safety Manager or designated alternate individual shall be on site when Work is being pursued. Contractor will be permitted to designate an alternate individual to act on behalf of Safety Manager when Safety Manager is absent from the work site.

C. Safety Manager shall have 5 years of industrial and heavy construction experience on projects similar to the Work. Three years of this experience shall involve full-time, construction site safety responsibilities. Safety Manager shall be knowledgeable of occupational health and safety rules and regulations.

D. Safety Manager shall prepare Work Permits for each confined space entry and shall organize and observe each entry.

E. Safety Manager and District shall tour the site on a weekly basis to observe the Work.


A. SRWTP receives sewage and industrial wastes. There is a possibility that solvents, fuels and hazardous material may be in the wastewater. The wastewater and the associated facilities should be considered contaminated. Individuals who contact wastewater, debris or existing facilities should take appropriate safety and health precautions such as personal protective equipment and inoculations for disease.

B. Safety equipment and precautions shall be utilized to protect workers and District personnel during the work.


A. There are areas and operations at the SRCSD which are potentially hazardous or dangerous if the appropriate precautions are not taken. The Work Permit process is utilized to review proposed work activities and to ensure good work practices and appropriate safety measures are followed. Contractor is required to prepare Work Permits and comply with the stipulated conditions. A Work Permit shall provide a detailed description of the proposed activities and sequencing.

B. The Work Permit procedure is described in Section 01140. Examples of activities which require a Work Permit are:

1. Operations that have open flames, the potential for sparks or activities that may result in high temperatures. Examples include welding, cutting, grinding and electrical work.

2. The use of tools or electrical equipment in classified areas.

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3. Work on equipment or piping which contains, or has contained, a flammable or hazardous material, chemical or gas. Work on or in proximity to chemical or gas storage facilities.

4. The use of hazardous materials.

5. Activities which involve electricity at greater than 500 volts.

6. Activities that involve pressures greater than 150 psi.

7. Activities that involve work in a confined space including the opening of vaults and manholes.

8. Activities that involve special precautions required by Cal/OSHA.


A. Double isolation shall be provided as specified in Section 01140.


A. Monthly, Safety Manager shall prepare and submit a narrative report describing actions, incidents and topics related to safety. The report shall indicate past events and proposed future activities. A summary of events of weekly job site tours shall be included.

B. All incidents that are reportable on OSHA Form 200 or that result in property damage in excess of $1,000 shall be promptly reported to District. A detailed description of the incident including names and statements of witnesses shall be provided within 5 days of the occurrence.

C. Contractor shall inform the District within 5 days of any claims, suits, or citations of violations that may arise from an incident or injury.


A. When a serious hazard is identified, the Contractor will receive a verbal notification of the problem and a request to rectify the situation. If the situation is not corrected in the allotted time or reoccurs, a written notification will be issued to the Contractor that will clearly describe the condition, date Contractor initially was notified, the recommended action and the expected date of compliance. If the situation is not corrected, the Contractor’s worker’s compensation insurance carrier will be notified.


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A. A sincere cooperative effort shall be made to complete the Work while recognizing that disputes and disagreements may occur. District and Contractor shall make a good faith effort to equitably resolve and settle disputes, disagreements and claims.

B. Contractor shall continue to pursue completion of the Work even though a dispute, disagreement or claim may occur.

C. It is understood that the terms dispute and claim may be used interchangeably in the Contract Documents and shall have similar meaning and intent. A dispute or claim is a request for a change in the Total Bid Amount or a request for a change in the Contract Time. All claims shall be pursued in strict compliance with the Contract Documents and applicable statutes.

D. The purpose of this Section shall be to provide a process for the resolution of construction contract disputes at the project level prior to initiating any other claims process or legal action against the District. Where a claim seeks payment by the District of money or damages, compliance with this Section shall be a prerequisite to, but not a substitute for, compliance with the government claims process set forth in Title, 1, Division 3.6 (beginning at Section 810) of the California Government Code

E. All claims must be submitted in writing to District prior to Contractor’s acceptance of the Final Payment.

F. In making a claim Contractor agrees to provide all records and information requested by District in order to establish the validity of the claim. Failure to provide records and information shall act to waive the claim.

G. Claims procedures shall be in accordance with Section 9204 of the Public Contract Code as restated and supplemented herein.


A. Contractor shall promptly provide written notification to District of any situation, event or occurrence that may result in a claim or dispute. This notice shall be submitted no more than 30 days after the discovery of the event that is the basis for the claim. Failure to provide timely notice shall act to waive the claim.

B. A claim with supporting information shall be submitted within 60 days of the event that it is based upon. Claims must be sent by registered mail or certified mail with return receipt requested. District may grant additional time to prepare and submit the supporting information if warranted by the complexity and circumstances of the claim.

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A detailed description of the claim with references to the relevant Contract Documents, such as specifications and drawings; other pertinent information, evidence and documentation; and a detailed analysis of the time and cost impacts shall be provided.

C. Contractor shall certify that the claim is not in violation of Section 12650-12655 of the Government Code, False Claims Act.


A. No statement in the County of Sacramento Standard Construction Specifications or any Special Provisions for this Contract shall constitute a waiver of government claim filing requirements pursuant to Title 1, Division 3.6 of the California Government Code or as otherwise set forth in local, state and federal law.


A. Upon receipt of a claim pursuant to this section, the District shall conduct a reasonable review of the claim and, within a period not to exceed 45 days, shall provide the Contractor a written statement identifying what portion of the claim is disputed and what portion is undisputed. Upon receipt of a claim, the District and Contractor may, by mutual agreement, extend the time period provided in this Section.

B. If the District requires approval from the Board of Directors to provide the Contractor a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion of the claim, and the Board of Directors does not meet within the 45 days or within the mutually agreed to extension of time following receipt of a claim sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, the District shall have up to three days following the next duly publicly noticed meeting of the Board after the 45-day period, or extension, expires to provide the Contractor a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion.

C. Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the District issues its written statement. If the District fails to issue a written statement, the following paragraph shall apply.

D. If the Contractor disputes the District’s written response, or if the District fails to respond to a claim issued pursuant to this section within the time prescribed, the Contractor may demand in writing an informal conference to meet and confer for settlement of the issues in dispute. A demand by the Contractor for a meet-and-confer conference shall be sent within fifteen (15) days of issuance or deadline for issuance of the District’s written statement on the claim. Upon receipt of a demand in writing sent by registered mail or certified mail, with return receipt requested, the District shall schedule a meet-and-confer conference to be held within 30 days for settlement of the dispute.

E. If Contractor does not request a meet-and-confer conference within the required time period, the parts of the claim remaining in dispute shall be subject to the government

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claims process set forth in Title 1, Division 3.6 (beginning at Section 810) of the California Government Code.

F. Within 10 business days following the conclusion of the meet-and-confer conference, if the claim or any portion of the claim remains in dispute, the District shall provide the Contractor a written statement identifying the portion of the claim that remains in dispute and the portion that is undisputed. Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the District issues its written statement. Any disputed portion of the claim, as identified by the Contractor in writing, shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation, with the District and the Contractor sharing the associated costs equally. For purposes of this Section, mediation includes any mutually agreeable nonbinding process in which an independent third party assists the parties in dispute resolution through negotiation or by issuance of an evaluation. Any mediation utilized shall conform to the timeframes in this section. Each party shall bear the fees and costs by its respective efforts and share equally the fees and costs in connection with the selection of a mutually agreed upon neutral mediator. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parts of the claim remaining in dispute shall be subject to the government claims process set forth in Title 1, Division 3.6 (beginning at Section 810) of the California Government Code.

G. Failure by the District to respond to a claim from the Contractor within the time periods described in this Section or to otherwise meet the time requirements of this Section shall result in the claim being deemed rejected in its entirety. A claim filed pursuant to this Section that is denied by reason of the public entity’s failure to have responded to a claim, or its failure to otherwise meet the time requirements of this section, shall not constitute an adverse finding with regard to the merits of the claim or the responsibility or qualifications of the claimant.

H. If a subcontractor or a lower tier subcontractor lacks legal standing to assert a claim against a public entity because privity of contract does not exist, the contractor may present to the public entity a claim on behalf of a subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor.


A. If the matter remains in dispute, the case shall be submitted to judicial reference pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure sections 638, former subdivision 1, and 641 through 645.1 or any successor statutes thereto. The Parties shall cooperate in good faith to ensure that all necessary and appropriate parties are included in the judicial reference proceeding. The District shall not be required to participate in the judicial reference proceeding unless it is satisfied that all necessary and appropriate parties will participate. The District and the Contractor shall share equally in the fees and costs of the referee, unless the referee orders otherwise.

1. The referee’s final statement of decision shall be binding upon the District and the Contractor provided that the parties first have an opportunity to comment on and seek changes to the proposed statement of decision. Upon filing of the final

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statement of decision with the clerk of the court, or with the judge where there is no clerk, the court may enter judgment hereon. The decision of the referee shall be appealable as if rendered by the court. This provision shall in no way be construed to limit any valid cause of action which may be brought by District of the Contractor.

B. Contractor agrees to utilize the dispute resolution methods cited in the Contract before initiating legal action. Litigation shall be pursued through a Sacramento County Court of appropriate jurisdiction or the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California.


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A. The work specified under this Contract will be performed at the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The plant is located south of the Sacramento City limits, west of Franklin Boulevard and north of Sims Road at 8521 Laguna Station Road, Elk Grove, California 95758.


A. Access to the site for construction related traffic (except as noted below) shall be via Sims Road, Laguna Station Road, and the main plant access gate.

B. Contractor is required to submit an Access Request (AR) for District approval prior to mobilizing any equipment or facilities onto the construction site (see Section 01140 for Access Request procedures). Contractor’s Access Request for mobilization shall include but not limited to a site plan showing: access routes, office location, sanitary facilities location, storage yard, parking areas, temporary construction fencing, and temporary walkways around construction site. Contractor shall coordinate with the District’s Representative prior to submitting the AR.

C. Contractor shall be aware that Sims Road and Laguna Station Road will be utilized by other contractors and Plant personnel during the duration of this contract.

D. The Contractor’s personnel will be required to park personal vehicles in the approved or designated areas. Existing parking in the process area may not be used by the Contractor’s workers.



1. All Contractor and subcontractor staff assigned to work at the plant shall obtain an identification badge and shall wear/display their badges while at SRWTP. The Contractor must submit to the District’s Representative a weekly list which includes scheduled deliveries to the job site and staff members who have received badges.

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Badges will be used for entry/exit through the plant security gates. The Contractors access gate on Sims Road is not included.

1. To enter a Vehicle security gate:

a. Present badge to the card reader. It should be presented approximately 3 inches or closer from the reader. b. Wait for the barrier arm gate to open. c. If a rolling gate is also closed, drive forward towards the rolling gate, wait until it has opened, then enter the gate. d. Gates will close automatically after a vehicle has passed through the gate, or a specific amount of time has elapsed.

2. To enter a Pedestrian security gate:

a. Present badge to the card reader. It should be presented approximately 3 inches or closer from the reader. b. Wait for the gate lock to open. c. Push gate open and enter gate. d. Gate will automatically close and lock.


1. Contractors and subcontractors will have different access authority levels through security gates depending upon the time of day, and/or their assigned duties. 2. If access is denied, contact the District’s Representative.


If a person forgets their badge, they will have to enter the plant as a visitor. This requires logging in and out of the Plant by the security guard at the main gate.

1. Use the inside entry lane (closest to the guard station). 2. Guard will ask your name, and other information and allow entry. 3. Guard will give you a visitor parking permit. 4. Display it on your rear view mirror. 5. Leave plant using inside exit lane (closet to guard station). 6. Return parking permit to guard, then guard will allow exit.


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Lost badges shall be reported to the District’s Representative as soon as the loss is realized. A replacement badge will be issued and the lost badge will be deactivated and will no longer work in the security system. If found, the lost badge should be turned into the District’s Representative.



All vehicles must stop at the main gate guard station upon entry and exit and either present their badge at the card reader, or check in/out with the guard. No "piggy backing" of other vehicles is allowed. If the barrier arms are open, vehicles still must stop unless waived through by a guard.

There are two entry lanes into and out of the Plant on Laguna Station Road.

1. The outside lanes are exclusively for persons with identification badges.

2. The inner lanes are to be used by

 visitors  deliveries  employees with cards

NOTE: If a person with a card chooses the inner lanes, they may get behind someone that needs to be checked in or out extending the wait time in that lane.


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A. District will issue Notice to Proceed within 40 days of award by Board. Contract Time commences the day after Notice to Proceed (NTP).

B. If requested, the contractor may be allowed to work Saturdays at no extra expense to the District with prior approval from the Resident Engineer. Saturday work will be allowed when the contractor shows Saturday work can benefit the project schedule or avoid rework. Saturday work will not deduct working days from the allowed completion time.

C. The completion date for the Contract shall be the date of Notice to Proceed plus the Contract Time in working days plus the non-working Holidays listed below.


A. Section 01014 describes Work Items.

Work Item Number Completion Time Liquidated (Working Days) Damages

Total Contract Time 1 280

Digester No. 7 Completion 180 from NTP $ 2,000/day 200 from release of digester Digester No. 6 Completion $ 2,000/day (Release of digester approx. 30 days after NTP) 220 from release of digester Digester No. 5 Completion $ 2,000/day (Release of digester approx. 60 days after NTP) (1) Refer to Section 01014 for work item constraints. The construction contract award is scheduled for October 2017 Board meeting and the Notice to Proceed is anticipated middle November 2017. The total contract time of 280 working days includes intermediate milestones as shown to table above. The contractor is cautioned to schedule enough resources to work on multiple tanks simultaneously to meet the intermediate milestones and project completion.


A. Time is of the essence. Damages and expenses will be sustained by District if the Work is not completed within the Contract Time. It is agreed that the liquidated damages are reasonable compensation to District if the Work or Work Items are not completed within the specified times. Liquidated damages are additive and cumulative for each day that the Work or Work Item is not completed.

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B. Liquidated damages: refer to section 1.02.


A. A working day is any day after Notice to Proceed except:

1. Saturday, Sunday and holidays listed below.

2. Days specifically designated in Contract for cessation of work.

3. Days that Work is suspended by District.

4. Weather days which, due to inclement conditions or the effects thereof, prevent progressing the current controlling operation at the beginning of the shift or for at least 5 hours during the shift. The current controlling operation is the activity that when delayed extends the completion date of the Contract.


A. The following days are holidays: DAY DATE New Year’s Day January First Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Third Monday in January Lincoln’s Day February Twelfth George Washington’s Birthday Observance Third Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day July Fourth Labor Day First Monday in September Columbus Day Second Monday in October Veterans Day November Eleventh Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Friday Friday after Thanksgiving Day Christmas December Twenty-fifth


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A. The work to be performed under this contract shall consist of the construction of improvements, modifications, and additions to the District Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Improvements include installation of new coatings to Digesters 5, 6 & 7 and modifications to existing equipment, and associated piping, electrical, instrumentation and all appurtenant facilities, complete and operable, all in accordance with the contract.

B. The work may be subdivided into one or more work items. A work item shall be completed as a unit or subproject in accordance with the Contract. The required completion of a work item by a certain deadline may be necessary due to other construction constraints.

C. The details of each work item are in the specifications and on the drawings. The completion of a work item shall provide an operating system or facility that is substantially complete and available for utilization. All work shown on the plans and in the specifications is required, whether or not it is specifically addressed in the table of work items in this section.

D. The work items listed below describe phases of work and their respective requirements. Substantial completion of a work item includes successful completion of all testing. The Work Items and the Contractor Requirements are listed below in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Table 1 is itemized numerically and Table 2 is cross referenced alphabetically. Likewise, Table 2 is itemized alphabetically and Table 1 is cross referenced numerically.

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1.02 WORK ITEMS TABLE 1 - WORK ITEMS Item Work Item Description Contractor Number Requirement Cross Reference

1 Improvements to Digester No. 7. A, C, D 2 Improvements to Digester No. 6. B, C, D 3 Improvements to Digester No. 5 B, C, D

TABLE 2 - CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS Requirement Requirement Work Item Number Cross Reference A Field work to commence no later than 20 days after NTP. 1 Contractor is to submit needed ARs and safety information in advance to meet this requirement. B Field work to commence no later than 20 days after each tank is 2, 3 turn over to the contractor. Contractor is to submit needed ARs and safety information in advance to meet this requirement. C Contractor is to remove flame arrestors and turn them over to the 1, 2, 3 District for rehabilitation shortly after starting rehabilitation at each tank. Contractor shall request for the rehabilitated flame arrestors for final installation at least 20 days prior needing them. D Roof installation shall be done during dry weather and optimum 1, 2, 3 temperatures. The roof installation shall be done last on each tank to avoid damages to the final installation.


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A. The District's operating personnel will be responsible for operating the existing treatment plant throughout the execution of this contract. Do not adjust or operate serviceable or functioning equipment or systems.

B. Equipment presently installed in the treatment plant must be safely available to plant personnel at all times for use, maintenance, and repair.

C. If it is necessary in the course of operating the plant for the Contractor to move its equipment, materials, or any material included in the work, it shall be done promptly. The equipment or material shall be placed in an area which does not interfere with the plant operation.

D. Requirements of this section include, but are not limited to, requirements specified in the following sections:

Section Title 01140 Coordination with Operations of Existing Facilities 01510 Temporary and Permanent Utilities

E. The existing treatment plant will remain in operation throughout the execution of this contract. Schedule and conduct work to minimize necessary shutdowns and interference with normal plant operations and maintenance. An Access Request Form included and described in Section 01140 shall be submitted to the Engineer each time access to existing facilities is necessary.

F. Comply with the safety requirements of the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP) Safety Manual as a minimum when working in the SRWTP process area. Provide additional safety considerations which are deemed necessary to protect his and District employees during the conduct of the work.

G. Provide notice to the Engineer, in accordance with Section 01140, 2 weeks prior to taking out of service any existing tank, pipeline, channel, electrical circuit, equipment or structure. Provide whatever temporary piping, pumping, power, and control facilities as required to maintain continuous plant operation and complete treatment

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except as otherwise specified. The integrity of existing plant utilities shall be maintained at all times.

H. The Contractor's work force shall not use existing washrooms during the conduct of the work. Use of existing utilities shall be in accordance with Section 01510. The Contractor shall be responsible for keeping areas in the existing treatment plant where work is done clean and safely accessible for the District's operating personnel.


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Building, plumbing, heating, electrical and similar permits which the Contractor is required to obtain from the County or City Building Inspection Divisions for District-owned projects are fee exempt. These permits will be obtained by the District’s Representative. Drainage fees, utility connection fees, and other permits and licenses unique to the project will be paid by District. The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses necessary for the normal conduct of its business operations. The Environmental Quality Act of 1979 as amended may be applicable to permits, licenses and other authorizations which the Contractor must obtain from local agencies in connection with performing the Work of the Contract. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of said statutes in obtaining such permits, licenses and other authorizations and they shall be obtained in sufficient time to prevent delays. In the event the District has obtained permits, licenses or other authorizations applicable to the work in conformance with the requirements in said Environmental Quality Act of 1979, the Contractor shall comply with the provisions of said permits, licenses and other authorizations. Permit Regulatory Agency Party Responsible for obtaining permit National Pollutant U.S. Environmental Protection District Discharge Elimination Agency System (NPDES)

Whenever an operation is required in which a hazardous condition exists, the Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall comply with, the Work Permit procedures specified in the SRWTP Safety Manual.


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A. Schedules are required to demonstrate a method to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time. The District will rely upon the schedules to plan and coordinate activities with the Contractor and with others affected by the Work. Schedules shall be practical, logical, and an orderly sequence of planned operations. It shall include activities by suppliers, subcontractors and the District that are necessary to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract.

B. The schedules shall be calendar based, time-scaled with activities listed by precedent from beginning to completion. Schedules and Updates shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300.

C. Schedules shall include time provided in the Contract for District interfacing activities.


A. Initial Schedule

1. Furnish a Bar Chart within 10 days of execution of the Contract depicting the major activities and items of the Work. The critical path should be noted. Start and finish dates for major activities shall be provided.

B. Rolling Schedule

1. Furnish a 3-week rolling schedule depicting the activities in detail. The Rolling Schedule shall indicate the items that were completed the prior week and the planned activities for the upcoming 2 weeks. The Rolling Schedule shall be updated weekly and shall be presented at Progress Meetings.


A. The schedules shall be updated to accurately depict the progress of the Work and any changes that may occur. Significant changes shall be noted.


A. Payment for schedules shall be considered included in the Total Bid Amount and no separate compensation will be provided.


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A. Contractor work activities that impact existing District operations, property or facilities (such as Interceptor pipelines, manholes, treatment processes, environmental resources, and access roads to District facilities) require an approved, signed Access Request (AR) prior to commencement of work. Interruption of flow or connection to an existing system or interceptor requires a Shutdown Plan and Location Map to be included with the Access Request. In addition to the Shutdown Plan, any activity that requires special safety precautions to be taken will require a Safety Work Plan to be included with the Access Request.

B. The Access Request

 Allows District Operations time to review the proposed work and to schedule and coordinate necessary process or equipment shutdowns,

 Allows District Safety office review of proposed work and contractors’ safe work practices related to the specific work to be performed,

 Informs the contractor of any special hazards or exposures related to the specific work.

The District maintains permits to collect, treat and discharge wastewater. These permits establish discharge limits for wastewater, storm water, and air emissions and establish spill reporting requirements and fines. Violation of District permits shall not result from the Contractor’s work. Any unauthorized discharge or spill shall immediately be reported to the District’s Plant Control Center (916-875-9400). District will require Contractor to stop or restrict any activity that has or could result in an unauthorized discharge or permit violation. District will prevent or remedy the situation by the most expeditious means. Contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred including fines.

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Activities that affect the operation of existing District equipment, including SRWTP processes, Interceptor pipelines or facilities, or access to District property will require coordination between District and Contractor.

 Access Requests are generally required based on impending work activities discussed at weekly construction coordination meetings, and approval is issued jointly by the District O&M Support office and District Safety Office.

 Unrestricted access for District personnel and equipment shall be provided at all times to existing facilities, unless a reduced level of access is explicitly allowed in the approved Access Request.


A. An Access Request provides notification of a Work Item or other activity proposed by the Contractor. An Access Request describes the contemplated work including when, where and how it will be accomplished. An Access Request shall be submitted by a qualified representative of the Contractor who is familiar with all aspects of the work and pertinent safety requirements. An Access Request may be required whenever any of the following conditions are contained in or will be affected by Contractor’s work:

 General Project mobilization or District property access,

 Work in, connection to, or removal of any pipeline, manhole, pump station, asset or wastewater process or equipment.

 Any work that may impact environmental resources on District property,

 Any work that may impact or disrupt other activities on District property such as leased agricultural operations, scientific studies, or concurrent construction projects,

 Excavation on District property, dewatering of any excavation, structure, tank, vessel, or piping system

 Installation or removal of bulkheads, cofferdams and isolation devices

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B. A fully completed Access Request form shall be submitted at least 14 calendar days prior to the date proposed for commencement of work. An Access Request meeting may be required prior to the approval of the work or upon the District’s request.

C. Contractors are required to describe the proposed work activity, indicate the property, system or equipment that will be affected, list the labor and equipment to be utilized, indicate the date, time and duration of the work, describe measures that will be implemented to reduce impacts to District property and facilities, and describe safety precautions to be observed. Drawing and section numbers shall be indicated where appropriate. A Shutdown plan shall be included with the Access Request when the work affects an existing system or process.

D. The Contractor shall plan and schedule Access Requests as early as possible. An Access Request will be reviewed and returned within 14 calendar days after submission of all necessary information. Sufficient information and detail shall be included with an Access Request to permit District to evaluate the proposed operation and the associated risks. Insufficient information on an Access Request may delay approval within 14 calendar days.

E. Contractor shall not be allowed to proceed with any work, or any portion of the work, described in an Access Request without complying with all the conditions, in their entirety, of the Access Request approval. All conditions of approval, including additional safety precautions added by District Safety Office, shall be complied with and effectively communicated to Contractor's personnel and subcontractors. If the Contractor does not agree with the additional safety requirements, work shall not start until resolution is attained. Changes in the proposed activities or field conditions of an Access Request, or delay of the work, will require the submission of a new or revised Access Request.


A. A Shutdown Plan shall be included with an Access Request whenever an existing operating system or facility such as a pipeline, basin, tank, channel, power supply, control circuit, instrumentation, equipment, pump, meter, or structure is affected. Shutdowns shall be planned and coordinated to minimize the number and duration of activities that affect existing operations.

B. District will limit the duration of shutdowns for critical systems. Stated durations are the total time period between when the system is made available to Contractor and when it is ready for return to service. If Contractor cannot complete the work within

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the allowed time, Contractor shall immediately request an extension from District. If District does not approve the requested extension, Contractor shall complete the work or return the system to operable condition. District will complete the work if Contractor does not return the system to operable condition as directed. Contractor is responsible for extra costs or damages incurred by Contractor or District to meet these requirements.

C. Requirements:

 Designate the equipment or system that will be affected or removed from service. Describe the work to be undertaken. Identify the portion of the system that will be isolated, dewatered, decommissioned, de-energized, depressurized, or drained.

 List the labor, equipment, materials, tools, utilities and incidental items to be used.

 Indicate measures to prevent discharge of wastewater, stormwater pollution, odor or disruption of treatment processes.

 Indicate dewatering method and means for disposal of leakage water.

 Provide details for bulkheads, cofferdams and isolation devices.

 Describe safety precautions and equipment.

 Describe recovery plan if the shutdown cannot be completed as planned

 List activities to be done by District.

 Indicate the time estimated to complete the shutdown.

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Prime Contractor Contract # Date Sub-Contractor AR # Revision Contact for Contractor Work Item # CPM Activity # Phone □ Work Plan Attached □ Drawing Attached PART 1 – CONTRACTOR WORK PERMIT Start Date/Time Completion Date/Time

Reference Contract Drawings/Specifications Equipment or System to be Worked On Location of Work

Provide RMP/MOC no. for work affecting SRWTP Gas Mgmt. or Chemical Handling Areas:

□ Civil □ Mechanical □ Electrical □ Instrumentation Type of Work (check all that □ Process □ Coating □ Hotwork □ Other (specify) apply) □ Mobilization □ Traffic/Ped. Access □ Shutdown Description of Work ______

Anticipated Hazards ______

□ Cutting/Welding Torches □ Arc Welders □ Jack Hammers Tools/Equipment □ Power Saws □ Grinders □ Pneumatic Tools to be Used □ Backhoe □ Crane □ Radioactive Test Device Access Request – Page 1 of 3 Access Request Instructions 1. Contractor fills out AR with sufficient information to define the work and anticipated safety hazards and signs at bottom of page 2. 2. R.E. reviews AR and signs on page 3 prior to delivering AR to District Representative. 3. District Representative reviews and approves the AR with conditions, restrictions, or additional Safety items (all additional safety items on page 2 will be initialed). 4. RE gives approved AR back to contractor prior to contractor performing the work. 5. Contractor reviews AR conditions and Safety page prior to beginning work. Note: For ARs for utility or outside agency work, contractor interacts directly with District Representative

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All items checked will be complied with/used in accordance with applicable safety standards (CalOSHA, UFC, etc.) and the requesting contractor’s safety program.

HOT WORK PLAN REVIEW EMERGENCY PROCEDURES/ALARMS □ Isolate Combustibles □ Chlorine/Sulfur Dioxide Areas □ Fire watch □ Oxygen Handling Areas □ Fire Extinguishers □ Gas Management Areas □ Flash Protection □ Other ______

AIR MONITORING HOUSEKEEPING □ Continuous □ Debris Removal □ Periodic □ Dust Control □ Frequency ______□ Maintain access to/through worksite

POTENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC HAZARDS TO BE EXCAVATION/TRENCHES MONITORED □ Shoring □ Oxygen Deficiency □ Sloping □ Oxygen Enrichment □ Benching □ Combustible Gases □ Barricades □ Toxic Gases □ Excavation Plan Submittal Number ______□ Other ______

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING ELEVATED AREAS □ Substance(s) ______□ Fall Protection □ Guardrails ENERGY CONTROL PROCEDURES PIPING/EQUIPMENT OPENING AND/OR □ Lockout ENTRY(ensure prior to opening) □ Blockout □ Effectively Isolated □ Tagout □ Depressurized □ Drained □ Purged/Flushed of Hazardous Substance(s) VENTILATION ABATEMENT ACTIVITIES (Title 8, Construction Safety □ Natural only Orders) □ Auxiliary, continuous □ Asbestos (Article 4 § 1529) □ Lead (Article 4 § 1532.1) CONFINED SPACE PROCEDURES OTHER SAFETY PRECAUTIONS □ Permit Required □ Personnel Retrieval System □ ______□ Non-permit □ Communication w/ Entrant □ ______□ C-5 □ Rescue Personnel @ site □ ______□ Entry Permit @ site □ Supplied Air □ ______

AR SUBMITTAL SIGNATURE BLOCK Contractor signs below after page 1 and 2 are filled out with sufficient detail to allow AR to be reviewed. Contractor identifies all anticipated safety items prior to signing below. Safety Office staff will initial next to any additional safety items that have been checked off during the AR review process.

______Contractor Representative Date Access Request – Page 2 of 3

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RE Comments □ See Attachment ______

______Reviewed by Resident Engineer Date PART 3 – APPROVERS’ REMARKS Safety Office Comments □ See Attachment ______

______Approved By: SRCSD Safety Office Date O&M Support Comments □ See Attachment ______

______Approved By: SRCSD O&M Support Date

SIGNATURE BLOCK The work described by this Access Request has been reviewed. The work methods described and identified in Parts 1 & 2, and the additional safety precautions identified in Parts 2 & 3 will be complied with and effectively communicated to personnel assigned this task. If the contractor does not agree with additional safety precautions, work shall not start until resolution is attained.

______Contractor Representative Date Access Request – Page 3 of 3 Distribution: □ Operation Support □ O&M Manager 1 (2) □ Electrical Supervisor □ Safety Officer □ Process Team Leader □ Facility Maintenance □ Resident Engineer □ Ops Support Supervisor □ Project Engineer □ Contractor (supplied by RE) □ Other ______


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A. Meetings will be required throughout the duration of the Contract to facilitate communication, coordination and resolution of issues. District, Contractor, Design Consultant, subcontractors, and other parties involved in the Work shall attend.

B. There will be meetings to discuss particular aspects of the Work such as: scheduling, coordination, submittals, procedures, Access Requests, changes orders, testing, startup, and other topics as needed.

C. District will designate the purpose, date, time, and location for meetings. Contractor may request meetings as needed.


A. A preconstruction meeting will be held prior to commencement of Work. This meeting will provide an opportunity for individuals to discuss initiation of the Work. Topics to be discussed include: mobilization, access, temporary facilities, utilities, subcontractors, schedules, procedures, correspondence, progress payments, payroll records, Access Requests, coordination, safety, quality control, personnel assignments and other topics as appropriate.

B. District, Contractor, Design Consultant, and major subcontractors shall attend.


A. Weekly progress meetings will be conducted throughout the duration of the Contract. The purpose of these meetings is to inform, discuss and resolve issues related to the Work. Topics to be discussed include: progress, schedules, Access Requests, Requests for Information, Change Orders, Field Instructions, field coordination, submittals, quality control, testing, startup and other topics related to the Work.

B. District, Contractor, Design Consultant, subcontractors and suppliers as appropriate shall attend.


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A. The District may require changes to the Work. Changes will be directed by Field Instructions issued by the Resident Engineer. A Field Instruction will describe: the nature of the change, the work to be done, changes in Contract Time, and adjustments to the Total Bid Amount. Field Instructions will be incorporated into change orders to be executed by the Contractor and submitted to the Board for approval prior to payment.

B. Work required by Field Instruction shall be in accordance with the Contract except for the specific change delineated in the Field Instruction.

C. Whenever corrections, alterations, or modifications of the Work are required by the Resident Engineer and increase the amount of work to be done, such additional work shall be extra work. When corrections, alterations, or modifications decrease the amount of work to be done, it shall be deleted work.

D. Following are the requirements for Field Instructions, preparing cost proposals and evaluating cost proposals for extra work and deleted work.


A. The Resident Engineer may issue a Field Instruction at any time during the course of the Work. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Field Instruction. Drawings which are included with Field Instructions shall be part of the Contract and shall be incorporated into the As-Built documents.

B. Field Instructions may require extra work or deleted work. Within 10 days of receipt of a Field Instruction, the Contractor shall provide a cost and time proposal. If a request for additional time to prepare a proposal is not received within 5 days, the Contractor shall perform the work in accordance with the Field Instruction with no additional compensation or time.

C. The Contractor shall delete work when required by Field Instruction.

D. An equitable adjustment will be provided for the cost of a change. The adjustment shall be determined by one of the following methods:

1. Unit prices listed in the Bidding Schedule.

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2. Agreed upon unit prices.

3. Lump sum.

4. Force account.

E. The Contractor shall submit an itemized breakdown with supporting data of the quantities of work and quantities of costs of direct craft labor, construction equipment and materials used in computing the cost of a change. This requirement pertains to extra work, deleted work or a combination of both. Deleted work shall be estimated and priced on the same basis as extra work.

F. The prices agreed upon and any agreed upon adjustment in Contract Time shall be incorporated in a Field Instruction which shall be written so as to indicate an acceptance by the Contractor as evidenced by signature. By signing the Field Instruction, the Contractor acknowledges that the adjustments to cost and time are full satisfaction and accord, payment in full, and so waives any right to claim any further cost and time impacts at any time during and after completion of the Contract.

G. Whenever the Contractor is requested to prepare an estimate for work and if the work is not performed, the Contractor shall be entitled to reasonable costs incurred in the preparation of the estimate.

H. In the event the Resident Engineer and the Contractor fail to reach agreement on the price for work described in a Field Instruction, the District shall have the right to direct the Contractor to proceed with the work with payment by force account.

I. If the Contractor refuses to accept a change order, the District may unilaterally issue the change order and incorporate it into the Work without the concurrence of the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with the change order. The District will provide an equitable adjustment to the Total Bid Amount. If the Contractor does not agree that the payment is equitable, a claim may be submitted in accordance with Section 00920.


A. Under methods 1 and 2 described in the preceding paragraph, the Contractor shall submit substantiating documentation with an itemized breakdown of Contractor and subcontractor direct costs, including direct craft labor, material, construction equipment, and approved services, pertaining to such ordered work in the form and detail acceptable to the Resident Engineer. The direct costs shall include only costs as described in Section 01250.


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1. The Contractor shall keep an accurate account of the cost of work which is not part of the Contract. The Contractor will be paid for direct craft labor, materials and construction equipment actually used during the performance of the extra or directed work as described below. The Contractor shall use the District's Daily Work Report in preparing billings for force account work.

2. In order to facilitate agreement on direct craft labor hours, on construction equipment hours, and on material quantities, the Contractor shall notify the Resident Engineer not less than 4 hours prior to starting force account work. The Contractor shall submit Daily Work Reports to the Resident Engineer for signature not later than 9 am the day after the force account work is performed. Daily Work Report shall list names of all Contractor’s staff, the craft or trade employed as, all craft or trade labor hours, all material, and all construction equipment used that day.

3. Daily Work Reports shall be fully priced-out and submitted to the Resident Engineer.


1. The categories described below are defined to be direct costs. No other type of costs will be allowable as a direct cost. Direct costs shall not include any labor costs pertaining to the Contractor’s and subcontractor’s managers or superintendents, their office and engineering staffs and office facilities, or anyone not directly employed on such work, nor the cost of their offices, facilities, vehicles and small tools and supplies. All such items are considered indirect costs which form a part of the Contractor’s and subcontractor’s overhead expense.

2. DIRECT CRAFT LABOR: The Contractor will be paid the cost of direct craft labor including foremen, when authorized by the Resident Engineer, used in the actual and direct performance of the work. Except as otherwise provided, the Contractor shall receive no additional compensation for wage premiums resulting from overtime work performed under force account without the prior written authorization from the Resident Engineer.

a. The cost of direct craft labor, whether the employer is the Contractor, subcontractor, or other forces, will be the sum of the following:

b. ACTUAL WAGES: The actual wages paid shall include any employer payments to or on behalf of the workers for health and welfare, pension, vacation, and similar purposes.

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c. LABOR SURCHARGE: A labor surcharge of 26 percent shall be added to actual wages for: state and federal taxes, workers compensation insurance, and other payments made on or on behalf of the worker.

d. SUBSISTENCE AND TRAVEL ALLOWANCE: The actual subsistence and travel allowance paid to workers.

3. MATERIALS: The actual cost of the materials to the purchaser, whether the Contractor, a subcontractor, or other forces. If the Contractor does not furnish satisfactory evidence of the cost of such materials, it shall be deemed to be the lowest current price at which the materials are available in the quantities delivered. The District reserves the right to furnish such materials as it deems advisable, and the Contractor shall have no claims for costs or profit on such materials.

4. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: The use of construction equipment whether on site or moved on site exclusively for extra work shall be paid for at the rates listed in the current compilation of rental rates of the State of California, Department of Transportation applicable to Sacramento County. If the construction equipment is not shown on the above mentioned list, the Contractor shall be paid the reasonable hourly rental rates that are agreed upon by the Contractor and the Resident Engineer prior to use of the equipment plus 33-1/3% for fuel, oil, lubrication, repairs and maintenance. In no case shall the agreed hourly rate exceed the rental rates of established distributors or equipment rental agencies serving the area or the reasonable invoice cost for the equipment rental from outside the Contractor’s or subcontractor’s organization. Individual items of construction equipment or small tools which cost $500 or less shall not be charged to force account work unless it can be demonstrated that the particular item is needed solely for the completion of the force account work.

a. If the construction equipment is moved on to the site and used exclusively for extra work, the Contractor will be paid for the cost of transporting it to the site and returning it to its original location. The rental period shall begin when the equipment is unloaded at the site of the extra work, and shall include each day that the equipment is at the site of such extra work, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, unless extra work is performed on such days, and shall terminate at the end of the day on which such extra work is completed or the Resident Engineer directs the Contractor to discontinue the use of such equipment. Compensation for idle time for construction equipment moved on to the site exclusively for extra work shall be made in accordance with Section 01250.

b. The rental time for construction equipment already on the site, or which is used for other than such extra work shall be the actual time the construction

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equipment is in operation on the extra work, plus the time required to move the construction equipment to the site of the extra work and return it to its original location.


