.hfr~, 1 s;h, r*sa. I* l’~~RLshif~g fnncljinc, . William I.aighton, - 38

L’. -\lcasrlrirf~ &tn,,ccs, 3 Samuel Stone, ib. 3. GoId cshxting r11achine, Nsthanicl Rwvorth, - 39 $.*(:ofCns from cement, I). Dayton H. Hoyt, & J. White, ib. 2. ‘I‘russ for hcrt,iq . John L. Hcintzelman, 40 6. stwe , pycimiclnl, ’ Thomas M. Southwick, . ib. 7..IIOistil,g brick, &c, Jesse IXhinehart, , ib. 8..JIulJing CIOVCP, kc. . W. Braley, and J. Walker, ’ ib. 9. ‘I‘ll Wshiflg mn&i,le, 11. Edgar, and 1. W. Edgar, . 41 10. Cooking stove, Elijah Skinner, ib. 11. Fireplace, , 1. A. Bean, and E. Skinner, . ib. 12. ‘I‘hr:lshing machine, . T. Kucker, Jr. 42 13”.Platform balance . Alexander Bliss, . . * ib. 14. .iIridges, . . George Law, ib. 15.fiCheese press, . David Phelps, . * . 43 16. Fireplaces, Joseph Snyder, . ib. 17. Stoves, John C. Parry, . . ib. 1% set, . Herrick Ai ken, 44 19. Splitting kxther, . Herrick Aiken, . . ib. 20. Pumps, fire engines, &c. , IICllly Gates, . ib. 21.*\V:Wming buildings, Robert Rogers, . 45 22. Raising water, David W. Hurst, . ib. 23. Mortising machine, Jonathan Yage, . . 46 24. Ovet!, Samuel Pollard, ib. 25. Shavmg staves, &c. John Evcrhart, . ib. 26.. Shelling and grirding corn, G. .\I. Weaver, . ib. 27.1 J.lames, Serene Norton, 47 48. Saddles, spring sea;, . J. G. Petmer and H. a;d A. Beard,’ ib. 29. Propelling hy weights, Elisha Turner, . ib. 30. Refrigerltor, John Waring, ib. .jl. fioistiag machine, Barnabas Pike, . 48 32. Friction wheels, Julicn Nicholet, ib. :x .Rce house. . William Groves, ,.ib. Sk Shingle machine, Samuel H. Chapman, ib. 5.5. Winnowing machine, Jeremiah Nichols, . 49 36. Mortising and tenoning, , Joseph H. I)arby, ib. 37. Washing machine, Charles Otis, , ib. 38..Auger, . William Jones, ib. 39. Paper ruling machine, ; James C. Teasdale, . ib. 40. Sausage, meat cutting. . A. and J. Keagy, ib. 41. Undershot wheel, . Ebenezer Co&ran, . 50 42. Spinner, accelerating, , Leonard Norcrosr, ib. 42. Stumps, removing, Leonard Norcross, , ib. 44..Cotton, thinning, Jordan Gatling, ib. 45.,Hulling clover seed, John P. Hidings, . 51 46. &llows for forges, &c. . John C. Concklin, ib. 47. -Boot cramp, . Nathan Ayer, . ib. 48..Check plates, for banks, 6ic. Charles C. Wright, ib. 49. *Brick machine. . 1’. Miles Rnnnister, . 51 50. &pm engine piston, . B. Wright, and G. Kitchen ib. 51. hrtise lock, * John G. Hotchkins, . ib. 52. Hoilcr pipes fixing. . John Goutding, ib. 5;;. Skins, softening, . Eli Kendall, . ib. 54. l)oilers. culinwy, Anaon W. Spencer, . 53 55. Mowing machine, J. Sturdevant, and J. Holmes, ib. jfj.,c0tt0n pl:rrhng, Jordan Galling, . ib. 57. Smut mill, John Curd, ib. 58. Stove, - James Atwater, . 54 59. Mortar mixing. J. Everhart, and L. Swi&y, ib. 60. ,~ressing brick, Willinm Wadsworth, . ib. vu,,. XVII.-No. G.-JUNE, 1836. 442 Index.

