Toward a Behavioral Definition of Genius
Toward a Behavioral Definition of Genius ROBERT S. ALBERT Pitzer College 1 The idols imposed by words on the understanding are of two kinds. They are either names of things which do not exist (for as there are things left unnamed through lack of observa- tion, so likewise are there names which result from fantastic suppositions and to which nothing in reality corresponds), or they are names of things which exist, but yet confused and ill-defined, and hastily and irregularly derived from realities. Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1939 This article discusses some of the troublesome places the creative person within an implicit my- issues involved in the concept of genius. An opera- thology, attributing his creative (inspired) mo- tional definition of genius is proposed; some of the ments to the intervention or the guidance of gods. implications for research on high achievement are Viewed this way, the major source of an individual's presented; and supporting evidence is offered to creative behavior lies less within him and more out- indicate that it is possible to operationalize such side him in the realm of the supernatural or pre- an apparently global concept if one restricts its ternatural. use to the behavioral, rather than to the sometimes The second early Western view ascribes mad- superficially dramatic, components of high achieve- ness to extraordinary creativity, which resembles ment. Because genius is typified by behavior that what we now speak of as severe psychopathology.2 is exceptional, often unpredictable, and influential For Aristotle "there is no great genius without to many, it is not surprising to find genius a topic madness." Coupled with "madness" was "posses- of concern for many eminent psychologists and sion," for example, Plato's view of poetic inspira- social philosophers, for example, Freud, Gallon, tion as a madness "taking hold of a delicate and William James, Kretschmer, and Terman (Annin, virgin soul, and there inspiring frenzy, awakens Boring, & Watson, 1968).
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