A. The Contractor shall be entitled to compensation for indirect and overhead costs, bond and insurance costs and profit for Field Instruction work. This compensation shall be in the form of markup percentages applied to the direct cost of the work as described below.

B. If a Field Instruction involves both extra and deleted work which is also referred to as net extra work, the markups shall be applied to the cost of the net extra work. The Contractor shall not be entitled to indirect and overhead costs or profits on the deleted work.

C. For Field Instructions involving forward priced extra work or net extra work, the following maximum percentage markups shall be applied to the total direct costs for each cost category. These markups provide for all indirect and overhead costs and profit:

Direct Craft Labor 25 percent Materials - New Vendors/Suppliers 15 percent Materials - Existing Vendors/Suppliers 5 percent Construction Equipment 15 percent

D. For Field Instructions involving force account work, the following maximum percentage markups shall be applied to the total costs for each cost category. These markups provide for all indirect and overhead costs and profit.

Direct Craft Labor 15 percent Materials - New Vendors/Suppliers 15 percent Materials - Existing Vendors/Suppliers 5 percent Construction Equipment 15 percent

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E. Existing vendors and suppliers shall be defined as vendors and suppliers that have an existing contract, purchase order or other agreement for other Contract related work with the Contractor or existing subcontractors.

F. A maximum markup of 2 percent shall be added to the sum of direct craft labor, materials, construction equipment, profit, overhead and indirect cost markups for bond costs and insurance costs including any insurance which may be allocable as a direct cost within the Contractor's accounting system.

G. For Field Instruction work performed by a subcontractor, compensation for shall be based on all direct costs of the subcontractor plus the above direct craft labor, materials, construction equipment, and markup percentages. The Contractor may add a maximum of 5 percent to the subcontractor's cost for profit, overhead and indirect costs and a maximum of 2 percent for bond and insurance.

H. The total indirect and overhead cost and profit markup for forward priced extra work or net extra work shall not exceed 25 percent of the direct cost of the work. The total indirect and overhead cost and profit markup for force account work shall not exceed 15 percent of the direct cost of the work. Direct cost is the summation of the Contractor’s direct costs and all subcontractor’s and suppliers direct costs prior to application of any markups. Distribution of the markup amount among the Contractor and subcontractors and suppliers shall be determined by the Contractor.

I. For deleted work a minimum of 8 percent shall be added to the sum of direct craft labor, materials and construction equipment as a deduction for indirect and overhead costs and profit. Reduced bond and insurance costs of 2 percent shall also be deducted from the sum of deleted work and deducted markup.

J. The allowances for profit, overhead and indirect costs shall include full compensation for any and all items of overhead and indirect items including but not limited to superintendence, consumable small tools and supplies, safety, insurance, as-built documentation, operation and maintenance manual documentation, cost proposal preparation, schedule analysis and preparation and all other office expenses.


A. All cost and pricing data submitted by the Contractor with respect to any change, prospective or executed, or any claim for extra compensation shall be a true, complete, accurate and current representation of actual cost and pricing of the work. The Resident Engineer may require a certification as to cost and pricing data submitted by the Contractor.

B. The Resident Engineer shall have access, upon reasonable notice during normal business hours, to any books, documents, accounting records, papers, project

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correspondence, project files, scheduling information and other relevant records of the Contractor and all subcontractors directly or indirectly pertinent to the Work and the Contract for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcriptions and in order to verify or evaluate any change, prospective or executed, or any claim for which compensation has been requested or notice of potential claim has been submitted.

C. All books, documents, and other records mentioned above shall include, but are not limited to those necessary to determine the amount of direct and indirect costs, job site, area and home office overhead and delay and impact costs, however characterized, and shall include the original bid and all documents related to the bid and its preparation, as well as the schedule and related documents.

D. This access shall include the right to examine and audit records and make excerpts, transcriptions, and photocopies.


A. If the Contractor and District fail to agree whether or not any work or other matter is within the scope of the Contract, the Contractor shall nevertheless immediately perform such work upon receipt of a written Field Instruction or other written directive. Within 10 working days after receipt of the Field Instruction or other written directive, the Contractor may submit a written protest detailing the Contract requirements exceeded and the appropriate cost and/or time change. Failure to submit a protest within the specified period constitutes a waiver of the Contractor’s rights to adjustments in the Total Contract Price and/or Contract Time for the disputed Contract requirement.

B. The Contractor shall not stop performing the Work pending resolution of a dispute, unless ordered in writing by the District.

C. If the District agrees with the Contractor’s written protest, the Total Contract Price and/or Contract Time will be adjusted through a Contract Change Order. Protests and claims denied by the District will be so stated in writing.



1. Increases or decreases in the quantity of a unit price item will be determined by comparing the total pay quantity for the item with the quantity in the Bidding Schedule.

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2. If the total pay quantity of an item varies from the Bidding Schedule quantity by 25 percent or less, payment will be made at the contract unit price.

3. If the total pay quantity of any item varies from the Bid Schedule quantity by more than 25 percent, in the absence of a Field Instruction specifying the compensation to be paid, the compensation payable to the Contractor will be determined in accordance with the following:


1. Payment for the quantity in excess of 125 percent will be paid at an adjusted unit price or by force account.

2. The adjusted unit price for quantities in excess of 125 percent will be the actual unit cost for the item up to 125 percent of the Biding Schedule quantity. Fixed costs for the item will be deducted from the actual unit costs.

3. The District may elect to pay for items in excess of 125 percent of the Bidding Schedule quantity at the price in the Bidding Schedule if the total amount is $5,000 or less.

4. An appropriate adjustment in contract time will also be provided if the increased quantity delays completion of the Work.


1. An equitable adjustment of the unit price will be made if the quantity of an item is less than 75 percent of the Bidding Schedule quantity and a price adjust is requested by the Contractor.


1. Should any Work be eliminated in its entirety, in the absence of a Field Instruction covering such elimination, payment will be made to the Contractor for actual costs incurred in connection with such eliminated contract item if incurred prior to notification from the Resident Engineer.

2. If acceptable material is ordered by the Contractor for the eliminated item prior to notification, and if orders for the material cannot be canceled, it will be paid for at the actual cost plus a 5 percent mark-up. The material shall become the property of the District.

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3. If the material is returned to the vendor, the Contractor will be paid the actual costs including handling.



1. Compensation for idle construction equipment shall be made for those allowable delay periods provided that the equipment remains on site for a duration beyond which is indicated on the schedule. Compensation may be provided for the idle construction equipment used exclusively for Field Instruction work. Compensation shall be determined in accordance with the current rental rates of the Department of Transportation of the State of California which are applicable to the County of Sacramento with the following exceptions:

a. The right-of-way delay factor for each classification of equipment shown in the Department of Transportation publication entitled “Labor Surcharge Equipment Rental Rates” of the State of California will be applied to the rental rate.

b. Compensation will be provided for the actual time during which a delay exists, but not more than 8 hours per day.

c. Compensation will be provided for each day or portion of a day excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for the duration of the delay. Weekly or monthly rates shall apply if the duration of the delay is extended.


1. For allowable delays as described in Section 00710, compensation to the Contractor for indirect and overhead costs shall be limited to the following:

a. Actual payroll costs for field office staff incurred as a result of the delay including: management, supervision, estimating, engineering, drafting, clerical, secretarial and accounting. A 26 percent surcharge for taxes, insurance, fringe benefits and any and all other payments made to or on the behalf of the employee, including workers compensation insurance, shall be added to the payroll costs.

b. Actual cost for third-party services provided for the field office such as: management, supervision, estimating, engineering, drafting, clerical, secretarial and accounting utilized in lieu of employees.

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c. Field office expenses for rent and utilities which are applicable and substantiated by invoice.

2. Compensation for: on-site plant, incidentals, utilities, and facilities for non-field office personnel including branch office and home office personnel will not be provided. Compensation for these items and other incidental shall be considered to be included in the markups.


1. For idle equipment a maximum of 5 percent shall be added for profit, bond, and insurance costs.

2. For jobsite indirect and overhead costs a maximum of 10 percent shall be added for home office and branch office indirect and overhead costs.

3. To the total costs calculated in 1.09-B and 1.09-C.2 a maximum of 5 percent shall be added for profit, bond, and insurance costs.

4. Distribution of the above markups among the Contractor and subcontractors and suppliers shall be determined by the Contractor.


1. In the event that the Contractor is compensated for delay periods as described above, and the delay was attributable to direct cost changes to which markups were added, equitable adjustments shall be made to eliminate the duplication of compensation for indirect and overhead costs and profit.


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A. Progress payments will be made monthly in accordance with the Bidding Schedule.

B. Payment for items with a unit price will be based on the number of units completed.

C. Payment for lump sum items will be based on an estimate of the percent of work completed.

D. Payment for other items will be based on the Schedule of Values.

E. A portion of the progress payment will be retained until the Work is completed and accepted by the Board.


A. A Schedule of Values shall be submitted within 100 days of the Notice to Proceed. It shall be consistent with the Base Line Schedule. The cost for all activities plus the cost for Major Equipment shall equal the Total Bid Amount. The Schedule of Values will be used as the basis for progress payments.

B. Limitations

1. The values of the activities listed below are limited as indicated. The limit is the percent of the Total Bid Amount.

ACTIVITY LIMIT Mobilization 3.0 Percent-maximum Testing 1.0 Percent-minimum As-Built Documents 1.3 Percent-minimum Demobilization 0.5 Percent-minimum

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C. Payment for mobilization will be prorated until all the following items have been completed. Mobilization includes:

1. Project manager on site full-time.

2. Plant and construction equipment for activities for first month on-site.

3. Field office setup with utilities.

4. Fire protection established.

5. Construction yard setup with storage and maintenance facilities and utilities setup.

6. Storm water BMP's installed.

7. Safety Plan submitted and required notices posted.

8. Quality Control Plan submitted.

9. Permits acquired.

D. As-Built Documentation

1. Progress payments for as-built documentation will be made based on the quantity of documents submitted in accordance with weighting established in Section 01720. The progress payment will be based on the number of documents submitted and accepted in proportion to the total number of as built documents.

E. Demobilization includes:

1. Submittal of warranties.

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2. Removal of plant and construction equipment.

3. Removal of field office, construction yards and related facilities, utilities and project signs.

4. Cleanup and disposal of materials, supplies, equipment and debris.

5. Restoration of areas, roads and other facilities damaged or altered as a result of the Work.


A. Provide 3 copies of the progress payment request by the 10th of each month. The request shall be signed by the Contractor attesting to the correctness of the information. The request shall include a breakdown of the items of work that have been completed. Supporting documentation shall be included. The District will review the request and make payment for those items in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and the Schedule of Values. Payment will not be made for deficient or defective work.

B. Progress payments do not constitute acceptance of the Work or a waiver of any terms or conditions of the Contract.


A. Five percent of each progress payment will be retained until the Work has been completed and accepted by the Board. If the work is progressing in accordance with the Contract, the Contractor may request, after 50 percent of the Work has been completed, including change orders, that the withholding of additional retention cease. The District will review the progress to date and the remaining work. If it appears that the work will be successfully completed, the District will waive the retention on the remaining work.

B. Contractor may deposit securities in lieu of retention pursuant to Sections 22300 of the Public Contract Code.

C. At the request and expense of the Contractor, securities having a value equivalent to or greater than the withheld amount may be deposited with a state or federally chartered

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bank as escrow agent payable in whole or in part to the District upon demand and certification by the District’s Representative that the Contractor has defaulted in the performance of the obligation under the contract and setting forth the amount of security needed to satisfy the completion of the obligation of the Contractor.

D. The Contractor shall be the beneficiary of any securities for monies withheld and shall receive any interest thereon.


A. The District will withhold additional amount from progress payments for the following causes:

1. Claims against the Contractor for non-payment for labor, equipment or materials.

2. Defective work.

3. Failure to pursue the Work in accordance with the schedule.

4. Damage to District facilities or to other parties.

5. The cost to the District if the Work is not completed within the Contract Time.

6. Costs for replacement insurance due to cancellation or insufficient coverage.

7. Failure to pay prevalent wages or submit certified payroll records.

8. Failure to provide submittals, as-built documentation or operating and maintenance manuals.

9. Payments due the District from the Contractor.

10. Provisions of law that enables or requires the District to withhold payments.

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B. Withheld funds which are not a penalty will be paid to the Contractor when the reason for the withhold has been resolved.

C. The District may use withheld or retained funds to pay valid claims. In so doing, the District shall be considered an agent of the Contractor and shall not be liable for payments made in good faith. Such payments may be made without judicial determination of the claim. A complete and proper accounting will be provided.


A. A final estimate will be prepared by the Resident Engineer upon completion of the Work and a request for final payment. All prior estimates, progress payments, retention, withholdings and change orders shall be considered. A copy of the final estimate will be provided to the Contractor.

B. The Contractor shall accept the final estimate or provide a written statement of exceptions with sufficient detail to ascertain the basis and amount within 15 days. Failure to provide a statement of exceptions within the allotted time shall indicate acceptance.

C. The District will pay the final payment amount after 35 days from the date of acceptance by the Board and recording of the Notice of Completion if no Stop Notices or claims have been filed.

D. Acceptance of the final payment shall release the District, its agents and consultants from any and all claims or liability on account of the work under the Contract or any alterations thereof.


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A. A submittal consists of descriptive literature, information, plans, calculations, test data, details and drawings for items proposed for the Work. Sufficient information shall be provided to demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents. A sample or mock- up of a product or material shall be included with a submittal where required.

B. A submittal is required for all materials, products, equipment, or systems that that will become part of the Work. Specific submittal requirements are indicated in the respective specification sections. Components or items that comprise a unit or system shall be packaged in a single submittal.

C. Submittal information and drawings from subcontractors and suppliers shall be coordinated, reviewed and submitted by Contractor.

D. District and Design Consultant will review submittals for conformance with the Contract Documents, codes and standards. Review does not indicate suitability or acceptability.

E. A submittal does not relieve, alter, waive or change the requirements of the Contract Documents. Alternates or substitutions shall not be proposed in a submittal.

F. District does not have a duty to identify inconsistencies, errors, fit-up requirements or to determine compatibility of the proposed items. Coordination and compatibility of individual submittals is the responsibility of Contractor. Contractor shall verify all dimensions, measurements and quantities required for a submittal.

G. A resubmittal is required whenever a change occurs affecting a prior submittal.


A. A complete list of submittals shall be furnished within 10 days following the Notice to Proceed. District will review the list and return within 10 days.

B. Submittals shall be consecutively numbered. Resubmittals shall use the prior number with a sequential letter suffix.

C. Sufficient information shall be provided to describe what is proposed. The applicable sections of the Contract Documents shall be listed. 8/16/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 01300 - 1

D. Submittals with more than one item shall have sections for the respective items. Items shall be clearly identified.

E. Submittals shall be complete and shall be timely in submission to avoid delay of the Work. The priority of each submittal shall be indicated. The schedule shall provide time for preparation and review of submittals and resubmittals.

F. All deviations and exceptions to the Contract Documents shall be conspicuously noted in the submittal and transmittal form.

G. Two hard copies and one electronic copy shall be included with each submittal. Each copy shall include a transmittal form. Copies shall be high quality, full-size, legible with crisp lettering and lines. Hard copies shall be on plain bond paper. Maximum sheet size is 22 inches by 34 inches. It is recommended that drawings be produced using the most current AutoCAD software by Autodesk, Inc. One Compact Disc shall be provided for CAD generated drawings.

H. Two submittal copies will be reviewed, rated and returned should mark ups be required to comment on a submittal. An electronic submittal comment sheet will be returned on submittals not requiring mark ups.

I. All submittals shall be originals or first generation plain bond photo copies. Multiple generation photo copies and FAX transmittals are not acceptable if, in the opinion of the District’s Representative, they are of reduced legibility. Minimum size lettering height on all submittals shall be 12 point for typewritten documents, 1/16 inch height for 8-1/2 x 11 inch and 11 x 17 inch documents, and 1/8 inch height for documents larger than 11 x 17. All magnetic media files shall be provided on Compact Disc(s).

J. Shop drawings shall have drawing numbers, scale, revision date and number, Contractor name, subcontractor name, supplier name, name of detailer or engineer who prepared the document, relation to adjacent structures, materials, drawing cross references, standard references, Contractor’s certification stamp, and registered engineer’s stamp, if required, shown on them.

K. Refer to Section 01730 for the submittal requirements of operation and maintenance instructions. Operation and maintenance instructions will not be submitted until approved equipment or material submittals are received.

L. Submittals shall be transmitted with a transmittal form containing the following information as a minimum:

1. Date.

2. Submittal or resubmittal number.

3. Contract title and number.

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4. Contractor’s name and address.

5. List of documents being submitted, by preparer, number and version.

6. Contract documents references (including specific specification section and drawing numbers) for each submittal document.

7. Previous submittal number and item number for each submittal document.

8. Notification of deviation(s) form contract documents for each submittal document.

9. Contractor’s certification of having reviewed and coordinated the submittal.

10. Description of intended use in this contract.


A. Up to 10 submittals per week will be reviewed. Review time will be approximately 20 days. Additional review time will be required for large complex submittals or if more than 10 submittals are submitted within a week. Submittals for “or equal” items will require approximately 30 days for review. Resubmittals will require approximately 15 days for review.

B. Submittals that are incomplete or do not demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents will be returned without review.

C. Review Criteria:

1. “A” indicates the submittal conforms to the Contract Documents.

2. “B” indicates the submittal would conform to the Contract Documents after review comments have been incorporated.

3. “C’ indicates that changes or additional information are necessary to comply with the Contract Documents. A resubmittal is required.

4. “D” indicates that the submittal does not comply with the Contract Documents. A resubmittal is necessary.

5. “E” indicates that the submittal has not been compared with the Contract Documents.

6. “F” indicates that the submittal has been received and no action is needed by District.


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A. The Internet will be one of the methods to be used for communications regarding the Work. Contractor shall have the hardware and software to send and receive e-mail correspondence from District.

B. Additional requirements for preparation and submittal of documents are delineated in the respective sections.


A. The following equipment must be in-place:

1. Personal Computer

2. High-speed Internet Service (Cable or DSL)

B. The following software shall be installed:

1. Internet Explorer 7.0

2. Microsoft Office 2007

3. Adobe Acrobat 9.0

4. Other software may be utilized if compatible with the District’s Representative and approved by the District.

C. Additional software requirements for preparation and submittal of documents are described in the respective specification sections.


A. Hard copies of e-mail and referenced documents shall be provided to District within 3 days.

B. Time for review and response by District commences when hard copies are received.


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A. Contractor shall prepare a Request for Information (RFI) when additional information, clarification or interpretation of the Contract Documents is needed. RFI’s may also be used for apparent conflicts, inconsistencies, ambiguities, or omissions.

B. RFI’s shall be submitted to District’s Representative sufficiently in advance of the work to permit time for investigation and preparation of a response. Any work undertaken prior to receipt of a RFI response shall be at the risk of Contractor.

C. RFI’s shall not be used for submittals or for substitute of material, equipment or for waiving of requirements.


A. RFI shall be submitted on an approved form and numbered consecutively. A status log shall be prepared and updated by Contractor. Each RFI shall deal with only one topic, item, issue or system.

B. RFI shall clearly describe the problem and specifically state what is needed. Relevant portions of the Contract Documents shall be cited, marked-up and attached.

C. Contractor shall review each RFI before submitting and compare it with the Contract Documents to verify that a response is required. RFI’s will only be accepted from Contractor and not from subcontractors or suppliers.

D. A recommendation or proposed solution may be included when appropriate or expedient.


A. District’s Representative will normally respond within 15 days. Contractor shall indicate a priority for responses if more than 5 RFI’s are pending at the same time.

B. Contractor shall reply within 10 days if there is disagreement concerning the RFI response.

C. Subsequent resubmittals shall be identified with the same RFI number and a letter designation. Resubmittals shall clearly state the reason for resubmitting.


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A. Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor and District’s Representative shall jointly survey the site, existing buildings and facilities, paving, and other items noting and photographing existing conditions and damage such as cracks, sags and other damage. All photographs shall be color, minimum 10 mega pixel, and taken with a camera which will automatically indicate the date on the front of each print. The file name of photographs shall indicate the project name and location where the photograph was taken. A minimum of 100 color photographs shall be taken by the Contractor prior to construction. Before construction may start, the photographs shall be delivered to the District’s Representative on Compact Disc(s). The photographer shall be equipped to photograph in varied light conditions. Photographs shall be taken with varied zoom lengths as applicable.

B. This record shall serve as a basis for determination of subsequent damage due to settlement, movement or due to the Contractor's operations.


A. Starting at the date of the preconstruction photographs and continuing every month thereafter as long as the work is in progress, a minimum of 50 color photographs per month shall be taken of specific plant areas as directed by the District’s Representative. The photographs shall be delivered on Compact Disc(s) within 10 days following the date taken in accordance with Section 01300.

B. Upon acceptance of the Work, 100 color photographs shall be made of the work where directed by the District’s Representative. The photographer shall be equipped to photograph in varied light conditions. Photographs shall be taken with varied zoom lengths as applicable.

C. The photographs shall be delivered to the District’s Representative on Compact Disc(s) within 10 days following the date taken in accordance with Section 01300.


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ACI American Concrete Institute

AFBMA Anti-Fiction Bearing Manufacturers Association

AISC American Institute of Steel Construction

AMCA Air Movement and Control Association

ANSI American National Standards Institute

API American Petroleum Institute

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

AWS American Welding Society

AWWA American Water Works Association

CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute

EIA Electronic Industries Association

HI Hydraulic Institute

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISA Instrument Society of America

ISO International Standards Organization

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JIC Joint Industrial Council

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

NRCA National Roofing Contractors Association

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SAMA Scientific Apparatus Makers Association

SMACNA Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association

SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council


Caltrans Standard Specifications of the Department of Transportation of the State of California

Cal/OSHA Safety Orders issued by the Division of Industrial Safety of the State of California

FEDSPEC Federal Specifications

MILSPEC Military Specifications

NEC National Electric Code

NESC National Electric Safety Code

SACSPEC Standard Construction Specifications of the County of Sacramento

Title 19 Public Safety, California Administrative Code

Tittle 24 Building Standards, California Administrative Code

UBC Uniform Building Code

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UL Underwriters Laboratories

UMC Uniform Mechanical Code

UPC Uniform Plumbing Code


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A. Contractor shall be responsible for providing and maintaining the necessary material storage places, field offices, temporary roads, fences, watchmen, etc., and all required utilities, such as telephone, electric, and water service necessary for use at Contractor's expense except as noted in this section.

B. Contractor shall provide temporary services and facilities which will enable construction processes, and will accommodate other necessary activities at the site. Providing adequate general services is Contractor's responsibility, and is not limited to the minimums established by the requirements hereof. Except as otherwise indicated, the use of alternative general services equivalent to those specified is Contractor's option, subject to District’s Representative's acceptance. Temporary general services exclude inspection and testing services, surveys, photographs, security provisions, protection, safety, final cleaning, start up of systems, instructions to District personnel and other services which are recognized to be similar to the work of this section but are specified in other sections hereof, if required.

C. The types of temporary general services required for the project include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following:

1. Field offices for Contractor.

2. Electric power.

3. Potable water.

4. Sanitary facilities.

5. Collection/disposal of waste materials.

6. Telephones.

7. Miscellaneous general services.

8. Nonpotable water for construction activities.

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D. Contractor shall provide, as necessary, temporary water, natural gas, sanitary facilities, and electric service for the site office.

E. District will provide 480 volt power for construction purposes within the existing process area of the plant at any existing 480 volt receptacle without charge. Contractor shall install a GFI breaker rated a maximum of 60 amps.

F. Contractor shall not use existing plant facilities such as restrooms, lunchrooms, water supplies (WP, WN, WRH, WRL), air supplies (UA, SA), steam system, telephone, PA system, radio frequency, etc.

G. The following tabulation shows details of District's intent:

Facility Contractor supplied utilities and services

Resident Engineer Office None Contractor and subcontractor field offices All Contractor and subcontractor on site District will supply power at existing storage facilities 480 volt receptacles; Contractor to provide all others. Construction utilities District will supply non-potable water from an existing utility station. Contractor shop areas All Performance Testing District will supply power and Contractor shall provide the water and temporary connections and conveyance and all other utilities and fluids including lubricants and hydraulic fluid as needed except as specified in Section 01015. Operational and Reliability Testing District will supply all connected utilities (i.e. cooling water, seal water, power); Contractor shall supply hydraulic fluids, lubricants, etc.



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1. Comply with governing regulations for the installation and use of general service facilities, including health and safety regulations.


1. Comply with Subchapter 4, CAC Title 8, Construction Safety Orders, and Subchapter 7, General Industrial Safety Orders, as applicable.


1. Except as otherwise indicated, the assignment of responsibilities for installing facilities and performing general services, and for complying with trade regulations and union jurisdictions associated therewith, is Contractor's obligation.


A. Submit to District’s Representative for information only copies of inspection reports, certificates, permits and similar documentation required or issued in connection with general services in accordance with Section 01300.



1. Provide temporary general services at the time first needed at the site; and maintain, expand and modify the facilities as needed throughout the construction period.


1. Operate, maintain, control and protect general service facilities in a manner which will prevent fire, hazardous exposures, health problems, unsanitary conditions, pollution, contamination, discomfort to users, flooding, interference with the construction work, public nuisances and similar deleterious effects.




1. Unless otherwise specified, Contractor may provide either new or used materials and equipment for general service facilities, which are in substantially undamaged and serviceable condition. Provide types and qualities which are suitable for the intended use in each application.

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1. Potable water approved by local health authorities.


1. For offices, fabrication shops, storage sheds and similar construction, provide standard-manufactured prefabricated or mobile home construction insulated and weathertight where indicated to be heated or air conditioned, or provide equivalent job-built construction. Equip each unit with locked entrances, operable windows, roofing, adequate foundations for usual loading including wind loads, serviceable finishes of the types indicated, and mechanical/electrical equipment as needed to achieve the ambient conditions indicated.


1. Single-occupant, self-contained units of the chemical aerated recirculation type fully enclosed with a glass fiber reinforced polyester shell or similar nonabsorbent material, properly vented and maintained in operation.



1. Contractor may install and maintain a connection at an existing utility station for water needed for the completion of work under this contract.


1. Contractor shall provide temporary power connections and meters for Contractor's field office(s).




1. Locate facilities where they will serve the total project construction work adequately, and result in minimum interference with performance of the work. Relocate, modify and extend facilities as required during the course of the work, to properly accommodate the entire work of the project. Locate field offices for easy access to the construction work. Provide a reasonably neat and uniform appearance in general service facilities, acceptable to District’s Representative.

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2. Except as otherwise indicated, do not plan to change over the use of permanent facilities of the project to replace the use of temporary general service facilities. However, it is recognized that certain general service facilities will need to be removed from the site at or near the time of field acceptance, and that Contractor's personnel remaining at the site beyond that time will be permitted to use certain permanent facilities, under restricted use conditions which are acceptable to District’s Representative.



a. Sanitary facilities include toilets, wash facilities, drinking water fixtures and food/beverage service facilities (if any). Comply with governing regulations including safety and health codes for the type, number, location, operation, and maintenance of fixtures and facilities, but provide not less than the specified requirements. Install sanitary facilities in available locations which will best serve the needs of personnel at the project site.

b. Distribute toilets and drinking water fixtures as necessary. Plant washroom, toilet, and drinking water facilities shall not be used by Contractor or subcontractor personnel.

c. Supply and maintain toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups and similar disposable materials as appropriate for each sanitary facility, and provide and empty waste paper containers for used materials.

2. TOILETS: Choice of either self-contained toilet units or water/sewer connected temporary toilet installations (or both) is Contractor's option to the extent permitted by governing regulations. The provision of water/sewer connections is Contractor's responsibility.

3. DRINKING WATER FIXTURES: Supply drinking water for construction personnel by either water-system connected drinking fountains or by containerized tap-dispensers with paper cups, (or both), at Contractor's option.

4. SHOWERS: Contractor may provide a shower facility for which Contractor would be responsible for providing potable water and sewer connection. Location of shower facility shall be approved by District’s Representative, and may possibly be placed in the plant facility somewhat remote from the project site. Existing District showers may not be used by Contractor, except as approved by District’s Representative for unusual situations.


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1. Establish and enforce a daily system for collecting and disposing of waste materials from construction areas and elsewhere at the project site. No waste material can be stored in tunnels or buildings, it must be disposed of daily. Do not hold collected materials at the site for periods of more than 7 days, nor for periods of more than 3 days during hot weather (when daily temperatures can be expected to rise above 80 degrees F). Handle hazardous, dangerous, unsanitary, contaminated, polluting and similar harmful wastes separately from inert materials. Store and dispose of hazardous wastes in a lawful and timely manner. Allowable mandated storage retention times may be less than the 7-day limit stated for nonhazardous wastes. Dispose of each category of waste material in a lawful manner. Do not bury or burn waste materials on District property.


1. Install temporary telephones and pay telephones as necessary.

2. Plant telephones shall not be used by Contractor or subcontractor personnel.

3. Post a listing of telephone numbers at each telephone location, including local police, fire department, doctor, ambulance service and similar emergency numbers as well as temporary and home offices of contractors, principal subcontractors, architects, engineers, representatives of District, and others involved with the performance of the work.


1. Include whatever general services may be required, or are found to be necessary, for the accommodation of the work. The items of general service which may be needed include, but are not necessarily limited to, the installation of postal delivery service, parking spaces at the temporary offices, walkways in and around the construction area and personal protection items for employees and visitors.


1. Prior to construction of nonpotable water well, Contractor shall obtain approval of location from District’s Representative. Contractor shall be responsible for initial construction, operation, and maintenance of well, and shall assure that well water capacity and quality is adequate for all nonpotable water demands.



1. Enforce strict discipline in the use of general services at the project site. Limit availability of facilities to essential and intended uses, so as to minimize wastes and

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the possibility of abuses and the resulting unsanitary and hazardous or dangerous conditions. Do not allow temporary offices and similar temporary or permanent spaces to be used as living quarters, or for other unintended occupancies or uses.


1. Provide daily janitorial services for temporary offices, toilets, wash facilities, and similar areas at the project site. Require users of other general services to maintain clean and orderly premises.


1. Operate and maintain general services in good operating condition through the time of use, and until removal is authorized. Protect from damage by weather.


1. When the need has ended for each temporary general service facility, or at the time of substantial completion, promptly remove the facility unless requested by District’s Representative to retain it. Complete or restore permanent work which may have been delayed or otherwise affected by the temporary facility. Replace work which cannot be satisfactorily restored. Except as otherwise indicated, the materials and equipment of temporary general services remain the property of Contractor. District reserves the right to take possession of project identification signs.


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A. This section specifies minimum requirements of temporary provisions for security and protection not specified elsewhere. The providing of adequate security and protection is Contractor's responsibility, and is not limited to minimums established by requirements hereof. Except as otherwise indicated, use of alternative security and protection methods of facilities equivalent to those specified is Contractor's option. The work of this section is not intended to include required insurance coverage, individual provisions for safe performance of specific work, first aid requirements, general supervision, quality control, damage surveys, prequalification of construction personnel, temporary enclosure of completed work and stored materials, inspection and tests of the work, instructions to District personnel and similar recognized protection/security provisions, which may be required.

B. The types of security and protection facilities and services required for the project include but are not necessarily limited to the following:

1. Temporary fire protection.

2. Barricades, warning signs, lights.

3. Enclosure fence for project site and construction areas.

4. Security enclosure and lockup of work.

5. Environmental protection.



1. Comply with governing regulations for installation and operation of security and protection facilities.

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1. The assignment of responsibilities for security and protection such as installation, maintenance and operation, is Contractor's obligation.


1. No deliveries will be accepted by the District. All deliveries shall be made to the Contractor.



1. Provide security and protection at site, and maintain, expand and modify facilities as needed throughout construction period.


1. The Contractor shall be required to assume responsibility for its operation, maintenance and protection prior to District’s Representative's acceptance of the facility.


1. Use security and protection facilities and services in a safe, sanitary, lawful, and publicly acceptable manner, which will not interfere unduly with performance of the work nor result in other deleterious effect.




1. Provide either new or used materials and equipment, which are in substantially undamaged and serviceable condition.


1. Provide type A fire extinguishers for temporary offices and similar spaces where there is minimal danger of electrical fires or grease-oil-flammable liquid fires. Otherwise, provide either type ABC dry chemical extinguishers or a combination of several extinguishers of NFPA-recommended types for exposure in each case.

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1. Locate facilities to serve total project construction work adequately, and to result in minimum interference with performance of the work. Relocate, modify and extend facilities as required during course of the work, to properly accommodate entire work of the project. Provide and maintain a reasonably neat and uniform appearance in security and protection facilities, acceptable to District.

2. Except for prompt utilization of permanent fire protection facilities as soon as available for use in each area, do not plan to change over from use of temporary security and protection facilities to use of permanent facilities until time of substantial completion, or for longer periods of time as requested by District.


1. GENERAL: During construction period and until time certain protection needs may be fulfilled by permanent facilities, install and maintain whatever types and forms of fire protection temporary facilities may be needed to adequately protect against fire losses which are reasonably predictable and controllable. Except as otherwise indicated or required, comply with the applicable recommendations of NFPA No. 10 "Portable Fire Extinguishers" for each area of each construction activity when combustible materials, flammable liquids and similar exposures to possible fires are present. Locate extinguishers where most convenient and effective for intended purposes, but provide not less than one on each floor at or near each usable stairwell. Store combustible materials in recognized fire-safe locations and containers.

2. PROGRAM: Develop and supervise an overall fire prevention and first-aid fire protection program for personnel at project site. Instruct personnel in methods and procedures of program, post warnings and information, and enforce strict discipline. Review needs with local fire department officials and establish procedures to be followed. Maintain unobstructed access to extinguishers, fire hydrants, temporary fire protection facilities, stairways, and other access routes for fighting fires. The program shall include supervision of welding operations, combustion type temporary heating units, and similar sources of ignition.

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1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of all equipment, materials and work until it is accepted by the District’s Representative.


A. Maintain protection and security facilities and services in good operating condition through time of use and until completion and use of permanent work makes each temporary service unnecessary, or until District occupancy has replaced the need for service or until its discontinuation has been otherwise authorized. Remove each facility promptly after its use has been terminated. Complete or restore permanent work which may have been delayed or otherwise affected by temporary facility. Replace work which cannot be satisfactorily restored. Except as otherwise indicated, materials and equipment of temporary security and protection facilities remain the property of the Contractor.


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A. Throughout the construction period, Contractor shall keep the site of the work in a presentable condition, shall dispose of any surplus materials appropriately, clean out all drainage ditches and structures, and repair any fences or other property damaged during the progress of the work, to the satisfaction of the District Representative.

B. Upon completion of the work, and prior to requesting final inspection, Contractor shall thoroughly clean the site of the work of all rubbish, excess material, and equipment, and all portions of the work shall be left in a neat and orderly condition. The final inspection will not be made until this has been accomplished.


A. Except in time of emergency, earth dams are not acceptable at catch basin openings, local depressions, or elsewhere. Temporary dams of sand bags, asphaltic concrete, or other acceptable material will be permitted when necessary to protect the work, provided their use does not create a hazard or nuisance to the public. Such dams shall be removed from the site as soon as they are no longer necessary.


A. Contractor shall comply with all air pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes which apply to any work performed pursuant to the contract, including any air pollution control rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes, specified in Section 11017 of the Government Code.


A. Contractor shall comply with all local sound control and noise level rules, regulations, and ordinances which apply to any work performed pursuant to the contract.

B. Each internal combustion engine shall be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer. No internal combustion engine shall be operated without said muffler.

C. No internal combustion engine shall be operated in the tunnel system or enclosed below grade spaces or HVAC air intakes.


A. Contractor shall comply with all federal state, and local rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes which apply to water and air pollution and soil contamination, including Section 01802.

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B. In order to minimize the possibility of water or soil contamination due to spills of crankcase oil, gasoline and other fuels, Contractor shall designate an area for the storage and handling of lubricants, fuels and other supplies which is acceptable to the District Representative.


A. Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal environmental regulations by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), United States Department of Transportation (US DOT), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), state environmental regulations and local environmental regulations and ordinances for hazardous waste/materials management.

B. Contractor shall develop and submit a Hazardous Material Plan (HMP) for hazardous materials anticipated during the project to the regulating authority (Sacramento County’s Environmental Management Department has been designated as the Sacramento region’s Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) by Cal EPA). A HMP is mandated when hazardous material/waste is stored in the reportable quantities:

1. Liquid: 55 gallons or greater 2. Solid: 500 pounds or greater 3. Gas: 200 cubic feet (at standard temperature and pressure) or greater

Note: A reportable quantity is the aggregate of all similar materials and accounts for the capacity to store. Example: 15 gallons of a hazardous waste stored in a 55 gallon container must be reported. The District will require any material meeting or exceeding the reportable quantity to be reported.

C. Contractor is required to secure all required regulatory permits and licenses necessary prior to performing all aspects of the work per Section 01020. A copy of the HMP, HMP amendments, permits, licenses, clearances or authorizations obtained by the Contractor shall be provided to the District Representative prior to brining or storing hazardous materials on site.

D. Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that Contractor personnel including subcontractors are adequately trained and understand how to handle, store, transport and dispose of waste per this specification. Contractor shall further ensure that personnel involved in the work area are aware of the spill prevention and containment responsibilities.

E. Contractor shall comply with all Federal and State laws for employee right-to-know in association with the use and storage of hazardous substances on-site. Contractor to have on the project site the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets for all hazardous substances stored or used on-site, readily available to employees and inspectors at all times. Contractor is responsible for the removal and disposition of all surplus chemicals (e.g., paints, lubricants, and cleaning products) that they bring onsite as part of the work.

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F. Contractor shall provide immediate notice to the District Representative in the event of a spill. Any release or threatened release on land or in watercourses, regardless of quantity, shall be cleaned up immediately.

G. The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of manifests (interim storage and final disposal) within regulatory requirements. Within 180 days from the acceptance of the waste by the disposal facility, the Contractor shall provide the District Representative with the Certificate of Disposal documentation.

H. Only Contractors licensed to transport hazardous materials/waste (under EPA and US DOT) shall be permitted to transport hazardous materials/waste. Transportation of hazardous material shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations for proper packaging, marking/labeling, handling, and documenting. Contractors are responsible for ensuring that personnel preparing the shipment are properly trained and that proper shipping papers accompany shipments of hazardous materials.

