From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 Rnai Induced Knock-Down During Drosophila Neurogenesis Patrick J

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From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 Rnai Induced Knock-Down During Drosophila Neurogenesis Patrick J Union College Union | Digital Works Honors Theses Student Work 6-2011 From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi induced knock-down during Drosophila neurogenesis Patrick J. O'Hern Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Biology Commons Recommended Citation O'Hern, Patrick J., "From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi induced knock-down during Drosophila neurogenesis" (2011). Honors Theses. 1039. This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi induced knock-down during Drosophila neurogenesis By Patrick O’Hern ********** Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Honors in the Department of Biology UNION COLLEGE June, 2011 ABSTRACT O’HERN, PATRICK From Gene to Behavior: Investigation of Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi induced knock-down during Drosophila Neurogenesis, June 2011. ADVISOR: Quynh Chu-LaGraff Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (INCL) is caused by a mutation of the gene CLN1, which encodes palmitoyl protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1). PPT1 is a lysosomal enzyme that cleaves the thioester bond connecting long chain fatty acids of palmitoylated proteins. Without PPT1, palmitoylated proteins are not degraded properly and this causes unwanted build up in neurons leading to fatality. Recently, it has been thought that a mutation in a similar enzyme, palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 2 (PPT2), another lysosomal hydrolase, may also be responsible for INCL by causing a similar effect of Ppt1 deficiency. A bioinformatics analysis in this study showed similarities between human PPT1/PPT2 and Drosophila Ppt1/Ppt2. Therefore, using Drosophila melanogaster as a model, the role of Ppt1 and Ppt2 can be elucidated using the molecular genetic technique RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi targets the mRNA for destruction thus creating a mutant phenotype. In this study, knock-down of Ppt1 and Ppt2 mRNA expression was achieved using the Gal4-AUS system. Transgenic Ppt1-UAS and Ppt2-UAS fly lines were crossed into various Gal4 driver lines specific for different subsets of embryonic CNS neurons. Embryos from these crosses were immunohistochemically stained with FAS II antibody and stage 16 embryos were examined for neural defects. Preliminary results indicate that Ppt1 and Ppt2 RNAi knock-down disrupted nervous system development in Drosophila. Furthermore, mutant embryos were allowed to progress to a larval state where motor studies showed differences in locomotor ability. These results provide insights into the mechanism of Ppt1 and Ppt2 in causing INCL pathology. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first like to thank Professor Chu-LaGraff for affording me the opportunity to work on this project during two summer research fellowships, an independent study and throughout this academic year. She not only guided me through this research, but has also helped me navigate the graduate school application process. I would also like to thank the Union College Biology Department Faculty and Union College Internal Education Fund for supporting this project and the chance to present this research at the Experimental Biology Conference in Washington D.C.. Thank you to the Fly base and the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Stock Center for the fly lines necessary for this research project. Finally, thank you to my friends and family for their support and visits to the basement. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number 1. ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………ii 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS………………………………………………...….iii 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………iv 4. TABLE OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………v 5. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………….…...1 Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis…………………………………….….…….…...1 Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis……………………….……….….…….3 Drosophila Melanogaster as a Model Organism………………..………….…….5 RNA Interference in this Investigation…………………….……………….……...8 Gal4-UAS System………………………………………….……………….……...9 Aims of investigation and experimental method......................................................10 6. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS…………………………………………………13 Protocol for Bioinformatics……………………………………….……………….13 Embryo collection, staining, and imaging………………………….……………...14 Recipes for fly food and molasses plates..................................................................15 Whole mount embryo antibody staining protocol…………………….……………15 Fly Crosses……………………………………………………………….…………16 Assessment of Larvae Locomotion…………………………………………………17 7. RESULTS/DISCUSSION………………………………………………………..18 Bioinformatic analysis………………………………………………………………18 Images and analysis of Drosophila embryonic neurogenesis……………................19 Locomotion data and analysis…………………………………………………...….28 8. CONCLUSIONS…………………………………………….………………….....31 9. FUTURE WORK…………………………………………….………………….....32 10. REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………33 11. APPENDIX (published paper) iv TABLE OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 1……………....Autosomal recessive genetics………………………………...1 Table 1……………….Identified NCL genes………………….……………………...2 Figure 2………………PPT1/PPT2 sequence comparison……………………………4 Figure 3………………PPT1 sequence alignment…………………………………….6 Figure 4………………PPT1 catalytic triad…………………………………………...6 Figure 5………………PPT2 catalytic triad…………………………………………...7 Figure 6………………UAS-GAL4 system…………………………………………...10 Figure 7………………Wild type Drosophila FASII phenotype………………………12 Figure 8………………Ppt1 threaded into PPT1………………………………………18 Figure 9………………Ppt2 threaded into PPT2……………………………………….19 Figure 10……………..PPT2 threaded into PPT1……………………………………...19 Figure 11……………..Wild type FASII phenotype……………………….