61. Cooking stoves, . J.e Grand Fairman, . , 5.5 62. Ovens and stoves, heating, Charles Vale, . ib. 63. Cutting straw, &c. J. M‘Math, . . ib. G4. Trees, felling, James Hamilton, . ib. 65.. Shelling corn, . J. C. Dunbnr, and A. Powers, . i6 . 66. Cooking stove, 1’. I). Uurrell, 67. NappinK macbinc, Reuben Daniels, , * ib. 68. llorary steam cnginc, Orson IInincs, *ib, 69. Loom for figured work, E. Meily, Jr. and J. and S. Mellinger, i7 70. SatltllcY, A. L. Vanhorn. . 71. .Hullinrr clover. &c. John Whitman, . ib. $2. 12ot:try”stcam engine Charles Hill, * . ib. 73. Ever-pointed pencils, I:Ilwootl Mcars, . 58 74.,Chur&, Isaac , ib. 75. IMillr for grain, LGc. \Vitliam S. Johnson . ib. 76. .(:crrn pl:intinK mnchinc, ‘I‘homns I). IIurrall, ib. 77.. HWf~,mctnllic, J&n Brbuis, , 59 711. l%sk l&r casting kettles, sic. l):tvid Stewart, ib. .I,rl!/, IHX. 1. Coopcr~’ wart, making, 15nnc lloover, . 119 3. Rlovc . ErnTt t;. Augustine ib. 2. S,rw’CllttillJy, b:rilnt C;. Augustine . 120 4. Shot*, water proof, Xrnst C;. Augustine ib. 5. Vincpr, making, . I,‘rctlcrick W. Ilodcn . ih. 0. Combing wool, Samuel C0uillard 121 7. Roots, cultinK, . Jonathan Clark ib. 8. Ilorsc pwcr, ‘I‘hom:ls Mitchell it). 9. Stcxm, ncci~lcnts from, prcvrntirlfi., (,eorgc It. (:tnrkc . ib. 10. \V~ll, cl(a:ming firm burs, &c. ~lichiicl 1\‘. Simpson IX Il. ‘l’hrxbhing mnchincs, Joseph Tyler . . ib. 12. \V:iter pumps, Amos Miner, . 1% I:;. dulling mill stocks, I.:. S. h’orris . . ib. 14. Locks and Lxtchcs, Albert Ilingham ib. 15. I’iano Portcs, . ‘I’homas Loud . , ib. 16. .\Iortising machmc, Israel J. Richardson . ib. 17. Mtlls, George and F. II. I3aker . 124 1 i., , . (;rorge I’xyne ib. I!). Linseed oil, substitute fur, . S. ‘I’. Todd and J. L. Peabody . ib. 20. Saw mbll, . Ernst t*. Augustine ib. 21, I:cllou9, bending, Ktlwnrtl Reynolds . ib. Z?. Cullivator, I)aniel Davis 1’2.5 2.;. IIollcrs for curtains, etc. Ilcnry I.awson . . ib. :! 1.. Churn Oliver Wyman ib. 25. Stoves, cooking John .\IofK%tand Morton Taintor . ib. 26: Potash, mnnuhrturing II. Ilarlsult‘and C. French . 126 27. Zlortising machine Imla Wright, , . ib. 2x. Water !~llecls Issac Pow-ell ib. 29. I’lough Timothv Miller . , 127 .?O. Weavers’ reeds, hedtlles 3 J. A. %lkinson ib. 21. I.ooms Oliver C. IIurr . . ib. 3’7..Churn floats llrding Tlyerson ib. s3. l’lough Samuel Cline . - . ib. :X Wasl1in.g macbinc Asa W. Soule ib. r,.i. I Coffinsof cement John White, . . 128 .X. Cloth, manuf:rcturin~ I:rceman Wolcot ib. Z., Corn shelling . John I’. Small . . ib. SR.stove . Jordan L. hlott ib. Xl. Corku,cutting . .I. Cutler and 1. Keyes . it,. .:iJ. Stoves . .Iortl:tn I.. blott 1’29 41. linohs nntl handles for stoves . ,Iortl:m I.. Mott . ?. ib. Q%,(:hurninc IIirnm [‘helps, ib. X1. l?reprur~l~... ’cbcsts . Jolln Scott . 13u -4ndrew M. Enstwick . .bl Indfx. 443 Railway Notice of the East India . 232 Passenger_4srmrance Company . * . * 95 * - Traffic-Statistics of 222, 225 Travel in Great Britain, 5 Railways in Austria-Statistics’of . * . . . . 6 in the World-%&tics of the . . 227,305 -- Means of -4ugmenting the Ascensive Power of I,momotives on 152 River Seine-Improvrmeuts in the 73 Roof of the Great Exhibition Building-Construction of the? * 76 Rotation of the Earth by means of thg Pendulum-l’hyical demonstration of the 350