I. Contractor shall be responsible and fully bear costs incurred by the District as a result of violations with applicable Federal, State and local Agencies for spills, unauthorized releases, and discharge, including but not limited to penalties assessed or levied, third party claims, citizen suites, labor materials, laboratory analyses, and handling and disposal of waste. Fines shall be deducted from contract payments specified in Section 01290.


A. Contractor shall comply with petroleum pollution prevention measures in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations contained in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112, the California Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA), and the California Health and Safety Code (Section 25270.4.5). Additionally, all fuel stored on site shall be stored in compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, NFPA standards, and all other applicable laws.

B. If above-ground fuel storage will exceed 55 gallons per container or 1,320 gallons aggregate, Contractor shall develop and submit a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan as required by 40 CFR 112 Oil Pollution Prevention. The SPCC plan requirement is in addition to the requirements specified in Section 01802.

C. The SPCC shall be prepared and certified by a registered Professional Engineer. Maintain a certified copy of the SPCC plan on-site at all times during construction activities that is readily available to Contractor personnel, inspectors, and regulators. A copy of the SPCC and all amendments shall be submitted to the District Representative for review.


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A. Equipment, products and materials shall be shipped, handled, stored, maintained and installed in ways which will prevent damage to the items. Damaged items will not be permitted as part of the work except in cases of minor damage that have been satisfactorily repaired and are acceptable to District’s Representative.

B. Failure of Contractor to properly store and maintain equipment and materials will result in rejection of the equipment or material or a withholding from the progress payment.


A. Materials shall be handled, stored, and installed as recommended by the manufacturer. Pipes with paint, tape coatings, linings or the like shall be stored to protect the coating or lining from physical damage or other deterioration. Pipes shipped with interior bracing shall have the bracing removed only when recommended by the pipe manufacturer.



1. All equipment shall be protected against damage from moisture, dust, handling, or other cause during transport from manufacturer's premises to site. Each item or package shall be marked with the number unique to the specification reference covering the item.

2. Stiffeners shall be used where necessary to maintain shapes and to give rigidity. Parts of equipment shall be delivered in assembled or subassembled units where possible.


1. Each item of equipment and valve shall have permanently affixed to it a label or tag with its equipment or valve number designated in this contract. Marker shall be of stainless steel. Location of label will be easily visible.


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1. Bearing housings, vents and other types of openings shall be wrapped or otherwise sealed to prevent contamination by grit and dirt.

2. Damage shall be corrected to conform to the requirements of the contract before the assembly is incorporated into the work. Contractor shall bear the costs arising out of dismantling, inspection, repair and reassembly.


1. Unless otherwise specified, each item of equipment shall be shipped to the site of the work with the manufacturer's shop applied epoxy prime coating which is compatible with the field applied coating as specified in Section 09900. The prime coating shall be applied over clean dry surfaces in accordance with the coating manufacturer's recommendations. The prime coating will serve as a base for field-applied finish coats. Electrical equipment and materials shall be painted by manufacturer as specified in Section 09900.


1. During the interval between the delivery of equipment to the site and installation, all equipment, unless otherwise specified, shall be stored in an enclosed space affording protection from weather, dust and mechanical damage and providing favorable temperature, humidity and ventilation conditions to ensure against equipment deterioration. Manufacturer's recommendations shall be adhered to in addition to these requirements.

2. Equipment and materials to be located outdoors may be stored outdoors if protected against moisture condensation. Equipment shall be stored at least 6 inches above ground. Temporary power shall be provided to energize space heaters or other heat sources for control of moisture condensation. Space heaters or other heat sources shall be energized without disturbing the sealed enclosure.


1. After installation, all equipment shall be protected from damage from, including but not limited to, dust, abrasive particles, debris and dirt generated by the placement, chipping, sandblasting, cutting, finishing and grinding of new or existing concrete, terrazzo and metal; and from the fumes, particulate matter, and splatter from welding, brazing and painting of new or existing piping and equipment. As a minimum, vacuum cleaning, blowers with filters, protective shieldings, and other dust suppression methods will be required at all times to adequately protect all equipment. The protection of equipment shall also apply to disassembled equipment. During concreting, including finishing, all equipment that may be affected by cement dust must be completely covered. During painting

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operations, all equipment nameplates, grease fittings, and similar openings shall be covered to prevent the entry of paint. Electrical switchgear, unit substation, and motor load centers shall not be installed until after all concrete work and sandblasting in those areas have been completed and accepted and the ventilation systems installed.


1. All equipment in storage and during and after installation shall be maintained by qualified Contractor personnel. Contractor shall set up a preventive maintenance program for all equipment. This program shall include as a minimum all manufacturer's recommendations and operation and maintenance manual requirements for the preventive maintenance of each piece of equipment including environmental, lubrication and rotation procedures. Record sheets of the preventive maintenance program shall be submitted to District’s Representative monthly.


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A. This section specifies the installation and testing for all mechanical, electrical and instrumentation components and systems provided, modified, or installed as part of this contract. The subject equipment will not be accepted unless the requirements of this section are met. Contractor is therefore cautioned to obtain sufficient preliminary information from the vendors to allow accurate estimation of installation and testing, and training costs and time prior to the contract bid date. No additional compensation will be made for changes required to test any system to meet these specifications. Unless otherwise specified, all costs of testing shall be borne by Contractor. Requirements of applicable codes, as listed in each division, shall supersede specifications except where specifications are more stringent. Test procedures and forms which are available in the Appendix have been developed for Contractor's use in providing test results. All electrical modifications required to pass installation acceptance testing shall be incorporated into the drawings required by Sections 01300, 01730, 16000 and 17000.

B. Sufficient time shall be provided in the construction schedule to accomplish the completion of installation and testing, including retesting as needed. No additional contract time will be provided if retesting is necessary.


A. Contractor shall coordinate the scheduling and performance of all installation, inspections, and tests with subcontractors and suppliers.


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A. All mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation components provided, modified, installed, or used under this contract shall be installed in accordance with the specified details, the manufacturer's requirements, or accepted industry standards, whichever are more stringent. In addition, materials employed in the installation shall conform to the requirements of this contract document or the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers, whichever is more stringent. Should a manufacturer's installation recommendations conflict with specific requirements of the contract documents, Contractor shall immediately bring the matter to the attention of District’s Representative as specified in paragraph 00710-2.04.

B. Equipment manufacturer's installation certification forms included in the Appendix shall be submitted, in accordance with Section 01300 and paragraph 01660-3.04 below, prior to the beginning of any reliability tests as specified in Part 3 of this section.



1. All equipment and partially complete or fully completed portions of the work included in this contract shall be tested and inspected as specified herein. Testing specified in individual technical sections is required in addition to the following testing required by this section:

a. Factory tests

b. Delivery acceptance inspections

c. Installed tests

1) Functional checkouts.

2) Preoperational and start-up checkouts.

3) Performance tests.

2. Inspection and testing shall proceed on a step-by-step basis in accordance with Contractor's accepted written test plan and procedures.


1. No inspections or tests specified herein shall be applied until all submittals for the item and the checklists, test plans, procedures, and signoff or report forms

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associated with the item have been received and, when required, reviewed and returned "no exception taken" or "make corrections noted." No test shall begin until: all preceding tests have been successfully completed and accepted by District’s Representative; the item to be tested has been inspected; and District’s Representative has given approval for the test to start. Each and every step in the inspection and test procedures shall be witnessed by a representative of District.


1. Unless otherwise specified, Contractor shall notify District’s Representative prior to each test by Access Request as described in Section 01140. This Access Request shall include a partially completed copy of the report or sign-off form.


1. Prior to starting each test or inspection, Contractor shall fill out the item description, equipment number, and all other information possible on each report or signoff form. A copy of this partially completed form shall be attached to the written notification specified in the previous paragraph. Contractor shall then measure, collect and record the remaining information required on each form as the test or inspection is performed.

2. Contractor shall operate all equipment and perform all preventive maintenance during testing, perform all delivery acceptance inspections and test procedures, provide copies of all documents to be completed, and record all data as the test or inspection is performed. At all times during delivery acceptance inspections, Contractor shall have at the job site a copy of the accepted submittal for the item being inspected as well as applicable checklist and signoff sheets. At all times during the performance of test procedures, Contractor shall have a copy of the test procedure being performed and the test report forms being completed. Any test performed without Contractor having these procedures and forms at the test site is performed at Contractor's risk.


1. Equipment shall not be granted substantial completion until the above test and inspection results are within the tolerances set forth in the detailed specification sections of this contract document. If no tolerances have been specified, test results shall conform to tolerances established by recognized industry standards or the manufacturer's published data, whichever are more stringent. Where the results of any test fail to comply with the contract requirements for such test, then such repeat tests as may be necessary to demonstrate conformance to the contract requirements shall be made at Contractor's expense.

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2. Where any doubt, dispute, or difference should arise between District’s Representative and Contractor regarding the test results or the methods or equipment used in the performance of such test, District’s Representative may order the test to be repeated using such modified methods or equipment as District’s Representative may require. If the repeat test substantially confirms the previous test, then all costs in connection with the repeat test will be paid by District, otherwise the costs shall be borne by Contractor.

3. Any item which exhibits unusual or unacceptable operating characteristics shall be disassembled by Contractor and inspected by District’s Representative. If defects are found, the item shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to District. Any changes, adjustments or replacements required to make the equipment operate as specified shall be carried out by Contractor as part of the work. If any item fails any test and is replaced, modified or readjusted, all pertinent prerequisite tests shall be repeated for the modified or readjusted items and all items affected thereby. Altered or replaced items shall have the associated shop drawings, product data, O&M manuals, and test reports resubmitted. Contractor shall pay to District all expenses incurred by District as a result of repeating such tests. Failure to successfully complete any test procedure in three attempts shall cause the item or system being tested to be rejected in accordance with Section 00710.


A. Prior to the submittal of individual test procedures, Contractor shall submit to District’s Representative for review in accordance with Section 01300 an overall detailed test plan. This test plan shall be organized by equipment or loop number and shall include all of the tests specified with a listing of all proposed procedures identified by procedure number. The test plan shall include the sequence in which testing will be accomplished either by listing the procedures in the order they are to be performed or by listing the prerequisite tests for each procedure. The test plan shall include all numbered equipment items, all control and instrumentation loops, and all associated piping, electrical, and instrumentation work. The Master Test Plan located in the Appendix is provided only as a guide and shall be modified as necessary to meet the requirements of this section, the individual equipment specifications, and the equipment supplied or installed. The Master Test Plan shall not be construed as limiting the testing required by these specifications.

B. The test plan submittal shall also include the master test log book formats, index, and table of contents as specified in paragraph 01660-3.04.


A. Prior to the start of testing, two duplicate master test log books shall be furnished by Contractor with one maintained by Contractor and one maintained by District’s

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Representative. These log books shall cover all tests related to each equipment item, loop, subsystem, system and process, including piping, equipment, electrical, and instrumentation and shall include as a minimum all items in the Master Test Plan. The log books shall be logically arranged by test category and by equipment or loop number within each test category. Master Test log books shall be provided with loose leaf pages which shall be photocopies of the following information:

1. All checklists and/or logs.

2. Factory test results.

3. Process piping testing report forms--arranged by piping system and plant area.

4. Instrumentation test report forms--arranged by equipment or loop number.

5. Motor and motor control and protective device data and installed motor test report forms.

6. Other special testing and calibration results and report forms.

7. Manufacturer's installation certification forms.

8. Functional checkout report forms.

9. Preoperational and start-up checkout report forms.

10. Performance test report forms.

B. Prior to the start of testing, test forms shall be inserted into the master test log books. Accepted completed forms shall be inserted as testing is accomplished and the submitted test results accepted. Completed checklists, signoff forms, and test report forms for the log book furnished to District’s Representative shall be submitted by Contractor for review in accordance with Section 01300 and the following requirements:

1. Test forms shall be submitted within 10 working days of performing the test.

2. Test forms shall be indexed by numeric equipment or loop numbers, first, then alphabetically within a group of equipment numbers.

3. Equipment numbers shall be listed per section 01300.

C. Should Contractor fail to submit acceptable completed delivery inspection checklists and signoff sheets, District’s Representative shall limit payment to the following percentages:

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Activity Percent Approval of Major Equipment Submittal 5% Approval of Installation Submittal 5% Approval of O & M Submittal 5% Delivery of Major Equipment 60% Completion of Installation 15% Completion of Testing 10%



1. Gages, meters, recorders, monitors, and other test equipment shall be provided by Contractor as required to supplement the instrumentation system provided under this contract to allow measurement of all parameters to be evaluated during testing. All devices employed for the purpose of measuring the performance of the facility's equipment and systems shall be specifically selected to be consistent with the variables to be monitored. Installation of all test gages, meters, recorders, monitors, and other test equipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, accepted industry standards, or these specifications, whichever is more stringent.

2. Each piece of test equipment shall be calibrated by a testing laboratory which can prove traceability to the National Bureau of Standards. Calibration procedures shall be in accordance with applicable standards of ASTM, ISA, and IEEE. Contractor shall verify that all test equipment which is used during testing has been calibrated and is not overdue for recalibration. Contractor shall calibrate each piece of test equipment at least once per year and shall provide a calibration check of any test equipment as required by District’s Representative. Each piece of test equipment shall have a calibration sticker attached to it. This sticker shall show, as a minimum, the name of the calibration laboratory and the date of calibration.

3. Contractor shall submit the manufacturer, model number, common functional description, last calibration date, next required calibration date, and copies of calibration certificates for each piece of test equipment. This information shall be updated and resubmitted within 30 days after any test equipment is recalibrated or added. Contractor shall maintain the original calibration data and certification sheets from the calibration laboratory in a bound set on the job site and shall provide them to District’s Representative for review upon request.

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4. Only test equipment which is listed on the previously submitted test equipment list and which displays a current calibration sticker shall be used during testing. Should Contractor elect to proceed with a test using uncalibrated test equipment, District’s Representative may reject the test results and the test shall be repeated at Contractor's expense using calibrated test equipment.

5. Test equipment used to simulate inputs and read outputs shall be furnished by Contractor and have a rated accuracy at the point of measurement at least three times greater than the component under test.


1. District will supply the utilities specified in Section 01510 for this testing; all other utilities required for this testing shall be provided by Contractor. Contractor shall provide, at no expense to District, all labor, temporary piping and appurtenances, power systems, heating, ventilating and air conditioning and all other necessary items and work to complete the testing. Temporary facilities shall be maintained until permanent systems are in service.



1. Contractor shall submit for review in accordance with Section 01300 all test procedures and report forms and delivery acceptance inspection checklists and signoff sheets proposed for use. Each submittal shall include the following:

a. The proposed procedure or checklist. This shall be a detailed, step-by-step description of all inspections, setup and testing activities, adjustments, measurements to be taken, and pass/fail criteria. The procedure or checklist shall list all tests which must be successfully completed prior to beginning the submitted procedure or checklist.

b. The associated report form or signoff sheet. Test report forms are included in the Appendix for Contractor's guidance.

c. A list of the items that the procedure or checklist is proposed to be used on, including equipment number, loop number, or system description.

d. A list of test equipment which will be used including common functional description, manufacturer's name, model, serial numbers, manufacturer's specifications, and proposed location for each piece of test equipment. The adequacy of all gages, meters, recorders, monitors, and other test equipment and their installation shall be subject to review and acceptance by District’s Representative.

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e. A description of all labor, temporary instrumentation, power, piping and appurtenances, and other facilities required.


1. Where specified, factory tests shall be performed at the place of manufacture during and/or on completion of manufacture. These tests shall include, but not be limited to, factory noise tests, vibration tests, hydraulic pressure tests, electric and instrumentation subsystems tests, performance and operating tests and inspections in accordance with the relevant standards of the industry or as detailed in individual clauses of these specifications. The item shall be rejected if any factory test is not successfully completed within three tries.

2. District shall have the right to witness all factory tests. Contractor shall notify District’s Representative in writing at least two weeks prior to the performance of each factory test. This notification shall include a description of the equipment to be tested, a description of the test to be performed, the applicable specification section number, the scheduled date and time of the test, and the address where the test is to be performed. Contractor shall notify District’s Representative in writing of the cancellation of any test at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled date and time of the test.

3. Each factory test procedure and report form is assigned a procedure number with a prefix consisting of the governing specification section and a unique alpha or numeric suffix (for example 11318-A).


1. DESCRIPTION: In order to satisfy District’s Representative that all equipment and materials are of the specified quality and are in good order and condition at the time of delivery, delivery acceptance inspections shall be performed on all items delivered at the site or to any authorized place of storage.


a. The delivery acceptance checklist shall include a description of the item to be inspected plus detailed, specific step-by-step procedures for inspecting the item, the item submittal number, the manufacturer's storage recommendations, and the manufacturer's recommended preventive maintenance during storage. As a minimum the associated signoff sheet shall have spaces specifically labeled to record item equipment number, item description, applicable specification section, quantity received, all factory applied markings, model numbers, and nameplate information, serial numbers, date received, notation of visible damage, and the legible full name and signature of Contractor and District's

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Representative. The checklist and associated signoff sheet shall be on the same page, if possible. Contractor shall include additional information in the checklist as directed by to fully evaluate and document the nature and condition of the item received.

b. Each delivery acceptance checklist and associated signoff sheet is assigned a checklist number with a prefix consisting of the governing specification section and a unique alpha or numeric suffix (for example 11318-B). Piping checklists are assigned numbers with a prefix consisting of the governing specification section and piping system number with a unique alpha or numeric suffix (for example 15061-20-A). Other numbering schemes may be used with the approval of District’s Representative.

3. REQUIRED NOTIFICATION: Contractor shall notify District’s Representative by telephone when subject delivery truck arrives. District’s Representative or designee will respond to conduct or witness the inspection within 30 minutes of notification.

4. EXECUTION: Contractor shall provide and complete all information on each checklist and signoff form as specified in paragraph 01660-3.02. Contractor shall be prepared to remove all coverings, containers or crates to permit the inspection.

5. ACCEPTANCE: The form of evidence of satisfactory fulfillment of delivery acceptance inspection requirements shall be, at the discretion of District’s Representative, either by inspections or by certificates or reports of inspections carried out by persons or organizations approved by District’s Representative. Should District’s Representative find indication of damage or deficient quality, Contractor shall provide the necessary documentation or conduct such tests deemed necessary by District’s Representative to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of these specifications. All costs of tests and work related thereto arising out of this requirement shall be borne by Contractor.



a. SEQUENCE: Installed testing shall proceed as specified in the Master Test Plan sequence to ensure that all items provided or installed under this contract has been stored, main-tained, assembled, serviced, aligned, connected, calibrated and adjusted in accordance with the contract specifications and the manufacturer's recommendations prior to being placed into service. The installed test procedures shall be divided into three distinct stages and preformed in the following order: functional checkout, preoperation and start- up checkout, and performance test. Test procedures for each of these stages

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shall be as specified below. No test shall be applied until all preceding tests have been successfully completed.

b. TEST PROCEDURES: The test procedures have been designed to duplicate the manufacturer's recommended installation and start-up recommendations as well as all conditions of operation. Each test procedure includes specific pass/fail criteria based on the requirements of these specifications or on accepted industry standards, whichever are more stringent. Test procedures are carefully designed to ensure that the equipment is not damaged.

c. TEST REPORT FORMS: Report forms have been provided in the Appendix for each item to be tested using each test procedure. Separate sections are provided to record the item description and equipment number, test description, date, data, observations, and the legible full name and initials of representatives of the manufacturer, Contractor, and District’s Representative. In addition, each test report form has spaces specifically labeled to record the manufacturer, common functional description, model number, and serial number of each piece of test equipment used during the test.

d. Each installed test procedure and associated report form is assigned a procedure number with a prefix consisting of the governing specification section and a unique alpha or numeric suffix (for example 11318-C). Piping installed test procedures are assigned numbers with a prefix consisting of the governing specification section and piping system number with a unique alpha or numeric suffix (for example 15061-20-B). Other numbering schemes may used with the approval of District’s Representative.

2. FUNCTIONAL CHECKOUT: The functional checkout incorporates all requirements of these specifications as well as the manufacturer's recommended storage and installation procedures. Functional checkout procedures have been provided in the Appendix to verify that the item to be tested is in good condition and is properly assembled, installed, connected and aligned and shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Copies of Contractor's written records documenting that the item has been properly stored and preventive maintenance performed as specified in section 01605.

b. Piping system pressure testing and cleaning as specified in Division 15.

c. Electrical system testing as specified in Division 16.

d. Instrumentation system testing as specified in Division 17.

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e. Alignment and balancing of equipment.

f. All other manufacturer's installation and operation and maintenance manual requirements.

3. PREOPERATION AND START-UP CHECKOUT: The preoperation and start-up checkout includes all the requirements of these specifications as well as the manufacturer's recommended procedures to be completed prior to start-up. The preoperation and start-up checkout shall include but not be limited to:

a. Review of the master test log book to verify that the item to be tested and all associated equipment and appurtenances have successfully completed functional checkout testing. Start-up shall not be permitted until these tests have been successfully completed and documented.

b. Preoperation lubrication.

c. Setting and testing of all protective, control, and auxiliary devices. Required settings and operation of all these devices shall be verified and functionally tested; trip points shall be measured, adjusted, calibrated, and recorded upon both increasing and decreasing process variable. Tests using simulated input or output signals will not be accepted to satisfy this requirement. Use of input or output signals may be approved by District’s Representative if equipment damage would result from using the actual process variable.

d. Start-Up of equipment. Equipment shall not be operated prior to the completion of the preoperation and start-up checkout.


a. After the equipment has successfully completed all functional checkouts and preoperational and start-up checkout procedures, performance testing shall be completed. Unless otherwise specified, performance testing shall be conducted prior to operational and reliability testing. Secondary effluent shall be employed for the performance testing of all liquid systems except gaseous, oil or chemical systems. Test media for these systems shall be either the intended fluid or a compatible substitute. Disposal methods for test media shall be subject to review by District’s Representative.

b. Performance test procedures have been provided in the Appendix to verify that the equipment and systems meet the requirements of these specifications and the manufacturer's performance claims included in the equipment and O&M submittals. Performance test procedures include the measurement of all operating parameters as specified in the equipment specification section. If no

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performance test operating parameters are specified in the equipment specification section, all parameters included in the description of the equipment operating conditions shall be measured. In addition, equipment shall be operated a sufficient period of time to observe and record machine operating and performance characteristics including, but not limited to, noise, temperatures and vibration. Specific procedure steps shall be included to verify that all associated control and instrumentation systems function properly under actual operating conditions; tests using simulated input or output signals will not be accepted to satisfy this requirement.

c. Performance testing of systems shall be conducted in two stages. First each individual component equipment shall be performance tested. After each component has successfully completed performance testing, the system shall be performance tested.

d. After performance testing, all equipment shall be checked for loose connections, unusual movement or other indications of improper operating characteristics. Any deficiencies shall be corrected to the satisfaction of District’s Representative.


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A. Contractor shall remove existing facilities, including curbs, gutters, pipelines and utilities, as may be necessary for the work and shall replace the structures as good a condition as found. Existing facilities which may be damaged as a result of the work shall be repaired and restored.


A. Cultivated or planted areas and other improvements which are damaged by Contractor shall be restored as nearly as possible to their original condition.

B. Existing guard posts, barricades, fences, and signs shall be protected and replaced if damaged.


A. Contractor shall immediately correct or replace existing equipment, controls or systems which are damaged.


A. Material designated as salvage shall be flushed and stored on pallets at the plant site or delivered to an off-site disposal location as directed by District’s Representative. Contractor shall disassemble pipe at joints where practical, but will be allowed to cut pipe into sections to facilitate removal from pipe racks and tunnels. All other piping, equipment, fixtures, conduit, wiring and other appurtenances not specified or indicated on the drawings to be salvaged shall become the property of Contractor and shall be removed from the site and disposed of at the expense of Contractor. Contractor shall remove and dispose in accordance with Section 01560.


A. Contractor shall alter or rework existing concrete structures as shown and specified. Generally, when items of equipment and piping are removed, the areas and surfaces from which items were removed shall be left with a neat appearance and finish compatible with surrounding areas, colors and surfaces. Holes and pipe and conduit penetrations in walls and slabs shall be filled with grout. Contractor shall do all painting, sanding, grouting, sacking, resurfacing, and other work as necessary. Prior to

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structural modifications, all surfaces shall be inspected by District’s Representative. Colors shall match existing.

B. Contractor shall take care when handling materials to prevent dropping them into an operating tank, channel, conduit, pipeline or the like. Contractor shall notify District’s Representative immediately if anything is added to any tank, channel, conduit, or pipeline.


A. All sandblast sand and containers shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with Title 22, Paragraph 66201, of the California Code of Regulations.


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A. As a condition precedent to final acceptance or release of a structure, space or process unit for use by District, Contractor shall thoroughly clean all floors, ceilings, roofs, walls, woodwork, and windows to leave same in first-class condition.

B. All pits and sumps shall be cleared of silt, sand, debris and construction materials. Ductwork, air intakes, and exhaust grilles shall be inspected and cleared of extraneous dust and material. All grounds shall be cleared of all debris and reseeded and restored to its original condition. Finish floors shall be thoroughly cleaned, sealed and given a final coat of wax. Blinds, all furniture and cabinets shall be dusted.

C. Contractor shall not proceed with this work until authorized in writing by District’s Representative.


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A. As-built documents shall show the actual as-constructed conditions of installed or modified systems, equipment and material at the time of field acceptance of the related portions of work. The purpose of as-built documents is to provide accurate information for the future modification, expansion, operation and maintenance of the plant.

B. The as-built documents are especially important for recording field conditions of embedded or concealed material and equipment. These embedded or concealed items shall include, but are not limited to, buried structures, thrust restraints, backfill material, piping, cables and raceways.

C. Work related to Field Instructions (FI), Contract Change Orders (CCO), Clarifications or other agreements between Contractor and District’s Representative shall be considered part of the as-built process. Contractor shall record conditions and/or changes relating to this work on the as-built documents.

D. As-built documents shall clearly be shown as part of the CPM activity schedule.

E. Divisions 1 through 17 may contain additional as-built document requirements which shall be met in accordance with the requirements of this section.


A. As-built documents shall have a value of not less than one point three percent (1.3%) of the contract value. For additional work, the as-built document value shall be determined by Field Instructions or Change Orders as outlined in the general conditions of this contract. As-built documents for additional work shall meet all conditions of this section.

B. The value of as-built documents as specified in Section 01290 1.02 shall be distributed in the following categories with an associated drawing weight:

No. As Built Categories Drawing Weight 1. Electrical interconnects and referenced 10 drawings.

2. Loop drawings and referenced drawings, 9

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No. As Built Categories Drawing Weight process and instrumentation drawings.

3. Control and logic drawings, schedules and 7 PLC documents; both Engineer and Contractor supplied.

4. Electrical and Instrumentation, Area 5 Control Center connection drawings; both District and Contractor supplied.

5. Process and Piping Schematic, Power, 3 single and three-line drawings.

6. All other contract drawings. 1

C. The sum of the total number of approved drawings in each category multiplied by the assigned weight, divided by the sum of the total number of drawings in each category multiplied by the assigned weight will provide the weighted percent complete for as- built drawings. The weighted percent complete will be used to determine progress payments for as-built drawings.



A. The following District-supplied drawings and contract documents are to be submitted in as-built condition for review by District’s Representative:

1. Contract drawings and specification schedules.

2. Contract supplemental drawings, existing plant drawings, schedules affected by the work of this contract. These drawings and documents cover electrical distribution systems, electrical control panels, instrumentation panels, control panels, Area Control Centers (ACC), telephone systems, intercom systems, the sound powered telephone system, Process Control Centers (PCC), and terminal panels.

3. Drawings, agreements, tabulations, and schedules supplied by District as a result of Requests for Information (RFIs), Field Instructions (FIs), and Change Orders (COs).

B. Periodically, District’s Representative may furnish Contractor with one (1) marked copy of the affected contract documents (11 x 17 or 8-1/2 x 11) showing clarification, Field Instructions and Change Orders for information only. Contractor shall use the original Field Instruction, Contract Change Order, Clarifications, and Request for

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Information (RFI), etc., for definition of the work. These marked drawings are for convenient reference only. Contractor shall distribute copies of the markups to the various representatives, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers.



A. The following Contractor supplied drawings and other contract documents shall be submitted in as-built condition for review by District’s Representative:

1. Shop drawings generated by Contractor, sub-contractors, vendors or suppliers as defined in Section 01300.

2. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) and analog controller program documentation with control and logic diagrams which have been submitted for construction.

3. Operation and maintenance manual documents, drawings, and schedules supplied by Contractor, subcontractors, vendors, or suppliers.



A. Contractor immediately upon setting up the job site field office shall set up a designated area for as-built record keeping. An accurate neatly marked complete set of full-size contract drawings, documents and shop drawings (including specifications and schedules) shall be designated as the as-built record set.

B. Contractor shall immediately start recording as-built information upon doing any work.

C. Contractor shall keep those documents current with changes reflecting as-built status as construction proceeds.

D. Although some drawings are considered diagrammatic with respect to placement of conduit, piping, etc., Contractor must closely follow the routing shown. If there are deviations, Contractor must show the as-built conditions as work progresses and provide all changes to the as-built record documents with dimensions as outlined below:

1. Buried or embedded items within buildings, tunnels and other structures including but not limited to, piping, thrust restraints, electrical raceways, cables, duct banks, or other related appurtenances, in or under concrete, asphalt or soil, which are not placed as shown on the drawings, shall show as-built dimensions horizontally and vertically from a wall, formed footing, finish floor, ceiling or finish top of curb.

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Items placed in the center of concrete slabs do not need to have vertical dimensions.

2. All buried or embedded items as described above which are outside of buildings shall be tied to the plant survey grid system both horizontally and vertically with proper stationing, invert elevations and/or top of buried item. Survey data shall show all transition points (changes in direction, change in elevation, etc.). All items which are installed by horizontal or vertical curves shall show as-built curve data.


A. All as-built documents shall be marked-up copies, with erasable colored pencils using the following color coding:

1. Red - Additions including notes and dimensions.

2. Green - Deletions (By hash marks or appropriate lines through the deletion.)

3. Graphite - General comments and notes used by Contractor or District’s Representative and not required on the as-built.

4. Yellow - Work completed as shown and used by District’s Representative in field review of the as-built, during the submittal phase.

5. Blue - District’s Representative's office verification and notes required to be added and noted by District’s Representative in review of the as-built, during submittal phase.

B. All work shall be neatly organized and legible using the same standards and symbols as the original drawing.


A. Contractor shall maintain a neatly marked full size set of as-built documents. All District supplied documents shall have shop drawing references clearly marked with clouds around the areas which are detailed on the shop drawing. Shop drawings referenced to other associated shop drawings shall have drawing references clearly marked with clouds around the area representing the shop drawing.

B. Abbreviation of the drawing Originator (Contractor, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers) referenced on the contract documents is unacceptable.

C. In areas where detail does not permit showing as-built conditions clearly on contract drawings but a shop drawing depicts actual as-built condition of the area, a cloud with

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shop drawing reference may be accepted at District’s Representative's discretion. Otherwise all as-built conditions shall be shown on the contract drawings.

D. The as-built documents and one copy of all approved shop drawings and one copy of the approved O&M instructions (per Section 01730) shall be kept in a central location on the job site providing access for all associated with the contract, for updating of as- built information and for review during normal business hours.

E. The as-built documents shall be kept current using the mark-up procedures described herein. These documents shall be available for inspection by District’s Representative at all times.

F. If as-built documents are not kept current based upon weekly review by District’s Representative, the current progress payment shall be limited as specified in Section 01290.



1. As-built documents shall be submitted showing the as- constructed conditions within 30 working days after completion of operational testing of an area or subsystem. As-built documents shall be completed and submitted prior to Field Acceptance of each area or subsystem. Contractor shall compare all as-built documents with the actual field conditions and show the actual field conditions on the as-built documents before submitting them for review.

2. As-built submittals shall be rejected without any part being reviewed for any of the following reasons:

a. Work has not been completed, including work related to Field Instructions, Change Orders, clarifications, or other agreements pending.

b. Not all components and equipment have been properly labeled on the drawings. All equipment numbers (device and equipment number labeling codes) shall be shown on all drawings depicting the equipment. Equipment numbers must be coordinated with the plans and drawings and shown on all District supplied and all contractor supplied drawings that depict equipment. The Contractor shall request equipment numbers for all new equipment installed.

c. Actual field conditions are not substantially shown on the documents.

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d. Drawing cross references are incomplete. District supplied drawings must be cross referenced to contractor supplied drawings and contractor supplied drawings must be cross referenced back to the District supplied drawings.


1. All as-built documents shall be submitted together in the following logical groups or systems:

a. All site drawings including survey data and data related to an area.

b. All mechanical and piping related to an area, or by piping system. Process and Piping Schematics shall be submitted with the mechanical and piping package.

c. All structural and architectural data related to an area.

d. All electrical and instrumentation data related to an area, including Interconnection and Instrument Loop Drawings, together with all associated shop drawings and connection drawings; all related drawings found in the O&M manuals; process and Instrumentation diagrams.


1. In order to minimize the number of re-submittals, the following procedure shall be used:

a. Upon assembly of an as-built submittal, Contractor shall notify District’s Representative that the submittal is ready for review. Prior to review, a list of as-built documents with all drawing numbers, descriptions and originators listed shall be submitted to District’s Representative for review. District’s Representative will review the list of as-built documents and meet with Contractor to review the submittal for completeness and accuracy. Contractor may be required to add or subtract some documents as directed by District’s Representative to ensure a complete and reviewable package.

b. Some drawings may show work in several areas or systems. When this occurs, the list shall indicate this type of drawing. The area on this type of drawing which is to be reviewed as part of this submittal shall be clearly outlined by Contractor.

c. Documents that represent more than one area of work must be submitted for each area of work it represents and must receive approval for each area of work.

d. After the preliminary review, Contractor shall submit the as-built package with the necessary corrections for as-built review.

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1. Contractor shall submit the original full size markups, one (1) set of full size copies of all District supplied documents and three (3) sets of Contractor supplied as-built record documents for each submittal or re-submittal as outlined in this section. One (1) set of Contractor supplied as-built documents shall be returned after each submittal review.

2. Contractor shall correct the original vellums and AutoCAD drawings once District’s Representative has returned the marked up Contractor supplied documents "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" or "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED". Contractor shall then supply the mark-ups and the original vellums, and two (2) Compact Discs which contain the AutoCAD drawing files as part of the resubmittal package, along with a hard copy of the drawing files.


1. As-built submittals shall be transmitted by using the completed submittal transmittal form 01300-A. In addition to the completed submittal transmittal form described above, Contractor shall furnish the information described below in a dBase IV version 2.0 database file on Compact Disc. Prior to the first submittal Contractor shall attend an as-built transmittal meeting to work out all compatibility requirements.

2. Completed transmittal forms shall be provided in duplicate and each transmittal form shall contain the following information as a minimum:

a. Date.

b. Submittal or resubmittal number.

c. Contract title and number.

d. Contractor's name and address.

e. List of documents being submitted, by preparer, number and version.

f. Contract document references (including specific specification section and drawing numbers) for each submittal document.

g. Previous submittal and item number for each submittal document.

h. List of equipment numbers related to each submittal document.

i. Contractor's certification of having reviewed and coordinated the submittal.

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3. District’s Representative will define an as-built submittal numbering scheme which Contractor shall use. Any submittal not submitted with the completed form and a Compact Disc with the above information will be rejected without review.


1. Each separately bound document within a submittal shall have the following information shown on it:

a. Submittal number.

b. Document item number within this submittal.

c. Identification of product or material.

d. Manufacturer's name.


1. Contractor shall coordinate the submittals with the work as outlined in this section. No extension of time will be allowed because of failure to properly schedule as- built submittals as outlined in this section. The submittal will be returned to Contractor within forty (40) working days of receipt by District’s Representative, exclusive of any time waiting for clarification or further information from Contractor. The time for return will vary and may exceed 40 days depending on the complexity of the submittal and the number of submittals.


1. Returned as-built submittal documents shall be revised as indicated by District’s Representative's comments as required. Re-submittal shall be done by using the same submittal number with an alpha suffix after the submittal number. Reference to the previous submittal number and item number is required when resubmitting. Re-submittals shall address all comments from District’s Representative. Partial re-submittals will not be reviewed and will be returned in their entirety REJECTED. Contractor will be responsible for District’s Representative's review cost for each re-submittal in excess of the first re-submittal. These costs will be back-charged to Contractor and will be deducted from the progress payment.


1. GENERAL: The following are the four (4) possible Review Codes each document item can receive:

a. "A" - NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN: the as-built document is approved as is.

b. "B" - MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED: limited corrections are required. Copies will be returned with remarks as to corrections required.

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c. "C" - AMEND AND RESUBMIT: insufficient or incorrect data has been submitted or data is missing to complete the review. Copies will be returned with remarks requiring re-submittal with deficiencies corrected.

d. "D" - REJECTED: Submittal is unacceptable and does not meet the requirements of these specifications, the document will be returned with remarks. A complete submittal may be REJECTED for excessive errors.

2. The Review Status and approval of District supplied drawings and documents shall be as follows:

a. As-built drawings and documents which receive an "A" Review Status are approved as, as-built. District’s Representative will stamp the document As- Built, sign and date it. The document will not be returned to Contractor unless it is a partial or tied to a related document which has not received an "A" status in the submittal.

b. As-built drawings and documents which receive a "B," "C" or "D" Review Status will be returned with comments indicating corrections needed.

c. Submittals of as-built AutoCAD drawings shall be subject to the same submittal requirements as other as-built documents.

3. The Review Status and approval of Contractor supplied drawings and documents shall be as follows:

a. As-built drawings and documents receiving an "A" Review Status are approved as, as-built. District’s Representative will stamp the document As-built, sign and date it. This document will be returned for vellum and AutoCAD update, as required.

b. As-built drawings and documents receiving an "B", "C", or "D" will be returned with comments directed at corrections needed.

c. Submittals of as-built vellums and AutoCAD drawings shall be subject to the same submittal requirements as other as-built documents.


A. Payment shall be part of the progress payment schedule as outlined in Section 01290.

B. No partial payments shall be made for as-builts.

C. Only after all the as-builts for a work activity area have been submitted, received, reviewed and approved, will a progress payment be made.

D. As-built documents that include more than one area of work activity will only receive payment upon submittal and approval at the final area of work they represent.

