2/24/2021 Conversation Among Candidates for Minneapolis Mayor | Humphrey School of Public Affairs Humphrey School of Public Affairs Conversation Among Candidates for Minneapolis Mayor Tuesday, June 6 Lunch 11::00am,, Humphrey Atrium Event 12::00pm - 1::15pm,, Cowlesles Audititorium The mayorall campaign is picking up speed with the Minneapollis endorsement convention approaching on Jully 8th..The next mayor of Minneapollis willl face challllenges sustaining economic devellopment and the wellll-being of workers in Minneapollis as cities llike Denver and Seattlle begin to pose stiffer competition.. Representative Raymond Dehn,, All Fllowers,, Minneapollis Council Member Jacob Frey,, Tom Hoch,, Minneapollis Mayor Betsy Hodges,, Dr.. Nekima Levy-Pounds,, and Aswar Rahman willl join Professor Larry Jacobs and Lee Schafer,, Business Collumnist,, Star Tribune for a conversation about the economic and business conditions in Minneapollis and their proposalls for sustainablle pollicies toward the c ity''s w orkforce,, downtown retail,, and publlic safety.. The conversation is co-sponsored by the Minneapollis Regionall Chamber of Commerce.. Chamber President and CEO Jonathan Weinhagen willl provide opening remarks CSPG events are free and open to the publlic.. If you are having troublle registering or to request disabillity accommodations contact
[email protected] (http://
[email protected])(http://
[email protected]).. The University of Minnesota is an equall opportunity educator and emplloyer.. https://hhh-d7.prd.umn.edu/event/conversation-among-candidates-minneapolis-mayor 1/2 2/24/2021 Conversation Among Candidates for Minneapolis Mayor | Humphrey School of Public Affairs June 6,, 2017 11:00 AM to 1:15 PM Cowlles Auditorium,, Humphrey Schooll of Publlic Affairs 301 19th Ave S,, 307 Minneapollis,, MN 55455 © 2021 Regentts off tthe Uniiversiitty off Miinnesotta.