Screw Propeller-Description of J. W. Nydrom’s . 346 - Propellers-Discussion on the Rclativc Merits of Pad& Wheels and . 275 Query Respectmg . 41 - &earner Fawn-Report of the Voyages OEthe Mail . ’ 397 Sea Weeds, &c .-Method of Producing Plates for Printing Ferns . ’ 202 Seine--Improvements in the River 73 Shafts and Axles-On the form of . 56 Smoke from Furnaces and Chimnies-On the Consumption of ’ . 64 Statics-Notice of Mange’s Treatise on 216 Steam Boat .4nglo-Norman-Explosion of the . . Inspection-Present System of :; Shatts-Remarks on the Method of Faggoting . 287 Boiler-Description of Champion’s Annular . 274 - Boilers-General Rule for Proportioning thr I.ength of Stationary . 164 Lecture on the Causes and Prevention of the Erplosions of 407 Method of Preventing Incrustations in . 224 On the .4dhesion of Safety Valves of 171 On J. Dilk’s Water Gat,ge for . 429 On the Economic Value of Coals used in (he Collins’ Tubular 135 On the Oven plan liable to Explosion . 166 Report on G. Faber’s Magnetic for 216 - by the burninq of Anthracite-D cvription of a Boiler for generating . 390 - Carriage for Common Roads-Clark and Motley’s Locomotive 229 - Engines-Description ofThompson’s IIydraulic Machinery and , 342 Wrought Iron Beams for 232 - in the Engines of the South Statfordshirr Iron District-On the condension of 114 - Log of the Steamer British Queen, . 140 - Marine Kavy--New Bill to prcvcnt .4ccidents in the English . * 172 - Navigation on Shallow Waters-Notes on 150 - On the distillation of Mercury by overheated . ’ . * 40 - on the Upper Danube, . 39 - Power in Franc-Statistics of . 227 -Propellers between Philadelphia and I.iverpool, . 139 - Ship Building-English and American 41 -- Michigan-B. F. Isherwood’s Kotcs on the United States . 217 Steam Ship Lafayette-Kotice of the . 420 - Ships-Notice of the Collins’ Line of 414 Steamer Albatross-Notes on the Ship and her Propeller 428 - Explosion of the Boiler of the Queen . 30 Spittiro--Notes on Indicator Diagrams froIp the United States War 91 AYotes on the IJnited States War 168 Steamer .Monumental City-Notice of . 418 -Pacific from I.ivqool-Quick Passage of the 421 &earners--Notice of Marine 419 Advantages of using Fish \t’ater in the Boilers of Sea . 88 Carribbean and Brother Jonathan-Xoticc of the New York 354 - On Fresh Water Condensers for Marine 124 Sugar-On Detonating . 123

Teleg-raph-Dr. Turnbull’s I,ectures on the . 190,267, 330, 401 - First Idea of the Electric . 202 444 r*. T&graph-Not&? of the Copying Electric . 260 Morse’eMagnetic . 364 T&gmphs in Germany-Statistics of . a. Telescope-Description of a new Arrangement of Reflecting 112 Tfmuee-On a Method of fixing Colors upon . . . 133 ‘Frautwine (J. C.) on the Field Practice of Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads 361 TyPes-Remarks on Dr. L. V. Newton’s Galvanized . 290 Valves of Steam Boilers--On the Adhesion of the Safety 171 Vegetable Alimentary Substances-Note on a method of Preserving 426 Ventilating Hospitals, Factories, or Workhouses, 75 Ventilation of Collerics Theoretically and Practically considered, . * 228 Vermont Central Railroad Company-Report of the . 1 Voltaic Light as a substitute for Gas Light, 131

.Water--On the Latent Heat of . 189 - Gauge for Steam Boilers-On J. Dilk’s 429 Weigh Lock for Canals-Report on Fairbanks & Co’;. 430 Wheels and Screw Propellers-Discussion on the Relative Merits of Paddl; 276 - On J. Mulholland’s Locomotive Driving . 429 - On Vertical and Radial Paddle . 49

Year Book of Facts in Science and the Arts in 1850-J. Timbs . 432

Zirrc -Remnrks on Oxide of . GY Index.