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E. Progress payments for Contractor supplied as-built documents (including shop drawings) shall only be made for approved original documents, original vellums, and plotted AutoCAD original vellums together with the magnetic copy of the documents on Compact Disc.

F. Progress payments for District supplied documents shall be given for approved submittal only.


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1. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) instructions shall be provided in accordance with this section, when required in the technical specification sections.

2. O&M instructions shall be submitted and returned “No Exceptions Taken” or “Make Corrections Noted” prior to the start of on-site training and prior to start of reliability testing.

3. The District will accept electronic copies of any and all documents. Submit electronic documents on a Compact Disc.


1. The following specification sections are referenced herein:





1. Submittal procedure for O&M instructions varies from submittal procedure stated in Section 01300. O&M instructions shall follow the submittal procedure as stated herein.

2. O&M instructions shall not be submitted before the subject equipment or material submittal has been approved. Equipment or material submittal approval is defined in Section 01300. If O&M information is included with the equipment or material submittal, the submittal will be returned unreviewed.

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3. Include sufficient time in the schedule for an initial District review of O&M instruction submittal and a minimum of one re-submittal review period.


1. O&M instructions shall be prepared for approved equipment or materials. O&M instruction submittal shall be reviewed and coordinated before submittal. O&M instruction submittal shall be complete and fully identified.

2. Each O&M instruction submittal shall contain documents which are related to only one equipment, material, product or system. Normally, a separate transmittal form shall be used for each specific item or class of equipment material, product or system. Exceptions may be allowed only when the items taken together constitute a manufacturer's "package" or are so functionally related that expediency indicates checking or review of the group or "package" as a whole.


1. Normally, the O&M instructions submittal will be returned within 40 working days, exclusive of any time awaiting clarification or further information. Submittal review may exceed 40 working days, depending upon the complexity of the submittal or the total number of submittals being processed simultaneously.

2. District’s Representative will return a submittal transmittal indicating one of the following four actions for each item number:

a. If review and comment indicates no exceptions, the transmittal letter will be returned indicating "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN." District’s Representative will retain three copies of the approved O&M instructions.

b. If review and comment indicates limited corrections are required, the transmittal letter will be returned indicating "MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED." District’s Representative will retain three copies of the O&M instructions. Make the corrections indicated and submit copies of corrections for insertion and final acceptance by District’s Representative.

c. If review and comment indicates insufficient or incorrect data has been submitted, the transmittal letter will be returned indicating "AMEND AND RE- SUBMIT" with an outline of deficiencies. One copy of the O&M instructions will be retained and the remaining two copies will be returned for revision. Revise the O&M instructions and re-submit two O&M instructions, plus one set of revisions for the copy retained by District’s Representative, with detailed insertion instructions for District’s Representative's review.

d. If review indicates that the O&M instructions submittal is unacceptable, and will not be reviewed beyond the preliminary review stage, the transmittal letter will be returned indicating "REJECTED - SEE REMARKS." One copy of the O&M instructions will be retained and the remaining two copies of the O&M 8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 01730 - 2

instructions will be returned for revision. Revise the O&M instructions and re- submit two copies for District’s Representative's review, plus one set of revisions for the copy retained by District’s Representative, with detailed insertion instructions for District’s Representative’s review.

3. When submittal documents are referred to in these specifications as "approved," or "accepted," this means that they are stamped “NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN”.


1. Revise returned submittal documents as indicated and as required. Re-submit using the same submittal procedure as for an initial submittal. Use the previous submittal number with a letter suffix and refer to the previous item numbers.

2. Re-submittals shall address all comments from District’s Representative. Partial re- submittals may be returned "REJECTED." Contractor will be responsible for District’s Representative's review costs for each re-submittal in excess of the first re- submittal. These costs will be back charged and deducted from progress payments.

3. When O&M instructions are retained by the District’s Representative, submit revised data for insertion along with insertion instructions.

4. The District review time for re-submittals of O&M instructions shall be 40 working days.




1. Each set of O&M instructions shall be assembled as described below. The subject equipment or material technical specification shall specify whether Type “A” or Type “B” O&M instructions are to be submitted.

2. The documents contained within each set of O&M instructions shall be grouped into tabbed sections. Each section shall have tabbed dividers marked with the tab number and title.

3. Each document in the O&M instructions shall include the equipment and associated auxiliary equipment numbers that it represents.

Manufacturer's standard documents shall be neatly marked with arrows to indicate the specific information which is applicable to the equipment, assembly, subassembly or material supplied. Non applicable items shall be crossed out. Highlighting is not acceptable.

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1. Each sets of O&M instructions shall be organized in the binders in numerical order by equipment number.

2. All documents shall have a binding edge of not less than 3/4 inch so that the information is not obliterated by the binding process.


1. Prepare and submit three copies of each set of O&M instructions for review.


1. All O&M materials shall be made up of either original materials or a first generation photocopy accompanied by a matching electronic copy. Original materials shall be published literature or computer printouts with resolution of at least 600 dots per inch (dpi). Photo copies and FAX transmittals are not acceptable.

2. Minimum size lettering height on all O&M instructions shall be 12 point for typewritten documents, 1/16 inch height for 8-1/2 x 11 inch and 11 x 17 inch documents and 1/8 inch height for documents larger than 11 x 17 inches.

3. The District reserves the right to be the sole authority on quality and legibility of O&M materials.


1. Documents which are larger than 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches shall be folded to fit within the 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch size of the binders. Each oversize document shall have reinforced holes. They shall be folded so that their title block is readable when folded and so that they can be unfolded without removal from the binder. Alternatively, the folded oversize document may be contained within an 8-1/2 inch by 11 inch envelope which is held in place by the binder.


A. Type “A” O&M instructions shall be organized as follows:

1. COVER SHEET: The cover sheet shall show a function title of the equipment or material; list of the equipment number(s), including all associated auxiliary equipment number(s), and corresponding functional description(s); revision date; and specification reference

2. TAB 1 – TABLE OF CONTENTS: The table of contents shall give a detailed description of what is behind each tab, including applicable equipment numbers.

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3. TAB 2 – REFERENCE DATA: The following information shall be contained behind this tab:

a. Completed Equipment Maintenance Summary Form (Form 01730A) for equipment covered by the manual.

b. Warranties and guarantees.

4. TAB 3 – TECHNICAL INFORMATION: A complete copy of the manufacturer’s standard O&M instructions manual for the equipment or material shall be provided.

5. TAB 4 – SUBMITTAL DATA: All items from the approved equipment or material submittal shall be provided.




A. Review O&M instruction submittals before they are transmitted to District’s Representative to ensure that they are complete.

B. Notify the District’s Representative when the submittal may concern work by another contractor or the District. Contractor is responsible for errors and omissions in submittals even though District’s Representative reviews the submittal.

C. District’s Representative shall be notified in writing at the time the submittal is transmitted of deviations from the requirements of the contract documents. Contractor is responsible for correcting deviations from the contract documents even though District’s Representative has reviewed the submittal, unless the deviations are clearly described in writing in the submittal transmittal form and are approved by District’s Representative.

D. Contractor may authorize a material or equipment supplier to deal directly with District’s Representative with regard to such submittals; however, ultimate responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the submittal shall remain with Contractor.

E. Coordinate O&M instruction submittals with the work so that work will not be delayed. Submittals shall be coordinated and scheduled into different categories of submittals, so that one will not be delayed for lack of coordination with another. No extension of time will be allowed because of failure to properly schedule submittals. Do not proceed with work related to a submittal until the submittal process is complete and the submittal document has been returned stamped "No Exceptions Taken".


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A. The Contractor shall provide for each item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment a supply of the spare parts and special tools required for the starting, testing and adjusting of equipment, the testing and reliability testing of completed portions of the work, functioning as a completed facility, and the testing and reliability testing of the completed project, functioning as a completed facility as specified in Section 01660. Spare parts and special tools shall be as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. The Contractor shall be responsible to have on hand sufficient spare parts and special tools to meet the start-up and testing schedule and contract completion schedule. Spare parts and special tools will not be provided by the District.

B. Not less than 90 days before the date shown in the construction schedule for starting, testing and adjusting equipment, the Contractor shall provide the District’s Representative with an electronic and hard copies of a list showing the required or recommended spare parts and special tools for each item of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment. The list shall show the Contractor's/subcontractor's equipment purchase order number, the manufacturer's/supplier's name, address, and telephone number, and the quantity of spare parts and special tools required or recommended for each item of equipment.

C. No spare parts shall be furnished to the District by the Contractor, unless specified in the technical specifications.


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A. This section specifies the requirements for Stormwater Pollution Prevention which includes a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP) for a project resulting in less than one acre of soil disturbance, any size project fully within the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP) process area, or any project that is not otherwise subject to the requirements of the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), Water Quality Order No. 2009-009-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), General Permit No. CAS000002, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction Activity (Construction General Permit) to control storm water discharges from construction sites.

B. Contractor may opt to implement a more restrictive program than that which is required. The Contractor must then conform to all requirements of both the minimum applicable program and the more restrictive program.

C. Contractor shall implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) including good housekeeping practices and erosion and sediment control, to prevent the direct and indirect contribution of any contaminants into the storm drain system or waters of the United States.

D. BMPs shall be implemented according to the California Stormwater BMP Handbook – Construction (2009) with updated 2011 BMP fact sheets. Non-structural and structural BMPs shall be acceptable to the District Representative and instituted or placed, as appropriate, before commencement of each phase of clearing, grading, excavation, trenching, or staging of materials that may be potential pollutants.

E. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals necessary to perform all installation, maintenance, removal, and area cleanup related to erosion and sediment control BMPs necessary to prevent the movement of sediment from the construction site to off-site areas including roadways, surface waters, storm drains, disposal locations, and flood control facilities.

F. Contractor shall be responsible and fully bear costs incurred by the District as a result of violations under the Federal Clean Water Act, the State Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, or for unauthorized release or discharge from the work including but not limited to penalties assessed or levied, third party claims, citizen suits, labor, materials, analytical analyses, and handling of waste. Fines shall be deducted from contract payments specified in the PROGRESS PAYMENT PROCEDURES Section 01290.

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A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of the referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall govern.

Reference Title California Stormwater California Stormwater BMP Handbook – Quality Association Construction (CASQA)


A. The following information shall be submitted for review and approval in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section 01300:

1. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

2. The Contractor shall designate a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Coordinator. This person shall have previous experience in erosion and sediment control with similar type and size projects and shall submit a resume to the District Representative for approval. This person will be responsible for preparing and implementing the WPCP.

3. The WPCP shall be submitted to the District within 10 days of the NTP and prior to the commencement of the Work.

4. Completed inspection and maintenance reports within 3 working days of preparation.

5. Upon completion of the project, submit the complete WPCP and relevant documents and amendments to the District Representative.




A. The Contractor shall assume responsibility for stormwater runoff management and erosion and sediment control at the project site during construction. Fully comply with

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all applicable state and local regulations, and requirements related to stormwater management, erosion and sediment control.

B. Prior to commencement of any land disturbing activity, the contractor shall submit the WPCP to the District Representative. No activity having the potential to cause water pollution, as determined by the District Representative, shall be performed until the District Representative has approved the WPCP and appropriate BMPs have been installed by the Contractor.


A. Develop a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP) to identify potential pollutants associated with each phase of construction activity and non-structural and structural BMPs appropriate to each phase of the work. The WPCP shall detail the following, if applicable:

 Schedule

 Location of soil stockpiles

 Location of solid waste containers

 Vehicle and equipment fueling, servicing, cleaning and storage areas

 Material storage areas

 Chemicals, potential pollutants and hazardous materials to be used and methods for safekeeping

 Site drainage during execution of the Work

 Stabilization of vehicle access to site

 De-watering operations

 Methods for spill prevention and control

 Secondary containment

 Handling and disposal of solid waste

 Storage and dispensing of fuel and lubricants

 Clean out and disposal of ready mix concrete

 Sanitation provisions

 Disposal location for excess excavated material

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 Haul Routes

B. The WPCP shall include BMPs to prevent an unauthorized release or discharge of pollutants, contaminants, chemicals, hazardous substances or materials. The BMPs will be described in both narrative form and proper placement illustrated on figures.

C. Maintain one copy of the WPCP and amendments at the project site. The WPCP shall be made available upon request by a representative of the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), or the local stormwater management agency. Requests by the public shall be directed to the District Representative. At completion of construction, submit the complete WPCP, amendments, inspection and maintenance records, and any other relevant documents to the District’s Representative.


A. Make a visual inspection of all BMPs as necessary to ensure proper operation but not less than once per week. For rain events predicted at a 50 percent (50%) chance or higher (as reported at, inspections are to be conducted within 48 hours before. For rain events measuring 0.50 inches or greater (as reported at, inspections are to be conducted at least every 48 hours during and within 48 hours after. If such inspection reveals that existing measures are damaged or that additional measures are needed to prevent movement of sediment to off-site areas, promptly repair, replace or install additional devices as needed within 24 hours of notification. Sediment controls in need of maintenance shall be repaired within 24 hours of notification.

B. Maintenance of BMPs shall be per the Construction BMP Handbook. Perform routine maintenance consisting of debris removal, silt/sediment removal, clearing of vegetation around flow control devices to prevent clogging, and maintenance of healthy vegetative cover.

C. The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and maintaining inspection and maintenance records. Inspection and maintenance reports are to be submitted to the District Representative within 3 working days.

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A. Excess excavated material is defined as material from onsite excavations that are beyond the volumes necessary to meet the finish grades shown on the Contract Documents.

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of excess excavated material. The Contractor shall be responsible for hauling excess excavated material offsite in accordance with laws and regulations regarding disposal of such material.


A. The Contractor is responsible for identifying and bringing to the attention of the District’s Representative all activities that may result in a non-stormwater discharge prior to commencing with such work. Any uncontrolled non-stormwater discharge shall be reported to the District Representative immediately.


A. Once the site has been fully stabilized against erosion, remove sediment control devices and all accumulated silt. Dispose of silt and waste materials in proper manner.

B. Provide post-construction erosion controls, including soil stabilization, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Materials subject to degradability shall have a minimal functional longevity of 12-months.


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1. These specifications are originated to minimize and control potential lead dust releases during the disturbance of lead-containing coatings in industrial settings. These specifications are limited to outside external structures and are no way intended for any building occupied settings. These procedures and precautions apply to the disturbance of lead that may result from the surface preparation of substrates, and may include but not limited to abrasive blast cleaning, water blasting, water jetting, chemical stripping, cutting into, drilling into, sanding, or removal of any structure or its components containing or covered with lead, or the demolition of any structure that contains lead either in or on their surfaces. Examples of surface coatings that may contain lead include paint, varnish, and stains.

2. The scope of the lead-containing coatings removal project is as described herein and/or as noted on the project drawing. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, services, employee training and testing, insurance, permits and agreements, waste characterization, collection, storage, and decontamination facilities, transport and disposal necessary to perform the work required for lead based paint removal in accordance with these specifications, the drawings and notations, EPA, OSHA, NIOSH, and State of California regulations, and any other applicable federal, state and local government regulations. Whenever there is a conflict or overlap of the above references, the most stringent provisions are applicable.

3. The District, the California Department Public Health (CDPH) Certified Inspector, Coatings Inspector, and Contractor shall perform a site inspection survey with photo documentation if necessary prior to the start of any Work performed on site.

4. All work shall be supervised by persons experienced in lead abatement. Contractor shall have at least one supervisory employee per work area currently certified by the California Department of Public Health as a Certified Lead Supervisor as specified in CCR Title 17, Section 35008 or C3 Supervisor/Competent 4 day Training – SSPC: the Society for Protective Coatings established training for Deleading Industrial Structures and includes background information on the hazards of lead and other toxic materials as well as the current local, state, and federal regulations. All reports, correspondence, and documentation shall be reviewed and signed off by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor. 8/16/2017 Digester 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 02080 - 1

5. All work shall be performed by employees currently certified by California Department of Public Health as a Certified Lead Worker as specified in CCR Title 17, Section 35009.

6. These specifications represent the minimum performance standards with which the Contractor must comply. The details indicated herein are suggested methods to be used in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, though not all required elements are shown. Omissions or mis-descriptions do not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility in performing the work according to all applicable laws and regulations and according to the intent of these specifications.

7. Contractor is responsible for restoring the work area and auxiliary areas, used in the abatement work, to conditions equal or better than original.

8. Treat all existing coated structural surfaces as lead-containing unless testing proves there is no lead detected in the sample. Cal/OSHA 1532.1 lead regulations will apply if any of these surfaces or materials will be disturbed during the project work.

9. In summary, the Contractor and subcontractors shall utilize engineering controls to limit the release of lead dust or debris. These engineering controls may include, but are not limited to; using a containment system, using tools with vacuum recovery systems with Dust Collection per Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) Standards, using vacuums with HEPA filtration, and by the prompt clean-up of any lead- containing debris that the work might produce.

10. Contractors must confirm all items prior to submission of bids. The Contractor shall verify all dimensions and existing conditions and shall notify the RE of Sacramento Regional Sanitation District (SRCSD) at once of any discrepancies.

11. These specifications represent the minimum performance standards with which the Contractor must comply. The details indicated herein are suggested methods to be used in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, though not all required elements are shown. Omissions or mis-descriptions do not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility in performing the work according to all applicable laws and regulations and according to the intent of these specifications.

12. The following work methods shall be prohibitive during any work that may loosen, penetrate, cut through or remove lead-based paint: Open flame burning, torching, including propane-fueled heat grids, dry scraping/sanding except for limited areas where electrical hazards create a higher risk than lead, machine sanding or grinding without proper containment or a HEPA local vacuum exhaust tool, uncontained hydroblasting or high-pressure washing, power washing to remove loose and peeling paint, abrasive blasting or sandblasting without proper containment or a HEPA local vacuum exhaust tool, the use of methylene chloride based paint strippers, and heat guns operating above 1,100° F, without proper ventilation and containment.

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13. For any lead related work disturbing lead in excess of 5,000 ppm and that is greater than 100 sq. ft. or 100 ln. ft., or torch cutting or welding exceeds duration of 1 hour in any shift; the contractor shall provide a Lead-Work Pre-Job Notification to Cal- OSHA as required by CCR, Title 8, 1532.1, Lead.


A. REFERENCES STANDARDS: The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title Title 8 CCR 1532.1 California Code of Regulations, California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Construction Safety Orders, Lead Title 8, Division 1, Division of Industrial Safety Chapter 4 Title 8 CCR 5194 Hazard Communication Title 22 Hazardous Waste Handling 29 CFR 1910 Occupational Safety and Health Standards General Industry Standards 29 CFR 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 29 CFR 1910.132 Personal Protective Equipment through 1910. 138 29 CFR 1910.1000 Air Contaminants- Permissible Exposure Limits 29 CFR 1910.1020 Employee Access to Exposure and Medical Records 29 CFR 1926 Occupational Safety and Health Standards Construction Industry Standards 29 CFR 1926.59 Hazard Communication 29 CFR 1926.62 Lead Exposure in Construction: Interim Final Rule 29 CFR 1910, Sect. 2 Access of Employee Exposure/Medical Records 40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 263 Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 264 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, & Disposal Facilities 40 CFR 268 Land Disposal Restrictions 40 CFR 745 Lead Based Paint Poisoning Prevention 49 CFR Transportation, Hazardous Materials Guide for Shippers, Handlers and Transporters DHHS (NIOSH) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Publication #85-115 Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 8/16/2017 Digester 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 02080 - 3

Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities SSPC Guide 6 Society of Protective Coatings, Guide for Containing Surface Preparation Debris SSPC Guide 7 Society of Protective Coatings, Guide to the Disposal of Lead-Contaminated Surface Preparation Debris SSPC QP 2 Society of Protective Coatings, Certification of Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings USEPA Standard United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Operating Safety Service Center for Environmental Publications, Standard Guides Operating Safety Guides


1. Abatement Activities - all activities from the initiation of work area preparation through successful final detail, and visual clearance activities performed at the conclusion of a lead-containing coating removal project.

a. Barriers, Isolation Barriers or Containment Barriers - walls, tunnels, partitions or enclosures erected to separate any section of an abatement area from adjoining areas and to prevent migration of lead particulate from the work area. All lumber and plywood shall be flame retardant and shall bear manufacturer's label.

2. Special blast waste: Paint residue, chips, dust, decontamination wash-down fluids, and any other debris generated as a result of the abatement operations of painted surfaces containing lead, chromium, or other heavy metal in the existing paint.

3. Confined space: As defined by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

4. Discontinuity: A void, crack, thin spot, foreign inclusion, or contamination in the coating film that significantly lowers the dielectric strength of the coating. This is also referred to as a holiday or pinhole.

a. Disposal Site - shall mean an EPA-approved, licensed landfill for the disposal of lead containing waste and/or lead contaminated materials.

5. Exposed exterior surface: A surface that is exposed to weather, whether or not it is exposed to view.

6. Contaminated waste: Special blast waste that has been tested and determined to have lead and chromium concentrations exceeding TCLP limits.

7. HEPA: high-efficiency particulate apparatus

8. Holiday: A coating discontinuity.

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9. Paint: For the purposes of this Specification, paint includes fillers, primers, sealers, emulsions, oils, alkyds, latex, enamels, thinners, stains, epoxies, vinyl’s, chlorinated rubbers, urethanes, shellacs, varnishes, and any other applied coating specified within this Section.

10. SABAR: Steel Abrasive Blasting and Recovery System. Steel abrasive blasting unit with classifier system for cleaning/recycling blast media for lead abatement.

11. Spent abrasive: Blast abrasive material and spent water used during the abrasive blasting operations.

a. SRCSD Safety Representative’s Representative - The individual designated to act as the agent for the District on specific safety matters related to the contract.

12. TCLP: Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure.

13. VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds.

a. Work Area - an area where lead-containing coating removal or other abatement procedures are being performed. A work area is considered a contaminated space between the time preparation begins and the time the area is certified clean by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with SUBMITTALS PROCEDURES Specification Section:

1. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviations.

2. A copy of the contractors written, detailed job specific lead compliance program as required by 29 CFR 1926-62 and as defined in State of California, Title 22.

a. A site specific lead work plan

b. A sketch of the site with Department of Transportation (DOT) container storage locations and decontamination station.

c. A hazardous waste spill communication plan.

d. Method to be used for recycling abrasive blast material and method to be used for reclaiming lead in contaminated waste material.

e. The proposed waste hauler.

f. The proposed disposal site.

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g. Contractor's Site Health and Safety Plan including at a minimum:

1) Project organization chart showing Contractor's Site Safety Officer.

2) Contractor’s Injury Illness Prevention Plan as required by Title 8 CCR, Section 3203.

3) Emergency fire and accident response procedures.

4) Location, type and size of all portable fire extinguishers on site during construction.

5) Location of warning signs and labeling of waste containers.

6) Fire Protection systems and procedures.

7) Emergency means of ingress/egress from areas.

8) Entrance to site capable of accommodating local fire response vehicles.

9) Location of portable breathing apparatus.

10) Location of stored combustible and/or explosive materials.

3. Physician’s written medical opinion, current to within one year that Contractor employees can wear respiratory protection.

4. Either Employee Training Certification for QP-2 Field Removal of Hazardous Coatings as specified by Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) formerly Steel Structures Painting Council or California Department of Public Heath (CDPH) Lead in Construction - Worker/Supervisor Certification for each employee and supervisor working on the project site, signed and dated by authorized training provider.

5. Copy of the Contractor's formal written OSHA respirator plan, including a complete description of each respirator type, a fit testing procedure for passive air filtering type respirators. The respiratory protection program must conform to 29 CFR 1910.

a. Air Sampling Written Report of first day air sampling and testing of filters removed from workers’ respirators or personal air monitors.

b. Documentation of respirator fit-testing for all Contractor employees and agents who are required to wear a respirator. Fit-testing shall be current within one year.

6. Documentation of medical surveillance required in CCR Title 8, Sections 1529 (m) and 1532.1 (j).

a. Name of the doctor(s) and the organization that maintains the Contractor's health monitoring program. 8/16/2017 Digester 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 02080 - 6

b. Summary of the health monitoring program, including blood chemistry urine analysis or other appropriate reports for heavy metal screening for workers scheduled to work on site.

c. Pre-Work Medical Surveillance testing of each employee and supervisor working on the project site prior to any Work.

d. Post-construction blood chemistry reports for workers performing work on site for heavy metals.

7. Security plan

a. Description of personnel and visitor access and egress controls.

8. List of all materials, tools, equipment, and expendable supplies that will be used during the project and applicable product global harmonized system (GHS) - safety data sheets.

9. Proposed protective clothing required.

10. Proposed methods of abatement.

11. Decontamination procedures

12. Method to be used for recycling abrasive blast material and method to be used for reclaiming lead in contaminated waste material.

13. Proof that the Contractor or the Contractor’s Hazardous Waste Hauler possesses a current Hazardous Waste Hauler License and EPA Transporter’s Number. Proposed waste hauler(s) and copies of applicable licenses, including State of California registration number.

14. Waste Manifest System that meets federal, state, and location regulations and accounts for all waste at all times. This shall include written confirmation that the debris will be treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements of 40 CFR 264 and 40 CFR 268.

15. Waste Disposal Certificates (including Bills of Lading) or Recycle Certificate. Copies (reproductions) shall be submitted with completed original certificates submitted upon receipt from the landfill.

16. Proposed waste hauler(s) and copies of applicable licenses, including State of California registration number.

17. Name, address, telephone number and accreditation of the environmental laboratory that will analyze Contractor’s OSHA compliance personnel air samples.

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18. SSPC Certification verifying that the Contractor is currently certified as SSPC-QP1 and SSPC-QP2. Contractor shall submit complete statement of Contractor's financial ability to complete work required under this Contract.

19. Contractor's comprehensive schedule of his work which list for each work space the dates of proposed work, the work shift times, the projected work accomplishments during that shift.

20. Coordination with other work plan, consisting of a plan to coordinate with work being performed in adjacent areas. Procedures shall describe how the Contractor will prevent lead exposure to other contractors, vendors, delivery personnel, or Owner personnel performing work unrelated to lead removal activities.

21. Written Confirmation of Designated Competent Person. The Competent Person shall be a person trained in the recognition and control of lead hazards in accordance with current federal, state, and local regulations. This person shall be either Certified Safety Professional (CSP) certified by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, or CDPH Project Monitor, California Department of Public Health, or Certified Lead Supervisor as specified in CCR Title 17, Section 35008, or C3 Supervisor/Competent 4 day Training – SSPC, or person with training and experience necessary to meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.32(f).

22. GHS for all new materials on site and all materials being removed from the site. GHS shall be stored in waterproof containers visible from the direction of fire department access and shall be identified.

23. List of similar project experience with references.



A. Deliver products in original containers, labeled as follows:

1. Name and type number of material.

2. Manufacturer's name and item stock number.

3. Manufacturing date.

4. Contents, by volume, of major constituents.

5. Warning labels.

6. VOC content.

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B. All material, painting equipment, etc., shall be stored at appropriate temperatures per manufactures printed recommendations, additionally (if stored on site) in accordance with local, state and federal requirements for toxic materials and hazardous materials.

C. Local includes any/all adjacent "neighborhood" specific covenants.

D. All materials shall be properly identified using signage in language(s) common to area in which work is being done and in accordance with 49 CFR.

E. Signage and placards shall be placed in a conspicuous location visible from the direction of fire department access.


A. Information Available:

1. Site bulk analysis: The District has conducted lead bulk sampling and analysis to determine the existing background levels of lead and chromium concentrations in the metal coatings within the digester 5, 6, and 7 project sites.

2. Air monitoring tests: The District has conducted air monitoring to determine the existing background levels of airborne particulates in the immediate vicinity of the project sites.

3. Copies of the test reports are available for examination at:

Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 8521 Laguna Station Road Elk Grove, CA 95758 Copies may be obtained by paying the cost of reproduction.

B. Safety and Health Regulations for Construction:

1. These Construction Documents are to be governed at all times by applicable provisions of the Federal Law(s) including but not limited to the latest amendment of the following:

a. Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Public Law 94- 596.

b. 29 CFR 1910.

c. 29 CFR 1926.

d. USEPA Standard Operating Safety Guides.

e. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication #85-115. 8/16/2017 Digester 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 02080 - 9


A. Notifications, Permits, Warning Signs, Labels and Posters:

1. The Contractor shall post at the jobsite contact information regarding the local fire department, police department, ambulance companies, and hospitals describing the scope and duration of the project and including the name and phone number of persons to be contacted in case of emergency.

2. The Contractor must secure any permits required for the work and these must also be delivered to SRCSD for review and approval at least two (2) days prior to the preconstruction meeting.

3. Erect OSHA-specified warning signs around the workspace and at every point of potential entry from the outside including the entrance to the Decontamination Facility' Clean Room. The signs shall conform to OSHA requirements with the words "WARNING LEAD WORK AREA POISON NO SMOKING OR EATING". The warning signs shall be easily noticeable. The size of the sign and its lettering shall be no less than OSHA requirements.

4. The Contractor shall label all waste containers in accordance with OSHA, DOT and NESHAPs regulations prior to removing contaminated material from the work areas for transport to the disposal landfill.

5. Provide any other labels, warnings, and posted instructions that are necessary to protect, inform, and warn workers, visitors of the hazards of lead exposure.

6. Post in a prominent and convenient place a copy of the latest applicable regulations of OSHA, EPA, and NIOSH; and a copy of these specifications and the applicable drawings.

B. Emergency Precautions:

1. The Contractor shall establish emergency and fire exits from all work areas accessible to both workers and building occupants.

2. The Contractor shall be prepared to administer appropriate first aid to injured personnel at the site after decontamination.

3. Before the Contractor starts actual removal of materials, they shall notify the RE as to the danger of entering the work area, and they shall be invited to attend an informal training program (or tailgate safety meeting) to be conducted by the Contractor to provide information regarding abatement activities, decontamination practices, waste disposal plan, etc. The Contractor shall make every effort to help the RE, outline contingency plans should their personnel need to enter a regulated area.

C. Personal Protective Equipment:

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1. Determination of the appropriate level of personal protective equipment and procedures during this Project shall be made by the Contractor as a result of initial site survey, review of existing data, and a continued safety and health monitoring program performed by the Contractor's Site Health and Safety Officer for the Project.

2. Level D and/or Level C protection is anticipated.

3. Provide to all workers, foremen, superintendents and authorized visitors and inspectors protective disposable clothing consisting of full body coveralls, head covers, gloves, respiratory protection, and eye protection in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.1101(3)(g)(ii)(e).

4. Provide hard hats, safety shoes and eye protection and any other safety equipment as needed due to job conditions or as required by safety regulations.

5. All disposable protective clothing and respiratory filters shall be discarded and disposed of as lead waste every time the wearer exits from the workspace to the outside through the decontamination facilities.

D. Equipment Decontamination:

1. All vehicles and equipment entering the limits of construction and used for work onsite shall be decontaminated prior to leaving the site.

2. Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring all vehicle activity.

E. Decontamination area and fluid management shall be identified in the Contractor's Health and Safety Plan.

F. Air Monitoring and Soil Confirmation Sampling by the District to be reimbursed by Contractor as required.

1. Air monitoring: Contractor shall make adjustment in fugitive dust containment based on results of air monitoring conducted by the District.

2. Soil confirmation sampling: Sampling conducted by the District within five (5) days of notification by the Contractor that site cleanup operations are complete. Soil confirmation sampling test results will be available within 30 days of date of sample:

a. Test results passing (no elevation of background levels): Release final payment.

b. Test results failing: Contractor return within 10 days to correct the deficiencies in clean up.

1) Soil confirmation sampling cycle repeated until positive test results.

2) Contractor pays for failing tests.

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3. Respiratory Protection Systems:

a. The Contractor shall provide all workers, foremen, superintendents, authorized visitors, and authorized inspectors personally issued and marked respiratory protective equipment approved by NIOSH and OSHA. When respirators with disposable filters are employed, the Contractor shall provide sufficient filters for replacement for each and every time any personnel or authorized visitor passes through a decontamination facility. Filters shall be disposed of as contaminated waste.

4. Waste Disposal Procedures:

a. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine current waste handling, transportation, and disposal regulations for the work site and for each type of waste disposal landfill. The Contractor must comply fully with these regulations and all OSHA, U.S. Department of Transportation, EPA requirements, and state and local regulations.


A. Pre-Construction Meeting: After the notice of intent to award has been made, the District Representative shall arrange for a Pre-Construction Meeting, to be attended by the appropriate District personnel, the CDPH Certified Project Monitor, the General Contractor and the Lead Abatement Contractor. At this conference a preliminary construction schedule, sequence of work, methods of access to the construction site, and temporary facilities shall be presented for discussion. Not more than (5) days after this conference, the General Contractor and the Abatement Contractor shall identify his Supervisor(s) and Foreman, and present the required submittals on this specification and the SUBMITTALS PROCEDURES Specification Section. Two approved submittal sets will be returned to the Contractor.

B. Provide health and safety training of all workers assigned to Project.

1. Contractor shall submit written agenda of items discussed during health and safety training.

C. Contractor shall provide written notice minimum of two (2) days advance of intent to begin work on tank(s).

1. This time is required to allow District personnel adequate time to isolate the tank(s) involved and to adjust system operation to allow for tank to be out of service.

D. Contractor shall provide written notice to District Representative a minimum of seven (7) days in advance of any schedule changes as work progresses.

E. Authorized District personnel shall be present at the site when Contractor first enters each site.

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F. Any operational or control functions at the site shall be done by authorized District personnel only.


A. The CDPH Certified Project Monitor and/or District Representative has the authority t stop work at any time he/she determines that conditions or procedures pose a threat to the health and safety of the District’s Safety Representative(s) or Contractors' employees. By no means does this authority relieve the Contractor from the full fiduciary duty of safety. Where possible, the stoppage of work shall be approved by the RE and shall continue until conditions have been corrected or corrective steps have been taken to the satisfaction of the CDPH Certified Project Monitor. Standby time and testing costs required to resolve violations shall be at the Contractor's expense. Stop Work Orders may be issued for, but shall not be limited to the following:

1. Failure to properly and continuously apply specified removal work procedures;

2. Failure to maintain specified work area isolation and protection systems;

3. Loss of specified flows of filtration air through the work area with dust collection device per SSPC standards.

4. Failure to use specified personal protective equipment.

5. Failure to maintain any specified records or to conduct specified personal exposure air monitoring tests and to make results promptly available to the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

6. Detection of airborne lead dust levels outside the contained areas above normal background levels as defined by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor from previous test results or exceeding the OSHA Action Level of 30 µ/m3, Measured as an 8-hour TWA.

7. Failure to comply with the specifications or any applicable federal, state, or local law, regulation or ordinance.



A. The Contractor shall deliver all materials and equipment to the site in the original containers bearing the name of the manufacturer, and details for proper storage and usage.

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B. All materials or equipment delivered to the site shall be unloaded, temporarily stored, and transferred to the work area in a manner that shall not interfere with the District’s operations.

C. Unloading and temporary storage sites and transfer routes must be approved in advance by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

D. Damaged or deteriorated materials may not be used and must be promptly removed from the premises. Material that becomes contaminated with lead material shall be packaged as lead waste and legally transported and disposed of in an approved landfill.

E. For disposal of lead-contaminated waste, Contractor shall furnish DOT 17H/55- gallon, open-top, steel drums with polyethylene liners and locking ring lids.

F. Stick-on hazardous waste labels as per EPA or Cal/OSHA regulations.

G. Supply and post warning signs as required by applicable Cal/OSHA regulations. Signs should be printed in English and Spanish.

H. Provide all materials, equipment, facilities, and permitting to comply with applicable federal, state, and local regulations for all Work activities described herein.


A. All materials, tools, and equipment must comply, at minimum, with this specification, and relevant federal, state, and local codes.

B. Dust Collection Filtered Exhaust(s): Air inside each lead removal work area shall be exhausted to the atmosphere (building containment exterior) through dust collection system. See SSPC Guidelines.

C. Plastic Sheeting and Bags: Shall be polyethylene or equivalent with a thickness of at least 6-mil for all applications.

D. Tape and Glue: Shall be capable of sealing plastic joints, and attaching plastic to finished surfaces without damage when they are removed.

E. Warning Signs and Labels: Shall comply with 29 CFR 1926-62 and all other federal, state, or local codes and regulations.

F. Waste Containers Transportation: Shall be DOT-approved metal drums or other DOT- approved closed containers. The containers shall be suitable for loading, temporary storage, transit, and unloading of contaminated waste without rupture, or otherwise causing spillage or exposure to persons or emissions to the atmosphere.

G. Respiratory Protection Devices: Shall be NIOSH and MSHA-approved, and shall comply with all provisions of 29 CFR 1926.62.

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H. Electrical Equipment: Shall be Underwriters Laboratory listed and approved, and shall have ground fault circuit interrupt protection that has been installed by a licensed, bonded electrician.

I. Ladders or Scaffolds: Shall be OSHA-approved, and be of sufficient dimensions and quantities so that all work surfaces can be easily and safely accessed by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor, workers, and other inspectors. Scaffold joints and ends shall be sealed with tape to prevent incursion of dust and debris.



A. All removal activities will be performed using appropriate engineering controls including wiping methods and decontamination facilities, and meeting the intent of all applicable federal, state, and local health and safety regulations.

B. All abatement work shall be scheduled, planned, and coordinated to cause the least amount of impact, disruption or potential disruption possible.

C. Completion of each general stage of work requires written approval of successful completion, and written notice to proceed to the next general stage of work, from the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

D. The Contractor shall remove all specified materials. All materials shall be considered accessible for removal. As necessary, the Contractor will be required to access materials for removal by temporarily disconnecting and moving obstructing equipment or structures. The cost for relocation and reinstallation to original condition shall be included in the Contractors original bid price.

E. As existing paints have been determined by laboratory analysis to be toxic or hazardous, coating/paint and coating/paint media residue mixture shall be tested to assure conformance with hazardous material tolerances have been met. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide adequate containers on the job site to retain spent media and removed coating and paint until tests have been completed or approval for disposal from a landfill has been obtained. Disposal of hazardous or toxic waste at other than government-regulated landfills will not be permitted unless approved personally by the District in Contractor’s plan of action for the project. Documentation of all hazardous or toxic waste disposal will be required and a copy supplied to the District Representative.

F. All regulations related to safety, worker protection and handling of lead-based coating materials shall be strictly followed.

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A. Initial Personal Exposure Surveillance:

1. On first day of any lead-based coating or paint removal, work environment must be tested by or under the supervision of the Competent Person to determine levels of protection required to protect workers and the environment from lead and other heavy metal contamination. All costs related to testing by the Competent Person shall be borne by the Contractor.