…………..20 Figure 12……………..Abnormal Ppt1 knock down FASII phenotype………………..20 Table 2……………….Summary of Ppt1 knock down embryo analysis………….……21 Figure 13…………….Comparison of Ppt1 knock-down CNS………………………...22 Table 3………………Control data for Ppt1…………………………………………....22 Figure 14…………….RNAi spectrum of abnormal pheonotype………….……………23 Table 4………………Summary of Ppt1 severity……………………………………….24 Figure 15…………….Extremely mild Ppt1 knock-down phenotype…..……….………24 Figure 16…………….Mild Ppt1 knock-down phenotype………………………………25 Figure 17…………….Severe Ppt1 knock-down phenotype…………….………………25 Figure 18…………….Extremely severe Ppt1 knock-down phenotype……………..…..25 Figure 19…………….Abnormal Ppt2 knock-down phenotype………………………...26 Table 5………………Summary of Ppt2 knock-down embryo analysis………………..27 Figure 20……………Comparison of Ppt2 knock-down CNS………………………….27 Figure 21……………Lateral bending locomotor assessment…………………………..28 Figure 22…………....Locomotor activity assessment…………………………………..29 v vi INTRODUCTION NEURONAL CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSiS Neuronal Cerioid Lipofuscinosis includes a group of rare lysosomal storage disorders. It is very rare as it effects only 0.1 to 7 per 100,000 live births each year. NCLs are inherited in an autosomal recessive manner meaning that if Mendilian genetics is applied it can be assumed that if both parents are carriers one of four children will be normal, two of four children will be carriers and one of four children will manifest the disease (see Figure 1) (5). Figure 1: Genetics of autosomal recessive disorders and diseases ( NCLs are grouped into eight different categories: infantile classic NCL, late infantile classic NCL, juvenile classic NCL, adult NCL, Finish variant late infantile NCL, variant late infantile NCL, variant late infantile NCL, and Northern epilepsy/progressive epilepsy with mental retardation (EPMR). Each NCL case is grouped into one of these categories based on the gene causing the disorder; so far six genes have been discovered that cause human NCL: CLN1, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5, CLN6, CLN8 (17). Table 1 outlines the known disorders and their corresponding genetic location and products. Table 1: A summary of the different genes involved in NCL along with the clinical disorders, chromosomal loci and gene products (19). Currently, diagnosing these disorders is difficult given their overlapping pathology. The first sign of any NCL is generally retinal degeneration and ophthalmologists are generally the first to notice the loss of cells in the retina. From here, patients with a suspected NCL disorder undergo blood tests, skin sampling, brain scans, and electroencephalograms to confirm (16). Furthermore, genetic screening has recently become available for those NCLs that have been cloned (13). The present study shows, however, that it is possible other genes than those identified by the current literature may 2 be involved in NCLs. Presently, there is no treatment for any of the disorders other than symptomatic treatment (9). INFANTILE NEURONAL CEROID LIPOFUSCINOSIS (INCL) INCL is responsible for 20% to 25% of all NCL cases. The symptoms generally become apparent around six months of age and include retarded head growth, low muscle tone, and hyperexcitability. This condition is progressive and as age increases, patients typically experience cognitive dysfunction, blindness, loss of motor skills, and seizures. The average lifespan of an INCL patient is between 6 and 13 years (9). INCL is caused by a mutation of the CLN1 gene, which encodes palmitoyl protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1). PPT1 is a lysosomal enzyme responsible for cleaving the thioester bond that connects long chain fatty
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    The Journal of Neuroscience, June 15, 2016 • 36(24):6431–6444 • 6431 Cellular/Molecular Identification of PSD-95 Depalmitoylating Enzymes Norihiko Yokoi,1,3* Yuko Fukata,1,3*,‡ Atsushi Sekiya,1,3 Tatsuro Murakami,1,3 Kenta Kobayashi,2,3 and Masaki Fukata1,3‡ 1Division of Membrane Physiology, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology and 2Section of Viral Vector Development, Center for Genetic Analysis of Behavior, National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS), National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), and 3Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Okazaki, Aichi 444-8787, Japan Postsynaptic density (PSD)-95, the most abundant postsynaptic scaffolding protein, plays a pivotal role in synapse development and function. Continuous palmitoylation cycles on PSD-95 are essential for its synaptic clustering and regulation of AMPA receptor function. However,molecularmechanismsforpalmitatecyclingonPSD-95remainincompletelyunderstood,asPSD-95depalmitoylatingenzymes remain unknown. Here, we isolated 38 mouse or rat serine hydrolases and found that a subset specifically depalmitoylated PSD-95 in heterologous cells. These enzymes showed distinct substrate specificity. ␣/␤-Hydrolase domain-containing protein 17 members (ABHD17A, 17B, and 17C), showing the strongest depalmitoylating activity to PSD-95, showed different localization from other candi- dates in rat hippocampal neurons, and were distributed to recycling endosomes, the dendritic plasma membrane, and the synaptic fraction. Expression of ABHD17 in neurons selectively reduced PSD-95 palmitoylation and synaptic clustering of PSD-95 and AMPA receptors. Furthermore, taking advantage of the acyl-PEGyl exchange gel shift (APEGS) method, we quantitatively monitored the palmi- ␣ toylation stoichiometry and the depalmitoylation kinetics of representative synaptic proteins, PSD-95, GluA1, GluN2A, mGluR5, G q , and HRas.
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