40. Dressing hoops B. Kimball, A. Pevey and F. Spalding 263 41..Cradling machine Edward Badlam, Jr. . ib. 42. Seed collector II. Ashmore and J. Peck - ib. 43. Mill stones, dressing D. l3. Napier . 264 4-4. Saw mill carriage . Samuel Phelps . 45. Propelling boats, J. L. Smith *zi6”; 46. Glue, manufacturing . Jonathan Mor an 47. Cooking stove Ezekiel Daba 8 * : J; 48..G:trhcring clover seed, &cc. Hiram Holt 49..Turning boots, machine for S. C. Blodgett and H. Boynton . ib. SO. Cooking stove P. Page ib. 51. Forge back J. Knickcrbacker, . ib. 53. Uuilcrs, alarm for Thomas Odiorne 267 53..(:himnrv and fireplace ni0scs Perin . ib. 54. Grist miil Owen Moses ib. 55. Jllower, sniral cone Benjamin Urundred . ’ ib. J. J. and E. C. Milliken . .268 Theo. T. Kimball and A. H. White ib. 58. For~en, Sic., air supplicd to S. W. Watson and C. Robinson ib. 59. IT~nancc, plan fr,r John Golder, . ib. 69. Silk weaving by power loom Gamaliel Gay ib. 61. \V!iling ink John D. Myers . 269 62. ‘1‘111n:q cn~‘ves on rail roads J. Stimpson, ib. 63. l:ormin~ rail road platen .I. Stimpson . ib. G4. Shillglcs, shaving Wm. H. Wilkinson ib. 65. Saw mill machinery John Muir . 270 66.,Bctlstead Perry Prettyman ib. 67. Mortising machine Charles Gates . ib. Oclober~, 1$35. l.Jhul~lr spectlcr . William Field . . 325 2. I.amp \\icks, raising . Samuel Rust . 3?6 2. I’rlirsc wadding Stukely Turner * 1ib. 4.. I’l:tning I~oards, ptc. I&d IX. Throckmorton ib. 5. I~‘ircphces Ebenezer S. Greely . 327 G. ~Cl!~\.cr seed, kc. cleaning . Moses 1)rvenport ib. 7. Silk worms, rearing Gamaliel Gay . ib. 8. Sxw .\lill Uri Emmons ih. 9. Tilrnshing pit. machine I~ussrl Bradley . 32Y IO. Spring snddlc Joel Woodward ib. 11. Stave and shingle machine Ilverbart, Pearson, Morfbrd & Everhart ib. q 12..Alcohol from apples . Anson \Valcott ib. 13. I’loqhs \Villiam Walker 329 14. Caoutchouc, cutting . William Atkinson ib. 1.5.Ropes, laying John Goulding . . ib. 16. Hemp 8rc. hatcheling . John Goulding ib. 17. Horse power . Moses Davenport . 18. Tin U:tker Nathaniel D. Whitin . * &i 19. Cooking stove Elnathnn Samson . ib. 2O..Clover seed, 8rc. throshinq Asa Burgess and Herman Baldwin, ib. 21. Hyllrostatics and I’ncumat~cs R. Mills, and H. B. Fernald . ib. 2% Washing machine . John 0. Geer 321 23. Staves,cutting George Pack . ib. 24. Ilail roads Iioswell Dourne 332 25.*Churn Asahel Bacon . ib. 26, Rotary steam engine . Arnold RutFum ib. 27. Doffq for wool cards Stephen 11. Parkhurst . ib. 28. Grates or grate bars . Jordan L. Mott 333 29. Roads, constructing Thomas Earl . ib. 30. Cast iron window sash . James S. Stoddard . ib. .31.,Can:dboats James O’Conner, . ib. 32..Springs of carriages . Henry Pace, Sen. ib. 33. Lathe James Haven 334 :;a. Rail road car George W. Cleveland . ’ ib. 35. Stuvr, or Furnace Denison Olmsted . ib. Orville JJ. Percival . 335 Henry Ault . ib. Samuel I.atld . ib. . J. S. Rrown and J. J. Barker . ih. Uavirl Richmond 336 W. Jlralcy and M. 1,. Worthlcy . ib. Riclntrd 1’. I.. witty . ib. 11autc. \Yiatt . 337 llor:1tlo 1%.IVnde ib. Elinbalct Kott c - : - _. , ib. J. 6. F. Saloman ib. J. C. F. Saloman . ib. Junius s. Tefft 3.;8 Isaac Spiccr . ib. Orrcn Kcwton ib. 1%‘. N. Car~n and C;. JIoberts . ib. ‘1’. Jlarcncr and ‘I’. H. Havener 339 Zenas Rliss . ib. I’bineas IJuraess ib. \Villiam le. Nivins . 340 Ccorge JIcynolds ib. Ried It. Throckmorton . ib. IJenton 1’. Coston ib. Samnel R. Millet . 841 \Vllllam Shaw ib. John JI‘Clintoc . ih. Alrxindcr hl‘l;rcw ib. Jkmirl Jlu~n~l . 342 John Steele, Jr. ih. l’hilip Rcncdict . ib. Jxoh Jlaldwin ib. Josiah ‘1’. Jlnck a . ih. Caleb .4ngevine 343 Charles Duncan , ib. JJav id Russcl ,. ib* JJ.tvid Jtnssel . ib. William ‘I‘. James 344 John Cbapin Jloxard . ib. J.ucinn Osgood ib. A. Miller and 1’. Laws . ib* Samuel A. Sperry ih. Kdward JIrown . ib. Stcphcn 11. Parkhurst, . 34.5 Tra hlcJ,aul.$lin and Hiram Hill . ib. Jo~pll Sweet ib. Anderson P. Il. Jordan . 346 (:harles Clinton ib. ‘l‘ral~ern,IIel,erling,I,ukins & Hcberling ib. John I\‘. Jordorr . ib. Kcllog Strong 347 Andrew J. Mervin . ih. Joseph ltrtlclsper~er . ib. C. Peters and Renjn. IJeane . ih. Henry JIied ,348 IXathanicl IJusbnell . ib. J:retlcrick A. Fairchild . 349 C. P. 1Jabl . ih. JJanicl Sutherland ib.