2. Testing will include air sampling and testing of filters removed from the workers’ respirators or personal air monitors to determine the level of lead exposure. Upon completion of testing, the Competent Person shall file a written report on the results of the testing. Level of exposure will then determine the type respiratory protection, clothing, housekeeping, hygiene facilities, medical surveillance, medical removal protection, employee information and training, signs, record keeping, and observation of monitoring required for the project.

3. No Work shall re-commence until the report from the Competent Person is filed and worker and environmental protection required is in place. Costs for the time delay shall be included in the Contractor’s original bid.



A. Initiation and Maintenance of Work Practice Controls:

1. Implement and maintain engineering and work practice controls based on the approved Air Sampling Written Report. This includes the type respiratory protection, clothing, housekeeping, hygiene facilities, medical surveillance, medical removal protection, employee information and training, signs, record keeping, and observation of monitoring required for the project.

B. Pre-Work Practice Controls Inspection:

1. The Contractor and Owner shall conduct a pre-abatement inspection prior to active lead removal to evaluate containment, decontamination, barrier systems, negative air pressure systems (where applicable), and protective coverings. Work shall not proceed until the Owner has approved the site conditions.

C. Verification of Work Practice Controls:

1. Prior to the beginning of each day's cleaning operations, the site shall be inspected by the Competent Person and confirmed that all barriers and engineering controls are

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in affect and that no changes have occurred in site conditions while Contractor was not on site.

2. At the conclusion of each day's cleaning operations, the site shall be inspected by the Competent Person and confirmed that all barriers and engineering controls are in affect at the end of the work shift and prior to securing the site.

D. Work Practice Controls Inspection:

1. Full time or part-time inspection may be performed by the District or District’s Representative over the course of the project to provide the District the ability to stop work as necessary should the Contractor violate applicable regulations, engage in activities that spread lead contamination or endanger human health, or fail to maintain the required controls or barriers. The following conditions and prohibited activities may warrant project shut down:

a. Breakdown of existing barriers or engineering controls.

b. Elevated perimeter sample results.

c. Visible emissions from work area.

d. Violation of Cal/OSHA, EPA, DOT, or other regulations.

e. Poor personal decontamination practices.

f. Poor work practices such as removal of lead based paint with a torch or flame, abrasive blast method removal without dust collection, dry scraping, dry sanding, sweeping, or cleaning with compressed air.

E. Surface Preparation:

1. The Contractor shall prepare the work areas as described in this section. Preparation work shall be performed according to the following general sequence of steps and procedures to ensure that proper protection systems are installed prior to starting work.

a. Post access restriction signs;

b. Demarcate work area boundary and decontamination zone;

c. Install containment system;

d. Install portable decontamination facilities, staging areas, and waste storage facilities;

2. Obtain CDPH Certified Project Monitor’s approval notated and signed on daily report of all preparation work before starting subsequent phases of abatement. 8/16/2017 Digester 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 02080 - 17

3. Contractor is responsible for maintaining dust emissions within the legal level and that level which would not create a nuisance. Dust emissions, abrasive deflection and removed paint particles shall be contained where abrasive blasting is being accomplished, unless vacuum blasting or other means of cleaning are approved by the Owner. No water, abrasive deflection or paint particles shall be allowed to accumulate on the ground.

4. After approval by the District’s representative, surface preparation methods that may be used to accomplish the specified degree of cleanliness results while containing all paint and media include vacuum blasting, conventional blasting with containment, SABAR method with containment, power tool cleaning with vacuum attachment, chemical stripping, Torbo method, and high pressure water jetting.

5. As paints have been determined by laboratory analyses to contain excessive levels of lead under Title 22, all cleaning operations shall be conducted to ensure removed paint particles or water are contained and not allowed to fall onto the site beyond the controlled containment area.

F. Surface Preparation Inspection

1. The Contractor shall clean surfaces with a vacuum equipped with a high-efficiency particulate apparatus (HEPA) filter and furnish scaffolding and lighting (including moving of same) to permit inspection as requested by District and to allow the District the opportunity to inspect each abated area.

G. Removal procedures

1. This section applies to removal of any and all materials containing, contaminated or potentially contaminated with lead and/or lead-containing debris or particulate as stated herein or as otherwise indicated by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

2. All removal work shall be done using negative air differential dust collection per SSPC guidelines in such a way as to minimize the release of dust or particulate into the air. All removal methods must be in accord with all Federal, State and Local regulations and these specifications, and must be pre-approved by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

3. The Contractor is responsible for thoroughly cleaning one or more representative area(s) aside each contained area to the satisfaction of the CDPH Certified Project Monitor to be used by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor to establish a standard of cleanliness.

4. Completion of each stage of abatement must be approved by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor verbally to progressing to the next.

5. Remove paint using only methods and equipment pre-approved in the submittals by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor. Do not generate airborne dust, particulate or

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other emissions during removal. The Contractor may use chemical strippers for paint removal which are not classified as carcinogens by the State of California, are not highly volatile, may be used by personnel dressed in protective equipment described herein, and which may be treated and disposed of in a burial landfill.

6. Collect and pump wastewater through a one (1) micron filter (gray lead) filtration system. Dispose of according to waste disposal profile.

7. Collect resultant solid debris including, but not limited to, sludge, slurry, gloves, and rags, place in fiber drums or other suitable containers and dispose of as lead- containing solid waste according to waste disposal profile.

8. Metal may be disposed by metal recycling.

9. Removal is complete only when the lead-containing paint has been removed to the satisfaction of the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

10. Specific removal requirements

11. Remove paint from substrate using methods designed to minimizing generation of airborne of dust and debris.

12. Remove paint from substrate using hand held tools, chemical strippers, or other method pre-approved by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor. Power tools such as drills, sanders, or coring devices must be fitted with a local, HEPA-filtered collection devise. Any preparation of painted surface shall be performed in adherence with manufacturer's requirements for re-painting if applicable.

13. Immediately clean debris from drop cloth and all other surfaces by wiping and/or HEPA vacuuming. Place debris in waste container, seal and place in lockable waste storage facility.


A. Upon completion of removal work, but prior to commencing final cleaning of the work area, the Contractor shall request the CDPH Certified Project Monitor to conduct an inspection and obtain written approval of the removal work.

B. All materials shall be removed, gross debris cleaned up, wastewater collected and filtered and waste bags removed from the work areas prior to the inspection.

C. Any encapsulation or lock down performed prior to the CDPH Certified Project Monitors approval will mandate Contractor to re-clean the entire work area to the satisfaction of the CDPH Certified Project Monitor.

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A. This section applies to cleaning the work areas where lead removal work has been performed. After all lead-containing (or contaminated) materials have been removed; the Contractor shall remove all wastes and perform a thorough multi-stage final cleanup and decontamination of the work area per the methods indicated below. Completion of this stage of work must be approved by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor in writing.

B. Final cleaning of the abatement work areas shall be performed only after all waste is packaged and removed, but prior to dismantling any barrier, decontamination facility, or protective coverings. Cleaning shall be subject to the CDPH Certified Project Monitor’s approval based on visual inspections performed in general accord, as recommended and outlined, in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s document, Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Pain hazards in Housing. The Contractor shall notify the CDPH Certified Project Monitor in writing at least 24 hours in advance of the expected completion time of final Site cleaning.

C. Waste transportation and disposal

1. The Contractor shall arrange to have the debris transported from the site in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 263, and disposed of properly in accordance with 40 CRF 265 and 40 CFR 268. Signed manifests shall be returned to the District Representative to verify that all steps of the handling and disposal process have been completed properly.

2. Written confirmation that the debris will be treated and disposed of in accordance with requirements of 40 CFR 264 and 40 CFR 268 shall be received by the Owner prior to start of the work. The programs shall provide assurance that the debris is handled properly from cradle to grave, and include the necessary notifications and certifications on shipments, provide the name of the disposal facility, and include a schedule for the submittal of the completed manifests to the District.

3. The cost for processing and disposing of hazardous wastes shall be included in the various bid items set forth in these documents and no additional compensation will be granted therefore.

4. All hazardous materials shall be removed from the project site prior to the post-site inspection between the Contractor and the District.


A. The Work Area is restricted to authorized, trained, and protected personnel. A list of authorized personnel shall be established and posted at the entrance of the Work Area by the Owner Consultant prior to commencement of the Work.

B. Report to the Owner any unauthorized entry into the Work Area. Following notification, a written report of the incident shall be provided to the Owner.

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C. A logbook shall be maintained at the entrance of the Work Area. All persons entering the Work Area shall record name, company affiliation, time in, and time out for each entry and exit.

D. Access to the Abatement Work Area shall be through the Decontamination Enclosure System only. All other means of access shall be blocked or locked so as to prevent entry to or exit from the Work Area. Emergency exits shall be operable from inside the Work Area.


A. The CDPH Certified Project Monitor shall conduct visual clearance of all work surfaces.

B. If all lead surfaces do not meet the visual clearance criteria the Contractor shall perform a thorough cleaning and/or HEPA-vacuuming and the visual inspection shall then be repeated by the CDPH Certified Project Monitor until visual clearance criteria is met. The additional cleaning and air testing services shall be paid by the Contractor.

C. The Contractor and District shall conduct a post-abatement inspection after the Contractor has removed all hazardous materials, demobilized all abatement equipment, and performed final cleanup. Work shall not be considered completed until the District Representative has approved the site conditions.


A. The Contractor shall be responsible for personal air -monitoring as required by 8 CCR 1532.1 to document compliance of his workers as recommended by 8 CCR 5216 using the methods specified below.

B. Laboratories analyzing lead samples shall be accredited for inorganic analysis.

C. Air sampling materials and equipment requirements are as follows:

1. Sampling for lead shall be done using a mixed cellulose ester filter 0.8- micrometer pore size, 37-millimeter diameter in a 2 or 3 piece cassette filter holder. The filter shall be assembled in the cassette with a cellulose support pad. Sampling technique shall be closed-face sampling.

2. The filter assembly shall be upstream of all other components in the sampling train. An airflow-measuring device (when used) shall be downstream of the filter and the pump assembly, or integral with the pump assembly.

3. Sampling for lead shall be done using a flow rate of 2.0 to 4.0 liters per minute.

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4. An airflow measuring/metering device shall be used, and shall be a high quality rotometer, mass flow, dry gas meter or critical orifice. Measuring devised shall have a range of at least 1.5 times the desired flow rate and be readable to at least 5% of the desired flow rate. They shall be calibrated against standards of higher accuracy before and after sampling. The calibrations shall be recorded.

D. Numbers and frequencies of personal air sampling for lead shall be as recommended in 8 CCR 5216 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.62. Perform initial monitoring for lead exposure and additional testing dependent upon sample results.

E. Results of sample analysis shall be posted in the clean room of the decontamination facility and provided to the County CDPH Certified Project Monitor within twenty- four (24) hours of collection.

F. The Contractor shall use a pre-approved “chain-of-custody” form for all personal air samples he collects.

G. Personal sampling for lead shall be performed pursuant to NIOSH Method 7082 (AAS).

H. The Contractor shall assist the County CDPH Certified Project Monitor in establishing AC power for collecting area air samples should the CDPH choose to electric high volume pumps as oppose to battery operated low volume pumps.

I. All other sampling for compliance with the Specifications shall be performed by Consultant at no cost to the Contractor except where the Contractor fails specified tests.


A. Remove all equipment and materials to restore worksite to a neat and orderly condition as directed by the County CDPH Certified Project Monitor and approved by the RE.


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1. This section specifies structural metals consisting of standard shapes, plates, rods and fasteners that are used in structural supports and connections.


1. The following specifications sections are referenced herein:



A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title

AISC Manual American Institute of Steel Construction, Manual of Steel of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design Construction ASTM A36 Standard Specification for Carbon ASTM A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc- Coated Welded and Seamless ASTM A283 Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates ASTM A307 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength

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Reference Title

ASTM A320 Standard Specification for Alloy Steel Bolting Materials for Low- Temperature Service ASTM A325 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ASTM A500 Standard Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes ASTM A666 Standard Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bar ASTM A992 Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes ASTM B308 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy 6061-T6 Standard Structural Shapes AWS A2.4 Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Non-destructive Examination AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code – Aluminum


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Detailed erection drawings and shop drawings of for the fabrication and erection of the component parts of all structures. Submittals shall include the location, type and size of all bolts and welds. All welds shall be indicated by standard welding symbols of AWS A2.4. The member cambers shall be as indicated on the drawings.

2. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

3. Welding Operator Test Records, using form E-4 of AWS D1.1, shall be submitted for all welding personnel proposed for steel welding on this project.

4. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS), using form E-1 of AWS D1.1 shall be submitted for approval for proposed steel welding procedures. Welding Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) shall be submitted for all procedures which are not pre-qualified.


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1. Materials for carbon steel and stainless steel shall be as specified below.

Material Specification Rolled Wide-Flange shapes ASTM A992 All other standard rolled steel sections ASTM A36 Pipe columns ASTM A53, Grade B Structural steel square and rectangular ASTM A500, Grade B tubing Structural bars, plates and similar items ASTM A36 or A283 Stainless steel ASTM A666, Grade A, type 316L Stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers ASTM A320, Type 316 B8M Class 2 Steel bolts ASTM A307, Grade A High strength steel bolts (referred to as ASTM A325 H.S. bolts on drawings) Stainless steel shapes ASTM A276, Type 316L


1. Aluminum shall be extruded from 6061-T6 or 6063-T6 alloy, conforming to ASTM B308. Fasteners stainless steel bolts, see 05501.


1. Material shall be IPA Systems model Farbertite Coal Tar Coating; HyTech Coatings model Bituminous Mastic 50-HT; or equal.


1. Steel welding electrodes shall have a minimum tensile strength of 70 ksi.

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1. Measurements shall be verified at the job.

2. Fabrication shall be in accordance with the AISC Manual of Steel Construction.

3. Holes shall be punched 1/16 inch larger than the nominal size of the bolts, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. Whenever needed, because of the thickness of the metal, holes shall be subpunched and reamed or drilled. No drifting of bolts nor enlargement of holes will be allowed to correct misalignment. Mismatched holes shall be corrected with new material.

4. Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corrosion by means of pressure tapes, coatings or isolators. Aluminum in contact with concrete or grout shall be protected with multiple heavy coats of bituminous coating to a minimum dry film thickness of 10 mils.

5. Metalwork to be embedded in concrete shall be as specified in Section 03300. Metalwork shall be placed accurately and held in correct position while the concrete is placed. Where shown on the plans, recesses or blockouts shall be formed in the concrete and the metalwork shall be grouted in place using dry-pack grout in accordance with Section 03600. The surfaces of metalwork in contact with or embedded in concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned.

6. Structural steel completely encased in concrete shall not be galvanized or painted, except hot-dip galvanized items where specified, and shall have a clean surface for bonding to concrete. Metalwork which is bent, broken or otherwise damaged shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor.


1. Welding shall be done by operators who have been qualified to perform the type of work required by tests as prescribed by AWS D1.1, Section 5 or AWS D1.2, Section 5, as applicable. The quality of welding shall conform to AWS D1.1, Section 3 or AWS D1.2, Section 3, as applicable.

2. Structural metal required to be coated for corrosion protection shall be continuously welded at all joints.

3. Continuous welds shall be provided on all structural members exposed to weather or submerged in water or wastewater. Continuous seal welds shall be provided on

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all sides of all plates or structural shapes in contact with or submerged in water or wastewater.


1. Bolted connections shall conform to AISC Framed Beam Connections, unless shown otherwise on the drawings, and shall be bearing type connections with threads excluded from shear planes.


1. Structural assemblies and shop and field welding shall meet the requirements of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction.

2. The use of salvaged, reprocessed or scrap materials shall not be permitted.


A. The District will engage inspectors to inspect welded connections and to perform tests. The District will pay for the inspection and tests.

1. Visual inspection shall be performed by AWS Certified Welding Inspectors or Senior Certified Welding Inspectors as defined in AWS QC1.

2. Nondestructive testing personnel shall, as a minimum, be NDT Level II in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A.

B. Twenty-five percent of all butt and bevel welds which extend continuously for 24 inches or less shall be subject to nondestructive testing (NDT) in accordance with AWS D1.1, Part E, Radiographic Testing or Part F, Ultrasonic Testing. All butt and bevel welds which extend continuously for more than 24 inches may be spot tested at internals not exceeding 36 inches. Failure of any welds to pass this test shall cause all welds made by the same welder to be 100 percent tested until the rejection rate is demonstrated to be 5 percent or less.

C. Welds that are required by the District to be corrected shall be corrected or redone and retested as directed, at the Contractor's expense and to the satisfaction of the District.

D. The District shall pay the costs for all initial testing. However, the Contractor shall pay for all costs for any additional testing and inspection on work which does not meet specification.


A. All structural metal and structural steel, including that used in the fabrication of process equipment, shall be coated in accordance with Section 09900. Surface preparation shall be as specified in Section 09900 and shall include the following operations:

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1. Grind the exterior and interior edges of all flame-cut plates or members to a smooth surface.

2. Grind all sharp edges off of the sheared plates and punched holes to 1/16” radius.

3. Grind uneven or rough welds with high beads to a smooth finish.

B. Application requirements shall be as specified in Section 09900.


A. After installation, damaged surfaces of shop primed metals shall be cleaned and touched up in accordance with Section 09900. Damaged surfaces of galvanized metals shall be repaired as specified in Section 05910.


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1. This section specifies anchor bolts complete with matching washers and nuts.


1. The following specifications sections are referenced herein:

Section Title 01300 SUBMITTALS


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title

ASTM A193 Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications

ASTM A194 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for High Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both

ASTM F1554 Anchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength

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CBC California Building Code, 2013 edition

IBC International Building Code, 2012 edition

ICC-ES AC 58 International Code Council – Evaluation Service – Acceptance Criteria for Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements

ICC-ES AC 308 International Code Council – Evaluation Service – Acceptance Criteria for Post Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete Elements


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Product data indicating catalog numbers, load capacities, chemical resistance, temperature limitations, and installation instructions.

2. ICC Evaluation Report for expansion, undercut and adhesive type anchors.

3. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.




A. Anchor bolts shall be 2012 IBC compliant, and shall be approved for use in cracked concrete and in Seismic Design Category D.

B. Anchor bolt holes in equipment support frames shall not exceed the bolt diameters by more than 25 percent, up to a limiting maximum oversizing of 1/4 inch.

C. Tapered washers shall be provided where mating surface is not square with the nut.

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D. Expansion anchors set in holes drilled in the concrete after the concrete is placed will not be permitted as a substitution for cast-in-place anchor bolts except where otherwise shown on the plans.

E. Adhesive anchors shall be suitable for long-term sustained loads and short-term loads, per ICC-ES AC 58 or ICC-ES AC 308.


A. Anchor bolts shall be as specified in Table A unless otherwise specified.

Table A Exposure Anchor Type Corrosive Specification Buried Submerged Other Areas Threaded rod anchor bolts, ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 2 Type 316 stainless Cast-in-place x x x steel, with matching ASTM A194 Grade 8M double nuts and washer. Headed anchor bolts, hot- dip galvanized steel, Cast-in-place x ASTM F1554 Grade as shown on drawings. Type 316 stainless steel. Expansion x x x Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ; Red Head Trubolt+; or equal. Type 304 stainless steel. Expansion x Hilti Kwik Bolt TZ; Red Head Trubolt+; or equal. True cone undercut anchor, Type 316 stainless steel. Undercut x x x Hilti HDA; USP DUC; or equal.

Undercut x True cone undercut anchor, Type 304 stainless steel.

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Table A Exposure Anchor Type Corrosive Specification Buried Submerged Other Areas Hilti HDA; USP DUC; or equal. Epoxy adhesive type. Hilti HIT RE 500-SD; Simpson SET-XP; Red Head Epcon G5; or equal. Threaded Adhesive x x x rods shall be ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 2 Type 316 stainless steel. Include matching ASTM A194 Grade 8M nut and washer. Epoxy adhesive type. Hilti HIT RE 500-SD; Simpson SET-XP; Red Head Epcon G5; or equal. Threaded Adhesive x rods shall be ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 2 Type 304 stainless steel. Include matching ASTM A194 Grade 8 nut and washer.



A. Fieldwork, including cutting and threading, shall not be permitted on galvanized items. Dissimilar metals shall be protected from galvanic corrosion by means of pressure tapes, coatings or isolators.

B. Galvanized steel anchor bolts shall be assembled with a zinc petroletum anti-sieze compound, such as Saf-T-Eze Zinc Petroletum Anti-Seize or Loctite Zinc Anti-Seize.

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C. Stainless steel anchor bolts shall be assembled with a nickel anti-seize compound, such as Saf-T-Eze Stainless Steel Anti-Seize or Loctite Nickel Anti-Seize.


A. Anchor bolts to be embedded in concrete shall be placed accurately and held in correct position while the concrete is poured. Protect the threads from damage.


A. Install anchors in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


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A. Scope:

1. This section specifies spray polyurethane foam roofing for Digesters 5, 6 and 7.

B. Related Work:

1. The following specification sections are referenced herein:

Section Title Section 01300 SUBMITTALS


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title ASTM B-117 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus ASTM C-518 Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Apparatus ASTM D-154 Standard Guide for Testing Varnishes ASTM D-412 Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers Tension ASTM D-471 Rubber Property Effect of Liquids ASTM D-624 Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomer ASTM D-638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics ASTM D-1621 Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D-1622 Apparent Density of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D-1623 Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics ASTM D-1653 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Organic Coating Films

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ASTM D-2697 Volume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear or Pigmented Coatings ASTM D-4541 Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers ASTM D-4798 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering Test Conditions and Procedures for Bituminous Materials (Xenon-Arc Method) ASTM E-84 Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E-96 Water Vapor Transmission of Materials ASTM E-108 Fire Tests of Roof Coatings ASTM G-155 Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials FM 4470 Approval Standard for Single-Ply, Polymer-Modified Bitumen Sheet, Built-Up Roof (BUR) and Liquid Applied Roof Assemblies for use in Class 1 and Noncombustible Roof Deck Construction


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Manufacturer's standard product data and material safety data sheet for all field applied primer, tie coat, thinners, intermediate and finish coatings. Copies of these data shall be posted at the job site at each field application area.

2. List of materials proposed to be used under this section.

3. Manufacturer's literature and written instructions for surface preparation, mixing and application of each coating.

4. Manufacturer's complete color selection chart and chips.

5. Copy of the proposed two-year guarantee from the manufacturer.

6. Applicator's qualification resume of experience installing spray polyurethane foam roofing and cold applied acrylic elastomeric roof coatings per paragraph 07244- 1.06.

7. Foam and Coating manufacturer's certifications that the contractor is authorized and approved for the application of these materials.


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A. All applicable federal, state, and local regulatory agency requirements shall be complied with during the course of the work. The Contractor's attention is directed to the following list of agency requirements that generally apply to coatings work; the Contractor is responsible for identifying and complying with any other agencies or requirements not listed.

1. OSHA – Personnel protection during all phases of work, including exposure to airborne solvents, dust, and lead.

2. CAL/OSHA – Personnel protection; requirements may supersede OSHA regulations.

3. California Title 22 – Environmental requirements, including definition of abrasive blast materials and residue relative to hazardous waste disposal requirements.

4. Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District – Environmental requirements for limiting airborne emissions from equipment, products, and methods of operation.



1. Applicators shall have specifically performed the application of sprayed-in-place polyurethane foam roofing systems. Such applicators shall have performed the installation of these systems for not less than five years under the same company name. Applicators shall have performed at least fifteen projects of similar size, type and application. Submit a list of projects including date of completion and contact information for verification.

2. Applicators shall have specifically performed the application of cold applied elastomeric acrylic roofing systems. Such applicators shall have performed the installation of these systems for not less than five years under the same company name. Applicators shall have performed at least fifteen projects of similar size, type and application. Submit a list of projects including date of completion and contact information for verification.


1. The manufacturers of the foam and coating shall have been in business for a minimum of ten years and shall have a minimum of 1,000,000 square feet of spray polyurethane roofing system installed. A letter verifying this shall be submitted and signed by an officer of the manufacturing company.

2. The manufacturer shall maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 of product liability insurance on a continuing basis. Verification of insurance shall be submitted.

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A. Materials shall be delivered to the job site in their original, unopened containers. Each container shall bear the manufacturer's name, coating type, batch number, date of manufacture, and special directions. All materials delivered to the job site shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's latest product data sheets which indicate storage life.

B. Materials shall be stored in enclosed structures and shall be protected from weather and excessive heat or cold. Flammable materials shall be stored in accordance with state and local codes. Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the manufac- turer shall be removed from the site.

C. The Contractor shall keep and maintain records for all products delivered to the site. Information should include batch numbers, quantities, and dates used for all paints, solvents, and cleaners used. These records should be reported to the District weekly.


Contractor shall provide a two (2) year warranty for materials and workmanship provided by the contractor. Warranty shall be limited to defective materials and workmanship. Warranty period shall begin after the date of final acceptance.



A. Materials shall be the standard products of manufacturers. The spray polyurethane foam manufacturer shall verify that the roof coating system selected is compatible with the polyurethane foam and with each other.

B. The standard products of manufacturers other than those specified will be accepted when it is demonstrated to the District that they are equal in composition, durability, usefulness, and convenience for the purpose intended. Requests for substitutions, in accordance with Section 01300, will be considered, provided the criteria specified in Section 01300 are satisfied and the following minimum conditions are met:

1. The proposed coating system shall use coatings of the same generic type as that specified.

2. Requests for substitution shall have directions for application and descriptive literature which includes generic type, percent solids by volume, volatile organic content (grams per liter), flammability, toxicity, and any other information required to determine if the substitution is equal to the specified coating system.

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3. The Contractor shall provide a list of references where the proposed coating system of the same generic type has been applied. The reference list shall give the project name, city, state, owner, phone number of owner, coating system reference and number, and year coating material was applied.

C. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% lead.

D. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% zinc-chromate and ≤ 0.0000% strontium-chromate.

E. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% asbestos.

F. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% mercury and ≤ 0.0000% mercury compounds.

G. Coatings shall not contain any toxic chemicals in amounts greater than the amounts in the specified acceptable products.

H. Coatings shall not have higher NFPA or HMIS hazard ratings than the ratings for the specified acceptable products.

I. Abrasives shall not contain metals or other substances that would classify abrasive as a hazardous waste under California Title 22 requirements.

J. Maximum VOC limits shall comply with Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD) Rule 442 and Rule 451.


A. Primer for new spray polyurethane foam shall be a two-part epoxy coating suitable for severe service and sustained immersion. Apply 5.0 – 10.0 mils DFT per coat of epoxy primer in two or more coats for a total thickness of 10.0 – 20.0 mils DFT. Maximum VOC content shall be 100 grams per liter.

B. Acceptable Products: BASF FE Coat 1601, Carboline Carboguard 890; Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646-100 Fast Cure Epoxy; or equal.


A. Spray polyurethane foam shall be a two-component, closed cell polyurethane foam system formulated for use through airless equipment. The product shall provide the following typical physical properties:

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Properties Test Method Value Density (sprayed-in-place) ASTM D-1622 ≥ 2.5 pcf K Factor (aged) ASTM C-518 ≤ 0.16 BTU/hr-ft-∆°F Compressive Strength ASTM D-1621 50-60 psi Tensile Strength ASTM D-1623 ≥ 60 psi Closed Cell Content ASTM D-6226 ≥ 90% by volume Water Vapor Transmission ASTM E-96 ≤ 2.0 perms Water Absorption ASTM D-2842 ≤ 0.017 Flame Spread ASTM E-84 75 FSI max Roof Deck Classification: Combustible Deck ASTM E-108 Class B Non-combustible Deck ASTM E-108 Class A

B. Acceptable Products: BASF FE 384 3.0 Series, BASF Elastospray 81305 Series, Bayer Bayseal 3.0, Ultra-Thane 230, or equal.


A. General:

1. Roof Coating System shall be a 100% premium quality, high durability, elastomeric coating system incorporating polyester reinforcement and a skid resistant surface. The system shall be UV stable and shall withstand ponding water,

2. The flexible acrylic system shall be cold applied, single part fluid applied membrane system. The system shall include base/top/skid resistant coats, flashing grades, trowel grades, polyester contouring seam fabric, etc. required for a complete fluid applied membrane system with the following properties.

Properties Test Method Value Elongation (Reinforced) ASTM D-412 >60% Tensile Strength (Reinforced) ASTM D-412 2213 psi Tear Resistance ASTM D-624 118 pli Fire Rating ASTM E-108 Class “A” VOC 0 g/l

B. Primer

1. Prime for uncoated steel surfaces (flashing at tank wall & drain pans) shall be a water based rust inhibiting acrylic emulsion containing polymers that reacts with lightly rusted steel to provide a tight bond to steel and anticorrosion protection. Product shall be designed to be compatible with the systems flashing and Base coating.

2. Acceptable Products: Western Colloid 900R MTL & Rust Primer or equal.

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C. Sealant

1. The flashing, penetration, and termination sealant shall use a one-part heavy bodied brush applied elastomeric acrylic cement reinforced with polyester fabric. Flashing shall withstanding flexing or movement. Product shall be designed to be compatible with the systems Base coating.

2. Acceptable Products: Western Colloid 800 Elastic Cement or equal

D. Base Coating:

1. The base coat shall be a one-part elastomeric acrylic roof coating, with embedded polyester fabric. Top coat shall have the following typical physical properties:

Properties Test Method Value Solids by Weight ASTM D-1644 64% Elongation ASTM D-412 > 60% Tensile Strength (reinforced) ASTM D-412 > 2213 psi Tear Resistance ASTM D-624 > 90 lbf/in Permeance ASTM D-1653 < 4 VOC 0 g/l

2. Coating shall withstand ponding water, shall not support the growth of fungi, and shall be suitable for application on spray polyurethane foam by brush, roller, or spray.

3. Coatings such as Silicone, Single-Component or Catalyzed Polyurethane Elastomers, Two-Component Polyurethane Elastomers, Epoxies, Vinyls, and EVA, are not acceptable and will not be considered.

4. Acceptable Products: Western Colloid #770 AXP Acrylic Base Coat with #272. Polyester Fabric or equal.

E. Top Coat:

1. The top coat shall be a one-part elastomeric acrylic roof coating, with embedded polyester fabric at swales. Top coat shall have the following typical physical properties.

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Properties Test Method Value Solids by Weight ASTM D-1644 66% Elongation ASTM D-2370 > 250% Tensile Strength ASTM D-2370 > 250 psi Tear Resistance ASTM D-624 > 100 lbf/in Permeance ASTM D-1653 < 16 Fire Rating ASTM E-108 Class “A” VOC 0 g/l

2. Coating shall be UV stable, shall withstand ponding water, shall withstand ponding water, shall not support the growth of fungi, and shall be suitable for application on spray polyurethane foam by brush, roller, or spray.

3. Coatings such as Silicone, Single-Component or Catalyzed Polyurethane Elastomers, Two-Component Polyurethane Elastomers, Epoxies, Vinyls, and EVA, are not acceptable and will not be considered.

4. Acceptable Products: Western Colloid #720 ARC Acrylic Coating with #272. Polyester Fabric.

F. Seamless Walkway System Coat

1. Seamless Walkway shall be a one-part acrylic cold applied coating containing aggregate to form a textured non-slip surface with high abrasion resistance. If shall have the following properties:

Properties Test Method Value Solids by Weight 66% Elongation ASTM D-2370 195% Tensile Strength ASTM D-2370 411 psi Tear Resistance ASTM D-624 109 lbf/in VOC 0 g/l Color Gray

2. Coating shall allow the normal flow of water and shall not block or dam water like pads or sheets.

3. Broadcasting an aggregate into a wet surface coating shall not be acceptable.

4. Acceptable products: Western Colloid #850 SWS Seamless Walkway System Coating or equal.

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A. Caulking shall be single component, low-modulus, polyurethane elastomeric type.

B. Acceptable Products: Vulkem 921; Sikaflex 11FC; or equal.


A. Maintain the following inspection tools on site for use in evaluating conditions and quality:

1. Moisture meter - to measure degree of moisture within or on the substrate surface.

2. Sling Psychrometer and psychrometric chart, or electronic psychrometer or hygrometer - to measure ambient temperature, humidity and dew point.

3. Surface thermometer - to read temperature of a surface.

4. Optical comparator - to read dry film thickness.

5. Magnifying glass, minimum 3 inch - to inspect surface conditions.

6. Wet film thickness gauge - read wet film thickness.

7. Probe wire (0.025 inches diameter, maximum) - to inspect foam depth.



A. protection of property

1. Protect the building structure, equipment, and other surfaces adjacent to the work from overspray from foam and coating materials. Protective coverings shall be secured and vented to prevent collection of moisture on covered surfaces. Use protective shields or barriers when spraying along open roof edges and walls to prevent uncontrolled overspray. Any surfaces damaged by roof system products shall be restored or replaced to the satisfaction of the District Representative at no additional expense to the District.

2. Masking

a. Provide masking protection to protect surfaces immediately adjacent to foam and coating terminations at time of application. Adjust or provide new masking protection at roof perimeter to protect surfaces immediately adjacent to coating terminations and to provide for clean smooth coating termination lines.

3. Warning Signs

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a. Post warning signs at ground level in the adjacent to the work area and a minimum of 150 feet from the application area stating the area is off limits to unauthorized persons and warning of potential overspray hazard. Place clearly visible and legible warning sign at entrance to primary road leading to the project facility warning of presence of flammable materials, irritating fumes, and potential of overspray damage.

B. Special precautions and instructions

1. Safe Working Load Limits

a. Do not place materials or equipment on the roof deck exceeding the indicated live load limits of the roof construction.

2. Primers

a. Do not dilute primers or other materials unless required and recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use cleaning solvents for thinning primers or other materials.

3. Material Handling

a. Handle materials and containers during application work safely and in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer. Store liquids in airtight containers and keep containers closed except when removing materials. Do not use equipment or containers containing remains of dissimilar materials or products.

4. Fire and Explosion Hazards

a. Prohibit open flames, sparks, welding, and smoking in the application area. Provide and maintain a fire extinguisher of appropriate type and size in the application area.


A. Roof area preparation

1. Existing Foam Removal

a. The existing surface shall be power washed with a non-hazardous detergent solution and thoroughly rinsed. The cleaned surface shall be free from solvent, oil, grease, dust, sediment, dirt, and sticky mastic. The surface shall be examined after cleaning and tested for proper adhesion of the new base coat material.

2. Pre-application Inspection

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a. Ensure that curbs, roof penetrations, drains, equipment supports, cants, perimeter walls, and perimeter foam stops are in place prior to the application of primers and spray polyurethane foam.

b. Surface Examination

1) Examine surfaces and correct defects that may adversely affect the roofing system application or performance.

3. Close Intake Vents

a. Seal off and shutdown air intake vents during foam and coating application. Coordinate with the District Representative.

B. General application

1. Application shall be as specified and in general accord with requirements and recommendations of ASTM D5469, SPFA AY-104, and NRCA RoofMan.

C. Surface preparation for foam application

1. Surfaces that are to be primed or receive spray foam application shall be dry; completely cured; free of grease, oils, dirt and other foreign matter or contaminants which will interfere with total adhesion of primer and polyurethane foam. Prior to foam application, fill or otherwise seal openings where foam spray may damage or contaminate interior items or surfaces.

2. Ferrous Metal

a. Abrasive blast iron and steel surfaces which are not primed, shop painted, or otherwise protected in accordance with SSPC SP 6/NACE No.3. Remove loose rust and unsound primer from shop-primed iron and steel surfaces by scraping or wire brushing.

3. Concrete

a. Remove spalling and loose material from the concrete deck and prime, if required, in accordance with recommendations of the manufacturer of the spray polyurethane foam materials.

D. Spray foam application

1. Spray Foam

a. Wind Velocity shall not exceed 12 miles per hour.

b. Wind screens shall be used throughout the project to minimize the possibility of over spray on adjacent areas.

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c. Application of spray polyurethane foam shall not proceed if ambient temperature is less than 40 deg. F, or if the substrate temperature is less than 50 deg. F.

d. Spray polyurethane foam shall not be applied over moist surfaces or when rain or inclement weather is imminent.

e. Apply foam to provide a minimum finished thickness in the field of 1.5 inches in at least two spray passes. Build drainage contours in ½ to 1 inch passes (Reference drawing G11.) Apply each spray pass at right angles to the previous pass to the extent practicable. Each pass, except for filleting or tapering as required at terminations, shall be between 1/2 inch and 1 inch in thickness. Check foam thickness during application by probing depth with probe wire. Adjust application procedures as necessary to develop required foam thickness.

f. Only as much area as can be brought to final thickness should be attempted in a day. Phasing of the foam is strictly forbidden. If additional foam must be added after the 24 hour period, the existing foam must be primed with neoprene primer and a minimum 1/2-inch of foam in a single pass can be applied.

g. The foam shall be free from bumps, pinholes and ridges. The surface shall exhibit a smooth or orange peel surface texture. Popcorn or tree bark surfaces shall be deemed unacceptable.

h. The foam thickness shall be checked every 500 square feet prior to coating application.

2. Terminations

a. Unless otherwise indicated, conform to manufacturer's standard details, for foam thickness around drains, penetrations, and other terminations. Transitions between horizontal and vertical surfaces shall be smooth and sprayed at a nominal angle of 45 degrees. Foam shall be uniformly terminated a minimum of 4 inches above the roof line at all curb, stack, pipe and other vertical penetrations and boundary terminations in the roof, unless otherwise indicated or required by the roof system manufacturer and approved by the District Representative.

3. Surface Uniformity

a. Do not exceed the minimum thickness of the foam by more than 1/2 inch, except as necessary at transitions and penetrations, or as otherwise approved by the District Representative. Apply the foam of a sufficient overall surface uniformity to prevent water ponding. The finished spray foam surface shall provide for free drainage of the roof area.

b. Pay particular attention to the slopes and crickets as shown on the drawings in order to prevent the creation of ponding areas.

4. Finish Appearance and Texture

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a. The finished surface of applied foam shall be free of ridges, bumps, pinholes, depressions, crevices, voids, or oxidation and shall be "course orange peel" or smoother in conformance with photographic standards of ASTM D5469 or SPFA AY-104. Soft, spongy, delaminating, brittle, or otherwise non-complying areas of foam shall be removed and replaced.

5. Foam Finish Correction

a. If the sprayed foam skin is removed to correct surface texture or to remove excess foam thickness, re-spray the cut surface with foam formation at least 1 inch thick to provide a protective foam skin prior to application of the protective coating.

6. Finish Removal

a. Remove foam that is not bonded, of poor cell structure, wet, or otherwise does not meet the material quality specifications.

7. Application Time Limits

a. Do not start foam application on an area larger than can be brought to the specified full foam thickness, cured, and coated with the base coat of the coating system on the same day. No applied foam, except for leading edges, shall stand uncoated overnight. Inspect the leading edge of foam before resuming work the next day. Remove and replace damaged or wet foam material.

8. Curing Time

a. Cure the applied foam for a minimum of 2 hours and as otherwise recommended by the foam manufacturer prior to application of the protective coating.

9. Spray Foam Clean Up

a. Remove overspray masking materials and coverings upon completion of the spray foam application and prior to the application of the protective coating. Do not remove the masking over air intake vents until two hours after application of the foam. Remove foam overspray found on adjacent surfaces not scheduled to application of the protective coating.

E. Surface preparation for protective coating application

1. Apply roof coating on surfaces free of water, grease, oils, dirt, debris, and other foreign materials, and cured completely. Foam surfaces to receive coating shall be as specified.

2. Metal and Concrete Surfaces

a. Clean rust and scale from metal surfaces which are to receive roof coatings by abrasive cleaning or wire brushing. Wipe with an industrial solvent approved by

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the coating manufacturer Wire brush concrete surfaces which are to receive roof coatings, and remove resulting dust.

3. Primer

a. Apply as recommended by the coating manufacturer.

4. Sealant

a. Apply in locations as recommended by the coating manufacturer.


A. Application: The coating is to be applied to the surface of the sprayed polyurethane foam per the coating manufacturer’s directions. The coating shall extend a minimum of 6 inches beyond the edges of the foam.

B. Application will not be permitted during inclement weather (wet, rain, snow, freeze.) or if rain, inclement weather or temperatures below 40 digress Fahrenheit (F) are expected within 48 hours after application. The temperature during application shall be a minimum of 55 degrees and rising.

C. Roof Coating System:

1. Primer: Apply primer to flashing at tank wall and other uncoated steel surfaces.

2. Sealant: Detail around penetrations with acrylic elastic cement sealant and 12” wide 3 ounce polyester seam fabric, as recommended by the coating manufacturer.

3. Base Coat: One coat, 48 wet mils minimum thickness. The entire roof surface is to have polyester reinforcement fabric is to be embedded into the wet base coating to create durable membrane.

a. Cut samples from 22 locations and verify the minimum base coat thickness has been achieved. Do not sample at the swales or drains. Repair sample locations per manufactures recommendations.

4. Top Coats: Apply in two coats, 24 mils wet each. When applying the first coating, embed polyester reinforcement fabric into the wet surface of the coating at swales and drain channels (refer to drawing G11.) Allow the first coat to dry prior to the application of the second coat. Apply the second coat at right angles to the first coat.

5. Non Skid Coating: Two coats, Apply in two coats, 7 mils wet each with a minimum of 24 hours drying time between coats.

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A. Upon completion of all work covered in this specification, the contractor shall remove all equipment, material and debris, leaving the area in a clean, undamaged and acceptable condition.


A. Upon completion, final inspection and acceptance of the work, the manufacturer shall issue a Two (2) year full system warranty to the District. The manufacturer shall provide all materials for all repairs covered under the warranty and the contractor shall provide the labor.


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1. This section specifies sealants for use in expansion joints and construction joints.


1. Requirements of this section include, but are not limited to, requirements specified in the following sections: Section Description Section 01300 SUBMITTALS


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Reference Title FEDSPEC TT-S-00230C Sealing Compound: Elastomeric Type, Single Component FEDPSEC TT-S-00227E Sealing Compound: Elastomeric Type, Multi-Component


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Manufacturer's product data showing conformance to the specified products.

2. Manufacturer's recommendations for storage, handling and application of sealants and primers.

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3. Manufacturer's written statement that each application is in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

4. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

5. A copy of the portion of Section 01300 that applies to this submittal shall be neatly and clearly marked by a check mark or circled indicating it has been reviewed and, as a minimum, complies with each requirement outlined or marked to show any deviation.

6. List of materials for the job, consisting of polyurethane sealant, mastic sealant, backer rod and tape, and primer.





1. Acceptable products shall be Sikaflex by Sika Chemical Corporation, Vulkem by Mameco International, Rubber Calk by Products Research and Chemical Corporation, or equal.


1. Polyurethane sealants shall conform to FEDSPEC TT-S-00230C for one-component systems and FEDSPEC TT-S-00227E for two-component systems. Polyurethane sealant shall be one of the following two types.

a. SELF-LEVELING. Self-leveling polyurethane sealant shall be Type I, Class A as specified by the FEDSPECs referenced above.

b. NONSAG. Nonsag polyurethane sealant shall be Type II, Class A as specified by the FEDSPECs referenced above.


1. Primer shall be as recommended by the sealant manufacturer.


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1. Backer rod shall be open cell polyethylene or polyurethane foam. Rod shall be cylindrical unless otherwise specified. Backer tape shall be polyethylene or polyurethane with adhesive on one side.



1. Mastic joint sealant shall consist of a blend of refined asphalts, resins and plasticizing compounds, reinforced with fiber. Sealant shall be compatible with joint fillers and shall be pressure grade. Mastic sealant shall be Asphalt Mastic by Pure Asphalt Company, or equal.


1. Primer shall be as recommended by the mastic sealant manufacturer.



A. Sealants and primers shall be applied according to the sealant manufacturer's recommendations. Polyurethane sealants shall be used on all expansion joints and construction joints.

B. Joints and spaces to be sealed shall be clean, dry and free of dust, loose mortar, concrete and plaster. Additional preparation of joints and spaces shall be provided in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Primer shall be applied only to the surfaces that will be covered by the sealant.



1. Non-sag polyurethane sealants shall be used on vertical joints. Self-leveling polyurethane sealants shall be used on horizontal joints.


1. Joints and spaces to be filled shall be constructed to the following criteria: Joints and spaces shall have a minimum width of 1/4 inch and a maximum width of 1 inch. The depth of the sealant shall be one-half the width of the joint, but in no case less than 1/4 inch deep. Sealant depth shall be measured at the point of smallest cross section. When joints exceed the depth requirements, backing rod shall be inserted to provide

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the joint depth specified. If the joint sealant depth is within the specified tolerances, backer tape shall be placed in the bottom of the joint.



1. Joints to be sealed shall be 2 inches deep, 1 inch wide at the top, and 3/4 inch wide at the base.


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1. This section specifies coating systems, surface preparations, and application requirements.


1. The following specifications sections are referenced herein: Section Title Section 01300 SUBMITTALS

1.02 REFERENCES The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail. Reference Title ASTM D16 Standard Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications ASTM D2200 Standard Practice for Use of Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards and Guides for Painting Steel Surfaces

SMAQMD Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District - Rule 442 Architectural Coatings

SMAQMD Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District – Rule 451 Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products

SSPC SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings (Steel Structures Painting Council) Specifications, Vol. 1 and 2, latest edition.


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Reference Title

SSPC Guide 6 Guide for Containing Surface Preparation Debris Generated During Paint Removal Operations SSPC-VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning


1. Specific coating terminology used in this section is in accordance with definitions contained below and in ASTM D16:

a. Dry Film Thickness (DFT): The thickness of one fully cured continuous application of coating.

b. Wet Film Thickness (WFT): The thickness of one wet layer of coating taken shortly after application.

c. Field Coat: The application of a coating after installation of the surface at the site of the work.

d. Shop Coat: One or more coats applied in a shop or plant prior to shipment to the site of erection or fabrication, where the field or finishing coat is applied.

e. Tie Coat: An intermediate coat used to bond different types of paint coats. Coatings used to improve the adhesion of a succeeding coat.

f. Vinyl Acid Wash Coat: A coating supplied as one- or two-component systems on clean light alloy or ferrous surfaces, and on many nonferrous surfaces, to provide adhesion with the substrates, and for the application of subsequent coats of paint.

g. Photochemically Reactive Organic Material: Any organic material that will react with oxygen, excited oxygen, ozone or other free radicals generated by the action of sunlight on components in the atmosphere giving rise to secondary contaminants and reaction intermediates in the atmosphere which can have detrimental effects.

h. Volatile Organic Content: The portion of the coating that is a compound of carbon, is photochemically reactive, and evaporates during drying or curing, expressed in grams per liter or pounds per gallon.


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i. Touch-Up Painting: The application of paint on small areas of painted surfaces to repair marks, scratches, and small areas where the coating has deteriorated to restore the coating film to an unbroken condition.

j. Stripe Coat: Coating with brush or spray gun to all edges, corners, bolts and welds, with coating material prior to application of full surface coat. Striping will extend at least one inch minimum from all edges, corners and welds.

k. The terms "solvent cleaning", "hand tool cleaning", "wire brushing", and "blast cleaning", or similar words of equal intent in these Specifications or in paint manufacturer's specifications refer to the applicable SSPC Surface Preparation Standards.

l. Spreading Rate: The amount of product that is applied to a specified area of a surface to be coated. The spreading rate is specified in square feet per gallon (SFPG) or square feet per gallon per coat (SFPGPC).

m. Ferrous Metal: Iron, steel, and alloys containing iron as the principal element, except stainless steel.

n. Interior: Inside of a building or structure, unless otherwise specified.

o. Exterior: Outside of building or structures and exposed to weather elements.

p. Buried: Surfaces that are underground and either in contact with soil or encased in concrete.

q. Submerged: Surfaces that are underwater or are below the top elevation of structures or facilities that contain water, under normal operating conditions.

r. Mild Environment: Standard commercial facility conditions.

s. Moderate Environment: Industrial facility conditions where surfaces may be occasionally exposed to light-moderately aggressive liquids or gases.

t. Harsh Environment: Industrial facility conditions where surfaces may be subject to aggressive liquids or gases, or normally exposed to light-moderately aggressive liquids or gases.


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:


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1. Manufacturer's standard product data and material safety data sheet for all field applied primer, tie coat, thinners, intermediate and finish coating, abrasives and all shop applied primers, intermediate and finish coating including those from equipment manufacturers and suppliers. Copies of these data shall be posted at the job site at each field application area.

2. List of materials proposed to be used under this section.

3. Manufacturer's literature and written instructions for surface preparation, mixing and application of each primer and finish coating.

4. Manufacturers complete color selection chart.

5. Applicator's qualifications per paragraph 09900-1.06.A.1.

6. Containment system plan per paragraph 09900-3.01.C.



A. All applicable federal, state, and local regulatory agency requirements shall be complied with during the course of the work. The Contractor's attention is directed to the following list of agency requirements that generally apply to coatings work; the Contractor is responsible for identifying and complying with any other agencies or requirements not listed.

1. OSHA – Personnel protection during all phases of work, including exposure to airborne solvents, dust, and lead.

2. CAL/OSHA – Personnel protection; requirements may supersede OSHA regulations.

3. California Title 22 – Environmental requirements, including definition of abrasive blast materials and residue relative to hazardous waste disposal requirements. Abrasives shall not contain metals or other substances that would classify abrasive as a hazardous waste under California Title 22 requirements.

4. CARB and Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District – Environmental requirements for equipment and products. Also, environment requirements for limiting emissions produced by paint removal and coating operations. Maximum VOC limits shall comply with SMAQMD Rule 442 and 451.


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1. Requested information is to be submitted and approved prior to commence work.

a. The unique nature of this Project requires prior similar experience of the Tank Coating Contractor/Subcontractor and of the Key Personnel assigned.

b. Tank Coating Contractor/Subcontractor shall have successfully completed not less than three sludge pipe lining projects in the past five years applying coatings of the same generic type as the coatings specified for this project, performed lead abatement, and applying these coatings on digesters similar in scope and character (size, coating type, complexity, cost, schedule, etc.) to the digester in this project.

c. Provide the following information for each of the three sludge pipe lining projects:

1) Project name and location.

2) Total value of coating work.

3) Completion date.

4) Description of the project.

5) Scope of the work performed.

6) Coating used.

7) Project owner’s current contact information (name and number).

8) Foreman.

d. Foreman must have managed a minimum of three sludge pipe lining projects similar in scope and character (size, abatement, coating type, complexity, cost, schedule, etc.).

e. Coating manufacturer approved applicator when coating manufacturer has approved applicator program.

f. Tank Coating Contractor/Subcontractor has SSPC Painting Contractor Certification Program, QP-1 and QP-2 certifications.



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A. Materials shall be delivered to the job site in their original, unopened containers. Each container shall bear the manufacturer's name, coating type, batch number, date of manufacture, and special directions. All materials delivered to the job site shall be accompanied by the manufacturer's latest product data sheets which indicate storage life.

B. Materials shall be stored in enclosed structures and shall be protected from weather and excessive heat or cold. Flammable materials shall be stored in accordance with state and local codes. Materials exceeding storage life recommended by the manufacturer shall be removed from the site.

C. Where shop-primed or shop-finished items are to be shipped to the job site, protect coatings from damage by the use of battens, padded straps, and nonmetallic slings. Excessive shipping damage will be considered grounds for rejection of shop primers and shop finishes.

D. The Contractor shall keep and maintain records for all products delivered to the site. Information should include batch numbers, quantities, and dates used for all paints, solvents, and cleaners used. These records should be reported to the District weekly.



A. Materials and supplies provided shall be the standard products of manufacturers. Materials in each coating system shall be the products of a single manufacturer.

B. The standard products of manufacturers other than those specified will be accepted when it is demonstrated to the District that they are equal in composition, durability, chemical resistance, usefulness, and convenience for the purpose intended. Requests for substitutions, in accordance with Section 01300, will be considered, provided the criteria specified in Section 01300 are satisfied and the following minimum conditions are met:

1. The proposed coating system shall use an equal or greater number of separate coats to achieve the required dry film thickness.

2. The proposed coating system shall use coatings of the same generic type as that specified.

3. Requests for substitution shall have directions for application and descriptive literature which includes generic type, percent solids by volume, volatile organic


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content (grams per liter), flammability, toxicity, and any other information required to determine if the substitution is equal to the specified coating system.

4. The Contractor shall provide a list of references where paint of the same generic type has been applied. The reference list shall give the project name, city, state, owner, phone number of owner, coating system reference and number, and year coating material was applied.

5. Any shop applied coating materials shall be compatible with the field applied coating materials specified.

C. Hazardous Compounds:

1. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% lead.

2. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% zinc-chromate.

3. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% strontium-chromate.

4. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% asbestos.

5. Coatings shall contain ≤ 0.0000% mercury and ≤ 0.0000% mercury compounds.

6. Coatings shall not contain any toxic chemicals in amounts greater than the amounts in the specified acceptable products.


A. Coating systems are specified on the following Coating System Specification sheets:


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Coating System: Concrete Resurfacer Symbol: CR

Description: Acceptable Products: Concrete Resurfacer: High strength, two part, polymer Moxie International: 2000 Super activated, modified Portland cement Patch with Moxie 1800 Super based patching and resurfacing Admix compound. Moisture and vapor migration rate: 0.015 g/hr•m2. Surface Preparation: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Allow the concrete sealer to dry completely, 72 hours prior to applying the concrete resurfacer. Resurfacer In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: Application: 1. Apply concrete resurfacer in a minimum 6” high band, centered on the concrete anchors. 2. Finished surface to be a smooth, flat, pinhole free surface, suitable for attaching a rubber seal in a leak-free manner.


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Coating System: Concrete Sealer Symbol: CS

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: Water based, non-toxic, chemically Moxie International: 1500 reactive complex silicate compound Concrete Sealer providing penetration up to 7” and reducing water vapor transmission to 0.015 g/hr-m2. Intermediate Coats: Water based, non-toxic, chemically Moxie International: 1500 reactive complex silicate compound Concrete Sealer providing penetration up to 7” and reducing water vapor transmission to 0.015 g/hr-m2. Finish Coat: Water based, non-toxic, chemically Moxie International: 1500 reactive complex silicate compound Concrete Sealer providing penetration up to 7” and reducing water vapor transmission to 0.015 g/hr-m2.

Services: Interior, Exterior, Buried, Submerged Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surfaces: Concrete Surface Preparation: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Exterior Locations: SSPC-SP 12 WJ-4. Use 5000 psi minimum pressure washer. 2. Submerged Locations: SSPC-SP 13. Remove any coatings and prepare surface to a level required by the new concrete sealer. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply prime coat. 2. Apply intermediate coat. 3. Apply intermediate coat. 4. Apply finish coat. (Total of 4 coats)


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Coating System: Epoxy Mastic Symbol: EM1

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: 82-90% solids aluminum filled Carboline: Carbomastic 15 polyamine epoxy mastic Rustoleum: V9100 Low VOC DTM Epoxy Mastic 9115402, with Low VOC Standard Activator

Services: Interior Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surface: Steel Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP6, per manufacturer’s recommendation. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply 9 - 11 mils DFT prime coat.


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Coating System: Epoxy Mastic - Polyurethane Symbol: EM1/U

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: 82-90% solids aluminum filled Carboline: Carbomastic 15 polyamine epoxy mastic Rustoleum: V9100 Low VOC DTM Epoxy Mastic 9115402, with Low VOC Standard Activator

Finish Coat: Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane Carboline: Carbothane 134 VOC Polyurethane Tnemec: Endura-Shield II series 1075

Services: Exterior Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surface: Metal Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP6, per manufacturer’s recommendation. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply 9-11 mils DFT prime coat. 2. Apply two 2 – 2.5 mils DFT finish coats to obtain a total system of 13-16 mils DFT.


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Coating System: High Solids Epoxy - High Solids Symbol: HSE3 Epoxy - High Solids Epoxy

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: 82-85% solids cycloaliphatic Carboline: Carboguard 891 VOC polyamine epoxy or Carbomastic 15 Tnemec: Series 104

Intermediate Coat: 82-85% solids cycloaliphatic Carboline: Carboguard 891 VOC polyamine epoxy Tnemec: Series 104

Finish Coat: 82-85% solids cycloaliphatic Carboline: Carboguard 891 VOC polyamine epoxy Tnemec: Series 104

Services: Interior, Exterior, Buried, Submerged Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surface: Metal, Concrete, Masonry Surface Preparation: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. SSPC-SP12 WJ-4. Use hot water pressure washer (180°F+) with a non-hazardous detergent for all surfaces in direct contact with sludge. Follow all MSDS safety requirements. 2. SSPC-SP10 (unless otherwise called out on plans) after pressure washing, per manufacturer’s recommendation. 3 to 5 mil sharp anchor profile. Fill pits and voids with 100% solids epoxy putty, Carboline Carboguard 501, or equal. 3. Test for surface contaminates. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply 9-11 mils DFT prime coat. 2. Apply 9-11 mils DFT intermediate coat. 3. Apply 9-11 mils DFT finish coat to obtain a total system of 27-33 mils DFT.


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Coating System: High Solids Epoxy - High Solids Symbol: HSE2/U Epoxy - Polyurethane

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: 82-90% solids cycloaliphatic Carboline: Carboguard 891 VOC or polyamine epoxy or polyamine Carbomastic 15 epoxy mastic Tnemec: Series 104

Intermediate Coat: 82-85% solids cycloaliphatic Carboline: Carboguard 891 VOC polyamine epoxy Tnemec: Series 104

Finish Coat: Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane Carboline: Carbothane 134 VOC Polyurethane Tnemec: Endura-Shield II series 1075

Services: Exterior Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surface: Metal, Concrete, Masonry Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP10, per manufacturer’s recommendation. 3 to 5 mil sharp anchor profile. Fill pits and voids with 100% solids epoxy putty: Carboline Carboguard 501; Tnemec Series 215; or equal. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply 9-11 mils DFT prime coat. 2. Apply 9-11 mils DFT intermediate coat. 3. Apply two 2 – 2.5 mils DFT finish coats to obtain a total system of 22-27 mils DFT.


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Coating System: Elastomeric Polyurethane, 100% Symbol: EP-100 Solids

Description: Acceptable Products: Single Coat: 100% Solids, Thick Film, Carboline: Reactamine 760 Elastomeric Polyurethane. Plural Global EcoTechnologies: Component. Endura-Flex 1988 Sprayroq: SprayShield Green I Tnemec: Elasto-Shield Series 406 Services: Interior, Submerged, Gas, Mild, Moderate, Harsh Surface: Concrete Surface Preparation: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. SSPC-SP13. Remove any existing coatings by mechanical method and prepare surface to level required for the new coating. 2. Fill pits and voids with 100% solids epoxy putty: Carboline Carboguard 501 or equal.

Application: Plural component spray application, in accordance with the polyurethane manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Apply one 40 mil (minimum) DFT finish coat.


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Coating System: Pure Acrylic Emulsion Paint Symbol: AE

Description: Acceptable Products: Prime Coat: Acrylic emulsion water based latex Aerocel: Aerocoat paint.

Finish Coat: Acrylic emulsion water based latex Aerocel: Aerocoat paint.

Services: Exterior

Surface: Insulation Surface Preparation: Per manufacturer’s recommendation. Surface must be clean, free from oil, grease or other contaminants. Application: In accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions, plus the following: 1. Prime coat. 2. Finish coat.


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1. Surface preparations for each type of surface shall be in accordance with the specific manufacturer’s requirements of each coating and its intended service, and the Coating System Specification sheets.

2. Surfaces and equipment which are not to receive protective coatings shall be protected during surface preparation, cleaning, and coating operations.


1. Blast media shall CARB-approved.


1. Provide a minimum Class 3A Containment System in accordance with SSP Technology Guide 6 for the work on Digesters 5, 6 & 7. However, containment system for removal of lead containing paint shall be in accordance with Specification 02080.

2. Containment failure with an opening greater than 500 square feet will not be allowed to be patched, and the entire containment shall be removed. Install new containment prior to continuing with work. Utility blue tarps will not be permitted.

3. Utilize Method G, Visual Assessment of Site Cleanliness, to monitor the amount of dust or debris that may escape the work area.


1. Remove soluble salt contamination from metal surfaces to be coated using a soluble salt remover, such as CHLOR*RID, HoldTight 102, or equal.

a. Maximum allowable chloride contamination level shall be 3 micrograms/cm2.

b. Maximum allowable nitrate contamination level shall be 10 micrograms/cm2.

c. Maximum allowable sulfate contamination level shall be 10 micrograms/cm2.

2. Contamination levels shall be tested using a test kit, such as CHLOR*TEST or equal.

3. Provide a total of 25 tests for each contaminant for this project. Test locations shall be as directed by the District.


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4. Surfaces which exceed the maximum allowable contamination levels shall be re- cleaned and re-tested at no additional cost to the District.



1. Coating products shall not be used until the District has inspected the materials.

2. All of the manufacturer's printed recommendations with respect to surface preparation, mixing instructions, thinning, application method, application equipment, pot life, drying times, and any other manufacturer’s recommendations deemed applicable by the District shall be strictly adhered to by the Contractor. Following are some additional requirements more stringent than the manufacturer’s recommendations:

a. Coating application will not be permitted when relative humidity is higher than 70%.

3. All steel coating application shall comply with SSPC Good Painting Practice and PA Guides.


1. Except as otherwise specified herein, coatings may be shop-applied or field-applied. All coatings, whether shop-applied or field-applied shall comply with the specifications.

2. Shop-applied primers shall be compatible with the specified coating system and shall be applied at the minimum dry film thickness recommended by the manufacturer. Product data sheets identifying the shop primer used shall be provided to the on-site finish coat applicator.

3. If the shop-applied prime coat meets the requirements of this section, the field coating may consist of touching up the shop prime coat with a compatible field prime coat and then applying compatible intermediate and/or finish coats to achieve the specified film thickness and continuity. Intermediate or finish coats shall not be applied beyond the primer recoat window. If the primer recoat window is exceeded, the item shall be re-blasted and re-primed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

4. Damaged, deteriorated and/or poorly applied shop coatings that do not meet the requirements of this section shall be removed and the surfaces recoated.


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1. Coated surfaces shall be free from runs, drops, ridges, waves, laps, and brush marks. Coats shall be applied so as to produce an even film of uniform thickness completely coating corners and crevices.

2. Each coat of paint shall be applied evenly and sharply cut to line. Each coat shall give a uniform appearance throughout. Lap marks for multiple coats shall be staggered.

3. Where two or more coats of epoxy mastic are required, the alternate coats shall be of contrasting colors.

4. Existing coating systems damaged by new construction shall be repaired and coated in accordance with the appropriate system specified for new work.

5. Items which have been newly coated shall not be handled, worked on, or otherwise disturbed, until the paint is completely dry and hard. After delivery at the site of permanent erection or installation, shop-coated metalwork shall be recoated or touched up with specified coating to maintain the integrity of the film and to provide a uniform appearance.



1. Inspection by the District, or the waiver of inspection of any particular portion of the work, shall not relieve the Contractor of compliance with the specifications.

2. The District shall have the right to inspect at all times any tools, instrument, materials, staging, or equipment used or to be used in the performance of the work accessible for these inspections. The District shall have the right to take samples of the coating material at any time during the coating operation.

3. The District shall have the right to observe all application procedures during the time the work is in progress, inspect and approve the surface preparation prior to the application of any coating, and to inspect and approve the condition of each coat prior to the application of the following one.

4. The Contractor shall provide the same access to the inspector as for his painters. If necessary for safe inspection, scaffolding shall be provided for use by the inspector.

5. The Contractor shall notify the District 48 hours before work or part of the work commences.


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6. Surface preparation will be compared with SSPC-VIS 1 and ASTM D2200.

7. Where applicable, inspection of substrate anchor patterns shall be done with a surface profile indicator, surface profile comparitor or Testex Press-O-Film Replica Tape. All test tapes shall be submitted for verification.

8. Abrasive blast samples shall be utilized for inspection purposes throughout the duration of blast cleaning operations.

9. District may inspect coatings during application with a wet mil gauge. After drying, the District may inspect coatings with an Elcometer, Positest, or equivalent DFT instrument.

10. For coatings ≤ 20 mils DFT, Contractor shall in the presence of the District Representative inspect coatings for holidays using a Tinker-Rasor Model-M1 Wet Sponge Holiday Detector, K-D Bird Dog, or equivalent non-destructive type holiday detector operating at 75 volts or less. For thicknesses between 10 and 20 mils DFT, a non-sudsing type wetting agent, such as Kodak Photo-Flo, shall be added to the water prior to wetting the detector sponge.

11. For coatings > 20 mils DFT, Contractor shall in the presence of the District Representative inspect coatings for holidays using a Tinker-Rasor APW High Voltage Spark Holiday Detector, D.E. Stearns Company Model 14/20, or equivalent holiday detector. The detector shall be adjusted to operate at the voltage required to cause a spark to jump across an air gap equal to twice the specified coating thickness.

12. District may perform destructive coating adhesion tests with an Elcometer, Positest, or equivalent pull-off adhesion tester in accordance with ASTM D4541. Contractor shall be responsible for repairing the coatings.


1. The District shall have the right to condemn any and all tools, instruments, materials, staging, equipment, or work which does not conform to the specifications and CAL/OSHA regulations. Condemned areas of coating applications shall be marked with a compatible paint of contrasting color.

2. Any condemned coating applications, defective preparatory work (i.e., blast cleaning, staging) or any defective work not conforming to this specification shall be rectified by the Contractor at no additional cost to the District. Any condemned tools, instruments, materials or equipment shall be replaced or rectified at no additional costs to the District.


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1. Prior to acceptance of part of the work or the complete work, an inspection of the work will be conducted by the District.


1. Spent abrasive blast media shall be bagged or stored in metal containers that are properly sealed. Spent media on the tank floor shall be removed weekly. Noncompliance with the above conditions will result in a halt of blast operations.

2. Upon completion of coating, the Contractor shall remove surplus materials, protective coverings, and accumulated rubbish, and thoroughly clean all surfaces and repair any overspray or other paint-related damage.



1. The District will conduct an inspection of coated surfaces prior to the end of the warranty period. The Contractor will be notified in advance of this inspection and may attend at his option and at no additional cost to the District. A list of all coating defects and failures identified during the inspection will be prepared and transmitted to the Contractor. The list will serve as notice of repairs required under warranty, at no additional cost to the District.


1. All defective coatings shall be repaired by Contractor using coating materials, equipment, and methods similar to those used in the original work. Materials shall be of fresh manufacture and within the manufacturer's stated shelf life, at the time of application.


A. Existing surfaces not damaged by work in this contract shall not be coated unless specifically shown on the drawings. Existing surfaces damaged by work in this contract shall be repaired to match existing coating and color. Specific coating systems and colors are specified in the following Coating System Schedule:


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COATING SYSTEM SCHEDULE Surface Coating Color System 1. Concrete (a) Exterior  Exterior of digester, including roof parapet and CS Clear walls. (b) Submerged  Interior wall of digester by the gallery per drawing EP-100 White G05.  Interior wall resurfacing by the digester gas seal CR Clear membrane after application of CS coating.  Interior wall sealing near cover. CS Clear

2. Structural Steel, including fasteners, anchors and supports (except stainless) (a) Exterior  Gas dome access hatches, manholes, pipe HSE2/U Light Gray penetrations, and inspection ports.  Pipe supports, utility stations and other HSE2/U Light Gray miscellaneous metal structures on and around the digester.  Sidewall access hatches (exterior side) HSE2/U Light Gray  Sidewall access hatch thimble (exterior side) HSE2/U Light Gray  Gas dome, torsion ring & brace supports, pipe HSE2/U Light Gray penetrations, and all miscellaneous metals shown on drawing G09 (exterior side)

(b) Submerged  Underside of entire cover (ceiling), gas dome HSE3 White access hatches, inspection ports and manholes.  Sidewall access hatches (sludge side) HSE3 White  Sidewall access hatch thimble (sludge side) HSE3 White  Inside tank piping and supports. HSE3 White • DS pipe, pipe penetrations, and miscellaneous HSE3 White metals shown on Drawing G09 (interior side).


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(c) Interior  Attic - Digesters 5 & 7 HSE3 White  Attic - Digester 6 EM1 Aluminum

3. Equipment, Equipment Supports, Metal Appurtenances, etc. (except stainless) (a) Exterior HSE2/U Light Gray (b) Interior EM1/U Aluminum

4. Steel Piping and Appurtenant Hangers and Supports, (except stainless and nonferrous) (a) Interior  Tank drain piping HSE2/U Light Gray  Gallery piping. HSE2/U Light Gray

(b) Exterior  Pipe supports, blind flanged penetrations at digester HSE2/U Light Gray wall, utility stations and other miscellaneous metal structures on and around the digester.  CS & CS/SG lines. HSE2/U Light Gray  DS lines. HSE2/U Light Gray  Exterior of WN spray piping on gas dome. EM1/U Aluminum  WN/SG pipe. EM1/U Aluminum

(b) Submerged  Piping. HSE3 White  Eductor tubes all sides and supports. HSE3 White  Tank CS & CS/SG lines. HSE3 White  Tank DS lines. HSE3 White  Hydrostatic relief valves. HSE3 White

5. Conduit, Outlet and Junction Boxes, Hangers and Supports, (except stainless and nonferrous) (a) Exterior EM1/U Aluminum (b) Interior/Gallery EM1/U Aluminum

6. Insulation (a) Exterior AE White



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1. This section specifies digester drain pumps, complete with recessed impeller vortex pumps, bearing frames, motors, bases, and expansion joints.


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Standard Title Hydraulic Institute Standards of the Hydraulic Institute, 14th Edition, 1983 Standards

ANSI B16.1 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Classes 25, 125, and 250

ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: NPS ½ through 24 Metric/Inch Standard

ASTM A48 Gray Iron Castings

ASTM A108 Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold-Finished, Standard Quality

ASTM A276 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes

ASTM A532 Abrasion-Resistant Cast Irons

ASTM A743 Castings, Iron-Chromium, Iron-Chromium-Nickel, Corrosion Resistant, for General Application

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

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A. The following information shall be submitted for review:

1. Manufacturer’s information and catalog data showing compliance with this specification and a full description of the product.

2. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.






1. Joints shall be of the resilient spherically molded type, with Van Stone type flanges.


1. Joints shall be constructed of multiple plies of woven fabric impregnated with elastomer. Tube elastomer shall be Buna-N. Cover elastomer shall be neoprene.


1. Van Stone style flanges shall be carbon steel, drilled to ANSI B16.1 & B16.5 Class 125/150 dimensions. Bolt holes shall be threaded.


1. Provide limit/control rods to prevent excessive axial compression or elongation.


1. Proco Style 240-AV/NP; or equal; modified as required to meet the specifications.



A. Pump shall be installed, connected, aligned, and tested in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. **END OF SECTION** 8/16/2017 Digesters 5, 6, & 7 Rehabilitation Project 11355A - 2






1. This section specifies the flexible digester gas seal membrane that is shown on the drawings to prevent digester gas entering into the digester annular space.


1. The following specifications sections are referenced herein:



A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title

ASTM D 751 Standard Test Methods for Coated Fabrics ASTM D 2136 Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics-Low-Temperature Bend Test ASTM D 1204 Standard Test Method for Linear Dimensional Changes of Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature ASTM D 413 Standard Test Methods for Rubber Property – Adhesion to Flexible Substrate ASTM D 3389 Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics Abrasion Resistance 8/22/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 13641- 1

Reference Title (Rotary Platform Abrader) ASTM D 471 Standard Test Method for Rubber Property – Effect of liquids ASTM D 4833 Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geomembrane and Related Products ASTM D 696 Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics between -30°C and 30°C with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer ASTM D 741 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated steel wire Rope and Fittings for Highway Guardrail FTMS 101C Puncture Test Method 2065


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Manufacturer’s product data, material safety data sheet, and installation instructions for the specified products.

2. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

3. Copy of the proposed ten year guarantee from the manufacturer.

4. Manufacturer’s qualification resume of experience per paragraph 13641-1.05-A

5. Manufacturer/Fabricator’s quality control procedure per paragraph 13641-2.02-C

6. Manufacturer/Fabricator’s “Factory Seams” certification per paragraph 13641-2.02- D.

7. Installer’s qualification resume of experience per paragraph 13641-1.05-B

8. Manufacturers certification that installer is an approved installer of the seal material.


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A. QUALIFICATIONS OF MANUFCTURER - The manufacturer of the specified material shall have been in business for a minimum of ten years and shall have a minimum of 500,000 square feet of the specified material successfully installed. A letter verifying this shall be submitted and signed by an officer of the manufacturing company.

B. QUALIFICATION OF INSTALLER - The installer of the specified material shall have been in business for a minimum of five years and shall have a minimum of 10 projects of installing the seal membrane successfully. A letter verifying this shall be submitted and signed by an officer of the installing company.

The Installer shall supply a letter from the seal manufacturer verifying they are a certified or approved installer of the gas seal material.



A. PPODUCT: 8130 XR-5 Membrane Liner, Seaman Corporation, or equal

B. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Base Material Polyester Thickness (ASTM D 751) 30.0 mils nominal Fabric Weight (ASTM D 751) 6.5 ± 10% oz. / sq. yd. Finished Coated Weight (ASTM D 751) 30 ± 2 oz. /sq. yd. Trapezoid Tear (ASTM D 751) 40/55 lbs. min. Breaking Yield Strength/Grab Yield 550/550 lbs. min. Tensile (ASTM D 751, Grab Method Procedure A) Elongation at Yield (%) 20% min. Adhesion – Heat Seam (ASTM D 751, 40 lbs/ 2 in. weld min Dielectric Weld) Adhesion – Ply (ASTM D 413, Type A) 15 lbs/ in. or film tearing bond Hydrostatic Resistance (ASTM D 751, 800 psi min. Method A) Puncture Resistance (ASTM D 4833) 275 lbs. min. Bursting Strength (ASTM D 751 Ball 750 lbs. min. Tip)

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Dead Load (ASTM D 751) Room 240 lbs. min. Temperature (2” overlap seam, 4 hours) 160°F 120 lbs. min. Bonded Seam Strength (ASTM D 751 575 lbs. min. Grab Test Method, Procedure A) Low Temperature (ASTM D 2136, 4 Pass at -30°F hours 1/8” Mandrel) Weathering Resistance ASTM G 153 8,000 hours min. with no appreciable Carbon Arc changes or stiffening or cracking of coating Dimensional Stability (ASTM D 1204, 0.5% max. 212°F 1 Hour, Each Direction) Water Absorption (ASTM D 471, 7 Day) 0.025 kg/m2 max. @ 70°F

0.14 kg/m2 max. @ 212°F Abrasion Resistance ASTM D 3389, H- 2000 cycles before fabric exposure; 50 18 Wheel, 1000 g Load mg/ 100 cycles max. weight loss


C. Fabrication - The specified material shall be factory fabricated into the sizes designed for this project so as to minimize field seaming. A two-inch overlap seam done by heat or RF welding is required. The surface of the welded areas must be dry and clean. Pressure must be applied to the full width of the seam on the top and bottom surface while the welded area is still in a melt-type condition. The bottom welding surface must be flat to insure that the entire seam is welded properly. Enough heat shall be applied in the welding process that a visible bead is extruded from both edges being welded. The bead insures that the material is in a melt condition and a successful chemical bond between the two surfaces is accomplished.

D. Inspection Of Factory Seams - The manufacturer/fabricator shall monitor each linear foot of seam as it is produced. Upon any discovery of any defective seam, the manufacturer/fabricator shall stop production of the product used in this project and shall repair the seam, and determine and rectify the cause of the defect prior to continuation of the seaming process.

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E. Quality Control - The manufacturer/fabricator shall provide a Quality Control procedure which details the method of visual inspection and period system checks to ensure leak-proof factory fabrication.

F. Certification - Prior to installation of the liners, the manufacturer/fabricator shall provide a written certification that the factory seams were inspected in accordance with paragraph 2.02-B “Inspection Of Factory Seams” of this specification section.

G. Packaging and Delivery – The liner shall be rolled onto a sturdy wooden pallet designed to be moved by a forklift or similar equipment. Finished product shall be protected to prevent damage during shipment.




1. Measurements shall be field verified for each digester.

2. Remove and retain the existing gas seal and backing pads for use as a hole template. Dispose of the old seal and backing pads after the completion of seal installation.

3. Sealing surfaces preparation shall be in accordance contract drawings M02, M03, and specification section 09900.

4. Digester gas seal replacement consist of two new membranes (Inner and Outer), see Drawing M03 for installation details.