Feiin Possard . . 403 JIcnry C. Jones, . ib. L 11. (;ilbert . . ib. James I’udney ib. L. J’. Clarke . . . 4u4 Index. ’ 447

6. Cutting straw Ashman Hall ib. 7. Grist mill . Philip Hauser . . ib. 8. Rotary steam engine . John G. Hotchkiss ib. 9. Smut Machine John Tuck . . 405 10. Jlailroad and cana transnortation John Elgar ib. ll.sCarl:d steamboat John Elgar . ib. lZ.&ilance for counter9 . Elirs A. Hibbard ’ ib. 13. Tanning, extract of bark for ;Iti;B;tackelder . . 4.06 14. rflorse collars . . ib. 15. Screen for grain . E. P. Fitzpatrick , . ib. lG.,Anti-friction box E. Fisk and J. C. Green ib. Ii. Steam engine, centrifugal . Charles J. Conway . 407 18. .t.‘istcrns, kc., water proof Levi Kidder ib. 19. A~ludyne sirop Rezin Thompson . ib. 20. I,‘loating dry dock . Rufus Porter ib. 21. Smut machine . I% I’. Fitzpatrick 22. Japnn for leather \Villiam (;ates * 4% 2.3. I+t~l’lacc, &c. , J. I~ouglrss . ib. 24. ‘I’russ, for hrrnis V. Wilkinson ib. 2.15. ll:lir, extracting from skins &hum Swett . 409 26. ‘I’russ for hernia Robert Scmple ib. 27. I’ropelling hy screw k:. P. Fitzpatrick . ib. 28.,Chcrse prc’ss W. C. Creenleaf ib. 29. Spark c:ttcher . G. I Iolbrook . 410 SO. J~‘r:ithcrs, tIresping . B. Smith ib. 31. hlellicine ndminisrcrcd by steam . Betl.jamin Grut ib. 32. Ucdstcad and mnttrnss E. Chcrrington . ib. 33. Sophn, kc. springs for . E. Cherrington 411 34. lhil run& E. Johnson . ib. 35. Ilorsc shoe machine Ilcnry. __.Burden . 412 :

. 182 - 30.5 . 280 434 135 his. 366 4;6

362 ib. 427

. 13Ybis. 93 418 67 4;7 4:x lasts from models, application of tannatc of gcintine to taking, :;(;I Celcdixl l,llenomc.ll:~, I’I~IPI~ I:eb~~u:uy to July, 1836, . 79, 134 his., “Y8, 368. 440 436 3o.i 39‘; 434 365 436 4.3 6 375 437 424 26.5 27 22.92 22 421 278