1. Field Seaming shall be performed to joint two new, undamaged liners pieces into one continuous piece. A two-inch overlap seam done by heat or RF welding is required. The surface of the welded areas must be dry and clean. Pressure must be applied to the full width of the seam on the top and bottom surface while the welded area is still in a melt-type condition. The bottom welding surface must be flat to insure that the entire seam is welded properly. Enough heat shall be applied in the welding process that a visible bead is extruded from both edges being welded. The bead insures that the material is in a melt condition and a successful chemical bond between the two surfaces is accomplished. Seams between the two back-to-back membranes shall be spaced at least 6 feet on centers.

2. If seal membrane is damaged during installation, no attempt shall be made to repair the torn or damaged location. Damaged portion of the seal membrane shall be cut

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off perpendicular to the longitudinal length. Perform field seaming in accordance with paragraph 13641-3.01-B.

3. Field seaming shall be visually inspected in accordance with visual inspection method provided by Quality Control procedure submitted by manufacturer per 13641 paragraphs 1.03-A-6 and 2.02-C.


1. Mounting holes shall be cut 2 inch from the bottom and top edges of the new membrane for mounting. Mounting hole shall be the minimum necessary accommodate ½ inch fasteners to reduce the potential for leakage. Hole spacing holes be determined by field measurements, or using the removed (existing) membrane as template.

2. Coat all mating surfaces at bolt assemblies with liberal amount of sealer. Sealer shall be one-part polyurethane, elastomeric sealer/adhesive (SIKAFLEX-1A per Specification Section 07900 “Sealants”, or equal)

3. Torque lower anchor fasteners at tank wall to 35 ft-lbs, bolts at the cover to 25 ft- lbs.


1. Seal Installer shall conduct leakage tests after completion of installation of the new seal membranes.

a. A fitting allowing the connection to a compressed air source shall be installed in the outer gas seal.

b. Inflate the void between the gas seals to 5 psi using dry compressed air.

c. Inspect for leaks using water soap mixture, Test all seam joints, fastener penetrations, and along the exposed edges of the seal membrane.

2. Repair any leaks and retest until all leaks are eliminated.

3. After the completion of testing, remove the compressed air connection and patch the membrane.


4. Clean all surfaces of excessive sealer after installation of the membrane is complete.


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1. This section specifies systems of process piping and general requirements for piping systems in all divisions. Detailed specifications for the components listed on the Piping System Specification sheets are found in other sections of Division 15. This section shall be used in conjunction with those sections.


1. The following specifications sections are referenced herein:

Section Title Section 01300 SUBMITTALS Section 01660 INSTALLATION AND TESTING Section 09900 COATING SYSTEMS Section 15061 STEEL PIPE


1. Pressure terms used in this section and elsewhere in Division 15 are defined as follows:

a. Maximum: The greatest continuous pressure at which the piping system operates.

b. Test: The hydrostatic pressure used to determine system acceptance.

2. Exposure location terms used in these specifications are defined as follows:

a. Interior: Inside of a building or structure.

b. Exterior: Outside of a building or structure and exposed to weather elements.

c. Buried: Below grade and in contact with backfill material or concrete encasement. Piping may or may not be insulated.

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d. Submerged: Submerged or below the top elevation of structures or facilities containing liquids, such as: tanks, channels, digesters, manholes, sumps, basins, rivers, and other areas as indicated or shown on the drawings.

3. Exposure severity terms are defined as follows:

a. Mild Environment: Standard commercial facility conditions.

b. Moderate Environment: Industrial facility conditions where surfaces may be occasionally exposed to light-moderately aggressive liquids, solids or gases.

c. Harsh Environment: Industrial facility conditions where surfaces may be subject to aggressive liquids, solids or gases, or surfaces may be normally exposed to light-moderately aggressive liquids, solids or gases.


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title ANSI A13.1 Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems ASTM A36 Carbon Structural Steel ASTM A53 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless ASTM A240 Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels

ASTM A536 Ductile Iron Castings ASTM D2000 Standard Classification System for Rubber Products in Automotive Applications ASTM F104 Standard Classification System for Nonmetallic Gasket Materials UPC Uniform Plumbing Code


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

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1. Information on piping materials as specified in individual specification sections for piping materials, flanges, fittings, gaskets, valves, supports and components. Include manufacturer's data, ASTM conformance, and catalog numbers.

2. Piping layout and support shop drawings for all piping systems including all pipes, drains, vents, valves, supports, seismic braces, and specific locations of all instrument taps. Drawings shall be original layouts by the Contractor on original mylars or reproducible vellum; photocopies of contract drawings are not acceptable.

3. Sample of the valve identification tag.

4. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, and all referenced sections, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviations.





1. Piping materials including pipe, gaskets, fittings, connections, and joint assemblies, lining and coatings, shall be provided from those listed on the Piping System Specification (PIPESPECS) sheets and as shown on the drawings. Piping materials shall conform to detailed specifications for each type of pipe and piping appurtenances specified in other sections of Division 15. Pipe connection types shall also be provided where shown on the drawings and where specified in Division 15. To assure uniformity and compatibility of piping components, fittings and couplings for grooved end piping systems shall be furnished by the same manufacturer.


1. General:

a. Flange gaskets shall be of the full-face type. Gasket thickness shall be as specified, unless otherwise shown on the drawings.

2. Compressed Non-asbestos:

a. ASTM F104 Compressed non-asbestos sheet gasket with aramid fibers and nitrile or neoprene binder. Continuous temperature limit = 400 F, pressure limit = 1000 psi, thickness = 0.062 inches. Garlock BLUE-GARD Style 3000 or 3300; Flexitallic SF 3300; Durlon 8500 or 8700; Global Leader Technologies 976; or equal.

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3. EPDM:

a. Premium-grade ASTM D2000 EPDM rubber sheet gasket. Durometer Shore A hardness = 60, temperature limit = 300 F, pressure limit = 150 psi, thickness = 0.125 inches. Garlock Style 8314, or equal.

4. Neoprene:

a. Premium-grade ASTM D2000 neoprene rubber sheet gasket. Durometer Shore A hardness = 70 to 80, temperature limit = 250 F, thickness = 0.125 inches. Garlock Style 7797; American Biltrite AB-273; Warco Biltrite Premium 100% Neoprene 070E0313 or 080E0325; or equal.

5. Neoprene CI:

a. Reinforced rubber diaphragm gasket. Premium-grade ASTM D2000 neoprene rubber sheet gasket with 13 ounce nylon fabric insert. Durometer Shore A hardness = 65 to 75, temperature limit = 250 F. Garlock Style 3205; American Biltrite AB-3205; Warco Biltrite Cloth-inserted Neoprene – Regular Polyester Ply; or equal.

6. PTFE Bonded:

a. PTFE envelope gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. EPDM Durometer Shore A hardness = 65, temperature range = -4 to +210 F. ASAHI/America Style AV; no known equal.

7. PTFE Envelope:

a. PTFE slit type envelope gasket with neoprene cloth insert gasket core. Temperature range = 250F. Core thickness = 0.062 to 0.125 inches. Technetics Texolon; DAR Style 110; or equal.


1. General:

a. Gaskets for sleeve-type, plain end, and grooved end couplings. Gaskets shall be provided by the coupling manufacturer.

2. EPDM:

a. EPDM rubber. Temperature range = -30 to +230 F. NSF-61 certified for potable water service.

3. Neoprene:

a. Neoprene rubber. Temperature range = +30 to +180 F.

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4. Nitrile:

a. Nitrile (Buna N) rubber. Temperature range = -20 to +180 F.

5. Fluoroelastomer:

a. Fluoroelastomer (Viton). Temperature range = +20 to 300 F.




a. Adhesive Labels: Brady B-681 polyester with overlaminate; Craftmark model Duramark HT polyester with overlaminate; or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.

b. Self-coiling Labels: Brady model B-915 Snap-On & Strap-On; Craftmark model Specmark Snap-On; or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.

2. Labels for identifying piping shall conform to ANSI A13.1.Piping labels shall include system, contents, and direction of flow. Labels shall be provided bearing the label lettering on the background colors specified in Table A. Color field shall be long enough to print the entire lettering

3. Size of legend letters and minimum length of color field:

Outside Diameter of Minimum Length Pipe or Covering of Color Field Letter Height (inches) (inches) (inches) ¾ to 1¼ 8 ½ 1½ to 2 8 ¾ 2½ to 6 12 1¼ 8 to 10 24 2½ Over 10 32 3½


a. Adhesive labels shall be weather, water, and grease-resistant, with 5 to 8 year average outdoor life. Labels shall be polyester with polyester overlaminate. Vinyl labels are not acceptable.

b. Self-coiling, around-pipe markers shall be weather, water, and grease-resistant, with 5 to 8 year average outdoor life.

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c. In the event of a short piping run and none of the above methods will be practical, a metal tag fastened with stainless steel wire may be used to identify the piping system.


1. Piping shall be painted in accordance with the attached PIPESPECS and the PAINTING AND COATING Section 09900. Stainless steel pipes are typically not painted. The following are general SRWTP reserved piping paint colors:

a. Orange: Chlorine

b. Yellow: Sulfur dioxide

c. Bone White: All chemical piping other than chlorine and sulfur dioxide

d. Red: Fire suppression

e. Light Gray: All piping other than chemical and fire suppression


1. Labeling or tagging of valves and other fixtures shall use the method that is both durable and readily viewable.

2. Approved tagging media are as follows:

a. Metal tags:

1) 16-gauge aluminum or 0.025 inch Type 304 stainless steel construction

2) Minimum 1-inch by 4-inch rectangular in size with rounded corners

3) ½-inch high letters, deeply and legibly engraved

4) Attached with 16-gauge 304 stainless steel wire

b. Multi-layer plastic tags will be:

1) UV stabilized

2) At least 2-ply impact acrylic

3) At least 1/16-inch thick

4) Minimum 1-inch by 4-inch rectangular in size

5) ½-inch high letters, deeply and legibly engraved

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6) Attached with 16-gauge 304 stainless steel wire


1. Underground warning tape shall be 6 inch wide 3.5 mil thick polyethylene. Tape shall be as manufactured by W.H. Brady Co., Seton Name Plate Corp., or equal.

2. Two messages shall be printed on the tape. The first message shall read "CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION". The second message shall state the type of buried utility line: Reclaimed Water, Gas, Electric, Telephone, Water, Sewer, or Pipeline.


1. Underground tracer wire shall be #10 AWG THWN solid copper wire, with yellow insulation.




1. Piping shall be installed as shown on the drawings, except for adjustments to accommodate conflicts. A minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet shall be provided over walkways and throughways in all tunnels and galleries. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, minimum depth of cover for buried, non-plastic pipe shall be 42 inches over the top of the pipe. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, minimum depth of cover for buried, plastic pipe shall be 48 inches over the top of the pipe.


1. All piping shall be coated and lined as specified in the individual piping sections and PIPESPEC sheets. Finish painting shall conform to Section 09900.


1. Piping shall be supported, anchored, and seismically braced as shown on the drawings. Where a specific type of support or anchorage is indicated on the layout drawings, then only that type shall be used there. Supports shall be provided on each run at each change of direction. Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, existing pipes and supports shall not be used to support new piping.

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1. Process instrumentation taps shall be as shown on the detail drawings. Direct drill and tap of a pipe wall is not acceptable.


1. Provide manual air vents in the following locations:

a. Where indicated on plans

b. At all high points of piping, including high points created at all piping offsets

c. On horizontal piping in excess of twenty feet from any offset or riser

d. On horizontal piping at a maximum of one hundred foot intervals.

2. Air vents shall be piped to the floor with a valve within four feet of the floor. For solid-containing fluids, manual air vents shall be a 1” valve with an aluminum type “D” female coupler x female NPT cam lock quick connect; all other manual air vents shall be a ¾” valve.

3. Provide drains in the following locations:

a. Where indicated on plans

b. At all low points of piping, including piping offsets and drops.

c. On horizontal piping in excess of twenty feet from any offset or drop

d. On horizontal piping at a maximum of one hundred foot intervals.

4. Drains shall be piped to a floor drain, sump or gutter with a valve within four feet of the floor. Drains for solid-containing fluids shall be a 2” valve with an aluminum type “D” female coupler x female NPT cam lock quick connect; all other drains shall be a 1” valve.

5. When air vents and drains cannot be piped to the locations listed above the Contractor shall notify the Engineer who will determine an acceptable alternate method or location.



1. After application of the specified coating and insulation systems, not buried piping shall be identified with plastic markers. Legend markers and directional arrows

8/22/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & Rehabilitation Project 15050 - 8

shall be located at each side of walls, floors and ceilings, at one side of each piece of equipment, at piping intersections, elbows and at approximately 50-foot centers.


1. Attach valve tags to the valve stem with stainless steel jack chain or #16 stainless steel wire.



1. Upon completion of piping, but prior to application of insulation on not buried piping, the Contractor shall test the piping systems. Buried piping systems shall be tested upon completion of piping, but prior to backfill. Testing shall be in accordance with this section and Section 01660. Pressures, media and test durations shall be as specified in the PIPESPEC. Equipment which may be damaged by the specified test conditions shall be isolated.

2. Testing shall be performed using certified, calibrated test gauges.

a. Required pressure tests of 10 psig or less shall be performed with gauges of 1/10 psig increments or less.

b. Required pressure tests exceeding 10 psig but less than 100 psig shall be performed with gauges of 1 psig increments or less.

c. Required pressure tests exceeding 100 psig shall be performed with gauges incremented for 2% or less of the required test pressure.

d. Test gauges shall have a pressure range not greater than twice the test pressure.

3. Testing shall be performed using certified, calibrated volumetric measuring equipment to determine leakage rates.

4. Testing, as specified herein, shall include existing piping systems that connect with new pipe systems. Existing pipe shall be tested to the nearest existing valve. Any piping which fails the test shall be repaired. Repair of existing piping will be considered and paid for as extra work.

B. TYPE 1:

1. Leakage shall be zero at the specified test pressure throughout the specified duration unless specifically allowed in the individual pipe spec sections.

8/22/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & Rehabilitation Project 15050 - 9



1. Clean piping systems following completion of testing and prior to connection to operating, control, regulating or instrumentation equipment.

B. TYPE 2:

1. Clean piping with a swab or cleaning ball. Flush with clean water.

C. TYPE 3:

1. Clean piping with a swab or cleaning ball. Flush with airstream. Purge sludge gas and natural gas systems with nitrogen and maintain a nitrogen pad of 10 psi until put in service.


A. Piping and valves are specified on individual Piping System Specification sheets (PIPESPECS). Piping services specified in the PIPESPECS and shown on the drawings are alphabetically arranged by designated service abbreviations as shown in Table A. Table A also indicates the pipe marker legend, background color, and lettering color of each service. Existing pipe systems may vary from the PIPESPEC. The Contractor shall field verify the pipe type, location and arrangement required for each connection to existing pipe systems.

8/22/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & Rehabilitation Project 15050 - 10

Table A, Piping Services

New Pipe Pipe Marker Pipe Marker Symbol Pipe Marker Legend Paint Color Background Lettering Color Color CL LOW PRESSURE SLUDGE GAS N/A Orange Black CONDENSATE CS CIRCULATING SLUDGE N/A Green White CS/SG CIRCULATING SLUDGE/SLUDGE N/A Yellow Black GAS DS DIGESTED SLUDGE Light Gray Green White DS/SG DIGESTED SLUDGE/SLUDGE GAS N/A Yellow Black DWV DRAIN-WASTE-VENT N/A Green White HRR HEAT RESERVOIR RETURN Light Gray Green White HRS HEAT RESERVOIR SUPPLY Light Gray Green White LSG LOW PRESSURE SLUDGE GAS N/A Yellow Black MS MIXED SLUDGE Light Gray Green White OF OVERFLOW N/A Yellow Black OF/SG OVERFLOW/SLUDGE GAS N/A Yellow Black PD SUMP PUMP DISCHARGE Light Gray Green White SA SERVICE AIR Light Gray Blue White SD SANITARY DRAIN Light Gray Green White TD TANK DRAIN Light Gray Green White WN NON-POTABLE WATER Light Gray Green White WN/SG NON-POTABLE WATER/SLUDGE See 09900 Yellow Black GAS WP POTABLE WATER Light Gray Green White WRH RECLAIMED WATER 140 PSI Light Gray Green White

8/22/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & Rehabilitation Project 15050 - 11

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS - Low Pressure Condensate for Sludge Gas SYMBOL: FLUID: Digester Gas Condensate CL TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 30 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel Buried threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded.

¼” to 2” Interior Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. Exterior 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, Submerged 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or Buried CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required.

VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 2” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to Non-MIP Exterior Control Valves Valve Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. CL condensate drip traps shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 54 Chapter 7 Paragraph 7.6 – Drips and Sediment Traps. 2. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 3. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 4. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A1

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: Circulating Sludge SYMBOL: FLUID: Circulating Sludge CS TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 100 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded.

2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal. 3. PTFE thread seal tape, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal. 2. Compressed non-asbestos gasket with aramid fibers and nitrile or neoprene binder. Garlock 3000 or 3300; Flexitallic SF 3300; Durlon 8500 or 8700; Global Leader Technologies 976; or equal. 3. Premium grade neoprene rubber with cloth insert sheet gasket. Durometer Shore A hardness = 65 to 75. Cloth insert: 4 oz/sq yd minimum polyester fabric. Garlock 3205; American Biltrite AB- 3205; Warco Biltrite Cloth-Inserted Neoprene – Regular Polyester Ply; or equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to Non-MIP Exterior Control Valves Valve Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A2

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS – Digester Circulating Sludge SYMBOL: FLUID: Circulating Sludge that may be exposed to Digester Gas CS/SG TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 100 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded. 2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Exterior Control Valves Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A3

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: Digested Sludge SYMBOL: FLUID: Digested Sludge DS TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 100 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded. 2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

14” to 30” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 10S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 10S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal. 3. PTFE thread seal tape, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal. 2. Premium grade neoprene rubber sheet gasket. Durometer Shore A hardness = 70 to 80. Garlock 7797; American Biltrite AB-273; Warco Biltrite Premium 100% Neoprene 070E0313 or 080E0325; or equal. 3. Premium grade neoprene rubber with cloth insert sheet gasket. Durometer Shore A hardness = 65 to 75. Cloth insert: 4 oz/sq yd minimum polyester fabric. Garlock 3205; American Biltrite AB- 3205; Warco Biltrite Cloth-Inserted Neoprene – Regular Polyester Ply; or equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to Non-MIP Exterior Control Valves Valve Schedule. REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions. 4. Pipe and fitting materials may differ where specifically called out on the drawings.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A4

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS – Digester Digested Sludge SYMBOL: FLUID: Digested Sludge that may be exposed to Digester Gas DS/SG TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 30 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded. 2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded. 14” to 30” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 10S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 10S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 14” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Exterior Control Valves Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A5

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS – Digester Low Pressure Sludge Gas SYMBOL: FLUID: Digester Gas LSG TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 30 psig Zero leakage at the test Air or nitrogen gas 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with air stream. Purge with nitrogen, and maintain 10 psig nitrogen pad until put in service. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded.

2½” to 24” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 10S minimum. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 10S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

¼” to 24” Interior Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. Exterior 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, Submerged 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or Buried CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal. 2. PTFE envelope full face gasket with neoprene cloth insert core. Technetics Texolon; DAR style 110; or equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: 4.5” dial, ± 2% accuracy, 0 – 20” W.C., Type 316L stainless steel wetted parts, stainless steel movement, thermoset or thermoplastic case, NEMA 3 enclosure, ½” male NPT bottom connection. Ashcroft model 1188; or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 24” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Exterior Control Valves Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. LSG piping shall be designed in accordance with the following: a. NFPA 54 Chapter 5 – Gas Piping System Design, Materials, and Components b. NFPA 54 Chapter 6 – Pipe Sizing 2. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 3. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 4. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A6

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: Mixed Sludge SYMBOL: FLUID: Mixed Sludge MS TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 100 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded. 2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to Non-MIP Exterior Control Valves Valve Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

8/17/2017 Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 15050-A7

PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS - Digested Sludge Overflow & U-Tube Gas Trap SYMBOL: FLUID: Digested Sludge & Digester Gas & Non-Potable Water OF/SG TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 150 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. Flush with pressure. clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged stainless steel Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi flanged fittings meeting ASTM A182, Class 150 Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP-114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded. 2½” to 14” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged stainless steel Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi flanged fittings meeting ASTM A182, or Schedule Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. 40S stainless steel welded elbow and reducer fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774, or Schedule At & above 40S stainless steel welded tee fittings meeting the gas-water ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG interface welded. 2½” to 14” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged stainless steel Exterior Schedule 10S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi flanged fittings meeting ASTM A182, or Schedule Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. 10S stainless steel welded elbow and reducer fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774, or Schedule Below the 40S stainless steel welded tee fittings meeting gas-water ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG interface welded. ¼” to 14” Interior Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. Exterior 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils Submerged thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal. 2. PTFE envelope full face gasket with neoprene cloth insert core. Technetics Texolon; DAR style 110; or equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 2. For moderate environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 stainless steel, Type 304, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 3. For harsh environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1 stainless steel, Type 316, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 14” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Schedule. Exterior Control Valves

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. Install plug valves minimum 12” below non-pressurized operating water line. 4. Pressure can reach 125 psig when attempting to backflush the line with WRH in order to clear the line. 5. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

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PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: Non-Potable Water SYMBOL: FLUID: Water WN TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 150 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ½” to ¾” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A269, Type 316/316L, 0.065” Type 316, stainless steel instrument O.D. tubing Exterior wall thickness, seamless. fittings rated 3000 psig minimum. Joints: Submerged Compression type with two-piece ferrule. Acceptable Products: Parker A-LOK; Swagelok; Hoke Gyrolok; or equal.

¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded.

2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 1. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 2. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 1. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 1. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 2. For moderate environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 stainless steel, Type 304, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 3. For harsh environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1 stainless steel, Type 316, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Exterior Control Valves Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

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PIPING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SERVICE: GMS – Digester Non-Potable Water for Sprays & U-Tube Gas Trap Primers SYMBOL: FLUID: Non-Potable Water that may be exposed to Digester Gas WN/SG TESTING & CLEANING TEST PRESSURE: TEST TYPE: TEST MEDIUM: TEST DURATION: CLEANING: 150 psig Zero leakage at the test Water 120 minutes Clean piping with swab or cleaning ball. pressure. Flush with clean water. PIPE AND FITTING SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE PIPE FITTINGS ½” to ¾” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A269, Type 316/316L, 0.065” Type 316, stainless steel instrument O.D. tubing Exterior wall thickness, seamless. fittings rated 3000 psig minimum. Joints: Submerged Compression type with two-piece ferrule. Acceptable Products: Parker A-LOK; Swagelok; Hoke Gyrolok; or equal.

¼” to 2” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312, Type 316L, Schedule Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior 40S seamless. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, Class 150 stainless steel threaded fittings meeting ANSI/MSS SP- 114 & ASTM A351, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Threaded, flanged, or TIG welded.

2½” to 12” Interior Stainless Steel, ASTM A312 or A778, Type 316L, Type 316L, ANSI Class 150 forged Exterior Schedule 40S. Yield strength = 25,000 psi stainless steel flanged fittings meeting Submerged minimum. Tensile strength = 70,000 psi minimum. ASTM A182, or Schedule 40S stainless steel welded fittings meeting ASTM A403 or A774. Joints: Flanged, or TIG welded.

All All Threaded Joint Sealant: 3. Rectorseal #5; or equal. 4. PTFE thread seal tape impregnated with nickel powder or flakes, 3.5 mils thick, 1.2 g/cc density, meeting MIL-T-27730A and/or CID A-A-58092. Poly-Temp SSG, or equal.

Flange Gaskets: 2. PTFE envelope full face gasket with concentric, convex molded rings bonded to an EPDM core. Temperature range: -22 to +250°F. Asahi/America Style AV; no known equal.

Flange Fasteners: 4. For mild environments: SAE J429 Grade 5 hex head zinc-plated carbon steel cap screws, 81 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 5. For moderate environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 stainless steel, Type 304, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread. 6. For harsh environments: ASTM A193 Grade B8M Class 1 stainless steel, Type 316, 30 ksi yield strength, with matching washers and nuts, coarse thread.

Stainless Steel Welding: GTAW (TIG) process by ASME-certified welders in accordance with ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications.

Diaphragm Seals: None required. Pressure Gauges: None. VALVE, OPERATOR & ACTUATOR SPECIFICATIONS SIZE EXPOSURE DUTY SPECIFICATION ¼” to 12” Interior Non-Fire Isolation & District-provided valves, operators and actuators. Refer to MIP Valve Exterior Control Valves Schedule.

REMARKS: 1. Specified piping complies with minimum pipe wall thickness for internal pressure calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3 paragraph 2. Remove weld discoloration from the heat affected zone with a Scotch Brite disc or equal. 3. All new or replacement valves shall be provided with an attached, engraved factory tag identifying the materials of construction for each of the specified components. No exceptions.

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1. This section specifies steel pipe, fittings, flanges, connections, linings, and coatings.


1. The following specification sections are referenced herein:

Section Title Section 01300 SUBMITTALS Section 09900 COATING SYSTEMS Section 15050 PIPING SYSTEMS


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title ANSI B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose ANSI B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ANSI B16.3 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings ANSI B16.4 Gray Iron Threaded Fittings ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ANSI B16.9 Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings ANSI B16.11 Forged Fittings, Socket-Welding and Threaded ANSI B16.12 Cast Iron Threaded Drainage Fittings

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Reference Title ANSI B16.14 Ferrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads ANSI B16.28 Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns ANSI B16.39 Malleable Iron Threaded Pipe Unions Classes 150, 250 and 300 ANSI B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Classes 150 and 300 ANSI B31.1 Power Piping ANSI B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping ASME Section Certification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, IX Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators ASTM A53 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless ASTM A105 Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components ASTM A106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High- Temperature Service ASTM A126 Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Fittings, and Pipe Fittings ASTM A193 Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High- Temperature Service ASTM A197 Cupola Malleable Iron ASTM A234 Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures ASTM A395 Ferritic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures ASTM A536 Ductile Iron Castings ASTM F593 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs NSF 61 National Sanitation Foundation, Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects SAE J429 Mechanical and Material Requirements for Externally Threaded Fasteners, Standard SSPC-SP 10 Near-White Blast Cleaning


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Manufacturer's information and catalog data showing compliance with this specification and a full description of the item.

2. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, and all referenced sections, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

3. A copy of the ASME Certification of Welders and current work history.

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4. Contractor's shop drawings including fabrication, layout drawings and anchorage details.



2.01 PIPE

A. ASTM A53:

1. Size range: 1/8 to 26 inches. Yield strength  35,000 psi. Tensile strength  60,000 psi. Grade B.


A. ASTM A105:

1. Class 3000 forged steel fittings shall conform to ASTM A105 and ASME B16.11. Fittings shall be threaded or socket weld.

B. ASTM A126:

1. Class 125 cast iron fittings shall conform to ASTM A126 Class B; and ANSI B16.1, ANSI B16.4, ANSI B16.12, or ANSI B16.14. Tensile strength  31,000 psi. Fittings shall be threaded or flanged.

C. ASTM A197:

1. Class 150 malleable iron fittings shall conform to ASTM A197; and ANSI B16.3 or B16.39. Yield strength  30,000 psi. Tensile strength 40,000  psi. Fittings shall be threaded.

D. ASTM A234:

1. Wrought steel butt weld fittings shall conform to ASTM A234 Grade WPB or WPB-W; and ANSI B16.9 or B16.28. Fitting wall thickness shall match pipe wall thickness.

2. Wrought steel grooved fittings shall conform to ASTM A234 Grade WPB. Fitting wall thickness shall match pipe wall thickness.

E. ASTM A395:

1. Class 150 ductile iron fittings shall conform to ASTM A395 and ANSI B16.1. Fittings shall be flanged.

F. ASTM A536:

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1. Ductile iron fittings shall conform to ASTM A536. Fittings shall be threaded, grooved or flanged.


A. ASTM A234:

1. Class 150 forged steel flanges shall conform to ASTM A235; and ANSI B16.5 or B16.28. Flanges shall be threaded, weld neck, slip-on, or socket weld. Flanges shall be raised face with continuous spiral groove.


A. General: Dismantling joints shall be restrained, telescoping flanged fittings used for access to valves, pumps and other fittings, and shall be rated for 150 psig working pressure.

B. Flanged Spigot: Flanged spigot section shall be fabricated from ASTM A53 schedule 40 steel pipe or from ASTM A36 steel plate. Flange end shall be AWWA C207 Class D or ANSI Class 150.

C. Flanged Adapter Body: Flanged adapter body shall be fabricated from ASTM A536 65-45-12 ductile iron, ASTM A53 steel pipe or ASTM A36 steel. Flange end shall be AWWA C207 Class D or ANSI Class 150.

D. Follower Flange: Follower flange shall be fabricated from ASTM A536 ductile iron, ASTM A576 GR1020HR or carbon steel.

E. Gasket: Gasket shall be fabricated from Buna-N rubber.

F. Follower Fasteners: Follower fasteners shall be independent from the flange fasteners, and shall be ASTM A588 HSLA, ASTM A325 or ASTM A307.

G. Tie-Rods: Tie-rods shall be ASTM A193 B7. Tie-rod nuts shall be ASTM A194.

H. Coating: Dismantling joint shall be coated inside and out with fusion bonded epoxy or Nylon 11.

I. Telescoping Adjustment Range: Telescoping adjustment range for valves 3 to 12” shall be minimum 2.0”. Telescoping adjustment range for valves 14 to 72” shall be minimum 3.0”.

J. Acceptable Products: Dresser Style 131; JCM model 309; or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.



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1. Pipe thread dimensions and size limits shall conform to ANSI B1.20.1.



a. Gaskets shall be as specified in Section 15050.


a. Fasteners shall be as specified in Section 15050.


a. Flange insulation sets shall be suitable for 225F continuous operating temperature.

b. Insulating gaskets shall be plain phenolic, Type “E” full flange diameter type. Sealing gaskets shall be 1/16” thick, type as specified in Section 15050.

c. Insulating sleeves and washers shall be either one-piece or two-piece type. Sleeves and washers shall be phenolic or spiral-wound Mylar.

d. Metallic flat washer shall be steel or stainless steel to match the cap screw material.

e. Flange insulation sets shall be manufactured by PSI, or equal.


1. Flexible-type couplings shall be ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron. Size range: ¾ to 24”. Gruvlok 7001, Victaulic Style 77, or equal.

2. Rigid-type couplings shall be ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron. Size range: ¾ to 24”. Gruvlok 7004HPR, Victaulic Style HP-70, or equal.

3. Flanged coupling adapters shall be ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron. Size range: 2 to 24”. Gruvlok 7012, Victaulic Style 741, or equal.

4. Grooved steel to grooved ductile iron pipe transition couplings shall be ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 ductile iron. Size range: 3 to 12”. Victaulic Style 307, or equal.

5. Bolts, washers and nuts for buried or submerged locations shall be Type 316 stainless steel regardless of any other protective coatings.

6. Gaskets shall be as specified in Section 15050.

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1. Refer to Section 09900 for epoxy lining of pipes.



1. Refer to Section 09900 for epoxy coating of pipes.



A. Install pipe in accordance with the drawings and the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations.


A. Install fittings in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.



1. Cut, thread and join in accordance with the fitting manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, and ANSI B31.1.


1. Cut, thread and join in accordance with the fitting manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, and ANSI B31.1.


1. Install in accordance with the coupling manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.


1. Weld in accordance with ASME Section IX, ANSI B31.1, or ANSI B31.3. Welders shall be ASME-certified.


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1. Install screwed unions, flanged or grooved end mechanical coupling type joints where indicated on the drawings. Use flanged or grooved end joints on pipelines 2-1/2 inches in diameter and larger.


1. Provide dielectric connections for dissimilar metal pipe connections.


A. Linings shall be applied and patched in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and instructions.


A. Coatings shall be applied and patched in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and as specified in Section 09900.


A. The cleaning and testing of steel pipe shall be as specified in Section 15050.


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1. This section specifies stainless steel pipe, fittings, and connections.


1. The following specification sections are referenced herein:

Section Title Section 01300 SUBMITTALS Section 15050 PIPING SYSTEMS


A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title ASNI B16.5 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ANSI B16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded. ANSI B31.1 Power Piping ANSI B31.3 Process Piping ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, general purpose ASME Section IX Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code; Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASTM A182 Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service ASTM A240 Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels ASTM A312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes

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Reference Title ASTM A351 Castings, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), for Pressure- Containing Parts ASTM A403 Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings ASTM A733 Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe Nipples ASTM A774 As-Welded Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Fittings for General Corrosive Service at Low and Moderate Temperatures ASTM A778 Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with Section 01300:

1. Manufacturer’s information and catalog data showing compliance with this specification and a full description of the item.

2. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, and all referenced sections, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviations.

3. A copy of the ASME Certification of Welders and current work history.

4. Calculations for proposed alternative anchorage details.

5. The Contractor’s shop drawings (including fabrication), layout drawings and anchorage details.



2.01 PIPE

A. ASTM A269:

1. Tubing sizes ½ to ¾ inches outside diameter. Seamless tubing, wall thickness = 0.065 inches. Type 316/316L.

B. ASTM A312:

1. Sizes 1/8 to 2-1/2 inches. Schedule 40S seamless. Type TP316L. Yield strength 25,000 psi minimum. Tensile strength 75,000 psi minimum.

C. ASTM A778:

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1. Sizes 3 to 48 inches. Wall thickness shall be equivalent to Schedule 10S or 40S as specified in Section 15050. Type 316L. Yield strength 25,000 psi minimum. Tensile strength 75,000 psi minimum.

D. Additional requirements shall be as specified in Section 15050 or as shown on the drawings.


A. Tubing Fittings: ASTM 182 Type 316 forged stainless steel or ASTM A276 Type 316 stainless steel bar stock fittings.

B. ASTM A182 Grade F316L forged stainless steel fittings, ANSI B16.5 Class 150.

C. ASTM A351 Grade CF8M cast stainless steel fittings, ANSI B16.3 Class 150. Threaded or socket weld.

D. ASTM A403 WP-W Type 316 stainless steel fittings. Grooved end. Wall thickness shall equal or exceed pipe wall thickness.

E. ASTM A733 Type TP316L seamless stainless steel nipples, Schedule 40S. Threaded.

F. ASTM A774 TP316L as-welded stainless steel. Butt weld or belled end. Elbows, tees, crosses, laterals, wyes, and reducers shall be fabricated from ASTM A240 plate. Elbows shall be smooth flow style. Wall thickness shall equal or exceed pipe wall thickness.



1. Connections shall be as specified in Section 15050.


1. Compression type with two-piece ferrule. ASTM 182 Type 316 stainless steel or ASTM A276 Type 316 stainless steel. Threaded adapters shall have NPT end.

2. Acceptable Products: Parker A-LOK; Swagelok; Hoke Gyrolok; or equal.


1. Pipe thread dimensions and size limits shall conform to ANSI B1.20.1.



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a. ASTM A 182 Grade F316L. ANSI B16.5 Class 150.

b. For piping 3 inches and smaller, provide weld-neck flanges. For piping larger than 3 inches, provide weld-neck or slip-on flanges. Slip-on flanges shall be double welded per ANSI B31.3.


a. Gaskets shall be as specified in Section 15050.


a. Fasteners shall be as specified in Section 15050.


1. Unions shall be Class 150 forged stainless steel. Threaded or socket weld ends.


A. Outlets shall be Type 316L stainless steel.

1. Welded outlets shall be socket-weld style. Bonney Forge model Sockolet, or equal.

2. Threaded outlets shall be either 3000# half coupling or Bonney Forge model Thredolet, or equal.




1. Pipe shall be installed in as shown on the drawings.


1. Supports and anchorage shall be provided as shown on the drawings. Calculations and drawings for proposed alternative anchorage shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01300.


A. Fittings shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.



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1. Pipe cutting, threading, and jointing shall conform to the requirements of ANSI B31.1 and the fitting manufacturer’s installation recommendations.

2. Lubricate pipe threads in accordance with the lubricant manufacturer’s instructions.


1. Pipe cutting, threading, and jointing shall conform to the requirements of ANSI B31.1 and the fitting manufacturer’s installation recommendations.



a. Surfaces of joints to be welded shall be free from mill scale, slag, grease, oil, paint, rust, and other foreign material. Joints to be welded shall be wire- brushed with stainless steel wire brushes and precisely fitted before welding.

b. Nicks, gouges, notches, and depressions in the base metal in the area of the joint shall be repaired before the joint weld is made.


a. Piping shall be properly beveled and have a root pass with the TIG (GTAW) process followed by subsequent passes with the TIG (GTAW) process. The same technology shall be employed for all welding passes. Filler wire of L grade only shall be added to all welds to provide a cross section at the weld equal to or greater than the parent metal. Weld deposit shall be smooth and evenly distributed and have a crown of no more than 1/16-inch on the I.D. and 3/32-inch on the O.D. of the piping. Concavity, undercut, cracks, or crevices shall not be allowed. Butt welds shall have full penetration to the interior surface, and inert gas shielding shall be provided to the interior and exterior of the joint. Excessive weld deposits, slag, spatter, and projections shall be removed by grinding. Welds on gasket surfaces shall be ground smooth.

b. Only weld procedures that have been qualified under ASME Section IX and only welders who have successfully completed performance qualification tests per ASME Section IX on these qualified procedures shall be utilized.


a. Field welding shall be minimized to the greatest extent possible by use of prefabrication of pipe systems at the shop or factory.

b. Welding shall only be done when the surfaces are completely free of any moisture. Welding of the pipe shall not be done during periods of high winds or rain unless the areas being welded are properly shielded.

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c. Joint shall be continuously purged with inert gas during welding procedure.

d. Remove all residue, oxide, and heat stain from the welds and the heat affected areas with stainless steel wire brushes or flexible abrasive pads.


a. Tack welds, clips, and other attachments shall be removed and defects repaired, except where the tack welds occur within the weld area and these tack welds do not exceed the size of the completed weld. Cracked tack welds shall be removed. Areas to be repaired shall be ground to clean metal and then repaired by building up with weld metal. The repaired areas shall be ground smooth to form a plane surface with the base metal.


a. Welds with cracks, slag inclusions, porosity, undercutting, incomplete penetration, or which are otherwise deficient in quality or made contrary to any provisions of these specifications shall be removed by chipping or grinding throughout their depth to clean base metal. Caulking or peening of welds to correct defects shall not be done. Welds found deficient in dimension but not in quality shall be enlarged by additional welding after thoroughly cleaning the surface of previously deposited metal and the adjoining plate. Weld deposits, slag, weld spatter, and projections into the interior of the pipe shall be removed by grinding.