426 275 351 118 27 177 Index. 440

Drainage, proportion of, to fall of rain . . Dry rot, preserving wood from . . z -, some rcmarka on, by C. W’aterton, . . . 360 Dyers, hints to . 436 E # Earth, temperature of, as shown by the waters of the Artesian wells 286 Eclipse of May, 1836, solar, by S. C. Walker, 246 Editor’s remarks on patents, from June to Nov., 1835, ‘38,119, 194,251,325,4O3. Electricity, elementary Iaws of, by W. S. Harris . 68,143 --, the velocity of, by Charhzs \\‘heatstone . 144 --, expcrimentnl rese3rches in, by M. Faraday, . . 282,362 Endosmosis, expcrimcnts on, by J. W. Draper, M. 1). 177 Engineering, civil . i3,101,135 bii., 174,427 Engraving on copper in relief, . 426 Espy’s essays on meteorology, . 240,309 - remarks on second report of the committeee on meteorology 391 Explosion of the boiler of the steamboat William Gibbons, Ewbank on . 298 I:xplusions of steamboat boilers, on Mr. Perkins’ suggertio?s with regard to 369 ---_ -- report on 1,73,145,217,289 ): I:zratlay’s researches on electricity, 282,362 I,‘catllcrstol~llaugh’s report on geology, review of . 109,184 Finance, improvement in, Goltlrr’s /~fe~, . 277 1:irc alarm, report on Seymour 5; \Vbipplc’s, . 117 Flasks for moulding tea-kettles, Stewart’s pufent, . Flint and chalcedony, compound minerals, . 28”: Franklin’s hypothesis ofrain, notice of, by Prof. A. D. Bathe, 106 Frost, J., civil engineer, on calcarcous cements, . 234 ~~AXI(LI.Y IxsTI*ruTE. Report on the exnlosions ofstcam-boilers, . 1.73, 145,217,289 hI&thly convcr&ion meeting, . 117,317,400 Annual meeting, minutes of, . . .190 Twelfth annual report, . 191 Ninutcs of the Board of Managers, 248 Report of the committee of premiums and exhibitions, 318 Quarterly mceling. . . 401 Report of the Board of Xlanagers, . . . Comflliltec07, Scirt1ce 11,ul the Jlrts. Ikport on Seymour & \Vlripplf’s fire alarm, . 117 -- Philip Laibackcr’s door lock, 118 -- Juseph Snyder’s parlour grate, ib. -- A. C. Jones’ spark arrester, . . -- L. V. Badger’s hot air forge . . 2 -- second annual. of the transactions of tbe committee, . 193 G Gas, cooking by . 141 bie. Gas condensers, query on 22 ----, reply to query on, . . 92 Gas, expansion of liquified Geology, review of hfr. FeatherstonhPogh’s report on, 109, % Gibraltar, current through the straits of . . 142 big. Gill, E. II. report on Sandy and Beaver cmal, . 23 Glass, composition and specific gravity of . 66 Grate for parloura, report on J. Snyder’s, 118 Gray sulphur springs, analysis of the waters of the 435 Greenwich rail-way project . --Time ball at . 2: ZI Hail, theory of, by J. P. Espy, . . 240,309 Heat process, Rutter’s, 68 -, rcpulslve power of, by Rev. B. Powell, . 133bis. Hedgehog, fact relating to Heights, unpleasant effect upon the system at great f: Herschel’s treatise on astronomy, notice of . 400 450 Index.

Hot air blast, on the use of the, by A. Gucnyveau, . . 62,135, -354 -- fbrgc, wport on L. V. llndgcr’s, 250 ~oward’s rtuicksilver engine, . . , 142bis Hunter’s stone phnillg machine, . . 139 Hydrants, sulhtutc for B waste cock to, by 11. Cornelius, 22 I Ice, non-conducting power of, by I’rof. A. I). Da&e, 182 Illinois, coal miurs in , 375 India ruhl~cr, spcxling on cloth, Atkiuson’s Potts, 270 lnsccts destroyctl hy cllamotnile, . 3GG Iron, hmeltirly, eliixls of velocity of blsst in 381 . 28G .I

974 . 141 bis.

. G&14; 165

. 4x . 141 his. 28G hIcd:tls, cl212 III’, ill tnunnlc of gelatin . Stil -, litlttit! (;w bronzing, 427 ~letnls, tfl&.t of thawing, rotliug, annenling, 8;c. 3Gl -> h!lIc of lhe t)rul~rt~es, .Yrc. o(; by F. Yenle, . 375 -, density d, :~li&ztctl by wire dlnwing, . 42G blcteors of’ 1%:;. on the recurrence of the, by Prof. A. D. nnche, . :;:; ~leteorol~l. ~,bsc:rv:~.from oct.lfW, to March, 1836, 72,144bis., 21G, 288, 3G8, 440 Metcorolup~. ess:~ys 011, by .I. P. I’spy, . . 240 SU9 -- rqurt of committee on . ‘:186 -----_ remarks on, by j. P. GpY, :;9 1 blineral pifcb take of Trinidad . 4:;7 ---w:ttt r~ of Nf!vis 436 Mtscherlictl’s Compendium of Chemistry, rev&v of, by J. C:Dootb, xx Mortality in I:uropc, . 286 Motions r~t’conrluctors, tidal, bj J. \V. l)mper, 27 Mountains, colour of sky as seen from high 434 N Nai’ades, I. Lea on tire . 184 Eiaval hl;q:izinc, notice of 316 Kc-vis, oo the mineral waters of 435 0 * Ornaments, Ilerlin iron 286 Organ, I:irmingl~am ,365 Oxygen in air contaird in snow, 286 ---, ttllurium ant1 its compounds With . 285 1’ Patents, list of American 70, 142 bis., 287,366, 4,37 --, American, list of, with remarks, . 38,119,194,251,325,4~3 Patentees, the rights of . 94 Patent law caac, Stauly v. Hewit, 165 Patents, on surrendering and renewing, by the editor, * . 239 Index. 451 375 Penlc, F., trble of properties of met&, . . . 437 l’enholdcrs, whalebone 436 Pianos, cast-iron 21 l’inkus’ pneumatic milway, ’ . 366 Plants, preservation of, in brine, : . 427 I’lntinum points, snbstitutcs for . . 273 I’lummcr blocks, sic. for steam engines, IWwin’rparen~ . l~op~~lnr Science, new Journal of . . ib. 305 I’otauu:~ SINI SIXIS, mode of ascertaining their pkq~oniona when mixe& Potash.making, Williams’ pf~:c~tf. 272 I’(nver, ubtnining, for propelling cgrs, AX., LI’Grcw’sparcnr, 352 Pump for feeding steam cnginc boilcrfl. by C. Potts, C. E. . . 302 (1 . 286 Quicksilver cnginc, Howard’s, 142 bie. * 11 hils, ulthorship of mode Of selling, . 140 bie. IC:ulw:iy, (;rcenwich, project 437 -, pneum.atic . . 21 ---1 rrntlulatinF: . . 141 bia l&l-rod from the Ohio to South Carolina, . 101 -- \Vcst I’hiln~lclpl~i:~. 174 _._ __.-- turninK short rurvcs an, Stimpson’s p~~~v11. 278 ---- from ll:~rtfortl to Cflndi:~n line, 428 -L :Ipp:uWus for tKlnhpWn~ion on canals and, Elgar’s pteW, 418 Jl:~in, I:ranklin’s hypothcuis, notice of, by Prof. A. 1). Umchc, . 106 - at diffcrcnt elevations, . . 286 ---VP roportion of clninagc to fdl of . 427 Rotxry stcnm engine, Avery’s remarks. Bc. on . . 172 Il~~trrrystc:rm onginc, 1‘05ter F; Arcry’s /Iufcd, 279 llllttrr’r heat process, . 68 s Sntldlrs. ridinK. Van IJorn’s /~!r’~r!. . 59 Sxlt-water,;Iction of; on cast-iron . 437 S%nciy sntl Ileaver ci1n31, report on, by E. 11. tiill, C. E. . . S:n~s:ijymc3t. cuttitlg. kc., Keng)‘? l~*l<,ll, . . 6”; SC1111) lkil! nuviKntion co., business of the . 431 Serdr, Ilulling cotton nntl other, Ambler’s /jnfctlt, 421 Sllinglc beuchcs, on the motions of, by il. IL Palmer, 6. E. . 135bis. Silk worms, rearing of, Cay’s [MINIM, . 349 Sky, coluur of, at considerable brights, ib. -- as seen from high mountnins 434 Smelting iron, effect of velocity in blast for . . . 281 Scxlaand potash, mode of ascertuining their proportions when mire& 305 Spark arrenter, A. C. Jones’, --, report on A. C Jones’, . :z Specific gravity,antI composition of glnss, . . 66 Spontaneous combnstion, by AI. Sc~lnn, 424 Springs, Artesian wells, and spouting fountains, Arago on . 364 Statnte of brick ant1 mortar 437 Steamboat Lesington . ----_- Canadlvn twin 2; Steam engine, experiments for elfety of . . 141 bie. - boilers, explosions of 1,73,145,217,289 - boat Wm. Gibbons, explosion oi the boiler of 298 - enghe, Avery’s rotary 172 - engine boilers, pump for feeding, by C. Potts, C. E. ‘. 302 - bo;ct boilers, promoting safety in 372 -_ --, on .\lr. I’erklus’ suggestions regarding the explosions of 369 - carringc, Iiancock’s . . 141 bis. Steam carriages, Mautlsley k Fieltl’5, ib. --- power, economy of, by F. Ilurr, . 422 Stone planing mrchine, Hunter’s . 139 452 Index.