A. The cleaning, disinfection and testing of stainless steel pipe shall be as specified in Section 15050.


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1. This section specifies atmospheric condensate tanks, with a 25” WC water seal.

a. Number of units 2

b. Equipment tag numbers T82702 T82703


A. Condensate tanks shall meet or exceed the following design requirements: Design Requirements Condensate Digester gas condensate Nominal capacity 175 gallons Maximum tank pressure Atmospheric Maximum operating condensate inlet dip tube pressure 12.5” WC Condensate inlet flow connection 4” Condensate discharge flow connection ≥ 2” NPT Water seal height from bottom of inlet dip tube to water feeder ≥ 25” WC float level Minimum tank wall thickness per API 653 0.001” Minimum tank wall corrosion allowance 0.240” Nominal tank wall thickness 0.250” Minimum tank bottom thickness per API 653 0.100” Minimum tank bottom corrosion allowance 0.250” Nominal tank bottom thickness 0.375” Minimum tank cover thickness 0.100” Minimum tank cover corrosion allowance 0.250” Nominal tank cover thickness 0.375” Cover mounting flange thickness ½” Makeup water feeder connections ¾” NPT Minimum tank temperature rating range 0 to 180°F Minimum level indicator pressure rating range 0 to 150 psig Minimum level indicator temperature rating range 0 to 180°F Level indicator center-to-center distance 30”

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A. The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Standard Title ANSI B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

API 653 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction

ASME BPVC Section Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels Division 1 VIII

ASTM A182 Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service

ASTM A193 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications

ASTM A240 Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications

ASTM A312 Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes

ASTM A403 Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings

ASTM A778 Standard Specification for Welded, Unannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products

GMS Equipment 25” WC Water Seal Condensate Tanks Specification

RAGAGEP 25” WC Water Seal Condensate Tanks


A. The following information shall be submitted for review:

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1. Manufacturer’s information and catalog data showing compliance with this specification and a full description of the product.

2. A copy of this specification section, and all referenced sections, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviation.

3. Certified shop drawings.

4. Tank anchor bolt calculations for Seismic Zone 3.

5. Factory pressure test results.

6. Installation, operation and maintenance (IOM) instructions.




1. Tank design is in compliance with GMS Equipment Specification – 25” WC Water Seal Condensate Tanks, and RAGAGEP – 25” WC Water Seal Condensate Tanks. Tank shall be atmospherically vented. Digester gas condensate shall enter through a dip tube creating a water seal. Nozzles shall be provided as shown on the drawings for condensate inlet, makeup water feeder connections, tank drain, condensate discharge, overflow/vent, sight glass level indicator, inspection.


1. Tank wall shall be fabricated from ASTM A240 Type 316L stainless steel. Tank wall seam shall be full penetration TIG welded in accordance with ASME BPVC Section VIII.

2. Tank wall shall include a flange, matching the bolt pattern of the cover. The flange shall be TIG welded to the tank wall in accordance with ASME BPVC Section VIII.

3. Nozzles shall be located in the tank wall in accordance with the drawings.

4. Drain, discharge, and overflow/vent connections shall be 2” NPT.

5. Makeup water feeder connections size shall be ¾” NPT.

6. Level indicator connections shall be ¾” NPT. Makeup water feeder connections shall be interchangeable with level indicator connections.


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1. Tank bottom shall be fabricated from ASTM A240 Type 316L stainless steel. Tank bottom shall be one-piece, and shall be fully TIG welded inside and outside to the tank wall in accordance with ASME BPVC Section VIII.

2. Tank bottom shall include a flange with bolt holes for mounting to a concrete pad.


1. Tank cover shall be fabricated from ASTM A240 Type 316L stainless steel. Tank cover shall be one-piece.

2. The condensate inlet dip tube shall be TIG welded, inside and outside, to the cover as shown on the drawings, in accordance with ASME BPVC Section VIII. The dip tube shall be constructed from ASTM A312 or ASTM A778 Schedule 40 Type 316L stainless steel.

3. Tank cover shall include a connection for a 3” NPT plug for inspections without removing the cover.

4. Tank cover shall include three lifting eyes, fabricated from 3/8” thick ASTM A240 Type 316L stainless steel plate, with 2” diameter holes, and shall be welded to the cover.

5. Tank cover shall be bolted to the cover mounting flange. The tank cover bolt pattern shall match the cover mounting flange bolt pattern.

6. Tank cover gasket shall be premium grade neoprene cloth insert, 1/8” thick, with a bolt pattern matching the cover bolt pattern. Garlock 3205; American Biltrite AB-3205; Warco Biltrite Cloth-Inserted Neoprene – Regular Polyester Ply; or equal.

7. Tank cover bolts shall be ¾”-10 ASTM A193 Grade B8 Class 1 Type 304 stainless steel, with matching nuts and washers.

8. Stainless steel tanks shall have the heat tint removed from welds. Stainless steel tanks do not require additional coatings. Remove weld splatter and sharp edges.


1. Varec Biogas; Shand & Jurs: or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.



1. Tank level indicator shall be a tubular sight glass style gauge with isolation valves.


1. Gauge isolation valves shall be Type 316 stainless steel, automatic style (horizontal check valves), ¾” NPT, with PTFE or graphite composite stem packing, and aluminum or stainless steel hand wheels.

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1. Tubular sight glass shall be redline glass, ¾” outside diameter, ≥ 3/32” wall thickness, with neoprene, Viton, Teflon, or graphite sight glass packing material.

2. Sight glass protectors shall be 4 stainless steel guard rods.


1. John Ernst model 416-05; McMaster-Carr model 3700K14 (valves), McMaster-Carr model 3730K29 (sight glass), McMaster-Carr model 3713K144 (guard rods); or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.



A. Atmospheric tanks shall be pressure tested at the factory at 10’ WC above the tank cover.


A. Condensate tanks shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.


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1. This section specifies insulation for exposed piping, equipment, and appurtenances.


A. REFERENCE STANDARDS: The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed standards, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title ASTM Standard Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric C534/C534M Cellular Thermal Insulation in Sheet and Tubular Form


A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Specification Section:

1. A copy of this specification, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviations.

2. Manufacturer's information and catalog data showing compliance with this specification and a full description of the product.

3. Manufacturer’s installation instructions for each of the products submitted.

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A. Piping insulation shall be tubular type or flexible blanket type. Insulation for valves, strainers, and expansion joints shall be flexible blanket type.



1. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS: Aeroflex USA series Aerocel-SSPT; or equal, modified as required to meet the specifications.


a. EPDM closed-cell foam rubber insulation shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C534/C534M, Type I. Temperature range: -40F to +220F. Insulation shall be UV-rated for installation outdoors without a jacket or coating. Non- EPDM foam rubber insulation is not acceptable.

b. Insulation seam tape shall be pre-installed in both the seam and overlap.

c. Include low VOC contact adhesive for end seams and custom seams.

d. Include seam tape for sealing all end seams and custom seams.

e. Include high-density foam thermal pipe hanger shields designed specifically for the elastomeric foam pipe insulation.

3. COATING: Aeroflex USA, Aerocel Aerocoat 100% acrylic emulsion; or equal.



1. Reusable fitting blankets shall be designed for access to valves, flanges, etc. The reusable blanket shall be custom sewn, with TFE-coated fiberglass cloth jacket and liner, fiberglass insulation and stainless steel lacing anchors.




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1. Install insulation in accordance with the drawings and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Repair jacketing and fitting covers in accordance with the drawings and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Locate seams on underside of piping. Seal off ends of fiberglass insulation with vapor barrier coating. Form aluminum caps to fit over the adjacent jacketing and to completely cover coated insulation ends. Secure caps in place with a jacket strap.

3. Install reusable fitting blankets on valves and on flanges where access is required. Seal ends of pipe insulation.

4. Reinstall reusable fitting blankets on valves and on flanges in accordance with the drawings.

5. Install reusable fitting blankets on piping connections to equipment where access is required. Seal ends of pipe insulation.

6. Coat new insulation per Section 2.02 A3.


A. See Table A.

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Table A – Piping Insulation Schedule


1 inch 1.25 2.50 5 8 inches ON and to to to and VALVES? less 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches larger CS Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes CS/SG Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes MS Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes OF Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes OF/SG Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes WN Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes WN/SG Indoor/Outdoor Elastomeric ½ ¾ 1 1 1 Outdoor none Yes


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1. This section specifies general requirements for electrical work.

2. All electrical devices, field instruments, and other components as shown on the Contract Documents and as necessary for a complete and functional system.

3. Conduits, wires, and terminations for differential pressure level transmitters including conduits and wires between existing terminal panels, termination cabinets, and PLC and PCCS cabinets furnished under this Contract.

4. PLC and PCCS configuration and programming shall be performed by the District. Contractor shall coordinate with the District for PLC and PCCS programming and configurations as necessary for a complete and functional system.


A. Do not shut down existing electrical equipment except as approved by the District’s Access Request requirements.


A. REFERENCE STANDARDS: The publications referred to hereinafter form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by the basic designation only. The latest edition of referenced publications in effect at the time of the bid shall govern. In case of conflict between the requirements of this section and the listed references, the requirements of this section shall prevail.

Reference Title

NFPA-70 National Electrical Code (NEC) CBC California Building Code CSC Canadian Standards Association (CSA) UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) ETL Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL)


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A. The following information shall be submitted for review in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section (01300):

1. A copy of this specification section, with addenda updates, with each paragraph check marked to show specification compliance or marked to show deviations.

2. Electrical equipment nameplate engraving schedules.

3. Conduits, cables, and accessories

4. Field instruments

a. Manufacturer's specifications, installation recommendations, and catalog literature for each type of instrument specified herein Part 2 which clearly and unambiguously shows that the instrument meets all the requirements specified herein.

b. Instrument data sheet for each instrument or a group of instruments with similar loop application.

c. Contractor’s instrument installation details including all required mounting stanchions or racks.

d. Contractor’s instrument calibration test results.


1. The shop drawings or data required by the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section (01300) shall be submitted in one complete package for each electrical equipment or group of related equipment in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section (01300). Submittals shall consist of the data hereinafter specified and under individual specification sections.


1. Substitution for specified equipment requires a written approval from the District and in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section (01 33 00). Where standardized equipment is specified, it shall be provided as specified.


1. Catalog information shall include technical specifications and application information, including ratings, range, weight, accuracy, etc. Catalog cuts shall be marked with bold arrows to identify the items, model numbers, and information that apply.

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2. Catalog cuts shall be assembled in a folder. Each folder shall contain a cover sheet, item index, equipment numbers, and reference to the specification section and paragraph that describes the item being submitted.


1. Where required to provide information on the drawings as part of the specified work, such drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Section (01300). Provide project record documents (also known as “as-built drawings”) in accordance with the As-Built Documents Section (01720).





A. Electrical equipment and materials shall be listed for the intended purposes by one or more of the following organizations: Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), and Electrical Testing Laboratories (ETL). Other approved independent testing laboratories may be acceptable upon approval by the District Representative.


A. Equipment and materials shall be sized and rated for operation at full load in an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C at an elevation ranging from sea level to 1000 feet, or other ambient conditions as specified, without exceeding the manufacturer's stated tolerances and without failure.



1. Equipment and materials shall be new and free from defects. All material and equipment of the same or a similar type shall be of the same manufacturer throughout the work. Standard production materials shall be used wherever possible.


1. Unless otherwise specified in the particular equipment section, electrical equipment shall be finished using the manufacturer’s standard factory finishing procedures.

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1. Nameplates shall be provided for all electrical equipment and shall be made from laminated phenolic plastic. The nominal size of the nameplates shall be 3/4 inch high by 2 inches long. Nameplates shall have black backgrounds with 3/16-inch white letters. If abbreviations are required because of space limitations, abbreviations shall be submitted to the District Representative prior to manufacture. The nameplate shall be engraved with the equipment number and description as shown on the "C" series drawings and specification schedules.




a. Cables shall be UL labeled, Type TC, designed for cable tray installation in accordance with NEC Article 340. Cable shall be rated 600V, 90 degrees C, and be suitable for wet or dry locations. Circuits shall be shielded twisted stranded copper conductor construction, color-coded black and white for pairs, or black, white and red for triads. Circuit shielding shall be provided in addition to cable shielding.


a. Cable shall consist of 600 volt rated, one pair (PR) or triad (TR), No. 16 AWG stranded conductors with 15 mils PVC/4 mils nylon insulation rated 90 degree C, twisted with a nominal 2-inch lay, covered with a 0.85 mil aluminum mylar 100 percent coverage tape shield having a bare No. 18 AWG stranded tinned copper shield drain wire, and a 45 mil PVC outer jacket. Overall maximum diameter shall be 0.325 inch for pairs and 0.342 inch for triads. Cable shall be manufactured by Furon Dekoron, Part No. 1C52-67000 or 1C62-67000; or equal.


1. Cable pulling lubricant shall be suitable for signal cable, distribution cable, medium voltage cable and control cable. Furnish American Polywater PR, or equal.



a. Lettering shall be resistant to smudging, fading, chemical and harsh environment deterioration.


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a. The letters and numbers that identify each fiber optic cable shall be machine- printed with ¼-inch high characters on cable tag with permanent black ink. The cable tag shall be PANDUIT Fiber Optic Cable Marker Rigid (Non-Adhesive) Tag, P/N PST-FO, or equal.

D. 600V Connectors, taps and splices

1. One- and two-way connectors shall be tool applied compression types for stranded conductors conforming to UL 486A. The compression tool shall be designed to prevent the tool from releasing until the proper compression force is reached. The tool and connectors shall be of the same manufacture. Connectors shall be constructed with tin-plated high conductivity wrought copper. Connectors for wire sizes #8 AWG and larger shall be long barrel. One-way connectors shall be one-hole lugs up to size #3/0 AWG, and two-hole or four-hole lugs for size #4/0 and larger. Furnish T&B #549xxBE, #548xxBE, and #548xx series with hydraulic TBM tools, or equal. Mechanical clamp, dimple, screw-type one and two-way connectors are not acceptable.

2. Tap connectors shall be split-bolt with spacer type conforming to UL 486A. Hex- head split-bolt and pressure bar shall be constructed of copper alloy. Spacer shall be contoured and constructed of electrolytic copper or bronze alloy. All pieces shall be tin-plated. Furnish T&B Blackburn xxHPS series, or equal.

3. Connectors for wire sizes #10 AWG and smaller shall be nylon self-insulated locking forks or rings of high conductivity electrolytic copper conforming to UL 486A. Crimping tool shall be of the same manufacture as the connector. Furnish T&B RB22xx & RB14xx series with ERG tools, or equal. Standard spring connectors for #10 AWG and smaller conductors shall be flame-retardant winged nylon shells with a fixed square-wire plated steel spring conforming to UL 486C. Furnish 3M Ranger 512 series, or equal. Waterproof spring connectors shall be the same as the standard type, except filled with silicone sealant. Furnish King Safety Inc. King 3, 4, 5 sealed pro line series, or equal. Motor connectors for #10 AWG and smaller conductors shall be a tin-plated copper male-female interlocking pair with slip-on thermoplastic elastomer insulation. Furnish T&B MD1210xx series with ERG tools, or equal.



1. Galvanized rigid steel conduit and elbows shall comply with ANSI C80.1 and UL 6; minimum size shall be 3/4 inch. Zinc coating shall be applied after fabrication and then coated with a chromate finish. Conduit shall be as manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit, Type GRC; Western Tube, Type GRS; or equal.


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1. Conduit outlet bodies shall be oversized type and shall conform to ANSI C80.1 and UL 514B. They shall be fabricated from cast iron alloy with zinc electroplate. The finish shall be aluminum acrylic paint. The covers shall be the same materials as the body material with neoprene gasket and stainless steel screws. Manufacturer shall be Cooper Crouse-Hinds, Form 8 Condulets, or equal.


1. Locknuts shall be extra heavy electro galvanized steel for sizes up to 2 inches. Locknuts larger than 2 inches shall be electro galvanized malleable iron. Bonding and grounding bushings shall be threaded, insulated locking type (set screw) and shall be provided with a feed-through compression lug for securing the ground cables. Unions 3/4 inch to 1 inch shall be steel, zinc plated three piece types. Unions 1 1/4 inch and larger shall be malleable iron; zinc plated three piece types. Furnish Emerson O-Z Gedney type UNF/UNY series, or equal. Threaded hubs for connection of conduit to junction, device or terminal boxes shall be made of zinc electroplated cast ferrous alloy or nickel chrome-plated zinc and shall have insulated liner with a grounding locknut. The hubs shall utilize a neoprene O-ring and shall provide a watertight connection. Manufacturers shall be Emerson O.Z. Gedney, Type CHM-T, or Thomas & Betts 370/106 series, Cooper Crouse- Hinds STG series.


1. Conduit seals and unions shall conform to UL 886 and the requirements of Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous atmospheres per NEC Articles 500 series. The seal fittings shall be fabricated from cast ferrous alloy finished with zinc electroplate and aluminum acrylic paint. All vertical fittings shall be provided with stainless steel drain fittings. Seal fittings shall be Cooper Crouse- Hinds EYS series, EYD series, or equal. Unions shall be electrogalvanized ferrous alloy type Emerson Appleton UNF or UNY, Cooper Crouse-Hinds UNF or UNY, or equal.

2. Explosionproof flexible coupling shall conform to requirements of Class I, Division 1, group D hazardous atmosphere per NEC Articles 500 series. Flexible length shall consist of asphalt impregnated woven cloth duct, brass inner core, and bronze braid covering. End fittings shall be forged brass or cast bronze. Flexible coupling shall be Appleton EXGJH, EXLK or equal.


1. Boxes and fittings shall conform to UL 886, NEMA ICS6 type 7 and requirements of Class I, Division 1, group D hazardous atmospheres per NEC article 501-5. Boxes shall be fabricated from cast ferrous alloy finished with zinc electroplate and aluminum paint with copper free aluminum covers. Conduit hubs and covers shall provide for full 5-thread contact on tightening. Boxes for surface mounting shall have integrally cast mounting flange or tabs. Furnish Cooper Crouse-Hinds GUA series, EAB series, GUB series, or equal.

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a. STANDARD DUTY: Individual conduit supports shall include strap and clamp backs, beam clamps, tray clamps and jay hangers. Supports shall be fabricated from malleable iron finished with hot-dipped galvanization or zinc electroplate and aluminum paint. Furnish Emerson Appleton BH series, CL/B series, CH/D series, TCC/D series, Uni-strut J12XX series, or equal.


a. STANDARD DUTY: Suspended raceway supports shall be trapeze type consisting of threaded rods, nuts, square washers, fittings, framing channels, cable tray clamps and conduit clamps. Fittings and framing channels shall be fabricated from cold rolled 12-gauge steel conforming to ASTM A570 GR33 with hot-dipped galvanized finish conforming to ASTM A123. Channels shall have nominal 1-5/8-inch square slot with inturned lips. Double strut shall be two channels welded back to back. Hardware shall be fabricated from case hardened mild steel in conformance with ASTM A576, GR 1015 with electrogalvanized finish conforming to ASTM B633, Type III SC1. Threads shall be American coarse screw threads UNC, Class 2A/B. Channel conduit clamps shall be two-piece steel with hex head screw and nut. Plastic end caps shall be made specifically for framing channel ends. Furnish Uni-strut P1000/P1001 series, P11XX/P15XX series, P286X series, P2860-XX series and HTHRXXX series, Legrand P W Industries Cablofil 1811 series, or equal.


1. Raceway markers shall be 1/2-inch wide by 2-inch-long stainless steel tape embossed with 1/4-inch characters. Markers shall be attached to the raceway with No. 16 AWG, 316 stainless steel wire.




a. Emerson Rosemount 3051,PN: 3051SAL1PT1AA1A1000GSC50LAR30L4M5Q4E5.

b. No equal.


a. Pressure transmitters shall be the capacitance type. Static pressure rating shall be 500 psig or greater. Over range capacity without affecting calibration shall

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not be less than 150 percent of maximum range. Span shall be adjustable over a 10:1 or greater range. Zero elevation, adjustable damping, and suppression capability shall be provided. External pushbuttons for local zero and span adjustment shall be provided for site re-ranging. Volumetric displacement at maximum span shall not exceed 0.01 cubic inch.

b. Accuracy shall be ± 0.1 percent of span. Meters shall have 2-inch scale and 4-digit LCD display with linear scale of 0 to 100 percent. Pressure transmitters shall be provided with Hart protocol Smart electronics capable of digital calibration, configuration, diagnostics and communications.

c. Wetted parts shall be type 316 stainless steel and wetted O-rings shall be Viton. Sensor seal fill liquid shall be glycerin and water with specific gravity of 1.13 at room temperature. Pressure transmitters used for oxygen service shall be provided with factory options for oxygen service cleaning. Process flanges, adaptors, isolating diaphragms, drain and vent valves shall be cast 316 stainless steel. Process flange connection shall be SC hygienic tri-clamp. Electronics housing shall be cast aluminum with epoxy paint finish. Electronic enclosure shall be rated for NEMA 4X (IP66), explosion proof, approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D (EEx d IIC T5).

d. Gage pressure transmitters with an upper range of less than 20 psig shall be the differential pressure type. The low pressure connection shall be provided with a weatherproof, bugproof, atmospheric vent assembly.

e. Communications capability shall include Hart Communication capability.



a. Emerson Rosemount 3051, PN: 3051SAL1ST1AA2A1000GSC50LA00E5Q4

b. No others allowed.


a. Transmitter shall detect the pressure on a remote diaphragm flange. Remote diaphragm assembly shall be suitable for vacuum service.

b. Diaphragm fill fluid shall be silicone, except for sulfur dioxide and chlorine service where the fluid shall be halocarbon. Wetted parts shall be type 316 stainless steel. Accuracy shall be 0.25 percent and repeatability 0.1 percent of span.

c. Accuracy shall be ± 0.1 percent of span. Meters shall have 4-digit LCD display calibrated in engineering units.

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d. Wetted parts shall be type 316 stainless steel and wetted O-rings shall be Viton. Sensor seal fill liquid shall be glycerin and water with specific gravity of 1.13 at room temperature. Pressure transmitters used for oxygen service shall be provided with factory options for oxygen service cleaning. Process flanges, adaptors, isolating diaphragms, drain and vent valves shall be cast 316 stainless steel. Process flange connection shall be SC hygienic tri-clamp. Electronics housing shall be cast aluminum with epoxy paint finish. Electronic enclosure shall be rated for NEMA 4X (IP66), explosion proof, approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D (EEx d IIC T5).

e. Communications capability shall include Hart Communication capability.


1. Type:

a. Bulb and capillary.

2. Function/Performance:

a. Temperature Range: 75 to 205 degrees F

b. Set Point: Field adjustable and set between 20 and 80 percent of the adjustable range. Initially set at 101.9 degrees F

c. Deadband: 0.8 to 1.9 degrees F.

d. Reset: - Automatic reset type unless noted otherwise in the Instrument Device Schedule.

e. Over Range Protection: Over range protection to maximum process line temperature.

f. Switch Rating: 15 amps at 250 VAC.

3. Physical:

a. Switch Housing: Remotely mounted. NEMA 4X (IP66) for non hazardous locations. Where indicated on the drawings to be mounted in hazardous locations, the switch housing shall be explosion proof, approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D (EEx d IIC).

b. Switching Arrangement: Single pole double throw (SPDT) unless double pole double throw (DPDT) switches are indicated on the Instrument Device Schedule.

c. Wetted Parts: 316 stainless steel.

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d. Bulb penetration into pipe shall be approximately 4 inches (100 mm) for pipe diameters less than or equal to 12 inches (300 mm) and approximately 7 inches (175 mm) for pipe diameters greater than 12 inches (300 mm).

e. The switch shall be UL listed.

4. Accessories Required:

a. Bulbs shall be installed in 316 stainless steel thermowells. Thermowells shall be Ashcroft 75W0250ST385316SS.

5. Manufacturer(s):

a. Ashcroft P Series Temperature Switch, PN PTSN7K00040XFS

b. No equal to match existing




1. The work as specified herein shall be performed in accordance with the National Electrical Code where applicable.

2. Electrical plan drawings of existing areas, equipment location and sizes, routing and space on conduit racks, tray routing and locations of existing conduit are in reasonable agreement with actual field conditions. Plan drawings are based upon equipment sizes and configuration of the first specified equipment. Coordinate the location of electrical material and equipment with equipment pad sizes, other process equipment, piping or structures. Coordination shall be based upon the actual approved equipment and the material being provided. Equipment shall be located to accommodate access requirements identified in the manufacture’s installations instructions. Minor adjustments and changes in location of electrical material or equipment made to suit the installation shall be made at no cost to the District.


1. All electrical equipment, including boxes shall be labeled with equipment nameplates. The nameplate shall be engraved with the equipment number and description as shown on the drawings and specification.


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1. All electrical equipment including panels shall be kept dry, protected from dust, water, condensation and physical damage. Panels and termination cabinets shall be wiped free of dust and dirt on the outside, and shall be vacuumed on the inside before acceptance of the work.

2. Before final acceptance, touch up any scratches on equipment with factory supplied touchup paint of matching color.



1. Each control and signal cable shall be identified at each terminal to which it is connected.

2. Wire and cable shall not be pulled into conduits until conduits have been cleaned, and the associated interconnection diagrams have been approved.

3. Pulling wire and cable into conduit or trays shall be completed without damaging or putting undue stress on the cable insulation. UL listed pulling compounds, American Polywater J or Ideal Yellow 77, are acceptable lubricants for pulling wire and cable. Grease is not acceptable. Raceway construction shall be complete and protected from the weather before cable is placed.

4. Whenever a cable leaves a raceway, a cable support shall be provided such that no cable weight is transferred on the termination point.

5. Install cables and conductors so that the radius of bends is larger than the manufacturer’s recommended minimum bending radius.


1. General:

a. Signal wiring shall be carried in raceways as shown on the Drawings. Circuits shall be run as individually shielded twisted pairs. In no case shall a single circuit be made up using conductors from different pairs. Terminal blocks shall be provided at instrument cable junctions for each wire and shield, and circuits shall be identified at such junctions. All return current paths shall be confined to the same signal cable. Common return conductors for two or more analog circuits are not acceptable. Shields shall not be used for a signal path. The signal cable shield shall be maintained at a fixed potential with respect to the circuit being protected. Cables shall be protected from physical damage during all phases of construction. Tie wraps shall not deform cable twist patterns or shields.

2. Cable Pulling and Termination:

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a. Manufacturer’s recommended pulling tensions shall not be exceeded. All cables shall be free of tension at both ends, as well as over the total length of each run.

b. Minimum extra cable length requirements are 6-feet for equipment closets, 3- feet for panels, and 10-inches for outlets.

c. Install cables so that the radius of bends is larger than the manufacturer’s minimum bending radius.

3. Signal Connections:

a. Electric signal connections to equipment shall be made on terminal blocks, unless the product specified in the Contract Documents is only available with suitable locking plug and receptacle cable assemblies, in which case cable assemblies may be used. When flexible cable assemblies are provided with the instrument, the cable assemblies may be used without conduit provided the installation meets all requirements of the NEC and is not subject to mechanical damage.

4. Shield Terminations:

a. Signal cable shields shall be grounded at only one end. Unless otherwise specified, shields shall be bonded to the panel ground bus at the location where the signal common is grounded. The total length of exposed drain signal conductors shall not exceed three inches. Terminals for landing the shield drain wires shall be located immediately adjacent to the signal conductors for that cable.

5. Signal Wire Tagging:

a. All signal wires, whether field wiring or panel wiring, shall be tagged. Circuits shall be tagged at all terminations and terminal blocks shall be labeled.

6. Signal Circuit Separation:

a. Low level analog, digital code, pulse frequency, and modulated signal circuits shall be run in enclosed metallic raceways separate from each other and from other circuit types. Low-level analog and digital code signal cables shall be terminated with the shortest practical, untwisted lengths of wire, which expose a minimum area to inductive pickup.

b. Any signals operating at greater than 80 volts AC or DC shall be classed as power or control and shall be located separate from any signal circuits. Separation for signals shall be 12 inches minimum if either the power/control or the signal circuits are in metallic conduit, except for circuits crossing at a 90-degree angle. Separation for signals shall be 24 inches minimum if both

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signal and power/control circuits are not in metallic conduit, except for circuits crossing at a 90-degree angle.

c. Reduce exposed circuit area by connecting all signal pairs to adjacent pins in connectors. Cable shields shall be carried through the connector on pins adjacent to the signal pairs.

7. Grounding and Signal Common:

a. Each 24V DC power supply and all circuits powered from it shall be connected to electrical ground at a single location. In the ACCs, connect the 24V DC common bus bar to the panel ground bus at a single location. Unless otherwise shown or specified, other 24V DC power supplies shall be connected to electrical ground by connecting the negative terminal directly to the closest point of the building electrical ground grid.

b. Each analog signal circuit shall be connected to electrical ground at only one location. For circuits that are powered from the ACC 24V DC power supplies, connection to electrical ground shall be accomplished by connecting the circuit to the 24V DC signal common bus bars in the ACC control panel cabinets. Connections to the signal common bus bar shall be made as shown on the drawings. Also, each new instrument shall be provided with an independent connection to the 24V DC signal common bus bar. Field powered signal circuits shall be isolated from electrical ground or be isolated from the 24V DC common bus bars in the ACCs.



1. Unless otherwise specified in Table A below, conduit shall be galvanized rigid steel.

Table A. Conduit Locations

Conduit type Location

Galvanized rigid steel All exposed noncorrosive areas.

Explosionproof flexible Final raceway connections to equipment subject to vibration or adjustment in hazardous areas

2. Examine equipment outline and dimension drawings to coordinate routing of conduit with manufacturer's installation instructions. Conduit routing shall not interfere with subsequent maintenance activities. Position of new conduit within

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conduit racks shall be adjusted as necessary to minimize interference with existing raceways, boxes, piping, structural openings, future equipment and other equipment. Conduit shall not block access to boxes, equipment, or unused rack space. In general, conduits shall be located at positions near the top of racks and near walls where possible. Any conduit that interferes with maintenance activities shall be removed and rerouted at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall make allowance in his bid to make minor changes in routings at no additional cost to the District.


1. Exposed rigid steel shall be run on supports spaced not more than 10 feet apart, within 3 feet of 90 degree turns and junction boxes and shall be constructed with runs parallel or perpendicular to walls, structural members, or intersections of vertical planes and ceiling. No conduit shall approach closer than 6 inches to any object operating above the rated temperature of the cable insulation it contains. Where three or more conduits are located in a parallel run, they shall be spaced out from the wall using framing channel or suspended raceway supports. All framing channel conduit support systems shall be oversized to allow for 25 percent additional conduit space. All exposed ends of framing channels shall be protected with plastic end caps. Exposed expansion fittings shall be installed where conduit crossed building expansion joints.

2. Steel conduit shall be supported away from the structures using standard duty individual or suspended raceway supports.


1. Raceway routed perpendicular through floors, walls or other concrete structures shall pass through cast-in-place openings. In cases where cast-in-place openings are not possible, appropriate size holes shall be bored through the concrete to accommodate the raceway and sealing fitting. The size and location of the holes shall not impair the structure's integrity. After completion, grout or caulk around raceway and finish to match surroundings. A 3½-inch-high concrete pad with a sloping top shall protect raceway that rises vertically through a floor or slab. All penetrations shall be fire stopped.

2. Wherever individual conduits penetrate concrete walls or ceilings to outdoors or below grade, the Contractor shall provide a watertight link seal installed as shown on the drawing details.


1. Conduit seals shall be provided for hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with the NFPA 70 Chapter 5 Article 501-5. The conduit seals shall be filled with appropriate "A" compound prior to final acceptance.

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2. Conduit bodies shall be provided for all conduits entering and leaving corrosive areas. The conduit bodies provided for corrosive areas shall be filled with a nonsetting compound such as electrical duct seal putty to prevent the migration of corrosive gases from the area.



1. Unless otherwise specified in Table B, boxes shall be NEMA 3R cast ferrous alloy type.

Table B. Box Locations

Box type Location

NEMA 3R cast Exposed indoor or outdoor locations in noncorrosive and nonhazardous areas

NEMA 4 Exposed in process areas below 7 feet in nonhazardous, non-corrosive areas

NEMA 4X Corrosive nonhazardous areas

NEMA 7 Hazardous areas

NEMA 12 Exposed in conduit racks in nonhazardous, noncorrosive areas above 7 feet.




1. The following areas are designated as hazardous (classified) areas:

a. All electrical work on this project is to be considered as a Class I, Division 1, and Group D.

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A. All outdoor and indoor areas except architecturally finished, HVAC, switchgear and motor control center rooms shall be defined as wet areas and are subject to wash down by high pressure water.


A. Equipment and materials shall be stored as specified in the Shipping, Protection, Storage, and Preventive Maintenance Section (01605).

B. Equipment and materials to be located indoors shall be stored indoors and protected with plastic film wrap.



1. All raceways and cables are identified on the Drawings shall be tagged, even if not identified as such on the drawings. Conflicts between the drawings and the raceway schedule shall be brought to the attention of the District Representative. Raceways shall be tagged at each segment end point and within 3 feet of each floor, ceiling or wall penetration. Where raceway and cable numbers have not been assigned on the Drawings, the Contractor shall submit proposed raceway and cable numbers for District approval.


A. All bolts and screws associated with electrical equipment for electrical connections shall be torqued in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with NEC Article 110. A torque wrench shall be used. The torque mechanism shall be the sensing type that automatically limits the torque to a preset value until it clicks. Beam type torque indicating wrenches are not acceptable. Torque wrenches shall be supplied in the following three ranges: a low range of 5-75 foot-pound, a medium range of 30 to 150 foot-pound, and a high range of 50 to 250 foot-pound, Klein 57000/57005/57010, or equal. Torque wrenches shall be available for each crew making connections.



A. Maintain an annotated set of contract shop drawings and a set of redline mark-ups of the contract documents in according with the As-Built Documents Section (01720). These documents shall be available on-site for review by the owner on request.

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1. Equipment acceptance testing shall be performed as specified herein.

2. All instruments shall be job site calibrated prior to installation, except for instruments where factory calibration is specified herein.

3. Contractor shall coordinate with District programmer for PLC and PCCS programming and configurations.


1. Field instruments shall be calibrated and set up by a certified instrument technician qualified to calibrate the instrumentation.

2. Field instrument technician shall be qualified by completion and certification from training courses offered by the International Society for Automation (ISA), the instrumentation and analyzer manufacturer, or a recognized trade school or community college that specializes in instrumentation calibration.


1. Provide all tools, reference fluids, standards, and equipment required to calibrate each instrument. Test instruments used to simulate inputs and read outputs shall be suitable for the purpose and shall have a rated accuracy of 0.1 percent of span and the measured value shall be greater than the required accuracy of the instrument being tested or calibrated. Each test instrument shall be certified by an established calibration laboratory and have a current calibration sticker showing date of calibration, deviation from standard, name of calibration laboratory and technician, and date recalibration is required. Certified calibration reports traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology shall be included with the final test report.

2. Provide an instrument calibration system such as Fluke 743B with Fluke DPC/Track Instrumentation Management software or similar system. The instrument calibration system captures the calibration results and electronically documents instrument data, date of calibration, calibration procedures, and as- found and as-left instrument calibration data. Completed calibration results shall be submitted with the final test results in hard copy and electronic format that does not require specialized equipment or software to read and print the files.


1. Inspect the instrumentation installation for adherence to manufacturer’s recommendations and industry best practices. Identify deficiencies that are not

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acceptable to the District and must be modified or replaced prior to any instrument calibration or testing.

2. Validate instrument has correct tag name and nameplate data.

3. Confirm instrument installation conforms to the drawings, specifications, and manufacturer’s instructions.

4. Visually check instrument for physical damage, dirt accumulation, and corrosion.

5. Verify isolation amplifiers, surge protection, and safety barriers are properly installed.

6. Report deficiencies identified within 24 hours of discovery to the District Project Manager or designated representative. All deficiencies shall be addressed prior to any instrument calibration.


1. Calibrate all instruments furnished under this contract with the exception of instruments provided by a subsystem equipment vendor as part of their package system. Each instrument listed in the instrument schedule, each final control element, all items installed in this contract, existing and relocated instruments, all instruments provided by the District, and all instruments supplied with mechanical (including pressure gauges) or electrical equipment shall be calibrated on site prior to installation in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedure. Instruments shall then be tested in compliance with ISA S51.1 and this paragraph and the data entered on the applicable test form. Alarm trips, control trips, and switches listed in the instrument schedule shall be set to initial values at this time. Final elements shall be checked for range, deadband, and speed of response.

2. Any component which fails to meet the required tolerances shall be repaired by the manufacturer or replaced, at no expense to the District, and the above tests repeated until the component is within tolerance. Systems not accessible for standard calibration shall be furnished with the manufacturer's verification of factory calibration. Proper manufacturer's reports will be acceptable as evidence of calibration when field testing is not possible.

3. CALIBRATION PROCEDURE: Each analog instrument shall be calibrated at 0 percent, 10 percent, 50 percent, 90 percent and 100 percent of its specified full scale. Each signal sensing trip and process sensing switch shall be adjusted to the required setting(s). All instrument calibration test data shall be entered on applicable test forms. A report shall be delivered to the District containing all instruments, listed by instrument number, certifying that each instrument has been calibrated and meets contract requirements.

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F. Testing shall be as specified herein and coordinate with the District PLC and PCCS programmer.

G. Test results shall be documented on test forms included in Attachment A and B of this Section.

H. Submit calibration and testing report.



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% of Range Input Expected Output Actual Output Deviation 0 25 50 75 100 Deviation Allowed:


Calibration Equipment description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Expiration Date



Engineer’s Representative: Date:

Contractor’s Representative: Date:

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PROCEDURE: Simulate process variable (flow, pressure, temperature, etc.) and set desired set point(s). Run through entire range of switch and calculate deadband.

FIELD SWITCH CALIBRATION - Adjustable Switches Incr. Input Trip Decr. Input Trip Set Point Point Point Calculated Deadband Required Deadband

Non Adjustable Switches - Operation Check Simulate process interface and verify switch operation: Field Switch Trips: Setpoint: Field Switch Resets:


Equipment description Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Calibration Expiration Date



Engineer’s Representative: Date:

Contractor’s Representative: Date:

8/16/2017 Attachment B Digesters 5, 6 & 7 Rehabilitation Project 16000 - 1