Stove, improved, hlott’s parent, . 1X -, combined, hlott’s pafrnl, 1:;4 --, rotary, Stanly’s, decision of c’. S. court, 165 Sugar from plnnts of the temperate zone, 171 Sug3r, beet root . . 4.x -, preparation of, from starch, 427 Sulphuric acid, arsenic in Enalish 4% Sulphuric springs, arn~lysis of the waters of the Gray . 4:;5 ~p*C,F,,:A’rIOsS01 ‘*xEIt,CAR I ’*‘PF.xTS. Riding sadtllcs-Van Ilorn’s, . ~:lnsksfor muultling iron tea kettles, &c-David Stewart’s, . ~utring a:~usq:emeat, nn(l stuffing sausages-Abraham and John Keagy’s, Washing and churning machine-_(:harles Otis’, . Slick valves for steam cnxines--A. hl. Eastwick’s, . Improvc(l stor’c --.I. I.. \lott’.s, _-.- combin<*~l stove-.I. I ,. hlott’s, Spreading Ilnli:c f.lt!~lx’r npon cloth--\Vm. Atkinson’s, ~‘rcp:oing :unl Icxcllin[: asl~cs, and making potash--Elijah Williams’, l’lnmmcr hl

Tannate of gelatin, application of, to taking casts from medals, .x1 ‘l’ellurium, and its compoutltls with oxygen, L;s.i ‘I’hamc:s I’unncl 429 ‘l‘idal motion of contluc!ore, hy .I. IV. Draper, bl. D. “7 Title an{\ wind, rcqistcrinfi the variations of 43.4 I‘icle obzervations’in the United States, notice of, . 108 Time ball at (;rccnwich 432 ‘I‘rini~latl, mineral pitch Lake of 4;7 ‘I’urpentinc, diitilling, .Icnllirlps’pnle,rl, 275 U V Undulating railway. . 141 bis. V3p0urCRVC at I’yrmont, . . 366 Valter, slide, li)r steam engines, Eastwick’s pnte~, . 152 Velocity, cll’cct of, in blast for furnaces, . 261 Vessels, al)paratus for r&ins, l’orler’s $ateUt, . 420 \V IValker, S. C. on solar eclipse of May, 3856, 346 \Vashing and churning macllinr, Otis’IJcltcrc/, 62 Water, quantity supplied by London companies, 1?-‘2 Waste cock, snbstltute for, to hydr:rnts, by H. Cornelius, 22 TVater prwf fabric, :;K \\‘a~. preserving marble by 476 Weevils, kc., in (;r;rin, clcstroyin~, Lee’s palen2, . 274 West Pl~il:drlpl~~n rttil-rod, report on the 174 Whalebone pen hokiers 4.37 W!tc&, cerriagc, best form of, . 67 \Vind, register the wriations of tide and 43‘1 Wood, preserving, from dry rot, . 282 -- , proportion of ashes 11)different parts of ih. WOOI c&s, doffer for, I’wkhurst’s pnlrnr, 351 York column, erection of the 437